HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-08-10, Page 7aT 1.0e %MEER 1E i. Mt WING UNE & Gordon &Scot) VG UST 14 188 for the celebaated n, •Ia Fencing CARLOAD I Oat N ek, and will be sold at Wtt brands et WHITE AND: RAW oiL oen ire. ils il desoriptio onsistent wit [SS. A.- cr.kra s• at es' , *square T AT 'EXTRAORDINARY t 4. >NDVIL E I LS. 11. in the - superior, thaent of: g Boller. iine Boiler now has no s. on the. co -manufacturi DLUTION 114 tian of Vital portance. Reductio- • System WS now i peration. J7$ from -$.1 a. to$1.5O than, the , • t Flour F the Old Pro e88. a Specia E in all case get bheir- adbyoi rixewsvS- 'Pager, whiter, 'cher and. 1:10ar by fa than the- erto been ab l to get. - here is- no lau Lhug or ex - kr adapting t e Gradual in. Oar ne system is :irelia.ble. It has been ted, and prey d a great agary, Germa y, France, 4e United Sia es. 1 Fleur prev. oua to our sge Er.t, a hea y cost, and better Flour now. One tifacient to p ove our as- PPIN s for this ol dt and c usto g their chop and try our flour. 42 sa of work era may de- ing doae at exams new , Shorts andt eed art of Seafo th, Harptir- dville free of b,arge., w Mills at gitiondyille n full operation. KYLE & MUS PARD. FFVILLL PAY Y CALL AT OUNDRYi ONOL,SEAFINIT�I. see our stoc of • 0 W S ,een made e pecially for have gre •ly improvea w for this se -son, eaid fftal ing that it a the besta. Our RiaLL RS - heavy1 rural ng light aud• ork. Our N CRUS ra lis.ra iron and willlast ally other m chine made. .f.a.1 tools r recutting. an guarante satisfaction - ration given to repairing: es, Save an Grist Ma avers,st ci Thresh ng Maohiuegr of machine y repaired au and at reasonable rates.' ra and ot ers --- .`r1dge atiugs at jlowest rateg. mit-lied on a plica.tion. gent for th implereenttc ver, TTamilto . A full lins natantly on la nil. GMAS ENDR LLS, IPPEII. GN ViN, ERS Captain Web Captain Webb belonged an Old and highly respented Salopian aridly. He iina one of tedelve childr n, and was born in Dawle in •Shreps • ire, in the, year 1838ie spent hi childhood days on the ba 'ks of the S vern, where he learned to BWial, and there, near the great iron jbridge, ne s ved a. young member of bis family lta drowning. This was his first &gnat o , feat. He bO11 withj a love for the water, awl prevailed. .upon his fe ends to let him go tO tea., At a very arly age, he donned the blue frock nd blanket trousers (af a naval appren Ice on board the training tihip Conwa . Here he learned ta lis.nd, reef an- Q steer, and was welliltrained in all t a.t makes a -thorougb..seamon. . On boa d hie vessel be becathe famous by savi g the:life of a shipmate who fell °verb( e,rd ,the meesey. A r leaving he, Conway ,Captaie Web " served his time" in the employ of thh Rathbone Brothers of Iiiverpoel. Be went in li orally at the hawae ho1es,.a11d Came on at the cabin yeindowe. He was olaie3f fficer of the Rengiet and other seagoin shipe. On ;April 23; 1872, while ret riling in the _Russia, of the Cunard 1ie, from New York to ,Liverpool, wh-ther he was compelled. to work his p ssage, owing to disaster and Jinanciel difficulties, a sea,naan on one of the lo er yardarms 'fellinto the Sea, Whiott was running mountains 141. The ve sel was going .at a great rate of speed, nd there W8.8 a gale of wind blowing. otwithstand- ing these disadvantages ebb jumped on the reit and leaped into the sea to the drowming main's re cuti He did .• riot flea the sailor, but es not taken from the wat.r for More than half an hour, owing to the state of the aveather. ASI of Mack's Magna to any sufferer fr or'weakness of t that it is the hes ever sold for t Read the adve column and sen hrani and nerve For Cats brave attempt presented him with E. Liverpool Tharnane Soci medal of the Royal He In 1875 Captain Webb s English chained from D in twenty on hours and terrible battle with the For this he received a from the citik,...ns of his . Ile first vitited this co and ton Augneklgth swa Hook to tdarthaltan bee, • 23 he was defeated by C et Newport.. • He shortly kga,in to E agland, but ie 1882, en" ctengaged in Se defeatiugl attiong other and Thos. _Riley. On that year, he began hia of remaining in the ! wa ---- in a week, at Boston. back to England tied • about two Months ago. . t evia —The sterrier H ried fifteen, hundre London to iELonoiu11, r children died of naeasle cough on lthls voyage. •,-The father-irelaw o _ Webb has loft England of taking hOrne With la'm the widow and children of the London SpOrtsman has relief fund.. —The widow of I Gavend1sE1, who wag Phcenix Park, Dublin, Will be married again before the termination of the pres- ent year. The aecoed 'marriage, it is dated, has the approval of heflate bus - band's relatives. —There was a paxic men, women, Etna chil circus on Tuesday nigh Va. The wind tore as, which' then caught fire were trampling. on eac The rain pat the fire o were najared. ---Priacelis Louise Canada , through the Queen's wii3b , inetea.d early next month for vieitieg Marienbad. Lord Lorne will riot a before the middle of will lproba ly go home by way of New York. I ,, 1 _,. —A, Pullman. poach- osts from $14,000 to $20.000, and -will la -t twelve or fonr- tsen years with. ordin y wear. During - . • this -tie iet meat be r n iii and thor- oughly repaired ever three or four years, and about once a year repainted andivarniabede Th wheels alone cost ' 3600. Then' the' out ide painting costs another eC100. Paint °g and varnishing • the interior of the ear —Mr. Beatty, late Beatty line, who wen superiutraia tile co Pacific Iti1 way, to pl Mills and Thunder B sels -are perfect ra and bea ter. The _Algoma ' ills atid Po 360 miles,' and four rc made everle week. intention of the corn eqe well known erytiting d repared to -turn! FLOUR -sin ill in the. calm, Gas, Ware • nd paPUlartr et -class at an a.iete 0 li cannob be ev ry. TRE rag WAITS FOR If. w ed for heat, Cnoppingof everr or -aptly attended to-. Flour alto Rea, and so d at the Ioviest . Remember th popular oda% JOHN Mc-NEVIN, NipPen4 e-passengera 00, and the ty the silver lane Society. am across the .ver to Calais a half, after a id and tide. great ovation ttive town iatry in 1879, from Sandy h. On August ptain Boynton fterward w.int urned June, eral matches; G. 11. Wade ctober 14th of emarkable feat er j.28i hours, He then -went returned' only gle B c Medi? zn nervo e gene* nd °hes s class isement at-ohee f ad. -7 x ne will prove, s prostration tivt organs, est medicine of in r • 62 diseases. another he • great The Pot of the nervous sy and other nerve complex body, k ed from the fatt phosphates in o nervous debility forces tesults fro this reserve fore owing to indige tion Wheeler's g will make up th tation nor subs tial ne tem axis s i tenglia th _form of a -wn as cit deriv- matter, nit ogen and food. nal forms, of rostraticia o the vital ci e o supply of of the erV centres, mad assirnila- and Calisay ',and no imi- Id be used .in gY the brain ,tion and hosphate deiicieU 'tate she its place8.2 A Persistent Frie uk • P The followin incide the above : "-I ave Su e rnatisna during ;the las than 1 nowtcan write ; , shudder uow to 'think of every phanke of,the Weat brought me s lar' ttie of geon Oil Lillie-4ot and using it; I did o and a as ever. -793,.52. w,.m which car- ssengers fro ports that 55 and whooping the late tapt. or the purpose deceased. The started a Webb ord Frederick •murdered- in 's Success will explain tom rhen • ter more ekes me ains with A friend W'f3 Stair - ed on nay w as well red 't er. . D sis BurdoCki Blood, W. A. Edgara, of I' cured of Liver aud Kia afterlife wa S despaired c mained from ten t& fit an action of the bo Blood Bitters.cnrecr hi , an that he is a betiterm.a.0 t an for twenty years ad-, . 774 Bi ters. an viile, ey Complai f. had -r d ye witho the Burdoc he writ he has be 65. • thin known to mecliCal acien the healing proipertes o Extract of Wild Straw Morbus, Dysentery. Col Conaphants.-774 657 • If youWould. the ravages of lthat sco mer season, Cholera, 1‘,1 Fowler's Extract of Wi hand. for use. In th forms of Bowel Compl lible.-774.65. • en' C. a eurpa r. Fowle itt Chole d all Bo cape of the Su s, keep' rimberry nd .a11 OD , t is inf if you suffer f Liver. Stoma among the 4,000 reu at Nathan's Portsnao-nth, uder Me tent, while the people other to et.eape. t. Many people will remain in sumnaer by the f returning home the purpose of he Princess and rive in England ovember. They Reade om any ,Bowel or Blood, try 'Burdock nature'Et speci those organs Twenq•five t last three mo Inedie r the •• ousand tbs.-17 , 1 dis rder of Le , K'dneys, S B ood Bitt i 8 ne or acting 4 tle of dise e ott ee Bold in, .6 . E H EXPO limmeneateemls•••••••• ••••••1311Memessanamsasesseemsole* the musoleini e,ne6y to the Iirnb bank the appetite and make a Woman, as hosphatine, which i medicine, but a food. For sale dkng 'sta. 788.62 Ar rotas go rngi reg rice s B 1 no Rheum Cured. you itton led with salt ski pimples or crtsker at once to Lumsden & tore and t a package at P rke's Carbolic twe :11 e cents. It wa n to 'I. 795.52. he th Frin ' i teltaY,; Ahd lbefe 'Sobiognhci Wake " Fo natigh fe 98-52. 1 i un gets up in the a tossed tip bed o the meal, w ntain a nao the bring ealthy I not liY\ all ! )res; if lson's erate. never astern estless en •oon is t the lour of tea, f Health!" if you be 1 , th costs dol ar bill. These ar Solid Fac a. The bee bload urifier and s stem re- igulatar p ced wi hin the r aeh f sOffer- eg hrima ity, truly E e tzio Bitters. 4aetivit) of th liver,. bili jaundice onstip weak k dn Ysear any disea e of t e urinary or an , or whoOer equires an appet zer, ton, lor mild sti ulant, ill always fi d leo- trio itte the best and onl certain cur kno 'hey actsurely and qui kly, ery bo tle guaranteed to Ove entire sat death or ineeney funded. Sold ,atp cents bottle E ickson ,& o. of any kind when on can go to den & Wilson's Drug Store and pe ect and indenter -oboe cure for As for am's Fuid lightning. 7 52 r! e Hw Leaves ha1'e theil ti says the' po t, but leaves are on the rise utilized in such epor making Dr. gowler's he infa 11B, Di plaints. Strawberry Cholera, Mor Summer -0o • IY not e to f ;Strawb • jus DOW, b out quantitie it act Of '" Dal: remedy 7 .65. a and o 1 if suffering am ay for howe the attack, b ot Wild Stra '.able cure for plaints that Ask your dr -patent rued' RELL,Provino Lona WWI Bngineor. Ord relay wallyrolsra D. S. CA.21P.t.T.T.i. KRA.° costs $1,000. manager of the to England to strnction of the between Algoma y, says the ves- dela of strength istanee between teirthur is about und trips will be is, however, the any to have two or three aher uew st amers. —A few days ago a, boy named Arthur\ Laehlarookenapleye with J. & J. Ste- phenson, ewellers, L ,rdon, was about t to_ blow a t the light of a small tin Vas- "eal: filled with aloe val, tend used as a spirit Islip, when, n explosion • took place, thnowing the oy upon his back - and coveiiing his fac with the Scattered frEtgmen4 of the b ming wick. His hair at oifIce took fir and for a few minutes liis head wa a living hall of flaune. he blaze, h wever, was quick- ly xtine iihnd,tlie Foy conveyed borne, and mediical attends, ice procured. For a time 4 was fear a serious- results might eneue. The skin peeled off the heeled parts, and Ee flesh turned a dark blue, quiekly re, laaed by a seab covering !the entire ace. Underneath this undksirabi P CONY ring, a freela ekin is Fotaingeland it is nC thought the boy will suffiw any pilrrn neat injury. jr-A_ Spanish gentlemarawho emigrat- ed to America EsevA ity years ago, re- -Lai -Tied rkcently, te S sin iu a. steamer of hill ownand brow lit with him the whole ol his finds, which consists of law and daughters - This rem a, rk able DEtrried three times. leven ;III iltiren at seven births ; bib sa cond. wife had nine- teeu children at thirteen hirthe ; his third wife had tev births. : The yom seven children is nt ist.701 yelars of see. Bowel .0 er mild ufp rentl ma t nse Dr. o ler' Ext berry. t a th old all forms f nm er equire prom t -teat ggist anq eale in es. -715 .6 ry 11 ld or Or. y s uld a Sit like war swgirthanl Or let l ia hair g thi When Ci galese groW faster. Por s by j. 770.52.78 24 ; Exc 1 All overt tasy over D ted Ttt eland ate . King's N Consumptiou. Their °every by the timely n life saving remedy, cause nearly wild its prais teed to positively cure Colds, Asthma, Hay Hoarseness, Loss of 'V tion of the! Throat: bottle free 'at Hickeon Store, Seaf bh. Large 783.52. ev 197 persens, sonsen. 'iu-law net inclu,le.l. gentleman had leu His first wife lied • ands. oing into Diseover lookeld fo of this them It is gu vere Co r, Beene e, or any Lungs. & Co.'s aim) $1. A BleS In the are flood tisement n children at six gest of these thirty - w 19, and the oldest This Courageous ,prodiree of his kiwi is at present hale 'And he ety;inepit of his 93 years. He hes nev r tasted wiee or liquor., It is It su gested that he has given up frleasur antici ations of a fourth ' -*atria e. Those who are inelined to dtubt e foregoin fa.cts are referred to the M rid Este fette. Id mg to 11 Imes 'when ith patcrit t is grati yin to proon e , at will cert If you are bilious, bi Od liver inaeti e, or gener there is ot ing in the onre you quickly as They ar blessing to a 1 ma ikin can be h for qnly fifty -cent a of Hicks ct Co., Setatfo th. 783. kin nr n wsp edi ine to inly out ny erld lect now cure of ebili tha ic B 11 . Th Most be to all malaria -1 diseases Cure, a combination o gredients oily, of which able ia use in no other tion. , Thi remedy ia a. certain peeific, ande su other m dicines fail. 'A ed. -70 .52. - The Cur ativ of Ayer' S Sarsaparilla i to require the speciOus gerated or fictitieus cer ees of it' in.arvelena 1 c living in land. evideiac dTFO er's etab ost kno n pr absolut ceeds wh cure is w — Power too well id' of any ificate. res are evert city land. hamlet site for naines if you wan Dr. 'Cars Stomach Bitters free t poisonous Ainrriors th Kidney and vig the bloc on's le system at deVelo end Urinary diseases. ✓ to the eto ach and d. 811 Stomach Bitte •s, Pam Di Oar relieve Die,zietess, dip a.bceisle leiliovenese a stomach, livenand be ora's ve Consti a ion, 1 sic he 4cbe, la r. gni e the els. El man whose s'ir'elcut in al ow rust', i3 Renewe wil S. Rob rts, AYS DRYDEN Sh kn s her ra t aud ew Can .d w you ha.e. -Buti ust b bea such pe er ; a dbe ensured 11)y the use 14r Renewer. Sol, Roberts 77'0..5 .789. • otio. Ilir•—• J. Wetherell, iting from Winnipeg, says: " OBAn more a,b ut Phosphatine now than en I s - you lest in Toronto. My health is m ch Unproved, . and am free fro.' eadaches or any other ches, basin u d only two and a half ottles of you osphatine. For sale y all druggist 770.62S89. . ......—•—_. Peo le are Perfectly S e In buying and uskngthe great riemedy k own iii, " touptain -of Health," as ery botle tears the guarantee of the proprietors. It is a Blood Purifier. ,P ice 411.00.-798-6'2. 1 4•''s Pit the Poox'Dyspept* Povert with perfect \health is t -be chh en than riches and dys ry -thiai s.gic effect of a 'dollar o "Foil tain of Health? -7,98:5 .,. • ••• . \ Mr. omas erinn, carpertt r, St. t Iloilo, lacti says my wife has long& been with Ccnstipatiot, le has tad a at many 80 called-nur s, ebut • Allen oing her any lastin good. et 1 nmsa1- 26o. 5,52. I:lood is baster ?" ant and rneke it Seaforth. man, a ar, .to her • Can. supply the lace o head of natural more co forte fle the, other pr, parati ns for keiOwn I ' •s.* 'Wined beautifid ttna by the nee of t e Cin ewer. Sold at fifty c all druggists. 770.52.1 • d when yon ith a sin le ful hair to ha if 1 hOircan f the Ciegal 't Oc by J. BO S. , •‘s; '&11' :•11--S • xer: e • , 2:2 1,14r-.1 Ammo' osmium, .111. 4, 'ILI indHi . 1, Nth r.'eP c. rather epsi a. bottle , aiheautiful si ky I is infteit ly . switches,' nd h hair. , - al may be e c aally rester a, ail se Hair R•6- nts per bottle by 86. Dr. sto ach bitters cu ed her, and he inks ik,the best medicine ever • rcia e. tor sale, by all druggists every- whe e, in largei bottles - at 60 cents. 809.2. 40 .- ountain of Health " reg lates the bowels, and nvigor- the iver, curing .Headach Cue- atindice, and 11 die aharaoter. Mice, 11. fpr re -r' eat go hs,, ec- riar rug the No preparatio versal con:linen it affords, -and affects ixekidn Buren's- Wile these dir Stlessi F toy 0 has re ation he pe y die Cur g cern r Sale 0 se Medicin ved suoh the allevia, aneut cure , aspr. Its actio bats si J. S. Rob G. f _ Parkale, Tor had several ernmpsl, in the • Alustin's tnees t sand s d her e by al prs ver-, hat YP11. der, tdi Ura. rid tle gue f in- alu- Ara- and n, all rant - pleas bottl since a For a • Own eXag- tees- o-day f , the honae . IVI nto w it ery eV sto c Phe take, a has ealth drug is GO 21 1 I tes , tivenesSJ Piles, eases o a bilis. 798.52, ni- .on it an in ply ts. •-40, ountain of Health." It re vates tbe secretions, soothes theina c us surfaces of tlie he' ,throat, stona4l, bowelS, And bladder, e• pelting Catiarr in all its forms. •• Price 1.00.- 798'.52 oun.tain of Healt -Thi4 nediciue is mildly but increa.s- ing, y 4iiretio in its action, thu curing angle tees of the,nrinary orga s such as 1Gre.iel, Drops, Bright's d sease.- 798-52. .22 a, "lty wife re attacko . Hearin atine andi it gave her twei haa an at ack uch inapro, ed. B. 77Q.52.789 ' ilton, Ctire f r Dys cheap at fifty it. I aro a co cont'nus,11y, a of 1 a+ing ho MoC regor's -va1i8I thau tean at hom trial b ttles a Dru tore. and ie dolla t *ackl T e greate word War buritis bruise f the tone *rify With Pre contagions fevers have no old on toe.. son's Stomach Bitters pure a,nd cool. For gistt. Large bottles t at., Thozti Sickly And the elicate ,yo Dr. Aust 'a Phoeph countena eels. pale, sleggishl , erruptions pear, tog ther with al of either ternporary debility. No remedy restore collar to thelc Blood, ot ler ester render tb sale 1437 al 0 cents. oun Gi ng one 'Ile: 15 e lood on t e f the oth or const will so eeks; Etre seases blood drug- _ R a.ys: epsia hales liter d wo e w t pe E d wo and Lu Regul al ld er , Gre oe'S Speed I diestion ii priee aeked for main and travel no mere think opt a bottle of Cure t Ili:- my of leaving my g en & ' Wilson's siz fifty cents Credi cured Stoma. dies f i lots o highly sia go, 809.52. For M.Rt5h251;2:pwili. Wm. Payne, Station ailroad, Shedd Ria by Dr. when all oth ve recommen Talley Dys e h Bitters ed. I. ailway, men, and they f it. 1f you suffer fro your driiggist and get reeit ore eyes,.10 Churchill's incurable by resort 40 lye, and on will be sur impt relief. Price 25 ce Master, n, -was Carson's r retne- ed it to 11 think dyspep- a bottle. 1:NT ow Thal t iere 'eliable reined for kid- ney tr uble, half the terrors attached to thee complaints have been !removed, For this let all be thankful, and to Dr. 11 other rised at "A ER'S SARSA PARILIAA. bas cured me of B. qua I the i fianneatv Rheumatism, with, which ' "9 I I nav s ere Or many years. • 1 'W,. II. Moone."' Durham, Ia., IVIare 2, 1882. _ , "Eight years rig I had an 'attack Of lthe4matism so s Vera that I could not MOve from the bed, or dress, without help. triedseveral remedies without much if y relief, until I took AYER'S SARSAPA- LLA, by the use of two bottles of which I s completely mind. I have not been roiled with thd, Rhenmatism singe. axe 'sold large quantities of your sAPARILLA, aria it Still retains its wonderful popularly. The many notable Oi res it has effected in tais vicinity eon- viinee Me that it is -The ben blood -Medicine • e 6er offered to the pUblic. , E. F. Itaitnts." River' St.; Buckland, Mas., May 13, 1882, "List Match 1 was so Av ftlx froth. gener- a debility thatlI could ot walk without h lo.' Following the advi e of a friend; I c minenced taking 1,AYBIt' SARSAPARILLA, ki, d before I had sed th ee bottles I:felt n Well as 1 ever id in ny life. I have en at work no for two months, and t ink your SAMS PARILLA the greatest lood medicine in e jwAoitErVs. MAYNARD." 520 West 42d St., Now York, July 19, 1882. Sciatic.a, Liame 13 nOacted C sprains. EST HO Ti Large UHL euralgila, .01r, Luitab ago, amp in Muscles, LINIMENT.SE cites 25c. Each. S rs parilia es heumatis , Neural la, Elienxim- ti Go t, Genera Debility Catarrh, and dis dors cause by a thi and impover- ished, r corrupte , eimdition of the blood; eXpelliug the bloc) ptilsons from the system, enriching and re ewbig the blood, and re - string its vitaliz• g power. pitting a long p riod of unparalleled use; halnesS, AYER'S S 111SAPARIELA. has proven it perfect adapta itin to the, cure of all dis- seS originating in pdor blood andweakeued ality. It is a highly concentrated ex- tract of Sarsaparilla and; other blood - purifying roots, combirted with Iodide of Potassium ad and is the safest, most reliable, an most ecenomicai blood- pinifie&• and blood -food that !can be used. eto ' ommme., -; -A ..Zs• r - IN NORTH.AME Ftoin A iroat and Lung eDR.WILSQN.S PUTIM07.15. Y Cli max bOaLuniater Rheumatism Cured. eV:4e VCA' 15ea Van all rnov • our . fail. n's .Ar t Medic anted , cuts u fevelrsores, ancere, cor4s4 tetter, chappe skinedruptio s, guara evely instau e or mo cen. s per box For a &O. 783.5 "1 had be to otk, and lief d e.as li Ind gstion. getigab Cu e 1130 lbs. weiJ 165 lb my life. I °net that b Fell, ilson's tri ottle ee and o ;need eh the curses ce tap - !signs ns etickly gth to Tn 1-f a its fel gr er n for felt' a te, OAT( I wei ;ttuleof used. . d was ought amilt drug r the edo : riin an 1 • I r`i H ir I' elle original colcr, ictles to rodeo wth. 1 1 alte keit' d and:1i oealea a dbari les a st•relal nd at g14( Parke'e Oar po eld of V cei ate, and phi ples, blc rt. eib. skin. fa -1. Try i mede t.a peel olic ae has ue tches, u It gave. . 7951.5 ioa SOve. vi nder of the o s coolly cure, cer, , salt rheum, pile , hilbRains, haIad and, all teed. t cu .0 in ey ief tided. 25 b Hiekson uren's Kidney, Cull, award raise lox having thus -re - a hitherto fatal disciase from th. It was never tiacown to old by J. Ss Roberts. -70.52.70 'Traln folio 8 goiN E4i.r Ex& Mbie Mixe GoiNG Ex Ex iu 0I lis unable t ongh would as u h Iys.epsia and bed a t e time of cGr g r's Speedy 3 bottle, and now ver w s better in cGieg r's speedY aroma. . So says n Go t Lumsden tore an 1 get a free ✓ gul r s ze fcn fifty a . 7 . Hatr dnaly wilil r; eid •tri -a new! a leaues an I es dtet ailing out? store it to ulaAe ,the d luxuriant the sc,alp, a most, ing. 79352 rand Trunk Rail s leave Seaforth and Clint° EST— • BEATroltalt. es ...... P. M. Egg( ...... 8:42 P . M. Train A. M. Traiti. 5-40 P. M. BART— ss 6:82 A. M. riess Tfain.....1:88 P.M. Mi Train......4:8.) PM. Mid Train,....9:80 A. M. London, Huron and ooi. 0 NO/1.111:- Lo don, deport.. . , Exleter , HenSall . Kippen ..... ....... ...... ..1. Briptefield . . & Clinton . Londesboro .... Myth . .. Wingharn, arrive go dr voill II. •••• OI 14 SOUTB... vit 1 i \ itigharn, depart Blyth Londesboro. Clinton B ete,,,:field ..I pen ..... .............. . II, still. . . Neater L I) ndon, arriye B o Ohe • Wi sou' drug. age a: loG egor & ate. t ie corn- arboli acid and Exp A 1.• 1.410 7 • • • ay , staticins 88 LINTQW . 1:17 P. M.- :00 P&L 8:20 A; 6:20 P. M. CLINT0N. 6:17 A.M. 1:17 PM. 3:50 P, M 8:45 A.M, TUCE). ess. Mai -- M. R:ar. 25 400 36 516 '50 6 81 64 585 08 6 45 it 25 6 10 I! etreugthens the wh 44 6 30 58 6 89 PREPARED DY fell. Express mi. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. 21 7 10 A. M. P. M. ohl by all Dreggists; price $1, six bottles, $5: 10 2 40 45 -313 54 322 20 350 85 405 45 418 50 418 05 r, 4� 10 535 " CHERRY BM-0AM Would 1-14ve Pr63eent6d. Sold _Everywhere at 27576-nts al B ttle. Two Bottles In One, 40d. lttg .BRAYLEY, MONTiRE L " Mack's Magneti NERVE AND BRAI odic* FOOD A Cure Guara teed. FOR OLD AND YOENO, 114, AND FEMALE Is a sure, prompt and effectual ronedy.„-fot er- vcugness in all its stages, Weak Memory,\Xess of Brain Power, Sexual Prostmtiot, Night wept% Sperrnatorrhocea,Senal Weak iess,Leu Barreniuss, and General Leas f Powef. It re- pairs nervous waste, rejuvene ates the jaded in- tellect, strengthens the enf led brain, and re- stores surprising tone and vi4or to the exhaust- ed generative organs in eith4r Sex. LOT With :each order for rwEnva pa ,Itt es, accompanied .with 85, we will send our wri ten guarantee to :refund the money, if the tr atment does not effect a cure. It. is the cl,eape.t and best niedi- eine in the intirktt. Full rartwulars in 1our' pamphlet, which we desire to mail lice to any address. Maek's Magnetie Medicine is sold by Druggists at 50 cents per, b x or 12 box for 85, or will be mailed free of po. Loge on reeeij3t of money by addressing K'S MGNJ1T1C MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont Soid by an rug- g.sts-. Guarantees issued by S. RosBars, Sea - forth. 7431-5 NORMAPS ELECTRIC CURATIVE APPLIANCES 4 - - ESTABLIS.HED 1874. pPAEITES AND CORES Spinal Complaints, , -3-" General and 'Nervous Debility, IthenniAtisrh, IGout, Nervousness, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat, and Chest Complaints, Ne tralgia. Bronchitis, ', 1 Incipient Paralysis, Astina' r. Sciatica, Sprains, Consumption, Sleeplessne.ss, Colds, Indigestion. Ask for Norman's 1t*ctrie Pelts, and you -will be safe against impo,ition, for they will do their work well and are, cheap at o ny price. A. NORMAN, 4 Que u St East, Toronto.' E. HICKSON & Co , Agents, Sealrorth. 753-52 ----t-- ---- 1 4 • AYER'S SARSAPIRILLA cures Scrofula nikall. Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip- la)t,. Eczema, tingwOrm, 'Blotches, 'ores, Boils, Tuanors, and Eruptions of he Skin. It cleats the blood of. all impuri- ties, aids digestion, stimulates the action of -Ole bowels, and thus restores vitality and le system. r failed to ernove (-Trate( sorts, and s when all others tit 1 Por all d'aorder f the at and kidne ?s, D. Cadge - Bitters are nsur a scd.5 en the Who c nau. c lar flys .- . ri. h1 a, thy c mpb :exio , ken edge f appeti e, apd h althy a tionlligan efra eperr'eies of the h t •• :I . Kr 14,1s Flu Cures to 4thacble a 118.4h, , eliev s tle cheap:st andi kn wn. by st neutralgia, eada bago, solat ca,sor mach,li-ver, 'a S omach ey ren gth- gem, cgivea bkthe arou e into e 09.52 d: tnitg. and Inc ralgia 'quick ny lpugn application li toothache, atis , lum, ac te pains 1 Wellington, Grey an Go NO NoRTS- 1 ; telei rossels luevale .... .... 'Ingham ..... , GOINO Sputa- 11'32egtbsai sm . ressels... ....... , . t hel tuckes er witl thieti hroat o Ace. P. M. 1 29 1 23 2 00 2 13 Exp. A. M. 5 28 -5 38 6 f 4 6 06 Bruce. Mail. A. M. 9C5 10 05 1080 10 55 P. M. 610 720 8 0') 8 33 an. .M. 20 9 34 9 51 0 02 Acc. A. M. 18 0 30 o 40 1 ti7 THE C NADIAN DANK OF C HEAD OFFICE, TO PaPtitp Capital, - .11{ciot, - • President, Hort. -115;2,. SEAFORTH: BRA . The Seaforth Breech of this 13 rt Ivo deposits, on which inteee the oo.lfi favOrahle terms; D afts on ell the principal tow Can da, on Great Britain, and Sta ea, boneht and sold. o c10 --First door South of H t 1. 633 A.H.IBELA • OLMESTED, Solicitor. tPapoti: tONTO, HRYSTAL & PRAMICA OILER l'HE Subscribers have boegh Boiler Business lately Gerrie eh Fouedry and Mannfectu ha ieg had an experionee of o t4ult shop, arenas, prepared to e ji all its brenehes. Any work entrusted tons yr t ention. ,First-cless wcrk gn 11 kinds cf Boilers mede a oke Staoks and Sheet Iron go able rates. ' ew Salt Pleas made and old th shortestnloice, and at pri pe Wan. Ott YSTAL& BoxI. 6,(froo,(i 90, ,65feetteme. citfaster. "CH. nk continuss tr t s.altosgqi s and cities Irf on tne United! Gonamercia: -D, Manager. LACK KERS, $500 nEWARD We will pay 'the above rewarl for any case of iver Coniplaint, D3•Spcp5is., Sick- Headache, In- digestion, Constipation or Costivenn-a we cannot care With West•s Vegetable Liver -Pills, -when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Veeetebte, one never /nil to giv, Latisf.c- lion. Sugar Coacd. Large b: xes, e mealeing 30 cent s. • For /ale be all Drurgists. , Beware of 'counterfeits and imitations. The genuine mainline tured only by JOHN C. WEST & Co., "The I ill 11akers,'81 & 83 King St. East, Toron- to, pnt. Free trial packnee sent by mail pre- paid on rceeiph of a 3 cceet stamp. For sale at ltoberte Drug store. 1 7352 stow FORFgiT! gavinq the utnim.t confidence in its superiority over all others. and 1.1 t or t lionsw..da of tests of the nit cemplieeted lad bevC1 tat !cases we conld flied, we !eel justitl .d in rffering to forftit One Thriwolud Dul ars for any Pu -le of coughs, colds, sore throat, trilluliza, larasemoss, bronchitis, consumption iu 115 farly s az', whoopir g cough, and all disenees of the thrt.at and lungs, except, Asthrns, for whieh we only claim rebAl, that we can't core with Wei t's Cough Syrup. when taken l at•eording to directions. Sample bottles 25 and fiCleents ; large bail rs 21ne &lilac Genuine wrap- pai•B 0My in b 'ue JOHN C. WEST & CO., 81 & 83 Kirg St, Ea,,t, TOLon to, Ont. For. sale at 3. S. Itobects Drug stdre. 793-52 I illone22400016="e''''''...21e2e=42212iFf=1=1=2, ; E-LEAL.TH 11S WEALTH!, Dr. E. C. -West's ieTtrve and Brain Treatment, a i gna,rentted siescifel fer Iiysteria, Dizziness Con- ! l'IlliFinn,-, Fite, Nireoul Neurs'gie, Ilea:lathe, Nervotel Prostration c , tined; by the use of aleohol or tobae,-0. Wald -fell tee, Meetal Depression, 1 SefteniT g of the lititirr., les i Ili r g in Inanity and 1 leH illy, to 'mist ry.d. Pay ur d death, Premature t ' Premature('i1 see Burrnee eeeL tet ri` Power in either lai.X, Involuntary Lossq : ant S anniutorrlApit, Parise(' by over-PxpeiOn off lb.': biPir„ sPlf-abuse or over iOdu]getip,.:. (1Y.e kir:: Iv! 1 enri. r: cent cut.ea. K.o.n box pont:Ors I411 fnontb's t opt or:nt• One (teller a 1» x, o? 14' x -,..:,--: t i' tivo th -Bees ; eent by 1 Mail pr Tejo' on rtteit-ipt of rid .e. We guerantee 1 Me Lexte4 t recurs' ay ca 'e With cre'1 order re - 1 c.;ived be es for sixil: )xee ere neetlei. d with ftye 1 (Wit:rap 'WO 'Wi 1 12..11(1 ti;l• pm cletser our wiitzen fritarcutoe in refuli-fi ;Ito mon; y if the treeement i ewe I el‘ efer et'.a Pun:. G'ozurantef.opa issue.ronly .IS • loe Is se.1:eFt'rriz, d gcut f Sea. 1,ott, ,,mettl. 301n O. West & C., Sae topre- I! it, rs Torente. ! 7e8- 2 the Tools and on by the God - g Company, and -tr eight eettae iU ry on the tra receive promp. nteed. ,d rtpeired, 'ork, &e., t rel enes renaired es that defy com, jA &OK, 31 Goderieb. DR... FELIX LE BRUN'S G AND a a-u-LaT"-, ; A Oulueinteed Care for Gonorrl on, and Gleet Oslo, ,paataut raid irliuble. No had efieets from Os WO. I) )0; not int erf !re with business or diet Price V per box, or three boxes for 5 Writte gattratxtes issued by rico; y duly auth...rizarl ageat to refund the money if twee boxes fail to cruel. Sent pot -tags prepaid on receipt of price ad11rc84 J. S. Bobats ntbOriz1 agent for 8efortb. Dri Felix Te -Brun & Co., 81 & 88 King St. Dale,. Tor onto, Sete Propritipors. 703-52 That is what a great paal...y people . am ' doing. don'tjust know what is, t io matter, . but • th y. have a conabinatiort of aches .a a pains, and each mouth t )3 :grow wqrse. The only Sl1TO remedy ....i -et found. is SI:ITIWR ANIJ IIkoN , BITTERS,- ancl this -by, ra i(i ' *and thorough ussimilat or with the blood punt' s , fl'.. 'enriches it, and: rich, strt n!.: .„ blood flowing to every pirs, of the system repairs - ..1.- 1 wasted tissues, ('Irivds )11.7 disease and givqs ilealtht n,L . 'strength: 1 This is ..cvliy ..,1r,T,Twil-rt ___ Ill.ON DITTP,:aS N'iill eu -.el jit- ney and ' liver- disea04.4,' consu11I1)ti011, Them lat. i)11, neuralgia, clyspe.psiu,, Il- inusness„ intermittent fe ver3 87.0. Ofric-f. of 1:glwo-4 a•4.1 Kenai Gr trcr, Cor. Ilicury J„Nzaticlietie Illolitre,t1, Nov. 7 h. 1 I wa l groAt su from dyeapsi, aid roe s Nve(ir.s C mid eat not in kr ver. I tri.,1 Si. 'twit Arra J'ar neve a ein ha py Mill' 1!".1..';` lo,1 1 no 'nd atn11.uc.1 1) „tter vx: -way.- _2. vera (1nts: .• 1.• ••f.„ TRADE MARK REGISTERED. Another Great _Boca?, in, Winnipeg. I , Tel tetanal observation, wt find all una spreuin. , -3.-" tors have a cleat- head, sad watch the tips and ; • downs of property, thus n eking large fort:noel). 1 But the wfiele sceret+ is, tbe keep the system in is . 1 healthy condition by the use of TIrM Pitt* ' OF THE VALLLY MEDICINE. • We can safely I pay Mgt hundreds erne to us tier the great lung , and blood purifier before e0ine west. Bead tha 1 i• folloeirg statement. We cold give thousands F of the same kind it it were necessary. "I eertify 1 that I was troubled -with catarrh in the head, ir' ! gathering of phlegm itt tae throat, choking and ; 1 coughing tte night for year 3, So 1 could not sleep; . often troubled w.th dull, airless feelings, peine .:. 1 in the chest nnd beck Af -er eiving hundreds of i the Pullin or TETE VALL,EY, slid. ant new able to (loiters to docters. AA 0:1113ga:4p, 1:111antKil:fiess,,,I t:Te:.. 1 IFIEFell.k T b t toi2E4 of my wife's is eorrect. ssoiveneo eStreet, Loedon, On. Xanies McNeil. For frill e by all drur.gists in, sda::th.Nii: -DESPNI I—E A-DUM-745..;'52 '1 , i _..... i TRAD MARK.' TRADE IA R 1 lefore Taking rprtz GREAT ENOR, SII REMEDY f-eit -3- vons Debility and all Nervous Affections, eluding Sperm atorrh4a, Seminal wealoae•S,ect.) rtsulis of Svlf-abu:se indiscreti‘n, Le., 'is G AY S SPECIFIC 1flDIC1NE. This i 'Mae only remedy which hail e Fr been known to per. manently cure Palpitotim said other affeetiOna ef the licart, Cotstunpt en in its earlier steges, Bushing of blood to t beed, wind in ;he stomach, lncligeation, L RP of Memory, Want 'of energy, Bashfulness, D sire for boiitault, Thdts- position to labor en ace runt of Nyman. as, UniA verselLessitude, Pain i the beck, dueness ;of vision, Premature old e re, ert. Foil partigulars in our pamphlet, wLi.h we eend-Beatn elY bested ou TtICCipt of a three ea t etemp. The apseifit is now 1,old by 1211 riggitesl el per paekttga,e or 6 for 5, or will be sent free by men- reeeipt of Illoney,by add ,essing 7'49.5 - THE GRAY, T,TE WINE CO,,,Toronto, I I a BitlA K et SEAFORTtis OFFICE ----In the prem48e3 former- ly occupied by th,e f Com- merce, and under the:Co raercial Hotel, _Main Street. , NOTES AND BILO DISC UNTO. English and Forsign. E cb.ange Purchase and So FAIRM13ALE NOTE money Lent ou Ciallater i Seettritite 11, Purchased at Reasons* Rtes. , i : 1 Drafts Issued., payable tt jar at all t Branches of the Bani o Co arnerce. ! INTEILEST. Allowed on Deposits .Money to Lon on M tga es. M Manager aod Noy ton EAFOIITJJ 1 LA.iNGN „,, t.„1 I •••• - care to r•Ilai.A h;tz .t; et, •.•011„: hire p,•4o'n>.ntnir, „L.I;, 1,7.4 t r•ac-1 ne ,..ry be f .corrt. Ny'.1 e s ol 144. -three. P itendievti 'nti 4 -.1 •;f: :Vim 4 e .5 1 : . lar, -e :sr ,,f a 131.in' t= -1, Dry ]';ii1,?1 • "„, aofid. e4t Lath, ff:c. TiOleelsconfident 6f vingR'.3.ti;ifasstii.t• who mayfaveur hire eitl) tbele re. ret naec,ef but firstrelasswortm aasreenarl,)yed. Perifenlei ttent paiZ to Custere plaza:Le 201. JOH_ JL13110:.kl)FIJILIrt. .11,14'44