HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-07-13, Page 8,
T R art POSt roR.,liomminommiNommismommiii
Noted for Choice .Tamil
Just received a fresh an
ned Goods, consisting in
of Peaches, Pears, Plum,
Strawvlerries, Cherries an
To &toe>s, Boston Baked
Fre oh Mushroom ; in JA
Quince and Blackberry ;
—Strawberry and Apple ;;
-,Roneless Chicken, T
Beef and Lunch Tongues.
Salmon, Mackerel, Lobst
'Why are Thorne's Te s like goo
war s ? Because tkey cost :little an
are orth much.
1y of II Can-
Apples; in
ornl, Beans,
Beans and
rkey, Corn
r _ :and Sax -
• Biiooc$ LOST. — `Lost
morning, the 8th inst., between
St. James Church, a Silver Coi
initials K. C. K. thereon. Any p
the acme to Tint EXPOSITOR Oifloc
rewarded. 814x1 •
Servant. Apply to A. G, Amer,
intermediate and teache
tions closed last Saturi
Fifty-two candidatea wrist
on Sunday
John. Street and
n Brooch wit$
arson returning
will be suitably
'ood Genera
Seaforth. 814
rods. -- Thi
is 1 examin
ay, mornin
The e.
amination papers on the i whole wer
very much the same as d 'ring forme
examinations ; Algebra : • d Euclid fo
2nd class especially, a litt e harder. Bn
we have heard that the istory papa
wasthe test one. The t:.ndency of th
history papers is t9 make the oandidat
not only know the histor , but to b
able to define the effect : which an
given event has had up. i the afte
history of the country.
my of Huro
.n and hav
n a nnifor
erial increa
s a whole, f
ork have bee
n lowered, b
uniform a 1
'mbers of the
ted officers of
iley, Clinton.
Seaforth, let
ident, and Mr.
oretary and
that all time
e my have join -
Photographers of the Co
have formed an associati
arranged and agreed tip
scale of prices for thei
understand that no ma
has been made in prices
although some eleases of
increased others have be:
prices have been mad
round. The following m
profession have been ole
the association : R. B:
President ; A. Calder,
Vice resident ; Mr.
Winghana, 2nd Vice -Pre:
Bellows, Goderieh, .S
Treasurer. We believe
photographers in the co
ed` the association.
Mo➢giohreelw nllett Thos.' Dinedsie,
John MaAeh and James Armstro
- Stanley. It 's a ' twine binder, a
seems to !b . a neat .a d -complete'"
machine, lin we believ' gave `good
satisfaction 1st season. We under•
stand_ that of ers of the local • agents
have also dis osed of quit a number of
binders of other make s, has showing
that oar Haulm farm.ra a e bound to
keefi well ab: east of t • e trines.
again remind our readers of the concert
to be given in Cardno's : all this even-
ing, by the Union Chor 1 Society. A
large number of tioke s have already
been taken, and it is co • fidently antici-
pated there will be a go .d • house, and
the entertainment will b of a character
to deserve it.
—Mr. R. I. Brett h: s ; received a
communication from the manager of the
Nashville 'Students. Jub lee Company,
which appear here next Tuesday even-
ing under the auspice
Tempters. The -oompa •
with unexpected success
dian tour and give unive
wherever they have a
"hope our citizens will •gi
of the Good
y are meeting
in their' Canes
sal satisbaction
i. peered. We
e them a good
to know that Mr. Tho
the Huron Foundry i
working into an exce
During the present seas. n hi
mont has been taxed to the
keep tip with - the orde s a
still crowding in, M
first Brass mechanic, an
lishment is oonduoted
conal supervision he o
to give satisfaction, and
thia he hays already esta
tation for promptitude a
which is creditable to
anticipate that before
Huron Foundry will
most important mannf
lishments of the Count
to his own business Mr.
'on hand a supply of re
. Sawyer & Co., of Hamil on.
We are glad
as Hendry of
this town its
lent business.
utmost to
d work ie
. Hendry is a
as the estab-
nder Lis per -
n scarcely fail,
in addition to
lished a repu-
• d fair dealing
im. We fully
very long the
e one of the
during 'estall-
. In additio
Hendry keep
airs for L.
Tsn DITC:: o arra 1 We ER Coil
AOT -We h ire reed ed e s pies of
respondence between he towns
clerk of MQ llop and the bmmisei
of Public) Works for t at : ' o ooncer
the above ¢ct which
to publish.
what benefio
'ed by publia
once, the is
'of McKillop,
from the eo
the P ublici
tain whethe
poita went of
Fence Viewe
mediately n
the Law Cie
plied to the
"came into
sed, viz.: let
vides that al
repealed liy 't may b:
pletion as th ugh;the
;passed." T e Statu1
however, nd munioi
opportani y f beoa
its provision . As
siderable loo
•nioipality, c
having a nus
for distrib t
W e oann
al end c
ing the
noil, co
orks De
the Di
�f 1883,
an En
rJ3 came
on its p:
k of th
elect t•
force as
1 works
TOR.—Irl, visiting the pu
week I found a state o
lower room, which mig
ized in rather strong
nnmber of pupils on the
The average attendance
of June was 122, and th
about 25x30 feet, sot
had about as much spec
as if confined in a -large
On one bench 6 feet 5 in
pupils had sometimes to
to health is proved by t
of young pupils in that
on the sick list. Some
whom I have converse
not send their children
are sufficiently advan
junior room,. Why n
room into two divisions
left in it after the prom
one part attend in t
other in the afternoon, f
6 or8 years of age can g
oat.—Ma. EDI -
lie school laet
kaffairs in thie
t be charaotei-
anguage. The
roll 'was 150.
for the month
t in ' a room
at- each pupil
to breathe in
ugar hogshead.
hes long seven
sit. The danger
e large numb r
oom constantl
parents wit
, say they will.
t all till they
ed. to miss ti}e
•t divide th
(what will be
tions) and have
e morning, the
r any child of
t ample school
instruction in one half day, and have
the other half to sport i
laying the foundation of
without which mere so
only an injury. Yours,
SELF-BINDEi'e.—• Self-
maohines are riow oomi
eral favor among our fa
self -binder two men can
ably -large harvest, and
immense deal of hard la
is saved. It is estimat
these machines will pa
two years. M. 0. C.
agent for the Massey m:
season sold thirty,and
disposed of as many
demand this year is gr;
supply. The fbllowiug
this vicinity have pur
ers for this season's use
Eberhardt, John Hann.
ston and Francis Oriel
John G. Wilson, Ralph
Frederick Bitter, Mc
the open air.,
ahealthy body,
ool training is
ere reque: e
ee, hove er.
' b accomp 1: h
hol orresp • d
is h t the c rk
nde nstruct I+ns
e• m nioated , '�� th
eart 'ent toaseet-
ohe and W : ter
equ'ring the : p-
nlnee in . plat of
to peration M -
em . Mr. Jo • es,
department re -
et he said . c t
con as it was ! as -
y, 1 8 , butit r0
Om a ted an i all
nn a the' ! ate
cont nod to•+nes
act; d not =eh,
es " ar; now • tit,
)el of fl era hav: an
;ung; f' miliar !ith
t is a
t wisel of sot ')fl
" every •• t ti -
N b
f it pri 1aid
eir cons tit -
a; mere t+ fire
nodoub 1-.3
ICAN BI CL s-+ s. -0n Fr+i-
e st at 7 p'ol o'• , the A i lel i-
whoare ua.'ng a, stir
da, arrived n Goa : is h
r of -half a n:e Bred, n • • Or
Dr. P. Rine 6aptain o he
ole Club, T =y came ; ora
racefield o the Lo On
m thence to Goderich
is said that as they w
:quare 't oderioh
ht was nifioent
that th pa had
pr. Rine x reseed
Satisfied wit the trip
delighted ttith the
idon and G derich
unaniin usly of the
roads .a an that to
he cont' en . f A nu
wheels yen are with
g whom -'s Captain -R
Panderers, pronto.
re entertain, at a ban
ck the same' ening b
f Godert h d promi
was le pe d that
from oe ioh to S
iuron ro d, ' d cons
ntment was alt whe
.d c anged
the rain:,
table for t av
ion, they t: o
nd went �dir
1 impor encs
uncils onld
Ober of Copiet
on anon .g t
ants. The cost wonlid be
and the info motion woul
duly appreci ted
day evening
can bicyclist
through Can
to the numb
command' of
London t
.inder reaping
g into very gen-
mere. With a
take off a toler-
n this way, an
or and expense
d that one of_
for itself in
Maori, . who ie
chine has this
•e could have
10 ore, but the
ater than the
inong, others in
eased self -bind-
: Messrs. Wm.
: h, Jas. John-
, Tuckersmith ,•Thompson and
i' illop ; Robert
road; and fr
Bayfield. I
ed into t e
deep, the si
and show d
well drilled.
self as fully
far, and was
between Lot
bicyclists ars
ion that the
the best cfn 1
of Canadian
party, anion
son, of the
bicyclists w
at nine o''clo
citizens. It
party would
ford by the
able disa
was learned they h
plans. n account o
made the roads nnsgi
that mod of 1boomc t
train at oUeriah 'a
,through o Toronto.
THE G 41ous TwELFr u.—A nn
of the Orangemen of thi vicinity
sembled in his town yes erdayo
brate th anniversary of tin
of , the B yne. 'hie morn ng
deer n pleasant, an
conoours of people, 11, dr see
their Su day brews, o e in to wi
the Oran e parade. ' T ere ere
lodges•in alli represen ed, butte a
dance he mny of tie m as ve y
The turn u of Orangemen as
nearly so 1 ge as at similar oel
tions in or er years. This a
acoounte f r by th{fao that
nnmber o' ed the ei ou sion
Woodsto ►'k, nd this jna e e a ep t
detracts, s rionsly froe• the cel
tion he e. Shorty : ter n o
several 10 d es formed in • recession
headed •y the Fires :rs' Ban•
Seaforth marched td Co eman's g
where a e dresses weI d livered:by '
Mr. Ry: e , f Brussels ; Rev. r. i.'
of Seafo th ; Mr. Wi " . Con or
Bayfield a d otherpro •• inent e • • b
of the or e . The req • ent an e :
rain sho e sof the afte noon
ed. ma :testily with t • e' pro
Most of he visitors `left for the
at an e: ly hour in the'even
notwithstanding the ver. large
people i` town, everything p sae
quietly a d in good rde ,'i mu t
credit of all those o t•qk pat i
well as.toe who w the ted t e
bration. Sieveral of he places in
were deo rated • with flags a d
greens,a d an arch was tretch'd r
Main 8reet opposite Mr: �Ca o
he -
in -
diluent condition in which their found
the school, as well as the orongh
manner in whichtthhe : (several teachers
perford their duties, and report
that t e experiment -adopted by the
Board sat Januar
femalefora male
di ' ' has been
oi substituting fa
eat er in the second
visi att tided with the
most �S tisfaotory i'esnl a as tie 'divis-
ionhas never been better conducted
sent time. The
iviate the crowd
ment o�omplain•
is Issue,
will not
not too
ing in
ed of
ten -
bra -
fp r-
d of
e -
it is at the pr
tions made will o'
the junior a spar
y a correspondent in t1
n the school re pens th
ante in that dep rtinent
ly•exceed fitee hich i
number for tha divisi
ing a
in at
on S
dry w
day t
ly as
had a
so far.
be tro
he wa
partments of the SEi
were closed for th.
days on Friday last,
tion it is the intenti
have the interior of
thoroughly cleaned i
following the - ave
pupils in each of th
ing the pat month
partment, 36, ; Mi
Miss A. Cowan's, 42 ;
44 ; Miss illoran's,
47 Mrs. nutter's,
average attendance
number:of pupils o
On the whole, them
for the Month was {
tionls�rly sci in the l
Beforethe close of
departneenf s were ti
by the Principal an
trustees, From th�
we quote the foliowi
ing e:tamined : thea
during the past f
dently ea y I • hayb • d
gratifying results,. t th
senior departmen s a
selves as well as it cul
expected ccnsideri 'th
ing of the pupils
promotions for the
a very great ext
merit, which, 1 thi
the eflicieecy and t
teachers. These p
various teachers, a
be improved." : W
-report was•heartily
Board, wh
1 gentlemen
The'- s ver
for h Publ'c
m' d -summer
122, making
of 380, whi
th roll wa
the atten
r dept
s hool tl
US de
the t
repair d,
r. MoI
Mies 1
and Sec. et
t assiste, M
ns and
were hi
ye, I cjan
tie so: it
nk this v
qui tte 1
gene al
year i4go.
nt yea h
been m
peaks w
of the s
Mons hav
yself nd
think. on
y seat th
timed in
of the
r -
very ,
read -
e by
1 ;for
been ,
o the
t this
y 'the
a the
r the
ew and more p
is salt works.—
tnrday and Su
ether for a few`
e usual do n -p'.
asy as ever and
b, t
18 CO
pore deluge
-Mr. McNa
er of the at
In fact, 1
nbling him
s busily at
street' when the
forth I their Wat
seem d to be a ri. alry between him and
the Clerk of the We: ther as to which
could allay the dist f; gtest, but the lat-
ter got the start, nd he inferior had to
wnocumb to the s peri ""
ere F38 tickets old
for Stratford on '�
s show
old for th
but a cilcns
Colema is hav,'
werf 1 oiler put
he Coo weather
day av hope of
ays, nt on Twee-
ur oa a seeming -
other arth was
over -m ch moir-
e very effigient
aterin cart hays;
job tis season
soienc seems to
on Saturday. last
watering Main
s were pouring
upply, and there
were its
many{ people ,to leave
cont hes at snob an u
in the morning. The
aiithcit ties •' evidently
rush as they h :.ii only forwarded
35 00 ination t cket:
to . thi station.
Barn and Ju bo '••lake a cod team
to d a a oro d.
All wh attended
seem to be well -pleased ith what
they w.—Mr. Fowls, of t e Huron
Road hipped a bar 1 • ad of horses to
a a few days ago.—Mr.
John Lyons arrivd hee from
On on Mond: y evert ng. He
vapor s business, go • erally very dull
th ° Northwest, but says Brandon is
maki substan4ial 'mprove ent, and
the c tzons are still h peful, nd expect
for it a great future. We are glad to be
able state that�Mr. alter Thompson
has a length det rmi ed to open the
atm al mill here. The co tract for
the n machine y h s been warded to
Mr. itelaiv,of Woo stock,artd the mill
will be ready in ti'.,Ae to manufacture
this eason's crop.—A lad n med Bar-
nett, who lives out• of .the railway
frac was struckon he+eye y another
boy while playin , an it is eared the
injury will resul in t. e loss of his eye-
sight --Mr. Jams F'sher, after an ab -
133 seno 1 of two ye a in erson, returned
ham on Monday last t' spend his holi-
daga Manitoba air .snema to agree
with him, as he, etas . rown almost be-
Seafor station
the e. Of hese 142
ea ly naor ing train.
wou d induce so
heir co forte.ble
sea nceble hour
railway and show
id not anticipate
well 'established, and the supply
of cream steadily increasing.—Mr. Bak-
er is doing: quite a business in buying
and felling horses this season. He
has a! ne four year old ' O.enlee mare
'on h nc e t present.
High School Exa ations.
passing the
on held ; at
Cn order to
ed : •
Thu 'sday evepi g of las week was quite
trwvisi le in this to n, We have to thank
obliging beadle, d , o the Verna Hotel,
for a donation o ificen well pre-
served apples, for avor and
taste were- nearl to "new fruit.
They had live ough the winter
without a -spot o hill, and with the
exce tion of M ichae 's, are the
beat we have CV at thi season of
the ear.—The ercial. Hotel bus
was upset in t ion yard on Wed -
aro nd too short. For uhately there was
no ersoa in 't a the time, and the
only damage done w s the hreaking Of
the pole and the disar anging of the rail-
ing ri top.—Mit Joh Latimer return-
ed from Manitoba ; Wednesday.
— esarse Robertson CO., of this
to have sold thirt coil oil stoves
many more if t ey co ld hire° got them.
this season, an co 14 haye sold as
;—Mr, Hugh Alex& dere -formerly of
Tuollersmith, and ow bf; Highland
Creek, near Toronto, WItS , in town. op
his any friends ' IltirOn will be
annial picnic in
edriesday after -
rids were sonte-
recent rains, but
joyed themselves
ere regaled with
rries, and had
lots of other
fan Mr. Limed n, the assistant,
superinteiadent," and ther:teachets, did
all they could tO amn e and; please their
puple, and judging b the many happy
faces, we should say hey were entire-
ly s ,ccessfuh i We notice that Mr.
Ma helm Monrce, on repre entative at
by 00d markmanshi , ha ing won a
libe al prize in the fir t ma oh. — Miss
An ie Watson, Idang ter of Mr. W. N.
Wa son of this town, retnr ed home on
We nesday evening 1 et ft in Trenton,
whi :re she has been t anhing school, to
r see
Be oW is the list of the
who woo) successful in
recent entrance examinat
Sealcirth High School.
pass 280 marks were regal
NtICO. Newts or s
7 G.
10 R. LiVingstone
11 A. MdDougall
12 J. :callradzean
18 M. MisQatid
14 A.. ymann
17 John tewart
18 Wm. . Stewart
19 Eli T Smith
ey 869
. Downey No. 8, Unio McKil-
lop and Hulliett
gm Hogg No. 4, MoKIllop
No. 1,111111 tt
3 Bella ()rich
4 M. S. Douglae
8 E. Hamill Seaforths
10 J. Gaam1eson Seeforth
12 B. LOsirie
13 M. Lyons
14 E. McLauchlin No. 1, Gre
Noe. 8 an
16 Bella Keith
Hay and
17 C. Shortreed No. 9, nut
It ,will be seen from th
G. Hamill has won th
offered at this exarninatio
that yOuag Hamill will ta
of it, and we wish him
for the future.
we are informed, were the
piedmonts. The history
for boys and girls of the
pile, but the composition
fair paper, and too much
not be given in our pnbli
this most important subj
style °Ince acquired, and
imposSible to change it
someWhat surprised at jt
paper, and the little o
symp thy over their Want
ple sed to learnI that
Th children of the
bat school had their
Be ttie's grove on '
noo last. Th gro
whet damp after the
stil the little folks e
im ensely. They
rac e, swings,' an
ITEMS. —Farnaers
with. their hay, whic
Mrr- Leslie, who go
ab tit four we6ks
an has suffered a
is 4
he a
ostly busy
fair. -crop.—
leg broken
still poerly
deal. It is
le to _move
now pretty
illop 868
op 360
1 352
ley 341
y and
ley t 371
-ersmith 295
ert, 804
ett 871
rt 403
9, union
n Morrie
above that
We truet
e advantage
very sweets
and History,
weakest do-
es very hard
ntrance pu-
was a very
attention can
schools to
it is almost
We were
e arithmetic
es have our
of succesS on
Ile was in Dublin on the 4coasion of the -
execution of the last of the Phan:az:Park
murderers. Everything in the city was
quiet, and'he was surprised at the evi-
dent leck of excitement, bit every third
manmet, on the streets W s in military
anifOrm of some kind, th a contrasting
very forcibly with the pe eable appear-
ance of Canadian cities. Finding him-
self an alien in his own cointry, Mr.Mc-
Elroy only remained ten d ys in Ireland.
For nearly half a centu he had been
looking forward to this visit, but like
many other prospective leasures, an-
ticipation was much mor pleasant than
He visi d Glasgow,
rreatillsilzesyt! omils.
nohester and Birmingham,
and although he enjoyed he sights in
these cities, after his sappointment
:Ireland he was anxiou to:eget back to
Canada" and was ve glad • and
pleased when he found imself safely
in his own comfortable h me in MoKil
lop once more. He is no better satis-
Hdrore in particular than ever before,
a Id has resolved to live d die here.
HT looks well after his trip and is much
improved in health.
Robert Charte,rs, of
so d a two year old filly
of Dungannoe, for the s
is a splendid colt, but Wfir only in feir
condition. It was sired by the horse
recently owned by Mr. Et
MoKi lop Council *ill
Mr.; arnett, teamster fie
Govia look, got some gle
whie caused it inteinse
dapee ed its eye -sight.
has t ken the child to TO
is fea ed. the eye will al.
conce sion, had a barn
nags of the
appear next
ago a child of
Mr. Thomas
• in its eye,
ain and en -
Mr. Barnett
onto, and it
ve to be re-
T.—On Mon -
y, of the 14th
aising. The
bnilding is 36 by 64 feet, with. stone
stabling the fill siee nu erneath. As
is nadal on such occasions, sides were
choSen, and when both!' parties were
strateing themselves to the utinoste an
pleth nt, called a " cam ander," fell
from he top of one of th beams, strik-
ing , r. Hugh Fulton n the bead.
The w stunned him and out his
head, causing it to; bl ed eirofusely.
He a on recovered, howe er, and is now
going around, but is still unable to do
any' ork. He had a narrow escape,
as ha he been struck fai on the bead
he iv uld most certainl have - been
kille . On the same day Mr, .Satauel
Robinson got one of his fingers very
sever ly jammed betwee two pieces of
tiniti r while assisting n putting the
bentri together.
IGIHTNING FREAKS.— ring the fre-
/ and severe thunde storms of the
pas ew weeks there have been several
narr w escapes from injury by lightning
in this township. One evening last
week as Mr. George McGonnigle of the
7thlordiacession, was building a fire ha the
chiinney, through the stoive and entered
-the floor of the room, tea, dag up aboard
Beeping through the cellar. The
was filled with entoke and Mr.
but Po further serious injury was done.
• seyiertal sheep killed by lightning, and
other parties in the township have had
ar losses from tWi same dense.
arn of Mr. Wm. J hnson, on the
a torn off and sever 1 of the tim-
shattered. But, 'though there
hate, been several narro
sieriOus injury has been
AtTUBNED.—Mr. John cElroy of the
4th concession, who left uebec on the
2nd hf June and arrived t Derry, Ire-
landt on the llth of the same .month,
arrieled home again QII Saturday last.
H6 had a very pleasant voyage across
the tlantio both going and returning.
)3 i tended making a three months'
Vi t to the Green Isle, b t found things
0.10 ifferent from what h' expected on
seri hag there that the third of that
time sufficed to satisfy h m. Mr. Mc-
Elroy left Ireland 44 years ago, and his
principal object in makirtg this visit was
to a4e /I brother from whom he had not
heard for fifteen years. His ' sueprise
and regret may be imagined, when on
aniving at the placetof his nativity, he
learned that his brother had been1dead
five Years and the family had ibemoved
no o e knew whither. g could not hear
six aeons who could' emember any -
thin about his -famil . Everything
The people have better! houses, wear
bettjar clothes, and seem to be more
pro porous than when'Mr. McElroy left
the pld land to make for himself a home
in Canada, but, notwithetanding these
ineitrovements there are many too evi-
dent signs of dieconterat e.nd distrust on
the art of the people. Their utter lack
of ankness and corremunicativeness
pai ed him. Being al stranger they
seemed to regard him 'with suspicion
an evidently feared he as 'a spy, de-
ts Vero, or land agent, a d. treated him
wi a reserve which w s not pleasant
toone who had retuxne to his native
soil after an absence of ver forty years
to Lrievel in the scenes and friendships of
yo; th. The crops looked well and the
people' seemed to be fairly prosperous.
rt time ago
e Mill Road,
Mr. Young,
the 6th concession of Tu
a chicken hatched out a
which had four legs, and of course, an
equal number of feet. , Two of the
pedal extrenaities are in the proper
place, and the two superfluous ones are
project outward, but all the legs and
feet are properly formed, and the sur-
plus ones are about the aame size as
the others. . The bird appears quite
smart and vigorous, and oeems likely to
thrive and do well. V Mr: Strop('
succeeds in raising it he will have a
good subject for Barnum", which can be
Brueefield on Tuesday, all the members
present. Moved by Jain Hannah,
seconded by John Sproat that George
Ewing be notified to hey his slaughter
b. use in Harpurhey- put in a proper
state of cleanliness immed, iately. Wm..
Nicholson was let the Ijob of deepening
p site lots 2 and 3, for vp, work to be
d ne under the supervision of John
Sproat. The Treasurer Was authorized
to pay over to the Schea Board the
interest accrued on the sbhool fend to
ottell, was appointed en neer for this
township under the Dito es and Water
Course Act. Mrs. McNamara was
granted $5 in charity, an the council
then adjourned to meet ain at Daly's
Hotel, E mondville, on riday, the 31st
Bride, an old. resident o this township,
left on Monday last fix. Davenport,
Iowa, to. visit friends "there. After-
jwards he will go -to St. Paul, where he
has relations, and will t en return to
place he will
and will visit
the Emerald
-two years ago,
visit in 1847,
remained in
nry Mason.
orge Strong,of
kersmith, had
w days ago
New Yoek, from which
sail.for the Old Country,
the 'scenes of his youth i
Isle. He left Ireland fort
and returned for a shot
since w ich time he he
Canada. He will find any and great
changes ince his last viekt. If he likes
life in't e old land, wh Oh is not pro-
bable, h will remain t re, but if not
he will etnrn to Can da. We wish
the old gentleman a pleasant trip
all mind, and hope that his brightest
dreansis will be more th n realised.
St anleeti.
FARII SOLD.—Mr. John Aikenhead,
sr., hes sold his farm On the London
Road, tcgether with hit, stock and im-
plement, to a Mr. John Hunter, of
Clinten, for the sum. et $8,000. The
farm cc Mains 100 a,crds less what is
taken u by the railWay track. Mr.
Aikenda ad has purchased a residence in
Goderic and intends Ong there to live.
McE we
got hb
the wet
and iii a
& Harvey, two well-known
s or this township, have just
g machine. It "was made at
-known establiehmerit of Mc -
McPherson & C,O., of Stratford,*
id to be one of' the beat of the
od machines tutned out by this
establis, ment. It will be worked by
steam piower. The enterprising owners
have alWays given the bPst satisfaction
to their patrons, and with their new and
improved facilities pill, doubt, make
things boom wherevee they go with
their new machine.
pessible.—On Friday afternocm large
the London Road corners to witness the
passing by of the large body of wheels -
men who are at present in 'king a tour
through Canada. They
very nice and novel sight n
did in- twos said twos.
joined at the corner by
them a short distance, and
rode away together. Ma
yeung ladies present could n
the visiting wheelemen, n
were, were any nicer tha
Sehool picnic, held in, Dou
There was an inamense crow
peesent, and all seemed to e
solves heartily. We have
lengthy report of the ieroce
reluotantly forced to le
kir a future occasion.
resented a
ing as they
They were
our vil-
as they all
ny of the
t see that
as they
our own
all's grove
id success.
d of people
n hand a
dings, but
ve it over
i CIRCUS.— Quite a num
tOwnspeople went to, see B
cus in Stratford last Mond&
FESTIVAL. — A strawber
cream festival was held at
last Monday night.; A p
er of our
y and ice
he rectory
easant and
profitable time was epent. Mr. Craig
did all in:his power toe:nuke
Detroit, is visiting friend
wed vicinity.—Miss Roger
teacher here, is Spending a
Miss Creasor, bf Owen So
ing Mrs. MeWhirter.—Miss
non,1 from near Brampton,
gaged as first assistant cler
Bookstore, Chris. Dicksonei
PICNIC.—The annual .Su
picnic in oo4ection With,
Methodist church here,
Goderich at the point, near
last Wednesday. There
crowd, nine coachea being
There were $40 worth more;
it a success.
Powell, of
in Clinton
, korner
eek here.—
rid, is visit-
itty Shan -
as been 011 -
in the City
imager and
day school
he Canada
as held. in
the harbor,
as a large
well flied.
tickets sold
than for the Presbyterian and Bible
Christian picnics combined,
ult. The Goderioh band ca
the morning train from *G
escorted the picnicers fro
te the station, and then on
Goderich. They played du
at intervels, and did good s
people. The weather was e
a; most pleasant day ywas
past five o'clock in the evening.
FIRE.—On Thursday ev ning of last
week the large frame buildi g on Huron
street, formerly occupied by Messrs.
McCartney, Scott & Co., as a planing
factory, but now owned and occupied by
Messrs. Ward 84 Jones, and used by
them as an agricultural w rks and re-
pair shoP, was discovered t be 'on fire.
10 -/hen first noticed the fire had gained
such headway as to, preve t anything
heing done to save the b ilding from
destruction. The fire b 'pile were
promptly- on hand with he steamer,
but all they conld do was t protect, the
serrounding buildings. Th smoke and
heat from the burning b ilding were
intense. In a very short ti e the whole
building was reduced to a heap of
smouldering ruins. Th loss wM
amount to about $2,500, an there is an
insurance of $1,000.
on the dtoth
e down on
derich, and
the church
he train to
ing the day
rvioe to the
cellent, and
pent. The
about half -
Archibald Eyvel, formetly of this place,
and who left here a conple of months
ago,has taken np land in Clark County,
Dakota and hee located on hie claim
and eoremenced making the improve-
ments. He is Much pleased with the
appearance of the country. At present
he is 18 miles from th; nearest post
office, hut expects that ne will be es-
tablished near bis playe before long.
The wintry is settling hp very quick-
ly, and public improvements, such as
railveays, &c., are - progressing with
equal rapidity.
gOLT SOLD. -11r. Harr Horton, of
Lumley, recently sold a ve y promising
blood colt, ten days old, si ed by " Old
Clear Grit," to Mr. Andrew Morrison, of
the 4th concession, Usborne for the sum
of $75. Mr. Morrison gets he use of the
naare'until fall to raise the c lt.
A BOLT RACE.—On Saturday last we
had the heaviest rain storm within the
memory of that remarkable, individual
" the oldest inliabitant."1 The water
descended in solid masses which. made
lakes of a good many fields, and.
effectually stopped turni sowing for
'this season. The boys he e improvised
a boat race, a la lia,nla and Ross.
Tom Greenwood with a wit h -tub called
the " Merry -go -Round," Hark Staula.ke
with a lime box Called the " Wash
Away," and Sam Steacy with a water
trough called " May Queen " had a
amidst the cheers of the assembled
epectators. Through bad steering
Hark came to 'grief by an upset, but
was afterwards rionel the worse for his
ducking. Tom's boat,trefusing to obey
the helm, took a circular course and
refused to make headway, BO Sam won
the race, receiving ae a reward for his
Skill the cheers of the masculine spec-
tators and the winning smiles of the
femininear At the conclusion of the
eace, Hark and Sam gave 'all the young
11, adBiease:ess.a—ilLast week itlx John Glenn,
of Glenwood, sold thirteen head of
battle for the handsome sum of $81.80
per head. This makes $1,850 worth of
Stock which Mr. Glenn has sold since
January.—The folks here are now
busily employed laboring for Her
Gracious Majesty the Queen, or, in
either words, doing statute labor. The,
work goes bravely on, and, with the aid
of a splendid new gravel pit, discovered
by Mr. Conn, has been much facilitated.
—The crops in this vicinity do not look
very promising. Apples will be scarce,
'but strawberries are plentiful.—We are
,glad to see Mr. James Fife around
again after a long and, severe attack of
illness.—Bank barns seem to be the
'popular rage around ,here this season,
and a good many fine buildings are
being erected all of which goes to show
that farmers 'are getting lots of rdoney
some way.—Mr. Steaby, our enterpris-
OBITVARY.—We very Much regret to ing wagonmaker, is tuXning out a large
chronicilelthis week the death ofAdelaide, 'number of very superior farm gates.—
third daughter of Mrs. Samuel Carlisle, :Our school has been dismissed for six
of Hay, Deceased up to a very short weeks holidays, whicila is too long, and
time ago Was in the erooyment of good something ought to be done to make
health,land bacle fair to live many years, them shorter.
but froM contrecting a cold acute or
gallopiesg consumption pet in, which in
a very ehort time indeed severed life's —Several cattle
brittle thread. This it' the third death drowned, in Fuller
which has oceurred in the family with-
in the lasttwo years, it being scarcely
that time since Mrs. Carlisle lost her
husband, and who novel within a very
few months has been called. upon to
mourn the loss of a son and daughter,
both 61 whom werel exit down in aide
very spring time of yonth. Mrs. Carlitle
and family have the heartfelt sympathy
of the Whole community in their sad
BRIEFS.—Mr. Richard Wilson, of
near Ottawa, accompanied by his
daughter, has beeri. visiting his
brother, Mr, Wm. Wilson, of " Willow
Hall.—At a special meeting of the
Rodgerville congregation, held in the
church on Monday evening last, it was
agreed to petition the Presbytery to
moderate in a calkat as early a date as
JULY 13, 1883.,
Dress Goods,
nd sheep were
n by the late
ERY Ati7 con
Reduced in Price.
.13 ARA OLS at Wholesale P
—The Listowel ba d won a prize of
$80 at the recent ban competition at
--The number of candidates who
wrote at the interme iate examination
in Stratford was 62.
—Mr.le. M. Olen h, a prominent
barrister of St. Marye, died on Friday,
the 29th ult., after a flew 'days illness.
--On Tuesday of 1 t week son of
Mr. MeNeil, and a 80 of Alex. McKay,
both of Wallace, took their departure
for British Columbia.
—A few weeks ago Mr. Wilmot, of
the Bank of Montreal, lost a handsome
gold watch over the long bridge in
Stratford, it having dropped from his
pocket into the water beneath, One day
since the breaking away of the dam,the
es, Ties,
Prices to Suit he Times. -
3Ele.F(RT ONT.
Missing watch Was fon d in the raudby
a little tion of Lieut. -0 lonel Scott, kilo
ineciessatet to addl that he little fellineS
heart waa made glad a gen
reward. 1
—Mr. Henry Jacks() of Full
'lately sold to Mr. homas Jonefefof
:31.1suithtchoeflls,'oefiloe.ven.head of steers for; the
-"-At a lecture deliv red in Mitehell
fbwu nya ;1 es rvoe. ildrItizedhe. De. he rLoRho me, f , hien msedeuni otel iree
guild during the eve ing, for w "611
extra cherge Vita, mad
of Mr. 4, McGregor, formerly de eV
, registrar ,at Stratford, ho has bee St
'the Brantford Young Ladies' CO Wei
'has left Or her home n Texas. ; She
wag ameompanied by ler brother Mr•
'D. McGregor.
belot g to Adam Burnett, of ,
wail' , a from the ouudation !rife
few days previous bee. raised ;11: al,
poets for the purnose •f putting! Itelle
'wells under the found tion, but Wore
the w rk was sow as plished it 1 via
' caught y the storm a, &literally -064*
ed to Reces.
---.144.er BOWS 0011 a tel s the 'report of
the murder in Ma . itoba, of ' -013p
Mmettraieyd, fbormodyerly.w ost fLo :ran 4, isil ibga '
fpridmece la!is°f -shanwtr: : ea weftietw :airago
Atof uti.to4baarv;t,hiELDr. ja !usagryar,ter,18185artrancjiY
se tiedl on Section 2, townshit? ler
1111 tbe
in a small log sleanter;itfebreclionu:nine941:111 ,b,Y
pteoressebtiodneeodf. whxihche mn • doubt led! take
twelve feet, and w: : putting dr
time doing his settle ent duties, : Itl
was a man of about 6 Or 68 Yee# .d1"
astearia,00tuisv,ein, hoaffretweivore, in.,g, honett, 111'
liked by every one. '-enaar tiTeloivia848611p,_1
ni i °vela hhi as 11 if eoPf hteh: ' sPa. eljlInseisectkio'n,G°. 4'13°6'4°6.
in sightof eaoh other and it reat#1115
tempted to find ont hat had tee
the dieappearance of s undo frrtt* 1"
scene of his daily la o or. i
Iron,et Ve:31.,6,::::01:.i.
::: 11---4-- 0
ir; 714 vier
' ;11 11: 4 31 1 it 1 g f 8 °I i 4:1r -1 1 °I 1 el -111)1°18 e e rt, e 11°.a ti gli 11 Pa svi 'ler wel::71eleal utr avvItr gel 1°1 1 i strethehlk 1 leeesi 1 leaYerfW05 I°i31 :I It° °IV ritPtegta g: Pt:4): ttfi 1 3 'ye ag: tahli )411 11°°Wl: 11 irnOte: 4 41::ni 1 '4 1 1°fia ' " sksil'etil r) a'9isaa (ita i's'it. i at°' -'f t'6 81' 't rjt etft'l t' .1 4 -' anawzihut °Ill. ifer:A::1 1.P$°4 9 31 it -13-'' 'Y' $1 1 -gl -st:1 tir:daf kluat °ibli2. l'*t°r1 net es .61 1Pe°11 .* _
. in South, Ilitro
rivirtpw,ytp 00 ;nor sthb ,t, ovcisL va;44111:0b
'Be eV
, locialittledergotwritlt°14.1.:)1,0:Atuer:s•esY:p13:
i '°iBilibefIlitillotr0t11:ethttlihlbEr:::11:iaell:
.n:ein, huptilioutbl
'stick, ply
' Berl:ea a t this I
hiP Id
Rasa tcfh:bf:7
1 courts 3t -pa ut
;ivinpeopitee ligtm; ti -
therefore the
II i 8 h cws el 1 el: e!enai nin::a t:be 114° 2 14
This pees n
thine tshileejedartr.6
tTnimilil8whhuheetanteLnteeegeniita:hritiw:at Sautpi:
?then it stiy,f3,
laVertiStaig 9:i
not used, th4
11 'wilt ra sa et htlit:°till 1 gia iwt c'eee'l
111::°!:0 °acre ea:tie:I:la:8'hr:: 1e:9:16a:dill aelle ec4'.0refilea:::::
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*Me tte the