HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-06-15, Page 3U
Spring patterns :just
re About 690 designs fa all t
I°t colorings, from five certki to
roll, The largest aseortinen
hest value in the country at
Bee al assortraertt of PA
Cloth .WitdOW Blinds,- Cord, T
Fixtures, earnet PdPeri drd-
OF THE rim R[Qujj
Parties going to Manitoba no
• well to secure a supply. of
Robb's Celebrakd Cu( Mega
Before startiegap last season itseeplie6 e
ons parties, and they all expossed t
well satisfied, and fonnd that their intreinossr4
paid them well. I have also supplied -
many this season, but have still larga
OT1 hand, which, I will fundalt on themes
' able terms.Every person going to Esti
the Northwest, should not fail to get a
harem they Statr.= The
Local Trade Liberally Dealt W.
tar- All kinds of curedrasats kept sonstmity
on tend at my grocery store, Main
- forth, and sold in large or small gttanti
All kinds fresh, pure and °heap,. as nag, zr.
chasers will save IllGuey by buying fkora
Seaforth. •
Remember the spet, Stark*s Block, ?dein St*
- 0-
N. B. -I keep conatantly on hand
supply of King's Spezille, a sure ere 1stDy
pepsia and Indigestion. Any who have
will recommend it to their neighboraitul frisadk
Sent by nisi' on receipt of price. Solo agent kr
this part of Ontario. -
HUGH ROMS, Seafortli;
PAPS -1;
The Jeweller%
is the place te go for good raid*. •
All Warranted a Representd, or
•no Sate.
Come and Examine and.
II Repairing Done end $
rt Valaranbeed. -'
0; L. PAPS -Tr
'sign of the, Big Olook, Main
Mali Steamships ,
Sail fronz New York every Saturday. for
Cabin passage, 080 to. f80. Second Cahltividi
Steerage, Outward 82,8, Mara.;
BELGRAVIA. " Rule 18 July 21,141
ruRNESSIA Sails Inns Aug.
OF'BOIllE Sails Inly 14,Auguit
Cabin passage $50 to Sipa
modations. &Gond Cabin an Steens
Anchor Line Dosps hewed at low
paid flee of &aka in England, gee
For passage, Cabin Plans, Rook of To
or to a. DICKSON, Post 0/53et
rrlw unclersigned would' beg leave to
-a- thanks te his many friends and customs*
the very liberal snpport acoordeli him for OW
six years, said wordd say- that hs iMOM elk
stand, where he will be most hspiri W
*31 hilt old trustomers, and BA many neif _
may lator bins with a calik He &lee
to tarnish Winne& of the beet maka
notice, one of which- it the Standard
mill is self l'egalating-past*Sof.ebottk
•gutter:0i pox Minato *tits ItgIst
ore in a stonn. He it alsnpreorred ,S0
• n Pumps with the mills, abe sloo for
eel ireanted beforepnrahsalsg-
i\T Cdf-t-• -1727.0-
8 ea forth Pam*
I "
TheIr '44,1t
sT „it,‘„, _
Oit Pk
Law& ihretyrital forth`ead towards the unpity-
fag stars —
tainamc ebbixu; ind at:Mb& And rvennore ra-
6 t
OW, y I&thOfl4u1 depths,and time:herons island
tointimaa kr Ulf mom mornings,with the son-
oncillin41111'elongdil _31 lireTedeerk, Unwrinkled of any
k _
Thouseamest to iher at peace, Stifling tky great
born under
eata Of lbsolut e csins,-with daniror and death
bikini I 4 .
B1 / baa• Ahy ''OLe at midzighti smiting the
eteetuvitel ralleenngelleadratioir of Or pain sup -
Mai° ; -
Ando the bltio 'lagoons, an\i--all the listening
gbudhivihoslyt"; and locked thy secret in
` oh 80°161: Ias
tjrcecuatrii, like my heart• , full of infinite
endiand. eavor, of -sorrowful
question and strife,
Like seine unlighed fortress within a beleagured
eity, '
Belding- reithin rano hiding - the mystery of
u edito, in acknowledging the
, ,
gift orirneck lid onions from a subscrie
-bee seye,•' 1 is such kindnesses as
theta that brio g teats to our eyes." -
t --To' Moat° said to Peel, en looking
at the picture 'of an Irish orator,. " You
can see thervery quiver on Ibis lips."
!this:, mid PEI," and the areale (arrow)
taning out of
-Finns ustedly come to tho8e who
get thinking about someth ng else;
rarely to thos who say to themselves,
e Go to now I Let us be a cerebrated
inai-avi'idin1M141.t101 rn to keep you Waiting for
teeneye" said t e• bankteller to Smith.
ere, "but here the mOry all in yellow
ear," 4i Ne$'r mindetysaid Smithers,
"I see 'tie worth the veldt in gold."
(5t fikaaitir Water.
::* itacnUan, pigosrlt.
leutalte iada sadInIt
• -1 paper ai note:iced fo`r its cotlumns
a forthcoming story entitled( "The
Prettiest Girl in the Town." A hue-
• drat yeing lad es sent postal cards and
wanted the edi r not -to use their real
namfs'ire you ehief engineer of this con-
cern?" asked & excited individual of
the sub editor: "No, sir eI ani, not the
engineer; I am, the beiler,7 and he pro-
ceeded to '4 bn 11 down" six sheets of
manifold inta.fi note of six lines.
--It Where ar your kids 7" a society
man,asked, looring at the bare bands of
r epee bra desetvieg editor at Vander-
, bilt's party. " tit honiet in bed," was
• the indignant rttply, "do you suppose
I'd. bring my childree to a party like'
"Diokey," eat. Mary janee" it isn't
thisweather , sec o cold for potatoes 7"
-" Mary aittli," said Dicky, "ain't
thia ?"
cold weather thet takes off tlie potatoes,
it's consumptio '. "011," said DiekeYr
" I never lived 4a a farm." . -
-A Man may be brave enough in day-
light fax a Majtr-Generet ; butlet the
dislepan fell cloy n the cellar stairs, and
he will sit up in bed holding his breath,
with his eyes sticking out like door
knobs wondering vvhich way the ghost
, 1
is coming.
-Rector's wife (severely)-" Tommy
Robinson, how it it you -don't take off
your hat whenyr u meet me 7" Tommy
-"Well, marm, if I take off my hat to
you, what be 1 k do when -I Meet the
parson himself ?"
• 1
-"Mare" sate Victor }Ingo, "was
the cohundrum ef the eighteenth cen-
tury ; woman is the conundrum of the
nmeteeeth Century." And Prbfessor
13orgh adds el' We can guess her, but
never give bent -no never I"
-A Williesbee 0 mitt took his seat
in a barber's shoe. He wilted the barber
if he had the sande razor he. had used
' two days before. Being answered -in the
liffirmatrie, the patient man said -
"Then give me c loroform."
-" You woular 't take Me for „a. mar-
ried, man, would you ?"' shed a strident
of a Courtland girl last Sunday night.
"I rather think I would if you would
ask lee," was the teeponse. He. bought
a ring next day. I
-Mrs. Jones-' I Ah I .and good in rn.-
kg to y cc , . Mrs. 0 mith. Did' you like
the create I poet nu?" Mrs. emit
" Oh, very muchthank yon."
Jones-" Yes; an if. yore 9ould let
tee have the I seat it in you'd
oblige me, 'cos, yr u see, it's my old
taau's shaving mar , and he don't like no
--A delay didnA Iike' die new pante
belied received in.ra his teller, so be
toll the artists th- o built the pants,
" Look here, I cani use those pants. I
wanted them for at dinner party, and
they are so tight I Nun walk in there."
"Well," growled he tailor, e if 'you
don't get to be en ' tighter than the
Pants yoe won't fi ad any trouble in
Walking." .
--In one of our s :hook, not twig
atrIespector asleed the members of
date which was u Aar examinationl-
" What is the cans of the saltness of
the ocean ?" Soon ne little girl aisod
tee head, flashed with the disoov ry
whioh had flash I upon her Mi d.
"You may tell." tjaid the Inspector.
fish, sir,"
( ., •
claimed the pupil
-Pat had come over to Scotland
tato time about the, beginning - of
railway era, and had seen a locomoti a.
Walking with his mate along at r ed
that skirted a railway, he saw One
coming puffing alortlg, brenehing forth
volumes of black snutite. Arrahillike,"
'aid he, 1' just look o4 that big black fel-
low coming along. Bi my sowl.I wouln't
like to have the k pin' of him in.
Deacon Mark 1Tia.h and.
IttThkerratnin,8ing litertture derived fr
"Punch, punch, for the pelleenieire,"
hae another source, doubtless unite°
to that popular author, whom 1 wo ld
therefore by no means deprive of t e
., ding ou knowledge of witty
I libtenecl to this peculiar refrain at
haat half a oenttee ago from Deacon
Currier, or as it was, and is still pro -
'unwed in Newburyport, Kib, where
he was allay familiarly called
One evening the good man was oortdu t•-
ing a prayer meeting in Paxson Milto 's
ye8tr3. Now his reading,which was
tufhoient for the 000981013, WH8 M • y
ectan0 to tile bible and the -psalm, y
efDatWatts, whom lie considered n•
fallible in doctrine and in ifrersificati • la.
9I course, to a mind like his, rhy o e
was the essence of poetry, and as e
could not for a moment, suppose t at
Dr. Wat would saergibe ilittriptotter
jingling f the ultimatelto Ben erit or
expressi •, he msde the bust sy blot Of
ALI atrietly oonformable
isUie :stall* leads itr'
°minds walk together there,
OM dhows a narrow pear
here and there a Wavalaire.r"
n was somewhat deaf, und
ver, had a habit of ,sleeping
s through the sermon, some -
he, mo
at interv
_times even, beginning his nap before the
°lofting of the hymen that prceded the
Thus it was. that one Sunday.
Parton ilton • failed to. make him-
self - - by him when hit related
how au a gel owfrD1
e down OHeist=
and took from the - with
whioh h. tonohed the lips of I Isaiah.
Old Kiah called upon him the next day
and alike hint" if he had fond his
,‘ Whit, colt," demanded t1e par -
"Why' hat air colt o' yourn ylou give
notice a ,,ntin the sermon ye4terclay,
that an dian came down froifl Haver -
villa, and
the Byrn
the Mini
True to
Sunday he
hymn, on
away so
the De
k it by the halter," replied
thetic deacon. •
1 you what, Mark," roared.
r, " I'll keep you a ake in
that you'll . knO - the
between bible ant horse
his intention, on - tlie next
gave out an unusual y long
which the base-vio sawed -
ng that at its close th top of
's head had fallen b ok on
theraifnr of his pew, and- his mouth
was set foe a fly trap. Quietly the par-
son then --.se in the pulpit,and e claire-
ed in acivo ce of thunder:
" Mark. •
In an in tent Kish jumped to his
feet, and fore be could realiz where
he was, nswered the supposed call
upon hi with an equally. loud
" Halloo !
Perfeotl regardless -of him Parson
Milton co tinned : ?
. " Mark, 1 say,' the petfect man and
behold Mt npright ; fax the end of that
man is pe . You wild find these
Words in e thirty-seventh lhalm and
thirty -see nth verse." r
During the sermon that followed
Deacon k Kiah,it need not be added,
was wide wake.
4 U4
.Relie in Ins Conscience.
Rudolp stein was sick unto death.
Tie him came his partner, Jacob.
"Jacob," a6 says, "When I am dead
you will b ry memith, the two hundred
dollars I pi f into the !'husiness,"
"I will,' sobbed Jacob, "all what you
tell me to o, I will do it."
Two w ks later Jacob meets a friend..
" Bann e," said Jacob, "uay con-
science tro bles me. Ilify partnet tell
me totput wo hundreds dollars into his
°coffin, and I forgets it. Now he ill buried
and it is late."
Never mind, open the greve and
put in it."
_ I will o that," said Jacob; "then
my consoi nee will be easy once more."
Again, ater ° on, the friend meets
"Well, Jacob, 'do you feel better ?"
"1 feel its hapy as never was." '
"Von p gold in the coffin ?"
" No,• n t gold; that was waiteful."
" Green ticks ?"
"No, no Greenbacks ; the damp spoil
What ou put in then?"
" My oh ok to his order."
A Tale of Telegraph Ticking.
-A well- -do young, man recently
married and *rifted weet on hie bridal
tour. The happy young couple were
breakfasti g at a station • satin
house. D ring the repast two siliart
Alecks ca elute the eating room and
lasted th mselves opposite the con-
tracting p ties. They were telegraph,
operators. By delicate'posing of their
knife and 4.rk they were able to make
sounds in lose imitation of telegraphY.
In the my tiolanguage of the key one
said thito t e other;
"Ain't 840 a daisy, though 7"
The pa thus addressed replied by
clicking o
Would 't 1 like to kiss her, the little
fat angel
Wonder o that old bleat is that
she has m rried 7"
Some go geous granger, I reckon,"
replied the other. --
!he gr m stood it until forbearance
ceeised to I a virtue, -when he also ba -
'edged hie !life, and click, click it went
in eapid su ession. It was intelligible
stfi: he very cute twain that had recently
itde fun • fits -.author. When inter-
fierpeted it read:
Dear S. : I am superintendent of
t e telegra h linen on which you work.
•on•will pi aee sond your time to head-
earters d resign your position' at
ce. Yo re, Superintendent of . Tele-
pht-L well Courier.
I 4
For . 'd About Women. 1
We -man The crown of creation.
To a gen. leman every woman is a lady
in right of ex. •.
A fashio able -woman is _always in
love with • &shelf.
A. young e an yrho keeps a collection
of locks of 'air of his lady friends, calls
them his htir-breadth escapes.
Correspo dents of a daily paper are
discussing .1the question-,'. Can a man
marry on 10 a week?" He cannot if ii
the girl is ware of the amount of his
incirtetperiance ainong women is pro,
Some .ye ktper-
since it.was five inte
portionatei increasing in Great Britein.
ate women to ten men, but later eta-
- tistics make it stand seven • women to
ten Men. ' 0.
It is seriously stated that fashionable
milliners tisk each of their clients on
which side of the aisle her peat is, iu
order that the chief ornamentatichilmay
be en the congregation side of thititora
The eitensive employment of Women
in atores has driven the proprietors to
adopt a new I term in their advertise-
r:neuter lead wiliewhere. "Sales -persons"
is the word -now used, and includes both
sexes. -
A Portia d,Oregon, couple had all the
fan and ro ance of an elopement taken
oat of then by the united. statement of
their pas aid mite on their return home
that they w re all the while in favor bf 1
the match.
'Mien Bow rs is three feet high. _She
lives in C ifornia, with her husband
and four daaghters, all of whom are of
ordinary size. At the table she sits las
highchair. But she is a rigid disci-
plinarian, and the children submit to
beitsg whipped by her. . -
She who makes her htusband and
children happy, who reclaims the one
boar Tie., lin- trains 'hp the othet to
virtue,. is: a much reater charaoter than
ladies deiiiiiibed in romances, whcise
whole oceigiation is to murder man-
kind with shafts from the quivers of
their eyes. •
At St. John, N. B., the other (14°6
when six women acted as pall -hearers at
a funeral, they were arrayed in black
dresses, the monotony .tf which was re-
lieved by white glovea and veils They
carried the coffin successfully iii and out
of the .church, and loWered it :nto the
Misaionanes in the East call earnestly
for women physicians to practiCe In the
seraglios of that country. No Eastern
woman is allowed either to speak or t6
uncover her face before any man save
her father;)usband or son; therefore
she must have a female medioal atten-
dant, or none at all. •
Every one can't be beautiful, butthey
can be sweet -tempered; ank a sweet
temper gives a loveliness, to the face
more attractive in the loiag run than
even beauty. Have a smile and a kind
word fax all, and you will be more ad-
mired -I -nay, loved, than anyi mere
beauty. A sweet temper to the house-
hold is what sunshine is to the trees and
tilewt rs. ,
Love is beat full of kindness, a
sweet full of bitterness, a pain -fall of
pleaeantnesa: Love is a chameleon,
which draws nothing into the mouth
but air, and nourishes nothing in the
body bnt the tongue. A man has a
choice to begin love, but not to end it.
Love' knots are etied with eyes, and
oannot be untied with hands; made fast
with thoughts, not to be loosed with
•' Burying it Bone.
They have a free grant district in the
Noethwest of Ontario, of which incon-
sistent stories are fold by the Dominion
imetigratiou agents to the British enii,
grant,and.by the British emigrant to hie
friends on his return from that Eden of
isothermal lines. f• One of the most
striking descriptibus of the territory
Was given by an intending 'settler,- who
• having arrived at the hous . of his near-
1 est neighbor, was hospitab y entertain- .
ed there, and after dinner sat upon the
stoop in company with hisj host, admix-
ing the majestie *winery I surroundleg
his future abode. The house dog had
been entertained with a liberal ban quet
9f scraps, to whiokthe had done ample
patio°, and the new comer was surpris-
ed to see the animal finally mile & par-
ticularly tempting hope, gallop with it
down the voaley, scale the lofty moun-
tain that boiund,ed th 9 prospect in that
direction, and disappcarild over the
summit.• i 1 1
"Why, what ails the dog," be tasked
of his neighbor -elect. :
" Well," said the old resident, "I
calculate that do's gone to hury that
one.", '
"To bury that bone? But man, he's
ometrniles away, and he's running like
reitiroad train.'
, "Yo -es," replied the old resident;
but the faet is the soil is kind o' rooky
rround here, •and that dog I knows he's
ot to go a platter • of ten or , fifteen
iles before be finds earth' . enough to
over that bone, and he wants to get
ack before dark.",
The intending settler returned to
ngla,nd a week later, a Madder and a
set man.-Hirper's Magazine.
The Spectator.
It was. on a cold, windy, dark day
• hat: the Spectator sat in one of
he cooiest reetaura.nts on Fourteenth
treet, forgetful of . the cold and dig-
omfort of the outside world, when he
as rudely awakened by a vision of
'stress in the prm If a young girl clad
n a thin calicos dress, a -white woolen
hawl, which had long since seen its
hest days, a face old before its time,
drawn and ,pinched by hunger and cold,
and made ;Isom pitiful by the tears
Which ocrunied slowly dowe her cheeks.
The -proprietor hurried forward to eject
1 he beggar, as he and the, Spectator
uppeeed she was, but With an appealing
esture she began her story. She want -
d her hnsband ; he had been gone all
ight; and she was sure he htd not
een arrested, foeshe had been to every
tation-house in the city and could not
1 "He told rite, sir, that he :worked in a
restauranton Fearteenth Street; .near
University Place, atoleenin' the knives
an, things, eiad 1 have been to everyone
sietbut thie, and 1 cannot find him.
Maybe Jemmy works for you.? -
; ',Well," said the proprietore/ you may
9 down into the kitchen and 'see if you
ea 4 find Jemmy, and if he is there I
will put him out on the sidewalk."
- "But, don't sir; he is good when he
doesn't be drinking, and he don't drink
often now, sir."
With the last remark she passeti down
Stairs out of sight. Preeentiy she re- -
turned, more dejected, more haggard,
more miserable looking, with the remark
' He ben't there, air, and I can't find
nim." The proprietor put his hand in
is pocket, and the woman 'passed out
trifle comforted. On one of the bright
leasant, sunny days of the present
eek the Spectator was crossing Union
qttare when ilis attention was attracted
y a Couple sitting very dose- together
n one of the benches; poor, ragged,
iserable, was the woman, the Man a
. rifle better; but a look of greater devo-
ion and tenderness never sat on any
ne lady's face than was shown on this
email's. There was something farail-
i: 'about her, and the spectator bad. a
onscionsnems that somewhere he bad
it that face, that dress, that shawl.
e, repassed them, looking at the man,
oarse, heavy, almost brutal in appear -
4e, and evidently placing no value on
he love that was so freely given him.
e woman was reading a letter, blot -
t: and torn; but evidently conveying
.me message which, to her, was one of
,y, and looking up in his face, as the
:pectator passed, bright and sunny was
tie voice and gesture, "Now isn't that
oed, Jemmy?"' erY•a-s," with a- yawn,
as the reply. One could almost hear
t e sonoroua voice of the Judge Which
ut a short time before had undoubtedly
• s "d, "Ten days, sir.',' And this un-
oubtedly was the 'eleventh day since
t t at sentence had been passed and she
eloomed home her hero with joy and
t ankigiving, hoping, no -doubt, that
ow she could keep Jemmy out of trou-
le ; for the woman/was the same who
ad entered the restatirant in March
tinting for -'Jemmy." He was found,
ut would it not have been better if she
ad never found him?
e : Z
We take pleasure in announcing to
the people of Seaforth and surrounding
vicinity, that -We have opened hilt a '
Comprising the Choicest Brands of.
Wines and Liquors, selected and bought
from. one of the legdini lassie
Houses in the Dominio,
• Piker England.
From France.
Madeira and Maxsala nacremental Wini
Fro/ Spain -warranted pure.
Mountain Dew from Scotland.
Bottled by Burke from Ireland.
Old Rye, Malt th Superior Whis7cies
From H. Walker & Son, Windsor:
BrenneSy, Martell, Jules Robin
AU those liquors aro-specially seleeted for me.
diet al purposes and family use. Also, several
ot or kinds of liquors, which we hope will give
evry satisfaction to our customers.
Remember the place, two doors south of Rob-
ertson's Circular Saw.
.Begs to announce to the Public that he
• has commenced to operate the
and that he will be prepared to give
good valueein . I
andvarieties in STOCKING YARNS.
Spinning and Falliug 'proraptly attend-
ed to. • •
Parties from a distance will, as far as
possible, have their Fthlls home with
them, and as he has put the mill into
good working order and employs none
but efficient workmen all work is
Remeinber the Wroxeter Mills.
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$25,000 Wanted in Ready Cash,
For which the best value that Canada can produce will
be offered in
ry Gooch, Millinery, Gents' ,Furnishin s,
o Readytriade Clothing, Groceries,
Boots and Shoe's,
. How is it I can offer such inducements Because'
purchases„at the fountain head in every market.. Hav-
ing a buyer always in. the European markets, who has
the advantage of securing any class of goods when at
its lowest, I am in a position to sell you goods lower than
any !louse in the tra,d'ie. I would remind my customers
in general that if I ani in a position to give, first-class
customers tiveke months' credit, I should be ablia to sell
you for cash as cheap .as you can do elsewhere. Pur-
chasers will find in every departm,ent a complete as,sort-
inent of freshly imported- seasonable goods.
Fresh Arrival in Dress Goods.
—TO CALL AT Tifft---.
Alai see our stock of
• P'W S
Which has been made esgecially
tnis county. I hate greatly irafrovea
my Gang Plow for this season, and feel
LAND 1461.1WEIti
ayointigrth.at it. is the best in
Are large and heavy* running light 4'
,doing good week. Qua
Are made from hard iron, and will last
longer than any other inathine made.
Having special tools for recutting
Rollers, we can guarantee Retie/notion.
Special attention given to repairing
f Steam Engines, Saw and Grist: Mils,
_1 Reapers, Mowers, Tlirething Machines,:
and all kinds of Machinery repaired on
short notioe aud at reasonable rates.
To contractors and others - Bridge
Bolts and Casting s at lowest rates.
Quotations finefiehed on applicatiou.
things. in Nun's Veiling in Sky, Pink, Cream, Mode and
Black. EVENING CASHMERES in Pale Blue, Pale
Pink and node. All the leading shades in 'Colorecl
A nice assortnlent of Black Silks, Blacic Satin
Brocades, Black Moires, Black Ottoman and Polka Dot
Satin, Black Buntings, plain and fancy, Light Black'
Silk and Wool Brocades, Black .PolkDot Basket
Bunting. Special value in Black andfUlored Cash-
meres. •
In thi‘s 'department new shapes arrive weekl). Not- -74
withstanding the cool season, orders are piling in so
rapidly that, although we have a 'very large staff, they 33,.
are obliged' to work long hours to compete with the, le
rush. Sinceithe Season opened,pwe have not been able ?,
to close any evening before ten, eleven and twelve.o'clock. •4
Under.MISS HIGGIN.'S' able management of this de-
partment, nothing is allowed to leave the House but
first-class' work, though they should work all night.
Note prices in SunshOes and Sailors, and _everYthing in
straw goods. PARASOLS, startling- value; examine
my 75c, $1 and $1.25 lines.
Readymade Clothing and Gents'.Furni$hings.
In this department 1 have secured the nicest ma-.
terials made in -styles second to none. I have every con-
fidence in calling the attention . of all buyers to the
671077110U69 quantity that annugllfy passes through our
hands, and I am satisfied th4ti-ailyone wishing a suit
can secure the same at prices not to be seen, elsewhere.
Latest styles in Men's Tweed and Worsted 8uits, Boy's
Suits—extra value. Rubber Coats, Overalls, Overskirts,
etc., striking value. Just to hand the nobbiest shapes
in American straw hats, gents' and boy's Sizes at very
low figures. ' Fine assortment Men's and Boy's Felt
Hats. See my 75c line, $1 line, and $1.25 lines. Fur
• Hats all prices.
Boots- and Shoes.
Not an di:1 wottitiess stock by any means, but a new
m and la' shionable assortment, which will be sacrificed, as
I am positively closing this ,6ranch.
FOR, S.A.1.33ED,
200 000 FRET of cheap pine and hem
-lumber. Apply at the saw
purhey. Prices ranging Irons 1150 to
Winthrop. Eight houses in Sariforth and
Three hundred and slventy-five Mires
and 1,240 acres in the Birtle Diatrict, Manitoba.
gxailaiiie my 25c Tea, and my twelve pound Sugar.
All general -groceries equally good value.
A RA11 solicited, even if only for comparison.
Corner Main and Market Streets, Beaforth.
0 tt
pmt? coped
VOR SALE. -The undersig-ned offers for sale
to thoroughbred Durham hull calves,
seven months' old; sire, " Xoniln,g- Star ; dam,
"Queen of ;Brussels." Entered in new herd
book; given. ntasts--Cssu„May- bo;
seen .on L.ct /A Concession 2, &orris. JOSEPH
SELLARS, Bluevale P. 0. 801
lwitULL TOR SERVICE. -The subscriber will
keep that *Thoroughbred -Short homed Dur-
ham Bull," Lord _Lovell," aged 15 months, at his
farm, Let 28, Conc.ession 8, Grey towoohip, for
&acid°daring the corning treason. "Lord Lovell
wee bred by J. and V. Watt, Salem, county of
WellartitoOnrti et by llarmPten Here, 05961 dam
Matchless of .61rnhurst 2nd. got by Baron Louan
15617, granO, darn ittatelaewm of- jUnift.
ler 210, by Cambridge Duke 2nd, [472] Matchless
19th by Statesman {41191, 15589;- (82807), Mich.
less ltlth by Senator (27441), Matchless Illth by
Lord Stanley (18454), Ifirlday by Vaster Butter-
fly had (14812), blayfiower, by tbs Baron (I
MAT Rose by vendetta wage Matchless 2nd by
Fairfax Vora' ( 8'i), lifet:yldetialby-Holksr (4041),
Premium by George- (20557), by Topton (0487),
bred by Kr. Lang. ,
Tarnss.-Grads cows 84 eaCit, 'Thoroughbreds
SO each. Cows =turned 'regularly not in eiJf
charged half price, tee for sows brought before ,
August 1s4 pa 11 in September, those brought
after payable ber 1st, 1888.Cows from
distance will be fed And postured at ressomble
LOidLovall'sw dim and sire have taken let
prizes, or gold Si' siker Infidels wherever shown.
801-19 DAVID MILNE, Proprietor.
BRUS .414 .014t 'WORK
TOWN.; as -110Nia
subscrihen take this opPortnfoity ef turning tbnkitiothednitabunteof &web
and vicinity for pat patrousge, ,and beg to gate
that having Made seveial insprovemente in their -
kiln. and mode of hunringi they are naw in a
better position than vier -before to supply this
publid witylirst-clieslinse. -
This bow the ninth season cht our business
dealt*, lnllruaaela and having, ViVell unquali-
Bed astisfac$Ion ao far, the public can rely on
receiving good treatment and first -dm article
from us. First-class lime et 15e. Cash. Remem-
ber the spot -Brussels Lime Works. •
1304 • TOWN & SO N