HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-08-03, Page 22 EASTER 'MORNING . ' RANCIE BS eHAALEB DAaaNARD. "'And the sun will dance's he rises inthe morning, and all, the attle will . look toward the .east an bow their heads; for it is Easter inorni That is what the old We onan said. Janet Leard it and yet could dot; believe it. -•Why, should; the sun dance and the cattle nod their heads ?' " Darlintt it's Easter morning and they are that glad," - ' " Well," said Janet, after a panae, "there are plenty -.of cattle on this ranch. Shall you get op to see them bow to the sun ?" - " Why should an old lady like me ;be risire at that hour oy the day ? a There's no church within a hundred miles that I might be going to." - Janet's mother was • dead, and Mrs. Glorin, who was cook and housekeeper all in,one, had much of the care of poor little lonely Janet. Like many a child brought up without ohild friends, she was given to much t i=nking by her- self. Their home w s a lc g house i the midst: of . a v st grass plain fat away in the West net's fa her owned a cattle ranch ; .and he lived with him, and old Mrs. Glorin, n1 the five ranch - men, and over a housarad bead of cattle. Not that the shaggy cows and wild -looking steers ware all at home with Janet. Her lo hoose home: was the centre of a 1 rge unfenced plain without a honse, o I tree, or sign of human life to be s n anywhere, save the droves of cattle, he ranohmen, and their horses and dogs 7 ON THE boraebaak. E . matt h it looked a very warlike o (florin Dame out and as wanted. i "" It's f a woman ui tr the sohooners,' aid one horaeba3k =" a ani - rn makin' for Dako a, ut w here, just a. littl , fo a there's d house ere." "" And, to thin it's Eas cried Mrs. Glori .. ' A b be it, mister "?, •he 's n here to dig-fariees Tl and the child:. he e." "'That's all: igh , m want to ask .yet let the with. yet✓ little whi e W " Oh !i.oh 1 •.it' Ea ter. ful ]faster ye br ng." " What's Eas er ?" sal men. "'Taint no - ind( '0' nothin' hilaribu ?" . " Mrs: Glorin ad not wr Such igno noe was. post standing. -"-It's not for t alike of a pore body. Bring the la he. n a: ok fr ed in bitte ly, a its and es By day the.child as free to roam at will over the sea like plain. or watch Mrs. Glorin busy with the h .use -work. Her father she seldo>Ym '.saw, except at night, and often he w s away with the men . and cattle for, week Thus it was she splent ' time with the queer 61d wo fashion had taken her mot " To -morrow is Easter," s: herself. • " 1 shall get up a nun dance. How strange should know when the right She thonght much of tills, b all in her heart. Night came, and sae cowl" to sleep on her bear -skin b she awake in time to see the Easter sunrise? She did sl and far away to the e et, ove lands, the Easter bell bega+ Somewhere in the : ar E. Egypt and Arabia, a! ew' pe • and said it was East r mor haps there was a little tinkl some small church iiP i " Con surrounded by wonderful where the crier an other -day: people to prayers- The East: was as bright on the mi mosques, and synago aes, a church _spires. Their away sunshine ran over E :rope, drat bells rang, and t e •peo in long procession • thr+ old towns to hear the o the music.. Then f, flew sea and : met the ships, haps the sailors rag the than before., sachem and the morning guns :n .the have. s'ee4aed a trie loud children were everywhere get to sing theirEaster carols,-- ing flew over the wide West, in the long thick grass], that a green- sea on. every side, sto. girl patiently watching for t ' The stars.sere out *hen s. the soft bear okina an 4 stole t Mrs. Gloria was fast, sleep* was no lock oii the do r. A • asleep outside or, -the ool gr he growled when the doo When he sew who it was, bis tail and lohked pleased. "re you glad it is Eas Janet, koftly. The dog gave a joyful bark ed off. He seemed to be v about something, . i " Keep quiet, sir. You'll w Glorin,: and she's dreadful t the, washing yesterday. I'm to sea the sun dance." t "'So am I,"=said• the do dog language could tell it� Then we will gib toget there many cattle ,about, sir r The dog clearly' did not u:.'derstand this, for he only ran b king crit over the 'grassy plain l " Mebby he don't know :`bout the cattle bowing and t a e sun dancing. Oh I How lovely the s y is. he angels must be: dress -ng it up cause i ' Easter. The ° sen . is going to rise rig . t in the midst of :these clouds.' _ She looked all about eve the va!t plain to see if any of t r e bla •' droves of cattle were in sig " t... Fa away to the south she thought :he cou d see one drove, bat they were s. far • way she would not be able to 8:5 then bow their heads at the right moos ent.' . he walk- ed slowly away from he hou e toward the east. She was not quite : a' a it was tine that the sin we .d res ly dance; still, if Mrs. Glorin as . "a istaken and she wad mistak n once, when she said the prairie was on, fire w e t it was its -it ould be o1 her s ght. more . eauWill wonder 'f . it 16 ust be . use it's at a time. ach of her •Ian who in er's place. • Janet to see the be cattle t y comes." • t -kept it hardly, go d.. Would wonderful p at 'last, seas and to ring. et, beyond le awoke ng. Per - g bell in antinopie minarets, •ailed.the sunshine " arets, the upon .the the glad • d Cathe- o flocked gh • the tins: and over the : nd per- "ll'londer America, arts may :r, for the ing ready he md:rrr- - and there e read like j1 a*tie e &unri; e. crept'off the door. nd there i'gdog lay mind, and opened. wagged ?'' said ud start - y, happy ke Mrs. ed with oing out plain as er. Are a only the. Northern Lig Lust as well to keep ou " The sky is growing every 'moment. r always as pretty ? It it Easter morning." The -herd of cattle tc seemed to be movin thought she could see la as- well as cattle. Peri be near enough by the a gan to , dance. Oh! it's emigrants • Slowly the lrocesriio and nearer over the 1 train- was evidently house.. This WEB v had seen trains pas keet on the great trail - the utheast nea . She orses : d men aps a would time the sun -be it's t : s,° n cake evel pl makin anus before, artot and only skirted along the din?. and shadowy p ocessio hazy distance where tie sky grass. "They must want-somethin to go back and wake Mrs. Glo The dog had also dis overed grant•train, and stood eking at the long_ white -top ed waebaas and growling softly under is bre: •h! " Come withme, sir. Com: back to the hoose." .. l' _ both ends meet thi Away they ran to ;the ran h, while mustn't go into " ebt, the Easter morning grety mor: splendid if the quarter is. I av in the east.- idea. .You shad hav She had just time to call s Gloria pretty ;correspond nee and then go out before the ho, se when velopes to math vdh the foremost train came up an.. stopped. gave me at Chri:t as ; teams in a bus with four mules to' _ so neatly that yo, an each, and 'seventeen ,men iding on suoh as you t• 'nJ ea 6 e 4 a gun, and m -any. Mrs. ed what w lib a in one 0 f; t a men it . p rds is W na toe r in', Heel : er orning 1' yi go'wh men abo ere's only. ran wo gel ; we on man bi ready." s a sorro' one of t -festival ;r{d to sa k er -rind r to refu ns at tl1: woma e wago shawl men al her int• e and:: tofth r, omenta went in s they a. littl . er saw. aay white he mid- ame ou : talked r', very aeything nd eve: oma Then they opined back of- the first iwagc climbed down and to a little bundl: wrap She was cryin tqok off their the log hon -number . of other wagons, the - house too, and 'Doke. opened the baby ; the sm It did not cry or and still on the die of the roo ata time and in` -whispers. • strange.= She like it. At last all t one was very e me still," whocried° soft " There ain' :any kinder pro one man. No- one said a w Glorin -,went to a E and toot out some me �dy i nrt id opal a id ti• art wou e.. Ot er hiidre ca•"e and in a ew ae fill d. 1 All oil i sit ace npole • It - wa 11+stb by : he Ian h, ant ine abl. in The pea ple ked at i a was a li ad never :: ee . 0 I: Y. xce a . e, tt t o fit ler wh pe th i g t• s doted unk in hin ; : J never see before. I. wa : a cross, blackand t • 1. ish:d She put it in the chip 's h - nd. "" Sayin' be ver:: w 1," ::aid " but doin's. bet :. me .." Then they al - . arch di house, out int he lorio,i s 2a -the vast-prairi-abo t, th above. Last o a� ca as e Jr Glorin. , Some one h d m the ground, and there they to sleep, and Mrs, toric should never b: d`ista bed ranch stood. Then they :!all w and drove sile • tly aw y o plain toward tae wes . J Glorin stood b tlbe or till the process o be arae line on the hor 20 an th ed, leaving a y allow t ail o sky. This too .lew a ay, nothing save this g ass, t a +: and the little around behi a " Oh !" cried Janet, " 1 n e seen the sun dancd, for morning.' • " Don't ye be ave th Glorin. ' it's • niy make -bell Why, ft's E ster Moroi every one was' . appy f•' " So they is. Even those. t ing ; for they'f ,el sur that °little one axle p in t le bi wake up some 'aster .1 or in the good Jesus: • id." nett dei ppr ds lc tit o er ne at oil Daisy's BY MARG. East y kno s i" ba d nMr. e corn: r et h y silo r h ag e mate, "t of the ; with Iter sky id Mrs. place in he child "• ised it g as the ilr teams e grassy ea Mrs. g them a .faint 'appear - aDe the re was the sky, house. o have Easter d 11+Irs. 17 hought 's Cry - en the ria wild just a$ r - AI r ET v NDE Mrs. Tryon looked .nxiou 1 out of the window an elon thee) where Daisy should h vo co e ail l.L ur age. It was alines dark the la a iligh ter was flitting " fr.rn pillar; t ybe' witlp. m his ladder; in a ann:r which •ustified any amocnt of : llusio s to -his quick ness. Daisy h d neve be n e . ate a this before, and h r m—the haturne to pit on b an ° she 1, ad go i search of her t can da late whe gate and door err hastily one d an. the little girl c me in.:,. "" Why, darli n g, whe +e ha a €y. t been I was bo inni 'g to be ,ors xioal • about you," sai her ... the , ki : sing th flashed face an sm•1,thi: , o:ck th tumbled hair. "I don't wonder, m 'mm°: ; I v teen anxious about . y elf,' sale i i.:y© dole- fully. " I ran early 1 th. a, home, though my fee felt j st : avy_as lead!" ":Bat where , atle y. , be, . ? zepeat ed her mother. " Yo" sur:a no kept in ?" ) " No, no, m m a , brit have been-!" r --.1i d Il.aisy same mournful toe. "1 quarter down a crack t 'Lizzie and Lou : nd I '. ave for it ever since schoolwas enough and thi non ; h t couldn't even si,,, o Mind when I asked Miss ayl en up :he ould 'ost lY Ia athe s it in th roped my tor, and fishing nit ; but we t•k long - f el it, and r fmight us 1: 41lied er Than a rasp red: he a c rpehte we Id haw worth quit . Wil have t a y1ody )aisy wit ntj to sen eaatifu obi Band h ?" aeke. leave• have a board to and said it quarter to do it ".And so it w mother, " for could do it, and to take would °that ranch. I' let itgo. Iam " Arid now I single Easter quivering lips five. Mr. John little ones for fi gives the envelo "But what a nearer the mother. i. The for the I. She at they south ; orizon, a mamma, and •, in the grandma ; then met the Aunt Helen, an one to that dear . I ought don't believe an font all her folk: the emi- than we are." arnestly " Poor little g said her mother, kiss. " I wish you ; but it will you nothing for Oh, they w the village," a• was going to myself.- The pt 77 uld, d theod ti a• ritbab : ajrai,F arty 6 can't ad" "" and .lin h: e can .e&wiri out th our c: h,t.", re all sw:ere. ea a t tt'est he n Mee • otie to little 11 bo rl. eYp, ho,- s ry I am !' w-thl a loon . u and ad tin to t give e all can do o ake wek;ocdwe nt a 1's ao lost, a v ry ri li,ant fi e those cars, it en - ch urs Helen and i yo print tint so a exts, h Por'soould but e h • -be you ry.' end "aid 60 th+ post lou.' rp ne tto Un am '11s or ag here i ind door you t fo ne t an. e. one, oore like, on each! of the Dards, and 1 will irect thein far yon." • " Oh, thank yon,, dear mamma In pried Daisy,jolgfully; d epringii gup to get tl a Dards,; " they each have rt .flower in 4e. corner, andhat will be like Eastr, anyhow, and I like t- Tint -it Ism oh : millet than writing.' . So all • •hat eveningl and par of the nett ay, which, fortunately, ?iv Satur• pay, as spent in printing the aster - cards. rs. Tyron was fro Clue ly con. eulted as to the most appropriate' texts one; except herself, d per - will' like to hear one r two e chosen. For ' Gr dm°a," aid and feeble, and w often fal nights,Daisy Choc a card nerdy hovering over ! rose, were the teats she pr ed remaineth therefore rest for of ;God ;" and ' Tb shall t there." on he ba of.the rote a few loving, we de :ar Gra dm you ill have a ver appy t with ou would let e do • for yo can readalmost _ now. and ould 've- .to u, or I could w •ite a 1 t er for • sill as this is ritten, f that or pant it ; I an pri t much n 1 calu writer You owing Dar " ee, mamma," sh said,' hose exactly E stet" verse , but I,. hey w uldeo f p rt gr . dma, buttery 111 ho is an d." Others , verses udiln •o the. ou wee chose T1i, were' ,g ed t me,. an ' ++ eaVly ireot- ave y ay, h n Daisy came m soh ol, .h ran t+, the aw r, boi." r t = . sures way, t hat : a •ther+ • ok at. for baps hat ho d ver you we avas yak: jwith a b hand hes "- her he.peopl jbee no nig card She 'Dear,, d +' I hop Easter.. somethin everythin teed to y you as , ou1i do better tli )ittle. 1 "".You re not bought And the Easter -ca For th risen ;Say finished i ed, and home fr• barean-d were Iput theta' i Easter -:wen c me, touching service was took Dais,•to lea a th, Uat.thncle ` di`•Ni e1ventlived with d ors. cif , the:nvelope we fpurth at he don of t end the fi th; was to dear mot er in he they .ent+:red 'th:ir litle so Doi=mat:s, Ca, erun ++ing up •res as soon a: She co Id :found it, Miss ayl er `Tom fixe t of sh,eme e ' she it ha 'the mo hrough the ski put' 'nI dusty . oar it isn't too '' 'ih: car d as w: ea ch sat arm s, ' ha We&v found it 1 and brot with a b end ,• and but we've getting it I And Li stipky an. " I hop anxiously fpr I look "It's ever pom lead been Mhen she ind littl forthe car now man thake som , Mks risbe tie mal, t le la tided ,g. Dai s an , and enol Y! ns t a Ion silg :adfu haat a do. 1 sai, nils; l 71 aha isy,!ji sed 1 ave s soon. sailer!' lied filen ds, if I' ma h: s° sh. a+I me very dee on s, and all ready,nd I s • all bar this opthe plate to -morrow, w>h:n 1 Ilshouldn't have a thing-! Oh, very muc obliged to: on both the kissin and huggin ha I to all over again. Aunt H len an Unc4 e Daisy on the c uroit-s e orning, hen th joyfaIlE as ,over. " I wan ed to tell yo , d Aunt Het n, stooping f r a very muc pleased we all My ur card . We value�the ore beta se you printed, self. It as very twee of it." " Oh, li t I didn't th' 14 o a nty," a claimed Daisy as mam a who thou' h was all be suss I l�ost thou' n was going to buy cards' h ve had- nob pr ttier one b en for t at." " But n t such al abl Uncle Wil , taping her ha . t ey went owe the step . n ver have an Easter -car s y as mu h tol meas ilhis o eve put ,i in my Bible, a it for are keri and th'nk o; giver eve time I nee it w" sit abo t losing the qu ra /So Dais. told him a o t rid findi g o the quart Iked alo+•g, and ;LTnc� e at it ha. been a mot il;o 14" Come p this afternapoon, rand 'd, as he bad her good -.y " m : as ea to see to •da for he, car: Grandma was h Ming the e ble han:+,! when Daisy e om.. ;. "It is b:tier the •any maid be, d:ary," she sa;iid,k it both ch eks,: " for it tol o' e, as we 1 as ,of the ,desr even. will k et: it up+ at nig t, and try tot Making o the gla day wit o which I am son going. • 11 you re: to m ? Id d li w old yo" are, a d t o la ve learn 4 until I read o So Dais read s owl. , b m ,Makes, a Psalm and h p svening,- a a d grand a t'Id the beautif 1 thong is hic • gested. 4. " It is al ays ovening wit" me lear child, ' said s , " an c haw ;o think." ; And eve i Sun ay after oon has Daisy ame fo the re ding, ;he ""beau iful ta, k " hic fel t. ' I didn' think, mem a, • hen ny quarte and w: s so nh: pp Feld man weeks aft rwa ds, ouch lovely things '••on' c•me acid perba s " she ddel th u " g� ' it's that -ay abon a good any niy we do''tb find out so sod ." . ,1 IC e I 1' the ryon cards u and three ;the girl, o the seas two Lon, Ozzie, med: e've key, wire, the ugh, time very r. Lou, gone, if it ully, two nt it and w to ey're put ugh t 80 and done ill ay.lairi s t. a next aster service rltiig said. kiss, ";how wary -with so ninth' hem your- ou t ink of it a. pelf, agar y, "it f it, and it arter that I ith ; you'd if it • adn't ants' said in S, as I shall • hie i will e Se, et. I slt. 11 use the little Bat what er ?" the osing sr, as hey • ill reed tuna:: loss. Pus:t " he at tb :.ate. �, to hank card tete inted ssing s of fa ah er .e p: out a 4n: note` mtc ✓ n t w et to er So the .. I . II I. - -Some o New To utg, N.Y. and w very 'Sued -1---A part alt Lake ttempt to eld, Mass • 1attend tl -J. B. "itor of th i,io ring t e?n confin at lost ove also a vi titins. Hi ilzty," supe oak, .. 0 aY-. s ago Rev. S k on hi: bicy lti f He is : Methb• eels fiv: mil s to of twelve w ity,°Utah, heel from t chusetti e meet. McOulb St. Doh e point d to be 100 pc timofr comple induced , on and t ch, is G of d for und13 time: int tf by 4 111' ere the nux� be obe ath Lala of ois it nti ae in 0 ist- his c tar to ame Dem her her bard aisy your r pil- ight inow alize the of ug - ow time after and wed 1.1j t ings • FA h If Lot 84. CO containing 50 -acres, cultivation, and well aremiees a barn 92x5 orchard and a good I Aply td Brussels P. 0 FOR SALE. -The sou h hal 12.1.8 cession 3, alit W b ich. is in good with stable belo eg house 18 26, T rand on ea. y tenn GEORGE ARM oi east state of on the e prop - of pay - 814 FARM FOR SAL '--Fo sale, lot the Bayfield cone ssion, wnship 'of Go oriels, J wee, 40 to 50 ac cle red, and Road, aud adjoins tile indorpOrated illage of condi -one of Isle apply] to LEIT KIN STONE Baylie d. 815 WSDENCIE FOR SALE. -F reale, at large d contfortable residence ph no Main room, kitche , bath room and - bed r oms, be- iences Also two lo well pla tted th fruit trees nd grtepe *in For fu ther rticulars apply to JOAN Mcl TYRE, Se forth. 806 -!-• ur beautifully sites ted facia on Noeth Main Street, Se are in losed in fence and will Or se ,aratelie hey aree wit walk f the business part qf the splen id far4 on the 4th couces at pr -sent ocoupied by the p are- 10 _acees -90 of which are and rst el ss outbuilding., miles 'of th town of Seaforth .premi es or !ids ress Seaforth P. uildino lots all forth. The lots in five minutes own. Ise that ion of , cKillop, leered nd in a brick esidence nd wi hin twe en the 813 • APO es at a bargain, Lot 27, ip of ebelecounty of ee. This farni le well tiro sion ee, erect, p incipelly 3 mile from Allanferd station, n the Georgian Bay.aa d Lake Erie Railway. It old at a rosiTo 804 ill be VA.R I FO SALE -For sale, lot 18 which 80 acr ate cleared, free f um stu fenced' uncle dralined and in a hi stat va,• ion The ush is,. hardivood. The waste and o the ferns. here are go It is w thin 6 miles of •Sea,torth, nd f pen. It is one of thvbest farms n the farming in D• kota. Apply on tl e farm - comes - acres, of ps, wed of culti- (1 frame f water. wnship, is new or to the 807 'ale, that re clear - balance °use and and the f school. s or to • nceesion i ARM in T clieremp for Sale -For ssilendid !arse, knoevn as th Moo being tot 25e0ontiession 4, H.R. „Tile contaieing 102 mass, about h5 ot which e&and in a high state of =Was ion, th well ti bered. The* is a large brick good() Omit ingot, and a s'plendi ore a farm is st Mile from Se fort Apply o the ropriet r on the swamis are de red, and the remainder good hardwood bush, There, is on he premise a new frame house. and barn, a good sptil g well Also a young bearing oicha d of choice ruit tits. The proper y is vieli fen d, and 15 Gres of ew land ready for fall, whea this fall. It is situated Temps easy. For farther part [metre ripply on the premises to 0 MIN McAlt ISUR, or if by VARTril FOR SALEs-For sale, the nprth half -1- of lot 30i chncession 8, Mc rist, c.intaining 100 acres. About 75 of -which ar clearell, under - farm i situated on the northern ravel I ad, t so drained, and ne irly free from tittle] s. Ttis There e goad buildings and fenees, elan a good miles frorn Brusaelat 'and 18 ,from Seaforth. orchard aed an abundance of splendi fencieg timber on tbe farna. A never fail eg spri g Creek will b said el.esp tied on efts ' term ti's tbe preen tor is ()sting old aud (1 sirens to retire on the pre-isieser to Mussels . O. :OBEItT BURNS, Pro riewr. . S12 vAR:a IN UCKERSMITH F R. SA E. -For tainin 60 a res, all' of whic is cle red and fleeced nd in a, high atate of! cult ,vation e'beee well. This fa ris is withir five ni es of yeaforth, on. a gobd gravel road and a sabot 1 hens at the corner f the _ot. It is also withi four miles 'of PETE 310,01RE. 806: FIB t Pa taining der is g • FOR -SALE IN • HUL ETT. North ts el Lots 34 and 35, Oen tession 13, cola - ng acires; 80 acres eleure ; the remain. watered, wait . never failing sprit.* cree nein od h;dwood bush. Soil, clay I am, well on the - Premi es. Frame barn '' and sta les, leg from BI tit a d 10 from Clint° Fo further borougli P. 0. ' E.Olit SALE:I-One .hu' n( red a re 7s 99fo'i ises a geed frame house, a frame b tan an( stables, 85 acres:clear d and 70 free of stu sps -a. id well is situated wi hie one mile of Bra elield station, and convenim t to schools and. hurches; and within 0 milee of Seaforth, and 7 miles of Clin- ton, an a goqd gravel road to hot plac s. For particul rs ap 31y tp the proprieto on th prem- ises, or y let Ms to THOMAS. IV UNR Bruce- -5-- Fr it Evaporator and Cider Mina or sate cheap a d upon 'easy terms of i aymen . The manner tor ti e carryieg on of the Fruit Evapor- ating 13 sines and are now in firs '-class Vorkiag order, and a 1 ne payiug business can e done. But as . , ohertsou one of le pa tners of the firm of D. D. Wilson & Co., h gone, to Ed- monton, No Stswest Territory, rentain Per- manent] , th property must be sold and the busines of sa d firm fieallsr closed up. For any particul rs wi 11 regard to said pro erty apply to 1: the east alf of lot 15, conccs ion 3,Iand the south haif of ot 35, concession 4, ' Uulle' t, con- taining 1300 cre.s, 80 of which a e cleated, well fenced, and h a high State of c ivation. The uncleat poi hen. is well timber el. Itl is par- ticularly wel adapted for Rtock 'I here is -a splendidly fin shed frame house, I ch gond cellar good stables, hed and all other lecesenry out- buildinp. here are two goo orcl tuts of choice fruit, tl ce. Alec) plenty o goo water. On the whole the farm is one of ti e In 't coin- pletcly rigged in the township an will ibe =add cheap end on a-sy te, ins It is within al tulles of Chat -A.1 an( 7 nines of Seafort 1, wit 1 good gravel reads 1 •ading, to each place. Apr?, - to the . proprieter on Ire premises, or a into 1 P. 0. e Ode FA-Bm FOR Ls. cleared end in His- well un.der.er rat hardwood. 7 taining 100 acres. 80 of V . 'eh are a goad state of cult ivati .n, and lere are on the pr Mises fra.me ellen and - cellar, a never failing water, a bank ba a .and stables buildings are nearl new. Four and acres of E I. goo bearing orchard cf cheice fruit. It is within a Ilile and a half of meads, and rk)g- two miles fro . a railway Station. The farm is ObSte good in the pr duction of grain nd ro ts, and .1 for Bieck raisi g and graziug pulp° es ca scarce. ding , rims across th corner, fOrniehing a never failifT rat, supply of run mg water. 7 he le of t e river and, stone for bui ding purposes tha the county affords, which ill becoine a mine of w alth in He itself -as timbe gets scarce. This f rin m st and, oin- will be sold, a id as the proprietor intent s emi- ve,... hareem. Apply to the undersigned on th prem - i• ises, os b mai to Brussels Post 3-12 BI sift , Early at olt of Field Cariot, Mang W -are paying the higb.e tra, Peae and Potatoes. Our sto ite, Alsi e Grass, SEED $EASON k of Seeds are bew complete and lds and Turnip new stock of t market price f OF 1883. ully assorted. Clo er-See s, chard Grass; Red op, Kent Six Rowed Bale White Seed Peas expecte daily. eeds are all freeh *nd. now, Flower (Wks) and arden E3 GROCERX -DEP Our etonk in this departmeat was neve • any ouee i* the trade, aud quality of good RTMEN better assorted. P ices as 1 second to none. Ve hold merican and Canadian p!ao EBS. Prices on appiicatton CROCKERY AND pLASSWARE. shnply immense. Goods must be sten to asersi will do well to . give us a. call before Our stook in this line is precia,ted. Intending pate No teouble to show geode "a Good a deli:vete& promptly. Rea cky pur and eds. 118. arke ers. be ap- LAIDL AINV 84' rAIRLE Main-st. S:baforith. AT Great Bargains in B ots and Shoes JOHN Mcii\IFYI3'S SEAFOR THE OLD AND PO ULAR HOUSE. ow is your turn for Fine Summer ,SHOES and SLIPPERS: Spe du e ent for CA.SH•buyers, A large stock and a great variety of st oh o e from. Closing out lily pretent stack, Iv th the view of going out of ma work. N. B.—Accounta are -pow oat, and must, be lattended to at once. OOHN CriNTYIE, MAIN STREET SEAFOR la 1 R H. s to aaY- H. .j. L. SM . TTEL FOR I MONTH AND DURI G STOCKTAKING • We have deteimined to clear out our entire stock of • GENERAL DRY GOODS, PRINTSI_DRESS COOD;. PARASOLS, MEN& & BONii'S STRAW tilitTS. LOW PRICES IN EACH DEPARTMENT. SMITH D. POSE, FAMILY GROCER NEXT DOOR TO THE FOST OFFICE, For Extra Valu e in F.lesh Groce#es. GIVE HI A CALL GOODS DELIVE4D FR E. THE tEAS. TEAS. BEST VALUE- FOR YOUR MONEY HAD IN "THE DOMINE:ON IS AT TEAS. THAT , CAN' r A. G. AU StGAR —very cheap ; Lail and see them. quarts and ptsts in Gem Fruit Jae. A well Provisions, lour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Shorts, Corn, Pork, Hams and Bacon. A very nic Crockery. Tea Sete, White Stoneware, China Tea Sets, Colore a large lot of, Crooks and Milk Pans, and. Coal Oil. Oats taken i oatmeal. A.:call is- respecdully selicited. .All goods delivered fre T'S. A CANADIA WA 883. ERIC AN L Spring patterne 'just About 600 esigns in all colorings, fro g five cents roll. 'The geet assortme best value in the couutry at C. W PAP .s AFoR BOR ER Beautiful assoetment of Cloth Wind w Minds, Co ONE T Parties g well to secut Before starting ons parties, an well satiated. many thie seas, on hand, which able terms. E the Northwest, before they sta Local Tra its' Ali kind on land at m forth, and sold NEVER HAD Ste All kinds fres Remember the OR MA I E FIRST RE to beta the tie: t ant the DOs Paper OBA. UISITES, a would do they all eaprts ed themselves but hav e s lags quints I evil flings on laeraostiame te The 8 Libera4 Dealt WW1, of cured =elite lept constantly woe:cry saes's:, Main street, See in large or email quantities. I 1 CHOXCB LOT AS Ms SEASON. ROOERIE , pure and these spot, Stark's- 'Nee HUG supply of Kin 's Specific; Imre will recommend it to their n iabh Sent by mail on receipt of piice. this part of Ont rio. • as end. per. ing -from ma, , Main Street, n band a kit cure for Dee have used R 1 re and Meade Bo'as agent .10v PAPS Is the pla he e to go Pir, goo SIM ER-PLATM 013 SPECT41. reliable WARE Warranted as liep ented, Or no Sale. Come an Examine and be Repairha Done nd atisfao a PAPS Bign of the Big Clock, Bin Street, Sail from N w York every Sa rday for Id al. IVI'C't LORD Steara-ge, Outward 828, .Feep ! Cabin paasage, 860 Se, con :'1.1VER13001. -14 IIIIEENSTOW$ SERVICE.; CITY OF ItO3VrE, Sails Aug. Ha Se 4. 22, Oct.N. ng to acme' • Cabin passage $60 to 8100 a cora Modations.. Second Cabin and Ste Anchor Line D..afts isseled At lo prtioildsofid•e_e ge in Engle d, For passage, p pply to or to 8; rICKSON, Post 0 06,137e:811ga 'ilniproDts being Abu ut;:ouloau,r3n: 10R:tug-the. tagvu I -almost pity bi 1.4 -:11172:enistrait:eilitteenfecgitstniad wirtesmiesieliolvearabt::7g.t.edewadiet00%:: tap ti we gei it with thri:peos _, t:pe inhavetv;erayn.aowa- teaW if there -ehould 1,•Wasent no beggar from the IV iil :ieonar wgray te tIsa gwe r a: :yteTee viye' fiat r:reLhobn;3, . AB:. .ilitv,irrt:1111111boireiblEtreehereootdo:erga.hutwivra:10evotxtlarA:DtViritr:apsbt:rterhgrbSeiveerilessiheullimtkrislairletielneelstod:::,eds,::t3t:b0:::0-ttunlwefottcalttrevillerni:1,;til 104 Oen tramps? beetle i MONROE & SEAFORTH ehops, and have much improved i carrying onaheir badness on e lar nave thoroughly overhauled end : A large stock of half sorted stock of Grocerie ran, Chop Feed, Oats, Bla assortment in A churgo nd nd Reale than -ever. They have uow , ready for use a, dull aseortesent of I BRATED PLOWS, which are toe require 'commentle.tion. HORSESHOE,- 0 tight. Their. fitted thes facilities for er and better their CBI& and General Jobbing premptly atten ed to. We shall be glad to site all our old and et eameyrrew custoraers a* poss'ble in our new pr • lazy iserVamts,lien 'The potarwhat they haw i ijaa tont you. too ;I 3eu vase V books, and melee me t.4 'AnAlla)dronT411,14'rukefirb:y711 Ana shOOt vow tabbits And &Ile p,nd visit with ea And soinetInaes*Ven put, Ana sena your posiciars And Set your ke(Ipers eeesS 0 men, can you fotget how Is like4t to catch, s.4iaintj That's * bray greenhouse, d VOIL mead me happier .lohn Brought me the box of Is Thegreeihouse speaks tot f And it malt hide or mall Sut Still I keep tile box tb, About the 3Dine. ond then man '1 iet-'eliargs ond Let etbers get their Mtn ;n8t think hew Aeasaut, To Irste (Ince More the t To read together ;In t -ho it) Together naerey! to intek Tows& together Ito the kit And do some gttedtctioll And heating of the /tee .1 of pricese; would II were * b, if the:Lord would emb And lift our hearts to ti" 1:flyiLteetz_Lateiez ihnevroe: ikbear,et,eBa.hitis:aleit, ,hitia::::: ipprgokperi.70r, with whc :a pretty eleaii off'xoe' thin'lage on stubby grou Ig t”aheaatuytOkuaot 0.41:81 4:4 Ts p, yl e sTlikiltloi N1 said Dy14preepiri begari to melt ttway his neck, but you cleaner work with ' staer448:02niN:1;:tlinoe°bi'lln" rilladderaeirs'afist a gm'suBnajilti; a."n en hmkia:::18pati:g*htomatawatgh.,,renr.,9113,::inha,,,r,iyny: this ensilage!rrope . prratteguxaonsitinnt tnin; vi ,ob fe ahaoi : 1 :fit:lee:7.r v 44 Why, euSilage knew it is nibt oite , t_opairrinsign,gyol.0 mk: "fg :vain:: tait:ch m t.iiicararaenatfohotve itii4oLtt$r°Iiitkileiliihunri sens,e of the, \vox- bi ne ete:*htl:i s"1:aosf t ewrti htPh6 si;s1:57totTi na *4 1 .1,. lido; The fanner el iso,:nbe: e:leoexigo 4egotne Imam 3:eYvr°;:t4:1'heillsall'n'e:darwh-Paiittiiieea . t:00;e3igalfaufaszoc:Irteirvh:16,ftt:itike r fanner, Tu. In l'essourtfhena:nlaal .nea:irtle i- Go home, you 131:a0 ttha in leksi IrYgi r•guer:€8i ni rmuli k brii;gAsee:!:11)vabnsilsgoChtrt Eii °E: luall: t int:1814:toe;IlY:ligrIkollw Vonders -of the -w 8:bilienthage,,tfl!erir wdaing Is gin:seri-tag staff. 1011sittnatittion6teash:1111on:erie wisT4 stricken, his 411