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The Huron Expositor, 1883-04-13, Page 9
• • • PLEMENT TO t-t1 kItk•r. is , SEFORTH, ONTARIO, APRIL 13, 1883. I HAVE NO INFLUE oE. 'People often say, "Who mat- ters it what 1 do. I have n influ- ence !" There is no , human being who can truly say this. W care not though he may live wher there are scarcely the. commonest neces- saries of life, he has some com- paniori who listens to him, and listening, ponders over what he says, at.nd all unknowingly tef• him- self acts open it It is . a oleenn drought that it is so, and yet a happy and a- beautiful one; or by se ranch as we influence R e can bless if we choose --and who of us will not choose, at least in of r bet- ter moments, aid batter m • cnents wipe oftener the More the are welcomed and cherished. allomillmimillomossmenve Did you see t ose pretty Twenty tent c�O�WDs OF Dress Goods at Mc- FauPs ? if not, hurry up before they all go. NSA SUCCES —OF OUR- 1I1E GERM.ANTOWN TELE- GRAPH SAYS. "Limina meadows c r old pasture e lands with say thirty bushels to the acre, has an effect upon the con- dition of the crop of grass that few ferratre would" believe without giving it a trial. In fact we do set know how the same amount of money can be expended upon land with the same profit It is not only certain but. lasting. We do Rot hesitate to say that nowhere has lithe mere effect and can be used with better results than in Ate renovation of old pasture. T e agricnitnral editor of the New England Farmer, in gising up his dairy farm, which he has run for ten years, says he has proved that an acre of good land will easily grow the fodder tor a cow, and that a 25 acre farm, of ordinary quality of soil,- can carry a team and dairy animals old and young equal to an animal to the hare, year after year, provided plenty of labor is judiciously ap- plied to the soil. On this farm has been thade annually 3,00.0 lbs. of butter, put up in quarter pound prints, and selling at from 50 to 70 cents wholesale ; present price, 55 cents It's astonishing 'Those large all silk sun are .only One umbrellas at Mc- 7ollar each. .'HE BRIDEGR003I'S ATTIRE. This consists merely of a dirk blue or black frock -coat or cut Way -coat and 'est with light trousers, lavender necktie, and glove , the last named being o i it - ted desired. Jewellery is out of At and all he r9equires is: his wa to and chain, fur although la node grants so daily privileges and fee el- to women, she permits clone to m n -.-at leeyt not. yet. The brulea oom i, ust be accompanied by his best man, ' ho sees to the arra ngements, pays all fees, &C., atading on the right of the bride- groom at the altar, holding his hat durng the service, and returning it to him previous to entering the vestry. What next ?T Only tenty-five cents for a good Cash- mere Bacl - mere at McFaul's. THIS FLUENT - IRISILMAy " I hope, sor, yoo will assist a Zan :whose house and everything that was in it, including me family' sor, was burned up two month ago last Thursday, sor." no riser, chant to whom this appeal was ad- dressed, while philanthropic, is also Tery L autious, so he asked : " have you .any papers or certificate to! show that you It fire ?""Idid nor, signed befog to that effect, b up, sol, in the fancily and the t anything by the ave a certificate, a notary public, t it was burred, house with. me t of me effects." The tears reit off` of the merchant's eyes from - latfolisng as he handed over a quarte Vi8IT088 UP TO A LATE HOUR ON SATURDAY NIGHT. . EVERYBODY DEI.IGFITED WITH TAE A, ROOM Now that thegreat even.tof the- .spring season is over, and our success in I LITE RY esta�al�ished - , we would call the attention of ALL to our new ddesirable stock of DRY GOODS which is first-class rot class in every respect. 1)EPARTMENTS. P . IT.' DEPARTE NT We are showing a splend'd range of new and desirable Rove, Plain, Glossed Gingham F' ncies, Regattas; Cretonnes, (kc._ Nt HITE AND GR Co s Ch T Ch T, B Prints in Fancy Ground Works, Flowered, Striped, Polka Spots Y COTTON DEPARTMENT Splendid value in Bleached and TJi bleached Cottons Pillow Case Cottons Plain n an w s d Twilled Sheetings, �, , y Shirting al tons, Butter Cottons, Cheese sloths, Cotton Yarns, Carpet Warps, &c. IRTING;, DUCE AND DENIM DEP.,ARTIV.LENT-- Printed Shininess, Fancy Checked and Striped Skirtings, Linen. Igixed Shirting s, Plain Brown,, White eked Ducks (ettra .stout), Blue; and Brown Denims, Fancy Denims, £c., all marked at Competition Prices. EED. .A - � AND COTTONADE DEPARTMENT----- Union Tweeds for Boy's Suits, Double and Twisted Tw®eds for Meii's Suits, All -Wool rf' cks, 'lain and Checked Cotton ades, &c., at prices to suit the times. woods ill Plan, • and Drab Mixed and TJE LINENS, T WELS AND TOWELING I�EI'1�RTMEI�T-- Crea n fancies, Loom Dice,.�Washed Ducks, Shirting Linens, Brown Ho11an ds, Window Hol - s, D'L2nask ,Towels, Napkins, Table Oil Cloths, Towelings, Crash, Hessians, &c., at Satisfactory Lace Curtains, Curtain Net by the yard, Printed Table Covers, Bed. Spreads, &c. ,Handsome Satin-Dannasks, lan s, :'leap Towels, Coarse Towe Prices. Also, a fine assortment of MIL±jINER-y DEijTMEN' Ducks, Fancy a to as gr f WHICH WAS WISEST, As illustrating the eharaeteristitel. of the three nationalities, the'. following story is told : An English-' man, an Irishman and s Scotaa ` were represented as looking through a confectioner's window at the beautiful young woman serving ja . the shop. " Oh V' exelimsed leta Patrick, " do let us be spendi half-crown with the dear creature; that we may look at her quite con- veniently and have a bit of a chat with her." You extract.: dog 7" said Mr. George ; "I'm a re one-half the money will • do just as well. But let us go in by all means ; she is a ehaniiinng girls "Oh ! wait a wee ?" interupted MP Andrew, dinna ye ken it'll serve our purpose equally as well just to ask the bonny lassie to gie us two sixpence for a.shiling, and inquiet where's Mr.. Thompson's house, and sic like ? We're no hungry, sad may as well save the -Biller." INIMINISIIMposmsose How much ? Fif teen cents ! Well.. did you ever ! I never in all my life saw such nice dress goods at that price before FAIR DEALING, Robbie M—., a respectable shoemaker in a royal Burgh near the East end o' Fife, at . a time when werk was plentiful but money scarce, a customer ordered a pair of boots to be paid for on ;delivery .. by the following Saturday ni ht. Punctually on time the eustei er appeared and found them a "fid fit," but says he, " having been. disappointed, I can only give . you half the money the night." "very well," says Robbie handing Doer . one boot, " there is half the boots for half the money," " and you'll get the other half when you, brim the other half o' the money 1" Such a lovely lig! Oh, . I know where that carne from that was got at the Palace Show Room. \ PRAYER TO HIS SATANIC, MAJESTY. Through some unaccountable mie- ake a worthy pair retired ,to rest rithout •e barrin' the door," and` in the darkness of " the stilly night" large Newfoundland dog managed effect an entrance to the room here the husband and wife were leep. The dog sent up a pr long d series of low, monotonous nioaa, eatly terrifying the husband, Who ame to the conclusion that it must e Old Harry on a mission. The og at last raised his paws on the cont of the bed, when the glide - an bave utterance to the follow- s, na ,--"O good Devil don't take ;me. ak;e Betty ; she's at the back 0' he bed 6 Tu his department you will nd care and elegant Flowers and Feathers the newest lovely shades of Tl'1111I11I21�r� � , styles and shapes in Hats�sand Bonnets, T great abet of Ornaments, every diad© and width of ribbon lain and fancy Parasol, Sun •, t &e. Special attention. given to Mo i'ning Millinery ; also to liTeddinL Outfits p Umbrellas, DRE ` T S . AND MA IYIAICING DEPARTMENT. On our colulters you will. fid all the new shades in. Dress Materials snr,h as Nun's English -Brocades, Swiss Mixtures, onge Suiti>1gs, ,A.,nerican Twills c. selected especially Clot Glace Silks, Gros -Grain Silks ;gear y �Lyons, � � Specr�,lly fur o Ty Cords, Satin de Ottoman:' \Cords, &e., suitable for use Colored- Silks,- Colored Cashmeres, Mack Cashmeres, Canton Cloths, &c. , Trirnrnings such as Laces, Silks, Satins, Buttons, &o., to match. The new goods bought with judgment and care for our Dress meat, which is under the niauagemeut of an experienced -Dress and Mantle Maker from Toronto. h, Langtry Cloth, Fren.ei ur Dress Department. - Black t in Our Mantle Department. b Braids, Loops, Passomeuter ies, t and Mantle Making Depart- g to Nancy 1 Do you know I was into Mt— Faul's to -day, and. ey never asked me o buy a cent's worth, of they showed me heir millinery, dress oods, silks, laces, esu &c., with just as uch attention as if were going to buya undred dollars' orth. That's the ace to go. - DOCTORS' ETHICS. The New Haven Medical Associ- &Hon. has taken steps to expel Dr. Thompson on account : of his COB' erection with a case in a . city tea in which he is charged' with prr curing abortion. His counsel Olefin - ed. that there was not a father is New Haven who W3uld not he willing to have abortion performed on his daughter to save her shame and trouble, and he would have ete difficulty in finding a physician perform the operation. The prud- ential comnsittee claim that if Thompson is allowed to remain the eooiety wit eve a,t tape him. , OUR ESTABLISHMENT IS KNOWN AS THE SH DR GODS STQ We mark ouroods in plain figures, and sel��; them for CASH OR PROD'UOE• We dc1not claim to undersell everybody, but we do cl our prices are as low � as any reliable house in the trade. COMP.A.RISOTT t INVITED, A Gall Solicited._ TARD McFAU 1 THE CASA DRY GOODS SEAFORTH • I h tw pl i fears I lob -th,1 make al returzT sow , siakd Into i bha In for the a Nal ki—il dth tbrf peon: he s eeP st&y ger due fox kas 3'ntI :loft here was a gc properi -xiver a;e stie time ses have I. Ooupis et h. )20i 148 beta isuoke oP cam, 1 mash r�,, *era in t $heng *0 wjao, tine tabl4 they we 1 the fa on leiri " what r plied= are rural. mill cone, f .." lmie eating of it want. good to t 1. t: SIN, -- 1a favors w visited, f. hspsyol your re mond w easure tion the[ Bayfiei whom son. -/u -la this piaci annivers presume tor of ell, ally tak short reit ocourrend At the a bled, m ing of re ea it lid tions, fr of the ev little b ehildho ohiIdrer excelien hide a all that SEED and WANT ticked po, WANT and manti ing in Seed clover. tim DUNCA ttoet et MONEY Ise reward zraph BABY ears -lege m rarniture ever lames this week and tea se designs in marked v pare price RIME which tor and if y Talentia Peas, Pea and Csmn pure 111/aridi from the at the Um best laza • kept. Th most Dersanien