HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-07-06, Page 2•-•-•4 2 TH fttJRO EXPOSITOR. TE... FIOTJR IttaONI • jr William Black - i.,:k............/. ' ' •' cHAPTER • e raileza zetasavott S ' i Or will ye clean theta and dry them, Wed sell them -fro • lebarrow ? l e • le l• We cinn tart two or three rades Li ail at en • sad Ebb. after &min te'or two; ." I.,thi k w0.1 'Oen thane et eight ,off, it :- the 'f lk arta no in bed. , *Tell ng and He , Neil and rn eon t the fisleat sheet .", • t h •e• ""I ?it4' think] ith1t'wW6 in' ll PaskIaYe: s iwillxp nt cee foro SI / hall p„re/t s id Rob, 810 'ly; for,b had been conde ing tli t q eetion fp the last e At length hey t ;in o the sli , and Neil t 'once rece ed to inforr the inhe itants f Eris who wer still loun ingabut in the dusk, th t for sixe a 0 • 0 hundrey th could hate os fine fresh 1 cadd B." It , might be thouht the in a tac like 'Erisaig, whic wag one ofel,headquarters of the i erring -trade, i would .be difficult to's° fish of any d seri tion. ;But the fact as that the h were generally contr cted for by agents of, the mien Ho eii,i,land ship redly kir Glas- gow; :o that they re .nt rarely re- taile • in Erisaig it moreover, peo- ple a, metalled to g their whole Wet/ rou 'h preferr riety—a fresh - net. Pe ,,haps, ho ly ca. ght 12 ackereli under, or what it was more curio ity than anyt e se that brought the eighbors alon to the west slip, to •s.e what the 1 cN cols had been aloe , W:.11, there wee deal of; laugh- ing a d jeering, eep on the part (If t e «en (thes e idiere ; the fisher e were all :on away in the boats, bit the worn.n,. ho hadto pro- vide or heir housId, knew. when they ad cheap b gain; and the sale of tit " nddies " j proceeded briskly. Indee en thep plc had gone away again the four Ld8 were by them- selves a the quay t e e was not a single ddy ' le ---eecept e dozen that d put ii o a can of wa,ter,to be 'giv the gro r ih the morning as ,pa patent lir the loan of the ropes. . e it altogether?" .0 said b wa 'counting the mono " T , n nepence." "T , n nepencet Man, that's 0, put it in the sevin • e lee 'obi "I'm no Sabel 'd 4., ITciii. I We inust have ett •ith way ro nd ; and w at t we can spare we maun spe 1I:. Mall, thin of this n wt to fall in wi le a big h ul "Johnnie D6 ies, and 1 e t the breakin of the ne-I # uld just sit d 'wn and g eet. It RS ,ed. or ,Thet eras, indeed an aux on thne • when the fear MitoNicoli p 4,atal to try the net On whichtthey ha 'epe te to much fore thought and laL a. . Tlaey had no great 'expectation o catching fish this evening • their . o ject was I I j rather to try Whether the rj es would bold, whether the floats wouli be I Rued - admit, 'and whether Rob's guy -poles mould keep the net veatical. . Sol they get into the tailor's boat, a d rowed away round the point to a si idy bay, where they had nothing to f ar from rocks on this, their first exper mente it was, as hasheen mantio, ed in. the - previous chapter, nearly due —an . x-- , eellent time for catching ; aithe, 1 if 'saithe were about. The net had been carefully plaoted in the stern 6 thelboit, so tha it woeld run out easily the ripe • attached to the guy -pole nett lf coiled on the top. Rob was very site it as his two b therepulled away , at, the long oars. He knew what depende 1 onl this trial-. They had just enough on left to sett e.with their landlady o th fol - towing eventeg, ;end Nidol's s hoo fees had to be pad iniadvance. . I The roweduietly .into t it le c bay, w iich, tho gh of a sand bo t9n, was p otty deep. Rob had re olv 4 to take ti e whele responsibility. o ti e x- perim nt onhimself. He is de his brothe and .his cousin, gi ing the latter Ile end of the rope at ach d o the gtoo pole; then he quietly p Llled away gain from the shore. _ , When the length of the rop4 was e hanste o , he himself took the gny-p le and ge o tly dropped it over, prevert splash'ng ; and as he did 80 the •iSt began o peel out. He pale slowlt , just to see how the thing won d . wor and: it eemed to work very w 112 , T net w ut out 1reely, and a parep sank p operly ; from the top of the gu •., pole to the stern of the boat y a On see not oing but the line of the floaas m n , the sne ale water. But the et Was a small one; aeon it would be e hau te i• ; so Rob began to pull round to ard t e shore tloaint At the sante ' ti lo e Nel, —who ha. ' had his it structione, • egen 'haul in his end 'of the net :. -nay, o that, b and by, when Rob ha ruri t 'e boat on the 1 beach, and jti pod ot; with hi rope in his and, th • li i f floats le gala to form aemi-ei ele th t ' was gr dually narrowing an coni nearer he shore.i It wa a Moment of great ex itemen , and n t a ',word_ was spok . IF r althougto this was ostensibly on y a tri 1 to see 0 ow the net/would work, each 1 d in. his secret heart was w nderi o g whethe there might not be a haul , f fish pap littedi•frem the rnysteri us dee and not ono of them—not Rob hint* f —could tell whether this very onside able w ght they were gradnall. putling in was t a e Weight of the net m rola, •r the wei lit of fish; or the weigl t of se weed. I ' • The emie0irc1e of the floe nearer aio d nearer, - all eyes et pierce ti e clear water. "1 ho 0 e the rope '11 no brea , Rob, as xioutily—for the wei great. • _I • , "And it's ooly seaweed !" said Da I can, in 1 tone of great disappointnaen • ' ButRob's eye had been catightb some nri suet appearance in the wat m. It enet d troubled somehow, and mor; especiaVe near the line of floats. " Is it "sail ho; and he hastetly bad Duncan eke he rope and haul it geitl in. He imself begat to take up hand. , had of 510 all stones, and flingthem tit the sea 'olose by the two guy-polea, s that the sh should be frightened laic into the a et. And, as the semi-citel grew Et' smaller, it was -very obvien that, though there might be seaweed; i the net; 'twat/ not all seaweed. By hi time the gay -poles had been got ash 're they we e now hauling atthe net :it - 1 • self. . " Quic Of now, my boys l'I' :Rob called out. "Man alive, look at; tha " All t e space of water now heel° ed by the n t was seen to be in a state of commoti n ; the net Melt was beiu violently shaken; here and there a, fish leaped into the air. " Stott y, boys! Don't jerk, or ne'll tear the et to bits !" Rob celled out in great ea tement. • For bea old when they had ha this grea weight up on the shore a final s oop,ithere was something t that atm fits bewildered them --a liv mass of • sh floundering about in wet soave ed, eome, springing into air, other flopping out on to the a many elplesely entangled in Meshes. It Was e Wonderful sight; their ast-nishment and delight ha give placo to action. "Run or the boat, Nicol! The oSi more wit re they came from'!" ob shouted.. shoutedr Nicol i shed along to the boatothi her Oat 9 Ulle4 her along to where companio 35 were, and backed her, st e in. They had Fe bucket; they hao t fling the sh into tlie laittom of • boat. Ha this .business ! of strip. the nets—shaking out the seaweed freeing th enmeshed fish—was !atm to them ; nd they all worked wit will. Th re was neither a dogfish. conger in 11 the haul, to they lia fears for heir hands. In less tb�,n quarter of an hourthenet was bac' the boat, oroperly arranged, and ready to st rt lagain--atsa place fur along the each. ' • They we e soon fall of eagerness. 0 fact, they were too eager; and this time they anted in with such MI: 8 t and main that, just as the gay-p.s were neari 0 g the shore, the rope att: , t ed to one of them. broke. But ' 13 instantly j 'ea ed into the water, 'goo -d the pole it elf, and hauled it out "i h him. He, e, 'also, they had a conai r-, able take o fish ; but there was a hea v' weight of eaWeed besides, and i one -r two rents hewed, that they ehad pu d the net o - r rocks. So they Went ba k to their fo mer ground, and so •Btle43 s - full were t ey,; and so eagerly did t y work, that When the coming, derkne s warned t m. to return to. Erisaig„ thy had the st m lpf the boat nearly ' fall f very fairly sized saithe. Neil reg ded this' wonderful treasn e of the deep, as he labored away at '6 Oar. "Man, Rob, who could have expect d stioh a lot ? And what will Ye do vit them now? Will ye send . them o Glasgow by the Cllenara ?, Ithiek M. M'Aulay !would lend us a box or tNifO. 3' a 17/ a . tioik; a • V I 90 • "0an ob n‘t hat io you ell 0 Rob, w ree thillings stc.bi ihiklill?1,ntyvno,tgit:s” ree 0 tth the n r ropes, ver mono d on the if we wer f herring em thro think ye • . , ise ,couns , as events 8 ow- ne eftermi 14, some ten ,days they set 6 lead neuel. They avi, g v y ng success; but tern d mo e than enough to and ady, 1,e tailor, and the er, nd e ry farthing beyond -ass ry e penses they had e nit. • y had replaced en . eces ith sound twine'; gota new r pes; they had _13, t oreov. , and added some 6rs to h p the guy -poles. leis after otni, Duncan and th two oungest, were as ng -way one of the quiet ob was it y looking around he saw. o ething on the lte ea at some• distance off d a sndde interest. Iewas ehe men I "broken water" g eroduc d by il, shoal of to: 'afterw ard had b en they had pay their school' 9,8 these no spent spent an t air th rot they id deepe • ed mor sin WeJi, n Nic 1 ein ,usu 1 al bays, nd ' hit)::4 he pudic of that e cit whet t e ---a. e thi fish. "Lo either • for th The veiled d rong the o this a kne v bad w but a they w pick n -they c oar; othe: The strang kept r cane ly ing int not e the • th cirel the float wa m fe go ol the tw Bt qt(le . the' ? fel a heav ii repl '; I, wo d IT en ing it ques stren raga lads f ar are de lr than th even th nee la ed ghee wate gr save . An of he he dang r of t ing c to of the i a ker ing t e oa were st ain • Inde d, ,by mom n so mac er perhaps th practica1blo reins, n. A. ling, •e wee apour the r wn yonn er la wet t irong "11 a , R that? ' add " t d think if we hauls li e t in Co 1 i ac the h rr ng. ThLy ad 1., 10 10 ok Neil 'he :tried. "It's rel or he Mg, will we try gre es exci Went at once pee- n oarci. T Younger brothers hei ha dest • o Make for that ate o the ter. I Rob nadid e f 0:na the uy-poles, and got t re ay to dro evetboard. He ery Wel that t eyeineht to have bo ts to exec e this manoeuvre; th re not 50 a (lei for them if re 0 r w ha ',in a circle, and th ot er en the net when me 6 it? S Neil took a third 'or'wi'goneide and one the as jag& hat wanted. ,. O Me near and nearer that •hi Sin of water.. They he a ay , fr ni it; and Role dro pe the gy..pole over, pay - the net rapid ' o that it should ea ed after the boat. Then ee ;ad • pull;4 hard, and in a o t et t last hely were sending of the i.oat s eight toward the gn 'Tot other guy -pole ✓ t e st rn oft ho boat, the rope st t on of tU thwarts. In a 'uti a R b hacl 4ught., this first ; hey were w possessed of en s of the n . •., he'ate had , grown suddenly II d t e fish i ed and escaped T ere as no he motion of a he o; nd y he net seemed h ul. , ," said eil,al «pst in a whisper, got the !" haven got them," was the ' bit- th y're i the net. , Man, r i it'll stand at." ' it as hat tl. diligent, pat.ch- ti e s rong 1 aokle told. The • w ts ot wi h regardf to the of the iet, if was rather with d t e ,E3 zengt of the younger ✓ t ey ad su ceeded in 'closing • prtioi of large shoal of 1, and he weight seemed more y conlc get ipto the boat. But st'eng h of ih� yoneger ones to row into the strength of he th y saw hrough the clear t r oving 'ones like quick - o th le the wild excitement # he di: cnIty of it; the i 011 hose oing ; the warn - l; th: clatter m o ade by 11; he po.ibility of gwanap- alt gethe ;as all the four. 1 pg t ioir e 'lest at one side. Ian awlew, ed tilt at ene e undreo • or two of the re •een t glide away ; but t re derail; it all the paore to g t jute the boat. what W en th t eavingespark- m se of q ii 'ksilver at lest a- hinin 1 through the - 1 m shes of the net—the sa dowe . uite exhausted, „land hap!) h, whut, 4 Nei, in a I t ink ? ould get t et 1 woul ou all's ro yo -a think of ezement. Oaid Rob; "1 0 or three more soon buy a share oat and go after ore ts °tight that after- idon of 6 caddy" fishing after this' amous take. Rob and Nen—the °anger Imes haying had their share -- owed, beak to Erisaig; then Rob left tlhe bo t at the slip, and walked up to he ofl oe of the fish salesman. • #. at will ee give Ma for mackerel?" hesal ehal ;'flagman laughed at him tbink- iing he had caught, a few with rods and 1ie.• ' I , no buying, Mackerel," said he; 0 zto b the half-dozen." • I h ve half a boat load," Said Rob.' The salesman glanced toward. the 81.ip, a d saw the tailor's boat 'pretty low in the water. O Is that mackerel ?" "Ye, it is mackerel." , os w ere were you buying them ?" • I its not buying them anywhere, I caught them myself—my brothers and me." • . . "Id not believe you." al c mid help tha, then," ,said Rob. • But here had I the money to. buy Macke el from any (me?" 1 The salesman glanced at the boat , again. -.1,11 go down to the slip with Yon." • So h. and Rob tog thee Walked down tO thei lip, and the a lesman had a look Kit th. ackerel. Aparently he had i arriyed at the conclu ion that, after all, ob w a not likely $o, heve bought a ceago f, mackerel s a commercial specula ion. . , .jr010.1w327,1ht, , 1 will buy he mackerel from said. " I w 11 give you half -s- he hundred f r them." • 1 "Hal -a-crown 1 sad Rob. Sat ' I will ta e three -40-s xpence the -hun- dred fo i them." "1 ill not give il to Lyon: But I will giv you three elai lings the hundred, a -ad a g od price, too.' "Ver well, then," aid Rob. . So th MacNiools ot altogether £2 '8 . fortat load of, m ckerel ; and out o that ob spent the eight shillings on s ill fur her improvin thetnet ; the £2 Oleg i oto the savipgs bank. It is to be ima ined that ate this they kept a petty sharp leok-o t for broken ‚water; ' but or Mine they eould not eapect o run acroes a shoal of mackerel eVery. d y. , Howe er, as the tir e went on, with bq.d lee and with go d, and be dint of b. rd an constant Wo k whatever the lu1ck wa the 80/11 in t e savings _bank sl wly i creased.; end at last Rob - an - n uece to his comp tnions that they had say a enough to e iable him to_pur- c asp share in C 11 MacDougall's b et. Neil and Dune n and Nicol were s rely disinclined to part with Rob; b b yet they saw ole rly enough that he was etting too old to renaain,at the middy -fishing, and they knew they could n4w wo k that line o business quite well, by' themselves.. What 'lob said , of te ,th t I should get _a, share: in the will"'S'yThi on 8it is a gea :66 r chance for all fidlii gi ill go into the bank along with beat ; f r what I make at the Iherring- what Y u make at the trawling , by the shore. And wh knows, if we all w rk h rd enough, wi o knows", but we m y ha e a herring -8k ff all to ourselves so a4 d y? And tha would-be a fine th'n ee have a oherr ng skiff to oar - se vs, nd oue on n ts ; and ;all that w e rn d our owis n1 not in debt to any �ne whatever." 41 f co fa u e; Ai er ibi Bat n age d t wi e a beet grea af ertro d lawasb DtraeNicol the oo he came along' to the wharf - to eke is place hitt e boat that was d R - it, notv par ly his own. �3is brothers and coOsins ere there to gee him (envious , a tittle., perhaps; bet proud .also, for part of t eir money had gone to ibuy the share).. He had ' likewise purchased second -h: led a huge pair Of boots th. t ,w ore as soft land pliable . RS grease c uld make them; and he car- ried a br nd-new yellow oilskin in his Denihand th t crackled as he walked. Neil, hislek n into the bl n at, and !go Le - an, and Nicol watched, him throw he oar; and they knew very 1 ward to he bow, and take hie place there at well tliat if there as any one who could pu I e. huge oar better. than Rob Moo ico , it was not in Extsaig that thst person was to be found. Then the bigi herring -skiff passect away out to the poi tiin he red glow of the evening; and Rob had achieve the first great ambition o his life. • TO BE coNT NII4D. a rse that was for a herring -81 • sum of mone he meantim •at what Rol d a share in accordingly of bargainie • a dreanie of the iff costs a con- , and so do nets. they We're all counseled was oll MacDougall's urchased, after a. • • We 11 'mention to -ind. of that t an4' ele, nation w ty Miles lives, ho and in a the c m Stites. that won an excha The an the field fifty-two 8tapidprc ndleein a buil atetrt'on overnor's Isl He is a d rk horse—ne dential k nd--whose ill lia t bin k in the heat 'was feale in the fall o - Rai ids, Michigan, and 1873, 1 ag d -nineteen . taken into the array by 2nd Mio igen Clavalry, lip H. Sheridan' was preeente i to the we, Caipapbel , in the name the regi lo ent. From t ridden in nearly every idan par icipated in u the wer. -his supe known. lucky an footi, iii h time. • herielekti's' Stded. I ve no doubt tthat Oak sitnple f Sheridan's eteed wt11 recta he stirring lioena- descriptive riiible ride 4(7 to the Shen. en, perhaps the fate of the slat stake, --e Sheridan twen " Little Phil" still - o ed by the American people sTy." oh time he will succeed to and of the army of the United ut what of the noble horse the race for victory? From go we clip the following: mal that bore Sheridan on to of Winchester, pranced in attles. His stuffed remains ing sacredly siet nd, Neve York. of the preei- n turned brit - of battle. He 1859 MI Grand died October 2, rears, He was an officer of the of whioh Phil- olonelt and was , rior by pleat; f the Officers of at date he was attle that Sher- iff the close of He was never wounded, and ionas a field horse was never • he superstition of being un- • ccount of having three white s case, was disproved for all 411 11 —A Ca ifornia man, eoming home in the eight recently stun bled over some- thing fu ry in the 1 all. With rare preeence of mind he lid not ,give the alaem, bu crept aron d the enimal whielt he tudged to be bear; got his. shotgun d fired both arrels lute the beaete TI at awoke his wife 8,14 gave her the h -sterips, and hen he got a light and took account of results, he found he ad shot his b arskin coat all `to eieces. • _ RBIAL ESTA FOR SALE. - ! 2net mina FARM Fd I eenn,--etet gta 40e. et', eetsion 2, East Wi Itiralsooth. There are 120 a 're of the land o14 ed. Frame barn and 1 s Wing, og house and tame kitchen, and an orahlird o 1.15 choice fru i trees. It is eitnated t ao mil a from Aubnt end BIX from Myth. P. ie moderate. Terme liberal. Apply on the pzfei4bei,i Or to WM. .aaoWie, Proprietor, B1ytiP. 0.: •, 812e4 OM FOR SALE OR to rrt, farm 84 an son ,a, G derich townsh ed, 145 acres summer tall() New franie house; fram • buil ings 21 acres b oreek run ang through t able: •Ap ly to, W. W. New Era Office. IIENT,.—Tor sale or being It t S7, confes- All but 4 Ores clear- . All le good order. baro, and other Glut - ring orctiard. Spring farm. Terme rtauion- FARRAN; Glirilon,i4or e 810 1110E IDENCE FOR SAL -ILL' and comfortable. re0 Street, at present occupee TI co h�uc contains a pari rooin, kitehen, bath rooni oii1e. pantries , and close ce lat and woodshed, and ie cas. Akio two lots, v. trees and grape vines. apply to JOHN lifcINT11 1A1M F011 SALE.—Fd , Mcirris, containing ai1e c eared, and the rani b . sir t There are on the premiees a new fra e E. --For sale; that ho e deMain on north d. by the undersigned. er, pitting room, dining and six bedrooms, be- . There as a good all necestia,ty conven- 1 Warded with fruit or further partici]] s tE, Seaforth. 06 sale, lot 24,1coneess on 125 acres, 8Q of which inder good hardweod liluse and barn, a ooj spring wen. •A1s a epung 'reeking orchard o tihoiee fruitatees. he p .perty is well fencedfl and 15 acres of item. la .d treads for fall wheat 4iis fall. It is situa ed w thia a Mile -and a ball f Walton, waere th re ar shoos, 'clenrehes, P st Office, stores, c. T rms easal For fluffier artienlars aaply on he pr noises to COLIN adeA t HUR. or if by letter to W Ran P. 0. , 810x4 VA MFR SALE—Fea sale, lot 20, concession , Menthol), containi g 109 acres, about 90 toc "dB cleared, underdrainad, well fenced and in a I first lees state of cnItivat on. There is a large coheriate • house, and, e cellent out -buildings. Tbere is a Isplendid °retina of the ehoieest frog, and 84 good sugar bush. iiit is within five miles of Sesforth with good gra el road all the way. T14is is one of the best arij1 most eligibly situated fa mg in the towbship and will "be sold on easy teijme, as the proprietor s desirous et ageing m farming. Apply on t e premises Or to Sea- L.0.fo JAAINS NIC 014. 812 Yr tea LEND1D BUSH FAR FOR SALE.—'.,L a-1 „elle at a bargain, LO V, Concession B., , ix) n :hip Of Amabea conet y of Bruce, containing 14 wets. This farm is vi 11 timbered, eriocipelly wi .la trample and some herelatik and cedar, and is wit hie 7 allies of the toil of I Southanipton and ba gale. , pply to Mel, N IBROTHERS, Ex - 8 ',ilea from Allantoid at il, on the Georgian Ba• Nod Lake Erie Ruilwoe . t will be sold at a ro xaoa Office, Seaforth. •t el 804 AM FOR SALE --F sale, lot 18, conces- sion 4; Tuckersmith =alining 100 acres, of wh ch 80 ares are cleare; , free from stamps, well • feneed, unaer-drained andin a high state of cunt- vailiore The bush is ha c weed. There is no waete land on the farm. 1Ibt re are pod frame buldipgs, * good orchard knd plenty of water. It iswithin 6 miles of Sea rtN and 3 from Rip - peri. It is lone of the beta ilarms in the township, an4 will be sold cheap, as t eproprietor is now farning in akota. Appl on the fern or to the n uer igne mas in, McKillop, THOS. 2nd co VE. •r 807 RM in Tuckersmith t Sale.—For eale, that sp1endidfarm,knowit qui the Moore Farm, bel g Lot 25, Concession 4 'Bt. It. S.; Tucaersmith, con ing 102 acres. about e5 which are clear- ed sn4 in a high static of i1tiatien, tae balance wel laered. There is i4 laro brick bouse and gocd autauldings, and a• Iondid orchaad. The larth is; ix miles ftcz4i Seaforth and the sa.re e from linton and is kithIn a mile of achool. Airily to a e proprietor' on the prennaes or to Seaforth P.t 0.• H. CRICH, Proprietor. , ese v R 1 FOR SALE.—Ot the London read at liodgtille Being In tit: 34, cocaseion 3, tow ship o Usborne, Coetaining 951 acres, 10 , nor s in bush, the. balance (Nair of stump% and in a g d state of cultiaation. There .are on th r lees L comfortablearame dwelling honee, 2 good foame barns, 3 geed wells- over 12110 ft:nit tree a id a good many ori amental tree It is • wol sit atedabeing only a miles from 3 frirn Exeter, 14 miles fridan Church aL14 1 mile fron Post Office. 121 aeries Of swamp fland in }Iayi t4wnhip, will be 801(1withthe shake pro- , pert For terms apply •a the premises or by , lett r • JAMES ELDER,: odgerville. I 811 • Fki• i FOR SiaLE -For tale, the notth half , ef lot 30, concession A, Morris, contidaing 100 ex 8. About 75 of waieli aro cleared; undett - edraiee , and nearly free; 'from stumps. This 4arrci i eittiath ted on e neat tan gravel toad, two miles lanai BrnQsels, an4l 18 from aleatorth. There are god buildings ai3i fences, also a good Mob rot and an abundance of splendid fencing tim r on the 'arra. A Om failing spring creek runs t rough it. It is aij lexoolient place, and: _will b sold cheap and di, easy tern e as the prop ietor hi getting old find desirous to retire from farmiing. For furtaer particulars apply on t e re -eases or to Bruesels P. 0. ROBERT 'BU NS, Prioprietor. • .f 812 t •FA1I IN TUCKERSMIT.1 FOR SALE.—FPr a e, lot 10, coueessioo , Tuckersmith, co ' taini ig 50 !acres, all of ithich is cleated an noarlfr 11 free from stumps , un_der-draioed, we 1 fenc aid in a high state Of' cultivation: There is a flrt -class orchard, a fratne barn and stable% a hev e log house, and a oevet failing- spring well. his farm is within five miles of Seaforth, •-on a o nl gravel road and a echoel hatise at the corn r f the lot. It is alsci tvithin four t Miles of the vIil ge o Kippen. The farm will be sold with r without the crop.' Apply to tire pro- priet r on the premises, or to Egmondaille P. q. PET It MOPRE. 806 •PA FOR SALE IN , ITULLETT. •-• North 'a: parts of Lots 34 and Oa„Concession 113, co tainigog 112 elate 80 acreacleared ; the remai • der i good hardwood bush, Soil, clay loam, well watered with it never failing lepring creek rigin remise.• Frame as. n and stables, lo d a good young ore arch It is convbnien hes end schools, and is sitnatee4 mile th and 10 from Ornton. For furth re apply to WALTER CUNNINGIIA onth part of said lbtse or to Londe P0. op th bons to ch from parti on th aoron a al ! 799 FOR SALE.—One lhtu4dred res for e s 115 in Tuckersmith, lie ng 19629, cohaessioli . 2, L. B., Tuekersmith. 'Ili re areaan the premises a rood Mime house, a freme barreasid, stables a goo -drch4d and two good wells. There are 85 ac 13cleated and 70 free'cif stumps aiall well under claainad and in a good state of cultiVation the b, lance •s well timbeaed with bardwood. It is situ ted w thin oneanile o Brucefield .Stationt and ei naenient to schools; nd churchee, and withi4 miles of Seaforth, toed 7 miles of Olin,. ton, aM a good gravel road to both places. Foe partic tars a iply to the preprietor on the prem- ises, or y. letter to THOM;A.8 MUNRO, Bruce. field Fl. . - , 805 t •rOR SALE.—The undereigned offer their ae Fr it Evaporator and Oder Mills for sale cheap ,atid• upon easy terms; of payment. The buildiiigs haye been fitted 'alp in a complete mann r fortthe carrying orectf the Fruit Evapor ating 3 sins, and' are noot in fiast-class working orcler,1 idia. :fine paying boiliness can be dene. But as . S. ;Robertson, one of !the partners of the fir of J3. D. Wilson & Co, has gone to Ed; monto t Northwest Territory, ; to remain peree mamma y, tllie property mus t be sold and the businea of •aid firm'finally dosed up. For any partici10 rs js ith regard to said property apply to the Mb rsi lied* D. D. WILSON. Seaforth. 762 FAII6 th 1-- -------e - ---ie -----------. IN WILLETT FOR SALE.—Forsale, • cast hall of lot 15, concession 3, and the south 11JE Mot 15, concession 4, Hullette con- taining 100 acres, 80 of which are cleared, well fenced 'and in a high -state, of eultivittioo. The uncle4 d p 1 -tion is well timbered. It is ,par- ticulara w 11 adapted for stock. There is a, n spnslendtit, lye eished frame hoose, with good cellar and eundation ; also a 'elm 30x56, and good stable e Shed and all other necessary out- buildin ts. There are two- good orchards of choice fruit rees. Also plerity of good water. On theho q the farm is one• of the - meet coni - i pletelya igg a in the township and will be sold cheap al d o i ettea teims. It is within 3a Miles of Clinti ,n a d 7 miles of Seaforth, with• aood gravel r sad- leading to each place. Apply-tothe proprietor o • the premises, or to OlintOol P. O. WM. M MI LAN. 81j9eAM IN GREY FOR SALE.—For s1:4tf , lot t 2, onc esion 18, Grey, coni.aining 63 'acres, 50 of -hie are . cleared, free from stumps, ander-dtain .d and in a good, state of cultivation. The whOle firm is well fenced.. 'Acre ii a frame house aiid berm and other weal outbuilding's. There hi a si Inndid bearing kachard and good waterat is on the northern gravel road bea , tween a 'aft:nth and Bresselii— ten mike. from the ha 1 xi er rlace and five feem elle latter. It I alinost , dj Ails the village of 'Walton, in which 1 are star s, mills, churches, sclinaise fee. Easy . terms of payment will be given, as the proprie- tOr inteilds retiring from farming.' For further particulers tpp1y to Wal taro P. O., or on the eiab.„ premises to ,DAM RILINE, Proprietor. 809x8 • *GI' a i ; That Boots NEVER FORGET ow cannot get the best Daly e for yottr money in and 'Shoes unless you buy atl • COVENTRY'S SHOE ST03E. For the Genuine Article in Frene •kip Boots; go to COVEN14RY'S SHOE ST Remo 1,c ;Iv Calf or L RE. ber that Coioentry buys all his stock for prompt sh, so that he can and will tinders 11 all those o buy on tine. • DON'T FORGET IHE PLACE—CAMPBELL'S 90RNER STORE SEAFORTH., •1 Ows e THOMAS COVIENTRY. PLOWS 0, • A Car Load of Genuine South 'Bend CHI LED PLOWS ec -SULKY 01..0W • JUST RECEIVED AT , O. Cs WILL Ql\lt S • 0. A ricultural Ijawlernent Warer9pnt Se forth, . II , I be sold at;old prices, notwithstanding thi e pereabe pf: 10 per cent. • 1 1 ies, the' subscriber being detOrmined to keep,' those seg,lua.ble Plows in rted One'Hatidred and Ftfte of them a few days beforts, the rise in _the sequently, he is enabled -te sell them at former prices -tomtit the present hansted. Call and see these Plows before baying a Oorainon or M- ho. Every Plow guaranteed to give satisfaction or no spe. I stock of Massey Reapers and Massey Mowers, Toronto' Reapers and owers, Toronto Cord- Binders and Massey's Low Ddeen Binder, and 1 kes, all of which Will be sold cheap and on reasonable ertneiRepairs always on hand for the above naaChines. Don't fail to see my stock g a machine. Which wi import du stook, im tariff; co stock 18 6: feriae arti fel Toronto Sheep's R of all kin before bn # • I 0 0. C. VIOLLSONI Alain Street, eaforth I • C.DUNOAN, Chenal4 .and Druggist, M SUCCESSOR TO E. HICKSON & _ ii\T • s p. i• NOW iS THE TIME FARMERS TO SE6U,RE YOUR SIMPLY OF HELLEBORE AND P4R18 GR 1 r• We have jtist opened ont a large stock of botla which we will pare and of the best quality. TEIEJ1\iX1)ii.CA.I.J HA_ Is the plate to get bargains 'in TOILET ARTICLES, &c. mense'sfoc ef Nobby Pipes, ,Cigar HOlders and. Casest that we a ches,pesehi h ;cannot fail to give satisfaction. Brushes, Combs, description, Sponges, Soaps and Toilet articles in great varieties, N. f.—Physicians' Peescriptiens carefully and aocuratel and all ordrei answered veal), care and despatch. I di_ Drr.71•TO.A. E& narantee to be have an Lin- e selling very arseof every erfamery, deo. compounded, 'Next Door to Duncan & Duncants Dry Goo& Stire, Seaforth. 1 o .1)L1IQi. RECEIVED THIS WEEK AmeriOn Grey Cottons, Denims,' Ticking, &c., & WE SHOW' A SPLENDID TEN, CENT COTON. ECIAL VALUE IN DRESS GOODS. 33:1...JA.C1C 8111S FOR JAp<ETS THAT V!LL NEITHER OUT NO14 GLACE. Fine Stock of Hosiery and Glove. 1 Jutt AMER CANADIAN A WALL Spring patter About 600 designs colorings, from five roll. The largest ai best value in the co SEAF BORDER. --A CEILINa WOE TION Beautiful assert Cloth Window Dli Fixtures, Carpet Pa ICA .4net to hat& n all the cents to sr,25 Bork/lent ,144 tee at - • PAPER ent of Par,si 'as, Cord, er,-&o. ONE OF THE FIR T REQw ' Parties .going to well to secure a sup -Robb's 'eelthrate Before -starting. Lest st ens parties, add they 'el 'well .satisfiedeand feria& paid them well, I haa many this ,season, but hii on hand, which I veil fez able terms.. Every perso the Northwest, "should ne befom they state. The Stlitolta, would 9 �f Cured /eats on X supplied ,arrese exprtesed theeasitte that tbeir brawniest also sialplisa i ge4 e still e latgelesetta bib. on ,alie Meat** going tie Maiatobaw fail to get a 81# ppiy Loca Trade' Lib e: ally Dealt nit • All kinds of curea meats kept contain! on t and at my grocery aeorre,,AM57austZatex. forth, ana sold in large r small etiantitiors. NEVER 11AD sYCLI A CHOICa t GROG RIESii All kinds fresh, pure a -cheep, as usual.' Pea thascrs will save mono by buying from mo, Remember the spot, Star as Block, Main a. Seaforth. IIUGH R013B. Ns keep cone antly en llama a . supply of King's Specific a more eine for Dee ,pepeia, and Iedigestion. Any who hotTe'cfnajt will recommend it t 1IztzjcIthers and Meade - Sent by mall on receipt of price. ..Saie latent lot . this part of Ontario. 033)3, Seaforth. PAPST, The Jeweller's Is the place to go ibr di)oa rename WATCHES, ClbdItS, JEWELRY, SILVER-PLATED WARE OR SPECTACLES. All Warranted as no Bepr sated; 'Collie and Exattnne gonviteed. and Repairing Done and $atis Guaranteed. Sig e 0. L. PAPaT 1 the Big Clock lin treat, •peaforth. AiNICHOR 11.. S. Pieta1 ail reameitiles 'Sail from. NeW York evirry Stotraday for GLASGOW via •LONDONOE, Cabin paesage, $60 to -1380.. 5ecoal:10)1010, - Steerage, 'Outward t18, Prepaid 421. LIVERPOOL& QUEE TOO OPTS CITY1OF ROME Sails Ally Atartiet 18,80 BELGRAVIA " July 11, Aug. i, Seat.* FURNESSIA Sails Arie4 4, Sept.*, , 1 Cabin paiiiiage V30 to ,SIOaccordieg Itet,DaSe. modations. Seeond Cabin and Steetteettleame, Anehor Line Drafts Railed at lowest ratitia paid free -of charge in Epeland, Sc0l1en4,04 Ireland. 'Parr passage, Cabin Planam Book of Tem* aKei9 TIENDERSON BROyalERS, Yafirt I or to S. DICK80postOe4,8eafe 790i REMO AL: MONROE &i, H06Airif st EAFO T TTAVE removed to their p NI mem; -1-a-• of Itolert Xenia fwon'e • gore, the ebo metier occupied by Mr. It. MeNaneht. ' have tboronably overhanled and ratate1. shope, end have)tench balprovt 1WO tarrSing on theiebneirieee eri a 1 rgeretid scale 'than ever, They have no oir kAna ..., ready for nee a fell itaeorratient thrirar BBATED PLOWS, abich sap to a /VOW° 're/II:lire commendation. HORSE*1441011G....t.sw In all Rs branches a , ipecia1t3a and F•Ariaa'ea and General Jobbing prompt yattelidael 1 shall be glad to see all our e a turd :0 e miailia"' enstoraers as possible in oer ew aren1is0. BIONEOE ez 1100A