HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-07-13, Page 66 T .URON EXPOSITO . �.. Chester A. Arthur. The President of the United ates, Chester A. Arthur, was born in rank - lin County, Vermont, on the :"f th of October, 1830, one of a family—Of - two en of lative rs of New rthur ptist ife he astor Burch, 4n of seller ober, iville, eons and five daughte] William Arthur, who 1 Ireland when a- youth age. ;After having b World a few years, t entered the ministrf denomination. Dunheld a considerable n antes, including that of New York City. He learning and ability, s, the chil lad left his eighteen ye Sen in the he elder A of .the B ng his'long 1 ntuuber of p Calvary Ct was a ma superior pre and writer, and his death in Oe 1.87-5, which took plat at New-tol near Albany, was wid:ly iegrette His distinguished son. Union College, where in the class of 1849. school in Vermont for which, having saved dred dollars of his s: New York City and b of law in the office of Culver. He was in• to the bar of New Y termined upon oh•angi residence, in company was educated at he was graduated e then taught two years after_ about five hun lary, he wgnt t den . D came a -at ex -Judge 1 ue time adzhitte+ rk. Having de �-g his place o with his particu lar friend, Henry D.Gardner, he travel led intheWest for order to find a desire to begin the practice sion in partnership w uo place to their likin returned to New.Yor. office in that 'City, wh cessful almost from t Boon as desirable, the finances being duly Arthtnr took a wife, a tenant Herndon. .T died a few years ago. Early in his professbnal career D1 Arthur performed such services for th colored people as gained for him thei affectionate admiratio great prominence as year 1852, a Virginia his wife, Jonathan an took eight slaves with Stake to New York they intended to tak where they were abo establishment. Upon. Paine, granted a writ in behalf of the slay question involved in proeeedings, was whe of the Fugitive Slave in Yew York State. tide;a against this clai tivee were liberated. le_gielature of Virginia Attorney -General of t in taking an appea Paine's; decision. W and;Chest& A. Arthu in the interests of th State against that of the slave -holder and wen the case ; and when, su sequently, it was brought uncle the consideration o the Supreln . tates, were agai rs afterwards, i up the cause of ho had been e venue car in Ne g her fake. 11 nst the compan hundred: dollar damages for his client. The day 'afte dice was gainer been defeated i mal order givin _ sion to ride in it 00 a this right be- nt the city. of the delegate ting in Saratog epnblican part reviously, whic t, the day afte for the Vioe- cago ;Convention; ed said of him : for twenty-fiv °publican, and and truer Rope anywhere." Th oh have elapse nring which M 'ante has never also made more :tofore, an amia- th of ayeepathy kindly regard ofg r idely frohis' .,.g. Mr. Arthur ac of the secon ork State Militia Governor E. ineer in Chief nspector-Genera hie accession n ap-pointment, t ion of Quarte ich• he continue War Governor's discharge of i a arkably able an respect it w sm. Affairs i and transport ousandar• of me le place in whic th him. Fiadin( , the young me and opened a re they were suc question of hi considered, Mr aughter of Lien e estimable lad 18 lawyer. In th slave -holder and Juliet Leinmon, them from their , Ay, from which ship for Te:xae, of habeas corpu s, arid the leg 1 the subsequen herthe provision aw were in fore Judge Paine d , and the ca Thereupon tb authorized th e State to assi against Judg, ain M. _Evart , were employe citizens ef their 180 Court o the United suegess al. A few ye 1856, r. Arthur too poor co ored woman polled faom a Fourth York City, after payi brought! an action aga and` reeovered five this victory ovet prej the co party who ha 131) colored people permi cara, and in a short ti came -general through Mr. Arthur was on of tbat convention me whieh founded the He had been a Whig remincla the writer to he had lbeen ,nominat Presidency by the Ch the late Thurlow Tw a I have known hi it yearaao Whig and a more loyal patty man lioan Cannot be ,found nearly three years wh since tbat time, and conspiertous than her which ommand the pore= who differ in their political vie Before the civil wa ed as Jludge Advocat Brigade of the New Lipan going into offic Morgan made him En his statr,and in 1861, This was succeeded b der Governor Morgan' master -General, in w untilothe close of the ' administration. His onereue duties was re absolutely above critic tion of hundreds of te were administered by a which elicited the gr and sincere admiratio efficre had expired, Mr. to the practice of his twice. 1 He acted for . counsel to the Board o goners bf New Yprk Ci end of 1871, President hins to the Colleotorshi New York, in which o until July' 12, 1878. President Ha.yes was st as strict investigation s incumbeney of the offic As chairman of the Re • • • Committee, Mr. Arthur contribute largely to the strength 4 his party i the Empire State. On the Sth of June, 1880, he we,: nOrhinated, to the Vic+Presidency of the 'United States by i the Nation;1 Republican, Convention held at Chicago ,by a vote of 468—afterwards mad unaniaacras, eut of a total of Y56. Th le. ticket.; 'in which his name had place prevailed in the succeeding election . President Garfield was inaugurated an began his administration under encou aging conditions. Subsequent divisions by the assassination of the Presiden , who died on the night of Septeruber 1( , 1881. President Arthur took the oat of office in his own house in New Yor - City, a few hours after thiS lamentable event. He was form.allyInaugurated t Washington, September 22, when e again took the oath of office, which w s administered by -thief Justice Wait The next day he issued a proclamation • making the twenty-sixth of September', 1881, the day on whiela _the remaina of President Ga. 4 1st, rat„ela d, 011ie, ay eople wh jt dge of t wit arty bias Ie gaine gr do esteem y mini a le s, Sine° his inangurati he to have mad good t pr Sid in the ,eiefau ret tvhicli he del vered Referring to lie la nation' shall profit by te IS humilia alines d Wise out ext9 tly eta Garli d. ay be id cont t eons n. predece earnest see tha exam pie his sister, and prote t he body, and dof everyt happy, for she can °illy once, and he would so if she died, a d th that his Con uct to times been s ch. Mr. With re, do house any m re. 0 hina coming Up th father said, " Ther evening ?" a d then need never 1 y eyesi I made p my should bothe brother to rcilllateyetS1 r time I saw r: Wit kindly and firmly told him wh t Sae- 1 ,about Other her and that he ught n more. Mr. ithers t thank do him geed which as hat he o wanted to h rt so od and„ wa When I told Sue ho I protected that she Couldn't sp k, nd just roorn and 1 ave he t eel tha %,371 need) hit me on the head,. b it wouldn't ha e hurt itch f it had. Mr. Tray rs was elighted abo )t, and told me I had atea. like a an, and that 'he should- ' forget it. be everything, and it! s ne of the eat field, keeps pigs, o y h don't pp el them mono , for th run all ar nd. They come nto our rden and e up everything, nd fat dr aid he • d al Now one f the treps that my ok told about as just -the hing to eh pigs with. t was made out of a y ng tree and a rope, You hend. th ree down and f sten th rop to it so to make a slip ernoose land when the pig walks into tbe sli pera se th pee o the air. ke some n that hem w Was iris tea the' naornin nti from ev make awfully _a t:i rememb gar en walk, t other lie again." bad hat no that's the k when they nu fa easaut to did 140 111 0 II 0 flies up and I though father bette and cabala s and got the fixing the fr trees for m made the fore supper, would come get caugh It was b house was would go. an been out'of utes when from Sue, a what was had walked ing° by one 1 feet from t him at first son is upsi matter, and two men to Mr. Traver run and get help, and that Sue o hold Mr. T 'erks hi in that me pigs ; so two Iri hm nt *al to and old raps.. his ht moo igh avers d o dreadfully take a Era he hen e hear -a the tter g, with his except e, f told fa Or bend do II t loose. So t Mr. So bfiel hey got the avers' h I was s excite had said. th ngs -to feelings; an that "thinking to tell. Mr. Soh himaelf ca. ht, ra because he as sole xio the `first t ing I1 6W awful yell trona him, the air awl .hung way Mr. Tr vers h went at me in the except Su , Who Travers' he d. Th kind things of me a got Mr. So °field's 'cut Mr. t•avers loose, and they fell didn't hurt hem m field broke .some of he isgoing to bri as he could bp. H fault that ever c me that kind o trap. Mr. nicesk ma that ever father, and when be a go and live with hi told him va.t, for I Young Peo Ile. Ps Pe ere Wo be- Oigs and t hat eve Sue said ' he They h bed out t see ()ad abou Elm at wa the e tree and get ey told in Ito step-ladd e top of i nd th t I forgo all , anld4 besides e that hu revented me nm field not o geet, S to help fid there ea e he e by both large, g. T en vire one as olding r. s id the mo t d ray r n the gravel, is 01 me int ithe limb u and r. Salt Old th, and ays s just as n;ad begged ern e it wa his avers s the on 81 From- VT The foil wing is private lett writte this county by My. known as sawmil dated Sada ia, May sleighing commence broke up F brow, sleighing w th at Snow. We had tiara to 1 th Feb being WO zero though it as Leant and we Spring set i and p is three -fou hs finest pine in the a moat any where throu the th there ii no brawls, but plent arise aiia wild flow s. h bite' during winter ; fax let th rxt remain all :inter, a Elraise are making f etune ;, as horses. Amn w th 210 cattle generally puts !up , bo tons of wild ha 'ev ry year. seasons he does n'ot feed any of of eouirse, he •keePs his hay for but e nlbe farmed by machin would take a large vol tne t scribe this country. arley h until he middle 1 Oeiober, neve takes any harm. No f his wheat until he cap get a h thresh it. When a th eBher c bringt- all his men; team , grain in sack for Se in oh pe .3,000 rshels per d . , A e There is none of th m i here like yours ch a t binding a sheaf ol n is u EYerything is One '11 and taking away the Bram. ride on! the plows n bar o • Stockmen own sheep, 1 Flour is $6 p groceries a little 4ear than clothing about the sam aand of wood as cheap as i Cana is burned on all the lo .omott are plenty of Ore hane money here, especially for a who knows how te value mone is so plentiful It at pe le TS seem to value it. A coin al two bits (25 cents) erarel s we have no paper Money, liaA man eau get 0,50 iper onth n Lumber is worth fro 012 to thouSand at the Mill. I pay 1 sale, and Bell for $25, Living to sell all three or four our -h can haul. PT BLIC THE. undersigned, having peen ap 'CONFEDERA 1110 TIO ggY long • nd the es and d they d8gutrr i°e peal! as well lite aid, 6oyf Seine hte, tnhelt, vest is wheat ill last t is not wheat eshertlo toes e 0., and delivers undred. chinery ing as known. milli 'es en al o 20,000 otatOes 109 lbe4 amount Wo d do not er than y good board. $16 per haul it I can tearns ted Agent LeIFE Territ entlem B ace; fo er- ner and is -locate 2,1883. He 3,4t3 at ew Year nd st from 20th an - or s eh This co (lied MIRE Corporation 1:of Mo Will loan y -I- farm property, first in rtgage, at 7 t interest, payable annually Bo wers expenses. For f her particul rs a 41u GEORGE FORS , Reeve, Rras Ls I'. Is desLus of insuribg the lives of a in case of death. This is 1 adoubte Insurance Company doing1 nsiness present:. A look at the Da y Glob May 1 t;1883, will seitisfyi ny rem this fa t. Call at once on y, 80 88i1t0 y • the best • anada' as or Mail of nab man of Agent S afo h. low in erest. 804 PADLOCK 0 0 0 CD ci ta 0 2 fn 1-6 wriNION3S SHIM trd LEGAL. -La 8 lieitor, Conveyancer &cJ Money to loan, ot Office in Meyer's ,Bloek, Main Street, Seafor h. 794 R. 11 end at lowest rates of interest. OEYICK— HAYS, Solicitor, &o. Private money to Corner of, Squere and West Street, GoderIch. 774 Wm. rondfoot. 688 •-/ Honore in Chancery, it M.O. moron, Q .0., Philip eron. Goderich, Ont. H. for ts Solici Priva .0. MEYER, Barrieter and Attorney at ing affidavits in the Prov noe of Manitoba. avi, Solicitor in Chancey. Commissioner or for the Bank ef Ha ilton, Winghano. 41 elands te loan at 611 to 6 per cent. 6811 NING Id: SCOTT, Barr of -Johnston, Tisdale & Gale: Office,i Beaver Nook, Clinton, hiAa Ng, J'aXBS SCOTT. sterg, Solicitors, ors for the Bank Money to loan. ntario. A. H. 781 of Ha ilton. Commissitmers .vits in Manitoba. Private fund cent. Lueknow office every rs for the Bank or taking affida- to loan at 6 per dnesday. 11. W. 738 NCEY, L FTUS E. DA Money to loan, Bensoa's Old nveyancer, &c. Office, Cardno's 786 under be oa debts due to the firm will be p will pay and discharge all debts the 'Dated at Seaforth, t combo. 1882 S. G. MoCAUG STED ICE of Dissolution of partnership.—The artnership heretofore exi ting between the 'pod hap this day been issolved by mu- nsent. The business of , be late firm WM ed on by MR. Ronan BD, to whom all yable, and who ue and owing by e 21st day of De - F. HOLMES ED, BAVairstlt G. MCOPM HEY, —Scott's 13lock, 785 10ounty of Harms. Sales attended In all parts' Of the County. All ord rs leant the Ex., pourrOR Office will be prompt yattended to. •-'• Sales of all desoriptio tended in any part of the coun termS. Orders left at the • offic ExPoBiToR, or addressed to Bru prompt attention. anty Auctioneer. y on reasonable of the Hunott eels, will receive A DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the "L-1-• T County of Huron. Sales of all descriptions 'promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad- dress , Walton P. 0,, or Lot 114, Concession 14, McKillott. ., SUI ;FOLK PIG.—The undersigned will keep on - a Th ronghbred Suffolk Boar. This animal was reoe tly purchased from the we -known bre&ers, A. F anks & Son, and is from mported stock on both ides. Terms,—$1, pays le at the 'time of servibe with the privilege of retu ning if necessary. GEORGE PLEWES. 788 FOR SALE. 1 31:r LDING LOT FOR SALli.—For sale cheap, most eligibly situated a d desirable build- ing 1 t on north Main Street, ear the business portion of the town. The lot i well fenced and posselssion can be given at an time. Apply at THE, EXPOSITOR Office, Seaiorth. 797 F°4. SA.1:,E.—A comfortable, cottage ark two ahops,1 suitable for blackinnith and wagon maker, in a good part of the b,own for bueiness. The (pottage is in good repair,; and is pleasantly sitne. ed. The whole property will be sold in a block or separately, and very cheap. Apply to W. N. WATSON, Seaforth. , 80841 ."1" Itrurt d oiling, situated in a pleasant part of the tow , co tdining nine rooms, °alai, wood house and stIle ; stone foundation under the house, and har and Boit water on the premises* Appl to 0. M. WHITNEY'S Tin and Stove Em- Itylat pori , Seaforth. Also a good Driving, Mare eight yeari old, ono light Wagon, one buggy, one eet light harnesa. 80241 IN 15.4 1-3 A THE SEAFORTH 1111INCE AND Ur AGENCY. ONZO. STRONG 18 ENT for several Firet-Olass Stook, Fire and Life Insurance Companies, and is proper. 'Al Agent for several of the best Loan So - Agent for the Sale end urohase o/ Fano and illage ,Property. $30,,,0061 to. Litomatenr-easti.1 Six per : eclat Agerit for the sale of °seen teamehip.Tiokete OFFICFI — Over M. M017 son's 'Store, Maim FAFNING OOLS. :It DUNCc Itc • .. JULY 13,18-8X DUNCAN THE ooNEER 'F ARDWARE STOFfe ARE STILL TO THE FRONT WITH LATE NOVELTIES. 'FANCY 'AND! MUSLINS Are &king the kftd. this warm sultry weather.i Now is the ti' e to buy goods ot this class. All the new shade's in DRESS GOODS will be cleared at a bargain. . Immense sap of everything .in this' deiartmint. Cretonnes,4 Laces: and Damask for Curtains, and Lace aAarzporr fron:t 5c la7# up to the best ody Brussels. A FULL RANGE OF BED COVERBI AND PNLOW COTTONS T In fact, evowthing to commence ho repknish. We ,are still pushing Shoes at cost. Call and get prices. DUNGAN WELS AND sekeeping with, or to to clear .Boots and GROQER, D. D. RpssE, FAMIL NEXT CliOOR TO THE POST OFOICis , STONE BLOCK, WThrG-11A11.,' (Successors to Gordot Seeeott) Headquarthrs for the celebrat Steel Two -Barb Fencing Wire.i ONE CARLOAD Montreal Cut Nails Received this week, and will be eolfi at boitom prices. Best brands of wivirE LEAD and ENcusn BORED AND -RAW OIL Hardware of all de ctrittihonas eas legitimate jiTmila;13:.A. low prices asis consistefLmE PERFECTION 41' LASti SUCCESS XT AORBINA4Y EGM NDVILLE ROLLEp.. 114 I ' The only genuine Ro ler Mill the Qounty, which now has no s and few equals,! on the centiee t of America for maaraf Wring The Bread Quest on of rital Irnporttince. The Gradual edu by Rolle s no 0 era -ft n. !Roller Flour brings fro n $1.25 te $1.50- ; per barrel etre-e than the best Flour made by the Old Process. Farmers will in all cases get !left own wheat groutal, an by our neWsys- tem get a stronger, waiter, richeri and better geade of flour y far thari the public has hitherto been able to gee Remember, there is no humbug lit -ex- periment in. our adopqng the Grf4dual 'Reduction System. Onr new system is thorough and reliable. It has lima 'thoroughly- tested, and proved a success in 'Hungary, Germany, France, England and the Unit d States. We gave A 1 Flour previous tg our extensive change at heavy costi and we guarantee better lour now.; !One trial will 'be sufficient to prove Or as- sertions correct. Our facilities for thp class of Werk. are unsurpassed, and cnstomers may de- pend on getting their chopping done st one+. Be sure and try our famou4 new lionr, Bran, Shorts and feed ileliva ere to any part of eaforth, EtaFpur.- Our Saw Mills at Egmonaville 808 136 NUS rA.P. For Extra Value 14 Fresh Groceries. GiyE HIM A C'ALL. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. rrBELL'S MILLSi Proprietor of these well in wn and pop-Warn-1mi has tIONV got everything i first -el FAMILY FLPIUR hi& cannot ex- celled by any mill in the c untry. GBISTING DONIX WH IA THE WAITS FO Brat always on Ha d, and sold at. the lowest 1883. 1883. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS M. MORRISON Has Received His JOHN M ANDriEW ALDER, THE PEOPLE'S PHOT -1- state that he has ret itota, and is convinced t like home," and he inten and will henceforth give h tention to his business: H good work are uneteelled, a eatisfaction. Coale one, your relations and Men shadow ere the substance Imo:late you all, Rad cam moderate. Remember the Main Street, eaforth. 762 ANDR tGe B4' TAI ar Ct*Igg°2fli d he can go111%/01 aantatodeLyieon:Oeen.aullte°17112trisrgai*14: THROAT.. RYERSOtt truer. on gibe 3717 oothernie lairq1e1pal ei6t1+: bays I eholerfl jaeavy La in tale tear, be ha$ la eraaple farra " t1:11: lotdtollste,;:rrull:1 preeent Titalrol r )ex‘su(18:aels3::::.ttt:: ft,sai'eocauctntl;illi PoNa :id 1 idiins,s 1:18;? 010 ari fait ineli:e purse hiA de fegparie;" "orr alaiii:saerrrt btt ei3;rinnsies.gaiiinenAtei ficali°dairt, <1''°bac.:6111-41f1113rt:41f() 0703 CR the le.have now in steck a full line of §c 4e93 Hoes, Spading Forks, Laion Mowers, Bdr4 Fence Wire, SPRING STOOK OF FIELD & GAROEN SEEDS An everything inthe hardware line at low st prices art CONSISTING OF ALL TI1E LEADING- LIES S.vitede Turnip, White and. Grey StOne, Mangold Wurtzeis, Carrots, Beets and Sugar ane, &C., And a large stock of Garden Seeds of all kinds in bnlk or!by the paper. Also Clover Seed, Timothy -4 Orchard Grass,11Kentucky Blue Grsss, Black Tares, (to We also keep on hand a large stock of 1 DR. DEMME Ear and Throat, Trinity M to, and Surgeon to the Me. Institutions for the Bliti- thelDeal and Durcib, Belle sal ;Assistant Roue). Londo tal* Moorfields, and Con May 113 consul ATt.,13ION_ HOTEL, On the Last *ATV —1i1ARRIAGE ET, Tosont ed st the .1 STRATiOlif DAY in DD'S Hardware Choice Family Groceries, Crockery, Flour, Feed and Provisions at Bottom Prices. ,000 on r cent. to pay ppl3 to 0. 786 Establishment, STREET, E3AFORTH. 1 IVIORRISONI East Side Main Street, Opposite Market Street, Seaforth. ISSUED AT Stoma Thine and vi the lb mal con sou Pure it liaael Proptf- unmee rOtigh fio .go drtag Greao knovnl THE HpRON EXP SITOR