HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-06-29, Page 3• UN Al4A44.4.A444.4.A44AA, yifl Or AME, 6:AMMAN- d. WAL ' • A 4 1 speteg patterns tit Abont 600 desigus in all t 00Thatuies, fromiefive outs to ae roll. The Iargesti assorteeette beat value in the meuzititr • ! SEAR:WM ninPt BORDER hose ' . CEiLING DEORATfaill 'LER Beautiful assort Ly f8 AWflt of Pa Cloth Window Minds, Cor Fixtures, carpet Paper, dtee - PAPST, HO ! FOR !ViANITOBAt ONE OF THE:FIRST Parties going to Manitoba eU to secure a supply of 1 Robb $ Celtbra. ted Cured If Before starting. Last season I eupplied, OUR parties, and they all expressed well satisfiea, and fund that their inieamen 3-, paid them well. 1 have also supplied it ges , many this season, but haveptill, a i on hand, which I wil tarnish on the able Orme. Evers portion going to the Northwest, should not fail to get before they start. The Local' Trade _Liberally D I e"- All kinds of cured meats kept eon oil 1 and at my grocery store, Main • forth, and sold in la* or small (mantel* NEVE. .11,4D St:Oft t fI4X0E es Teeeemesex. OF!OCIERIES. 3ertt. All kinds fresh, pure and cheap, as must es. in chasm will sane money by Intylag Remember the spot, Stark's Elea, Mali eeee- Seatortia sertt. HUGH Bo in.. N. B. -a keep conetattee on lana a-nci supply of King's Specific' a sureis and: pepsirt and Indigegtion. A. y who bane Will recommend it to their neighborsadfr Sent by mail on receipt ot prioe. Belam*. boa this part pf Onta. - be ry HUGH ROBB, Sea -forth,' tmr Iteti PA.:PST; • ' The JeWelike Is the place to gofor good reliable WATCHES:: COOS, JEWELRY, PLVER*ATED, WAII , r • OR SPEOTROLEL. All Warranted as Reproentd, no Sale- Conae and Examine and a Convinced. a6: Repairing Guaranteed. Done and Satisfaeti O. PAPST, Sign Of the Big _Cheek-, Main 1:44i4. Seaforth. ANCHOR 11.1S. Hail Stealieships I Seel teont New York every Saturdeffee MOM v LONDONDEIllt Cabin passage, $60 to $8O. Second -Cabin,* Steerage, Outward $28, Prepaid $21. ..., LIVERPOOt& QUEENSTOWN SilirK BELGRAVIA " June 16 Tilly 21, AI1g* 7 FURNESSIAt Sails June 30, Aug. 4, Deere aaer CITY OP RO E Sails July 14, AngiateSeleiree Cabin passage $60 to ma aoetirding ';o setae modations. Second Cabin and Drafts issuedat lowest Steerep , Sit trai Anchor Lill iim paid free of c large in England, Seo . , , 5 Ireland. For paesagee Cabin Plans, Book of Tonne apply to 1 HEND leSON 13ROTITERS, New Yora ear to i. DICKSON, Post Oflice,8' • EAFORTII PUMP FACTORY., HE undersigned would beg leave to 11012 thanks to bis many friends and case ) the very leberal support accoelled him for theM six yearg,: and would say that he is stilled OPP' i Stand., where he will be most bappy tO C. : all hw aia customers, and as Insley new may favor him wit).' a call! He ie el" - to tarnish Win Mille of th,e best make i notce, one of Well ig the Standard bnIL mill is self r sting -making I abet' t volutions- per winnte with aightebreeze, aaai more in a storin He is also pp1ed to Ineeee : iron Pups wi h the mills, a , aalsake 01002228. A call solicite-d before purchasing. .01:11i-FV.i - ' Seaford} Purep 804-8 r.` 4 t • 1.883. Dregiclfal Boy. for thit dreadful boy. •know 'im ? MI the other boy! ' y eliseuldues go in. _ ele could find that boy, rely* what he is din', - 1l the ether boyet To airmen mond rine. ettleie's T Bisbee waY asd ass feels t myGreen, a growing lad; has informed, me, t he is getting ba4 y alarm me. e blame abetted rest upon jebn Brown, a reeent comer - FerTeram wig a lorly child • year ag last slimmer. Bet when spoke to Mrs. Brown gar isjiiiOt soul was shaken, _ eno ustek t et Mrs. Green could be So eery na eh Mistaken ; Sbe did auTe Me Johnnie wag As gooem d &nee Beeept for learning naughty things From Mrs. Whiting's Benny. iting frets because Ithera's Freddy.- e's taught young Benjamin tricks already, ' eh an innocent, m his mother)-- '4,,think of doing wrong, by another. think` I've found the boy s are so disgracine he's some one else one other piece in. not search him out, est dieadful pity !) e boys who otherwise ament our city. Gaieties. And Mrs. Of B Ohs fears Bo= wick XelPheig (I have it • weal Breese • whei Whose wa slwa-ys I And lives And if we Be will Spoil all • Would et • itituediebnet-en'' Waiter, has my friend Dere ?" Waiter-" Let me e •yes; 1 elieve he has just paid and naej aStude t-" Paid, did yousay ? Then ji3tehwasn'etyltle tillr. ere - xclaimed young Dadiboi, " t a e Weathah is getting so eeibl,iyer kite w, that I must leave the ferrule taken off• my cane. , It's 'too teestly heavy for a warm day, yer know.' -Miss ' Rthsebncys Partner -1w" Were you at Mr . jonee' ball two! seasons star he , saal to Miss Rosebud at the netriareha' ball. "Oh, nee she answer- ed; "Itria a debutante this ° winter." e ttre yon 1' he exclaimed ; " why, somebody ild me your . folks were : , 1,,• EP-isc*ThPeaBhis op of Oxfora having sent round to ''e church wardens in his I • diocesea ci cular of inquiries, 'among which was,' Does your officiating °lar- • gyman pre ch the gospel, and is his conversation and carriage consistent therewith ?I'. the warden of Wallingford replied : "B -preaches the gospel; but doe e not kee a carriage." —A. distrio attorney who was cross- examining a odor on a criminal trial exclaimed peti lantly: "A doctor should be able to give his opinions without rais- taloa 1" " He yer!" retorted mistakes aro b Found," said lawyer's are 'above it,." res -"All right In tip-top sty • Saturday night after your pay ?" "Not if I leabs the cl 's, boss." "Not if yon leave. the clothes 1 Why not ?" "Be- . Wise yon ain't neber at home when yon has a clean shirt to yer back, an hit wouldn't do me no good to call Satnr- . day." -A canny Sootchman in Brechin, . after having spent a year or two in the married state, had the misfortune, the other day, to lose his wife.. N9 sooner was he bereft of the partner of his cares than he consoled hitnself \with a review of his worldly oironmstannes. "1 had," said he, a but a shilling in my pocket when 1 -was married, and now that my wife is dead 1 h ve ninepence, so that I f • have only lost reepence." -When Mr. elm H. Barton. the his- torigrapher of Scotland, visited Ireland and made his first trial of an Irish jeunting-csar, he sententiously remarked to his fellow -traveller : " Now you per- ceive that we have arrived in a country where property is scarce, apd therefore valnable, bat where human life is re- dundant, andaherefore of no account. Here, you observe, they put the wheels under the seat, and protect them with the legs of passergers." • -Bishop Wilberforce once spoke to a gamekeeper upon a neighboring estate, where he sometimes spent a quiet day ehoothag, about not going to church. The man pleaded guilty to the bishop's impeachment, but added that he read his Bible on Sunday afternoons. " And, • my lord," said the keeper, "Ida not find there that the Apostles wentishooting." "You are quite right," replied the bishop-; " but it was because there was no game in the Holy Land. They went fishin ft instead." e , . --,-Two grandsons of a late millionaire had quarrelled, but wee reconciled not •Jeng since over a good dinner and a bet - tie of two. Quoth one of them to the °mutiny, after the other had departed, "That is my brother, you know. We have had a difference, but it is all pet - tied, yon understana. Same blood in his veins as in mine, you perceive. He ,can have a hundred pounds from meif he wants it. Yes. by George, he can have a thousand 1 Yes, ten thousand -if he gives me the securities !" as well able as a law - be doctor. "A. doctor's, ried, six feet under, the the lawyer.t " And a ometimes hung six feet • • nded the doctor. the clothes ate done up 1 wh . Couldn't Yen call in for heheardl Wonderfuh isn't i pole hilveu't haven Ana et?'? hya yes '' replied th "4• --,we a; go beIJi, but oat atrat t t n IWwe s u s p the • nd Nc use atever never me es he ll age ti trellis gets by. • " bide° 1" Okola maul. " Fot,"tai1 the give np be s." Y ,e T)ks pr sid banef _Chic rode tO the Ce Upo his 4rriv drit sal II are.. • As the regal :' • I Sup bells *sakes them on el' fas ahead o the sound Oter the ed the Yankee " had to • 1 ,s 0i thi 11 t i of . a dekuriet savings o g t into aI'sok and ii al depot the to het' day. at his dentin tion the with - r fare is only • ty centeel the passenger ndignitietly deiMtded ofi the Joh :" " W at. dq yoi take me for ?I".1 t afra for me. fifty per. Beate 4 h km atilter got Oat o4 be ninny I,- • 1 ' rpan, wh riny and meta ce Italy i the ant Pos He • as Yor to p in he and at ;1188 lige Pd. -1-By nano fie ped Te titook a 1 h ndl do h rs s oo edit e of t ed xoe d p4le. . ad a en 11IPra tfty d to' eaAiy ler t you ex- tho • be circ rec • Ass s torr - Ne got he Th but wr hi the fea in t lsn tu • e w eat ent. W 1 it ly 5 ld ifi an is dollar,r‘ i I W8,8 Oelltli fo the ride want to settle with a 'cents, that being the rate t which other oheItors." 1 his dollar and the ething he bad inot , ' ) r ' r all CiF011M- Ci3S. t fun in him will most distressing his was illustrate of Mr. P. Hatton 1 er General and edi sleeping ear fro rigton,arld when h rnn,g at his destination adds had been stolen were getting off the a hind with Hatto4 h He their pa ts. He siec'piug-blanket. around th r,duster nd placed his back, so hat the over head, a.nd stood e car, when everybody t the oar poriter, wht I • • 7.1 ratek P1]'said : Well, gti to dee Sereta to • Ben ba • cel est e studied esi c be cn b net case reled 140t On e -all 00 ha ed ba ho 44, at ; 0 to a nt ad, to 111 Taking An Interest in the Business. Two commercial tourists met in the depot the other day. , “ Heilo,Charley,"eays No.1,"I haven't teen you in an age, what are you doing " 041 Ian in the same old line," re- sponds No. 2. " With the same house ?" " Yes, sane old con.cern, but situated a/little differently.", " Howie thet ?" " Well, I've got an intereat." "Is that so ? How long since ?" "Since the first ef the month." " Let me congratulate yon." • "Yea, the old mail told me I'd got to take an interest iu the business this year or gent. So I took the interest." Fast Trains. An Englishman was bragging ef the speed of English railroads to a Yankee traveller seated at his side in one of the cars of a " fast brain" in England. -. The engine bell was rung as the train neared the station. Itsuggested to the • :Yankee 9.12- _opportunity of " taking down his companion a peg or two." "What's that noise ?" innocently in- quired the Yahkee. "We are approaching a town," said the Englightnan ; a they, have to com- mence ringing about ten miles before they get to the station, or else the train would rep by it before- the bell could ono tote Was over ag thr tgh try ' I ve wa pot i co eeing ru le of a, b rd, st thing an *bud wh ,yea w s, lea tire o I t rned in his t Ye,simili Whil thi fac to hit th loo at de no of my oer t lif att con • a hat are y00 going t himself in a glase 11 take a built, go ti the Intot and as y reap tion." hr the Word aortal n tinnier a ewer in rthur, w o happe lent Mr. Hitton the bis pair Of double or pants skid he got ia had an 1 the taut ace a or af r yety loi l'AV a uver th iea that I - hee ve l 1 d. u r er d aala o, rd r d -the g ik w roti edit. thus a la a Lie Dia ample of •" said a eminent amis. 8 Mg on part o braVe how well entlemen ndida me tirno boraebac1k the ouit- • an, and I 4 Surprised upon di Was Scared. Eve over Y ar4dden cry . I coal n't think ers and 4otperadoe remembried a ma, 4 beeri futid in t coldtblOo. Eve -Y tly face it .e up, aii the ga ing Wound e u-wIti startling • eflected, a short turn e lonely ad, id} ly Woodel hill, bro gh ' to f with vso me he st di ag or me. Th lied t4 a neigh ering grap tier iiit al I was nding, sent all of idetwater, up t onoe that they were ci bit that they would Me. F • lkit was out r any sao L reeve on was oda* ed, prove a the arse tiltee in my q play the ully, and fancied was an un- I • . • — 1 4, , can possibly show. In short, he'll be the liveliest man pretty soon. " They Out the rope around Say neck. I prayed inlvain. - I asked the Lord to 'forgive my sins 1 and dosed my eyes, every moment expeptin,g to be drawn (0 If I let you go will you, promise never again, to use my name." "1 swear I won't. Let me live and I'll be a better man. I'll do anything for you and, when I'm elected Governor I'll pardon you." " All right, ien , may go this time. Take off the rope, John." . l , I moun my horse and rode away, t with tearful thankfulness and a de urination never to tell another lie. Ne t day when 1 reached the . place Of • e- mission, a large crowd had ge.there• . When I iwprisadhed the people we le shouting With laughter. Great Al ander 1 Same one was relating my e -- perience. Shoving my way forward, I recognized in the speaker the tall m: • I who had edowied me of taking his nitu e. He was My opponent. I dould not fete the crowd, and left as rapidly as pos 1- ble. The Whole thing was 9. joke: t the Oleate:in I was I defeated by OP overwheltnting Majority.— Arkansas Traveller , . ' A 1A-crig' g Sacrifice to Style. The foil wing true story I relate a a warning to all who purpose dying th ir hair. Wh ir g around it flie idaeost et seemed eir horses vine, and ich the a Stigg stive wa ed at t e ani till, I ea at back. I Pew rat me, a esit te t kil eqa a,f art weave , I in death. P retiOlved wtat 4ruet e pre oriing.' Row a7 'OU ing far!" buiii ecleosioj,1"xpkiienowli with w trouble yef r I haviedecided to lead a b tt r Ite. Never again do 1 want it saidi oat 1 shed the blood of a human b , " had I reckon," said one of the deep a d Ji. . " At oii tilrne I could not nied sues 1 an o nsatIon ; b you, I have reeelv il never to kill an- otherman. 1 ho e that yea will not molestinc." 1 Hol t n, p d il Or !". . e ,. • i " I've o tin t on, to talk." But, h 1 on 1 What's yodr name ?" “ I'm ill 1' t in, theoutlaw, and the mate of whontyo have often heard: I have killed 14o.1 fir less than this, and I Jion't ist y u e cause a.breaking Of my resol ' Do as 1 said the talle1r like tcdgi 3 a know who y u are,, itHootw i 1 Po ,_ de y " Boma e 1 am is any brot er 't 1 “ Oh, ,Lor. ;" mercy on J.flCI I", the. • • opi 1 8 tiley repli at it is n " I dote' 'good d. 4' Go- of your want any have de - t as I tell • about ycint resolve," e despere.does. "rd. t of &dm . I don't ut X kno that you the robber." ill Potsn, and this supplioted, “ have orse, Cap: I reckon'. ra right ere." mercy in heard no • " Clirctb wel, bet '1 be their eyea, answer." I “ apla try, comiitt1 them on l4 m Stole thiiei b oI e le ad, that roiel o him np " Oh, mitted a didate on nay w place of Govertto, what yo r Who i yotir Colon 1 Bleo of 102 11 g ut siew pried,but I n tO go arm+ d Predatio Fine zna reckon saddle. • first erup eyes and could im chased a freely th jured her her hair age of 17 neyer bee She is attraotiv and enga n the era,ze for blonde h a gitl who had fine bro air tcarnatch, thought s tove upon nature, so she p blonde dye and used it t it hurtled her hair, and 4n- calp sothat after losing 11 tie ever grew again. At t e bad to wear a tvig,and able to dispense with ighly. acaimplished, and that she Illas scores of love ed -herself to a brilliant na Tfl 20 r- 80 so of Itgh- p ition and good fortune. 411 through e eogagemeut she strugg ed with the thought of the mortification of telling litat that ehe was bald, or le v ita; the r She goal and with her fickl The loss the days otherwis happy.- -Mr. Ont., M. recently is one of tarers of mach ph proposes in Winn satiefaet and lfor --Geo E. C. K. -wick ho the' 6th i with int to May 1st of J hearing more Be prisoner fined 02 over 50 name to friends has got -land. -Mr. a tour pondent torial W Mr. Tal time in ' WHehata, Are "1 ne he's a b f" He' a art, or a capacity 'lends 4tions:, nor of A4cansas, and an Opponent at You weuldn't hang you? Jus think of (rid lege I" ponent 1.10W is = u• alpted but the count d laying you are! John, get. W'll swing Over com- a can - 'Oar m -Boon tyre duti ev, th him P" iflow that than you "bit more than you velation for after marritt. lResigning any reason or brave either alternati e, t nese, she discarded her lovt r. ,her hair has embittered 11 of a grand gilhood, wh ch might aave been serene - afrad Washington Letter. anitOba -Notes. F.mes Itivingstone, of Bad n, . for Aonth _Waterlote as Winnpeg. Mr. Livingst ne the meet extensive manuf c - linseed 'oil in Canada. 11 Seed with the Northwest, nd to erect a couple of elevat rs eg, provided oan m ke ry arraagements • for a t site eilway facilities. •ge Sperieer was charged bef re ievies,Ilsq.,J.Peett the Bra s - el, Moose Jaw, on Wednesday, t., with robbery and assa it, int to do grevione bodily It rm tewaraet Swiftcurrenttean he pee The magistrate,. ter the evidence, dismissed he fens chaages, and convicted he of eommon assatilt. He BB and costs, which amounted to L:C. Ks! Davies ta a fami 'sr Huron readers, and his many 11 be pleased to learn that he into barriess in the new 1 - Edwin Talbot, who is maktng Canada as artist and co fbr the London England, tad, hae arrived in Winnt et e has already spent toonri4 eketches and dose es- io- ge me ra ; tiotis ofOOme cities in Eastern Cau da,, and is about to commence a sim lar work in the Nothwest, • about w • loll people in Englaud are particularly ions to learp. His purpose is to • re - (seed straight westward to the Ito ley' Mountaina, an' to return by way ofl mouton, the North Saskatchewan • Lake W infp g. He will then ext ral. nd his trip aitfvard. probably to L ke Superior. Tho feet that a London il. lustrated jon nal should deem it ad- visable to sen a special artist out a mission 0 this kind, speaks volumes for the athoient • f attention which his countredie at .resent exciting acrosit the water. -A fete de s ago a man named , as. Fyfe, who w• s Working on e. scaffold at an elevator i Winnipeg, stepped oi a loofa) plank and fell to the ground be- low, a dista.ce of 45 -feet. He as badly st brie° and bruised, but is ow recoveri i ha entire was a noat marvellous Itle. A'. fall • of forty- ve feet is euou..-h to crush the life out of any ordinary man, and when it is on - 1 sideredi at 'n is downward fiight he passed b tw en two beams not over eight fe t ap rt contact with eith r of which woul. al ost certainly have de- stroyed im, one can imagine how im- minent was is peril. Before str ng the ground, ye grazed the should r of a man t nd ng beneath, knocking him down bi4t doi g Itiim no herrn. , I -A leg aro has been received in Winnip4 fro.. A. W. Ros„M. P., from London, Eng and, to the effect that his mission as been successfully acoom- p1ishe&the itle having been accepted and the it le orup1etd of the prop rty on the 64rth e t corner of Queen and • Main streets, kn wn of late as "0 oli- can's cornerJ" This sale was inade some menthe age by the Syndicate then owning. atie < ro erty to some English capitalists, but some difficulties in tthe way of giving 4 satisfactory title have adeetlayee.f eij d thecoragpli;tiporne.v ofeetthtehetrthRtaae- iecity is to be ongratulated. upon the completiott of t se transaction, as it is expected to brin to the city, including the &monnt pai for the land and that expended in lb lding, soMething like a million i dollar . , , • NEW -LIQUOR STORE We take pleasure in announcing to the people of ,Seaforth and surrounding vicinity, that we heve opened out a • NW LIQUOR STORE, Co Fining the Choicest.- Brands of W es and Liquors, selected and bought fron ne of the leading 1Who1eeale H kises in the Dominion. °LD PORT WINE From England. 44444•444.14414 DRY SHERliY AND GRAPE WINE From France. ( 114" delft and Marsala Scramental, Wine • Prom Spain -warranted plate O. K. 'fkND HIM'S NOLLIND CIN. Mountain Dew from Ocotland. GUNNESS' PORIER Bottbea by Burke teem !Ireland. CARLING'S AMBER ALE Old Pyolfalt-Tk Superior Whiskies Prom Hi Welker te Son; Wndsor. Lrenneey, Nartell; Jules Robin Brandies. 1 j • All those liqUors are epecially Bel ted for me - d oinal purposes and family use. Also, several -o her kinde of lIcen.ors, which we hope will give every satisetiotion to out cestomers. Remember the Wawa two doors senth of Bob. ertson's Circular Saw. P -411:t., J. S. pi0fT R SEFORTI-14. am deterrni71 d to Clear Out 'my Ent ite Stock of Furniture reovrd- 1888 q C081 - THOSE IN 'WANT, it will pay them to eeer.. tain prices before purchasing elsewhere. I give . large disci:nue to those paying cub, ese pecially to newly m rried eouples.• • I am still selling ix highly finished chair. for $2.50. I salso keep Knowlton's Spring Bedl,tbe best and eheapest in the market; tea perfeetly neeiselesg. Wareroenies dreoijy opposite M. R. Counter's Mmolew�Iry tore, Main Street , Seaferth East Side. : Cash forhids, kin, furs ane tallow No truck or tide. Caten for everything. J02111 8,201! 1328 t 1. W. KILLRAN. WROXETER MILIS. I I ALEX. 4. GI SON Begs te sainoance to the Pu1ic that he has commenced to °potato the WRO4TER WOOLLEN FACTORY an el that he Will he prepated to give good value in 1 FULL CLOTHS, .. , TWEEDS, UNIONe TWEEDS, FLANNELS, - PLAIDINGS, WINCEY , and varieties in STOCKING YARNS. CUSTOM CARDING, Spinning and Piffling pronitly attend- ed. to. , Parties from a distance wll, as far as possible, have their Rolls 'home . with them, and as he has put tae mill into good working order and eMploys none but efficient workmen -an work is warraated. Beriaember the Wreaker 'Mills. ALEX. L. GIBON, PROPRIETOR THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE, STONE BLOCK, WINGHAM. • JAMES A CLINE & CO., (Successors to Gordon er SOW) Headquarters for the ceflebrated Washburn Moen Steel Two -Barb Fenci g Wire. ONE CARLO ontreai. Gut ails Received this week, and w11 be sold at bottom prices. Best brand of WHITE LEA and ENCL SH BOILED AND RAW OIL Hatdtvare of all descriton; at as low paices as is consistent with a square legititnate business. JAMES A. CLINE de C9. NOTICE TO OREDITORS. PURSUANT to ChaPter one huedred and seven 0 t the Revised Statutes or Ontsrio MI per- sons living claims egemet the late, John Kidd, in his lifetime et the %von of Seaferth, in the Counter of Huron, mrohant, decezted, who died on the fourth day oe April, A. D.1.883, ere re- quired: to eend in to F. Holmeetted, Eq.1 Sea- forta, Ontrio, Solicitor for Bridget Kidd, Ad- ministatrie of the seid deeeaed, on or before the Twenty-seventh i day of Jane next their Christian and surnames, aed full particulars and proofs nf their clans and demands woon the estate et the said deceased; snd notice is here- by given that the said adroinistretrix will after the Twenty seventh day of June next proceed to distribute the ascots cif the said deceased among the persons entitled tereto,having regard only to 'the Claims and deteande of Which she shall thnena•thitdvaetnsoeatiefeo.rth t'i le 29th day of May, 1883. i F. 1OLhi4STED, Solicitorlor A.dministratrix. • —I- 808-4 • SEA.FORTH PLANING MILL, $ASI, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY muz Subseilberbegs leave to thank hi s ampler= -1: customers for the Rhona patro age extended te 11 mance commenoieg business n Seafortheand of thegtee runt he! may be favored wit r si eoatinuance Pz#a esinteading to build wonle de well to give him a ealloes he will continue to eeep on band il large steak of allkinds el CASH WANTED. $25,000 Wanted in liOady Csh, AT -1 I • 1 THOIVIAS KIDD'S EMPORIUM, For which the best value that Canada can produce will be offered in Ory Goods, Millinery, Gents' Furnishings,1 Readymade Clothing, Groceries,! Boots and Shoe, How is it I can offer such induOments 2 B6caue I purchase at the fountainhead in every maket. Hav- ipg buyer always in the European markets, wlo has the advantage of securing any class of goods when at its lowest, I am in a position to sell ydu goods lower th,an dny House in the trade? I would remind my customers. ii general that if I am in a pdsition to give first-class customers twelve monhs' credit, I should be able to sell you for cash as cheap as you can do elsewhere. Pur :chasers will find in every department a complete assort- ment of freshly imported seasonable goods. sFresh Arrivals in Dess Goods. pry , Pine Lumber, &hea, Doors, • Blinds and Moulding' s, Shing18, Ifefth, c6c. illefeeiaeonfident o f gevingsatit action t °those who mity f *your hint' with their pa renames none bat firet-elaseworknienareemplosd. Particular attention paid to Custom Plautus 20E JOHN H. 4111,0ADFOOT. 2001000 FEET of cheap pine and hemlock lumber. Apply at the saw mill, Winthop. Eight houses in Seatorth and Har- purhey. Prices ranging from $150 to $800. Three :hundred and seventy-five Pens in McKillop and 1,240 acresin the Birtle Piatelet, Manitoba, W. (3,. GOTTINiszLikOwCoia, Tn. MIDSUMMER and EVENIN WEAR—Lovely things in Nun's Veiling in Sky, Pinhl, Cream, Mode and lack. EVENING CASHMERES in, Pale.B14, Pale Pink and Mode. All the leading shades in Clolored Silks. A nice assortMent of Blac4 Silks, Black Satin Brocades, Black Moirs, Black Ottoinau and Polka Dot atin, Black Buntings, plain and fancy ; Light Blst vek Silk and Wool Brocades, Black Polka Dot a Bunting. •Special value in B1ac1.1 Oind Colored Cah- meres, Department. In this department new shapes arrive weekl ot- , withstanding the cool season, orders. are piling in so rapidly 'that,- although we have a very large sta they are obliged to work long hours to compete wt the push. Since the season opened, we have not bei able to close any evening before ten, eleven and twelve,Jf Under MISS IIIGGXNS' able management of h partinent, nothing is allowed to leave the Ho $ rst-class work, though they shoufri work all Note prices, in Sunshades and f„ dolts, and everyt straw goods. PARASOLS sth.rtling value; e my 75c, $1 and $1.251ines. emmemnagememeer I eameniensth • FARMERS, 11T WILL PAY YOU • = —TO CALL AT HURON NEAR THE HICH SC OLSEAFORTH, And see our stock of Which has been 330 aeeeeslyetiiimpeyea iallry tnis county. hay gr, my Gang Plow for tls seasonand feel aatisfledin-Oursayingthit is t e best in ttemarket. LAND R”.LES dAorei niggoodargeanwdorhke74unning light and GRAIN cuspigits Are raade frorn hard iron, and. will lasb longer than any ot er machine Made. Having spec al to Is for rectitting Roller, we on gua antee satisfaction-, Special atte ham to repairiag Steam Eng es, Ss, and Grist Mills, Reapers, Movers, T reshing Machines, and all kinds of ma hinery repaired on short notice and a , reasonable rates. To contract rs an °them- Bridge Bolts and Jasting -at lowest rates. Quotations filrnishe e.pplioation. • TIONI4S HENDRY. Watchos and Clocks. Where is the best place in town for Watches and Clocks? At Counter' t Jewelry Emporium. There you Will abtfind the largest stook of jewelry, Clocks, Silder-plat d Ware and Black • Jewelry4 He guarantees all glods as reresented. Every one the -at wants first -obese goods goes to ouuter's. aatiefactioa given or money refunded. And don't forget o price bis assort- ment Nickel Al rms, Seth Therese, New Haven lad other -clocks, Diamond Uags and Scarf Pins, 18k Weddin tend 3and Rings/ Counteetfoueadtv capi ntimi e•given. er's for Mee schema]. and Briar L' at sPbitPsets; le6, in N calets wadi Lockets . 013 exhibitilion he leadi4 Jewelry to repairing fine watches, Knives, Scissors, ocket Books, Comiat and Brushes. Spectacles from 25o to $12 ta suit all eights. •NI. Ft. OUNTER, The Leading Jeweller, oppasite J. S. Porter's Ftriture Store. EAFORTHD STOVE ANI-I NiWA II.A' PaIRIUM. WHIT Always keePe on bind a full dime of the latest Styles of COOK, BOX, AND PARLDRI ,STOVES.;. Their beautty aleciwe theta and thee, price sells them. ] clock. TINWARE is de- ' I them make a1 our good, and guarantee good and eigat in. price : , Of descriptio n always in stocir. A full line of Treble and P.ckt eutw 0 iut kry at very low picses, -. Pinigit gliaannaWsyteorhiheekay. 1 fir ; thepresl:rtvoiufgG, rtaacVeAKIleetibzhel i EAllTROUGHING amine 8 • All kinds of jobbing Work Rm -ra 'atlY attended, and satisfaction gearauteed, Parties wanting goods iri my line it will pay them t,($ see my wick aud compare prces. 1 , Seaforth Cheap .Stove Li Tin ilomse. . O. M WHITNEY, , Late Whitney Brothers. fTeadymade Clothing and Gents Furnis ings, , • In this department I have secured the ni st ter ials made in styles,scond to none. I have every con- fidence in calling the attention' of all buyers to the enormous quantity that annually passes through our ia,nds, and I am satisfied that any one wishing a suit can secure the same at prices not tol be seen els where. Latest styles in Men'S. Tweed and Worsted Suit Boy's Suits—extra value. Rubber Coats, Overalls, Ove skirts, etc., striking value. Just to hand the nobbiest 1 shapes in American straw hats, gents' and I boy's sizes at very low figures. Fine assortment Men's and Boy's Felt Hats. §ee my 75c line, $1 line, and $1.25 line. Fur Hats all prices. Boots and Shoes. Not an old worthless stock by any means, -bzt a new and lashionable assonlment, which Will be sacrificed, as I am positively closing this branch. Groceries, Examine my 25c Tea, and my twelve pouncil Sugar. All general groceries equally good value. A call solicited, even if only for eomparison. THOMAS KIDD, Corner Mt& and Market Streets, eaforth. EXECUTORS' NOTIO--""IE. TJXDER an by virteof the 'v leeed atatutes of Ontrlo, rap 107, Section 34, the crdi- tors lof John Pe Moritz, late of the Village of Zurich, in tha County qf Huron, Tanner and Shoe -maker, now deceese , who deed on or about the Twenty filrpt day ef May last, are hereby notitied to send by letter prepaid, on or beeore the first day eif September next, to the 'under- signed executors of thei last Will and Testament of the said John F. Morltz, dee:ased, their Chrietian and Surname, addresses and desalt) tione, the full particul re of tbeir caims, a state- ment, of their laccounte and the nature of Eeellr- ities (if any) held by th m, and that go soon after the maid firs day of September text, as the assees of the e4td deeeaed, John P. Monte, ehall have bean real [zed, the gien VIM to destribitted among the $rties e$it1ed thereto. haying re- ference only t4 the olains of which Notice shall have been furnished to Ithe undersigned, and the said undersig ed part14s shall not be Fiable for the ease's or any part t eteof to any Innen of whose claim ntioe shall not have been reeeieed by thertast the time et distributin. Any per. on having knoWledge a any property or se- curites being part of the said eetate, or who are Indebted to the said etate, ateLxeuurenav jureEt, ed to enneneuniceie with Dal ted aejMiuri4lIchINENtilleisZIEliBtijhrrEdR2ac} a'14'f- j-ur318-e1,1,31 3. -a. . 1 : BlliSS1.8 LIME WriliKS, Tpwr4 soN. TIDE subsenteers take this opportunity of re- turning thanks to the inttabitants of Bruesels ante Vicinity ler past patronage, ane beg to AOC that havingm'ade several impneveueents en their kiln Ind mode of burning, they are note f better position that ever before to supPlY tut, publite with Met -class lane. This being the ninth_ season of • ur buginese deslingsln *wls, and having tied tatistactien so far, the public reoereeng good trestMent and from nee elasslizne et 15o. Cesh ber the s 4Brussels Lime Weleet 804 TOWN Zot.' SON unquatli rely on I ags _artile . Bemetne .44 1