The Huron Expositor, 1883-06-29, Page 4A L 4 Tlikl HURON! POSITORE Ju 'VERTI te4. I het -e is in this NEW AD WTS&, g3tion i ad i I been il i ol eraton in Province for syl ania. The packag4 Ontained -th'' imifixediate neighbdrhood re garding tho distant day' be a great boo to th6 farm. r�. lix the Ro4e of on.. between the g C0761111212i A. t%i I OwThe Iguie in nee, i�lala f refOrt 190od chtnae. soxiie I 1mo an, L whilo 6any peo)le are an131011twhenexpresoed1by the Mario purchase of animals at ti� a inual saled. I mob! . I ty Of this Council 1 in Bit _kJof New I Parenthevii after me f 'die i i . ork ethoughti each line, do notes t4o psige.oli the paper on which I; for i cme priv ml ro r to thils Saxqueba' t would only. I lace those Mr. X0Q! ado eat': i when On returrl ng 'fror i Mani a vie as in mt,011-be found. ba, Ui dis- I in S�Wion ing tho, reso. soon a -17ttl the adveitioe 4 IDI the L , 6 mntl to Valley. Bank. Thel, ba k,90oi.0 iving at sdillitsuce on an equal foobing- tion ;supplemented th inevOrs to- provement F alm uote with ie�oirythiui f6*nd the Package filled, with bla f s, rebate of the freight ch�rg 6,,rki ilfi a most favorabl Peeve p. if ti hish bi lj�iite conneo with Harawafe—J61inston Bros. (5) ng as were In 6 perms;nbut barn wq Tapers. Luade to su VO :speech. He wfii, in a subs�qj the P6 waffniot any too something �Jk ch purobaBero, referre4 to to to the visit;Q w—Hoffman Bros, (5) the ehvges ivhic)i had _Tbc, On to Cliutou* New Ero Of I roll )Untri 0 Lun.—TwoDw, Prof. Brown was 111F r* the 0 ie! tion fo - num to oult.1 8 ion to give vress Bay$: in abating that lqevf Goods. in. Campbell. ok 06.1 (5) result.1 am"In. tu CoLLmox AND L so o6 called u been made in a section of thils r, 3& 1 ion of expenses, Ind Manito ty4five lives were lost o Friday by'4 his opinion with reference ti) the laid kbout 'its management, land &A no HU OR 4 For manito _Expositor Office. (5) M 'ba nd a Norf-bwest In tit be. ran; at theit-laf,6 the boui i the gland,betwbetlf portion of Mr. Bishop's Speech Mr. fault ebuld really be )tfind. Them Of 8330L :90moved— fliBiou off Portland, E z iroe &Hogan. (5) toWnship come 0'rea, b t its grawt1k wil f here deoide a 014 iftlebrating thi, ,6ta 004—C- C VITight a Sop. be of" co a a& I wasnot a; n w -subject, were made for t �e purpo afo la, soml (5) Vill 0. n pr two outward bound veas 4s of the N � * Bro id It charges: Be of in So ?ntatior eans ibbe the elov!ez an ourer -kind which. bas Zealand -Shipping. Company's Line, ou.4 io whipp .1 3 of our coteras X20U. F4 for ioe.-I-T.� Womi ad been discu ad before. lqg in. The tion *as de. , ---" I L a�� Bar 0 aw. -5) but wnb that iti MIA e� jw­ Q of wbichsank two minums after the sq' He waa not speaking for tl �e Govern- '19 - Pi& for jai 0 4tizi a 6n 0 of riz go" and f I g. unfo#0na;eIy been comoletely, ignored clared Hey 4 aided i 6. g Bela Sal Orried -ion a show c f ban F f (5 0 t A the 6pow '4nd ''for - aden. dent., and 4 Sp I ox !!�rzn or Sale 'R Bu pr� 01 ment when be sald,thst th �ra was C(IiURTSBY RZ'WAR )ZD. in-- tb ce tit maa - r4ce a, r 0 le am this place to a" son Cd.(5) t .4PFRAY IN IRELAND. An affray, took disposition to take a favorab [a consider. Moved, the era -or fil I a P Acre Fs has.rossuitea so disas. p,14 0 at the that mill go. .3 il ni nyf agreeing with weaitb, w ich Xr. A. MoMordie next 20 rm for Sale W. E, Brown.(5) e Curragh clAmp, between ation of what Mr. Bishop had contend- seconded by Mr. Win 0 t ieio 1. 1; Hal nah, �hzt we _T modest edit f '91 ly._�Of t'�rdwlpg aqdi- trquol f6 'people. There North Mayo %u4 Dilblin Tailitiame 16 t vety many it, ad for. The farm thahka t or 0 the olinkri, poor M-81 on I t u0W_ tho�oani is' originated in i Wing diapnt 'atitution, and he thought that such -Preoideut Mills" and Pro' n, hos bee Vi V4rrn for Sate --4. J%chol. (5) 1 was 1% P nci&I In- tender a hearty L Vote 0' 8 1, - oubjoik 'which is ga 0 New ftawwberd'es—D. D. Rose. (8) 1i of! peo0e in,tbe. b Brown for blu gio 0 h S&YJ -1 An �ariy Is t sh. 'an in which the U U ailed deductions should be ma4e to their kiodineos and troubl 3 in eitplain- Sunday Card—H. Yr. C, Meyer. (8) fast t 01 fidig4pr'p ad'� interest we Northwest o# of elp oyment, 9 pur- PI in '11ligh-1 have Wi Dublin me Oarey 7!ankd �' Inviuc chaserel of live stock from a 16 g th4 a We i �o Ill 1) flact _ti, at� In the ma' distance as in differant' pdonlianties the a, scene- a i n any 9thOrs working fbr.a bare living. t hope b The fgbt lasted over two hours would L . d Qoft rot! 1: 1 several brose place them on an eqdal footing do of 16 a0h Side Using Stories exbtle d Idnds of iowo In a V a n ant I tl nunicip d %its of the oat df the'soi #eople will be unable to CeraJLlL P I - i this 0.0untry' e and Arearwo in biddiDg with thei peolDle R� home, or is rooduced at thi ust4tutiou. four of SOUL W9 Irish emale IIZM !I for.& at, on v qua rgges !should a O!,arried d str iota a (Oka, P freely. The conflict wa' IT J0 orl 0 to i rr nd and eave the onntrylbefore Wint6r sets in, 64 that their freight cha- The resolution was deal be 1011 wit RT Inv lir H h n in ta4d nk i h pa t e T as I h rns. (5 Rolmrt W1 a nothh* by the officers threatenidg: to Are upot Pam. i n A lgpwa,a� pI Ur. Brown then WEin. slamos express* n hao been them e:s 3opt a el iem C, 1116titniG as a coniity ind thei 06tarip public may be prepar- b on to after the L eniwere wounded, speak 9,"enerally of the instit jreii taken :apo4 'it as up the men. Seventeen In rot _01a c L 3U. 0ion. on t 2e proceding koi distif U,.* Ihasbe3n dundrietes- ar� I!LUeSd'V evenind o A to 6 sad Islas of istarvation. and f lut IRIDAY. lune 29, 1888. iTzrz F waraea them again on raig- ppe. SEAFORT -F' LOODS.JN THE 9TXTEs.—Latesi at the cozurn -at Ge ii[Ps !91 zin ni ;ipal b ies n take of expecting to find a m6del farm 01 Lry. Is ad 2ardsliip duri Y next winter dii0atclies are filled wi�h"details con.� THE RETURN HOJX. (�Ornarz, Turnberry '1gv the ]ff -Watt Was !netall, ed t�o ng the great floods 1' It was more i propriutely, It bell ow 0 Mai 9e; Jr. 7n, affa irs, and' -deal cerbi I ow prevailing P ng now Ave oldock aiid the P&StoMteof the Turnbe Jounty Cou cils. &Y and 214a n, bIv ime in Over V A lil� Iris dvuamite� eon- in Pennsylvania, Illin Pfirty WIShing to spend J d rE th It Pro I I I anvis THE bri I ois and Missouri� AN EMP—T-1-- G1116 'About aL-XmM LVApa Lu Contleetle tWe years ago, W an we 11119- Gf the lcit�, they took the r arture the niont in I r 1 467 of Iling for, the �Piratq -a don rminated! - last ,teat damage is report d! to the rail-' and could never be a model di On- regatio , Chute,),. The no so long f t4 % rl gpoted the' advisablity-of re modelling a ys and the colleries i i the neighbor ds Dra this Institation. Ati hou- later Dr. ner, Of Listowel, E terr6roin in 1 tbel4tte....'. Tho8a�W'10 Week ii. the' V tion I of Whitehead, as it- w an edfacating insti�ution, &ad the Rev. ZI 7 0 bood of - Wilkesbarre,.Ea ton, Scranton, the ex4rsion train left the Hall,mi sionary a ige a our mnnicipal_.�sylstem by abolishiiig great portion of the work,,was done n.t of the.thuroh is li, NO Cu, d allagher� 'and Ho.�I-isburg, Allanbown ssenger station k ) . I if syst� and 4ave 1,rfin Dr 0 ad ABlilanil with ail lun Coun�.y -COUl n Trunk pa students largely inexpa;ienced in board, and reached' Seafio.th took, P&# and divtoling ilas much by Rev. J. 13. Baer, of Wmngharal verd 1! in the a as) Of St. Louis, Mo., atid 0malls, NW, out 9 in. thew, - reiies. I on, say it a at eld it 0 r Lt works -t of,- notguilty� farm wrrk. -, One as possible' thell duties now dev.61ving T of the .'M(Ist impor- o'clock, having made a p leasatit and There is no 'loss of liflexeported, a:l.- tant features was WOW an 'at G agher. I W, b -i" �d Bornard The J. T. G Ltd C 4 11111 hink Df asking for 'IS a� the experimental de- essrt:.,T 0, b 1 ra upon'. -those b thoOqh several narrow �soapes -occur. tolerrabl pid passage homes not one and H. Wlor, -of between, the local ur eq -vie Old Wen'wer senteneld. had been 'toward or unplesi ant aircum- booked for ar tr Goa 0 C)UntS1 C i n Is, which 0. ley r'eqard to' The dam �' to railwayl 6orporati partment. That n�.oEt care- single a ench in Councils -an, PrOvinqial Legis age long, fully looked aft ip to tho 04a cola I )rvi�naqor life. There, 6 -no far er, and whili). a large stance 1�,aving occurred =m first to The fdr�i '&a HiviAigthus.put -Pe" mers and miners will be among th'a er gentletuan will leave,on t1ja tures, and an bstithting for -'t.hb portion of the work so far hadi. been,pre- m a small, o,hargbjl even on the part of the Irish millions. Many, of the'lSorauton and a last to roar the pleasure of tho� occ§,- 30th, and the-tw is an d 1( 1:4, we h9pe our'big� limin ry—work done b bi t r ob bl - i y - irqse1f--Lhoy ernal, ves, &I w mines a )rO her a 8 0 t in floo4e arenowgoingintoit deeper,1 snd'the Y Of JUlY- Mr. S:H.Detior elective body for the performance of the th that the tri Wilkesbarre coal to compl ;I theIlt ("a te Or & Y tbou aii Uv, I k back until the , r.( ;L v d, and in some cas 4 it will remainder must large - �ow rearnit their lieklt�; ateiY business that would atill be left for Wi ery i1i Spigot fair and impa'itial, ly dev J &P cmm ;80 several weeks to Pump theib out. Th 4 :Eiuro�i Notef wMeb. as beet. som Lgi enee& will rbatilt Iva upon Couniy Counall 6 1 i , 0 the chemist, Dr;.,H i h W , could ocarcosl,4- �re- M P are. It was not too e*b&t poo4i <I, f r at hasti thete hat; bei a tea- flood On no a a are repotted hsvery Our frielads -a n a a.. Ij 4 ment of thd�refor he 71 in Michigla cianary bird belon ning to Mr. late. much to say that the presenp expendi- I —A ceive a'seconderl from one end of Ahe Ldvo, Vye w Sh avy, espe oat 'p- 'I idon of J ym�stby,iu this'; country with he cially in the wle6teru part if Cure should big met by this li�e alone. Tborrias Hood, of GWeric -i,'died last tri to t. a ther. T r John S ii-th, of Ithe 0 Provin IT EXPOSM171 t le cNict6d, Mon. It cannot be too They had, no cloubt, gained some prac- weak at the unuenal age of 17 ye*rs. It wil !"be a I i, i - V �d that tb to is ho Nor 8, oat � eAone iii, th6 94 vocacy- of gi P tical benefits from the cession sto' d� C4, Kron em3 ha ized h their c n —Froiia & small Shiop�jhire. Down I t a me ex erimento I PA this iefoini I ab�ns i1fer betweenthe scheme as an! ff , at is . a ave to wait a amb, ralsed'by.Mes ra.H.LS aLislill son$, ning by big OrSes an Jt was subjbidtied at aiiready made, but would h 8 unday VLe ' he Grafaigeral E� . d�LQf f-, — the thunder gainst 6 ordez and clarsion. Arige and 7J p6nn washed wool via 4lipped and ii t 'at I as( this spri runningaway. ust as hei w.as Isnaers and -abuse of many P ik an excur-: Referring to live stock ad he well the osed y lowick generation- to. get the grand results. .1 ist. at, a �ie i t6r . of civi ization, and thi i no A we intimated last wee he pre mm who were restqd in keeping in Eby.: In both., the oa-lat C p�gnalt� wbi h tl�ie law i flicts cot d be Sion. party under - the a a4pices of the was safe in saying that it wasinob v�hat —John, R. Steep, late tea: -,lier kt.Ben- grave t at he bow I to atay sta; friond)$ t hi pie a a mo, and the th Grai gers of this , sectio- a'! it ought to be in C '-'021 - - e t I is ai Once a It stitution, the Wfluence of It visited tI,, Iler, aud' well- known in this 'ounty adeqiiate to a nitude and -.16110r' Agri mltu'ral Col OuL I offlojitl anads. The farm W11, ni �h H I - lege at Ouelpla, v teaching near Whi t d not ge had, -1 ant _.I mag nipef a a, t ,Which we ed had departed� -we 0 g bt a. a. tio Mr. Eby, is no) poncel a were trying to enlighten the -subsequent I IV B tranged ar daear. 'did not in and 1 farmers on that pqint. He' m*ghtmen- roity of:tbeit cri e. Thai bond Thu: -fiday, The trip w lubrative salary. twich, ut thle 0 -rriaze was icousiaer. may her( Zat V4 ra tioal, simple expen- - ably nalied, tb a ihorsei3 eacaping I P, to give, aerqy tb�mmlvesAnd the had carri1ed'out under the aus icps of Prince tion that this year the- Govie'roment hatl Meesks.'James and A. Mcl�er, of 01 ld� 6hea Once old of oarrying into Albert Grange, the sub -di visions repre- 'decided the Sth c'neession of 4d not injured.1 and obsi rvation have more firmly P if - t quit4--but to I #� , I - n reaia�i or rig4t to expect.At. The —not to sell ou 0 Stanley 4 �� I propos6s. % I Be T thresh their last year's graii i unfil last id thwavve r* COL vinced us- of the correct. We are t1'd being Rippen, gmondville, 8611 some 60 head of all breedal of cattle, Laqb week a paluf tit Ucide aL hip. 7 cesill Of their OIV- StL_ lob would hive jav ey, Stanley $tat, weak. �They had. four stacks of it. pened at Mr. Jobi I. Elam, il iiess iof the position we then took. Yowl tit Bly, it %, wl.t�h- the schemes Faroaers'Friend and some 200',sheep 28t of 'Sep- totilf, 'Mint one 0� lid __ es, notion � of any dunDal ­ I I on- the th out Chis�lhurst, hlimville', an d a 11,alf miles from BEIlta)dr iiijid several tember, on the! Provincial —Bendbugh, Grip!s eartoonisti, : is to howeve'r,"we '11 not- stand. one. The poun 104d, I in 1 o)fie articular xhibition 0 ice Others. The party, bowevir, wis not ive .9 locture in -Robert I'Nickel ) vas throwi It real Ilut a this, Rua of t a .caw ra 01 grounds in Guelph. If there was an -y- 9 Wingb in PU the ng down for'd, change is toreing itself �ad that'is h he' in an agbi ion t and r 0 the 2 ad of 0 Uly. 4' � The Shingle blocks, k -. Hamilton 1:iappeark! R, al, like to do, it would be to uecesSitY d sea d depravi �bf e6ret coml)osed exclusively of GL angers, as thing lie would. evening bar L a of to pasa below who in a block fitruck gao Baould -be the lendeavor to keep, aninaals rear( id at the npou'public _a, ntion, and w'e. are glad unten ric3 (I le a many who are not me lecturer appears under the auspiibes of lam bim 9 1� fid ed ( vat to a ProvinAl authori- nab better tbAn-, OU that; we can. u07 count upo4 air side zn�% oll'the schsme� of murder they a �emi to Itave Orde!r availed the selves of !this favor. lCollege, whidh were In the Laordlise Club. 4�ad to the floor# tirely oblivious. . able pportuuity -8 t ght le - been a The, sl dedi of paying —Mr. �ohn Inglis, who iesicljos near At first it wa would V - 4 visit- to �n 'the average stock—although they did n! d ti( a. T1 new i 6 many strong, a influential advoi iv, ipal coo, Belmore, has sold his fat dattle-, about S y new a the t; , Bur but his i aediasl1a "djus I retribution which -1as been institution which is, of ne gaity, of the !not p-retend they were so valuable as vivog, a grea t to farme -ai generally. Isome breeder's'herds in the �country_ Mr.1 John a4ecovery se are- not. confln.ed to indi. .001 over -he in, I W (ontribute meted 'out to' these, Should h 0: 5 The down tkip was very 1 �16asant, land ceived .61 cents per and 6 ee-,nLL for now some hopes c f hi of AilbuM' cates. The d they so t got interes 40 in.rianiber. For 28 of viduals,,ebut a:Jgerlyrt(_1tJIe]J I IN D nalill re era 1 —0 _p, ii -blip- opinion is atintenano and we de Werri lout of the hands of regularb d rohowing �ffect iq�on otl 7:3 Llad r6- �was ppeedily made. The. -el was abun- :' ut them int' the rem&iJader. Met WA4 a sovae what 'alarions ac -01 itself through various organizations. At let) n i) re 0 In i ey A oulc not as- P P the hands of thl average dent last we&k. While puttin veilt t1a -from committi 3,gi or even ldancO of room, the day wak pleasant lbreeder. —Mr. t7ames, Sadden, Howidh, has 'gon a 168d. a recentme6ti Eig of the How�aj Divi Rumeful, doat.-& in both inkai ices. ' I 1 10 Sion The sud. Oat too warm and t a ' as no sold his'' farm to Mr. Gd 5L." -S aniber his horseE got frightenea- I a POT w r. HeMordie Said -Inglis, 4 . I attemp I 3g B!abh trocities as were on- that he thought ata, wo vw: Grange, the fallowing resolutions were Provinci 4", Gro attempted to run away. d emed to y should have to thank tbE offic nizi, of 7,000. It the condemn 8d men.*� ers 7arninent hi a or hand a ast,iand all se io with each !the Carrich, for the a Ae gr4hW�' the line andwAsil templa a I by other! to make �thirfgs as agree'ab ab passel ft�'ge! Unil. C 011.. it 0 lug snrt-� le as lor the trouble th had taken in enter- contains !200� acres, out 100. acres raggeii a, considerabM *ovej y e3y posoi0e,- and they Succeeded. Guelph ttaining their cleared, the bidance wooded distane'eibefore'lio, got thehorses';�jtopj a. T ev r J ry no r� bient I visitors. They (the 11W committee are of opinion t�at I Somic idea of the dignified M Mr ears a Yalir mannerin was ioached about 11 oclo(;N a. ivisitors),had been Ferguson, for many ped"UnA 11 the wheel a of tU wagon- 114"ed the time has arri plied fac: a i6h , blie Oeb leading grocer in, Goderich #ad when a changd in 1: Im lit at aby, w r both his legs, bruisifig th 1e exiStiRg State Of COUU &tea are conducted, in AT --THE FARMi.: COM -DINING BUSINESS WITH PLIUSURE, land one of Ovel � t ty cou��la ra island t'Exisli egulalops, tbe-6.1dest 'residents took 'his del!&rtue 8iderabl and his back was aho` Ig tviould� th 5 Ma itob� Le islature Way ball should take Rif$ , the representation, In No time was lost after'the arrival of and he hoped they had �ad.a Pleasant for Detroi on irid'&'y last w�ere. will what injured but he i's now reco"r-� "no b�,JuHbiodh n r ble being far in, e2cess of the 6 ad fr m the f at that few dEiys the' ti�adn in proceeding t6 the College. s well as 10 1LSFd8b 1, Dads exI f a a profitable day. Hal believed reside in hature. I r!quirem I onto' ebbor Ior pnral� 6, 1 u rposes'as g 6; Somewhat 16aViting discus- n as the party Howick, raised a bank bATn 45 X Of the country. The budnessgvhich cfll, it onizatio , As so) disem b;rked) they' that the ladies had spent a 1pleasant —IRev. James Gr'sy, wb 60 fee. go,dur Sion, th The timb�i w w milnwe could be so arranged, omin' Sion, th HO A torney- 0 all had the pastorkte of, -the Clinton Methodist 1" t '-u qneral a DF�io� Membeish so reduced, led their ldestination.* At the 3ollego they their ideas- &,bout farming elev well fra med by 11r. they da fie *UU t 0 f �11 D ac tion of t4e D either took conveya-zices or 'walked to day about the grounds, and th rsday vve( 3k. an d TY ip as ionPirlis' at,j igLoaal! Lie ialaturea j6 sted by Church next month. will be jlcbs�irmau menal 'the Opposi a is were what they had Seen. He believed that for the Go ic would result in a, great 'saving pf 'the of i ion tr. met by President Millis and Prof. er district, an Roly, W. hands plenty an d' wilhiag and avat ablic money.' .6 er to cheek rail! The at& �rue�t might have been far- Browd, and shown through ithe build. if the titution in thl'a Cana. Corniab Wingliarn Thoresult Walk it. p �ive ao f 11i i-er I r' 4 re was an -ins �j 0 secretary, thi g in ad shal; a. of wwy a Ig ings an -We' Would Suggest that the care Ma 14i 06c no and co tit aiof-durs that was doing a gocd work, 0 -lie sy Idst we :I� John Lee by r, tains Thos. ww' usequentl' featly a( d. grounds. The roomso lively 17� eet,, but, i Ont io,-. ak 411 A N 7hi 77hp all roads and" bridges, tho selling of it 1 9,9�ld 301 nwi; ie to grai it dining room, sleeping lf%�artments,7 and that Should be upheld by the far- and Eli Holssur, Cxow4y wi Trovincial M Orion was working on t h r e; Id ot be co lands. for arr 34xa of ta:Fesj etc., be as- carapet ev4n.ts, t, wo a idered q, ite laboratory museum and library.' all era, it was,tbis one. He for )ne said, Ya it iham, he was Bt r two ovk r1ays. Ji)hn. H�o.ey, a. b 1 6. aid to! see :ire or'i isist raih r P&Tli i I '. . . I - ; p - , .6 Unicipality,- who, ELY ntai15'. pn anot er occas came in man ass, 31ve & severe Burned by the local In lam for thoroug'h inspe t w le brow politics to the wind, -and let all �Piece of Ulling t b�t zdt' Mal sting, reel ]=bar, ianc we believe cou Id man a cirirwu �jk �tiol rhe .,we hi e -no gua,ra)ibee, that a wp;vi a 'k wf_� 1 8 ID I outside, the grounds anti aerrria+n� of them Tins'.-ni—n I W A -b VaPOK 6 'U, a 0 1 i CW"r0L.V1 a uau va the UquKIL Zola, tile U U 3 Y I Y U U 4. He saou�der blade broken. and.'raoreem ritly ilian County Conn. S,14-60Mpetition uld b4 I the carpenter shop, the bles and agreed with,what Mr. MIRIs h d said, falling u a Pie P,616. continued. W6rks as ui&d a, threaten attitu few 'days ago a little g irl, qaugh- cls. -WP'�,find, that the � principle of I a i 64se Z layl of: n &loara Itfol ISuch a a'barn, �ha experimental- aept-Oment-, and about placing in, agricultural t mt book ter'o r. !�. J. Thompso,ol'Wim The Star of last wei says The, W and rem ad to -4111. oppos M a M 0 a, largb portion'of representation by Population in thq elec- tj 1i Ig the farm were cover- On the curriculum Of Dubli School fell 1 pal of hich Vilgit 6f I ev. Mr. McDonnisll to Qxoderiot ammpetiti(n seems, �o -who ha eea. to 0 boiling w er w tion of Members -of Cou�ty Councils is in th desire td learn wh i, tudies,. and about ed�' i L ting hiM, that " is ad a was beina ca -ti IRS W t1sund, was one f thethiir& young, had e Xleft Btandingipon tho� floor, b 3, mossiblE. his Statism a land how far success, IVe unjust ad e in proportion to lore axe no 0 r dare not' auto wl evep-ta Or .-and sh( the' 11 L don u�ly.* Thuos armers to their own profession, as' th a and was the yea r. . Knox church badly scaltled. Shia will vat li '0 b the MY the asse,'sSment the rqpresentation frO :in 5r em anti; a conE eigooned r t got 6nt of doors. The visitors derived �oth 1 nd olloge Und farm was ualculated to do. Verr 7 tended b� me in loasure a 1har" ely at -of Y roco,�er. nibeirs hEly bot� instruation. Indeed eved thatthis wouldt �ot oul 'oth ar de inati< us, the; on r n Ro at -i to e a dangelf�ous,lot of fol YJ bu�iuess vi cases, far outnumber- q ai a' at Profei sors Brown a beli' count of the large gre, 0 even Unt mittil in their: letter fit them for the duties Of their being done" at the' Moleaworth 0--heese oat fillg the ing thfmt�of the raldistricts. lows, tl�i and illB were i13g &11112 ipal�ties who Manitoba Mihisteis 9111 r r ght thi X11, I Unic 1 4 I and 0 the3 0 tu� and ini act t111 - ��wn calling, but also fif.� them the facto ry tbij season, tbe DIre,,tors i have a f ormons. were W*oh� —Your earn are aware 'that Oil eir Mt, XzDonnelP conirmutefthi sue 1 8, shoula partici-� at The several anioal us of pub a trust. be ,omprighe iive, loigical there are certa n institutions properly no� silen, qliposi�ion by a force gue a were IlIetter 'to fiU positio en compelled to place ano- ilier t in Ing arid �,4 in shei�� belonging to co-tatiesibicb. will pi 4b I diriee y in 1 a turned out able bypne still lhobreed-" Xn this Pro Vince the far -the us deductions,and thfuI in their require benefil if 'the: mers comprise the faictory-for a of cl4eese- rAW sitions Of go�p maker. logic, their ar: both i6bli) ana willing 1, ing an eiy desc' ib SeVeli-ten, ant 1 dpoinis of (Och 11113111 to be Provided for, such asgola, high Loc I 'Po'v ern mei assumed t�a, main- r - tbs of, the Population, while l truths, Theseroom schools,poor h Uses,, etc., and we there- do it by; mor� po, werfal mleans. B�i ad. . he crosses ware men ti tied, and tey had only about one-fifth in the wer 3 of 'Ihe 146 riticipalitie the do chs;raotelr long to be -remem. Win. Wellwood, who 1 left to nahle ol th%gao: fore. recommeno: that each county be 13 then Mat liab is 4 fast and progress:'4� fectiva points" as well -as the points r�epreseutation of the Local Legisla- Whitechuro-h for Scotland at. the lot Of bered. 4 v ed of a of Mai it. were poinied out. I he several nd in the Do Hous ohn Deeves, 0 eondivided into tl ree division S; each to would'Ithusbc rel i country, d f its legiglA Oire a' a Maywith the intention Godeft; *ad tourse Of I minion have a re 3ritative who 4wbuld be Side it le �e believed the proportion' wWs some er at experimental plot were equally closely aport�ng a wpbhip� died v iddeojy on 1h ex P 311 In pros and th u�t keet, 1D 1; and tha process (if culture thing less. He was no advocate of al. t with to Local ace with the times. exami 3ei horse retatnQd on the 9th ins acted by the I eople, to hold. office for Go ass :&a;ugh-t stallions an(! one day morning of I t weelt. He wt&.s ve m6: ab Rudy al;i, to bea r four eavy, explained, while the listeners were re- Mai three years, one to retire annually, I islation; 'he believed that all classes beav drau�ght maxe three ye irs old well !Up in yeb ra. and bad beenlail W -%t I 9 B4 3aid 0 ly th these representatieg to, i Change thk -pimpl qqested to ask fo have power to "1 11 i r." Such information as ould be represented; but the ositiona Xonok MRi 0 the 'W 6ek. hile'attempting to le La. a borse ing r so. a time. But Count ! y in Ing 3 am V, uwaa, ana Zo.. levy a ra fie ion of the eon h bi they desired, and 0 . that TaDlm- -te for mdchine:r 7 - woul �heir quest�iorfs were f trust should not fall so 1 gely to to tlia Stable one day last a better ;h;iu J ner ang aebts, and such be IM refu ly and co teously Bains got a E �y of caimplis. co has g qtly i to d r f stitations,. liqwdati r3n lereld TiIE QUftN ALTH.-114 Maj eat yli i ca, �Lnawered. rofessional men as they did at resent, severely out iii t ie palm o �itti ng up In bed p) opaatory to other busine a4ition; ve� . On' The te at talia3ia' th eriments, aind he believed i that one ni 3ans - of -the. so as1properly belongs to 6% ing hen:he sud at and a animal tea frig,'6aus- do rily fell forwArd A4. r arriv at,Wir disor ob to. both i: 1 tockand' rops, visitors rlE died. insts' t. the' an to th In It re the County." 01A a ace �e �;as able I b =edying this co4dition of affairs r He�'was zonvem l4outh e hand i Intaneous y was Ing a snap �o enter tb 11.1fli0in ducti fr doptinE tWi propose' walk fro the tra; n to the ciLtriag 9 rl ior, 0. was gif atifying, and we-. ar( Isure that h:y educating ybu 1 z 11 ig th�lafgt omentand did vot a wo; Ind At t:) their aave many, even on this sho N i carried higher degree th in. had —3 fr. J. Walker, an pIA re Be to,hive moniti*n; -of su& W 'i'd outl 1 0 Y with the publi ation *14. a . . I �g faxiners .0 PEKOUJ�1ED. AS 4 MAPMCR A s�x Iling in a ana ay. r Irish 6 France ii�� ' ith them llnt hints an done in the past, and that this of B.� line,iTurnberry, has a ho old maoitifi2g, I many exco Of the a resolution- n at �Piris _dent �CE comes B the! ax -p!iss d by SeVers of theu i b yk6, but, 6n 06 fature ec tio a a '�'P Sudden- �'Coality Council to a il&r oec a a, -hogn an r ted by the suggeslidnig made. stitution wa§'one means in the Re. born stead' o Mr. George- 'W I v I is 8; 1pl)ed thirtm the th ork im 0 ix Pa d we a] dere a a lferj and H. Di I hi War in Dublin were denounced a under a ch eircum stances i i is not Bur- braplishment of that o act lr to them triore �ast off -eat, ad. at immediately after. 'ful I -pri bi has 'remov1ed to concession 6 of the horses. last week � r G-o4airieh wbi $6 massacre. 9' that all p egent were nob only 1 Mr. Wilson, who w" 9 township, and is now i esidi* on wero pux4ased �iu the i ne me we leilve the 81 1 intro ced as Sam as f-61lows.-t-41exando OURTSH] P. -a e�linth a� wards letter$n the Globe froniMr., Buc eal ions 'co I IR, love. ex", ROYAL It !is repor Ple sied but delig [ited, both, w th the the' Egg King of Canada, exp;essed his farm, IE itely purchased fro: In. M�. 1, Ewing, black h- .1 10 a tbatPriude Waldemar,, of Denmaik troatillIent they re� bs,y nth y T�rac iiille,Jn the -'a: nty,bf tra; far the! ca �erusal a) id cop wil, eived, an 4 T�rnr, b horal ou d with the �eft' �himself as vefy much; pleased'with .50 l' Frori� elag, #is Provincial. Iiititation. He had '—One day last weel� Mr, J, M 021� Alax. cl leath, mare IM - ('Bbort] y be bet robbed to the Prino-(- 113 m%nndr in w&ch ' 0) Pertb. the COIlEglP is- b U116Y of Ey"RIptter �'we make aid ration loirrthliers. d daughter of the'CrON' condfao�tecj as well, = we ar Sure that lNeard a good deal ad refid a gQod deal rd in'' his ! - --Victoria, F 600n the fo oing a n a Blyt fell through a loose b Rich. VanEgmond, g a racts: n Pripc Fr+derick'Nilliam of PruBsia. Nyore driver, $135; H*h. her low, if 4ny, no matter what oth 'arable Y In 43, POICER rLAYiNG LEGISLATORS.— Filty ar it the public newspaper b ihop, a -the callai beneath. Next d ay 13ell', ba $900; John -'k�mswif he sub- horil _r. Why not adopt the system of diect' 91' E theire e7con;,,eived ideas up 11 t mt 3L� T Lne put( tE a qu as m f the I _. . have been, who did �aot y, to the Institu ends how the black $ reprd-senation ir the Q inheis egislature were in-� jec d derokator tu on, bRb he W s sho, VJi1g some 3e, � 21q; M grq ounty Council as. tio the come i0ter lookirig over it, he was car hv &ened, w he i &in $1821; Mr. Ish, spun of th �dfsa.lo i ce of accident dis- marf U ayjng A in' aw mpreaBod with t4 -e usef4. ouucil�_Bodiieo well as in the To, nsh; trearns, diceed las weak fair poker pI rmly i., 9tq appe the it 11c wi v ---Ry MUCH red it the tre erous I Lole. drivbrs, §,M; in -1r. Johnston bay Te tiPLEASED by wi erse andl, under- Austiij, Buch an i Bil' xas; They all settled theirl laes bl I ic n -1� rge of five members lecte the people,of ristitatim', and the School picnic are, 3154 Mr. the count a6 a Ole would be able to at 1abl6 A casies without'a trill by the ayment ofl great. enefitst p, i With the experiments being ins de ana will mi y says 1 14 X-amann e.o conferring layder, �b ill a id- on the banks -oftak $170; Mr. their fines and' costs. upo the agricultu interesta. During I I I _Xoi transact the busi 36,38 coming before our par rs 1W yk�jreti 4' that t1 � i 41a iWlith the general way in whie thing� Hur 7 -a T9rY alw a t at IOU J h Ail County Councils naore sailisfactorily and C�Rxy, Im INFortMER.—The lBriti hl the eat ly part of the affernoon� t ere eon noted.. He believed i was A, �Kintail,�,On* Mon, zi�xt. .0 ayborse 4200, f I he com- Bill was id� ,Ilcwe�,, IJ ca"use owed 'Go av V The ionic wjJ1 be pibirbicirr, ad ir� by U1cans)u, wife of Mr.. rnme it h egi'en Carley, the ffi-i pany v -ere treat I to the u Mal lunch, ignefit to the co ntry, and !—T U fax more ec ioral cally than the present ec that 0 icom 3 all 8 Bch).ols of Ashfield. The, Be- ansou., near waltbi, aied On tbe to g: 10 Opera tion of proceeding to oi ie which Df 60urse *a: -an intei a$ ing part 4ore in this way was a benefit cumbersome boi ies Asmalle'r body ioll dt ould I ta# takisn for er, ibi op tel t then i rni]11 ri brass'� hand is to be in'a, itenda4cii 17th inat Th f wai one elected directly by the people s a' awa v A [r. of t a c6lo: iies,', oronlaining in Dubl �n of the ]?:to �thf armers). It was a benefit in thi 3 of the tDo c1ij xen i� )roperty *ith-out celedingla, 4a it alw�ys is on -good !time is ant argest gee� in that P&A of tliezountr w icipated. rotection. whole would h bet �or represent'the out PO ice Such occasiong. One way: when they came here the, compensat Mr. owat, Stitied, has been D -t re The V. F, Parke Mrs. unc4uson'W"is -an OODS. I mense dam*age has beo Saw experiments being made on ceit in a "ats of tbe`_Iuc�i�niy 7 1,' )n E411 L than our present the i �era -ban quet'l; a AN OPPORTUNIftl FOR 'DISCUSSION. po abed to lyth and BeIgrave by �the man, andhad, a RQ'iug heart for -A councls, whose : embers indeei I t ei bil one to a a 19 rid other property by merely repre, %nds; some of tbese 'experiinents tool, Bi ihop of arou, and will i .om Ohio born in Axgyleahira,:8wtJw4 I Shodly after folar O"clo �t M a She -was -ova 3, th, it i i M as not propose he farm Beat a fraction of the couhty, and have itsel I P floo4a in. out Arn Nebraska,; and a bell w ka rang, yo4rs to complete, and an occasional hij duties at once. His fa at service but came too Canad-, 6 when young wituht . b r livea have been lost. De tr ve fl ime aining parts of t do.hav alag occu little: knowledge of orintereSt in'the- to tf 'a aw 6� W y property f .-nyl nun' a B; and in r onse.the -visit of this kind gave them an oppor. the 01 arl wants of the r -0 1�c majorif Y of the visitbrs assd Wd in the ti�nity of Beei g un 14er regular app ritint tit wao� in herparent9,10andli-NedhElaTJ�' 'a. SM 0 Dut inErely to ilav n what was being ne. T#ni �irch, Blyth-, laoi Sunday. wa; rnarr'.d there when. about niall* he one "barn where -rude iseatsha, t)een eon- do .7 C� those, Illinois. �y cb 'r a, 8 m; al—T county. an eliked by t i . I A he people He had neve'r.been here before; but he Vill who at Ulor Btructe, I -and a suitable pI t o� morning wid evening. He teem.and MOVed to the town#hip 4 trearn ORRIB —A number of in eroct- of a 'whole count y - *ill make it an ob. rther. H Imidmitted he was sorry be had n)t been 10oved to in I �ke r 1 0 a use o: N ea. w in'Bly 6,r; wh 0 jact tb serve his cOnstituents as a whole, such; Je 9s are o trial iii Hfi�nlga lien all 'had been a bad Presi- th. an it was but -a Wilderness' aid, ry upon the dent �ore Sooner; and he would Say that it Xr. Valentine Diehl, o,f St anley She was a faithful wife IRA a goa f !ge, laving mur th 'teftihIe �h M, Ila called afowof th epresenta- "wbuld not be a ye until lie Slid not only t4.e local Municipality in. P, ovi Ime ats'l' a those ol dared 'a far w( uld be ME 4 in the gat oring o vi tb 8 P ring iaised one -of his b iiis mother, a "go f f which he hvea PiotestAn 1: in order t ?Ard, and bfick to see so Should themembers Mel aren, 12 �'Lkii illi fe, t o use her blood -me of. the expei �iment amily tive ke Big ir compen aa,- �on for to invited 11hem, to it u ilt all -Under it 50 hargeof I or grief tricken husbaud— of such a body, apt dishoi4eatly they -mix 4 their Passover, bread, bpon the bollig put into practical use. Ther at anchuse. phea wile and V0,1nf eeewt 13 1 iothing platfond. Xr. Mi Is then long. a � a a,. put i an her loving mate for tweuty-siXyean, would very soo eat 8KCit m,ent revail Adressed w%sone thing they had' seen to -d their Runish. a among ti a, d would- n even y and hil 10 those r6sent brief. adlit" n tollie'end of his ba., The R luent on presenti�g themselves for re. from X r. A Population. B, ropriate t4mt would be of immense benefit E V. R. ZfeCosh a'�d ismilY from the Ir 8h Nat, nal.1 off a rs of the different kinds of seed t#bles below and Iyarraltigodparsonw- ee* I jea The fact that the system I have sow( Such nela 'Ire no wa,ited InstitTL ion to so n President Arthu on 8 -80 M110h. interest a harei -:proposed f6,r q - S t g I o'bservation 'nr . . 0 1, �J - - E:1frGRT1X. , lCn terms expressing the gr4t ip�cation, it t4em. There was a, grass field gat t wing to each Side,, thus providing are comfort ibly ene aged in the adulk, election. -PU6 I kird1o, !-IRISH A deput44 room for 4 Wny ilico avenience Wass gave t Governmeat and andi ho ;w 0 1 fao MCI ap 09ro a T OW above: 1� xecent field. ThC our adoption has to In urday, a d a of this alone would sh t will biada 21 A to tb os taken ih the -Collego and Fa —Mr. SJ1 Merrifliald, one :)f Wilig- cost of the I luilding% resented :liflim! w h the Irm . when out6ide as was provid very satisfabtory in many of 'the P resolutic a 11hem that they h9A been making 3 ham's Mosi popular - landlor Is has� of prove cut limbei'apyill evinced by Such Eike-airsions, a B.Jbhis one. I I ments axe eontipleted, will be 04 0�er States of th6 neighboring Republic Ole For hundi adopted at i a Phii delphia Conve *�stake all along in growing only two late boon injp�roving and r6novatin �3, Oft T1 a lot re . ad Ml ov aren a in ter6d upbn'an exr lanation of kinds of, grass for pasturage. Be w shoiald not prejudice lei; protesting-agairifit ritic 41 'He then an 9 y era emigratic n the co as h+1 ropok ains ox e Acre' of land and lof ti rse of struction followed up, Ur fiorn Irela� in y both outside and. ii against it. -Nor would th 1 .1 go; much pleased with all he een It no referre, to the manner in 'Which the presputs an appearane of neat- beaut 0 as Ird is bou'ud village. They who hb:)rB wed. thi tqwn i. be any mental d all fto hold YELLOW I'Ev]ER.—Advides from Vol -a uld not only like t 0 RY two 'n is, and the genial land difficulty in introducig SU h a change. I or t�at he wo, y of 10 ation is unqiarp�s�din tb$,' �st r Bail i i above - in Cruz, Mexic State Onside and 6utside'd 4tments At the annual In on fal unicipa Ere imi4 ve- that yell differe' ar� threb hours of a day but a we k, and to keep v1"g I elections let ow favor P cZ bil rE were c di the house is interior arrarigP, men ownEd ts icted,predieted 69trie of the co location, dedgri. anEl the geturuin by chu. 3 or Mono: is making f ages' among E ur -it would take ve ()7 adv -&n gas wWoh must accraefrom tJ* 16 for!t 0 "his potrons. Ment, universally ptonounce it to N morn 9 officers, in addition to the o1h as he was, litt rn pean is i. odilliarry ballot,* be supplied b a dcai "' there. A "thou i - to induce him to come and t k f all. Tuoiiriday of last -week Mr. John one of the best and mck esir b rimehts,! and iu y' the d deaths past two months instruction au4 expe oburseof instruction; and i 0 a Is A ON an a th a ps County Clerk with a b Ing u"K: hi'd allot containing re- if h 6a a conclusion riepeated an i -sug McNej ish, Moleswilorth, m 3t with a sonages in the Dioc� The ino Ul ese.- the Dames of the candidates for County rl 3: 19 boc it hav� re rted. Fifty-tvio big at a Dg son—as he ha:d three of them—who. de. ea I ve in in �from gestion that the rudiments of I severe accident. He was ,idijgg ri bent, membOrs a -ad, Sapp rs Councillor. deaths occu e orbe of ely fiV JE iast w The voter will mark the (Wana,during tl a an agri- cided upon farming 'as big c6olling he horseback, qnd being accden y throlvn church, havo good roason to congrifitil" 15OLEL lia, -eultural education s ;n bould b *nbr eek f. i additional ballot in�the P tri� t11E same diseage. would do all in, his power to induce hi does b.1 same way as of . oduced the Corar a. other bailot 0 the public school curtjoiuium of to t k m off, he Btru6k against a ha7 rackdri late themsel�es on D, E) int or ballots. Th !�,Man A TERim E .-A terrific a fa a 8' , urge at the Colleae I ba is xpi.osroN rL osion occi *r Morn L t d ic falling, and icelve several 'internal ro a Cake, t 1 * e laE t Friday mornin studies, and that young rmers shoul 1 0 this necessary an 11 ordered Township Clerk 'b�aviug 5 P conclusf n a advocated, much�- as be i received his Ve6 receive nj4rlios. last accou: ed of the e a higher 6dticatiO4 direc tl -A picni�com returns from deputy returning'officers, blaA furnac I I o. 5,� Worth Chioa �y had favored, and done for high Olhoot ntsbre. a gotti�g. po 9 Pr xle )v a *gain;i Ce"Is' roll bearing ion their own professi' roun of School seotloaLs e and would report to the County Clerk by ladet vii.th ing milli, T irt: �-ftvp tons of molte aui agricultural education �or wmers" L fib" pbifited daightel-1 of born regi P held in owrie on the -eel, PURCHASE oF STO —A 'few days ago a little Stared, letter or by express par op i at6rs iron wero�,Ba It ad in: ' every directio 0, was ing W t aigil hob ies in 'Two men w: re C. Morrison, Chi ton, Ot I&rgdyl retui ii Mr. -Was inst. 'The 8 0018 were n an ly and fifteen then asked, to act as othey. d the. Whole thing. would-be done I older Mr. �isbop wa-s ob on her shkie represented, but there was allo a or r el.- chairma without -any expense bey?ad printing fro;,vi ica badly burne4.� itis elieved the endealoringi to undo a eil Ila 14e: lvxBer an n, and in accepting �t 6 position Ur. Hannah, in a few word 3, apd. adopted the � very corfarnbri :attendance c f the pLE xents and, the extra balots�vl an then; lac( eroh k i ail- ae. ,byL.a defedtive, expressed the gratifidation w* tided by Mr. Me uade, Taethod of 11�illg a fork for the p�rpo$e. of the childr�n. T ere were proviff!05 ZAE and traders plogiOn moved seco sT Y and 61. *ngL to this letter the T lais visit had given hli�ft*nd b 8 satiBfac- t having. visited the A-gricWtural The fork slibped and refemi 1-11ha oronto 'ir. large Jamina. ra, and tte nia, who Fo a, —.0 R irbus;mb bOLL-Ams Missix-cf: tion at the progress 'which i as being Orack in the in abundance Globe remarks GbIlege an:d Experimental Fam three: eye., inflicti4g 8�uch serious inil ines tti!at -a variety -of Plea'Ban, bqY 12 he games fi ad much force bas be m E t A al E Ame, —There is a � 4 comrac tion arf�ong the of- made.'� The only thing e 81 oke of in years7ago, we are �riore than Pleased', She is hkely�..,to lose her sight. the time to, the ovidri pleasure 4 in the above Suggestion, and it fiaiali of th Y)rk, Lake Rrie and tionable light, WEL13 t 6 disad- viith the great ir� may must sel. bo� 71res ize an ob' i's the -it, off. proements made e —A Xorn.s correspondent a: It mra WM. Young, th4geiisl reevis Of the be that the true remedy for an ad- Ail'th * 'a agef ug in other since that time. We therefore desire is amuBing to hear the variou NTesteria R I at ttl 3 leg timate over the mysterious. vant which farmers livi come di�app'e' I �_eweiyf- re orts township, who is ne�ler so much aran 610,000,1 in tramai seotioUs of the country were, Placed in to express. our entire confidence in said mitted Ppvil'will yet 'be found in the of - tb of the "wordy" set-to betv e the ele ent ban urr u d by' a bell ve i ifg(� ti -laze wh cl' in New In as V� 13 -0 11 44 has fr ollrk to E usquehanh a, Penn - aa comp�red with thb fitxmorg of this institutioll, and telleye it win at no deputation from Brusel�B Cox provi&d &Ad of ladies ancT a dre