HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-07-20, Page 6• 41 11 • 11HE H Chicago Fifty Years A correspondent writing oago to the Christian Uuion, The event in our religious -chief irportance.the past w Commemoration by the Fir terian Church of its fiftieth a The -exercises began with an sermon Sunday neerLaing by t • Rev. John H..Barrows,D. D. with the• prayer meeting evening. A. Sunday'•sebool vice was held Suudayafteru' day evening watts given ti gratulatory adJreases from other churches and of other tions, Dr. Scadd,er speakin Congregationalists, Dr. Hens Baptists, Bishop • Cheny for termed Episcopalians, and R Bristol for the i..lethodista. On Tuesday eve;s.ing the 1 a reception in the church pa hose present were permitted to the personal ,pecollectionel Jeremiah `Porter, the found church, and Dr. Flavel B. pastor for nine years, and th the honored succession. T versary exercises have not ou great interest ariong the m this ancient church, but h the attention of the whole ci immense influence which 'a organization like this has in ing the character of our i civil as well as religions. So statements from - . the sermon • are too interests omitted. The earliest of t� records is la these words : "May 30, 1a83. About thirty pro tians in the garrison, brought fret Marie to this plaee,ianded on the 1 with Rev. Jeremiah Porter; pastor." Sunday Sefhnel .had been ,founded byt Philo Carpente still Iiving, and an officer 0 Congregational Church, whin ed to found "There was occ ssional preacbit cabin on the West Side, by anagit known as: Father Walker_ One of welcome Mr. Porter was John Wilson minister had known at William A carpenter shop at the fort was go. arta! Chit aye: ,store o kois th' resby� ;i iversary.t historical] e pastor, nd closed ednesday bic ser - n ; Mon - to con - asters of enomina- for _the n for the the Ra : v. F M. • dies gave lora, and to listen of Rev. 1 ✓ of the c scorn, its third in se- anni- y elicited tubers' of ve called y to the Christian determin- stitntions, Me of the historical ng,to be ie church and lid may oho a he feat. € I3 t the robin _s equal to the feat. i 1 The jay is bar • y as a solei,ier, but it is mot of a fora'e and aro a -with- Sherman -to -the- e -bumper I. than a soldier. It has th, uniform Of Oh, a Y bine snit that Lie ;e looks rusty cr:worn;, 'ready at any mune t for a.diesstparade or a review. It is very i caper ineet and sau;oy, but not eubively 8o Tout rather enjoy the erfeet none a alb ce with which it tell it.ten feet a ay alai 'ass_ ""you. It .i e s' to say "C nfc ung you!' say! SAY!! Ii?1•E11! E, •? G. away !" We lik . t e impu out fellow first-rate. He h.: s 't a bit o ire erenc or loyalty ; he sc•ff at the da Pop and the.Ja;r'ohu c i, and woe ld s• sool throw dynamite bo bs; at the 'J: y Stat as not ; he woul e a•. Red e • a.b ica,� if he wasn't blue hen, to ,yh . sticks out our winters, an his pl ck :ndear• him to .us. He's to tender -loot, An he bas a Methoi •st preacher's f.:ndnes for chicken—ver; young. But of all the ,ae t chaps i It e worl ooznmend the w : en to tis. t o : rries higher pressure 4 f onceit and egotis . to the square inch , than any creator. wekr ow. It se to resent its homoj•_ oval instil-, but its ssing Chris- Sau1t_ St. th of May. Dreviously who is the First i he help - g in a Ira i • Methodist the first to , whom - the own, Mess. ted up fur devine se: v ice on the next Sunday. 1f Mr. Porter, (to Imelda ownreads), preachedetro> a the wards. , of ''the, Ca°reenter-et.l�azareth: "]Torero is my father glorified, that yo bear much remit ; so shall ye be my disciples." In the afterno he preach- ed to ali overflowing house in Fat er. Wallet's cabin. ; At six o'eloek he held a pray meeting at the Feet, and later in the' eventing attended another setvico at Father Walker's." For - some.! ; time preaehin were held iaL Fort Dearbor Father Walker's log cabin at but as the arrangement was tory,. ` Mr. Porter advised the" erection • of a frame building, suggesting that subscrir tions made towards his support should go tower s the chu ;ch edifice. This plan was adopted, a b ilding com- mittee was appointed June 11, aucapplicatSen was made to the Home Mission socI. ty fur Mr. Porter's support,. On June 2G thischurch • was organized ley adopting the covenant and. articles ot faith of. the Charekt of Detroit. Si • een persons, four of them women., were •recei ed from the garrison;; five men and four women ere received from Chicago, and three ruling elders were chosen, Captain De Lafayette W lcox, - John Wright and PhiloCaapenter.. .Theis was organized the First Chin eh in Chi- csigo,. a church which has 'enrolled 8 234 com• - municents,:and which has now on nearly a thousand members." `This was the first religious had been here before, and th diets ; but neither priest nor shad taken steps,.towarda .f *arch.: After tracing the the city and country for fifty their great enterprises and gr, !),r. Barrows adds : "c• In tha far-ofi time, 1833, America literature was sparely bora. Byrant had, I alai/shed,a volnmcr o poems,Irving had written t e " Albam.- bra ".in 1832, and that -yeah ace mill flied Coin- messipner Ellsworth when ho reproved the Indian tribes# across the 1uississippi. But Lei Mellow -in 1883 was aprotessor in Bowdoin, sot d had not published his first volume of poetry l otley as a student in Berlin ; Prescott was t iling ith blindedeyes through the studies pr4 imivary to his fest volume of Spanish history„rd i t pnblie ed till 1837 ; Lowell had not entered lI rvard C lege; Whittier was on a farm near Haverh Mass ; Hawthorne, a; recluse in S•cleni bad pi fished anonymously- a little vulunii. which he if never reprinted ; s. Stowe was Oa ,n, Harriet • Beecher, of Ciaeinnati, and twenty ye rs were to • elapse before she ” made all language :her own ;" and Emerson, two Months froth this r'av in the calender of 1833, "` cie•Ltencl4il upo' f -Carlisle, alniiost Natty unknown in solitude ti Oreigen- puttock. ' - - * 4 * •, On the 26th of Jane, 1833, what i rt•ould Jere- miah Pv er and Philo Carpenter hay said had n theprolZheticannouceinentbeen madas that within fifty years their town of 300 inhabit,.• Bts would have became a metropolitan city of ;UtU,000 pert- -I plc, with twenty langeages spoken in ler streets.;. , that their one church, would bo 4{ir. ed by 190 other Protest.tnt, besides forty Roman Catholic oharehes+, twelve Tewi3h cougre atiu s, and four theological seminaries, and that after successive removal southward the church sh4l d find .its stately house in. a region so remote,ijn. the vicinity of splendid avenues and palatial donees, that -Would have sedated to thein at that; i rote as bril- liant and • niiraeulous as the en h'r tms nt of Arabian romance, Pe.otzliarities of the 1 H. A. Darrell, in !the. Press, discourses peasantly mestic birds. We make a traits : • - services and in the point, nsatisfac- its register organiza- tion in Chicago. The Roman Catholics !+ Metho- minis t er arming a istory of years in ` Eater men, 1, n �- irds. �shington_ f our do - few ex - The eat bird is the dandy of ed choir. Its dress is, in c4, fit and color,the despair of all tailors :nd_dress- makers It- is not a dude, . or it isn't an idiot; but it a dandy of t e brainy sort, Iike:Bean Brueereel and our Tom Oohiltree. Its voice, though, is a dead gii..e a=way, and belie the f: shici nab,Ie creature,.=it is acrid peevish, eynical, erossgrained, and mean.. Bit we have nen bird that can "travel" el" on is . shape like the cat .bird. t. the wing- ust why the robin is -such favorite, no one can tell, but it is. It ,. counted a Vary domestic creature ;he poets make a to-do about it, as if .t t were a personification of all that is gret,peace- ful and domestic, while it is, really :a bird. militant. It has the pose .of a soldier, a military eye, a 14 1 like a Roman short sword, and -when ft stands erect, you see a soldier with a red sash aciosshis breast. And its. ote is a sentry,'s challenge, a bayonet a barge ; it is, staccato, sharp, 'laereiuptor --a sort of " Halt ! who goes there It has one talent we have se&n in no other bird : It Can sing when its outh is fall of fishbatit. We saw on light the other day ort :a fence not ten feet away from us, its bill filled with, a coil of worms. as big tis 'an average chewer's tobacco quid,and it said .to s Hoa are yon ?" in a toneperfecti lear and thoroughly articulated. F•11 your month with mush, 0 reader, : nd try to sing or talk. You'll have to take les- sons of redbreast before y cin succeed, A. grazing cow or sheep will s?mnetitnes tri this feat of saluting you i passing, but you know what a corm a polyglot —more grass -plot than any- g ,else— compliment they pay you. boy at table sometimes tries to ea English with steak or bread and butte, bat suc needs only in talking a kind of gibberish, pathic size as a 15e manners are all' pa hip. It ra kes up in style what it 1 cks in bul ,I ae . little, men de. When ver you fi whose air says fainly, . "1 and please bear t gonstantl it shall go hard ith him if 90 lbs. and is no rant.Ev note, attitude a d noveme is charged with eotrio c wire is always c nnected wi -Nothing in:thisold, or in is so brimful of sig ifichnce ter as'the tail of wren. English, yet says "Ego." is like an inquisitor's or refo the always in' somebiidy else' We couldn't spare he, wren a capital burlesgquelof hurtle the old doctrine of.transmigr were -true, you'd swear that was under eternal bonds to in the wren. ' Nor could we spare a sing If we could have but one bit be that glossy fellow who g iy in black silk sled satins deliberate and 'gallant stri He is about the oriliiyobird how to walk and h s an agr He isn't a bi.t.mincng or throws his should€s -pack a like an actor Navin* come him. The robin i uttraine run. ; can't walk a top ; th jerks, using wings s well a this gentleman of olor lik right walk and pro . enade. that a stately walk sets o necklace. • , What Dughess would not like to h ve 'sue woven of rainbows,lthai; bee all hollow 1 The blackbird's Queen' Bess' ruff and all the of plan and woman. Wome skin, kid, feathers, etc.,—w never robbed the 'blackbi pigeon of theirirideseeut th- iWs note sounds like water If you could blow a :flute with water, it woinld seen blackbird's note -Se -1If he is he is swinging on .the tip -It trees and blowing his wi There is no bird that comeej s iug a gurgling broo , and j•_ by a shave, as the lackbird a ma: n a for mind, weiglii eathe : , a wre' tee :'i:t Ibs- h a • attery. an ' wore, zidcharecl- t speales i' its bill i s nosy alines is suc ture. clop's egotist erialize ckbir4. should • brave - What fL e has:, knowis le gait us, bust Ceps• off about d must goes b' et ; bu dowr- knowe est hes mattes u ckwee e t a o prisl poll: r•'beatf entionit ar seals ve the nd th wraps pip fill€ ke. th alliin of t '. reed ear b pisses f a What makes 1 scarce ? We have these red -heads the used toe full of t yellow hammers a he woo riot seen, is sprin hese b1 e back, .t drums as usual:, but our cr berry comes not. [Perhaps he can't compete Ali the red -heads in this cotch-Iri tion. His rub -a -dub -dub is v ing. • He will wha k a woo spire or cupola the no wor a half-hour at a -ti e. if 1 no boy with a " nigg r-ahoote him ; which prove that he enough to suppose that grub wood ; he likesIto hear his as some sonorous speakers d can't be very bialu or he w his brains out. H = -may e if he learns that th frost h the cherries. No ot er bird li as well as he. His head is ripe cherry. He i11 can the peck, and will ake th the tun of stealing nd sin woodpecker is chu k full rather a pleasant s nneni. not a graceful mo ement, song any creat shees. a •a ii a a ers s,4 one • hear . Th g the'r sta thin iplyin oj;ula npiri steepl: -.es, fo serabl molest ot fo. in th. voic Yet h rattl in,forc t kille herrio nlarge es•b ust fo Th n, bu ight i is hi • Now and then a curbing into the tees and reales . heart, and htells all bout th the deceased, the pathos sickness, etc. She is as sh and at your app oach ji showing .gray satin lined w have a zn igled r stling whistling sound that is quaintest sound w know. to have bells on he toes. too mournful for m et -ears, twin Moods nothin is more so full of resignation and na What a head and neck she- a queenly pose ofr,t e, head !f like the bottom of poel.0 bank. • Mb 'Hop. CoG ;cIL DOING .—The Court of Revision t r the to held at Crawf rd s Hotel • members all n •re ent pal from the folleevig artit;sey Ire rrected enc ent AS tored ae bins 15 aria 16, Carlon, s as • • e come idowe tues is la a nu g e:1 awa no whip d belle bait the he seem song i; in ce hiiig o I piet • wh an ey o a MOSS • a ad and ordered to b c ed in the Ass ss McCutcheou to le e for Sorith half of lo sioa 12, Michel. 1 and' Robert Duff s joint', en lot 12, concessioi ,instejd of • Sons. The cour en fin 11 cl countS were or e ed to e p id for Kerr that th pe Won of ,Ta, '68 ille concession 41, b .grante assist in opeilinettSide line, garraiende Moved by AIex. ile re secant W1 ed on the gravel r Od nort Archibald, that L Cam P. 1.1, Carried. The le k hating ea,d ill 1 ourne hip wa cation eneive inser Davi tenant armiets ntet for sea and rt • err, Swot at lot 25, rt of lot 2 r .School to Schoo )notify all o Clerk plowing C inutes re tatute eyised stat vry farm attach on t unicipalit pted by atute La f he wa refers d:ncil vier Clerk t nd in hmaster s to exi ce the erstood. field at lay in .A In coos enation to p transpo s been de tuber 1st,' ighing ov 'r trans 'si or chec rand Tru et -•-A fast o road be -s was r tar the W ngemeut Ls 1OW th er the ma oily onest ratford• a ed " uy Wm. oncession 2, an , concession 1; Section .Nob 2, section No. arttes interest as,instructed t opter and Se active te the ober by liar tes Chapter 18 r' Bon 'vote Assessment hull if not ot a : s be : liable o or cornmut not so rated a e Section 179 unamimous. i> insert all 'a e • Assessor's 'lists. A massa t relative to ecessity of bei, Next council inthrop on the ust next, gaence of the sseuger trains tationof heavy ided that on an o single piece r 250 potuids wi ortation •iu tl ped for that pus I. Rai1s'ay porn sin was repent • eon Chicago a from Detroit tern Division, • as not proved s intention to ru line of .the Gr. will be ma Toronto, viz., The oss of Pow rohibal 1_, the north detach d d; Mine the Cle k —Carrie nsert t e on, in tie rforman e r s Son option & d enter€ 11,, of ar rwise e: o Hoofer 'theref Tess IsoT giving o l hams 11. int t r hensic ill matt€ g proper eting rat Sa ON :tXPOSITOR. t - t baggage e accept. • y. aced en • the r- t sfacto y. his trai'n Tru betwe 13 • riders per et nutrition e eceasi y, Paired by `nflammatiort, ti e jheart y er-stimula ion, will soon e but holm vation en the bleed iusuffiei- Mach ar thr chief facto inIthelse ubles, an he ,element of nerve trition a essential age ts Of the itrie joie in Wheeler's hosphates 94 tl Mr. Wm .G. Waterson, Mattawa, Linime t cured my ho se whieh w a injured while plowing. ' In trying Only wa laid Up port of day, and would nett be Witliout itt ten times it price. This is. only oleo: of many ciales which might be recite .-793.52. for the NFEDERATIQ LIFE ASS CIATICilY, desirous of ei ring the lives of a Seaforth and surrounding count n tree of dent This i undoubte r Sent. Aloe it the ally Glob y 180883, ill satie iy any rolls -h e fact. Call t onee oh ;?rieberty the easiest terms of pe 1 the et tizens s and friends 3 the best ✓ Canada al or Mail of nable man of or Town nt and at 804 0 0 2 LEGAL. P. .CARROLLI T ATE of Gar ow4Proudfootis Office, Goder eh, -1-' Solicitor, onveyancer &c. Moner to I an. tar Office n Meyer's 'Block, Main Str et, Tim 0. HAYS, Solicitor, &o. Private money to -1-`1* lend at lowest rates of interest. / Ceetc Corner of Square and West Street, God4ich. 774 1--.1 tore, tte.,Goderieh,Ontario.—J. Wm .Prondfoot. s, Etol lot - 888 M. C. (letterer), Q. 0., Philip Holt, M. Gr. Cam- \ -1 8olicitore in Chuncery, &c.. Goderich, Ont. 808 eron. TT W.O. MliYER Barrieter anh A.tiorney at "L'S" Law So icito;in Chantery. Core issioner for taking efil e,vits in the Province of Eanitoba 'VANNING SCOTT, Barristers, elicitors, • Conveya oers &c. Solicitors for he Benk of Johnston, isda'le° & Gale. Money to loan. Offioe, Beaver lock, Clinton, Ontario, A. II. MANNINO, .TAX B SCOTT. 781 Bloele, Ingham. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Commissioners for taki g affida- vits in Maitito a. Private funds to loa at 6 per cent. Luekn v office every Wednesdael. H. 1V. LOFT e. IDANCEYs j ATE with C Barriste Money to loan Block, Seafort Solicitor, Conveyan er, itc. Benson's Old Office, CardnO's p heretofore existing breen the The business of the late firm' ill P this day been dissolve by i;u.- e firm will be payable, and Who scharge all debts due and owing by d at Seaforeh, the 21st day of De - NOTICE of Partners undersigned h tual consent, be carried on debts due to t will pay and d the firm. Dat eembt r, 188i, F. 8„ G. MCCAUGHEY, 'gOLICITOR, &e. Law Office-e-Scottl'e 's-/ Main Stre t, Seaforth. 786 UCTIONEERS. :r . P. BRI E, Liconeed Anotioneea for the parts of the ounty. All orders left t thex. R. COOP R, Brussels, County, Alaationeer. • Sales of all descriptions Proraptly at- tended in anv part of the county on reasoneble terms. Ordets left at the office of the Hurter; EirOsITOR, o addressed to Bruseels, will receive -LkDELG A TY, Licensed Anetionetr for the • County of Huron. Sales of slide riptions promptly atte ded to on reasonable te s. Ad- dress Walton P. 0. or Lot 14, Con elision 14, Meliillop. 774 a Thoroughbr d Suffolk Boar. This animal was recently Imre ased from the well-known bree ers, A. Franks j& on, and is from impute stock on both sides, Terms,—$1, payable at the time of service w!th tlee privilege of returning if necessary. GEORGE PLEWFS. 788 FOR SALE I "RUlLDING LOT FOR SALE.—For s le cheap, -1--• a Most eligibly situated and desire le build- ing lot on north Main Street near the business portion of th town. The lot ie well f need and possession ca be given at any timb. Apply at THE EXPOS TOR Offiee, Seafoith. 797 VOR SALE.I—A comfortable cottagel and two shope, Itable 1 Dr blacksmith and wagon maker, in a s od part ot the town for': business. The college is in good repair, und is leaeantly bl• ock or septirafaly, and very cheap. Apply to W. N. WATSON, Seafolth. 808-11 T.T OUSE Egli SALE.—A one and a half story -1-1" frame divelling, situated in a ple sant part of the town, c ntaining nine rooms, co ar, wood house and st ble stone- foundation nder the house, and ha d and soft water on the premises' sepply to C. . WEITNEY'S Tin and S eve Em - eight years d, ono light wagon, o e buggy, oue set light harness. ei INSURANCE AND LAND A ENCY. and Life Inshranoe Companies, and i d to take risks on the most favorable Also Agent for several of the best el Aim Also Agent Nr the Sale and Parches and Village Property. kee tit $50$000 14) Loan SIX p Agent for the sale of Ocean Stesanshi 01,PFICE Over M. Morrisori's Street, Seafonth. FAR ock,' Fire af n F aS rot: eirma o Mein, INO TO We havelnow in stock a full Scythes, Snaths Fork es, ake Sp ding Forks, Barb Fenc And everyt ing the hardwa IDD flardware ine of Wire line at Establisment , MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. • NEV FORGET TAat,you cannot get the best val Irie for your money in COV NTR SH For th'e Genuin Article COV6TR Rem mlOr that Cove STOVE, SEAFO TORE. French 611 Or to SHOE STORE. itry buys al ' itsit, so, that A n and ttndersell Oosei law ,buy' on time TH STONE B pfuLY PIONtER RE STC*Et. CLINt & S 71 Two -B,Lt Fencing r 1_fontr4a1 Cut Nails - Recei ed this eek, and will be sold at his, stoek. foi, prompt ENGLISH GOOD AND I1AW RT ,11 TTIOT4AS COVENTRY? S ! PLOW$ A Car Load f Genuine. South Bend HILLED PLOWS & PLO Si, 0. C. WILLS014'S Agricultural Implement Wareroom, SeafOth, g determined o keep those valuable Plo s in otwithstandI .the iporease of is!) per ent. Fifty of them a few days before the rise in the to sell them at former prices until the present h.oee Plows before buying a common or in - teed to give fa' tisfaction or no sale. s and Masse Mowers, Toronto Reapers and sold cheap d ou reasoaable terms. Repairs ines. Don't fail to eee my stock Which will be sold at old prices, n import duties, the subscriber bein stock, imported One Hundred an tariff ; 'consequently, he is enable stock ie exhausted. Call.and see tenor article. Every Plow guara A toll stock of Masseyilte4e Toronfe Mowers, Toronto Cora Sharp'S Rakes, all of which will b of all kilids always on hand. fox tlie above mao before buying a rnachine. 0. C. W.LLSON Main Street, Seaforth. UNCAN, chernit and Druggist, SUCCESSOR To E. 1119KS074 & 71 NOW IS THE TIME FARMERS T SECURE YOUR SUPPLY OF HELLEBORE AND PARIS GREEN. We have jtit,14)erted out a.large stock f both, which we will guarantee to be pure and of tliet best quality. Is the place to cheap, which c depeription, Sp N. B.— axid all orders et bargains ia TOILE AR nfietfalil to give satisfacti n. umered with care aud de Cases that +we are selling very rushes, Corebs, Purses of every n great varieties; Perfumery, &c. Next Door to Dunpan & uncia's.Dry G-oodi Store, Seaforth. iM• SEE moRaisoN as 1883. SEEDS. Received His 1SPRING STCCK qp FIELD ex. GARDEN SEEDS CONSISTING OF LL THE LEADING LINES IN ! • Swede Tu nip, White, an Grey St ne, Mangold Wurtz ls, Carrots, Beet and Sugar ane &c., e de of 11 kin And a large stock of Garden Clover Seed, Tinaothy, Orchar We also keep on bond a large stook of s in bulk o by the paper. Also y Blue Gr es, Black Tares, tleo Feed and Ms MORRIS() 3 East Side Main Strefk Opposite Markst Street, Seaforth. Har low r legit ices as i ate bus A all descriptiens at es consistent with e. equate PER • E tION 'AT ASTI EG The oial Count , 'America for FloUri A CD AT RE Tito read Qu The radu b Rol Roller Flour per arr own hea gr better gra e public has bit Remenler, Reduet 'on Sy thorou Th an success Ehglan,d sad ,We gave A eatensilve we gueran trlal now has no Ls, on the co manufacturiri n in the' tined of Roller ! OLUTION MILLING. RedUctionis ers now in ejtfistfarthe811;241%a8?1;5°' the Old ProCess. onger, • whiter, than the f flour by far there is teo humbug orex• ur adopting th Gradual tem. Our new system is ; relia,ble. It has been ! ted, and proved! a great ngarv , Germany; Frame, e United Stet e. oge at a heavy cost, and better Fiona n w. One le -FA -cleat to prove our es- t. CirlOPPIN :Our feel. iti B: for this clasi of work 011ce. Be ,sur 'and try our fa AS OM new pkocess—riolie flour. Flour, Bra , Shorts and. F ed &Hy - 0€4. to an art of Seafort , Harper- ETBEL 'S MILLS? -KIP El 0 oprietor of belie Well Inown and popularmffies. - now (sot evdrythina in first -dem working er, aa prettred a turn out au article of PASTY ItVAITS FOR IT. . 01117exchnuqed feu wheat. Chopping of eVery alwayr4 Hand, and sold at the lowest Ectlq 17111E &WOW. 1- state tha h haft returned home IrOM DA* k ta, and is onvinced that "Thor -es no flea ., a d will henceforth give his entire personalat-e t nth) to his be -vitae -le. His faellittee for doing- ; i yOur relations end fr• iends, and Seam) ta ; ii neodato you ell, and can send you On your wee ' li ANDREW CA DER: DAT DO. OEACE S. RYERS N. to, an Surgeon 01 the Mer 3er lyeand Ear s Instittitions for !the Blind. Broatfor , arid for the Deaf and Ditriih, Beller Ile, Ont. ate Clint. cal Abe ice ant If o -al Londo 0 pbf bale io HOPI" Hospital. 317 CHU 11 ,STREET, TOGONTO, tete consulted. at the On the Last et;',ATI.MDAY in. ISSUED AT ft, few p oro ' .'-‘- .e.P721.ininit th4';'14b:(1417';:l .4:11.15:313:n.,.:::Lotsawila.:Teiligrb:e1,,,,siie:,:ril:iti.::::::;11. '''' - et.t:).11j5°;r•.,.ttu:i8(1,4111”:, ili:4?:...:: :..; ' r(:)-11e;:si.:::;;11:: --1::::i I. ,sfmelrit.,i0Ajotirt 17,,,,t;hilitti."1:1,,,,It,j ou_41.: -,2;- ,: oop, ffl 3:a.__:rob.cui:1,111.41.,:ri.A<:„,:...,-,:ii,.:. ;,!i ,,,,5:: ,.1,: _. 3joirziot::1.;;L-1:210.11 ' ::iluesosrr:: :II - 4 .,,:,..,,,Alhitl.0151,11:3,}],ii:xin.,,i1,..,:,:..:::., - . :i1,:w127-1:111,11er,11,ti!,;::: 1 ii D..1.0t.tilgol III li ii.it sai I tifti Ili c:. ' lopPe-,e)turIn•lai,e•ittr:illiii::::3(2,:1);:t11;1.:; LwbadnebrietsaitZ:n11:141:cl:I;a.,;:ii: . :1.3.t oustat 1: IVI:Vi'•::..,:ci . ilhi:ilellser:f sat 1, ,' taheott-coel:ars«u• ...1,1 a,°:e.,,iriloarielivt-Tileri41 !dilator :Ina. t .!:u.Yg.,;,181)ttat we .-ilpeIe:nt ari.,,i1":1v:ilt lageinst Item: 1113 ' i' 1 )! nti : jUe1 tliltda:Ani ; It 1' tz1 . I, . . Yel f: : :: .1%et: been gie lee :NI held. II tv Or' il AttorrieieCt- war o at the buil tie ,Attorney -Ge • faoe. At 1.11 Tqttle matinee The result 1, THE UR EXPOSITOR OFFICEt. NO WIT slESSES tomad istoMuch, 1-1,•4 poutsgions P,114.8 fitt.43411. get drug etore Oreger met The all ; life is tiviir,,,p s complete The Si , ;tad the delic ree