The Huron Expositor, 1883-07-06, Page 4I-TH URON EXPO -- E SITOR.. NEW )VERTISEMIENTS. and in wl ich. nothiig can be- laid by sb�`sllholdku ffloe,of -emolument ui�aer once, motr 3 permit m14,1 ic'pal offiVers to his face, na forcing some o� his'teeth another story, and have a manAard root, led through - a tongue, which as IJWOAeu and every.particle of ma0hi apt lot. for a i sin., r da y or . ld, age, and thoap t r, -he' office i I " in. A High Cm- hold co: migione I a n or a 12%WwThhe 5 [a between the parentkovis 41A ir Jo all the so Mile h at he was not ab to speak. the ehopper� will -be rep by the was suh line, daeu-06f the page ot thepape on w ito ii whe�O a-43 entitle more m 81 ioni r in oh an offloe, and before censts AcL This w"Cal not be y r —Mr. Thomson, bas purchased the roller process of, I di grin n g. V.Lpeeti- whi the� a4vertine no i will be found. his Somer credit for self sabrincing patriot. Sircha esva�- legally hold it-, 4c ust more ineprisiatent t1i, 8&Jlt Lola Gorry blook,,on the east side of. ed that it. will take two raonths to ter� outs-, but when 'h' Reautoetal aVurnb4ry street, Brussels, from lease make these improvem 1W July stool ng relaif u h a seat lin Parliament. - I it on the'B andary A d'oluestiou. McLaugha. Rogerson, of Sunshine, for *e 1111im: of done the mill wilL be one of the most ba8i I As I k ell t0s., 13 chool teachers Are ivery W�u A seem t at the memb of ' the armers, T. M6!lisr ( L ikeeic. I lafficiently equipped in tl " a ion of the If 4 Iews of thi Sale. littl6-betbir rCulnuepated than clorgy- p es ant 3ov.ernment, backed sh, tl rroperty —' L. MeFhal, I —The U tal value of real §roperty in country. to h 4. Xo�Ph )ugh ere,1 13t L n I are GYPT.— The Gov- I Mousy THE 0, #OLERA IN the towns) iip of Grey as sh by the —A gentleman se L curpd livery rig will t men, alth th is'� this in favor of,, by t itsir ron following.. in Parlif own Notice tu tors—Dr. GrQmix 4 out, 'ilgrim- day lastil weo'k, for the ul� devoted U, ernor I as prohibited the usual P assessmen; roll, amoLts to $1,618 270; in Clinton, fa teachii 3g, that the ti pre- a e, iuit 3,wi g and ready to- set uw Eat y Sh�eop J'ohln Riee. 0) 9 �ge to Occa, on accoOnt of the Cholera 1.1 - and perso &I property, $80,2710, making pilraose of going to.the dount . When exp &I A co: I on am CF an y pLrati)n can be uti ,ifor oth d t d )fi nee 4? a total of 1,771,540. I lemedy usage a Dial Oup I in Egypt' gial more brofl&b occpation !even w ien v Ir po I les �13.—*Thze' weeks' y;X1 he got near V arna he found'ithera was ask Strawbe a—Laidlaw ot I r1ey. 0 s. 'BdJ a'* t I exigencies ,, �equire VAI iNl TINII —One kv recently the infant child of. i10 Wide across the liver,11 it having I I I . I qnsran 4ue have been o1rdered Farm For $ale—Mis. Alin Smitfi. (5 this' i, no exoUse fol �he 'low issialries tl ey sh )old d so, and, what ii a0tinst 'Mr. GOO. Harrington, of Clinton, wasi fallen down, during a reepat storm. him F&M oven F In. a tves�evls ax6ving frbin Egypb al�d the W (5) the 11 BeTerely scalded by pulli6g a tea pot The driver had forde " rivers, many wid Pat i mbst maes. : U would be I o the -rallqr� at ange', their suppo Sheep" d rter� i a Siti; d�Goo. Brown. ` (5) 0 om�p-ports on the Red Sea., - ler while seated at the table. The times before and he *eIiiii-tea to get iae in their illogal advall b69 Of he tambers as well iiis'to c' villa' ov Strawberl Festival. (8) Ountry back them'up Mrm"g OF MEmT.�—All the ge lititle suff drer is doing a�a w411 as could across 'this time without t4e est for shgh?J an. the eoO i to haw tLrainidd &no! ex- a4ts, The'Consiervative prese,basitnot elders �vho were present at the 'Corona- b6 ex of Upger b h ' d " When cost Carpets E unctan & Dane thought 43.111 at -18 *V s�—Exposrron OmoVm. tion of the Czar, eight 'h Watch Lc perieLce bEiads ren in in the p es-' Ured tc utter one word of remons tr4n . yl roe of whom —Befoo� leavilg Clinton some of the about half Wpy Acros! :t 'a.. "ri er the his ce are Po es, have recei�ed Jlold and silver '? cDonagh presented horse had to s*im and I e Vaggy began me sion -or hi= with* r i ieuds of wev. W. M however,, will never be a4sinst ffid double'obuffle which has a parse. of ov $110L, and to flost. Th6 rawled on the se 1 36 long as the remuneration ullat bee i driver c th�' 01 B .—The Lord Mrs.. McBonagh with a silvor pitcher, shafts, cut the harness, and'the buggy i and medal of m it. Perpetrated i� by Sir C rles -ANqUETING V181ton tmuch- to, his Mayor lof Dublin gave: a baquet Saftir- both prek nts being accompanied oniderable dist4nce down inq#quate a I now is. T,6rper no doubt very is so , in: Vid( by ftoated a. c d a.y n 11g, a . Senator! Jones, Vlorida ; addresses, the river. The driver ith consider- ter5 ran �,stead of aring the examinaliions p4cunial -y gain, neither- has a wor I a' On r T. P. O'Connor and Parnel., —A COW belonging to Jd8eph Hog- able diffi ' a tofollow the hiii inore soid abc ut the anomaloui position !;,oc- IlevLly W . culty matiag( agent.' i SEAFORT.4-, FRIDAY; Jnly 6, more stril: gen anat usakikig ere pr arth, of Sheppardto, near Goderich, horse to:the shore. ..- i i . one dim lt to: g nadapsion to the 0 pi ed y Sir John Macdonald at I the AGAL� REJhCTED.—The House of.Lords gave birth to a calf receiiitly, which —At the semi -w I meet-ing -e on pro of th r8l a gen have.again rejectea the bill permitting w Fre eigbed ach ral &nd Teac Count fes8ion, tae educa�ioreJ dispattment pi� sput 5ime. At the -1 oral elee n a 1.00 lbs. at its bikith. In 45 North Hron. Orange Lodga he& e !with a ceased wifes�-sister. I marriage. de Sala rience on the ffi�,'rm, this if; held on Tuesday of lit we'4, the fol- paus i. ries. _J: 'Could s)me r2esns of encourag- y Sir John I cdntested ar d Iwas upon its ithird reading b�.'145 ays to the lar es� the owner bar yeli raised. - lowing resolutions were adopted - That At the I re ent Ineeting of th Pre0y- ing U ON' �wh o tak( to teaching iss a blo 'ed:or.two constituencies, hel�:uox Mr. 140 ye�s.: Mr. , J. Cburtice, of thl 11th Con- 1 the thanks of this coi uty I lodge are I f6r' A Gen or &I Assembly ar, juondon 1 h? noini Mixoits.—The bill teria life : rR much.gre tergoodit0ould be P 3XTION FOR �dltusi i�n ' �ell,andhehasnotasyetreg ea cession G Jerich township as 35 acres justly due, and are here t�andered to or c Subject of ministers'salari rollibiting the sale in. the State �of New 68 was is- acedin; d. As it is, it is simply hh, 3r eat, And' one 'of the � C nstit. P of the fin t fall wheat to 06,11 seen any- our represetitatie, Tho a'S, rrow, M. th' of cigarettes and tobacco �in any wh cussed, and �he neciesity for the adop- passin stj arig 3 that he two Professions nond es !has, th a been viituall� dis- erer I is on light soil and, this P., for the hearty supp wA - h -an to I an able u =Yt minors under!16 years, Went into year at aiy rate, refutes the prevalent vocacy at the lateessio: 1 of isrhament p fr*n' his Wal tion of a �e �ra.ctical cheme wher alby wb�c� d during the p:ast year, This ar of 1pammotint im or 4nee i n on the 1st. :)peratl% idea ths t 1 I als gxalu Will not do well of the Orange Incorporation 'bill which ing theaalaries�f clergman -bblong'in :to to the ll:be no, is' .f ImxE-mn LUMBER LEZT.�Tha, lair - there. only asks for Orangiem,�n i I 4 th a I I 9 of society are the very 0'eaAy in opposition to the or A F eat lumber fleet that ever departed from that deiionf�ation could. be. ra,�teri lY ones. ic 11 &r)'tho most poorly yei ot —Mr. ]a. F. Black Wirigh4m, lately have accorded to otheris�-eqial rights. he t ganJu one V nun. EL�tl o tl a letter of the law, and Set in increased,w� t Bay� Michi 14 left 10 made abundailtly,-and st 6, fineeolt, for which he Ivas offered Tha the, Orangemen �f this ounty hu eratea I his is &I-. isnornaly vihich -o Of hi a supporterg has dared t Pro- there starday at 2 and 8 p nl.� � The the sum of $300 but a slaorb t1[me since. lodge, of North Huron,, heroby'pledge he we might E ij, painfully evident. I ilshould Inc exi at- anil �whic' we e t "A ad Reformers been fleet nii �mbered 56 ve9sels, caryib 23,- Not disebi aged, however, bd has pur- themselves to support nly th' candl- ous gai at it. H cy not, however, in connection' �vfth We in. 000,00t feet.! 11 Pledge hom lie very soon wped but; asitsi., gaHty of like proceedings as we I av ported colt to fill its place, dates for Parliament thlkt Chased an.11 church alone that THE; KHEDIvE's TE.AcnhRy. Lord 6xiat ae and expec e enough outlof themselves to suppor out causEf of the n9t creffitable.to us as a' st4need n eifheii of these ca 6 n 'a Randol!ph Churchill bas handed f our him ters, are inaqequatel to Mr- this to cort pensate him for'the'deatb`of equal,rights in the incor orajion rong onto gt go si V ramuner0ed �or. peopla! -guft Lto de:gounpe their Gladstone affidavits iand other� docu. SO -Cie, their servwe�., but, on the con 'we the first. i ty. cooduct Zuld notbave been �Oun& ments in support 'of llis assertion,- that by —Rev. R. Gandy, late'. pastor Of'L The temperance PIC ni at Bnrnil- to h believe we are correct in saying- ffiat he- abbath DE 1ecr.ation. the Khedive iiiqted the. wassacred JL Oui Conderiative friends, but because It the Metho�-ist church, Exet .was pre-! ler was considered a gra'd success. 'Hiul, Ih Alexandria. Thetlrand Trunk way authorities 0 are m C re -th: ir ow R miisters of this denomination political leaders are the tra sealed by the members Of a 6ongre. Goderieh, Leeburt, Siltfor�d. Blyth, -�-The steamer Daphne, gation iion -to depart g for his Manchester and B Hot liberally do with than are ! Ose SAD ALMITY. prp atimil. Lpageswere Of have rE ceutf,y placed d their 'road 'beii. gr4s sors 'they -are dumb weeks launchqd on Tues6 ay Iat Glasgow A. fe pre -so a I ar uUmber n if we el I 3- ares c sen and al Ot on I7 I C 91P - new field d labor'with an a d moat other 3L, o that I take a hall Mr. Wood,, ex u a. tween,rorooto an cle W Tre rer of sized io tl�e ttiiddla of the River CLIvd a iza6on, but in d Monlireal what are. a.! co by a Well-filled. purse. Mrs. connected with any or a mpanied laid do ml as 's known as '31unday tr%' One- of these 00;tario kemained,in, office after his t 1 4 mte� �wn in the Asso ly There -� wbre two hundred workmen Gandy wag also presented with a band- sympathy with the principle for which Wal abroad,! and it is beiidved one hundred t n 1: su trains lea roii;ol". for Montre To 1i it was consid red is b%8iff,L Wb Mil some silver tea service. the picnic wag got up. The, lodges all ta no be doing a sl term ha expired were drowned. to any. It as ther tated that Out- At th'Roman Catholic pinle la, met -at Betimiller Oms, and of tl t six -o'clock a r i DE. N�I_NG PowER.—British ship- West Waw nosh last week, thlre w 8 a to the Oil headed every k und evenir dromdfd ffencej*�nd th Corse vat ve aide of a larn.,acities the aven ounuing owners a0ting on leg,%1 Advice as to De marched down t you-, a and tho i otl i 3r leaves '01ktreal for To- Journals never wearied in de� M* pipe, th ler br b A -f ter t 0 contest foi a meerachau a by the Benmil a s, b stipend d sters is frdm i Lessop claim of a monopoly of canal roko a; ten, o1clo 01k t' 0 11 same evening. hilia for doing, while they wq're eqal- candidatefi Doing Measrs.'Jon MatItin, the wants of the inne, m; haa;a been buildin apross th6 Isthmus of � Snez, hotel hee&.-, Goderich and Mr. Smith supplied from the �but: anc -provided to S700 - pe: , annum, while in m go. ly verE'u on Mr. Mow 3 any The fir it: ti -i Lin under his new rrap a -P at for -' will -im ediately demand power to; con- stances even ie'mini dm marble des' er, Wingham. r. Smith by the laoliest Rev. Ur an son was III amountl liq M ent left. Toronto o,4' last 'Sunday luo him o4ernsin in office eve until stract second canal. was� declarlE d the successful �andfdate. chosenhairman, :and reisses deliv-- not readhel When we consider tlie" Brg 'evening. !Jheie were a R he bad �t iingfi placed straight for his HE.. AY CRQP.—A Portlanaol"Me., a number of The* receipts of the voting a;n�ount J ichell, of the grain crop $46.160. cess Passengerls Ol I ii4erabl,Q' amount Bill Goderich Star, and Re s. J Turnbull promis tare o3f in a to be the hisaviest for years; ever required, for osepbine Ponroy and Rice. T robarks were farn a , When length- of ti es and the qxpen C $6,ys the bay and It tak i They 3 not so fas� dio de8pit ad to ered by Mr. J ames R; in I 0 4na_9,9C, ir a Man )pening a drain on Z less gra of ralffl and 16xpress r 1 After. This ja -a ho a ver, when tbe4 own friendh ire a and was Minter -killed than prepare hiimp'elf for the m" strept in W �ngham. the otheii, day, he. confined to the sbject of tempera -nee, -Mowat is C ly for years. ms� inisAry. 'WO ne an ned. Mr. 10150 cant wl no Means' commendable Coli car Ray will be -eat fro' eek Workmen 4� id others notic�d:fsometliing and the' beat method of jaiding tile r to ten day 01 must say tl�iai even the I& gest sum 'chea and lip' is exaggorated a earlii enteri;ise 0, -the part of: the Gr,�nd wa, a ry a Br than usual. like oil flo iing down,- and thinking a Cause. After spending 4ver proitable was a so far sho XDE,311 ED TO ATR Went -a rferi and denc �n�e but Sir John migh i me named A of'being ad Trunk lomp and besides inte t! Co D E a and, a match ti the crowd d any# ng go Now York ber',of the Irish coal. oil w had been fo isp�islad at -an early mem ,;o quateremuneation, tha"it cannot �48 out, and 1:1nog down and rob a: an tion ary 1111fo was struck� a piecepof paper lighted and hour. -with tb e pr Oper res6t n4 liberty, of a therbood ts� bree ays the Oraer has considere'd otherwise than ass beigaii,y e Lord Chi thrown in, sand in an instant the stream ve breakfast, a d his conde every mc ning �before f Justice � Cole� idbrable n 6r of il' 11�1 In was in a bh'.ze. How did Qo4j oil get .Sri! very cons ra, w death, because o the Justice. i pittance. ere is n f 0ur down ther, orother pr&fessf -n friends v bul& not only not object' 0 his ridge to and p;0`st o 0 lea emp Oes, must� Very Y, in wbich a conducted the trial Of the d To the Editor of the Hit ron rac6 Ositor. or oc a tb At .i6x cupatio, requires, a greater co act, buttl ey.- would try tO'j d8tify —Willie ruce, whsp parents real a P Orion ig dynami it 1 usu te s.i ant rg y tl al Sunldmy Thi I died. on Wednesday mor i � your paper expenditure of tatiental., cne y, wh a t8:i4aay be consistency, bit we at Brusse n_ DE&R. SIR,—I notice i T1- Comn., quiet I'll, tb(: ity.� . It �Squrpxising ihid STILL Six huudrod and in June29th a letter addtessea to John plea] after ere axe fe 9 ort illness, fro�a inflqm- Ovel th w that are not vastly. mo do I think.00. eigbtywo ons, arritod in New York ason, Reeve of Huleft, the q4ver a ant C6 [Intenances this m High M and written by ation. le was attendina:the 101ii-berally r wpxded. E. Sunday, in thet. steamshi g Nevada.. They School at lowi van with t is George Walker of Tu<kersm and flagrwit des elcrat4ou a the 6Sabbath by 8 owel, and was a, persever- ith Star educatiotial facilities at the di are mostly, from Sweeden, Denmark, sposal if ]AR; MI REDITu has again been Placed arly headd A Hard Case," � -eferring to the and i a 'ons student. His e oleapl in, heiT maJ I train. Waies;E I nd Norway. The lie as -11 ta s by this id 1 udents,of the present day, it w I position by, his g MI I 1 , at a fuueral expenses of the I ite John Hob. a iathei �an urienviable death is ted by all his aciiii We are, sul,6 -that I ni) interest would are ab6u 2nd quaititauce�i. He was about 17 years of 5on, and in justiep to m self'; and theii - P01 ical le John I and, seven or -eig lit. years'of hard, uuce ador'sind 'chief. Sir RNI G 1181, 9 suff I . 1 (3 township of Hu,116tt I ask spa�e in er 7'PE I in i RiTU PAUPER BMIGRAXTS.,The age.' His Yernains were take� to Bus- mails! to lie Yqutr -delight in �iaub- steamer een arrived at New York on study before Divinity student is Co. see04 to iske cruel Q11 to make a ful. and juststatement I 0 o owill n At tor patent to und� over.,nu,il I f 11 i6rininig. y 'tb 731 passengers, 11,.5 of sels for in ment. paper Monda I ROB rbake the duties of a pti, =n his Ontario lieutenant. It w1illbe —The 1!4'illowing is the number of of the whole matter. T Lie first intima.' ng the Ta e recent.mee6 m to resbylery whom wer3 paupers. The emigration um ducatioti cannot e Mr tor for Ottrance examinai Putp d t hem pupib Hobson,s illiaess I Cal Jum an protested it. th6 most authoritibE declined to receive t H; igh School from*,the differ- led.to seia' him and left Xri. Robson t v orous sagua 8 re emb red that Mr.. Meredith 4t one to the tiLon I got of attained w out a corresponding ex- time stra 3.gly kipporied the awdrd of until a f us rantee was � given that they Goderich van 0 N against. �WB 'abbath e' oration. he - I i ent towns4ips: oderich� W ; Ash. t5.00to gt X It. Hobson, hathe might iture, o Ion ft t .. " Arbitrato ould b 3 t iken. back when legal formali- field 11 ; (161borne, 20 ; Goderich to�vn- It ML , Clark.; a pend 86 1 H T4yJ y.. Why thea, al a thei Bou �daty� ra. d. not this carelf ties were omplied -with. eig �'unything ev. I onl joir ad in on declaring �shipj 5; My, I Stanley, And - expensive follo ZZO11 V 613 [moved by need, and. I arranged w ist V a resolati Usborne 11 hbOr, to let= * me hu if oy 61 Mr. Wal son. nd seconlea by Re is oT GOLD TaAT GmTT appened to Mr. Hobson: ould minister be expected to tha the Award was just and ValA, but ALL 4; Wawanosh, 7. This is the largest would ing. sh h Owe Cavan.'and as Btrorli advocate H: Bit J(Pige 11, a passenger by the Bark number yet jentered at, any examintio 90 -an &'byl I the j1desirability and justice d get all that was ni icessary for.the Cull speiid the b ilande of his natural al Lee from ( ape Town, gives a shocking in this co funeral. Mr. Walkerhappqued to drop i these title an and kliers. A cpp� of sl urge( unby. laborig for thb­ benefit of hisliellow 9E of t�e Dot:ni�ioh authorities coQlyip accouut:of he failuresIn the dianriond men 9 -in just in time to see- the fily for his I cien wit Sir John M, ac- mine tT ape i and ree s� the res,blutia was 0 forwarded to �H of Colony, incidental to b1r, * 31n Leach, of 19 �1-nch6ster, Od . man 2nd. abor suffi ' t A.' Afterwards met. with in ugly acciaentithe other breathe his last and notii �ed me of the - Nlr.-Hipk'sow Managg of the which efe were ten sbicidis of lead' race to keep body and soul together year& by 'h Mr. Walk Grand a Ing day. � Hew is working in the saw mill fact. I at once went wi, er don ld r 'udiated the Award, a id re- men -cial depre ' i Trunk the is ilea:, cause y commei van he g)es adongy It Wboat authbri. in the villa0e, and while reac ing over to Seatiforth and got whIt I thought was Ist I year -as is kru -a that fasod to ermi� its ratificati b )ties of starvation come fro qt y tfie Terrible! st ties and the.. ost-Mas, kr:Generial. in the saw with the cant hook, for the right as far as my judgm, mt wold lOaa these salarit they"can be design The in� 8 ateA 0 inI be Copftei region. D nio, Par ament, and be forced purpose of r3moving a piece Of timber, me, and feel satisfied tha; whpt I have 'resolution if a follow,; as such,, are frequently supplemen' Ri-womms RECO-3131EXI)ED. —The the caut book was caught by the saw, done wa: right, and action in the lffr.� Xbredith 4 o swallow his former in my to U T BeHavirl tba�eetl day of rest nesota S �e RGpubllcan ConvoantiPla ca�usirig the. handle to strike he vaw i `11r. Leach In hold' by -donation' B t;this is the� mos be.of DAYine mthority tr�d an inestima- prOesdoris 'Mno� come forward and favors su)mitting a constitutilofial atterill be upheld b t iatepa-vers degradin r ixt of the whole pro on bl�-e sidoa�of the head. of Hullett. Mr. Wilkerls first e 91 deedinq. ble booll to 1411 Classes 'the communk, jus4fy the udiation. As leader oil amendmer t for pro ibitio barge Geo,iii� rer b a to the peo —Mr. Ric ard. Lees, son o; Mr. An. is that I ref used to pay or "burial ple a. e tpo, prone to thinl- that after the, Pr4E byti iry cannot r 1ple. ItA'lf.o uilt its� platform Ist I - I tb the Opposition! in thei Ontario egis. � upon draw Lees, of Morris, has soldittLe plant ground in the Maitland.11 nk -cemetery,. grave 0. tic#fi -the p 0 ation of 'the ainternal':t- Trot having %t'On on aut'cles of lu:�ury, anc Zn_d�raj �'cti balf-latArved their minister for 0, I good -will of the Dufferin Advertiser, This I will not deny, ion was Alfr( sacre: d a %y N7 ich exisi 3 iis, live"M r. MoarEidith laid it down as af and a tak the Refo="'journml iu Oran �could get I whole ye Ong .And on imports for revenue � asces a an ar,-14f they give him, at th' �Ville and perfectly justifiable vhela priociple that a member of a iii6ni. me t Goverrimb I Mori Of *hid an increas 8 threate ' d. saryy.lo, Me nt expencliture a the Ae Bt. �he groun.d in our Own. y free. ti of t at tim6,a few dollars i gives up po...,session on July I T:[b mlinicipat wayof.1, The lPr� ibylE ry. w6ul( I rotest against CiP41 COUI Lbil i3ho: old not hol eheour'age the developme of d this posi. And has had 0 arge of it for olvr seveA from charge. if AT -r. Walker e ds his ay- ? -ci i on oh -t or:rail manufacturing and laboring interests. chhalrtab,16'donation, they 4o a me Surld ?i i sic a by teamb lon! Of licen�( Inspector, or Cc p rito U money to the onl, se t t ril n.—At Musl,090n, holds a Isf ldasf; certificate TO "will pro. desire he can do so and e is Intials moth. but prefers teaching, 4nd as he ONv-n graify Urs.. � Hobsons ong and coiiimenaab * a the proper FALL oi, LumBu' le et. The "�ay as - "cc 'bath, and sion1er oil, er tht. Crooks Licensing Act. Michigan, on the 28th observat! c6 as I inst a do6k ith isteril donations are an abg bably re-ent ar tba' rank to eal and hesoon begins. I do Inatio a of t_Q teaching Ono Ar iiving 6 a of the re In 8 orb of this contention, Mr. ere- eight hu'od ed thousana necessarly at feet of lumber and the profession. not sp en: the public mon ey to p.1waF sooner the praptlee of �givi - e er guaran pto !It a lake, proci ,(3, Mon which1he d .sh$uld -idnds conten' pitatiud some tee. Ait and tis ft ded t the e—The pecple of theBayfiel circuit of but to do. justi<,�e.to every maii, rich and dthem i B discontinued, the b And 66 7 w( Id h Men k� *0 k ere] y !.Pladge - them. poa, on it into the water. Three the Methodist church made ev. Ur. Poor &like, and Mr. Hobpoin never re- and tiou 'f Inspector or Comm Oner selves to a138 I t', in -end a*oring -to or, four of am 0 wissing. A- boy �oth pastor .,and people. They destro: -pro- ed au injustice at my G-ook sevetid presentatio�tis hands 'and I cal undae advanta kin a xiamedBe hardmtrwas, crushed der otis ast week celvi care sue � a 3-ange in hO law as sh aU qavO a 14n an to bi a removal. Th, Goslien was williing to get everyt iing necessay Agri� the in dependence of thecaini9ter A. Contest f4 A. rici nicipal office 0 40,000 fe t f tiiIiber. ' Two iratalense for the funera, but not to Provide Orna. bf ex 9 prevent� eim rsionists pro ver. an- e f .r(pm tooting n gave him $36-, they serv"'e toaake him feel that he � Prior, 31 01(i an h' piles of In ber adjoining, w appo utme. ole's $17 themselves ii1i h and Varn 12. He goes * der the % 1kory of travel. other candidate- who did not hich thieab- once to ra�ents. Mr. Walker -off 3red t &I 0 pay for- 1geed plac6d under an Obligation *to his people The Pr'e'sbyt i ry hii,6 :f �d -with ranch en to 11, prevent. the searcli for Kincardine where he supplieBI for -Rev. t an office. 1�e ground and I expect i o pay for the 'ton, r Thig view of the casts' was bodi6s. whep. in reaity he is only re egret-ttat ii.is propos , (11",to have add -i- - I Mr. -Andres, for two g �- d closing of th )grave, bob it seem celiving his tiona laboui perforItled - . iii 'the post. reasOnabli, and was accepted: b� the TRIINI'NIG FOR A P:�RILOUS 'FEAT.— mont�'S, during OPealn , n 13 was nt mentioned at tl e time. 11r. p,ci 'they permitted, Mr. West. Walker made the whole aranReinents tiatu' just dues, wbich should be giveh to hiffi 101 ce on the 's �nd'they Woul CaVit.. Matlhew'Webb, the s�vi that -entlenian's absence in the North- lec Jord's da d Goviarnm(at, and 1amer, In alaother Joriia and they whoi 'is to go through the whirlpool mako--tbe, rl isetheir ve po againc such gratuitous* kerbolith to Place upon the' statute —A few avis, of -which I Was willing he sli.uld do think- t they are acting - I d of : f I rapids at Niagara Falls, for 610,000, i days ago Mr. S. b slow people feel Bregmr, he religi(I if! sentiments, 0 boAananiendmentt l Clinton M6 with a painful laccident. inig heas anxious to shc w a tribute of the 0theMiinitbipalAct 7 0 6ecominum;y,andifia!ir sti upon oming,doWD stairs ini,thestore. respect to an old servant, but not think- resuli ouslys -when their conduct is ly call training foibis pGrilous feat at Nantas. He was c on the disq6,1i it t ie Gove rnix �j ut to resp 3c � the character - a Commissioner ket Beach, Mass. He has selectea: this house, whet by some means'll Elipped, In'g he would squeal abou i $2.00 so soon, whole peurios in the eztreme Ily, 9 a. Licens place on ac ount of the - breakerq, which T11 the day NV I ich all' (11 -istias de.'F;m or I�speo r froia holding the Vos'itio'n 1 cuitincy a g4 ih in his left arm uncona., before I ;had a chance to -get the bill to saw salaries of = inisters should be suffici a cred. The Presbyt, would further are rough nough to afford him, the 0 7 Ir5 Of Ell uncil. Phe coffin was cours ljee�e Deplity -Reeve of a miiniei- fort�bly clot e to a large artery,. lip, had lay before the co tha, thev wou exhort. all ccngregatic)le prac tice he deems jAece sary for t4e, 1� large Id be indePe and persons Pa Y. is la�v has been in r6, safe his coat ou, ii 1�'the time, and c4nnot ac. got on the 14th of J un a�d_the council sheep utider their 66re ope tion passage 1hrough the ter il, to - do air rible * qpids, -th t for tb accident, ai only bill that fruits out Of these +hation's, and 1W 3 his ebat sleeve inet on the 15th, find the, . . I its. WO ions, to, -e- neil was for wild 'tmost . of the be- 1pr6v exerciging i a the watat each n, -to secure the bbnef for ��hree r four' ears, and is, not . require to humiliate the Taus"not but �, while the 81 of his I could lay before the c mselv(4: Sabbath to -the wh9le t lie ved of by the p 610'ple day'the Ca tain anoints his body� with, 4iir was to di. Lye c i4munity,whilsb g�jliot Ily aj 6 vr the coffin and the odd dc Ilar. I told If, I - ubri,lating oil, ajid on retiring he T . 'by accep In. Why is t theythemselyes,ill th-: Wght of God of ofProvince. On this,sp on �Iany takes —At a' Mr. Walker that the cour cil met on the m thE soft I st meeting of a Huron uch people. never think of snplar� devote t] ie d a to.. the high and -holy a onge.b0h. He 4voids Cou a� d not attefid the funeral p ntill I t y Council Phe G I a, d Court 10-th and'T coul _013e otho ws of gracious y questions, however, the vie it ds for which it has b �eh A kes. only of' the fees th all 13ti;:;I%a �m, Bspn(d p a Houso Comm, ittee in 6 ded- that and he assamed the whole manage. Impri ey eii awy I's b stowed.11 Sir ohn Mated' nald are at varl�dnce ple r-uitriti us food ment. He also agreed j to furnish his and o, pay to theirr us recom, the c4d maip Burgess, from the town - their dootorfi by a donation imp] wAll tho�s( of the Pop ple of this, Pro- ship of Grov, who is incarcerated as a team to take the remsinapf Mr. Hobson sar because they. feel and know that they: LtONG befo r is t Hnron N6tes. he cloflq of th Itwt and e -last ses- vinc3,' inc uding, of course, Mr. Kate- vagr. ovoyace wbi h, if be did to caj a eq re m for the' _Mr.,Milne, of Ethbl, is is suffering ftonj a cancer tothecemetery. Then sayahehad. perle d uatelY raunerate the' ir 0 Of Pax, A having his c on Dment i ra quor in this leg, be removed 'to soi1ne became known ditb and lis followe' . In"hisLi services, and if they could.c flouring, mill in thaOVillago Changed wh he had no need for doingj as an of the f urth hrish ere he ct old receive suita le treat that Sir Chatiles Tnip� �r �vas to be Lice nae. A ' Sir �obn from a atone to a roller! mill. I have - y ap- n the re- similarfeelinal,towattids -their minister menh. Th 3 Clerk of the County neiglibor: -woulc pointed qucceMor to T. Galt as mah es - t ie Wardens of counties —The, new soa, factlolry at Go erich Council ha: i written to a 11 umber of mains of Mr. Hobson to the' cemetery the, -donation system"would so P For 41gh Covan: 0' $sion er iii It and, the � Mayol is booming. They emp Oy.yn eTeri- ho -u firmaries, askig without c: harge. . He says that on on- v&-riet oil - dro, I .8 nd of' towns t U84 of re _,ge and in into di I t t- . sluee. Is itot a sliame, ther(.. was ther �Iam I arstood, I enced Swiss to manu&' bilet for the' 44mission of Burgess at the am- quiring be fuund I had '-procurd +,he wboa i. Wever, and the for Licefse 0oramissioners. at min ste pres 80apH. pense of,%Ihe county; but so far has bee f6re, th i rs,,the re' ent&tivtEE s&aternerft w a B madei r tke Gbvernment is done in direct - oppositi _u cheapest kind of a coffin for which I sprin aid of the Iost noble mling in existence Org.&u at To 01 to —John Ferguson, Balfi(ald, Caug6 a unable t6 efiect that ob KM He bad.no nTed to enquire the famrito, tilathel, woujd ject. he case P I resign -thel viewi of Mr. 'Meredith ifidl his s for I told'him I had orcAered a cheap should e less generously or h t - � � t. i almon trout the other.1day that -00igh- of Borges itiable one indeed. inte onora;blr,, his posit " fore. ac. friei4ds. , The question now 6� Mr. ason, road conx:idssioner, orous on ii the Ca f3d 57 lbs., and two-otho�rs that wo%hed coffin, but if any one wishiled to haveany oapting,.t te,( C h treated than the rep'resentati , J� thing extra over what T- was getting 87 gr �0 c cepting,.t missioll 79 lbs. has a ber of m6n at worl� on the i � ia� this question oth g will A, eredit la o other professio Rev. Jame ridge, Booth 'Uton they could have it if, they,, choose to pay It is ecrall fo !.also a Prit'hard, of of -Cli P nviction'un ill swa#ow hi's f 'chester, . was "appoin d High urt re' a ng s 'ine of th mbers t the far y dii occurred to distarb� this 66 - grainf ditabe that rmer pro MIMS, PI Ci eti for the same, but 1 dii 0 -re t I n& feel justified The money for the support after thee�sion.had ek s�d,when it,NO 19 `6batfdon his own cti 1 1 ' ' 11 convi 0 a i and �haplain by the ForesterB at their end, wh of the o bridge, I going to ay greater experse, and he graim of the gospel and th6 - Propagati, ')ix Char.le of his. . pq1iticAl pa 'h(ald in Ganaoqe latelyl ich ere ont expres el. with -what I tame on to f dtated 4at k would not - or ly uphold thoso eeting and have ecayed. He an Mr. L. sed himself SAU13fi' morahty should be -given grudgi receive 't he I �e —Miss- Annie . Cook, of Blythi met Hardy on Tuesday of last w'q'k, were �addone. He als6l wantf -to know what grain w appc ntment but ha, leader, vhich are diametricall. 0 and more spa,ringly than. for th iy with a painful Accident one 11 one with the ddd doRar. � If it was' -finest main - would day ast taking the dimeinsions for the ne v was d, the old Ets well. T1 is opposed' t ) his Time will tell., In week while cutting wood. A -which i ly to satidy him � wou�d teU him to contf��, tenallide' of temporal objects. We ar, 3, st.alemOnt'hqk been'. exifi6 Z . 1sitiall bridge to �eplace Turner's, ffice and and he ncw the I�aeant meWaxdens are. prohibited stick bounded up and striking h04 - on cently fell i bbo the river, and. it is ex- take a trip to the rea§u+er's o spraa I only coniderthese, -'Wniefi the" two . 0, ti6ns, the face 'n-flicted quitp a wound. pected thst;,-.he contract for thia bri�ge he could there find out, b4t I &W willing year =eople woulc He h is by tl�e X -a licipal Act from being L1. t as much as they shoulk--al 0one to The people of Wingham iiiiiend ill be let I in a few days. The same to gi-ve an, account to the f 1191 aid: to �- ex f Drm censia -Commissioners 'either undei the people of Hui- an( -the dutias antwould soon be --re of his' Qk causefor co pl no, v of ice an t celebratitig- their civic holiday by a�lri ex- day they to: the dimensions for a, new let for every aonarof p%wic money that result de very imper- OnWrIo oi, Dominion Actslsndso.�ir onrsiou th Goderch where a boat will bri cted on the gmvel expend, and for that reAson I will tell singli moved - dge to be, e road % and those who rainister� il tant P'081Aon' \,filled 411'04aws is IE ft Johui, not withial anding his desir 3 to be char red to take the' excursioilists north of, SO 41 forth, where it is- 1proposed -at I paid James Robertson the ie them th Spiritual things. would beplaced: a, t6 -the:o&, a ot Bubordina$es. Sir Charl as punia'h 11 tl at litt le tyrant Nowat can. for a sail on the lake. to p -at i up aii iron bridge, stone odd dollar for going to Selifort to get fin xt ne ition of iii6derate'indepen. --rMr. Alex. Crawford, formerly of abutments. They have also t4ken the the coffin. This fa,6t Walkerell knew - least in 5 POE 1 is, un,dou bited. Y, a-v8rY clever man, b�, it not interfe -a wit i the Municipal Act Btalk ons ridge t be built or might have known. He s that mpossible r he will ha a to make some change -it': Michigan, has lately sold his farm for in Col near HolinesviBe. dence. Co i * I , Howieg, biA now of, Chippewa county, dimensi f the new b TP -amts are con smart.ai he foitwill be and being made *boot the scalrc,ity' of raiii. a bornef after finding me so penurious: nd mean in leii I r helpro, ised-to E ithewonder. is that thisi Railways in w I him to P rdf la, tile duties, of Minister )f the 6ompotitipu of his proposed Bcaxds �1,600 d intends to return to Howick —r. Jsat es Fair, the 'well-known in burying the Poo isters, and Ads am it those of High, of mmis "oners. miller of Cliiiton, is making oxtensie provide a conveyance to ca�rry t a corpse scarcity is not anch � greater trl4an it in I England But, in order to try a911- veme d alterations la Cominiss lonq and cons and relioi The Dther day Mr.' Joseph Walker impro is an Pon his to the cemetery against v�hic I do not pia is. There ve few who have the cour : him from the awl ard kroom i 8 quebtly t ie I ities of ei he foi- J. P. Fisher'$ ho�se Boxer, mill prope . A new frame '! addition demur, but why does he 6011 t) Le ublic " be r �4 At offfifice. In which h finds him" no was stall at Lonqes. to t y is nearl tl�a abot it, as the act - was * to age to -- spend a dt,un mating toil it a. corn�r in foun lying in the, Xlly One that y AX 8 oe his buiding y 'fi had. be neglee, d., Besides ahe is oti ne d be surprised should face being- When com�.eted, which will; b6 in a ny man would do in a eivuized c preparing,, r,,mselves - f or a- prof 0 he is 40ti per Mt. boro, wit . the horse,his Ountryi Whit� ssiox- contrary to Nw. it 1'd� me hi, the next. session of the badly cut. While Cleaning out the Am few days, th-i , mill vdll be olosea down to and no man who is not polso sed of more - I _9 the; du as 124;1 whion attained will not siffori positions. Tile on one of its feet, it permit of further improvements, and, r t of 8 law ViErkdistinctly de* iLoc4 Idgiflatu 1 62 is thbught� the vanity than brains would eve hink more than qi poQr. sud bare subsistence inoe to repteal the horse t have StMok him og the the ac ery. 0, trifling t fixing �*p of the new m' hili putting such hi*g -'in' the pub. Drop clwes'� that ne memblar: Of Parliament 'Act he h4 formarly-P66sea, and hUS Chaek, thaloSillka of the. Shoe Out He says he was! clande , ly t1mg The.brick p#t of the mill, will. Pe rafBid lio Print. the Q: 'n u )o d [a el Th _r It Bel hr day for giver a imontlit gre ers are gfting4sc`00 .. ed ia they ot get thei� wory dma. R 01 MED4Anoa4 D, itelebi sted in a laiyal raalan�r. na,m floatinra in the z�ir witl�' ',be �a ,es. t) . trcitg rhe afternoot elearedap azd 'al pa -ties �Pomp��ea for the �17iu T: ere a �Jargs I tnd everybody t ko!aib Wet ed Vith fihe -d4y is A'M'V8e'_meatL pai in- $60 , " priZ881 The oil. ig are the SIICCe�bful amp - - . Ist Baiir r. hree fo,i 1. D r, Ild ho � , , P step 2na% a p —10 J. .—Ist J. ldc,.ardil 13=1 W,ssing t1le cabe-r—l...8t IL or, 2nd J. 13arr. W�en's foot r �TULVI 6j, 12,nd 8hane. AV �nto the expense$ for Alia" is's ,This false, not' be ven askea- r aid. He t' ted. If he is so: by e Thos, ,ttt=g. oia self. I could haveat ,B race —1sti R04� ness vi ecomesopit ave thlla�s ithout any, �k)f s, of 4 thpr nae T-�l h6 James in to 9 t, but pay for it""I 10 '048; af ter ine Ug �­nse c n, his ow ify slotiber er46n, be to and HUr . I or ex.1, 'Of the ect the twnshi� �to ex Dr'Q tone I do i i-ot think fl ey )as to I humal laVe!;s, greg'. aM 11512 0 off Lity, but Wien � t6" I - 08114 I 40 a dollar genercus � I . o two be SOD n rep.ft &6ts. ts Of he reatsou � I V, M0911:1 is tlie "Od n was a brV&Bt not! mou wit plat, hatal" !d to ib, ixty the eo :irpae io the wreat c sayinj an see 116 other rea,30ii so for the icoffin thougib. and 9, running- gose �racivg, �ewat 26 -a R. Armstrozig, i Man who Se PrOVId8d ever ga* mountitigg -Or fOt t tOW or "tow'. ang race d HaE )er. Now, the 'n 71 Fa thinks li,(� he po)r bu hond" by YMg sb )Ming 4,004 for $j way lanity. of showih, I WGU14 ave ker $5.00 t O taii"'my Plac- i4 1411). W put 6offin 11r. Hobs�ws TOM&ius into 9,nd screw 4own thib lid' bat ook good -care tbal big 9S I ianity did not- caT,-y 4im, �O ar t1at thi Profes le Pr a. 8 of j what I, a -a W4 116b n stice to'Aft� , pneop,11 for y 4aa- to that hav', lielpea to all 1 � Ppolt ars, 6d U6 �expe�E�e et, y f C ao�r r Xr� A. ltits prov�j ded for, atiA the hip of s, had tt Cat ;1 her n p-_ 01vie fat. her 04 itance froin Mr, hsa one thing ro,`86 but *,as! �6&t�,SQ and p: L everythin g -1 th ker ca a in. wait ik ge�t, calauls"'. , rel ty ', intell Hug '. Ba ion 1-a towo-Bhip -of HAlleft. what -a res�ectf d e of Bel hr day for giver a imontlit gre ers are gfting4sc`00 .. ed ia they ot get thei� wory dma. R 01 MED4Anoa4 D, itelebi sted in a laiyal raalan�r. na,m floatinra in the z�ir witl�' ',be �a ,es. t) . trcitg rhe afternoot elearedap azd 'al pa -ties �Pomp��ea for the �17iu T: ere a �Jargs I tnd everybody t ko!aib Wet ed Vith fihe -d4y is A'M'V8e'_meatL pai in- $60 , " priZ881 The oil. ig are the SIICCe�bful amp - - . Ist Baiir r. hree fo,i 1. D r, Ild ho � , , P step 2na% a r, but the tlant 4 omlbis r Lins. He replaW. ,ed Y� side b I �side a. Not Inte'st (ar,pi zodnacdA b -an �d was a 47 grain 10, Ole Zole!'O! tfiep 3 were plaglea, apl2d. ii e6t jer earuas'Bj incho iii� lero-41 0d ned 79 0rainB,fl while 0 00 9 r -din the one �se The 71W� h4 gr ai ivasi 44J4� d 1.7 storo, bbb et w0 alier, so t ia,t hbemar awe -j -a oDtai! e`� e =�eptt thtt i pr&lu 3fitali Sind the as again Ableeb smgle grip'n, pro-Anud 61 _h talk haa a �etiwt gth And held 123-graitis of wta6t� eriments ;with othovAilietiod pro& leed 1. result s alost W 00 g.- T.1 ie m n.ibeir of 94relini I'll the ear 11 Of oiiginal� � Rea d fro: 4-� to -123, com n ded In 4 fwm .0 Vic Joris �, White] commeA04 !rom ( 0 tcf, 114 and ilt 1864, 1ginal ear W- 96 izz, the t p —10 J. .—Ist J. ldc,.ardil 13=1 W,ssing t1le cabe-r—l...8t IL or, 2nd J. 13arr. W�en's foot r Drun*orid, 12,nd 8hane. AV acMS.,. 2nd Tho�k ns. Boys naAzari. 1 oars�lst - IL jy )sl 2rd Thos, ,ttt=g. oia ,B race —1sti R04� James Threo leg I 4 Ilemming i�nd $hxne, 2rid V, t—n . )rman and HUr . I Dr'Q tone na 24 Jit,B&rr, Tbro w- Ist or 4 V, rman. 2. wreat t running- gose �racivg, �ewat 26 -a R. Armstrozig, i .. 2nA ang race d HaE Ist 2na lem, Tuo, rof-war betwm. is and 1 .. W4wanicigh ogulting in*t e , th partite O t3ellectio. of 8,ee' Grain, ecent � 1r,tict in tLe pplar Science ;lily s Of ggeat i indicates xperi.nenylfor a fiela 'Cl inytestiP40A tlilawise,atd thi Profes pruti. io,r prowli� of the-- oatalio College.'il J,T4oa article ta wheat by )Tajorgal�lett I f Btigt- Enngl nd. i Thdi g:Ood: maip it s, had beelk' readtog igturd ions, anCE111 -he iiea�on�i 00 'the and p: 3.inf�l -patii �Of -ftirva . test, cou14 prod4ce,suChexCelW . i Q s, an ge�t, calauls"'. , rel ty ', intell Hug '. Ba ion t h9 C. what sel4ctiou,`Ihad clone in fu e of a few yeaii 3 ,an ,a he kho mt Zito 9111 A O -agetobles re I 1b.rea hom, and wothless uits a wwdL remoiaedL Beledtiow. v�ilj_ da 4-D for the -Sao. w6ed,vAy mii�i: we,sup It will not politft6;ie to worli in the .1 vemeat of tUlruits, ve W ereals We �ave W hy is -it nw* m concludid that- we baVe WOW 3tion, and �Ihat lt is'not nscew- t" 3 p PIG �Of selectioil! itook hea� or .,ex eut his' ri'm y known up I o th4t tim a! iis V- grown whel Lt., U441 PIU� ted �teii r 11. C.nl.y P ne g I t r, but the tlant 4 omlbis r Lins. He replaW. ,ed Y� side b I �side a. Not Inte'st (ar,pi zodnacdA b -an �d was a 47 grain 10, Ole Zole!'O! tfiep 3 were plaglea, apl2d. ii e6t jer earuas'Bj incho iii� lero-41 0d ned 79 0rainB,fl while 0 00 9 r -din the one �se The 71W� h4 gr ai ivasi 44J4� d 1.7 storo, bbb et w0 alier, so t ia,t hbemar awe -j -a oDtai! e`� e =�eptt thtt i pr&lu 3fitali Sind the as again Ableeb smgle grip'n, pro-Anud 61 _h talk haa a �etiwt gth And held 123-graitis of wta6t� eriments ;with othovAilietiod pro& leed 1. result s alost W 00 g.- T.1 ie m n.ibeir of 94relini I'll the ear 11 Of oiiginal� � Rea d fro: 4-� to -123, com n ded In 4 fwm .0 Vic Joris �, White] commeA04 !rom ( 0 tcf, 114 and ilt 1864, 1ginal ear W- 96 izz, the t