HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-06-15, Page 7:TUNEi5,i8g. JUST RECEIVEO-AT OintA 1;tROTHEir CASH STORE,. , SEAPORT/at CT F NEW PAILUNERY COODS, ric 412/- Pashionab Have you seen th 'variety of MISSES' BOY'S CHILDREN'S ITE AND 001 AND RED iE ICAN COLLARS, th.we are offering at about half the regular prices at airman ,Brotfiers' HEAP OASH STORE, SEAFORTH. RIFF'S SALE OF LANDS: rTyef Enron, 1_ Bt virtue of a Writ of ro Wit J Fiere Facia, issued out Majesty's County Court of the County of antVto me three& d and delivered against da and Tencinents of ANGUS McCAL- the suit of ANDREW GOVESLOCK, teized and taken In Execution allthe itle, interest and.ennity of redemotionof ee named: defendant in and to the follow - Is,. viz : The East Twelve and a half the East half a the North half offLot -nine, in the Thirteenth Concession °tithe L n of Mel4illope and the West half ertthe alt of Lot Twenty-eight, in the !Wee :on -cession of the TOwnship of McKillop, e County of Huron and Protince of Cst- tich Lands and Tenements I shall toter/ at ray office, in the Court how,, in the poderich, Alt. the TWENTY-FIR—WI' Dix of JULY, 1883, la hour 'of'rweive of the clock, noon. It013ERT GIBBONS,. Sheriff, Huron. Office, Cloclerieh, 11 14th, 1883. 809-7 ' ICTION AT LAST 1 - ESS EXTRAORDINARY! , LLER MILLS. [wily genuine Roller min in the whielt now has no Isuperior, equalin ori the continent of for mantifacturin Roller REVOLUTION IN MILLINC. Otestion of Vital Importance. adual Reduction System Rollers now in ftill eration. rim?' brings front $1.25 to $1.50 rrel moire titan the best Flour 'ade by the Old Prom,. ristir4 a Specialt rs will in all cases g t their at groand, and by oar 4iew sy8- r a stronger, whiter, richer arra tade of [flour by ,far t an the kg hitherto been able to get. mber, there is no bunabag or ex- , in our adopting the Gradual n SysteM. Oar new system is and reliable. It has been ly tested,. and proved a great Hungary, Germany, France, and the United States. re A 1 Flour pre4eious to our oha,nge at a henivei cost, and ntee better Flone now. One - be sufficient- to prove our as- tweecti OPPI N G ilities for this class of work passed; and oustomers ma.y de - Wing their chopping dons at • ' eure tqtd try- our famous nett oller flour. an, Shorts and Feed del1v. iy part of Seafortle Earflr nora1viUt free of olierge. Sew Mills at Egmont:Frill& theid in fulreperation. -KYLE & MLS CARD. JUNE 15 1883. Triz ,guapa, ..gxposrrpa. cirs- Turnberrer. et -44-310 last. Ineetil• of Wiry Mee ItoPh anneeported havinninspeoted the road same Curries beaver meadow and fauna it in a had state of repair, but would recommen4 that no money be eilkadod ttn itat present. 'Mr. Tbomp. dieteleported having let a job ef repair in of a culvert in Lower Winghatn to Mr, Johnston for VI, finished; he had also let a centred for the bailding of two culverts on the 10th concession to n. Goderich for $34.50, to be finished by the 10th July. Mr. Lovell stated that the B line between Aote 5 and 6 wits ne a bad state, end eked the coun- t° nano it pat in proper repair. esersnDinrent and Evans were &p- rinted to inspeot this road and report . at next Meeting oi council. Mr. Robt. Johnston ettited,that the drain through his farm was filled up,and as he wanted •to in other portions of his property into it he wished the conucil would have it cleared out. The reeve and deputy reeve were, on motion, lustre's:A- sa:to examine said drain, and if neces- sary needy parties to have it properly cleaned eiate A communication was read from Mr. F. McCeacken, Morris, 'stating that the drain known, as the Tuntberry. and Morris drain was badly fined up. and asked the council to have it cleared out. Mr. Dinaent was in exacted to inspect this drain and report at the next meeting of council. A peti- 'teen wide -Presented from Messrs. Arm- strong and Gilpin, praying the council to. widen the water course running through lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 on the 10th and lith•concessions, and ask fug to have 'the preliminary survey made as soon as donvertient. The clerk was instructed totwrite to Mr. Warren, surveyor, Kincardine, asking him to come and make the necessary survey of this drain aesoon as possible. After woe other formal business the coencil adjourned and formed into a court of . revision, when the following business was transacted :—The first case on the list was an appeal from -Mr. A. McGee, too high assessed ion real state;eAs- sessor sustained. Thos. Farrow appeal- ed against the assessment of his reel estate in Bluevale as being too high ; Assessor sustained. Mrs. J. Johnston was put on, the assessment roll as owner of south half lot 15, concession 7, and Mr, R 'Weir was tenant. Robert Kennedy minced $100 on real estate Easley, raised $t00 on real stare The mane of John Caesar was taken off the roll for iot '11, conceision 4, and Albert Hughea put on as tenant. t Robt Johnston, too high; Assessor sustained. Dog's taken off for John Robinson, Robt Johnston, nein Powell, R. & A. Mont gornery, John Camtae, Wm. Sutton, one 'dog each. The Court �f revision ad- journed )antil the 29th of Jane, and counoil again resumed business. The Assessor was ordered to be paid his salary. $60 for the year. john Well- woodwas appointed pathina.ster in place of lames Tippling and A. EL Musgrave e' need D. Fraser were appointed to evise —the aEsessmente of the different piiities interested in the Goverianaent drains in ('the township, the work to be completed by August next. After ageing a few accounts and a couple o charity grants, the counoil adjourned nail the 29th inst. to meet atTatterson's hotel, Blue - vale. more than 9,000 fishermen while the ou ngesnd pecking for home conettinnie ti: and exportation have furnish livii:to a very large nninimr 'of Mil au emale hands. The restioh of I th die ppearalice is believed to be the gre t change of temperature during, the • , ,the weather having for the Last • two or three years been n'ot Only more v able, but at times, even during Ihe su mer months, companativery speak: ing, cold and stormy. These nhanges,it is • .lieved, have driven Vi' • Sardines - tow rds other coasts, and up to the Pre ettime there is no token of their . rea pearence. A ron. se g dru Gre Pric kno Salt Rheum Cured. r e you troubled with t salt rheum, h skin, pimples or canker sere, , if at once to Lumsden & Wilson's store and get a package of Mo- or and 'Parke's Carbolic Cerate. twenty-five cents. - It 'WM ne er n to fail. 995.52. Middle Aged Men. 0 ten lack 'vigor, this can he resto by t at great nerve and brain f known as Mack's Magpetio Medioi Read the advertisement in anot column of to•day's paper. 780.52 drimeli A Minister's Evi ence. The all prevalent malad of civiliSed life is dyspepsia. Rev. W. -E. Gifford, of Bothwell, was cured of dyspepsia and liver complaint that rendered his life ahnost a burden to him. The mire war completed by three-bettles ef Bir - dock Blood Bitters. 774.65 see. .A: Remarkable Fact. It is- a remarkable fact that W. A. Edgersrof Frankville, who was so far done with liver and kidney complaint that his life was despaired df,was cured With four bottles of Bun:Rick Bloed Bitters. 774.65. ' , I J. --eW e. . 1 etherell, Writing from Winnipeg, says: "I can say•more about Phosphetine now then when I saw you lest in Toronto. My health is ranch iinproved, - and I an free from headaches or any other aches, hEtving used onlY two and a half bottl s of your Phosphatine. For sale by ll druggists. 770.52.789. ed d, e. er The Sickly Young' Girl • And. the 'delicate young woman ne4d Dr. Anstin's Phosphatine. When the countenance is pale, the blood courses sluggishly, erruptions on the face ap- pear, together with all the other •sig s • • -News Items. • Broadview now includes in its lewd- ness population two tinsmiths, a shoe- maker, a imokseller and stationer, and the millinery bueinese is to be started for the benefit of the ladies, But the attilorhas not yet arrived. —Mr. Allan T. Ketcheson, of Wall - bridge; says his orchard, which had millions of naterpillare on the trees,was euredhy the fol -lowing treatment: He took a, fiviteeighth bit and bore to near 1the'centre of the tree. In trees five inohesand upwards in diameter, fill tightly with eulphur by using a tube and rammer ; then plug with a thin piece of basswood, so when dampness cornson it will refect water by easily swelling. —Mr. Robert Christie who has for ‘sorae time- been engaged in the bee -bus- iness ha efeistowelt has removed to lremptville; in the Ottawa distriet. He took with, him 41 hives of his choicest 'bees, and intends going 'into the ,pro - auction of honey on a large scale at hist nenehome. Mr. Christie was one of -the early settlers, and_for a. number of years devoted his attention to funn- ing near the village of 'Trowbridge. Be was one of the most active mem- bers of the Listowel Bee -keeper' Association. —Alexander Howe, a. son of Mr, 'Mervin Howe, of Molesworth, met with a serious accident. He -was -returning -froth Listowel . n company With an. other young man on the evening of the -24th May,, wheu the horse which he w* driving took fright at a cow on the 'road, with a bell on, and ran awaye Efovte and his companion were thrown out of the buggy, the former getting etwerely bruised about the head and face, but the latter escaping with slight injuriea —A few days ago a child about one year of age, belonging to Mr. Geo. Dun- can, of Brandon, wandered from home and fell into a well. The , water in the vzell was about fourteen feet from the top. The mother of the child noticed it falling in and promptly gave the alarm,, and a number of men rushed to its assistance. By means.of a ladder he'd at the top by some of the by-standers, a man succeeded in fishing oat the little one. As soon as it reached terra firma it commenced a very free use of its lunge, whioh was taken as an omen that its injuries had not been very. severe. —Wm. Ash, only eighteen years of %%ha a remarkable experience on L ake Huron, during the recent disastrous gale. ile shiimed from Toledo on the Schooner R. C. Sprague' and on the 20th insteoff Port Sanilao, the Captain called for tome one to lower the life-boat,thinking the schooner must go down. The life- boat was launched arta the crew 'saved by young Ash, who was washed into the waves and drowned as supposed at the time. He, however, caught h Ad of Borne boards. and floated to shore ten tail& distant, the long night seeming an age. Re found Shelter, and next dayetaited on foot for Port Huron, reeshing there, just as a vessel which Provedlo be the Sprague, was setting sail, ani WWI soon aboard amid rejoicing better imagined than. described. nen:aoontinued disappearance of the Sardines, once so abundant on the coast oftBrittany, has become a serious Calamity to the people of that part, where the catching has been wont to give employment to 1,500 J,,and of either temporary or censtitution 1 debi ity. No remedy will so quick y resto e dolor to the cheeks, strength to the e useles, energy to the limbs, brieg back the appetite and make a healthy worn n, as Phosph.atine, which is , not a. med cine, hut a food. For sale by a1' drugiists. 788.52 One of Many M . R. W. Carmichael, chemist and drn gist of Belleville, Writes as follow : •ur Burdock Blood Bitters have y melte are patronized by the beet famlies here and surrounding countrY, and 11 attestito its virtues with un - quad figd satisfaction." 774.65 • y • Etea Voice from the 'United States. I ave onffered for the last 20 year withi dyspepsia and general debility, and trie many remedies, but with little succ se until I fised Burdock Bloo Bitt rs, when relief was quick an per anent. . Lotetar, Alpena, Michigan, U. S. 774.5. • hat Every Person Should Wri ow. . • T e grand outlete of disease from the syst:m, are theeskin, the bowels so the idneys„ /Burdock Blood Bitter is th most safe, pleasant and effectual puri er and health restoring tonio in the orld. Trial bottles ten cents. 77C 52. A 1 aPPe ever Bitt snits 774.6 • es- • se. leasant Acknowledgment.. ad sour stomach and miserable ite for months, and 'grew thin day. I used Burdock Blood re with the most marvellous re - feet splendid. s. JOSEPil JOHNSON,, Pittsburg, Pa. 0 0 It of Ca has ad a. clai but alon raise else and Only good Co., • OS - he Corn Crop in Canada. may surprise the good people ada to learn that the cowl crop een immensely increased in Can - No doubt the N. P. people will this as a product of protection,' utriam's Painless Corn Extractor is entitled to all the credit. It more cone to the acre than all • e world can supply. Safe, sure painless. Take no Substitute. 25 . cents. Try your hand. A rop guaranteed. N. C. Poison & roprietors, Kingston. 762.52. These are Solid Facts. I II Th best blood purifier and system re- gula r placed within the reachof suffer- ing h rnarrity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inset vity of the liver, bilioneneess, isain ice, constipation., weak kidneys,or any d'aease of the urinary organs, or whoe er requires an appetizer, tonic or mild tinanlant, will always find .Elec. trio filters the best and 'only certain cure known. They act surely and quiok y, every bottle guaranteed to give entir satisfaction or money refunded. Sold & Co. t 50 cents a bottle by E. Hickson 783.52 ./des • se SA .1JEYDEN : She k ows her man, and when you r nt and swear, • Can draw you to her with a single h Bu it must be beautiful hair to have such power ; and beautiful hair can be ()tented by the use of the Cingalese Hair Renewer. Sold at 500 by je- IS. RobertS. 770.52.789 ee• ate -"Why should a mad whose blood is w rm within Sit li.o his grandsire out in alabaster?" Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and t n, When Cingalese Renewer will make it g a w fester. For sale by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 770.52 789. • Nothing OM El pray the place of a beautiful Bilker head f natural hair. It is infinitely more omfortable than switches, and • othermreperations for the hair by nn. known foreigner*. Heir may' be =re- tained, beautified and actually restored, tby.the netted the Oingalese Hair Ren- ewer. Sold - at fifty oents per bo by all druggister. 770.52.786. In the Hititory of Medic e No preparatior has received such uni- versal commerwlation for the allev'atien it effords, and the permanent cure it .affects in kidney aseasei, as Dr. Van -Buren's Kidney Cure. , Its action in thee distressing complaints is siinply wonderful. For Sale by J. S. Roberts., 776.62.789 •S G. Mingay, Parkdale, Toronto, writes: "My wife had several very severe attacks of cramps in the stomach. Hearing of Dr„ Austin's Phosphatine and its pleasantness to take, I gave her two betties, and she has not had an attack since, and her health ie much improved. For sale by all druggists. 770.52.789 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. • The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to kipi3edily cure, burns,'Arnises, outs; ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, cancers, piles, chilblains, corns, tetter, chapped hands tend all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every:instance or money refunded; 25 cents per lime. For sale by E. Hickson, &'Co. 783.52. k`er all disorders of the stomachliver, and kidneys, Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters ate unsurpassed. They strength- en the whole inuscular system, ' give a healthy complexion, being back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into healthy Retied the whole • physica1. energies of theihurnan frame., 809.52 - I Johler R. Vert Hamilton, says: e'MoGregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and indigestion is cheap at fifty titmes the price asked for it. I am a, commercial man and travel continually, and would no more think of leaving home without a bottle of McGregor's Speedy Cere in my valise than I would of leaving my team at home and going on foot. Free trial bottles at Lameden & Wilson's Drug Store. Regular size fifty cents and one dollar: am's. Fluid Lightning Curek toothache and neuralgia quick aft a flash, relieves any pain instantly, the cheapest and quickest application known. -Why suffer Withtoothache, neuralgia, headache, rheumatism, lum- bago, sciaticaniore throat or acute pains of any kind when yob can go to Lums- den & Wilson's Drug Store and get a perfect and instantaneous cure for 25o. Ask for 'Idram's Fuid lightning. 795.52. 52 1 • , "1 had been for eight months unable to work, and felt as thongh I would as lief Me as live, through Dyspepsia and Indigestion. I weighed at the time of getting a bottle of IfoGregor's Speedy etre 130 lbs.; used 3 bottles, and now weigh 165 /be. and never was better in my life. It was McGregor's speedy 'Care that brought me around. So says Wm. Fell, Hamilton.-- Go to Lumsden & Wilson's drug store and get tp. free trial bottle or the regular size for fifty cents and one dollar. 795,52. Pimples and Blotches. Call at Lumeden & Wilson's drug store and get a package ot: PdoGregor 84 Parketi Carbolic Cerate. It is com- posed of Vaseline, Carbolic acid and cerate, and has never failed to remove pimples, blo hes, nIcersted sores, and rough skin. It cures when all others fail. Try it. 795.52. I I cur Hair Turning <ray and gradually falling out? Hall's Hake Renewer will restore it to its original color, and stimulate the follicles to produce a new and luxuriant growth. It also cleanses the scalp, erdicatee dandruff, and is a most, agreeable at delearmless dressing. 793.54 NS • 111. When the sun gets up in the easern `t sky, From its tossed up bed of the restless sea; And . before the meal, when noon is Mein 1 0 I So onceagain, at the hour of tea, Take Fountain of Health" if you be Euough for a month omits a dollar bill. 798-52. People are Perfectly Safe In buying and tieing the great remedy known as "Fountain • of Health," as every bottle hears the guarantee ,of the proprietors. It is a Blood Purifier. Price $1:00.-798-52. • Pity tb.--'oor riyspeptic. Poverty with perfect health is rather to be chosen than riches and dyspepsia. Try the magic effeot of a dollar bottle of "Fountain. of Health." -798-52. ee !` -Fountain a Health." It regulates the bowels, and invigor- ates the liver, miring Headache: Cos- tiveness, Piles, Jaundice, and all dis- eases of a biliary oharabter. Price, $1. 798.52. "Fountain of Health." It renovates the secretions, soothes the mucous surfaces of the hes,d,throat, stomach, bowels, and biedder, expelling Catarrh in all its forms. Price $1.00.- 798-52. . " Fountain of Health." This medicine is mildly but increas- ingly diuretic in its action, thus matieg &II diseases of the :denary organs such as Gravel, Dropsy, Bright's disease. - 798:52. Mr. Thomas Ginn, carpenter, St. Thomas, says my wife has long been troubled with constipation, she has used a great many so called cures, but without doing her any lasting good. Dr. Carson's stomach bitters cured her, eatil she thinks it the bestimedioine ever made. For sale by all druggists every- where, in large bottles at 50 cents. 809.52. Mr. WM. Payne, Station Master, Credit. Valley Railroad, Sheddon, was cured of Dyspepsia by Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, wlaen all other reme- dies failed. I have recomrdended it to 1 lots of militia), men, and they all think highliof iL 11 yonenffer from dyspep- sia go to your druggist and get a bottle. 809.52. ve • se The SUri3 Effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla are thorough and permanent.. -If there is a lurking taint of' scrofula about you, Ayer' i Sarsaparilla will dislodge it,- and expel it from your 'System. 793.52 • A Whisker Dyte - Must be coovenient tit eitudeaity to ap- p imposeible to nibiteff, eliegant in ap- pe slice, and cheap ix; pride. Buck- ingham's Dye for the *hikers unites in itself allithese meritti. • Try it. 993 52. = • 1 ' That no Mischief ,• May be done, it is necessary that remedies placed before the public for general use should be the outcome of medical minds, experienced . in_ the nature and. action' of drugs, and the form of energy they express in the • or- ganiern. The mixture in the Caldron of the witches of Macbeth,' would be as rational medication as much as the villainous staff every day taken by the credulous for the mire of 'disease. It is a gratifying and noieable fact that since the iintroduction of Wheeler's Phosphates and Calisays no harmful results have ever been occasioned by its use. 796.26. The Lumberrn:an's Friend. S. F. Parks, Ottawa, Ont., a large lumber operator, says: "1 have been acquainted with Dr. Dow's Sturgeon Oil Lfnament for a number of years, and in that time can safely say from personal experience, and from my own people's repeated testimony, that it is the very best Horse•Linament in use to- day. It aots like magic on horse -flesh, and seems particularly Ede:Red for all their ailnaents. No better livament can be taken in the woods by teamsters. 793.52. . The Worst. Cases of weakness, exhaustion, im- potency, and all diseases and weakness of the generative organs can be cured by Mack's Magnetic Medicine. See ad- vertisement in another column. Guar- antees of cures issued. by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 780.52 That .Hairpin. • There was a hair -pin on the White Street bridge this morning. It was, a very little thing, that hair -pip, and the thoughtless public passed unconsciously over it. But while jt was a trifle on the bridge it eves a power sernewhere else. In some home on this bright summer morning there is a woman tearing around after that hair -pin, de- claring as well as a mouth full of hair will permit her, thatit does beat' all she can't lay anything down for a min- ute without somebody making off with it. Farmers before buying yout reaper and mower oil ask for and procure a semple of “Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is warranted not to gum, and is guaran- teed t� give good satisfaction. 753-52 Now that the reapingand mowing season is coming on, fanners shmald remember that that "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the hest reaper and. mower oil in the manket. For sale by all dealers. 7/13-52 6 For sere eyes', incurable by all other means, t resort r to Churchill's Climax Eye Salve, and you will be surprised at the prompt relief. Price 25 cents. 7981 52,2w. ..* Now Thw there is a reliable remedy for kid- ney trouble, half the terrors attached to these complaints have been redaoved, For this let all be thankful, and to Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure ewer all praise for having thnietn moved a hitherto fatal disestedwirbm our path. It WILEI never known to fail. Sold by J. S. Roberts. 770.52.789 Grand Trunk 'Railway Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: GOING WEST—, SEAFORTH.CLINTON. Expreas .12:58 P. M. 1:17 P. M. Express 8:42 P. M. P. M. Express 8.80 A.M. 8:45 A.M. Mixed Train. P-40 P. M. 6:15 P. M. GOING EAS—, B-21.70ELTH. 'CLINTON. Express t:32..M. 6.15 A.M. Express Train1:88 P. M. 1:17 P.M. Mixed Train-- 4.86 P.M. 3:60 P. M. Mixed Train s•sp A. M. 8:45 A. M. LoAdon, Huron and Bruce. GOING Express. Mail. A.M. P.M. London, depart.. ...... ...... 7 20 .4 00 Exeter ' .886 516 Hensall , . 8 50 Rippen . .. 8 55 . Brumfield . 9 05 Clinton 980 Blyth •10 00 Winghara, arrive• .10 85 NG GOISOI7TH— ' Mail. Wingham, dePart Blyth Clinton . Bracefield' 8 85 Rippen , • • • 8 46 Bengali 8 60 ETter 9 05 Lo don, arrive 10 10 0 00 5 85 54.5 6 10 689 7 10 Express A.M. PM. 7 10 . 24O 745 8i.3( . 820 850 4 06 4 13 4 18 480 5 36 1,500 BOTTLES —OF.-- CLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR, The Magic Cure for COliCHS, COLDS &,SORE TRRD'AT, Sold during the past year, and the de- mand constantly increasing. This valudide medicine may now be procured from Messrs. Joseph Kidd je Son, Dublin. Mr. Jas, Drummond, Myth,. Andrew Govenlock, Winthrop. formes Campbell, Walton. Wm. Scott, BrUeeretq. Henry Schafir, Kippen. Jas.,Bonth,ron d Son, Hensall, And wholesale or retail from LUMSDEN & WILSON, Manufacturers, Seaforth. McLOUGHLIN, Whitney's BlO STOOK LARGE AND WELL -ASSORTED IN Eve. PARTMENT WITH THE NEWEST GOODS OF THE SEASON. a D74ess Goods choice and cheap. Black and Colored Cashmeres. Prf,nts—large assortment and splendid value. Corsets; Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, Collars, Laces complete. Full range ofParasols. DuckS, Denims, Cottonades, Tweeds. Felt and 'frau, Hats in great variety. Small 7 es, die. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT , Was opened on SATURDAY with the leading styles of the seaso and freeh, ancrat prices to suit every buyer. All invited to examine and compare prices.- Everything marked -at its lowest pricein plain fig Prot Auefeull. etock of the best value in Groceries at bottom pri es for ..._ . i f ' - Y, DE- MCCOLL., BROTHERS & 00. TORONTO, Manufacture and 'Wholesale Dealers in LARDINE, CYLINDER, •BOLT tUTTING AND WOOL OIL& Our celebrated' Let„RDINE brend is unexcelled by any other oil on the market. In recognition of its superior merit we have received all the • HIGHEST PRIZES Wherever we exhibited since 1878, among other awards -a large naMber of all new he stock COLD SILVER & BRONZE MEDALS res. ash and j. McLOUGHLIN, Seaforth. 6•11•P, DRESS GOODS. FOR A CHEAP AND STYLISH ORES GO TO J. L. SAUTH',. R A CHOICE SELECTION OF PARASOLS, CALL' AT J. L ---P Ro . EE AND EXAMINE THE OHEAFi, PR4NITS AT J. L. S In Gloves, Hosiery, Ties and Lace You will find a fine selection at J. L. SMI H'S. A (ARGE RANGE`OF EMBROIDERIES & INSERilONS AT J. L. C4TTON, SHIRTINGS, DUCKS, COTTON 7f1rVEED &C., Special Value at J. L. S AL 0 NOVELTIES IN HATS AND CAPS FOR MEN AND BOYS J. L. SMITH, Besides numerous Diplomas. -It is warranted not to gum or clog, and as it wears equal to castor ell is, therefore, the most profitable oil for those running Threshers and Mill ,rciahin rcFey. Farmers, men should try it. For sale.by WM. HOWSON & CO., 802.26 SE AFORTH. SEAFOlitil HOME INFIRMARY. et,bRNER of Janis and Goderich Street, next N--/ door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All diseases of Horses, cattle,8heep, or any - of the domesticated animsls, succeStfully treated at the infirmary or elsewhere on tne shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAS. W. EXAMVete,rnary Surgeon. P. 8.—A large etock of Veterinary Medicines kept constantly on hand. HOTEL CARDS. TECUMSEH HOUSE, Brressels.—Hevint, pur- chased this property, (lately occupied toy Mr. John Comphell,) I have refitted the haus° in every respect. The bar Is well stocked, and an attentive hostler at the stables. From Pro- prietor. Brussels, Dec. 5, 1882. t 784124 DENNIE. HOUSE (Late osteVe Hotel ) , SEAFORTHI DENNIE BROS., PROPRTETORS. ; . 'NCE assuming the management of this House ws have nompletay renovated and refitrnish- ed it throughout tvithli)ew furniture in 'tile bast • style, which enables us to give first-class t•econe- raodation to the -public. The best brailds of Liquori3 and Cigars at the Bel.. An attentive Hoetler always in attendance at the Stables. Particular attention given to Abe farming: com- munity. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTIf. ,Nr Charges' moderate.. One door south of kr. Kiddts hardware store. QU'APPELLE . —Are now .offered by. the --- FARMERS' NORTH-WEST LAND. & COLONIZATION CIT., (LIMITED,) On their choice tract of land on the east side Long Lake. , ntending settlers should note the following facts: Phis land is uniformly first-class, and. will, consequently, be quickly and thiclliy populated. Two railways tonnecting the Company's lands with Regina, &c., are projected, and Charters 'applied for. will also have water connections by steamer on Long Lake. Thingford, the port of Long Lake, is situated about the centre of th Comd. pany"'s land, and will be the commercial capital of tho North Qn'App4te, and eettlIre on homesteads anywhere near this town will find. themselves f4t once within easy reach of Regina, and in a, few years in the immediate locality of one of the most important towns in the Northwest. Correspondence solicite . For further particulars address W. H. PINGLE, Regina, or to the Comp lay at Colliugwood, Ontario. THOMAS LONG, President; 3. IL B OWN, Secretery. • 800 12 SEEDS! SEEDS ! SEED JUST, ARRIVED AT A. G AULT'S A Large Consignment of Fresh Seed. Such as Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, Peas, Oats, Crn, La le Rea Mammoth Mangold, Large White Belgian Carrot, Onion Seeds in bulk, Onion Sets, Top Onions, Potato Onions, Engle's Potato Onions, a large variety o Ter- , nip Seed, Beans, Beet Seed, and a large stock of all kinds of Gatden eds in packages or by the ounce. Also a fresh stock of those TEAS which talk sd Iced for themselves all through the town and country. Also, I still exchange Ott - meal for 0 ts, and still pay dash for good fresh t atter in rolls. A. large stock of Fresh .Gro eries to hand. A. G. AULT, Main Street, Seafort REMOVAL. Seaforth r Musical Instrument tmpori SCOTT BROTHERS • M. Bag to announee that they have removed to inore oommodiou premisee, one be found with a largselected stock of DUNHAM PIANOS, which are so well kno door neeth 'of the Post Office, where they will anaandhiwghiell; spoken of by all musicians. EXCELSIOR -ORGANS.—These qrgans halve re- ceived the highest rewards wherever shown, and have also receivd a di1oma at the Industrial Fair just closed at Toronto. We also keep in stoo other Janos and Organs, and all kinds of small instrum4nts, sheet music a d instriction books. Agents wanted. SCOTT MOTHERS, eafort MARirlAGE LICENSES1 ISSUED AT THE iispRoN EXPOSITOR OFFICE; SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES; REOUIRED. 'MONEY TO LOA MITE undersigned, having bee A- for the Hamilton Provident is now prepared to effect or town property at the loweett and on the:most . favorable te' by mail or personally prom WM. BALLANTYNE, Stade appointe and Loan either o rate te of . App tly tten ode fa • tenet cations tid . 804 Lei_OREDIT ONCIER THIS new Company, -formed for thpo inveeting Fres& Capital in Canada, prepated to advance money on the most terms on g landed seenritiel. M P. Agent for ty otHuron, Seaforth. The Royal Hotel, {LATE CARMICitA14128) SEAFORTH, .ONTARIO. JAMES WEIR -pen-GS to info= ids old friends and the tkavel- -" ling public that having purchased thiej new and connnoclidus hotel building, he basthorOugh- iy re -furnished and re -fitted it from top bot- tom, and it is now. one of the -most coin ble and- convenient hotels in the ounty. By strict attention tolhe wants ef his customers he 'opes to merit a share of public patronage. Tlui cis are all WeWfuthbhed and well heated. T1e-4We_ will be itept fitipplied with the best, and en tentative and trust worthy hostler will alw,e tq t in attendance.' Good eampte rooms for CoeartierA cial Travellers. Remember the "Royal Hotel," corner ef Main \ and Goderich Streets, Seaforth. • In -If WE 'JA'ES IR, Propriptcr• j - Lumsden & Wilson —FOR WALL PAPER WALL PAPER, WALL PAPER, WALL PAPER ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. An immense new stock just to hand, from the cheapest to the very finest gold papers. Call and see our samples before purchasing. No trouble to•sliow whether you buy or not at Lumsden & Wilson ss SEAFORTH. OHRYSTAL & BLACK, PRACTICAL BOILER MAKERS. THE Subscribers have bonht the Tooli ":end A Boiler Business lately tarried on by the 4V6.- erich Foundry and Msamineturing Companyeina having had an experience of over eight yea* that shop, are now prepired to carry on the #1148 in all its brsnaies. Any work entrusted to ne will receive pronpt attention. First -de.= work guaranteed. - All Ainda of Boilers made and repaireddliivo Smoke Steal; and gheet Iran Work, &4.It Pei' Boilable rates. 'llew Shit Pang made and old ones ri4Maire00n the shortest notice, and at prises that doh' t -Pm" petition. OHRYSTAL tt BLACK, , 1 78a Box 103, 6oderiat.,