HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-07-27, Page 11883. ALE OF ate Materials., Parasols, Gloves, Ties, &e..,. WOW 8T IL OS Awtt S,1RI N[tNCS1 &&, ted in Price. GPODS ergo Recount. Woiesale 137* Lams, es„ Le Suit the Times. RolZS FAUL DRY mps i Orange Hill brethren. Gang Brittons of the etied to the station accompanied 'by the d, the Young Itrittone ;thins ing app °seance hite. unifornas. At the of people were waiting. Which arrived Mint he verions lodges were esione and marched to ere wben they disperse& half -past one the prooein med, headed by thn nice' Band, of Walker. ed to the pienio groan& he river., where a starel d, and after jamea ker.. ern addresses were de- ..eeewater ; Coburn am; a Bands were called iren alkerton Band re. enteral difficult classic. len* -rendered, and the quntted themselves Tern made many friend& ises at the grounds were Cession re-formed and tiro length, of thn where the tie& 'wan trerciendous toad of pan` idle they were peeking the twenty °as the eel and played the "PrOg in a manner which will ered lay the hundredS At five o'clock the traint. lagirtea, Pnlied ant of the ,k, dropping fully 2,000 of At Gorrie nearly` 20G the station to meet gen then' friends when t arched. up town, headed a Orangemen dispersing ter passing a very sun' 'agent day. Dinner wan es era the several hotele deeerye credit for On they served, although so crowded that in Went ng the exeroises ott the a heavy rain was threat- ppily passed to- the, finnan g the multitude vain via* • SIXTEENTH YEAR. SEArd vesters Attentid HARVEST .GLOV KARV EST HAT, or Men and Freya —big stOok-e. —at the SEAFORTH BOOT ST The co-edic • ion I of hel seas has educational oho es. Th re 13 yet mubh to lbe said on both sides, as the subject , owest -WEST BOOTS J.ND SHOES New goods just opened out oheap—at the SEAFORTH BOOT ST PLOW BOOT nor Hen and Boys. Every one see the new style of Plow Bo newest and best thing' out, at th LONG BOOT For Men and Boys—summe :Fourteen oases just received, a bisou very cheap. Call and s at the —very RE. wear. is not by any means exhausted. 1 The following article which were -print from the " Christian Union " Will, we feel sure, be read with interes by the great majority of - our readers presenting as it does the results of an peritn nt ex - Oberlin College, Ohio, lin pursued he During the fifty years, ofLher ist ry satisfaction and signal ft ceps. To er is dee the credite-if for any a edi is due—of being the first liege n he tend to make experiment of thi plan on an ample scale. For't e first wenty years she had an annual average atten- dance of free hundred. dudents sinoe that time onefor thirty; ye*, it nes been fully one thousepn; rising t e est two or three years to copsiderab y ore. than this, so that the, , attenda ce for dred. During the greeter part of this period of half a ceneury the youhg en outnumbered the youil women third or a quartet.. B in the tim the late war, the young woinela the most numerous, anti during the has numbered most at any time, t ti. both sexes in attend nee, mee in gather daily in the deist -rooms fo d will e them ORE. Laze? Tine Boots, •Sho4 Slippers With pointed toes. A fresh at received at the Ann cle juin Gentlemen's Fine S toes, Co;sisting of French Kid, Fre Lacen and Buttoned, Cloth Tops—newest atyles—at the citation, in the o ere, around the ta rooms of their bo street and in the huro tion is a tree with noun has four distinc :der, under the govern ent They are the The logi partment, and he has no lady stude out of the present bearing !on- the pr Owing to its corn elimination from diminish Much t . entering into the depattments in which both se MO their studies togetner, are have contained, last year, in t gate, 1,451 stedents ; Of whom yOung men and 790 were girls. tained in the aggregate 1,284 e yothig men, 600; girls, 684. 1, The college, designated in oiir logue as the "Depart 'int of P1 ilot rcs and the Arts," offers o the hot students two minima ' study, classical course, coirespondin usual curriculum of one Amen leges of the higher! grade, nliterary centre." These twe cover the Metal academic perio years. .-In respect to the m studies purened in therm they and :the students in' both °ours together. . The literary, course, mote especially, deeigned fo differs from tbe elaesiCal in ha Greek, and in ontittin more difficult Latin a neathematiee of gene calculus and migine omissions it has addi tory, and drawing. T inconr so well the purpose o4 ..ts 'de most of the girliewho !enter t depertment prepare tit ii take moreover, aimed exOlnsivel to them—there being hat one in it at the present time,while ber of ladies is 1164. ; I 'In the classical 001ase, wh open to girls, thit young men rent in the majority.! Peecisely, e- a e tn it now 1,50 young Meman girl . In this preportion of about tb 6 one the two sexes have stood in this °tree the last few tears. baring the fo ty-six years, however, that the la have shared its privileges this twin nude- ber would be represe ted -by otion less than one-sixth of the whol n tne preparatory school, which—li at at Andover, Masse an naost o he pre- pitrtment, the young Men are the meat act 'fig es er les and in th sit rdiu Iplaces, II on Our ins Of one lac Prepar to acconnt, as 11' yin Wein of coed ch Calf, nd Kid he ealc HATS)7' AND 0 PS nor Men and Boys,. in Hard na Soft Felts ; American, Canadian a d Eng- lish makes, at lowest prices, at the SEAFORTH BOOT S ORE. Bargain Count Our Bargain Counters h e lately replenished with a lot Ass goods, which Will be sal PriceS thatt ever before. Gall them at the SEAFORTH BOOT Piench Calf and 484 to order, and satisfac 4nteed at the SEAFORTH BOOT been of first - at lower and see 65 ou 61 nd rench on guar - ort rei studel et leligio ave al obriet n the An e resen uperi hat th yen, i et p been t enoug one. of ere ere the I itu- It ited the of uresi r Rat therl re - ere ear nts Oil no lithe. est safegtiard ay, enjoyed a mast the place !that is frier' arid good, behavior, au et he presence of young not tution as dime mu in atio , 'a the figures cit d ill ShOw that the yennn men tn S0216 fu nelcouriterb lane elre of girls in thet , an e !into view the whol 11! he wish o Er ideat a college- con aitling iifftoiti Ion goo ver Ian 0, TH, mb he t at den et w We imos- argot hive! fed rg to modorael co-ed limit that the been &ea those ho nave hr the most exp of Pre id of Wisco eminentl our yout Whet re spine of ilc aimed ler tins 'teethe . 1. Economy of ea t non is do t nder in of iveu by 'a 0 end t ne um her in ;Oberlin op a male and for a nerio make the experiment. n -say that the , add Ithat it ,such a -matt when on has opes poiute nefits col th fou liko tanies ving n the lugher an ge an vieni that lleg nt Bag sin, tti the fit in, of thennn ng Method of the ado eational ett or no an tgit le O the 1 CEO. COOD• 52 • e tame ble to 'old pia ceep gine ne here sets e of e tent ; 11 ;numerous, The In the Conservatory, which o era o ly exceed the young reen—t ere being 353 of the former te 108 of -the atter.. The government Of such a 4ona licat- pursued, is, of course, a matt r o vital us ia simple and effective. .Ttlie t'egu a - tons in regard to th Interco ree of e sexes are very stri t, but ebasoaal4e, and we rely for thei observed° ainly upon appeals to the ood sen e •a a ee• students. Experie ce has t ht 118 that such reliance i not.safe VS 11 tion of there regulat one. olleg faculty, en in other lollegee, arge with all cases of discipli ristn among the yoeng.men; bun it as active hand in oases `occurrin am he cafe! the young ladies. ove men in all the dope ments i M ted to the.lady prin ipal and SS IS tent, supported by Ladies ard o mi Managers. The m tronsof where they board acting nc certain degree of re onsibili rth m arise from causes oA mend Make ti properly vigilant tn, proven home w depend most upon the he y m r Ms a fr • t quip ndo II 1 be expense o ad ns 80012 •beyitr the tl and in with e clatsb be doll 011 as IS 11 SI • 111 • • • ar • • • 11 ta ric th 111 sex en rep oft leg of, pr se ne 0 • ne vo no yield e that tiencO pinion ersitV pr ainin ntagOs orces pri Onion', One inst e work "of t eeparate ;educe eaters would insttucticn no two corpe of te client esideration. Double edecational establish. 17 they *ill pot n rneeded, frollivnabilie estit or they ill be dequately furnished. t wade exhibited when eacherS ringing It is store secre tired ought the burglar watched r. take the 1 diamonds from the , nd followed him into the house; "ng himself uutil the family re - !Secretary kir Now Brunswick, and edi-. itor ef the -St. 'John Daily Telegranh., on Monday test. last Captain enb across the whirlpool ver. He got on very entered the whirl d was seen no rilor eh, of the Romen C don, bas donated $ tors. The hind in the Niagara well until he he sank a ishop Wa burch Lo flood suff 1 IP able, corpla of antendane ed Without . there it the barriers ar ter e le an' is ss n securing eseS the di posi 'on to law . We neve see, or so naue ich comp ies of young ate com rib en pine need among us lane and ngt'a of I oh g omeni het the ?pen r sohoot et learning tp ted. •e only doubt he they t re es,capable tin 1:n011y! d physically, :If. Mt of t rivilegesoffe ln efface that dentin ill oth sex • in the same I r any di epee betived e s of enderance or in till ',feints tip r he died fro n it h ouhlea won el y re with.. more omple good order is. a men it ess cen- as hear rse-play men .ate ered rts liana • whe olio the ool th- 0 to --The -Count Council of Middlesex bay voted $1,1100 to the relief of the int- mis- floo t gob ant by Can an dant crop in yin of wiete sufferers tit London, and app e Wardell); Clerk and Co me into use on A gust pbell & Sou, and the Scotia apple crop 'will be all one this year. eine Two new s orized toe ames Ca dian Rea The Nova "visually a • 0 0 00 in t bec spi ope e town of that will dies, and The Odd! ranging for a Uniformed. En of August nex I attester and will be presen The ghos sh in his h e of the ce eral ladies inition in n and la e East tio has vote 24 of. Septe Miss Hel many orchards, bu fruit will be very a on mill is being er Magog, province of Qua - • supplied with 60,000 employ 1,200 to )500 llows, of London, a rand. demmistratio empments on the , at which Detroit, the cted nd, is said to haun are said to have seen the t. road day-lirit, both this $190 to the dairy and rtutent of the Prot/intend be held in Guelph en the ber next. n Taylor has been clea- t tne chairmanship of the 'St nding mittee of the London chool d. Thi in the first time t at Li has bee elected to such a Ogden Wide. w believe. , Preparat one are being ma in Hellen for a grand. promenade noert in t e public gardens on the arrieal of bed), was found, ana oho of the hors e ST - ants th a the stvam to the c her NO one can tell w 2r -A couple of re pect North Dorchester have ide of the riv r. e got into t e e fanners in een fleeced Ito 0 at the han from Michig of a designing ycituarg ma ti. The young manna` father wh tie name was Mannenon, was an Id neighbor of the farmers, on acco nt of which he w s treated with the greatest kindnesa and oonfidence. —Saturday . night's terrible deem committed fearfullrevages in the coen- try around Hamilton. Crops were lin- jyred right and left. Five heaa of cattle belonging to John Stonehouse, of West killed in a field near Reck Chapel. ar- snail Lyons of the same place lost ne cow, and J. Bowers another. —A. solid freigut train filled tv'th agricultural implements for Winni eg, left on Friday last by the Grana Tr nk from London. The train consisted, of nineteen 'ears, and the route taken Was, Grand Trunk toPort Iluron,Chicago and Grand Trunk to Chicago, Rock Island St. Paul, St. Panl and Manitoba to VT ir in in 1 ada, The concert will be under the °nage 61 Comma In the s the othe tonna n stepl es, the Admiral, the General der of Canada. day in Montreal there less than thirteen large about 'one and a half. inches ilex to those used in feno• Iron b the blood is a good thing, t it is usually taken in smaller doses. --A valuable mare was! stolen from e premises of Mr. James Ledgerwood, o uesdan, eight last week. The mare is blacn Colored, with little white, on t e forehmal and hind' feet. No tram of the animal as yet. I -t-A new nue Of railway is projected run fiom the new Niagara River Mee and the lake shore townships, to. Hamilton a d Toronto. Parties along qae.propose route are quitinenthnsias- • or schen b ranter I'm lig of the thern hat VillE4 as as no f ',taking tion bas ur oldest students lessee all le to nis- them 'in perfor rine the • erd I ddie, iii e by the on r al ladi 14 tem Minklen of the w guars' ining vessels own 0 bred Mont ia the ribs st. Rev nue col to 1$504,23 ts to 1,600,4 xport from to n1 ,173,5 Itirty of Ca Lourd s, Fra ay aft a plea have en p, by neral ono t 44,00 ds in ast N' owns, ps. night the ho IStreet Toro ds, $90 cash ,000,, stolen gone through , nor the ne amount eett el on t neT he total '(Itil5).;ollie.Tlenht 6 testion IMO y Can! 41 will ta ey the late flo el Ohl Oxford • f din *Align 4r4$°.; ,4, tioaral9 !ping, and • :1 • 11 ve _play ng bp Tbron • rec issue om Corn air Sesa ctione for 0. engaged erifirirtseras- ado, for and the diem pit- y for the e tern arey ouri e of Louis meiiiber frone the. e he rd at ed - on all ale ur- er- at nd aee way and. --During a heavy thunderstorm at Kincardine last Saturday night, li bt- Ding struck two frame warehouses be- onging to the Northwest Transit°, ta- lon Company, consuMing them wit umber of trunks belcinging to pas ere, atd a year's supply of previa ous or the lighthouse -keeper at Thick Is - and. .—On Sunday morning a terrific st f rain, wind and lightning, vi ildmay. A stroke of lightning, eompanied by trTendons pea the ree ell- man of great promise, having Only at- tained his thirty-seventh year. He was a son of the te Judge Brough of God- erich, and s ndied civil engintiing. Having serve on the surveying el aft of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce railway, author of her trouln fted Re- ef TM 88 r. George rs ago dies a physician. The trades a.nd labor demonritra-, at Torente on Saturday, was one he most successfal ever lield!. The anizations turned out very die to ef tio fo ould, Bruce county clerk ; ether's residence, Winter- time ago. The young man., a few months over 21 had juet cempleted his; ate descendant —A family in Montreal, consisting of thunder, struon the own Hall- at end near the road, and utterly molithed the belfry, flooring and dow.s- at that e d. It did not catc however, but e ery house in the vi felt the shook. —During Saturday night some creants thre* a quantity of Paris green and salt mixed into a pasture field ad- joining the proof lipe toad, London were grazing. cows partook that time four foots of the po BRQ Publishers. ,home, and it -appears had got into di - 'grace, and to hide ner shame she took; drug causing ner death. She naade a ! the cense, butimplienting no one as tne he afterwardt entered the• Berme of . —Mr. Joseph Tay or one of the ()la- the city as assistant waterworks!, en- est settlers in nilaneliard, died: at Ws gineer, finally becoming engineer When residence a few Weeks ago. He h d illthe works pa Bed into the hands of the been ill for a lengthened period, and council. He ,was universally respeeted. death- was not unexpected. —The late Mr.. James 'Loglarin, of —Mr. M. Dillon, of the 6th 001IC ETS.112088., wile aied on the 1st inst., sion of Hibbert, has Sold his farm t some years ;ago endowed what,. was Mr. Thomas Connolly for the sum known as tlict " Loghrin Scholarinip " 42,600. Mr. Dillon intends panto ' for systematio theology in Knox I Col- to Michigan. lege, amounting to $50 a year. Ifl• con- --the people of Zion Church, Cana/s. tinned this 4 to the date of his death. Methodist, in Hibbert, held a most s a - By his will Mr. Loghrin_ has made the cessful picnic a sheet time ago. ' T e following begnests :-41,000 to tne en- proceeds of the pieptd, $22, are to a dowment fund of Knox College, $I1,000 applied in putchaeing e new library. in - fire lage mis- to Peter ! Cermiehael Through the nighid the f th,e stuff, and Etince . —A number of TOT their oustomere hate) in by the late tumble stocks. The whole I da Pacifie, St. Paul, Manitoba, Northwes and Hudson's Bay, have all been tum- bling within the pest few days. The losses in St. Paul, Minnesota and Min - y heavy - al fight in a field limits of Lc don, . combatants were tubs and whiskey g with their fists in savage etyle. were stretched out 'r heads and faces g, and their bodies to Home ann Foreign Missions,I and —A farmer liviog on the 4th zone $1,000 as a perma-nent inveatment to don, of Hibbert, ap eared before Flagg, of Mitohellm a charge of hevitig continue the scholarship of $50 the —Barnum) the showman, met *ith it Ile was fined:IfOT hi[S cruelty. severe loss in Hamilton last Monday, in —John Dunban formerly of Strafe the death of 'Inince, a 520,000 perform- and three of hia brothers havisi arri ing elephant. Prince, a favorite !.with at Fort McLeod, wi h four or elve tea s everybody, and a magnificent apeeimen of horses, anti have ocated rakehes ar of the Asiatin elephant, for the st the Porcupine bine where they int nd severe cold. His keeper noticed e was ! B. unwell, and iedulged he was very age, and wa in 1871. He was noted for his tptellt- gence, and Was reckoned the -best per- forming elephant on this continent. —Mr. Grimier, a French Canadian, whose home ie some miles below th city of Quebec, but wno has been en- gaged in the lumbering business at Escanaba, Delta county, Miebigen, fo some time back, started on Thursday o lad week wtth his young son to vsit hi home in nntiebee Pr:evince, and before loef ahvii sn gBadvrienWef,raomom uthnetinbaantokspoegow.hoilne his death was , fwe°11xsteo the floor an than ustn him to take a bogus $1,000 bond is took place tb. lst year his age. security for V50 good. money, The --The many fri nds of Ron A. La- r. ed. nto brokers and been badly taken in Northweetern ne of them, Cana - Minneapolis and Land Company neapolis are especial —Two bands of had a fierce end ben juin mind& the ci the oth7 day. T armed chiefly with bottles, which, alo and feet, were1 use Several of the gang on the grass with th mangled and. blmdi badly bruised. —An Ontario patent has been %sued the past week,incorporating j.F.Reiner, F. Sweetman„ J. J. Hazelton, Wm. M. Foster, anid. John Davis, of rom the peculiar antics he rince gave evidence that low. He was 28 years of imported by Mr. Barnum —Master 3,ohnT Tait, of Mitchell; running race at the .ty games, Winn' competitors. The prize is a hands claret jag, valeed at 420. Mitchell. accompanied by Mrs. Fortes - ter and Mrs.! Aiktn merly of Mitchel across the 006883 accoinpaniea the York. —An old Man'nemed Alexander Mc- , suddenly a few a s ago. He bad been ailing for 1301116 t e, but On he aay itting on when h expired. in son of Mr. It on a prize in , St. Andrew's Se eg, against de he of Oraitgeville, started for a -trip Mr. T. Melts arty as far as New chair, no suddenly His death. scamps left the train at Guelph and got —The death is "announced, lefter lingering Mimes, of Major Bruce, at the fa.nily residence, Annam College, Lon- don ;Owns*. The deceased belonged respectively to the 82nd ann 100th Regi- ments. While in the former ne was stationed in the West Indies, and also spent inany years in Canada nutter the old regime, when much of Outset°, non thickly populated, was a wilderiaess. On leaving the service Mejot Brum settled on the 2nd concession of Londou township, where, for about tweuty-five years past, he has resided. The deceas- ed was very widely known and an wide- ly respected. He was invariably courte-' ons, genial and hospitable, and he will be ,much missed . by a large circle of appreciative acquaintances. • —Mr. G., H. Pugsley, of Mount Pleas- ant, a few days ago received four Prinee of Wales penies from England. Thein little animals are the first ever eeen those parts, and a pair of them wit; the object Of much admiration by loc 1 horsemen en the streenTuesday. The stand 10t hands high, are a bright ba in mien with luxuriant black manes eat tans, and nlack legs. They nre n rony•built; but are as symmetrical SS mont, will be haPpy to learn that , though not in his wonted health, he has so far recovened from hifi late acci- dent as to be able Ito attend to his aims' duties, as melanin phy at Dublin. law of Mre. Ett to Rev. Father Mur - y and femily, for - Mitchell, na ami -in - e, were mong the fferers in the lit London cetastrophe. Their helve wee darned away by the rushing wateraniad they lost everything tbey had, barely escaping with their —Mr. Wm. GOO, of Mitchell, return- ed on Wednesday last week from a trip to the Pacific coast. Hp ha been gone about four we s, and in that time Francisco and er places of note. He says San Fratic co ana all its sur- roundings are ele ant, but that he pre- fers Mitchell as a home. —Messrs, .S4i geour Brothers, -of Stratford, are nn cutting some poplar ;first settlers lin Stratford, some forty years ago. The trees have outgrown their usefulnees as shade trees, and , became so large s to be an inconveni- . moo to the prentises. Messrs. Benin- geour propose Ow up the timber and. Guelph, for the purpose of manufactur- the finest bred horse, clean limbed, aud manufacture i into saitesiof furniture • ing and selling pianos in Guelph under on Monday this pair trotted a hell mile as mementos o eir late father. It ie the name of The Rainer Piano Com- on a track in two minutes. Th;ey have a curious circu tauce thae trees plant- pany of Guelph! (limited), with a capital not the heavy body and long hat of the ed by a man s ld supply tinaber for 'of 450,000, diiided into 500 shares at Shetland, but are light* in boay and linab, and have very fine silky, sleek coats. The owner intends nreediiag from them, and !values the pair' at 0500 or n600. —in putty of four gentlemen, Meseta: E.; F. , Johnston and Frank Hall, ,messen accident. His of Guelph, in one canoe and J. A.. MoWat abd A. Mueller, ofi Berlin, clay from the in ;another, started the other dity on ;an Inn Purnneen with him. Re adventurous and somewhat ;neriletis turned the cot holiday tonr. They proceeded to French, over his head. River, where they first take canoes, and working near in their perilotis craft they amend French River to Lake Nipissing and fan, and °tilled going back he thence round the southern Mast of that lake to a sinall river called Ls .1Ying with making a portage of about a mtle they dead. --On Mond Vase. They ascend this strewn, andby enter a chain! of small lakes and theom Wm- 13nmInn into the Mattawa River. They go down this river till they reach the Ott'iewa river, abont 120 miles above Pembrelte. Following the course of the Ottawa the party is btok.-en up either at Montreat -or Kingstone when they return_ home. They are Well supplied with. tents, cOok- ing utonsns, provisions, etc., and hope to do the whole canoe trip of nearly1600 miles in about 2,0 days. manufacturing rposes by Ws named- the parents and two children, out boat- !ii, the 14th inst., a four riday, r. Edward .K671116.dy, was Blansliard, near St. very swift, and would have been newel! his death by a painful ed but for the heroism of Daniel ayies, er was drawing some who plunged tin, and by degrees paved tre sideroed for bank - all. The mother behaved with great the little fellow was coolness, holdieg the children up until I from the wagon as it ing on the 5 got upset in t. Lawrence on 5 the current, whic —On Satur year old Bono of the 4th Lin Marys, met wi 14erent org rescued. , , aria the wheel passed tiongly,; a td. the appearance of the n -The matrimonial market in Corn- Utile men who were ageant as, t passed along the principal wall is thus reported by a local paper: saw the little fellow tenets tva ery imposing. , . During the last month or two tite. de- Mr. Kepnedy. On 4---A priv e letter. from Ceseepethe ' mand for Cornwall damsels by Would. nd the little fellow niter ase i t at the Governor General be-benediets has been from fair to t head crushed and and Prine sa Louise are having um, middling. The latest reports shotv that CB al link; t angling. A large numbee there are fourteen bona-flde engage- forenoon last week Mr. of pleldid eahnon have been forward to I Go orriment -.House, and i Boyers Splendia specimets nave been, !sent 10 Her Mejesey, the Queen lr ! 90pCeS f Peel, WELS sitting in the house, lightning entered, ana mekin le in the floor at !her feet piecipi her into the cellar. NO b broken, but •she suffered CO from the conendion. ' fa IC isve fr 01 nht es W re eidete In pa nkinsee mer, a arkson e village ment for two. cows, Jacob deren Wm. Mills,a Vaughan ote for $85 signed. by Chas. Penetangnishene,and 46 in Mills accepted, but sub - discovered the note was The police were notified ing for Jenkins. unday cyclone appeared at of St. Michael, forty miles e shaped a house that impeded its re was no one killed, btit narrow escapes in getting houses nefore they tumbled th, Th any bad, Jewish Ri Methodist weelt.; Th were mar eloquencei sive in inn jean j morning 1 at the rive brother ge his bat gaing bac r. Itossvally of Brooklyn., delivered 'two lectures an ea and Ceremonies in the Tabernacle at Whitby last Ohronicle says the lectures ed by unusual force 'end. and were most comprenen- rmation on this special Alib- owning accident, by which ack, son of Donald Black, is life, hap pened on Fendey sti. He and his brother** Watering their horses. His .rig done first, left him, aria le after getting home saW oating down stayam. On tb the watering place the ments, and nit make believe ones. Sev- en of the young ladies ate buay pre- paring their frills for their honey moon. Nine are rather annoyed- that their attractions are not yet appreciated, and seventeen are tearing mad at the sick- enipg prospect of being relegated to the vinegary existence of old maideehood. n—The Canada Pacific railway is now built to within sixty miles of Calgarry, and. west and east of that point the constrnotion eompany is working with a staff of two thousapd men, The Canada Pacific Railway engineers are miles from the summit of the Moun- tains. That job -would nemand eighteen monna's work. It is a half a mile long, piercing a r coteaus, the rock M which app be a sort of natural cement, hard more difficult to handle tha any granite. ; —On Satritday morning Messrs. Thomas CarsoaddeneColin Fraser, H. B. Fraser, and John N. MoKendeick, of Galt, arrived. in Toronto on their; canoe trip. They left Galt on Thureday, July 5th, proceeded down the Grand Inver to Lake Erie, thence to Toronto, where tnatiel nge of ars to they arrived on Saturday, 21st capital order and much please their experience. They had two doubling up. The Messrs. F Carscadden continue on in their canoes to Whitby, and thence via Sougeg and other lakes to Stony Lake, to itt nd the meeting of tbe American Can Asso- Toronto, died' Sattirday lasnafter an ill- ness of nine ;lairs, caused by being thrown from4his buggy. By t thigh and internal injuries provea fatal. Mr. Brongh was with r and of the which young , Perth Items. Thursday, August 16, has been pro- claimed civic holiday in ListoWel. , --Tuesaay, August 7th, has neen pro- Chi/3(318d Sti a dvie holiday in Mitchell. —1-Triniiy Church, Mitchell, sent $21 'to the relief fund for the London ant- ferers. large and dry new potatoes from :his own garden a week ago. —The ladies of Iinox church, Mit- chell, held. a strawberry festival recent- ly, at which they realized 565. _ —It is said that Mr. Jamee Fahey has returned to Stratford. and has assumed the editorship of the Herald. —Mr. W. Honey, of Mitchell has lost $3,000 thtough the failure of a 'Mr. Fer- ris, of Winnipeg, for whom he haa for f the firm of Bamford, Smith in Co., o Listowel, had the misfor- tune to lose one cif his hem& in a plitning machine belonging to the factory. While at work his left tis,nd got caught in the e he could extricate it of the band was -drawn d. 'were also so shattered. - men found it necessary above the wrist. Mr. and small family, and to him a very serious planer, and bo o the greater part in and cut offi bones Of the hti, that the meal to amputate Bamford is a man, with a this acciden one indee4. —Says the Ira sending out tuft age, have reedy pool; to *hien ter. The' butte taste of ikooa4 soakage or sliti ages odd re The firm, s of ext uh usefulne facturin will and proporti towel Beetier : Messrs. ens, who' have been orders this spring, of tin -lined butter pack - d cable from Liver - lace they bad el:lipped. arrived in good con - from. taint, rust or here was no loss from kage, and their pack - n the Eng.lish market. tisfied of !tint thorough package, are 111/311Th• ively, and the industry grew to Much larger many years been purchasing liorsesi —On on —Mr. F. Thatcher has sold' his one Hoey, of trovi, hundred and fifty sore farm ie Logan, from a horse; west of I the Eden property, no m.r. L. otherwise inj Bennewais, for the sum of oilpeo. —A Creole named Harriet Cor elia died a few days agoin S at - The coroner was notified and in t ordered. The deceased was well known as a favorite dressmaker sariong the beat °leases of the town, who libe any patronized her. She had a Condo ble ,of last week, Wnt. , received a severe kick ich broke his thigh and him. At the time h.e had 12 acres of ay ready for raaking- Help was not 'tip be bad for may. t ;Si% ipr c°nbr nt not, e Can- yeeffnaecintudety. did. This Fortunately went to Shut do in a hod crop, w is the ch •