HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-07-27, Page 3AMER ttAIV IND %L.L. PAPE' eg patterua .just 00 designs in all thy? from five cents to e largest assortment a in the count, at PAPS 'sE A.Fo aTH,, paE,R• DADS;. —AND--.. TI U PAPE iii aseortmeixt of paper ixdow Dliids, Cord, arpet Paper, cue. ra W. P.$ � RMANITOBA,' THE FIRS=T REVISIT T going to Manitoba lure .a supply of [Celebrated Cured Mead Lg. Last season' siprli dt [and they all exprresed them , and frond: that their in ►ell. I have also stimplied axon, bnt have still a I :eh I wil furnish on the most --Every -ry. person going to lidatii#citaaaw tt, ahOuid not fail to get a sup* fart. The rte Liberally Dealt Wim_ Ids of eared meats rept cou>f zny grocery store, afubt et Ed in large or small', quan tieten unarm aor as eats Surat. 0 GROCERIES. esti, pure and cheap, hs txBuaL pax save money by buying freta s spot, Stark's Bloch, .Alain 8 HUGHIIUGH ROBDt keep eonatantly on band a Yd fR'8 Specific a sure cure for ndigestiort- Any whs have mei it ed it to their neighbors and fry, E:n receipt of price. Bole agent for atario. HUGH ROBB, Seaforth. The Jewellest ace to go for goon reliable f' .AZ -PLATED liff4RE JR SPECTACLES ;hied as Represented, td Examine and Convinced. rag Done and Satisfaction L. PAPS+, 6 Big Clock, Main Street, Seaforth.. 4OR LI NE I, Steamfehit s row York every Saturday for via LONDONDERRY,. $60 to, 8tL Second Cabin, Outward $28, Prepaid $21. & QIIEENSTOWN SERVICE. Sails Aug. 4, Sept.'8, Oet.16. E Sails Aug. 18; Sept. 22, Oet.21. .E . Aa . 25, Sept. 29, Nor. 3. $60 to $100 accorditg to acct. Gond Cabin and Steerage as abcM Drafts. issued at lowest rates 1 Sage in England, Scotland and :Cabin Plana, Book of ; Tours,. &de SON BROT±r:B8, New York DICESO1t , Post Daae, Seaton h. 7984 EAS.. OGA EAFORTh d to their new' premises, J'a ni ie sun's store, the 4 Ps by- Mr- D. Mc:caught. The . overhauled and refitted e much, improved ffacilitiea r bzsio est on a larger and be They have now on band full assortment of t1$ir Clf ▪ S, which are too well knr dation. SE:SHOEING hes a. specialty, and Repairi '!sing promptly attended t . 44 a all our old and as nea-Vilw'r til le in our new premises? MONROE Iere 110 d jay .27, 1883•- -0000, Wee Curly Pow. Qd with you, wee Carly Pow ; off, lit bedot.leave a beard on any chin To c not leaves hair en my head, Pboalkiss and d ort the cowel m so ; there, already it's And ome,it zeas thatched file a b, ystack, the furziest head in town- , arse I will will Ik Foe in bed to -night 7 Of when you're asleep; Andyou'll know it, because you will ream of the angels that stand and weep Vet chatterboxes that won't bo to bewhen they oaghtto got And a[i those angels have beards the. are three days old or so— , you don't believe that angels ever h • d beards 7 they ff> with beautiral livings, and their hair is like sun- beams upon the sky? Obyotere a learned wee reedie; but et it may d be Thatweie do nottrue know about angels, „r darling so ,ph9re--well asoff ywio-th you, • now; that's' t a e' last, the _ are last kiss ,on shall -get, And, mind you, 'I will not be she ted, you're twenty at least in my debt. .North Country Folk; JV Gs,ieties .i4 Theseapplesare not fit for a hog to eat," said a kid gloved d: ndy to an le woman, 4' Yon•just try one and jeep" she retorted. _What is the safest capital a man can litvest in business and • trioti shall insure him the greatest . mount of interest ? Answer: Civility —.Teacher severely—" Joh • , why is it that bays hands are always d rtier than girls?". John, ,`hesitatingly e Please, sir, the girls wash the dishes " —One of the sweetest pieta res of do- mestic economy is a poet :lacking a eibite stocking so that it w",n't show through the fissure of his boo "'Papa.," said a lad the cit '[ er night, after attentively studying for some min- utes an engraving of a -huma @ skeleton, "how did this man manage o keep in his dinner ?" —He rang the door -bell of The servant tells him " Mo int receiv=e tb day." " T nothing to me. My racket is he will give anything." 44 Yes,''.. said the mother ter,' ' I shall stop Mr. Tom without any trouble or unpl I shall merely ask him to sto and invite hire to carve." _Customer— Hate yon class musical instil:merits her. The eause of all thief aammotion e kitten, to was very blonde, very large, 'very ribhl� clothed, and very •:swell. !When i and you'll . seemed impossible to gethey a who C. Sn►itli. a banker. gear does at makes to know if f a daugh- y's calling asantness. to dinner section, or even hal to the young ladiE you consent to to of your section and lower ?" Sorry we can't b one of the pink-eheee really we prefer to krip; the k wer bert ourselves." Then the big blpfide straighten herself up, threw ineffable contem and importance into her pale eyes a said, " perhaps you a$on't know who am " No, we don't,' repli4d the Te Haute girl in a toneof sere a indiff ence. I " I will tell yon," said the wd`m n • silks and jewels, "' I am Xes. Grafton :11 le sone, pre turned and seed : " Will e the upper berth et me have the i$e yo t," replied ed faries, byt t I• e r - f any first- " Shop- keeper -4, Yes, sir ; best stock in town, can't be beat." Customer, t ant—" Can't be beat, eh ? S ed a drum." —A lady in a neighboring husband tiad remodelled their residence, while the re lydilapidated, said the front c was Queen Anne and the Jane style, —"Yee," be said, describ: at a cettai-n hotel, " it wa the worst I ever sat down 1 thing was cold eacegt the ice a piece of cake fell on my foo me for a week." —One cannot be too o weather. A swell exchange winter oane for a light b caught a severe cold that 1. for a week.—American Pap —A barrister in replying tagoniet in court, said he h - rapier with which to pierce knaves,' whereupon his oppo the Court that the rapier be' him, lest be should commit -In . the eighteenth o government granted come such Highland Chiefs as rai twin number of men for the English officer, who had be: the Highlands to receive quired," Where are the " All safe," was the reply; up in the barn." —Two little girls were progress ill eateChism study to original sin," .said one, have you got?' " Oh, I'm demption," said the other. —Husband (2 a. m.. afte leotare)—" Well, all I've ge if yon are a person of such and good breeding, you above talking to a dtanke this time of night." • —A gentleman once ask is woman ?" When a MAX plied : " She is an essay, and grace, in one volam bound. Although it may mea should have a copy of —An Irish drummer, on his widowed mother had b since he quitted I,lands " Murder ! I. hope she wo odder than - me if she do my free hold property. ruing to go rry ; want- ity, whose he front of ✓ was bad - her house rear Crazy ng dinner just about o. Every- cream, and and lamed reful this his heavy mboo, and id him up r. o his an- d ' a keen 11 fools and ent 'moved aken from uicide. ntury the issions to ed a ver- rmy. An n sent into omits, in- olunteers ?" they're tied • comparing i' I've got " how far beyond re - a curtain to say is, refinement aught to be fellow at d: " What ied man re- n goodness e, elegantly e dear every it." hearing that en married exclaimed 'thave a son s I shall lose Dunlevy Wickersham." Wickersham is known all alo of the road as a bonanza ma of money—so much that he. ing more.] " Are you, indeed ?" Hoosier maiden " Perha know who I am ?" Mme. Bonanza's face didn't, and .also, that s curiosity. " Well, I am Mrs. Gen. " And I," said her co bad hitherto kept silent Victoria." One of the Improve Getting out pf th Out on Pemberton's line the spot where he 1, snrreedi bixrg to Grant, I -came to a s highway where the road n about 10 feet, and jest here was ed old reale hitobea <to a waggo with a quarter of a cord of woo mule was up to his knees in [Duialeiiry g that end -bushelit eeds nota - plied tie yoti don't 4 that sh e had satin ant pani, 't am n, Q er `tl of ,w sc w O • t 4 a, red cot r the .wagon was Stall horse qff !to the id througlit.'the thick came upon acolore and hall asleep. " What are you d " Waitin'," Was his "For what ?" "Say, boss, did you road ?" Yes." " Saw a great big m reckon ?" e I did." "Saw an ole rat . cu fast in de mud ?" " Yes.,' " Well, sahl dat to this,individual.' Then why on E wagon out and naolve obi to", rII 11 d. dei I took woods midis man s:ailed qin her ?" roue t re A Madderif not a The denouncement about in this way : He h make her a formal offer and heart—all he was wor he hoped to be indulged i like demonstrations, the y far being coolly indiff ereu ner to him. He itttrib maidenly reserve, for. it n to him that she was not him. tle cautiously pre :Aeration with a few ques Did she love him well e in a cottage with him? cook and bottle wash think it a wife's duty to happy ? Would she cons and wishes concerning and pursuits in life ? . Wa ical? Could she make he etc? The young lady said th answered his question assure him of some negati poessessed. She never d or chewed ; never owed laundry or tailor ; never night playing billiards ; on the street corner an girls ; never stood in with cigars and wine suppers. "Nov" said she, risin " I am assured by those of you do all these things, a absurd for you to expect in me while you do not .'p them yourself. I can n Wife," and she bowed him hint standing ou the cold madder if not a wiser ma iser Man. as brought d decided to of his hand h, and then some - lover ung lady so in° her man - ted this . to ver occurred n love -with aced his de - ions. turn le cl hole o I l'd nie 'etaliliehmen art$I d alt yo ow " Bekase de ole ne 1w n't bekase I'ze dun tired a f lift n'. all right, boss, I ain'torried." Just then we hearrt the wheels coming r 1p, an a. to two men in allar age, ha They .called " Nigger 1" dire an on th to quiet.,ece down, ad played the whip over the old b other lifted' on the wheel ar d t was rushed out on, solid groin the carriage could pass. ' Yh out of hearingthe negro: starte road in a leisurely manner, nd back over his, shoulder : " Dat's what I Was waitin' f yaw ! yaw 1 Tell you what, b •nuff'in' like makiei' de white f at is can v fleet ! W you walk times, and the m to me to keep response, they got ongh to live as she a good 7 • Did she make home It his tastes. er associates she. econom- own clothes, t before she she would e virtues she auk, smoked a bill to her tayed out all ever lounged ogled giddy the boys for Vic on wed, load • kat dt the ed ho ud and ing 're ciretd t ddainl on a to -askedi ply• h a roar db t dtr, 1 stuck b'lon s get the ?" ull an' Bu il+'s sound m,'wi ,to a or wi vin bile at 8! .• SO n it fo :1 hold an' help bo kentry up a fe Napoleon ! Now wagin 1" - hu fo HE HIJR011 EXPOSITOR. p if t. 0 a>ie. the agbn thlat •was t e k ed a a r—ca ss, ds lks tf of 1 oar d Wi .Squelchi%g a rbwer. Among the score of e s . wh into a rails ad .eating ouse in ssippi, at the --call c? " twenty min for dinner," was a chap I w mind. inade up to ear so net pleasant when he game do meal. He was growling who in, and he jawed All the ,. whi eating, and when he slouched desk to pay his seventy-five broke out with : • Them sandwiches ale killadog!" " What sandwiches ?" Why, them On the table.' But we have no sandwio table," protested the landlor "You haven't ? R+'ell, I s tp know what you (ball the brickbats on that bine pl<att " You didn't tity to eat one " Yes, I did !" " Theo, my friend, you ha" for a doctor at once. These r soh d 11 ingi •aybfor e h�e up to emits :nen indignantly, o know that d itis rather 1 the virtues ssess one of ver be your out and left door step, a Three Distinguishes Females., A Two young ladies ref Terre Haute, says the Indianapolis Reiew, were -re- turning 'from Cali€orni: The pe' for car was crowded with p ssertgere- At - a small station a, wo a an in showy attire entered and dema ded a whole section. It was not to be bad, and- the eondnctor, brakeman, porter and cook seeming to be impressed with the new passenger's importance, ere all paint fully exercised to kno where to pu- es n oulc rua r ?" f tho be t are 11 red' the academy in 1792, at the age 0) years. ° Here he p rsned his ilea with eat diligence and comic- snooes , standing w all in h's si and app yicg himself d gently o l eognirenee t of knowled; : throe - t tris Bourse In regard to de per : d the life o Lewis Cass, a alum s ites the f !lowing : " Th = incidee x s ioh Dr. 'A bott related, bout oot- oys'w o have becozn llustri 7 rem l interesting Le wild b ass, Ca take you as tronga :s be d' from ermis wimm " f tiro : 1 see 1 boy w Sever father and as ge ting Lewis wias tyash is any mere btable with shim." 'Boston Herald[ s re xt y ss," he said, ‘'was a ver o,day his father, Major Me and as ed me if I won ''Certai ly but why d a the yen geter is head: rd to manage.' ' What d eye trna t, runs away ork, steals o:ff without my go a gunning,•fishing, or i is full. of all kindels oft send him to me and I' ;can . do' With him.' Tit s.ceed nude onths late ked him " Well, sir alf as-afraic [you, I rho 1 n my cbarg I met his ltow his son " said he, " if -of the Almig xld never have 0 s •e is ?' d is �II g, s.' at 58 al Charaloter in 'Smoking. [It is twent years, said a r' en since jI egan to 'sell t iii that timeI have closely l)aracter of my patrons clnsious from the kine 'lie iy keep. Zi '. eau by the 1 ' "hey smo eegn to is ,ke he ar, tat e. 1? i et to an e : a new i hat smokes ar(ne coedit bl3eco. T he way men sir ' can s he other. ho have b f they w: • rung sid: ppear as who was uncles of osition. rganizatio the way month that If a in nough to eking it ifr whirling;c set him do who cares bop more fol oertions a wvill not cr see it who Beware leases• the teeth, an burns or arid exec physically peirform t A man and faimbl apt to -b stances. generous 8 cillating ai moment's 'If the man has e aedevil may care sort of a likely brain a glib tongue aficie fund of anecdotes a To hold' half the cigar and amok i differently i habit. Tleare generall • rind thei hig Aher rrestst ed si- tes his p- his ent as the he O1 to thel like keel e?' r tabl ornaments,: made of terra cotta, au were placed there to help fill up space. Land o' cats ! but you. have lived in a canebrake all your 1 The traveler ;tushed into th began to suck at a brandy-fla didn't get over looking pale hours. And they were sandwiches, aft —real good ham sandw-rhes„ made day. The landlord h d adopted peculiar style, instead f tieing a The One HDi 't 4 Jaynes," ' , Yes,, pa." " There were sevenalif sure{ in that cupboard. Six f the are Daou know anything abou it" i' 1 never took one of the ." Sure?" , " Certainly; pa. Wish I if— " ' i " You wicked, bad [boy ; have I told you never o use pression ? Here come Ma ; if she knto vs anything bort1 " Mamma says' ebe new at least five of them.. " Yon little rascal 1 tell me you never took only that little one wit side Left ?I' " Oh, pa., don't hit didn't take one of th and that's the one I di Pe relented. 11 the us fe !' e 'ear an sk, and h for, ihre may ho snob let u it." tarries How de Mae and h the grub- me. - I em—land n't take. : can alwa d !quiet f ems in choos man want nd nothing s ran thro n there is a andle their fit en one si len corse in h en smoking fo r to place of tho moat lumsy and g ✓ ing -his firs he face becom [ >of tle fade. e re h cigar is em oa can estim smokes hi: e it lighted, bet'veen his rl of blue smok as an easy ittle tow the r himself. He d delicate sen. ate trouble, bu ithas once be tl1 iu r al thai tha lu di • 'gar d ser, bacco, nd tndie the. rrnin my of on any lid fiar8 s t ll.'s An llo ihever os' tbac- s mousing o °. r�he h lobes, ing rest dElsl1 in gars. 1 . ery O wel on re very day y ars, and mg r a the they w old cert aid boy - wee' d- I The set to one uires a re - o . i ain t by raved i the teama . agar only nd rellshea lip toe st a into th air, of g f llow, rld goe and as kee ger- bil ties. He helisa t to un - the man hd nev r re - cigar from th : , rip of his is indifferen • het er it di s. He is co 1, alou acing n He is sel t o ene getio b t lives easily off thos: who e abor. 1 o smokes a it, este c the cigar nio" e ' or 1 ;easily affect::d y ei ElO may be ene ge ic,,c: nd courageous, bu 110 i n liable to h n tice. o ar goes out fre y�liole.sonled di fel a d in the a. ltzy o littl ;characters . are not as. usluau orone We take pleasure in announcing to the people o Seaforth and surrounding vicinity, that we have opened out a NEW LIQUOR STORE, Comprising the Choicest Brands' of Wines and Liquors, selected and-botight from one of the leading Whol sale Hooses in the Dominion. OLE) PORT WINE rom England. DRY .SHERY AND CRAPE From France; , Madeira ar#:( Marsala Sacramental From Spain—warranted pure. D. AND RINK'S HOLLAND 31Eountairl Dew from Scot GUINNESS' PORTE Bottled lby Burke from Irela CARLING'S AMBER Old Rye; Malt & Superior Wh, From,11. Walker &Son, Windsor. Hennesy; Martell, Jules R General Cass as In a recently publi bed the Phillips Exeter A ade itd reference is ma e to dent of his rising to t elhead of and leaving it for a high r extenso. It is much t little can be found r lrLag to lips Exeter Aeade y; for, doubt, there have bee few of it who have ripen as high a fellow -Men an.1 have acquired fame with either swo or pen o iha daal. He men. Holdin the teeth, not main lighted at With the Dever or a hold. haexperie straight -a with his s All thope liquors are specially selected 1 other ki ds cd liquors, which we hope w every sat siltation to our customers. Rome ber the glebe, two doora south W. KILLOR a bit, ess is cam- reful, vas - on a en ly the eiton, is ith a orally manisl force of the e citing great y mong ine nd d. kiep bin r we- ever I N. WROXETER MIL Begs to announce to the Public t has comnaenced to operate t WROXETER WOOLLEN FAC No -ma iend or him,le un the temp to cheat. ave bee he battlelof I Wet 6f ar s— proved ' diction an eputation o -yet when s verely tried This her -eoward was Byr n, eh had much little gena ne compassi his hear 1 ssness by mo 'fellow on spirited hor egallop, h two Inert laughter o seeing their vant gra the mane of rlioth ha and scream _Sever ears after t s h artless epi- sode the reek revolt:it n brdke out. led the f 1 orn hope in he aseault of June 22, 22, which st Weed I Athens br very. The the man ad a marvel timidity nd made hi &name in the hearts o is people, and on the record of their I. story. The at of !heroism was the e all the whil )3 t it needed et the flint nd steel of t tev6letion to bring it o th. " You are pale, sir ! op re frighten- ed sir !" said onieoffice to nother who. stood fo the first time lid r fire. The n's moral co rag his phy i al timidity, nal stand wla re it was hi dtit though t could not co triel of the bleart.' —.Racing was neve s 1 trained horses this se at She pshead Bay c pays 4 . per cent. makes he most mon Hugh . He receives is paid his mounts ride; w or loose, an a kind of p he cigar CODS hewing it oc hether or no e dewy of bull e anything an e phij an I nal gs. • er tween y and been f Men They elease ands his cigar n end, and an ead Or almost t right, angles and that he will be prepared good value in FULL CLOTHS, TWEEDS, UNION TWEEDS, , FLANNELS. PLAIDINGS, and varieties in STOCiiING Y rue Bray y:. flows himsel until he has neither does he knew his - r fire." Not a few men have for honesty ho ileVer had a ion fairly pr eeted. tie them onee men &veil been re- ✓ ; till thee battle E— it may be c wards ore bah the eowarld, and he would run Beet Mena but , CO showed ntiog the poor g. 7t6hue enh t hoef in !ex mad r 'd with It Spinning and Fulling promptly ORY give 11} RECEIVilD THIS WEEK American Grey Cotto deed - far as SNIVE? vo 3 AND THRESHERS IN TIME. Ifif SHOW A SPL NDID TEN CENT COTTON. PECIAL VALUE IN DRESS GOODS FOR JACKETS THAT yVILL NEITHER OUT NOR G: possibleehave theie Rolls home with them, and as he ban put the ill into good woeking order .and emplo s none! but effioient workmen all ork is' warranted. • Remenaher the Wroxeter Mill eighth he ho it ter ed ser - with cenquered reed him to tie stand, the action polpular in e are 2,000 Tlie track he ockpy who . es 110 to rn 4.4 NOS.11139011 wM SP cp cr- ter cat Pie 01, *21 rn 0 0 o. 41) 0 ra La i ine Stock or Hosiery and Gloves. CE. That Boot INEVER FORGET you cannot get the best value for your money and Shoes unless you buy at COVENTRY'S S1 -10E STORE! For the Genuine T. ELLIS Again on band or the repairing of _Recipe? 3,1towers,Tlireshing3Icteh'nes VARME4 now la i e time to g- t your ma- il --1- chines in order for harvest. All kinds 'of re- pairing entrusted te e will receive my beet at- teution. Cylinder epi -es made from the be -t of irott. Patties want ng repairs for tbe oxon Brother's machines, Can get them repair d at my shop. A large - sItock of Plows always on hand. Repairing o all kinds done with neatness lied lo* priced. 813-4 FOR toiANITOBPI, And th NorthwOst. THE LAKE 5UPERIOR ROVE. Article in French Calf or Kip Boots go to Parties going to Manitoba or any part of the Nor hwest, or wishing to take the round rip on the lakes, can. procure tiokete a. d obtaie all necessary COVENTRY'S SHOE STORE. Remember that doventry buys all his stock for prompt cash, so that he can and will undersell ql those who buy on time. gme tee Pte DON'T FORGET TI -.1E PLACE -CAMPBELL'S OfJRNER 'THOMAS COVENIRT. Watches and Clocks. VVbere is the best place io town for Watches aed Clocks ? if At Counter's Jewelry Emporium. There you ill also find the largest stock of jewelry, Clocks, Say r -plated Ware and Blaek He guarantees allgoods as represented. Every one that wants firet-class pods Satisfaction given or money refunded. Altd doe't foret to price his assort- ment of Nickel .Alatms, Seth Thomas, New Haven AD other clocks, Diamond Rin s and Scarf T'ins, 18k Wedeln ud-Band Rings. Counterse for Meerschatun and Briar Pipes. Latest styles i Necklets and Lockets On exhibition at the leading tewelry Careful atteneion given to repairing fine! watches. Knives; Scissers, Pocket Books, Combs and, Beusbee. Spectaciles froth 26o to $12 to mit all sights. atp£ s u eiD puu ssvaD co Ca DUNCANi Chemist and Druggists NOW IS THE TIME FAIRMERS TO SECURE YOUR SUPpLY OF HELLEBORE AND PARIS GREEN. The Leidirtg Jeweller, opposite J. S. Porter's Furniture Store. We have just opened out a large stock of both, which we will guarantee to be pure and of the best quality. Is the place to get bargadne in TOILET ARTICLES, dee. We have an itn- mense etock of Nobby Pipes; Cigar Holders and Cases that we are selling very cheap, which cannot fail to give satisfaction. Brushes, Combs, Purees of every description, Sponges, Soaps and Toilet articles in great varieties, Perfumery, &a. pi. Prescriptions carefelly and accurately cempounded, and all orders answered withuare and, despatch. 1701Re' SA - 200,000 FEET of cheap pine lumber. Apply at Winthrop. Eight houses in Seafo h Purhey. Prices ranging from $ 50 Three hundred and seventy.five said 1,$40 acres in the Birtle-Distri W. Ci GrOUINLOC SEAR' RTII • Next Doorto Duncan dc Dunean's Dry Goods Storei Seaforth. 1883. SEEDS. STOVE AN D TINWARE M. WHITNEY Alway keeps on hand a f n11 line of the latest styles of COOKASOX AND PARLOR STOVES. Their 'beauty . shows them and the price sells them. 1883. SEEDS. M. MORRISON Has Received His SPRING STOOK OF FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS CONSISTING OF, ALL THE i;EADING LINES iN Of every escriptiort always in stock. We make 11 out goods, and guarantee them goo 9.0, right in mice. A full line- of -Table and Pocket Cut. lery at veey low prices. We have a fine lot of Geanite Kettles in steel foe -preserving, dec. All sizes and priceed All kite s .of Jobbing Wolk promptly attended, aed satisfaction guaxanteed. Parties lwanthig goods in my line it will pay them to see my stock and .. compere pribes. Seatorth Cheap Stove ce Tin Ho e. 0. M. WHITNEY Late Whitney Brothers. Swede Turnip, White and Grey Stone, Mango el Wurtzels, Carrots, Beets and Sugar Cane; &c., Ana a large stook of Garar Seeds of all kinds in bulk or by the paper. Also Clover Seed, Timothy, Oro ard Grass, Rentucky Blue Grass, k Tares, ito We also keep on hand a large stock of Choice Family Groceries, Crockery, Flour, yeed and Provisions at Bo4om Prices. M. MOARISON, East Bide Main Street* Opposite Market Stiiet, Seaf EXEOUTORS' NOTICE. IINDER and by virtue of the Rev'sed Statutes of Onta 'o Cap. 107, Section tie, the eredi, . Moritz, late of the 'Village tors ot John County of Baron, Tanner and a SZhuroiee-lima' iknett,h ow deteasea, who died on or about the Twenty fl. st day of May last, are hereby - notified to fiend by letter prepaid, on or before,1 the firet day et Septenther next, to the under - of the; said -John F. Moritz, deceased, their; Christian arid leurnames, addresses, and deaerip ment' of their ecounts, and the nature of secut- ities (if any) Id by them, and that so soon after the said erb (lay of September ; next, as the assets of th'e said deceased, John F.: Moritz, phial have been ;calized, the game will be destilhuted among th parties entitled thereto, haying re-, ference o tr. to the claims of whidh Notice shall have been tiuniehed to the und.ersigned, and the said Undersieed partiea shall not be liable for the assels or any part thereof to aey peroon cif whese claim notice shall not have been received ' by thorn at- the time Lf distrihutien. Any per. son baying knowledge of _any preperty 'or se- curities bcin part of the said vitiate, or who are indeb to the said estate, are requested. to cotemunic,ete with Dated at Zurich this 17th day June, BPliSSELS LIME WORKS. urniug thanits to the inhabitants of Brussels and *lank tor past patronage, alAti beg to state that having tnade several iniprovernents in their kiln and mode of burning, they are now in a bet*. poeition thatieTer before to supply the pu Jowl lime. 1 , is be the ninth season of our busires , taxa on so far, the publi ean rely on 804