HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-06-01, Page 7JUNE 1 1888: TK R SEAPORTEE AIRMICE ANO LAND ACEN ONZO 87, trit ENT for several First -Class Stook, Life Iniurance Companies. and is peseeke takeriske on the moat favorable kerne, lo Agent for aeveral of the beet Lean Bee H) Agent for the Sale ad Purohageof Para Tillage PrePeetT. Number of First-Ck8g improved Farms for Sale, 000 to Loan at pier latereitts t for the sale of Ocean Stearaehlet Tleesee. t, Seaforth. OE - Over M. MorrisOn'e Store,Difafje. I/ONEY TO LOAN. i! Corporation. of MOTTia Wilt loan $6,000 ore arm property, first mortgage, at 7 per cent. payable annually. Borrowers to pay Lys. For furthert particulars apply to .1GE FORS XTH, Reeve, Brussels p.-0. 7aft G. S. MAC Rf MAIM, M.D., O. AL , Physneee surgeon, Aceottelieur, tte. Office arid rod- , that lately ocenpied by Dr. Ilatehieon 78e SCOTT, T D &e Phaeleata,seirge04 0434 Acconehenr, Scaforth,Ont. Ofilceandresi- t south aide of Goderich Street,second door d.Preebeterian Church. • 842 L. VEROOE,M.D.i C- EL-PhYgiciahr Sur. geon ette,Coroner for the County- of Fenton. and Residence, on earvie Rtreet north, opposite Seaforth Public School. - - ff. HANOVER, N.D., CMoGlI . M. Graduate oe University, Physialatn,SulgeonAnd [chair, SeafOrth,Ont. Office and ReeidetiPea h side Ooderieh Street, firet Brjcotise af the Iffethodiat Chtirein 490 . 33Tga-C4-iiNT; 1RGE0N DENT]ST. ,DUA.T.Z. or the Royal College of Dental largeons, Canada. Office in the room occupied by IL Derbyshire, Whitney' yperatians car fully performed and flatle- t guaranteed. Charges Modera.te. M -Teeth extracted without melee. e see. at >Mictr..rDISTTRA-Y.. WATSON DEKTISTI, Ity Gold Medalist and College Gold Medalist R. C. D. S. 'LNG many years' experiertce be is able to nake nll operatione in Dentistry suitable asting. Preserving teeth a Specialty. dorm, Ether or Nitrous Oxide Gas given. r Charges Moderate. e in Meyer's Block,. Main Street, Seaforth. ,ARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., STRATFORD, WILL be at his oftee, 0anT4re e BLOCK-, SEAFORTH, oppo- site the Commercial Hotel, on WEDNESDAY and Toluastmer of each week. Nitrate Oxide Gas istered in the extraction of teeth. This els admitristered by Dr. Cartwright saeo ith perfect success, he having been one of it to introduce it into this province. Pa - having teeth extracted may inhale the gas ,ve eight or ten teeth extracted in a Min- a minute and a half, without disagreeable frone A. Parties desiring new teeth. please Wednesdays Patticular attention paid regulation of children's teeth. Teeth In- fro/n one to a full set. 730-62 CHAMPION apers and. Mowers, actnred exclusively, by the Joseph Hall Company of Oshawa. MUMS To FARIVERS.ABOUT, PURVIASINC. RE beteg many Reapers and Mowers in the rket, and each possessing some degroe of it might he difficult, without some eeflec- ea a fanner to make a aelection that would n the Lang run satisfactory to hime The n,1 points arcje-lightnes.s (compatible with ih), data dlity,simplicity of cohetractiorn operating in all kiads and conditions et ad grain. In these the Champion will_com- vorably on al/ points, and in many will ex - has been thoroughly tested duriag the lagenea when many machines were forted useless owing to ;the he crops-(tius nportant point to consider at the present f- labot)—thc-Champion was alwayg blond -de its werk, to wbich hundreds of testi- , s fr an all parte of the Dominion ca u be ed to attest to it, notforgetting old Huron. ie willing at ail tirneg to give °that Me - heir jest flue, as nothing is made bY mist ta.tion, but we want it understood ttbst i ot pretend to cOrapete in price with meg L inferior wooden cast iron machines wit& nimberlege latches and springs. We ea tampion on Re merits, and as it has a well- reputatioe, we will try for our own 1U and that, of our many customers to guard 'irttain it. See tt e Champion and examine -ie you purchase. The Beaver drill-eone, ' etym.-ye kept on hand in season. Saw Reufdera, Turnip Sowers, Plows, audeeene- s that line. JAMES STE WART, Agent. [(musky's:in Street, next door to Forbes e. onds, Jewelry, VATOHES,, CLOCKS, tri care, Spectacles, C. kond Ring., Ear Rings, Scarf 'ins and Set.1fr Gold :stook of Colored, Bright and Fine Plate Jewelry, SiIver-Platea Watches, Clocks and Spectesdes) 37 oomplete. All the goods are , t tr(sea the most reliable resinet and great care taken in the, lon. All goods warranted as ra. rted,, and if wished a written!, atee given ith each piece PECTION ipiviTErt description of Watches, Clocks- ; fss,aslry oleane€1 and repaired in a ,anlike manner, and warn satisfaction. Rereetnber, 1de .7ertise anything but what 8 koPt,' lk... L R. OC)UNTER, Dal Watchmaker and Jevvener.,* urri 1, 1883. , , Latest News No es. • , Tho Gran, gers of the Lo don Divis. bave proudly passed a resolution proving !of the Work of th EiVeri- ;arta Farm and Agrieultu 1 College, dneted.nnder the auspi es of the Ilt o:lattiGoix revpoerrutmen. edoomt Queh e that the it Wien aovernMent has adertaken te relieve Quebec Province of the main - nee of the Courts of Qu er Ses. sit nEt „„a ,presiding magistra es, in re - f& the power of app hating the Arilkil istriterls.n amed Leoroix di d in Mon - on 14 nday from gland Irs, taken -home he was attendin : t Tim. Tyson, age 30, of Ancestor aya ship, while ouhonti.0 iu Friday last,endeavered to draw his g n through ale ce, when the trigger o tight awl &charged the weapoa, bu ying the Dont ents in his heart. .• -A dispatch from Montrea says : It is taiderstood that legal advicl has been take, on the qriestion of whet er or not the iailWay eompanies af Cii ada will, sifter the passage of Sir Cherie Tupper's Dill anionding the Railway onsolida,- tion 4ct, be justified in ,roat Mg any reduCtion in their passeng tafares to excelim s ionists, reigrants o indigent E, palms, and that the grand Trunk ,Compnay have come to the ouclusion taeLt ( nce eancel all such arra gemenas, loti a1;() all pasees, exceptin foe em- ployee of the company. trre •fro • ChristianTemptr. _ i ne. Tete REV. GEO. H. HEPWORTH, D. D. Ther is an old and thread are story ahoutI irmin Abauzit which iis suppose a to il ustrate the true spirit of Christ- ian for earanee, It is, however, a fitory w ich I seldom readwithout vowing ,hat I will never 'heehaw that man of ng could naanifest t neglect - by this t to the e simply weakly Se. -The the bed nbtrated, IL cords, nd then tal folly are da- d. Well, I begin to kind of eueh ser ruffle or injustice ea to m derelictio use of foi reminded aceepted second day and the third foun still num de. He naildly rem instead of tising a Whi;tzn of sm as he sh 914 have done, capped th Climax of sentime by saying, It is evident yo termiued Ot to make iisy b it is of lit le consequence, fo to get use to it already." Su h stories, when they are used to Mile rate the nature of he highest spiritua life, are 1 te noth- radicable Abauzit hristian lostshis his teas not dp all sleep rvant is rly. On nity is s that a ng doing, c terms, evil with ke itself christian. He, was ne temper. that noth 'disturb it, not even One day his serve akp his bed, hoping to rouse the Bai bidden language. her af her duty an some friVolons exc a criminal bel. They illustr ing except, perhaps,. the in depravity o hutnan natare. was not a ian Who bad a temper bu a man who had 'self-respect, and then mad his religiot Christianity doe mand of at y one that he s on a dirty bed because his e too lazy to :make it up prop the other hand, Christi thoroughly virile, ad deman mairshall,1 e indiguant at wr and rebuke in very emphat and that h( shall smite an vigorous blc s until it shall t off. Non-resis mice to an ackn .wedged evil is not religion; it is a dri is e. The Christian is 'profoundly stirred all the time; he is a mari of enthusiasm as well as of aith. sickly smile of ever -patient endurance curlhis lips with the eapression of sa.nc ified im- becility. Vi) ith the knitted br ve of an open defiance which spurns all coca - promise, he denounces wrong, and with the drawn s ord, not the swo d of the dress persist , hat the blade o Toledo, Le strikes fur its heart. A. man caeinot have too muc temper, though he n ay have too little introl of it. As an e ement of Cleared r, its im-- porta,nce cannot well be ex ggerated. Whap the spinal column s to the physical sy tem, that the sernper of the matt is lo his moral nat re. If a manias no temper he is a kind of spiritual jelly -fish, drifting ith the tide, but ne able to make headway against it; and if nature ha been a little too IRA ish, he is like a pound of loose pup° der, ready to e plode at the first rortunity, and a parently anxious to d so. There are t o classes of men whq n I always avoi , unless I knew thee have been cony° ted -and, thoroughly aril averted.. There 's, in the first place, t te -man of hasty temper; who, unless i elieion has a pre ty strong grip on him, is about as unco ifortable a coropanion as a can of dynamite on a. corduroy road. He take where none is intended. He bale/amen) pc iee, no almness and wheneve with him, yo • .offense has no f nature, r you a e in conversation u are afraid lest the next assertion on your part may let loose the perfidious bell. of this inhuman alarm- - clock which set at all hours 'i and fill the house wit1b. a sudden and hideous clangor. i Theu in the second place, theraan of ugly temper He is not at all' like the blazing coal f.re whieh warms he house With a genial heat, but like roaring fire in a brokt n grate, which ay spill its coals and set the 'house aflame. His influence over everyone w o knows him ie dernor ilizing. The .mo tent you get a glimps of his spitefu ness, all the undesira le elements in our own nature form into line for def noe and aggression. . Te can spoil the best dis- position in th world by a sin le week's intercourse. Ad that is go itlo and kind in you dparts at the sig t of him, and you are eurprised and ohi grined to see that your whole Pool is do bling up its fists at hind. His object n life is to find fault with everyt ing. He is determined that nothi ig shall be right. Ile is so roue •like a mule that you can't eve caress him without danger. It easier and healthier ,t ,o, live •in Itho mal- arial tropics,' and 'eaffer the pe its of an occasional ea rthqua-ke, than o live in the house of a man who is eternally complaining, in spite of wha ever you May do for bi comfort, ge i a worse companion tin the 'rhartenat em, and ants on yoa. moral natu as that cunning bit 'o" diabelisin does on your physical syst M. At one mos+ ent you are acreneanir happy, but an unlucky draft gives yen a twinge whish makes You regret tI e day of your birth. I have known 1 en whose do ',esti° life was such as . give the impre sion that their chief ref eon for , marryi g was to secure tbe el natant "preemie of some one who couli be foetal fault "ith; and the poor woman who is leg y tied to szh othaenmvay! must look on the g lley slave Now, is iit the chief diffic lty with — THE HURON EXPO*SiTOR, restore elt to the cheeks, strength to the mriseles, energy to the limbs, bring baek,the appetite and make a healthr Woman, as Phosphatine, which ist not a druggists. ne.2 e, but a5food. For sale )by all The orn Crop in Canada. has been i mensely increaseod4innile°CeraPGnIP13 of - ti:ntiaao y snleraprrinetehatthethego ada. No doubt the N.T. people will claim this as a product of protection, but 'Putnana's Painless Corn Extractor alone is entitled to ! all the, credit. It raises more corn to tbe acre than all else the world can: supply. Safe, euro and painless. Take no- substitute. Only 25- cents. Try your hand. A good crop earanteed. N. C. Poison & Co., propri tors, Kingston. 762.52. ---ese • *- a - The e are Solid_Facts. Thetest blood purifier and system re- gulatorpla ed within the reachof suffer- ; asat, will always find Elec- iug himia ity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the liver, bilionsnesss, jaundice, c netipation, weak kidneys,or any diseas of the urinary organs, or whoever r quires an appetizer, tonic or mild stim l trio Bitter e the best and only certain cure k.noWin. They act surely and quickly, 41P' ry bottle guaranteed to give faction or money refunded. cents a bottle by E. Hickson .52 . tea, ' these two representatives that they 112.-Ve too much temper ? 'When a horse runs away, and the carriage is broken te pieces, is it beoause he has too much vitality ? On the contramit is because he has not the right kind of ,a' bit in his mouth. If a mere snaffle wont hold hire, then give him the curb. I have lived with horse a all my life, and have learned to love them. When I am on a long journey, I want a horse who has mettle and staying power; or in other words, a horse with a good deal of tem- per. Tour easy going brute, gentle brute, which " any lady can drive," is not to my liking. He will tire too quickly, and I shall pity him so much that the trip will wear on me almost as much as on him. But the horse that has temper, if he can only be pursnade edto put his temper into his feet, . thll carry me up hill and down till sunset. It is just so with men. or right hard work, for an emergency, for a danger- ous task respiring plunk -and life is that kind of a task -give me a man with a streak, of ugliness in his nature; an ugliness which does not waste. itself in idle words, but which keeps the soul at work persistently until the stint is finished. Consecrated ugliness is the stuff out of which the martyr is made; for consecration starts the processes of evolution by which .the ravenoue wolf is changed into the invaluable watch dog. •Salt Rhetim Cured. Are you troubled with salt rheum, rough skin, pimples or canker sores ; if so go at once to Lumsden & Wilson's drug store and get a package of Mc- Gregor and -Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Price twenty-five cents. It was never known to fail. 995.52. • . Middle Aged Men. Often lack vigor, this can be restored by that great nerve and brItin food, known as Mack's Magnetic Medicine, Read the advertiseznent in another column of to -d ay's paper. 780.52 A Minister's Evidence. • The All prevalent malady of ,eirvilized life is avspepsia. Rev. W. E. difford, of Bothwell, was cured Of dyspepsia and liver complaint that rendered leis life Almost a burden to him. The cure was completed by three bottledhef Bur- dock Blood Bitters. 774.66 --es;•.11s- A Remarkable Fact. It is a remarkable fact that W. A. Edgers, of Frankvi14, who was so far gone with liver and -kidney complaint that his life -Vas despaired of,eras cured with four bottles iof Burdock Blood Bitters. 774.65. One of Many. Mr. R. W. Carmichael, chemist and druggist of Belleville, writes as follows: " Your Burdock Blood Bitters have a E teady, sale, are patronized by the best families here and surrounding country, and all attest to its virtues with un- qualified satibfaction." 774.65 • A Voice from the United. • States. • I have suffered for the last 0 years with dyspepsia and general deb lity, and tried many remedies, hut w th little success until I used Burdock Blood Bitters,1 when relief was quick and permanent. A. LOUGH, Alpena, Michigan, JJ. S. 774.65., Wh.,t Every Person SI ould Rdn ow. The grand outlets of dise se ram the systerti, are the skin, the bo elsand the kidneys. Burdock Blood Bitters is the most safe, pleasant and ffecttaal purifier and health restoring onic ix the wOrld. Trial bottles ten ce tts. 774. 62. A Pleasant Ackn owled ent. "Had sour stomach and iserable appetite for month s, and grew thin every day. I •used Burdock Blood Bitters with the most marvellous re - salts; feel splendid. MRS. JOSEPHfJOHNSON, Pittsburg, Pa. 774.65. One to Six Bottles of Fountain of Health -- by cleansing the blood, improving the genersl health, and fortifying the sys- tem against taking fresh colds- will in all cases relieve, and in most cases cure ordinary catarrh, 708.52 One to Four Bottles of Fountain of Health is Warranted to cure rheumatism, general debility, dropsy, Tiles, humors, plcers and old sores. Mee $1;,' sold by all dealers. 798.52 Fountain of Health. It purifies the blood, it purifies the blood, eradicating all humors, from the common blotch or pimple to the most malignant ; form of scrofulous ulcers. 798.52. j Fountain fof Health. It is a tonic, laxative, diuretid vine. It is pleasant, powerful purifying and profitable, because it insures good health. Price 11. Sold everywhere. 796.52. One to Two Bottles of Fountain of Heal& is war- ranted to pure ordinary, constipation, leaving no after tendency to that condi- tion. Price 11. 798.52 One to Three I ' Bottles of Fountain of Health is war- ranted to purify the complexi n from sallowness and pimples, svvee en foul breath, and completely ren vete a debilitated system. 798.52 J.. Wetherell, Writing from Winnipeg, says: "I can say more about Phosphatine n w than when I saw you last in Toron My health is much improved, an I am free from headaches or any other aches, having used only two and a half bottles of your Phosphatine. For sale by all druggists. 770.52.769. The Sickly Young Gir1 nd the delicate young wo an need r. Austin's Phosphatine. Whon the eonntenance is pale, the bloo4 courses sluggishly, erruptions on the tface ap- fiear, together with all the other signs of either temporary or constitutional debility. No remedy will so quickly entire sati Sold at ci0 & Co. 78 SAYE; Du She knows rant a Can draw YDEN her Man, and when yon d swear; you to her with ae. single hair. But it mLfet be beautiful hair to have such power; and beautiful hair can be ensured by the- use of the Cingalese Hair ReneWee. Sold at 60e by J. S. Roberts. 770.52.789 "110 410.. "Why should a man whose blood is warm within Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster ?" Or let his iair grow rusty, scant and thin, When Cingalese Renewer will make it grow fa,ster. „ For sale by J.. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 770.52.789. • Nothing Can supply tlp place of a beautiful silky head of natural hair. It is infinitely more eordfortiable than switches, and other preparations for the hair lby un- known foreigners. Hair may , be re- tained, beat4fied and actually restored, by the use pf,the Cingalese Hair Ren- ewer. Sold. at fifty cents- per bottle by all druggists. 774.52.786. In the TTistory of Medicine No preparation has regeived such uni- versal commendation for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it affects in kidney diseases, as Dr. 1Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Its acticna itt these distressing complaints is simply wonderful. , For Sale by J. S. Roberta. 770.52.789. eeoe G. W. 11/fingay, ParkdaleaToronto, writes : "My wife had several very severe attacks of cranaps in the stomach. Hearing of Dr. AUstin's Phosphatine and its pleasantneas to take, I gave her two bottle's, an4 she has not had an attack since, and her 'health is much improved., For sale by all druggists+ 770.52.789 BucYlen's Arnick Salve. The greatest medical Wonder of the world. Warranted to Speedily cure, burns, bruiees, cuts; ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores; cancers, piles, -chilblains, corns, totter, chapped hands- and all skin eruptiOns, guaranteed to cure ia every instance or money. refunded; 25 cents per bOx. For sale by E. Hickson & Co. 783.152. -00 • te john R. Vert, - Hamilton, says: "McGregor's' Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia, and IndigeStion is cheap at fifty times the prite asked for it. I am a commercial man and travel continuallyk and would no more think of leaving home without a lttle of McGregor'a Speedy • Cure :in my valise than I would ot. leaving my team at hone and going on foot. Free trial bottlee at Lumsden & Wilson's Drug Store fr Regular size • fifty cents and one doqar. -se • let Kram's Fluid Lightning. Cures toothache and neuralgia quick as a flash; relieves any pain iiastantly, the cheap° t and. quickest application known. Why suffer with toothache, neuralgia, headache, rheumatism, lum- bago, sciatiOa,eore throat or acute pains of any kind when you can go toif Lums- den & Wilson's Drug Store and get a perfect and instantaneous cure for 25c. Ask for Ta"i'am's Fuid lightning. 795,52. 52 "1 had been for eight montlis unable to work, and felt as though I would as lief die as live, through Dyspepsia and Indigestion I w igheddat the time of getting .a bottIo cjf MeGregor's Speedy Cure 130,115 ; used 3 bottles, and now weigh 165 s. and never was better in my life. (It weed, McGregor's speedy Cure that brought Me around. So says Wm. Fell, Hamilton. Go to Lumsden & Wilson'S drug store and get a free trial bottle or the regular sizefor fifty cents and One dollar. 795,52. Boils, Blotches pimples, and all skin diseases at; quickest cured by cleans- ing the blood With Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 793.52 Pimples and Blotches. Call at Lumeden & Wilson's drug store and get a package of McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It is com- posed of Vaseline, Carbolic acid and' cerate, and ,has never failed to remove pimples, blotches, ulcerated sores, and rough skin.; It cures when all others fail. Try it. 795.52. Phthisis, Instead of being purely a local disease of the hings, as is commonly believed, must be treated as a great constitutional malady, the result of im- poverishment from a -failure of nutri- tion. Organs and tissues impaired. by climatic influences; oriprevious disease, are the first to give way, and we have the poverty of blood showing in con- sumption of the spine, hip, knee and bowels, as well as the lungs. The defect consists essentially in an insufficient supply of the food Phosphatek for tissue construction, and the generation, of nerve force. Wheeler's Phosphates and Calisaya shows the best record yet at- tained in henefating and curing this disease. 796.26 ' A Terrible Strain. Mr. David Lee, Derby, N. B., re- marks as follows, the &tube and cure of a sore back : "Some three years ago I was injured in the back by prying a rock out of the ground. The strain was so severe thatI was confined to bed from its effects, and for a year was unable to do anything. It was not until I had lost all hope that I resorted to Dr. Dow' s Sturgeon Oil Linament, and through its nee I was completely cured and able toreaume work. 793.52 '0•.- - The Opinion Of the general public in regard to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is confirmed by clergymen, lawyers, public, speakers and actors. All say it is the best remedy that can be procured for all affections of the vocal organs, throat and lungs. 793.52. Is 'Y cur Hair Turning era tai gradually falling out? Hall's Hair ewer will restore it to its original , and stinieilate the follicles to probee a new and luxuriant growth. It aho cleanses -'the scalp,. erhcatEs dandruff, and. is a most, ttereeable aed harmlees dressing., 793.52 101 Farmers before buying your reaper and mower oil ask for and procure a ,sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is warranted not to gum, and is guaran- teed to'give good satisfaction. 753-52 Now that the reaping and mowing season is coming on, farmers should remember that that "Kaiser" Maehinee Oil is the best reaper and. mower -oil in the market. 'For sale by all dealers. 753-52 For sore eyes, incurable by all otber means, resort to Churchill's Climax Eye Salve, arid you will be surprised at the prompt relief. Price 25 cents. 798, 52,2w. a Now Tha there is a reliable remedy hot! kid- ncy trouble, half the terrors attached to these complaints have been removed, For this let all be thankful, and to Dr. 'Van Buren's Kidney Cure- award. all praise for 1) aviin g thus re- moved a, hitherto fatal disease from our path. It was never known to fail. Sold by 3. S. Roberts. 770.52.789 Grand Trunk Railway, Traina leave Seaforth and Clipton stations as follows: GoING WERT— BEAPOETH. CLINTON. Express ..12:68 P. M. 1:17 P. M. Express 8-42 P.M. 9:e0 P. U. Express 8-00 A. M 8:45 A. M. Mixed Train: 6-40 P. M. 6:15 P. M. GOING EMIT— SEAFORTH. CLINTON. F,xprege . ....... 6:324. M. 6:15 A.M. Express Train.....1:88 P. M. 1:17 P. M. Mixed Train......4:35 P -M. 3:50 P. M. Danced Train.....9:30 A. M. 8:45 A. M. • London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH— Express. Mail. A.M. P.M. London, depart.. .... .• .... 7 20 4 00 Exeter 8 86 Hensall .... 8 50 Rippen 8 56 Brucefield 9 05 Clinton 9 80 Blyth 10 00 Wingham, arrive10 35 GOING SOUTH— Mall. A.M, Wingham, depart 7 10 Blyth • . 7 45 Clinton •••• .... 8 20 Brucefielti 8 85 Rippen 8 46 Hensall e 8 50 Exeter 9 05 London, arrive 10 10 6 16 6 30 535 6 46 6 10 6 89 7 10 Express P. M. 2 40 3 13 8 50 4,05 4 13 4 18 4 80 5 35 1,500 BOTTLES -OF- CLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR, The Magic Cure for COUCHS, COLDS ° & SORE THROAT, Sold during tbe past year, and the de- mand constantly increasing. This valuable medicine may now be procured from Messrs. Joseph Kidd & Son, Dublin. M. Jas. Drummond, Myth,. Andrew Govenlock, Winthrop. James Campbell, Walton. Wm. Scott, Bru,cefield. Henry Schater, Kippen. Jas B nthron d Son, Hensall,' And wholesale or retail from LUMSDEN & WILSON, • Manufacturers, Seaforth. SECURE THE SHADOW. ANDI-tW CALDER, THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHER, bege to state that he has retuned home from Da- kota, and is convinced that "There's no glace like home," and he intend -a to remain at home, a nd will henceforth give hie entire personal at- tention to his business: His faoilities for doing good work are unexcelled, and he can" guarantee s atisfaction. Ceme one, come all, and bring your relations and friends, and secure the shadow ere the substance fades. I ean accom- modate you al, and can send you on your way rejoicing.- emit try me and prey° me. Charger moderate. Remember the place -Scott's Block, Main Street,Seaforth. 762 ANDREW CALDER. EYE, EAR AND THROAT. DR. CEORCE S. RYERSON, L. R. O. P., L. FLO. S. E., Leetneer on the Eye Ear and Thro t, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear In- firmary, Cons tIng Oculist and Aurist to the Institntiona f r the Bhrfd. Brantford, and for the Deaf and tussb, Belleville, Ont. Late Clini- cal Assistant loysJ London Ophthahnic Hospi- tal, Moorfield , and Central Throat and Ear Hospital. 317 CHU CH STREET, TORONTO. DI y be consulted at the ALBION On the Testa MONTH. HOTEL, STRATFORD, seA.TIIIHDAY in EACH 7011 SEEDS! SEEDS! SEEDS ! At 0. C. WILLSON'S New Seed Store,.. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. A full stook of, the very beet selected seeds that can be found in any one house west of the citiel, consisting of Spring Wheat, Oats, Peas and. Barley, Clovet: Seed, Timothy, Orchard Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Top and Rye Grass Hungarian, Millet and Flax Seed, a lot of Black Tartar Oats, a quantity of first prize Lost Nation Spring Wheat, grown by James Dickson, Esq., on his gold medal farm in Tuckersmith ; Root and Garden Seeds of all varieties sold by the ounce or package. Any Roots, Bulbs, or Seeds not in stock will be ceder - ed from the best on the shortest notice. Call and examine my stock and be your own judge. Q. C. WILLSON, AIqin Street, Seaforth. READ AND REMEMBER. That I ani recommencing the Boot and -Shoe business in Seaforth,in.Wm. Ca.' pbell's eoreter store, and that I would like to have all my old customers and as oe any new ones as possible to give me a call when they require anything in my ! ine, as 1 will be in a position to rnake it to their advantage to do so, for my stole will be all new goods, bought from the very best houses in the trade, ST • ICTLY FEca CASH', and by doing so have obtained a diecorent that will ena le me to undersell all those who buy on time, and I am determined to do so, for cannot possibly be undersold by any one who pays for his goods. 1 will ; - con, net the custOm'branch on nay old principle of endeavoting. to make 'every. pal as good valt43. as men and money can produce.' PARING NEATLY EXECUTED AT THE LOW- EST POSSIBLE PRICES: expect to be open for business by the 10th of March. Don't forget.the plac , directly opposite the Royal Hotel. THOMAS • COVENTRY. MCCOLL, BROTHERS & co., TORONTO, Manufaeturers- an Wholesale Deslers in LARDINE, CYLINDER, BOLT CUTTING AND WOOL OILS. Our. celebeseted LARDINE brand is unexcelled by any other oil: on the naarket. In reeognition of its superior merit we have received, all the HIGHEST PRIZES Wherever we exhibited since 1878, among other awards a large number of Cf.101$111ER & BRONZE MEDAL% Besides numerous Diplomas. It is warranted not to gum or clog, and as'it wears equal to castor oil is, therefore, the most profitable oil for those running machinery. Farmers, Threshers and Mill men should try it. For sale by WM. ROBERTSON & CO 80226, SE AFORTH. SEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. e - °RN= ot Jrvis and Goderich Stteets.next- doorte the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All diseases of Horses, cattle, sheep, orany of the domesticated animals, successfully, --4reated at the infirmary -or elsewhere on the ilortest notice. Charges moderate. Jas. W. ELDER, Ve'teriirary Surgeon. P. S. --A large etoek of Veterinstryelfedi eines kept constantly tm hand. ,HOTEL CARDS. TECUMSEH HOUSE, Ernesels.-Having p111- 4- sed this property, (lately occupied by Mr. John Ctonpbelle I have refitted the lions() in every.respeet The bar is well .socked, and an attentive hoetler at the stables. F. FRE', Pro- prietor. Brussels, Dec. 5, 1882. 784_124 DENNIE HOUSE, (Late Foster's Hotel) SEAFoRTH, ONT., DENNIE BROS., PROPRIETORS. SINCE assuming themanagement of this Haute ws have completely renovated and refurnish- ed it, throughout with new furniture in the hest styleewhich enables us to glee first-class atconl- rnodation to the public. The best brands AA Liquomand Cigars a.t tbe Bar. An attentive Hostler always in attendance at the Stables. Particular attention given to the farming eonn munity. ZH'Citargea moderate., The Royal Hotel QU'APPELLE. {LATE CARMICHATIL'S) FP1iEI1.101\JISTMAJDE5 Are now offered by, the FARMERS' NORTH-WEST LAND & COLONIZATION CO., (LIMITED1). On their choke tract of land on the east side Long Lake. Intending settlers should note the following facts ,This land is uniformly first-class, and will, consequently, be quickly and thickly populated. Two railways connecting the Company's lands with Regina, eze., are projected, and charters applied for. It will also have water connections by steamer on Long Lake. Longford, the port of .Lon0Jake, is eituated about the centre of the Com - pan 's land, and will be the commercial capital of the North Qu'Appelle, and sett ers on homesteadsxnywhere near this town will find. themselves at once wit in easy reach of Regina, and in a few years in the immediate locality cf one of ti e most important towns in the Northwest. Correspondence solicited. For fart er particulars address W. H. PINGLE, Regina, or to the Company ;t Co ngwood, Ontario. THOMAS LONG, •President ; R: BROW'. ., Secretary. 800-12 SEEDS ! SEEDS ! SEEDS ! • JUST ARRIVED AT A. G. AULT'S s SEAFORTH, ONTARIO., JAMES WEIR BEGS te inform his old friendand the travel- ling public that having purchased this new and commodious hotel building, be has thorough- ly re -furnished and re -fitted it from top to bot- tom, and it is now one of the most coniffirtabie and convenient hot* in the county. By strict attention to the warits of his customere be hopes to merit -a share of publics patronage. , The rooms are all well furnished and well heated. The bar will be kept supplied with the best, ana an at - tentative and trrest worth hosed 'er will al ways be 111 attendance. Goad sample rooms. for Conamer- cial Travellers. Remember the "Royal Hotel," cor er 4 Main and Goderich Streets, Seaforth. 733 -JAMES WEIR, Proprietor, Lumsden & Wilson -FOR WALL PAPER WALL PAPER, A Large, Consig-nment of Fres li Seeds, WALL PAPER, Such as Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, Peas, Oats, Corn, Large Red Marnmoth Mangold, Large White Belgian Carrot, Onion Seeds in bulk, Onion Sets Top Onions, Potato Onions; Engle's Potato Onions, a large variety of Tur- nip Seed, Beans, Beet Seed, and a large stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds in packages or by the ounce. Also a fresh stook of those Teas -which talk so loud for themselves all through the town and country. Also,.I still exehange Oat- meal for Oats, and still pay cash for good fresh butter in rolls. A large stock of Freeh Groceries to band': ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. WALL PAPER A. G. AULT, Main Str9et, Seaforth. 1=it Se REMOVAL. aforth Musical Instrument ,..•••••••. -rplmmmoomialme•ail.tol F4mporium. SCOTT BROTHERS Beg to announce that they have removed to mow commodious premises, one door north of the Post Office, where they will be found with a large and well- — selected stock of DUNHAM PIANOS, which are so well known and highly ceivtd the highest rewards wherever shown, and have also received a diploma at the ndustrial Fair AA dosed at Toronto. We also keep in stock other Pianos , CHRYSTAL & BLA spoken of by all musicians. EXCELSIOR ORGANS. -These Organs have re- CK, PRACTICAL and Organs, and all kinds of small instruments, sheet Mt/Hie and instruction boos. Agents wanted.. 1, scurr BROTHERS, Seaforth. BOILER MAKERS. 11 II An immense new stock just to liana', from the cheapest to the very finest gold papers. Call and see our samples before purohasiiag., No trouble to show whether you bny or not at Lumsden & Wi son." SEAFORTH. RRIAGE LICENSES MONEY TO LOAN. ISSUED AT TH HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, N SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. WITNESS1ER REQUIRED. THE undersigned, having been appointed Agent for the Hamilton Provident and Lean Society, is now prepared to effect Loans either on farm or town property at the lowest fates of interest and on the most favorable terms. Applicatione by mail or personally promptly attended to. WM. BALLANTYNE, Seaforth. 894 LE CREDIT FONOIER THIS new Company, formed for th.e purpose et ineeeting French Capital in Canada, ia now premed to advance money on tbemok favorable terms on good landed, seaurities. M HAYES, Agent for County of Huron, BeefOreh. 699 THE Subscribers have bought the Toole and • e- Boiler Busineag lately euried on by tbe God- erich Foundry and Manufacturing Company, and having had an experience of over eight vete in that shop, are now prepared to earny on the trade In all its branches. Any work entrusted to us will receive pbnapt attention. Firet-cless work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaireft, &Igo Smoke Stseks and Sheet Iron -Work, &..e.,tit rete sonalale rates. New Salt Pang made and old ones reptdeed on ' the shortest notice, and at prices thatelete cum - It petition. \ 788 CHRYSTAL & BLACK, Box 103, Godertehe