HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-04-20, Page 800 -I MW - �- � - - - - - I
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- � f- . Not an Ounce bf 0;4 Seed in Stock. i
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- . I .... I I - WALL pApEn.-If you want wallpaper
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. : .1 � 4
I V, � ; . do not fail to see the newest prettiest and most
i - I -an(I Gold, an immense
r �
.1 beiutif al designs in plain
_�! 2! � 1 - stock &t LumsDzif ,& WiLsois. 802-1
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, _4 1 i FOOT BALL MATMEL-A game of foot
: rill % I
. r: - the championi-
. 4 1 . 1 ball in ouptic series for
. I .
; V. : i
.1 -1 I ship of the Province will be played on
i. I'
- , 11 i
. 11- � i . the Fair Grounds here, on Saturday,
., .1.4. I May 26th., between the Galt Collegiate
I -
." I - InAitute club* and the Seaforth. High
. - �
1. �N� School club. No fee will be charged
� � I i
� V� I , ! for this match., and it Is hoped a large
i- - i be
- - J, � number will make it aonve- nient to
- I
f i 11 --- 14 I i
� � i - i present. 3�
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. � 4
- - I � Tnz HIGH ScH .-Dr. McLellan,
t .r - i t
- . i i ited -the
- i li Iligh Schools, via
� , fl� 1� .11 IuBpector of
t "
4 I 4 i 1 Seaforth High School on Tuesday. Ile
,L _�. I . I .
I � �... - I nt the whole day examiniiag the aif-
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I spe
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Z Y -,'1111 ferent Classes, also at the close of the
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I �___ � I examination made -a splendid address
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-.1i �_i i
�� �� : , to the pupils, in which he praised them
11 I .
- _��,
if_li- - : � for their. suce-saful examinatioli, and
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- � - 1
4�'4 1
I- If encouraging them to work earnestly and
c-� �,
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:�_.�, , ,the school up to the
. I steadily to keep
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:.- - i high standard ;Adch it has reached.
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".,; �� I Y Sozrx-m.-Tho regular
I � .11, , THE Lr=aAR
9- tI -1 -
. Z..i �' - � meeting of the Literary Society was
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. . -
� _.: � �
. -
�_ f�� t, _� i held on Friday evening last., The room
., _'�' I �
I - I
.1 - I was crowded, and the programme was
I - za; :
t -1
I - nteresting. The chair
� �, , I lengthy and i
� _: .
w � -_
i I � _� was occupied by Mr. S. G. McCaughey,
1. � i: I
. I- 1; i I
- �_ ,11 � and Dr. Campbell noted as critio.
. .
. � -
I �
I . � I Readings wero'given by Mrs. 0. Lowrie,
. �- �, A
- - - ,j
� - '. �,
.i _.� ;1 I iind Misses Bowden, Houston, Colley
� '. �; j W. M. Gray, R.
� .11 �11'�� � I 1 1 and Forest, and Messrs.
"I I
_: � 1i ! Lumsde�i and J. A. Wilson. An inter-
. 2 i I
- .
1. �
-, �
� , I eating debate has been axranged for this
� I I .
1, i
joc� �, I ,,)evemng when Messrs. Murdie and Mul-
� ,--
.- � :1 '
� , lolland will take one side and Messrs.
i .;: 1
� , MoMillan and McCoy tho,other.
� I � I I
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-1 ,
- �, Z r;
� �_ ! � A CiixvER Yorwo LADY. -In the Brus-
I . f P, w � -
. � .� - . we fin d the follow-
, - � j, A - . '
I � 4 !; - I I Miss Joan Ross, of Brussels, has
;� . �
L u ing.
i �- �'
'. I -
_. successfullypageed her final examina
. .
__.�. :, f
M -
. _. �
:� _� � - tion, and received her diploma from the
� .
I I- F � - I Canada Business College, Hamilton.
i - -
. -M
�41 ,_" I Miss Ross has the Credit of �eing the
. 11 11 i
,F!� � second ladV who took her diploma a -Rd
: `1
- �_. I -ego. The -
� ;
I . honors from the above Coll
. ; %. -
:,� I
11� I trial balance Sheet prepared by her'. f,or,
. I A -
, ,� I the examination, wag a model for.'pen
� t1z I
�: 1. -
I I ininship, arrangement and neatness."
� I
; � This young lady was. form'erly a teacher
: , I il, � i- the Reaforth Public School.
i ! � 1. � � I �
� i ,_ I 0 . - I
. �
o . � . UP
. �� - FOOT BALL TO INAMENT.-Two teams
I . . * P �
t I I i- rpm Berlin two from Clinton and two
, 1W f , .
. - . I I
. fl- :
5 I
I 11 _. from the High Sch6ol of this town, will
�_ -
- 1 7 J. � comnete in a series of matches here
I -
I., _�
� I I I I ;
shortly. These matches will all be play-
. � �-
I I �
ed on the Fair Grounds. The Berlin
club have been champions of Ontario
. L -
K? ! L
for five or six years and will bring two
1, .1
1� -
1� � L
- very strong teams. The Clinton club
, _�. �
- I I
will send down their strongest players,
�. 4
and as our home tekins are stronger
f I-
I ,
-now than ever, a Series of interesting
� I- r
�. ,
11 �
Instolies is expected. To defray oz-
. I ,1
.. ,1
pen"s a fee of teii cents wfl;l be charged,
. .
and it is hoped th4t many will tum out
. ..
- - :;
;I I
! .
to encourage our lRigh School boys.
� I I
L f 4
R �
� Accm-Er-i.,We- regret to learn that,
. ,
I ml
. .
1 -
Mr. , agent and tole - ,
James Cr&ig,;Ltieket
. I
I � .
graph operator M/ the Grand Trunk
Railway, met with a very paillf Q1 W01_
- � .
"I : I
dent in a very Bimple._way on Monday �
. �;:
I �
. i�
evening last. He was 11 fooling " with
1� I
1 I
IsomeL Of the young ladies of "the hotel
I . � � �
where he boards and he slipped on the:
� L
� I
1 7 . �
flom,",his leg bending L under him, frao-
, --
turing the bone between the knee and L
1, J
I , � .
the ankle. He wiF7 likely be laid up for,
I several Weeks. It is astonishing how
- I -
� :. :
Simply very serious accidents do some- �
, ,
� .- - I ; . .
times occur. His pleasant countenance
, ;
: t
will be missed for Some time to come-' ;
�. :
I 1 1
I' !
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, 1
by frequenters of the station waiting , I
: . � I - -, ;:
room, With whom his obliging and COUr_.
� 4 �
teous manner made him a universal'
favorite, and all who - know him will
I ,
- I
regret to learn of his mishap. _
I . 1 L
I /_ - I— . -1
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, 1
A GOOD COLT.- 11 Kinmount Willie,"
.: .
� I
: �
the entire colt -which took'tbe diploma
I - . I
- - 5
at Bracefleld on Wednesday last for
. : �
i I �
- ;
F. 4 1 .
. .1 I
being the best ho se of any age or breed
I :
I � z I
on the ground, is a magnificetit animal.
7, � �
I . I
He wag imported by Messrs. Innes &
I .
I 11 �
Horton., and atill-belongs to them. He
� I
. I ; L
. :
is just 11 moutha old,and althongh only
t :
lugo.odgrowi,ngoondition,already weighs
I �
1,200 pounds, and he is almost as per-
� I
: I
I ; : .
foot in form and. points as it is possible
i ,
to have hira, while he shows unmistak-
- I
. ; J f
ably his pure Clydesdale blood. If no
. L
' i -
accident befalls him he will yet m. ske
� I
one of the most valuable horses in the
i . L
his enterprising proprietors
. .
deserve all the. good fortune and
- 69 bal4bees
" -that he can bring them., se.
. I I-
. � .
the y
"ve both done their share to-!
I I : �
a -the front:
Dlacin old Huron in
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I 1, �
� ; � � �
Z �
� q
as a horset producing county.
i -
. i �
L i . .
m O'�T THE RoAo.-Aftey a rest of'
. f
a year Mr. 1. Bowerman one of!
I 'I
the o,
dest-and most respected imple-'
agents in this section of the'
I -
. .
I ..
- coun
has again started on the road.i
He h
a made an engagement with a'
: firm,and among other, i�mple.
. I
L Will sell his old and favorite mach -
. .
I . -
' ioh.uE;tonWrough�tIronHarvester.1
� owerman has travelled nearly'
eve I
concession and sid,eroad in the'
Cal .-
y, and is personally known to &I-!:
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[ I
every farmer especially in' the
I ; i " 1�
Riding, and, every person who
. .
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1 L
him respects him. InYacb,thare
are not
many men who have had deal-
. - 4
,vith the public for. so many yeaX.8, .
L -
I L '
so few enernies-und a greater
er of friends than Mr. Bowerman,
11 .
i L
and t
her above ' named firm have been
- �
- 1. :
. .. F �
iate indeed in securing his services,
. I ,
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he don't'know about an agncul-
i - .
F :
implement isn't worth knowill
.1 .:
'_ --- I
I- �
� I I
GooD' SAT .-The Auction Sale
I ! [ � : I
i 7 i
held 6n
the. farm of Mr. Simon Young,
L . ,
I r
on th�
Huron Road, two miles weSt Of
- .. - I
I . I �
- b,on Mondaylast, was one of the
. �
� 1. �
� �
. L
succedul of this Season. The
. ; L -_ .
I �, I � I
,er war, pleasant, the attendance
� . I
&,I �
; 11 L �
was Urge
and bidding was spirited,
i ,
-f 'L � .
4.1. - I
. I '
wh Ue
. � r. Brine, the veteran auctiouser,
: � � � L
; L' IF
I 11 ;. 7:: '.
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ILLL . . . . .
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.M __ ___ -,. . - __ - - - _. - 11 1 I - I � __ - ____ Z'� _ . I . L . . it;-_ - - L -
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I GNL . I � �
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. -
� I . � I I THE HUR EXPOSITOR. --, . -Akttm 20, 1888 - -
I � Z � I . . 4- .
. I � L I - - - L - .1 .. I
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__ " . � - . -_ � .- L --:7. 1 � -_ L It pow
, - - � I 0 J
� . L left ur� in we ene 0 an, an L e I __-o
with,his ready wit and glib tongue was raised by Mr. Swallow, - Kos=. Fried lost week for Chatham. -Mr. o streeta, whole once more. He is Toronto in about a week. -What party - , 7. 4 .
i ' �
ermittea the interest to nag Jam e's L. Beattie, Thomas Adams 'and John Fried who boa been home waiting abl, to have his arm out of the sling or parties fixed the sidewalk leading all sank. On Stit Sy last 6,4 'k I _
,, Monday for for a few days has left again for London', an can �come to the village and visit east from Stinson's wagon shop so .& � __, i I
, .
never �, that and father -in I w, . T" .
from Z oemmoincement to the and, George Murray, left here or � a person on stepping upon thi boards Hullett, Inug . .
good Manitoba. hey are all Smart, steady where he has obtained a situation � with th stores and talk busineso and other arrived in town, - ` � :�'*i I
� I � -
and the result is manifest in, the. irecipitated into the water be - informed that he was si Ila ' ' . L I
L well in the - the wholesale firm of Marshall, Gouin- ma ters with his many friends. would be F liking fatt, -_' i I I
I .1 I
prices realized. One mare" sold for'. young men, a d should do look & Co. We Fish him success. � �� . ziesth ? Who was the person who was the intention of conveying him -- . , -_
$285. She was 6 years ,old and was Prairie'Pro , oe.-Mr. E. Brownell Be- #_ � . I � -
- . �
- -
purchased by Mr. � William. Aitoheson - cured a goo I d ' ituation in Winnipeg im- � L Walton. , so unfortunate as to get into the trap So that he would die in the mi*.1 ' . :o . I �
. .
- tely on is arrival in that City'.- Blyth. DEBATE. -Last Friday evening a dia- thus arranged ? Such tricks should not friends. On Monday two sisters AIA sk I 1. L
l .1
.. L
' I
of the 2nd concession of 'MoKillop, a Media ba e waB held in Beirries" Hal.l. Su,b- be encouraged, as they. sometimes are brother-in,law also arrived, and � I
p:wonral lie agricultural THE FiRST.-MoKinnon's grand open- . � I
gentleman who aj ways has good horses. The t Of ti - ' attendel with serious consequeneea.- necessary legal formalities for obt . 1 L I
f )r ,W: coming season has been ing came off on Saturday evening. last Je t-1 I Resolved that in exation to the r � �
One cow brought -$66 while the average ground I i 11
Ux ited States would bo� beneficial to Mr. Smith, the tailor,, removed to Fora- his release from oustod �,e � .
for -cows 'and hQfers wag 150. The sold to Mr. N�hiteley for 835. -Most of as announced, and was a great success. terrwoi 11
L d about the farmers in this vicinity are now Since Mr. McKinnon has opened the Canada." Leader in th affirmative. wich ou Tr-esday, whore he intends to to. About 1.30 on Monday af I I I . ,
sheep which were L tail 'sho ._'Messrs. Lawless he was taken fr ' f
__� K. McKenzie, assisted by J. Baird and open a or p , omthejailto, the-gi..11
022 An aged horse sold for busily angag plowing. - We wonld� half, ho doubt we shall hear of the like - �. I
Porlt'%hir; other arti n remind our readers of the tomper- 6ften. � D.Robiuson. Leaderof the negative, and. Wiggins, have ; purchamed Has- tion, there to tjk�e the 8.15 t I I Ac � f L
096 , an oleo sold brought agai er, for ,8,- MoRibbin, assisted by A. Hislop, and kett'shotel and are-irefitting it. -On seaforth. Hewascarriedon ,
. to ,those named. &nos entertainment in the town��hsll GoiNG To LBAVIL-Mr..H.Eld T. vening las I t Court Gorrie( railway coach b aa ==="-
prices propoftionate of I . Ratcliffe. Mr. Mat hew Morrison .Monday e � y his friends, but cM6
The Bale realized -51,100, and Mr., this evening. 4 most attrotive entertain- many years a partner iw the firm 1P . I
wap appointed chairman for the evexiing. Canadian Order of Folieat&s received a haustea nature ; could no longer U141, - - S7
Young resery d several im. ment has been'prepared,-and we hope Anderson & Elder, ha's accepted a !Thp hall was filled and excellent order visit from some of their brethren from out, and he expire ; .
ed a horse an � d b6fore' the j W31,
. train 1 ` �
plements.. . . . to see the hall orowded.�-'It was Messrs. position as book-keoper for a large lum- ailli attention prevailed. Decision was Teeawater, and �a very ple"ant time the station. The body w Oki
; . - . . 0 1 George and J siah Irwin, of the Huron bering company in Wisconsin, United . . , as then ioftj, _--
11 � I given in favor of anuezat on was spent. -The new bell for the Eng- ried into the ptation 1 baggage-rm : I ___1
. MON.z7r L013T AND FOUND. -011 Mon- Road', wh? p rob aged Mr. Charles Fow- States. He removes shortly. i - �. the I
i - lish church has arrived, and will soon � where it remained until tuesd i � W�
. _W. Henderson p . ay =-2h., I
day evening last -as. Mr. Archibald, of ler'sfarmin, ullett,andnottheMesars. PERSONALS.-ReV' I I I
. . � Hibbert. . � beplacedifi position.�-Mr. Archibald ing, wher, it was- taken t6 MCK illort 117
i � . I - I - .P_
McKillop, was retnrnin home from Mr. Clarke as at& ed by no a couple of weeks Episcopal minister, has accepted a call * .
- Young's sale by Way of Ile town hne,and ago. -The g a roceipts at the Agricul- to For t, SO 11 PwRsoxAL.-Mr- A. S. Case, formerly McIntosh, the obliging _
' ,
eB -ont.-Me r . John Young,r , proprietor of the interment bv the Borrow -Ing relatl*% i vont, tO
when opposite the farm of Mr. James tural ground last amonnt- Wm. Shane, Sen., Goo. Cuunin I or in School See ion No. 6, but Albion hotel, is recovering from -some Forbes was a- fine looking young . t � k- .
i on Tuesday . . gharn teabb �"Aj
i � I.. i M tbA 04
Satherlaud, be found a pooket'book ly- ed to 080, an, I the admision fee was only and Chas. Chappell left on Wednesday now of Grand Rapids Michigan, and d1seaBe of the kidneys�, '- Last week he &n ' d of good repxitation, in the neigbb"'; I SUY-ld*
ink on the road,. and which, upon� ex- to an� , all members of the society for Winnipeg for the summer *months. wife are at. present visi Ing friends in consulted a Toronto physician who it hood where he'residea. He leav" , 2 -
I - *. I wiur-,
. , .
ten con , .. Cr�marty and vicinity.� . seems thoroughly understood his case, wife' and three small children, we,-: �;' Of V L
amination, he found to contain the were admitted -free. - Mr. John H. " " C-VOT -
Bring sum of $60 all in five dollar bills. Broadfoot h been awarded the Son- Tuckeramith. I ., KEDADDLED.-On aris 6g from acom. and wh6se medicine is restoring him to informed, besides other relativela-A I the bablL
_ 4, -
. ' ' for able Snooze on Wedn6fiday morning, health. f riends. ; ? 11
On Tuesday he came to town and left tract for the 3rection of Mr� Wilson's COLT SoLD.-Mrs. -Ma,rtin,. of the 2nd - - � I - am
th 11th inst., Mr. John Scott was Sur. . - In&
the money at THE ExposITOR OffiCO to new resideric 3, -Mr. T. J. Janes, who concession, recently sold to Mr. Carno. ; 1IMs Cireen. . I _______-.-W1 I ,;j&,1eo1.
be advertised if not claimed. On the has bee ' tchering chari a magnificent filly, coming three Pri0ed to find that his hired man had : 7--7-----z7 ��-tinj
. �
n e ,gaged in the bu during the night taken " French leave," WRLL.Doxim.-Our esteemed towns. , i -Ar nort
i � �
afternoon of the same day Mr. John bnsiness in t is -town for three or four years old, for. the sum of 0260. This I man, M*r.,Tames- Hagan, was made one En MCFAUL ' '
er ' UUE31U FM ied by Mr. Scott's best, suit, 1he ha ,
Wilson, of Hullett, called at this bffice years, and o has been in deep wat colt was sired' by Mr. S. Broadfoot's ano upon f artbor examination it was of the happiest man alive the other"day - - - � 4
lo advertise'for money Which he h'ad. financially fio so�ae months, 11 dug out " 11 Canadian Scotsman," and will com- . i Lake -at
. when.his good wife presented him with I .
Ilost. He expressed. the strongest doubts sometime b(tween dark on Sunday pare favorably with the very best colts found other clothing had apparently ther bouncing baby boy, justjhe . i Best ew-.
- ' *
gone to look af ter the missing ones. &no M i �r&,Keulx
as to whether he would ever find it and night andaa,,Iigbt on Monday morni fri i
� 109. from imported horses. , . . elieve- yeb returned. image of its father. We hope our end . � jj�untaj
said be had almoBt,given it up for gone. He -left his P)rsonal effects. and other MORE GOOD COLTS. -Mr. Appleton None have, we b I more such IS SHOWING THIS wit - ! 'ihat say I
. i may live to receive many
: i
i I
He gave a description- of th6 wallet and chattels, but all are rigortgaged for as Eloost recently purchased from Mr. . � K 11 I
: � ;
� . 0hiselhurst. ( presentations. . 11 the vaig�
, �:
bills, and was not a little'surprised when n�uch or more" than they are ,worth. Goo. Hill, of the 2nd COnCeBBiO11, a nine � hi)?ROVEXENTB.-Thitgs "are commene- � I
I - I
the miseing treasure was handed to him His destination is not definitely months old colt, for which he paid -the BRipura.-Beautiful Spring at last.- ' . podific-
. . ;
unharmed and just as i . t Was when be known. - Mr.' Charles Aitzel, who sum of 3135.- This colt was 'sired by Fall wheaf looks delicate, but the roots ing to 1, boom "' in i Hills Green, and . � ,.Whd- bal
' I I building promises to be bripk this sum- - ' . �
last saw it. His mind was conside;ably i6 consp'erab e of a bird fancier,and who Chas. Mason's ,1 Just in Time," and it arel Chiefly living. With favorable NEW LINES OF - � u%ae in,;
. . . i mer'. Mr. Edward Sbaffer is erecting & I
relieved, and he left 'with a much of very fine bens, her it will be all riobt.-Rather . iNW)K"St
more kbepa it large stock we6t m a � I -
is Said by good judges that Mr. Elcoat handsome new dwelling house, wh1oh. 1
� i
cheerful countenance than he wore when principally f the Plymouth Rock, , now owns the best Canadian bred colt poor maple sugar season, perhaps on so- i �wbioh b
I : I - ;
will be completed in % few weeks. � -Mr. - . ;
entering the office.' He had been carry- variet t)y sent a t io of very fine on the 2nd concession of Tuckeromith. COOL t of the absence of rain last fall.- , I the Pdrtl
y,,rece Thos. Hudson has also ereoted an addi- ��' I �
ing it in his inside coat pocket when in birds to Portage Is Prairie, Manitoba, W e: are glad to learn that Miss Bessie . I ihe traD
� tion to his residen e, and Mr. John � �
t- 0 - ;, unite4l
some way or other it worked out and he and he expects other orders from that Rodgerville-. - Stoneman , after a protracted illness, is ' 'I -
. I . Sherrett has made a! similar addition, PLAINPRESS GOODS, �,_ i
never missed it until he got home. province sho#ly, both for birds and - Fou MANITOBA. -OU Wednesday'last slowly recovering. -Mr., John Humes. and others are speaking about making . � � 4ifiag F
. I
eggs. - Oar town readers especially, ton and family start for their home near . I jeogispi
' I . �
' . should mak it a poidt to attend the il- Mr. Thomas Tapp, who for .. several Carberr ' ,/Manitoba, next Wednesday. similar improvement% . I . - � � I i I territor:N
. PRE&ENTATION.-011 Monday evening . - years has managed the Rodgerville y For; Mianio&w.-Mr. Wm. Stephen- i be aban,
. . . �
last the friends of Mr. James A. Cline to lustrated lea re to. be,, given on next h ese fastory with much -Mr. John MeTaggart has rented his son left last week for Michigan. He FAN I
� on Monday eve ing, by Rev. Mr. Hill. The 0 e ability and . , oy DRESS GOODS, L I . .
the number of about forty, ,waited acceptance, both to the patrons and farm to Mr. John Fitzgerald, Mr. Mc- takes up hig abode in 1 Sanila,c county. 11 � boun4w
I . I w a oert,
� -
me . � . I
him at his residence and pregented him d family left on I � I
- rits of th( lectnr(i, we are sure, will Shareholders, took his departure for - Taggart having to retire.on account of. Mrs. Ste�henson an, i 'ifl Called
self and Mrs. Cline with a magnificent be such as slould attract a large an- Manitoba, where he intends locating on poor health. . do well. i �
. . Tuesday. We hope he may I � -
dience, but e Fou -aside from this Mr. � 0 _ . - i of its be
silver tea - service accompanied by a I � a farm and making his f uture home. � . The house vacated by Mr. Stephenson . !
complimentary address, not'ven R'aring of hi I . Zurich. " �, ��� B.iver, v.
The 11 iuvad� Hill has . p Maelf 'Ll He was accompanied by Mr. Wm. Lang, . is the only vacant one in the village, . � . perpeud
; "I i
iDg army " was composed of a number the past,and � ,has always been willing to Son, of Mr. James Lang. Both gentle. NEW INDUSTRY. -Mr. J. H. Roodding and it will not remain unoccupied long BLAOK'SILKS, I .. � imall di
of the leading citizens of the town to- render a hel. )iDg hand and devbte his men go to Virden and locate on Syndi- has opened out a now boot and shoo as houses are in great'� demand here. I I I had +.1
� I "I'll
gether with a few of the. lady friends of .alentB in th � interest of every deserving Cate lands. They took With 'them a establishment in the premises opposite LOCAUTIES.-Mr. Richard Home is . . !low, in �
I . I
Mr. and Mrs. Cline. After &H had got object, and r ow that he is getting up an 8, of horses and COWS. Mr. Lang tb ' Commercial Hotel in this village, ��
' Carlo d 0 again up to the eyes in buBiness, as all - 'I And I
. .
fairly settled the company was called to entertainme'A it for himself, his past ser.. intends returning in the'fall sin. where he intends keeping a large stock � I �
ag � the farmers are oluxious to get their
order by the. Mayor, who read tho ad- vices should i recognized by our _ citi - . 0 1 of goods, while be will make ordered implements repaired and put in good .00LORED SILKS, - I I IP114- I
dress and Made the presentation. The zaris.-The f rat thunder storm of the
. f Brucefle1q. work a specialty. Mr. Roodding is a shape for .spring work, and Mr. Horne ? Perha
service consi'sted of eight pieces, Viz.: season occur �ed -on Wednesday night GATE RECEIFTS.-At the Show hereon fir t -class workman of I - ' experience, is just -the man who can do it to p'arfeo- , - . .
Wednesday the sum Of §36.,65 was Col. Six years has been very . tion he;
A waiter and protector, coffee pot, tea. Isat. The ri in Continued most of the anW for the past Ong tion. -Our- genial - f tiend,- Mr. Charles �
pot, sugar bowl', cream pitcher, slop night, and w I' do much good. - The the gate. The admission fee Successful as a prize winner r at the vaxi- Troyer, merchant an � d postmaster can I I lartered
On the Centre grass is alrefTy becoming green and the lected at I i BLAOK 0ASHMERf_s,,&0 - - 0 the �
, .
bowl and butter dish. I 15 cents. The sociqty did DOt haV0 OUS exhibitions. He is a, steady and also be seen with his friendly Smile, � . - I ) b]
of the waiter was tastefully engraven, buds are stailing on the trees,SDd every- was . whitE,
, their new grounds fenced and ready, obliging young man; and will, we are which indicates that tbirigs are going .
- following inscription: thing looko-s ring like. -Mr. Malcolm I � . � . - forent k.
the th I town, has been selected and consequentiy the show had to be Su , do a good trade in our thriving well with him. He keeps all the neces- . . . . I vinnam,�
11 Presented to Mr. and Mrs. .Tameo A. Cline by Munroe, of * anVprosperous village. � . I ired for family use, sells r I �
I hold on Mr. Rattenber "sfarm.', I saneo requ i
Shoir friends in Beaforth.11 asamembezo7f theWimbledon team. ry � I I 1 7 dreaded1
FOR THE NoRTHwEBT.-Our young men I I cheap and deals square, and these are . . i
The value of -the Service- is 8150- We congratu lite our friend on his good ' . . marten't
t �
. re still going. off to thp Northwest in Day:fteld. the qualifications which secure his Sue- e � I I
It was purchased from Mr. M.R. fortune, and we have no doubt he will a � I iue,,the
� ; . -
� . � shoals, aud.if the migration continues �EDDING BELLS. -The marriage of cess. Long may he prosper. ! .-
Counter of this town,and makes a bean- give A good account of himself in the old . - I Z k the na�i
I , �
� I . I
there will only Ve the old stagers left. Mi. R.- Thurmur, of Detroit, and Bliss 4 ; I I . W.
'The land. -The millinery departmeikt of Mr. . . . bww W
tifal and appropriate present. . L
. ' A few days ago Messrs.!Wm. Ross, 11. Jula Aldworth, of Baylield, was cele- Hens.ilL � I 1 4
addreeg was artistically illuminated J. MoLongtlin's' business place was .1 . � w3y one]
Hood, R. Turner and A. Blair left for - JUST OPENE. � i_ -
- - brated at the home of the bride on the CHANGE. -Mr. J. fl�- Book, of this :D . . i I
and neatly framed. It was , pre-. opened for tl Le Season on Satnrday. A I i he � S�
. . �
pared by Mr. E. McFaul, who . I large numbe? of ladiesvisited the place Regina, near which placp their farms evening of the 4th inst., Rev.Mr.Baugh, place, bas sold out his boot and shoe . .1 . I � Llinaersti
very . � i
: I �
- during the d 'The display, though are located. They took with them a of Bayfield, officiating. The bride look- business to M -r. Blake of London, who " - I �L , iAth,wb
kindly rendered his services to the Corn Y. . � :9 . . i.
mittee gratuitously,and the skill and not so extengive ad in, some of the places - carload of liplendid stock and other ed lovelyl! in. a dress of white Indis, � intends carrying on the same in all its - � � U09 Of 13
. - .
I 7
taste displayed is certainly creditable mentioned last- woE61i, *as good in do- � farm necessaries. muu. The bridesmaids, Misses Nellie branches. I I __ I � 1 (A silver �
- � e � - I i
I .
to him as a penman. In fact, it is hard tail, and a no�nbeq' of --neat and. elegant . . . and Lina Aldworth, Sisters of the bride, AccimixT.-What might have proved, drft 0ay that,
to Bay which was most admired the tea hats and bonnets ;were shown by the Clinton. ' and Miss Thurmur Sister of the groom, a very serious accident occurred iu Mr. New Ottoman C . ' .1 I ea with
set or the address. The presentation affable and obligi* milhner.-A meet. SoLD.-Mr. W. H. Doe has sold the were also attired in white. The core- J. Urquhart's saw mill a few days ago. - � I - them it;
. .
ceremony being completed, Mr. -Cline ing of the Seaforth Rifle Aseociation house and lot occupied by himself to Mr. mony was performed at nine o'clock, It appears that ' hile Mr. Alexander I . i I & few -of
. . w L
Wm. Gregg for 0470. - . after which the health of the happy Sawyer. waa engaged in gumming one of - - ;-. with thi
on behalf of - himself 'and Mrs. Cline will be held i the' Commercial Hotel, - . �� i
made a suitable reply. He spoke wit� Sbaforth, on Tuesday evening nexi at INcREAsEn.-The reotor of St. Paulo pair being drank, the company sat down the saws -the grind stone which hewas 11 � I ' . ' I Uon I .v
ulty. He half past "v u, for the purpose of elect- church now gets a Salary of #1,000. oo a tempting repast graced by the pres. Yasing for the purposeburat,'one of the 'L musk ,o)
much feeling and evident diffi - . I - FOR MAXTLES. L I
C This is an increase of $200. 'enoe of hot hou-86 Lowers. � Speeches borders
spoke of the kindness he had alwais re- ing officers a d rn�king other arrange. pieces striking his person with great - �e-
I i . -
. ��_ 4
ceived from the people of Seaforth and ments for th coming season. All in.. . INvITED.-The St. Thomas Fire Bri- were made by Mr. Wallis and Mr. force,knooking him down against One . - L .1 . 'No Kem
. e e . - 1.
terested)should mit-ke it a point to be ga , Y, 1� i sat
the unfeigned regret he felt at parting � de have invited -the Clinton Fire Baugh. A very enjoyable 4vening was of the belts, wh r he was quickl ' �Baat
i . Brigade to take part in a tournament Spent by those present. The newly caught by Mr.B.Thomson, of this plage, I 4
with so many true. and tried friends, Present. I . I ., [ oovekea �
. - . . - - there on the 24th Way. � wedded pair left in the morning for their just in time to save his being wound ML . I.Vaches
and he hoped his future conduct would 9 Bluevale. . r. E. H. Rice who has been L. 7 HEAVY n- A SH ERE�
be such aa would entitle him to the Con- ) I GoNz.-M. future home in Essex county, ,where up in the same. WP% - � inore of:
. I
- -those FBZsHzT.-.-The freshet on the Mait- in the employment of Chris Dickson, of they will permanently reside. -Com. GoM I _g&L&t
tinned esteem and friendship of * I . G AuzAD.-We, are pleased to � V� �� I � tha
whose good opinion be valued 11 land was preity strong, and* at one time' the city book store for the ,last six I state 1ha't a company has been formed i oharacbE
I � !
nost an were , butertained that Leech's 112011ths, hag'gone to Hamilton to take � Morris. ! � for the,purpose of working our salt well, . I �bog 11
, I
highly. He made opeoial mention of fe I I n 1 -14
the pleasant and friend)y relaViono dam would o, but nothinglurtherfhall a Situation in a dry goods house. FARM SoLD.-Mr. Gilbert Embury and that they are pushing the works - 0 4 i caii;aa a
. I " 42,. FOR2MANTLES. �. 'I
which hadalwayt existed between him. Ahe bursting of the booms occurred. SIDEWALK. -Why dop't the Grand hap disposed of his faxm ' on the 3rd forward with all possible speed and' " . tug," frQ
k � i
. i !�
� i
9�11 and hi's late employers, and 'said SALEB.-The auction .sales held in Trunk railway construct a sidewalk concession, containing 50 acres, th his hope to commence 'manufacturing salt ' .1 ! it evQ1v
that for fifteen years he had workel side this neighborhood have been highly from the terminus of the town one to neighbor, E. Olver, for t4e sum of by the last of May or the first of June. . . i, Befon
I I ' 9 7 .
9 side with Mr. Reid, the business successful. At Mrs. Cfesar's. sale, the the railway platform? It's no fun walk- 01'600 cash. - � SHIPM]CNT.-Mr. T. J. Wilson, timber . Trade, I
, . 0 : 1
ember of the firm, and during all that items totale410 51,500, a Span of year. ing through -the mud this spring. WHEAT PROSPEOTS.-The 'fall wheat and lumber merchant of this place, is I 1- -Dan For
. RAops.-A meeting Of the Clinton - j
time an unpleasant word had never pas-- ling Colts Selling for 0210, and other Hve of � this vicinity has app�reutly been shipping away a large number of tele- , - 1- very ext
* I �_ i --the You
e returned his stock, in pro ortion.- . Driving2ark AsoociatiG-p . was held at pagsing through a ver e ordeal graph poles. � � - �_;
. -P I I '. I
SoLD.--:-Xr. Thos. Ross has - during the past winter 8 on &C- PuiacHAsED.-We learn that - . I
sincerest thanks for the handsome pres- I sold his A. ]Kennedy's hotel last Monday even = -Miles. I
d " . farm of 100 -4ores on the -Morris . bound- , ing,',when it was decided to have races count f the abundance of snow, and it Gavin Rose, of Gowanside Farm, n ' 0 which +,I
0 mearr- 60 A SPLENDID - RANCE ,
ant and the kin expressions contained � ; ,
in the address, and concluded by plao- ary, to Mr. Rotor Fowler for the Sum of her6 on the 24th of May. � : 14 high fur
- is feared by a number of the farmers to Rodgerville, has lately purchased Mr. . . I .
ing the house at the, disposal of the $4,720. Thd farm is a good one, and -SPRING OPENiNG-The millinery and have been too much for it. : Thos. Ballautyne's farm Consisting of � - . . would J
' ' - - Tb&hze a
Mr. Fowler 48 now a, fine block of dry goods merchants had their usual � Aitcheson, 83 acres, for which he paid the neat P"
company and hoped they would make land. -Mr. � eo. Churchill has sold 60' spring optnings last Saturday. The SPRING WonK. * Mr. J. . . .. I asoert-911
merry and enjoy themselves. Mr. D, ' ' one of the most successful ; farmers of sum of 06,350. As this property joins Passamenterks, � . . mono
'D. Wilson, Reeve ; Mr. Thomas Kidd,' acres, half of pt 11, concession 4, Turn. evening Was delightful and a large crowd this place, commenced plowing on Mr. Ross' present farm, the two united I . w
, �
� . berry, to Mial CEesar, for the sum of thronged the streets to a late hour in will make one of the largest and firiest _. . _� I the Klet
Mr. �A. M. Strong, Mr. T. 0. Kemp and : r Thprgday of last week, -and if the -
I -1 the night. The display of goods was � - - itself bri
others spoke in the most commends, 61,700. weather continues warm ab'd favorable farms to be- met with on the London - 2 .
'' 1W. Moir, a somewhile -equal, if not in advance of other years. . I _� percent
tory terms of Mr. Cline and expre DIED. -Mr. he expects to have before Road. - 1.
ailed grain sown � I
tly STOLEN.-SOMe evil disposed person I ' - the sue
the regret the�, felt that Seaforth is resident of Bluevale, but more recen . long. � [The above items were intended fok lut week Ornaments, -
of Winghami-Aied there'on Thursday stole a barrel of coal oil from the rear of . but were not received in time. ; � . �- I ishes.
shortly to lose 1, so valuable a citizen, I THi;,, EpiDEmic. - The matrimonial .
:F Of refresh last week. the premises of the city book store, be- I . . � � -
�L , He had before coming here LOCAL POINTS. -Messra. White & i - . - THA X1
After partaking ments provid � fever still prevails around Prowntown, I . 1�..
ed by Mrs. Cline, " 'hour was ve " on a -resident of Howick for several longing to Chris Dickson, last week. Berry a auction sale of stock, held here . - - In ape
. ry pe I Mr. Dickson had a warrant issued to and has carried off two duripg list week on Thursday, the 12th inat., was, quite I - le
pleasantly Bpept in music and social years. -Mr. John Johnston, of Turn. Search the premises of Old Bill Core, in the persons of Mr. James Lake and Low � , d -to de,
SeVeral of the ladies and berry, "and 4ather of J. Johnston, late i a success. The village was fairly ps;j a life of;
converse Miss Maria Jewitt, eldest daughter of i
' but the barrel of oil could not be found I thronged throughout the day. We .1 I i :
gentlemen of t�e Choral Society were township olei�, died on Saturday last - . .i- 11ortli, ul
I ' Thos. Jewitt, Esq. � Z
� i -
present and gave a couple of beautiful, at the #dva A 0 e of 80 years. De- on his promises, however, th arre G . . � understand the stock sold freely-. and � I i Z the now,
ohorna6s, besides which excellent gongs nbo�n 81'rong and heart emptied was found just- over his fence. COD Hoiisics.-Mr. R. Mellon, of the I - I wflKing t
ceased had y tin . .1 brought fair prices. -A large number : , �
. a few weeks Ago. A large procession Looks rather Suspicious, 3rd concession, purchased 4 fine four lef t this Station on Wednesday to attend - . . �ng for t
were�_`ren Messrs. George W. -G<C011egi&t0 Institute year: old colt one day la C�rds, ,
fd st week from I the Spring Show held at Brucefield.- in propa
0 =2
Cline � on, J. S. Roberts, W. followed -,the remains to. the Wing4am. FOOT BALL. I � I I I . .
0. Reid, John Scott and others. At a oemetery�on'Monday last. foot ball club play Clinton High School E. Olver, paying therefor the suna of : We are pleased to 'See Air. McDoneU, of - that Qh�
� THE k iaw' club on the Clinton ground on the 20th $230, and in the space of a� few days
little �f ter twel Fe o'clock a most enjoy P G FF.VxR.-Now is the � fi � (the firm of MoDonell & Waugh, who I � i ed th-rou
- � I al from a � i
Beason,' hen I the house a an. inst. An exciting game is expe�ted as purchased another no au;m ' I : ,of the wi
able and pleasant -evening was brought w - wife reip the clubs are well matched. If Galt . gentle -man of Wingham, paying the sum had been confined" to his room for the . - . wheneve
to a close by th a whole com any joining preme, the go�d man must Cave in, and . past week through illness, on our streets . 1 Butt 81 � . . .
. 61 Auld Ean hile the whit9Wal3bi ring win,then Seaforth club and Galt are ex.,- Of $170. He is now said to bave one of Pon . j '.
hands and singing g Syne " w . ng and op . I I again. -Mr. John Petfield, who has I � upon. thi
andfinished up with the National An- renovating continues he must experi- pected to play on the same ground the the best teams in the count�.-E. Olver been engaged here for the past few years . I I - atterlaw
I . :,
them. We believe, Mr. Cline intends ence the terro�s of absolute monarchy, same day. Play will commence about also purchased from R. Mellon a fine as section man on the London, Huron. - ., I I - iuto regi
� I - �
I t I
- removing his f I mily to Wingham 'next taking his meaJs in silence, going around 2 o'clock. Admission, adults 15 cents. ho I rae the other day for the gum of $120. and Bruce, has lately been appointed r . i � i i aries ha,
L I I � . '
Children 10centa. Ladiesfree. Every. . 0 .7 - � I I 1� ;
week. �_ r : . on tiptoe and glad to got out unhurt, he � � section boss at Clandeboye. The fall Bradd,0, 4e,,.,, - iug in, ti
- I - calculates the time when he shalrigain body should go and Bee it. We hope Gorrie. wheat in this neighborhood is, looking I - il� ces�ejn
? :
� � . - - ,
LocAL BwEr�. - Ther,9 is not onp be-ma8ter of his own home. Such is Clinton will come out shewd. LoCAL'BRIEF8.-Times are somewhat very promising. -The farmers are now �, I the �Piou I
/ - i
vacant store. or d welling hoqte in , Sea�- life. Such are women. % 0 livelier since the trains cominenced to busily engaged in plobighing. z . I
. . I thera ]at(
- .
foith at the i sent time. --41r. W. N. FRANcHisE.-We notice by the Fran- . � Auburn. run. Our merchants wear pleas.,�ut . . I I I ' - -Protest&,
P0 . F I -�--IN THE ' - � '� I �
Watson intend'k removing 'his Se ' - chise Act that farmers' dau6ters will BRMFS.-Our local'weather Prophet countenances as goods arkve.-Jas. Me- A McKillop Faxmer STiaxveB , - ! Mothodij
� wIng be allowe ; . .
Machine Emp . um into the store - i . d �o vote, but what good is predicted that we, yvould not .have any Laughlin, son of Mr. Wm. McLaughlin, Himself. I � .. - . catlione
. I i the Oblv
Carmichael' a . lock. -On Friday,even- this? What Young lady will admit ' that rain until June. 'Fortunately be only is visiting friends in and near Gorrie. The Goderich Star of last week says: . _: i
I iman in tow I n up. came about as near the truth as Vennor In u . " .
ing last a gent n receiveda she is 21 ? How many will ow - the part of the States from which he A pec 'liarly painful case of hallucination o4late AC
telegram fro person in Toronto, even for the B�ke of voting ? .New York PatteMrj , -
Imagine or Wiggins. -Mr.., Fergusoh has pur- came, the dust was flying w4en he left, on the part of a McKillop farmer nam- I I . - _� p6se to -3:
' ' - . � i ... Utter- bi
- I
stating that he Was wanted in Toronto the young man acting as. scrutineer, de� chased the house and shop belonging and he :was greatly surpriBed, to see so ed Thomas Forbes, �which resulted in Z ..
I i . I . I f
I :_ ,
on the followii1i,g day on important bu8i- manding bia� affianced, probably, to to Mr. Gibson of Wawanosh .and in- 11�uch snow here. -There) were three his death by starvation. occurred recent. � I 11 �- ing the I
. I I - � � . . i � �
0 ow I - I aremadf
ness. On Sato rday- in ming he started ear to her age. Sir J[ohn loves the tends carrying on business therein in funerals in the village last 'week. -Our ly. About five weeka ago Forbes, who - , I i I -,
. I . Accorapa
by the early t -in, and arriving in Tor- ridiculous, but this is carrying it to sub- the future. -After the ice left the ri w mill is running in; full blast resided on the boundary between Mo. -FOR OUR---� ;. I I � I
ont ted himself to the sender - limitY. Just think of the advantages a and during the high water, & larga tree n6w.-Mr. Wites has moved into the Killop and Grey, near the village of . . I 1 F . Inculeati:
. C
- I ; � ]if-
- . L
' -
of the telegra , w eu, much to his dis. bachelor candidate Will have because he got crosswise in the Stream and, 4odged house he lately purchased, Land Mr.' Walton, became depressed in apirits, I : . ! � � L lifel ][I
I - 4% fy- _
gust he was in :)rmed that be was not can promise to marry any number but against one of the abutments of -the Robert McLaughlin has moved into the and imagined that be was going to - lose - i itage co
- . �Lv :1 I > , L
L �
&MAI .
. I
, '
I 0- an immense amount of drift wood hao purchaged widow John�Bon's house loss. The matter weighed so hea,vily up. DRESS AND M no � .
., as - - i . -Mr. Sanderson his property and suffer ire%t pecuniary ' "I safely,
th� man want (I the telegram had. the act should call this- bribery bridge and accumulated around it such one Mr. Wites vacated. . 8
been sent to an entirely different per- I ANAE i �_ I truly .me
. . - . � � I -
son. - Some person, must, have blunderel, 1pashwood. and other rubbish that it was feared the and'lots, and dame rumour says he is on big mind tbat on that particular strong ,
he Seaforth�te had his GOOD CALF;�--Mr. Charles Schroeder, . . - �� -1 "I'll,
andt early break- - bridge might be damaged, Messrs. A. Boon going to increase his responsibility. poini he became insane, 1 and while I 1 1
f ast and h is j on mey for nothin�. - We lot 26, north boundary of Stephen, has McDonald, John Sturdy, James Young 'Owing to the hot sun during the past I a I truths w
in that condition lie took the notion to . I r ,
. � � i
regret to learri4bat Mrs. R. N.Brett has a good calf which, when born weighed and Wm. Symington set to Work to cnt few days the Snow is disappearing abstain from eatin" and from. partaking DEPARTMENT. _. � � strictly B
! I 9 . i : -
been confined b bed for Several' days 100 IbS. and girthed 36 inches. the jam away and after considerable rapidly, and the river is 'deeper and of any nourislimprit whatever. The - . 1 41, . tmlquih
f; I -
with�"a severe ttsok of inflainnistor FARM SoLD,-Mr. George Shoellig has difficulty they got it removed without wider than it has been fror Some years. most Strenuous efforts on the pa# of . . 'Ple. Sir 7
y - L ,�, i
: . 1, th1r,:)ugh I .
rheumatism. sold his farm' of 50 acres, being the the bridge being injured. ' - r. Ja,s.. McGill left for Manitoba on his wife and other relatives failed to � � i I
bree ca� loads of new' - -M ; , .1
m%ohiery ar I ved here the other day south half of lot No. 4, in the 12th con- In interesting debate will take place � Wednqpday last, Where he intends to re - dispel the illusion which overcast the I . I . �, � the P,ech
. . �
for the Red M 11. The Inillwrights are cession of H%31, to Air. Fred Schroeder. in the Temperance Lodge on' Monday main until fall. -The mumps are pro- mind of the unfortunsfie man. At the -1 I � -1 circie's,
to be here atop ce. It is the intention The price if; I w 10 a very air nig. . 8 u . . I i�� I JX000lik;
0 . I .t .- 10tiger ho
la ' , , L . .
of the proprietors to have the mill ready One. Mr. Be oellig retains possession war on Intemperance caused the greater try, consequently too much che I I �
� - 0 is very have Forbes committed to the jail at a gTelkt i
for the now cr6 . It will be a great a,d- until next Ma ch, when he purposes go- misery to mankind," Mr. Fraser is to be common at present. -Mr. Walter Stin- Goderiely, preparatory to his removal thim sag,
. L.�
vantage to Stab- ing to Iowa. -Miller son has given up his school on account to an Insane Asylum, and he arjdved -C . _
th Own to have this e � _ leader on the one side and Mr. I E11 M: FAUI� �- .
I I - ana +1,.�_
: � -_ __J
liabmeDt in o ration once more -,Mr. . DOTs.-Th little son of Mr. Henry on the other. -The organ recently pur- of ill health. -At one time it was in the county town about two weeks ago. ; .
I . i . their We
. � .
George W-hitel' , of this town, has pur- Thaler, of this village, wW, while play-' chased and placed in the Methodist thought the dam was in danger, but by For about twelve dayi he eat nothing, f I -
- - 7. __
chased from '. Swallow, of HoiKil- ing on the aid walk a few days ago, fell .Church is a good one and gives the rait3ing the gates and taking other neces. but on Friday last a little beef tea was . - -1 . ;
Z 11 ill VA
. ; I
made ;
also an excellent choir, so 813 so 00119 a being
for the gum . . 0600. He is comin ing.- Farmers have commenced plough- -that our to it, notwithstanding that � the water - , A I
lop, his eub Colt, Paying there- and fractured his collar bone,is recover- gr�atest satisfaction to an. There is sary precautions iio damage was done administered and ai:i attempt was
. THE CASH DRY 0 011 10. � Sol
9 � to tone bi tom, h for the reception ,; i
-three years old, was sired by Old Clear ing in this vicinity,' and if the present Methodist friends will henbeforward was deeper than it had been for years. of food. Every effort to make the : � : 461r6l*_ 7
- I .
-� ti . p the .glum
Grit, and i4 &dD iitted by horsemen to be fine weather 6n nues they Will soon have good miusic.-Our citizens are '-Willie James, son of the late Mr. stomach retain nourishment proved un-, I I Winter n
one of tho b o4 C olts in the county. He commence is ediDg.-Mr. Roland . H. glad to see Mr. E. Elkin, around on I Bic -bard James, intends to return to availing, owing to the long fast-lija bay- .SEAFORTH,O - . I t
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