HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-05-04, Page 7MAY 4, 184 I stoassoatasmanaiwa THE SEAFORTlif iNCE AND LAND MOW NzOt slicoNG 1' tor several Pirst-Class Stock, arese Etter:trance* Companies, stnd is prepeee rL sks ore the mose favorable terras. ut for several of the beat Loan ' ut for the Sale and inrchase of Ana e Property. ,M••••••••••••,••••••••••, SSW mber of Pint -awls proved Farms for Sale, tx to leoure est *Ix peer engin ineereott fire sale a Ocean Steamship Tiebste 1— Over M. Monition's Store, I* tfoxtb. 146 !ri:EY TO LOAM eoration of Morris will loan, $6,000. iroperty, first- mortgage., at 7 per cen #yable annually. Borrowers to pa For further particulars apply FORSYTH, R're=Brussels P. Q. 7 MEDICAL. MACDMAIda, M.D., C. M.,Ph *0(111, Accoucheur, °Mee and lately occupied. by Dr. Hatehlema 781 OTT, M. »&e Physielan,Snrgeon ouchenr, Seaforth.Ont.. Office and rad. &aide of Ctoderich Streetoecond abyterian Ohnrch. ERcar, M. D, C. M.. Phyeiciara 191112 att. ,Coroner for the County of Huron Red:donee, ot ja.rvis street noltit vositeSeaforth Publie School. Graduate • ifl UniversitY, Fitysielan,Snrgeonan Seaforth,Ont. Wee and Residerie e Goderieh Street, first Brick Ito xethodist Churth. 496 E3T.T GEON ENTIS sTE of the BO.1 College of Den rons Canada. ftice in the roots pied by H. Ddrhyshire, Whit I _ .tions carefully perfonned ad sa eranteed. Chargda Moderate. -Teens extracted without mai st .anse-ea ' TIS ATSON DENTIST, Gold NEdalist and Co 'otd. Medalist R C. D. S. many years' experience he is able e all operations in Dentistry snits ae. Preserving teeth a Specialt ra Ether or Nitrous Oxide Gas give Charges Moderate. -c3 'Ideyer's Black, Main Street,. Seek TWRIGHT, L. D.- 8 STRATFORD, ! I WILL be at his office, (JAMEY* OpT 7 BLOCK, SEAFORTH, oppia- site the Commercial Hotel, en WEDNESDAY and THURSItt of each week. Nitrate Oxide a red in the extraction of teeth. This pia 6draluistered by Dr. Cartwright shias rerfeet suceesse he having been one Of ) introduce it into ttds province. Pe- ,ina teeth extracted may inhale the Oa ,.tight or ten teeth extracted in a m*- tintrte and & half, without disagreeable n it. Parties desiring new teeth pleat* .tdriesdays. Paetioular attention pallit Illation of children's teeth. Teetlt Sit- u one to a full set. 730-52 I HOTEL CARDS. iETT: HOUSE,. Brnseels.—Having pniee' d thie property, (lately occupied by Mi. aphelld X have refitted the, house,* ea. The bar is well stocked, and en hostler at the stable. P. PRET, Pio- nsaeIs, Dec. 5, 1882. 784x24 NIXIE I-TOUSE„ (Late Foster's ). F.AFORTH, ONT, LE BROS., PROPRIETORS. eettuating themanagement of this- HMO eve corneectety renovated and refurnisk- aehout with new furniture in the ben Oh enables us to. give first -chess mania ts) the # ublic. The best brands et ad Cigars at the Bar, An attentir Ways //1 at'endance at the Stake. t attention given to the farming Mt- ._ arges mosterare. Royal Hotel,-. iATE CARMICHAEL'S} FORTH, ONTARIO. JAMES WEIR t inform his old friends. and the till:vet* public that having purchased this ass aodiousiekel hullainge he has thoreniett Uelted and re -fitted it- from top -41int.: . ire now one of the moat 00m="0D4, enient hotels in the county. By AI* to tire wants of his customers he bora t share of public patronage. Ther"": 11 furnished and well heated. The let supplied with the best, and an :and trust Worthy hostler will always us - alma Good sample rooms for Gamow vrier the "Royat Hotel," corner of Tech Streets, Seaforth. 73.3 , jA.MES WEIR, Propriatork Pravinciel Laud SurveY Zn:neer. On -tenths niallp70019 D- S CAMPREfeie efitebeV t. N1 BRETT, SEAFORTH, • seem snit tend RetailDealer in t FINDINGS of Every DetterlPtio at the Very Best Stook koPt. A TriaiSonoited. An orders bi ire promptiTsued. . Baar 4,11883. ssomonnt7t, General ; enteS ITOttes. „Tile sues= exit on farm property to atairiunieipali y of Louise is from .5 4 tinse, an atine ....A. bytlaw h been passed in West Lents authorishig the raising of $60,000 di' debentures toWards building aerate, road nue traffic bridge across the Red Neer between. the towns of West Lynne &nd Ernerofl at a point on the Rea River know4 as the Morris street titousing- -Thomas Pea -son, of St. Mary's has ineituted a new industry. He ships esta ta Manitoba , , His first venture mend a fallen). Of seventeen Marisa ITIna eight Toms ouly one of the latter stgeeed, veld he was much battered. They fought and killed each other en route. —A Turin jewiller has made a tiny beat formed. of i single pearl, which hape it assumes Iin swell andooncavity. De ail is of beaten gold, etudded with altamonds, and thle binnacle light as its rudder and its stand is a slab of ivory. jt weies less thi n half an , ounce; its peke is $5,000. .._On Look Oat Mountain near abat- is/K:4a, one .ei ening. lately, Trose Griggs wasdrivun with his sweetheart. .Thelhorse shied at the top of the 111101111 - Ohl and plunged over B. precipice two hundred feet high. The man and horse were killed and the woman badly in- iara- 1 —Ori 'the marriage of his son, Mr. W. L. Bright, to Mit a Tyler, which took pee* a few dayi ago at the pariah ehurch of Carshalton, John Bright gave thebridegroom a handsome service of plate, and the b Canon Farrar oftb modified the ma it more suitable tt rilcitY;s.. e-telNtaddy : anoos Yusef, an Arab weniamwas found begging in the streets of Philadelphia th other day and was taken in by the S4 oiety for the Preven- tion of Cruelty to 1 laildren. She was falthy,and they pr pared her for a bath, when foreign coin amounting to $400 dropped from hyr clothiag. What she should be in this ce untrY for, and beg- ging, with her chi dren starving, is one of the unsolved co undrums. —The widow of ummel, the cele- bratecl com.poser, w o his ejnst died at Weimer at the age f 90 yearsds said to have refused Bee, hoven's hand and heart seventy years ago. Her ' maiden name was Ehzabet. Rockel ; she was once a famous act eta and singer at Vienna, and among her friends were Goethe, .Beethoven, and Hummel, the latter two rivals for her hand. His re- jection by her is saic to have affected Beethoven all his li a. —The first spvim fair of North Cy- press mnnioipality v as held at Carberry on the 19th inst., ar d in spite of bad roads and very u favorable weather, proved to . be a mi st decided success'. The crowd of visitor was very large, and the stook sbe wn was of a Tery impeder quality, an 1 each ClaRS well filled, giving the ji dgee considerable 'trouble in deciding as to the respective merits of the arti les of the various exhibitors; but on th whole the Swards wade met with the a proval of the spec tabors. --The Archdeacon of Melbourne, re- lates that during the -epoch of the great gold fever ho had a c trate whose duty it was to officiate at I me of the dig- gings. On Sunday r orning be preach- ed at one set of shanties, and then walk- ed eleven miles to a tother village for evening service. 1 alf way across, the . plain stood a solitary tree, where he *tato rest and eat I is frugal dinner. For two years he bad done so, when one day three miners,following his example, sat down to picnic on the same spot,and one of them, on getting up, just tried the soil with his pick', where, at a depth of abont two feet, lay a mass of ore which, realized 1140,000. ilie curate pondered deeply on 'what Mig.ht have been. ., —A gigantic unden'aking in the way i of fruit growing, has been commenced i by Lord Sudeley, at Toddington, near Cheltenham, Englan . Two years ago there were planted !93,000 gooseberry hashes, 20.053 plum trees, 167,006blaok currant bushes, 2,919 apple -trees, 852 pear trees, 8,845 damson trees,! 532 cherry trees, 10,000 red currant buehes, 25,000 raspberry bu hes, 100 cob nut trees, and 52 acres of strawberry plants. In addition, 100 Soot h firs and 10,000 peplaxs have been pl nted for sheltering purposes Lord Scu eley is at preset erecting a large jam manufactory in the centre of this estate. He is one of the Queen's Lads in wai ing, ,wits formerly in the navy, and is n aotive, usefal peer. —The birthday of be PrinoessLouise occurred on March i, while she was at Bermuda. Her p esents were very valuable. From theI Marquis she re- ceived an elegant gol bracelet and his picture. The Quee4i, her mother, sent her picture, and fronalother members of the royal family ea,mik presents of jewel- lery. Two days after her birthday oc- curred the anniversai y of .her wedding. day. She was pres nted with a large cake, which a lady dc scribed to be as a "frosted uremia, shienruering all ,over with, silvered ivy and naiden hair fern; at the top a rose and t istle, at the base twelve tiny cakes, theJ whole enclosed in a case lined with white satin." ' This gift was from the ladiles of the Scotch Church, to whom an autograph letter of thanks was sent by Her Highness. --On Monday evening of last week a t and in shop owned a d occupied by )11 fire -broke out in the stove, furniture n Mr. T. C. Mulheron,t Mitchell. The building was totally destroyed, with most of the contents. Loss about 4000. Insured in the Merctuiltile, of Waterloo, and Gore Mutual, of Galt. The fire spread into the two storey building owned by A. Watts, of] Brantford, and the first storey was occ pied by A. 11. Mulheron, a grocer, baker, etc.. whose loss will.be about $i0; no insurance. The second storey wa toccupied by W. Challenger, harness, Lac.; loss about 113QQ. An office owned and occupied by Dr. Dunmore as surgb y building, is a complete wreck. Los aoout $500 ; insured in the Lendon(Matual, of Lon- don, Ont, icle a grand piano. iated,and, by request; riage service to make Quaker ideas of sim- r • Whei It is once more co monly known that consumption is matt "an entity .or peculiar form of disease that can be antidoted by a °tweed], or specific, but is rather a wasting away oi• tissne starva- tion from Iack of nerve power, and the failure of food supply, lowing to indi- gestion and mal -a ssi m ation , invalids will cease to irritate and over -stimulate the organie functions by strychnine, whisky and opium preparationtewhich do positive harm, and resort only tO those sonnies of energy nature furnisheS for the nutrition, of the body, as 0010 - billed in Wheeler's Elixir of Phosphsates and Calisaya. 796,26 First -Rate Evidence. 'f Often unable to attend business, bei g subject to serious disorder of phf kidneys. .&fter a long siege of sickn ss° tri rel Tn pa: d Burdock Blood hitters and waili eved by a half a bottle," Mr. Br ner; of Rochester, N. Y„ takes the s to write. 774,65. ao•toe • Why Be Downcast P rue, you may be in a miserable on dition—you may be weak, pallid, and nervous. You cannot sleep at night; nor enjoy your waking hours; yet, why los heart? Get a bottle of Burdoek Blolod Bitters. It will restore you to heath and peace of mind. 774,65 N. self of use Idtp an hea sh But you if y few -08-46-41, An Excellent Report, on. Jos. G. Goodridge, of Brooklyn, ., writes: esamot express my. in sufficiently praiseworthy thrills urdock Blood Bitters which I have for the past two yeare with gree.t Lt. 774,65. .81.40.40. Take Your Choice. ou can be weak, nervous, debilitated despondent, disqualified for work of or hand, or you can enjoy a ,fair a of health and peace of mind. dock Blood Bitters will alleviate misery and do you a world of good' u will persevere in their use for ea weeks. 774M5. My Hai been using Bitters as a li them very effica worth, 41 Vance Lad ans. 774,65. Mother your Burdock Blood er remedy, and finds eous. Chas. L. Airis- Block, Indianapolis, A - hen the pr Blo d Bitters pu cinon the mark Thtfy hit dyspe live and kidne blo , from which cov r. 774,65.. me prietors of Burdock this renowned medi- t, they hit it exactly. sia, indigestion, and complaints a hard. they will never re- Diphtheri and Cough.. r. C. M. Adai of Gladstone, Ont., had an attack of iphtheria which was sno'eeded by a (nigh. This cough whi h is describe as "dreadful," set- tled oit his lungs. For mouths his suf- feri ge from it ere intense, in fact, unt 1 he began nsi g Dr. Wilson's Pal - mo ary Cherry B learn. The Balsam cal ed his nerves put an end to 'his cou la, and resto ed him to perfect hea th. The action of Dr. Wilson's Pul onary Che • Balsam on the nem es is very re es arkable. The con- sumptive is calm i• and strengthened by i and put on a fair way to recovery. —7'3-52. SI gala ing Ina jau any who trio Our quic enti Sol & C These are e best blood p r placed witl umanity, tru tivity of the dice, conatipa disease of th ver requires stimulant, w Mere the be known. T ly, every bott es satisfaction at 50 cents a . 783.52 -fee • eb If You. Find You are unable to sleep nights, and, thou h physically tired, are wakeful and our business is uppermost in your mind, and you cannot for a. while rid your elf of its cares and perplexities, take hosphatine along with your meals three times -a day, and it will preduce such a change in y ur system that you will enjoy refreslei g sleep every night. For sale by all druggists ;• price, $1. 788.q2. do • se - The Sickl Young Girl And Ithe delicate oung woman need Dr. ustia's Phos ihatine. When the cowl enance is pale, the bleed courses sluggishly, erruptions on the face ap- pear together withal' the other signs of ei her temporary or constitutional debil.tv. No remedy will so quickly. resto e color to the cheeks, strength to the 4inso1es, energy to the limbs, bring back the appetite and make a healthy wor4n, as Phosphatine, which isi not a medi ine, but a food. For sale by all drug istsi 788.52 • Solid Facts. rifler and system re- in the reachof suffer - y is Eleatic Bitters. liver, biliousnesss, ion, weak kidneys,or urinary organs, or n appetizer, tonic or 11 always find Elec- t and only certain ey act surely and e guaranteed to give or money refunded. bottle by E. Hickson • Salt Rheum Cured. Are yon troubled with salt rheum, rougik skin, pimples, o eanker sores ; if so go at once to Lums en & Wilson's drug tore,and get a pa kage of Calvert's Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents. It was ever known to fell. 795.52.2w • Well Rewarded. A 1 beral reward will be paid to any patty who will produco a case of Liver, Kidn y or Stomach 'complaint that Elect le Bitters will net speedily cure. Brin them along, it will cost you noth- ing f r the medicine if it fails to cure, and y u will be well rewarded for your troub e besides. All Blood diseases', Billie B11#388,- jaundice, Constipation. and g neral debility are quickly cured. Satie action guaranteed or money re- fnade . Price only fifty cents per bottb For sale by E. Hickson & Co., Beef° th.-783 52. • deep itators vs. Sabstitutors. Go points are worth rernembering, for th reason that they assist us in avoid ng many discomforts, and protect us e.g bast the cupidity of overreaching peopl . When you learn from friends that atnam's Corn Exltractor is safe, prom t and effectual, don't allow drug- gists o palm off a worthless and per- haps OiBODOUS substitute. His object is qui e patent. He wishes to make a few o nts difference between a good 'ar- ticle id a cheap imitation or substitute. Putn • 's Corn Extractor. Sold every- wher 762.52.D -4* • le; A Suffocating Cold. Fo several months Mr.N.W., Bowles, suffer d greatly from a severe cold. It was stinguished by a harsh cough and great hoarseness. Hie breathing was so lab red that he, feared suffocation, as watched • continually, lest alone and without assistance he 11 I and being :night choke. This was several years ago. • Now, %pint gave him relief after several remedies had been tried? Dr. Wilson's Cherry Balsam cured him e3mp1ete1y, and he grew perfeatly well. It cures all thiOat and lung diseases. 793.52. 4.10.=•••••• Rheumatism Cannot be cured by outward applica- tions. An alterative medicine like the Fountain of Health is needed to purify the blood. Price 25o. 798.53 Young Men Suffering from early indisoretion, laok of braia and nerve foroe; Mack's Mag- netic Medicine, advertised in another column, supplies pais want, and thus oures when all other preparations fail. Guarantee of cute issued by J. S. :Roberts, Seaforth. 780.52 • • By the Use Of Buckingham's Dye, the whiskers may be easily made a permanent eatural brown, or black, as desired. 793 52 • Fountain of Health. A blood purifying compound of herbs, roots, barks and berries, all finely ground and ready for use. Price 25c per package. 79,8.52 1* .Barbeirs' Itch. This ie one of the most difficult Bores to care1 known o medial soierice. One box of Churc ill's Climax Oint- ment will cure it. 1 Price 25e. • A Nev Idea. A Toronto firm are putting up a -purely vegetable cathartic pill, in 100 boxeseto suit the convenience of persons desiring small quantities; consequently Hope's Regulating pills are selling like hot cakes everywhere. • A Steady Stream. Since its introduction there has been a steady stream of the Fountain of Health flowing. It is the greatest dys- pepsia remedy of the age. Price 25e. 798.52 - Ringworm and Scald Head. , People often do not know what to do for these troubles. For a speedy cure use Churchill's Climax Ointment. Price 25c. 798.52. Sensible, Truly. Nothing curione about it at all. The makers are simply willing to give you ten cents worth of Hope's Regulating Pills at a time. Try them when you again need pill!. 798.58 The Constantly Tired out - Feeling Bo often experienced, is the result of impoveriehed bloodrand ton- Rep:1.01)0y • eufeebled vitality. A.yer's Sarsaparilla feeds and enriches the blood, increases the appetite; and proe metes digestion of the food- and the assimilation of its streogthening quali- ties. The syst m being thus invigorat- ed, the feeling rapidly changes to a grateful sense clf strength and energy. 793.52 SAYS DRYDEN : She knows her Man, and when you • rant and swear, Can draw you to her with a :single hair. But it must be beautiful hair to have such power; and beautiful hair can be ensured by the use of the Cingalese Hair Renewer. Sold at 50c by J. S. Roberts. 770.52.789 "Why should we, man whose blood is • warre within Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster 1" Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin, When Cinoalese R newer will make it grow faster. ' For sale by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 770.52.789. • -to * es •. Nothing . Can supply the place of a beautiful silky head of natural hair. It is infinitely more comforta,ble than switches, and other preparations for the hair by un- known foreigners. Hair may be re- tained, beautified aad actually restored, by the use of the Cingalese Hair druggists. 770.2786. 4 Ren - . ewer. Sold at fifty cents per bottle by al). , In the History of Medicine No preparation has received such uni- versal commendation for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it effects in kidney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cuire. Its action in these distressiug complaints is • simply wonderful. For Sa e by J. S. Roberts. 770'.52,789 i [ -.wz-- G. W. ingay, parkdaleaToronto, rites : "My wife had several very severe . attacks of Oramps in the stomach. ,Hearing of Dr. Austin's Phesphatine .and its pleasantness to take, I gave her two bottles, and sh has not had an attack Since. and her health is much improved. For sale by all druggists. 770.52.789 J. Wetherell, Writing from Winnipeg, says: "I can say more about Phoaphatine now then. When I saw y�i last in Toronto. My health is mach impioved, and I am free from headaches Or any other aches, having used on y two and a half bottles of your Phosph.tine k For sale by all druggists. 770. 2.789. • lb. Is 0 Hair Turning gray a d gradually falling out? Hall's Hatr Re ewer will restore it to its original colik, aid stimulate the follicles to prodiace anew and luxuriant growth. It also clea,nses the scalp, eradicates dandruff, and is a most agreeable and herrnlass dressing. 793.52 The Agony f a Cough. Let any pers n wi ,h a • fresh cotigh imagine it gaini g on, bine day after day and year after year. Let him couple with it the dread of ,consumption, the long years of weakness, the months -of acute suffering, the agonies, of deah. He will then no hes tate to obtain the best cough rem dies e.t the first appear- ance of this evi •ence of disease. Mr, H. G. Mann, of Kingly, P. Q., says: I have been 1 r Bettered years alarmed by an affection, f the lungs. After a time I obtained and used several bottles of Dr. Wilson'Pulmonary Cherry Bal- sam. Before t e firSt was finished I HURON EIPOSITO* raised a number of hard, gluey globules, and my troubles left me entirely. 793. 62 --0)* N That there is a reliable remedy for kid- . ney trouble, half the terrors irate:died to these complaints have been removed, For this let all be thankful, and to Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Care award all praise for having thus re- movej a. hitherto fatal disease from our path. It was never known to fail, Sold by J. S. Roberts. 770.52.789 Pitn.ples and. Blotches. - Call at Lumsden & Wilson'e Drug store and get a package of Calvert's Carbolic Cerate. It is composed- of Vaseline, Carbolic Acid and Cerate, and has never failed to remove pimples, blotches, uleerated sores and rough skin. It cures when all others fail. Try it. 795.52.2w A Remarkable Recovery. Farmers in weslaing- sheep, lumber- men in stream driving, and others in like occupations are greatly exposed to colds. One of these was Mr. E. B. Ellis, Milltown. N. B. He caught a severe cold while stream driving, which in a short time brought on night sweats, sunken -chest, and. every symptom of deep-seated consumption. Medicines brought no relief until Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balsam was tried. It cured him: This Dr. Wilson's Pul- monary Cherry Balsam is the king of remedies for throat and lung diseases. 793.52. Calvert's Carbolic Cerate. Try it for chapped hands, cuts,burns, bruises. It is a preparation of Vaseline, caebolic acid and Cerate. It will cure any sore where all other preparations fail. Call at -Lumsden & Wilson's Drug Store and get a package, 25o 11 all iG (mete. 795.62.2w Robert Munroe, engine -driver be- tween Kincardine and Hamilton, says: ' "It was impossible for any person to -be a worse subject of dyspepsia and a greater sufferer than I was. I often had to lie down in the caboose, and actually thought I would die before I reached my destination. I purchased a bottle of McGregor's Speedy Cure, and it cured me." Free trial bottles at Lumsden & Wilson's drug store. Reg- ular size, fifty cents and one dollar. 7%5.52 ICram's Lightning Fluid. Is the only instantaneous relief for neuralgia, headache, toothache, etc. Rubbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No taking nanseons medi- cine for weeks, but one minute's appli- cation removes all pain, and will prove the great value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. Twenty-five cents -per bottle at Lumsden & Wilson's Drug Store, Seaforth. 795.52.2w Bucklen.'s Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure, burns, bruises, outs, ulcers, salt rheum, Vver sores, cancers, piles, chilblains, corns, tetter, chapped hands and all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance or money refunded; 25 cents per box. For sale by E. Hickson & Co. 783.52. 0 Farmers before buying your reaper and molver oil ask for and procure a sample of "Kaiser" Maclaine Oil. It is warredited not to gum, and is guarane teedto give good satisfaction. 753-52 . Now that the reaping and mowing season is coming on, farmers should remember that that "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the best reaper and mower oil in the market. For sale by all dealers. 753-52 For sore eyes, incurable by all other means, resort to Churchill's Climax Eye Salve, and you will be surprised at the prompt relief. Price 25 cents. 798, 52,2w. Lt•••••• Grand Trunk RaihnaY, Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: GOIPG WEST— Express Express BEAPORTN. .12:58 P. M. 8-42 P. M. Express ..... .....8:00 A. M. Mixed Train . 5:40 P. M. GOING EAST— SZAFORTH. Expreee 6.82k M, Express Train1:88 P. M. Mixed Train.— 4:85 P. M. Mixed Train 9-30 A. M. CLINTON. 1:17 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 8:45 A. M. 6:15 P. M. CLINTON. 6:15 &.M. 1:17 P. M. 3:50 P. M. 8.45 A. M. London,Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTY1— Express. Mail. A. hi. London, deplre.. ..,. Exeter 8 86 Hensall 8 50 Kippen 8 55 Brncefield •: 9 05 Clinton 9 30 Blyth e . .. 10 00 Winghane arrive _10 35 GOING 8011TU— Mail. A. M. Wingham, depart 7 10 Blyth el 745 Clinton 8 20 Brncefield 8 35 Hippen • . 8 45 Heneall 8 50 Exeter 9 05 London, arrive 10 10 P. M. 400 5 16 530 5 35 5 45 6 10 39 740 Expres P. M. 240 3 1.8.. 8 50 4 05 4 13 4 18 480 5 35 Giving up Business IN BAYFIELD. Owing to the death of my father, I purpose closing basiness here about the i.st of May, and would intimate to my customers in Bayfield and surrounding country that I will make a reduction in prices of all goods now in stook equal. to cost of removal. All parties indebted are reepectfully invited to call and settle. As I intend taking an active part in the business formerly carried on by my father at Seaforth, I will be pleased to have a call from any of my old custom- ers when in town, and. take this oppor- tunity of thanking them for the very liberal support bestowed 6n me while in Bayfield. • Respectfully, ANDREW KIDD. DUNCAN, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, :SUCCESSOR TO E. HICKSON & co., Still keeps on hand a large and well -assorted stook of Pare Drugs, Chemicals and Patent Medicines, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs of every description, ana a large stock of Handy Package Dyes in all colors. We have just opened out a large stook of 4 Warner's Safe Kidney Cure and Pills. Also, RHEIIMATINE, that wonderful cure for Rheumatism, &c, And a large stoo of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, that reliable cure for Coughs, Colds, Sore Thr ats, Burns, Swellings, Wounds, &c. Toilet articles of every description, such as Toilet Soaps, Perfumery's, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes; Circular, Bac and Dressing Combs; Bath and Toilet Sponges of the finest, quality. a and 411 orders answered with care and despateh. —Physicians' Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded, C_ IDT_TI•TCA.1•T, Next. Door to Duncan & Duncan's Dry Goode Store, Seaforth, At SEEDS ! SEEDS! SEEDS!• O. C. WILLSON'S New Seed Store, • MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. full stook of the very best selected. seeds that can be found. in any one housewest of the cities, consisting of Spring Wheat, Oats, Peas and Barley, Clover Seed, Timothy, Orchard G-rass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Top and Rye ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. Grass Hungarian, Millet and Flax Seed, a lot of Black Tartar Oats, a quantity of first prize Lost Nation Spring Wheat, grown by James Dickson, Esq., on his gold medal farm in Tuckersruith ; Root and Garden Seeds of all varieties sold geld papers. Call and see our samplea - by the ounce or package. Any Roots, Bulbs, or Seeds not in stock will be order- before purchasing. No trouble to sheet, whether you buy or notiat ed from the best on tlie shortest notice. Call and examine my stock and be your oven judge. Let no one now omit to buy The fragrant " Teaberry," and try Upon the teeth. its cleansing poweron • And gain a breath like the scent' et, flowers. s.; Carry the News. NEAR TILSONRCRO, Ont., Dec.14,1881., I have been ailing for years with biliousness end dyspep7 sia, and was reduced to a mere skeleton. I was induced to try Zopesa, by Mr. Thomas, of the firm of C. Thomas & Co.,drug-, gists of this place, and, Many thanks to hina,I ern now anten- tirely new woman, and. weiat 124 ponnds through the use of this new compound. MRS. CAROLINE FORBES. Wife of Mr.R.G.Fothes- L4msden & Wilson. —POR WALL PAPER WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER, WALL PAPER„ 1 An immense new stock just to bawl, from the cheapett to the very 1ine0 Lumsden & Wilson s; 0. C. WILLSON Alain Street Seaforth. Seaforth REMOVAL. Musical Instrument Emporium SCOTT BROTHERS Beg tit announoe that they have removed to more commodious premises, one door.north of the Poet Office, where they will be found with a large and well - selected stock of DUNHAM PIANOS, which are so well known and highly spoken of by all musicians. EXCELSIOR ORGANS.—These Organs have re- ceived the highest rewards wherever shown, and have also received a diploma at the Industrial Fair just closed at Toronto. We also keep in stock other Pianos and Organs, and all ,kinds of small instruments, sheet music and instruction books. Agents wanted. SCOTT BROTHERS Seaforth. SE AFORTIL WROXETER wimp. /ALEX. L. GIBSON Begs to annoutice to the Public that h� has commenced, to operate the WROXETER WOOLLEN FACTORY,, and that he will be prepared to &fit good value in FULL CLOTHS, TWEEDS, UNION TWEEDS, FLANNELS, e PLAIDINGS, •WiNCEYS, and varieties in STOCKING YARNS. CUSTOM CARDING, Spinning and Falling promptly attend!, ed to. Parties from a distance will, as far ate possible, have their Rolls herne with them, and as he has put the mill iato good working order and employs nonce but efficient workmen alf work • TORONTO, warranted. Remember the Wroieter Mills. ALEX. L. GIBSON,' PROPRIETOR 1,500 BOTTLES MCCOLL -BROTTS & CO: --OF— CLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR, The Magic Cure for COUGHS, COLDS & SORE THROAT, Sold during the past year, and the de- mand con sten tly increasing. This valuable medicine may now be procured from Messrs. Joseph Kidd & Son, Dublin. Mr. Jas. Drummond, Blyth. Andrew Govenlock, Winthrop. James Campb,11, Walton. Wm. Scott, Brucvield. Henry Schafer, Kippen. jas-Bonthron d Son, Hensel, And wholesale or retail from LUMSDEN & WILSON, • Manufacturers, Seaforth, SECURE THE SHADOW. ANDriEW CALDER, rrHE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHER, begs to -A- state that he has returned home trom Da- kota, and is convineed that "There's no claw like home," and he intends to remain at home, and will henceforth give his entire perional at- tention to bis business: His facilities for doing good work are 4nexcelled, and he can guarantee satisfaction. Come one, came all, and bring your relations and friends, and secure the shadow ere the substance fades. I can &more- modate yon all, and can send you on your way rejoicing. Just try me and prove me. Charge/ moderate. Remember the plaee—Seott's- Block_ Main Street, Seaforth. 762 ANDREW CALDER. latinufactnrers end,Wholeealta Dealers in LARDINE, CYLINDER, BOLT CUTTING • AND WOOL OILS. Our celebrated LARDINE brand is unexcelled by any other Oil on the market. In recognition of its superior merit we have received all the HIGHEST -PRIZES -'Wherever we exhibited since 1878, among other awards a large number of COLD,SILVER & BRONZE MEDALS, Besides numerous Diplomas. It is warranted not to gum or clog, and as it • wears equal to castor oil is, therefore, the most profitable oil for those ranntug machinery. Farmers, Threshers and Mill men should try it, For sale by WM. ROBERTSON & CO., 802 26 SEAFORTH. FOR, S.A_IJM, THE Residence of W. C. Gouinlock, 4 houses in Seaforth, 4 houses ill Ha.rpurhey, 500 acres, partly cleared, from 4 tea8 miles from Seaforth, and 1,280 acres selected farming land in Birtle District, Manitoba. S. C. G6UINLOCK, SEAFOISTII. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, PRACTICAL BOILER MAKERS:„ THE Subscribers- have bought the Tools 11)4 Boiler Business lately canied on by the Ged- erich Foundry and Mannfattnrieg Company, and havieg had an experience of over eight years in that shop, are now prepared to carry on the trade in all its branches. Any work entrusted to us will receive prompt, attention. Firstaciase work gnaranteed. , All kinds of Bolles .rnade and repaired, also Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work; &e., at lee- sonable rates. New Salt Pane made and old ones repaired on the shortest notice, and at prices that defy cone - petition. , CH RtYSTAL BL 783 Box 103, Gadjayiefe.a, - - AMBER SUGAR CANE MACHINERY. NEW PARACON SCHOOL •DESKS. M. BEATTY & SONS, Welland, Ont'„, Jea' Early Amber Cane Seed imported from the Southern State*. Send for Catalogue and Pricen. 802r ' EYE, El; AND THROAT, OR. CEORCE S. RYERSON, - L. R. C. P., L.R.C. S. E., Lecturer an the Ey! Era. and ThroaS, Trinity Medical College, Toren - to, and Snrgeon to the Mercer Eye and. Ear In- firmary, Consulting Oculist and Ambit to the Institutions for the Blind,. Bramtford, and for the Deaf and Dunth. Belleville, Ont. Laze -an+ cal Assiitent Royal London Ophthalmia Hoqu- Moorftelde, and Central Throat and 3* Hospital. 317 CHURCH ..STREET, TORONTO. May be consulted at the ALBION HOTEL, STRATFORA, on the Last ,ctsrertzviv igAiAt. MODirru. 108