The Huron Expositor, 1883-05-11, Page 3.ond WATOME. rware, 1 a LOO ter Ra 8 ire 15k My stock Colored, Briglee Reelled Plate (Jewelry, nave ?item. Watobes, Crooke and 8 s very ooMplete. All the g Knight fitene the most rebel acturers, and great' care take election'. All geode warren resented, and if "aria aaaatiela giVeaa with each pieeei NSPECTICIPil Every desoriptdon of Watch ad Jewelry Gleaned and repai rorknaanlike manner, and iOve satisfaction. Reraem et advertise anything but wha stook. DIL R. 00UNTE tioa. Watehmaker and oust Come to a. - it yea clon't want to see th i epIendid stiodi CE NEW SPRING- CO Consisting of a large assortment ot nprene code,. Tweeds and Laces, Lace Collars and Ladies.Yotions. lso Boots and awes, :Groceries, Hardware of all kinds, Crockery and Glassware, a received by the untiereignedt whet roughly refitted and painted hie stem die are kindly .ivited to come and canatet - tock No tr Me to show gooda. Mos le price paid fo all kinds of farm produna ' 304-3 - JOSEPH MORROW. OHAMPION eapers and, Mowe utfacitured exelusieely by the Joseph Company of Oshawa. OCESTIONS TO FARMERS A�pi PIPCHAS/NO. [ERE being many Beepers- and Mowers in parket, and each paieessing some deo* it might be difttouit, without some red* f• or a fanner tf make a selection that vest re in the loeg run eatisfacto y to hin. eipal poiras are—aightn. ss (compatible 10160 agta), daraeility, simplicity of conateneting‘ of operating in all kinds and oonditionaida and grain. In these the Champion will ell* favorably on all pointe, and in many will It has been thoroughly tested dn. eeasons, when many machines were to useless owing to the heal"'crop important point to conaider at the of labor)—the Champiort was always :to do its work, to which hundred& of tesilit frtaa all parte of the Berainion ma 114 Med to attest to it, not forgetting old Hatell;; are willing at all timea to give other ea their jest daze, as 'nothing hi made sentittion, but we want it under& O not pretend to competo in price with tie inferior wooden cast iron machines ' numberiese letehes and syringe. We. etli Nerrepion on ita merits, and aa it has a'war reputatiaa, we will try fur our ts and that of our many oustomere nain.taiu it. See the Champion and lore you purehase. The Beaver drill—iiw l—alwaye kept on hand in Beason. Scuff:tem, Turnip Beware, Plows-, and la that line. JAMES STE WART, Agent. aoorna---Maia Street, next door to POM ery. lir:undersigned, having been appointed *ha .P#FEDERATION MFE 'ASSOCIATIONg . droner of it ening the lieriaof all _ iforth and surrounding eountry, oaltiti itatiefactrier provision foe famillesantitrialat,t," ro el death. This at undoubtedly the MC unee Company doing businese in CanatitIN 7 i. A /oak at the Daily Globe or Man it: tat, will eatiaty any masoaahls iotGall at once ou JOHN BEATTIE, . Agent, Saler* B.—Money to Loan on Farm or 11/4,0,11' rty on the easiest terms of payment OHM iterest. 301 OTIOM EAFORTH PUMP FACTORYt nudereigned would beg Ieam to Inks to his many friends and =stoma ry libraI }rapport accorded him for gm kra, and would say that he is stillat the -where he will be most happy to a o1deastoreers, and as many new enell aor hire with a cali. Ile is also iieh Wind faits of the hat make ,-one of which la tits- Standard Mill. self regulating—making about eas per minute with a light breeze, u, a storm. Re is also prepared to amps with the mins and also for Solielted before purchasing. 01_,T3 -FF, Seaforth Pump Pedal LISSELS LIME WOOK TOWN & stkive ,abscaibers take this opportunity ot ruing thanks to the inhabitantsof inity for pant patronage, and bee to ring made several improvements moth t of hurtling, they are nest mition than ever before to easel, vithfirst-clasalime. being the ninth season of our tin Brussels,and having given lag [Infection so far, the public MU g. good treatment and altirst-olars • .1-clesslime at 15cgash. spot.—Brusaele Lime Works, TOWN & uti :Lad& Wean. gialases, sear•tee the akin, Waster has eft• a' day i Doss derusest,eat, yo're &uteri in— Ts bear sea what 1 aay 1 dens t' the Artesia enliterte'atere iten-t ageselt: till *been lab: • Yor sian'in Isi *hal Saloon heside,the h le eheele, Hand beck yer link tv Are dines stn' IAA it r the lire— Note mind my repri 111 tell yr dad when 1e carom haute, 241.1 ace what I* WA .ay; in' 3Kate will ..at the tOneie pear Aunt gave me yeateMay. Loeb me, :,ere in that tub agafn, Tar vary socks era wet as splash— Alit watt' 4 ' your erg, The maker for a boat. Look keep me, what a Ieoht I , Dune, Ounnert Id' th s wark ; Tont 1:dts o' baits are 04 t wi' west— wet rigiat through t" the east. 0 goih mr, bairn I my daunderin' wean, 6 t' yet mither'a 80 ; : Ter legs are cauld, ate our wee likell AO just as mold's be. cla Noo, dons greet, the b nnie pear . ' Is &COW in the pree 1 Whereer it waukeni I w eel 131 for sr Wee bit kis . Gaietieri . ........____ It is a poor time to Inand a 4arrow when it should be at Dm) work in the field: .....1* jo vos schwa e enough, budt tree Vag too blOndty." V marken Hans, when his girl asked 1 im to take her mother along to the den e. —The notion of ha vi' g your house seunected with the elan h by telephone ,i is uttelly absurd. How a your wife to see bonnets by telephon I ' .—oThank heaven," ez laimed a fond father, as he paned the fic c. r at midnight with his howling heir; " thank heaven ' you are not twins I" _ —Absence of ventilation, badly ar- ranged entrance of lighC and hay -racks ever their heads permit ing seeds and tiest to fall hate( their eyes, are referred te as prolific sources c\f blindness in 11"898. 00 —estant cleanlinest is the price of pure butter, andtit Will, ay in 'the end. A plentiful supply of b c ding, either be eisegle grass or straw, ihould be given Me cows every night, Wii)istila will prevent much trouble on the part of the Milk - nen. • —1,_ little bey was out brother shooting. The ehurchyard. There in Was sitting. The boy It, to the horror of his who exolaitned "Oh, Tommy ; what have you been and due? ou have been and shot a oherryb re t" —Al a recent .fancy-dtess ball at Sid - key, Australia, the wife f an editor ap- peered as the "Press." j Her dress was made of several °vies eJ her husband's paper, printed in ooloret inks on white satin. Tile" fortunate editor's, subscrip- tion list has perceptibly noreased since this shrewd bit of adyert ising —I well known Presi yterhin clergy - mated one of the hewer °lower° coun- ties, somewhat f$1110tig Its a Wit, was approached by a Baptist lergyrnart with the question ;. "Well, nether, Teem going to leave a new bell for our church. What sort would you1 recommend ?" There was a twinkle beh: nd the Presby- terian parson's glasses, a d hi answer- :dezromptly : " By all "ems a diving- ,' • —" Children, what must et' man do 'before her Out go to het4ven ?" asked a teacher in a Sunday school. A good box 'would have known the roper answer at once and replied that a man must be at least decently honeat, condition which wonld exclude nee ly every office- holder in this country abate the declare- tiOn Of independence, bit a little boy, who was too literal to .b satiefactory, answered, He mut die,I sii." —A. little bey, amusiu himself one day, was astoniehed at au ping a railway train passing down the Buchan hne. Bunning to his father e exclaimed, in an excited manner, Eh, fadder, faddor, earn 'ere an' set this—there's a smiddy run aff an' a re,* o' hooses wit I" —Here is one of the ecent sayings it Dr. Talmage—t When we find a man sontsmptuous of labor, and acting as though he never worked at all, and as though his ancestors had ever worked, we /cake up our mind tl at if we go a little farther back in that mart's =oas- t/al line we will run again 4. a scaven- ger's cart, or •upset a soap -boiler's kettle."' —The Rev. Whangdood, e Beat re - Gently met Jim Webster. " What s de reason, James, dee I don't, see yer at de ohursh no moel ?" asked 1 hangdoodle. Because 1 wasn't dar 1 reckon." "But why wasn't you dar ?" "Ill tell you parson, pereactly howl at am. Eber since I stole dem turke a oaten your heasoop1 has done lost a confidence in myself." THE BELIDENIS CH ICE. Genteel in personage; Conduct and equipage ; Noble by heritage, Gel:menu and tre. 13rave, not romantic ; Learned, not pedantic;. Frolic, not frantic— This mutt he be. Honor maintaining, Meanneteedisdaining, Still entertaining— Engaging and nei Neat, bat not finical; Rage, but not cynical Never tyrannical -- But era r true! with 'his big came to a a tree an owl th a gun allot little brother, - —A. little Scotch boy, about four or five years old; was ill with fever, and the doctor ordered hi hoad to be . Ted. The little feliowi was nnoon- Scotus at the time, and kn. w nothing ; of it. A few daysafter, wh n he was sonvalescent, be happened to put his tad to his head, and aftet an amazed tilense he shrieked ' out, ‘‘ Nfither I anther ! my head's barefoot" ,--An Amerioan gentlema , who was on a tour through Scotli rtd, visited liolyrood Palace. The guide who was tying him over the place ointed out 4 stone to him, saying, " This is the stone whereon Queen Mary nelt when flOttiag _ married to Lord Darnley." q. Oh," said. the Qankee, a pping up and. looking at it, "darn my old stook. 112g8, ba 1 see the mark o her knees teat • i---&reclsut1y elected in agist ate,boast. 0 hi popularity with t & Weisberg, Proudly e claimed, "1 had t ree-thirds 0' the voters on. my side.' "Tht'es- thirds r said his listener. " Od, yetd hsett them at," "Gee 'we wi' ye; ye haveria? fule," replied the intelligent WU*, " hoo cud three thirds be them hiding triumphantly," r there lit°13:1;;11411:*4:11:PeNNI:tiflti,sealkidMeiG311Y.tholtural3111:°:11°Ciaitill 7:: geitilihd:C:Wl; you CM the ban will ha meat a mistake; the ban carrier." There is but a I well in a A mini districts ginia, giv he had with a woman there recently "Is yonr husband a home?" ting. He killed get baek yourdesk at anbout a month, but you 10 remain under treat- , haat & year." "Bat you I am not . Mr. Blank, er, bdt Mr. Blank, thelletter- " Oh, that altosthe case. nothing th matter with you ttle bilious es& ron wilt be week I" sappre ter laboring f Fayette the follo enslon. in the mountain linty, Went conversation eNo; two who "Does "1 gu takes his "Have here ?" "1 don't know if h wit. Yon oan go behi look at the pile of hid oan find any of theit s o is coon hu ing big coo 10 fear the s he does un with hi on any P last Sunday." ord ?" 'cause he always ." byterians around hata killed. any or d the house and to see if you ns." aved by I Sally. Not fon since a yo 'rig In ell in Car- son got mirried and Btrtod for Cali- fornia witb his young wife. As he boarded the train his f ther bade him good-bye, and gave brn the paternal blessing. "'1y son," saidthe 4ged sire, shaking with emotion eto., "remember these words if you never see ne again: Never go into a place where you would not take your Wife." county, huit wnk the old man aif d l'he o uple settl d . in Mariposa ed went den to visit hem. He propos- ed & bear, unt, and tb y were fortumete enough to track .a gri ly td his Asir among some of the • owlderii in ithe chaparral. t, As the two appro- .hed, the bear roused up and sent fo th a growl of defiance which shook,te treee "Go in there and ' 'in" said the l . old mane excitedly. The son held back, arther acquaint- ance with the bear gee e ing in some re- spects undesirable. " Count ine out,s! he 'd. I i Have 1 crossed the seas and settled in A.mericsi to raise a c. ward 71' shouted the father, lbrandishin his gua. ei I but recollect yeur advice Wheu . I lef Carson,' was the re ly. allow can - 1 forget year sage pre.. pts. Didn't you tell me 'lever to go wtiere I couldn't take my wife ? How wou1d al look there With that bear ?" The oldtan °hope his dutiful son , to his booti, and as the bear issued forth, exolitimed : "Speaking of Sally, let us hasten home; our prolonged abaenoe Blight cause her needless alar In about fifteen mi reached the ranch, the old ma* a little ahead, and the distanctlt was about four miles. utes they had The Banking "What does this 'er an old farneer as he en Albany the other day a printed blank which ha with pen and ink. "It means that the which you have endors pay it." "What, that Brown 16 Yes." "And he hasn't paid " "Well, what's that did was to. write • my back." " That's enough t the debt. ft was a r motet." "Yon don't say so I pictur ; he said he SiM name there to signify hira. So I've got to pa yene usiness-, mean i" asked red a bank in d laid down a beeu fijlled out aker of 1 a note hasfj1ed.. to ate?" t?" me All I name on the hold you for gular endorse - Concern his ly wanted my bat I tanOwed it t" "Well, well! Even as big a fool as .1 am can le rn somethi g new if he 1 only sets ab ut it in the right kind of speerit I re learned mere about bank- ing business in the last s x minutes than I ever knowed in my halide." • The 7erain1ne A persor, ho has ma month the I subject -of volunteers his conolusio eweethearts,,. They are If her mouth is very not much mind, hat ove sentiment. If she posses moith she will possess the trouble is in kissing Large mortths put a ra teat; he Wilbe driven whether to begin at o conclude on the other. Mont O the f much a to mod as follo small much ea a ve good b 't. n to an artistic, o his its' end e oornler and. eke a dea o h. minine study, es with QS': here is hallow y large ai n, but ✓ to heroio dash et the middle and e r r to reach both corners. Bat if 'oti are a kissing &diet it can be 'Ic overed nicely enough. , • If your - sweetheart formed resou h, she will full of stron noarse poi and will raise a row in t se a arsely- e sensual, and te of character, LO family. If she heti a del cately-ferra d mouth, with rounded lips and of a velvety color, she will have mach sensibili y and perfec- tion of charm ter, but no astonish by her briflianoy of conception or execu- tion. It is a good mout because it is kissable and submissive. Shun the blue -lipped or thin-lipped women; they will bore you to death with literature or wome 's rightntheor- ise while you, want your inner, or spoil your teraper With their r • hot, scelding tongues. Mrs. Jo lot's P118 canaent. "Don't thi4ik of the 'tassels on your boota as you walk the at eets," said old Joblot of Vir 'nia City o his heevite- bangled wife, as she stared out tohio a little shopprg the o her morning. " Just keep y ur mind oi the icy sides walk, and keep a thinkinl of how you'd look if your heels ehould, get too far in front of you.' Mrs. J. ver properly b need the door in the old b nte's face, and departed; but she had'n got fifty yards frona the house before he found. herself sliding down the s eet. Her foot caught against a roo , and she was enabled to atop and thin She ceuldn't very well sit down. 8 e dared uot move her foot from the friend* little rock. She was in a fix. - Captain Sa 4ather or grandfather, a toothless; an3l ully old Pinta, happen - pd to be o1os bts He was standing on the opposite ludo of the street, con- templating the rather elegant pose of Ws. J. with evident interest. Her nightfoot was well braced against the ,rock,- bit ser she had no safe restin place for the left foot h hl • .1 , er w o • weight "Me upon the right—tbe right—cer. tainly,, the whole wei ht rested upon the r right. She oall d to the aged Indian in the realest tones: .. ' "Come here, Jin*." But he only reepon ed With a glassy *tare. Mrs. J. essayed a little, delioate fiettery. She prom ted him ' right awe : mS he co "Come hel ()apt Captain ji It didn't work, ome ow; but for his open eyes the old bey seemed to be asleep. Mrs. J. be sine desperate. This thing of itsndjn there on one leg had got mod tono s, and ehe was just going to settl� do n and take a sort of natural 't mat" down the street till the ice -pack as ol tined when slat was suddenly hore. with an idea! She held up a fitiy c nt piece before the gaze of the feeble d homely old savage, and he Ii out for her as if a galvanic battery had been Untied on him. He was by her s de in a ,minute. He grabbed the if -d litr and Mrs. J. grabbed him, an4 the side by side, they slid and oho ed d in the hill. A lady friend of Ir. joblot came along just in tire to eta her hanging on fervently to di • shoo ngly dirty and ill -smelling old a vagtel find of course i she has told every', I dy he story of Mrs. Joblot's Pinte roe- It ! Peter Cooper as a Finatoier. t Peter Cooper w s always a careful and prudent busi OS mane He was strongly opposed to the methods of many merchants, who launched out into extravagant e terprises on borrowed money, for which hey Paid exorbitant rates of interest. ; noe, while talking about a project witi an acquaintance, the latter said he would have to borrow the money for six nonths, paying inter- est at the rate of ilirea per oentum per month., "Why do you bcrrow for so short a time ?" Mr. Cooper asked. “Beoause the br kers will not eiego- tiete bills for longer." "Well, if you wi h," said Mr. Cooper, " Iwill discount ythir-note at that rate for three years." " Are you in earnest?" asked the would-be borrower. "Certainly I am. I will discount you note for 510,000 for three years at any ate. Will you do it?" 1 s' Of coarse I will "eaidahe merchant. "Very well," sak Mr. Cooper; " just sign this note for 10,000,, payable in three years, and gi e me your check for S8/0, and the transtiction is complete." " Butewhere is th &eked the astonish° ",Yotedon't get $ y money," was tbe reply. t it Your inte est for 36 months, at three per oentutn, is 510,800 ! there- fore your check for 800 just m,akes us even." , I The force d his ptactical illustration of the folly of payie such an exorbi- tant price for the I ise of money was MO that the tri rch,ant determined never to borrow at s oh rniicions rates, andi he frequently ti ed to say that noth- ing bould so fully b ve convinced him ., as t its rather hump one proposal by Mr. Coo er. • in Jim. Oh money for me ?" merchant. Value ojWaJk1ng. Apropos of Prof.! Sergeant's recent statement, that walking of itself is of no val e unless it is sp'rited and vigorous, " Q ill " gives his e in the "Boston Jou "For the past tvi Iva years the writer has been a regal r and systematic waliter. For Reset 1 years he suffered from insomnia, and y the advice of his physician adopted Iv lking as a means of eiereise. He le rned from physi- cianp both in this cl untry and Europe that medicine -was 0 little account for that distressing mal 'dy,'and that one's constitution and nt de of life would settle the matter of r covery. He, there- fore/ began a regular system of pedes- trianiem—a half-hou s walk after break- fast .-zi the morning, half hour's walk after dinner, anothe from five to six o'oldpk, another fro seven and a half ta nue o'clock in th evening, without regaid to tbe weath r.0 The evening walk has, of course, een subieot to in- t- terriiptions from en agements, though even then a walk of n hour or so has generally been secur d before bedtime. On Sundays from fo ' to five hours' walking is done. T is has been kept up steadily for twelv years, and le still continued. The re It has been ability to slCep soundly fors yen or eight hours," a constant good app e ite, good digestion, and almoet entire ini unity from colds. This system has not ecu regarded as a task, and is now keep up from choice. The writer thorough y believes, trim his o n long oxperirioe, that walking of it If is the best krown elercise,espe- daily for persons of edentary Occupa- tion ike himself, an that it is a Wrong 'theoify for a person to spur himself when tingeing in it. perience as follows : " If n good conditio , the pedestrian will oon find hinisel striking a quick paoe,I without thinki g, and if he does not t Ile feel impelled ae may be sure ‘that e had better I Walk moderately. The 4xeroise 10 suflioently exhausank When _taken natura1lij, and it is just as easy to overdo in thisl as in more violent format of physical adt ,The Scottish Sa.bbath of the I Past. 1 Dr. Cochrane of Brantford, the Can- adian Moderator, pr aching a sermon the other day in his o n church on the death of Mrs. Philip, 8 native of Strath. kinnes, Fifeelairee sai • "Let us learn from theacharacter a d attainments of our departed friend the value of re- ligibus-training in eat y life. The fam- ily of a faithful Soot `eh 'clergyman in the olden days was as near to paradise as can be witnessed a on earth. Nest- led among the hills, d surrounded by every natured attract ; that was cap- able of ministering t receptive mind, the taanse-and manse garden were em- blematical of grace e d beauty. The quiet atmosphere that pervaded such a dwelling; the stated hours set apart on Sabbath and wee • days for social _ worship and oatech ticel exercises; the holy engagemh t of the father, and,the constant in hange of views and opinions'on subj s of the higheit importance, tended t foster in the children a seriouanessl and earnestness of purpose that pro aced .men and wotnen of sterling int tYland rugged piety. Scenes like t se Were sacked, the easoctiations hallo , the sons and daughters virtuous. est with health, and Peace, and sw content, and' standing like a wall of fire around their . much ioved isl 11 'MYR - ON XPOSITOR, MERS, IT WiLL PAY too —TO (JAIL AT URONICO NpRY,. NEAR THE RICO SOHO L,SEAFORTH, And Rae our k of 3 Wh oh has been made especially for tnis county. I have greatly improVed my g Plow for this season, and feel esti lied in saying that it is the best in the market. O LAND ROLLERS Are large and he vie running light and doi g good work. Our • • aRAIN RUSHERS Are nade from hard iron, and will last long r than any other machine made. Ha ng special 'tools for reoutting Roll rs, we oan gi&rantee eatisfactien. Spe ial attentioij given to repairing Stealin• Engines, aw and Grist Mills, Reapers, Mowers Threshing 'Machines, andall kinds of 4iaohinery repaired on' shor notice) and at reasonable rates. To otraotors nd others — Bridge Bolt and Castifigs at lowest rates. Quo Minns furnished, on application. PADLOCK NIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST. t:JJ sapedS ga;x�nc�.p►s�H msITO pug MISCELL T IME LIME! LIME. LA wil open hie Lime 17th of April, and w Tuesday and 'friday fro p tn., el the season, an the week. NEOUS. MR. T. OTIORNISH rks in Henna, on the be there on every 8 o'olOck sa tn. till 4 at Exeter every day of 800-6 VOR El .LE—The undentigned offers for .sale J; two thoroughbred ,Durham WU calves geven m tithe' o d ; ilre, " Morning Star; dam, "Queen Of Brussels.," [Entered in ew• herd book; edigree given. ,Terats—Casul. May be seen pn Lot 18, Concession 2, Morris. . JOSEPH SETTAIS, Bluevale P. 0,4 1 801 illtilLL YOB SERVICE.—The subscriber will -EA keep that Thoroughbred Short horned Dar - ham B , " Lord Lovell," aged 15 months, at his farm, Lo 28, Concession 8, Grey township, for service d ring the coining season. "Lord Lovell" was bred by I. and W. Watt, Salem, 1 county of :Wellin ' ft, got by Barmiiton Hero, [6595] -dam Metchle of Elmhuret 2nd, got by Baron Lou= 8rd, [458 ] 25617, grand dam Matchless of /final - lar 2nd, y Cambridge Duke 2nd4 [4721] Matchless 19113 by tatesman [4119]; 115589, (82607) Match- less 16th hy Senator (2741), Matchless 10th by Lord Stanley (16454), Mayday by Master Butter- fly 2nd (r18), Mayflower l by the Baron (13888),May Bo by by Vandnnek (10992(, Matchless and by Fairfax Blue' (6987), Matchless by Holkar (4041), Premium by George (20557)„ by Togeton (5487), bred by Mr. Lang. , Tintirs.1--Grade eows $4 each, Thoroughbreds - $8 each. Cows retarneil regularly not in calf tiharged print°. tree 1. cows brought before A.....,i t payable in Se i naber, those broaght after payable Dmember Is, 1— a Cows from a . distance will be fed and astnred at ressonable rates. " LordLovell's" dam en aim; have tike1s1 piste, or gold or silver me ale wh ver shown: 801-12 - DA ' 111 , Proprietor. , SEAFO TH HORS INFIRMARY. Q0RNES of Jarvis and erich Streets, next door to the Preabyte Church, Seaforth, .Ont. All diaeasei of Ho . cattle, sheep, Or any of the donnestioateot animals raccessfully treated at the infirmary or elsewhere on the ' ahortest notice. Charges modente. JAS. W. ELDER, Veterhi*ry Surgeon. P. S.—A large !stock of Yc.aryMedtnci kept constantly oit hand. • CENTRAL GROCERY. SEED SEASON OF 1883. t/ ' Our titook of Seeds are now complete and fully assorted. Clover Seeds, Red White, Alsike and Alfalfa Timothy Seed, Orchard Grass, Red Top, Rentnolry Blue.Graes, Mixed Lawn Grass, &o.; Two and. Six Rowed BarleYs White Rus- sian, Early Angus and Black Austrian Oats. Seed Peas expected daily. Our stook of Field Carnot, Mangolds and Turnip Seeds are all fresh and new, and prices lower than ever, also a new stock of Flower (Picks) and Garden Seeds. We are Paying the highest market price for Clover and Timothy Beed; also Oats, Peas and Potatoes. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Our stock in this department was never better assorted. Prices as low as any lions& in the trade, and quality of goods seoond to none. We hold large stooks in Canned Goods, put •up bytthe beat Ametioan and Canadian packers. Splendid !sine in TEAS, SUGARS and COFFEES. Prices on application. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Our stook in this line is simply itamense. Goods must be seen to be ap- preciated. Intending purchasers will do well to give us a call before buying. No trouble to ishow goods and quote prices. Flour and Feed on hand as usual. Goods delivered promptly. - 141D14 &W & FAIRLEY; Main-st., Seaforth. HO t FOR MANITOBA, ONE BF THE FIRST REQUISITES... Pattie S going ta Manitoba would de walla° secure a supply of Bobb's Celebrated Ctowi Moats Before starting. Last season I- =piffled man, oas perties, and they all expressed themeelves yell satisfied, and found third their ineestoseat paid them welL 1 ham also supplied A "owl many this season, but have still' a large quantity on hand, which I wil famish on the most favor- able terms. Every penman going to Manitoba, or the North.weet, should not /sal .0 get a molly Before they start. The Local Trade Liberally Dealt With. or All kinds of aura resets kept eonsiantly on band at ray streeeu store, Main street, Beer lorth, and sold in large or small quantities. UI l HAD MOH A came LOT AI THIS SLUM GROCERIES. AU kinds fresh, pure and cheap, at natal. Pest - 'begone will save money by buying from pie. Remember the spot, Sterk's Blot*, Main *Week Seaforth. HUGH ROBB. • N. 113.—I keep constantly on band a fitU supply 6f King's Specific, a sure vire ter Dye- pepsis and Indigestion. Any who bare need ft will ream:mend it to their neighbors and Mender Seat by mail on receipt of price. Sole agent fee this part of Ontario. HUGE( ROBB, Seaforth. AMERICAN, CANADIAN AND ENGLISH WALL PAPERe 'PRIME NECESSITY OF LIFE. A NEAT AND CON FITTING PAIR OF BOOTS AND SHOES. There is no Conifort in this World Without It. WILLIS, THE *PEOPLE'S SHOEMAKER, SEAFORTH, HAS THEM. i I never "blow," and I always tell the truth. I have As nice and sheep a stook of BOots and Shoes as can be found in the County of Huron. Every line is fully represented, from the iargest and strongest cow hide to the timeliest, most stylish and neatest ladies' slipper. Every person ehould call and examine roy stook before purohasing elsewhere. It elways affords me the greatest pleasure to wait upon customers, especially when they know what they want, and when they don't knoW I can tell them. ORDERED WORK A SPECIALITY. lat- I do my Own cutting and fitting, and having had many years' practical experience, and make money, can guarantee a nice, easy fit every time. Remember, if you want to get sati WiLUS is your man. The right spot is the corner store, at the junction of Main and Market streets, Seaforth, and "don't You forget it." • R. WILLIS, The Pecple's Shoemaker. J. McLOUGHL1N, Whitney's Block, STOOK LARGE. AND WELL -ASSORTED IN EVERY DE- PARTMENT WITH THE NEWEST GOODS OF THE SEASON. Dress Goods choice cvnd cheap. Black an4 Colored Cashmeres. Prints—large assortmsnt and splendid value. Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, Collars, Laces aompletS. Full range et Parasols. Ducks, Denims, Cottonades, Tweeds. Felt and Straw Hats in great variety. Small Wares, &c. 1111=••••••••=111•111==.• MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Will be opeaed. on SATURDAY with the leading styles o• f the season, all new and fresh, and at prices to suit every buyer. All invited to examine the stock and °wpm* prices. Everything marked at its lowed price in plain figures. A full Stook of the beet value in Groceries at bottom prices for Cash and Produoe. J. McLOUGHLIN, Seaforth. J. L. SMITH IS NOW SHOWING A Complete Stock for Spring & Summer. Dress 9oods in all the leading shades—Cheap EXTRA VALUE IN BLACK AND COLORED CASHMERES A 1711111 Range of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. ALSO JUST OPENED A LAME STOCK OF PARASOLS. IITS3POTTOINT Il•TVITMD. L SMITH, MAIN STREET, SEAPORT& One &or south ci Mr. Kidd's hardware store. Spring patterns just to heed* About 600 designs in all the latest colorings, from five cents to $1.25 per roll. The largest assortment and the best value in the -country at O. W. PAPST SEAFORTH. BORDER DADOS ,h ND— CEILING DECIRATION PAPERS. Beautiful asso '61sit. of Paper and Cloth Window lin , Cord, tr' Fixtures, earpeC Paper', (he. C. W. PAPST. PAPST The Jeweller's, Is the place to go for good reliatitle WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWEI..RY, SILVER-PLATED WARE OR SPECTACLES,. All Warranted as -essnied, or no Sale. liemeerneraveramons-weer Come and Examine aid b. Convinced. Repairing Done and Satisfatation Guaranteed. 0. L. PAPSt, Sign of the Big Clock, Main Moe* Seaforth. ,•••••••ameneedela I ANCHOR LINE, '11.S.Men f!tesussektps Sail from New York evez7 Signally Ise GLASGOW via LONDONDERRY, Cabin passage, 660 to $80. Second:Cabin, WI. Steerage, Outward 628, Prepaid 01. LIVERPOOL& QUEENSTOWN SEPIK Prom Pier No. 41 N.B., Now Tont, Ifl7BNE8SIA: Bails ApriI21, May 26, BELGRAVIA. " Mity 12, June 10. Jab OITY OF ROME lane 9, July 14, Assestli. Cshin passage $60 to *125 awarding to modations. Seaond Cabin and Steerage ea ahem. ignehor Line Draftissued at lowest rates ins paid free of charge in England, &Wand mid • h‘land. Por passage, Cabin Plans, Book of To ins apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Wew York or to 8. DICKSON, Foot Mee, EirBELL'S MILLS, KIPPELNA 'JOHN MeNEVIN, Proprietor of these well knownadpeps um now got everything in flrstda Order, to and is prepered turn out an artiste ....1 FAMILY FLOUR which counot be aia. eelL�d y any mill ni the country. GallITINEi Dont Wilma TIM ROW WAITS YOE IT. Row enhanged tor !died. Ohaoplft et ilia diteription pront7tly attended to Mem. Bran always on Hand, and =kJ at ibe market prices. Btmenaber the popular JOHN MoNEVIN, Xfigseu