HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-08-03, Page 3• Ware'- t, tRtet AND L faysT 3, 183, patterns 'dist` designs ilr all the to five cents to west assortment j the country at FRTH„. D • t ORATION. PAPE ssortment of Pa w Blinds, Corel¢ T. Pet Paper, sac. O. W. PAPST R O E FIRST REQUISIT 'ring to Manitoba would a supply -of lc bit ted Cured, egg I=est season.' steprdied n .. they all expressed them d f• iu d that their invest F' I have also anpplied a gam: -rt, but have still' a large quiz r :vii fetrofsh on the most ry person going to Meta o ee-slsot€ici not fail to get a supply The Liberally Dealt wi ,ot cured meats kept enestaeny grf•cery store, Main, stre.et,E.te iii large ST small quantities. t A Otto= Lor AS Tata BraS€i$. ROOERIES.- :. f tyre and cheep, as nerved. Per - ye mot ey by buying from rue.' Tot,. Stark's Block, Main Strom HUGH ROBB.` Fey emnatantly On hand a tall Spc-cific, a snre care for ig° et:on. eeey who have use it it to their neiehbordand friends. receipt of price. Sole agent for 1HGH ROBB, Seaforth, '. rt e•veller'sf e to go for good reliable 'LATED WARE SPECTACLES, ted as Represented, a Examine and be Done and Satisfaction S PAPST, dig Clock,. Main Street, Seafort.h IOR LINE 1tIrei1 Stetemeltips: ice York ever Saturday for •via U ER Yr. .d to $S--1.. Second cable, 'netward $28, Prepaid $21. QUEEUSTOWN SERVICE, till Aug. 4. Sept. 8, Oct.13. e:ails Aug. 18, Sept. 22, Oet.27. Aug. 25, Sept. 29-, Nov.8. ,o to $100 according to acoom- ci Cerruti and Steerage as above. efts i. ued at: lowest rates are ee in England, Scotland and sin Plans, Book of Tours, &ter ON BROTHERS, Now York, ;1CRS . , Post Mee, Sentence. X88.24 wOVAL. oGA ORTht.. Eo their new premises, he rear Titiesnri'e store, the shops for- r� Mr. IX cti.tttt ht, They 'Hut -tiled and refitted these - }such improved facilities for tusiness on a larger andsedtter - [rey have now on hand til a e'ortment of their CE which are tee well known t ell - tion. s a specialty, and Repair* in prereptly attended to, liV all our old and as riYnt"r Wein. our new pretenses ONROE ci4 HOGAI Love B'e ter Th. a We lisr wends ,,c.'s R, n.n efbliht! John; why shoals you aye co Of trade and pro$ta being bail, Ade ore' about your little gain, ltd rose at every lose yon' had ? o>' have more moUa y than you know What to do with, mann Goa h *oleos :d sur later, end a on ought to ah • it we Runty has not been nal taped. etimes I almost pity bine, Sometimes 1' 0101111 asharee And somuch uCh goadnfigesingoureuplled to the brim, o pray o ese throw • away t , itmush be hard to_ ear,.I thin , Tobe rplenishing folk's e e e wellth of clothes and me t and d Axe hear them crying still fo more. s a easier learning how to win Teen how to use wealth as w: should And though we gain it without n, is sin to have, and do no g. ad p1Ain . i 'With what we have; and what It eats the heart like rust or ,Think, now, if there 1~honid be ({'rapped up in every hoarde When vie were young John, we And yet we were far richer € dye sent no beggar from the doo i Nor grudged the wage of wor, Ws had enough, and some to F For them that were worse off And there was eunshine-in the Eaelenight when you dame h Bet now the pocket's buttoned The beggar comes not to attr. Ileknows there's neither bite For tramps, as used to be Alt well! maybe they're mos' ly There were rogues, too, when Yet none were driven away like And even tramps' hearts ma * • * p John, this big house, and th Of Iazy servants, full of fres[ And carriages and horses cost The poor whit they have nee erid coat you, too ; son used t Of books, and make me blith EnAnd markets even on throughs funds Sabbat Andyon must bay a fine est 'to And shoot your rabbits and 3 And dine and visit with the gr And sometimes even put en And send your poachrra to the And set your keepers o'er the -;man, can you forget how we :bilked to catch a dainty di That's a brave greenhouse, and 1 like the bonnie flowers, but Yoa made me happier John, wl _ Brought me the box of mign The greenhouse speaks to me c And it may bide or may dept But still' keep the box that Id About the kind and though ul heart o man ! let 'change and market be 1 Let others get their turn-; s d come' Jest think how pleasant itw old be To have once more the old a est ho To read together in the mirk,. Together mercy to invoke, To walk together to the kirk, And do some good to other olk. I'm weary of this grand displa , And hearing of the Li,e and all Of prices ; would I' were away Fr,m ships and yarns and f ads and Oh, if the Lord would only to e, And lift our hearts to thing above! Or else some bank, perhaps, w nld bre And leave us nought but he th and • Defining F•nsilage. ,At two o'clock p. m. t e firs showed up at the door the o Dyke cordially invited h m insi wore of ;. *thee WAIL were poi n, fngme are . - han we; ir me to oor, or sap ore ; ogees we wer dogs;,, be wet n host to eat speak and g: he wee • dry. our har at, lieir air jail, fish - 1 h? it's tri yet ten you onette,,--- f gold, farmer entered hesitati ked. that he bad expecte proprietor, with whom- pointment to discuss en 1 am in charge of tI Dyke. "Q, you are. Well, y a pretty clean office her; "Yes replied Dyke this ensilaze. Ensilage breed, isn't it g” " Breed !" exclaimed "why " I mean that it's a -s re i cr thing that you can rely}—"' gly and d to he ha Silage. e jour u see a. (eie. 11 8 B• is pre the f " Crop! Why-. it isn't "Yes, yes,. I know it said Dyke, preepiring began to melt away doe his neck, but yon can cleaner work with a g• lege on stubby ground Take it for a sulky "No, no," Said. Dyk seem to understand farmer builds an e ground—" "Builds an ensilage have got the thing mixt kind of a granary." • rop at ise't ntil h • n th e do b od SID reit—" plow, sil:age� 1 Yon d up SI a the' study of engineering; and s opeeded Rowell that in a short time She. as. able to assume the d ties of Ohieen- gineer. As an instance Of h,er roiioien y the following story is teld : hen bid for the steel and iron tyre `re vertise for', three or four years a o, t ' wasfound entirely new shapes out be req lied, en`oh as no mill waft t en ak ng, This necessitated new Oat ern ad ' epre- sentatives of mills d Petri g to bid went to Brook yn to con alt : w th r, Roeb- ling. T eir surp *se w s great when Mrs. 'Re being sat o n With there, and by her k owledge of engi$leering,helped them' on with their patterns and clear- ed away dif oultie�a that ad been, puz- zling th it brains for we Mrs Hine ey'sI$.eight or The orning su shone b g tl on the tiny swelling neves of tie b ok,. which ft wed besi e Mian pa illiu ey's cottage,and gilds the wen her ane upon th barna ut ids he 1�d, oo this propitio a mornin , a ` tu of foaming suds wa enthroxl d upon adazzling white -pi a bench, flanked b aiiious- -pots, ani, an 1pcttl s, o ailing starch s ft soap, indigo a d a t par - pots, is inside t to he pr etas of Washing Mrs. • inckle , paus ng in her ener etio rubbing, sh a ed he eyes a aecon; and then ld 1 g aro d and failing t espy th o j ct of her earth, called v goronely int e ora d, old voice, • Grandpa ra dp Iii okley, where b you ?" 1 '' Her l here ! i re !" . re ided Grande , testily, ed yarousedfrom a revive i the gzrap ardor. f i hat's wantin', ow ?" " Wi der Man > ' c of the p tater' lot g i , no livin soul at h iije to� ,, visitor ce, and e. The rernar- et the an ap- 1," said • . to have t about y good mer— sorne- IL" crop," collar baok of cumin. ter and " W zTp ensu- you be hands you i" " It' don't often w,,if a you b: on low would mindi sem to this i_auh some " T tiedke., non Yon seep 1 by ler itho one " T ipophos-: neigh addition, win° and the fault of hese, and t awberry find o and t: re.n. or to yke '' I of the house is 111 " Ho :. often, m t ley, sol =mnly, " h against he snare ofei always .eekin' into b er coverin' what aitirt no: to kno • . Now 1111 hav best p : rt of . the for aronnd after' that ere. if there ever was °a p ek she's ole." Mrs. partner knew b deligh seen hi her wo The aged ":;r up the ills ;wh lied ch her nei, and as of fatal the liv. appear ity asi possess ought Mr. his sp haved scram. widow occasi quadr the bl: a coup fence the wi peered the pr the de misbe a perspi norm t and el soil, zi a "Pahaw, no," confirmed Dy must make myself 'plainer. this ensilage properly mixed part guano and. three parts phate of antimony; with th of a little bran and unbar , whole flavored with chlori makes a top -dressing for s beds which—'' " Why, ensilage,isn't no mall " No, certainly not" said 1: know it is not often us d in t You don't catch my dri t. W top -dressing I= meant turkey —stuffing, you know— or the Great heavens, ma: a humaafood.'; "No, not -a human food, ex poor Dyke, grinning lie an idiot, "it isnt a food; at all in Seale of the word. Ill : plan bean to lasso the ho wit chain, and after pinnin ow as nd etc chase ate aidikr,,: warned ieyes ofy 'thug, a canner to spa noon c pied; .o sseseed out ain't r it." inck- you urn; dis- f use d the reerin' wi, for critter inekley prcimpi ly-b>`oug her his stout oak .stick, for body atter than she { how nob he d in kindly ,deeds, end h ving •' set off at a brisk trot, r -s med k with a wit. idow Marl ins was e, " 'scour- reature wh long ago b.a 1 iven dea of comb tting the a" ifold ch fell to h lot in 1e, and re- efly on the ell disp se among hbors for al aggress' a ereioes, t is well kn wn that y me law ty, all the pigs nd ':co s, and stock generally, of shift eelsfolk tobeelndevved ith extr activ- they had ;son how become :d of the energ their owners o have had. I. .• ote bee Qu as1 m oil te an •. " and that almost n used in lining th ere soon because i aote,"-and his fait 10 traced .the pages reland more' , please d€and absorbed. was found under t Jere began the are page by - ingplot, !rivaling the do b, able Don, is he eat a wi h his han ties the trunk intthe trunkto read whet the sides, ay on his bac nk lid on t ,p Of hili, d Mse bott in stoo age he 11 t trio tere fel furdl he e lit ilos• d xploits n k, hi e k. e iq e• li if r 0 r 8 te rn le Q 0 t• : inckley spent a large p rtion of re time, whioh be fai would :voted,to feet an nacre tion, in ling among they briars in the meadow. On 1 this p r'oular n Grandpa captured the unruly ped, after a' long chase • though okberry patch and toeg, :spent e of hours mending.:the broken. • d finished by a cbnsnita ion with ow who by this time ace • ap- t i- upon tlz scene f anti.o , upon priety of puttin a !boa d over ingnent's' eyes, i case o future avior ;then proceeding h meward ling . under ; the blaeingl .: sue of . exhibit to the yes. of ie' neat only spo>as, va ion sa plea o zig tearsp, Sind weld stains ac- ted by his garments. L y Grandpa where on arth hav :n ?" she exclaimed with praised all your snit, mother, I and as B I've wa red you, and a' old ,a I sho ldh have " thou ht you have overcotn this abit !of e g your nerghb :rs' business byfi ince.'. very cape bot fee e old led 's nt she he heart lanted he and swings g +1 off the st_vo before she a ere is two ways of mind cors' busing s. herie iii one way; leads fol s to spysound to find here the e ain't none tofund exagger to real: faults l aid to t things n One house t w ip a 11 in anot er to urt th it feeling o away- a d say hat th Woman v an di>lfy, and the ingy ; tr at I aggree cele wa t ins your less. ep your th a to ink t. tow with helpi g had, 'orrl in all ulnae ,of�he th sperity or disgrace'.d 1rigii��t,an; ortlan t6. other, not te iotli is der bilis rnily h wash nswered{{' ng yoaz1 man cross and -n Isaid with 1•ou ain't dressing meld). or's busi Thanks- - top e e. open w all, t be ready ! ensilage;isn't and a healing or si knees, ctly'"'said:. ' That, tlrinshonse I hop the true witht las always nor e a trace. be ab. needs his l ears back wi.,n & clothes pin, put the ensilage Mr into his nose with a pair of ;weevers." twinli "My good lands ! You don't use en- 'and t Silage to ring hogs 1"had The farmer slowly arose,l end with his y< Some evidence of .rhedmatio tinges ill of he I his Iegs. I 1 wise0 " Well moth will thin 8 h 1 s t t nt.ok ea h f Grandpaj, is proper I shan't, never be t old eithe tl ter be tin h e to see wh d among m Hinoklc led,' gray be figure estowed i4pc Guth, had nc soul, iiid s t as well: s r you y < I f "Young man," he "you are a long ways you?" said , solemnly, from bonne,- ain't Yes," replied Dy ce, drppping his eyes beneath the stun glance of the. farmer. '' In my ancestra : ".halls in England sad eyed etainei s wearily watch ana wait for m return:" `' Go home, young an, go !home to your feudal castle, an whil ; on your way across the rollin dee 'amuse on the fact that ensilage is sine iy canned food for live stock pu up e pressiy for family use in a silo, hick is nothing less than an air tight pit . w ere corn- stalks, grass, millet, c over, lfalfa and othe> green truck is p esery d for win- ter USe, as green and erdan as ever. ' A,Distinguish F male Engineer. Ie connection with that 1 wonderful bridge which now ocemectd Brooklyn. and New York, which is one of the 'new wonders of the world, and 'hieh . cost fifteen million dollars a very remark- able story is told. T e fir t to drive across the bridge was rs. Vaahington hoehling,the wife of t e gre t engineer; and this honor seems to ha ' e Been well deserved, for since h r hn : e and':s ma- fottana,te illness she as ren y filled his Position as chief en neer •f' the en- gineering staff. As n - Roebing was stricken, his wif appli d; herself to. 6 8 i ie one ,oil t e i blind ale as eithe or nei hbo ." pl ass t 61 eyes, sirs and c>: w's feet, i, be rel, w a ich time n the co ra el wife o t obscured tae grace ie w st'll 10 him th the fair et ler ex ' heresp'nd;d,1" d n't ve airnt sett diem r ? The The Critic r story about Je: ed la yer and Elde , also a and ow an of part ent. B th gentle set, lien nsyly from early bo lent :tory telly of stories of ti BI: ck was desc iption of Quixote, and a as 5 S oleri Star ' . tlyhear an excellent e lack, the distinguish- po itician, ndl D4. Win. imminent easy vaniaii *tial of the Treasury De - welts b ina, and hood. Bot rs, and botl own life rticnlarh way he s fond. of wbe ever a apprecia f ive a dienoe coul _ be secured, The st'ry' as that in nis fathers garret at SSmerset thenstood an old hair t un in th earliest days of the enibr o judge 18 e e1 w ern we h rs n ere Ia Somer friends excel - wealth roils of a read.Doj reating It care beg liter dog- libr the r, when n to feel t ry afford yoting e want of cee than nmes of la a. Jere was i arret one rainy day fo vers on, when he chanbedito as i ;was the Id l..nistom boo . Little ere arm somwhat in reStedl 4. pro ed that t is 6o6k *a 4re hels 111 vari d ander lathe s nae 1 - as, line 14 0 a nearer view of I1 the o , and in t is acro b at Ma d the sto , gath red i t clang to ire thrl ughou de everlas ing frie dsbip s ;Sancho Pa_ za d e ixote. ridge blac told the story as well known among hi e evening !large g therin political people, in ad : ok and D . Elder, w re books of heir boy! oo , a re a few p esent w o neve pry referre to, the ,judge tell it, wh n Dr. Elder, b atedly : I w ' I will never forget thecir der which I first read '1'1) en I was 'boy. Thes pa ok .were pa ted as aa'linii ng it trunk i my father's, g int through more gyinrna •• trig on b hind the. Do :ed throng all the sides, y of that old trunk that h' kited• sin e." 1 Ridge Bla k listened spe chleesl e recital, a d'those who ad h m tell the tory glance"rd • spiel : • m doctor oj nd e. It was evde ti t that So eaody open the st ry or t at' the octor propriate it to q 'z the dge e ;latter w s riot o ly Sur r sed b od deal chaedined. Fer long ti lack felt h rtt'over the t e t of erg, or the ridicule of his f ien ` ter many • baths meetng Ir. the stree one day he sal Doctor, do you re e..ber ories of D n Quixote 'n a : it #r❑ ell that rn stery has been eared have four that when we Loth, omerse my father o ght nick from our father, an vva ad Don: Q ixote the same ay e; same tr • nk." - aged ha in "o ire, 'a he gr hted ingah he trio nB tit0 the wi of the. morn en cli pas ith he p head 1 Etre op er in1a �ressi life` r •ith in do a e s a b e e all, , frih Obi liter' ng n e talking f dast e heard the s clout n ni}ea- u netar Quix !s O an. et, a: tc8 it fait gees hav . y g I cps te" t e Id � I f l - el to rd u:ly ad ad nd to .. •18 .nt 1 er a . Pape able na f he thea he napkin .bred orn eoause paper is cheaper t tit as a p etection again need so c moron are pap i g at Bet in, that the i m tertise them regularly in piers at t e rate of glue s edusa>ad, .sing abdnt nil' limy. TableII'a] kine aro reg la 1 dining rooms are of tissue p mental border 1," Com 1Dr. Casp at the rain the a Oen per- ta'on of th lei, cent. ttain the eventy-big he samba �. ore stri;ki gb At si: �tl twent; ight marri leve'' bac had ; and t [ors for nin ells' b r, of Orta e of 3 n at., e sane or fc ge e. pg ,in ty ye -two edj m e$ors t :e�t'g a t 1 tion for nOes.r Berlin! h ity! ario J tp 45 ye chile am age it is rt one b of 4 i year as : rried men lie' differ persons rs of age bachelor n ; at s for twent ty years ried men. e r • 811 f 1 I • t b n IP ur k? up. •ed is at lith f of CE.HU7 ON E 1 OgITORt. NEW LI{QUQR STOR We take IA the .people of vicinity, that NEW LIt lin. tot oely he le we- llingE, the Comprising t Wines and Li. from-` one of Houses in the asure in announcing to eaforth and surrounding e have opened out a i )UOR' STOR ie. Choicest . Brenda of lnors, selected and bought the ! beading Wholesale Domin4on, ` OLD PoRtr.WINE F om England. DRY SHER Y AND W N From F •F *noel Madeira and arsala Sacramental W e From s ain—wranteci pure. D. K. AND HINK'4 HOLLAND DI . Mountain Dew *.oin ScQtla d. GUM ES—ST—PORTER Bottled b Burke from Irelan . elor there ate ho ein ice ie still ere re ado oven ar ee ba he - A Pair of hoes lin inutes. The Boson lobe says mire consumed in makin CiOtB or hoes when w 'stile best ti e on re or Charles Stewart Parnet1 v lid while there was show ity by Ma or S nderson, °Kir other entl men. Th ed the sho factory of C. S C6.,and the pro rietorel de sew the st ck for the ni5 tee lining ut o t, and done, and the seeing o from one titch r to anot the sole le tiler dried ont kens, and the ock fitt.ea time the upeers, and 'sett kept separate. !The neXt lasted to t ae bo tome, he Were sewe. to the sole stitcher, nd ir._ rapid lowed die work of heat and. satin the edges a buffing th bottoms Nr. Parnell then took an facture` 12rnailinubteeenb fore is ow e reed them with him to the work as ilerfect. as ge in a first Paris and and robbe at New steamshi Met by h and Willi. wa the girl's Twenty 11 that pigbt ed ter Slily n8r, abeet the d er arty wee eer 18z :pint e and the he uppers r the bet - Up 0 this the pers e t,trim as ing chanti oots, ust From H. Walker it Son, Windsor. Brandies. All those liqu re are epecially 'solo other kinds of I (more, which we ho dicinal purposi 'and family use. every satisfaeli to onr customers. Remember th place, two doors so Rob eel for leo, se e will me- eral give th of Rob - W. KILLORA Begs to aril:Or:ince to the Publ has conemenced to opera • LIS. SON • that he e the CTO Y and that he will be prepar d to give good value in FULL CLOTHS, UNION TWEEDS WINCEYS and varieties ie. STOCKIN YA INS. CUSTOM CARDINal Spinning and Fulling promptly attend - Parties frOna a distance will, ae fax SS possible, haye their Rolls 1.ome With them, and s he has put th mill into g order and ere lop; none good. worki but efficie warranted. Rememb r the Wroiett7r ills. 'ALE L. GliSS PRO RIE OR 33, tare, ban s lass railway car age bet Lyons. He ha eer. et • ork, from Elbe fe, and - while, worleon are te ehe him. The young con formed sr. an Mrs. - Mr. Knape ch to th place. W en his d home he fo bade her More. S -e refused t locked in a roorrabnt Tamm w then dr regiment in a dis ant arrested • id ben no impriso ent. After Months e, egos s9(1 his Ban.- • who arriVed ttud the Nrere married' enty car- bese een bbed c who a, rived. er 4. any the ys ago was rnest o se OW d by 11 n love ith are d suit M- n ter rot rned ng Tana any bey an was i h 13,9k ever. te for m Mary He esert- fiv d to erica. g teen t and t for few d s ago, Sand 134 1 co 0 rn eel at 0-1 te- 23 CD tn isa cp 200+00 purhey. Prices ranging fro Three hundred and goventy-five and 1,1140 apreein the Birtle S •o2g `sFioiS1}1 CD 0 0 1-1 tS cip -10 1 0 4 to c. vi FOR Boot bd p. wi 014, CD SPECIAL VA ITE IN DRESS GOODS.' 131.1.A_ SitiOECS AOK.ETS THAT ILL NEITHER OUT NOR GLAGE. Fine Stock ;Hosiery iand NEVER FORGET yOUIcannot get the best value for your money, in and Shoes unle0 you buy at COVENTRY'S SHOE STORE, 3 FOR MANITOBA1 'THE LAKE SUPERIOR RC Parties going td art ef the North take the round trip rocure tickets and !information as to r At the EXPOSITOR OFF For the Genuine Article in French Calf Or Kip Boots, go to Manitoba or est, or evishiii on the lakes tete on applic • OE, SEAFORT any to can sary tion H. Where is the best place in sawn fol. At Counter's Jewe ry Emporium. There yorf will a so find the I gest rill stock of jewel , , Clocks, Si1,4er-plated. Ware and Black He j-gnewarealnrYte. es' all oods as represented. • Every One that vt ts first-class goods Satiefaction give or money refunded. And don't forget to price he assort - Nickel Alarrias, eth Thomas, New Haven and ot er clocks, , Diamond Rings nd Scarf Pin , 18k Wedding and and Ringa: • Counter's for Merschaurn. and Briar On exhibition at 1 the leading j welry earsetfourle'attentionl given to re airing fine watches. Knives, Scissors, Pocket Books omhs and Brushes. Spectacles from 2i5o to $12 to trait all eights. 1 The Leading jeWeller, opposite J. S. Porter's Ftrniture Store. SFAFI ORTH STOVE AN1D TI -NW RE EMPORIUM. COVENTRY'S ,iSHO, STORE. RemeMber that Coventry buys all his stock for prompt Cash,' so that he can and will undersell those who buy on time, • DON'T FORGET TI4E PLACE—CAMPBEWS C?RNER STORE, SEAFOIRTH. THOMAS COVENTRY. ,FEET of cheap pi e and hemlock Immber. Apply t the saw mill, Eight housed' in Bee.forth and liar - in McKillop et, Manitoba. W. C. GOCINL 1411 C. DUNCAN, Chernis44 and Druggist, NOW IS THE TIl4E FARMERS TO SECURE YOUR SUPpLY pure and of the hest quality. M AND PARIS GREEN. rge stock of both, which we will guarantee to be Is the place to get bargains 'n TOILET ARTICLES, Sm. We have SEL mense stock of Nobby Pipes, obigar Holders and Cases that we are 8elling cheap, which 'cannot fail to give satisfaction. Brushes, Combs, Purses of description Sponges, Soaps awl Toilet articles in great varieties, Perfumery Stu. N. 6.—Physicians' Prescriptions carefully and accurately compon ded, and all orders answered with care and despatch. 0- IDT-71•TOA_INT, N-sxt Door te Duncan & Duncan's Dry Goods Store, Seaforth GREAT JUL4f STOCK-0TAKING SALE JAMES McLOUGHLIN' BARGAI,NS ALL THIS- MONTH 11•1 DRY GOODS.! , BARGAINS IN GRO ERIES. TREMENDOUS BAFiGAINS 'IN MILLINERY, AS PIE REGARDLESS 0 COST. 1. Always keeps on !hand a full lin of the - latest sty1,3s of COOK, BOX AND PARLOR S OVES. Their beauty ows them a d the price sells thera,i TINWARE Of every descri We make all our them good and r A full line of lery at very low We have a fin in stock for pr and prices. OUT tion always i stoOk. goods, and g arantee 'gilt in price. able and Poe et Cat - prices. lot of Granite Kettles serving, des. All sizes All kinds of aobbing Work promptly attended, and eldisfaction guaranteed). Parties wanting goods in my line it will- pay th.em Ito see my et eft and cOrnpare prices. Seaford?, Che Stove d Tin House. La e Whitney Br thers. FIRST-OLASS BU ER AND FRESH EGGS—AT C4.04 PRICES—TA N IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS 4 TI7 BIG J. *cLOTTG LIN, Whitney's Block, Seaforth. EXECUT TINDER and by v `el of Ontario, Ca tors of John O. Id ritz, late of the Zurich, hi the Con nty of Huron, T Shoe -maker, now d ceased; who died the Twenty first d ..y of May last, notified to send by letter prepaid, o the first day of September next, to signed executors of the la4t Will and of the said John F, Moritz, dee Christian and Sum mes, addresses a tions, the full parte ulare of their clai ment of their eccouets, and. the natur Mee (if any) held by them, and that g the said Met day of Septembor n assets of the sitid &ceased, John F. 3 have been realized, he same will be entitled thereto, to the undersign nice shall not RS' NO rtee of the Revem Statutes 107 Section 84, the credi-` Village of n or about e hereby or before he under - Testament d deserip s, a state - of secur- soon after xt as the estributed having re- otice Shall liable for person of rty or se - or who requested - among the parties ferenee only to the have been furniehe the assets or any p. et thereof to aey whose claim notice shall not have be bv there at tbe time f distribution. son having knoWledge of any prop curities being part of the said esta are indebted to the said estate, ar to communicate with. MICHAEL ZELLER, ) E, Dated at Zurieh this 17th day of une, 1883. -811-12 BRUSSELS LIME WORKS. TOM+I & SO TILE subsetibers take this opport ity of re- -2- turning thanke to the inhabitant of Brussels and vicinity for peet patronage, Mid eg to state that having made geveral imeroveme ts in their kiln and mode of burnine they are now In a better position tilt ever before to supply the public with first -el s lime. This being the th season of o business deslings 'xi Brussel and having. giv le unquali- fied satisfaetton go far, the pubbe n rely on reeeiving good tre tment and a feet lass article from us. First-class lime at 15e. Cas Remem- ber the spote-Bressele Lime Works, 804 TOWN )ik SON. FARMS OF ALL DESORI TIONSI DURO %LED& PARTLY IM ROVED Any one wishing to sell this "class of property can readily obtain a purchaser by applying to CILIJIMES E. JULY Land Office, Dundas Bt., GICSIe don, Opt. MONEY TO L AN At lowest rates of interest. Apply 816-28 V. E. BBYDO London- • 41.