HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-08-17, Page 4J
'led f vietionl1l ib ii.imp
to be'led f thex�iigio�a 301a sd�,e to hat be -
IP -,1SE ENTS. 06y W.
whiah Wey believ a to be ri, ght, or lelse will be. T Do dnio�l G, vela
oen . the par", nmesill af ter A Of
isr-The flgure� bvpwi the 3yu
deprive the :of the bee efts of educell-, 1 hl g U e
sub Hue, deno 8 th� page of ihep per, on whi6h
the same rb man iml in
the &&"rti lemon will be found,. tion ent#e1y, -and tl list Itoo, I use in nenci
N.. nean It D me that -they ire , to siot -in er !i k pm
Clearin 8 -D ucfan..(6) ti 3en iime ar
!Ht 9 ad
X m edu6sting the obildfen of ir Protes.'. tol every ��e on bo
N are the
-New Goods — ala Bros
Carriage Wo K,%--PiIraau ot o. (5)
g win ic
tant neighbors. I of t at
N& Povl -mi . so Robe�tSon. Sillre Di L ervative'Calao d
ifil Is- H. Iacksoil- (5) not say that this woul be a the just or n this Ooc ni th ire ! is a
�1,4 4
Beed Wheat�' right. As a result of !this sy
W` Rehill. m the it lity J d election a hot
SeedIffhea h-orne. ta 0 1
paren 0, w,, Ur ri or
childr;en of Cathol ic. Id be v, ry res Oct is info
Lot for Sale ---f osyTcR
Ut 0
and a ient. roa� a p IliticaLp
allowed to grow 6 Unect cated,
Real Batate f6i ale--4.Leali - (5) P t
or. (5) as consequ y
anbi 16 ch. Igreater �h result of this � lactic a i I c
Pig for Servic 0'.
The G wei
for Sall - -inhioted uj)l rl' -the, �761y, Un ml
4 G venlock (5) injury wrld be 0 it
County a 'Ifficientfillovi
High Ec. ch6ol—J. G; Ha atone.L(5) State thaft Could pass, bly result, ir: no* Rure a 9
Provincial Ex iliition,� Guelph, (5)
rougli the I
Roffor Flo
aidla* Fair ey. (8) even if religion itistrue on of any -a ry-the�m a Lf ly
kind were not re q I'D i; public Pf diso cf�! a�l a seab ei.t er
rd in out rit, i
itt'le 1m,: P(
-tit T, to V Halves, would- also be! very materially
schools. But thifil'publieseboolell them- A
0 A, 1100
onse -vat i ve
-as the ME! eolit I a (1donse
r attendance,
prippled di
an ils 01, 1, to expreig tilleir
owiiigtothei,,b,;..�'--f-Catioh PUP an pe a
RT]i F�R ArY, Aug. 17; 103.
UJ7 decreas ILL d the seiti Pulilk C,�, b,11, a.
would be materi no infr"quenbly
1.0 a?
t, I a A; � sysill 0 vi ew a]
&ectari pub]ic School i-esouroes UL .,any s%dola le san�dl and
mpair itters.'� A
eir efficiency coft espondin Yly n
the at weel a
The Rev. JAn Laing, D. D, a Pres it - 0 f
am the Wi
ed, to say not a aer:m y and a% a a qx�lipd ai i
Vhing of th A
as has Con-
�yteria mini ter of Dand
wbichloball'a At& things' 'haes wiitte� by a fakmar edi
aim letters to., the
tributed riles of
0) nt Mail, in wh
Torontor Mfiil'. and "addressed to the would be sure, a gender. I� short, i A of the 1,
tear- up of:: the Frov ce
d- Dnt, wou. d r Ancial posi bic n
of duc&tion for Ontario. biaplan carri
ire ro6t and -Jo v
thei rooto f nd eat t a..
'�i which liaiie now a qu
1 deal with oar co m
These lette I I falily su4 honestly )ut.
m- on by 9 1 .
lbra�nch; our presE at El hool. By te tatilm on - an c the
&-ad the burden of them I
School By eml�
at 0 .81 f We best jea W I �h Was �ritten by a 3ent
'that theL Educational e.
is a
has talien th b' rgiew c
cupied thq )Osit
r5cently a
ilea to have- minds in the can Ar 'for pe arl half a iflil],
erltL h4s thus far fa
ceri�ury tompti2i a a, d perfect. Opir pub- bibf editor I6f the Jlamlltoii Spa
one in made compulsory.
reli-gi str
lie schools Lddn� wi.-.Il hav a 14, Alin6eapAs 4, an adi in Am
as D
fn,-�aur jublicL Behoole. T'hig,,we say, is
eln a
them, instead of as they are now, ay1s The �S to of thE in
the main burden of Dr:'LL&ingS coin-
Cathb. (1,
be of the for the whole peo Frotestsint, 0 lbontainipf
plaint-buthelseems also to 4nadaulth
lie and Ag�nostio 0 t, distine- a s"it a P-tacti 9.1 a
-nostio i with 10 a
a, ain so me
opiulGll, that.,our whole common school 1 1
I chief
t tioL of religious or ad wall' Id be thee Oeless affai r.; I d ligb
we have been won
1 system upon Which
Achoos of a religiogs party, &'nl they, r qois�er the- wi I at the H OU � a 0
LOU has gone
to pride ourselves so. vat
re wo trumer It If - t to refrai
C) make I
uld become the i a to t Its gr t [n,
Accoiding to. his. theory, fhe
astray. 1,
it 'The- i5 jag an th'n �o 3
proselvtes forth r glignuns I arty.
traxy to -
from his y
is: - nothi ri�ght. Judging
8 1 f a eui
letters we should say that D;r.L Laing is itou-Seetarian' y n o educ ti8n that of th6 Pr' 7 Johok
Ahe iffirly Can& Ila Reforineri with tpittleFie' ifeumotances- tis
a crank on
educational Matters, aud,
mA at thE ag at
much, as he �aa written, and carefully thei —1he Toron-
r4lliea in t a rreap, 1)(5*1onderea: t
Q'Min ib ly grb vir at)
&VeL Per a areL to 10ILL'S
as wp h., Used, his letter w Examiner, th ntr6l )t, the. 5 Ooiit
Hamil on *Pr�' 88, �ud the r gil oil t a
JOUMaI a all E t a ouldi 2g r di
Still At a loss t6 maj�e out just what he t 3i
.4 b -finally 48 aff al r8, 01,011uld b 3 1 61lovi
Glo a, contended.fo: and *1 ichl ib i
A., rew-11y'doeewa&-t arld the further
was established, wo a Pita ide for part in 0)aMwlithout in,
follow him tile more befogged we be -
a sec6n-au system., W i0h vh :re - the Ii, I a public t, 76,161 Truer word
come, and it i4 impossible to say from
trustees and teachera wee aireed, re v 3r spoken. li�l se qdc tat ions
ettera how' mue, or how I ittle can
.17 she
would be Cathol bi ass Ed ol
t f th i ne pf rt, of the yv the te a4d Un
cession to his views on t he r a
Country, Methodist anothar, Pr8sby- of t�e leadin ml: id�s of the Cousei
We can terian in ai third, B if ptiAl in rt]4,- part- L an lbey 4to allowed. to
a �y, wh
are, h6wever, two points whic;
and AnglicsuChuich,linsfiEth,lflowubile 'a p BiLk them, We4entureto 8&3
slifely decide livou as. being demanded
parts t' not a mai 1 the I all, A a 61
the miiaorities in eac of Les 18 a is
'by I him, viz: !First, That the public
wouldbe,-camparati illy: swal 2ped,". It Pa tywhb tboroughly underkland
Hebools be ma4e as colmpletely Protes
Airy sei aibie belie ire i
must be evident to 3v per- poRZIi who d0'(8 4ot
ate. schools are -com-
taat as the separ I . -
Ban, and even to Dra,'Lain, ilimAelt, b e aft I list oh, 3 fir so ces of '0 tar
pletely C&tbal�jc ; and salcondly, that the
6 or, Ca
4 lho'�ls be removed that we Cannot aFord to ab don the lic larst ly omi � Ily ma
the a U
of fruits of years of �gi. "ion, at d labor for and that"ithe Domit'lion 8euma is
the cofat�ol of -the Government li 1! 1 1
from L
the day. and Olkeed in the hands of a. a result such as thi It I !rotestauts, les !burdon. upon t4a ratepay ra,
secure in the school Bach agnition i P�rtya;KlgOnC�E �lonewhi(hpr
ef Saperi�,tenderlt and Council Of
Chi I : I - I -
of their religion as 6 fiVC eutioned. ti thgivimyiitt�r rieemoreft(qu
ion as formerly. On
]Public Inetrilet
these tW Fj there is &'b ance of in the first part c1f t.�i*b artiel"p, t ey re- t I ho4esi ��Ikqut im grits.
0, poilit
ceive'all they should ask fori, pkn all it wm�w N"
ti'fference of opinion,
roam for ho it
would be safe to 'gr nt. 'W he -)he We k.
er or
i.Ne 4 cf
g to disease them
recognitiol , be d 'hief J istice '3o erid
but before commenena i * I
a 4ot such should MIN L�C
itgainst, the as w 0
-Ust prote4t mptio m I"'
we m. MPUIBory by the I dep�rt- I )m a Lo ' don thip s ieek f?( r M4
0 [a dEL of he
of Dr.. Laing, which, pervadpe t ae whole
ment, or whether itshbu I aft
Of his T�tters', -that in theo ad mcalay of I an, CHOIE#A Six I far (' red
tional with the trudee a, the: alFrp'ct re-
iis view
she is'i aieaking the sc ritimonts o6venty,five eat b� clic ler 8, in -
onday I it E
-he rel bod to wilm.b. he -be. 'presentatives of the peDplejsl"'�qlllestion oil It Cuiro,
ir, futur d'ScUF8I( I !E CHA'M GALDI T1rFC0VB ELY Hol
Of �t ':a y a d i of I a Com, be lie
we leave fo
ors. D4r. ibeen iri� no Way
The fri
a and bd
ve Utterance! to the ResbectinoDr. L i gla He 3nd! POinti 1: c r, 1 have 'a' b d all Ill) as
uthorized ta, 9
du mtionwi overy.::,
-iments, of I tl�&t body,aud wbile we, that the manMenieilit, f �our i 0 r3.
free. to, a;d
mitf that a. lar aafrairs should be r iom; unde�
ge majority l -a 0 ad f
d ap lent
61, appr9ve Of I
Gf the Presbytqriahs of the Provinde Governmental Colltiol and xcbd under
D:1 80f.00111111 U�httoa:clividorm
appor im, in -a demand that independent a uspice s*pve arol agreed, 1al-, 'B
Would B til d nj erg
it I a(l
zed in our though we -d f ROqT
hatild be 'recoulli i far willely as to' the rea _JI IN a cr
the Bible s,
akivg this Cl I ring! gre: it
aving them op ly or wsitt (f r
public schools h ened Sons far in iange. Thus far 1
EXUeeeciialls of V� a. N a r
d sufficient theaffairgof th E�dumtiori Depart. -wee
with scriptural adings, an E X ks.
0�1 3 ano�
'iniker e.of , A.
a -teachers to ment under a relp;Bible IN. 6 LAID F r
expositions ther bn by th Or ' A Blaw
6e 'efaq �e an d c 18 11
make them intelligible to the scholars, the Cnwn, have ntiy bheA ei Lo&
y as ben sentenced to
a, Bay thfitL 8, very impartially conducted, a ind lave been n
We are boand t
a)r rli�e a )ez deme at (11
kept tolerably fir b
ee from political' pas
majority of the teople connected wiih IGHBI(RA� Pit 81 NT LTIoic —.1 J.� 10
den ti ' would not � support and partizalaship. Bat this ieeffis like-, r6iltv4 lea ir g,,� i a G-14 m low
-that omiu% on E 11
g y; Evok � $3
h ave our p to a a 3nd. here are k1*
him his d laild to ublic. to be Conlin onctay F 000 t: ba
6mauy Unprincipled politicians and ft tr�i( at idedtp ei 1 plo
ade ntt§rly�seotanau'in char- to �tpd among
schools ni I th 9 bc tel.
i era W.
actor, and what % true of-pre4 terians political writers who m ill do or say auy-
y any rs;--Doe mants
believe is true of thing, -whor'will espo He sn3 -cause 'B' liam
in this respeot, we r ma,111.arristed i, irmin
He Drets IL
other rrotest�al denorainatibLnS. 'matter how absurd objectionable, irf N lit Upon I he 04
ni,�zat4on, 'thr itighout tLa
Dr. Laing urges as a neasoo,why this by doing so they ca, I nj Ure I political,
opponen a
exion should bi6,given to t. There ilrl afsa 11'�ranks," I E 1C.
sectarian conail MUGGLING HINVSE IN�o I
�ur putlic schciol� the fact that Roman, (We use the -terlm, n no dlare�pectfal :The� E gli aA E oil) P Photograph
t I o 1 11 1 11 - sbiz d, 1 r d with am
senseJ -suph, as Dr. La him'elf, who be 02
Cat -holies now have separate schools
)JADsme Into' bin'gtoli. t
support, add in havaBappo.sed. grievances to redres4.
whioh. receivd ro�n Bril ish do' i1bi
doctri and who, --knowing - tl Lat - they cannot. SoNg, CI)N:,Vc
w1lich th �es and tenets of their G tr
ri idly taugglit. Of course, secure their point h the pow are *of. �odvoeAtioribfthel General clia,
church a, .9
a cri Is
tha-day, -will a all othd'r conv.- I A'ich Masop 3 opened at I
in thig respect Cathil" d ssess an
V n4lornin�g
'es 'a 6rado! Monda'
advantage over PrOteStantii!,rbut the siderations for th plipose of g
le I 3gates� prE Sen
reme what they desire; I hibi ie will Unite their' - C. 14 D
dy whi& he propose 8 lecidedly 1, ST. PAUL FOR'133111
forces, and join witli the p(litidal dion atominilut � real esba a deal r
more Unjust and objectionabIli t1aaR the
aE sa and oppo ig the C. rove!rn I Mi nesota, his i been a rres
-nee earn ained of. If. offset contents, in a
grieva 1PI
Dg af� no a fbri $000. It i
to. Rom an Catholic separate schools, with the hope tt the auc� �d lhe�bas namo, 01:8 victims.
for Bimilax! ones for Government will be: more Haut, and - ;R OTE CTIN i i E, NFORMEIREl.
Dr, Laing asked;
'a; 7
a W 'In ;a. ue ti is 'eats ag
Pro is propositiquL
testalits, would b HI comply with f 1. ir demands. mi
IL -he does not do this this way -an und u pressure 6an b6- P I Den!x ID1011.1 a n3 in t he
reas-n it, - I - f
n ave been
bran - t to bear Up- men t
a, because he knowil t"O vMjr gh ;36 GoN er a saf
we pres7,�-M )I And -&'Bri dall ironoillid for
litaited lixtent to which this privile force them to do W I t, they believe to 1@03501`1111T( R . a\
J 96 - I ANT�NCED. Th
-ramt . to Catholics is availed of and be wroug, and not rill, tile 'school . ye- te'oo�spi'rat�r4c)n;t'rialf����) t
g ad
el -r ?a' I 'have I �pen
we fancy thwt if a Him, _larL pri.vi lege were towle subjected but the iy at Liver] a
E) W
luilty, and 1 11 ncb&W life
country may ilso be d, �privb I (?f an ef - I L % I � i
granted* to Protestants, it would be let. it d.
i availed of to eVe less degree ficiont, honest. and economillpal - �govorn-` Y 'i P;Y
much _TO O'DO' ' Li -A.
NOW pt elitsimply to gratify the �whin4s MEetig is io te Iheld -in .4 -,))Op
oposed. ch in the
We suppose he will. few,,-'a,nd the thirst r office, and, emold- Itituta, *ew Yorgfdn , t a 27i
public, sch ools: r a 1. ic rNise fia-ads to defend OID(nn
ment., of others. - Th 8 N ary, tl being I : i
t that t1` Public schoolf are sup- r6
admi 16,ssin 6f Ga y...
attempted now: 'I tl a laPagement of 7
el -by Catholics and Protestants Q JOI I -
port i �TF-;�L* Q
h Ed , lalm ' h6mi8t
alike, and are Wainiained for t matual t ational D partment, were I it his ic ll�s
.1 C
In most F40tious in pled'injindependi6rit hand i,th-e temp- 111 for ' stefdiii� qi Inin
benefit of batla.. th us�n(l d3llarsilvorth a th
tation to forixi. Bucli, u oly.. amal-
atholies are larnIv In'the w s flurld,-in his b Duse.
minority, in very few areL I'lley suffi. g&rnatiOn would. bei':r move and our it FS IN.7� 4GY-1i'l. -4reat k1 a
b iiii ng done in - E t ty tile
rt publior s6hools would be ss at the 001
ciently 4umeroui to bet'able to suppo .1 1 1
. r � -7 ; and ris g-ofthe Ni.e,' Lnd it is fear
�paxate ac ool of their owneven with mercy, of. unscruputbuk poli, dGians
U:Jd�ess preaahtrionl&,� b proiriptl
pil�niclwty theoriats 'or bigots
I' and
the _a,that such sah Is would P LU barvlstwill bb destroyc d.
a fr am the
would be further remove OUICID �i l of Seilator
receiv and i cljnsequently' the only t.—ThE wo a
I I I duca- -poll-tical areas. 6 L Iowa, Orowq,�d herself in he
6 Of seclurilig an
T, Ppi S and w, n 3of
tion, for theii children is. at I he pablio 0 10 t !,a Iment kad durilL ti
'I'm ra
main- r I ew
ahools. 1'We presume Edso at Dr. TEm writ for the[ ele ction, of bwborthpeay %FEufferedfrom
aing will adrait,that Roman atVolics bar to represent A1199ina in the Local 4 dease. i
4T LAsT.-- of
a famous Hui,
-ve as gpoa right to their peculip -Legislature has Wen iillmed. The
wtee nst;the Mi
H, upon �,eligious questio a, and as nomination will ta, 0 place on the 7th, 13�rnes, tr 19 i)avol, F,
view 0 & 13L. Paul Unit, ug
ural a 4,eaio to instil into the minds and the pulling onohe 21st of Septem- 000, Which lia �a in�court a
nat I I
1, 1 these views aB J ;As 6 ntpary, hais
ct their ' Protes- bez., Both candidfiteE ha-ve been �n the OJ A 6 been'decided i
ol rwilwt
alin the views'they field: and actually �an for � Hanle
tsiats. hi6re1cl :eutart
rlt��KT DilsRis, Amami- Ci
)On like subjects. But, if the pub- time�� The late mOm )er, r. Lyon is c L�,—A ittlia,!A foot. 'and
do ul,
lie schools we' made sectarianaud.the the - ministerial C"di( 'late, md, the can- �qeasle has app 1.at Bri tol
ils attending them inculcated in the seriorstilves have seUcU d Mr. Plummer, %�n ianZes ktle eived fr6m
PUP )01 A Imer �(rt osys then
doctrines of th-9 Protestant religion, 9, yo�ng merchant �t Au St., blaiie, -in this s r ient.
fSmi415 VOUM as thOir standard beaz or. -C onsiderable C
an C%th0h0 AVADA PAC EXTM11310N
those Rom
eLt childicen 4 aection but 1ixi4uaje% of, tb
be forced either to: permit th intered will centro in this
ENTS* 0 be- "a" 1ram
h - they bl
P hem t
nt f de rive t
ke"im a r
pe on hi
tjo e
n n
u n ei
cla time that th
u. t
ad es ing the
s 7f5
g ope
ei to be considering a project 01positile, krs,' saies Sweet's, in Exeter, in
n;sult W� Ly far sail b ? e,. means fell i 'tu the weath
-point t 8
build ng branch line from a t, as y am -nds i
nment 01. 49,ke., t,:xyg the oo Up
or , 91igan, across Wisconsiu and dit re c anl�s to the Is
aiolte down to lWass City� - 9 6un Mrs. Corbeti; was leverely July; a
that EXTR1481*11 CONAPLAGR4TION.— The ti jure i nd the wagon badly d maged. se to it
d Will �all 1 House at � Ailanta, Georgia, ffinglasm Advance b. been last, ye
-6 -diet the repo. -t, late. bright
IF 8� burued � early Saturday mor- reqn;al i � to contra
n '�was' owned b - Robert IJ;r circ file ted iA this neighborhood, that to it
P:and T ombs Auq, others, and coob:4600,000-; Mr. L. J Br'ace had been ki led by weevi
0013- f ruiture.01. 000; t9talJose one million; Indiana. Mrs. race -who-is sti I resid- in all
zursbee $1, 00,000. in R at th, rec ved letter fir m him. The ex
gh eats, I
I I UNTRWXY0 NdT.D-PAD.—Word has been. )%at W e statin that he Was sti I in the P
is, op- - 14L Until tl
received fro n the Government of Natal nd a � :a livin and enjoying the beat
f A Ontarill
law in wbich tb 3 latter says he is informed I bea: th',
)mPar- that King tewayo,, who was reported —'W. T1. Hunter, of Brussels, has dis. will OP
nmi9at killed bv�tb a Zulu lnsurgents.�' is in the posed )f �is blacksmith and wood shop the in
I er tripts
reserved Itory. A - reliable witness to F.:1 iokus, of the Central Hotel, for
ing to n df $1,700. Mr. Michas is a &boat t
13 y be'llas seat. him alive 61ince his Vae 13
resent r , rted det Ill. Vacks nith by trade. and will carry on period
�way is �aaps Ix -SPAIN.—LateSt, ad�ices from bushle is in the old stand. Mr, Hunter The
S sin indiqatethat the situ�tiou is of has n) j been in robust bealtil far some fall..wh
y take a ti ip some sessors
t a gravest.1 The revolb app"ra to bQ time, an will probabl,
r pidly spre�ding, and �tbe g rrisons of pik6ce i io v. He g.�v6s up possessio . n on or reso
Papers any Septet ab sr lab. d
townslAre ripp for an oti accord
honest ands of armed men are congregating —T le directors a.' Itbe Ho�vi. k Ila. ers of
n tu!Ll I isurance COMP&D.y Met in Me- on the
take a i the monn tains, and Cheat a for the Sth ult. old wh
i y ing. Intosh's Hall on Sat rday the
rublic republic have been raised b' work
L men In us centres. Onehitn(fred and thirty-one ipplica- ad at V
go� we
I . tlarfs W@re acceptell. covering risks the ne
No to 0172,535. - Losses by on the
niaipeg kinour thig
I " uron tes. the car
tor -in- ligbtn(Dg � during the �nonth, amDunting
con ains 250
1 -The -village of Blyth 3 009729,wereorderedtobe Paid asfol-
ch' the
voters, of, w am 149 quali to act lows Roderick *Leod of - Grey COUN
of On. as jnrots. Tow-nabi ), barn and �3ntentBl $830.44;
—Mr. G!ecrge Ar:mstrong, oiie of Exe- John ga 1, also of Gr4 damage to barn
ter's pioneerp, died a the 7tli inst. in and hare i killed, 61371, and Johi - Stew- Kent...
r !sub -
i the 6.5th y'e.ar 6f hiB' 490. *art d n age to barn 05.
—John M Ils, of the 4bb concession of 1 cattle 11r X
lernan —Icso,h Cox, a ver, of Norfolk.
I ullett, sold ear. aid 4 an incomi 9 Well rid
ion of a two polt last doderi ob jumped off g train
btator. v% eek for $200. ab the W 'astern Cattle' Market, a 'Tor- Lambton
—Mr. John. Ewen,�Of t 5th can- Onto on lVednesday night of lad week. Huron..
e0can m8sion of Gjay,-receotly ad a frame-, He wai thrown viole-Atly to the ground Bruce.
i Grey.....
ion of b s' raised on his farm.L i .
rn 5Ox7O at nd at st pound fracture
�iued a earn of simcoo.
W good J-Xr. James Biggins of Clihton, has atbelefjig, acontusedbrain, snd�was Middles
gooseberries which weigh ovet half an b ised and injuribil. He was Oxfo rd..
ensel 06 i o1hervnsfI rui Brant. ..
ounce each, md: megAure an Inch and t ken a the hospital � in an in ensible perth...
t is to tl1liee quarte a in length. '6onditioll, ' where h a iDjur were e fingt
f Com- —Mr. Eli VVillia of the B line, 10'und to be of a aeri�us nature. Th
a from Turnberry, - cuo I a hillsof -.new potato6s fracture i ii -his leg wiis not cot sider6d Dufferin
last week -of %te "rly rose� variety, dangeroup, but hilis brain was found io Wentwo
wishes whieVoontained 1061potatloes. be injurell so much as- to give little H.11ton.
onald. - PeCIF ...
—Some of the'farifi6rs -in the vicinity hopes f is recovery., York ....
not to of Broissels Kay the fill Wheat is - turn- —of a crops in the town hip of ()Iltario.
on for it g otit bett- 1. .'than they, expected, &I- _'8[owicl: �eEuterpriae says: T a fall Darbarn
ouger.. though it i6badly damaged in Home wheat ia Irvest has air opened quite a Nor�hun
y Prince
p aces with i Ust. riumbe - (I ; f fieldshaving been cht thi's Lennox
recting —James I V&tt "and family, MrB.Lead. amage, ton
week Rusthasclonea little 4.
ad to b6ater and family,� And Mrs. James bUt th'i rither cold WE ather of t4e -past Frontensger a Forsyth and1f ily'. 11 lefbBr'�Ussels for t,%vd W I a has had a tendency; -to pre- Leeds &
am Dundas.
the I�ZIrthwdk lasib ek. They all lo-, t it loing,the amount of harm that
were IF ; an I �c Storpon
Cate in the iii�ighborhood of. Brandon. Would a a resulted bad the eather Glengar
i clear;- Wril. Elliatt-'. f the � 4th con.. been as h t as i4 otbei years. Tbe yield Prescott
inions c salon, !G.,derich Tewbahip, has R of wheat ill not, of course, be s large caleton
fully aeveloped
,Ive h, �ifor thA: t as seven, �-s in 1E 1 d '82, still it will giye a fair lRenfrow.
ich a ' certainly, is - mucli.better, L&niirk.
freely tests, Six g;�ive -an - equal and g lin L
quan, 0 than it gave promise of beill
unusually t, r L f ifiailk. the
A ti., ug, y
that —Mr, J rms 0 veterinar early H_ ?R g. The oat crop loolip splen- Haiibiirt
that surgeon of ON ie, his- given up his -in- did, fin I I ives indications of be�nLg tile Muflugs
tention of .. )andonibgi his veterinary most pro ific -cro raised for ift long mu`koka
a the P Party S
practice in �16at villag� and going to Vine. Barley and spring-- iivhe�t also Algoma.
ri his Toronto to "tudy iffi6dioine. look welJi. On the whole the �farmers,
io are —Xr. Wn�. Duncan, of Bel`grave is qf Hov; ick have no reason to 'be dis-
ns ad' n Indi The
Lg , the happy -oprietor Lo
and pr
a use- which a few days ago trotted firom Bel -
i five pen.ded
and it 91's" to W ghamo A i0woce of
Jue Haxv st I of 188, padsor
Erifies. in 43 ininutes, d won for its j
events 06r Of $6. we g) ve M -surnmary i of the
owner VINS, *ugust ftorb of the Ontario B*reau of
—A tug o war betW IN :Cor
nt . ly to ;6n t elve men Judustri on the Wheat Crop of the
selected fro the con ties of Huron,
Provialle based ouinformationBupplied Essex
Bruce and ey, and a� equal namber KeEtt
selecte-d fro three 4ou�hern counties,is by fivel Undred correspopdents;, also Elgin
ables A bhe area and produce , of this Norfolk
likely to ta place at london , during
year aa d asb year's cr6p. The ixiforma. Haldim
�_b will tile exhibiti h week.. H * )t. be of Ivellat)d
tion flat ad will, no dout ,
lisi�t to Xr.'NQf h Fried �anq Mr. Job all, Lambto
water! I ereBb at this season of the Hnron..
a,,',- Dashwo,d, have done their share i
year. T eport proceeds as follows : 'Bruce..
land to-wardB rell biviug th ditizeus of London ' i - I Grey
E ypt Wored so. i evIsrely by the BrR-Etu or INDUSTMS
est, who i _ I f3imcoo
I ToRwiTo, Lu -nab 110, 18t-3 J.
late flood. 1rhe fortheri Contributed �5, Middlese
pr Oxford.
aild the la.61 r contributed $14. T�e reports on the wheat op 6f �he
Chain. —The -est sted expenditure of the Provirfc% . made to the Bureau on the Perth
bf his town of.Cli are not wholly satisfile- We"Jingt
.01i on,for the current year '-at of Ar gust,
a nouilts pts to; I oy3. T �ey show that as regards b th witterlo
to 11,425, no the recEi
Queen and quality Tuch of it is in- Lincoln
$.,750, leav g a bal moe of $9,675 tol naliti'y
of the b 3 raisiad b taxatia i, . and requiring an. orior to last y . ear's crop-s—tbat, in faCt, wc�t,o
1 Cam- a ises8ment f 18 mills- att the dollar. its M& -1, A value at prlbsent quotatiors !Is ton
of dol- Peel.
—On'the rd inst. i iome parties poison �aust la lees by several milliour d
Pp.1 are a] threp I belongilugli'to Johu Dolari, lars. But it� should,be borne in in, Ontario
Ri 89 , P1 , ship, With �hat last year's crop wag an extraord�n- Duths
Ri ki ri a,, As4eld town
&I , it 0 f xingk�
ain foj I aris grlen.. It appoars as if �there are �ry on and consequently that compari- Northu
A. Home sot a around who are L making a :it R4 the standard cannot!be Prince E
son wi Leono\
y; late p raictice- 'of i uch work as this. accepted as fair, -We have not yet suf- o. diugto
T;rust —The W tighani Gun Club has been �cient at& to ascertain'; confidently ,Fronten
. I I Leeds a
seven n organized, and the fir8t meeting Wds rhat an Oiverage wheat crop in Ontario
4,000. held, at the,l,Dinsley Iloose last week, �s. For this purpose it is hecessaryl-tO bundas
Van- when' the f Aving �fficeirs were elect- Obtain rclurris for a series 9f successive Stormoz
0,New a] : PM9i__ I t, E.R.Talbot ; Secreta3y. years, gi i iring as- accurately' as 'possi ble
distri. treasurer, Croydon; Capttdn, J. the acresge and the produce f or each R sell
-is probably carletor
y a a insley. year. � The present harvest
—The Er�eter Reigector has Changed below an, average over;, the whole Pro- Itenfrew
found b ands; M . H., M. 0, owaill* 'Who has vince, but no, one can I staie p6sitively Lauarl
I tL Vietori
throw cmducted t a paper for the pist three whetherilt is�or -not. Las year accord- Peterbo
Fe I nian yalarii, has posed f I his interest in- the in to tihe i statistics collecte by the Ualibur
- i 1-1 at
esers. te Was Aastiag
United c)ncern to jar r &. Hepburn. B arean, l the area under! wh
I Algoma
Exeter is a tirely too small a, town to 1,775, 0 acres, the produce 40,,921,�01 Muskok
T.A. T F, S. ��arld'tbe a�verage yieldper acre parry S
F3 ipport tw papers,'I busli a,
er has —Mr. F, Sellars, �who has been 23 b �ls. This year the !areal is
aggling t, 1 a Tots
the brick school:on the 1,691,03 acres, the produce (ai3 estim� t.
rritory A I TPIo ad Tuckers�mith, since January' e'd bycot!, eap'on.dents) 27,�0,393 bush -
a yield � �per &ere 16
I'L t, bag resigned hil position, and Mr. els, an iqbe averfig
iebnis,l IdnkhUe-k h is been engaged in his place. �usb a. For the two years the, averbga DEA
pter of for the bala ce. of t4e Year at the same yvould lerefore be 19-7 bushels per week,
enver, a ilary. acre. a possible, however halt the 64 Trai
ith 400 —Mr. Th a. Gain le A the 3rd can- Tesults of the threshing sea, on may 'Sue of
03ision of S anley, son 6f Mrs. Gamble, modiff t, Home extent the firures very a
ittman a! Tuckers ith, is erecting a -new bank biH ;,srl� T.he uneven charaef 3r of the what
aC St. b 3,rn 4Ox6O eetwith stone f?undation, cropialaxesli; difficult to estimate a of the
ted for v hie it. led L up for horses, cattle and yield f 3.11 heat, a -nil the spring �vh at
h is f (D presen
8 ISUP- siee Wl an finished it will be one of is liable ;a be affected by rust And he refere
P. I f raised
t. ie best. in 1e tow9ship. attac BO Insects.
n1con- —John A' atbes'ol . i,1, of Lochalsh, t6*n- The Uak.ieport of the Bureau shoN 7ed. And,
isi the Ship. of Ashfteld., had the miBfortane to tbAt i t a Western half of the Pr#i ace qiiesti
II)Be a valuable y . ouln to 'a' s6ri ms tiality
9 mare last week. fall w el t was damaged
taken IE ton during the winter month escape
She wari galloPing over the summbr ex
ety. fallow, after night,'snd running aga . inst being Aber frozen to death un:: a not co
eldyn. a plow, one of the handles penetrated coat" of � ice and sleet in the f iout ,rn giving
r ea 0ounties,1 or smothered to death under a lidens
&son- I or chest, t rid she, 'ie4 in a few days.
found -At the a6t Mae lrlg� of the'Wingbam heavy covering of ice -crusted snow in road,
Penal t:)wn courle I a petit on, signed by 104 of the n rt ern. It was MSO , i ured in and�
mted Askingtbe s;o 0 0( %lities by posure to peIIE of grariti
thLeratepay)rs was rose
Wass council to -F bmit wby-law tQ the rate- inte s Old �af terl a snow an ice had reason
�r� in - dis 826 edJ The low tem ierat re Cornix
-1,ayers re,dVeing the number of the
uncillors.'! Amotionto comply with of aade a C:)n- Ithat a
I �hst.', co r Nad May i�
ell', the the petitia� was ne'atiVed by the cast- dition' ibf the crop . a. diliheartan. menti
. 1 9
i ag vote of the M av6r. mg 00 to, the farmer, and much so 'W
�.i Art, to float of it as :in consequence piou&ed that
Thatotal amou ' 4t required
'on Higb 'hoo a wu wi 0 r "he vision
�!been a CHA i Sq I for tbb coming up or ther graidi.
year is $5,535. Tb6 aCtna'l U pirs
a current ex- returr a owing, the area, of fa, I wb eat ex
a Arug �enditure is estimated at 64 08,15 4500 dealt V, h in I . s way are e6mew [lat the lic
Of imper 1b,. but in the Lake Er �e, L ilKe year.
�eillg to cover I aHt ear's dpAcieney. -e eorE ian -comm
11490 Is the sum total the t n will 1contribute Hum] , West 'Midland and
finued $1,645, the Govelwn4ment '01,220, the' �Bay C) . ties it was not esH an againE
ad, that students fees,5500. 0.00 a -.r In the easterha h f of the that t
7 takefi —0 a Sat aiday a�ternoon as Mr. H. ProvinTille wheat wintered remark- that a
Joyner, of Clinton, Was, returning from ably v�e l,an 4 the crop is not in be',Ow and a)
klli�9011, Mrs. Jarvis'funeral the load he was. tb o�� 'ast Jr ear. The heavy a pro6e(
U July were � favorable 11ins 1 of
driving sustained a*slight accident. His. Ju a f1fm, t a fro to reH
a.' erv- horse oo - ri bite cow and Inotin i growth of at raw, aut neighl
6! past shied 'throlvi all (,the-- occupants- out in al a 10 B Of the Province Caries- Ixo8b I
m L nt&l L 1 tLeir
e into the dit-,h, and reaking' the shlifts pand report that the excess of mpis-
of the wagcn. vqyone in the rig sus- ture is$ been accompanied with rust. tberef
Ww- tained some plight J ergonal injury. In th, wastern counties, where t ere the,C
0aukee —Mr. W. Roac'e, of Kingsbridge, is a ,eat depth of alluvial soil, the iust sidere
�%000, met with, very sad death onq day last has plod.ticed its worst effects, and the agains
gral Wnsi
quarter week. It sppearB.:that deceased was " n's derably shrunken In he They
a favor subi6et to f to, andIeft his honHe early e&ster�biounties, on the other llaild, he was b
on Sat urda 7 afternoon and'did not re- injur�, is comparatively slight. Infect more
NADIAN turn, which 'Caused )As wife to feel un- pests 4r9 not numerous, but the pres- signei
mouth eaeF about, him. Fohe gave the allrm, ence f he midge and, the Hemian gener
among and on"' of he neighbors found his body is not in some localities. the
Liver. lying in -a a rea, mi n "'r by. ISTO a hf�rvest weather of than
is no �One d last.wook, while a little three,* a I the crop 7,111 no they
i girl was viiig a horse attached to a boused good condition. I to
'o whea i8lne r. 'Mem
The wagon, in ich Was seated Mrs. Coir- ' The ead1h of Spring, a3
0 jsfl- bett, an i -he diteh ly the �e �ao last yea;, altho� - own
31 ly lady,over t gh isli ed
. . . . . . .....
Aupugt 17, 1883-
binj be Ai6l
ations were hin4red by r ilifi y points upon whiclatbo d� SON' Uo�t ijifficiet
it. On all high to), w Q -dr& m id 1�wouldbo�obtiwined,4ud do 1, M,r. Dime
t made fine progres , bra I oi tb the wiadom*of the legal a, t oriti
Ed unless injured r lot of i i- 'Polled. by the publishing �f tj a ti ro li
promises a � largq'r yield I M u so that all may make a !fail
at d
1 9 crop. The r6cei t call aid. comparison of the value WU & C, U
Weather has been i0lery favorable be . attao4el to them respeotiv ght to a
to be
N letti'.11g
maturitV, but the Imidge, the vi trr,&.$
and the Hessian fly are repartea 11111141111=1111 for
T. Rao or
I th :c
he beat spring wheat districts. DasIm66
ig Oil
tent of the damage done by t OurftV;
hE,e CRURC11 MA.TTF,11% — Th(
ow6var, cannot be; fully knO" rii meeting of the German r .
a grafa is ripe. Jla the Late galical re Ott
Association was held in. thi chtirelf
district the. harvesting season, this Village an Satfard
lay i na stmat the
an about the 15th inst., and la just. The business meeting 0 140ti, cola
therly aud north eaAerly d urday es, togoth�
s- tionwaolield on SK't
6bout the 20th or 25th. -- Th is 1`8 anol a con, I services, atr
n Sulidav forenoon ti e$e
a th ted. TL
wo weeks later than the dsusl Umbach, presiding elder at he �;resdn
a strict a-131.0pted, a
of spring wheat h � vast. Preached ai vesy itteresting I ar bt to
f lowing table giV38 t1lie are i of- very Isrge congregati' iditiolorlir
On. 2a ileve.rend vI -5
n8hil 98- gentleman spoke parti 8 '9 1-0, .11, 12 a
at as collected by tow cularl r a�clut th 7,
Ress the quantity ploughed UP 'duty of! parents in tr , ng 4p thek cessaon,
spring w i -eat
a, and the area a children, and was ii
an the
stened X witlirapt a im,
i gtoreturn&�ma by,thefarm- �&tterftria ver,
medl, bowel
n throughaut� Ile �a iso ddr4s.
Ithe Province toth&Bureaien ad the Sabbath scha�l in the a ra Cted from tbE
�15th of June.� The quantity Of.
and preached again z the Even h the
eat in farmers' hmdswas'ret 1 MIE�)�A.�"NCnOL-I.—Ai.eportm94 site jan a re�,p
at aY 9, Mat
sarrie time,� T a produ( Of here'l a on Frill evenily ingfort.be
sted,i -b
�v crop, as already sw b s 3d Fred. Willet, one of our e, ctiz4iff,
raports of averages furnishec 1 been killed by a lboil r e4 ion atE.mt
raspondents of thelBureau. Saginaw easn Chas. 9 of the
Michigan. Mo i
I rxtr. SPRI-N) Henry Willet, bra ler and 0 uslu d from �u'v v
W" H -Tr WHIWT. spe6tively of the art ortwnfd a': this yeae
nian) laft
-e- ni-:09, T
ACRFS. 134H ACARS. I U H' here early on Satur g for the sorsio ff
scene 01 the a-ceid. t re authori
....... 88,Q88 .508145 140 )6 10
..! ........ 62389 E 57 1257 L7,98 HART98T, &C.—Halrvestitfl, W�s in f4i iGray
51660 6 801 1610 12' 0 blast I"t week, and ost of the�farnierlk e 8
'of 17
d 31610 316A,00 �w � 1 10
'I A :: have succeeded in getting a 'village
nj I ....... 33726 837260 1985 1 1) 1 their
hu , 0 it
Wheat and barley, —Barry -p�,,c]u are Eif til
........ 1. 230978 215�02 �1001 .2 12 ng Land
......... 8707 B745 2 abount ov'er. ry yv� � kt -W
97062 2.1 80
81685 014072 .,Out on the 9'
6078� 911$20 18051 2 2 0
ib belexpeni,
. ....... 85126 632 50 58728 10 14 Exeter..� J so
6283 1193 8 2 -2114 3 -5 31 LocAb BRiErs.—Mr. Win.
8958t 143�' - - .8996 1 .32 lot V
OU to
....... 44610 6 10 7OW91 -9 who has' been for the last 1 aw, raeutba
ana mr.
......... W231: 43 3 � 1098 7 vel
68 on a tour through M4ni-I ohaandl the
a letter Wa6l
......... 50331 60 08 14204 2 �7:64 Western States, arrived he, ne o In miall..
01 L ....... $7911 720c, 09 %2,1 8: 9712
ay last. cler a Wi DO
43121 5601,73 4752 1 W98 d _P armers in this vic, aity an
.......... 16234 U400 19744 8!5392 pr8tty wall through wit'h t1leir fQ na 'of tv
......... 25008 220(72 ',1253 42
wheat and barliev harvest. T, J. n tliep 11 -rue from
11,51 1613 34 hey say zerrietery, if
A 40 �91 57 the yield will be biotter thi �hay ex,
4714 �4_ jeo;
80468 6702W 18451 2-2 IS pected; - We have to race] d tl�a -death
.... .. 0598 JL'OI'0�58 94990 4 R 00 of Mr.. Geo.'Armstrong, which �cciirred i
i Irom
....... 18749 85612'314555.5 8 5! 45 irequest .1
-4 in this place a few d4y.s agol� af.W i 0: - Oad T
51:81 139908 4,3153 gos �l 8 r %
� is.
32601 564! 88 lingering illness of aeveral wee
IbOrland.. 12252 2,W w4te
Ellward.. 370 673P2 6974 11f 2106 Arinstrdng. was one Of the oldest He
Irg Xr. Pit,
& �dding- in the, township of Usborne. —8 averaw J I
2628 W6 74599 E 9 83 -Was
the Exeter sports have - dux ing the 1 1, 0 doec,
81147 59 3 8521 1,;2152 ad -ty SW
Grenville 8496 2208 34149 Q13 f dayis been to the i ake dt ck-i hootiN, 1� �egl pr9p ay
5 e W
0502, 3924 6� 1 r�ba
.. ...... 8096 f on Wediaead
y rieturned ay evel1mg
....... 11005 27105 3646
last w3th their caravans. wel Iai
IGOO 7177 1. i;
y ........ 2,o2lao 13:011 lenwith
of their labor.' ell was 11, PO
.. ..... 39 �42 8126 11 t;(16 t11'6 ftaltS
......... 511 9199 5408 (1151 U.
499$ 749�512210 S1 & 50
I I , gteh95 ana Waterl
....... 3,162 79726 57025 62'1�75 Wter a Si
r)571 12$2271 4265 8 40 PmtsoNAL.—Mr- Tharna-sClas iay";Rh,
. ... ... 42309 29%.5416 6042 of rov Sion 4.61
30 'has been laid up for soms t me, is -again
oi�kh.. . ipl.Sp 290004 '103 3 , 51
0U.. 20 4 1401 9 14 sufficiently recovered to be a -round, ama �at., th E0a 0 W
......... 98011 JIL802,6 18G22 2 08 is welcomed by his miany fri uds. 31-st i
20 :435 1856 84 1 OOItXtECTION.—In' our I r(por_� Of the
8� '4 30. 2026 1 64
festival given at Mr. MeDon.41dls last
......... 4271, 64)5 746155 2143-50 4aod46
week, w.e were in �errar i1i jabutihg that
1105542 �71ZM 1) 58 50611024 .1 Ou-,B: CANDXRALTBS�
54 the affair concluded -witha daile. we
-at of t rom
lowing table, gilv ng; the a a were informed tliat:9uch:w as Jhe Wse, base T
hol sueepi
oduce of the Crop 0 1�82, is op- but Mr.,McDonald. RXId 16611,3178 4110 Were
Teachers' and Inter
convenience iu In king C31.11- !there state thtt our information 1wa
Inc tiOU13 SeCOgd -
orrect, and We hasten I a *aha the
-seccind Claso B,—
Tnu Citops.—Farmers bE re."outs am F"'d.
NTEES. Acres. Bush. xes. Ru ib. as-i-Duvi4 Andei
I now tuiy with their fall W ;at! There
irty bu hels -per
...... 89803 903069 923 N, 68 is straw enough for th 3olt6n, Mrt
69858 1556008 510 7650
.. ...... I ivi He-nry
......... 521F8 1460624 175 8150 acre, but the grain is so strunken and Farm 1,
2268 J Thotnu� HaVkin, I
........ 84476 896376 urec i in memy
1 162 inj I by rust and bl g4t; that
an I .... 34946 7838d.6 �3227 14 24 �eman
4471�8 (30 places it is scarcely Worth harvestillf. don 1bung, �3
........ 27983 6 9 90z
9505� 4835 56355 fair Alin
89773 1114al fair
owever, is a go6d,,zopand fait
Barley If esb
...... �i :,h4, Jan,-
...... 91067: 2640043 8004 2 052 M SaMple, and oats lettii§ Tic
pron: ise a large
6b2O2 1-9 60 0992 -390 t peas are a4ighibcrop wit, ' Intprwedh
yield, bu.
5C 66 7 Fort OLD COUNTR .—M), Quin'ti W1160t
...... 1277, i5(180
6f l711-8 6 THE
...... 5719;� 20681) 9
a few Ttiomas
...... 102282 27616�4 11191 3 ins Hare leaves here for England u a few
49245 192.811 2982 4780 dayB. Mr. Elaxe intefidd brina.lig buk. Will
. ..... 35790� b73 8968' $arah
60403 169120rol 92?88 1 003-1, with him one Or mone' thor(ughbrea
stallibils. I I Total.
o 87517 1012959 6595 3 0�5 He thinks tblis i* he right Robe e.tso'T... J
J g
is - h
0 10. 45610 18689 0- 6401 1817 dirle'etion to make' ino All h Gode rich HJ
........ 13185: 3955 0 83 3 ' 62
friends and neighbors wi hm, evey
.... 2,5458: 66) 8 990 48159
success in his undertakink' a he his
....... 834605 i 795,915 1-238 48.56 0 Ho
1 931 to 3 i ai
PY3742 534840 - 6 072 ways prove ims
...... 80686 76-,-9 0 5467 2 2039 priSing and usi�ful maniE manyw&Y4
. ...... 525681 14, �W, 6676 166 juter�lpting Paper
5 01 GooD.Woitic.�OnVrid&3 of I fist W64
...... ITI-014 1 14 i'Pe,9 has te n in, ide in
....... 12211 1 676 8 & M some good work was peif4lned-ofu 08
85 what t a tep-:inan
alierla-ad 10566 2 482 5 8' 94 farm of Mr. Medd, who li'ves abottA'
0 ikh I beds this s
dward.. 4392 1 611488 A01 67-212 mile from this village, and is One Of _014f
and Ad -
Ver saily hav� piti
largeSt and best farmars. r, He.117 on
1 10 not Wish
...... 2M 64: - 57M I iO. 14 of
ac ...... 33121 69.5 2 7610 112, �go Malay, of Auburn, and blivo
Ig at I Sul ch
nd Gren- Medd's sons -Went into !a fiftc 6n &06 laug, I
I ..... i 10212 1940 8 11915 2. 1 Di if t in pi
field of W tat half- 59 f
. ...... 8880 731 heat p0t B van In the
0 8516 56 56 P i have, 4 3116 ery. we;
t 2155 U87 0 13942 ')4)72 morning, and at hialf-pas LI; fo ir, when b ft. - tb
eE an ,p 59,
2362 85480 17.132. )9W called ilato su pper, they I 1�evbry sheif
�.t .... . ba "
t. 388 7911 M32 Of blue K.s, a] 1& bV
cut &ud bound. Mr. Xqa inks it
.. .... 515: 3100 3454 55M increaf ad tc :is, in
a the fastest cutting and bi itigdolie
4-.-)52: 03728 '�) 5.5 86 2 58 M Wa
Itaiism�zea. On ti
2977 4702 24294; 4 �7 M this year taking the ground 14:
6313, 1181334 13067 248 3 er&tlon. hoi
.... 10568 21.1-768 03732 IM . . . . . . .
r 11358 306666 �4.77106 �5-2 �96 A CURIOUS INCIDENT,— 4everal lbs.,.21th 2� lbs.
388 9th r,6 lb_%,
gh 81
OrL 240' 8W �' 19.5i 1527 ago a$ Mr. John Mills, -.of Wawati
.. .... 12831' 243769 �8072 q0 Is., -291ith 10 lbs.
61 was cut tting bay in his field -he dise VO4 -
. ...... 8171 20425 !�,It _7th lbs
85 09)10 i -ge A
ad a swarm of tame bees lod , d on'
981 1568 �i'1827 29?86
'I,. -qn a JlltOgat�ler__
a d.... 6.5 1516 24)-56 stump. Not being &C Stamea to
ing bees, ana being'
bandl . ., honak lextrawctea up
pr6ssea ior
d36�1-7 966099 time, he paid no further atte tion. -U i o1w �h wits gath:e
80=140;4frlom Q1,(
them. Three weeks afterwards
Liq-uor Iii0ense passed the same stump, 8�admuclh
QuestiLl L.
IDT F�Xcolordes, at
11� SIR.—In your editor�al of last too hia surprise he found � th.. Oaywere I
tsbWded. 'I 1;end,
called forth by' t� 0 lett r of still there, and haol[,somo fout or :ffve
dler," which �ppeAreilln the is- pounds of comb made ani I i fa fenea to lioney Ialad leave 7c
I ha�;� the hoiiey d
'a 2 Ir. ills
t!he week prec ding, yait taie 1i a, the aide of the stump, aza
a contaitfino
eAgonable occasion 'to mter a Ina- i Mr. Willson captured tl�e bees aud put ges�!
lisee m
ai large into the gener4l questi n them.into a box and they ol be --espectively,
all M allea. they bt
liquor law, and the m)de of Is doing well.
)a Ai ce. iAs we,
t administmtion, h specal Ax Ajwrmmio. WITII
ace to its bearing npo� the paii ts Patrick Nq&t,caf WeSt W�wlanosbj section 'of theo"',)XI31
in the above menti' wilt h
Imed t rAieceived quite a surprI83 01�1 Mond$y 1 -13000 to,
evening of i In
-your wont, yaft ,&-A ht fre staxti
LE, is i4l wit tile last week, He hsabee
i down at Smith!s a
o#B involved in a spir" i of i P 1'r- aw 3: lill'! and V
nd candor. Bu ve 1 detained later than he expi lot
a your memory, or Hai I did on big - road home he wi IS VA X U
r ie within your' nowle in surpriyed to meet' largo 3eaet, Oil
6n account of the re Hate f a the road. His beatship very
to giL
a to a tavern on the n th avel teauslyrefuaed We half of th 3Queeli`5 ��i
at a petition qui Una U highway to permit'Mr.�'
spectably signe. ainat the him, but on the contrary, Ut 11
D of such lioenfie L r Varklus� if he intended to dispute hihi rLight to
aigh S.ol
specified was prese ted to the I that particular partof the Cud Patrl
ad tO
Sloners about the. a&' a time as thin rig discretion the: hoei Part of
t a tea-
t aer of which alone i�: you I : he valor, smd, no doubt, rom 3W ng the
Un the ausilji,�f 19
a. 2. And it is to be sumed. fais old saw, th;it, - be who, fij h and rulis in, the suin i
IL I liv h1b
-,igbed* with the a to fl- fi-i�ot 3er f av "left
cow be.. 7�_441
h ey.at first onl L a e& a p -a. Bruint'n iaturbed an&.cz throUL
�y dor tehell. W'I".5 L
a license, for it W 6; ly aftE r the! Woods,- a n3ile out of ths 174y in or
01)e 0I L
imited, titne that to * avoid his burly anta,-b-biflt
tan of some 1 7 t) be W*d.
E nse was made d6cls I a I tbe: bear has bud his headqu&r 8 in tbig
The respectable � an reli ijus Woods for years, and $,a
intercepted pedeS
tDity who aignea t4ie P ition feason,
6 granting of such licens , 1 a 5 feet 7 in
hay have just cawaE1 fold earn faiat'l
P Charles, I
5tatementto all appe4ranc( fall!
iE -farm 0i h
ct should omit all ralf6rence to a T urnb ej?ry
15 Elm
ing to which they f6A COM el 'ad COU'.qCILDoi-NGb.—Attb4j-.Ia.stmeetilig OV
11 'not, for
o t fair the peace 4 a &der 0 � Ahe 'I of the Turnberry Council uniflenning
I - JA 0,
repor to)
rhood, the true �Welffire of. 4be. ted letting two culver's 0�a Conoes-
-half 00. lot
self, and the �sat*factidn of. sion 4 and 45 to David Marl in ;,.1 Chills ces
n of
vn consciences. They ca n ot, Jobb, fixing Jobb's briagge, $2. also ad
F a Bura of
4dward Ar
(re, help sincerely xegrAtinp that i account of E amount !he, Xtsgrs.
ninissioners should have C(M.' Messrs. Henning an&� PherS011
it their duty to defer mi ne reported having exami ad thb hil boroiaj�h, eot
t them and confirm the license. the Bi(Je line, lots 15 and 16.1 oil] the 11-fli thd
of 44,30(X
Cannot help wonderingwhether it concession, and would rec, ;911a tw :1 anial
e-la,use the cculater , tition was nothing. be done io Said hi I at 1 present;
immerously or more influentially also 6xamined the I i0libsolls, I . , 99 beeu
hill al I -of
Ch to GMYl J b
lor whether the' names More,: and the appras lge yea;m sLkO b
My represenied thosK, - livirg in the east, and would reco nI
I Bore mmedilate neighboi labod the hill be ta*u down A I the
one of hel
e be
1 Lid . 19ose of the PIP itioul culvert on the "at of t1lit ba"
pirmented. An timativ, i �e with the exe Olt A ;owl
filledu Zim
�In �8 Ile oedur rm
hose. , queneass dk� r to 10 feet. oulvert to t
lug In th
ir at
Pssible from. the Mt [re of through also th they h &;t,
�lqitition. An uadloo n f 1 116 ek v t, r ch
di g 0) ';he tlie gmvel road agA woul
11 NMI