HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-05-24, Page 5-
f -
ir watt not et
none were alternations
ad veld Wawa, o
f rain as well as ot snow.
ras,that where the snow fall et
a in the northern coundes, t
nd crusted ; and where the 4
'glitt art in the southern, catet
round was sometimes beers, ea
i/T1BS covered with ie.a.
The great rain storm thee et
at tire Milo valley in the t
January, extended in
eth.er as rain or sleet), mellow
Inas Georgian Bay, and egot
te- as Toronto. In the La
nuttiest and in poztions of nat
txford and Braut, nearly the
ae EMOW was carried off at t
ud a cold spelt following,
rere left coated over -with
:et Ia thee° oonuties the gene
• b of correspondents is,thae e
frozen to death," eat
crtheru counties the
sniothered to death.
ent a Huron county. °beery
cce3awe crusts w..ere formed
iow during the winter, two
ere : strong enotigd to be -a
(Arse. i
A. eeticeablepepAlarity in the
t winter througbioat the wes
911 of tho Province is, that
tathern comatiat the wheat hi
at/red moat on geavel and sandy
lid least ort the level Way and
'aids; bat in thetuorthern condi
ttedition is revered, the wheat
a attequete protection, even
igh lands. It ie remarked, howe
tat where high grounds in the
rere sheltered frnra windg the wit
;ell preserved, and the importan
[eating the bordees of farina Virit
urged by many, oorrespendents. .
But the appearanetn of the c '
>ring is no doubt doe M some '
i the contlition; Of the ground
met In the east it was favorab
'le young plaut madeta good -
ie fall. In the west the heavy
.! July and August and the
routh tha,t followed, iuterfere
le proper cultivation of fellows,
ipecially of pea and stabble tau
at the soil was in very poor tIlt
ied wag sewn tap arid it neith
ell nor tittered wen. This
erica will account in a measure
id reports now received; and
!asonable to hope that where the
ta survived the snow and ice a
mat) of winter, the outlook -
7ighten with warm and growing-
kor. It is trafortanetely true, heni
att a targe extent of wheat 1
-ready doomed, and has been pie
3 and re -sewn with spring grains. -
Tile only cheerful reports fro
eatern part of the Provincere
et northern half of Essex, the
Lore townships of Huron an 13
e county of "Wellington, the
ads of York and Peel,and these
if of Siracoe; and de, en in th
icts the crop Mb been
nnaged by the frosts and win
pril. Elsewhere the area aown
•obably be reduced by tweuty
;at., a portion ot whieh wild b
ider spring wheat and the rest tin
trley, oats azid peas. The sasteru
en of the Provinee is confideudy
dtecl to produce. a full crop.
Winter rye is told grown to any ex
ttside of the St. Lawrence and �tswi
!unties, but all the reports on i
tioa are favorable. "t is- muchhar
an wheat, and appedrata have eondat
trough the winter in a healthy
prowl etate-notably in the ooii
orfoik, where the wheat s
derely. Glover has also tytutere
t tne whole; but in S01110 100ali
s been,partially destroyed by
:posure. In others, as ire the oo
• Larabtore Haldiraand and W
has been injured by the olover
! weevil. As there was little
Ee ground, there are no compl
heaving" this year, t
Live ;tack are generkily neporte
l healthy and in good condition.
inter was favorable to animal life,
'Mar being abundant the fame
ith a liberal bad. Horses we
;eked in a few looalities with ;
re" and mild forma of distemper,
e mortality among them WilEs
BS than in the winter of 1882. a
tve a thrifty appearance, and
l:the pasture n eles in good heard
ning weather was hard on lambs
ini3g pigs have died in large nu
='The quantity of wheat in •
tnds is above the averdne for t •
:the year, although the bulk. 0
iarn, crop has been marketed.
'.:a large surplus of hay, but the
oats is not more than is regal
tme consunaption. he number
td. Aare cattle i$ notr large, and
"taand for them corttnues actin&
The preparation oi the ground
ring cropa wa$ not common
rly as asued this year se,
senee of hard frost,it remained
eked for some time after the
U disappearedt For the same
was not iu a good talaide eon
ing tough and, sodden instead, 0
w and friable-. On high and
daed. lands farmers started
.out the 15th of April, and 1
etiorts of the Lake Erie an
idland counties a week earlier;
-, the northern, and eastern portion
e Provinces little was done befit*
tla. Sowing commenced about &
ter, and. not more than twen
a cent. of it was finished at the
:the returns. Farmers fall,' dr
a the necessity of °hanging tbeit
&in frequently and introducing
nietiea of recognized. merits, but
,, tt
n attention to thdarequires sy ..t
tort. The Grangers, with thew
dead organization, are 'tender%
ae service by establishing
al by a method of exohanges,
0 some of the Agricultural
Ms. Bat the present great
rmers is an adequate supply.
bor. The demend for Dien
all parts ef the Province, and
tges are offered for employni
e year or the season. t
Fruit trees appear to have coin
through the winder, dull t
erally 4 good show oftruit b
tne localities, however, an in
tdiand counties, fears art 0
at the trees leavened WV'
me the effecte a last summeet
- ---, .
a -A little imigrant ab6nt six
dammed himself the other
irting a fire ia a room one
',tt offtee _ in the. iflardidrant
'tendon. He took the p
Or the door in order tat ent0i
by binetelf The oke soon made
tteelffeld an ni h king the door it
wee found th,it the was making
tepid headwaa It w Quickly eitin.
gangeed. A w Mint tee' later and the
Whole dud& g wOuld have been in
those. A pe of he wall was badly
ed. l'he age b finds it necessary
ao be on the lookoat fir little incideets
ef this kind.
ROBSB- Southcombe's
twotyear-old i;afl of colts ran away.
One of them I rolke its leg so that it had
ta ne katled.
Man S'
\, trees cemes tc
• A young man
lung siucee
- live baapn,sh
leaning - Sant
sonteltedY el
,ntm back stet
inan or.two,"
ternitriXe natal
his straegth I
ap, so that he
Seeicers Ac
-our znost thrif
injured in hid
He wa.s heiran
gen in orde
By some su
was thro
the Mao opp
was. Alighti
was put o
thst be is in
P.—*001ded bliss some -
are abrupt termination.
anted &Clinton girl not
though they seemed to
"a p' d" for Toronto,
to 1 •n ourn the lois of
e's dar, dig:" She wrote
g that, he had "another
and for' lam' to beep the
e ani ' urn it. He tried
fting! r na ised hi self
won't iltearly werk his
El--,lt.Mr. Lear, one of
y Udall rs, was seriously
wn Sara last Saturday.
to pal tt fat. beast in a
to bill :g itg to market.
den ,jerk or motion, Mr.
n elle 1 the wagonon
sitet i „which the beast
g on I t is head, his neck
of Inn t. and it is feared
red beyond recovery. -
'dews Record. -
The St tf�ri Sealed.
The good- (vie f the mbitidus
town of Strati lel h ve a choice bit of
scandal on ha ju t ,I1QW. A short
f ,
-time ago the Wet f Police made a
raid upon a h use P1 'ill -fame in the
town, ana feud e jeying ,themselves
therein no le s p t onages than the
Mayor and T wn CIeik. These officere
were arrested with I e inrnated of the
house, amp. inearceea, ed in the cells for
the remtunde of th night. On the
following day- linnet ills named were.
brought befor te Po ice Mageetrate on
the .charge 4f nfreq, elating the said
house. They alakii 1 ledged the corn
duad were line4 fi1t ftoUars and costs
each. A Straltiord correspondent gives
the following s chat ter two of the
denouement. le sa e : The town 'count
.011 last Mond y nigh. dispenoed with
the services o .the chrk and asked the
Mayor to rest n„ Mayor refused,
end on his ta.l ing hs seat the members
rose tn a bod and 1 ft the _chamber.
This action is 'n cons( (pence of the late
escapade, in hien ti e Mayor and. city
. clerk were in olved, The action of the
'council is free y coral!, elated upon, and
the town is ii a ferment. There is no
doubt -that 1 the Jti ayor persists in
'keepieg his a at, the council will resign
or refuse to a t un I the law declares
the seats vac at. t eh a state of af-
fairs has neve beton happened here,
and it is to bet regial ted that •such a
lasting disgrace shetad faII upon us.
'The best minded oi n
and say 7,bat
• 13
likely to as ume
and that lir virinl•
get our eyes opened
eponsible positions
best chara.cta , and t
e speot the pots* ions t
elected. ?bee is 110
,has been too much
respect here, nil me
afraid to run for th(
were certain
• that, 0. IleW t
place and go
this is the ca
satisfied witi
Mayor has a
court, the fin
by the Pdlice
injustice. T
teresting eve
ens opeak freely,
the matter is
serious turn,
in the long run
and elect to re -
en that have the
ose who will re -
Which they are
doubt that there
slackness in this
onsible men were
position, as they.
f defeat. It is to be hoped.
an of affairs will take
mee ill govern us. If
e the own may be well
the at trouble. The
ealed case to a higher
of filt dollars and costs
Magiatrate he deems an
e case becomes more in -
y day.
tions ere being taken. to Prevent the
speed of the Infection.. The Times of
Winnipeg makes some vete, startling
charges againat those in charge of the
small pox hospitsd. It says the patients
are not only neglected but arn beaten
nod abused. Oae patient was sestinas -rely
aetten that -he died from the effeets of
the punishment. Others were tied to
their beds and left in that way all night
so that the nurses could sleep, and it its
even said that one women was fastened
to her bed by irons and the bed set on
fire, and both bed and patient burned to
mites. The statements made are 'Al-
most too horrible for belief.Theeraan-
ager a the hospital has been arrested
aOd a most searehing investigation lit to
Ininatt,de when it is likely the truth will
be learned.
-The time for hearing the petition in
the South Perth election case was on
Mond ay exteni d ea for six MOD th s. ,
-The most severe storm know» !ler
years passed over Lake Huron on Sun-
day night last. Tbe wind blew a per-
fect gale and there was a heavy fall of
snow and rain. A term .itueaber of
schooners and barges tre driven
aground and. several of tbe' wrecked.
In meat instauces, howeyer, the crews
were rescued and. the loss of life was not
great. The larger vessels and prepen
lers seem to have weathered the storm
all right.
• 3;1iLt II S. •
SUTHERLAND -In Kinbutn ea- the goph -inete
the wife of Mr. p. 8 Sutherland ota torie
BENNETT-0n the 10th inst., in Michigan, the
• wife of Mr, Wm, Bennettr -formerly of
uckersmith, of -twin sons.
LAWRENCE -In Blyth, on the 9th inst., the
wife of Mr. A. Lawrence of a son.
BRAITHWAITE-In Bullet t on the 27th ult.,
the wife of Mr. T. Braithwaite of a sore.
BEI L -In Blyth, on the 12th inst , the wife of
Mr. W. Bell of a. daugliter. I
VAN EGMOND-In Reaforth on the, 23rd inst.,
Mrs. A. G. Va,allgenond.
MORITZ-In Hay nu the 21st inst., 3. T.Meritz,
.aged 43 years, 9 mOnthe and 1 day.
RB '
MELLE-Died suddenly at Ottawa on the 9th
inst., from rut tire of a blood vessel, Adeline
Church, wifetof Romeo Merrite, Esq., and
eldest fester of Mrs. H. Cameron, Kippen, in
the 59th year of her age.
SAVILLE-In Clinton on the 13th inst., George
Saville, aged et years.
NICHOL SON -STIRLING -At Bayfield On the
9th inst., by Rev N. Patterson, Mr. 1110331.03
Nicholson to Mise Susan Stirling, both of
COWIE-COLLADA.Y-Io Stanley on the 10th
inst., at the residence of the bride's ther,
by Rev. N. Fattersoinof St.Andrews' Church,
Bievfield, Mr. James Cowie to Miss land A.
• Colladay.
McKENZIE-MeKEE- On the 10th Mail, at
Listowel, by Rev. 3. W Holmes,`Mr. D. Mc-
. Kenzie, of Logan, to Miss Rebecca efellee,of
McQUEEN-FOSTER-At the residence
Charles Mason, on the 15th inst., by
3. Rice, Mr. John McQueen, of
County, Michigan, to Mrs. Elizabeth
of Clinton.
ROBINSON-SHAW-At the ,residence
bride's mother, on the 15th inst., b
J. 3. Rice, Mr. George J. Robinson,to
Be youngest daughter of Mrs. E. Shaw of
Clinton. .
DRYSDALE-MORRISON-At Toronto clin the
28th ult., by Rev. H. M. Parsons, Mlle An-
drew Drysdale, of Goderich, to MisteLouisa
Morrison, of Mitchell.
- Ma ito 1 Notes.
-A Mr. B own, tom Oxford ,County
Ontario, bro ght w 1h him to Brandon
a car load ' f ma ; het kept them
there for ter. we s, and then had
them reship ed tt Winnipeg where
he says, he may be able to give them
sway. The fact is that . Brandon
is crowded with hen es and oxen. No
doubt a better met ket could be foupd
further west. -
-The Winnipeg 3 ree Press of the
• 19th inst. says; Tle showery weather
of the last two day a has given an
pulseto vegetation The grass, both on
city lawns and the ad- went prairies, is
assuming &verdant a'apoot. • The buds
• on-thettrees began [ ' o shoot yesterday
and. everythiig won d seem to indicate
the full setti g in (a summer. People
will therefor put ta with the discom-
forts ofnhe eather when it is for the
general good of the , ountry.
-Says th Edmonton Bulletin: A
little girl tw4 yean old. daughter of a
Cree Indian named Souziet living at
Peace Hills arm, dted on Sunday, the
13th inst., Ir to frigtat. It seems that:
on the previ as Fri( ay, wiaile the child
was playing ear th farm cattle, a dog
belongiegito Souzie began barking at
and frighten ng the l :ttle.. This en-
raged an ern loyee ( 1 t at farm who had
charge of tit (tattle and, ..e ran towards
the dog. -wit ti pit( hfork in his hand.
The dognan to the child, who started
to run along with ti e dog. The man
• _ still pursue the de, with the fork in
his hand an the el ild fancied he was
after her. he Is apparently very
badly fright ned, ad died two days
-Mr„ Will tare Sinibh, brother to Mr.
E. A. Leant! Smiti , of Plum Creek,
was driving out fire ra Brandon to his
farra Sunda, moral g with a team and
and loaded, wagou. He had only got
about a mil° frou the city when the
horses-whieh Steve very restive, bolted,
having theit owit way as the driver
• who is not sea te 1 ones was unable to
curb them. They ran into a slough,
When the Ir ut pa t pf the wagon drop.
pea into a la le, p1 ipitating Mr. Smith
on the pole 1 th mon, thence to the
ground, wh re 1 received a severe
kicking and tram ling. upon from the
hones. the vagon Is passed over his
• chest breakng twn: 'Its and injuring his
imigs . Hel was I carried back to the
Oity OR 8 ruattb se, and although
001180iODS, s1lIlheiii' a critical condition,
Dr. Spence, bowie er, is in attendance;
and hopes f . ids speedy recovery are
entertained Thal oung man arrived
t from Erglar only. two weeks ago.
-The di ease of small pox has again
broken out m St. n oniface a seburb of
Winnipeg, taid sew ral deaths have ,co-
t•curred fro e it, bet the greatest protean-
f Mr.
ev. 3.
of the
AITCH1SON-FULf EhTON-At the residence
of the bride's fs ther, on the leth hit, by
Rev G. McLennan, of Underwood,Mri James
Rekitehisoniof Paisley,to balsa Mag eFuller-
ton, eldest datighter .of Robert 'allerton,
Esq., 8th conces:ion of Bruce.
ward tendenay, at from $4 td de ja-
pretty geod dealto and $8 to $11 idr
extras. Shelia !cent:nue scare° and
Lidagmhb-esrialeel,plaenttfirfouml, an.45a tosel1110at efah
$2.95En0 atou n
or5tOe:opher. ve • hogs sell
Local Notices.
BABY Cenettees.---Don't buy a beteg
carriage untiryou have seen those at Poitegallf
.1i'm-niture Store. They are the eheapeet and hest
ever brought nta Seaforth. 799
WILSON tt Tone have opened out
this week Define assortment of dinner, breakfast
and tea Sete, faney toilet sets, &o; of the newest
dealing In fine printed goods, imported direct and
rnarked very low' Call and see:goods and com-
pare prices. 7971 ,
RECEIVED' at D. D. Rose's -New Teen
which for quality a.nd price I claim can't be beat,
and if you doubt it a trial will convince the
Most skeptical thtat it is so. Also, lklew Currants,
Va.lentia Raisins Table Bahens, Figs, Prunes,
Carded Peels, Extracts, Canned Tomatoes, Corn,
Peas Peaches, P ars Apples, Jams and Jellies,
and Canned Met ts ; also • a fine assortment of
pure candies, all of which will be sold at my
usual low priccs1 783
WIlisON 86 Youito hail?) received direct
from the refinereone car load .of sugar, bought
i We
the lowest pri e. Call and see samples. e
are giving extrae ood value. A fall stock of the
best family gro4eries, provisions, 6te., always
kept. The hest-ealue in 41 grade a ef tea and
coffee. "Seeds -3 full assortment of field and
garden seeds, all new and purehased from the
most reliable seed growers and dealers in the
Dominion. W11.40N & YOUNG 797
FAR VI FOR SLE -For sale, lot 18, conces-
sion 4, Tue ersmith containing 100 aeres, of
which 80 acres ate clean ft ee from stumps, well
fenced, under -drained and in a high state of culti-
vation. The bush le hardwood. There is ho
farm. There are good frame
orchard and plenty of water.
es of Seaforth, and 3 from Kip -
the best farms in the township,
heap, as the proprietor is now
a Apply on the 1 rrn or to the
concession, McKilop. TROS.
waste land on tit
buildings, a goo
It is within 6 rti'
-pen. It is one o
and will be sold
farming in Dako
understgoed, 211
2elfe ACRE Frei FOR SALE. -Lot 29, con-
`-"-/ cession , y ast Ws,wanosh. There are
120 ems of th land cleared Frame barn at d
stabling, log laorise and frame kitchen, and -an
orcherd t f 115 cljtoice fruit trees. 'It is situated
two miles from
Price moderate.
premises, or to
Blyth P. 0.
Anburn aud six from Blyth.
Terms liberal. Apply on the
WM. E. BROWN, Proprietor,
TEE COUNCIL of the co poration of the Count)
3- of Huron will meet at the Court Room, in
Oderich, on Tuesday the 6th of
All acaaunts against the Council
in before the first session of the
meeting ,
P.a.,TF,It ADAMSON, County. Clerk.
the Town of
• June next,
must be sent
Second day o
'SEAFORTH, May 23,11883.
Fall Wheat per buphel $ 0 95 to 1 0
Spring Wheat per bushel • 0 95 to 1 0
Oats -per bnahel.. , • 0 41 to 0 42
Peas per bushel 0 70 to .0 80
Barley per bushel - 0 40 -to 0 60
Timothy seed 2 50 to 8 50
Clover seed, 10 00 to 10 00
Butter, No. 1, loose - 0 16 to 0 16
Batter, tub 0 18 to 0 20
Eggs 0 13, to 0 13
Flour, per 100 lbs .2 40 to i 2 60
Hides, per 100 lbs 6 50 to 7 50
9 00 to 10 00
Sheepekins each 0 50 to 1 20
Wool 0 18 to 020
Salt (retail) per barrel 1 25
Salt (wholesale) per barrel 1 00
Potatoes, per bushel 0 80 to 0 80
CnnexoN, May 23,- 1888.
Fall Wheat per bnshel
Spring Wheat per bushel
Oats, per bushel.,
Barleyper bushel. '
Peas per bushel '
Butter -
Ray per ton
Potatoes, 'per bushel
Hides, per 100 Ms
$0 95 to 095
095 to 100
0 38 to 040
- 0 45 to 050
0 70 to On
0 17 to 0 18
0 12 to 012
7 00 to 800
0 80 to 085
0 25.to 0 27
6 00 to 700
LIVEBP0011, May 22. -Spring wheat,
09s 00d; red winter, 98 2d. to, 00s 0d;
California No. 1, 098 7d; California
No. 2, 09s 02d; oats, 58 06d; barley,
58 6d; peas, 7s Od ; pork, 88s Od ;
cheese, 668 001.
-purheyi P
Three hund
and 1,240 ac
TORONTO, May 23. -Fall wheat, $1.04
to $1.06; spring, $1.07 to 01.10; oats, 48(3
to 49e; peas, 76e to 81e '• barley, 50o to
650 • hey, per ton, $10.00 to $16.00 ; •
butter, 18c to 240; potatoes per bag,
80c to 85c; eggs, per doz.'14o to 15c.;
dressed hogs, per 100 lb,
s. $9.25 to
$10.-O0; wool, per pound, 18o to 20o.
Cheese and Butter Markets.
LITTLE FALLS, • N. Y., May 21. -
Cheese declined cents. Sales of factory
cheese,4,045 boxes, llo to 140; in bulk
lln to met Sales of 'farm dairy, 550
boxes, 90 to 12to ; 95 Packages of but.
ter, 20c to 24o.
Weekly Re -View of thei British
Grain Trade.
LONDON, May 21. -The Mark Lane
Express says flour has been dull and
is somewhat weaker. Oats are advan-
cing. Other articles are unchanged.
Foreign wheats are dull and lifeless.
Foreign flour is freely supplied and.
prices are rather easier. Foreign
barley is quiet but steady.
- Dive Stock'Markets.
LIVBBPOoL, May, 21. -The Drover's
Journal of this date quotes cattle weak,
but steady, at 15 cts. for top grades.
Sheep are dull at 19 ots. for best:
MONTREAL, May 22. -Trade was dull
and prices lower all round, more es-
pecially der fat cows and rough steers
and oxen. • A few very choice steers
were sold. at 6e to 8o per lb., but the
general rate of good cattle was from
54o to 643 while fat cows and steers in
fair condition sold at 5, to 54;, per lb.
Bulls 'and strippers sold from 40 to 5o
per lb.' Shipping cattle are rather (ball
of sale at present, and prices are weak-
er at from 54 to 64- per lb. R. Nichol-
son bought from A. Burrows,of Ottawa,
14 choice, small steers at 54o per lb.
There were about 150 calves on this
ma4cet to -day, and prices had an tat-
FEET of cheap pine and hemlock
lumber. Apply at the saw
Eight houses in Seaforth and Her.
ices ranging from $150 to $800.
ed tmd seventy-five arcs in McKillop
s le the Birtle District, Manitoba.
$1O T
THE Co t of' Revision for the Township of Mc-
-1- Kidop will be held at MeGonnigle'd Hotel,
on Monday May 28th 1883, commencing at the
heur of 10 'clock a. m. All Parties i Amsted
will please • ;ke notice and govern themselves
accordingl JOHN O'SULLIVAN, Clerk. 8013 2
EX � SITOit.
g. .tvo
Are still keeping beir stock frilly assorted by weeklyadditions, which are
bonght at low water Mark, and sold at small prefite. We are now offering a lot
of goods to clear.
Plain and Fajzcy Dress Goods at importing prices'.
Colored and iif4ack Silks at very ow rate&
A large lot ot
A large lot of
An immense s
A huge stock o
Hollands, Tab
• Cloth, at
See our stock
and Sumi
A full line o
• Tapestry,
Te4orship of 1 ockersmith.
HE Co di Revision for the Township of
Tucke mith will be held at Mrs. Knox's
Hotel, Har i urhey, on Monday, May 28th, 1883,
at 10 o'clo k a m. All parties interested will
please tak notice and govern themselves ac-
cordingly. WM McCONNELL, Cleric. 806-2
pURSU NT to Chapter one hundred and A even
• of th Revised Statutes of Ontario, all per-
sons, havin claims against the late Charles Davis,
in his lifet me f the Tdwritship of MoKillop, in
th,e Count of uron, Drover, deceased, who dicd
on the Els en ft day of April, A. D. 1883. are re-
quired to end in to F. Holmested,Esq.,Seaforth,
Ontario, 8 shel or for Peter McEwan, John Swal-
low and J hn tenarcy,Executors of the last will.
and testa ent of the said deceased, on or before
the sixth a,y f ,Iune eext, their Christian and
surnames end uil particuilars and proofs of their
claims and de ands upon the estate of the said
deceased ;j andi notice is herebY given that the
said Exec tor will after the said sixth day of
June next pro eed to distributd the aseets of the
• said decalsed dmong the persons entitled thereto,
having le ard only to the claims and demands of
which the 81111.11 then have notice
Dated at Se forth the 8th day of May, 1883.
805-4 F. EJ0Z,MSTED, Solicitor for Executors.
Mons tetemonstration--neneine
Id Country Fair.
Of two m
A Grand G
son. Run
'duced rates
ascend w t
see bills.
r Balloona will take /Aim on the
Day. The biggest day of the see-
n trains on all railroads at re-
e balloons and give trapeze per -
id air. For further particulars
rint cheaper than
ateens and Fancy
Ock of Grey and
Linen .Goods.
White Cottons- at mill
Linen, Towels, Towelling, Crash, Apron
ck ;bottom profits.
f Denims, Ducks, Cotton Tweeds, Jeans,
er Cloths, for Boy's wear.
,House Furnishings in Carpets—Brussels,
1411 -Wool and Unian.
Curtains—Damask, Cretonne and Lace.
Floor Oil Clio 4t, 21, 4, 5-1, 61, 81.
Umbrellas, P Sunshades, at immense bargains.
ng INE has been instrtieted byM.r. Jas.
13-1- Ri e Sr., to offer for sale, at the Com-
mercial . 1, Seaforth, 08 ATUR DAN,
Juno d at one o'clock p. m., the following
property iz I glass clipboard, 1 small cup-
board, 2 roans, 3 bedsteads, 1 kitchen table,
1 folding t bie, 1 wash stand, 1 dressing table,
12 chairs arm chair, 2 reeking Chairs, 1 parlor
cooking t ve, 1 lounge, Ste. The whole will
positively eelsold, as the proprietor is leaving
if . B ,ine will also offer for sale at the
same tiine and place, any other articles or animas
which may b brought in for sale. 807-2
The chea
and cheapest
in Canada.
English j'w
Cloths, Does
satisfaction -
est and best place to buy Clothing, Gents?
nderclothing, Hats and Caps, the best
n the trade, and sold as cheap as any city
all and examine our stock o" Scotch and
ds, Worsted Coating, S rges, Broad
ins and Fancy Panfings. Perfect fit and
41vEr) AT
Nice and Fashionable Sh,apes.
Have you seea the variety of
Which we are offe
g at about half the
rices at
0 PD
0 Oa
C1c2 0 pc.. rn
• P 0
,rn 1=1 0
e÷ CD cePt-
U"' Prt<1
0.C1 "Eft, CP
0 2–
g a,
• 0 tz'd
f, CD
CD 0
el- 0 cee)
F; 5
P p
to- tat
et -
3 H_ 9 80.
25,000 Wanted in Ready Oash,
For which the best value that Canada can produce
be offered in
ry Goods, Millinery, Gents' Furnishin
Readymade Clothing, Groceries,
• Boots ahd Shoes,
How is it I can offer such inducements Because
I purchase at the fountain head in every market. Hav-
ing a buyer always in the European nzarkets, who has
the advantage of securing any class of goods when at
its lowest, I am in a position to sell, you goods lower than
any HQuse in the trade. I would remind my customers
in general that if I am in a position to give first-class
customers twelve months' credit, I should be able to sell
you for cash as cheap as you can do elsewhere. Pur-
chasers will find in every depFtment a complete assort-
meiit of treshiy imported seasonable goods.
THE next Entrance Exaraination into ttlig',,High
School will be held in the High Schol but d-
ings, Seaforth, on Thursday and Friday, Jane
28th and 29th. Iriteuding candidates are re-
quested to send their names to the undersigned
not later than May 24th. I. C. TIA.RSTONE,
Frincipaliligh School.
N. B. -The candidate securing the laig' hest
number of marks at this erimination will receive
free tuition at the Seaforth Eigh School for the
year 1888-1884.; Attention is directed to the an-
nouncement eeencerning, drawing in another
column. 808-4
Fresh Arrivals in Dress Goods
things in Nun's Veiling in Sky, Pink, Cream, Mode4nd
Black. EVENING CASHMERES in Pale Blue, Pale
Pink and Mode. • All the leading shades in Colored
Silks. A nice assortment of Black Silks, Black Satin
Brocades, Black Moires, Black Ottoman and Polka Dot
Satin, Black Buntings, plain and fancy; Light Black
Silk and Wool Brocades, Black Polka Dot Basket
Bunting. Special value in Black and Colored Cash-.
Millinery • Departmeht
In this department new shapes arrive week'
withstanding the cool season, orders are piling in so
rapidly that, although we have a very largq staff, eney
are obliged to work long hours to compete with
rush. Since the seasop, opened, we have not been able
to close any evening beieNe ten, eleven and twelve o'clock.
Under MISS HIGGIN' *le management of this de-
partment, nothing is allowed to leave the House but
first-class work, though they should work all night.
Note prices in Sunshades and Sailors, and everything in
straw goods. PARASOLS, startling value ; examine
my 75c, $1 and $1.25 lines.
Readymade Clothing and Gents' Furnishings.
In this department I have secured the nicest ma-
terials made in styles second to none. 1 have every con-
fidence in calling the attention of all buyers to •the
enormous quantity that annually passes through our
hands, and Lam satisfied that any one wishing a suit
can secure the same at prices not to be seen elsewhere.
Latest styles in Men's Tweed and Worsted Suits, Boy's
Suits—extra value. Rubber Coats, Overalls, Overskirts,
etc., striking value. Just to hand the nobbiest shapes
in American 'straw hats, gents' and boy's sizes at very
low figures. Fine assortment Men's and Boy's Felt
Hats. See my 75c line, $1 line, and $1.25 lines. Fur
Hats all prices.
Boots and .Shoes.
Not an old worthlesd dock by any means, but a
and fashionable dssortment, which will be sacrificed, as
I am positively closing this branch.
Examine my 25c Tea, and my twelve pound Sugar.
All general groceries equally good value.
A call solicited, even if only for compariso
Corner Main and Market Streete, Se b.