HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-06-08, Page 5the English, the Scotch, ahd i bat you dont know maws pure Welea, so I will devote. to there. They are great here. They generelly aentyir and farming in a small wage are steady, sober, and honorable their dealings, their women are cheese mannfastureas and keepers, and musie -seems inborn faculty is both. sex*. heard one of the old weir Songs az er rendered by a little social gest a Weigh people you 'would cehnse So' °mansion that you had never 12 noudia before, and ie thesa anodes% when one of Watt's hyrona is the and the praise a God the topt would. he compelled to think. that * itau Welshman was the beet a humanity, and wonder why not sent some Wesley or Whibefield to puritattiee every GA der Her Maieety's rule. 'Yenta T 1 aaares Oae Stanley, GOOD COLTS.—Mr. George Skephe O it e Babylon Line, Stanley, re sold a three year old entire colt • Sage, of _London, for the very hen SUM of $400. This colt waa aired . oid 'Wellington." Mr. 'Sisapheilsei-141 , also. has a filly four years oIds from - same mare and sired by " Donald D, oie," for which he has been offered iusee refused $300. Thises making nasal rapiAly by horse raising, and the worewe wish Mr. -Sterthenton jg he may have many mote smoh colas. to I diapoee of. Consom.—A full meeting of the tome _ ship Council was held on the 28th uk, ' The Council was constituted as a Omni '-- of Revision, when the dispute hotetena-- ' ales. Patton and Davi, Robertson tto speoting the assessment of the former as settled. Mrs. Patton's name ase tie u off the roll and David Ro' 're I estate was- asseseed at an ncea._ of S100. Moved by Me. Douglas,. tee. coded by Mr. Torrance, th et the pee. sonal property assessment of Deejel Winegarden be struck off there% ke having sold out and left the township.... carried. Moved by Mr. Castle useco dad - by Mr. McKirdey, that the names OW.' followine owners be added to theas ment rock or this year, via: Forbes, Thos. Bell, Henry Davis, -John Holmes. --Carried. 111017etek- kr 7 Mr. Donglaa, seconded by Mr. Torrateee, that the assessment roll as now revised be finally passed, and the Court of Bee ViSlOfl Closed.—Oared. Moved by XT. Castle, seconded by '``Mr. Douglas, that - the Reeve give an order to Mr. To - for $70, being amount of his -salary as assessor for this year.—Carried. Moved . by Mr. Torrance, seconded by Mr. Mo- Kinley, that Wm. Parson be refunded. $1, being error in dog tax in 1882.—Car. ried. The- Connell adjourned until the kat Saturday in Augast. OniTuAnY.—Jane Boyce, the wife of Mr. James Boyce, of Stanley towns' * 'was born 1855, and dee arted this April 16, 1883. She was a person of gentle and sweat disposition, the earl -idol of her girl -hood home, and as far- es known was universally respected. :She received her early religious educe - doe in the Episcopalian Church, of whith she was it member until some time after her marriage. Last fall while the Canada Methodiets were holding a special religious sarvice- On • the Goshen Line,she With her now sur. viving husband, gave themselves arida to the Lord solemn conaecrationema becamo members of that church, After • that time they both continued faithfut. until the voice of Gad was heard calling her away to the church triumphant.. For some five or six months she wag afflicted with some subtle disease,which preyed gradually, but surely upon her vitals. Yet h.er friends never suseeeted that her end was BC:f near until some* hours before she 's launehed away."The ,viiter was called to her bedside about two, hours before her spirit took its Right, not howover, to ,introduee or ' make her ttcquaintecl with her Saviour. no She already knew wham -eke trusted, ancl WAS fully persuaded hi was abbe to keep that which she ,.coln- initted to His care; he was there to ilseer her with the never failing; pre- ' kiee of the great God. The only piax die seemed to feel while she waited for - ;he chariot of the Almighty, was that .a.used by the snapping of those fine Itords whioh for six or seven yeast had 5ound her so des,rly and faithhillY te- xer busbaed, and the tearing:pi beds& kwa.y from her dear Mae Elazaboth of inly six yesrs. But grace enabled her - trust them in the same hands Ludt vhich she was then breathing her ovni irit. She was sensible to the last remnant, and net until her breath -Mee- - rA, did she cease to pray and praise nit peak of her hope in God. Her parent/tit- nd brothers and sisters and frildato Fere theeredly Ruch remarks as Otti io,He will never leave me," Jesus wilt arty me through," " Oh Lord, give Me eat if it pleases thee." And sawithont straggle, like the dying of a sumnign 'Fay, she passed away to a purer... . [tighter and happier clime. We nisi. e er in the church; and greatly% is 01. pissed in the home of her birth and buth. But none may know how that acant °hair in her own home spealttW, he heart of her husband. ,d- verY large „ Discourse of people attended !h. eneral, when the Rev. W. Baugh ii. - roved the oodasion by preaching fro* - he words, "To die is gain, • We 11 that was mortal of her hie lrucefield cemetery to await the t the Arohangers trumpet.—W. - Be/grave. . BBIEFS.—Plenty of wet weather, but ary little growth yet.—The fall wheat turning brown Etna look& worse everf y. Poor Poor prospects for the businala ten of our flourishing village.—Severg aluabie horses and colts have .tely in this vicinity.—Mr.Roht.Milk4 the Bruce mines, was here last- woo '.3x1ding a few days with his friend!! st relations, also Mt. John Meer..s. "..r. Wm. Thomson, shoe -maker, w t the Bruce mines last WeeklaLla 8efr. otted home this week.—David OW° - is returned with a terrible out tit ght foot, received while ohoP te Bruce mines distriar-The T. A. Mills' branchstore, isnot r =mole business as they 43 people feel like pa elgrave merchants, and not s .th their oh:t stock and polished z.e. We believe in home p 4 trust the farmers will stand b7 W support our village s na" IU of every olass.:--David Maw' / ilor shop is crowded with work cannot get hands to complete it. • - 2 is offering goOal Om. So() doing illirde -`,...,Tatnes Ha Qacon's hotel, lits gone to work at hie ne masonin the country. fine nollettion of flowers an 0 fer sale at A. Tay- tos ; He is doing a large trade this year, and, is keeping pace withthe genes. ' Miss Agnes Geddes sea lifrdllfcCrae en left here for the Northwest lalst tiesday. =NI= • ages for good hands. -- *Aland, merchant, is inery trade:Ilia sea- s, late hostler at the - Mao es. e notice stla garden p at general El bert. - LD RESIDENT. — Mr. y, of the 4th canoes - died very suddenly at Friday of last week, alysis. Mr. Mont - en in robust health tit was able to go until within eight atb. He was in his . Montgomery was a rmagh, Ireland. He rt the year 1847, and LettireferafonuryeareTi0.° rftewthheenrale removedreinaintn f '. the township el 0 lborne, near •Goder- joie Bed settle l o a bush farm. He refolded here id til he year 1870, and by his industry ad p rseverance, not only eiceeded in e nverting his forest • oinfortable home- stesafarlik:*ibutitt° ato aid by a consider- s* sum of mOey. In the year named- heeold his farm ix Colborne and pur- chased the far 4f Mr.. Thomas. Mo - concession of this tGermYe'hien'1e e, t.1Htt, 04) Untied ta reside on sais place uutit tbd time of his death, ad now leave it for the use of his t family, He weii a geunine, warm,heart- ed zeserean, d *as highly respected by ell who kn h' m. He was a mem- her of the Ron n atholie Church, and Liberal GQIIS t e ive in politics," He a leaves a famt ' f 1hreo sons and three aseghters, all $ o n up and. in good circumstances.. Meett, eo a Notes. illessra. Geolige nd Wm. Johnston, of SaltLake, i ' th Shoal Lake district, , have each fall h ir to $10,000 by the dendse of a rell tiv . - —The .Yorto en's Christian As - /iodation of P'o .1 la Prairie are pre- aring for a ro I I enade Concert to p take prace on ItIe2id of July. . —The Brae den Sun says: Messrs. T. Dunsford, E.! Snelll, J. Penhale, and J. Sanders arrieed, in the city from Exe- ter, Ontario, toed will go west as far as Viraen. —Mr. C.. E. 't` Douglas, editor of the "Emerson Iflt3rati0na1, has been °hos- , on as the (b hservative candidate for Deere or en1 &orb itOflt0IP sion, of leis residence oe the ist hist., of 1 p ntoreert had not b kir several ye0, • around se 1,101 benee before iratA d rita year. V native of Count sone to Canadg o the eoustitu M4y of Emerson at the forthcoming telection for the Local Lagialature. :1 " —.Quite a n other of the demi-monde are quietly in alt ng their exit from the city -of Winni eg, in Vie* of the deter- minetion of i in !authorities to close up • the brothels. ' Same are going to Port 1 Arthur, otheis tis various points on the Canada Peoillo Railway west, as far as Meclioine Ha1-,. 'I tit is said itliat the Portage • West - bonnie and Nerthvvestern Railway will tot go to Mimi edosa or Neepawa, but will pass at 13 Rapid City an eminent crest katebewan ha pany, it is anti e • independent o —The Com the Preshytel the General Ai terian church this year in follows : Prote MesSrs. Gordo son, and Ald. McVicar and Mr,0. E. f Hamilton. - —Mr. J. Chipinair, a member of the Halifax Cattle Ranching Company, has arrived in Win ipeg, and - will shortly leave for the Bow River, where they own a large eattle ranche. He takes with him over i tiwo hundred mares for breeding purpotres. His cattle last win- ter Weathered through a Most severe , 2 81113011 SUCOeSsfIlIly. He goes by way l 1) ' of the Nortladrfa Pacific, thence over- land. ' are's old crossing between Mienedosa. where an it of the Little Sas- een found. [The corn- , are to build the line onus inducements; fssioners selected from of Manitoba to attend Hembly of the Presby. th Canada, whicbo meets London, Ontario, ktre as 1Bryee and Hart, Rev. Pitblado and Robert - I — —The settlers( on the Tiger Hills and neighborhood $.e pleased at the arrival of Sr. Maeshell'from Ontario, with a large supply of fruit trees, eto., with which he intendforming a nursery on his homesteal in township 6. The oonfidence he manifests in his enter - pro is infections, and already in the imagination of his ueighbors their lands are adorned with luxuriaiat trees of all kinds. . ; -4. few days ago the holise Owned and !occupied bie Mr. W. El. Daubnet , living about live' miles out from Bran- don,icaught*fire i.n the roof through a defeetive stovepi e. The family labored hard to put it out, using up all the 'water in /the Well, but their efforts seemed rinavailitig. They then ,began to remote the ifarniture, when, seeing e, the swill/barrel, Which happened to be \pretty futi, they made:, another attempt to overiaome the flames. This time they were successful ; the swill saved them.' : —4 farmer who owns a quarter sec- tion on the hills near Brandon has disifovered what he considers an iron mite on his lartele He took a sample of life iron to Winnipeg to an essayist villo pronounced it first class and he is - mid? going to work to have his discovery developed and eapeots to make a for. itine for himself and all his poor relattt pons out of it. While in the city be was Offered $5,000 for his claim, but refused, 1 ;gating that, it Wa,s worth that as a farm, ,tud as a mine was worth 0100,000, if a loent-. , —The body of Kitson, the young man Inhe escaped a short time ago from the 1 Winnipeg small -pox hospital while Bui- e letting from that disease, has been dia- 1 oovered. It was Ifound in a marsh some i i tve miles distapt from the hospital I Although so long exposed the body was 1 in it fax state of preservation, and was t'atiln recognisable. When he escaped ' ' be had on only his night clothes, and in ; this condition h+ was foiled. ,,He had i travelled over flee miles, much of the Imbed to exlemus- vist through swamps and water, and 44 intimately suoeu 1 t40ti. Only the strength imparted by delirium could hive enabled him to do , this in the weakened condition in which he was. —A. Virden csoreespondent says: The mr$ in this largi wheat centre are well lava/teed, and bid fair to yield a- large harvests—There 4 general dissatisfao- ` td011 here at the high rate of freight on ' settlers' effects. In one instame where the settler prepaid the carriage on his • lastieweesene. effects, and has fait receipt, . they were charged at this efer of the Jibe Amid be- hest been caused conk iderstble inconveni- ence and delay, as he cannot touch a single piece of furniture fintit anthOrity comes from headquartersa—Land in this vicinity is maintaining it.. value,and a large quiantity has chang6d hands lately at high prices. ,--Arrangemetits are being mad* be. tween Mr. Hay, of Hay's Iron Works, and a gentleman from the -est to on - mence the mairtifacture of belle, in Portage la Prairie. As soon as a proper quality of casting sand can be found a trial will be made. —The Rev. A. McDonald, the pioneer Baptist Missionary to -Manitoba, who for nine years had charge of the Baptist • mission and cb.u7h in Winnipeg, during the hit year eng ged in general mission work in Manitoba and the Northwest, and for, the, peat few months supply for the Brandon Baptist church, has had a cell to the pastorate of the Baptist church in the city of Victoria, British: - Columbia, but deelines the_aeceptance, choosing -to give his time and energies to mission work in the Prairie Proviuce. Local Notices. ANY QUANTITY of good fresh Swede Turnip Seed at M. MoRR1sON'S. 808 EXTRA VALUE in Teas, Sugars; Coffees' and Tobaccos at M. Moneisox's. 808 WoomdWbom—Wanted any amount of Wool for NI hich I will pity the highest market price either in cash or exdhange for store goods. JAMES 13aetrne, Seaforth. •808-4 JUST RECE1vED AT MoRRISON'S a large eta& of hams and bacon, lard in tennets and paile, warranted good and will be sold se bottom prices-. 808 REMBM.BER THAT MORRISON'S is the place to buy your groceriee, crockery and glass- ware. Cheapest house in town. 808 PASTURAGE.—The !undersigned is pre - prepared to afford pasturage for alimited number of cows ond horses. The paettuage is convenient to the town. Apply to F„ G. STARLING. 807 • Beam! BUTTER! — Edward Cash takes pleasure in again advising his friends that he is prepared to buy any quantity of fine dairy butter in tubs, peiIs or rolls. Good goods will drawgood prices In good money. Remember the Ofd Stand, Goderich Street, Seaforth. ' 807 , BABY Cennieees.---Don't buy a baby cerriage until you have seen those at Poirreals Furniture Store' . They are the cheapest and best ever broUght nto Seaforth. 799 THE MARKFITS. SEAFORTH, June 7, 1883. Fall Wheat per bushel .... . . ....$ 0 96 to 1 03 Spring Wheat per bushel 0 95 Oats per bushel 0 41 Peas per bushel, 0 70 Barley per bushel 0 40 Timothy seed 2 60 Clover seed 10 00 Butter, No. 1, loose 0 15 Butter, tub,. .. , .. e... 0 18 Eggs . ' , 015 Flour, per 10D lbs 2 40 Hay,new 7 00 Hides, per 100 lbs 6 50 Sheepskins each 0 50 Wool 0 18 Salt (retail) per barrel Salt (wholesale) per barrel Potatoes, per bushel 1 • to 1 03 to 042 to 0 80 to 050 to 8 50 to 10 00 to 0 16 to 020 to 015 to 2 60 to 9 00 to 7 50 to 1 20 to 020 • 1 e5 00 0 30 to 0 BO , i CLINToN, June 7, 1888. , Fall Wheat pter bushel $0 95 to 1 09 Spring Wheat per bushel 1 00 to 1 02 - Oats, per bugle@ 0 42 to 0 +2 Barley per bushe10 40 to bri Peas per ehel.. , 0 70 to Butter .4.1 0 15 to Hay per ton Eggs i . 8 00 to 0 14 to Potatoes, pe elenehel •0 25 to Wool 0 25 to Hides, per 100 its 500 to 0 60 0 75 0 16 0 15 9 oo 0 30 0 27 5 60 LIVERPO9L, june 6.—Spring wheat, '09s 00d;*i;ed. winter, 9s 2d to, 00s 0d; California , No. 1, 09s 5d; California No, 2, 098 ; octa ; oats, 5s 06d ; barle.y, 5s 6c1; peas. 68 lld ; pork, 88s 0d; cheese, 62s 00d. . TORONTO, June 7.—Fa1l wheat, to $1.07; spring, $1.06 to $1.1,2 oats, 46c to 48c; peas, 800 to 81c;; barley, 65o to 670; hay, pee ton, $1( .00 to 16.00;$ butter, 17e to 19�; potatoes per bag, 700 to75c; eggs, perdoz.'16o to 17o.; dressed hogs, per 100 lbs., $9.00 to $9.25; wool, per pound, 20o to 280. Births.1 HOUSTON—In Grey on the ist inst., the wife of • Mr. James Houston' of a daughter, still. born. MeE WEN --In McKillop, on the 3rd inst., the wife of 1r. Peter MeEwen of a son. RITCHIE In Seaforth on the 25th tilt., the wife of Mr., 4avid Ritehie of a daughter. SIMS—In 31yth on the 21st ult., the wife of Mr. Wm. Sins of,a son. 2' BRUNNE —In Staforth on the 23rd ult., the wife of 1r. John Brunner of adaughter DALTON—Ln Sintail on the .31st ult., the wife of Mr. iclasel Dalton, of e. so. HUSSEY Ilintail on the 17th nit., the wife of Mr. Thothas Hussey of a daughter. BREWER—In Grey on the 21st alt., the wife of Mr.:Wm. Brewer of a son., , BLACK—Li Brussel,' on the 28th ult., the wife of Mr. Ro ert Black of a snn,,' HAYCROF — In Brussels Ion the 28th alt.. • the wif of Mr. 0. Hayoroft of a danghter. OOLE—In qoderioh Township on the 8rd inst., the wif of Mr. Thonies It Cole, of a son. ott ' Marriages. HANLAY—ANDERSON—At the residence oe the bride's father, Mr. Archibald Anderson, by • Rev. p. Cameron, on the 24th ult., Mr. wa. Hanley; of Trafalgar, to Miss Elizabeth Andersoneof West Wawanosh. WITMA.R—STOCK---At Harriston on the 23rd ult., by Be,. John Baikle,Mr. Henry liVitmar, of Howiek, to Miss Emma, daughter of Mr. Conrad Stook; of Howiek. SNOW—TAYLOR—On the 24th ult., at the resf- dance of the bride's father, by Rev. W. Birle3, Mr. Thomas Snow, of Esquesing, to Miss Jane Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr. Anthony Taylor, of Builett. STROME—GRAYBIEIi—On the 29t1i tilt., by Rev. G. A. Mitchell, R. A., Mr. Andrew Strome to Miss • Jemima Gaybiel, bah of Fordwich. KERR—FYFE—At the residenc.e- of the I bride's father, on the 31st alt., by Rev. George H. Cornish,i Mr. John Kerr to Miss M. L. Fyfe, both of Wingham. GEIGER—RUBY—At txeter on the 29th ult., by Rev. G. Webber, Mi. Henry Geiger, of Haeeto Milts Ruby, of Stephen. BREEN--MURRAY--On the 22nd ult., at Mount Carmel Roman Catholie Church, by Rev. Father Kelly, Mr. John Breen of the 21st concession' ItioGillivray,to Miss Kate Murray, of the ltfithconcession, Stephen. SCHOFIELD—PLUMLEY----At Parkhill on the 24th ult., by Rev. J. Layeoek, Mr. Abithor S. Schofield,eklest son of Jonas Schofield,Esq., to Miss Almedia Jane, eldest daughter of Joseph Plumley, Esq, all of McGilli- vray. McLELLAN--BURROWS—By Rev, J. Caswell in the Methodist Church, Dtingann on- on the 24th ult., Mr. John W. McLellan,of Alamosa, -- Colorado, to Was Isabella Maria Burrows, of Ashfield. PEACOOK-e-HENDERSON—In Goderich' on the 24th ult., at , the residence of the bride's brother by Rev; 3. A. Turnbull, B. A. Mr. • John T. Peacecik,of Kineardine,to ?mini° J. Henderson, of Goderich. • SPINDLER—LYONS—In Mullett, at the resi- denee of the bride's father, by Rev. J. Cas- well, on the 28rd ult., Mr. John Spindler, of Ashfield, to Miss Sarah Ann Lyons, of Hullett. BROWN—HENRY—In Hallett, at the residence of:the bride's fathee on the 24th nit., Mr. Arthur V. Brown,of Clinton, to Snsannah, eldest daughter el Mr. John Beiary, of Mullett. FALCONBRIDGE—APPLETON— On the 16th alt., at Clinton, by Rev.H. A-Cook,brother-int law of the groom, Pelham, Mr. Falconbridge. of Ridgeway, to 0. Gertrude, eldest &lighter of Dr. Appleton, Clinton. ereere''.1 /12 Wi ket • ltJfloN e gITOR. CHEAP DRY GOODS' , —AT— • MPBELL id' COMPANY'S ry Good it and Clothing Emporium. , 1 It facilities for buying cheaply from the most reliable houses in the hest ,and by making a judicious selection of goads, we are confident that for apnss of price, quality and style, our present stock cannot be surpassed. i . ST UFF AND FANCY DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT,. . 4ft We are ,sfittwing very attractive effects in Brocades, Polka Spots, Checks an Str'pes, train .% Veryard upwards. In Pisan Fancy Colorings we havelSome oh ice is1 adee in Nun's Veilipg, Tonle Cloth, DeBeige, Beatrice, Black and :0 telor- ed ust..es, Black and Colored Cashmeres, etc. . ! • GI,OVE ANDHOSIERY DEPARTMENT' 4.,i poweiornplete with all the leading novelties. Lisle Glover/ we are shutting ir•.1 5o per pair to 1.6o, in operas and Jill popular colors. Black :and Oblored Taf 6'.0 ing Balbriggan, Lfele1hread, aud all grades a Cotton in plain, solid col, and etas from ' 3a to 0 per pair. We have the well-knotvn Parisian Kid Gloves iu 4 and 6 button lengths. black. colors enroperas. In. Hosiery we .are iihow - • :fel:4-y str•pes. • OUR HABERDASHERY- AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT . . Pr ems! a large assortment of ianoy goods of every description. Ladies' Linen Col ars lOollaretts. Satin and Lice Bibs Silk Lace Fiehus, Blank and Cream; Fat iinge Silks Lawn Polka Spots. Fancy Bordered and Mourning Haniaker- chi is Keitting and Crochet Cotton, Magic Trimming, Laces, Edging, Swisa and Ha burg Embroideries, Insertian, the popular Coraline and other Makes in Cot ts,#ta. i 1 i :1THE STAPLE DE_F'ARTNIENT ' , • • Foti the Spring and Summer trade is well assorted in. foreign and domestie pro- , , due s, and eepecietly deserving of notiee. Extra value in Grey and Whit e Cot- ton. ; Pillow Cotton, Lonsdale Cambrier,Sheeting, Ticking,. Stair Linen, Pocks, De' iMB, Cottonades, Cotton Shirtings, Fancy Regatta Shirting, Table Linen in tin* eathed, half bleached and full bleached; Damask, Colored Table Damask, Na kins; D'Oyles, Brown II, alien, dr, Towels, Towelling, Jersey. Cloth, Fringed Qui ts, vglaite and colored ; , Toilet Covers, Window Holland., Table Oil Cloth, Ale a nice 'lot. of Dress Mtislins in fancy colored patterns, striped checks and spo s in white. Parasols frotm 25ots upwards. tab e is leadedevith some veey choice and rare designs from 5e per yard.uPwards. whi e anRdEcAoloDreydm; ,04aDrp:tiJ 37,.acilsoaTndH . warps,,NGHDemEppAffaRrpTetm, eEtc.N. TO. Our Print • ' This department occupies the eecond flat, and embraces a Complete and Fas ions.ble lot of Canadian, English, and Scotch Tweed Snits; English and Fre ch worsted Snits. A job lot of odd Coat, Pants and Vests 'all styles and • pat erns *Mole Must be eleated out. This is a rare chance to procure bargains in outhsi and Boy's Snits, We are far ahead of Rny former seasort anrd display larg st assortment to be fottud outside the cities. We have nowin stock every size made in Boy's Tweed Spits and Youths' Nickerbocker Jersey Snits. , Men's summer coatapants, overalls and smocks. In this reoill will be also found 50doz Me 's Whicey and Cotton Shirts, bonght at a great sartrifi eeand will be sold at job big pricestalso a lot of job Hats which we will give you at your own price. The Ordered Clothing and 'Greets' Farnishieg Department occupies next stor north of Dry Gdeds, wherewill be found a very desirable lot of suitings fron the beat Foreignand Domestic manufacturers embracing an elegant range of pita rns in Canadian. English, Irish and Scotch' Tweeds, . English and 'French wor teds. Anew and stylish line of English and \AmeniOan Hats, Furs, Felts an Straws, alsci a grand assortment of Helmets, Gentlemen's .Cotton and Bal. bri an underclotbing in all :litalities, Cuffs, Collar!, Ties, Shirts, white and col ed, Silk seed Liven -Handkeichiefs horn) in Merino, Cotten and Balbriggan. EVEI ything required for a gentleman's stylieh outfit will be found here and the besI that can he procured.. We will give you good value kr all the- money you A lea with us. . • . \ , , •: WM. \CAMPBELL & CO. Deaths. Bit! ON—In Lincoln, Nebraska, on the 17th • t., Cora Brydonyounfzest daughter of James • ddaJyasne Brydon, aged 8 ytare, 2 -months aud MON GOMERY—In Hibbert on the 1st inst., seph Montgomery, aged 66 years and two on Um.. BON —In Grey on the 80th alt, the wife of Mr. homes Bone, aged 44 years. JOH STON—In leicknow, on the 281h ult. argaret Johnston; beloved wife of Mr. Wm. ohnston, aged 55 years. SAN ERSON—In Zetland on the 31st ult., Wm. Sanderson, aged 9 months and twenty days. VANAISTINE—In Morris on the 29th ult., Mary 4., daughter of Mr. A. Vanalstine, aged 23 TAY 011. --In Hallett, on tho 6th inst,, Abraham aylor, aged 64 years. • IMPORTANT NOTICES. Tilt/ SEA.FORTEI POUND.— The following -1- Snimals hoes been lodged in the Seaforth Pound and if not sooner clahned will be sold by Publie Auction dn Seturclay, June 231d, 1883, at the hour of 12 o'elock noort, viz: One white steer, 2 red iteers 1 red heifer, all one and two years old. R. CI:ARK, Poundkeeper. • 808-4 TEACH Ele WA NTED e—Appl ication s will be -a- received up till June 25th for a male teacher holdi g a eecond or third class certificate to teaeh in Union School Section No.11, Mortis, at Walt n. •Serviees to commence , immediately after e holidays and continue for balance of 1888. Address, JAMES McDONALD, (Grey,) Walt n Pe 0. 808x3 OURT SHERWOOD FOREST. 011RT SHERWOOD FOREST, 6065, of the V. A40. F., meets every alternate Thursday in the Oddfellows Hall, at 7130 P. M. Visiting bretheen cordially invited. J. FINCH, Secre- tary. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FARA! FOR SALE,—Lot No. 33, cLieeesion 2, tewnship of East Wawanosh. county of Hu- ron, containing 200 acres, about 130 acres °leered and under cultivation, the remainder well tim- bered [with hardwood, with a sufficient quantity of ce r for fencing purposes. There is on the premi es a good substantial frame dwelling house with a good stone cellar, well finished tenon hout and newly built; ale& Is good well and piinp convenient; good barns with stabling unde eath, good orchard and well .watered. It wenld suit well for stock raising. The above farm t we situated, being on a good road, about three ilea teem the village of Manchester, and about four in les from the village Of B13 th, where there are gool il;larkets, with railway facilities. Term'-.Onethird-of the purchase money down, the b ance te suit the purchaser. Apply to JAM BROWN, on the preniises, or address Blyth 809x4 ' THE PIONEER HARDWARE • STORE, STONE BLOCK, WINGHAM. JAMES A. CLINE & CO., (succemore to Gordon & Scott.) • Headquarters for the celebrated Washburn & Moen Steel Two -Barb Fencing Wire. ONE CARLOAD " Montreal Cut Nails Received this week, and will be sold at bottom prices. Best brands of WHITE LEAD and ENCLISH BOILED AND RAW OIL L Hardware of all descriptions at RS 'low prices as is consistent with a square legitimate business. FAR south tainin fence uncle ticula splen and s good buildi choic On th pletel cheap of Chi ten and 7 miles of Seaforth, with good gravel roads leading to each place. Apply to the propri:tor on the premises, or to Clinton P. 0. WM. cMILLAN. . 809x41 A m ST DESIRAB- LE FARM FOR SALE.— eing composed of Lots No. 11 and 12, in the is !concession of the township of Grey, in the co nty of Huron, containing 200 acres more or les j 120 acres cleared, and 100 acres clear of stUnips' and all in a good state of cultivation. Good 1 arne house and outbuildings, well fenced, and a never failing supply of water. It is nicely situate4l in a good' community, convenient to school and church. Is one and a quarter mike from re, blacksmith shop, shoe shop and post office, Iid is really one of the most productive farms i the county of Huron. Parties detdrous of sec ing a first-class farm propertybefore purch ing elsewhere, will do well to 'See the proprietor on the premises with regard to price and tertne, and personal inspection is also - de- sired. Continued ill health the reason for sell- ing, and it must be disposed of. Apply, if by letter, to JOHN TAYLOR, Jamestown P. 0. 809x4 FARM IN GREY FOR SALE.—For sale, lot 2, eoncession 18, Grey, containing 63 acres, 50 of which are cleared, free from stumps, under rained and in a good state of cultivation. The wh le faim is well tencecL There is ieframe house asd barn and other good outbuildings. There h a splendid bearing orchard and good. 1ater. It is on the northern gravel road be - ween Seaforth and Brussels—ten miles from he former place 'and five from the latter. It ebnost adjoins the villace of Walton, in which are stores, mills, churches,, schools, &o. Easy terms of payment will be given, as the proprie- tor intejods retiring from farming. For further parti ars apply to Walton P. 0., or on the pc -ends s to ADAM KLINE, Proprietor. 809x8 IN HULETT FOR SALE,—For sale, e east half of lot 15, concession 3, and the ialf of lot 15, concession 4, Hullett, con - 100 acres, 80 of which are cleared, well and hi a high state of cultivation. The ed portion is well timbered. It is par - y well adapted for stock. 2 here is a dly finished frame house, witli good cellar one foundation; also a barn 36x56, and bles, shed and all other necessary out- gs. There are two good orchards of fruit trees. Also plenty of good water. whole the farm is one of the most corn- , rigged in the township and will be sold and on easy teime. It is within 31 miles • JAMES A. CLINE & Co. FARMING TOOLS. We have now in stock a full line of &yam, Snathe, Forks, 11088) .Raketi, Spading Forka, Lawn Mowers, • Barb Fence Wire, And everything in the hardware line at lowest prices at KIDD'S Hardware Establishment, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. • ' Farmers, Warnitig. ••••••••=mommrooll T URNIP SOWERS, MARCEL SOWER'. VARKElitii wanting goodAety- Stai Mengel ElOwer8 ears get well HU Ping to T. MELL1B, Kippeia, for he the best in tl.N1 market. A large stock of Boot Scufflers,Plows, and all Idas of familia ineetesaenle on hand. A Mtge stair of Plow (*tinge en need. Fanners oak out for the big sign. 804-8 MELLIS, Kippen. CHI OWS I 5 PLOWS! Car Load of Genuipe §outh Bend LED PLOWS & ULKY PLOWS, —JUST RECEIVED AT - 0. C. WILT.' SONS gricultural Implement Wareroom, Seaforth, - 1 Which '11 be sold at old prices, notwithstaturng the increase of 10 p import uties, the subscriber being determine to keep_those *valuable stook, iijiportod One Hundred and Fifty of thein a few days before the ris tariff; onsequently, he is enabled to sell thenli at former prieeeuntil the stook is exhausted. Call and see those Plowsbef re buying a common ferior a4liio1e. Every Plow guaranteed to give Satis action or no sale. A f 11 stook of Massey Reapers and Massy Mowera, Toronto Reap tToront Mowers, Toronto Cord Binders and Massey's Low Down Bin Sharp's 1. ekes, all of which will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. of all ki ide always on hand for the above mac ines. Don't fail to see .before h ying a machine. . r cent. lows in in We present or M- rs and er, and pairs y stock 0. C. WILLSON, 1Jain Street, Seafo th. C. DUNCAN, Cb.emis.t and Druggi t 1VC I. SUCCESSOR TO E. HICKSON & 00., iir, s SPA:POI:VI-a-T. 3 • N09 IS THE TIME FARVERS TO SECURE YOUR SUPPLY TO 1....LABORE AND FilARIS GREEN. jut opened out a large stock of both, which we will gnarantOe to be of the beat quality. , We hay pure an Is the p mense cheap, descrip N. and all Ti M=131 C-Ai.1..e I1AL1113 is to get bargains in TOILET ARICLES, &a. We have an in. fick of Nobby Pipes, Cigar Holders and Cases that we are selliug -very hich cannot fail to give satisfaction. . Brushes, Combs, Penes of every sn ,Sponges, Soaps and Toilet articles, in great varieties, Perfumery, &c. B.—P h y si el ans ' Prescriptions caref Ily and accurately compOunded, ders answered with care and despato 0_ IDIT1NTO.A.1\T, Next Door to Damian & Dunoe,n's Dry qqods Store, Seaforth. FOR SEE DRESS GOOD. R A CHEAP AND iriTYLISH DRESS GO TQ J. L. SMITII'K • P&R1&SQIiS. A CHOICE SELECTION OF PARA4)LS CALL AT J. L. SMITH's. - —P1=2.1I1sT S AND • EXAMINE TH CHEAP PRI TS •'AJ. L. SMITH'S., Gloves, Hosiery, ies and Lace You will find a 'fine selec ion at J. L. SMITill'S. A LArIGE RANGE OF EMBROIDERIES & INSERTIONS - AT J. L. SMITH'S. COTTONS, SHIRTINGS, DUCKS, COTTON TWEEDS &C., Special Value at J. L. SMITH'S. ALSO NOVELTIES IN HATS AND CAPS FOR MEN AND BOYS. J. L. SMITH, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. One door aouth of Mr. Kidd's hardware store. JUST RECEIVED AT . HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, S EAFORTH, ' A LOT OF NEW MILLINERY CO Rice and Fashionable Shape& • Have yeti seen the variety of LAMES', MISSES' BOY'S AN CHILDREN'S WHITE AND COLORED. I rr AMERICAN COLLARSt, Which we are• offering at about hell the regular prices at H o ffman Brothers5 , CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH.' SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. o OUNTY of IlurimA By virtue of a Writ 14 • To Mit: J Fiere Fano, issued oat tef Her Majesty's Comfy Court of the County Of eluron, and to me directed and delivered againat the Lands and Tenements ef ANGUS EfeCAL. LUM at the snit of ANDREW 43-OVENLOC*,, have seiy.ed and taken in Execution all tte tight, title, interest and equity of redemption, t the above named defendant in and to the follow- ing lands, -dz.: The East Twelve -and a acres of the East half of the North half a Let Twenty-nine, in the Thirteenth Concession of the Township of McKillop, and the West half of the North half of Lot Twenty-eight, in the Thie- teenth Concesidon of the:Township (of ArcEillop, all in the Comity of Burma and Province of 00 - tart°, which Lands and Tenements 1 shall A:dzkir for Sale,' at my office, in the Court house, in the_ Town of Goderichi on SATURDAY, *le TWENTY-ETRST DAY' of JULY, 1883, at t he hour of Twelve of the clock, noon. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff, Hurtele. $h eriff's Office, Godetich, April14th, 1883. 8091-7' PERFECTION AT LAST., 1 SUCCESS EXTRAORDINARY!: EGMONDVILLE ROLLER NI ILLS. The only genuine Roller Mill ia the County, which now has no superior, and few equals, .on the feontinent America, for manufacturing Roller Flour. A GREAT REVOLUTION IN MILLINCR The Bread Question of Vital Importance. The'Gradual Reduction System by Rollers now in Ain — 141 M �OLDJT DIO.— Operation. SNIVONV8 RECEIVED THIS WEEK I Grey Cottons, Denims, Tickings, &c., WE SHOW A' SPLENDID TEN CENT COTTON. ECTAL VALUE IN DESS 1 GOODS. &c. 131.41.01C SIXOKS FOR J4qKETE; THAT WILL NEITHER OUT NOR GLAM. JL , rne Stock of Hosie 'and Gloves. it, A.3Ner IMS0 W", SM.A.POIVT 1- • Bolter Flour bring8 from- $1.25 to $1.:60 per barrel more than the best Flour t made by the Old "Woes& , Gr:Isting a Specialty. Farmers wili ha all eases get their . • own wheat ground, and by our new sys- tem get a stronger, whiter, richer an better grade of flour by far than the , public has)"therto been able to get. _ iternembe , there is no humbug oyez- periment i our adopting the Gradu.al . Reduction System. Our new aystem. is : thorough sind reliable. It has been, : thoroughly tested, and proved a great' : success in Hungary, Germany, Fran.oe, - Englaua and the United. States. We gave A 1 Flour previous to our, It exteneive changO at a heavy cost, ad: we guarantee better Flour now. One; ' trial will be sufficient to prove our as se.: rtions correct. , , CHOPPING. , 1• ,- Our 'facilities foi-- this °lags of work , are -unsurpassed, and customers may deo rend on getting their chopping done at once. Be sure and try our Lemons new' - - prooese--roller flour. Flour, Bran, Shorts and Peed delive ered to any part of Seaforth, if.arpure hey or Egmondville free of charge. . • *Our Saw Mills at Egmondville and Brueefteld in full operation. flOS KYLE ;it MUS rARD. 7,7 •••