HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-05-11, Page 7n THE SEAFORTI1 RANCE MD LAND AC ONZO Sin° NT for 1110702111 Fillt-C1248 S a Thearence Compeniee, aud l� ke risks on the moat fayorable eenalt gent for several et the best eioan Se. gent for the Salearecl Purchase of beer ego Property. umber of First -au. proved Farms for Sal DO go 140/1). at Six Pee eelet Interest. the sale of Ooean Sten/nettle liebek Over M. Morrison's Stoee, ,eaforth. )NEY TO LOAN. rPoration of Morrie will loan $640004 t property, first mortgage at 7 per eau& payable mertussliy. Bor;eweee to For further FORST Psrtielaaxa S• Pr. TH1 Reeve Brussels Pe 0„ The • MEDICAL. 5., tee OB (WALD, M.D., 0. M. ,7*e urgeon, Aceoucheur, dte. Oftleenttd red. it lately occupied. by Dr. Ilu COTT, M« dre, Physiciereilnegeon aid imaoheee., seleorele,Ont, 01180eandtvel- ith side of Gotlericitt Streeteneaceee es* *Ittyterian Church. VEROOE, M. D., C. M.. PhysIoian, fese. rt,ete.,Coroner for the Conntyof 4 Residence, OU X&XVIEP street no 4ppositeSeaforth Public School. FANOVER,M.D.,C. /1d.. Graduate 01 lain University, Physic:flan, Surgeon nr, ffeafortkOnt. Office end Reside:011k de Goderieh Street. fleet Brick Rotten iejilethodiet Church. GEON,DENTIST. ATE of the Royal College of Denier, "eons, Canada. Office ha the roma :upied by R. Derbyshire, Whitney's • ations carefully perform.ed and iArltateed, Charges Moderate. -Teeth extracted without onto etamileateeetta 3.21N4-1_LiTSTIR;3r.. ATSON DENTIST, Gold Medalist and College ;old Medalist R. C. D. S. mealy years' experience he is able* all operations in Dentistry send* lg. Preserving teeth a Specialty. Ether Or Nitrifies Oxide Gas gitent. 1 Ma. ryes- Moderate. VII .irfeyer'S Block, Main Street, Seaforill. ••••••..R1 RTWR[QKT L. D. S., TRA TEOBD, ILI• be at. hie office, CADEri - ofBLOCK, SEAFORTI1, °epee eater the COmmercia/ Rotel, ea eieeDNESDAY and THURSDAY of each week. Nitrate Oxide Gas 'ea in the extraction of teeth, Thiess& eerriuistered by Dr. Cartwright dant ..erfeet Efile'ess, he having been one si introduce it into this province. Pa ng teeth extracted may inhele theme Olt or ten teeth extracted in a ute and a hale without disagreeable - it Parties desiring new teeth please otneedays. Pmticular attention 'mid Elation of children's teeth. Teeth la - tone to a full eet. 730-51 HOTEL CARDS. Oika-Z1D- nu Rowse, nruesels.-Hiving pea - this property, (lately ocertpied by Mr. ebell„)- 1 have refittedthe house* Tb.e bar is well stocked, and lea estler at the stables. F. FREY. Nee melte Dec. 5, 1882. E HOUSE, e Wexler's Motel) FORTH t ONT., Bos, PROPRIETORS. ••••••mmar••••••••• nmthg thereanagemertt of this House comp etety renovated and refurnish- hout witil new furniture in the best enables us to give first-elass ocoii- 1 uhlic. The -best braeds ot Cigars at the Bar. An nt.tenti" ys in at'erulance at the Rabies. tention given to the farming sew ere& mode e. Ro-yal Hotel,. CARMICHA'mq RTH, ONTARIO. AMES WEIR form his oid friends and the travel - lie that having purchased this newt ious hotel buirdinee he has thoretiglee d and re -fitted it from top itet _bate, I new one of the most comeMUDA11 ht hotels in the cotmty. By strict he wants of his customers he hovel are ef public. patronage. Thereon* rnistied and well heated. The'ber upplied with the best, and an at- . trust worthy hostler will always h* rt.. Good sateipie rooms for Compere .3 he "Royal Hotele" corner of ifila k Streets, Seaferth. 7es JAMES WEIR, Proprietor' •••.-",-,,•••••••• BELL, Provincial Lana ettlrvelv" I Engineer .Dreleeteley I/teapot/09e D. a CAMPBELL, klitehell BTT; SXAFORTH, Retail Deafer in LEATFRS .33 'DINGS et Every Deecription. ne Vary Beat Stock kept. Terms rial Eelicited. All orderaby no* aomptiyAlled. It • N. EISETt MAT it 1803. +43. litatittte Potat0e8. Betive potatoes have Wm disoovered be sailed haraYi floWdll• raa • • THE HURON EXiPOSITORk `mmentsue bettee from cultivation. To these mz its Lyehnist Phloz, Lupine, Sweet Williams. As a eonemencenient these could all be planted around the school', and as the eldldrente taste for flowers becomes developed, the cultivation of flowers might be extended.-Fariner's Advoeete. i* Ariz' one by Prof. Lemmon. They were found ha * cleft, of one of the high- est peeks north of the Apache pass, ander a tangle of prickly bush and cacti. Bager to Is.tiow if the Solantun found wee bulb bearing, he carefully up - meted the little tuber, which• proved to lie an undoubtedly representative of the no potato tamily. According to the researohes wed reatienings of Humboldt this was theilevatien to look for the home foi the epeoies from which our potatoes sprang. In/ May last, Prof. Lemmen sewn set out in searoh of more specimens, elioosing We Etuaohnea Mountains , as bis point for exploration. These mountains have two peaks ever 10,000 ?feet high, with sides furrow- ed into dee* canons, those of the north- east being , filled with treea, among which;are maple and ash: In July last eadiscoseered, the potato pleats he was searohing for on the northwest side of lie esaige,hidden a,mongthe rich bottom soil of a der in a diigh dalley. A few pints of the white species were found in full bioem, and further . on blue blossoms i Were ; found.' The white flowered seecimens formed tubers on Shorter sOternmeafl stems than the blue ones. The blue flowered potato ?lents seat off their runners from 18 in- ehes to Vied feet. July 12, they were in MI bloom. The blossoma were large, and the White flowered were of a oream white solor, with greenish Midribs to the w eals lobes. The su.bterranean stems • were not longer than these of our 00132- • mon potato. The blosliorcts of the blue lowered. -tire smaller, bright purple, with pale White midribs to the corolla, with fifteen or twenty flowers to it head. They ere found at STI altitude of about 11,000 feet in Tanner's canon, and. some et the plautieweire two feet high. Later in the season they produce potato balls el usual tip, coinparatively speaking. These native species of pote.toes,which may have/beenand very likely are the original netive stock from which all ear potattes now used have sprung. deserve e fair trial and careful propaga- tion to develop them to the size now s.tteined by our best potatoes. .By the 1st• of Shatember the blue flowered •plants foibned bluish oolored potatoes, oblong, about lf incites long by half as ' wideeindla third as thickiwith from four to ten unMistakeble potatoes on each plant. the white flowered plant pro - deiced wbite potatoes, nearly round, from half 9•11 inch to oneinch in diam- eter. These potatoes are unquestion- ably ind14enouti. • Still another_variety was found near the summititf a peak 10,000 feet high, ander the shade of fir, pine, and poplar trees, growing in soil kept moist during the greater part of the year by melting snow. Ita eodding balls of ripened seed were surtounded by goldein-rode and brilliant a ters. Their tebers were tin- tedt with rple, and seed balls were either soli ary or in pairs. Prof. Lem- inon breught back with him over three !parte of these small potatoes, corapris- eieg the different varieties, besides some Med balls. ' A.. hermit in these mountains, whom reef. Lemmon interested in his discov- ery, has recently written him that in digging. up the bed of an old pond he hes secured a lot of these potatoes, per- fectly white, as large ashen, eggs, which. . - i on being cooked tasted well, and have I all the appearance of very fine potatoes. Various cultivators have manifested the •utmost interest ia Prof. Lemmon's dis- sovery, and are making careful prepar- ations to cultivate the specimens he has fava.rcled them.-Pecifio Rural Press. A New Theory About Food. A German physician maintains that both the vegetarians and the meat eaters are on the wrong track. Vege- tables are riot more wholesorae than meat, nor meat than vegetables, and nothing is gained by consuming a pound of both. •r Whatever nutritive qualities they stay poem, he says, are destroyed in a greatmeasore, and often, by the process of cooking. • All food should. be eaten raw. If this practice were adopted there would be little or no illness among human beings. They would live their apportioned time and simply fade away, like animals in e. wild state, from .Id. age. • Let those affected with gout, rheumatisne, and indigestion, try for a time the effect of a simple, uncooked, diet, such ae oysters and fruit for in- stance, and they will find all medicine annecessary and such a rapid improve- ment of their health that they will for- swear all cooked articles of food at once and. forever. Intemperance would also it is urged, no longer be the mime of civilized com- munities. The yearning for drink is caused by the unnatural abatfaction from what ere termed " solids " of the aqueous element they contain - un- cooked beef, for example, containing from 70 to 80- per cent., and some vege- tables even a larger proportion of water. There would be le,ss thirst, and conse- quently lee a desire to drink if our food were consumed in its natural state, without first, being subject to the aotion of fire, Beautifying School Grounds. In the .rural districts the old log tchool-house has given way to the more imposing brick and frame structures, and the unsightly sneke fence to graceful picket and board leaves. • Accordinle, to the ;school law, oleo, accommodadon is required for ample play grounds. By a little atten- • tion on the part of school corporatians to Ornamentation and tree planting, a great deal eould be accomplished in training our young to a love of the beautiful, and also making their play • grounds so attractive that instead of going to school being a haiadship to our young tyroa, it would become a pleaaure. Besides the cultivation of this taste, important lessons in botany iieuld be deriveci from the study of trees, *bras and flowers.• . Why then should not our - school yards be made more attractive than they are at present? It could easily be done without trenching on the space devoted to the recreation of the pupils, even planting a few evergreens would add much to the appearance, and when the proper seaeon arrives, the native climbing plants from the woods, such as the Virginian creeper, cm easily be Mauna ; so can ferns and many native plants of great beauty, such ea hep - Mica, Canadian lily and many others feetnise to the children, which, when itemeplanted, grow freely with a little ettelltion, and become brighter and A Trained Eleeihe,nt, The following little incident is related as illustrating to what a reMarkable ex- tent the reasoning powers of the ele- phant easy be brought out, • as well as showing the control experienced animal trainers have over these huge brutes. A medium-sized Asiatic male elephant with the P. T. Barnum and. London Shows has been taught to perform the following: Dressed as a German, with a cap perched on his head,he is brought into the ring, and mounting,' a strong barrel he rolls it backward and forward with his four feet. He then takes a chair, sits on it before a table upon which is placed a bell, rings the bell, orders dinner, eats it, drinks out of a bottle, wipes his mouth with a big nap- kin, fang himself With a palm -leaf fan, stands on his hind legs, his fore legs, on his head, lies down, sits down upon the ground, rolls over, gets up, holds his trainer on his head, goes forward, back- ward, sideways, see -saws on a plank, plays an organ, walks on bottles arrang- ed in a row, carries different articles, takes off his clothes with his trunk,rolle a tub with his nose, sets it on end, site on it, and 'many other funny things, closing by pushing his trainer out of the ring. All this is done without a word being spoken to him. Too Hasty Marriage. Nellie Carlton, daughter of a Cincin- nati dry goods merchant, could not get along comfortably with her new step- mother, and so went alone to Milwau- kee, taking along a great deal of meney and valuable clothing and jewelry. For a week the kept to her room in a fash- ionable boarding ,house, killing time with novels and a piano. One after- noon she went out for a walk. She met George W. Bixby, whom she had known very slightly, and he, on hearing of her lonely position, proposed marriage. This struck her as a kindly offer, and they went immediately to a justice wbo united them. When she awoke next morning her husband and portable valu- ables were gone: • 1 The Russian Craven Diamonds. In view of the approaching coronatien of the Cm, the Court jewellers of St. Petersburg are new busy cleaning said preparing the insignia of the, crown, the value of which is estimeted at 32 milion francs. The crown itself, valued pe three millions, is adorned with magniP.- oient diamonds, fifty four enormous pearls without a flaw, and a ruby ef extraordinary size; it is of exquisite workmanship. The crown was made by Peetzie, the Genevese Jeweler, and was first used at the coronation of Catherine the Great. The sceptre,whieh was made for the coronation of Paul le is tipped with the famous Orlow die - mond, whichlike the Koh-i-noor came • from the treasury of the great Mogul. It temained for centuries in a rough state, and passing through various Jimmie it was at length ,purchased for a paltey vsum by an American,of the name of Lap - i a-rewi ,who had t but p Amsterdam where Alexio Orlow bought itfor 405,000 rubies, in order eo present it to the Empress Catherine. The Orlow whioh weighs eight carats heavier than the Koh -i -doer is valued at present, at eight million francs-Causeries. MoWiliop. • &nom BeiPosT.-The following is a report ofthe pupils of School Section No. 4, MoKillop, who obtained the highest standing in the respective classes:for the month of April : Fifth class-lst James Hogg, 2nd Wm. MO: Leod, tird Liza Shannon. Fourth class° -1at John Hogg, 2nd Lilla Shannon, ard Bella McKenzie. Third class -let Lydia Campbell, 2nd May McLeod, 3rd Letitia Campbell. Senor second-. lst Robert McGregor, 2nd Robert Socitt, 3rd Herbert Lawrence. Junior second -1st Bella Gordon, 2nd Wm. Hogg, 3rd Wm. Robertson. First part second senior-lst James Grieve, 2nd Robert McIntosh, 3rd Jeannie Grieve. Firlt part second junior-lst Bertram Gove; look, 2nd Colin Gordon, 3rd Matthe Beattie. Varieties. James Ferguson, Clerk of Seeision, had a habit of lending emphasis to his arguments by violently hitting with his clenched hand the bar before which he pleaded. Once, when stating a case to Lord Polkerrow, with great energy of action, his Lordship interposed, and. exclaimed - " Meister Jemmy, dinna aunt; ye think ye're duntin't into me,: and ye're just duntin't oot of me." t -At a country inn the boots being called, a lad in rustic attire presented. himself. 'Well, are you the boots r The youth replied-' No, I'm the stoclg- inga, sir.' • The traveller, not exactly. pleased with the aniewer, asked .him -1 What do you mean ; by stockings, you impertinent snapper?' Weel, sir; said the bey, with an unaltered coun- tenance, • I'm under boots, so I must be the stockings, sir. " Well, what do you want here ?I remarked Mr. Smith, as he sat up in bed and addressed a professional burglar, who stood in front of the bureau. want money and bonds,' hissed the burglar through his clenched teeth, 'and quick about it too." My friend,' retorted Smith, • I've been looking for those things for the last twenty years without success; go on with ,yotir burglary, rm sleepy?' It is reoorded that once upon a time an old lady, whose son had just been sentenced to imprisonment for ten years, stepped up to the judge Who had pronounced the sentence, and told hual she was surprised that he should sere tenoe her John for so long a term. She added "Why, judge, I've knowo John:a sight -longer than you have, and I knew he wont be oontented there al week." --et ewe • Farmers before buying your reaper ;and mower oil ask for and procure 1.81 sample of "Raiser" Machine Oil. It is warrantee' not to gum, and i� guaran- teed to give good satisfaction. 753-52 Now that the reaping and mowing season is coming on, farmers should remember that that "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the best reaper and mower oll in the market. For Fiala ky all dealers. 753-52 For bore eyes, incurable by all other 1 means, resort Eye Salve, an the prompt era • 62,2w. 1 to you • f. Churchill's Climax w111 be surprised at Price 25 ciente. 798, Highly Satisfactory. Impure blood and low vitality are the great sources ot most diseases for which Burdock Ble • • ;Bitters is the specific. S. Perin, Drugdst of Lindsay, writes that Burdock Blood" Bitters give more general satisfaCtion than any blood puri- fier in the marliet. 774.65. Is Your Hair Turning gray and gradually falling out? Hall's Hair Ikmewer will restore it to its original color, and stimulate the follicles to produce a new and luxuriant growth. It also cleanses the scalp; eradicates dandruff, and is a most agreeable and hitrmless dressing. 793.52 ?Now That there is eliable remedy for kid- ney trouble, ha1 the terrors attached to these comp' ts have been removed, For this let a11Ie thankful, and to Dr. Van Buren's !Kidney Cure award all praise fee having thus re- moved a hith .1 to fatal disease from our path. Ir was nosier known to fail. Sold by i S. Roberts. 770.52.789 hr • Grand Trains leave Se follows: runk Railway, rth and Clinton stations as GOING WEST—. INAPORTH. CLINTON. Express • 2:58 P. M. 1:17 P. M. Express Express d • 8:00 A.M. f3-42 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 8 Mixed Train. ' 540 P. M. 6:4:15 A. M 5 P.M; GOEINxpOreRs:B.T— EASORTH. CLINTON. • : 6:15 A.M. Express Train... 417824M8 i.1114. 1:17 P. M. Mixed Train.— 3:85 P. M. 8:50 P. M. Mixed Train.....9:80 A. H. 8:45 A. M. i London, uron and Bruce. Goma Nonesee London, depart Exeter Hensel.' Rippen Brneefield Clinton Blyth • Winghars, arrive GOING SOUTH— Wingham, depart Blyth Clinton Brimfield Hippen Bengali Exeter London, arrive • • • Express. Mall. A.M. P.M. .... 720 400 686 516 860 580 855 586 905 545 19 80 610 10 00 689 . 1085 710 Mail. Express AM. PM. 710 240 746 81* 820 850 885 405 845 418 4. 850 418 905 480 10 10 635 Giving IN B Owing to the purpose closing 1st of May, and customers in B country that I prices of all g to cost of remo All parties in invited to call a As 1 intend t - • the business for father at Seafor have a call from ers when in tow tunity of than liberal support Bayfield. AN THE QUE. smA.. FIREKEN'S TO RACE, H $382 IN', THURSE) up Business YFIELD. death of my father, I (minces here about the mild intimate to. my field and surrounding himake a reduction in ds now in etook equal 1. ebted are respectfully d settle. king an active part in erly carried on by my I will be pleased to 1 any of my old Custom- , and take this oppor- mg them for, the vere stowed on me while in ectfully, OEW KIDD. TEE Q1JEEN'S 13 in Seaforth thts tractive than in any =tints are in the ha and nothing will be the satisfaction ana favor the town with The proeeeding4oi Grand Fireman's . The Procession, hee start from the Rai and will parade th the Totanameut w consist of a run of hydrant, lay 100 yar water. Prises. -let 160; 2nd, a silver c. ment will be undee mittee oomposed of S_ BIRTHDAY oivria RNAMENT AND FOOT SE RACES, /cc, PRIZES $382. L .— L MAY 24, 1883. r-- •11THD AY will be celebrated tear in a manner more at - previous year. The arrange - es of an efficient committee, 41t undone which can add to enjoyment of those who may laeir presence on that day. day will oommenee with a r-be,ession and Tournament. id by a Brass Band, will ley Stetion at ten o'clock Dem, ncepal ,trete, after which pommence. The test will Q yards, connect with the • of hose and get a stream of 14 silver trumpet valued at e veined !A $25. The Tourna- the management of a cozn- he and Mr. A. Strong. W PARK. ethe spode on Fairview Park ?ireman's Foot Race, Open uniform. -200 yards. -18t • • FAIRVII • At 1 o'clock, ober will commence b3 a only to Firemen i prime, $5 ; 2nd, $2. • 11 0 R The following libe or: First Race. -P Old colts, only. -Mil heatless hone, There will bo no "d Race. -Purse $100. the counties of liar this bill, and that Mile heats. -Best t horse, 160; 2nd, *3 Purse $140. -Open peat three in five t 2nd, $85; 3rd, $15. RUL18.—The lace minion Association cent. of the puree. three to start or no • made with the Satire p. m.,on the 8rd o serve the right to of unfavorable wee Juness.-Wm. D Clandeboy ; John C mage, Wingham, at The band will be noon. Admission 25c. Admizeion to free. "GOD SA RO D. HOGAN, Presid • • Z RAO E8. 1 purses will be corn/feted se $60. -Open to three year ,beats. -Beet three in five ta 85; 2nd, *15; 8rd, $10. titmice" in this race. Second Open to horses owned in and Perth at the date of ver beat three minutes.- iee in five to harness. -let 8rd, $15. Third Race. - all horses. --Mile heats.- harness.-lst horse, 490 ; to be troited 'tinder the Do- ulese Ent:ince fee, 10 per gour homes te enter and ece. All entries must be tary not later than -10 o'olock May. The committee re-, tpone the raees in the event I; er. Brneefield ; . Dr. Batton, pbell, Brussels; John Dul- itg judge. 4, the Park during the after - the Park, 25c; Carriages e Grand Stand, Ific ; ladies T HE QUEEN." ERT LaLDLAW, Seeretaty: t. R SALE. Tit IIILDING LOT OE SALE. -For sale elleap, a Most eligibl sitneted and desirable build- ing lot on north Ma4n Street, near the business portion of the town The lot is well fenced and ramision can be gi en at say time. Apply at ZIPOSITOR 10IBoe, Seaforth. 797 T.TOTEL IN SEA RTH FOR SALE. -That 4 --aa, well-known biotel ie Seaforth, Bowden'* Hotel, will be ao]d on raonab1e terms. The hotel iv eommodion and ell fittad up and is now doing a large and pxofl$abld business. There is splendid stabling n coMiection. Satisfactory reasons given for ulitiig. Apply on the premises et :to Seafortk P. . JOHNBOWDEN, Pro- -787 PA BANKING HOUSE. SEAFCTTH. loFFICE—In the ormv8s former- ly occupied by 046,1Eu/rd. of Com- merce, and under the Commercial • Rotel, Alain Street. NOTES AND BILLS DISCOUNTED. riglieda and Foreign Exchange Purchased and Sold. ARMERS3SAI..E NOTES ParchaBed at Reasonable Rates. oney Lent on Collateral Seeuritlea rafts Issued, payable at par at all Branches of the Bank of Commerce. NTEREST Allowed on Deposit, Money to Loan on Mortgages. t. I): II A. -5r MS, Manager and ,Proprietor. 1 i3OPULAR HE following, Stallione ill stand for the im- provement of Stock dering the present aeon at the places below amed : ANAOIAN S :OTSMAN HE Young Canadian Stallion, "Canadian Sooteetan," will not trivq1 thie season, but wp1 be kept for the improvenaent of stock at his own stable, let 32, Mill oad, Tnckeremith. Terms, $12 to insure. S. BROADFOOT. Pro- prietor. 804-2 3ELL-16.• PI IS Vegetable 8icilian HAIR RE EWER eras the first preparation etfectly adapted to cure diseases of the sea s,and the first sue- crasful restorer of fade ok gray hair to itS atural color, growth, a d 'youthful beauty, It has had many imitatofs, but none have so filly met all the requirpneents needful for, tie proper treatment of jthe hair and scalp. LL/Ei HAIR REYEWER hes eteadily grown ii favor, and spread its aiiie end usefulnese • t every quarter of the kiobe. Its Ruparal- I led success can be atttll4lted to but one c use: the entire fulfil t f its promises. The proprietors have ften been surprised t the receipt of orders from remote coun- t ies, where they had uev rinatie an efforefor introduction. The use for a short ti e pf HALL'S Hine RENEWER wonderfully improves the per- ' sbnal appearance. It cle nOes the Scalp from *11 impurities, cures all htimors, fever, and dryness, and thus pre ents baldness. It simulates the weakened gliende, and enables them to push forward * new_.and vigorous g-owth. The effects of f.,his article are not tiansient, like those of aleoholic prepara- tions,but remain a long Ite, which makes its use a matter of econo y1 BUOKINGH lg'S DYE FOR T E WHIS ERS ill change the beard a natural trown, o black, as desired. It produces a permanent • lor that will not wash alwai . Consisting of a1 single preparation, it is applied erthout tr1onble. • PREPARY R.P. HALL & CO. ashila, N It Sold by all Dealers n l‘dedicinete 4yer's FOR AL fillE FO S jo P scromo:l, Mercurial, and • Blo Disorderge . , the best remedy, because the moot scare in and thorough blood -puri er,las Sar 1 Six bottle, Sold by all Druggists; S EAFORTH PLA ING MILL, SASH, 0001 AND B 410 FACTORY rJ3flE o thank hienameros !customers for the liberal jatronage extended to hira since eommenoing busi eee in Seaforth aind treats kat he may be favore4 with a continuance of lthe same. Partiesintending to build otld do well to give hien a c.alleu• he will continue te keep on hand s la ge stock of all kinds ef Dry Pine Dumber, Sashes, Doors, Blinds and Afoul inigs, Shingles, efeelso on fiden t of Wein s &Ideation tothoet w o may favour him with th irpstronage,aenone bu first-claepworkineuerea pipped. 14'artloutar'itt.euU�e paic to Custom Plenins 29E JOHN Fe ROADFOOT. • e "t3"Izt,_ kir S. PORTER EAFORTH. 1 C/.'ear Out my rniture regard. Lath, C. am determined to Entire Stock of I less of Cost. HOBE IN WANT, it w tain prices before pure giye a large discount to th peei, ally to newly manned o am still selling 'de hig $2.50. 1 sego ke p linowlt b t and oheape t in the T p rfeetly noiseleta. cy • arerooms dixectly oppo Mammoth Je w elry Store, M E et Side. Cash for hides, eking, trio& or trade. Cash for ev 625 , • J 11 pay them to aseer- sieg elsewhere. I se paying caeh, es• pies. finished chairs for n's Spring Bed, the market ; warranted _ te M. R. Counter's in Street, &aloe& re and tallow. No rytMeg. 8. PORTER. MOH SCHOOL ENTRAN E ExAsuNATION tillE 'next Entrance Bea•• Won into the High • School will be held in • e Righ Stahel build- ings, Seaforth, on Thrusd y end Friday, Jame q ested to send their names and 291b. Intending zarthedidatesundersareignre-ed that later than td --ay 24th. I. C. HARSTONE, Principal High School. N. B. -The candidata securing the higheet nember of marks at this examination will ?salve free tuition at the Seaforth High -School for the y4ar 1888-1884. Attention Is directed to the an- nenneement tioneerning diming in another 1 ealamar. 1308-4 O. DUNCAN, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, SUCCESSOR TO E. HICKSON & CO.1 Still keeps on hand a large and well -assorted stock of PUIIS Drugs, Chemicals and Patent Medicines, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs of every description, and a large stock of Handy Package Dyes in all colors. We have just opened out a large stock of Warner's Safe Kidney Cure and Pills. Also, RHEUMATINE, that wonderful cure for Rheumatism, ttoi And a large stook of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, that reliable cure for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, Burns, Swellings, Wounds, &c. Toilet articles of every description, such as Toilet Soaps, Perfumerys, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes; Circular, Back and Dressing.Combs ; Bath and Toilet Sponges of the finest quality - N. B.—Physicians' Prescriptions carefully and: accurately compounded, and all orders answered with care and despatch. 0_ IDT.71\TO-A_INT Next Door to Duncan & Duncan's Dry Goods Store, Seaforth. SEEDS! SEEDS! SEEDS! At 0. C. WILLSON'S New Seed Store, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. • A hill stook of the very beat selected seeds that can be found in any one house west of the cities, consisting of Sprig Wheat, Oats, Peas and Clover Seed, Timothy, Orchard Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Top and Rye Grass, Hungarian, Millet and Flax Seea, a lot of Black Tartar Oats, a quantity of first prize Lost Nation Spring Wheat, grown by James Dickson, Esq., on his gold medal farm in Tuckersmith ; Root and Garden Seeds of all varieties sold by the ounce or package. - Any Roots, Bulbs, or Seeds not in stock will be order- ed from the beat on the shortest notice. Call and examine my stock and be your own judge. O. C. WILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth. REMOVAL. Seaforth Musical Instrument Emlborium SCOTT BROTHERS Beg -Co announce that they have renloved to more commodious premises, ime door north of the Post Office, where they will be found with a largeanandWeell- selected stock of DUNHAM PIANOS, which are so well known dhihiy spoken of by all musicians. EXCELSIOR ORGAN.-Thesti Organs have re- ceived the highest rewards wherever shciwn, and have also received a diploma at the Industrial Fair just closed et Torii. We also keep in stock other Pianos and Organs, and all kinds of small in truments, sheet music and installation bo•oks. Age•nts wanted. SCOIIf BROTHERS, Seaforth. 4010 Let no °Ile novr omit to buy The fragrant“ Teaberry,” and try Upon the teeth its cleansing powers. And gain a breath like the scent of • flowers. Carry the i\IVV-43. NEAR Tmsolteutee, Ont., 1/%1.14,1 1. I have been ailing for years with bilioeeitess and dyspep- sia, and was reduced to a mere skeleton. I was induced to try Zopesa by Mr. Thomas, of the firm 01 0. Thomas & Co., drug- gists of this place, and, many thanks to him,I am now ale en- tirely new woman, and weigh 124 pounds through the use of this new compound. MRS. CAROLINE EioRBSs. Wife of 3iiir.R.G.Forbes. Lumsden & Wilson I —FOR WALL PAPER • WALL PAPER, WALL PAPER, WALL PAPER ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. An immense new stock just to hand, from the cheapest to the very finest gold papers. Call end see our sainpfee before purchasing. No trouble to shtlef whether you buy or not at Lumsden & Wilson's SEAFORTH. WROXETER MILLS. ALEX. L. GIBSON. Begs to announce to the Public that he has commenced to operate the WROXETER WOOLLEN FACTORY, and that he will- be prepared to give good Yalu° in FULL CLOTHS, TWEEDS, UNION TWEEDS, • FLANNELS, • PLAIDINGS, WINCEYS, and varieties in STOCKING YARNS CUSTOM CARDING, Spinning and Fulling promptly attendt I Parties from a distance -will, as far ea 1R500 BOTTLES MCCOLL, BROTHERS & CO. ssi poble, have their Rolls hoe with thena, and as he has put the mmill baba good working 'bider and employs none • but efficient workmen all work is warranted. Remember the Wroxeter Mills. --OF-- CLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR, The lilagie Cure for COMM COLD& & SORE THROAT, Sold during the past year, and the de- mand constantly increasing. This valuable medicine may now be procured from Messrs. Joseph Kidd t Son, Dublin, Mr. Jas. Drummond, Blyth. Andrew Govenlock, Winthrop. Jcvnt88 Casnpb4l, Walton. Wm. Scott,;;Bru,c' efield. Henry Schale?,, Kippen. Jas. Bontthi71; if Son, Hensoll,, And wholesale or retail from LUMSDEN & WILSON, Manufactexers, Seaforth. SECURE THE SHADOW. ANDPIEW CALDER, TinPEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHER, begs to tlate that he has returned home from Da- kota, and is eonvineed that "There's no place like home," and he intendeeto remain at home, and will henceforth give his entire personal at- tention te kis lamina= His facilities for doing good work are unexcelled, and he ean euarantee setishistion. Corea one, eome all, and Wing year relatione and friends and s•Mare the shadow ere the imbstanee fades. I ean wow mast* you 111, 8114 ean send 7011 011 your way rejoisieg. Just Jr, me and prove me. Chanel manatee Remember the yhtee-Soott's Block. thin Street,Seetarth. 762 • ANDREW CALDER. • TORONTO, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealera in LARDINE, CYLINDER, - BOLT CUTTiNG AND WOiaL OILS. , Our celebrated LARD onexoelled by any other Market. In recognition o merit we have received all E brand is oil on the its superior the HIGHEST PRIZES Wherever we exhibited since 1878, emong other awards a largr number of COLDAILYER&BRONZ .MEDALS„ Besides numerous Diplotiaa. It is warranted not to gum or clog, and as it Wears equal to castor oil is, therefore, the most profitable oil for those running machinery. la- Farmers, Threshers and BIM men should try it. For sale by WM. ROBERTSON & CO., 802-26 SEAFORTH. FOR' THE Residense of W. C. flouinlock, 4 Imams in • Seaferth, 4 houses in Harpterhey, 500 acres, partly desired, from 4 -to 6 miles from Seaforth, aner1,280 acres selected /Armin land in Birtle Distr.*, Manitoba. W. C. GOVINLOCKe E.&1110111,TIL • 4 ALEX. L. GIBSON,• . PROPRIETOR CHRYSTAL & BLACK,' PRACTICAL • BOILER MAKERS:- epliE Subscribers have bought the T,00ls and • 'an Boiler Business lately tarried on by the God. erich Foundry end Manufacturing Company, and -• havieg had an experience of ever eight years in that shop, are now prepared to carry oa the trade I in all its branches. Any work entrusted to us will receive prompt attentien. First, -class work guaranteed,. All kinds ef Boilers made and repaired, also I Smoke Stacks and Sheet iron Week, dm.,st rese sonable rates. New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired on the shortest notice, and at prices that defy come, petition. CHRYSTAL Be BLACK, 788 Box 103, Goderick. AMBER SUGAR CANE - MACHINERY. NEW PARAGON SCHOOL DESKS,: M. BEATTY & SONS, Welland, Ont. t sar Early Amber Cane Seed imported from the Southern States,. Send for Catalogue aree Priem. EYE, EAR - AND THROAT. OR. CEORCE S. RYERSON, L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. E., 'nature? on the Eye Ear and Throat, TrinityMedicalOollege, Toren - to, and Surgeon to the Vmeen *eat& Barin. &wary, Oonmilting Oculist and Auld to the linatitutIonefork_the Blind, Brantford, and for the Deaf and Dumb. Belleville, Ont Late Clinie eel Assistant Royal London Opithedade tal, HoOrilelds, and Central Throet iLI 317 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO; Way be =welted at the • AL/3IM HOTEL, STRATFORD* Oa the Last SATURDAY in IMAM