HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-08-03, Page 4cau Oup &foremost placlafn Si Bill Du14 be exceedlingil bel a a con1sined asider- on 'ThO Ted 6 buil, Nevre of the Week;' first c ago one 0 for some time. Thel shinion or ie Provin(es? M, order. I itw horses from stj� ingers foF t at laywhedt,flour,pori 11 1, Jyomiu on Governica t �e ii 4ter 0 ere about bi yidg 9 is to be ea 31INE.Si; RMLED.—Thirty-flire mi ners 4bl4o b uffei m1be. los o� octlLgon in forml �each side ing &1)0,4 And v Jilat about thei.- och r i Ption t Oetermiud .1. his it is U( t v e oess.4r., r to also stDred harness, and all tlit ) iMple- if Stole 1, the.v Will W1 the have beenXiffed by the explogfon oi a ments used ot � the- farm except I be reap- their pirchai money ilf 11he owne twouty-five feet, long, g teskin il, withdrillOWIllig'tbe Act I l4ply"de'Proll id ate one ac b o ex girt two b-madred feet. Voi mine in. Siciy. burns up, 3 Rid# p%ta i . ;LI: i V in Rat Portage rri. c hi altbot some, fo PA vi p r, er. 1be ins rai was only fo r $1,000. nig, and i igh, -a j. laces Cz&r is uneasy Dver —Mea ri Adam Xce be eigliteei feet h nd tbe.di.. -operation The tc bal loss, will beabout thre a, thous. t Wink t at i is. 1' 140 the renewal �Of plots, AU4 G03bel, Mitchell have Pur haseA th 3 tance from opposite corners stot g1 oea, 10 and do tory oilloatin ?" On i P:i b the I mi irs: I . 10100 9XV - fiv.6 feet ats I he many arrest a have bi�iia i made in the 0 1 a ar e 4t compli'l; lit of the In por e Of _C(uacill rM oneyof Mords has Comni al b �te in..Br ke and Tfiemtost singular fe&buft for W citeir Organs are all ditimb - 0 �fig em - the struotiire, wil be the eel & blib id my. Ogges'ion on thie it Sept Suppori adin ' ad stolli 1431ing built Under W4 barn to take S got eirfl, ; r * —Ano, or salt lin 'roof, tl ke Act is that it is DiscovnRy OP S.&LT. xt Hr.� Itoomig into 8 8 biere bei-* no beams or aw nd tb e building sided anew . ana now ber no timberi U19 U11 rer. T1 in! ro'd onery buslu 51N e Wh at Ontsid of t y and for po Ii bical ehl has been struck at Genesee, 'N' n i c. running aefoss Z e-buildin support d ndidi aceDmmodation fbr his outhis c Dfecti g to The 00roner oi, 1E llumll)* ticallyopplif at ef, depth of 990 feet. 1'4 is the as SI e .11: 368i, and� t 0 b. those pol 1 - I and run ing the hotel himi el The otel it. The wb le fabric will x t a Senat I . I rk rops. 1131 foullid to urcist yet discovered. &4�0 One, and 1 best houE 8 Strong stone wall seven and a. half endtj� Plumb ba been- t 9 Io tilae Gover nent are bei a blar I ly. —Tenders are advertised ftir the s a lar fr t o eSMIned ti 4 ILL.—The. Rev. G H. for it !was -high, which is now alm Jj SPURGEON s- daily f four in .�hei P ace. 'The slim pal. ost Compile Pep h divihe V nce, ot the mail Benato M bi Not I A ubj detly rciated n loe 30n a] 'r, Wm. Goa duer i emulate: r 'Spurgeon, the famouE Engli Vears betwe n Seaforth and Gorrie. t8,000. being built by ?if e(i he a ew repu -out, tatin a: stone m asoi contei with big 41oits �ir Torth een att acUed rements fox th oftour co spiquol (in wit I Sint as is I sfaemer, I Las b )mtedig law ottract will cominelice on — be, measu M Brant u ing the reeent-eleAh iAhem, ''bythe0iii Colsel-vativb4p po* S" is dangerously'al Col xi bridge were t I a MU h6 rlih!l 4t] of Ootob6r next. 0 Shen a fe w a3 6 if avorably known by the CoMi nity Of_bheL -FAILURE —T e' failtre a V a ' Mr. -Hardly, Of 1xetezi su rrounain hi be muit fill the celawns of M Ve aHEAVY F' —i�r. Henry Beadle, tIZO eteran since, a g towns ps. 6 j1pro eJot 61Y the 0ontri ;o theri --The Wingliam Advai I Bent to SfiamottBricithers,oi aton,lbelargest the P ce has withfibures and fa, sehooas for It pnr- f whom he borse man of Blyth was.. 6ffere !,' 3,400, been p thA reSidjl3g Sit 1 ot keepeirs is Million ced. d f6llowing wbi6he dem, an excelleti; �blb he ot of whom tanners' in the or d' 'P' t " 1 obal*y tenders wi be 01 le I f for big ia�porLed horse, I Free, and In all pi irit vern- b uili lin 9 : idea anent Lactqase Matte -.64 pose 0 convicting the Ontitirioll whoi accordipig U a's stets, 65,(00,000. cithe work d rji Arrauge. Implains, I big,, HQuest� Tom" yearling olt, but fori ot ce, an t]l -obai, e by ment of extravagan aoi- HIS ContifflAiOnS, rly granted li 6�_ 'LOST LXx, IN IRELA 341111. —A� ri cul ural I)n mmediately. T4e spai ments are beingimad '3 VV aubau. t & -e! imprope I .. I atemen refuseito seil. pushed ipeg Sul nearly to -n abat that 0, alit eturns for 1882 shoW that X,000 ores 4 50 feet'. and the dost��i aake2- auhkeeLacross Club,of -Ninghani Win how'ever, axe so'abiolut4y. i I 18i ar ri Conservai Hash id Mr. Hi Hollingshead, of H Y I lost a (if land have relapsed to bTg i i Ireland, !hold ai I -the! q a va)ual.le driving borse last WeEk, The peo6tod to exceed the estidateoi,any match �etwieea thia even h is -own friends 0d po itic il allies counties of; ron and a' b "&r in zl�ind that if li, a r is and the aret, under or 4as decrease ruce, -to be 43 y disi and Of simal appe�red to.have bacon: e fright- aqr��x b ffi el d PlaYed Ible amount. L in Wip- -will act. Swallow- tl em, Tb inniveg Sunday at ther impr er 14 acres. John Jamieson, h al the ened- by tb storm, ii burst a blood Septemberi when to An W8.—.Tn tearing foul j . 11 -apers �o�ver t'hI [Am BAG -o ai a re supposed I io foi ars, bith s s" it.is not Ill )red Times isedited gontlen aii a hotel. he �pei ' ' 3 u r 1 -year old thoro 9 vessel by ping into the In -Lr ger. 'so own a old house a! Warrj� Springs, asdm the 4t f to'be in thei�, stronge f orm. Both several years occul lie�'the ?n of S turdR3 s Loudon AdVerti 3e r says: Blo b,"from th her at I 'law whi- at fault, but al —S If Maple �'� aple clubs to pick -frota 1. is days Ago'i _ Odge, bb t counties have I ,I orth Car(Jins, a few' f th ae as Smith, a 41 1A M r. ITIAL ii, ZY over! or 0 are ofi It es, r. Hugh Ljve, 'a -prominent. farmer and.gooi r -layer 14gh cra . f keleton f s ven birth to 00 n n. Wat ljovr 3 them b Exeter fate Z writiagg is solves of the ivithaleathermai ag do co beloDgina Seiafc rth leading, political 1 Of t tonto, rant, of a, mail carrier Was ha' gi tbi lv B 1 r, Huron 1;oing able and stock brE eder of Hills Greeff, Huron Mail, and to who i, a d Who fai io avail and 6ver tfiir courity,.cam( into the city on the Lon- in an mou Agra pick from Winglian tp-trib birth o A dtite�11827. ' , .1 1 1 Goder cli, Brussel a d in- w affords for letters )ecial oi Ite morn- to Mr. Ji-timieson also gave 81 six in t miagniloir very great mciai thei posi�lo Antageswiltich the I d I't A SEA. No-YAGE ON Tm�yma !—A OD,B uron apd Bruce sl pair. of twins this sp ing. ii Mr. Ja i(iiI 13�ruco -having pick f rom. WaIkeition So pi ing last W4 le 181 vag, - flaence wh com- 8 i6 punish ent of th. t3t) an no -me eeN. U Ow, I(ar I I i I( supre n and erry ciosgeX thi� E.n4lish —N.r. C. MoRgem6arBelravie son is. al extoDsive breeder, and his an; Paisloy,. dine, and �T�n the: mb's oC Mani In J6 Tvelawma esomple.pi Callsis on a haDpel from Dover tb )-Ithf -ye. command a." good p ic possibly one or I iwo other e big in the bwat i8 flak on 26th �f June, and oil tbo mala alwe itcount which we do not letters, the Ti= 8 done, and if it4B Ilot tricycle, last !Satuiday. He ay. illon for -his ll sin a ei ers all inow ojf. 0. Julylepickeidastim. from thi� field f6dr two,year old b Y ossib' E lug tile match �s an auged-to come off big wri�ibn a, pub. le arted from Dover at 0 a. m,, arrijyi recentiy' sold here tvori . fault rests wit a tb iches in engdi. Senator PI iv I that. npasuro6d 89 year old bteer being some ei of tt e; 6u the nancial POS n of t Calais at 5 P..m. $60' a fine game may be ex 3ecta. The ho letter Lot some of the flax growers, who can each, u -t y expen g of the VI -respondeini, or. 00. .8. lomselves. If our Co.. RA.ILWAy Li XCIDENT. - , —Tho'Clintou New Era last ee Wingbam, boys 13 her -of OntanD, from whi . it '!Is ill only ay informiai I beat Uiilit stajoa up., Ud tie Rome ., nd 'Wabert?wn- sai C n T ': a ay two oof:� the xis itors while herd,:- -thus it, N rill at thSt Mr. P umb thc 0gh a v1dry A'as not ott They lookina f the latter b.,, and bee, ren niow ink other rk F ern .Pare ff 013 r carried on Y., )n 4 day M.69sre. Win . Lyo mut Tai way, net r Clayton, rode emigr!Lt ts wO tte does nob kn aw owbit -e' he. against lese offend, 3rg, b a will i on r3 Eketer Times that t re around town Ithe IDS sil able nian, inform th, 'v' S e no 13 night,'by wlich'an exe rigion wain as Y ce of hat tereatiny a match I �etween two n. � The an lated i I n exe se officer. When isked rp us i 211t a4 that the 0 P178 iL vi- from -Ilensal� to Exeter, a die ap has writte w q#ori '&I !P 1 1. here s-h-olikI. ori it. would h b ter t1( 'Eay wrecked an I S large nui�nber f-pas6en- six Miles, 6n�tbeir bi w4nted', the woan blandly rE - towns. The S4,ecietary of the Waub-all. P io4 for the r pnt]IisbmeDt, and , f be Cyples, eli even-- v; I i ! tio liatil. it is flual y mar -ad want Pay .: i �? hot — by ndfi d all: lonaid, gers killel an, d wounded. 'in j f B�dlsi I M wah kee's will 7ite to Sew etaries of all WARM hoarded Sa � 0 - inai si ne-o' the short �pacib of Abirt h As to Ao e find 8 ult ADFui; FATAL thousand I Una b aboul . not DRE IT -P, Six rint." eing'infornied tb other clubs in t] i:e two C ntiAes, -,Vhen simply represcint�d the ceF a of -oven ue minutp be 0013aemn have been lost b an were a' ri rl�e, as the, law' because he oen�es Dre five hu'udreol lives I bu here, and if, there w, a 3 :we hope tb ey Will; see fit to' over e. �penditure *,� he�l —A Zlalual o horse and ' 0 excis 0 ffi CP,lr gy in the Island of 18cbia, 'pear a PtOV ace, was in t y ises of a are: crbvOded tinued. I 'I Natles., The ho -a. 9 nfa3c t a r on eart I 'to do With lj�x rent, sb 3 this match. �t and he. h d othin" owat_ B g Stolen fr6m t a premises of ni. a Fir Vince,-,, and- ,on-th giowth'Of t Pir John 1pird Gray. ConstableChapman seem�eci Sxe wit U D-tted a in' .�in 144., udary what to o, an -ad &4 ger outlay, but he p is did th 11 r wo evici nd tho dead ho�ses evi ent y ha fear of beirih' Th niWord. C 'Tnim uitim�te ownership o. !a and have been -in pursT I of the was e Ci01)s in Manitob 1 in pr( porti n 111 But - it Pears lives th not in ease in pr( f filled.:."Tge seends are 4earllr�ndin&. prol erty has The owtier of the house, S Ill 9th by sr -,,nio olar anil Bruce Railvi a haA circular w s ielauea i nine 2 leg- ficient reason that oG �e me it ,even: �y A B113LIC &L DiscovEjiy.—Tb.e P.*) ,Tn thief ut as et the stolen 0 Out of toliwn. t U re to, Nau-itob R t., length definitely. settled. 'I'lle9h en resebvered Tboni's Stiuson (f Sta I the D ep ty M r ister of A gri with tie aid of a. prote 'ti tit i can tiDe exploratiob f und has.-indl[rectly re- deriell he strife, The firsIJ meteting for. the I -Tc 420 correspoll cuts, of whom 260 haii wa 'comp tril' , east f a Olinton w 9 8 04 be. I mits. and Qt eb I covered from, a Bedouln o distriet,of th' Metho this h encourage the ggrov. tli 'o, ti �jo ec Ralwa ay' (list cliure' ca led 0 No ra, foll -their i Premier 1 0 replied U to. The ialueof thells, Hence it hapened t kov which is c ji trolle by th 3 Caba I Ian the Jordan pieces of skip. (�ontaioiug year, will he hold -in t)ie eburcli i -Clin- Tuesday, He 4ame to thO' coun tiy (f P a the hot,co a , as it reports will bei better jdg �d when a t Sik J u Mae. portions of Deliteroaon�y ara,: the Com- ier( - up by t n a , A a roi 6d fox a pqrlo'd of 'ton on or about the 21st of. AuouE t next. - 11aron ift the yeir 1834, an& can understood that each one is froM B 6 Lgod t =41 red gon t 13 pific, ha: manaments made aboub.eight Ill of L 5 a e to donatd, that tho-aurp no w4s. 999 years -&I an sin a oil 4eni iv I It is at this meeting ral fore jug ly claini'to boone Of the sepelOrs towpoldpi. The rAsi dqul; Of ed. I, wotLId hardly, be Re. years B. 0. ftall)Ces of tbe distriet'are constdoered. settlers;ithe firit ton years��'of b ti also very 9tr . AND KNESIOT-k. ion 0 ese replies were written olnriq. SY N WISCORsilil 3! - - ud, cusi John of' ox V ce on this' (00. The -90, th�prefore, )ecomeE siDent iq� Glade ic the di�h I woe IJ of J t _I,agt S8turday n., t JohnI Hills sidence here was the 8 Cond uly,:at the begm sole Str8Dgth of fa' In tb 3 e Kpen-. IiAhch of ism Pd 0: fie, I ich _—Leprosy prevails to au ala ming ex� ja�msgeid and he xpreseed tl�,e belie' tbati th di�pbted ti ray was considerably of ram lig tb' a Canad nibg of whi the . : I ll n rth- aAure of theLDo tent amongthe Norwe ounty town did more basin s 50 $ear ,e L Do i Us N �st ly in- i gJaus fX - b as SL lure by lig�ltDiDg. One Of the posts wais Split, c �j toial'"- triet Of Add i i making a dilatermi ned affol: A to 1 s.6 I being lelt in n arly'every district to 'ges 'Wisconsin. T)je d se! so e western . I i does, to -da thop�4 75 d3fil crease,] since 1867. ars bripg shing�lesorn -off and a general 4haking ago t�a 15, ty. 1 4 encing 01i �a virtually consi arable d 3gree. Cb� mm d6nal to be nih I bm ap esred in Orions I all. also cheli But S611�t Dr PI Vii C 0 trol of e.roa P eastern Miiinesot lYsi- T110 FIL t:O " udininistere- A borge bielopg�ug% to years o aae�, he N yet vi the 11th in the "western u of Ontati. UT 8 In Mixes are ortio the a in gnoring 8 :b vir- a or. hearLy. On otbis -earliest and w�rrr- for fatal r i istake i rravenhars V o Ca, le it wi�l be cians Say .less protective In in a field near by was 4 include1 him, grazi Province, and on the 12th in the east, this t will be Affe ted -8 is tnally floes t e� wii ing iDut (Of ti uni- rei�pexnberec iihowe-er, that the Tfon- -taken Soon lati, est frie W. Rafteribur one provInel . I killed. lid ly, nY er, shoWers, ollowed by heav Vand debt. The Vern-, terribly'. ,P t Grey an, i �ruce was for m erlk� lea said —A. ljarn�i_eloning to Mr. elger, Clinton. dor storms, Prevailed, and], suppilea the. f aCOmplis, a tl� i 6t deed, THE CROLERA.—The obolers appears 'It En meat, in order to eii mucb-folt wall1t, The genfral SltleftgaLof wati74 -part bf Aigy M of the ninthilconcession, Ste � , was —Th a Howip teri of S tni , i . had to distribute . r. Macdonielt I d' s, stir. W! the Gr ho Trunk, but )efore" t�() Egypt, turday day itistisys: the Presbyter a b'th to be-extendiDg its ravages in -S 4 tremendl fVIas -and bas broken p1meed be.. 013 6 Di o operation a c3an e School �f Gorrie and tbei Mao - 1) as went i by grain harvest has now belon. If the peol plus with a free hand a thos out' among refugees unrooteo j the storm on ewas rfiiallasenjoil 4 night 21st. 4, Considerable danlai yo-nd a dobut.- munic.palitibi W11ch'.1owi 1ing, liew from the ifected districts. :So rapid 7dry pleakan Dg 0 ed a t pie-nic ad; the River 'gai vote Tov ide in tb Xrectorate all; the one in � diff4ent parts of the owns'hip. 1 11 mpar tive acreage d in N.IexSrldria that cl WHEAT.—Tbe co .were entitled f6someWalingANIn'llumb i at has been its sprea Mr. J. Gill,c the Bayfield lind 4ad his Grove la§t Wednesday af tern Don. A very it that On:tario c 13dp,rd refusek to ratify the agreeme siwn sihows ad average acreage Of I t. is arge n pimber were present �rom I �ord - doers aot a ear to rem amt (r that further concealme impossibi, r predorce3soral with ;the a heavy doe th rate is expected therle. �barn huroof0d. y pdr cent. over .1382.. The reports fri radde by CIO I �k I ` och on Tu morn- wich 4nd South of. Gorr�e. Besides b amo , aad the me Uer 'as dow n . derick? the li"al games, s* p(Ants t oagLhoc ut the wl Io a Proince. trSusal,tion nnL 1-�.and Trind Tian. CROI, IN KAxsAs.--A soiking Irain —A bout 2 '0 the,Gor- -a w4s aild( un bag 161SO ; The Winnipeg I ticed Ing of last w06 the- barn of RebwIt! I efore the the has fallen all over the southern land are of a very satisf&—cilor nature, la ed' ory j, -.of Mr.�DaVVS( Bey ator d a an 4 1 As and cc age quentl'y McLEod, lot115, conobs large Yields ekli Yully expected in the gurc, sion 17, of Gri rie Baiid was present and Y the daugilty' s ai 1, central Paris of the Stitel add insures Dicely for a young band. The sroselit leaple go her wi. gl�eat Majuxi -cases. . houg1suffor., ngives its opix Jon R.S. follov Is I iiell, to must be Su 3ject tt6i the was burned to the ground to big the largest' ield of ca -n ever kn;wn. vere ko�t utill d& t most of'tb� farm implej]3enis i which rknesig prevented oppoiael eipision 'f �iie courts. I bbi - q I ing from the enrelne and prolonged d .o ad 14�ast, is an fu the continuation, The pie-nic ofthe bound. Say th� not any in r �m 4� af Oats are d8o very 1)n is"t, msny were 3tbred lbere, iii�jcldiag a W, a g ra or in the Barly part A on, Weat the season 'Mentalto f the I heli Ito' _11plds yielding over 100 bushels to � the y to the fin lincial wi Ad n a b Cutter and �urjay. was one of the most enjoyable ever hLel 4 t with t . -Graz k Tj un i is manitolbs G! pt with t r1m Still only in -a V )TY ft)w e&E as is ab The wbent--is exceedin, expeleteli I v�as a credit to the lea.r coill-ge . utl to M -L acre. a olding t havett in the village.anc I, it Ii -as e�ny t eiD eased .ri arraili 7,E ent vill o ur D, man than the v0id the; do threshiny out 42. . —Th time for h l whild, spared no injury reported and which 101 I tions, som fiel ill otianged officers, of r 1' was late -a being ory by the Times, whil inn e 16 Cuffed -through jut if - iho i lioll rl ry S C, uld Town ship Fft'll Show has bed where theg' aix i Son bushels pei acre. the pans t6 make it a success. from Iihe Oth� vCiid 10th of Oct6ber to ints" 3 ar From very nian y po �r(]V(jrtliiSpe -the resul the rDad will b, SUICIDE. Ilan Bake-, the no- 1 0 UAI of Grit predilecti)ns thies. [a SAD —E lame paolitib. TI his' —A correspondent of the London 31 4 17th and 18th of the 9 wheat as 11 fl, ering, wheat loo 09 OR iific r of Sil m Says the San li.�,k in the E It tin. complished daughte treco eat CanadiSla I eel ot ars Advert i or widting from alton, Post &Vorable change was made because thl b galzea a the explorer, com Luron,county, encloies t Burr Ple.0 it 8 evi-, In te, te I remarkably wE fl," wile at f Be Eiator Josiah th e V 'I I t the In u icil a itic s i who Baker mitti id Fuicide ;in the coun'ty had fixed on th dates Office, he ihead wheat never 'Looked "ttex, wbt-n the Saturday At her f ather's rei idence at Of a sp.­.ies of grass or weed, whiell be dently been _0111a for a fi bb thei-oncem m ill a first mentioned. �46 &lgopm money in In a few osses , vorm s - Tore reported v .3�dng V 't 0 bticr some I -am@. t, . i I, Yes t P Newton Abbott, Devon E hire. ' bey un thinhB D big placel along.1with time 168 be i orlies at S; I a i g-th y —The News Record- Mr. W6ir,' of i astly b '.te 3erved than the are I DW. the ni injurious, butao serious (Oal lady had joined the order of isterell of olln the some h a asks diatrit e in the;- M I UP60 t 6TA111ancial the Ba field Line, weighed t treas. H -A-Xiery, bountiful OP will M( .I i Y made. or management Ader the ei sting and we nian a- Mercy, -and so over-tmed he strength heavy Lit is ha, to kill., and what ke the! -b e th Mo St GavEr baent. Clinton! Scales oil Xondit�y &I doubt be re-iiipe wi the gyenerafviel� a far as'w 0. hab doe' 4'6t now at ...nt the Dronto Gzey iniste-illIg to -thopoori London meaus gc�ttlnj ju thi8 The t. What Senat a DdL B: nee "a 111 ri d of itJ . Mr. t�.-. I i 9ver an averago. -down and; her :drag hit stallion, 26 months old !which eam h , sea of In med by ntar. ilway h een little OATs.—The oxteu to"which -oats haj aitle 'tie 11 a Sunda of: London. airs oi� )ntario .2 about be-flumi th&t 'her ea.1th brohe weiAl ad 1750 lbs. . Two t i,S ftl ishesi . 1, 0 follOwill ri The a bett or way. ass is olle mind -s fte w6uld ood 1b. a d m ust iahed 1790 and] lbs. 6 from y) I � I 1 .0 been gown as bolmpared� w th that of I -as C(111 I of the v rieties of coach gr s, tri6clan be saii th : I a bi s4c l isanoe an illas been of PS Sti rely - ! pES RAGS 01- resp� 3tively., 4-t eed d V.e I wel 1 TILE -x rIAL Seer tary F ar shows an Grageiinerease Of 217, drul t Tj I ' a �veeil, Ye' ,noraincE. i 13 Mr. t 4e beneft. to tb a cou tt-ig all on Frida- authorized tb colleictor ell repens. It is a very trouble om man DaTi ohn; SMLel.-Lzei V 1 1 n ol ger. in sh wing is eight per plent. In many locall liel: s in 6; ho gyp-. known Ju and'about St, He -the rarA, Ana On Plum is-am�itio and it w:duk be s. tpe 1-1 at, Boston tj, --burn bwo tiargoes of t the al,d wH n once in grotind, is ai:61 ties the spring g rd and, os -ty COM ase, I I sh 13 lost -radicate. I gest oth.- i tn t:D ur 74icli it Wawano the I pity"to ask bi y his abill tian rai the stedmos Baviarim' and .%cult to ei can st p n t r Ad s$­umed-su!.lL heavy bard a to �.ser' township of West sown late weve iujred frosts iii re plot�ly in the S�na a Cham�ek City of Boss on. The c4tainef the, liat- off a, 0ailiag boat, in a gal( I Lake ing bet er than frequent h of the powin n. 10 M31, the 1. ands 0. or the -early paxi of Ju 13 0� I i� 34self But ter - vessel j informed the. port Physician tivatin lisplited. .,Huron, on.'the 15th of Jul Word Of uld Sell or P umbi but,, 0 Y., however, is on) yeportod lin a v C Grand T hat thereiii, took d 'wa tly i ut, to the Thul�sday of last w ek a com- lectoral di triot t is'L fair X3 � or lacific C'ompanlei it ere no ragwor - Paper 0 the vci. Out a recen places. Grubs or worms L re also Spoke as hers see im, I E sume I . . 14115 mittee composed of Rev. J I Mike will be efficiOntly. worked' i I have the 1-bould, T ie customs officers fouz post of St. Helens bv...., ir, bffic6r as. - Gr_ Y, f worhijagd�estraotion asome-loi 104 to 0 ta or of th boa f the diitrict, R . 0" a' I fenvi Re A; were tha. he Would leave the a is 6 Slim of of rigs in the�cargo. An6th, Clinton, Chairman o bales Vok beat 1 ide ozzlec cnE will teamer, bi A 150 bales which Were tary, -Rev. �tiehll. i The majo i ;y Of Ontai fiUallles to tiose who know' a r. Thomas Burke, of. Ciinton, Mr. ISO r 1 h, Wingliam, gecre 1 0: o" 'Wala tj speak Confidently of * a good average crop I week 80 In M effeZ � -of fail ji�d afterwo-r 1 .9 W, pro�ve_a bo tp the p66ple It Vill, improved �r. GaI ison,of Brussels� and quara sold I as acres of a sobiniething about themi ougl;i�there ana no fear afe, expre any IiOwwever,, 1 6 d'ntaye the SINGLII AND VATA the mor iq COINQIDRN� land he owned 'in Sainila laymen, met � at Wi ugha'i "diD a Oi ilidr Aly. hd� has Michi poseol arrangingfor evangelistic k or scarce is little chance of his ag k d, s jould the 6ountvi 0 aness aC oillnbri lo I Murphy tl 4-tcher, gan, to Mr. Thomas till'Ison, BARLEY, I iloughot grown to neatip (I 6. Preston b v fe ar at afthrall, it 13 Ot )nged Webb,and' 0 Wo rather ft6a chal h I had tbelayfield roaA, Stanley, for the sum in ille oderich district of the ly so great, anlexteilt salwheat or liriasent pro) ea ran M 3n;0 b d 1ar n L e,, coul be ,a n WOU barl hil tic or ng always colite ded that Webb I d of �9 per acre. Mr: Stinsoiii ots to odish c arch. The district* was divid, c ignorwnce:th.%� inz nees his May.' Cy 8 QWS an STf Mori I ied 0#, as hile i wo 1 9 never sucoced,in breasting thD Niagara mov t thi I in 'the of a into ci cuits of three stations each, a, d d lo a �dttin 0 is an co rs,e -age of thi ty-six over 188 groqads.- most a �e somuch as B, delbera, intenti6n o acre eL c n -6 omintiondea that all four Aay's p r C f iliest 1, r1poi has with death_ -,s it was 1 0 Ifive :no r5ght ve a stre it WDU14 ic,�me whi t6 also met hort� time. This grain'se Ing too, to lave s er misleag. Ia either ca�e is! cc? 14 Cap- �ircuftj t, ifo ha, r Mr. Warren Callender,- a, form meetin be held in ct: init 1 0 Close, c ibion with Ille,Gthi" 'imilar li�t which overtook th or I each to a considt-r ble extent I rom. the e ar clet ml4ch ci edit eitliel on ne occa- 'time and place Of holding i�l such to a does not ri . W tmin. M urphJr, onmore than o esid ant of Stanley (the el&Bk son of* e4 confirm -aid i n ymoln n Julie frosts and also rom. worins that has � had However, ver encouxi g.remli riunlk at ts, and w in Sion, ellial. JE aged. Wilebb-Aa dare. with him io�f t to the ministr anali'la himself oil -the posi"Lid,11 iia i, and t1riii Callender) but who for two t big v�a y*,. b, ii*"ery mlich mo 0 ben cield the RibUle wliltip6ol. Murphy under- yeari 'has been residinaear B Indon ebch circuit, subject to the 1 appro &I of uli be ej�_bbed i cp his letters rodt ot fair avoe roD vill his. ve A as P. t a �'ih peop oi� took to F3' iM* this fearful pool ol' the has � iven up farming� and ent d the' t6 next� district meeting. niade, and a ilo;� rage or so ry day 7ebb attempted the Niagara, mini itry in connection with! the e Thq ru$sels ost S Y. Si i much Od to those he as' t( rve" S. be general Thepdampness of ve tho- B of u a d in I el early art ui� V1. in A 881 a xle�)ent s drowned.1 ad at e A E ri can gro x if the oaso as el�e th Simi ar cffus�ous of his T_ and he �va I etcher,, proprietor dist 0 is now statio -star on has c and- the -Vantii rain I u s'put a CARET's Doom.—James CDreyl the Owa, u: a, Kansas, havin cir u, r ill atrious adecesaor, Sftat)i Mao,� da0e Says: ble-A It Ralt ?or t of hotel, returned last Mouda' fro but portage reporti m ab#'P the traw to �o Short Park' ino or was shot and Six ations. to Sault St. Marie, wbare and �r ]Phoenix etloh eeiii ugh ey ma sere a re 8 Seeing I;C be get ng's I ttewax er, speak ofbai as 111-i insoun very pherso, alt.h(i ugh him tao killed -ing from Fletch 3r spent a couple of VveeL ally poli on �')updsv w ile Ieti aring the terrible th de storm and having a 11 good Color.L 'Vi cal irefer A-the'remirst-Boonbe socni, sol on th te�mer,Mel�OBQ at Port Elizabeth, h uro-n pleasantly, visiting friends. Mr. Flet. favor � th bi� an 1,1' - a6 assed over the county f P PEAs.—F id d peas do not appear to. Meat Iro, lifin, w Loh s, n) dc uht, the tive'd a t, � prevent a, n b t :of ai South Af cica. by a, Countrym -in named it. Cheri an ardent devote hing- and aajoiniDg conntirs.satur y2 &Lu grown to a ve -y I arge exte P&r- S13COM bject for wl ich t� I biority. T 113 beat lithiln ti, a Mani oba O'Donnell, who was arrested. O'Don- Capt3dn Kaine's new bric od, al d as a specimen o. is - the sho OF are A an. k dance, r it ome other grains, but main with Y tI a vi age o Sag or ough a I ing nell dogged: Carey from Lon on. The in tb ori wai Ick by ccept 11, tbe Senator Plmb is timbilioui `�li snot (4)7�rnmen i emn 6 IS t wi th Irs;,w their all average ill rease in acreage of forty tie trout aggregai lbs,,while I d ubt that lightning and considexi dala a Govern!ment have ji 0,11,17i �om ged. speck 18829, and appi U to i abide ,,, a .- 3 lb*., �1,1 six per over easibe cifl�cialg and iqe�sa their fari attempts �eis followed 5 were some cf them weigbedea ft=ellt ould, 1; min- 6 y generally own through salisftiiid with, his billet in I;The Carey-. Dui lin. Thy Fortanately, none of the. fami4 have biien ve and isiseeking a positionin the to� govern tiliel territcry. Whatover believe1hoe Fenians ock most uied, altbonigh th6 fluid peli very tiken -from o 'small strepii dmIjitying it hs r out the: Provine t�41iu in limiW revent 1P esea � I res io p e. spoit C.r lightp and pdvilges Ontario c),n i !the elder Bons. i6a Cabinet. Thi i w I lrobably a' oilLim, measu Carey near two of' into t Sault. Aside from the i was -no tities. They*douotkppeartohav t ki led outrip but ed short- of this pastime affords he speaks in the q1`1 0 a until the a Mon day 24th ul t Mr. X6E wen Jr h count for bishow ounj�zeal.iii ilip.in. )Aillitoba, certainly as, n the suffered from. frost, and -are generidl ly after tb, i shot. " �O Donnell der- higIli ter g of the coi am Stsule arrived in Clinton fro6 Quelibee Ing Y terests of 600110111 in atiLlio. territory ialoggll Snded V r to her, ad quietl-, was plaoed in and y aditautage it affords to ne� begii Lndr!3. reported vorable) an showing evj� or with four horses, two for hi. self �and detes of a ood crop. itifui �attemp lurr:n Y, lron Cabinet, r or will thl 't handed oVx to the pDlice. t�o for —On INToili aftiernoon of last I w6ek omptly a -,qua, Aft. 1jamew MCFSrlai and POTATOES. & large in, rease in Ure 'hex ; I I St eton afn� F31 ich rip bts. Mr. 'WIn. Cross, foreman ttris A c)ArMURNI(1.ATioA ap4are in Ir is. I e4x, sovere 9,P` gi Mr. obn McDougall of Kom. '6onsity. uge 1b repor d. Reports e Conditi0i L e I At the Dion' G veriament, f Eght clin -otes. 0 Ill dono. a D Hur The horses were fatigued N.Kth' their sl�stained a shook which and probs, a yield di or ve su e of last we &I o- 7er ffi-iia a re 'of ry would hi t wajt� to, it i S� none Of our Mr. Thomas Gr nwayl 'K. jour ey In wo knock the wind out of a! ost yonu- -Frosts are apokenf asl h ving damage Traveler v rhAchl we Sun It.t 04taio if utdooked well.' The7 a e I A ste9r stai t�o Cross trainviay, Onle of n tp of Crystal City" Mettai ba, I ate of. Contra. years -6ld, -!fine animals, and c the crop in anumbo�t of places, an f aherali .1 lia, is about,to v pass u which connedto wit the ailway, ind WiM I unoticed.� efi st I lk.e the isit ntario. good Stock. gru b ISO 'Spoken as a el& has —1rhe H � n Signal says, the appeal to getil-aboad and drive it back - be. aff Car Virovented 0 to In. THE stri f the tele gra jp�h operators _M st , of Ashf! uro are insinuation is tb r. Henry Au ected the to a tim degree. purchased 300 acres c f land in Muskoka, of G A-.. Ddadman from the court of Walke civer close to od and4hen was wanted lo insuire 4 r Li good C speator W, a br ad" to gpt lie) lies to 3, and the"I 6 is, no appear - ULL at lonce. ingsels in near t middle of the bri it RooTs.—R otshavebei iles from Bradebridge. reviEi6a of the village of Br nine in I Th In wi h his b ,ceri i h Is. e have I iti li -i aRge of a demen companies —Bass, arch, and plckerelpgpc�cially the mai of over assessment, came d around, striking I how, the imati, i ation planted generally in theiPr_ovince, iE is a be se:c a amny, I aire go n he lattpr, are very Tplentifill iu the up for hearing before udg Toms! rump and k4ocking him aver th side. ula have bot.. in saying a Eire pTeten )lg t1at ther have huffered severely o.m frost; t�. . . T I as As he fell he struck ; . I gn-d. fe, j I i as eve 6 son at all acqu BI � river at t Albert this season. a tel graph y 1,1111t, with. t li�,ough wi I h their. busi nes but ffi is on Wednesday last. Judgr4eut w grubs. In only a few ses ai th an wil I all 0 ti �_e 01 e 9 f t tt reported as having ego —MrA'. J. Marti 1, the be'p-man of givem in4alvor of appall wires, xhich: broke 4�ed dam so the late Inspector 14uo7s Visit i this c i#y a Prot( n -,e. The ori gi eatest in - Brings 3s, and 4as made lappe &I to be p by corporati d of the close t) a rail fence. Altho 1oh th airop 16en brotig)-it ela 18 bi n aid showing signs -of a promis w1h, 9 ng I t respect he W&3 abo ve suppio on' w. I tha a obvenience s be xpoeri need, es- a:ua� ut thirty feet, he w %� forl un 350 pounds of honey shis seas(in alf ady. villa of Brussels late from a great ipany IO4�al i — I tat ining,no, injury beypll'd a ievere lqcisllyinzheilargeco meteialicentres. A ma, ch at Lac oe'se has beep' ar —it. IV. Heal of Belg ave old J l4os a mom thorougIlly liongrab a oil onest reports, Roots failure man ioeverAh more eggs last week to 'Mr. . 1). Wil- shakin up. Roots poori" ei etco It is, als at B, i d, as� W�e know'o iastances bete' mess.,.ges ranged between the IV�ljgharr and God- erich Oubs, to be PIEL3,ed on the 15th son, than &II the other Stores- in Bql- --Tho Ayrshire, ScotlaIlia- 'Wee�ly HAY.—Thou& havingt s� lffered consid- i�at 3:- -as no live been ( eived, an pa�y for - their J the Inspector h' I a Llr&&MLY of: I im -1 1.4 - News of I recent date sai li� Bfr .1 Wall licellso6ts, this o�v( 4andsl of the Coi these gentlemen t ' . i th6msolve.S agaillE and s oqld do so. df 'the Prw Acts 'it is*.not orIr thew,a&m Suffice it 0 Say th tains anyl provial formeIr they can ated i it, b, thi fy th acce, i 6nee , ei rejeI 0 he.0. Act, isl model( a I Vinci, Act and The question in t1wo pa.rt'.os ab thol as to %� mol*ts C hut is: N rhich an, r_kMVV. 0 K)V PV 110 f - a P0 11 Lceep tied, nd' torw),rdB -an orably from id�ou,ght in 11 1 bei 19 _v 3sta I a the. t rplimsmisei.oh —M�. Ir. L. - Ah rich, formerly of ;veek, at $125 and 6150, d ought Wellwdod, farmer, St li-eleils, Canada, -to an abundance in,,all tia, f so 28, '0 impor t purchase l: mis ione S. s for taP company rorWa !Golerich'aad Bayfield, in -this 'another of Mr. George Hewittj East t is felt qn someql 11h er rdedl them by:, r Itail.- Blyth who rd'oe a 4 or( is Mori is now Path Bhi-ng a paper in Wawanosh,', at $150.' In two w eks he of stoc in Itbis district I year, bas 1 promise 0 by I this wa ffie com. ani will lose -Oul 4 d t be a -mall, there beilig A UBY a a al 0 0 efebd y Bat a putpose. NvAs brot Rodne Elgin county. tooklin 30 tennots of butter ; this Shows been ei�ainh6re for the qutoa ti by of ON, hay on ha ad. There arbitrary nty ly more t, an if the haid Dcced(d to and WAt - the house g done i y3ei Mr. 'V �llwood has been iiery careful I gue an imbil, ation, I the ay, bus ness is bein —Last E aturday n ght 21st tio doii bt at Lhere be an abuDdRn 0 Chief of! ul i�,,, lemaindg pf the o exi 8 in his t c in the 3,�Ieict Jous, all the SniVnials bought -P 0 t e. r( active Mr. I Ge)rao Scott i gra i I A t A 16th eDlacessloil Ve. " llin I 1. bithay forallwhoari% i J As e a ]a and wi ­Usiste�oa U. r: aci Well mare, aowici, welis struck by ligbtiaing the fine i'arge bank barn was raised heli been tai froni first cluss E inion bit place w ot exorbi I nt. o secure i e purpo�iii jusb� -12 w to lVe operators have fre uoutly prop sed "V alentine ahain of Creli cession on I Wednesday of � last weelf. From Ur. Robert Brown, usby, 11 Ar - 'and. Ukp _P�rt in Q i oi of a a 0onferencel ith Lhe compahies, but S ze of! the buildinia is 10 fet)t dx�osi a � one year old ntire colt;: Captain Webbs Bo4y F0 a ado a brook, has sold over 6000 bushels of The i U he fa-�. �-e latter ref said all 0 extiures. -rests bn splendid walls- bv�ilt by from Mr. Thomas Brow The body of Captaiu'W'bb t hat limb gibice,opeding his kilns', in May andit ti, Aidneil �bb was 101111 At if a latte c n_- J - � toba a Niagai - t �,,o reBult Nyi -n n+ uka t is &M.- last, and tLl till eptive. Jam Bs MitcLiell. D. Zimmer 'is the WeA Hilbride, L tne ye I old! colt floating in t a 1. Ulti: a demand is s CBS upol i0i �he Wm. 'has finisAed the from Win. Stevens w Lewisto4i. N Y., M as ought K�- tanee b2' 3 Ous� nit, - ry e eijy�! be i a orpor. �10 41t o pre c ii, but :th probai is MI. XeKay h frair n when he on, Sm. stoil�, Kii_� dili. io '11 own ono oi. f the wibuing, a one a fafm of 200 acies' giving I P rrie wi &.ndev n' job year old cot; from Saturday afternoon by' 11�r. Turner, Lr herefocir is farm of I larg �st andibest barns in the ne�al. therball, I N. Y. It ;waqtowje S f act. VVoild it �at he iia b rities will Flow i bel fo Iced 8, a �oonre Youngstown �lic ju� ti- 00 acres, lot 1:1 if lbor RobertiBurxi NeO Arg of 16 O�ei iw dismoun i 10111 t1beir bigh bereb, and -,oncession 9, Howick, and $5.500. hood. year �d colt ; and from Mr. Robert Lewiston w1jarf, where, all inqueA tt e on The; a. Godbolt, f —]Pbe Clinton 6, 8, Was held the same aftetno. 0 —Mr. G the 11 h conces New Fra- of 1ast -week Barbo r, Kilruskin, 'West� Kilbrid' or. 0 ini op� e�ter intb ln� t1ai ith the ol era- � I . Parchailiea u4i., ofUsborne, recently had � iwo calves Says: It appears that jaorae tbieves are three Jrear d1d mare. The stock left were only two or three bruises on th# 31011 1 1' lovidence, d far i, rgely aft r th, Pro- t �*es, if 'they o act eat irely accedE to )y 1: ghtning. They w( �rel stand- at w ork. in the coun ty, an so ve Gla8gdw on the 11 Titania." body, one Op. the right hip and suothq I 1i , lilled I I ba a person I ioth are good awd- t jeir demai Otil recenj I Od Y a 90 ng under ome poplar trees ai the time. eludedcapt�ro. Constable Paisley 4as a!- Quite a revolution in t e form and - ion the left stioulder with a large Out I i Oxltaji�,Q may be 'so the lorehe P, 64 the id 0 ng —0 0 8 1 t ad of com rcial bunneed lj�i Thursday-ni o adt week telegram fr'm Brussels aShing 4iru to be. struettire of barns en on Mr. the hdad, extending from Pounce ooneession- backwai 40 the tkunder a In barn be- gn tl�ie look -out for a sorrel horge and box A. Mullin's farm on the Uf 'P;out time is not . qne by ith 3 raill 7ay comp amies, bnt ur"ng 1. toba offiei, 3 Pre for a I D a Bon, CIO CeSE at vicinity thi I VIer o ging to Mr. W,. M don 7, bugi y -sbolen from, th 8 ot As 4eld. . A appears the plan has There is no Aoubt what), er about ,I the r -Vitl; the -0 espective Acts lis has bee i topl ad, 4nd tha rush d W x y; The 00 jr6deriph township, v as set oil fire by week, and another from I la�rlstoxli b6en imported from the� States, but being Captain Webb's Ix win, 19rilliT. hiiis I h legal �ufuirioi t a hoe ad call 3ave nee lieglitaniIIj , aind was co arumed with its and sul poilised to much limproved by the enterprisin sa 'fore 1 9 Id 0 1111 about a grey horse, ndy hair., light modstache high been brought over this w ayl. bl Ideri Mr. James, Hende��n,,who hea '19 worai 06 won 'la bleg tents, The building was a hav ae ei Per- ui h other le or tr 4 C, the n gr9W1:ng clan ead and Roinan nose wit V W ADTERTIESEM IBM XTS. gii figure between the: paren, heds ofter each-flne, denoteff the page of t lie p ap r on. which the a4vertigenient will be foan it. Card! of Th&nks­R.'MC' lieod. (5) Farm for Saile-iiiiii-Helarr 31 N Monster ExcUrsion—(8) Teacher Wanted- Jas. L i, I re a r.!(5) 'Property for Stale—Ulra C&tti, la.,Sfari J. I tell ell. (5) Estray. .-(5) Good Farm for: -Sale To rance. (5) Farm for Sale—L. Me Hotel for Bei,.le—Jas.. Steele. Diellamms Group Remedy., Groceries &-o—M. M, orrison. len 0 R 0r* gti LFORT H, FRIDAY, At g. `Z rT he Rat Tartage.]Trri xro'gli �1.. diffied-ili Which has Sri on he. no two the Ontario authoriti , a id those of �Tanitoba, at Rat Port has,_ been 4-31 t all absorbing topic o he irte and he -0ORt dis ssion for the psat - f a d We state a coup 8 of week that t1b a O.jit:irio,GG-vernmenthaliiia:.ItL Coal- wis lon'supported by a posi 10 0.1", special -tin, constables, to Keewat the territory whii 3h. aispu -to b in t 1wen Ontario and, the Dornitlion, for the Puri bf adiri'llaistrating the affaiks A t4e ter-, y. T h is actiou wasl tal an on the h ard of tb gth of t e law is �rbitratloxi wbi declares this terrto to Pe Psi and parcel. Gf the Province �nta xio. The validity. of this award, jowbiver.' is questioned by t�h6 DomlW4 author ties and as. is well known. a question has! been in dispute for.3,eai atters hay6 also been materially aom licated by the act of the Dominion TO iament extE riding the bounlari, f the Proy'.ince' of — -------- dew clartill th�kt the, e"ter ad ry AL a province sh-alt b, 3 tlie, wes- lit er 'bo adary of On, t at U tai Tiltis has give� e ]AL 'L th Gover nLLL 4 ent a pre. textifor.,clialmilog arkthorlity in tb.e dis- x putie d territory alsoi. apoll they are now dlspir�fag the,rights, of tarib,-,and at- texa,, D tin g to prevent tb Pr),vince gain, ing 1�,piosoessioui and thex Ifts :1jeen a conf lict, of ttathority.: To what: extent this -acethus has to -ken pl, 6 r it is dilfi- Cal t o sai as the ri from Rat Port i:g6, the scene of acti 1, very cont- di torv,an�d&remt[chi)xagliera.ted. So f L.r as wo-can j,adge, however, there 6 IJ has not yet been any se ious e.. troubl A 1i few days ago Mr. Norqnay, the Manf- It t Ob.aL Premier, arrived On tho scene with aL In urn ,her of special. constqble3 from W, ID i lipeg. an d arrested hric a man on a cbir,ze of.broakiag Open th Manitota- loak. Ulp"Which, is Si-tasi in til; -e village'. TP 1hega-prisoLexi have - ijeen tw to Winnipeg for trial, and t ie ques, Of juriBlicition will be. rdaseq and discuss- ed. The. Ontario antho e a made no t res4 ce ir.Norquet; AaD 'to M ropeedings, bei eviaeutiy aeteirmini d, IT gain peac,iabl-opQssessionif�oes[ble.J This seemi.tobethob extent of the distar- bano, go. far but if the interference of :7, - r the a authorities Manitob' cobibinues tTGUT: is almost inevitable, -ns'the On- uthorities must st d firial. T-1 ley air baeked by the public 8, xtinitenf\, of this province'. find they -Nvill be f9rced to hold their ground. Tbere is no reason. J wh r for the interfereri(o of, ManiT- toba., Who9vormayllaVe claimupon the territory, it hi none, at th? ?resent time, and it is generally su pp s 3d that the force of public "Sentila0at i L i a province will very Sooln Ian r. No qa3 ay ta. retrace the atepi he bt� 4a so an-' w1sely taike.u. It is high time, 'this dispu te i ven VOW the Dominion and the Pi ov nobt i a was settled, The people are, tir9d of it, ai the Si -taken by Mr. &ov -at aie well calcuiluted-to fori a settiletuent.. There' is a v�ELy open to settlex ael� t, an easy and geaceable, on6. r. Moytat as - _In! g the award salal to be ral, d in, the ab. Sou -C of � ratification by he Damitrion nals- t kein possession.. Isci those who dif3i te his right—the Do mb don Govern. Ment;, -.or apykody on behalf -- raise an i6sue and carry it jut ij court, Mr. Mowat will plead ae a vai do, i md. its validity will. be at once c ailled ft, � tines - tion. I This issue can be ca: -ri.eld to-, the Priv� Council, and it is aill'ir f7:issne which thattrihanal Can de -,ide—is �be` awar I valid, or is A not? the decide affirr iatively Ontario keeps he:::: rritory and 'here is an end of ffie. Int er, if I no ely, �4e question iot. Id atill be. open,,, and th ere must bf either a ratio- ficationi the Dominion orl Lfiother' arbitlrgitioil. Insuchan eireut,'!wbich cQuirle would be taken, i is idle to. sur. so far in advance. Mr. 14,owat's ai is all inVitellitiOn 10 ti le DidinliBilan, to contest hig -right. Let Sir John now res poild, aii we i�ill soon I tear the last of.t Ili Boundary. dispute. I TL BO-uudax � diffic Y i a nut. alty Shell : Am oth 6.agst rt-oul es con- tedLwit� the R cec Portagao a. ict, for the Dominion Goverament hierel is this uap�easaut dileinma: thal -disbriet is ithl ei, or part of oltitariij or i��IwLoti it is part of Ontario, is right in assuming . t a IcDoliald Im niater it; if it is not, Sir John had no rigaftit to - include ifi iii., Ajgoma, for �elecliian purposes. It -NVae ihis'district that gave Mr. Dawson I lis . ajotity 6v Mr.' MacDougall, aindl. it (lid thig, as Part Of Ontaxio. If it was part of Pntario, the# how does it, come to I e o4taide Of Ontario jurisdiction now? i Mr, Mowat 25, cluly accepting the de?iaiou of the cau Oup &foremost placlafn Si Bill Du14 be exceedlingil bel a a con1sined asider- on 'ThO Ted 6 buil, Nevre of the Week;' first c ago one 0 for some time. Thel shinion or ie Provin(es? M, order. I itw horses from stj� ingers foF t at laywhedt,flour,pori 11 1, Jyomiu on Governica t �e ii 4ter 0 ere about bi yidg 9 is to be ea 31INE.Si; RMLED.—Thirty-flire mi ners 4bl4o b uffei m1be. los o� octlLgon in forml �each side ing &1)0,4 And v Jilat about thei.- och r i Ption t Oetermiud .1. his it is U( t v e oess.4r., r to also stDred harness, and all tlit ) iMple- if Stole 1, the.v Will W1 the have beenXiffed by the explogfon oi a ments used ot � the- farm except I be reap- their pirchai money ilf 11he owne twouty-five feet, long, g teskin il, withdrillOWIllig'tbe Act I l4ply"de'Proll id ate one ac b o ex girt two b-madred feet. Voi mine in. Siciy. burns up, 3 Rid# p%ta i . ;LI: i V in Rat Portage rri. c hi altbot some, fo PA vi p r, er. 1be ins rai was only fo r $1,000. nig, and i igh, -a j. laces Cz&r is uneasy Dver —Mea ri Adam Xce be eigliteei feet h nd tbe.di.. -operation The tc bal loss, will beabout thre a, thous. t Wink t at i is. 1' 140 the renewal �Of plots, AU4 G03bel, Mitchell have Pur haseA th 3 tance from opposite corners stot g1 oea, 10 and do tory oilloatin ?" On i P:i b the I mi irs: I . 10100 9XV - fiv.6 feet ats I he many arrest a have bi�iia i made in the 0 1 a ar e 4t compli'l; lit of the In por e Of _C(uacill rM oneyof Mords has Comni al b �te in..Br ke and Tfiemtost singular fe&buft for W citeir Organs are all ditimb - 0 �fig em - the struotiire, wil be the eel & blib id my. Ogges'ion on thie it Sept Suppori adin ' ad stolli 1431ing built Under W4 barn to take S got eirfl, ; r * —Ano, or salt lin 'roof, tl ke Act is that it is DiscovnRy OP S.&LT. xt Hr.� Itoomig into 8 8 biere bei-* no beams or aw nd tb e building sided anew . ana now ber no timberi U19 U11 rer. T1 in! ro'd onery buslu 51N e Wh at Ontsid of t y and for po Ii bical ehl has been struck at Genesee, 'N' n i c. running aefoss Z e-buildin support d ndidi aceDmmodation fbr his outhis c Dfecti g to The 00roner oi, 1E llumll)* ticallyopplif at ef, depth of 990 feet. 1'4 is the as SI e .11: 368i, and� t 0 b. those pol 1 - I and run ing the hotel himi el The otel it. The wb le fabric will x t a Senat I . I rk rops. 1131 foullid to urcist yet discovered. &4�0 One, and 1 best houE 8 Strong stone wall seven and a. half endtj� Plumb ba been- t 9 Io tilae Gover nent are bei a blar I ly. —Tenders are advertised ftir the s a lar fr t o eSMIned ti 4 ILL.—The. Rev. G H. for it !was -high, which is now alm Jj SPURGEON s- daily f four in .�hei P ace. 'The slim pal. ost Compile Pep h divihe V nce, ot the mail Benato M bi Not I A ubj detly rciated n loe 30n a] 'r, Wm. Goa duer i emulate: r 'Spurgeon, the famouE Engli Vears betwe n Seaforth and Gorrie. t8,000. being built by ?if e(i he a ew repu -out, tatin a: stone m asoi contei with big 41oits �ir Torth een att acUed rements fox th oftour co spiquol (in wit I Sint as is I sfaemer, I Las b )mtedig law ottract will cominelice on — be, measu M Brant u ing the reeent-eleAh iAhem, ''bythe0iii Colsel-vativb4p po* S" is dangerously'al Col xi bridge were t I a MU h6 rlih!l 4t] of Ootob6r next. 0 Shen a fe w a3 6 if avorably known by the CoMi nity Of_bheL -FAILURE —T e' failtre a V a ' Mr. -Hardly, Of 1xetezi su rrounain hi be muit fill the celawns of M Ve aHEAVY F' —i�r. Henry Beadle, tIZO eteran since, a g towns ps. 6 j1pro eJot 61Y the 0ontri ;o theri --The Wingliam Advai I Bent to SfiamottBricithers,oi aton,lbelargest the P ce has withfibures and fa, sehooas for It pnr- f whom he borse man of Blyth was.. 6ffere !,' 3,400, been p thA reSidjl3g Sit 1 ot keepeirs is Million ced. d f6llowing wbi6he dem, an excelleti; �blb he ot of whom tanners' in the or d' 'P' t " 1 obal*y tenders wi be 01 le I f for big ia�porLed horse, I Free, and In all pi irit vern- b uili lin 9 : idea anent Lactqase Matte -.64 pose 0 convicting the Ontitirioll whoi accordipig U a's stets, 65,(00,000. cithe work d rji Arrauge. Implains, I big,, HQuest� Tom" yearling olt, but fori ot ce, an t]l -obai, e by ment of extravagan aoi- HIS ContifflAiOnS, rly granted li 6�_ 'LOST LXx, IN IRELA 341111. —A� ri cul ural I)n mmediately. T4e spai ments are beingimad '3 VV aubau. t & -e! imprope I .. I atemen refuseito seil. pushed ipeg Sul nearly to -n abat that 0, alit eturns for 1882 shoW that X,000 ores 4 50 feet'. and the dost��i aake2- auhkeeLacross Club,of -Ninghani Win how'ever, axe so'abiolut4y. i I 18i ar ri Conservai Hash id Mr. Hi Hollingshead, of H Y I lost a (if land have relapsed to bTg i i Ireland, !hold ai I -the! q a va)ual.le driving borse last WeEk, The peo6tod to exceed the estidateoi,any match �etwieea thia even h is -own friends 0d po itic il allies counties of; ron and a' b "&r in zl�ind that if li, a r is and the aret, under or 4as decrease ruce, -to be 43 y disi and Of simal appe�red to.have bacon: e fright- aqr��x b ffi el d PlaYed Ible amount. L in Wip- -will act. Swallow- tl em, Tb inniveg Sunday at ther impr er 14 acres. John Jamieson, h al the ened- by tb storm, ii burst a blood Septemberi when to An W8.—.Tn tearing foul j . 11 -apers �o�ver t'hI [Am BAG -o ai a re supposed I io foi ars, bith s s" it.is not Ill )red Times isedited gontlen aii a hotel. he �pei ' ' 3 u r 1 -year old thoro 9 vessel by ping into the In -Lr ger. 'so own a old house a! Warrj� Springs, asdm the 4t f to'be in thei�, stronge f orm. Both several years occul lie�'the ?n of S turdR3 s Loudon AdVerti 3e r says: Blo b,"from th her at I 'law whi- at fault, but al —S If Maple �'� aple clubs to pick -frota 1. is days Ago'i _ Odge, bb t counties have I ,I orth Car(Jins, a few' f th ae as Smith, a 41 1A M r. ITIAL ii, ZY over! or 0 are ofi It es, r. Hugh Ljve, 'a -prominent. farmer and.gooi r -layer 14gh cra . f keleton f s ven birth to 00 n n. Wat ljovr 3 them b Exeter fate Z writiagg is solves of the ivithaleathermai ag do co beloDgina Seiafc rth leading, political 1 Of t tonto, rant, of a, mail carrier Was ha' gi tbi lv B 1 r, Huron 1;oing able and stock brE eder of Hills Greeff, Huron Mail, and to who i, a d Who fai io avail and 6ver tfiir courity,.cam( into the city on the Lon- in an mou Agra pick from Winglian tp-trib birth o A dtite�11827. ' , .1 1 1 Goder cli, Brussel a d in- w affords for letters )ecial oi Ite morn- to Mr. Ji-timieson also gave 81 six in t miagniloir very great mciai thei posi�lo Antageswiltich the I d I't A SEA. No-YAGE ON Tm�yma !—A OD,B uron apd Bruce sl pair. of twins this sp ing. ii Mr. Ja i(iiI 13�ruco -having pick f rom. WaIkeition So pi ing last W4 le 181 vag, - flaence wh com- 8 i6 punish ent of th. t3t) an no -me eeN. U Ow, I(ar I I i I( supre n and erry ciosgeX thi� E.n4lish —N.r. C. MoRgem6arBelravie son is. al extoDsive breeder, and his an; Paisloy,. dine, and �T�n the: mb's oC Mani In J6 Tvelawma esomple.pi Callsis on a haDpel from Dover tb )-Ithf -ye. command a." good p ic possibly one or I iwo other e big in the bwat i8 flak on 26th �f June, and oil tbo mala alwe itcount which we do not letters, the Ti= 8 done, and if it4B Ilot tricycle, last !Satuiday. He ay. illon for -his ll sin a ei ers all inow ojf. 0. Julylepickeidastim. from thi� field f6dr two,year old b Y ossib' E lug tile match �s an auged-to come off big wri�ibn a, pub. le arted from Dover at 0 a. m,, arrijyi recentiy' sold here tvori . fault rests wit a tb iches in engdi. Senator PI iv I that. npasuro6d 89 year old bteer being some ei of tt e; 6u the nancial POS n of t Calais at 5 P..m. $60' a fine game may be ex 3ecta. The ho letter Lot some of the flax growers, who can each, u -t y expen g of the VI -respondeini, or. 00. .8. lomselves. If our Co.. RA.ILWAy Li XCIDENT. - , —Tho'Clintou New Era last ee Wingbam, boys 13 her -of OntanD, from whi . it '!Is ill only ay informiai I beat Uiilit stajoa up., Ud tie Rome ., nd 'Wabert?wn- sai C n T ': a ay two oof:� the xis itors while herd,:- -thus it, N rill at thSt Mr. P umb thc 0gh a v1dry A'as not ott They lookina f the latter b.,, and bee, ren niow ink other rk F ern .Pare ff 013 r carried on Y., )n 4 day M.69sre. Win . Lyo mut Tai way, net r Clayton, rode emigr!Lt ts wO tte does nob kn aw owbit -e' he. against lese offend, 3rg, b a will i on r3 Eketer Times that t re around town Ithe IDS sil able nian, inform th, 'v' S e no 13 night,'by wlich'an exe rigion wain as Y ce of hat tereatiny a match I �etween two n. � The an lated i I n exe se officer. When isked rp us i 211t a4 that the 0 P178 iL vi- from -Ilensal� to Exeter, a die ap has writte w q#ori '&I !P 1 1. here s-h-olikI. ori it. would h b ter t1( 'Eay wrecked an I S large nui�nber f-pas6en- six Miles, 6n�tbeir bi w4nted', the woan blandly rE - towns. The S4,ecietary of the Waub-all. P io4 for the r pnt]IisbmeDt, and , f be Cyples, eli even-- v; I i ! tio liatil. it is flual y mar -ad want Pay .: i �? hot — by ndfi d all: lonaid, gers killel an, d wounded. 'in j f B�dlsi I M wah kee's will 7ite to Sew etaries of all WARM hoarded Sa � 0 - inai si ne-o' the short �pacib of Abirt h As to Ao e find 8 ult ADFui; FATAL thousand I Una b aboul . not DRE IT -P, Six rint." eing'infornied tb other clubs in t] i:e two C ntiAes, -,Vhen simply represcint�d the ceF a of -oven ue minutp be 0013aemn have been lost b an were a' ri rl�e, as the, law' because he oen�es Dre five hu'udreol lives I bu here, and if, there w, a 3 :we hope tb ey Will; see fit to' over e. �penditure *,� he�l —A Zlalual o horse and ' 0 excis 0 ffi CP,lr gy in the Island of 18cbia, 'pear a PtOV ace, was in t y ises of a are: crbvOded tinued. I 'I Natles., The ho -a. 9 nfa3c t a r on eart I 'to do With lj�x rent, sb 3 this match. �t and he. h d othin" owat_ B g Stolen fr6m t a premises of ni. a Fir Vince,-,, and- ,on-th giowth'Of t Pir John 1pird Gray. ConstableChapman seem�eci Sxe wit U D-tted a in' .�in 144., udary what to o, an -ad &4 ger outlay, but he p is did th 11 r wo evici nd tho dead ho�ses evi ent y ha fear of beirih' Th niWord. C 'Tnim uitim�te ownership o. !a and have been -in pursT I of the was e Ci01)s in Manitob 1 in pr( porti n 111 But - it Pears lives th not in ease in pr( f filled.:."Tge seends are 4earllr�ndin&. prol erty has The owtier of the house, S Ill 9th by sr -,,nio olar anil Bruce Railvi a haA circular w s ielauea i nine 2 leg- ficient reason that oG �e me it ,even: �y A B113LIC &L DiscovEjiy.—Tb.e P.*) ,Tn thief ut as et the stolen 0 Out of toliwn. t U re to, Nau-itob R t., length definitely. settled. 'I'lle9h en resebvered Tboni's Stiuson (f Sta I the D ep ty M r ister of A gri with tie aid of a. prote 'ti tit i can tiDe exploratiob f und has.-indl[rectly re- deriell he strife, The firsIJ meteting for. the I -Tc 420 correspoll cuts, of whom 260 haii wa 'comp tril' , east f a Olinton w 9 8 04 be. I mits. and Qt eb I covered from, a Bedouln o distriet,of th' Metho this h encourage the ggrov. tli 'o, ti �jo ec Ralwa ay' (list cliure' ca led 0 No ra, foll -their i Premier 1 0 replied U to. The ialueof thells, Hence it hapened t kov which is c ji trolle by th 3 Caba I Ian the Jordan pieces of skip. (�ontaioiug year, will he hold -in t)ie eburcli i -Clin- Tuesday, He 4ame to thO' coun tiy (f P a the hot,co a , as it reports will bei better jdg �d when a t Sik J u Mae. portions of Deliteroaon�y ara,: the Com- ier( - up by t n a , A a roi 6d fox a pqrlo'd of 'ton on or about the 21st of. AuouE t next. - 11aron ift the yeir 1834, an& can understood that each one is froM B 6 Lgod t =41 red gon t 13 pific, ha: manaments made aboub.eight Ill of L 5 a e to donatd, that tho-aurp no w4s. 999 years -&I an sin a oil 4eni iv I It is at this meeting ral fore jug ly claini'to boone Of the sepelOrs towpoldpi. The rAsi dqul; Of ed. I, wotLId hardly, be Re. years B. 0. ftall)Ces of tbe distriet'are constdoered. settlers;ithe firit ton years��'of b ti also very 9tr . AND KNESIOT-k. ion 0 ese replies were written olnriq. SY N WISCORsilil 3! - - ud, cusi John of' ox V ce on this' (00. The -90, th�prefore, )ecomeE siDent iq� Glade ic the di�h I woe IJ of J t _I,agt S8turday n., t JohnI Hills sidence here was the 8 Cond uly,:at the begm sole Str8Dgth of fa' In tb 3 e Kpen-. IiAhch of ism Pd 0: fie, I ich _—Leprosy prevails to au ala ming ex� ja�msgeid and he xpreseed tl�,e belie' tbati th di�pbted ti ray was considerably of ram lig tb' a Canad nibg of whi the . : I ll n rth- aAure of theLDo tent amongthe Norwe ounty town did more basin s 50 $ear ,e L Do i Us N �st ly in- i gJaus fX - b as SL lure by lig�ltDiDg. One Of the posts wais Split, c �j toial'"- triet Of Add i i making a dilatermi ned affol: A to 1 s.6 I being lelt in n arly'every district to 'ges 'Wisconsin. T)je d se! so e western . I i does, to -da thop�4 75 d3fil crease,] since 1867. ars bripg shing�lesorn -off and a general 4haking ago t�a 15, ty. 1 4 encing 01i �a virtually consi arable d 3gree. Cb� mm d6nal to be nih I bm ap esred in Orions I all. also cheli But S611�t Dr PI Vii C 0 trol of e.roa P eastern Miiinesot lYsi- T110 FIL t:O " udininistere- A borge bielopg�ug% to years o aae�, he N yet vi the 11th in the "western u of Ontati. UT 8 In Mixes are ortio the a in gnoring 8 :b vir- a or. hearLy. On otbis -earliest and w�rrr- for fatal r i istake i rravenhars V o Ca, le it wi�l be cians Say .less protective In in a field near by was 4 include1 him, grazi Province, and on the 12th in the east, this t will be Affe ted -8 is tnally floes t e� wii ing iDut (Of ti uni- rei�pexnberec iihowe-er, that the Tfon- -taken Soon lati, est frie W. Rafteribur one provInel . I killed. lid ly, nY er, shoWers, ollowed by heav Vand debt. The Vern-, terribly'. ,P t Grey an, i �ruce was for m erlk� lea said —A. ljarn�i_eloning to Mr. elger, Clinton. dor storms, Prevailed, and], suppilea the. f aCOmplis, a tl� i 6t deed, THE CROLERA.—The obolers appears 'It En meat, in order to eii mucb-folt wall1t, The genfral SltleftgaLof wati74 -part bf Aigy M of the ninthilconcession, Ste � , was —Th a Howip teri of S tni , i . had to distribute . r. Macdonielt I d' s, stir. W! the Gr ho Trunk, but )efore" t�() Egypt, turday day itistisys: the Presbyter a b'th to be-extendiDg its ravages in -S 4 tremendl fVIas -and bas broken p1meed be.. 013 6 Di o operation a c3an e School �f Gorrie and tbei Mao - 1) as went i by grain harvest has now belon. If the peol plus with a free hand a thos out' among refugees unrooteo j the storm on ewas rfiiallasenjoil 4 night 21st. 4, Considerable danlai yo-nd a dobut.- munic.palitibi W11ch'.1owi 1ing, liew from the ifected districts. :So rapid 7dry pleakan Dg 0 ed a t pie-nic ad; the River 'gai vote Tov ide in tb Xrectorate all; the one in � diff4ent parts of the owns'hip. 1 11 mpar tive acreage d in N.IexSrldria that cl WHEAT.—Tbe co .were entitled f6someWalingANIn'llumb i at has been its sprea Mr. J. Gill,c the Bayfield lind 4ad his Grove la§t Wednesday af tern Don. A very it that On:tario c 13dp,rd refusek to ratify the agreeme siwn sihows ad average acreage Of I t. is arge n pimber were present �rom I �ord - doers aot a ear to rem amt (r that further concealme impossibi, r predorce3soral with ;the a heavy doe th rate is expected therle. �barn huroof0d. y pdr cent. over .1382.. The reports fri radde by CIO I �k I ` och on Tu morn- wich 4nd South of. Gorr�e. Besides b amo , aad the me Uer 'as dow n . derick? the li"al games, s* p(Ants t oagLhoc ut the wl Io a Proince. trSusal,tion nnL 1-�.and Trind Tian. CROI, IN KAxsAs.--A soiking Irain —A bout 2 '0 the,Gor- -a w4s aild( un bag 161SO ; The Winnipeg I ticed Ing of last w06 the- barn of RebwIt! I efore the the has fallen all over the southern land are of a very satisf&—cilor nature, la ed' ory j, -.of Mr.�DaVVS( Bey ator d a an 4 1 As and cc age quentl'y McLEod, lot115, conobs large Yields ekli Yully expected in the gurc, sion 17, of Gri rie Baiid was present and Y the daugilty' s ai 1, central Paris of the Stitel add insures Dicely for a young band. The sroselit leaple go her wi. gl�eat Majuxi -cases. . houg1suffor., ngives its opix Jon R.S. follov Is I iiell, to must be Su 3ject tt6i the was burned to the ground to big the largest' ield of ca -n ever kn;wn. vere ko�t utill d& t most of'tb� farm implej]3enis i which rknesig prevented oppoiael eipision 'f �iie courts. I bbi - q I ing from the enrelne and prolonged d .o ad 14�ast, is an fu the continuation, The pie-nic ofthe bound. Say th� not any in r �m 4� af Oats are d8o very 1)n is"t, msny were 3tbred lbere, iii�jcldiag a W, a g ra or in the Barly part A on, Weat the season 'Mentalto f the I heli Ito' _11plds yielding over 100 bushels to � the y to the fin lincial wi Ad n a b Cutter and �urjay. was one of the most enjoyable ever hLel 4 t with t . -Graz k Tj un i is manitolbs G! pt with t r1m Still only in -a V )TY ft)w e&E as is ab The wbent--is exceedin, expeleteli I v�as a credit to the lea.r coill-ge . utl to M -L acre. a olding t havett in the village.anc I, it Ii -as e�ny t eiD eased .ri arraili 7,E ent vill o ur D, man than the v0id the; do threshiny out 42. . —Th time for h l whild, spared no injury reported and which 101 I tions, som fiel ill otianged officers, of r 1' was late -a being ory by the Times, whil inn e 16 Cuffed -through jut if - iho i lioll rl ry S C, uld Town ship Fft'll Show has bed where theg' aix i Son bushels pei acre. the pans t6 make it a success. from Iihe Oth� vCiid 10th of Oct6ber to ints" 3 ar From very nian y po �r(]V(jrtliiSpe -the resul the rDad will b, SUICIDE. Ilan Bake-, the no- 1 0 UAI of Grit predilecti)ns thies. [a SAD —E lame paolitib. TI his' —A correspondent of the London 31 4 17th and 18th of the 9 wheat as 11 fl, ering, wheat loo 09 OR iific r of Sil m Says the San li.�,k in the E It tin. complished daughte treco eat CanadiSla I eel ot ars Advert i or widting from alton, Post &Vorable change was made because thl b galzea a the explorer, com Luron,county, encloies t Burr Ple.0 it 8 evi-, In te, te I remarkably wE fl," wile at f Be Eiator Josiah th e V 'I I t the In u icil a itic s i who Baker mitti id Fuicide ;in the coun'ty had fixed on th dates Office, he ihead wheat never 'Looked "ttex, wbt-n the Saturday At her f ather's rei idence at Of a sp.­.ies of grass or weed, whiell be dently been _0111a for a fi bb thei-oncem m ill a first mentioned. �46 &lgopm money in In a few osses , vorm s - Tore reported v .3�dng V 't 0 bticr some I -am@. t, . i I, Yes t P Newton Abbott, Devon E hire. ' bey un thinhB D big placel along.1with time 168 be i orlies at S; I a i g-th y —The News Record- Mr. W6ir,' of i astly b '.te 3erved than the are I DW. the ni injurious, butao serious (Oal lady had joined the order of isterell of olln the some h a asks diatrit e in the;- M I UP60 t 6TA111ancial the Ba field Line, weighed t treas. H -A-Xiery, bountiful OP will M( .I i Y made. or management Ader the ei sting and we nian a- Mercy, -and so over-tmed he strength heavy Lit is ha, to kill., and what ke the! -b e th Mo St GavEr baent. Clinton! Scales oil Xondit�y &I doubt be re-iiipe wi the gyenerafviel� a far as'w 0. hab doe' 4'6t now at ...nt the Dronto Gzey iniste-illIg to -thopoori London meaus gc�ttlnj ju thi8 The t. What Senat a DdL B: nee "a 111 ri d of itJ . Mr. t�.-. I i 9ver an averago. -down and; her :drag hit stallion, 26 months old !which eam h , sea of In med by ntar. ilway h een little OATs.—The oxteu to"which -oats haj aitle 'tie 11 a Sunda of: London. airs oi� )ntario .2 about be-flumi th&t 'her ea.1th brohe weiAl ad 1750 lbs. . Two t i,S ftl ishesi . 1, 0 follOwill ri The a bett or way. ass is olle mind -s fte w6uld ood 1b. a d m ust iahed 1790 and] lbs. 6 from y) I � I 1 .0 been gown as bolmpared� w th that of I -as C(111 I of the v rieties of coach gr s, tri6clan be saii th : I a bi s4c l isanoe an illas been of PS Sti rely - ! pES RAGS 01- resp� 3tively., 4-t eed d V.e I wel 1 TILE -x rIAL Seer tary F ar shows an Grageiinerease Of 217, drul t Tj I ' a �veeil, Ye' ,noraincE. i 13 Mr. t 4e beneft. to tb a cou tt-ig all on Frida- authorized tb colleictor ell repens. It is a very trouble om man DaTi ohn; SMLel.-Lzei V 1 1 n ol ger. in sh wing is eight per plent. In many locall liel: s in 6; ho gyp-. known Ju and'about St, He -the rarA, Ana On Plum is-am�itio and it w:duk be s. tpe 1-1 at, Boston tj, --burn bwo tiargoes of t the al,d wH n once in grotind, is ai:61 ties the spring g rd and, os -ty COM ase, I I sh 13 lost -radicate. I gest oth.- i tn t:D ur 74icli it Wawano the I pity"to ask bi y his abill tian rai the stedmos Baviarim' and .%cult to ei can st p n t r Ad s$­umed-su!.lL heavy bard a to �.ser' township of West sown late weve iujred frosts iii re plot�ly in the S�na a Cham�ek City of Boss on. The c4tainef the, liat- off a, 0ailiag boat, in a gal( I Lake ing bet er than frequent h of the powin n. 10 M31, the 1. ands 0. or the -early paxi of Ju 13 0� I i� 34self But ter - vessel j informed the. port Physician tivatin lisplited. .,Huron, on.'the 15th of Jul Word Of uld Sell or P umbi but,, 0 Y., however, is on) yeportod lin a v C Grand T hat thereiii, took d 'wa tly i ut, to the Thul�sday of last w ek a com- lectoral di triot t is'L fair X3 � or lacific C'ompanlei it ere no ragwor - Paper 0 the vci. Out a recen places. Grubs or worms L re also Spoke as hers see im, I E sume I . . 14115 mittee composed of Rev. J I Mike will be efficiOntly. worked' i I have the 1-bould, T ie customs officers fouz post of St. Helens bv...., ir, bffic6r as. - Gr_ Y, f worhijagd�estraotion asome-loi 104 to 0 ta or of th boa f the diitrict, R . 0" a' I fenvi Re A; were tha. he Would leave the a is 6 Slim of of rigs in the�cargo. An6th, Clinton, Chairman o bales Vok beat 1 ide ozzlec cnE will teamer, bi A 150 bales which Were tary, -Rev. �tiehll. i The majo i ;y Of Ontai fiUallles to tiose who know' a r. Thomas Burke, of. Ciinton, Mr. ISO r 1 h, Wingliam, gecre 1 0: o" 'Wala tj speak Confidently of * a good average crop I week 80 In M effeZ � -of fail ji�d afterwo-r 1 .9 W, pro�ve_a bo tp the p66ple It Vill, improved �r. GaI ison,of Brussels� and quara sold I as acres of a sobiniething about themi ougl;i�there ana no fear afe, expre any IiOwwever,, 1 6 d'ntaye the SINGLII AND VATA the mor iq COINQIDRN� land he owned 'in Sainila laymen, met � at Wi ugha'i "diD a Oi ilidr Aly. hd� has Michi poseol arrangingfor evangelistic k or scarce is little chance of his ag k d, s jould the 6ountvi 0 aness aC oillnbri lo I Murphy tl 4-tcher, gan, to Mr. Thomas till'Ison, BARLEY, I iloughot grown to neatip (I 6. Preston b v fe ar at afthrall, it 13 Ot )nged Webb,and' 0 Wo rather ft6a chal h I had tbelayfield roaA, Stanley, for the sum in ille oderich district of the ly so great, anlexteilt salwheat or liriasent pro) ea ran M 3n;0 b d 1ar n L e,, coul be ,a n WOU barl hil tic or ng always colite ded that Webb I d of �9 per acre. Mr: Stinsoiii ots to odish c arch. The district* was divid, c ignorwnce:th.%� inz nees his May.' Cy 8 QWS an STf Mori I ied 0#, as hile i wo 1 9 never sucoced,in breasting thD Niagara mov t thi I in 'the of a into ci cuits of three stations each, a, d d lo a �dttin 0 is an co rs,e -age of thi ty-six over 188 groqads.- most a �e somuch as B, delbera, intenti6n o acre eL c n -6 omintiondea that all four Aay's p r C f iliest 1, r1poi has with death_ -,s it was 1 0 Ifive :no r5ght ve a stre it WDU14 ic,�me whi t6 also met hort� time. This grain'se Ing too, to lave s er misleag. Ia either ca�e is! cc? 14 Cap- �ircuftj t, ifo ha, r Mr. Warren Callender,- a, form meetin be held in ct: init 1 0 Close, c ibion with Ille,Gthi" 'imilar li�t which overtook th or I each to a considt-r ble extent I rom. the e ar clet ml4ch ci edit eitliel on ne occa- 'time and place Of holding i�l such to a does not ri . W tmin. M urphJr, onmore than o esid ant of Stanley (the el&Bk son of* e4 confirm -aid i n ymoln n Julie frosts and also rom. worins that has � had However, ver encouxi g.remli riunlk at ts, and w in Sion, ellial. JE aged. Wilebb-Aa dare. with him io�f t to the ministr anali'la himself oil -the posi"Lid,11 iia i, and t1riii Callender) but who for two t big v�a y*,. b, ii*"ery mlich mo 0 ben cield the RibUle wliltip6ol. Murphy under- yeari 'has been residinaear B Indon ebch circuit, subject to the 1 appro &I of uli be ej�_bbed i cp his letters rodt ot fair avoe roD vill his. ve A as P. t a �'ih peop oi� took to F3' iM* this fearful pool ol' the has � iven up farming� and ent d the' t6 next� district meeting. niade, and a ilo;� rage or so ry day 7ebb attempted the Niagara, mini itry in connection with! the e Thq ru$sels ost S Y. Si i much Od to those he as' t( rve" S. be general Thepdampness of ve tho- B of u a d in I el early art ui� V1. in A 881 a xle�)ent s drowned.1 ad at e A E ri can gro x if the oaso as el�e th Simi ar cffus�ous of his T_ and he �va I etcher,, proprietor dist 0 is now statio -star on has c and- the -Vantii rain I u s'put a CARET's Doom.—James CDreyl the Owa, u: a, Kansas, havin cir u, r ill atrious adecesaor, Sftat)i Mao,� da0e Says: ble-A It Ralt ?or t of hotel, returned last Mouda' fro but portage reporti m ab#'P the traw to �o Short Park' ino or was shot and Six ations. to Sault St. Marie, wbare and �r ]Phoenix etloh eeiii ugh ey ma sere a re 8 Seeing I;C be get ng's I ttewax er, speak ofbai as 111-i insoun very pherso, alt.h(i ugh him tao killed -ing from Fletch 3r spent a couple of VveeL ally poli on �')updsv w ile Ieti aring the terrible th de storm and having a 11 good Color.L 'Vi cal irefer A-the'remirst-Boonbe socni, sol on th te�mer,Mel�OBQ at Port Elizabeth, h uro-n pleasantly, visiting friends. Mr. Flet. favor � th bi� an 1,1' - a6 assed over the county f P PEAs.—F id d peas do not appear to. Meat Iro, lifin, w Loh s, n) dc uht, the tive'd a t, � prevent a, n b t :of ai South Af cica. by a, Countrym -in named it. Cheri an ardent devote hing- and aajoiniDg conntirs.satur y2 &Lu grown to a ve -y I arge exte P&r- S13COM bject for wl ich t� I biority. T 113 beat lithiln ti, a Mani oba O'Donnell, who was arrested. O'Don- Capt3dn Kaine's new bric od, al d as a specimen o. is - the sho OF are A an. k dance, r it ome other grains, but main with Y tI a vi age o Sag or ough a I ing nell dogged: Carey from Lon on. The in tb ori wai Ick by ccept 11, tbe Senator Plmb is timbilioui `�li snot (4)7�rnmen i emn 6 IS t wi th Irs;,w their all average ill rease in acreage of forty tie trout aggregai lbs,,while I d ubt that lightning and considexi dala a Govern!ment have ji 0,11,17i �om ged. speck 18829, and appi U to i abide ,,, a .- 3 lb*., �1,1 six per over easibe cifl�cialg and iqe�sa their fari attempts �eis followed 5 were some cf them weigbedea ft=ellt ould, 1; min- 6 y generally own through salisftiiid with, his billet in I;The Carey-. Dui lin. Thy Fortanately, none of the. fami4 have biien ve and isiseeking a positionin the to� govern tiliel territcry. Whatover believe1hoe Fenians ock most uied, altbonigh th6 fluid peli very tiken -from o 'small strepii dmIjitying it hs r out the: Provine t�41iu in limiW revent 1P esea � I res io p e. spoit C.r lightp and pdvilges Ontario c),n i !the elder Bons. i6a Cabinet. Thi i w I lrobably a' oilLim, measu Carey near two of' into t Sault. Aside from the i was -no tities. They*douotkppeartohav t ki led outrip but ed short- of this pastime affords he speaks in the q1`1 0 a until the a Mon day 24th ul t Mr. X6E wen Jr h count for bishow ounj�zeal.iii ilip.in. )Aillitoba, certainly as, n the suffered from. frost, and -are generidl ly after tb, i shot. " �O Donnell der- higIli ter g of the coi am Stsule arrived in Clinton fro6 Quelibee Ing Y terests of 600110111 in atiLlio. territory ialoggll Snded V r to her, ad quietl-, was plaoed in and y aditautage it affords to ne� begii Lndr!3. reported vorable) an showing evj� or with four horses, two for hi. self �and detes of a ood crop. itifui �attemp lurr:n Y, lron Cabinet, r or will thl 't handed oVx to the pDlice. t�o for —On INToili aftiernoon of last I w6ek omptly a -,qua, Aft. 1jamew MCFSrlai and POTATOES. & large in, rease in Ure 'hex ; I I St eton afn� F31 ich rip bts. Mr. 'WIn. Cross, foreman ttris A c)ArMURNI(1.ATioA ap4are in Ir is. I e4x, sovere 9,P` gi Mr. obn McDougall of Kom. '6onsity. uge 1b repor d. Reports e Conditi0i L e I At the Dion' G veriament, f Eght clin -otes. 0 Ill dono. a D Hur The horses were fatigued N.Kth' their sl�stained a shook which and probs, a yield di or ve su e of last we &I o- 7er ffi-iia a re 'of ry would hi t wajt� to, it i S� none Of our Mr. Thomas Gr nwayl 'K. jour ey In wo knock the wind out of a! ost yonu- -Frosts are apokenf asl h ving damage Traveler v rhAchl we Sun It.t 04taio if utdooked well.' The7 a e I A ste9r stai t�o Cross trainviay, Onle of n tp of Crystal City" Mettai ba, I ate of. Contra. years -6ld, -!fine animals, and c the crop in anumbo�t of places, an f aherali .1 lia, is about,to v pass u which connedto wit the ailway, ind WiM I unoticed.� efi st I lk.e the isit ntario. good Stock. gru b ISO 'Spoken as a el& has —1rhe H � n Signal says, the appeal to getil-aboad and drive it back - be. aff Car Virovented 0 to In. THE stri f the tele gra jp�h operators _M st , of Ashf! uro are insinuation is tb r. Henry Au ected the to a tim degree. purchased 300 acres c f land in Muskoka, of G A-.. Ddadman from the court of Walke civer close to od and4hen was wanted lo insuire 4 r Li good C speator W, a br ad" to gpt lie) lies to 3, and the"I 6 is, no appear - ULL at lonce. ingsels in near t middle of the bri it RooTs.—R otshavebei iles from Bradebridge. reviEi6a of the village of Br nine in I Th In wi h his b ,ceri i h Is. e have I iti li -i aRge of a demen companies —Bass, arch, and plckerelpgpc�cially the mai of over assessment, came d around, striking I how, the imati, i ation planted generally in theiPr_ovince, iE is a be se:c a amny, I aire go n he lattpr, are very Tplentifill iu the up for hearing before udg Toms! rump and k4ocking him aver th side. ula have bot.. in saying a Eire pTeten )lg t1at ther have huffered severely o.m frost; t�. . . T I as As he fell he struck ; . I gn-d. fe, j I i as eve 6 son at all acqu BI � river at t Albert this season. a tel graph y 1,1111t, with. t li�,ough wi I h their. busi nes but ffi is on Wednesday last. Judgr4eut w grubs. In only a few ses ai th an wil I all 0 ti �_e 01 e 9 f t tt reported as having ego —MrA'. J. Marti 1, the be'p-man of givem in4alvor of appall wires, xhich: broke 4�ed dam so the late Inspector 14uo7s Visit i this c i#y a Prot( n -,e. The ori gi eatest in - Brings 3s, and 4as made lappe &I to be p by corporati d of the close t) a rail fence. Altho 1oh th airop 16en brotig)-it ela 18 bi n aid showing signs -of a promis w1h, 9 ng I t respect he W&3 abo ve suppio on' w. I tha a obvenience s be xpoeri need, es- a:ua� ut thirty feet, he w %� forl un 350 pounds of honey shis seas(in alf ady. villa of Brussels late from a great ipany IO4�al i — I tat ining,no, injury beypll'd a ievere lqcisllyinzheilargeco meteialicentres. A ma, ch at Lac oe'se has beep' ar —it. IV. Heal of Belg ave old J l4os a mom thorougIlly liongrab a oil onest reports, Roots failure man ioeverAh more eggs last week to 'Mr. . 1). Wil- shakin up. Roots poori" ei etco It is, als at B, i d, as� W�e know'o iastances bete' mess.,.ges ranged between the IV�ljgharr and God- erich Oubs, to be PIEL3,ed on the 15th son, than &II the other Stores- in Bql- --Tho Ayrshire, ScotlaIlia- 'Wee�ly HAY.—Thou& havingt s� lffered consid- i�at 3:- -as no live been ( eived, an pa�y for - their J the Inspector h' I a Llr&&MLY of: I im -1 1.4 - News of I recent date sai li� Bfr .1 Wall licellso6ts, this o�v( 4andsl of the Coi these gentlemen t ' . i th6msolve.S agaillE and s oqld do so. df 'the Prw Acts 'it is*.not orIr thew,a&m Suffice it 0 Say th tains anyl provial formeIr they can ated i it, b, thi fy th acce, i 6nee , ei rejeI 0 he.0. Act, isl model( a I Vinci, Act and The question in t1wo pa.rt'.os ab thol as to %� mol*ts C hut is: N rhich an, r_kMVV. 0 K)V PV 110 f - a P0 11 Lceep tied, nd' torw),rdB -an orably from id�ou,ght in 11 1 bei 19 _v 3sta I a the. t rplimsmisei.oh —M�. Ir. L. - Ah rich, formerly of ;veek, at $125 and 6150, d ought Wellwdod, farmer, St li-eleils, Canada, -to an abundance in,,all tia, f so 28, '0 impor t purchase l: mis ione S. s for taP company rorWa !Golerich'aad Bayfield, in -this 'another of Mr. George Hewittj East t is felt qn someql 11h er rdedl them by:, r Itail.- Blyth who rd'oe a 4 or( is Mori is now Path Bhi-ng a paper in Wawanosh,', at $150.' In two w eks he of stoc in Itbis district I year, bas 1 promise 0 by I this wa ffie com. ani will lose -Oul 4 d t be a -mall, there beilig A UBY a a al 0 0 efebd y Bat a putpose. NvAs brot Rodne Elgin county. tooklin 30 tennots of butter ; this Shows been ei�ainh6re for the qutoa ti by of ON, hay on ha ad. There arbitrary nty ly more t, an if the haid Dcced(d to and WAt - the house g done i y3ei Mr. 'V �llwood has been iiery careful I gue an imbil, ation, I the ay, bus ness is bein —Last E aturday n ght 21st tio doii bt at Lhere be an abuDdRn 0 Chief of! ul i�,,, lemaindg pf the o exi 8 in his t c in the 3,�Ieict Jous, all the SniVnials bought -P 0 t e. r( active Mr. I Ge)rao Scott i gra i I A t A 16th eDlacessloil Ve. " llin I 1. bithay forallwhoari% i J As e a ]a and wi ­Usiste�oa U. r: aci Well mare, aowici, welis struck by ligbtiaing the fine i'arge bank barn was raised heli been tai froni first cluss E inion bit place w ot exorbi I nt. o secure i e purpo�iii jusb� -12 w to lVe operators have fre uoutly prop sed "V alentine ahain of Creli cession on I Wednesday of � last weelf. From Ur. Robert Brown, usby, 11 Ar - 'and. Ukp _P�rt in Q i oi of a a 0onferencel ith Lhe compahies, but S ze of! the buildinia is 10 fet)t dx�osi a � one year old ntire colt;: Captain Webbs Bo4y F0 a ado a brook, has sold over 6000 bushels of The i U he fa-�. �-e latter ref said all 0 extiures. -rests bn splendid walls- bv�ilt by from Mr. Thomas Brow The body of Captaiu'W'bb t hat limb gibice,opeding his kilns', in May andit ti, Aidneil �bb was 101111 At if a latte c n_- J - � toba a Niagai - t �,,o reBult Nyi -n n+ uka t is &M.- last, and tLl till eptive. Jam Bs MitcLiell. D. Zimmer 'is the WeA Hilbride, L tne ye I old! colt floating in t a 1. Ulti: a demand is s CBS upol i0i �he Wm. 'has finisAed the from Win. Stevens w Lewisto4i. N Y., M as ought K�- tanee b2' 3 Ous� nit, - ry e eijy�! be i a orpor. �10 41t o pre c ii, but :th probai is MI. XeKay h frair n when he on, Sm. stoil�, Kii_� dili. io '11 own ono oi. f the wibuing, a one a fafm of 200 acies' giving I P rrie wi &.ndev n' job year old cot; from Saturday afternoon by' 11�r. Turner, Lr herefocir is farm of I larg �st andibest barns in the ne�al. therball, I N. Y. It ;waqtowje S f act. VVoild it �at he iia b rities will Flow i bel fo Iced 8, a �oonre Youngstown �lic ju� ti- 00 acres, lot 1:1 if lbor RobertiBurxi NeO Arg of 16 O�ei iw dismoun i 10111 t1beir bigh bereb, and -,oncession 9, Howick, and $5.500. hood. year �d colt ; and from Mr. Robert Lewiston w1jarf, where, all inqueA tt e on The; a. Godbolt, f —]Pbe Clinton 6, 8, Was held the same aftetno. 0 —Mr. G the 11 h conces New Fra- of 1ast -week Barbo r, Kilruskin, 'West� Kilbrid' or. 0 ini op� e�ter intb ln� t1ai ith the ol era- � I . Parchailiea u4i., ofUsborne, recently had � iwo calves Says: It appears that jaorae tbieves are three Jrear d1d mare. The stock left were only two or three bruises on th# 31011 1 1' lovidence, d far i, rgely aft r th, Pro- t �*es, if 'they o act eat irely accedE to )y 1: ghtning. They w( �rel stand- at w ork. in the coun ty, an so ve Gla8gdw on the 11 Titania." body, one Op. the right hip and suothq I 1i , lilled I I ba a person I ioth are good awd- t jeir demai Otil recenj I Od Y a 90 ng under ome poplar trees ai the time. eludedcapt�ro. Constable Paisley 4as a!- Quite a revolution in t e form and - ion the left stioulder with a large Out I i Oxltaji�,Q may be 'so the lorehe P, 64 the id 0 ng —0 0 8 1 t ad of com rcial bunneed lj�i Thursday-ni o adt week telegram fr'm Brussels aShing 4iru to be. struettire of barns en on Mr. the hdad, extending from Pounce ooneession- backwai 40 the tkunder a In barn be- gn tl�ie look -out for a sorrel horge and box A. Mullin's farm on the Uf 'P;out time is not . qne by ith 3 raill 7ay comp amies, bnt ur"ng 1. toba offiei, 3 Pre for a I D a Bon, CIO CeSE at vicinity thi I VIer o ging to Mr. W,. M don 7, bugi y -sbolen from, th 8 ot As 4eld. . A appears the plan has There is no Aoubt what), er about ,I the r -Vitl; the -0 espective Acts lis has bee i topl ad, 4nd tha rush d W x y; The 00 jr6deriph township, v as set oil fire by week, and another from I la�rlstoxli b6en imported from the� States, but being Captain Webb's Ix win, 19rilliT. hiiis I h legal �ufuirioi t a hoe ad call 3ave nee lieglitaniIIj , aind was co arumed with its and sul poilised to much limproved by the enterprisin sa 'fore 1 9 Id 0 1111 about a grey horse, ndy hair., light modstache high been brought over this w ayl. bl Ideri Mr. James, Hende��n,,who hea '19 worai 06 won 'la bleg tents, The building was a hav ae ei Per- ui h other le or tr 4 C, the n gr9W1:ng clan ead and Roinan nose wit