HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-08-17, Page 11- 7
Gr oritli
i- Vao
in the om taods- to
In two milnutes the wheat
to having'.. toi be San to Longue Pointe
iN THE' E argest number renjained journey en p oolaruatio*n #vi gereAt rights ately aftert he Icilat
BNTS ing b Ili girl st the In -as
fol t uste I
Asylum. Th a un u loiSt. 4augero pools and tides, head, and, immedi
DRESS any of t i0m, I re- ti i I �rebel stati 0. w long after he acies
E AN. through life. Too waves before depart- con8ciouBnesq.r Ho
A GREAT AM . R1 bermaid in a ading, family, and and thels onges
by -44as evidi b t,
gret to say, were im eye tth * even if' ILIS' Syra- Chain not know' but he recovered to find bI
P or, Z�Vted Statei.
bb the, So th,1 he' claims th%t she was ken advantage of ing f
hrlow habitual dram-drin ing, mo, -e, r less p 9, &ies were iot W rch left his home in self bloc4ing -ap the spout, with his
,AntobiogiapbY Of T. I'll, - . . I r.' A' P. Chn
M6 L
to by her sedu lund r the promise of -M I istsin m -'any intemperately. e:. priatij-4use h a Co. to t 8 O)y 01 n at we r land aiA week, head foreladJorward till it t . chec
t published, con Uxbrido."a on Thursday night I
kI in had aggI saoro I Marriage. Dr. L rohon,L Who is Cog-
"e'niod a, V ;ad to -nee bo fferied
dents in the life of that hal5its condemned Dir. Fri vr(rlo the houh knees. . The hindra his o
gey exi .. by dal ing TeClines -at present and basl3ot since been heard of, 11t U.
igt.eregting iW1 ic U 11 . Owed
our iin cortect -that pres�. n his nizant of the facts, to the esca a of the wheat h
can Slatedman. keen not yet been reform J coured the 06untry p -
A Amerl an laniable to reveal the name 01 the deceiver. search a 1ios,have 8 low to reach hilai. In a
st�deut of -0::: atter, most of the offices re requ red to Pay a ttantion to two _q I three uously since. He- had the air frbm be
Ver. a olose, Galt is eujoyinn,� a, building boom almost C in
oboer '3� , t was till rim-
jqne place 'in olitical ,footing," which md at a tr mt 1�y the. f v -,tops upon job the wholiB n ierits of' � - been ill. some days, previo and it- short tim*, for the wheat was
olding a, un to the heavy 011rt
After -1 0
in h'ur this season. In ad Won
lZanging fZDM Mr. We d's re- new comer; all tb�-,d 'old j 3urf LO tbe�question 5 rne� I d. ailag slowly, his ]Lead Wag a jove . the
Idi, many yelarg, Ymen ason. became d roue
contracts at eSS.'�. Goldie & Mo- is fearedhis re
suaa1alfIiilch wLs announe3d, slid di scove d
ear -!incidentally ouches and the masters weie r�equir d rea u years old, rather tall, level, and his situation was
Co.'s, He wasAliout 3
t Culloch's,Measrs. G tGourlay &
cord, of hia Car r�hfo
C ve D1 eneral. ssod in a ediately taken -from
the bands wheneve Sign.,— was he on rsDionbe3ame -ad was dre He was imal
1,09t,every publil man of hi a time, _V1 rks, is lightly st oped, a
a ng-moim. terthe.Earl. and the new Saw rt building, 1 recovered.
in sages of qrjking in- put topress. At ( a Veln In the dra Pi , and has quite
udds in P ray s it
od, &be
PER YA itb� black felt hat.
timated thi t *their�'arbi upwards of Pais
cted at random, -will iuvariably, 'and. too 1frequa tly a1for" I Ad id aBi a wiptl Lid. 7 Russel a V I -Last, Friday morning in,
eat &few, Bel d. -The steamer Quebec "on her last
ter for the fifty dwelling hGuseB being erecte
01 wiirds, journeymel 0 Afew iniltes,11aii,fikiighim an were pl ling near
ald' 11je for f o r m
;t�e the character of the antobi -Twenty one cotton millF3 are now rip fro�n Sarnia took up to the �North- while Several. childr
-time la I
beer. In this way a I rge shariB of heir a had Spared ae, .11 a i taking alf Mir
in operation in the Dominion, with est t*o'complete outfits of idrilliDg. a cist6r two' and W
weekly egrningA IInorbj, ark, fell i and a-
VMLIGE ROMANCE. agaI, Bach lo%ve,,whenLady Busa I imerposed, rineg and boilers,I with a old Son Of John St
4615,000 s indles. Of machin 3- 6ng Their for a
-ick" E a yinli, Yoi I Must D Ot E 0 Wth out see- 10,000 looms and p out some teen min-
a out some
A village, incident, although ating journeyman havingla torri4idile these 3;770 1 oms Ile now upon gray party of �rillors from Petrolea. a h '-vks take
ing other whz) was
a re, I walk
ards. -V -to -life, p of the at the grocery to be'�adjuatqd dn S qtar- jog the lodge grimade i Medicine utes had ielapsed. His
ame near fra 10
lip )a r
t.0 pr, Aakes so mue irtings, tm -nin g Out fo er estins 1i in is the"friew city of
kte� out all rty yards p
ilaxitic -,and -presents the par �ies. con' day evenings. whi h her. I a lye' ch, at iie time, bee
mwi-hod dif&enca, be. .1 ej various c oca liteA with head for eve y ma woman and child Hat-, or ibe line of the Canada Pacific Bi
rol over thq affair. Several neigh or
�te& with it in u light so amiE ble,th at There was bjecta and
of the popub tion. and their business its to put IdOwn the body, which as
,ueP i a Jfom hi familiar
U who p4n oryllad,made me
feel.conat-raiilEid io narrate it Two tween the journey land atho coursa 'of ot I rwal sla a i em**ea -A tram enter a house in King- series o �rte�,ian w1ellsalong the 10snada women pnlled t. They rubbed Wria
maerchants"clarks found go much Bostou,'Haifford an,d New�� I ate� for the. quite -black, ou
yo, ii1w %y %o fur
jed o many towns, and: thoB ailwa
ang dity and possoof f .,ston, Tuesd nigh� last week, and de- Pacific nigh w
who 34me from l ot ladies, of cor 3e, kn 3w nothing o well for ten minute and wrapped him
AND d congenif Ate ihe
u hat ihe had, ears la
b: t it oirker at T
USLINs ommon, BaltbApre, Philadelphia Qto.,: moSt. Of secrets, %nded mo, ey fiom a young lady. lousand in warni), blankets, when Signs of lif f
it" habita, and virtues in she snatched ihiB f r a -gal-, 'Instead of a cediD to 001. began to appear and vomiting -�VSE
thst thei, soqi� course the former being to orate' a -ad Lua goin,
-aintaficee and idt P cudgel and 0 iBet, I and alirk has eeia instructed
OU— close fn*endBhip. , They 'whildl'most of'tbe 1 tter weli e'tI iri'tless irighb not] have- ber int na,, d for the*; ughtj laim nto the str commenbed, and when 'the cloot
4pened into 8 thereby sh iug oth good Sense and I t't 0 dutyion all kinds of commodi-
i Xag the O.Urneymen, L, ing* that it' W p obi l y: relieve 00 to
oteerful, living I iv6a, of r dissipated. Am nt to the park from Canada. The I peared he showed more By ptoms
Were bright and our aifla- grit, ties se w weak, but il'
gularpurity. 'Another ill, iger had from Bgston was I hoMas, Os,onjwho �Yanxietytol[k 6 bh% 11 ay Kingston man took down ai� recovery'. He is no
ghter, s:yOung lady of at- subsequently becan to -,-a Bhli ph g, mer- ll�tieis the qymp4h as :pf the Queen -An -old man named MoKenzi6, a other �nd D littl� whiskey to his! likely recover.
resident of Lucknow, while shinglinli a few
at only dau, I hat I Her
;greeable manners, and Chant, and ioi tiir y years,a; 9, n bar Op -with 01 r�Gover Iment -The; raft that Mr. Chester A. Ar.
tractive person, a A 4uty of $3.50 was t0d
Ention ex. barn on Satc rday, 4% inBt., slipped and friends exact
jct�r' Theseyoungmen,. of the House of Sp,;fford an "ileston, 14jeqty rem embe ed the a;t he President, Came down
estimablecharill. . r Ce of twQnt Ion the ejga�s, and orders we a given thur, soA of t
f. our m teilidea to h r Son' the Prin,,e
of WSles, fell to the g nd, diBtau y ed up,
ears was quo 0
ter eiijoyijag for three or four (Bt enter) s ng anc ad. It wast the St. Lawrenceon
such in'arieB DIS to reau 'hat 0 e liquor be destroyed
'RO for me, would do �eveiyt aiaqin ier power to feet 9 It p n
he esti "able citizens. rtunE t andi otor de. and tbemen'a lives were im'e Ilea &i
iked malt a drank v m5rica, Both
ll* 0 is and: -. the foot: of the Laclaine Rapids.
y al re ent'D-rt p�ture with this acqualuts,1108 and Socety of t I in his de on, the Wednesday mormirig but nqt in 'the way the coil(
nathemselves inutual 'Stilled gpirltS D gleant 0
lady, fou a )a I returned following.,
0 r wine., Th XteA VV fho thur fortunately abandoned the 'traf
Y -o 9 The itt, this Ie with he, n D. McIntosh, completed the de. Ar
ly, in lov d cover at St. Thomas, _W, � kmen have
d, devoted W
re EL Lr on Satisfied itb v
f my indulge ce was y . 91: -6f t a por 'f
embarrassloe eas has received a ca egram. from cattle In he rq a
an friendship, Saturday evenings to! a po_i(ei: h.. use in agE apd grifi to Mr.Torr
010 at 'one well caloulited to o isit to Pem- oliti ion of the )ld Parg west of the great rapids, hich wag
severely ordinary r broke Lo Scotland liamenit house in Quebec, destr fortuna0e escape -for him, &B t
the' for. th 't a gb I C 1 sery sional rbftsmen had all: they co i I a)
r Wilig.
W&lf frankly dised afl,� anadian -attle ship- fire, bEil �g all but the northe
try too 2treet, to read lee dealers In lasgom stating
ased. between them, Fair, now Fuio 'a pro ad utul a,
bad rsa;dpted. that in f f tom la, i
If ant themseIV6
ecipaent to submit newspapers and d k a gl 8: -c N1 E. ention. of the Local Qovera- to pr
resulting in -an agr ped to Glas ow, wlill.be placed under It is thf.int
a 'question to' the ark ,%ider. I ha"Veoften re 36tel grate- 6 re trictions as -Ameridan eat "me ovi I a drowned, and" it was they just I espal
the, decision of � th mi , at to band the property r 'to th
ee f rb
I I the as of their teeth.:
at my r�epu nance f art and hey ad by the skin
ud mouth Federall' authorities, f rom
G YOUng lady, whose regard forboth wag fully th was:bnrn- `,tie, to guar againoi the foot a wb )m t,
IS at Th Galt Reporter of -the 10th inst:
Wgincere, and so evenily �balaaced., that distaste for imulatiag 1) wel &gas in ,the ParJa'lbutton fixtory a k. disease4. received iit, together wiLh the a, nount -of -
several weeks of anx-ious and pain- -early life,saved- me from -i6 J AtO t 0 :which 8 1;13 : glome three or four &miliag c f
d1down on Wearies lay of - list w a xcellerfbies the Marquis and insurance recovered upon it, Lad thus
after �Their Galti On
i1i Suspected. to Save thulProvince t aymeat al
Cent n she found herself an- different- tastes lard habill Irish el' igrants 9:rrived iii
S UP _.fa Conaider0io U and Mar.chi nesB of Lorne will return he annua -Monday 1&1�t, their fares la�ving bee
m oompanio r. -,R B. C1 Walkerlon,is at of 5,000.
ndreds of id Re
Stress; either by a ch?ice. . If hu 1IF (M�But af r6 of the groulid re
able to di I di d 3ob thus OULjh_ Government House during the first it: f utu
oetical she mig4t, as per- quaintances. 13utj While addilag,amu bar. of 'ver fire tho� -R r James Cameron, t much paid h''her by the Ontario Goverainent.
11he-had been p week of a Bit outh and will remain
my pas ac n . for Severallof them were at once
ALSO— Squander my eartilngs is I f the Pre byterisn
bsps she did exclaim �brpa Durha 'I eat ile to Uck. till October, when�l hey leave for Eng- beloved I pastor. o t all (If
Monday work, a�d there is no doubt ths.
increaged Vith WIlat, it -Mr. A. A [tor of the -Chatsworth le 0
�o.uld I be with e. ther the draMa P Lowry, a y: overnor- General is h di d
'How h 1) land.� The new,' o"ralk I t
Ito I
r Friday soon have been placed il
were V other dlear eharmer aw W" fed upo�. a parl,5� expected to arrive. -i n Ottawa about the at, the I �anse. Deceaed was Loderator them c6uld
one. I went regul y tothe o I I I i,r� t1aQ%- n
tXt Something, hoLwevers bad to be d inortain 11, in latter end o. Qctob ir. Kingston s3 0
"4 �tre, then in its
I days, whE ro, I saw. -1 9 aditor (44the Presbyterian year book. to
_NTA A. grrre 7, of llawrboro� sold situations, but a vacant house in whic la.
aidene: I oronto.
f the "Oronto and otil, and
shel6er them ciuld not be�founi,' and
The young main put their he as a sift Y Just be ore.tho Canaaianrifle team t' ern. :TLe
ith "a In, whih a tv�n 'Yet Ltloma �s a graduate of tdinburgh Uni. they objected to going to a
together. Precisely how the problem W a e aot week to, a gei broke camp at 11 a on 0 . Ottdr, Eta waE c ority of. them oonseq�ontJy lef
Ar memo: Y Of - [ Cow h orses. the
faus the emberE iho best dapple 0 less esteemed for
-t learn 6r 11 iing Pai t. maj Con.
as 801V4 I eitbet did no . i.� the Ohief7iu_'comwsnd,n& Cap Wes, varsity �and n
s. r C on 0
But Carles tors th�t eve� graced ou board: $800 Tor t � that af tern
have forgo-tert. suddenly ac ton, his deputy, WE re each presented by purity o� hig.life and the energy of his vegoiab'e
a been -The Canadian fruit an
FCEUTRIC BOOK-XF, rthanthe excepence Of
4..y,,o'Ta" ih h Christian labo
th a, letter froin his ;-Mr. ]?a all"Orl the men with a sOflA Silver fruit dish, as
left the villagO W1
OuMo in w Many amusiog.secdote. were tdld 6f Claim packerg met at Hamilton few days
r )ffered $8, 6 foi: a si-ver ini in , ents.
employer- to a mercantile h 9. anexpresSi(nofitheesteem in which his lite ittailam
or's early life, vbe he was ThQ lead is 0. drop reports wero r6ad, W!hich.
the �0_wn
GOODS married Xudc-)e Weav skip of Barrie. right, of Ottelrville,bas ac
'York. In due time Richard they are he d. ai�dj as a suuvetir of he -M Albert pro P
hant and was trad ag with the owe4. that th s det �or a good
erch-ant a mere I . riph. ad the n rsery stock of the late sh
the young lady, and became a m Far visit to Win tbled�4 in 1883. ptrcha
the State. 14diams. In purchasing- qrs, a tile VaEsea t rough season%- work 48 very glo
1_1,cario�a lof, bees KoLaren, of Tilsonburg, and only.
re even worse than
G, r )a r -hunk lately,
in the WeEtarn pat of —SOM81 J&YS� 4ince an old- -miser Donald
goes, his ha d placad upon the ai upon his bee ad4icess hose
11 pronto 0 ., thd ut nurser
r6e to a partia �:rship in �Iabd ha f a named Ja't lea MicArdle (fled in the will e�66blisb a walu to -
Charles soon . tr this Province. Corn an
liouse, tkat first employ- Icalye opposite the flar Wei ansicued to MalOu'!%nd -valred at.t hospital ah'31ingst I n. Af ter� the 'f Liner- f arm Bar Otterville. With th s nucle us from
the New York ound and Ws I ooia ouni His ac- backwaird the
eahimasselerk,mridbecame a proa- p, IP 0,500. ial it was dipooverel that he left aL will, stock goveTa thousand young native matoesi are otop outlook �s
Afedium LengUls J r B 1 last Dominion; the apple
ounts were he t on. boar ifi� chalk. MI>ffltt Ut Berlia 8, mostly from five to'
;-Mr.':Joh lut ti;eel
He, too, in ibe. bourse )which left ibout 31,500 to his brother. black i ali
Hi Lyter, �w
hum accom- One of his nai�bborB, M in
las, merch'ant 11 . wpek for W a itoba, to, the� was in a trunk, eight b lat in height, Mr. WriE lat hopes reported unusually baid, and plum
an OVaUtB,married ghbor- i Some $800 Of the Money of a wal- turn odt poor also. 13 small fruits
settling an ace(ailt found t iME elf chair
AT— gLeavoung'la8y of that City, with blarvesting 01 hiscropsiatill nei and the balance In various � !looks and to coal I late -the establishment
p1h i . there iO not so much &uso 'for eom-
r,and 1
1�e lived �appily forseveral' ged with a -Choose. Beigs, farme h0d of Ca 0 ltj�'I:j a ery,whence stock can be obtaia
Y cret spots abolat the house,. nut n
whom ars, a!
11-dd her for making not only cheese for. his. own riD press excun ioniStB plaint. i
a () ta a times.
Su until ii,60oatimption mar.. __'Th -A few -days . ago a youth named edat t Ilarriston, of Mr. Perijamin Crib -
E th habit of 7 or_ic_ I I The wife
i Were pre�aei it d -enerall eeded -t
its own.1) Subsequently Ri Bd los, table, but chee a he wag i to tEe Gbv(rlL' Charles ley succ g a -It t Monday evening a VY
ANT PRIC ine ef a I lot I 6iso at 1 he itadel, I an of ..Eianiakill?ri, died recon'
I runawayli b taher,and afn old regi- tend
his wife by death. When, y Bars %fter- Selling at the a �ore, he iwked an ex- aiid 1�r crse in hameBville, ut was: ac0l ebbera bu
planation. Judge Weavef,pricing him U i of from the effoot of fright. Shortly be
om 4uebec,�o Saurday la, t. [the village-,w&B killed In f ront
I trampled i upon horse in the dent 'o h, whilat 'Weeding in tll(
5% ]Inpatient Meafor last Sundav fore J
Y'- V� operation, and feared sustained' the ho, el
Stances, encotintered pecun, amWnt '�V�l I �. 1 1. Irinking voy hard of garden� she accidentally
iai y disaster self upon his a curac f -A. iMis be i at the GranaTrunk station. caught bold 3
ught him. to ork, and- withkil. who' disputed big, 000uuts. ri�jorning d droyed a rge serious inj ries about the head, as he, Web 1(r had been (
Charles bio New nako. So teirrilledwas she at'this
But Mr. Hart appealed W hi -reason u bu ildin go, i
�-operty seems to have loat almost all power of. late, a d was atti
succeeded after ii,, while in! re-establish P, Am. g the I xned I bimpting to get on a a 13 long iti:
'd and common sbrise to glacw Liow---im- o Lee. an ding in that s4e swoonad and .6r
iies- Both preserve Were a prittmR, frapel a P611B t an rqcollection. beer Waggon which was Stan
ing him in btqBi though ose her 'grip of the rep
ibl( Mr. IE�Qoper the hotel, when the horse took
acter as vaer -,hauts and dalmeti(Tdi t1claultell
probable, if Dod. impogs it wag that do -Rev.. and wife, of; fronticl was unable to 16 ht was
P F_?1*0DUCE. 'the highest ch 6,1 The result of the fri.-
he Who Made' cheese for s�i should saw mi 11 on tl i6 E as train, !'throwing tile.
_W.;Cbieliolm's frigb t a passing
118 enty ars after,the KingAton, .*ere u0913toutof rowboaU frigb I d on Fri
Yo 'Otia, i fever to wh
or. -liti-9 .)erpleied go va Sa ich 4he suebumbe
I Web front tof the wa gon, the
4 in . I i
death of his wi, Charles m arried the have been a p*chas, , iver, Sheet Hrbor Mr. Eloopet Caught and held his wife' day lo ruing, sifter an illness of thra
u a, wo, ter I d )this,
a b slectric.ty. Boc ter' whe passing v
ow lighte all I
4,Ateucleia had been ME
tt awa wi McGrdgor, aC
n d the J d 0 er his bead
daualiter of Richard, in Whorn he.fou fo 9, 10 �:, time' LV illlng,-'-- ti until she v�as taken out of the wa who prIctised at weeks. M X
reproducedtlte�irtuea 'and graces of toking or 110 iwai at a W mill 0 it a be presen and the4,S�arn twenty-five febt after, -D
tance' - . his neigh- d at KincardW with his ried only four njontha.
sitoliQ813 but ive
NIGFAUL I had the boqt,. hich c6ntaiiied We little boy.'
her. mother, his early love. the der the circum$ sp lighted ipI ei
for ' cheese, a r.4 e((aal ly an i perpiaiiii.9 dise
ut half -past seven -A serious a*i- -
4 Albany from this bor to pay -Mr. N711n! MeXurtY pectaltdis speak very highly of the -wife, as found abo MO
pleasure bf b6 caii ro e6but &MO
Cal -bra d bbe �f ieth rted to have la' k
Iling to SAM t an inaccaracy' in his OwmWU.V fif t courage ad expert swim- blood v evening in the rear 6i he Elgin repo
happ pair, wh n on their bridal excur W, clergyman o6onty. Th ai ii
es, in Lam'bton i
y eation 'V'ras finally lag tel ith big throat cut, lyinig in s pool hors
universi ficitel I
RRY GOODS, MANS. Sion. My frien( G1rarleB—fOr we have 1 boork-keepirig The qu uy of tb6r wEddircl Ming. )�all knife Mala
were pres nt, in- grow d4l. and! gtupid,'an Er
a laid over till t 6 next Ja eventy-ol e relations respectable looking bl(64,quite dead. A s
been close fripulls for more than half A well dresse�, ith severe spa4ras of pa"glUg
a w retol- taken
dentary-ia rib, - eriloying as much hap- that the i htbe able to verify lading 21 graiind-childrBia. yvaB I ])a at his side, anc
udgelmig man entered Aaron's jewelry store in Ae:
LFURTH. ONT. egrity his b.Ok.J r r.St ithc a irB 'a few days ago, and aske ta ver , 9 �s in is Poo 6 kl y affecting the; nervous By
s, with a theint boards- On -D resblyt
piness as f&116 t the lot Of m Toronto,
in goo
devoted wif,66 affectionate children,' tho following day, when! MI Haiter dhurch,! h, een
�b' shewnsome'.&amonds of the beBV Noe Ise is known for the rai act, ex- a ho
I G.Pa fle JOEL urs after ilie attack of tl I
arton, for appeared, the ndge met him i jubilant nted pri I of Dodii ge, eaVily tY a
P pol ality� he exa,ibined a pair of earring5.; cept list he had been drinking h
r.R. Collie,of Fall in ease'and affluiance. aart astor I almoist to skio an
I all right wa D for, m disease are reduce('
spirits, exclainarig, t� t, __ 31'.. S r lit b is slupposed he
Mr. collie takas amber all i 4bout. it But," - wS,'Uxbri3g(j. and then ae would call aain,I for a 1pe time, and it bhe eyes sink and Ae hair� f 11
Of St. Andre w minutes later it wa6 wus � ider the iufluence'of liqu6r. I bona,
W whenever and reia left the 8 P.
latof Marell next,and I borro ad: labolks 0- out of mane and tail. �Ihe beat veterix
c6n I.ranaember to have said his neigh you d -An in c1jgr 8, 1�c or to be known as the D
wherever I or, t mean to ItyOun y of London discovered that .00 worth of diamonds -4a offic
mova his tile works on ta , (11 No, 9 !B . .1 aide -de -cam ary advice is being see-4i;ed, and a �tro n
t tile b ast b a a -t red th a ' w -re6t of her
110re parti4illarly for the. ghbor, some three miles Bay thatI bo Were. MiS0i ag. minip P will be al
as not a vh:) wa at Out' ' �O Hall during the regime of me
heard that a effort will be de to 4tay the prOgreB
Way it doutaingi that ha stilt more dis- nol, said the u erchant eai lover$ N 8ave -On Thursday of last week an ex-*' at RV -eau the
off, had borrow6d from a _c a a
rgot 'e of br &ch of of the'im:ysterions mal4dy.
Gheese, but a E rindatoaa.; and .1 fo. ;hr,o..t, pon a c -icela farm, ne vornor-General. His duties -will
tari neighbor a� book of great interest, plogion dodrred.at Edgar Pt W 0 e
or B 4 d -A cattle dealer froin Sarnia,
der E -a- iead by to put a hole in it I" In-Judgel"Weav ml r a@ a. ear St. Cou c 4 in parvislog the list of invite
says, Thre& I bromise o: T 'Iffliams,in the nty of Nor- consA. au She was ;robbed of - $1,0
ell Recar and, after this �ookb ad be ridan, , I
±Gu�ar Chalk I _�_M�. Ilu a, of Pias�lincll, has secur n to the Hall. It is probable a JaImA ing tob
am Stra.tfard itti whita atitled-to,the, privilege,.I mode of book- ceaping a 0 folk, hillin usta 1-bly -P. Caldwell, and gueso Accord
W thosa�etter 0 a snow to 1"t of tIi!e, mmon Be a and prominent Jesident of To -onto last Week.
markreprosertedacheege, while the Od the-boi t, ork of fatall sda ding everal well4mqw :at the W'stcr
fd abour'. f rom one hotel to started off, ba6fouted, in 0 ame 4 D. 'Wilson: a . -).tensi ve new A piece of the oin ad to fill Statement, he arrived
Urunkan and de obtain the troaizuxe. There were spots a
balaahed a: emark,w�thad't in t1le Centre, other iid a narrpw escape. Dominion will be app hat, sold tw'enty h d
of bare ground! upon w ld converted it i0to a grindStonelo +gg pabkiag� 8 iaI)Ijk3ii1nmt in Fergus, the b U4 -,was bu!ried three and a half the --rs sition, which will be an impor- cattle mar
ES,anday, trying to PrOollra WOU t§ t 3taxt wotl, i once. discriminUion cattleland placed the rd
stop to warm my feet. And there were ABRO" IN W ind expec it in t�ei earth, and 'nothing was left tant� one owing to the
ap go. It the fee in an inside pocket, 1! Then LO W)
E -re Unable to A -t that' most Critical M1 0 ant Mr. CUB dan beauty exh4bited in iss, Ing
�The dif,the machine to show where it stood. Whiql: will have to be used in
been in to wn they WO1111 also, along thearoad,occasional legths round town drinkirid.
snow had Mcciallagh Torrens rendered us, a - ser- bno of he sideh:)w�at Baran .-An liv�rage of 700 freight cars - are invitIa 4ion a.
lauornished in the loek of lg fence from which the' uu� fellows asked him to go We, 1).
a which en�itled him tc i th3 affection was recognized !by Several people he plan ot having the I mimbom Of YO Ouse and pla�, euchre.. a 81,
melt8d, Rod upon which it V as a luxury Vic V ; I tranaferk,64 acros$ the� Detroit River by,
i their langaag/Q &Ild, con f1he AmErican people� gliter of Mr.
I gratitude, 6 CIELU Bt a light3 o vate la
s'aff home an the C&n6d oats daily, 550 iranE !displayed on the h, f
a aric S ary. ern b as, there a. U91,re
to -walk. The book wa was introdu ad to him th imorning obiaa Switzer, of Norwich. baulin am, Which Ceptea the invitation, 41
at Amerstburg, the locomotives g th
mr UcSrthur formerly the good people consented, upon my at Windsor, and 1:50 a on the and robbed, and at m anight ap 8 re
'i y arri 1 in
111- if ter m L -one parly. in )n traid col a has ger for Some t in it on
om-ise that it Should neitber be torn _9119 I -Ap: elwursi This, how 3verl does.not equal the ca' Ben in U. at the Central Police tation wit
r, 1801, by I a h arlia
relightl o city 0
umber � aff), paic� the Grand t
from Flan- Dr. way, at ja branch Qf the Am ys. is about to be Put
lior Boiled, to lend it to -me. In return- Decembe Mr. eal la the ferries. On. -the Transport 4iican railwa cent i his pocket.
late July 22'aa to 01) happy to E _I fkaig c:n be Carried at -he GrandTrunh� Rail while a
'a' mos in" Wien the prize I W&B whose'bank a 1large n rest i'vVe�t rit 'ivi�ion of t eone into,cperation on 'h -few days agol youl
-A J.
has bef_� -had agsembled. Mr jire�l loa&of pro. aly ars are wa and in c tuerev�i� a
s'ricken &mai ioDAB ve passenger c yl onnection
the, Crops SM i think of the sow or my aked feet. 1 trip, but 0 i � be pron unc(
mmmer, and s, wh I tetired, met me at thE alglit last week. vice for sliowll�g�the couple were about to,
peralittE 1 1
rid jes Torren d The' Transfer carries 21 newly patented de 'onif
Candles were then aon the luxur ei�tycinWedni eayl I i sod wife in S& iMarys' Grain is Out in head- a ar of . the man.
of the banking-hou a, rema Ilaliia�Etea,MN& iga on.om. same U erg r a telegra
not the necessaries. of life. If boys, in- door i -Tbe frekigbt a, ic church, Torontol
prqmiao better iv it ii� Loildon;1 was oppor r rames Ocott of Owen Sound," train. The adoption of this plan 6ill Catia0l -young lady w
V�r . 7 in the diiectio a 'of Sdeu
h d i stead of going to bed after d � 4rk, wauted tb at my an thia Nim irun wick Oam, I
One, aiaAri nd tha J I inust seE Earl, fill,38el Pany ano 11 r- a.rrivqd stating that the�
11 to read emselves with VduOi a i pan� have pom ned �nd'wil. ance lecturer. an I be all Dg W&I � so f
4a,ve, three CO.W.4, Dud they supplied th khip CIom s ipB a well knc wil terlaper g $1.0ater sodety6o' trains. I a. married woman, and. i�Ldl been
ich (in a limmediatalY- I replied t aat our minis- iye ine of four 3tt)a b t( wirk-er, ll�s just icornmenced a, tour on in three." yearB,and that her ll�usb�nd w
I pine knots, b� the light of, wh �h rtl�'h: r
Isof butter wo6k111 ter, Mr. Adanits, (tfien the rlight man ir 3gine 'and heavy pum Ing
to tai wakiii fer�nig tly trip' behalf of the Gr�nd Division of On- alpha E Itfrsh, still living. The despatch waS � da' (
gout �he mi
poal horizontal position) they pursued their would presont..m t( Great �Br tario. Il c _inery for purapin .ecelva 30 cents par �the riht pla-00), , , leabla. way will lecture and organize M The proceeA gis were a
,,-k- . racticable,
e,'.er than. I did in'Logall- studies. ave een Barrie
eik, with my body in the the mini4ter as soon a 5' P Ila �,ns, -as a deldlof blac I introduce the Song land�g in the County of Rent, b
-Mir. now Divisioos, am iough the1ady dn a tl
t In this-mana stopped, sit]
rejo ad r. Tor
'Y cen a vex will 12�t do
o. rowing or. 'is �arm ir Xational Mutua Relief sbipf�� d from: Killey's works Hami ton.
use,� and my head o :t of doors That "a of ance truthlof the charge. Ne'�erthele 8 d
Buglax-hu itriln. oil Tempe�
�Uduy uight the S MO prbpBes Jolt must Boo tl le long la, of th( Sociiety i' the ch4apest and best insur- The! I priapletion ofth 6f course,
tratfOrd 'Where the fab pine was bla2,� nal I read. rens. Ti he vicinJ ty f 'Xu a] p a working of the offici�tjng priest wouldl
W discuss sc tiamt, hy atched ith creat lurnis
I 'ut lour aac hinery will bew. V
Cry of the the eart to-! A a, 7eriLf 8 f, ciety oui a total abst the proof Was ad,
led With intense interests Hi t s-talks;of whii to wait till
I and recl-ma-
metiabera h9 -d ieflif ).a, End inforin ito )at, as t a draining
would arrang� an audiew is P id 2.50 pe basis. led itha
ime French Revolution." a alffe r"Elai Race ;v un. the Waiting crowd diapefs
CF an& no,
Vks to Bit witiilbe me of the til�e an lace Itilat evening er, tic 60 00 acres of I
into bushel -Tha. late Mrs. Adam Rogenburgla 60,00 n,
f o the ;er tiessi a the expect6'il ce�emon'r
When the Bap had done.1unningi an he warin
appointMents had to be rag 1, .0a l8h pitE ntil le, w ill be influenced by -the isuc- Wl
Picto South, was buried on Sunday ;prof 4b of Wainfl�et,li
ba the other Spring work cc mmenced, I I was surl n I al and I from ?f i'Londou this E xperimen p Mr. Urial Burgart
s accciuUts to he, mauifested by aill Mount' Aaron cemetery, near Ailsa, 'ce of t. It is ex cted
T41y -were 73, in, etakensaddenly iill. A vet(rin
the bUsi- was initiated I step by stEP into t Itla is year �o t1h � -a ad P:, I digaharge� be. a boro
�Utq U) be, -r, wildest Stranger, ul.of the ' -I x Deceased was a member of the tha� the madbinery wil s urgeon was Called in� l!int he could n
Msteries of fi�raaiiag, bat in its t U c as Aalifa , 1,3,0 Craig
asome of t � 0 -1 , 00 and 70,000, DOO ga:..IOIIB
OA- of no d 6. �. t* , the kind, lintentions o . comrades tvveIlab 60,00
V , i of; my ofanticipa, Ing us discovertbe cause of illness, - �3 -
a and rudest taie. While ome all every 24 hours.
ayor Its Ac aEt, 101 541 to Ysla,:21,927 Salvation Army, and her late
Boor, grew am ge tleinan r iev- marched in adva a iiflammatiorl. � After t
and the eek- anties werp. lelasant,' t) . B ; but th at . I " n �erc' 1 ni no -of, the hearse, out bf the m Lr
by them 9 p weary Mr. Ad §',13E, tons. Total, wl ite oak Saw lo over 3 feet noticing
ecasioned, ad my doubtg on tbis,po advising 9 and n a
of the vooatibn ;.--a -le t. I waving their- numerous bannerB 9
-a d W'h' Swinging was a horse died his body was- opened, and
r reia� time. q3 57, Was. music.
resalatiOnae` ail Myself A chanting t in �j ameter, which ad up in I ch was fowd a large quan d
theixe or la ly in g tb a �hqe
W� I' I my heart was ime to av heir characteristic 4 -be Stool& ly offar. iv fo Six of th� female soldiers acted as pall. Sader & Baird Brothers' saw & 11 at f 'a ban "s e
rit, rAhofflfbmai election
he rr ing, as, from; the size
udson River. - The spr of ston
0 inch
aull which the X -Vol! Upon the H passed without I dinedhat as with thl i; late S,--; r hes b6en �e The nomination will Pla#svillo, one day lately, a tw
7% 81ammer and ailtunan, y t all L.kE foil the! 7th and' bearers, , downi tothe size of p6ai. TheylLada
ISO olynoillp-110" no pr bably a lady and little boy oak'ipin was found, and thal pinned to
Ultio" and a. on Ten eti g 6 1 arg 3 1
?1 0 ce of anything of particular J. Emers A im�n wi a tly formed in thef horse's st)ma
uncillor 9 r24 of :I the Rlst of SEpb6mbpr� The a again with a bole pareD
'be's ai party i f 3 pin, the v;
i1allenged, CO, what prdvad t PC m Sandwich to Windsor the tre d when bro k
irttemgt. My father woked hard and and was driviAg fro from the'locretions, Ain
genti6man, aimoDg Whom wa 3 ca �a in t 4ig fielc- � a a had in ha 'again been. overgrow
There V -the Cold --I W. Plum� a with rolid
Int the pal not i The boy
Lyon. a few evenings. o sho ad a layer upon. 1 layor forE iat io
abl* 0011tinqed poo)ry as usual. H8 did as 'to leaV3 im3r ry ve) aR. I :fave inches. It must have been sho
luolt and cotake up. land fL of a reginientwhibh (Cc ri�e'. 6no of the ordinary toy bal - wold. �atside or last Is, or f6rm8d "as
or himself because lie had nel big hapd. The Y
Crain to embark a cigar put, in a good many year3 ago. the 0;
ext ria p against a the shell or Coating �qpon a gle
loons which swuncy a
tiotbing to begin with nd -yet, in London the Y
rB Liverpom I eturning fror r, obn7 Ne� Yor was smoking and burst, hol� I was bored with a pat auger, the
m0kruintir. the 27th 'Ult4f I for Canad -Vev, D the man' Wslaut. Is thereany. veterinary i
back, I can see that othe The i tree
n church at yet.
Of 311 r.. hotel in:H oi er squRre, S Freelytaria
vild land and dinner to my �h
equally purchase prea4ed i!n seorehittg� his, whi,skers and the Bide of poi ry in explairi, thi� rernarka
geon who ca
pooz qid &ipamoaf Thos. BOO, of
Jas about a mile all becia I t und Mr. T(rrens, W130 ir ted me t orche r, last Sibbath' H d- creating 0, gensa- wa the I I
farm(, rs. Noi�tb D his fage soverely, an fresh of nature
me indep�ndent.
I porl ilies in o Bup- Blao
,ewry, were -leave Lon- dou the ext r �iag at 1 1 �itm the Weir fata anders, wh Zrd. Was who n
A P114TtR TX NEW 1 1011. a
btlildID0 Pabibroke Lodg% of th� t, o4g the byst a U d ek, Mr.A.1hap- -i.,apt. J. D. It
Iliao tbatIvlloinity'vili are r iug the whirlpo api s I
109 was alect6d.a� member of 'the New-, o'clock, and 'xive posed. of the'party was �h.
fa"'o baria, Richmond H 11 E 1 Ru�sell's 06untry b' Ulr. all -A tell from London mali,-of Ch.pmau Brothers, Tor(mto, Swilara
YorkT alohical Sociat the eff rt 13
Bays his object inma irg!
soon afte�r �cele 461E d, I)lr 0 ble dospa
YPOO,,Ir a escape from death.
heds, -,,verp t,)taolly deslrry I rea thi city, and teilded its seat. of sional swimmer,, bad rn abil
ched. Ferg'ilsoa t roug
aev r 0
of about T I found thf i mi0i ter Re alone, an I ad in their el ato ex
alits, cora-po t�eeti gularly. - hef a were occa I ti a g-0116ge, Sandwich, ho ikabout a nA a, r v of the late aptain Webb, He was an as 'be n6doOt
11gs rel ou'kteo sly re 3eive , C versatio o n am �ng th wheat in a bin hile it was armc ur that t ere n
1.5.0 bnRhols 0- wha6t, 'a real �, for among was C, Ire move I Peld of labor in n nou e big i4tention of attempting- am to SiBoure
and 810118 to me of rare. into: tea was 0 a n an T
quaiatit), Of peas'. itg* fnembers were'' of iritellectual, for'the first U. or fiftea I rn� nia M4 0 V( a Falls WhirlpooL bei* VUJF.. d through a iq cut at the valm i. -his ho does
ningi puresen - to gwi t Is Nis& of 65) offered � by the Go
�a men. I - d,:Waa last, �ile so engagedhesuadenly 000
Othe S&We - . evidaht determina- a tt 9
ar.rassed by an d H B he-oan safely breast bo-, -
aident, emb led with i, gol iv�ta�' sud lgu�a an 4 1 e beli ve wards, for t le best life-pregerving sp
1plements. Moral,L and Social worth. Its pro a says
t of fel6- IS
ffie Blini ter to imse being dr
Adam Tor" for tio on- the n mi of the could have swia lown ba, Was, 11 1 37138� Of $50 a alt Col- the pool, and believes Webb a grasp at a But the prod ced before October 15%.
rn of Y ' Peter- Force Subsequently Bud ipa I L and m oat n(
,as trask by ter in nore ot a quWlons Iwti the honol at it he hi4 gone'about it properly. ade, basin.
Jilverto'n., V9 1* 1 forty - years an eminent pri i one i will keep a mam,
on.141be safisfi A by t1 pow 3r dri own tore his hold
d, Washingtoil."'. Others established them of E Ian' h 3artle, is: ease of ion Babriell has witnessed every successfu Ming himd sinking. &"nyt ing at isi 8 ch at:&
totafli destroy surre _A educt of L W anathe only te do Iew as, or of ason -and Slidell. Gr k he felt himself still I I
tons- s and villa,, f swim efiermadii by Webl�, and believes awo6y, ind It He'du
ty of U04 silves inneighboring citie 0 POME Eglisl -girl by a oung mano -in the Ha Call me n, but they : were th W�bb,
e'stri i!int young ad to the )ool rxpids.�
prosiperons dually, how r, the himself t 3 be a stronger man
And, became influential. just 'COMO to not rea4h them. ing
&III the inli d his lords -hip jemllained t1i WealfflinMOIA]coallplhall is voice did e river what* Cap
�se however, &way, an
th.' I - was. He is P belo N' An& h
r., Torrance IS, 5, 11pUblishersor editors. hk llight.)) thevictiral"Co ing Inss ne and water m Webb
successful tlife oir,ourrikane bh - d.f to the Que y
Were the for much
took of these.
t �2
estimated IL for
0- ra the Waterlo -
$1.50 a YeaX, in A4viijmce. a
and swi=ming or floating to the spot I
here the Englishman W46 last Been
1 have a rope
alive. There he wil
stretched across the river a foot -above
the water, and alife boat �d. be Moor- i
ea near there, Manned by! e�- pert sea-
men. He says that the whirlpool itself
is death, -and that no living man Can I
escape beirigengulf.-d. If �bia Means of
rescue fidl he will throw off the armour
&]ad endeavor to swim to'the 3hore. He
intends taking the midle of he river,
where the waves axe highest.
—The Monetary times! Says!. The
Costly experiment. on which Toronto
has entered, of cedar block pavements,
has beenofmaemned in -n ore than one
American city wilere it has been tried.
In Detroit) where a aeleptic n of Tor-
onto aldermen fell in love wi.,,h the new
pavement, a strong report against it has i
boon made on Sanitary grounds. For
the Same reason it has been abandoned
in Syracuse, where the atenub. from the
bl6cka was so great that the people had
to close theirwindows on - the Streets
wbere.it was laid.. - The wood had ab-
sorbed foulness in various fotma which
It cohIdnot throw off. Co4aparativily
new blocks, very little woril.were for
this reason taken up and the str6ets
paved with stione.
-A f ull-blooded Coromain del Hindoo,
born in Madras,aud known by the name
of Tom R-)binsoh is at present. a resi-
dent of Elora. The greater part of his
life has been Spent at gas. Tom is d�e-
scribed as a sober, wall -b aved and
industrious mail. He is iii-varlably in
good humor, and has the eharacterL of
betag strictly honorable.' Ile finds em,-
ployment about town and. aimong the
farmers in the neighborboo , eapLeoiallyL
in Pilkidgton. He keeps lahnself clean,
neat and tidv, and is -on t a whole an
,example of propriety in e ery respect
to many who have saperlor advantages, f
and who pride themsel:vea upon belng
ii,white men." In Complies ion he is as
dark as a mulatto, but ba 1 ea:ture thera
is no approach to the negrc type. His
nose and lips are thoroughly Caucasian,
as well as his hair.
-A young man named George Wst-
orme y a ra6l
son'll of - Guelph
townshi , was killed by Indians in
Ut two Months
Arizona abo, ago. The
young man's relatives still reside near
Guelph. The di�ecoaaed lef home about
eight years aigo for Arizona, and
since then has' been shiefly engaged in
ass. At the time of
ng busin,
the mini
eath he bad quit mini g, and wa's Fq
his� d
in company with se! 17bers driving
a large drove of cattle fro Mexico to
Arizona. On their journe the party
were attacked by a, ba*nd 7savages,and
in the skirmish that ensue poor Wat.
BOU was killed and mainly wound -
.ed. Tbowhole party won have been
inevitably aesbroyed had not a troop of
Mexican soldiers come to t le reactle,but
not in time to avert the fate of the
f GuelPh Mau.
-PaTtir,ulars of a sad -a( ciaent which
occurred -in Luther towlaal ip are pub-
lished. It appears th t "'ames Dunn -
of the 4th-concessidn, oil f$unday night,
5th inst., t6ld his brother atrick to take
a the gun and shoot a crow. He attempt -
ad to do so, but the gun Aii I not go off.
On returning to the house a squabble
8 4311811 d between h b others as to iT
whether tile gul md
ad, during
t to s i t'
- wbich�tho weapon was ai charged, the
a con-tents-slugshot-pa-B ngCom ebely
through a young Iad`Y W' Was visiting
unus. Shewaa their cousin.
at the �D.
if� 11 0'4�"00� on Tuesday
morning, and was burioid I on the 8th.
d Patrick Dunn, soon aftor the affair, was
eized with brain fever' Et,nd is now a
raving muniac. His sisters have
9 also lost their reason. T a grandfather
8 of the young man who ecialmitted the
deed is al'so insane, and attempted to
d out hib 'throat.
10 -For years one of the I most useful.
is innawtva of the Orillia Asylum has been
a knowni around town as, It Davy," who
of has proved a fairly I ri and qj�te
[y trustworthy MGBS1311 6 letiers
9 r, c rrying
from the post, and doing all
it to and
of kinds of errands, but hwri taken it in.-
i- to his head that he ww� p;. -es, ent of -the
C_ Midland Railway, Davy I .. 6 too to
d reminding Dr. Batton t . tas the,; real -
dent of a large, rail w ayf� cc rporation, *9
06 tiM6i8fal1yoccu..pied,:and would do
nothing. Theexperimevtof Confining
9 him 'Was tried for two or laree daysbut
d he was in such terrible� distress Itat the
n affairs of the Midland Should get into a
M State of inextricable oonifusion during
as big enforced absence froin � the station,
or :bhat it -was 10und liecesis ry L to roles
as him. Davy is not at all 3atisfied with
d the w&y in which his dop� ity, Mr. COX.,
ce has.be'en fulfilling his duties lately, and
a threatpus to discharge him unlesf; he
a does better.
so -A very painful seek ent happened
last w eek, -to
ut near Poole on Tueaflay, 0
'daughter r1f Mr. ichael 8trei-
a little
,a cher.' It aipears that t, a child, who is
ry about four years old, bad Wandered out
ot to the field where her ;father was reap -
pt logL, and had lain !dow;a I in the grain.
he ail4 &Ubably fallen asie+p, When the
in reaper came siong, the f�.ther was at -
I` tracied by the cry of "the . child, and
9 looking into the grain was horrified to
P, see his child caught in the knives
Ch the'reaper, One arm is uut iU a lear-
a fill 111-anner, and will p1ropably have to
are not
U; be amputated. Other bJUiSeg
mf serious.
an -A Dublin torresponi ent says :-An
LV Irish immigrant ftmil T 1111-imed Me.
augi, June. They
had8l, Si gl43SOn whowa; notpapable, of
d takin, care of himself). "hey'hired him
-of �IzCarthy#
ond of Logan'
to who lives in' the east
McCarthy promised to
he c4re of hi%
it and not let him off hiiii , Ural but hor
sent him away, so it is- si Lid., about three
n 'nee, and he hits not- ginee toon
weeks s�
tu heard 4 by his parentu They hay.0 I-
LY1B � spent t*b weeks huutlin 1 for Any
.Ipve U
one thatfoan.
his,.* sto ag plaele Joh Aikenso
ppi, & Dub -
r" Logau, or to h
!do Hal wW confer a favor.