HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-07-13, Page 3AMERie O W i r; WALL Spring patterriajust About 600 desiaas in all colorings, ► from fives cents to The he largest assort imea best value in the count Est : n - PAP SEAFOR --A1\741).—;.• CEILING DECORATION Beautiful . assortsne rtt Cloth Window Blinds Fires, CarxtuetPaper,` C Cori p &c.. a w HO MANITO ONE OF THE ET REQ Parties going to Manitoba well to secure a Supply of Robbs• Crete orated Cured Before startirg. Last season 1- ata ors parties, and they all expressed well satisfied, and found that their p ,id them well. 1 have also : u1 plied • many this season, but have..stilt a large on hand which 1 wil furnish on the able textus. Every person going to M the Northwest, should not caul to $et before they start.' The Local Tide Liberally ',Dealt All kinds of cured meets'1keiet eo 1 out and at my grocery store, Main g; ! forth. and sold in large er small pan NEVER. ii.u> 4v0II A CrioTCR LOT %$ TE Ali kinds feesh, pure and cheap, as • chasers will sa-ve money by bnyieg Remember the spot, Stark's Bleck,Main HUSH BOB Nt B, -I keep constantly on band supply of Kin„'s Specific, a scare aUrs: i pepsia and Indigestion. Ai -y who haus ' will reeenut end it to their neighbors atu Sant by mail on receipt of price. Sole this part of Ctnta rix). UGH ROBB, Setifottlii, PAPST, The swell°° IS -the place to go for good relia E.9 CLUCKS, JEWELRY .`LE-PLATED WAS;:. SEC`CE• 411 11- arrarnted as Reprosen• no Sate. Tome and Examine: Convinced. Repairing Done and Sati' ri`•'auar ,nteed. .. L. A T, inn of the Big Clock, Main Seaforth. HOR I TTY $ COMing Home al *poem by win oval of the regi haw Payne, author sweet Home," groin. Tunis ere aired e'er the dreary eart often and alone; gee o could teach Home's ma /teethed one 0f his own. n winterte hhilly'road, wed scu3am. bore his great:heart, and had z 1 him With 'the load ; eridetheresoevCe Tahr his round, lib went with weeny tread, floa'taed eni aheead 1 fo - d Debated the melodies it maeale' $pealing o'er and o'er, *ma royal meal° bands that Beepse the pintos door ; (se heard its gentle tones of 1' one many a cottage creep,. m ear tender eiooning mother To Bing their babes to sleep •, Ara vheresoe'ar true Iove har.i b %bis thrilling song had ilo Abe who taught Rome's mat• t no home of hie own Thebanishment was overlon a Bat it will soon be past; De elan who wrote Home's s eetest Shill have a home at last 1 a be shall rest where laurels wave, bid fragrant grasses twine; Ins sweetly k(Pt and honored grave, Oka be a meted shrine . rya pilgrims with glad eyes grown dim, Will fondly bend abofe Them= who suing the triumph hymn Of earths divinest love.. John Howard Payne, it is said, wrote +0 some, Sweet Home," while sitting -cath the entrance lamp on the steps eta nobleman's a theatrical mansion. he ventures having vl ed, :he found hims-lf without a T oast. ark! ton , on 8 of John "Home, o America.) :bless wort, r'te sun, one Iayed v:tove eea worth, song, nalling to pay fora bed. Gaieties. f+ Snrely you've newa he this morn- • , Tommy ?" "No, Til mma 1 IL, was an bed so late .Iaet night that I didn't ihink I required it ?' -An old lady from on districts astonished a ale stores by asking if they h developments,suth as the i o the rnral k,'n o e of the d an"yaller did utp letters Le I -."Don't pull time 'az un so," said the thief to the policeman, " I have a felon, on my finger !" " An : I have my tiger upon a felon," re asked the policeman with a sardonic utile. _-Whenever you see a an coining ont of a country drug store, wiping his mouth with the back of hi hand, you may know that the town s suffering ander a combined attack of alaria and the license law. Standing before a olerhyman who Was about to -marry him, e rustic was asked " Wilt thou have this woman," oto. The man stared in s�rprise: and replied, " Ay, surely 1 'h y, kummed pimpas ! --Young Lady-" Isn't t is child a little Frenchman ?" Nurse ' 4 T cannot tell; the fatheris a Gerna ,the mother french." YoungLad " h, then we skull not be able to find on until the little fellow can speak. -"Say,' remarked commercial traveler, "y Iota of cheek,whatever have," "Pshaw !" reel ed "wearily carry samples • -y seem stock." -It was the wife of President Madi- son who gave a young woman the famons advice " Give your apps ranee care- ful atd serious tho' fight in y ur dressing. room, and forget it elsewhe e." If the gentleman who eeps a shoe shop with the red head wll return the umbrella of a young lady 'th an ivory handle, he will hear of so= thin to her advantage. , -An old philosopher, bse ling a young man, who had too g eat a volu- bility of tongue, - spoke th a to him : "Take notice, my, friend, hat nature has "given us two ears atd but one month, that we may listen much and speak little." • -"I'm in favor of wome voting, if they want to vote," said a political orator. "I'd like to see th "man who'd make us vote if we didn't want !" ex- claimed an excited femaleuditor. --" I am speaking," said . long -wind - ad orator, " for the benefit Of posterity." "'les," said one of his hearts, "and if yon keep on ranch Ionger,y nr audience. will be here." .-" I tell yon," exclai ed Brown, "that Charley is wholly un selfish in his affection ; he loves the very gound she walks on." "Yes," said Fogg, when elle is walking on her father's estate." -A Scotch person sad, recently, iomewhat sarcastically, to la toper, that "he putan enemy in his m nth to steal away his brains, but that the enemy, after a thorough and prgtr cted search, returned without anything. ' -A young man in a lar, e company descanting Very flippantly n a subject, the Duchess of Devons it asked his name. "'Tis Scarlet " replied the gentleman who stood by " That may be," said her Grace, " a d yet he is not *rend." -It doesn't follow th t ou must do amean thing to a roan h has done a mean thing to you. T e old proverb runs :r -"Because the c h s bitten me, shall I bite the sur ?" Aboarding house keep r won't take any but pretty girls and susceptible young men. Those who fall in love are able, and, of She'is get- 1:•!!4. Mail Steamships :=ail from NeT_Yeefk every Saturday i ASCOWis LONOOND Cabin passage, i,G0 to F.-130. Second. COW. Steerage, Outward 828, Prepaid $2 LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN SE1 'ITY OF ROME Sails. July i4.Angustl$; VIA ELGRA . " July 21, Aug. 25, UBNESSIA Sail Aug. 4, Sept.$, Q Cabinpresage UG to 8100 according iodations. Seeoucl Cabin and Steersg sl Archer Line "hafts issued at lowest std free of charge in England, Scotia [relined. For passage, Cabin Plans, Book of To$ tl•ply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, News or to S. DICKSON, Post Offtoe, S. ,- REmoyAL NROE & HOG EAFORTS' TAV`E removed to their new preinia of Robert ;meson's store, the shop+ erly occupied by lair. D. MONS:11 are therouelly overhauled and refitta ops, and have much improved quo -tying on their business on a ,largeri ale than ever, They have now . on early for use a full assortment of theieaeei r RATED PL W i,, which are too wad . gnire conemC tion. HORSESHOE ING . all its btatnches a sptslty, f,ll -fes d General jobbing prornp be glad trr=see all our o and sallow .s;oreere as possible in our rlew Pry` M•ONRO-E° & as 8 f is otter to a allows carry you may - the pilgrim, u ought to ated together at the t eourse, lose their appetites. rich. -Jones asked bis wife : " Why is a husband like dough ?" Hexpected she would give it up, and was going to tell her it was because a woma needs -him; but she said it was because he was hard to get off her. hands. -We have heard of a rniy happy hunting -ground for supe nous mash- ers. In Peru girls come oar at the age of seven, and get married' at en years old. Their children are called ecimal frac- *he. --A Man, on being told y a generous firmer that he would give im a barrel of older, asked the farmer he would bring it to his house. '0 C rtainly," re - Plied the good farmer, "'hi h pleasure," 'Well," said the grateful an, " whit will you pay for the barrel hen the ci- der is gone ?" -$e had a very rnbicnnld face, sug- gestive of a dissipated life.: As he was Viking up the street a gentleman re; - Marked : " That fellow ie so highly le of a chromo." f en engraving d a bystander. soe, an engrave front of it, and co ored that he reminds "lie reminds me more than a cbromo " remarks "gow so 1" "'Well, you ing always has a glass in, chroi 10 hasn't." -An Irishman who la possession was observed' constant practice of filli: tion one day and starvin 011 being asked the teas+ d a pig in hie t adopt the gi it to reple- it the next. n for doing so, e replied, ' Ooh stare, and ian't it that like to have bacon with a Straka, oil at and a strike o' Iean aqually, Old: ter t'other ?" I, -" Why, John, *here have you b .en� night ?" was the gree ing as e. et party, y tumbled u l ear ; zhab •, hy, it ons; se the noir: sh I did, t' •:moan awl -A crust aughing ovE aper, being of reading it aloud s bare in the enjo '0, fudge, anydear ;.a nongh to make only be dreadfully stupid . two." stairs. "'Co s all." .• { t p not to t vIf ould tak ole week. Old en r something reproached t ke on .y. rid en hi 0 4 g ne.1 di ide e An Em They hal veeks when More one ev the had to lugs. arrassi s g been a he came ho ning and fon tone of 'er " Well, crying Won't re ho remarked, as he is hin. n N -no, h ut you s arrassing ` osition I " Certain': ; we oss in all t e city pa " And off r a libera '6 Yes." 1 " The finder will :xp 325 ? That's what mak:s and!" she .cried_ as shlai head' on 148 shonlde onds were a wedding r -ether, and he:got':m store, and I ' don't . • a swindled o • t of $24 ! m pl 11 ad ers" re w . h.. 6. pr 1tt. t rai The "iantati• n Here is another inc de March Jto the- Sea, tol Force to �the'Ohio ve •era ago: " One day 'a ser lea®t country house. Th: p ant wife• wre there.' : fte a the' 'seri eatit ,with g eat asked : " -Has hny one died he The planter quic , ly body." n The sergeant grave y s=id, somebody had died h -re.' The planter said, " no sir His wife said, " • h, • es remember that colo ed bo buried gest rday ?" The pia ter adds& , " Ah was a colo ed boy bnied yes The serjeant wi I. laclemnity, replied : " I only, Wanted to et I have opened that g av the corpse.'] • There was Iond e po for this cordse, so ca ed tation supply of hair t of 8 r par y ?J night to - 8o may oor weak it would.' , who' Was is news - s wife fo she could stilt' said at's fun gh woul betwde titin nL only ei from th er in tears and ear it, dear,' er on th- an eln ed in:" rtise h t the leas' mel ed r beautifu hose dia sent frb • e d-ol la o see yo ie Farme .R am. Sherman' y ' Genet :1 few day; ent into ✓ and hi: little tal. soiom4it e 1: Lely ?" sad "T thong..t on an tul wa Johnson in he P When the late Re . S: mu was preaching in q ai t. many years ago, the e • • as member of s the con to ati retired whisleg, wh. i var calmly, through the •• hole se. at length awakened t e i e o good deacois, and o . e +:• o cated himself in the le•• of captain, who, comint in hi moments later, pro •a p ly sleep. The deacon le: ne shook his ash. • " Come, o;tno,_ wa . e n . ; ,, don't yo that : a yes; tie erday." used s• know tht taken o tion the the pia pit. :1 Johnso •Id- Sal a oertai n, a portly ably file • t vice. Th one of!t. e ing be' 1.1 the worth • self a fe went 1 over _ani on't sloe ?" said; t e .. J' a 6 in ngeetin'.' Eh 1" What"s the tro ble captain. " I say," repeated he up." " What's the matt :r ?' captain ; ' ain't Jo +: ns pit ?" " Yes, of'coiirse he is, "Wa'al, than I gees on all right;" And the aaOtain c slumbers., rssl.onded ,t n i.• the. Ile ht' ?" things is going 1 snmed his R. 011, ".wak{e e lm'y r Who Had. A good try -is g York millionaire wh farm in New Jerse force strict rules ' ab of curiosity seekers, to get in he is soon other day•aa peighbo on businesst. He b the place bef re, and he found p w looking for t e super owner, wh appene countered "h m. Su merelyan i ler or asked him 'hat h The farmer,itaken address; replied : " N fhi,. " Do -you 'know : t came in ?" asked the QW I do," said the farm " Well then," said th out there as soon as yo farmer walked out. Shortly after th came -up and inquire l if and --so bad en t'. ere , only one ywhere abont timber they" wan : • very they wanted it im »edidtel promised to orae t • at mo about the sale of it. o ng. e F1:ap ng *about a Ne o ne -a-big sot. He as put is he dmittsn•� if o e happe • itl off. T fa mer call rev r been' o grin at a(gat roll ng arpun, de t, and th be there, e ing him to ng person]; h s d ing ther k y such >a tit t nd ha ing d � ent si me po w ba e s •. 8 0 4-: hic er. 0 oa vSp " Well,""said thb " I shouldn't wonder him off with a flea i a man strolling ab posing him=tc be one I cleared hick out. I will drive doer and started at onee. Re house he drove in, an an apology, but was farmer, who inquire • i which gate he,oame n. He said he did. " Then," says the fan you to get out of t a can." And the owner of tl e `obliged to depart. wn r0 ifIha• his ea ut er. oft`os heed see hi .1 chi g t se in, ut ff s h gate yo al ner, " g t ," and t rintende. ighbor S++ e was who ha„ much, an He hat' ning to. se the far 8• , just se• . I fonn ,-and, au �- : straggle •es -he liv: ." 'Oft"- h • e farmer hitn bega • ort by th knew a ler, " I Wail 3 q ick as yo' tot farm ;wa Absent ei d:,dn ss. -- The late James T. Fie ds sed to r late in the - most gr: ph c anner ; th particulars of his fir:t i . to view wit' the godlike Daniel. t ields w� then a lad fresh fro . th: co ntry, ser ing as•a junior clerk in tae ookstore' which he afterward bet: •t e the hea Being. the junior . tiler.+, , h wasedi patched upon the most di cult and hopeless errand which t • e nsiness f the store afforded- am:ly, collect a long standing and ev r -g iowi g bill froxa Daniel -Webster. Eery on else in t • e s f atore:had tried-andail:d It the turn of the pew h�an • He went into _Mr. ' ebster' ladehis rnos graceful •ow, $r ing the bill sad in hit politest "T'hettm present the r com to you, Mr. Webster, an beg t ou that their amount h: s been f or a good many years, a d th be extremely obliged to you if y settle it this morning!" " Young man," said ebate pan a man pay his hill money ? Look here ; se Saying this to ! there lay a he had receive had totally fol " I beg your have some mo ie bpei ed heap of ba d sore ti gotten. pardon,, sey. 1 w t. Help yon self." ' The young:: roancou • ted out the money, signs thio rete pt, and went. back to the store .' wit the light of; vvictery in his yeso How tris'4naaadr •f as Found. I have rete tly heard story touoh- - Ing the early 'fe ' of Se . ator Jones of Nevada which is' must i.tere ting and should not be lost, and w ich am told as true in everrespect, : ud illustrative of the characteristics of a c SO now almost passed away-th for y-iiiners' in California. 1 This :s m sto : Jones .had, gone to Cediforn..a ith t oisands of others when the wonderful isvovery of gold in that far off Ian thri ed every hamlet and v'llage. H had ood and bad fortune. Among th se 'o went to seek their f rtune there was : man named Hayatood;. frpm Vermon . He was rather the supeitior of iris ass •ciates in education and totally 'mike t.em in habits. They were ivoring in pretty good pay dirt, and at the first h e d fair success, and finally ;:one after a•other went away to more pro Hieing -Joe lities, until Jones and a few 'there, among them Haywood, were let at t e old dignings. Haywood ha• a clam on the mountain side that had as ya t shown no 'partici' r promise ; still h stick to it. One of sun�iptner • ay, vh:n the Red Hills . were giuveri . g w_th heat, Haywood came to;see Janes. S: id he : " Jones, I am very ne: r to a••onds - Iful vein ; I know it, tI tea it, bout I airs flat broke. I want x$2,1 On; with that iI will make both our fort. nes." ' Now, old fellow," said Jones, ' I have I. nowt 'just 1,000 men who fuer: ekactly n your tix. They only need =d - $1,0011, avid sometimes $100, to teak: their sternal j ail." Hayward eptre•: ted. madly Jones said : " I'will give you this .. oney: I have $3,000 buried nder t ,e fir- ! place, and when they fir: goes o • t and my Chinaman leave I • ill get it ont for r you, but don't ask m : for any more ; roan not afford to lbse •• ore tha • that, and, while I give it t. you w th the utmost heartiness, don' ask elle or any more." Hayward got the money ,n• said : " ;When I strike it 1 • ill gtye you a quarter interest." I 1 One afternoon about : mont after this happened Jones w: s sitting in his cabin, when Haywa4d s . ddenly b • rat in, as white as a sheet. " Jones," :aid he, "I have struck it." I I I. Struck what ?" sal. Jonetl. " I don% know just •• hat, y:t," an- swered Hayward, " but I have struck the richest vein I have •ver s en " They went togethler t ,look at t, and, sure enough, Hayward had struck an immense bonanza. on "p oket,' j of almost pure gold. Jones, . ith his e$perience, saw it was the rich st •. ine i' Califon- ? nia. They sent to Sa • Fraocisoo ter Eugene Kelly, then .a youn' mining engineer of great ability. He ronoun - ed it the greatest sari e, in is time. Hayward had found the New .Amador,• the richest gold mine i • the orld. He sold it to Wells, Faijgo nd sone others 1 fon $5,000,000, and the • ay te sale was ' made he gave Jones $1,250,00p. , Jones afterward married it ay ard'sl+danghter. But this is the histo of :the New Amador,and of th gr:at fit rt in life of Jones pf Nevada --= enver Tribune. ' Ensilage- for Catte., No doubt remains hat ensilage is greedily eaten by oattl ; and it seems to be fully as nutritive as green, fodder in its natural state. r. Atkinson, pf Boston, receutlysent cask:of maize :fodder and a uas of j nye to Prof. Voelcker, s th wellFknown agricultural chemist, of ! England, with •a view • bf showing the sort of ensilage prear d in America. Having analyzed th s mples, the pro - feasor reported the #na'ze fodder to he perfectly sound andth rye very slight- ; ly mouldy but both ere Wholesome ;food for cattle. A li tle c tton-seed meal having been adde to- the fodder, it was given to sows: on an experimental farm. They took o he a silage- at once, and evidently en oyed it. With careful managemen , 11 r. At neon cal- enlates that four owe can to main- tained in good condi io1i to o e acre pi ensilage. The experilments of Pref. ' Brrwn, ott the Guelph arm, chow that ensilage must not ; b: fed in too large ;quantities, hut moist be judiciously :mixed with other foe • , else the whys will fall off in milk, late; all cattle will 'lose flesh. as now s office d hand tones : Aliment remin rennin jt' wool �u wont , " how who 1 has no for yourself." s desk, and k ratites which e before ant oung man ; I s not aware of General. New -Daggett, the oWn Boston, who raced the catamaran on Sunday New York to Stolle miles, has been arrest animals. -Monday morning his shepherd dog over American side, expe killed, 'To ids surplus death and is back a borne. Mr. Charmajn part with the animal. -The part of John which was missing has den away in various in Brown's rooms at :The scarcity of je've considerable surprise, that he received many ;and jewels.-. It has ibe he sold them, paying ceeds into the back rest. -Every species of have selected Nova So ground this season. caterpillars lately o''e leaving in their to wastes of foliage as if agent. A. vile worm sumptuously in the bre napoiis Valley, a re' 'o which has gained s the London and of er failure of its crop wbul widespread effect. ch Notes; r of th nimal a # last e+ Cres , d for qrt . Ch m the f lie ting, the dog ain in would n Brow r 'a been fon xes and ";sifter lery has s it was resents n learn s ainsthor' ae k from meetly elty n sent on the tole soaped s old t nolw avin s • d hi •reesea Castle. caused known f plate d that z art o t pro - and : biding the grub se ms to tia for picnic NEW 1.1(LJOR .eTORE We ta, the peopi NEW Comprisi Wines from on Houses i e pleasure ha anpouncing of Seaforth and earrounding hat we have opened out a LIQUOR STORE; g the Choicest Brands of d Liquors, selected and bought of the leading Wholesale the Dominion, LD PORT WINE From England. DRY $ ERRY AND CRAPE WINE From France. Madeira ncl Marsala Sacramental Wine D. K. ND KINK'S HOLLAND CIN. Mount in Dew from Scotland. GU NNESS' PORTER Bottle by Burke from Ireland. GAR !NG'S AMBER ALE om Spain—warranted pure. Ry . Malt 4; Superior Whiskies 11. Walker & Son, Windsor. ilenne y, Martell, Jules Robin Brandies. All these liquors are epeeially selected for -me- dicinal purposes and family nee. Also, several other kinde of liquors, whieb wo hope will give every satisfaction to our castomersi Remember the place, two doors South of Rob- ertson's Circular Saw. W. KILLORAN. Begs to announce to the PuLe that he has commenced to operate the and that he will be prepated to give . good value in FT,ILL CLOTHS, UNION TWEEDS, FLANNELS, and varieties in STOCKING YARNS. CUSTOM CARDING; Spinniag and Fulling promptly attend. ed to. Parties from a distance will, as far as possible, have their Rolls home with them, and as he has put the mill into good wotking order and employs none but efficient workmen all work is warranted. Remember the Wroxeter Mills. PROPRIETOR Cai 202 co tEd nye ree CD CD sre • ese ten rn ro tn 0 tcfr Cnd CD CD Pt PI t=1 CD •op 'sliaohl 0 lag co 0 riD 0 1:3A 151 teat P g. CD aa 0. 0 1-1 CD Ut S iVALIV OA' q A,66„. 'stwwvus `saq os CASH WANTED. $25,000 W 49810111111180111111111111, nted. -'n Ready- Cias AT— THOMAS KIDD S EMPORIUM, For which the best value that Canada calt produce bd offered in ry Goods, Mi(linery, Gents' Furnishin s, Readymac4 Clothing, Groceries, B ots and Slim, How is it I can offer such inducements ?. Because I purchase at the fcittntain head in every market. Hav- ing a buyer always lin the European markets, vi)ho has the advantage of seicuring any class of 'goods hen at its lowest, I am in a position to sell you goods lo er than 'any House in the trade. I would remind my c stomers in general that if 1 4In in a position to give first-class customers twelve. months' creditii I should be able to sell you for cash as cheap as you can do elsewhere. Pur- chasers will find in every department a complete assort- ment of freshly imported seasonable goods. 200t 060 FEET of cheap pine and herieleck lumber. Apply at the saw' mill, Winthrop, Eight houses m Seaforth and Hare purhey. Prices ranging from 131.5Q to $800. Three hundred and seventy-five acres in hfaillop. and 1,240 acres in the Birtle District, Maniteba. Fresh Arrivals in Dress Good.s. e CUP t A WORD TO -PARIVIERS ifkiND THRESHERS IN TIMC, ,T. MELLIS Again on hand for the rep iring of WARMERS, now is the tire° to g your nta'e .1- chines in order for harvelit- All - nds of ref. pairing entrusted to MO 'will receive y best att teution. Cylinder spikes ma° from he 17,e4 ef iron. Patties wanting repairs for tbe Noxon Brother's machines, cilia get them. paired my shop. A large stock of Plows always op. band. Repairing of all kinds done wi h neattlesS aud low priced. 818-4 MIDSUMMEU and EVENING WEAR. Lovely things in Nun's Ve0ing in Sky, Pink, Cream, Mode and Black. EVENING CASHMERES in Pale Bl e, Pale Pink and Mode. lAll the leading shades in olored Silks. A nice assortment of Black Silks, Black Satin Brocades, Black Moires, Black Ottoman and Polka Dot Satin, Black Buntings, plain Oind fancy ; Light Black Silk and Wool lyocades, Black Polka Dot Basket Bunting. Special !value in Black and Colored Cash- Depaytmer is In this departMent new shapes anive weelily. Not- withstanding the ciool- season, orders are pilin m so rapidly that, although we have a very large st ff, they are obliged to work long hours to compete 'th, the rush. Since the season opened, we have not b en able to close any evening before ten, eleven and twelve o'clock. Un.der MISS HIGGINS' able management of this de- partment, nothing allowed to leave the Honse but first-class ,work, though they should work all. night. Note prices in Sunshades and Sailors, and everything in straw goods. PARASOLS, startling value ; examine Readymade Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. In this department I have secured the niOest ma- terials made in styles second to none. I have every con- fidence in calling the attention of all buyers to the enormous quantity that annually passes through our hands, and I am satisfied that any one wishing a suit can secure the same at prices not to be seen elsewhere. Latest styles in Men's Tweed and Worsted Suits, Boy's Suits—extra value. Rubber Coats Overalls, Overskirts, etc., striking value, Just to handl the nobbiest shapes in American straw hats, gents' and boy's sizes at very low figures. Fine assortment Men's and Boy's Felt Hats. See my 75c line, $1 line, and- $1.25 lines. Fur Hats all prices. Bogts and Shoes. FOR MAN ITO BA And the- N(j)iithwest. OE LAKE SUPEIIOR Parties going to Manitoh or ann part of the ,Northweste or whihing take the round trip OD, the akee, can procure tickets and obtain all ecessarn iaformation as to rates, on a plication at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEA ORA. Watches and C ocks. Where is the best plate in town for -Watches and Clocks ? At Counter's Jewelry Empo imn. There you will also find t e largeat stock of jewelry, Clocks, Silver-plated Ware nd Black Not an old worthless stock by any means, but a new and fashionable assotment, which will be sacrificed, as I am positively closing this branch. Groceries. Examine my 25c Tea, and 'my twelve poUnd Sugar, All gdneral groceries equally good value. 4. call solicited, even if only for comparisons THOMAS K1DD,, Corner Main and Market Streets Seaforth. He guarantees all goods as represented. ass goods Every one that wants fiist-c goes to Counter's. satiefaction given or money refunded. And don't forget to price ment of Nickel Alarro.s, .Seth Tho Haven and other clocks. Diamond Rings and Scarf Wedding and Rand Riti is assort. Pins, 18k Cournitreers's. for Meerschaum nd Briar On exhihition at the leadi g jewelry store. Careful attention even s repairiag - fine watches. Knives, Scissore, Pocket Bo ks, Combs and Brushes. Spectacles from 25e to $12 o suit all sights. M. R. COUNT 13, The Leading Jewelleti opp site j.. S. • Porter's Furniture St re. Always keeps on hand a full line of the latest sty es of COOK BOX AND P RLOR Their beauty shows, the price sells them. siqVph and t)ae TINWARE Orevery description alwaye in stook. We make all our goods, andi guarantee them good and right in price. A fun line of Table and pooket Cut. lery at very low4pricee. I We have a tile lot of Grapite Kettles in dock for preservitg, Shoi All sizes , and prices. EAVETROUG1-ONG. All kinds of Jobbing Wor promptly attended, and satisfaction uaranteed. Parties wanting goOde in !my line it ' will pay them to see my !stock and I compare prices. Late W Ups; others. EXECUTORS' N TICE. UNDER and by virtue of the R Statutes of Ontario, Cap. 107, Pectic. , the credie tore of John F. Moritz, late of the Village of Zurich, in the county of Huron, Tanner =Id Shoe-makisr, new deceit -Bede who died on or abettt the Twenty first -day of May last, are hereby notified to send by ktter repaid,1 on -or before the lint day of Septembe next, to -the under- signed executors of the lee Will and TeetaMegt Christian and Surnames, a dresses and desenp tions, the full particulars ef tbeir c aims, a state- ment of their accounts, an the na ure of seem'. ities (if any) held hy them, and tha eo soon alter the said find, day of SePtember next as the essete of the said deceased, 'John F. Heintz, shall have 1,een realized—the seine will destributed among.- the parties entitInd the , haring re- ferenee only to the claims of whi Notice libel" have been furnished to the, undersi ed, and the said undersigned parties shall not be peliarboolen ic(); the assets or any part thereof to whose elahn notice shall not have en received by them at the time of dietribut , Any per- son having knowledge ef an pr perty or ee- curities being part of the sa d es ate, or who are indebted to the said estate, e requested te communicate with MICHAEL ZELfeER, Dated at Zurich this 17th day o srriLi_, .A.1 -:J.-., ..es...,: E3RUSSELS LIME 41011KS. Us toke that having e several improvem ntri ha their and vicinity for t patronage, 8... beg to stab* kiln and mode f -burning, they a 0 nOw hi a better position ei. ever before impply .'ehe public with fir8 lass lime.. This being ninth season of lour hnsirteeS Te fled satidfactie so far, the pliblic can rely • on receiving good treetneent and a firetecless article feom us. Firs class lime at 16e. C . Heine -tu- ber the Vat— russels Lime Works 804 TOWN 8c. SON