HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-07-27, Page 4I 4 XDVERTISEMBITTS. . OrThe fkgure between the psrentl�L after �sch line, denotes the page of the paper on WhAPh ke advertisement will be: found, Elarvesters Attiention—G. - Good. (i) [isaies, college—Frillicipal Austin. (5) Wanted—G. E. Brydges. (5). reachers Wanted --Jas. McDonald. (5)_ 'die. (5 Estray Steer—R. XcMor Girand Trunk Excursion. (5) Strayea—R. Thompson. (5) Farm for Sale -,-John Cooper. (5) SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, July 27, 1883— Foreat Treservation. T here port -on the necessity of & eserv- ing arid re-pl4uting the forests oil. this Province'. compiled 4 Mr. W. ' y Phipps, at the instance of, the Govern - Ment of Ontario,; is S most realable,* weii-timea and instructive docurn ent.. H beauty, forms &.'picture the ver,y axe migbI be loath to destroy, There were hickory trees by millions,. ths Khaggy-. oulter-coverikighairiging in Strips from the huge red -brown trunks, had kept the world i* axe-handlos I till doom.9- day. _There�weremiles, upon atilea—' I id there were hinidred&of miles of Rwi e - spreading cedar flato, where the travel. lees toot might ill day long' press the Mossy covering. of their protrudini'l aid giga'n'tie too . t1a. while around him, Still rose on all sides the qpright slasifts, the curious leaning bralAcibes' of th most picturesque Of trees. -There. were dark and apparently -illimitable forests of 'hemlock, of which axe and fire have - long since found the limit, as th tan- ners are learbipig to their cost. There were millions of silver- skinned b rches,. and iron-woodgin countless nuinbers.. And above all others in uae—abo re 7 all �others in money value, everywhere -piercing. the hard -wood foiP-age, roof, rising to double its height 'above it lofty, dense, sombre, fully expos 9d to, but almost i Manoveable by thd te at, stood in tar -spreading masses thagianits of the forest — the great-, Ciiiadian. Pine. Mr. Phipps then,goes on to -Spe Sk 0 bow this magnificent. forest 'was dies- poiled, partly: through necegllit7 and partly throu�ah reckle"nos,4 aind. want of foretkonght. -No destruction was ever mo .. ruth- less, more injutious, more lastin� in it's' a effects, ',or m9re diffieult of repedi, than 1hat t 01 4whi4ch Canadians, fq:- the rast hundred years have chee one Among all the politiciap another on. who have in turn saved our c(untry, few- oi them' have thought it worth while to attempt to - save4 the. tAmber, And yet much might, very easily, vory valuably,, have been done towairds theat end. But the genius of presirviation was absent.,whi-le that of destruction filled the lailild with his voice. Here might have beel ' A seen a rustic, placidly destroying a grove of white *piue, worth a mjffi on, of dol-laro, in order to* uncover a barren waste of saady ):and, w 'ch, at first gave, but little wbeat'L and his 3 since paistnred bat's few cows; there a; tother, devoting to the dameB a district if red. e%X would hOe kept Malaga hal years in wine puncheon a, that he may hare a piece of hard, red clay on A me untain slope,whichhe Shall try �to othivate Jor_w"fiaw ye&ra,L and shall I andon When thaL wintry torrouts. have washed the; Beauty humas away from the hard pan w4ich all impenetrable hes below. Here is yAt another, who, to alvance himselt a littla by burning in une w fallow which Should hav,19' lain 'L Jall, and thereby save a matter of n or twenty dollars, haslet fire ran rou h :five hundred %eres of good. mlo bash. , ) iffing the young trees, rdli g, the old, and hall raining' the f(rf future igriciltural purposes. reyou raight : isve seen one rollih,g t ther and, burniiagL great logs of"birack nut (a wood invalusible for L f of In ilich, the canaiian supply is io ince exWusted, and the United St S1V_ ply almost, so), im order to Make a farm, all the profit of wInch for forty - yet.0 would, not reach one-tenth of tl b sum p P!LE J�LY 27;9 1883., CIR. N iEX t plso� for In' THE HU ike, Ila It he they are), to'seidilng a Man or v t� the expel'! ty.96vend naiiandforty-nine cents p)r the Marchitione a selling ith thLeir handsome tory foir the H T drat A On to jail for no otbeir crime The P, na"Wi w0ald. inglik �11 dir6citiop i under -and -ro:j W" thau th Ilett. rint, if left simpaing till V ver three thou d plo y ' v good all throug ,4�d the )WI hands 11111 1 t ei rlesult, I do oo!b shrink from er 'A have di Wn. Nay Itivated fillas, &)ad yiei 13g! n erRi �e'Df railroad operators n specially ade visitors tii. -r-S, Sily item the� 04 . 2onith; np . Sev4pral.fellas i o disappoited a I Minis bi .8 which is I a to mselves faivI aten. =my action with reg d tol bOt ev-� more comprehensible!lay, thenalbat 'is th�rt nine aon nis ackno*Ied od the be 1 nited St td� y I 1 y ar to rae hich *ill the U 11or the oocasi�ln by the MR'' vi�y-one, I hav myself Beer n h I the blood is Go n fra 0 ; I I I the we4* f doile -without raisrepres to � the bum g poorhousei t41 G 4 ig himse tl_ 40 avy orreX,to aind sver e for railro ree if, ere sold it fabulqns _O6We nesclsy of last M tation, but I oca*not see Day lands nesi Toronto, gie at 'heaps 11 1 come the r ala in -he ric es, and tea mckets, em broiaer( dl by Daniel1i Mcffila&c, of the second -ionces. laia. r - w - Mr forty hi ii i6atead if soaking i to - i Ina. operators in " oinads, 91 twenty-ni e [ship of Stephen met abuseis going td serve towards tb on almost elearl# no, orth to he olive flngert of the Marquis Ts 3ng's"- Sion of the towt i C, aim iiing the 61 Ili i v%tecl land, ill. i a it should- e who happen to differ frolmn u apli, wg� )Ilars, thousal d, given over to the a tbu dollars an I t all wo young daug iers, wer0i IL1130 i n' Peat with &I serious accident. He vq;�a build- ing an b16mes t'l ross i 6, melting thel n O'W " bornib in mind � tbat o orators are r It en and The (3ountess of Dufferio pre- ingsbain rXr.T.B.MartiA,�.'cf thE question. Inat: tiolein XP and r e late me of: a tb w All 'olh resi ts of Tfaronto �an well 018A floods during the tb 8,4d ion for Sand Id d 6 1 going 6t, tli( TOB Shortlyafte allowed e 'tra i �ornpens ver 1� fiSIL pond where the Prince 11th c6laces ion and or x 0 ouncil in' Tune, last, y hilways ot'i iaryin bial County C out for ne (imeni-bert'her I a efore the g a, Vay f ales fisbed'and made severalo lucky wetroo'f in ii�e'morning, Blippe ano� y OnIti d eor work an ati� railrwa 'operators at, viewB4O both d tb gave the Patties _K�Iker`Amd otl -the old wbar a piled higgh IV th pine, arli n solution of the at aes. i fellogtbelarn,adistanceof 3( feet Or' e -f-steamboat'f )I--1th I Sion 1 ha;, een'llft in p it one man is employ- stion, and am e Ong I lTocesl. ad orests Per! 4- stations where bt nA,�—TIAe ai e is Bpread- high bank barn. qu Sure yolffr Able h i1im CHOLIM seas the baria be mg a very 'Ve 'More W ths i Ie j) g . %yg wood-wa two CordS '10, 2 eftch—� 6n;, 'i rould have i emained, and not 16 ticlemust ha eight gonE a are requited'�, to wo'. from 1-4 to ng in Egypt a d is reporte I to FortuIlatel - he lit on the only Spot teDtvn Youge. r reet, 'and f the! Vol il 4 have rerns tied, bat wo, Id b ve Xe broken out in Bombay. "A wag fre rc attention thah if you had .LM jredi b�tter are pobr'dsy. and; on many roads F a ,e f m. stones. Blood gusbei Wri I eneff lial bo out volumes of s4ui rilous and aha w and ads. . I, fancy ee i ed by �� be slo' has been established from hill ear e" �wbo` holl ing8ton -and I i u dap To a to. eep in r convenien. tri A quafrai tI4 ne a and nooe when Way ell for -a through it of tj 6 reqire, ;to. t to I wrist. ieut tl ie pine so use would now, asi 'o ii�prvsij t�u all, vdsselfj PaSSitig th �gh One atim. w),o broken' above thB 33 ga nst move it f i vOeek 0 ;ban all the' stbamers er vfsters,whic' now To their onices, 8 at and he is progressing fav6r. As the bouf ,.weat deal im r �, I no Mediterrarleari. A despatch f 18�ty� and intelligelico� they. inay be called r grou ad oraeri!forde ed,andobtiin 8 blished re-' ably, eLvidh6gooa, hopes of ulimat y d, llbtsd by ad sin the freei 1 tb ey ever c %Tried, ar Ids. No lo - the -lowe to receive lay laingtop OM We U `0 w as t 'ebed 0 land said -the Sol 14, for non F ..e so lo Star, with your permission I- will e. We must he, re the ell 6� help, for wr6cle, trains TbesecallBoin ors showlngi the probability that recove!ry. d( 1: sur, to we a i he drai t bg I i I nce ihael 1�ogari, some of my rea�or a why I m op I 61 Lt wan't any b oards,od riviers, whi ho era : may riattke its - appeal —Aa. old man named M hus 941' Atle 31 ee many roads al f freqtentoccurrencB. London, and that suspi,,i w as died in a day last week in 8, Ouse near a building of iie.r "a lio sale io it in towril. A la�au- he all may be 14) as stee t present to the e I . se. The oo I p bI 11 red miles nort of Toronto, and 'wilth-[ ide: air- Thbil strikers mand. 1at an increi hou Lit t bein T] ',a re port a liq ald have a asoo of Sickness have already ib3,en Polley's livery stable, G6deri oyident g wealthyo, A 1 have 11 bO( e --fourteen mil, A. of a railroad, 1, have on all salaries be [is hero, is putting the Govilrn- ly frot 1 the' effects of hard! dr�nking�, the numbei -of poor comp ulturisti , so!"the of fifteen er Cent.' vered tl the ;Ipn &Mon 11 1 * - ! . Cialk, agric atithoriti63 here on the 1�11:,,rt- The so eue in the house was lilI Bad 0 maI do not bar nown hemp af er heap, sore after acre,i of which ittreats,ii of p wra- granted that eight bo its. Bb&ll conti- ne�t the aswe t�] keeping thern. tinder the present !V16 Sub jec t b d' 0611d. the co;rpse �iag on the floor in it 0 Inare mile a -I square mile, till the, COT - at y tute� gialar days ork and 6 very poi �er I e 0& onerous, or such as to justify th gone, where the splendid and. I 1110 Lai A Le and'one t 0 a r� 61 tions are Made ws Qne _�OiV`4 nor, c6vere - with a sheet, wbiletri 6 in 34t- e be )rest was impo a: for enfO thf� 0POUS l3s, three -to even six a regu'l ir laight's work and that It exp6uqe necessary for bot - - ; Jae -W rook ell i vh ch ible popill r in t 6* bon a at New York the in mate —the old rial n ',whose Son, ring of th the lassive inaz has hellssitt'ictesit a 01 : I day a tly billdings le it through at � he butt, the long, clear eive equal pay r porto against vessels f* In i ed for insallity 8�- of Such err it E We trust th( On4ri( bot '13exel glat Al Too ljD4 Other Was COMM lina off ed. 1 Etsawoold, good the maint of It think hi's � ou.0 view onn I oanoe a r im,1112y X I I . ondon and Live�pool should Ort ago— 6 8 drunken and uoisY iii r ake steps to and especially as Ong as the pre sat. luable cherry 'timber, J10 ii:r 2116611it: Will t 91 RE equi 61 7or I; i ISO, tb at Sunday work as xaight logo Of rove true. tEte h Be at the ConstaVe thr atene a SU4 hi looked up. makes reasonable provision fo �Vjr, equall vi uable red. oak, withL :2 pblicAy as possible to i he 4,� a. a C 3133 pu Son, auty BE all be aboligh ad, to b It -is too ball system _,r igbip, ps VD. t 10 -,ech and apiol,'hemlloek and iron- io,ably dismissed in a mod i rin� unif so cOminensatea ag extra service. :Elukon Notes. t at otwitlistanding their;, absolut3 thopoor. The'ta,wiashi gcnrsly� an Cow i oppos tbj�t it IS ood, une 0."11 ! n Ou-n al �civic le should: e ble t ed to the er�etion of a poor unted and iincoun able,arose n a Blyth Ogerved it ild tA i ire i r �Ports, i 11 It col iced E)d 1! o 1 hands that the pover y the Be peop 'k- such an i ismoke,'aaacAoetotbe'G)ddess of 1 .1 . I i simply becauge they think there 110 1 1 ; - t c nor. iut tj Gre t No -tia-Western Union has, been bol�da,,y on Tuo6day last necessity 9 bout t T Be he length and IS Post M Kb Mon for i,� �nd thereb morance tbrou; Wilagham. Civic holiday_ Says t y creaf,' llie Bra inoUtitij3gfil ounttyr. ItIL S. 10 thein at I I di !money for some corsic n* J� reaath of the H( ma Ing pi e i5th., day J&mes,Watt arrivea i' age] 8 unnecessary ex.penee on. eei I procl ai me� for August T&S i i the P . !­ I - a out The I&ng bas to is L the !Northwest, where e ho S They may be caiiisa narrow, ceitruta. Z : . . I eallY But one era an4this being the Belmore Cheese Ractory fl Om n4o. It was ne. op. ng belieVolence, aud 'th k her Y1 64rrngto ile 'article which verliteen cheeses -each day sojoui ned f�; about tWO' Moothi d and lacki tbeS oug their,ompl. is- �oomiilg—se 9..er to oye,es.sati 01 ,a W`tter pearbi in TH19C EX OBIT01% Of U 0 w P'kE' n -Out. li�lf. He purchased 320 aer( 3asary indeed ic obtain li;ind tor the The polio will have no eiOlz the averag,e tur �S, beling i i choice epithete, but I an the ro, a poorho Be to conside low, but what I ahallpticleavor tp aliew f Iktory w f ii Cates of r whether oor, ago 01 the above'subject, the 1 odericla The fal I fai� of the West RiZ ing o towns ip I range 23, section 1 the Ix these pages, iS that had great I reser- ity for if they doliAlt. 15.5) the farmers of Wa coviity are not i t ill b held JO;hn . 9 ith, of Brauaon.� ap uron.Agricult6ral So�de y,wi the P-1 iiid 61 the Sta 3wiDg extrac, anity as 38 O� the infericr larids ives he f )I a ta ken ea- ere, a d.he.has broken 100! acirea ses4ed of fee iga of hu willag W g 0,14 MV0 I h ALLA R' f other classes of tI e commurin D( laQoderichonTuegasy and per a lounitain fandsi, been Spared the axe, from hq!! J;ail R !gister, which f pea for ar,&*d intends breakin so Speak n a day October 9t4 and 10th. t�is y lie bi wiles fror i suppose if the ral epayers; of the t, prqper and 1interliaediate. po�i long, t he in[, Which, in just le tc I Baloon it Mbntreal. Ross, -althot gh e. made on the more ext �esr. He is 25 - Ties, Repairs are to b XH' of I reesi qua. that t Mel Od ind Constq'� succession wold, ship I 1A �1611the ve anal jacess ful, i 4 a fine. sleci men of pibo� si- PBrussels school -buildin,a tent- Bran on and nine miles from GFis wqre con'sel POG r Of t :a to the e f ha Ze,oncerni d we reprodno( n ors in bf $180; Mr Dunbar of Ethel, being'tbe a station their munici 'ties are allowed to A large bev mighi have I lar �j d, a could'dib wond 04 the Canada Pabriflie Rail; p Ore My ej Burge i%bf the vilIa�( l0q. U0. are! oh. r a a Ja�aea -and r g an axe or guiding's plou:, Scott and Via. Me starve, o obtained Aber4rom, while the till contractor. � , : d a a vagro ot o -cruelly tr e. hot- they ot )DS" the JABUrSte md which was�(leared would not I only self as Comm! t peirs met resident! 0 this would The des *sed -Courtney, who keeps on —Me tilme$L and'Jobn eon. far not ssrs. J zo dietat< 06 live yielded �aor crops an, the 66 )666mber, 82, y Ate I Ion did Cain dian I(ute)L y, A e bis-neigbbors. V; Wa t drive a i or council from offi �WA king il his carpenter abop at Auburn. e dispose rbr yel c th. ords, st in R. wbowould aar6 age the poor in ag' aff t�, ter, wor a of their splen did Can regent much bi oade, acre F. Q. Rog 3 ree e,for is of mor res b�nefit t5 mankind t1au drought Btallion to '19r. Robert 'ott, andf mily 1will remove to th this 'Walker I all. ha ielde A th. inch -,f on i on :3 sentenceex iredo: hol w manner. I do'ia�tbjeot to the h -tat at would . em This t ths. � I - who T 6 i . 1 9' ve. the trit a of isaloon-keeping oar will take him to Kansas this fp lie knol. star,, any 0 nillIer coat of itiet he g4thof AP 1 He iff kept L�ley rep rt bas reached Clinthn sayls of - the thers nla The - fall �how of the Stl Mel]. il j ail 04der an 'c ri r . m. tb erif �1 ;i - their. o,*m Views In kqgar.j. Ant once dema katra ie4l.'wo a 4 pro- e sh syr 8 C Intl he oened on a Tex rt frc in the gil sul So says the the. Londo�n Advertiser, Branch AgriculturRI society will bE held the New E ra,.from what m a4t6a. to Mal ably obtain so �e luable idt a's as to ra itil"d Tae!Oaay, sider authentic sources, that Mr. L.L to poorhouseft or any other mat -4r,. ��at lie �Wz I st 1�ayfield on Monday and 'in util. zing -the eo ri oner was no abI6 t2 A woman of good ike hud. ie road to be it Lvell, d ffikit the I and ever� man at Brace the well-known contractKr, ha but if we cannotbe convinced by rei won. liove )ctober ne led In- abi a ch rem. in td uAP will aree wi 'it. th and 16 th il others, be - I not 'be coe reed. r t -he poor ,rests whi M owiug i sore on big eft i lei judg I t1b. been ap ever, e argument a wil respect BIT. Henr�, I point- with en, kil by 4 Doyle has tl he lailt-decad v effort ha i Once eon ma a tQ.g( W le Public opinion i the tow n6hips g er Even during Lafthe'con- e township 6i $to- dians in ashington. territory, I hich pose& to theerection of alpaor to some host ita ;ed engineer fok ith i I ot for the deELa th ifinktuiriate xgT an ally is op -ospe on with ew! i of the! 'W eek. Mr. Dolyle is said to be Ifully about 200 mile -3 north of San Fr.B r Imption of the! !oresi I has gol i,iii, ilei Ropil3v S fa but th 3. The repdrt states it S n t suid -house. at presei because the peoplesee !1�ft bet(IT r ag hat he, his IRS hope b Y mrow, FEVER.—Da4hs from yellow 'qualified for th!'o position. -eater rapidily. thaii p most ll,g thot Home for 1� non lea, b a nc work whil anth erl Sps pioneer 6 e I� iao necessity I the cos the others were at m1ore tirved. thisisa fact fever in AVIL13a,durin theweekefiding —Mr. Thos,'Somervillci,- the ur ri rat ment. 0 an institution 4buld entail. :ally, Dople have ob ed td, re6dv 0 be ostilo, it I 9i 4t i�miller of Waiw4nosh, has given u the diang who were known t Jul 22,- ere 39. Janer an the quiestion is not understo a atent to the most at perA [a bet rve-r. and now I h big' RE lLhing. because d Mae inery was were suddenly observed apI o Chicago ost- milliug busineo. The ... Dig a �S' t G D I but because illing the EiSia Past; 0 ntin ischli Lrg L 11y and Mr. elii son mounted a ho0e aric wo areot w ling aplps an,�JLL 'bft-- bes ecoming ul . which & e g to eml, an J mas er's i E 00 �bou�.ght by Mr.glarris, o sh e Too th Cr do�. Act- -,ax he m Un to t�Laaly �ill be Taised to 6, 1 f 'Of last man ed to make his e8eilpe, !but the cost of maint ni g r a a be at 1st of etcher. �wag M. vely scarce der. the Condit peri%i[ tha ao )mpa,rati and a! ih( soft viii , up ions- oved on Wedne I not so fortuate,for s1l- volore: Be ir o hda FIST T AiNs.—The drana Trunkbas week. oth were clods, especialily tie -a'sbe clplars lag a jail, endanger the d t ; relai�- method. We I be told, pel.-hap t7ke.ENditor r sr. u we J. H. Fraser anq P. thou th y made espera, q s that Male nto 'f r three rottes The Moss bly butcher �, their this i A . d ellads, are rapidly liss g. "To and at of the pTisoners." y of Blyth, have been tarice, all re botri a narro* sy, of looking at tile oof i rom - I agq o ew or , an Ivi 41or, former] he t(mosbi aria Ree latter, but wo Ay retort by s�ylng r t by carr�lng bodie bei g subsequently burn 3a. 1 uow the lr'r�oks &Otl remarkabilb.,aqgree is thio,t e i the - -.. st 'pasrep'ger muns over beri!i Idistlioguishi f 1tE p'. itted Da rair n, wag.fi 00 m hea that it Will'168$6il. the Cost to the igrest I - er of prizes at th 31 an- � i todo withi 0 off a large numb — noth1er of thosewho bore ibe set� Of se who mrities, for nsit wo�le f Hal ork,' RI Uh,� fof I 3e m mtho, b J.i A all, Is P. favor poor el I t 1111] releas G 3110AG9 4613331FTEDo—Rev. Win. Cu tb- -nuil games hold in. Portage and ln�di6n of the day in the early ).Pajority Orite SSy" OM itworth and Iincoln. No Ito 1,1 is, J.T4 0. wall d Apr `!"i Ouse; and� �y Say that' 116 e -60 -ws Of age 1 an bert 39n, o! London, England, has ac- on Dominion Day. tleratiAtof Goderich township Imaking ad by some, wn unrivillilled 0, )unt1r,:Hurom, but little 'a OTe 'o put f 0- cepted a S3,O)O'call fro —Mr. Joseph Golley I of the 2ncl n- it wh 9 it isto-day, was Mrs. lVargaret reason why� Act S, le ylhelph4ij sno� thal she t light'! To the Lo, At in 13 a, xious to have one built, bat in Crooks )hind in thel'ra'oe Df defit tiolk as tu it f C hi. cession of Morris, has returned fro,�Ia & Ruth age, widow of the late W Ini. Rut"' `&re 0 u o 6br I er, A' Stred, C6tigr 3gationsl Church o I a I the I ai y case -,we is mur to being cladtilled Von ayers can 1� visit to the land of 1 0 T: elf his birth, Irell4nd. ledgeJ one Of the first 'settlers 'on tI e.n orracula qu ft Cap_ itneaB - tho5i ti to' of a( :ted a o ey enough t )I be into .*a__-qniescp(e by abuse-andmis. 1 -ab He reports b E D RrUL c av�ng bad a rough vqyage, Huron Roid. She died on Taesaay: f �ard 141a, T TRESS. ood required at the alt at im ra* To id Ilie at d wo , veeka. M representation here IS no use 1� any witioia. wnt ii- iievertheless he looks none the Rorse ed thoI goo I hig-his Wok -1 h, Bembardto hysical e s last week, having reach n h &�i 7 11 ate' his trip.� 'One assorting t poor houses o0ln lb6 he cry s thiat, even 0 wpod if; in. Sla 3 was Rgiin Q,O, I Inst. ally befactithat-iii onowsek or age of 89 ears, Mrs. Rutledge was a ot wi jr4rit alicoum i w .0, vn to 6 pbe I. made Self,falls Ang, as fh&t cau only Brass V. sister'of ugh and Job loarce; -but" A recently She ave nine performittlbes in. —Trout are just now numerousi - and n Stufdy anc Iry. w ears, a�d our Ate on el4t�10fMay.(jull'2011slyl be said bytI slawbodonotknowor f y �ar and gVady There are -he ob 1 reside here for fully half ft3i kal OM le ritoace Lon Ion. easily. taken in t' hac ers will notbe ab e to Spa r 3 an Dther r first L n t6l isighborhoodof Beln?or intend to deceilv, &sit is abso lrenzsnde as I e; tnry. TNro sons and one dangliter i3u'- thtvt distuace, Un by Claarlei 13' SENTENiCED. —Lord Streams in the I ontl or ti ree rp. rn Advance advise)a its impossible. 914 xties who &&a. a know tbl a; r raw: Beritence P%A )v. Mr.; vachonocIde, of �snd the Wingha vive her, viz.: Joseph and:Tb43iiXB pa no I aleriti '81 1he �Bkr: x rib ;z as to make a noW of ]edge, (the! latter n .mi-tted 'into pa .: flanges a the unfor. *eep li,=Ees in aeN Lon piscatorial frien ow in Colorado)., ion e well-ko Wn ritualist, to mr..Phipps q: lote from 'Aon, Mr. ri 0 Will III 14th of An P;�Ola, tl 9 tunate, decrepit, Itled )Iy'S� report on Foil d vat n ol ecclesiastical preferment this important fact. ewi owofthe lateRobert Whitely. -I not e 4destio:1 1.8 wl.,%t will beal b: ho cannot make aliyelihooa for hem. yi a'p' f the Blu ivale, the naI —Mr. James Tippliug,o She was devout and kinmy woman, eStj i g-agw ith her rherb appe b: 1 811 show how re rkle-. a h 1 w whh, costs.- selves, and thl cost to the rural in M,01- u neei t*0 (01 wo road, returned recently from. his -visit to killiag to assist those i I slid are weA te lid EXANDRIA ever I a,e la 'dizfO :it r down to' Tur, Ai, M#sAcian'. i to forests bad taken p the early to sen d. palities of Indinialning theBeinapeor ti majors and teg lieutenants of the England Ireland and Spotlan He will koceive loving on, ;uiioay#� ago two lt gain, eveil if tie aml charity 8 9 0* F her ej house which 1. a ai prepared to b y, �Lsto of the Provilic 0 of uo� bec and I I h as prove .�Oj t sia -Ty 9 od her f Truer release,, an �b Egyptiawarl ave h6en sentenced to brought home three C-1ya tot y 6 to come. -ej "go 0 "a 'Ot y figures if Decei sa ry, would be more than d oudan two year old Aallioni 0, yialar old at lion t the following so for .iidy, OiiltB n yo�, p611l servitude in S he death of Mr. Wm. Eiliott, -1 fss ki ar has U(?' 61t)r iative but to ISO arc 0 q ox ly 6hel ter ir gev6 om I cl Lak Hill, Goderich pq dobled. We &, not want to thTow j p , M On' ihe n lo' e iy in! the ins6smores at Alex- and a three �ar old mar eyiew, tdwu@bi I A it the evil resol �s th Lt 4av Jollowed: I Lei, h o' or n ey n, Beaissly, we can bulv f y tbe Gth inst., ie A &way. MO �ri'j I at has and ye r D. Sho�treed and Charles hort on MOVI It is well kric w io ever rson of et it bv bard abor, ipdustryaud F � � 1 ; to reed, pupil an ther of our. best knoirn g econo evey Sal ; ; A,SEc6ND ISUEz CANAL. Owing a of Mr. R. KnetebteLl Sec- 0 t met; past -ainary informa, don hat in" 1 1, , �1,rq, passed y cred tably ere: o use in an one,being 8 2 the OhL , age Ilacorpol atio ',bi ogition to �'Ihe agreeLLent tio No. 9, ver pioneers, and one whose many virtuies my, but there I y t( lantities of wli in sond )T examinatim in 4ugry with us to r tht, as their im, the, English won hiin E. wide circle of 6t* cen BI ild by the Prov' _iorelt6 kc use of COMI DnS P osed 'at tLe recent t e firm friends. n"Ie f Qu ac. Cer- tion may be it a Ivance of , their aisere. �o�r�rn'e'l'r' nia--king 37E and to - makd 'with M. D,_,Lesseps re- el�forth, the He was bdrn in Fermanagh,, Ireland, -ve guldeielA for I e an valleys drained by. grett..rivofs: I �lu I h had! not 0 Mo al cotirair -,e tlbo� S But even if it di cost us more I tion, 'a'seconJ canal, it is likely the e latter 338 roarks. iclil. nea specting th And Card y Le -T8, Covering areas of Is nd were t0i 9': in f o or Of the n: nobbev" ingtosepaateal,niothr resia,2d w trequird Bobeme will have to beAropped. Mr. Henry� Cantelon lately� 'PUT- 60 ould longlit to be! the very hDmG,Of tiit) 1598il it it lowc Viet, to 1 100 3 arii ago, and had I , I FAmILY1 HE TH. * The Duke of E lin- ch Ised a, grade. cow hom MT.JohnWood, Lis 1 farm in the 4th conats.- from her little f, mily. They.are heat plant. re 18301 the yield, of f ent )1. langu �f � lis hiked h he' -paid on to her though as those who ivaybe levery year Some burgh's b ch Township, for whi Sion Olose bia. to 47 years. His hos I - a e ealt Is quite, poor, He has Gooreri :xn6t be renewed, Ell heat in Lower isna is 0aid to ha Cal 6kilagly re 11 red his vote tigki.)a more fortur:� ai circumstances. !They in& a C161ved, tal -all 511f e In gone to K �Ssil gen in the hope of deriiring '670. Since its purchase it has ity�, extended to CIRBSeSo in ilij a world, w4ile thbse in )en enormloull; dtw d of are her all pen theni and 1665 to MI 1. N �b- beuefitfrou4 bduseofthf6watergthere. and he refused twenty dollars fo�: the ,Will Ong be remembered as ithe �fri6n 10wfeir talveris I I I ficat t. f IS 13pea the p akind, sank to,1 Au insigni raction a speaks D ToTon 1'� C affluent circumstances have somothing The Duch4a remains in Stl Pet4ab arg, offspring. acir and needy. Of d 'of IhO towns t1 to! 9, cer��. it 118 lit be, re sbovyll but will j6i4 thei Duke, and family of Grey,' hag, M On n" then better f rig his i else to lean They can be s0lDt to 11 1119 enial disposition,'he was Act? 1 think it a its hand L it on 'Mrs. R. L. Scott, atr aid i t x weeks, prodacEd'204 9 as the cli 6in degree restored thouf h to noth. t 0 V ce school as w ildren !of the 1 the last si Bing o v s. Two. t he othe of _ e pidtu: 3 all oi 16 3 their, refu!t from Cobourg. d0ing compromi in his opposition -�tha toVii i,g approadhilag'its oil, fertil1j'. Ithas, SA�41T,'UkY XASURES.� anitar in as. lbs" of butter fr'om four cows, besides and errof,and his Sterling haracer 'rich, and they ill assuredly be com- Llat�jy, a -o a I undc Sanitar 3en usual to call the pr Cities which lol �Ws: When tie Orange IlLcor 3 r fort to her as they advance in ye - n- ures 11 Cal au. her amily of four. The Brag- and faithful obserisnee of religi fron Lused the in''July I o1rer-pro ping.' No,' JBill c4meL'l before the E10186 glectod by the Ic an'to g t or i from her and thit, faval- tio I . . 1i thoritieg cif Egypt that4heke is a stro' sela Post chal lages any one dutiep enablea him to bear -his 'i last Il. ates'aOf beib th �to doubts that1with good f ri . & -John M&64 n this pherionaen -al extrD. pros. aibg lin 063adioniinslritl)'of Sir at production iwith 'Christian d res' ly separated, ivb �le their natur , talent '03t 31- feeling in favor of Erigland's forcibly 'bekt ness fortitude � f. ni 0 i � . ob -&,year. Notable seasons the Jan I ki as - hit iia -that of th� most nost. stienubus �ff6rts t) Bm)th takiAg the ad ministration of . propver tLve ��The Righ Rev. Dr. Harris, o!. De. natioln. iTruly his end Was p 001 a Ad -may be r.i% has, have iood t e ic , E �' I . . I ; lag age gooaon by thot , k i . tioit, Episcop 1 l3isbop, of Mic, inch land C opping! " I . . i. A measureolinto her own'hands. he has patsea t6 a well e .4, opulent. I arn cpposed to sendi 'ot. I n go 4 Es�st Huron foi ithout deterio B i could,. to i : eptio the Chieftaia, at INVESTP�AT NG JRwisn 'RIGHTA.—I WB- and family, al o T. Irving Miller, Esq., in t I full hope of a glQri us 1; rr, JO- people to oor house, becan ,cia ra LL Oringeism. to AG 3 proved that, oii �be: r sident of it - e Sta.te University of HiLo wife and two a will be much lr� ppier in homes their ry, the ietWilaut, G a;.,d Soereigir BoNi sia has stlnt c otiamissioxiers to �Dgi bud,� Pro. tion ns aiAd three ths hoitel-kepers rocess of clearir g thi i forest!!! er ed to Ohio, and Fan�ilv,_are 'Stayingg, a, the daug ter I survive him. I H6 was ilf own however humble, ad -not subjelit er of Que oms, &c., ba. nc th F�ance,iiad 3e any,lor the uriose a. fel th Ah are i Q, and had dollo M )To hao� Vi I � pre.!, ;her speal in a' v 3xact report concer iing 0 o� Mr. John Elliott 0nd rs.' -who: may Lrry awa3 tile' po 01 if the -in to the surveil aw Lee of those I I co'lax1gela of obainir g 4n P int F Goderich. brother paraing' M -Tiohbourin� of Goderich, knd Mrs.. J. ivil rights of, Jt ws in those countr r. John lin and -Mr. u" them bar, ih-,. Y, and. sometime mted th 'Biliffity of 9� OA I cou-� of ag C a. I 1A 77 even Twelfth in- 8% t A menodre o I ainat it, b t M 7 wanogh., have cruelly. The ff: od they receive is not i THE UE x. —The London -l' 06 son Walker, both Of West Wa Thoinpoo of Clinton.' Toning as favort ble i a form 3qly� 6uia 1 0 afleBetted big �rjendB who- bad ';up[ f fitted forage, eople or OSe this year b been a short but brilhant, sold their. arois; Andrew Stewart, of eit&r; tavern hci not do mu&h:t) ace )unt fo: he f Wing, b Mr. Hamh Is and constitution, a the es, er t can I h, Br t brough 3V I -as well &I i tht 1u :I one. The� QU Q will remain at Win(.Bor. Lucknow, purchasing lioieus�, Una wbil 17 What it we can, disco-eir � by, an The Re�ye of. Grey o3i tl�e Polor be Made to e the opular tile us 66 a � the Mr. Colwell purchasing, Mr. W Iker's She -seri( abseric i ,,)ubtedtesti'ma.iythalthiai�s(i'4� W, owreppirt403 t- venty*yearo. rhey e i House Questign. VuLt they were tu, Bs, 4nd;Q5,200 was the a nourit poor house. 3t Ch to t ey ecelve Princess'Beatri:pe, who is at a Conti aen. 100 Ron the Country, yet lallj thilaki i I the bourse of this regi -A er tte � reali zed f 00 acri Is.. M 'a. EmTon,—DEAR may do for I a t e and tal watering PI ce for the bene t a her or M . Hamlin's 2 1 � i 3ok-find t, tention has been called to extr act a proof of thege tw( importaut ot;031forhemaR re."-TheO angime, women, but not e irlieumat 113M. —The man friends of Mr. J. 11liot Whab would be t 16 n arid Im. FiENv 9H INC FINIDIARISM. —A illaire in formerly tPac er of the Belfast ebool, from the Qoderich St&r in ou issue of poor house. 11 opposedto it aveatrong cla: In aupon Sir, I I . And the will be glad to learn tha he has been last weeki reflecting on the coodct of the Bytem. reqt ires the separal of on S 131) Styria w is r ce�tly burned while I . i roduce And th 3y had the beat )f rea 10 a the Reeves of Stephen h th ir As I have'jo t rem arkea i, I t ile"case -inhabita: its were absent from' their promoted to the position of Math Bma in man and iw�if( who &y h lived -10 eL;Ipect b�t D�py_ would d ona.their voting ag�inat the poor -house uestian speak happ 3r or v yesixis, conse- 1 Lower Canad, w( have too ap homes t',l giV ) a welcome to the Emperor cal HaSter in the --Caledonia Rig illy 9 no Of Orangei 04alle .�ec sing to be able lan willing quently the . .... b iible to %ion i hAs of Anstri %. Et has been discov6ked that School, at a a aary of seven hi Ind. believe tbat o er-croppin when. t juired de Bialco, and rel while proJeB n if po' r Tegsading tavern ke care of , their owrnn �Oo With avoid it to mind is barbarous. 301PA10111A,4 the a it. It h - lo � oubt, they1haiveisqui.Ily good grOmas to Irredent!1sts 'to na Eudiiae get thei vi lage dollars Per stinum. es, to t4 to the action of f' otding mething ies isve in. el1l. ood,-of Waanosh, re a tho eev i �ofitho bountry ad so dc -with 3 in Ater, I Lgai $eved at -the manner in m I iich t ie�e on fire imd ive of the inelendiaii —Mr. S g may be ignor iA or di I- _ cim. t t n I know nothing, but rom. my "Goderich t 'wh h -can at; lo'liplieve p e i1,011% sitil 0 0 e �h to tho ed at there in too, xuo n ilemen-de'seAed them in �i 2e time Of been eate 1. has disposed c f two ore of the colts be edil r of the"Goderich GLINxi AhEA-D, ish recently imported from Scotland,, Lord kno*ledge of both these ge�tldnien 1 (10 -Cannot help ha t, but until he CO vinca — The En,I iat an equally ow, lul4clor is be EN bu. 11 )e: 1, and'refu so not a's op n proved 4ictoriom on Saturday in the, Briab being purchased by Meg its. J. not ruth 1weie known me by better targuments than he yet )und'in the f egg Itoasm. Beaforth i ina Pelie*,,e if the ti ,on of moisture! whA 0 411ahig dishonor;bie 1has been produced I wilnot be dragoon A into V40U.- A� nAv r careless --dig. 13 Be 01 e; mouths il defense ol he d.rd?r cootest "with tl e American teem for tli6 Fqrrict, for 0850, and ,'Robbie th ani i,resting oper )no bro4lit intornat on&. ;rophy� ' The Engliab,'. Burns by MIT. The mas Bell,of 46ndes, ono� by*them. Your artick'� ofillast week submissio �b6ut� d'i its op[ 0- h � t eglaut initellect! Of that Wi A it was.beirig attacks �&anty'jail being Mad# a House :1)eMC I ( ericaus at for U.000. stern lutal aa ry. We are to C) kb even ot I �eaentj -e la to look wilLif b�h'n L the Am the boro. dr. I nd if this be b Wellwood has on the C f6rw ' d to: as o r ae4t�s- . Sir John owes his: lansent POSI- of Ref ugO, I endorse every wo�,d of it as at the coal tv of Mi4diesex, who so Yol ,hat have we to' loo RI )u short r& iges showed great superiDrity refused 51,500 for h. a two year o colt resent scanty interspers-iik leaerveE �I fto: the r gemen of Q1 6: lad 14,: d any�hing more abominable ca;,4 scardelY nobly provi( IQ a hous� of refuge for Crri of shooting at t e eight and nine hun- The Lio a-.' C,e b a 11 more n :If -Tnim or women to '�all their po&, a d 4 1 0 favor " bbe a I is connectio I ith t [e at an� etb s-andyara-ranges. At —AttlaIela4e' pr(felasional ex�miva- be than �ending it only costs tha�oounty p J t not wit14 t U n. 0 f n or.] I one dollar lull eighty-th)re a 1)61 ia I cobditiob I me th In being po ex tb 4103 C 0 In t a i n t o a' or o Other cri bla ofim;tic le becom. r 'r. Bowell would ei JaL core stood Rug. tims heI4, in June a b the Toront6: Nor e c L�go' Ordei,'X r ' Ainericso 1,906. mal Schdol, the -fol;o birau-,� 19 w9rae much., imor 91' rapid,l] ilLan it wing Hdirl'on-ftes was Much astonished !to !see an item hava 01 week for eicli inmate, t y the S pd, 1,951 -D , arge n og rags, &E of OR14.&DOEs.--A terrible tornado inz were �—Maggie eslie, goi �g the rounds of the Seeti- W risen to the dignity an,: I :ie cotamenci g� yew -a of its p: - T , vi &.1, 601111tY Press announced that they wil, ceiv a I I, a. R. "'n i--; uts, sy, Wisconsin, distri and pati -as their tho 34 -4, west, 21ad U-. ie stono rollin g� dov p hill at fir i �� slow- a IA less to th6 )oBition of a Dorninicii cb on, Aggle Stp�wa t, Julia that a pc or old man from the town P number of ins itution coc tinueo. Sat re' Eadie, J. JC. nkla ter, " red. eaten, f Grey , vas cominibtred as a Vagrant nearly' f u I_ Well,I -would te8pLedt- r, -flies faster an 1,fai it er as it � :d a, to is not by the ;�t iers 41 joet Minis er, The: oblig � ions bl- .7 no r y blew, a train from the I the ial, land being a pitiable i.1 case the fully 't who hin.k I to )move. Mucofoarvaluatlewilhaii ree!n Mr. B1 i�A and ange L W(a. track,. . wrec, I ell bui(dirigs, and! hilled Win. Wa�ker, m. T. Mugoo") an uggell o those arrive bi Not one f the oouu:ty clerk was endeavori�g to ge eheap3 it p or t [ready been Trashed sway'fr(m th two women. It is supposed that the Geo. A. I Nei v on.' not t send the' 0 To ifautual, pc lit: cally speaki 9.' 9rho I y him. into some institution.. -July entire ciew f a schooner found!'bottom Huroniteo w1lo attended the orinal oil f plands ; many pasti es,. form BrI inoial itit thie poin in this artiote waE it will avoid so !much clamor poor pa, riier thr3ugh, IV � Ilaim. little d he'owes 1et I lost. AuQt �el rible School ddrinO the Ust gessi, ed. do' t house in t unly. I think 9, Poor gree sui isico n the' e; 0 up were Mi o her in mu 11 ill be gh ory and bape, famish but Scanty pick.. —On Vonday of last week, *r. D. slao.. ho'wlnoQnsistenta-nddiohonorabl,& man w I Ld bonsequen neither e ects: uch sthrm passea OVer a part of Mipliesots. d to receive thf xf 3A 8 ac�inj while prolendin to ke a Godericb, lost a, son I W Wa U18 draw igs in most year t ne or wo COWE Fisher of sum per W w ad iive more com forbab e Irda r. 1. Several persons were on Satt T ve Son nd a few sheep, SlA3 rno th' othe: killed a4d a. large number fatally 4urt. years,by diphtheria and on Wedi esday the ipoori in my township. I at home thw'. i if he were inearcei -Ae3 a- ver 19' a pro. -after paTtahW or le: la I'l Houses and gains were demolighel and another 14 by the ffisin tion of �Our,;,, ar P 11� ugh it son aged satoe dis. thei� to! the county jail raIII6 any inabitutim bf that kind. Prepared. by s el Yn. telegir i still coll- elLse. A, tbiiro:1 e , who. ba. been cur Vill nd manure A's 16 he�xpense in supper V 'lie youn a j, at ob. crops desteo e . i ing tb e ab laeoPlAdea, by hi, 3rved)- smiles not With the tilo 3eB without iy-immedialig pircapect, attacked IiB n6w recovering. 0 ly the fro the funds of the townsuhi ror: iise o: RoyAt-S'iq�BmEni.—On the night of blen repaired. 1 h 13 )rMer days, wli an, the lmveir) says ar 'the. 18& inat. at London, England, over week bef TiromAa STRAM-1- a inatph oi ba� �re 144 Mr. Fisher's *other regx:rd 0 the old man Burge$R,l w --of btl, operators yielding. T1 fifteen 'Of ly 18 1�& 'Wallacetown,, ]I If you tickled it wil a hoe, Rghec ec ugb ters had but r cent- sai to be from the townshi re3 Gray, JtC es It is that btiaine�B in lar f1housaod. people assembl3d at d, 1. anahia da e am I ito a harve8t."j 3 col ame Iknpw�othirig, nor had J the fete 0 ol the ly recovere froua the s , i!lisease I nythin 'Off Vitorious. 10i t f it,�e ifieberies to beh boys. whaever to do with him bei e'ril i t:) :entres is Hei- ously. inter I ancy which h a ca ied off. the '09 6 York The prospect ii VIA f no oru enta;, royal slid ladies selling The Depitty Reeve -of I iunett 10ity Bldf ty jail, If be was a0i ind V the RilitladtiA, anza na a a gene. f ng American drinks I—M 311y, ol Blyth, lea a that the 1 7, z ctions be taken hadi no, Agein Heawd From 11 iLM A o eak Ild 0 goods aT4 ip' n F ered i Ga, d -al, d a1i 1 t n an 'per beer f i r Igust of the township, 3g of' our cOl Intil wbioh1a�' r,Te think pu lie sympat' ly i;l to with th&r ands to all Comers, thus town on ts of ex. ended and 'knowle geofit. Heneithat,&)Pliel Em oB,- -I notice in the E d S)on a e isfo stin wi ugh MaX MR. T parry rj e pu le, 5 La;society genera y to N�ill be g six weeks ; lor two In TOR Of IaBt -0i is o)ng settle ' )as tb ier or lesi, d gree th V 16 BV, ke. beguiling the &d from the poo the co imil. himself for relie �n to weel: that Mr. -Wall, ,roceas isas eon Iple as it t4ri th enjoy the afte all g to e I bdre cani- be neguestion that tb� Jeflor 'll be accom'pani- nor -did olllany persen in li� b Be funeral �XSI!Seg la4tasijo, toe, e, much' of 6 it 3-igher p . a uxi to the Crowfi �rinqe of Germany to f DUnd months. I o 5r wi 113 9, drop. tb orr, iceedingl3 trying and ex tusti ag, he: I ed by Mr. JIse& White and Mr. neither do I believo that h v w I w: ' nat ask muoh ether with e hi�ig and etime an En e ape n. �iof the towrigg I at Berli P. Jad your pap I nothlig es whi The le 'firm of Luc 3' Tan- residen n derfl tfL "Violini, erto roply for there beep -slop acing to c a thei 10 �s, have., been too long, aua'�vojlle ces sold button hole I Alex. Lqoas, jof the, 'h,� Z . : . 7 V1 coottlaetO 11ah all,� thilli pa'y has been flow To tag rich, the Duchess P to repty to,.bnp as it don't , net & Co. Mid thase. gentlemen will he has g, brother in earest river be �s, torm so 0 ni)aea & bu when jv I ( 5 po n tire I . y t bs,aud mak 3, a care- �nearBiI'usaels but by who he t larid,, will I of Con 2)t th night d ion And Princess Cbristian!" visit the timber Ami w a Ship of H cille tit ; anythixg, �atid owlconsiaeiing 1 e cost of li 7iDg 4 t ful exe, n ni of I-Ocia, 'ties there& sent to the jail or how, 1 hn' nol g Walker wil-I exbect a: reply, I Wi 11 the y4t e took ch ugbt atio bout. the light refreshtrient� a the course of! :L feiw years to a t narked. rge Of Jor cities. fi 3 circular isl tied y thpl _�_On onday of 13ast week a match whateve r. 'The praetice'of gotidinj Al, r jr, one xtient. For tb'( ra n ill &11, it e ano buffet, el Duchess of AlbFL113', bim. He shin* the matter or to the Jail, which I.reg�ot is a )m charge and �ay* I admit wi e a e at lacrosse *as played by tte' po th" wh i1e. �gr rill descend, an, 11 lie; but; wher al 3� aphera atei wa that , he a *r. Princes T oki and the Marchioness i 9 M as * pn illio 11111d inateal of bein Tseng, e 1% Of the. famous Ohinese� Tavistoe club and�tbii Hurons f Godb- times done, I Consider b e I adlxiittedl�isk4own to the :opera h mial or I 1 .1 rich o Dresided In —the n refr r that is that isforesting is geinerkl, ai for Cori Oro le On e ground� of tfie latte The extreme, and, whether 0 rat Ambas Over a gaily would not of 3111 ted State I ur lalla-i eposited ig mud -fo S a IL U11 the be. dishonest as the,.Sti r gra I tostim AO ow 'a a a inated'. tea hose. Thte�re th-producip era fill f tf reputati n of th *to led r public motloy !Vae'rely for, row latter,' e, Vic W6 ty�.e6vena 110 iy th its d :12 0 a 0 'tlob V10 Mal -eQding �y lief t at 'the liome Jeam. wou have a issue, i never yet, nor I De a for no its RIO decide' rl�on the cup that chee abut h good- Mr& Hdbson� aesil's f�lng the wo ds� -three ce 14, )er month aerl ge: )r e 9 ur thousacid q*1111 8 [Od riv el 3, pass ffbirs Iin C Ids i tb r. not ine',bri *the royal ladies an& bard fight, but t4 result wed a wb;Ue T retain my enw QQ might h re, 2010 to take tho Yi ainercial c ?W_1 W 1 7 J Mr. 1�hipps is thoroughly master of the subject op which lie has written, :and 1 has done his work well. Tbe:prie a6rva- tion of what are commonly cal -1611. our "bush lands," from the destructive r vage from av sr of Summer fires, and the wanton and; car.eless despoiling of ig JLorant axe -men, is a subject of living Interest toe—verypne- connected wit b. or nterested in the cultivation of tb a soil. Mr. Phipps' desc#ption of the original forest of 0,atario, is a vivid- and grapbic. piece of writiug� We quote the f ollow- - in, paragra 9 When the pRdd les of the F rich - men first broke the Clear wa to of May, and their, canoes Toronto' gyrated on the bright beach Of sand --which then Surrounded that harbor, On'tq&rnidoe'�r from _4 Detroit to the Ottawa, was, the roof of the forest. It contained at that -S t4me, as, 1A -as been well remarked by one of Ahe best qualified judges the United States, perhaps the most valuable masses of timber whidb ever e ted ia a region of - its size. There xis were hundreds of thousands--nay.theire illions of acres Of' magus ficent were mi maplegi two feoa� — three, feet through, their. ragged trunks rising olear,� separate, distinct, to, the lofty arches of the forest, like the vill I xS of some great cathedral, avershadowiar, Pon and crushing out by their deio as vi - I taity, all inferior grow th-a. SO � that below a,carriage mighto have been i Itivela, for many miles in any direction,, unim- peded, through the park like wo�dlaud- There were vast seetionsof beech tim- ber, their clear blue -gray literns stand- ing far away in the indefinite Bpect of the forest, and -hero and thei -e re - Electing from their shini ng aurfac(s the & iby which the Bull occasion r yo the i was able to penetrate Mass of :!oliaqe everhead—great trbes—three,.� or even four, fon tteen fe, t logs to the trunk,. a reservoir of plane wood, �- which would 'the have lasted &I -1 th�e carpenteis cf world for a century. . There was whit e _oak, would have ribbed the nav: �es of Iau.i &all Pa -a Ole - it to plar& them all.to the water e. . rhere are. many perfect works in tba orest, thefeqia norte more perfect tha I, the white ash. Ital sh&-ft, zound and .'per- pendicular'L Sheathed in serrated I ark of clear Cut channels unique in their H beauty, forms &.'picture the ver,y axe migbI be loath to destroy, There were hickory trees by millions,. ths Khaggy-. oulter-coverikighairiging in Strips from the huge red -brown trunks, had kept the world i* axe-handlos I till doom.9- day. _There�weremiles, upon atilea—' I id there were hinidred&of miles of Rwi e - spreading cedar flato, where the travel. lees toot might ill day long' press the Mossy covering. of their protrudini'l aid giga'n'tie too . t1a. while around him, Still rose on all sides the qpright slasifts, the curious leaning bralAcibes' of th most picturesque Of trees. -There. were dark and apparently -illimitable forests of 'hemlock, of which axe and fire have - long since found the limit, as th tan- ners are learbipig to their cost. There were millions of silver- skinned b rches,. and iron-woodgin countless nuinbers.. And above all others in uae—abo re 7 all �others in money value, everywhere -piercing. the hard -wood foiP-age, roof, rising to double its height 'above it lofty, dense, sombre, fully expos 9d to, but almost i Manoveable by thd te at, stood in tar -spreading masses thagianits of the forest — the great-, Ciiiadian. Pine. Mr. Phipps then,goes on to -Spe Sk 0 bow this magnificent. forest 'was dies- poiled, partly: through necegllit7 and partly throu�ah reckle"nos,4 aind. want of foretkonght. -No destruction was ever mo .. ruth- less, more injutious, more lastin� in it's' a effects, ',or m9re diffieult of repedi, than 1hat t 01 4whi4ch Canadians, fq:- the rast hundred years have chee one Among all the politiciap another on. who have in turn saved our c(untry, few- oi them' have thought it worth while to attempt to - save4 the. tAmber, And yet much might, very easily, vory valuably,, have been done towairds theat end. But the genius of presirviation was absent.,whi-le that of destruction filled the lailild with his voice. Here might have beel ' A seen a rustic, placidly destroying a grove of white *piue, worth a mjffi on, of dol-laro, in order to* uncover a barren waste of saady ):and, w 'ch, at first gave, but little wbeat'L and his 3 since paistnred bat's few cows; there a; tother, devoting to the dameB a district if red. e%X would hOe kept Malaga hal years in wine puncheon a, that he may hare a piece of hard, red clay on A me untain slope,whichhe Shall try �to othivate Jor_w"fiaw ye&ra,L and shall I andon When thaL wintry torrouts. have washed the; Beauty humas away from the hard pan w4ich all impenetrable hes below. Here is yAt another, who, to alvance himselt a littla by burning in une w fallow which Should hav,19' lain 'L Jall, and thereby save a matter of n or twenty dollars, haslet fire ran rou h :five hundred %eres of good. mlo bash. , ) iffing the young trees, rdli g, the old, and hall raining' the f(rf future igriciltural purposes. reyou raight : isve seen one rollih,g t ther and, burniiagL great logs of"birack nut (a wood invalusible for L f of In ilich, the canaiian supply is io ince exWusted, and the United St S1V_ ply almost, so), im order to Make a farm, all the profit of wInch for forty - yet.0 would, not reach one-tenth of tl b sum p P!LE J�LY 27;9 1883., CIR. N iEX t plso� for In' THE HU ike, Ila It he they are), to'seidilng a Man or v t� the expel'! ty.96vend naiiandforty-nine cents p)r the Marchitione a selling ith thLeir handsome tory foir the H T drat A On to jail for no otbeir crime The P, na"Wi w0ald. inglik �11 dir6citiop i under -and -ro:j W" thau th Ilett. rint, if left simpaing till V ver three thou d plo y ' v good all throug ,4�d the )WI hands 11111 1 t ei rlesult, I do oo!b shrink from er 'A have di Wn. Nay Itivated fillas, &)ad yiei 13g! n erRi �e'Df railroad operators n specially ade visitors tii. -r-S, Sily item the� 04 . 2onith; np . Sev4pral.fellas i o disappoited a I Minis bi .8 which is I a to mselves faivI aten. =my action with reg d tol bOt ev-� more comprehensible!lay, thenalbat 'is th�rt nine aon nis ackno*Ied od the be 1 nited St td� y I 1 y ar to rae hich *ill the U 11or the oocasi�ln by the MR'' vi�y-one, I hav myself Beer n h I the blood is Go n fra 0 ; I I I the we4* f doile -without raisrepres to � the bum g poorhousei t41 G 4 ig himse tl_ 40 avy orreX,to aind sver e for railro ree if, ere sold it fabulqns _O6We nesclsy of last M tation, but I oca*not see Day lands nesi Toronto, gie at 'heaps 11 1 come the r ala in -he ric es, and tea mckets, em broiaer( dl by Daniel1i Mcffila&c, of the second -ionces. laia. r - w - Mr forty hi ii i6atead if soaking i to - i Ina. operators in " oinads, 91 twenty-ni e [ship of Stephen met abuseis going td serve towards tb on almost elearl# no, orth to he olive flngert of the Marquis Ts 3ng's"- Sion of the towt i C, aim iiing the 61 Ili i v%tecl land, ill. i a it should- e who happen to differ frolmn u apli, wg� )Ilars, thousal d, given over to the a tbu dollars an I t all wo young daug iers, wer0i IL1130 i n' Peat with &I serious accident. He vq;�a build- ing an b16mes t'l ross i 6, melting thel n O'W " bornib in mind � tbat o orators are r It en and The (3ountess of Dufferio pre- ingsbain rXr.T.B.MartiA,�.'cf thE question. Inat: tiolein XP and r e late me of: a tb w All 'olh resi ts of Tfaronto �an well 018A floods during the tb 8,4d ion for Sand Id d 6 1 going 6t, tli( TOB Shortlyafte allowed e 'tra i �ornpens ver 1� fiSIL pond where the Prince 11th c6laces ion and or x 0 ouncil in' Tune, last, y hilways ot'i iaryin bial County C out for ne (imeni-bert'her I a efore the g a, Vay f ales fisbed'and made severalo lucky wetroo'f in ii�e'morning, Blippe ano� y OnIti d eor work an ati� railrwa 'operators at, viewB4O both d tb gave the Patties _K�Iker`Amd otl -the old wbar a piled higgh IV th pine, arli n solution of the at aes. i fellogtbelarn,adistanceof 3( feet Or' e -f-steamboat'f )I--1th I Sion 1 ha;, een'llft in p it one man is employ- stion, and am e Ong I lTocesl. ad orests Per! 4- stations where bt nA,�—TIAe ai e is Bpread- high bank barn. qu Sure yolffr Able h i1im CHOLIM seas the baria be mg a very 'Ve 'More W ths i Ie j) g . %yg wood-wa two CordS '10, 2 eftch—� 6n;, 'i rould have i emained, and not 16 ticlemust ha eight gonE a are requited'�, to wo'. from 1-4 to ng in Egypt a d is reporte I to FortuIlatel - he lit on the only Spot teDtvn Youge. r reet, 'and f the! Vol il 4 have rerns tied, bat wo, Id b ve Xe broken out in Bombay. "A wag fre rc attention thah if you had .LM jredi b�tter are pobr'dsy. and; on many roads F a ,e f m. stones. Blood gusbei Wri I eneff lial bo out volumes of s4ui rilous and aha w and ads. . I, fancy ee i ed by �� be slo' has been established from hill ear e" �wbo` holl ing8ton -and I i u dap To a to. eep in r convenien. tri A quafrai tI4 ne a and nooe when Way ell for -a through it of tj 6 reqire, ;to. t to I wrist. ieut tl ie pine so use would now, asi 'o ii�prvsij t�u all, vdsselfj PaSSitig th �gh One atim. w),o broken' above thB 33 ga nst move it f i vOeek 0 ;ban all the' stbamers er vfsters,whic' now To their onices, 8 at and he is progressing fav6r. As the bouf ,.weat deal im r �, I no Mediterrarleari. A despatch f 18�ty� and intelligelico� they. inay be called r grou ad oraeri!forde ed,andobtiin 8 blished re-' ably, eLvidh6gooa, hopes of ulimat y d, llbtsd by ad sin the freei 1 tb ey ever c %Tried, ar Ids. No lo - the -lowe to receive lay laingtop OM We U `0 w as t 'ebed 0 land said -the Sol 14, for non F ..e so lo Star, with your permission I- will e. We must he, re the ell 6� help, for wr6cle, trains TbesecallBoin ors showlngi the probability that recove!ry. d( 1: sur, to we a i he drai t bg I i I nce ihael 1�ogari, some of my rea�or a why I m op I 61 Lt wan't any b oards,od riviers, whi ho era : may riattke its - appeal —Aa. old man named M hus 941' Atle 31 ee many roads al f freqtentoccurrencB. London, and that suspi,,i w as died in a day last week in 8, Ouse near a building of iie.r "a lio sale io it in towril. A la�au- he all may be 14) as stee t present to the e I . se. The oo I p bI 11 red miles nort of Toronto, and 'wilth-[ ide: air- Thbil strikers mand. 1at an increi hou Lit t bein T] ',a re port a liq ald have a asoo of Sickness have already ib3,en Polley's livery stable, G6deri oyident g wealthyo, A 1 have 11 bO( e --fourteen mil, A. of a railroad, 1, have on all salaries be [is hero, is putting the Govilrn- ly frot 1 the' effects of hard! dr�nking�, the numbei -of poor comp ulturisti , so!"the of fifteen er Cent.' vered tl the ;Ipn &Mon 11 1 * - ! . Cialk, agric atithoriti63 here on the 1�11:,,rt- The so eue in the house was lilI Bad 0 maI do not bar nown hemp af er heap, sore after acre,i of which ittreats,ii of p wra- granted that eight bo its. Bb&ll conti- ne�t the aswe t�] keeping thern. tinder the present !V16 Sub jec t b d' 0611d. the co;rpse �iag on the floor in it 0 Inare mile a -I square mile, till the, COT - at y tute� gialar days ork and 6 very poi �er I e 0& onerous, or such as to justify th gone, where the splendid and. I 1110 Lai A Le and'one t 0 a r� 61 tions are Made ws Qne _�OiV`4 nor, c6vere - with a sheet, wbiletri 6 in 34t- e be )rest was impo a: for enfO thf� 0POUS l3s, three -to even six a regu'l ir laight's work and that It exp6uqe necessary for bot - - ; Jae -W rook ell i vh ch ible popill r in t 6* bon a at New York the in mate —the old rial n ',whose Son, ring of th the lassive inaz has hellssitt'ictesit a 01 : I day a tly billdings le it through at � he butt, the long, clear eive equal pay r porto against vessels f* In i ed for insallity 8�- of Such err it E We trust th( On4ri( bot '13exel glat Al Too ljD4 Other Was COMM lina off ed. 1 Etsawoold, good the maint of It think hi's � ou.0 view onn I oanoe a r im,1112y X I I . ondon and Live�pool should Ort ago— 6 8 drunken and uoisY iii r ake steps to and especially as Ong as the pre sat. luable cherry 'timber, J10 ii:r 2116611it: Will t 91 RE equi 61 7or I; i ISO, tb at Sunday work as xaight logo Of rove true. tEte h Be at the ConstaVe thr atene a SU4 hi looked up. makes reasonable provision fo �Vjr, equall vi uable red. oak, withL :2 pblicAy as possible to i he 4,� a. a C 3133 pu Son, auty BE all be aboligh ad, to b It -is too ball system _,r igbip, ps VD. t 10 -,ech and apiol,'hemlloek and iron- io,ably dismissed in a mod i rin� unif so cOminensatea ag extra service. :Elukon Notes. t at otwitlistanding their;, absolut3 thopoor. The'ta,wiashi gcnrsly� an Cow i oppos tbj�t it IS ood, une 0."11 ! n Ou-n al �civic le should: e ble t ed to the er�etion of a poor unted and iincoun able,arose n a Blyth Ogerved it ild tA i ire i r �Ports, i 11 It col iced E)d 1! o 1 hands that the pover y the Be peop 'k- such an i ismoke,'aaacAoetotbe'G)ddess of 1 .1 . I i simply becauge they think there 110 1 1 ; - t c nor. iut tj Gre t No -tia-Western Union has, been bol�da,,y on Tuo6day last necessity 9 bout t T Be he length and IS Post M Kb Mon for i,� �nd thereb morance tbrou; Wilagham. Civic holiday_ Says t y creaf,' llie Bra inoUtitij3gfil ounttyr. ItIL S. 10 thein at I I di !money for some corsic n* J� reaath of the H( ma Ing pi e i5th., day J&mes,Watt arrivea i' age] 8 unnecessary ex.penee on. eei I procl ai me� for August T&S i i the P . !­ I - a out The I&ng bas to is L the !Northwest, where e ho S They may be caiiisa narrow, ceitruta. Z : . . I eallY But one era an4this being the Belmore Cheese Ractory fl Om n4o. It was ne. op. ng belieVolence, aud 'th k her Y1 64rrngto ile 'article which verliteen cheeses -each day sojoui ned f�; about tWO' Moothi d and lacki tbeS oug their,ompl. is- �oomiilg—se 9..er to oye,es.sati 01 ,a W`tter pearbi in TH19C EX OBIT01% Of U 0 w P'kE' n -Out. li�lf. He purchased 320 aer( 3asary indeed ic obtain li;ind tor the The polio will have no eiOlz the averag,e tur �S, beling i i choice epithete, but I an the ro, a poorho Be to conside low, but what I ahallpticleavor tp aliew f Iktory w f ii Cates of r whether oor, ago 01 the above'subject, the 1 odericla The fal I fai� of the West RiZ ing o towns ip I range 23, section 1 the Ix these pages, iS that had great I reser- ity for if they doliAlt. 15.5) the farmers of Wa coviity are not i t ill b held JO;hn . 9 ith, of Brauaon.� ap uron.Agricult6ral So�de y,wi the P-1 iiid 61 the Sta 3wiDg extrac, anity as 38 O� the infericr larids ives he f )I a ta ken ea- ere, a d.he.has broken 100! acirea ses4ed of fee iga of hu willag W g 0,14 MV0 I h ALLA R' f other classes of tI e commurin D( laQoderichonTuegasy and per a lounitain fandsi, been Spared the axe, from hq!! J;ail R !gister, which f pea for ar,&*d intends breakin so Speak n a day October 9t4 and 10th. t�is y lie bi wiles fror i suppose if the ral epayers; of the t, prqper and 1interliaediate. po�i long, t he in[, Which, in just le tc I Baloon it Mbntreal. Ross, -althot gh e. made on the more ext �esr. He is 25 - Ties, Repairs are to b XH' of I reesi qua. that t Mel Od ind Constq'� succession wold, ship I 1A �1611the ve anal jacess ful, i 4 a fine. sleci men of pibo� si- PBrussels school -buildin,a tent- Bran on and nine miles from GFis wqre con'sel POG r Of t :a to the e f ha Ze,oncerni d we reprodno( n ors in bf $180; Mr Dunbar of Ethel, being'tbe a station their munici 'ties are allowed to A large bev mighi have I lar �j d, a could'dib wond 04 the Canada Pabriflie Rail; p Ore My ej Burge i%bf the vilIa�( l0q. U0. are! oh. r a a Ja�aea -and r g an axe or guiding's plou:, Scott and Via. Me starve, o obtained Aber4rom, while the till contractor. � , : d a a vagro ot o -cruelly tr e. hot- they ot )DS" the JABUrSte md which was�(leared would not I only self as Comm! t peirs met resident! 0 this would The des *sed -Courtney, who keeps on —Me tilme$L and'Jobn eon. far not ssrs. J zo dietat< 06 live yielded �aor crops an, the 66 )666mber, 82, y Ate I Ion did Cain dian I(ute)L y, A e bis-neigbbors. V; Wa t drive a i or council from offi �WA king il his carpenter abop at Auburn. e dispose rbr yel c th. ords, st in R. wbowould aar6 age the poor in ag' aff t�, ter, wor a of their splen did Can regent much bi oade, acre F. Q. Rog 3 ree e,for is of mor res b�nefit t5 mankind t1au drought Btallion to '19r. Robert 'ott, andf mily 1will remove to th this 'Walker I all. ha ielde A th. inch -,f on i on :3 sentenceex iredo: hol w manner. I do'ia�tbjeot to the h -tat at would . em This t ths. � I - who T 6 i . 1 9' ve. the trit a of isaloon-keeping oar will take him to Kansas this fp lie knol. star,, any 0 nillIer coat of itiet he g4thof AP 1 He iff kept L�ley rep rt bas reached Clinthn sayls of - the thers nla The - fall �how of the Stl Mel]. il j ail 04der an 'c ri r . m. tb erif �1 ;i - their. o,*m Views In kqgar.j. Ant once dema katra ie4l.'wo a 4 pro- e sh syr 8 C Intl he oened on a Tex rt frc in the gil sul So says the the. Londo�n Advertiser, Branch AgriculturRI society will bE held the New E ra,.from what m a4t6a. to Mal ably obtain so �e luable idt a's as to ra itil"d Tae!Oaay, sider authentic sources, that Mr. L.L to poorhouseft or any other mat -4r,. ��at lie �Wz I st 1�ayfield on Monday and 'in util. zing -the eo ri oner was no abI6 t2 A woman of good ike hud. ie road to be it Lvell, d ffikit the I and ever� man at Brace the well-known contractKr, ha but if we cannotbe convinced by rei won. liove )ctober ne led In- abi a ch rem. in td uAP will aree wi 'it. th and 16 th il others, be - I not 'be coe reed. r t -he poor ,rests whi M owiug i sore on big eft i lei judg I t1b. been ap ever, e argument a wil respect BIT. Henr�, I point- with en, kil by 4 Doyle has tl he lailt-decad v effort ha i Once eon ma a tQ.g( W le Public opinion i the tow n6hips g er Even during Lafthe'con- e township 6i $to- dians in ashington. territory, I hich pose& to theerection of alpaor to some host ita ;ed engineer fok ith i I ot for the deELa th ifinktuiriate xgT an ally is op -ospe on with ew! i of the! 'W eek. Mr. Dolyle is said to be Ifully about 200 mile -3 north of San Fr.B r Imption of the! !oresi I has gol i,iii, ilei Ropil3v S fa but th 3. The repdrt states it S n t suid -house. at presei because the peoplesee !1�ft bet(IT r ag hat he, his IRS hope b Y mrow, FEVER.—Da4hs from yellow 'qualified for th!'o position. -eater rapidily. thaii p most ll,g thot Home for 1� non lea, b a nc work whil anth erl Sps pioneer 6 e I� iao necessity I the cos the others were at m1ore tirved. thisisa fact fever in AVIL13a,durin theweekefiding —Mr. Thos,'Somervillci,- the ur ri rat ment. 0 an institution 4buld entail. :ally, Dople have ob ed td, re6dv 0 be ostilo, it I 9i 4t i�miller of Waiw4nosh, has given u the diang who were known t Jul 22,- ere 39. Janer an the quiestion is not understo a atent to the most at perA [a bet rve-r. and now I h big' RE lLhing. because d Mae inery was were suddenly observed apI o Chicago ost- milliug busineo. The ... Dig a �S' t G D I but because illing the EiSia Past; 0 ntin ischli Lrg L 11y and Mr. elii son mounted a ho0e aric wo areot w ling aplps an,�JLL 'bft-- bes ecoming ul . which & e g to eml, an J mas er's i E 00 �bou�.ght by Mr.glarris, o sh e Too th Cr do�. Act- -,ax he m Un to t�Laaly �ill be Taised to 6, 1 f 'Of last man ed to make his e8eilpe, !but the cost of maint ni g r a a be at 1st of etcher. �wag M. vely scarce der. the Condit peri%i[ tha ao )mpa,rati and a! ih( soft viii , up ions- oved on Wedne I not so fortuate,for s1l- volore: Be ir o hda FIST T AiNs.—The drana Trunkbas week. oth were clods, especialily tie -a'sbe clplars lag a jail, endanger the d t ; relai�- method. We I be told, pel.-hap t7ke.ENditor r sr. u we J. H. Fraser anq P. thou th y made espera, q s that Male nto 'f r three rottes The Moss bly butcher �, their this i A . d ellads, are rapidly liss g. "To and at of the pTisoners." y of Blyth, have been tarice, all re botri a narro* sy, of looking at tile oof i rom - I agq o ew or , an Ivi 41or, former] he t(mosbi aria Ree latter, but wo Ay retort by s�ylng r t by carr�lng bodie bei g subsequently burn 3a. 1 uow the lr'r�oks &Otl remarkabilb.,aqgree is thio,t e i the - -.. st 'pasrep'ger muns over beri!i Idistlioguishi f 1tE p'. itted Da rair n, wag.fi 00 m hea that it Will'168$6il. the Cost to the igrest I - er of prizes at th 31 an- � i todo withi 0 off a large numb — noth1er of thosewho bore ibe set� Of se who mrities, for nsit wo�le f Hal ork,' RI Uh,� fof I 3e m mtho, b J.i A all, Is P. favor poor el I t 1111] releas G 3110AG9 4613331FTEDo—Rev. Win. Cu tb- -nuil games hold in. Portage and ln�di6n of the day in the early ).Pajority Orite SSy" OM itworth and Iincoln. No Ito 1,1 is, J.T4 0. wall d Apr `!"i Ouse; and� �y Say that' 116 e -60 -ws Of age 1 an bert 39n, o! London, England, has ac- on Dominion Day. tleratiAtof Goderich township Imaking ad by some, wn unrivillilled 0, )unt1r,:Hurom, but little 'a OTe 'o put f 0- cepted a S3,O)O'call fro —Mr. Joseph Golley I of the 2ncl n- it wh 9 it isto-day, was Mrs. lVargaret reason why� Act S, le ylhelph4ij sno� thal she t light'! To the Lo, At in 13 a, xious to have one built, bat in Crooks )hind in thel'ra'oe Df defit tiolk as tu it f C hi. cession of Morris, has returned fro,�Ia & Ruth age, widow of the late W Ini. Rut"' `&re 0 u o 6br I er, A' Stred, C6tigr 3gationsl Church o I a I the I ai y case -,we is mur to being cladtilled Von ayers can 1� visit to the land of 1 0 T: elf his birth, Irell4nd. ledgeJ one Of the first 'settlers 'on tI e.n orracula qu ft Cap_ itneaB - tho5i ti to' of a( :ted a o ey enough t )I be into .*a__-qniescp(e by abuse-andmis. 1 -ab He reports b E D RrUL c av�ng bad a rough vqyage, Huron Roid. She died on Taesaay: f �ard 141a, T TRESS. ood required at the alt at im ra* To id Ilie at d wo , veeka. M representation here IS no use 1� any witioia. wnt ii- iievertheless he looks none the Rorse ed thoI goo I hig-his Wok -1 h, Bembardto hysical e s last week, having reach n h &�i 7 11 ate' his trip.� 'One assorting t poor houses o0ln lb6 he cry s thiat, even 0 wpod if; in. Sla 3 was Rgiin Q,O, I Inst. ally befactithat-iii onowsek or age of 89 ears, Mrs. Rutledge was a ot wi jr4rit alicoum i w .0, vn to 6 pbe I. made Self,falls Ang, as fh&t cau only Brass V. sister'of ugh and Job loarce; -but" A recently She ave nine performittlbes in. —Trout are just now numerousi - and n Stufdy anc Iry. w ears, a�d our Ate on el4t�10fMay.(jull'2011slyl be said bytI slawbodonotknowor f y �ar and gVady There are -he ob 1 reside here for fully half ft3i kal OM le ritoace Lon Ion. easily. taken in t' hac ers will notbe ab e to Spa r 3 an Dther r first L n t6l isighborhoodof Beln?or intend to deceilv, &sit is abso lrenzsnde as I e; tnry. TNro sons and one dangliter i3u'- thtvt distuace, Un by Claarlei 13' SENTENiCED. —Lord Streams in the I ontl or ti ree rp. rn Advance advise)a its impossible. 914 xties who &&a. a know tbl a; r raw: Beritence P%A )v. Mr.; vachonocIde, of �snd the Wingha vive her, viz.: Joseph and:Tb43iiXB pa no I aleriti '81 1he �Bkr: x rib ;z as to make a noW of ]edge, (the! latter n .mi-tted 'into pa .: flanges a the unfor. *eep li,=Ees in aeN Lon piscatorial frien ow in Colorado)., ion e well-ko Wn ritualist, to mr..Phipps q: lote from 'Aon, Mr. ri 0 Will III 14th of An P;�Ola, tl 9 tunate, decrepit, Itled )Iy'S� report on Foil d vat n ol ecclesiastical preferment this important fact. ewi owofthe lateRobert Whitely. -I not e 4destio:1 1.8 wl.,%t will beal b: ho cannot make aliyelihooa for hem. yi a'p' f the Blu ivale, the naI —Mr. James Tippliug,o She was devout and kinmy woman, eStj i g-agw ith her rherb appe b: 1 811 show how re rkle-. a h 1 w whh, costs.- selves, and thl cost to the rural in M,01- u neei t*0 (01 wo road, returned recently from. his -visit to killiag to assist those i I slid are weA te lid EXANDRIA ever I a,e la 'dizfO :it r down to' Tur, Ai, M#sAcian'. i to forests bad taken p the early to sen d. palities of Indinialning theBeinapeor ti majors and teg lieutenants of the England Ireland and Spotlan He will koceive loving on, ;uiioay#� ago two lt gain, eveil if tie aml charity 8 9 0* F her ej house which 1. a ai prepared to b y, �Lsto of the Provilic 0 of uo� bec and I I h as prove .�Oj t sia -Ty 9 od her f Truer release,, an �b Egyptiawarl ave h6en sentenced to brought home three C-1ya tot y 6 to come. -ej "go 0 "a 'Ot y figures if Decei sa ry, would be more than d oudan two year old Aallioni 0, yialar old at lion t the following so for .iidy, OiiltB n yo�, p611l servitude in S he death of Mr. Wm. Eiliott, -1 fss ki ar has U(?' 61t)r iative but to ISO arc 0 q ox ly 6hel ter ir gev6 om I cl Lak Hill, Goderich pq dobled. We &, not want to thTow j p , M On' ihe n lo' e iy in! the ins6smores at Alex- and a three �ar old mar eyiew, tdwu@bi I A it the evil resol �s th Lt 4av Jollowed: I Lei, h o' or n ey n, Beaissly, we can bulv f y tbe Gth inst., ie A &way. MO �ri'j I at has and ye r D. Sho�treed and Charles hort on MOVI It is well kric w io ever rson of et it bv bard abor, ipdustryaud F � � 1 ; to reed, pupil an ther of our. best knoirn g econo evey Sal ; ; A,SEc6ND ISUEz CANAL. Owing a of Mr. R. KnetebteLl Sec- 0 t met; past -ainary informa, don hat in" 1 1, , �1,rq, passed y cred tably ere: o use in an one,being 8 2 the OhL , age Ilacorpol atio ',bi ogition to �'Ihe agreeLLent tio No. 9, ver pioneers, and one whose many virtuies my, but there I y t( lantities of wli in sond )T examinatim in 4ugry with us to r tht, as their im, the, English won hiin E. wide circle of 6t* cen BI ild by the Prov' _iorelt6 kc use of COMI DnS P osed 'at tLe recent t e firm friends. n"Ie f Qu ac. Cer- tion may be it a Ivance of , their aisere. �o�r�rn'e'l'r' nia--king 37E and to - makd 'with M. D,_,Lesseps re- el�forth, the He was bdrn in Fermanagh,, Ireland, -ve guldeielA for I e an valleys drained by. grett..rivofs: I �lu I h had! not 0 Mo al cotirair -,e tlbo� S But even if it di cost us more I tion, 'a'seconJ canal, it is likely the e latter 338 roarks. iclil. nea specting th And Card y Le -T8, Covering areas of Is nd were t0i 9': in f o or Of the n: nobbev" ingtosepaateal,niothr resia,2d w trequird Bobeme will have to beAropped. Mr. Henry� Cantelon lately� 'PUT- 60 ould longlit to be! the very hDmG,Of tiit) 1598il it it lowc Viet, to 1 100 3 arii ago, and had I , I FAmILY1 HE TH. * The Duke of E lin- ch Ised a, grade. cow hom MT.JohnWood, Lis 1 farm in the 4th conats.- from her little f, mily. They.are heat plant. re 18301 the yield, of f ent )1. langu �f � lis hiked h he' -paid on to her though as those who ivaybe levery year Some burgh's b ch Township, for whi Sion Olose bia. to 47 years. His hos I - a e ealt Is quite, poor, He has Gooreri :xn6t be renewed, Ell heat in Lower isna is 0aid to ha Cal 6kilagly re 11 red his vote tigki.)a more fortur:� ai circumstances. !They in& a C161ved, tal -all 511f e In gone to K �Ssil gen in the hope of deriiring '670. Since its purchase it has ity�, extended to CIRBSeSo in ilij a world, w4ile thbse in )en enormloull; dtw d of are her all pen theni and 1665 to MI 1. N �b- beuefitfrou4 bduseofthf6watergthere. and he refused twenty dollars fo�: the ,Will Ong be remembered as ithe �fri6n 10wfeir talveris I I I ficat t. f IS 13pea the p akind, sank to,1 Au insigni raction a speaks D ToTon 1'� C affluent circumstances have somothing The Duch4a remains in Stl Pet4ab arg, offspring. acir and needy. Of d 'of IhO towns t1 to! 9, cer��. it 118 lit be, re sbovyll but will j6i4 thei Duke, and family of Grey,' hag, M On n" then better f rig his i else to lean They can be s0lDt to 11 1119 enial disposition,'he was Act? 1 think it a its hand L it on 'Mrs. R. L. Scott, atr aid i t x weeks, prodacEd'204 9 as the cli 6in degree restored thouf h to noth. t 0 V ce school as w ildren !of the 1 the last si Bing o v s. Two. t he othe of _ e pidtu: 3 all oi 16 3 their, refu!t from Cobourg. d0ing compromi in his opposition -�tha toVii i,g approadhilag'its oil, fertil1j'. Ithas, SA�41T,'UkY XASURES.� anitar in as. lbs" of butter fr'om four cows, besides and errof,and his Sterling haracer 'rich, and they ill assuredly be com- Llat�jy, a -o a I undc Sanitar 3en usual to call the pr Cities which lol �Ws: When tie Orange IlLcor 3 r fort to her as they advance in ye - n- ures 11 Cal au. her amily of four. The Brag- and faithful obserisnee of religi fron Lused the in''July I o1rer-pro ping.' No,' JBill c4meL'l before the E10186 glectod by the Ic an'to g t or i from her and thit, faval- tio I . . 1i thoritieg cif Egypt that4heke is a stro' sela Post chal lages any one dutiep enablea him to bear -his 'i last Il. ates'aOf beib th �to doubts that1with good f ri . & -John M&64 n this pherionaen -al extrD. pros. aibg lin 063adioniinslritl)'of Sir at production iwith 'Christian d res' ly separated, ivb �le their natur , talent '03t 31- feeling in favor of Erigland's forcibly 'bekt ness fortitude � f. ni 0 i � . ob -&,year. Notable seasons the Jan I ki as - hit iia -that of th� most nost. stienubus �ff6rts t) Bm)th takiAg the ad ministration of . propver tLve ��The Righ Rev. Dr. Harris, o!. De. natioln. iTruly his end Was p 001 a Ad -may be r.i% has, have iood t e ic , E �' I . . I ; lag age gooaon by thot , k i . tioit, Episcop 1 l3isbop, of Mic, inch land C opping! " I . . i. A measureolinto her own'hands. he has patsea t6 a well e .4, opulent. I arn cpposed to sendi 'ot. I n go 4 Es�st Huron foi ithout deterio B i could,. to i : eptio the Chieftaia, at INVESTP�AT NG JRwisn 'RIGHTA.—I WB- and family, al o T. Irving Miller, Esq., in t I full hope of a glQri us 1; rr, JO- people to oor house, becan ,cia ra LL Oringeism. to AG 3 proved that, oii �be: r sident of it - e Sta.te University of HiLo wife and two a will be much lr� ppier in homes their ry, the ietWilaut, G a;.,d Soereigir BoNi sia has stlnt c otiamissioxiers to �Dgi bud,� Pro. tion ns aiAd three ths hoitel-kepers rocess of clearir g thi i forest!!! er ed to Ohio, and Fan�ilv,_are 'Stayingg, a, the daug ter I survive him. I H6 was ilf own however humble, ad -not subjelit er of Que oms, &c., ba. nc th F�ance,iiad 3e any,lor the uriose a. fel th Ah are i Q, and had dollo M )To hao� Vi I � pre.!, ;her speal in a' v 3xact report concer iing 0 o� Mr. John Elliott 0nd rs.' -who: may Lrry awa3 tile' po 01 if the -in to the surveil aw Lee of those I I co'lax1gela of obainir g 4n P int F Goderich. brother paraing' M -Tiohbourin� of Goderich, knd Mrs.. J. ivil rights of, Jt ws in those countr r. John lin and -Mr. u" them bar, ih-,. Y, and. sometime mted th 'Biliffity of 9� OA I cou-� of ag C a. I 1A 77 even Twelfth in- 8% t A menodre o I ainat it, b t M 7 wanogh., have cruelly. The ff: od they receive is not i THE UE x. —The London -l' 06 son Walker, both Of West Wa Thoinpoo of Clinton.' Toning as favort ble i a form 3qly� 6uia 1 0 afleBetted big �rjendB who- bad ';up[ f fitted forage, eople or OSe this year b been a short but brilhant, sold their. arois; Andrew Stewart, of eit&r; tavern hci not do mu&h:t) ace )unt fo: he f Wing, b Mr. Hamh Is and constitution, a the es, er t can I h, Br t brough 3V I -as well &I i tht 1u :I one. The� QU Q will remain at Win(.Bor. Lucknow, purchasing lioieus�, Una wbil 17 What it we can, disco-eir � by, an The Re�ye of. Grey o3i tl�e Polor be Made to e the opular tile us 66 a � the Mr. Colwell purchasing, Mr. W Iker's She -seri( abseric i ,,)ubtedtesti'ma.iythalthiai�s(i'4� W, owreppirt403 t- venty*yearo. rhey e i House Questign. VuLt they were tu, Bs, 4nd;Q5,200 was the a nourit poor house. 3t Ch to t ey ecelve Princess'Beatri:pe, who is at a Conti aen. 100 Ron the Country, yet lallj thilaki i I the bourse of this regi -A er tte � reali zed f 00 acri Is.. M 'a. EmTon,—DEAR may do for I a t e and tal watering PI ce for the bene t a her or M . Hamlin's 2 1 � i 3ok-find t, tention has been called to extr act a proof of thege tw( importaut ot;031forhemaR re."-TheO angime, women, but not e irlieumat 113M. —The man friends of Mr. J. 11liot Whab would be t 16 n arid Im. FiENv 9H INC FINIDIARISM. —A illaire in formerly tPac er of the Belfast ebool, from the Qoderich St&r in ou issue of poor house. 11 opposedto it aveatrong cla: In aupon Sir, I I . And the will be glad to learn tha he has been last weeki reflecting on the coodct of the Bytem. reqt ires the separal of on S 131) Styria w is r ce�tly burned while I . i roduce And th 3y had the beat )f rea 10 a the Reeves of Stephen h th ir As I have'jo t rem arkea i, I t ile"case -inhabita: its were absent from' their promoted to the position of Math Bma in man and iw�if( who &y h lived -10 eL;Ipect b�t D�py_ would d ona.their voting ag�inat the poor -house uestian speak happ 3r or v yesixis, conse- 1 Lower Canad, w( have too ap homes t',l giV ) a welcome to the Emperor cal HaSter in the --Caledonia Rig illy 9 no Of Orangei 04alle .�ec sing to be able lan willing quently the . .... b iible to %ion i hAs of Anstri %. Et has been discov6ked that School, at a a aary of seven hi Ind. believe tbat o er-croppin when. t juired de Bialco, and rel while proJeB n if po' r Tegsading tavern ke care of , their owrnn �Oo With avoid it to mind is barbarous. 301PA10111A,4 the a it. It h - lo � oubt, they1haiveisqui.Ily good grOmas to Irredent!1sts 'to na Eudiiae get thei vi lage dollars Per stinum. es, to t4 to the action of f' otding mething ies isve in. el1l. ood,-of Waanosh, re a tho eev i �ofitho bountry ad so dc -with 3 in Ater, I Lgai $eved at -the manner in m I iich t ie�e on fire imd ive of the inelendiaii —Mr. S g may be ignor iA or di I- _ cim. t t n I know nothing, but rom. my "Goderich t 'wh h -can at; lo'liplieve p e i1,011% sitil 0 0 e �h to tho ed at there in too, xuo n ilemen-de'seAed them in �i 2e time Of been eate 1. has disposed c f two ore of the colts be edil r of the"Goderich GLINxi AhEA-D, ish recently imported from Scotland,, Lord kno*ledge of both these ge�tldnien 1 (10 -Cannot help ha t, but until he CO vinca — The En,I iat an equally ow, lul4clor is be EN bu. 11 )e: 1, and'refu so not a's op n proved 4ictoriom on Saturday in the, Briab being purchased by Meg its. J. not ruth 1weie known me by better targuments than he yet )und'in the f egg Itoasm. Beaforth i ina Pelie*,,e if the ti ,on of moisture! whA 0 411ahig dishonor;bie 1has been produced I wilnot be dragoon A into V40U.- A� nAv r careless --dig. 13 Be 01 e; mouths il defense ol he d.rd?r cootest "with tl e American teem for tli6 Fqrrict, for 0850, and ,'Robbie th ani i,resting oper )no bro4lit intornat on&. ;rophy� ' The Engliab,'. Burns by MIT. The mas Bell,of 46ndes, ono� by*them. Your artick'� ofillast week submissio �b6ut� d'i its op[ 0- h � t eglaut initellect! Of that Wi A it was.beirig attacks �&anty'jail being Mad# a House :1)eMC I ( ericaus at for U.000. stern lutal aa ry. We are to C) kb even ot I �eaentj -e la to look wilLif b�h'n L the Am the boro. dr. I nd if this be b Wellwood has on the C f6rw ' d to: as o r ae4t�s- . Sir John owes his: lansent POSI- of Ref ugO, I endorse every wo�,d of it as at the coal tv of Mi4diesex, who so Yol ,hat have we to' loo RI )u short r& iges showed great superiDrity refused 51,500 for h. a two year o colt resent scanty interspers-iik leaerveE �I fto: the r gemen of Q1 6: lad 14,: d any�hing more abominable ca;,4 scardelY nobly provi( IQ a hous� of refuge for Crri of shooting at t e eight and nine hun- The Lio a-.' C,e b a 11 more n :If -Tnim or women to '�all their po&, a d 4 1 0 favor " bbe a I is connectio I ith t [e at an� etb s-andyara-ranges. At —AttlaIela4e' pr(felasional ex�miva- be than �ending it only costs tha�oounty p J t not wit14 t U n. 0 f n or.] I one dollar lull eighty-th)re a 1)61 ia I cobditiob I me th In being po ex tb 4103 C 0 In t a i n t o a' or o Other cri bla ofim;tic le becom. r 'r. Bowell would ei JaL core stood Rug. tims heI4, in June a b the Toront6: Nor e c L�go' Ordei,'X r ' Ainericso 1,906. mal Schdol, the -fol;o birau-,� 19 w9rae much., imor 91' rapid,l] ilLan it wing Hdirl'on-ftes was Much astonished !to !see an item hava 01 week for eicli inmate, t y the S pd, 1,951 -D , arge n og rags, &E of OR14.&DOEs.--A terrible tornado inz were �—Maggie eslie, goi �g the rounds of the Seeti- W risen to the dignity an,: I :ie cotamenci g� yew -a of its p: - T , vi &.1, 601111tY Press announced that they wil, ceiv a I I, a. R. "'n i--; uts, sy, Wisconsin, distri and pati -as their tho 34 -4, west, 21ad U-. ie stono rollin g� dov p hill at fir i �� slow- a IA less to th6 )oBition of a Dorninicii cb on, Aggle Stp�wa t, Julia that a pc or old man from the town P number of ins itution coc tinueo. Sat re' Eadie, J. JC. nkla ter, " red. eaten, f Grey , vas cominibtred as a Vagrant nearly' f u I_ Well,I -would te8pLedt- r, -flies faster an 1,fai it er as it � :d a, to is not by the ;�t iers 41 joet Minis er, The: oblig � ions bl- .7 no r y blew, a train from the I the ial, land being a pitiable i.1 case the fully 't who hin.k I to )move. Mucofoarvaluatlewilhaii ree!n Mr. B1 i�A and ange L W(a. track,. . wrec, I ell bui(dirigs, and! hilled Win. Wa�ker, m. T. Mugoo") an uggell o those arrive bi Not one f the oouu:ty clerk was endeavori�g to ge eheap3 it p or t [ready been Trashed sway'fr(m th two women. It is supposed that the Geo. A. I Nei v on.' not t send the' 0 To ifautual, pc lit: cally speaki 9.' 9rho I y him. into some institution.. -July entire ciew f a schooner found!'bottom Huroniteo w1lo attended the orinal oil f plands ; many pasti es,. form BrI inoial itit thie poin in this artiote waE it will avoid so !much clamor poor pa, riier thr3ugh, IV � Ilaim. little d he'owes 1et I lost. AuQt �el rible School ddrinO the Ust gessi, ed. do' t house in t unly. I think 9, Poor gree sui isico n the' e; 0 up were Mi o her in mu 11 ill be gh ory and bape, famish but Scanty pick.. —On Vonday of last week, *r. D. slao.. ho'wlnoQnsistenta-nddiohonorabl,& man w I Ld bonsequen neither e ects: uch sthrm passea OVer a part of Mipliesots. d to receive thf xf 3A 8 ac�inj while prolendin to ke a Godericb, lost a, son I W Wa U18 draw igs in most year t ne or wo COWE Fisher of sum per W w ad iive more com forbab e Irda r. 1. Several persons were on Satt T ve Son nd a few sheep, SlA3 rno th' othe: killed a4d a. large number fatally 4urt. years,by diphtheria and on Wedi esday the ipoori in my township. I at home thw'. i if he were inearcei -Ae3 a- ver 19' a pro. -after paTtahW or le: la I'l Houses and gains were demolighel and another 14 by the ffisin tion of �Our,;,, ar P 11� ugh it son aged satoe dis. thei� to! the county jail raIII6 any inabitutim bf that kind. Prepared. by s el Yn. telegir i still coll- elLse. A, tbiiro:1 e , who. ba. been cur Vill nd manure A's 16 he�xpense in supper V 'lie youn a j, at ob. crops desteo e . i ing tb e ab laeoPlAdea, by hi, 3rved)- smiles not With the tilo 3eB without iy-immedialig pircapect, attacked IiB n6w recovering. 0 ly the fro the funds of the townsuhi ror: iise o: RoyAt-S'iq�BmEni.—On the night of blen repaired. 1 h 13 )rMer days, wli an, the lmveir) says ar 'the. 18& inat. at London, England, over week bef TiromAa STRAM-1- a inatph oi ba� �re 144 Mr. Fisher's *other regx:rd 0 the old man Burge$R,l w --of btl, operators yielding. T1 fifteen 'Of ly 18 1�& 'Wallacetown,, ]I If you tickled it wil a hoe, Rghec ec ugb ters had but r cent- sai to be from the townshi re3 Gray, JtC es It is that btiaine�B in lar f1housaod. people assembl3d at d, 1. anahia da e am I ito a harve8t."j 3 col ame Iknpw�othirig, nor had J the fete 0 ol the ly recovere froua the s , i!lisease I nythin 'Off Vitorious. 10i t f it,�e ifieberies to beh boys. whaever to do with him bei e'ril i t:) :entres is Hei- ously. inter I ancy which h a ca ied off. the '09 6 York The prospect ii VIA f no oru enta;, royal slid ladies selling The Depitty Reeve -of I iunett 10ity Bldf ty jail, If be was a0i ind V the RilitladtiA, anza na a a gene. f ng American drinks I—M 311y, ol Blyth, lea a that the 1 7, z ctions be taken hadi no, Agein Heawd From 11 iLM A o eak Ild 0 goods aT4 ip' n F ered i Ga, d -al, d a1i 1 t n an 'per beer f i r Igust of the township, 3g of' our cOl Intil wbioh1a�' r,Te think pu lie sympat' ly i;l to with th&r ands to all Comers, thus town on ts of ex. ended and 'knowle geofit. Heneithat,&)Pliel Em oB,- -I notice in the E d S)on a e isfo stin wi ugh MaX MR. T parry rj e pu le, 5 La;society genera y to N�ill be g six weeks ; lor two In TOR Of IaBt -0i is o)ng settle ' )as tb ier or lesi, d gree th V 16 BV, ke. beguiling the &d from the poo the co imil. himself for relie �n to weel: that Mr. -Wall, ,roceas isas eon Iple as it t4ri th enjoy the afte all g to e I bdre cani- be neguestion that tb� Jeflor 'll be accom'pani- nor -did olllany persen in li� b Be funeral �XSI!Seg la4tasijo, toe, e, much' of 6 it 3-igher p . a uxi to the Crowfi �rinqe of Germany to f DUnd months. I o 5r wi 113 9, drop. tb orr, iceedingl3 trying and ex tusti ag, he: I ed by Mr. JIse& White and Mr. neither do I believo that h v w I w: ' nat ask muoh ether with e hi�ig and etime an En e ape n. �iof the towrigg I at Berli P. Jad your pap I nothlig es whi The le 'firm of Luc 3' Tan- residen n derfl tfL "Violini, erto roply for there beep -slop acing to c a thei 10 �s, have., been too long, aua'�vojlle ces sold button hole I Alex. Lqoas, jof the, 'h,� Z . : . 7 V1 coottlaetO 11ah all,� thilli pa'y has been flow To tag rich, the Duchess P to repty to,.bnp as it don't , net & Co. Mid thase. gentlemen will he has g, brother in earest river be �s, torm so 0 ni)aea & bu when jv I ( 5 po n tire I . y t bs,aud mak 3, a care- �nearBiI'usaels but by who he t larid,, will I of Con 2)t th night d ion And Princess Cbristian!" visit the timber Ami w a Ship of H cille tit ; anythixg, �atid owlconsiaeiing 1 e cost of li 7iDg 4 t ful exe, n ni of I-Ocia, 'ties there& sent to the jail or how, 1 hn' nol g Walker wil-I exbect a: reply, I Wi 11 the y4t e took ch ugbt atio bout. the light refreshtrient� a the course of! :L feiw years to a t narked. rge Of Jor cities. fi 3 circular isl tied y thpl _�_On onday of 13ast week a match whateve r. 'The praetice'of gotidinj Al, r jr, one xtient. For tb'( ra n ill &11, it e ano buffet, el Duchess of AlbFL113', bim. He shin* the matter or to the Jail, which I.reg�ot is a )m charge and �ay* I admit wi e a e at lacrosse *as played by tte' po th" wh i1e. �gr rill descend, an, 11 lie; but; wher al 3� aphera atei wa that , he a *r. Princes T oki and the Marchioness i 9 M as * pn illio 11111d inateal of bein Tseng, e 1% Of the. famous Ohinese� Tavistoe club and�tbii Hurons f Godb- times done, I Consider b e I adlxiittedl�isk4own to the :opera h mial or I 1 .1 rich o Dresided In —the n refr r that is that isforesting is geinerkl, ai for Cori Oro le On e ground� of tfie latte The extreme, and, whether 0 rat Ambas Over a gaily would not of 3111 ted State I ur lalla-i eposited ig mud -fo S a IL U11 the be. dishonest as the,.Sti r gra I tostim AO ow 'a a a inated'. tea hose. Thte�re th-producip era fill f tf reputati n of th *to led r public motloy !Vae'rely for, row latter,' e, Vic W6 ty�.e6vena 110 iy th its d :12 0 a 0 'tlob V10 Mal -eQding �y lief t at 'the liome Jeam. wou have a issue, i never yet, nor I De a for no its RIO decide' rl�on the cup that chee abut h good- Mr& Hdbson� aesil's f�lng the wo ds� -three ce 14, )er month aerl ge: )r e 9 ur thousacid q*1111 8 [Od riv el 3, pass ffbirs Iin C Ids i tb r. not ine',bri *the royal ladies an& bard fight, but t4 result wed a wb;Ue T retain my enw QQ might h re, 2010 to take tho Yi ainercial c ?W_1 W 1 7 J