HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-04-20, Page 7APRIL
ALO -N.0 ST:110141
AGNiNT for sevgral First -Clan Stsz oat
tea Insarance Companies, and -
nk to takerfeks on the inflAt favorable tomtit
Also Agent for several of the hest Loom 8c -
A.150. Agent for the Sale and Purchase of paw
and Village Property.
- -1V14-Mber Of Firat-Clateg
lmprored .Farms for Sale,
Sa0.00o to Loanat Six, per eeet
Agent for the Rale of Ocean Steamship Thasa.
OFFICE Over M. Morriaort's Storenlatabt
Street, Seaforth.
Corporation of Morris will loan $6,00ett,i
farm property, first mortgage, at 7 percent
interest, payable annually. Borrowers to
titans. 5. For further Particulars apply t;r
reEORGE FORSYTH, Reeve, Bruissels P. re, tea
G. 8. M.A.CD‘)NALD., M.D., a x.phydaw
Surgeon Aeeouchear, Celle endue&
tenoe, that, lately occupied by Dr. IliatehioN
• G. SCOTT, M. D. &a, Physician,Surgeonang
Acentietteur, Seaforth, Ont. Ofiloettatireei-
,teece south wide ot Goderieb. Street,seeone
last of Ittesityterlart Church.
• 1. L. VERCOtE, M. D., C. Me Physician, sta.
gematete-,Coroner for the Cotantyef atvon.::
Mee and Residence, on Jarvia street. tterik:
Ireetly opposite Sesaforth Putdie SchoolTM . ,
EA.NovEn, M.D., 0. AL „ Graduate et
McGill 'University, Physittian, Surgeon la&
Leeonehenr, Seaforth,Ont. Office and Reaitistust%
North side Goderieh Street, first Rriek Hods*
sat of the Methodist Church. 4116-
ttEADUA'ret of the Royal College of Dental
x Surgeons, Canada. Office in the rooms
;tely occupied by IL Derbyshire, Whitney',
Ali operations carefully performed said sulfa-
etion guaranteed. Charges Moderate.
N. R. -Teeth extracted witaeatetails-
e- aate
acuity Gold Medalist and Collage
Geld Medalist R. C. D. S.
TAVING many yearsexperience he is able &I
make all operations nr. Dentistry s 'enable
d tasting. Preserving teeth a Specialty.
iloroform, Ether or Nitrous Oxide Gas given.
Charges Moderate.
Office in Meyer's Mock, Main Street,. Seafcfrth.
UTILLbe. at his office, CADItlilit
atte the Commercial Hotel,' on
a each week. Nitrate Oxide AM
retered in the extraction of teeth. Tablas
been admitnatered by Dr. Cartwrzght sham
with perfect aucceas he having been oae of
ant to introduce it into this province. Pa-
nte having teeth extracted may inhale thew
d have eight or ten teeth extracted in a
.! or a minute and a half, without la
aetsfrom it. Parties_ desiring- new teet please
I on Viredneedays. Fax ticular attention paid
the regulation of children's teeth. Teeth
•techfrora one to a full set. 730.61
crimsEEr HOUSE, Brrissels.-Having
chased title property, (lately oceapied by
Cempbelln I have refitted the house -in
ry respect. The bar is well stocked, ands*
ntive hostler at the stablea. F. FREY. Fro -
tort Brussel-a, Dec. 5, 1882. 7
(Late roster's neva )
'OE assuming themanagement of thiii, Ilcinzte
have competely renovated seal return- ha
throughout with new furniture in tbe
which enables us to give first-class attOra-
ation to the 1 ublic. The best brands of
ors and Cigars at the Bar. An Eaten
tier always in attendance at the Sta les.
icalar attention given to the farming rat
Charge* moderate.
4e Royal Hote
S to inform his old friends and the t
lieg public that ha,ving purchased this ii
commodious- hotel buildine, he has thorettga
-furnished and refitted it from top
, and it is now one of the moat co
convenient hotels in the county. By
- a to the wants of hia custoznera he h
e it a share of publio patronage. The
ell furnished and well heated.
•be kept supplied with the best, and an ,_t.
tive and trust worthy hostler wM aline's Y'''
tendanee. Good sample rooms for Conutera
• revellers.
ttleralter the "Royal Hotel," corner Of
Gotionea Streets, Seaforth.
.; S. CAMPaELL,Proaincial Land
and Civil 7.ngleeer. Orders by rasil
tereied to,
D, 5 CAMPBELL. Ifttorte
R. . BRET Tg
kmaleand RetalIDealer in LEATH-DR
-TIDE FINDINGS of Every Deeeripti0n.
•e but the VeryBest Stook kept.
ate. A TrialSolielted. All ordera by to
rank? promptY
orange Incorporatoxi Bill
efOre the Donlon
(ttta'we cartes- [fondant of the
T tito World, Garet The orange bill
was ette great gabled of interest in end
eateide of the ceremons OIL hiffilda3r. , A
aoramittee represeating the -brethren
heyebeen here for tan days, and it was
aught that an understanding lied at
jast irea arrived at hetweeet the goy,
*gement and the orderabilt the Proceed,
hip in the hones indioate that an
amicable settlement is ati remote as
even . X(y predietion-that the govern.
Meet would introdtted a general meas -
areas a compromise proves to be correct.
A bill was introduced by Mr. Ce4by, of
Stanstead, to• amend and extend to the
dominion, chapter 71, of the vonsolidat-
ettaiteentes of Canada, respecting chari-
table, philanthropic, end provident
vareeetiens. This bill is undoubtedly.
toreeaeed with a view of allowing the
mange order to iacorporate-under a
g, We4erbMr.
aelniaw.. Blake asked why the meas.
nre was necessary Mr. Colby replied
thet tt WWI desirable to promote every
good and. benevolent order, which could
better be accomplished under a general
act than by private and individual
"pleasures. The leader of the oppoSition
thereupon agreed with the hon, gentle-
man that the bill was so colorless that
one could 4ete through it.
The bill wee read a first time, and it
was thought 'the agony was over, but
when the oriege incorporation bill itself
was called Mi. John White,of Hastings'
tot up and made a startling speech
Before he arose Mr. Dalton McCarthy
sad Sir John Macdonald were observed
to speak to him in a:n imploring manner.
They evidently wished him to withdraw
the bill, but the member for East
Hastings shook his head very signifi-
cantly aad would tot yield. In his
speech, ne asked the house for a further
adjournment of tke bill until Monday.
"If," said he, "the committee does
not mime to a conclusion by that time,
I warn them that I will push the bill.
I will have no further badgering or
trouble. I have been badly treated all
throughout this matter, and I will not
he a party to any coropromise. If the
house will not indulge me, I am ready
to go on with the bill now."
Mr. Blake pointed out that as this is
a _private bill,and as the time for re-
porting private bills from Conamittee
-closes with the 18th, a little more than
one week from Monday, a poatponement
for a week renders it inapoesible that it
ean go through, even if it is read a
Second time.
This intimation was received with
cheers and laughter, and the bill was
allowed to stand.
Latest News Notes.
-It is stated that Hon. T. W. Anglin,
of S. John, New Brunswick, and. late
Speaker of the House of Commons,
intends removing to Toronto shortly,
where he has accepted a position as
• editor of a Toronto journal.
is expected that the Toronto
harbor will be entirely clear of ice this
-Fifty guests escaped from a hotel
set oh fire by incendiaries in Ansonia,
Connecticut. One girl j cupped from
the fourtn story window and broke her
!-The funeral of Senator Gibbs took
place on Tuesday in Oshawa. There
was a very large attendance. The de-
ceased's Iife is said to have been insured
for $50 000. -
-Mr. O'Connor Power intends bring-
ing before Parliament a scheme propos-
ing the expenditure of g5,000,000 in
Ireland for the promotion of home
colonization, provision being also made
for optienal emigration.
-It is stated that Patrick Delaney,
who le supposed to have actively partici-
pated in the Phcenix Park murders,
will not acc,ept, oomasel for his defence.
It is expected that, feeling his mese to be
hopeless, he will plead guilty.
-Inquiry at St. Petersburg into the
accounts of the different Russian Min-
istries of the last decade has disclosed
serious frauds. Several persoias of dis-
tinction are implicated. It is expected
the matter will be bushed up to avoid
-A medical gentleroa,n draws atten-
tion to the dangerous custom of leavieg
lamps partly turned down, whereby a
pont:mous gas is generated, to which he
has traced many throat and lung dis-
eases. In some oases he finds a - soot
deposit on the inucous membrane,where
such foul air is breathed. Either ex-
tinguish it wholly, or let the bright
light shine fully.
--In Windsor, Ontario, on Monday
evening, a bloody affray took place in
the street between five drunken des-
peradoes from Detroit and a couple of
police officers. backed up by a dozen
()Amens. Keives were used freely, and
finally revolvera drawn. A, Windsor
consta,ble was fatadiy injured, and half
a dozen of thoae assisting more or leas
hurt, one colored man probably fatally
also. Three of the roughs were captur-
ed and locked up.
The IVIarguis of Lorne.
Mary Cleromer Ames, writing from
Washington to the New York Indepen-
dent, f3a,ys of the Marquis of Lorne :-
"As I looked upon the face of this very
handsome MA", it meant vastly more
for itself and its race. It did not need
at all the 'reflected glory of any other.
One who can hear on his ancestral
shield the arms of the, royal Plantagen-
ets can scarcely borrow lustre from the
Geelphs, even on a throne. As my
sight fell upon him it was more to me
to remember that I saw before me the
direct descendant of a hero who fell
at Culloden, of auother who was the
friend of Mary Queen of Scots, that
his grandmother was the beautiful
Duchess of Sutherland, that his youn-
ger brothers had been in trade in the
eity of New -York- this wonderful
collection of associations clustering
around the person of one fair young
man was more marvelous to me than
the one that he had married a queen's
daughter, though she in her own in-
heritent personality is no inconsiderable
person. The Matquis of Lorne is a
man of commanding figure and of ex-
ceptional beauty of countenance. Tall,
broad shouldered, with free movement;
his head is thrown back with a certain
dauntless grace that has in it no self eon-
eious haughtieess ; rather3 it is the Un.
001180i0US expression of a fine character,
the fine carriage that may become the in-
herited grace of a lofty rano. His features
&refine and strong, espedially his brow
and chin; but a picture, which gives mere-
ly the outline of his features can impart
• .
no idea of the charm of the face in its
coloring and expression. So blonde a
man is rarely Been ; for not only is his
abundant hair golden, but his eye -lashes
are of the same her, long and ourling
outward • the deep gray -blue eyes-tlat
gaze throltgli them take on a remark,
able expression, eo purely spirituelle one
instantly (teases to wonder that the Mar-
quis of Lorne writes poetry, only to
marvel much that he can bea canny
Campbell, a Hebridean Sootchman.
Beholding him for the first time, I
understood at last, the exclamation a
little Boston maid made one year age :
'I have seen the Marquis of Lorne ! You
never Haw so handsome a man ! And he
walks like a "
Blood will Tell.
A face adorned with pimples, boils,
blotches, &o., is not a. particularly
pleasant sight, and invariably betokens
an impure state of the blood. Dr.
Carson's Stomeoh Bitters free the sys-
tem from all gross humOrs, renders the
blood pure andetool, aids digestion and
gives a healthy appetite. For sale by
all druggists -in large bottles at 50 cents.
If !You Find
You are unable to sleep nights, and,
though physically tired, are wakeful
and your business is uppermost in your
mind, and you pannot for a while rid
yourself of its cares and perplexitiea,
takePhosphatine along with your meals
three times a day, and it will produce
such a change in your system that you
will enjoy refrephing sleep every night.
For sale by all druggists; price, $1.
• The Sickly Young Girl
And the delicate young woman need
Dr. Austin's Phosphatine. When' the
countenance is pale, the blood courses
sluggishly, erruptions on the face ap-
pear, together with all the other signs
of either tenapqrary or constitutional
debility. No remedy will so quickly
restore color to the cheeks, strength to
the muscles, energy to the limbs, bring
back the aptketite and make a healthy
woman, as Phoephatine, which is not a
medicine, but a' food. For sale by all
Idruggists. 788.52 •
Oh, WJaat a Cough. •
Will you heed the warning. The
signal perhaps of the sure approach of
that most terrible disease Consumption.
e Ask yourself if you can afford for the
sake of 50 cents to run the risk and do
\pothing for it. We know frotn ex-
perience that Shiloh's Cure_ will cure
your cough. It never faits. This ex-
plains why more than a nhillion bottles
were sold the past year. It relieves
croup and whooping cough at once.
Mothers do not be without it. For
lame.back, side or chest use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Sold by Lumsden
Wilson. 780-26.
Dyspepsia and Liver Coni -
Is it worth the small price of 75
cents to free yourself of every symptom
of thew distressing complaints, if you
think, so call atour store and get a
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle
has a printed_ guarantee on it, use ac
cordingly, and if it does you no good it
will cost you nothing. Sold by Lams -
den & Wilson. 780.26
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
We have a speedy and positive cure
for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth
and headache, in Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy. A nasal injector free with
each bottle. U it if you desire health
and sweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold
by Lunasden & Wilson. 780.26.
A Startling Discovery.
Physicians are often startled by re-
markable discoveries. The fact that
Dr. King's. New Discovery for con-
sumption, and all throat and lung
diseases 18 daily curing patients that
they have given up to die, is startling
them to realize their sense of duty, and
examine into tho merits of this wonder-
ful discovery; resulting in hundreds of
our best physicians • using it in their
practice. Trial bottles .free at E.
Hickson dr Codadrug store. Regular
Size $1. 783.52
An Answer Wanted.
Can any one bring tis a ease of liver
or kidney conaplaint that Electric Bit-
ters will not euro? We say they can
not, as thousands of eases already per-
manently cured, and who are daily re-
commending Electric Bitters, will
prove. Bright's Disease, diabetes, weak
back, or any urinary complaint quickly
cured. They purify the blood, regulate
the bowels, and act directly on the
diseased parts. Every bettle guaran-
teed. For sale at 50 cents a bottle byE.
Hicksoia Lt Co. 783.52
Wry's. Bodman.,
of Bothwell, says myelaughter was very
ill with bilious fever, used Dr. Carson's
Stomach and Constipation Bitters with
wonderful results, one bottle entirely
iitibdued the fever and thoroughly raster -
ed her to health and vigor.
• Hettdache,
Biliousness, dyspepsia and constipation
promptly relieved and cured by the use
of Dr. Carson's StonaaCh and Constipa-
tion Bitters. As a family medicine
they are far suPerior to, pills. In large
bottles 50 cents.
Cannot be cured by outward applica-
tions. An alterative medicine like the
Fountain of Health is needed to purify
the blood. Price 25o. 798.53
Salt ,RlienTr) Cured.
Are you troubled with salt rheum,
rough akin, pimples, or canker sores; if
so go at once to Lumsden & Wilson's
drug store,and get a package of Calvert's
Carbolic Cerate. Price '25 cents. It
was never known to fail. 795.52.2w
An Important Omission.
• Sir L. Tilley in his return in refer-
ence to tall chimneys omitted to men-
tion a very important industry, and one
which has not only given employment
to many hands, but has through the
influense of the N. P. relieved. thou-
sands from physical suffering. We
refer to that great remedy for corns,
Putnam's Paipless Corn Extractor.
Sure, safe, and painless. Sir Leonard
may exclaim, "Canada for Canadians,"
but we most exnphatically exclaim,
"Putnam'g Painless tlorn Extractor for
corns." lold every where. 762-52-n
-tees Or
She know her man, and when you
rant and swear,
Can ars* you to her with
But it e net be beautifal hair to have
such potre ; and beautiful hair can be
ensured b the nee of the Cingalese
Hair Rene er. Sold it 50c by J. B.
Roberts. 70.52.789 •
"Wily sho d a man whose blood is
warm 'thin
Sit like hi grandsire cut in alabaster ?"
Or let his air grow rusty, scant and
When Cingalese Renewer Will make it
grow &Mee.
• For sale by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth.
Can supply the place of a beautiful silky
• head of natural hair. It is infinitely
more comfOrtable than switches, and
other preparations for the hair by un-
known foreigners.. Hair may be re-
tained, beantified and actually restored,
by the use f the Cingalese Hair Ben -
ewer. So14 at fifty cents per bottle by
all druggiss. 770.52.786.
Tn the History of Medicine
No prepar
versal corn
it affords,
affects in k
Buren's Ki
these diatr
ion has received such uni
endation l'or the alleviation
nd the permanent cure it
dney dieeases, as Dr. Van
ney Cure? Its action in
ssing ooroplaints is simply
For Sale by T. S. Roberts.
. W. Mingay,
Parkdale, oronto, writes: "My wife
had sever4l very severe attacks of
cramps in tae stomach. , Hearing of
Dr. Austi 's Phosphatine and its
pleasantne s to take, I gave her two
bottles,&ndl she has not had an attack _
since, and hr health is much improved.
For sale by all druggists. 770.52.789
Writing fro
say more a
when I saw
health is m
free from h
having use
of your Ph
J. "Wetherell,
Winnipeg, says: "I oa,n
out Phospbatine now than
you last in Toronto. My
ch improved, and I am
adaches or any other aches,
only two and a half bottles
sphatine. For sale by all
s Your Hair
Turning gr y and gradually falling out?
Hall's Hair Renewer will restore it to
its original onion and stimulate the
follicles to roduce a pew and luxuriant
growth. It also cleanses the scalp,
eradicates dandruff, and is a most
agreeable and harmlers dressing. 793.52
Thatethere is a reliable remedy for kid-
ney trouble, half the terrors attached
to these cortiplaints ha,ve been removed,
For thitelet all be thankful, and to •Dr.
Van Buret:Vs Kidney Cure award
all praise for having thus re-
moved a hitherto, fatal disease from
our path. : It was never knoirm to
fail. Sold ly J. 8 Roberts. 770.52.789
Pim les and Blotches.
Call at Iunsden dr Wilson's Drug
store and g t a package of Calvert's
iCarbolio Cerate. It is composed of
Vaseline, Carbolie Acid and Cerate, and
has never failed to remove pimples,
blotches, u cerated sores and rough
skin. It ours when all others fail. Try
it. 795.52.2w
Thousands upon Thousands
Of dollars have been spent in advertis-
ing the celebrated Burdock Blood. Bit-
ters, but this fact accounts enly in part
for its euormous sale. Its merits have
made it what it is -the best blood medi-
cine ever devised by man. 774.66.
• sa.
The .4ony of a Cough.
Let any person with a fresh cough
imagine it gaining on him day after day
and year after year. Let him couple
with it the dread of consumption, the
long years of weakness, the months of
acute suffering, the agonies of death.
He will thee not hesitate to obtain the
best cough remedies at the first appear-
ance of this evidence of disease. Mr.
-H. G. Mannj, of Kingsly, P. Q., says:
"1 have been for se+eral years alarmed
by an affectien of the lungs. After a
time I obtained and used several bottles
of Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Bal-
sam. Before the first was finished I
raised a nunpber of hard, gluey globules,
and my trout les left me entirely. 793.
Ha113 Hair Renewer.
Renews, el apses, brightens and in-
vigorates th hair, and restores faded or
gray hair o its youthful color and
lustre. Peo le with gray hair prefer to
use the rene er rather than proclaim to
the world, t rough their bleached locks,
that they ar becoming aged and pass-
ing on to deCay. 693.52
are ea.
Mr, J. R. Seymour,
Druggist, St. Catharines, writes that
he finds an I; ever increasing sale for
Burdock Bleod Bitters, and adds that
he can, withent hesitancy, recommend
it. Burdock Blood Bitters is the grand
specific for all diseases of the Blood,
liver and kidneys. 774.65
Headache lig one, of those distress-
ing complaints that depends upon ner-
vous irritaticin, bad circulation, or a
disordered state of the bowels, liver, etc.
The editor and proprietor of the Cana-
da Presbyterian was cured after years
of suffering !with headache, and now
testifies to the virtue of Burdock Blood
Bitters. 774.65
Burdock Blood Bitters
Cures scrofula, erysipelas,salt rheum,
piles and all humors of the blood. Cares
dyspepsia, liVer coro'plaint, billiousness,
constipation, dropsy, kidney complaint,
headache, nervousness, female weak-
ness and general debility, when ustd in
time. 774.65
"Grunt it Out."
The above is an old saw as savage as
it is senselesa. Yon can't" Grunt Out"
dyspepsia nor liver complaint, nor ner-
vousness if they once get a good hold.
They don't remove themselves in that
way. The taking a few doses of Bur-
dock Mood- Bitters is better than
" grentingit oat." What we eau cure
let's not endti. 774.65
! Binary Person to be a Real
In this life must hav
is, must coneentra
body and mind on
Burdock Blood Bitte
as a complete and ra
pepsia, liver and kid
all impurities of the
&specialty ; that
the abilities of
me one pursuit.
s has a specialty
cure of clys-
omplsAnt, and
. 774.65
John R.
Hamilton, says: "
Cure for Dyspepsia a
cheap at fifty times t
it. I am a oommeroi
continually, and woul
of leaving home wi
MeGregor's Speedy
valise than I wou
team at home and go
trial bottles at Lum
Drug Store. Regular
and one dollar.
oGregor's Speedy
d Indigestion is
e price asked for
1 man and travel
no more think
out a bottle of
Cure in my
d of leaving my
ng on foot. Free
den & Wilson's
size fifty cents
Calvert's Carb
The finest healing
the sun. There isino
cumb to it's wonderfu
ties. It ia an invalu
cuts, burns, bruises.
ompoued milder
sore but will sum
healing proper-
ble dressing for
pimples, scalds,
boils, festerings, etc. Price 25 cents, at
Lumsden & Wilson's a ug store. 795.52
The Quickest T
Is Kram's Fluid Lig
ralgia, Headache, T
does not blister or d
requires but one appl
all pain magically w
greasy -liniment or car
in a poultice for weeks
five cent bottle from
son, druggists. 795.52
g on Record
tning for Neu-
otache, etc. It
senior the akin ;
cation to banish •
thout using any
ying your head
• Try • a twenty-
unasden & Wil -
A Remarkable°
Farmers in weshin
men in stream driving,
like occupations are gr
colds. One of these
Ellis, Milltown. N. B.
severe cold while strea
in a short time brought
sunken chest, and eve
deep-seated oonsumpt
brought no relief nut
Pulmonary Cherry Bal
It cured him. This D
monary Cherry Balsam
remedies for throat an
When a
sheep, lumber --
and ethers in
atly eXposed to
as Mr. E. B.
He caught a
driving, which
on night sweats,
y symptom of
on. Medicines
1 Dr. Wilson's
am was tried.
. Wilsen's Pul-
is thd king of
lung diseases.
an !
Arrives at middle age, ii is time to take
stock of the resources of energy remain-
ing to run the machine y of the body.
Many hard workers at that time find
the system impaired or used tip from
the wear and tear Mold tat to the ac-
tive struggle for life. E arnination may
discover some latent disoase requiring
immediate attention to !secure the vital
li aya, possessee
forces . from rapid. witie. Wheeler's
Phosphates and Ca
special power to repair damage, and int
vigqrate weak organs, and its timely use
may prevent much suffering e-nd great-
ly prolong life. 796.26 _
Soundness of body and Mind is possible
only with pure blood. Leading medical
authorities of all civilised countries en-
dorse.Ayer's Sarsaparilla, as the best
blood -purify ing m edicine in existence.
It vastly increases the working and pro-
ductive powers uf both Land and brain:
793.52. I
Ayer's 0athar4c Pills
Are suited to every age. Being, sugar
coated they are easy tentake, and
though mildni,nd pleasa t M action, are
thorough and searching n effept. iTheir
efficacy in all disorders f the • stomach
and bowels is certified to by eminent
physiciansvprominent clergymen, and
many of our best citizens. 793.52.
-4, • s.. -
The Vital Forces
Are speedily renewed by Mack's Mag-
netic Medicine, the great nerve and
brain food, it is the best 1 and cheapest •
medicine everadiscovered. Sep adver-
tisement in another column. • Guaran-
tees of cure issued by J. S. Roberts,
Seaforth. 780.52.
• -410.--
The Simple
Yet potent herbs from which the Foun-
tain of Health is oonapounded, , will
never fill the bones with' mineral poi-
son, nor the stomach with common
whis-key. Price 25o a package,
And sick headache yield at once to the
combined powers contaieed in p'o unta in
of Health. Price 25c.
A Dime
May be well spent in the purchase of a
box of Hope's Regulating Pillsi They
Dever double you up, making the cure
worse than the disease.
• There is no Pill
So mild, safe'and effectual for infant
or adult as Hope's Regulating Pills.
Price 10c a sample box.
Being a very superior Eye Salve, it is
also an Ointment that cannot • be sur-
passed for the cure of old sores and all
inflamed parts. Ask for Churchill's
Climax Eye Salve,and Ointment; 25o
a box.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of the
woitld. Warranted to speedily cure,
burns, bruises, cuts, ulcers, salt rheum,
ver sores, cancers, piles, chilblains,
corns, tetter, chapped hands and all
skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in
every instance or money refunded; 25
°exits per box. For sale by E. Hickson
& Co. 783.52.
Farmers before buying your reaper
and mower oil ask for and procure a
sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is
warranted not to gum, and is guaran-
teed to give good satisfaction. 753-52
Now that the reaping and mowing
season is coming on, farmers _should
remember that that "Kaiser" Machine
Oil is the best reaper and mower oil
in the market. For sale by all dealers.
For sore eyes, incurable by all other
means, resort to Churchill's Climax
Eye Salve, and you will be surprised at
the prompt relief. Price 25 cents. 798,
The Magic Cur
Sold during the past year, and the de-
mand constently increasing. This
valuable medicine may now be procured
Messrs. Joseph, Kidd & Son, Dublin.
r. Jas. Drummond, Blyth.
Andrew Govenlock, Win,throp.
ames Campbbil, P7alton.
Wm. Scott, Brucefield.
enry Sch,ajer, Kippen.
as. Bonthron cE Son, Hensall,
And wholesale or -retail from
Manufacturer, Seaforth.
evils Lake, 'Turtle Mountain
And Mouse "liver Country,
¶Ijribntary to the United States !Land Office at
t culars twilled FREE to any tiddress by
• F. eN A ILLY,
General Travelling Agent.
• & MAITORA R. R.,
J- 2S R. Front St., Toronto, Ont,
I 798-8
eople wishing their teeth to look white,
se " Teaberry " daily -at morning, at
' night; -
I sweetens the Breath and reddens the
ahances the beauty of daughters and
Seaforth Mnsical Instrument Emporium.
Beg to announce that they have removed to more oomnaodious premiseet ane
door north of the Post Office, where they will be found with a large and well.
selected stock of DUNHAM PIANOS, which are so well known and highly
spoken of by an musicians, EXCELSIOR ORGANS. -These Organs have re-
ceived the highest rewards wherever shown, and have also received a diploma at'
the Industrial Fair just closed at Toronto. We also keep in stock other Pianos
and Organs, and all kinds of small instruments, sheet music and instruotien
books. Agents wanted.
THE •Subscribers have bought the Tools and
-1- Boiler Business lately carried on by the God-
erich Foundry and Manufecturieg Company, and
havieg had an experionce of over eight years in
that shop, are now prepared to carry on the trade
in all ite branches.
Any work entrusted to us will receive prompt
attention. First-class work guaranteed.
All kinds of Boilers 'made and repaired, also
Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron -Work, ate., at eft-
sonable rates.
New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired on
the shortest notice, and at prieds that defy com-
783 Box 103, Goderieh.
Paid up Capital, -
OPFIC.F)-1.72 the pren2,ises former.r
ly occupied by the Bank of Com-
merce, and under the Commercial
Rotel, _Main Street,
English and Foreign Exchan.ge
Purchased and Sold.
Purchased at Reasonable Rates.
Money Lent on Collateral Securities
Drafts Issned, payable at par at all
Branohes of the Bank of Commerce.
it,650,000. INTEREST Allowed Olt Der snit.
Money to Loan on Mortgages.
Presid-ent, Hon. Wm. Mcalaster.
The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues te
receive deposits, on which interest s allowed on
the most favorable terms.
Drafte on all the principal towns and cities th
Canada, on Great Britain, and on tne United
State, bought and sold.
Offiee--First door South of the Commercial
639 A. II. IRELAND, lelaaager.
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor.
ME.A.I...a Ma Si
Vegetable Sicilian
' A Fair Exchange.
Will - you exchange al chronic .
iasetof dyspepsia, or agree to break
p a bilious temperament-te give
'our torpid liver act, ivity, and thus
Strengthen your .digestiott, regain
energy. comfort, health and spirits,
all for 75c? A single bottle Of Zopesa
will do this. A few doses 1 surprise
those who try it. For biliousness
and dyspepsia in their many forms
Zopesa, is a panacea', and is war- -
ranted to cure them. I It acts'
Speedily and pleasantly. Try -a 10 '
oent sample of it.
state that be has re. urned hotne from Da-
kota, and is convinced that "There's no oace
like home," and he intends to remain at home,
and will henceforth give his entire personal at-
tention to his business; His facilities for doing
good wok are unexcelled, and he can guarantee
satiefaetion. Come one, come all, and bring
your ielatiens and friends, and secure the
shadow ere the substance fades. I eau accom-
ntodete yon all, and can send you on yonr way
rejoicing. Jost try me and prove ire_ Charget
moderate. Remember the place-Seott's llh ek,
Main Street, Beafortla.
Mack's Magnetic Medicine
A Cure Guaranteed.
Is a sure, prompt and effectual remedy for Ner-
vou ness in all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of
Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats,
Spe atorrhocea,SeminalWeakness_,Leucorrhaea
Ba enntss, and General Loss of Power. It re-
pair nervous waste, rejnvenerates the jaded in -
tell et, strengthens the enfeebled brain, and re-
stors surprising tone and vigor to the exhaust-
ed' enerative organs in either SEX. re. Wiih
ea1 order for rwatve packages, [teeth -Jape -Med
witil $5. we will send our written guarantee to
refund the money if the treatment doea not
effe t a cure. It is the cheapest and best medi-
cine in the market. Full partieulars in our
pa phlet, which we desire to mail free to any
add ess. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold
by Iruggists at 50 cente per box,or 12 boxes for
$5, r will be mailed free of postage tan receipt of
mor4ey by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC
MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold by all Drug-
gists. Guarantees issued by J. S. Rosears, Sea -
torte. 781-52
THIS new Company, formed for theprirpose Ci
intestine Free eh Cti pita in Canada, is non
prepated to advance money on the most favorabm
terms on good landed aetnrities. M P. HAYE.i.
Agent for County of Huron, Scaforth. 699
was the, first preparation perfectly adapted to
cure diseases of the scalp, and the first sue-
cessfal restorer of faded or gray hair to its
natural color, growth, and youthful beauty.
It has had many imitators, but none have so
fully met all thearequirementa needful for
the prOper treatment of the hair and scalp.
HAWS HAIR REXEWER ha.s- steadily grown
in favor, and spread its fame and usefulness
to every quarter of the globe. Its unparal-
leled success can be attributed to but one
cause: the entire fulfilment of' its promises.
- The proprietors have often been surprised
at the receipt of orders from remote coun-
tries, where theyhad never made an effort for
its lOtroduction.
The use for a short time of HALL'S HA1R
RENEWER wonderfully improves the !per-
sonal appearance. It cleanses the scalp from
all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and
dryness, and thus preventa baldness. It
stimulates theweakenedglands, and enables
them to peels forward a new and vigorous
growth. The effects of this article are not
transient, like those of alcohplie prepare:
tiona,but remain a long time, which makes
its use a matter of economy.
Will change the beard to a natural brown,
or black, as desired. It produces a permanent
color that will not wash away. Consisting of
a single preparation, it is applied without
R. P. HALL & CO Naghtla N. I
. po
t Ii.A.-y-m8
Manager and Proprietan
anair tre
"r0a1 and 1314 DiseB-
Would have Prevented
Sold Everywhere at 25 tents a Bottle.
Two Bottles In One, 40c.
Sold by al Dealers in Medicines. -
Scrofulous, Mercurial, and
Blood Disorders,
the best remedy, because the
most searching and thorough
blood -purifier, is
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles, 45.
pELIEVES AND CURES Spinal Complaints,e
-ht. General and Nevous Debility, Rheumatism,
Gout, Nervousness, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat,
and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia Bronohitili,
Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Sprains,
Consumption, SleepICSEdless, Colds. Indigestion.
Ask for Norman's eteetric Belts, and you will be
safe against itnposition, for they will do their
work well and are cheap at any price.
A: NORMAN, 4 Queen St East, Toronto.'
E. HICKSON & Co , Agents, Seaforth. 753-62 ,
P';'‘''''• CAC 11/
Nei- V r Ntk
L. R. O. P., L.R.C.,8. E., Lecturer nu the Bye
Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron-
to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear Le-
nonfat-, Consulting- Oculist and Aurist to the
Institutions for the Blind. Brantford, and for
the Deaf and Dumb. Baleville, Ont. Late Clint.
cal iii,sistant Royal London Ophthalmic
tal, Moorfields, and Celan& Throat and Ear
May be eontiulted at the
On the Last SATURDAY irs EA CR
11141iT111. 704
'& N pus Debility and all Nervous Affeetfons, in-
cluding Spermatorrheat Seminal weaknets, bet.,
results of Self-abuse„, indiscretion, te.t •La
only retoedy 'which has ever been known to per-
1 manently -Cure Palpitation and other affeettens
of the Heart, Consumption In its earlier stages,-
Rua/sing of blood to the head, wind in the
stomach, Indigestion, Lose of Memory, Wane of
energy, Bashfulness, Desire for solitude, Xnells-
position to labor on aceount of weakireae, Uni-
versal Lassitede, PECiil in the back, dinrnes' of
vision, Premature old age, eat. Full part . t
in our pamphlet, which we send seeurely $ealed
on reeeipt of &three cant stamp. The Spse0-0
Is now sold by all Druggists at $1 per patkaget
or 6 for $5, or will be sent free by mail en
receipt of Money.by addreasing - Z6940