HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-07-06, Page 8• t : •r f. STA Noted for C Just rQjceiv ped G ds,. of Pea 11 s, I Strawl a ries VEGE AI3I Tomat es, )Q Freno Mus 'Quint and —4Stra —4Ron,+ Beef ai S4lrtot dine. "!Why f e. • words ? Bee are worth met GROCERY. Noce Family Grocer d a fres supply of C consisting in FRUIT ears, Plums, Blackberri Cherries and Apples ; n ,E,S- Peafl, Corr?; Be a s, oston Baked Beasts a;o room ; in JAMS--Aprio t, I3laokberry .; in JELLIE S vberret and Apple; ; in MHA less chieken,l - Turkey, C n d Lnnah. Tongues; 4n FIS , Magkerel,; Lobster and S - home's Teas like . go use they cost little 'a fi. L. THORNE-. d r _ ton occur i DIE PRICT *ATTER p. $. TRAw3ERRr FEsTIvAL. — A .Stra ber 5 Festival will be given by the Ladies' Aid the lfetlihdist Ch rch of Canada, on the group of Mr. Joseph Bro ell, on the evening of Tu 'day the 10th inst Entrance at .the gate cents. Str i wberr es, ice cream, lemonade, et extra. Sh n1d th weather prove nnfavora the enterta nment will be held in the Lect Bodin of the Cana a Methodist Church. 813= . �f)IERLA is Diphtheria and Oro Remedy is the b st remedy for Croup. Dead Sir,— ne of our children, a girl of 10. yeas, is subjecte to croup. She had an tack of it 'since a receivedyour remedy. gave her th required dose, and it relieved h in less than five i$inttes. She has had no turn of it since' believe it is better than an thing we have tried yet. H. CURRIE. " F sale at I iekson's. 813' i' TBAIMERRS i STRAw13ERRIEs 1 Leave your orders or Strawberries at the Cent Grocery,where youlcan.be supplied at eight cen (sets) per box, delivered. Also Best granulat sugar, ten pounds fpr one dollar. Goods e•uara teed;equal to the best, and prices as low as t lowest. Cats' bo undersold. LALOL Aw & FAI&Ls 81'3 DUiccAN & DtiNcax, Seaforth; are no shoe ing a fin &ROA of carpets, in Brussels, T • pest y, Ali Wool, Upion and Hemp, at. all pric to it customers, a d have just opened a fe pay gas of b autif 1 all wool patterns, at 40 and10c per 3 'trd. 13 ' - 0 e • Ooa S arEN�• rs ABROAD.—In th honer list of students who received.dis Unction at the closing exercises; at the Braiitford Young Ladies'. College last week, we notice the names of two from this, town Miss Etta Duncan received honorable glen tion in general proficiency, hig est eaarks I chemistey and botany, honorable mention in French and mens c, firs in ...cripture lessons and second prize f r deportment. Miss Maggie Wilson received first prize in French and ;German. We' have pleasure in congratulating the young ladies on their commendable success. Elam PURCHASED.—Mr. fr. Simon Young, of the Huron Road, who sold'his farm a short time ago to Mr. Dale,: has pur- chased. the ,farm..of Mr. Wm.,Youtlg, in thetownship of Wellesley,, near the villa a of Millbank. The farm con- tains 100 acres, and was' purchased for $6,0(0 [t 6 an excellent farm and has good bull lgs, and Mr. Young says that a simi ear faro in. this o unty could not be purchased for less t an $7,000 He gets possession abort he first of. September. Mr. Young is a good citizen and a highly respe ted geode- maid entle-man. and we are very sorry a is going, \to leave Huron., but we hoe both he and Mrs. Y trig may enjoy ealth and prosuerity *their new'hom . T E AR EXHIBITION. — The Art Exhibition closed on Monday evening last. It w s kept open for about ten days/ and p treed :successful beyond the ;most sang ine expectations of the pro- ! moters. N twithstanding the unfavor- able weath r most of the time, the at- . tende:nce ch day and aening was, good, and :he interest seemed to in- crease taste: d of diminish.,The affair throughout. • as well managd, and was made as int resting as Feasible, and the interest tak n in it by the people will at least l be g = atifying to Mr. Moore, the Librarian, : fad the others who devoted so much ti Ag e. and energy to make it successful. The gross proceeds amounted t $185, leaving a balance of $118.89 for the benefit of the-Institrte after all th expenses are paid. Mr. Croc1ett, o Hamilton, whb was the principal d" castor, did his dart well, and to any •ho may desire' get up a similar ent.rtainment we would say they can n6 ,do better th n' to avail themselves t f his services. f M. usens +a's CotwrcTIONB. The Clin- ton New Er: of last week sa s : " The Mayor, Chie of Police, and tt inhabi- tants have g.t the town into a• very• peaceable a a d orderly c indition, if the return of m : gistrate's convictions is any criterion; by • hich to judge. j For the first quarter of the present ybar there was r of a so 'tau conviction recorded by a Clinton magistrate, and for the quarter endig the 12th : of June, only three. 'Three cases in six months is a pretty good ,record for any town, and these three ire very . trivial If the balance of t e year does not ' ' pan out " any better, t e amount the own , will realize from ' nes will be sm 11 indeed. Bat this is ,: species • of in irect loss which the p g blit never t. ompl in about." - . Seaforth is : head of C1iut n ' in this respect as in almost every of er. For the first qt': ter there was -nt a single conviction from this place a .d for the second quart r there was mil one. .. FORESTRY. Court Sherwo Meld their alf yearly meet 28th June, far the election and fc1r the p=yment of con This inem,be 's mustered in . The fellowji1 members were eta,: to tilt ' e various affia .ensuing six nonths : Bros.. nan, C. R:; S. DeitrirrchaS, Millan, R. I .;; -1. Barta&n, Snots;, .; T. Whitlock, Daley, Trea .; .7.. Pinch, Secretary. i uring the ev Chief Range initiated six ne into .the fo d and reoeived t propositions with six or se members to e• made on rex night. It * 11 be seen from the Ancient rder of Foreate to the frost: as a benevole The net receipts of the rneetin he brass band tion with a Order is get splendidly rider the leadersh ed. to $I d Forest ng on the f. officers ribntions. full force. inly elect- s for_ the Meoten- `.; S. Mc - W.;. F. J. B.; S. ecordieg i.i- g the Ixembers ree more en snore meeting this that s'is going t society. • amoant- n connec- ing along p. of Prof. Scott hard nearly to pa pocke that. • Twelf jastic thong a mon ,ancon ont. has b will every eleven.. 'Mee r osito r g •ref hich the nowt g aph clebr joke E. Whitni, Whit cereal Wm. father suppo the gr and .ler the for The p I for with fl a we large n nab and np:oer -.y p friends City, couple train a their hi COLIN Connci consta pI ovist all pers to this that at would pointing name of Lowrie 1 was ins the app gnired act of 1 at next ;from th °rnendin: read, an write to, of mates aecouht 'amount tars, t weeks. a b of to the of h linton. 'boys, as heir ins eir teach t they tv have ah July, ,the *heB tt have -on hexpec emselve eating n c g`Snged. held on t lte nate Mo Coy`, ' IMO IAL.—In of 1: st week renpe to a pi ook ;place in t rincipals in t in this town, s follows Et ed Wednesda Whitney, da y, sq., an y u erchant, y •,as perfor the real 30 o'cloo y Miss Li yDr. E. aid were wearing. were han and the r of fri tis. The•` tly and Londo ther pia or a trip anied by f friends. acmes a little had to buy ents, and have at of their own !Isom get over n;agement for the' they intend to do ne Water. Al- been practicing to give a good to they turn hit of the Const e next meeting `gth.of July, and diy at h•alf-past • e Brantfor Ex, find:the `' ollow- sant.occ encs at city, ` an • one affair- bein well e give the para. he nuptial•E ay t;1 ed m es e>< ENT.'. Society appears next, w fall chqq &c. Th principe of the to have d practici the cho we can. the con musics never bb --Th the cel give an ing of T the aus The sing bills, appear i and sing ate they highly c as by se various p crowded where th THE. anal pic- Columbi in the gr ion Day. number arrange characte went ca` ing at all was pro obliged t the circ naturally all prese nual gat ward to Gently, w degenera spoken o contest t cane. T George Burns, o Mr. Hol friend's h contest c the cane The Dane had bee Papst, of by "him Coss: asa fro d eft om t IL on. e_ W s s 0 yl e ove fen ho Ile int 31 ee Li th th he lob g f t 0 were of Miss Ereder- liter of • Charles TIr. George L. P',i.ngham. The ed by the Rev. alee of the bride's , the bride being ie Simmons, and art. The bride, re sad in white, ra ge, blossoms. so • ely decorated ire ents fromthe dswere; elegant i*ff' it passed off as witnessed . by eaforth, Bay sa The happy acid by . the- 5.30 e pest wishes of AIN f S ce n't sea so lad n to ace st1 l fel• to treat h Or ate. teri ads Des rs 11 r he ed m ral rtes ho yh OINGS.- uesday s instruc the mar sing weg w. Dr. 5 eat: meeti to am nd e vieers . Lee subs t refuses to ed to preptl o ent of a ea ditches a aid by -la ing of co Cowl Gas it system Clerk id' comp ion and t, j &c. work abont th nnoil ad ENTs.— aforth wil public o ey will guartett lety is tl a meeting of ening the town d: to enforce the t against scales contrary tt : gave notice g of counci�l he he by-lawf ap- by - having the ttttied for Chas. o't. `: The Clerk e a by-law for ngineer as re - 4 water courses to be dealt with c 1. ; . A oircular• )npany-recom- gas works was instructed to giving partio- kiitg for esti- After passing streets, &c., hundred dol - nod for two Union Choral ale their first riday evening a number of duets, solos, posed of the men amateurs land as they 1 of time to 6 a variety of tions, we think vening next a cif which:has Singers, •evill on the even - ad Tempters. tated by the tion costutne tion melodies ' They are individuals ia en greeted by 1 every place ISH OWIN Pic to nder the a ear the oh Tie day bei nts were of ' th t almost e n ; lie shape do he best t e Eta nes, and t ha a depress it former /in Was alve red let nd seems as bert. od; however le t the grp m need, an 11 t the 'lot as al very ha hill town, an epees lof St. Own, wane, off eh on Domin- (agent, brit the ery one Who lilted. Nab - t amusement ,People were could -under is, of course, g effect upon ears this an- ti looked for- , it has sadly ow only to be the past. ere Melon's. ilop, and Me: ineetely 'for most of his d before the f Mr. Burns, ome one, end Mr. C. L. as procured 1, LOCAL lees. -- e srs. Robert Logan an. a C. Ste le arrived here They Int nd remainin u Ontario for who has , :en employe s jeweller in Counter Et seeeral year , eft on Tries - day for ;rt Arthur, we Pe. he has te- Brothers if that town. e have lta for a treait in he -slims f deliciously fresh app es hich, alt ngli of last year's gro th, (were so saved that. they wer n arty as h- and, well kept the IV d V ripg the ter in the cellar, sp ad out on ement floor. t is very are y that p les. so - well iithe he goes 0 take posses-, i II, uesday Sault Ste. - ion of an.- ,airange for i provernents, urchesecl 'n lgoma. • will be gone' week te days.— r Wm. Whit - Visit duri, c., th present W ek. He has' 'Huron Road, returned ccompa, d y Mrs. they. He as chug of large tinw e house in Fowler, of th to fro ag th hi re as th's to fo Wi plaza h • 1 THE HURON. RON. EXPO+ I 0 m- o estate In 'Dakota a to;ve days , most injurious effeot upon the growing says croPe look as well, -out oropi. Farmers cannot get on the land to it is possible 1 r them to db.— sow their turnips ; the hayis now rea y 5mith, ah 14 resident of for harvest, but it i not safe to dut t, - getting too rank an beginning to lodg and spring grains on high lands 9, e e whiles on low' lands the crops are getting scalded and turning yellow. • The out- look it3 eooming gloomy in the extreme, and id 'Star scam:nits come fr m all parts o the Province. There s one as it oo es, as we -can't do anyth ng to e remedy matters.—The deposits in the - Seafort Post Offloe Savings Bank for the thr e - months ending June 30th, f amount d to $30,000, and the withdraw- al chec s paid &tieing the sante period footed n to $30,692.—Mrs. Carroll, an townshi of Colborne, and mother of kr. P. . Carroll, barrister of thia town, died on londay last. Quite. a ntimber went fro this )viciaity to attend the funeral n Wedeaesday.—Some evil die - posed ersone broke into Winter's butcher hop a few evenings ago, nt as 'there wals nothing to steal but the lock, theyv ha their pains for their trou le. Miss Eli a, Dividson, neice of Ur. reT. Davidso , and Mr. John McK 'nail left! for a trip to the old count y oil Thursda . They will be gone tWo or n, left during t e present week remain there.— aye this week ver very quietly ent tp Goderli h and ayfield sniff of the invigorit ng lak e good many went t Wing considerable number. Ateeded ey contd. T gh it frequen .with his we very succesS . Wilson, INS .Miss MeLell ft oia at ViSiti to They ent by t Arth r, and eg by ail, but day or two the far-fam They expe party will of the trao probably and Mrs! Mulloy 1 fo thei home in 'Wm Demini n Day passed peitple to get a th Iris the rem inder staid et in ; the ime as beat it day whs pleasant, althd da last after having an MS Kate Cowe 1 thd new steamer, the, fro thence to Win, Ra Po tage t vie sce cry* f that district as far w st as t e en . an Miss I 'lie° :Yet edwdeaps Satnr filbuYllMonas sant ev dlosed ttradte ally pa complet ut he ey 08- ful ii - an at ed ct he go k. T camps. in waited npo y 'the ay ev ning a t, and e address woe read d. tli presentation caterta•ned the young n III nday evening much interest, and ronized throughout. success in every re- ollars, - shill ill be qulite an es, will mon t to over one Director,: of the Institute.— y hae sold his residence, at sum of ci 75Ca He was offer - the b rgain 'with Mrs. .—One y one -the aricient are di appearing: The old the Wilson firm, at Silver as on of t e is distri t.—d! t the jud Mrs. J 11 at the L Mr Mn So ool wa pre corepanf graph al by PliSS' waS Mad andl Mrs: fol Its m o very ple hibition las4 It all expen aid to the Mr. Mull the liead wen for th ed 00 fo con luded Thorapso land mark bare sin Dayi It ago, aed J barns in t of Whitm in the Cou ronto, on an order w judginent to enter a with costs. tO, at mended th barn oa hi Mr. Copp, ty-five ;years first. frame e appeal case ond came up Bench, at To - fore Justices ameron, when se. ng. beide the visiti g friends in Wil on hies cora- n of a large bank djoiniag the town. actoror the Mason taff f men is now has been ere for moved to S retford obert La sden is lends in Cliat am. nal a Insurance Sato day, f3iXt ap- ershi were accept - have not Or, any lig t assessment Me ra. Rays and cKi op and Sea- thorOughly tested tractt re tolerably for ravel. With wilder it good until ey wi. recommend ome f the farmers com enoed to out be nother week st becbmes general. geme of t 's die - he T elfth of July withs ending 1 the perso al reasons, ng to Messrs. Kyle dville died en Mon - the aitomach.a-At pro' ress in the sther were 12 ap- on and 2,1 for as in chargeof Mr. ar, the Inspector, d the members of who 'were- at the vetting to partake Burgess' Restaur- . It is needless ed isdora " . ii t five weeks, SCI s ya One berm fleeter son. There at t e Sea - ay in rritng, e and 11 erecti he coht 'work with a large woollen lac ory, ail about two e ears, r this week. Mrsi at present hating f —At the e onthl *plications for mem ed. The c mpluay ti losseit this season this year.— he Co ors, in com any wit Wilsen, Re yes of fortheirispe tea an They; foun the; sound and ilia) saf next eeason when t the erectio I of it stone abut IV en ts.— yet before b. y harv It will be a ery he portion of te e Ora Woo stock xcuraio was plroposed to so Order wh , for Town Hall his wee being' at i linton. sem , kindly invit the_ own Council ant, ethere he " se berries and •ce ma to sa that the ".a 'iamb id mple justice to t ramie eve day fdr he pa 'with but ii x excep ions. stood at 90 ' in the shad after oon, iut it. did not g were about '0 tic e s eiold not get hoe e until burs but tpey ad a. v ry good ti everything eased o 'pleas ntly.— SEI Robertson, he pop kr p eceptess of Wednesday to Spend her olidays.with comp pied y her ,sister. Mrse John- sons and i aught rs in the Prairie r. John Lyons is exp cted ' home 21f rom Mani oba o Mon ay next— hose who ish to have good time he festival n the grounds f Mr. Joseph rownell, o Tues ay eve ing next.' -a - he cantle ous we weather is having a o 11 To those ho do not tnow, it is necessary tO state that t ic committee ordered the excur4ion to be aclvertis d,in the two papers ' in Seatorth, in one in Mite ell, one in -Exeter, and one ilx Olin- • ton • that the writer WAS deputed to gOt the priniting do 0 and make all the preliminary arrang- ements, th t,on the Monday, a week before the ex- cursion, a a Py of the advertisement and a short forth ; that the Exeter Times, Clinton Ne Era, local was ra iled to all the papers outside o Sea - and Seafort Sun advogtised and published local is directed ; that the Mitchell Advocate, by some sort of reaho mg peculiarly its own, imagined that we want d our advertisemeat inserted gratis, and wrote e for more particulars, which .threw it too late.' r his paper. Friend Davis maid not have read tlie ()cal sent, or be an utter stranger 0 Grange iOs notions, to think that we gd begr ging for nines aper space. A copy of the printed. bill was, on tl e same day, laid on the coni4er itk the Exrosx o office, and a copy of the locai handed to tl e publisher .of that paper with the orders of th gommittee that they should be pub. lished in th next issue. No answer, neither yes aye, or no, all given, and no adverti.4enient or local publis ed. So far as the excursion would be influenced b the advertisement in the ExPokiroa} it made no d erence,since it was thoroughly pub.; fished by po tem and through the other papers but so far a public opinion and a sense of fair play and imrlartiality go, it makes a very great differenCe, since the EXPOSITOR'S conduct *mad lead those w o are uninformed to think that we had slighted he EXPOSITOR, or, that having the management in my hands 1 had acted paxtially and slighted the Exrosrroa and its readers. Thiri is the secon small trick of the ExPosrrert. in regard to far ere within eighteen monthsi On ths former occasion he made a promise, and, broke it ; on this occasion he gave silent 00E304 and negative action. It is time that fatinerk were eonvinc d that the EXPOSITOR iv no ilfrlerid' of theirs, an that if any one mie9ed going oxt thec excursion t ough want of notice the blamer does, not rest with the committee. We haVe tried tor hot fairly to 11 concerned, , M. Mc QuAn i . , $ec. Gem. Mr. Mc, nade, as every person ac- ,quainted ith him knows, is a wonder-, ful man—in his own estimation. Ne is' one of those exceedingly modest (?) retiring (t) and unostentatious indivia duals who o so dislike to see their names in print! But, notwithstaoding this diffidence n his part he his long been c thirsting fo a passing notice -from Tna t EXPOSITOR, nd has adopted various ea- 1 pedients to secure what seems to'beone of the card nal objects of hit existence. c Well, for th fun sof the thing, we shall ' try to grati- him. As a rule we do not care to was e time and space upon non- entities, bu as the news market is just now somew at dull, and as statements ' such as the above, no matter how in- ' significant ie author may be, Ore whale- ' times calcn ated to leave a wrong im- pression n on the public mind if not ' refuted, we shall for once depart trOM our oustomel only we must, express our regret that the game is sciercelf werth the powdee, view it in *hetet& light we rna,y, but, such as it is we nand deal with it. It 'will be seen that r. Mo - nature. First, we are acctised of havieg refused to publish an advertisement of the Grange excursion even When ordered to do so by the committee; and I second, of having in ome way or othen but how it is not stat d, offered. an insult to the farmers. Aiii to the ffrat portion of the' complaint, We have to say that Mr. Mc- Quade did net authorize .us to publish an advertisement of the excurson, else we should have gladly done so. He came into the office with an armful of hand -bills sad left one upon the ;counter the samp as nearly every other bill dis— tributor is ia tr.te habit of doilag, and which we suttposed was intende4 to be • " posted up 'too sato be seen by those coming iota the office on bnsinees, and the bill' he I left i was " posted up " accordingly, 1 and was kept ' so exposed in the most conspicuous place in our business office uutil the morning -of the excursion. Re so handed ns .a slip of piper tapir ed " local " and remarked that we mi ht " insert that if we likedi and thet he committee Would probably want" s Me advertising done. The order !for he advertising, 'however, was ot r (*ivied, neither then nor afterward , an Oorif30- It w Id have been presum tio on our , part i Ck insert an advertisement am- nesiac nk the excursion without ' having reedy d anthority to do se, and Mr. - McQulade would have been one 3 of the very first men to denounce us bad We done so. The reason we, 'd net inthert the " lo al " he was so kind as to;furniele jai, Was, that we prefer our ow' com- position to that of Mr. McQaathaand 'we feek, abundantly competeot to Manage our own business without his lassistance, and *hen we do require thet 1 assistance ., we can ask for it. .We dide hiewever, ' ansonnee in our local columns that he 1 excursion had been arranged for and e date upon which it would take pla;te. We did this in the same manner as we do for other similar entertaiaments. Mr. McQuade's peculiar way of doing businesh may also bei judged. from his lishers of the Mitchell Advocate also mieunderstood him, and throngh his bungling the advertisement . failed to appear in that paper as well as in Tem EXPOSITOR. We _hope tthe committee will pardon us for suggesting that M the future they empower a competent person to transact their business, and not entrust it to a " blatherskite " who taw puffed up with a vain sense' of his own importance as to be ot the verge of lunacy, and whose ideas of business are as ortide as his methods of farming, and who is credited with having the airtiest and most slovenly kept farm in the county of 'Enron. Oze the aecoad peat of his charge we can not say mulch, for the reason that he is not )313 iently explicit. We have shown that ' so fax as we are concereed, no insult Was in- y tended to cation of lished, an idea of wh Quitde ref plain, we that point take the t ceedingly for oureelf of charact °less We 13 source for " it is bett dog than correct, b some men their good of these. t our fault it wa not pub - we halms not th slightest t other Occasion Mr. Mo- re to. If _he will kindly ex - an probably satisfy him on also, and we • may, further pubic, to show whet an ex- sinterested friend, the arm - Mr. Mdchaelielitecneade. As whop we wamt ' certificate to the farmers -or any other. all apply to a more reputable t It is an eld sayiog that r to haye the good will of a 's which ts no doubt at the 'same time there are hose'ill will we prefer to ill, and Mr. McQuacleisone 1. MC 011. aiort base on proficiency, punctuality and good conduct, shows the correct standing o the pupils in the Roxboro school for the month of Jnbe : Senior Fifth Cla —1st, G. Hugill. _Junior Fifth. Clas 1st, Addle Dorrence ; 2nd, N. Rate ; cl, 'Belle Dicksote and G. Dickson.; rd, A. Sperling; 4th, I- G. Walker ; 2nd, Lizzie Nei ans ; 3rd, L. Brown. junior That' lass—lst, Mary J. celnree 4th, W. t McClure. Senior Sec nd Class -1st, C. Dodds • ..-1st, Dab la Kyle ; 2nd, G. McClure ; Centralia. , =DENTAL SHOOTING.—On Frliad;last ohn MoPeake, of! this vil- lage, aged 1 , and Wm. Boyle of the 2nd oonces on, Biddulph, wept shoot- Peake fired' ff his revolaer and the ball enteeed his orapanion's tide. , The doe - tors found that the bell had been 'diverted fro its course by etriking a rib and glen ed downwards. The ball, in all probe ility, can net be removed. Toe ANN' AL STRAWBtERY VESTIVAL. —The mem ere of the Canada Metho- dist ohurch eld their minuet festival at the parsoaage. Notwithstandingthe heavy rain storm at noon aboat 1,000, secceeded in relieving the comraittee of .450 quarts of strawberries. All were satisfled en delighted,even two or three Ag locomotiv jam factories" of the vibi- berriet. 'Pr coeds, $20.75, to be applied iu paying ff the parsonage annuity. Music was farnisled by the Winchelsea brass band. ' BRIEF8.—Vyth observed the 2ral of July this year in the usuall manner. Every person went away and celebrated it in Wingham or London, leaving be- hind them an almost if Deserted Vil- lage."—D. B. McKinnon left here to spend a few days in Buffalo tiais week. —Mrs. John tackle, late of Brussels, Martin for some weeks past, has gone 13 to Ingersoll. Loon, Billers.—The weather still continues wet, and much uneasiness is beginnieg to be felt on acconat of the grain and hay crops.--aDominion Day was observed, as a holiday, all itiaces of business being _closed. Quite a large number of he people bothlfrom the country and illage took advantage of the cheap ailway fares to spend the day frorn ho e. London and Wingham were the chi f points of attraction.—At a meeting of eachers and scholars, held recently in S . Paul's church, it was de- cided to ho d their annual Sabbath school picnic at Boatman's groae, Lake account of the Rodgerville Presbyterian Sabbath schoorpicnic will appear next Co. have sold. their stock of licinors and cigars to Mr. N. Robson. Mr. Mc - French & Ceds wholesale dry goods house •in Moatreal. His family will still reside here.—Mr. R. levlue ship- ped seven carloads of grain last Friday. —Mr. Geo. 'Doughty, of Clinton, ac- companied a young lady, had the misfortune tO experience theie horse running away in Goderich on Disminion Day. The rig was considerably smash- ed and the ocepupants slightly 'bruised. Georgetad better let his girl drive next time.—Abent 47 left here for Buffalo on the Fourtbe and we presume they enjoyed themselves irnmensely.—Four of the Clinton Bicycle Club attended the races in London last Monday. They say it wits a grand sight tcs see the big bicycle ournament.—Mr. James Sheppard is Ow in the employment of Cunningham, the grocer. — Mr. E. Keefer, denti t, has joined the noble army of be edicts. May e ever prosper. --Mr. T. K. Anderson, ormerly cutter for Mr. John Craib, has eft the employ of th t gentleman. Brussels. THE WING AM. RACES.—Our citizens who visited he races, at Wingham c the 2nd and d of July returned home not too well impressed with them, as they were no up to the mark, being, as a rule, proces ions. DR BAND. The band. also went to • part ia the and competition. There were four b ads entered, viz., Listo- wel, Walkert re Brussels and, Blyth, and the priz s were awarded in the order above n med. Diere—On Thursday, Jane 2!7th, the wife Of Rich rd Diarnion died. after a short illness. On Wednesday ?owing in Listowel, Vm. Bruce, who as at. tending the High School, ,314D died. He is son of Alex. Bruce, sh maker, orthis place, nd has been. at stowel. studying for h matriculation, nd it is said by his te oher was likely to pus, 'as he was a g od student. THE Scoesa—At the meeting of the Caledonian S ciety on Friday ;evening the following officers *ere elected : John Alexan er, Chief e Jae' Shaw, ;First Chieftai ; Thomas Town; Second 'el ain , . 'Stewart, Third chief- tain ; F. S. Scott, Secretary -Treasurer ; An executive committee of seven was also apPointed. The annual meeting will be held on the 13th, of September, when a progeamme will be given that will drew all lovers of manly sports, and es ecially those of the brown vipe heath ith heather belles who love to hear th ir native pibrochs. - Couna.—tDivisioae Court Wag held last Saturday, 'w en the following cates were ditpose off ; Pollard vs. Mullin, —Adjotirned- to -next court ; Fox vs. Barr—terdie for plaintiff ; Wright vs. McBrine—ve diet for plaintiff ; Wilkin- son ve. Du e--Yerdict for plaintiff. ed, and order made aecording to their Wen =GS. On WednesdaY of last owneeekbtlhnerge w re t o weddings in town, Clinton_ and iss cFarl an e, daughter of Mr. hos. homas Catling, of cFa lane, of Grey. They stopped at the A erican on their way to Clint ne—Anoth r similarly pleasant event, took place - House, *hen Mr. Wallace and tied by, (e010reaj Will Town Hall, u store, h s go Smith) aid . Campbe be ve e ar nY ii,FC who wis at the Tecumseh ainuel Smith 'took for better or worse. parties belong tO the gordian knot was he ashville Students , 've ne f then- celebrat- ed concerts on the llth inst. in the der the auspices of the rs. regg, of Chat - of James Stretton, is a i.visit.—T. Gibson, e to Ingersoll,—Samuel russets ce4 flying visit on —The fav thee. rope 1, Se forth vices.— olida es c in onr Public cho division was dism account f Mr. Sha &mining the o her F. Pelto ha op ty of Mr.* John will visit Brussels July. This will n to many of those vantage of his ser- mmence this week 1. The Principal's ssed last week, on being engaged ex - saloon i the buil ing formerly occu- butcher ehop. Abont 7o availed them- selves of the oppo tnnity -afforded by the cheap etre rsio on Wednesday af Visiting Toront and Niagara, Falls. IY deserted o Mot sight -seekers went towns, the gr ater Kincardine, w ere men went to ake ment. The panies which t hose-reell race, seconds, thus banner ; Brass 050, and ..ritch the tug-of-wa companies too draw Brussels matched, and Brossels took ii draws • t en drew, ill °hell When tilts dra ran high ;amon panies, es Ki take advantage putting an extr the proceeding should have shoidd have be in considerati home teana, an tempted tenth their opponen cardine then money, when Brns though the eleven tempted 'to intlerfer in time, allowi our manfully over he s Brussels oompa y al Drat prize tin the 200- ard race for, fire- men ; but our com any - were unable to take part in t e ot er athletic( sports, as they had to eave or home by train before thee° ca e on ar town was near - day. Most of our to neighboring number going to ur band and ,fire - art 'in' the tournat ollovang are the com- e& p rt in the firemen's and the time made by 11 minute and 7 el, minute and 7i els, minute and 21 givin Kincardine the 11 company, 2nd prize, et, valued at $35. Xii for firemen the four path On the first and , Listowel were over 1 Listowel in two etting first draw and wool:ell and third. took place excitement the visiting Are COM- cardine attempted to of their adversaries by men on the rope, but was frowned down by ugh not as strong as it Oen, OA the offenders n ruled out, especially of them being the should not have at- meen advantage over . Bentesels and Kin. ok one pull for the la won, even al - h man ain at - hitt WaB stopped inen to p 11 them ore. One of the o carried away the —Where of W. Shaw $10, good name by botlaable and compete with towns in the out -door sports. our athletes went to esw ter. At Goderich, ied away 828, and J. In Teeswater, G. Perry chan upheld our town'e scarr.Ying away several wing that our boys are at times williag to ay o the neighboring ernes usually kaoivn 8,f3 Tu kers `the -A Goon Coe . Forsythe has a yearling e tire olt ;which weighs This is the o It w Was imported from the 1 old c untrf bylMr. Forsythe last season. Istpaovisatatirs —Mr. Alexander Mc- Cartney, o the ill Road, is erecting a large ban ba weth stone 'stabling underaeat r. Dapiel Clark, of Sea - forth, has the ntr t for -the wood Mill Road; has ad h a barn raised up and is .making sto e stabling under- neath, and Mr. Wail Sproat, of the Kippen Road, is busily engaged making Oh be held the church, Chiselh 10th, when. etre. be dispensed in will be given by there will lbe vo music. Steawhe Chair to be take coeds to go in 8,i selh st. trim erry festival will Epi copal Methodist rst, on _Tuesday, July berries and cream will bandance. Addresses several speakers, and al end instrumental ries a rved at 7, o'clock. at o'clock., Pro- of t e Sabbath School. Nit Exet Or. PRISENTATIONS.-04 the evening of Jane 22nd tbe ev. . R. Gaudy, who has been the Ca ada ethodis minis- ter here fot. the fast three years, was, on his deParture, made the aecipient of a well-filled purse Dead ;Mrs, Gundy was presented with sevetal ;beautifitd. and valnable pieces of silverware, while each of their childreii was also remembered tokens of remetrabrance. Mr. Gundy replied in a few very f cling words. • LOCALITIES. -11817. G Webber has gone to take charge. of the Bible Christian church at 'Oehatva.—Rev. a. Gundy has removed from here to Ridgetown.— Rev. W. S., Pascal hag moved to Exeter to take cherge of the Bible Christian • Dickson, nada Methodist minister, was gre@ted on his arrival by the good MANTLE 1LiSITR friend day sails f Farm hag a going say i Otirra bushe quell cents bugs. in the —C bledon report —T of the Methodist -hark on rd. r England Ion -Ss. arday rs in this anoinit are oomplain. own "th so h rain. Par - per q arer—It kale been readttg every aya—Fine Oro of pottiaee Glasgoi of, th ftetst of th three stoma.' ors under con trittion fo the 0 adee.nepe,s.a eaSrhhheeoriurs fiatcwraco tthioirkiesitnaiditdus lifteetigiga' —In the battle:- in, the leourtg Mewat Goveinnteut it cured blood:" Wedn sday the Mimi —The thtm ed atonal, of TO evening was, p ti!olarly severe in th vicinity of Briidepridge; WI° from that plac9 the lightning ined rwho wa snasspimtartte'diyast5sn'tnhnte,:b1P*bayeeitfln144 woma mark. Death as instaatanitona back of the neck, leavitig iv •