HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-07-20, Page 4A t 4� 7_7- a L X 20, 188 7 7 RON EXPOSI�OR. HE, HU, T l'Ot arY ho tetlq,of so things vequence Nif as. To any e ide. t . -r I rt* thus crest- p* th . a yeld by piper McKay, maiii b f il � :,- I _,01 sto, 'He take i this i 118 papor o a e gal e. A most succe isful 4nd sirous o i R- uz rains il� not th4 iia about 01.85 a ore ibe. app intea x 3 'York, hO unfortuhat� candal wbirh has quitel live these arbitr t ' should �igIvIng UP possessiblo. Mr. Ing am y was spent, and it;-Wol be -A VL'ZASAIkT j*ZE10S OUTING ism 29 NEW, ADVERTISEW. 3-INTS. tia th t o Blet—C lor for bri 3f crop off before e wideauti nd is much -to be pless�'ant a al 161i on ili to &he touua- f in Morris to Depu- )GCOM joy I Cannot give betib advice than I o stid that their 0' 4bry 01A �V�ax'l * P s& kis 1 Pffiloa, withjr tty gone &I 11tor.mal :14t Smith sold b 6 arm In I o r wm% on has be, 3 laid har to %y which seemed ;to 2re betwiben the pai kesis aft ty I 'Mill�r fi)r �3,0500. The farm egretted. 11 to the trip above dbaWbed, andria6le Or ari phould be. accepted as final by'both Ind try A ugdat, teeve man 0181 w "Th S 01 so of to I itp and 0 Ygaiust the who' COM 10 itted thelselvips, the most, the you,498 r or sr1y if t h and �Vul oped ey: &I Is Ill ng., ocres. � I ' f co tained-i.001i i�ie detiotes the Pago 6Lf the Pei WhICh rn n bad or fis parties. It wai il a. this oontempt#)I i 11, i ea16 4basidireMsementip,111 be foundL. agreed by both h( rains a ficilods' ex o trick, and it is their I seificirs. h i Ar per, f 1 ufit,�s v ave anN. of - al at, 1" qi , I - I I : —Mr. aobn ".Leckie, f�prmerly of. ru they can b amount ort 'in —Duffean & Dalican The of A ill receiveI a lesson which I will lie agreAt, Cle�ing"Salle tit weeN ?ointed a J. P. at he W At a id City an parties that each lw)ula pro,lure con. po n s. al. sells, has beeo BPI I� d sficial do in* 111 e Fev e lob ri?.ai of A 1)�eas t Trip Througti. No�th that way. Bro�i tl eit and LO ring ourrent 1pigislati ir r owh w e r ei. p I f I _R). Fau, fVL Sale—d. MeArthai. at. is natural I ation. ahi after leavi GoVerno to capital hotal:a�. Bargain Days *tspeofive il! el� to; give: Ivie nitoba, by Lfeuterlant. have cause toxemember for the, estern Manito tc�. b 7noffma (15 Bli Lake they can ha D WWI ere theee r Dewdney.. r idet a ng there Sort U e J. Morgan. (5) Parliaments, ratifyii ig tho ard of commod F for Sale— Of the la; 1; year. �il . ahoiul be jeeler, of Morris, —One day I�sb week, while 0gisting Thdse ho have formed the 5 —Mr. F. W they can b i ave ttle same% at Buts !Slid val"o, on teru -goo tons. 'Virden, it �hat i its is prate re fcr Sale J. Brown. arbitrators an'aitheiebi 'itely 01iug N Ili'lat in es &ore lot on the ;tieet st a barn raisiog -for Mr. Jas. Pi�kard, the gener. I character of the dountr ir in t e Chased: half an 01111- the Nort est or the hioiiiim a ce�' p.S.Ci xroll. (5 tl )Jore. porton of this on h IN en 0 the northern and We Stara hot ina is,, of in Exetor,two.!man ere rather s; extent ;of se As- rri 6r if R . rator' Noti leading to the railway station, Bell �rave, they follow Iny wi 4y, there aTe 81 W1 r. L men� in 0 0 d wh -t Implemonts_I.B6werman. (5) Ators el it icterizeiI! by 'a adllea Fire ra been. t e. country from hat ey a U be fbicill ile Vx 0 t aa etecting a brick resi� once. ly injured. Afte� the fra e h Ob co� modatiiAn bobs ob 61d Upper Canada. The i and inten IOU ;;1out 0 butt —Wilson Young. (8) 01 tZ or sf be r t e put together aftd the work leted ge to c000r wea i —Mr. Georli 0 Oat good home-made eav To 0 e. Brown f Moleawortla may 1havq seen of it when tr& rellin Ind, I . F. a g of a fow pins, D. Pati it and relaps bt Swat mg 0j. save the drivix § z Mood (3) ent to work,stia s. lt�r 'ati ex-' '�w a V lqi I aeoded i!; I the 1�1a.ilWay, line, would have been- str u s—M. Morr4on. W .0 Big picer pAenty of mil' an eggs at imi IOU by I I -ghtiW r Uls or L6 en th 3yl un out] nou agre surprised if they Ilad -while in all 4 hA f9 at—Empositor Office. (8 a her MaL Lee, wit i even - b as received se ven, or een aly de, I TaKe PLE and W. Delve, started across th beam 11 falls in untainou ref h other, and while me auring the last k hosp e bo, n Is ought a eciallyf)r b �ho ra� ces, as far &B cies, �h a I r as ap given in 01 �1 from Braudon on ri perience g Tuesday, ve' quiry. of Ohio. They alwSys Prot ballet bees from th( State sys Prot 81 reedinly pur. walking towarle eac with aided that were b If asslug both lo4 their -ies o ar t be met with Q.�Io;ng in the acZ if I table Poo it. their award were th 3 cullida f old poses. lice al 11 -to the ground� Mr. and a lovely one ho r -SpC ; f the Week, - - , - i i are goo t Ne 0 1 M 3 formerly of bala t oaa. Th d brid-08 Iver ing of Do inion Day, —Mrs. Pat!iCk 0 �8 �o -place, Urn gvxpoot .0. ri,',,,Iy ill with Spicer came d wn head foremeAti and it a clear sky, a and a ; b8i th"s Upper Canada, anl consec tionlily as W 9 bright elan kateliewan -- be -9R.—t1ava &bELd is- . I t went, r' lying bo*.,th the L: tie S ZIALOWF v Brussels, a I . a: -ooin armg th, Ilifederatio Must received an u ly'woutid by 0 iDg in Co . T il I' 7vrb o u the ffeXte gi ing $1850 in 0 Op tff �et 1 0 ore re b1n 9 itri ! arl ;ci I'th :Faldi:a A e lear good W.atier r quired by the C6 fii�deaths romyellolff 4eirlasbiweei. infl&Mmatioli of the knee at Blyth. 0001. reete. Added to this Ihad t RiVerv, a t� of a e was a' contact with Stick Of timber. and oci �ut I would advisIb the RTH, FRIDAY, July 0,1883-. t1ing team, pleasant comp V SEAFO &nee 0 11 this 0 r, peedy in both Are= be be the bound oil C at4;i ITA. Iiie fi Ji ieuds w sh her &.-a ein!very .1 N IN )iKc Her many pickeicl'up ins ns,ble and remov d. fo,�Iis CL 0 a 1, is as spefe, e. an modi- ay to dilve'd.ver, 0 ul Iiia to know be� is rdcoV4 Award, thus definin th6e '.)On &rise th ;h, JalieH Riv4ir Uh Y, Di road a thel who!e d i qi recovery. intending touril t take a flask, e8s, 9 P SV.e, Lon tempe an ill wij I ily as ossibl tc� t riday y WC! 0 win & Son, of the hon: A Pr iDer t .—Mosel he intends 94 e 4,tbe um one Ha I Min Brand hoto ratice ratified by both I Pa4is Cal aid a d hE fallen odwolI[th Ciples S�teP* been' L( on b 91, atcord 4 suies, a fair iieli I o wh at I hos. To a travell�r desire more? The Frenc h op lit works, l4ave reduced the hT is I J LRRR1TI, Bruagels lime till his 13hul would. brid, prib 13LS are Ood ro, I steere nos P�il It ia -now stated that the Ontario matter would then ve be an a 3ele Jri d b el to three inelles u d north, and! aft VOWY Ig f f Val Ir' Is tempera ciples after L84viTjg flually ticn' of Ne Orlean price of Ii 1�1 I - , ',,),,e4D Our a 3ele Jri 15 C a 3ele Jri 4nts per bliall burnina 'a snecial li 0 for certainly havil been rok�n. it is, agr of Some 22 oil 23 Government h*v,6 forinalliv tsken pos V�� k "m no Q1 fall nf the Be. tile! I- el ablei drive P_ i el ON far i setiviled anci LTJ Ou J ILIM versiary ty V La. - I . I I I the aceideiA il � a serious on and it will rea 11* itselt, as V e same i price. sessionof the territory 'covered, by the 1ppe&,,L -PLAGUE 115CIREASING.—CILOI)r8o plasterers at Me i Way *f -1or bg to an y court. The re- likelybesomif time'hieforei fully re- Itli, D. the, RAPID CITY. =MNOW 4&Wo has not be a to a read in Egypq, ',ad. the —Mr. ieve, of Wingh m, is en a r Bot ndary Award, and whicli i a in dis -stion Act t'au covers. In ILI e deseert Delve throw ittle quirements, of the donfede xri ement-i'increasi-i1g. lying iu. a ver. criticaf condition Irom a ousirigthti bridge over e Rd J, e. far r es -0 atia the e. IF, - .., d*v the et y wort� it the effoo a rusty naJ1 run Out,hisarmf(rtbe )urpos,,eOfJ aay�n -41TOPA James nae putebetweentifie Dominion and the would be iul�y In mundaries E rzilmy.—The Arm of having 9 Saii atchewan river I Palle 01 r toe 1314 by thb Deli rro vines, and- will hereafter: ut titles tobac. 3aring himself, but it struck one o tj for 0: y an 3 V ell I i I I . and was badly fDactr red. farmers in ti, is: ak' tor I ind, organize municipal ins titations, terlPeans) vania (ff tbe'roof of 4L buildirg t y t is landlord'in true old is4ion- a In a.- dablara- igAi `bpre d asi iii si i ii co: flolds in the Lancas sbillgleS me "triat, is d esin lit I of disposing 4hi' would have bd ofinit, d ai laig numbs' �s de'astatiDg the info the I aim of his hand while t. doo of t4e Windsor Hotel. :I was oug-ofour lead�nl 4 1 - He v4ill also decidedly fixe f rook, be unable to ork for -ome time., and d tfict. A d Kressler, near Oran:) ed �nglish style, and soon fotln myself Id' g this village 4 administer the aff airs, of the ter. I i;p'endid farm I J --A Aistuor-,ebf 27 comforts. ly seated in a wei arnished -:a tion had *been Ins 14,.. 0 hl�indied OlK EURL TO ArnicA.' Span, has had erect d on his' farm'this 8 3ason, —Those who have Struggled to re- ritory in't'he sime manner as they do nee Claim the wilder ake tbb soli. with the intentia t of removing to Jgianf, V;Iia )"PSI an courts., The Outisilici G6ve mclut.car- $idere fa or ably th e commodiouB res, D6813 and i� bfnet 4 ,,a in i Con a bandsom parlor, alI;ld after discussing ;ood,clesu toba. Mr. E14 Wag Up thC i t. M - a a rose lar , a-- 10 conaplaiLin 'for Abor f the Province This is ell served lu. -eon I at Alied forth parts o ur der th( 6ompiste,A, will be tie of itary place b1c ssom a f qt spriDg. aua at at Of 'Ori.nce for a t nue whi h I leave onl7i� and uch V, uch wu$ s' favorably in, his bil4k ried out their share ot tile 00mba P%J 0 a Oep which should have b la� taken ibraltai thefi f the many bandsom resi- passing away, anic eir to -see thiIi.town, and was PR they accepted the, award.. a d feoured; Str a of G iaest o -,with what he iai; i that he wants be t alre.any 41 -�-In De aw ire thE r aremembranc0ofthera. An. anti loo of �4 V P ACH PRO81;,ECTS. dences alotig'the 12th concession of G By. record as pleased �ith the Sabot Mr. James. Jang, anottler of f sooiler, bat better late thsn'�ns'er.' It our led to learm itiiI ratification by Parliament. The a re th 046 3 g -eat peach 'State.prospec' —W.hitfield,�s creamOry in the town- other who knew this county in it primi many of I the buildings And flie nuibber p1pneer &bid prou: inent farmers CeIN e ap- IS �Isa a step which will re e th' ey i6 doing the most ell 1 V Dominion overrame�t violated their that a will be t*o-thirds to tb red-fourthi I 'ship of, G well. this year. tive state has passed 11 ever th dark of them � but what, become smitt , :.ith the Sam 3 f e -.people d of & years. er pro�lal of three�­fourths o of ihe full' 0 op of pekelles, bettet in Where b made 100 lb�. of butter last ri " at the advan e age struck With was the crowds df!w 11 b0i 4i,BPOS6 of his spl�ndld at b refus, Ug' to E.0cepi the' 1 .1 1 L and, wantE I d people crowd n 0 AR: q J a" ty than a us so jLCc=ZN1T._0n Frida, that it; now re quired to. . _. - . i . 11 m( I . a;V'S, of dres! in tio See IS 161U'estead of two! hundred Mr comps I' I I i ;g year per day he is nowliurning out� about For a long ti r. Win 6laiari award and'deelinins ask Parli la. 1 Cl n i I declining- health, Ila Wc D; -ATH or To3i THUm 1Rrl`B Hey', 250 Mo. d aii1y.1 They have over 8,000 Clinton, has tee: full, for sports bad been annovacedi'and o justicein this matter, Lahig has a son sJud. brother in 1hiB Oa fairm Bee e to Or wn as Gen6ra, to ratify it. In view, of theE 8 facts, of. Ni 60 1 'Stratto 3, � better ku ad3 for sale now. and big death has b gn partially ex'pect- Oft ot, on orse ack,- on buAboards ant to stand. firm. Ilia, to. in Lik diStricta: !owns a tonsiderable ZarlIcIlL, w" is I or the Goverium Middle, "i which the Mail ii m ell, sli 3,, 4i nd'the 9 oil i Thumb,! died Mond 0 —Neai. y. 40b, tickets were sold -at ed. On Mquilay ev Ding last he. sat up Y)f pro rt t-bl, (1 e plow, leipo bug "es, in Red: River carto,:"and in ox ea pf pro d if he cill track �ii fr, y� 'here, an Th- )y have put their hand t plesy. H( With a frield who Been. 8 11 �ere WiL iDgL b)rc, M i4sette, of Garrie stationi to parties going: to the and freely conv�orsed wag, no 7ere old and young t6 be i scafiracyof which il i dare ni6 t 11 is I I in his - lot vi ith the '"U.In-to b$i a fIlpecl I r tired to l t ust lobr thotlightthere were r sn� there in not be any.loz)k MILS 6yearalof age Orange 6. 1 tion at Teeswater on the had called in 1�o see bim, and One oul, hardlyhave rotl was, eauced S *anito'bans. W don't like to -lose out I& wag State which isreible 12�kclffl At.' Wroi SW will it please T F, fiatela ;ZRs, It is I eid, tlaw ove� 200 1 rest as usual, Next morning he loo.ke(I cou4try away 711 - i arded 12th of July. so any 0�pl� in the Is be bimr back. The territory has b g9od- citizens in this Way, but still t I in brpuae 'Afbr the trouble that so arisell t; tb a par rey and Farrelli. tho �o w-dre taken, on, and Word- a ural the t his riends thought h6. towne on It the 11-ae. be cc )ntario by 9, pr9perly Instituted to, J1 a Ca pasaeugeX. ison t fron i the thi6y.axisboundt'goiwei musi submit i,4 tbr who honorably kept t4eiryl(dge or the in b e Wale (if fte Phcel[liix Park mur. about 300 Is p 6ef ally ry contented looks �nd v�i' wire.' As wich turmd opt trong. was asleep,'bm t his spirit had This ell -ell aid content, ours a with the refl6etiola t b Itration'i at all even, a it r( vital with IS ewgato t, party who dishonombly violated it-? 11 d2r 9, are beiiig -lintended to revive the taken its departure. � He was born in -Y la g ehattlli VP ax detednea ir as of evlo� e spoken seemedliltho bt' that what will, p ove our loss U ill' tend prove tit to a tie 2 a i lony 0 the those who dispute her cladw ing shi D. Holmesv011e c4mp 'Meeting this fall, but 'Worcesteri or England, and or ligrated Ile prospef.4 te�­ reaeiivea up B to a agur well for t1l y to the great gain the new Iand. 'the Domiuion-Gove rhmeat v -oul, 1.'even The 'rei bi� )L district. i "fore SABBATH S��O PICNLI!C.—O 1 Wed. i the contriaiy.' The step lich has G RMAN I IE it is now �eargd that the holding f the to' Qode rich a. )o at the year 1& 7, par flaving a Iong dk ve in ipectinif General onf ' n Ic a$ t a er o I War, has a , or L as 6 been taken will throw the onui I of'Proof now f ulfil their corn pact by a )curing'the �A[ t f ore 4pe, ic ass in 1913 m.e. oo no i sday, t 'a til 1 1 DSL . 6 Ween Is OW8 no L ee� and. ratification of thela, vs1rd by I arli %-�mpnf, ; tlle fort-re'affs on the's stern .. ontier 'inSeptemberianaof which ministeraJa barial grcnnd. He shortly of ter here, L Finti upo e ort ad vocatin Move � to Clinto `I shpuld have liked to have spent of twelve aria t, �o oclock, P. niii� the a the Dominion authori als 1 in this'distrie�­are members, will' inter- Ind "i h dri. up a r I it, W ere for ros to thil-7 all necessity for appeWijag'tc th� courts a: di sold: ithat, a so madel another start, this� tim as leading to Mr. David pougaill ho d rest.... he die- extension of qtragetic rai weirs oil be engaged in far ing, in which piary Shoal Woods were W01.1 4nea with veb iclies 'of this is, w re it alloul 1 fare with the original. in.tention. L e, and if I -had been astionisbi f ' This thoMmil knows , 11 Mber the The' would be avoided.- a" e. While at the r in linton,last suit -be remaiiied for many years-�: He at be from tbeold_7el ble Id Pui a wdil now be; speedily settled. ed tloforq at the number of house o all kindLe full well, bat it is oblIged, to phold and Lb GAATIO q TO THE Ub IT91 i S IATES.- week, Mr. W. at with all acci- !-wae: always of a ver quiet diepoo�tion, 'L from the traiII was mud.h.more go to MI artin Seep = L 11, M*ks e§essary OKI Dominion Government will 7 lye- foi i I J. .1 f an to t 6 nobby, dasibing top gra, tE �N nar a, I ming. June 75,000 iTna 1 arrive( pin bed for sever. And took ve in VVihie 1 0, 1 defend the actions cf its. part anfriend" dent which Nid him no witi P publid, affAirs. nowill for I was rarely iii my forty miles uda in ad litio' io - the lj�s 0 14 rio, to re- j1uV,01e either to quietly permit Onta E 4,60a it abis to homestead, ts it t Le Unite States, ag insib aldays. In going up tl�e ladder it roke'.. Of late years he had,,�not been spin out of sight of some were pedestri4naln Boli nurnbellf-i from -ii or wr g, and in trying n d as t the pasturage and'e-rops noth- the smiling ropy faced cherub u�fo the WZ. XOnteith 7 dioulou In g arc d With d: taid-hpossession orappbaltothe�"co to' whether ori J last ari6g the pi , ear.,' 1�t fiJa"' d he was thrown'to the ground being do much, getti an 8 ly'� put. to do somakeis itself ri V� - g 189 (00 tes, �bei to dispossess her. yea 599 severely bruise'd, and skinning AS leg —On Thursday evdniug of la3b w NfailtOe In either mse a bek, ing coul I think, be fineri wbilt to blooming mai manly youth, happy tin forth such..4rma nonsense �as is tba, the BdiDg year. froit the kned down. 0, flata, 9 betwe'n eight and grandfather, flind,we were going to say tai will be quite satisfied to abide -the o'clock leave the purely practical fot the poeti- i 3ETTLING COLONY*. An _�,ngliB4 1010.. . extra(C, —Mr. Edw4rd Gsrrow,�Who lef ran- accidest occurred 0 e London,Hu'ron Cal one ,ould not but be chalrimed with F. 0. 7 Contained in-tbe aged grandmotha'r, but here, perhai Id resh-It.. The Sensible Course for the a,( ifficate ha I, leased on ht nd i ed, an� W& lirook a' sbi time ago for Mi lgan, and Bruce Rail yl etween I the Abundance of wild flowei and thbir it would just 00 lelgrave Iiivise to stop an I give a an 0. Stewart Dc 111111111011 to purone. would bei t D - ratify fify thousaind aen a ilk has erected za dwellinghons on the h, by art, alin at e�ndlesB variety. r pf ithe Pro as of fairming na �ti g I colon,jr rc'�ased, and has- rld Starker; THE boat race be i Ili Hanlan and CL M 4nd Blyt wbicb,Mr. Jas. sho t account 8byteri qx� Sab- - th4 i, award,, and thus at once ad. for- fill 3 Koote district., Brit�pl Y bia I prbperty pin oved im who bad beeit worhibg for a farmer AKE VILLAGE bich thus f tt esday He is W bath School pion !a w ratted* Rose which took ace on Ved ll til the intontion of B6 SHOAL L 6 1 sat�isfied with the 8�ituatiion, ;n Upon en. ing the over settle the dispute. should aimed Wm. WatsoL.,'Of Morris, m4t his. a,,, ing ia gL le.V in his death in a voi y shoc king manr er.: It consists bf three hotels and the same -so large numlIi on the St. Lawrenc) R-iv6r, rear Kings- thereono and expoi village to spr P 'Dli (" T�ews they t9ii the other course aim d appeal I I I - & printin riuniber A stores. Havill friend$ in: Woods one o d See L it a' �Jsi M DIBE NI' m.- lationde building CaMT11 - 11 � A, earet 301i I i .. I ton, added another o ti 66 10 Eig I list immedidt D vi nity. Us i appears thatl -the deceased, who was the long tableS 4ected—platforms for the to. ;he eciurtaithe result Will be tie; Same ,,eig] lborhood I was abl.6 to get a lie overed on &turd L morn oars- PC BE. 3 Was I a saw mil e ore long. deaf and dumb, Lid been attendiDig the the pros- t go the opeakeis andlahairand awingslorthe iietories achieved b, 7 tla 3 Out skC rsbu g, an( a Isir deal of informatiofi as t in ffie, end. 11 Ii I ast, at �, it. Pete 9P —Duri ig It e thunder Storm on Tues. Orange celebia.eion i Blyth, aDd in� the children, so �thkt the Corn= e;. b -pr. d procl harvest. eryone Heston' 9 day of:last * ks ell evening came atlas ail Lto itt a of man. The race'was wit: lease, 11 by 4 Out bo' !Inktio is, bein' ir pects of 1e coming Etira. to asy, the Manitoba Govern- u Ile. of nto arge of tb, e light. backloBelgrave by'the Doe ten.thousand a,&elat�01.16. 'Jotli-1 men t, la ong expected rePI3 (f the Nibilist 3 -ta OOW the -wire into tale. is very a ng its bouitif'al Char- management �W Dot been idle, but -on H. Uto n OOW Special. Aft( r leavi ag the train' he de vu ning 95 ! Illf nit are kicking up their els- StII4 Ian to ihe Czai's, coronation decl,at,ati6hF. ' Bril sels, almoisti up'ieltitiog-the.1 t�' walk acter. iThe wheat crops b ell here the colltrary Jim worked wit 1�! =e3r like., 7�ave a wero' in prime con( ition, bi it Ilan graph at. ceased'farld t o othe-a started �os Shortly act ing as if they would to 2. D imber of arrests wer i made. and Oak�Riv`br are looking- . er than 9-nd to R PuIrl a fti6r two operator. An 'her flash passed so close `,theArack on hi way hom On 441m-tnno on I hiA .0 or LL,i3AoIKa.ARE DiaAw-BACts.—In la, oa�: Barl6y had & ompi ativel 7 easy v, otoi -y,, and I any.1 heive Been this Seas o'clock when !ne irly &I athered, -in the naelser. Thev wil -Stacy, Job e. -''a P n th a;ct wioe- to a littlit dau� leg,u ra about s mile tewhile Mr. James hand later of Mrs nearibg Ltt Bide, of Rod ervill�, W" -towards the close ol the race see me 0 a. i a Woman agai 8 he I and oats are also looking firsOir Ir an 83i 7 of street,thLt hsr face was almoWbl: stored from the statior,-they -up ly, however, if they attend tig I eir own i,'whD v f 6: M PaDv. at St. Paul, I t Vriaay'lfor and one eye J.1osed. I quar the potatoes are far away more; advaric- called to the G a on taking the ermit the Dominion and' busioe play with h a yn� r4a, Obsefv&dtbE egulal. evening trail from. Sgo and p een t is a6re ed than any ill the neighborhood of Same expries Sal in a f6w words the t b a on,,. E sq. f the -Lon'dion.appr aching pleasure filt A being press t At the in the rear. Th c6ur's 3, wai fo u� r miI4F dart age,4 by f&lling be w ohn A. I MeEw in the be Wi Dim. One very, plew dispat 11.`to 14 ding feature, Or tario to settle their own efen e, tb at X. W�eAhp_=14.1 ip* tll�lc ek r based E remarks d o -ompsny claimed, it. d township of 20rris, last we [is -ti cc: panions Stopped picnic, andafter �a few brief in Ion th, and t c harl ton ins 10� to X ly Ir ind, on nearly every farm .9 ane imported Soatlhx,d W ram, doubt, The E They have thore on their hands now �reaipull-backdri whiclil an extti the ditch, tWt the deceased, nq UPOLn!t b ir distance in 27 irktt(o 57 a ponds I ereA h4 r mov�eme ts. The c6urt noi cedJ a the amount of kitchda garden called be urch Cho L, iluderthe th th; In they can roverIv man . p I which has tall:e6pilzes, at the Iroducial. thi Rad pie ty Of. me 't able leadei Mr. Robert III cliarauj' alrithjAetic was too' With to of I el the poi Itake Inking 4o ti a arted xrota L besting bout 111 and loca exhibition cultivatioD. The patches pf i cc P -Ross by, it t iwel a wberev r i hown. to cross over the gu d. He had, made tWle allowed. They 4 iture largely emcee ing their Z1 0 one, etc., looked 4x�eedingly Jr., to furnishl sii� me music whi b., they thi dr expand Rose' tim 3 vi ras 28 mi nut 8 Z,6LU�AND. —Fifty cc rpaM (if aillil, ni to.? that urjla�ssaandidateE 'Mile Dan Mr. MoE� pulis determined to enbabee but one fit be be WJ n r ore -1 4-1- -1r, �,U .�,�M U.11A �Tl. ^in ep, n was strue f. by, the ;�Qfa-nnn A viA0­i-ar, - rom- did in a U di table to r 01 0, Out; WO und a LIC L1, " 10L IM. OU VT M X yiiu�.y Ir Ile" women d quality of lnutt( In and berea�ter Tit) ft e; be i 4?a grins, and rown the dista n e be- of this tbonliBelvfs enlived.-Ing lo : thou - soy not -lee '45 seconds,- 'Ranlah' , * p WOOI in Ctdrisiid , the Val e no; dub 30, at rhite River on the borde'' ust en ineutly. pleasl.Dg chara -have say desiie to inaii their this #eighborhood and we tr tween two tolegraphLpoBtB. 'Qolifi nt. L An Inspector tbey neO, race t at ha h La .8 1 arms ly go� press r, 1 o u an y had his endeavo q' na ay prov 8 ocef district: a the exceedl*13:91 - a �if not 'ture and enh and 'legs, wore broken, and b body f 2ul I d 'The lieou magsai Styl;B of exbondi suee th�ir burdens. time -in this, c a SfIll. ilgaribb Rut) nlo made. �r hidi; g place by Cetem ayols, fol- -opted, all t0ing of the pen, was th D a' led upon for ai I a I e ments ad nation. I I fi, lei edge, who re- rnanglediaafearful�ma 'er. is re- s... TI is. territory,, even incla4ed within eans. Instead of ithe merely which h:e1::::gLLL his us f1m, rs. It� is sald Ch ef blapoch has thi 11-Inron road near Hblmes- settlers' al ually plosing - sided 'on MUMS werepicked tJp and brou bit on G manner the bounds, Of Manitoba.,, *o, 1� not add 'THE East Huroi. Pebition n4pred"to the Boer the 10th: in4-, a; the ad. to Win old-faell'oned log huts, comf�rt,�Lble and and, addressing �elf rly to the children. P where hey d pa tib I ge � Cy'� B.LD4patol 0 3 :13 OltE 6 6oti ville,'die� gham, were eased, warm as they can be aria,!'. 9ften are III -u f Ihat Pro- QL nX ate on B, farthing to tbo revenue was to be, tli I on Tuesdayinext at vau '89'yeara. Her dusba�nd. The re morn reverend go, ltleman im-pre 3sqd. up-' and. ta�kou tile foll3wing mg to sbyiery Of Hi made, oil all sides one BeeB�L ciod two Thy! buis rel IortB a terri,, Is d(smuctiob wh6% s: e�i someti'me dead, 110110 Brussslefori terment.� The dEceased 1 1,17,21 ice, as; the riecei$B from tin her b16 i e and itapb -.5 eriab, b4t WE la ther beela t G-4,erich,.oa and God 7 lifison a story fr�me houses with dt bles and On them MILDY WilabI f �ropsrty 1vith Jose oflife n I ri rtau a btlers, and bh raved of the pionee4. yeap3 bf go U an d r ips-of early Be barns c mi neral leads, would go into tie.. coffers proceeding St ed irl was 37 nmari ied, truth% and iT atE %iced. how- grea IV riesuwNe a stay of :8. It i by storm. Cbuj-c,ieE; an-- f Substantial and eatable I a, Illinois all the h cl, leis with was a Steady, indust ions man 1w 10 was Inibutes of hust M ouc lomifilon, and theL nd di�.- tdin Fl�ta of he D expense of the court reports tib at at Os code Hai (th tit it go were tin o I ofe I him. E uni- propor KnEjw him. Cap ;ide y hnoW3 aid highly r4spo;cbed by lall who' r small, airia how hei of Vne ,hr, W tims, while the miles miles and grand n4s 'ad been br' ht ai eans' a mpa tativ-613 go; Iway trains n ng ble off t he I eu(' rni the additional ten ilk iry,whioh Toronto, on libe filled,, ra; of wire: � ing is truly astoti ing. If -bYm ly Steemed. Monlay Jilidge Dal( r madc versa i -they as Isiah -a -Sabbt �ri and —SomeideaOf th�beautidsa d pleas. re. h�h We of tb Ltq iia t1le a, ka, IS A one point a 0 anvi Ot r proof of the espocial be -very cousiderable,.1 would have the D'arilag'We thundef.storm' uesx a3 in a fariner"s, SIX 10 18� lagene, WOul 'an order a oil applicatiol of f cyall In , be formed oint by unit I 604A, ind but small emitribu- p qeE I �'�table character iiii is blown t6 pie' nany �f ures, of m the gpe day forencion of last week, tli of di . SLin qu -b ovlded for from the 'clepleted inde-finitely'! postpon thf to, be pr a followin ch� p= accident's ti� 13 Could ab ii ell to t;their. repries�eatauve eldie petitioner I ag tiLe4nimals )n exhibition escaping., I I S ilio of of viewof the Settler tbis d SWet Ion John Stel'wart, in, the 15t4- con, e ows and a4vaiace the cause -(f Clarm sud this troll inade �wl troaaary.of Manitoba. If, is known tirisl of i4ents ichiefel the America *heels- char. f 11 the petiti i. The. I ir6a 711k f;UE2'1 'ANAL BCH E.—IllaMada was; wanted, it is to be seen bi the g I again rende red Some CoMM113 ads foi Grey, wa!s struck by I�gbtn he P ( pol lei 1 1 f jiloba e n a wee between Brucel d aild 0 Aftertho'ch-oir&c gionerf?,to ti r ifidig ity, t oan o acter of the stock to- be fouul on th he _`w'eV6rjL that the present Qovbrnment� ithisorder are not 3giveio. Thus endett f I A, -,or i ildig he fluid ent�red the: coraer I at e ri. ge- I centitaiethiRev. Mr. ThompBou Id London, 01odelria., 4E given by the igna choi Bri iish mon y to DeLes build a boati nE of the farms. I Instead of ere Iladian ant t 0.0 a 0 nd P � t passed down oti almost W 0: 286 gave of M-Anitobb, are the: pli A numb r ot n unce, sonleof tb f the the first chapter:' ii i the proceedings a. headers were t. as,callediup; iwho, -in resp nov Suez Q al, pnd ot4or m: nor mot- 110ti orn, eni by ponies,ybu see well-bred rafters 8 litt mig it from top to r day night' ra f Dominion Goviernment, slid the die- the Eatt. fturcit �Proteat. W at fill the tour4;ts'Ontlas trip. ffroom ondon, every fd�mer appea to hiiv�6 'is buck- a very intere aceount of big late i4tierealtill- accounts of t(r hays, se wriding to o t'to tbd then iol oWed the corner pc 13 Ed 0 e Psl tiquIarly turbance they are attempting to oreste the most stlitts being one by C H- board. o buggy, and most of, hi more travels In u dwelling 1�-t ptoceedixigs. Mr next will be, it des afid'hes"i Isuadd a go d d 3a of feel S ifficall; to g ground a litt ng it also, it Carle, d 3vFn f etr landacapes; ali gructedto moderate Smith, 0 Oit, who susiIiined a is: iodoubt instigated by the ominion, ity is,'hi wevir, thst have, in Eingiali,d, against Fr line is the gabI en in four different laces, well -to- o men seem to use to plough- Upon the eaubiful probabih 13ever 9 h1hoidar twi8t Short.' after ingbors, sin placeof 0 cei Befteiry 1 He i lesicy-ibLea flle as soon as 0( xen, Y )r ain that �,he Governmea� i's propbsAl annoying Some 0 th 3 nails in the bo ir B near all �,horities for the purpose (if rd the last )f 1, and tb at Gib 3eLld to 11 �,ouaton is ial villa ru the dreas r Ila he& _t:(, Uvance' oney to DbLeFseps cannot tainly a w more Well-bred a 14 my In anei a *W be ready to p Or airl'o. the bottenal vers' half' bur'nt t ro igh leavi. ig J3 field. He game13 DutiOntario has, theiprbcosBiii ref4ri his visits tQ the reoommej the inside t ho ver, and a,, tr lie into four as Is' drive in this aiattio than I People, i and son will be perm.tt �.id to ri I lie �oew be mrrod i' �the House!; of Commons, Strange 100 my no' fire toipk I Ce Mai Ces fame Wre the iIxeii God6ria' W�th the remaindej Next molestation or annoy has sli DBLesseps to � L h. several 01a of h -commitue, -P tr i Ck, and it will only req iii] G1 Asto e, P 01 �hs have IsW6 elsewhe in I. bai and without further though tae smell.of sulphur wis strong- der' -wa i gong fintitilel ',, The M_Oetang,'r�sp�wtk , par in -or on I �o lifyi it.,. . I Y- JOhil McCu loch, the 130derich moreoi stook of alilinds 1 rolling . � 11) of &'little firmirriss, the part of ance. espai ly felt" eader" i - Minute I' Gun it ea," feelingly tendered, L 1 charnpi0n, ti�oka at: a frog vointilag colAmisi fat. From Shoal Lake I at ;­ ea nearly A. FooLm RDY BCHE I . eor nable h 3r o keep it. Cl 1. 0 Government to o —The t n New Era of laet Week tw eon as tu pond by t114 sysid be It times by MisA Mnr�ai Rodgerville, sisted ppain Webb to- n th, crossing four difforei I zoi a Ailburz Says: Ca,, P -, Q -ain- �y due No Y3 WE have received a Sol newha, says. 6re i I measurement 0, t ei 'heir i and Godericl, but ustained injury i t 4xpenaes"W" re by R. 1 McLiLrei i jr. . The I �ev. Mr. I )a 8 to go c ver Niagar Falls on :i i July fallauring. I i,e month of Juno, showsi OAX RIVER, lengthy, but very I iterestini� at 4 Wel I Al SeNfOrth contemporalry undertakes 8, be imends 'to save ahaavy Tiott While eorge I Martin— of E-xetar, was text fi!ivited lio- [a;. ' he c 9.— 1 g cla4sea:paria tte that it ave nl�t e 1 1 pne iptain say ,ed hve. inches, be� h 'prettiest trqe -rain which was rattlit aown one of t 0 -shaded a h ppe t6 deal with the boundary gneliti0ii,and wri n 00intaunict Mon fron L� M i Thos. LUIe y, of Loi kdon, 9 on to adopt the repol i 11 ttibl: or i a- is tae stil empt in a ball four treamp Speak, but greateSt n 41 ly June, with fo ir I e�ce�- ee t -afternoon beginnin �_Ith Strachan, Reeve, of Grey, in rep ty to a e ani I one half in di4mel a informs AB readers that all 1 hei t is W I end bne- WoBt sti t1obis billet at till Park I h Iavei 6een, in the Northwd 01 ;AAer threatening the 9 f 'Norous -oppoelt-1. tions, fo the last forty-two a. In- Ho use,his �heol qlipped into I& rain or it the last time I Win t to the to Si tt t% a reveren d k. If, p,1 P d - leading maii t a er fiv ed to settle the. dispute iS the aaske of th Of in Mch thi oses to kle a extract from the' ar�, whic 1 Ae, D (U aBmuch is a Square' foot of e wa -out handhi ast d struck down for the Little man r(mar di would be for ind tho.maetter Act bv thb Dominion P WE. glati an .15 gang over ti R Ian it 3rL ihis )all, aft i. hid a. i It will. be" iuchers deep -will weigh abou lbs and -on o I hou epeaking, afta after �fo This lished last week, 0 bara an I fel� gensel as to the Vound. IT v a6kato ei ores confirming.the Bouni sing on sli ti -class him ti� thi O� led up iir tight. Air wl .1 the be. reckonin 42,0001square feet t 10 I Una into lir fbeir ip :0 - V ing co sciousness er 1 �; . arks, in which he ex- I is the' regulation Grit story . b at A is not matters in general. The late hour a:i. Dti i wilit or Upo recoV 13 im- bridge Illear where this rive makink La few re I Irded into' :the ball u'"' %Stm r e Ile n eac corree.t. The -Confeder iou Act fe- whiall side: Measure 0 Wh b mi t the weight o th* irain fall in Ju mbdi Me ly In anted 'a bicycle 111i d con- the Assiniboine, and.thence the pressed his ple`84rre at being preoeut itioarnet land'precludes. our oni acre wox Id e about 645 tons , This IS' WA ineetibg �Of nserting it this eek, but v a, BbAll quirea that the northern western Th6ba I oai ed, an euort ion, fall of water, and. the ma-- tinued his tip P to ti e hotel-, upol L reach- val, egy t Brandon again, a nilol�e inter- with t4em fox tl is firat time, resumed, -wo qaestionB i Vi I sub miW 1. The � ba W' [I D1 I oai The t 'boundaries of Ontario shalli bi� the -same ing whi-.h-Ulel again' went oh into a e8l more music by the d allo d ;o ff )at �� er or prettier drive than this of my his sovit. to. are to eouside 611 )n �scoverihg conscioni t day it would, I think, bO ory dif- choir ISE - the ri an IN a 0 Wl I es the northern aad-,v�,ester� 4 '; udarleB! have pleasure it, to �aking sp, 6ce for it i .1 . jority of far erg ould be sati fi 2 d 'th faint. I ess his las one anAa al repaired to the tabl Fa, a. e is con er b t lot he the sath4 cunt more evenly di4riblat- 3 L ult tc find-dil the Dominio0l. 13eBides which Were !bountifully ladet: Shall the expenses >of the -old Province of Upper Canada. our n-extisBue, EMLUL We Da4y further hool no kno,410ge of what 1,;ppened fi a by tile me will e sncc�ssf6lly ccomplish- tothe -Gane VV ed througho t the year. heth r it is' or not 6 0, DOO ana a from the tip2p 6f 11 taking the beader " the ineice beaut3 of the country -4 -and it ladies �with �Iiil the goicia thing' "of this ralAssem, T lis is indisputai No Act of the State that weare s. ways glkd to givo Ono a last week a n I bet of the f ixture, �b to hi3 #ing at, the botel'IL For- is life, find after ai had partakieubdai beaubiful, for you have )Yenty of _ _V t D)miuion Parliame. an, ah6r that. en f the admise ion to thd aivak4 4 -place to commuiticitions-ofthis cbarae�`e- I age Goderi y� n lads, among w Om. was �ytheabagi��&tione,t N )Act of the Dominic, Ii meat can tuna effects follo ecl,and diversit y of scenery, open p'r irie t a the rain w io, eginn ng t lovelystrearnsWIt nee- freely' Hom 8 8weet those boundaxies in ano le I ac" ect. go, park I, eta., will 6e p ii I to Cai I a thirteeki Y, ar cild. son of Mr. 1 Harry Lille as all ight again aborbly after- deep r nes, was the Ignal for inter, �st in'g publil SUN , I Pi e. If ter on any I V Tebb' or hishei a.- A p t as Martin, Pf� I E altif6rd, were Q Imped at 8he'll'all. the C 1 banks oil sLnd !there Home to wailly, n W&B 0 thing a Boundqxy AwaraL fixesil th a correct our public men would- mffefveo h(ii i all, the Falls, at a while handling, re- ir ption of a, ecintu- ly wo'odec L t avaii� the )eon Selects in the riv r w war and her 1' J113M. ea -.by rotation, 0 41ndaries, no Aet Of t Sion bn the head. - 'ce-Presidzli Glass groyes, or blaffs of different Ii6s of which tended, in leastdiegreetb War M tin re I in� the pleasure an, rtioxvby rot4tion. an asary to lei ralize it; ry more fully of th 3 11 Loilities i iffoi -ded, by cast o 0,V%513 t e du ii Over volver, ou I sted th 3 r evolver adeentreol thegre t r8o h jE Vi Ils. of Was untin i 0 4liament is Does -ich, wbile Ismo n front trese,and flowers, flowers ve where— i,einjo ant of.the 00'. thig The w(apon dis the prei is di6eussion of' SU04 on his elftiion 3a that. If ior :1 1 of the ri x i thei Conf e(leration Act 4 i or is free f 0 ,lI 8, ),Ed 3 itish'E hangs about 6 gbt besides, I say, all t e4ve Vivery celi lore the r1i In 0 -the Boundary Award does! not' fix the Subjects, We bel eve it ld cinduce charge 11 thq ball entered the limb, 3on Wa W014 aq w Aer' at the oritIst c f b a fal a is o'cli s4pea a- d. struck . h S leg Sign of prosperit -m­glorio 8; ooking Pie ita to the rea horror of the JELds, who r of ai B't bbe g8te�b of he cor'rect boundariee, Do Actl Of the DO- to thet very grea b 3nefit of b6ut t went, 7 feet d( op.1 To Jet, 3rmin machin; which cro a and conten peopl For, 1 10 Ille. 'R�j field L cau M, thought! the a' mpanion w La killed. P iminion Parlianlent-'ean'tu'ke it legaii che . U, edi- moi here say that during my, 'our! F T. that therorliot* life would Exist Jn a tor -he flesh for seteral in J 4ey I LocmiTlm—Rei G. N� A. i The orie;s �roug t Mr. 'Samu I �Iatb to Pat whilet , e ass 6 18 'dwasballed h w; und i - . I tervou% t1 �e. Confederation Ant, wbj'i ch is Sups being madp. a Cal: a f6r and t 0 e or mlet but one instance of discontenlI Dickdoti, Cali Methodist ministar'd Globe f y6sterdal 8 YS: WB all e -took t e woun-21- r- TiT . Ili . - Uf pr a Is 1. the spot;anId he at one )a jor the ter to all Dominion Acts, -a to tl -was er Aoso a nd I si ov r the 9.ttencle4 t�i, but unfortunately , Mr. or. Mo sickness and thiw Mani had this - ace, 1E ft c fi. Monday for short Ili' fn 1 11 al to. a A& 00- Ail lin 1-inrn liere Ile waE properiv P t akrvv. lsupr�cirj�eq :11 Ling of the boundaries elabiwiere. he 16111s aud d o a out &live. Ili r Onse 39 GlaA wus JobArred from being resent be n an his place, he Said, �noarl of big Alth h the, votind 'Its a y flye trip the Sea ske forthe beni ;D.-om. Par- spatich tLat; 8e IMercer,. Ei ch( a; cai attended t& 'as Ll -Mo) howev-er, mier,,c p Losage, of an Act of the a, 3 Ineal On sii 'Virebb id hei at the ebunbil chamber recepticD) which health. We wi4h hirn a ple at trib ye rs. He came from Qatario. He a. very pevere mle e wi I likely .ec!overi, as a good e ry to thle -pie'slMe lt� li talent doesnot'come Jint6 tb 3 question has been decide'o 111 iy tbwo Jui icil 1 Coal - Pee s P but 11 eon , he had'done so much to prom if be, inat Safely retain ilia —Fenwic i's a; ile was h6 o fess d ha w d !biett er off and t aluoll t d tol m shak 3n u Id i 3 hakelet , I -esaea b a; ah. 'Ail.thai is 'wanted,. ir order to nd CO2 'h he first arrive Pr r up� ma;ny tilles, befo , a th4 t mittee of the Pltiv� Councill in h "or c f h4ken on Tuesd of I &at week ant� � brought rh village of Kintail,'on o'lake ex imp ), ed inhei ilth. Rev. a ay n 11Y T, T, -the q d he �!ould stand . t. Uagi he av Intio, g of 8 oure, a Settlement of I Pee d� h is made a f A uY e er this. fills &)squee.� w Btion is ueBSQ At Shore i� this towns ip of A4 old, is big pnl�pit uring his thi Provffice of Ontario. ThIE I ill be qui.W a crowd to towo from air�riston, to a uilt a ities indi of It t 9 a Hon. John Carl t2g, Toot Mas r Geller, d cision by th6i, highgat an ` +� - He ha b his hopes 0 ha where the bound. y of Upper weicome newsto ti e friend 3 of irc uld bid 17eady f)r dinner when the Cliffo Mildrday, Gorrie an- other beco t a as a, place %xv 'n I . , - � 0 d N rd farmers from Q, ;110irilarafo nd Mrs. Ca 9, were in. town OIL i f161 a q'sage had -been made. all VAaries i'Of ploastire. The ex railway through big farm—i was,il was al, i a e a, a a I aB mainy *a git oth 'thi# lievers iu.Pr 6vit idial rightsl 611. bi; till e h2g breezes, of Lake Huron, th- D beauti- Tuesday- of last Place C Linads was.- Mr. Mowat knows pla .1 told, the, original location of the Canada eeki on a visi b to Ili$ the town'shi is. A,aonsideralle qnanti' w, 311 enough, ankso do all] f aria coi the rest, of r V ith 0. Domibion, for by i mplicatic In, if 4 -cit f ill nat�ral ontroun ihigs, and. ;he kind Pa�ffic Railwa —but, alas! he had brother, I. Carl merchant of tW tl is politicians w 11ur6n Nbte 3. ty Of �Sti§ck �as disposed of, but - the y ThiB folio 0 an Co art clarat the judgm furniturle sae was p . ostponed ntlil some teous disposition of tbi ng Sta ho are try"' toprevent . I J . . wi: aiio from'getting suc express db i linhai no er got the steam borse n arer. t him place,-wboaehe��l.thisf--ailing. � straw- lor the 0 a,#, h 4 decision'. Ad e t- i a —Last _-kMr.H.Y.At1rIld' at- year wlerlo X sell day in tauti,a�xe,uoidoublanlotlg fills multi� th;n e�m'e twenty miles, .. d he - said berr held in Cavai 4 P I), S, I _y f 69tival wi I Presby thousand Dominion Acts 1will not fixlithigeasemust of esBity go a'ang way ( idlithiz �y qi arts of f traw'be -ri es to e the nea� f at -are. T A Is 'that hope deferred had maaD bis bear farious iattractions A grau'd picnic t terian Church c Alondgy evet: ing. I towi, ( L-`�rclt in ( oderich. Driver cont, 3st "used lit uch e: cci� egnte,, sic 'Wit. �BWW�-rti A thdboundarieg of Ontario jWhere they Moll-, i Lrds defininly status iof a' oyable time Mail. 1 PrI4. e ra a of assessment it ib e t clown the four antr eB 0eing vety! e enly was held tbere o . )ominion D,ay by the at�d he would like to gilt 6ut of the. pleasant and, is I was'suelliti, Johil XcG si not. --Toronto o: Asbfield �-birteen countr5 and down to G Z. D. - ns'solla h N�'xth ntai again, and Proceeds $413.4AIr. Of Vilaces under thb ritis erl F3 )la(l their vari as Schools (if Will gha for tl�io c�rrent year has matched, and e Judge Xiller,eille " ail is not so: rs., 6 �n f xed t18mil optliedollar. all tb pick but the be t g repre this was the only a ate 0, Surely the M Simple as to Schools age I motl� with of Mr. D.,Johna, plostmaster of this P100, Act. hands f �animal. bei* ented. A. ut ten 04 at; has rettirned kom. - Manitola. 31ri ; Is* tl�iak that it can del#de its. - I eaders - by o'cicck,[noh,�itbBt ding �he i leniency an 0 expressing a desire lo' eave. f Tell; i3how of thoEast"Neiwabosh A ipect�ion ho- y0er, th Lochead T lef f ter a lon, g 1131 9: ia 'mber of ;Zu laillen of th e '0 me p uring in Johns, �with A, othc rs, went s4ch nonsense. It is q4ite! correct that :The followl are VenilorlE predic.. I L. utura society will be held at el- prize, alforty.dollar eet of - he moss, was eatber, ri is cam, THE CROPS. d east, I to Alauiti f0t fron4 nort t son and e a bearing r years agoon ic a -for y a tid Angui it: 15 th and rave Dir 5t 06tober. awatded to a MagniACent grE the Confedaration A i1a that the tion Jul In y,'beiong �11011. ellaers �t reqVnir oxeter. living bard'ons, co prisin a ive at any- I Maki 9� of ing to Mr. John jHoo0y, of W -unstrous I It is very difficult to arr]i -18th—StormB and floods in � Kaas is a a Mr N1 Inehip clerl 9 ng exp dit n,. W's are ad to 851 outid4ries �of 1 Clar�, tow tbm' northern and western b Missouri;,19th ard 20th-lWzy heavy bor is, r4driled lonYe frord fornIB of type of the medley of all cond tions, frop-itbe-aged I thing like a fair estimate QIf what the that his hop a i a a good de e 0 1 harve Perarkee—C Minitioba, -While 'the wb at will be' but I sbotild beo� realize fif ty "'r, W na - X pr ma -o iv�th.boary h ir en, Ontario shall be the pame As the north -gener-01raultry at - with W, very Gorrie hutorprii36 w1,6re on th pet" Xecuidy !rains and. ess to the inUnt in its J yield o e Betwo forty and. vib Ild" 4,,,t 3ek. He had. a rleasant t a. mot e4a. lap, t r the elemiButs had 7 think i it the lowest it ill erage members of the Chioago� ard ;f W-Turn� named Kalb ft Ora V. two weeks ago man e and western bounalaxiea.of old Up- I thunder and wi ad storms t hri I Mii I. rl� elders. die and Northe' m States; 2 Lob in, t2213j d , t­mr.,J.�, Fisher'g� Stallio Bcxer, fleigh, who volks - i� Mr. C Bkery's som wtat stibside an immEnse con twenty -five *bushels to the r`�ei Last Bicycle Clul1is posed through here ou r Canada, but the Confeaex ation Act Oil, Ailai f people w aided their 1�iw ay to Tuesday there was a ]�,es'yy� -th under their week —46*'_ More seftled Im I cooler, I las, we k, and Shoe shop, in t af vllage, ept ed the cou Be Cycles bu of last Costy [a New &a taken f , 4iously il I where was gitorm, spreading over a 4onsiderable route fo G�de�ich. HOW i g not define nor point out what the Staii and - w; pointw Son Lb ward 46 P 6 U! der, ve ent,. printiDg offlee d ring the oc, tb g.ra#a I C3 d York ieriliar, tie tin . the abson of the a beantif ul i 1,rb i AOW�k a 0 P an r , q bil Roderl boundaries,of old weptern C& a ads were. '23rd aud 24th—Ileat ald. stlidness,. proprietor d t d himself paper fitted up with,swimgs and thei grounds area, and the bei deriveA wouId no were the wofasil of more thela Mt is now ear y re xiverec d, been 0 altered -hero ha� been Messrs. Spa�cko-an Brothers, Ath Selict. ci�bo;rwlEe renjqre� suitable f �the . cc- doubt be . great," but t of this abb w? Ivan, w —Mr. Jo M aylc r a6ld I if, I arin T lie is what the arbitrators were &p-' -droughts 'in port �onB of I Ion Iota in which the ty e ha season atiby, )1. The B! miller braBB and was tbrou the more ruin - in the bi business, 10 8i h C 9 casion. Ian ng�a and adja an 6t A an', 12 ;13t COUCE �sion GrEy Jolatain- lo cent States; 25th as to make;;one f the local i tas read place, are d and dq4te ine. Il po: intied to affoOr f 10 anywhere I tain a+ . riot I was through thab Jating for 0 rriage build6ra. A Great lie 2 .1 slander in atte dance,, and at into vp�is die. diat at, with Scattered E 1 a 1res, to ', 'ho.s.--S m it a, Morris in a manner that CaSt a fol I W mutually- agreed- betwom, the Gov. rse abundance� of excollatV music, b1ge inManitoba I think, and in o in- of jobs comir. g from a distance Of & Mr. upoa the fair fa e 0 the sevi ir hanor- Coll W1 rain and thunder, with hail, h ti) t po . I o ns. lip, or the at na 'of iei a to or aments of the Dominion and Ontario, tion of the mcntil; 27th, an'. 18th-- 1 ylo bal only had the Ill �e about able parties to Vi homi the item lIndei whi�h,lin additlow to the enchanting Stan ce, as far as I could lear n, has there miles haia,besi, sent to tl Obsery ingly bee king in con- P mill tei ate, that Cooler, Storms aimong H a I aon to d liec clei KafbfleiBh then-PELS d out and Ishowed I stre4ne, bf the I 1,pib�och," as chairin� n aOy cessation of bres plated. Good orkmanshi .0 ai iLnd a half an the Sole -partips to A.