HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-04-13, Page 7APRIL 1St 1 e
ri for severisl Firet-Class Stook, Iriqg
Ittattrineu Companies, and is
'risks on the most favozable tornta,
ant foreeveral of the be Lose' ges
ent for the Sale and Prerelease- of Sift
ea Property.
mber of Fii8t-Cleal
proved Farms for Sale.
• to Loon int Six Per tense
the sale of 06ean fitearriship
Oer M Morrison's Storeadfaea
'oration of Morns 16,00.441
roperty, first InOrtgage, at 7 per oette,
yable annually. Borrowers to Dia
For further _particulars appl3r-1i
roRnTli, Reeve,. Brussels P. en les
MACDONALD, M.D., a X., Phydefiut
reon, Ace:enrol:tear, eto. 9flice anIiteIy d
oecopied by Dr. gettobiaotten
781 ;
TT, AL D. &o, Phyaician„Surgeon
ticheur, Seaforth. Ont. Ofaticaandreat•
side of Ggilerich Street, ascend dose
kiSeriall %Urea.
RCOLE,If. D. 0. M.. Physician, ilne.
kto.,Corener for the Coantyof Berm.
Realdenee, on Jarvis- street Desk
Seim seaforth Petrie school. •
rov.K.H.sLp.,c. Graduate oi
tt uulyersity, Phystiolan, Burgeon ant
'Seafortat,Ont- Wade and Resident%
Cloderioh Street, first Brier House-
fethodist Church. 499
,..onto University; M. D. 0. XL,
.University ; M. C. P. and B.. Os-
-O. P Eden; L. R. O. &Bient
ttenclance for a term at Soho- Hew
Ek.Engiaticli, for diseases of worsen.
of the Royal College of Denial'
Canada. Office in the rooms
d by H. Derhyshire, Whitney'a
ts carefully performed and sots -
[t e e d. Charges Moderate.
ethir-xtracted without e.siet
aniettee. tee .
Id: Medalist and College
Medalist R. C. D. S.
ay years' experience he is able it
operations in Dentistry suitable
Preserving teeth a Specialty.
tier or Nitrous Oxide Gas giving.
arges Moderate EJ
Des Bieck, Main Street, Beaux*.
WILL be at his office, CADETS -
77 BLOCK, SEAFORTH, tipple=
Kite the Commercial Hotel, atall
each week. Nitrate Ordde Ceas
the extraction of teeth. This gas
stered by Dr. eartwrIght -ain't
success, he having been one ed
?duce it into this province. PS.
!,•th extracted may inhale thew
lr ten teeth extracted u & DM -
and a half, without disagreeable
Iarties desiring new teeth please
apt, Particular attention paid
of children's teeth. Teeth in-
to a full set. 73042
OUSE, Bruseels..—Having par -
property, (lately °coupled by Mr.
have refitted the house ha
he bar is well stocked, and as
;at the stables. F. FREY, Pee-
, Deo. 6, /882. 784124
170ster's Ilotel )
ORM, ON -T.,
themanagement of this HOIVIIP
'etely renoxiated and refurnish-
ith new furniture in the boA,
es us td give first-class accost-
:ublic. 1 The beat brand* st
..a at the Ear. An attentive
at'endance 1r.t the Stahlia.
.11 given to- the farming dein-
yal Hotel;
old Mende and the tneeei-
et havizig purchased this new-
otel he trastorough-
[•• re-iiited it- from. top
,7.one of elle most comfeIteque1
els in the county. By stet
ate of his customers he hope%
public patrenage. The root:0S-
O and evell heated. The her
'A with the hest, and an ate -
worthy hostler will always 'be -
ed sample rooms for C011nillOP'
eeryal Ilotele" corner of MOO
Seaforth. 73*
retS WEIR, Proprietort
ovincial Land Sveva/
;neer. Ordereby mailpromlit
rotniship tiounoll Proceedings
- .
Gbunt.—At the list meeting/ of th
- township 'Council the applicatio
it enlistees of Sohool Section No
1.1., to have debenturee issued by way
Iowa to the amount of 11,200, to be pai
Jo. three equal annual instalments -at
pm cent. payable January 1st, 1884, '85
end "86, La erecta new school house
by-law to be prepared at next meeting
and debentureSalso. In the matter o
°Wee Greve's application to be de
wised from School Section No. 5, an
wed to Sohool Section No. 11 referre
ao at a previoua meeeting. It was mov
by John Hislop, seclorided by Wale°
Oliver, that Mr. Greve remain in Schots
Section No. 5.—Carried. Moved b
john Hislop, seconded byValterOlive;
at drainage by-law as now read be
Inaily passed.—Carried. Moved by
wra.1iine seconded by John Hislop
that no dog tax be refunded on any con
pideration after the Court of Revision
olosed.—Carried. The fdllowing
pettimasters, pound keepers and fence
viewers were appointed, viz.:—Conces
sion 1, boundary — Andrew Pollock
Duncan McTavish, Joseph Armstrong
Igun,es Murray, George Elliot, Jazises
Boott ; concessions 1 and 2, Wm. Mo-
Ielvey, Wm. White, Alex. Ross, Arch.
MoDoneld,John MoDonald,Wm.Browis,
Samuel Holmes; concessions 3 and 4,
Duncan Taylor, Wm. Hogg, Joseph
grrayne, Samuel Ames,Richard Pearson,
Robert Vodden. James Lindsay, Adam
Duke; concessions 5 and 6, Frank
Oliver. Thomae Heritage, _Wm. Bishop,
Geo. Walsh, Wm. Pollard, Chas. Greve,
Donald McNichol; concessions 7 and 8,
James Cardiff, Jon Forbes, John Mo-
ine:eh, Meloolin, John Coter, Robert
Dilworth, Johia Ferguson, W.C. Steven -
eon; cote:sessions 9 and 10; Henry Ball,
James Ferguson, Adam Ttienbull,Robt.
Brown, John Sanders, Conrad -Bernath,
Dennis Howard, Mill road beat, David
Milne; concessions 11 and 12, Philip
Bete, Robt. Dickson, George Dark;
• John HD ight, Robert Leckie, John Hows
sad, Lewis Hohler'blind line, Oran.),
brook, George Dark; concessions 13 and
14, John Hislop, David Grant, David
Clark, Peter Sinclair, John Shiels,Peter
McNeil, Geo. Patterson, John Her -
bottle ; concessions 15 and 16, ,Peter
Watson, Wm. Turnbull, John Stewart,
Wm. Fulton., James McNair, James
Iiivingston, jarnee Mann; concessions
17 and 18, David Campbell, Thomas
Williamson, James Ballantyne, Wm.
McAllister, Henry McNauglat, Jaanes
Fulton ; Welton village, Charles- Mc-
Donald ; Graham's Survey. Pound
keepert, Thos. *cEwen, Robt. Catheis,
John Robertson, James Tuck, Hartwell
Speraie, Thos. TurntAill, David Mil-
lard, Wm. Beirrtes. 1 Fence viewers,
Alex. Ross, James Turnbull, Robt:Mo-
Donal& Lawrence Dobson, John Slem-
anon, Robert Brown, Robert Bowan,
Malcolm Lernent, Joseph Whelpton,
Ge,o. Walth. Rohe Martin, Philip Botz,
Peter MoDopald, Wm. Fulton, Hart-
well Sperain, Gep. Avery, John Whit-
field, James Oliver. After passing a
number of accounts the council adjourn-
ed until Saturday the 26th May.
Morees.—At the last meeting of the
Morris council, after passing a few ac-
counts the following offteers were ap.
pointed, viz.: Fenoeviewers — Division
No. 1, James Pollock, John Gibson and
John Richmond; No. 2,Janaes Murray,
George Jackson itud GeorgetKelly ; No.
3, James Sharp, Wm. McCracken and
George Hood ; No. 4, John Perdue, D.
Geddes , and Wm. Iabister ; No. 5,
James Messer, .Bobert Jeh.naton and
James Ireland. 'Poundkleepers— Divi -
ion No, 1, James Logan and Samuel
Thurl ; No. 2, James Murray and Geo.
Kelly; No. 3, W. H. Watson and James
Sharp; No. 4, James Geddes and Robt.
Bloomfield; No. 5, Allan Ramsay and
Quinton Anderson. Pathnaasters —
North B o und ery—C. Anderson, P. Fo w-
ar, John Gardner, J. McKinney, S.
Thornton, James Messer and James
Miller. First concession line — Wm.
Martin, Chas. MeGuire, John A. Mo -
Ewen, L. Fraser, H. Robb, la Smilie,
A. Ramsay and A. Forrest. Second
• ine—George Casemore, Thomas Scott,
. Jewitt, F. Bell, George Turvey, T.
urrie and Wm.Wilsoe. Third Line—
A. Nicholson, George Proctor, R. Galla-
her, Wm. Hopper, T. Enabury, Wna.
ray and R. Armstrong. Fourth Line
—Wm. McCrea, Wm. Bryans, G.
iclaolscreA. Proctor, L. Wheeler,Wna.
ittle, James Aitken, S. Barr and D.
urrie. Fifth Line—R. England, John
loakey, T. Baines, James Watson, R.
Hamilton, H. Clarke, J. Sommerville,
. G. Moore, J. Sharp, A. Robertson
nd J. Mooney. Sixth Line — James
arrison, A. Cole, Thomas Hill, P.
antelon, D. MeQuarrie, H. For-
yth and A. Nichol. Seventh
ine—,Thomas Gosman, J. Coulter, "
ohn MoCantehey, R. Hughes, Wm.
McCall, John Cleanan, James EVROS,
nd F. Ashton. Eighth Line —
mien EL Richmond, R. Laidlaw, H.
Gosman, Wri. Clark, Geerge Jackson,
George Kelly and John Lawson. • Ninth
ine—Jantea Logan, W. Laidlaw. R.
itylon C. A. Moore, N. McDonald, P.
°Arthur, and R. Higgius. South
onndary—D. McQuaig, Walton, W.
ead. By-laws numbered 4 to 13, in-
luaive, were duly read and passed.:
oved by Jola it R. Miller, seconded by
Gosman, that by-laws numbered 7
13, inelusive, as now read and passed
printed in pamphlet form for the
rildance of officers and others in the
anicipality— Carried. On motion the
Council then adjourned tb meet again
n the 28th of May nextsfor the Cpurt
Revision and other bueiness.
. School Reports. •
No. 3, HAY.—The following shows
the aggregate number of marks taken
by each, pupil in this section for the
three months ending Meech 31st: Fifth
Class—Mark ei obtainable 800.—Blanche
McAllister, 398; Jessie ' °Allister, 368.
Fourth Class—Marks ob -ainable 500.—
Sarah Carlile, 213; Ediqi Forrest, 377;
Annie McAliister, 195, lleia Jane Mc-
Allister, 155; Robert Biair, 16; John
„Forrest, 146; Wesley Rife, 187; Thos.
Forsyth, 285; George Troyer, 268; Ed-
ward Haan, 217: Wmi Troyer, 100;
Robert Fergeson, 190. Third Class—
/darks obtainable 325.—Martha A. Fok
rest, 190, Sarah Rife, 157; Diantha
Carlile, 163; Jainee Maxwell, 167, Chas.
Troyer, 147; George Hiller, 42;2Thos.
Maxwell, 118; John Troyer, 171.
No. 2, GREY.—The fol owing is a )re -
Tort of the pupils attending School Sec-
tion No. 2, Grey, for the month ofMarch. The standing .8 based on pro-
ficiency and good oonclulot : Fifth Class
—1st Annie Siller-s, 2ndl Martha Smith,
3rd Margaret Hishap. Fourth Class—
let James Harris, 2nd Reiohel Stewart
gind Chas. Wilbee, 3rd1 Archibald Dun-
eane011. Ibir4 Class— st Oliver Harris,
freetead Claes—let Win; Turnbull, 2n4
2nd ins. Hislop, 3rd Jae. Clark. 'Senior pear, tegether th a] the other signs
Charles MUM Sill Agnes, Douglas
junior Second—lit Susan Harris, 2n
Wm. McCartney, 8rd Win. MoAlliites
Senior First Class—Ist Agnea Johnston
2nd Bella Hislop, 3rd James Rouston
Junior First--lst Philip Harris, 2n
Frank Douglas, 3rd William John
BINBUR21.--Thefollowingreport show
the names of those pupils who obtained
the highest standing in their respeotiv
classes in Kinburn Pubno School for th
month of March : Fifth Class—is
Samuel Lawson„ 2nd Bella Lowrie
Senior Fourth -1st' R. Scott, 2nd L
,Lawson, 3rd Annie Taylor; Junior
Fourth—lst John Scott, 2nd Eliza Col -
°lough, 3rd Mary Solioalee. Senior
Third—lst T. Wheatley, 2nd J. Wheat-
ley, rd Beattie Lindsay. Junior Third
—18t Annie Nott, 2nd Jessie Lowrie,
3rd Elizabeth Dunlop. Senior Seoolid
—1st Edwin Britton, 2nd John McKay,
3rd Alex. Lindsay. Junior Second—
lat Soo. Nott, 2nd Lilian Martin, 3rd
Jennie Brown.
No. 6, TT:reexamne
i—The honor roll
for School Section No. 6, 2nd concession,
Tuckersmith, for March is as16llows :
Fifth class—lst, Robt. Broadfoot ; 2nd,
Ellen Townsend; 3rd, Eliza M. Lands -
borough. Fourth class—lat, Absolem
Cosens ; 2nd, James Landsborough ;
3rd, James p. Lendsborough. Third
class -1st, Finny Townsend ; 2nd, Mary
Sproat; 3rd, Lydia Landsborough.
Third class junior—lst, David Lands.
borough ; 2nd, Robt. Landsborotigh ;
3rd, Mery Martin. i,3econd class -18t,
Mary Routledge; 2n4, Albert Dustow ;
3rd, Maggie Dale. peoond class junior
—1st, George Dale; 2nd, Richard Yel-
low; 3rd; Hattie Roetledge.• Average
attendance for the menth 27 2 5.
No. 10, TUCKERSMIT'11.—The following
is the standing of pupils attending the
school in Section`Noe10, Tuckersmith,
in their classes respectively for the
month of March hued on regular at-
tendance, good conduct, and proficiency:
Fifth class—let A.ngus Robertson.
Fourth class—lst Anson Pylius, 2nd
Ja,mes McLean, 3rd Thos. DobEipn, 4th
Hugh McMillan. Third alma --let
J-120. Robertson, 2nd Mary McKinnon,
3rd Wm. Murdie, 4th Maggie Mellin-
non. Senior and class—lst Maggie
Alexander, 2nd Mery Newell and Wm.
Newell (equal), 3rd Etnma Newell, 4th
Robert Dobson. • Junior 2nd class—lst
Wm. Jas. Elder, 2ncl Jtio, Shepherd,
3rd Win. Jno. Pettus,' 4th James Mo -
Kinnon. Senior '1st class -1st Charles
McKinnon, 2nd Katie, Robertson, 3rd
Robert Murdie, ,4th affinnie Sutherby.
Junior lat class-e1st Edward Blake
Dobeon, 2nd Maggie Shepherd, 3rd
Etta Pybus, 4th Ella Pybue.
VARNA.—The following is the result
of the written examination in Varna
school, the four best in each class being
given: Fifth class—Wm. Johns, 412;
John Danby,394. Fourth Class—Leti-
tia KeVEI, 307; Rachel lieatty, 303;
Esther 'Smith, 301; Donald Galbraith,
256. Third Senior--Ettie Weeks, 314 ;
Catharine MaNaughtOn, 293; Thomas
Denby, 262; Sarah Burwick, 260.
Third:Junior—Elizabeth Wanless, 173;
Edward Wanless, 147; Jemima Galla-
gher, 139; Annie Johns, 120. Second
—Willie Beatty:. 54; Mary Keys, 51;
James Hudson, 49 ; Cleace Galbraith,
48. First—Archie Galbraith, 41; Em-
ma Gallagher, 41; Maggie Denby, 39 ;
George Turner, 37. I
WINTHROP.—The following is the cor-
rect standing of the pupils of the Win-
throp school for the month of Mareh,as
taken from the general register: Fifth
Class—Wm. Reinhart. Fourth Class -
1st Alex. Cuthil1,2nd Hiram Blanshard,
3rd Lizzie Barns. Third Class—lst A.
'Calder, 2nd Mary CooMbs, 3rd Hugh
Alexander. Third class, Junior — lst
Jane Cuthill, 2nd Liz4ie Kenney, 3rd
George Kenny, Samuel, Carter, Sarah
Brown i Second class — let Wm. la
Hannah and Nellie Bullard, 2nd John
Craig, 3rd Thomas Craig. First class
—1st Aggie Alexander, 2nd Richard
Barwick, 3rd. Aggie Grieve, 4th Sarah
What is commonly known as heart-
burn can be cured in two minutes by
using Fountain of Health, 25 cents a
package. 798,52,2w.
• Many of our ills are dependent upon
disordered. liver and kidneys, and an
impure state of the blood. Nothing
equals the' Fountain of Health. Prioe
25 cents. 798,52,2w
All who use tobacco know that it in-
ittres them, but lack the moral courage
th quit its use. Fountain of Health will
brace you up, 25 cents a package. 798,
—se, one
Besides being a pleasant purgative,
Hope's Regulating. Pills act upon the
liver and kidueys and eradiate disorders.
Sample box 10 cents. 798,52,2w.•
An old lady of seventy, after using
spectacles for twenty years, could see to
read without them after using a box of
Churchill's Climax Eye Salve. 25 oents
a box. 798,52,2w.
•. That Slight Cold. .
Yon think so little of may prove the
forerunner of a complaint that may be
fatal. ,savoid this result - by taking
Ayer's Pherry Pectoral, the best of
known \remedies for colds, coughs,
catarrhs, bronchitis, incipient consump-
tion, and all other throat and luug dis-
eases, 793,52.
• Blood will Tell.
A face adorned with pimples, boils,
blotches, &c., is not a particularly
pleasant sight, and invariably ,betokens
an impure state of the blood. Dr.
Carson's Stomach Bitteirs free the sys-
tem from all gross huniors, renders the
blood. pure and cool, aidsidigestion and
gives a healthy appetite. For sale by
all druggists in large bottles at 50 cents.
If You Find
You are unable to sleep nights, and,
though physically tired, are wakeful
and your business is -uppermost in your
mind, and you cannot ter a while rid
yourself of its cares and perplexities,
te.kePhcisphatine along ,with your meals
three times a day, and it will produce
such a change in your system that yeti
will enjoy refreshing sleep every night.
For sale by all druggists; price, $1.
788.52. • •
The Sickly Young Girl
And the delicate young woman need
Dr. Austin's Phosphatine. When the
countenance is pale, the blood courses
sluggishly, erruptions on the filo° ap-
of either tempo ary or constitutional
debility. No reMedy will so quickly
restore color to the °leeks, strength 'to
the muscles, energy to the limbs, bring
back the appetite and make a healthy
woman, as Phoephatine, which is not a
medicine, but a food. For sale by all
druggists. 788.5, 2 —
'Answer this Question P
Why do to many people we see around
ets„ seem to prefee to saffer and be made
miserable by indigestion, constipation,
dizziness, loss oappetite, coming up of
the food, yellowiskin, whenfor 75 ote.
we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer,
guaranteed to on$.e them. Sold by Lums-
den & Wilson. 780-26.
Shiloh's Ctarrh Remedy.
A marvellous ewe for catarrh, diph-
theria, canker mouth and headache.
With each bottle there is an ingenious
nasal injector for ' the more successful
tieatment of these complaints without
•extra charge. Price 50 cents. Sold by
Lumsden & Wilson. 780-26.
! •
Shiloh's Co snmption Cure.
This is beyond udition the most suc-
cessful Cough M dicine we have ever
sold, a few doos invariably cure the
worst oases of Cough, Croup, and Bron-
chitis, while its wonderful success in
• the cure of Censunaption is 'without a
parallel an the history of medicine.
'Since its firldisowsery it has been sold
on a guarant e, t which no other
medicine can ste,nd. If you have a_
Cough we -earnestly ask you to try it.
Price 10 °tee 50 eta and 31.00. If -.your
-Lungs are sore, Chest, or Back lame,
use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. I Sold by
Lumsden &Wils44on44. 780-26.
• Wide Awake Druggists.
Messrs. E. Hickson & Co. are 'always
alive to their buslineass, and spare no
pains to secure the best of every article
in their line. They have secured the
agency for the celebrated Dr. King's
New Discovery f9r Consumption. The
only pertain onie for consumption,
coughs, colds, hbarseness, asthma, hay
fever, bronchitis, or any affectipn of the
throat and lungs.' Sold on a' positive
guezantee. Trial bottles free Regular
size.31. 783.52 1 •
" A Blessing to all Mankirid,
In these times w. en our newspapers are
flooded with pate t medicine advertise-
ments, it is gratiOing to know what to
procure that willicertainly cure you. If
you are bilious., blood out of order,Liver
inactive, or generally debilitated, there
is nothing in the vbr1d that will cure
you so quickly as lE1eetiic Bitters. The
are a blessing to 11 mankind, and ea
be had for only ¶ty cents a bottle of
Hickson & Co., Seaforth.-783-52.
6* •
Mrs. Bodman,
of Bothwell, says my daughter was very
ill with bilious fever, used Dr. Carson's
Stomeoh and Constipation Bitters with
wonderful results, one bottle entirely
subdued the fever and -thoroughly restor-
ed her to health and vigor.
• Headache,
Biliousness, dyspepsia and conetipation
Promptly relieved and cured by the use
of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipa-
tion Bitters. AS a family latedicine
they are far supeilior to pills. _In large
bottles 50 cents.
Salt Rheum thired.
Are yon troubled with salt rheum,
rough. ekin, pimples, or canker sores ; if
so go at once to ,Lumsden & Wilson's
drug store,and get a package of Calvert's
Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents. It
was never known to fail. 795.52.2w
Not One One of Gut Peculiarities.
So-called resp
hesitate °onside
your pockets in
fare. That won
EMMA discrimination is net indicated by
the so-called respectable l druggist when
that wonderful corn ',lure, Putnam's
Corn Extractor is asked for. He will
pilfer 3 our pooke s in the most genteel
manner by snbsti uting cheap and dan-
gerous substitutes fet the genuine Put-
nam's Corn Ex rector. Watch for
these gentlemen, nd , take none other
than Putnam's Corn Extractor. Sold
by druggists everywhere. 762-52-e .
She knows her msin, and when you
rant and swear,
Can draw yoU to her with a ;single
hair. '
But it must be beautiful hair to have
such power; and beautiful hair can be
ensured by the D8E) of the Cingelese
Hair Renewer. Sold at 500 by S. S.
Roberts. 770.52.789
°table people would
ably before pilfering.
crowded thorough -
.d be too too. The
"-Why should a man whose blood is
warm within
Bit like his grandsire cut in alabaster ?"
Or let his hair grow. rusty, scant -and
When Cingalese Renewer will make it
• grow faster.
For sale by J. S. Roberts, Seafrth.
770.52.7 9,
Can su ply the place of a beautiful silky
head of natural hair. It is infinitely
more co nfortable than switches, and
other preparations for the hair by un-
known foreigners.Hair may be re-
tained, beautified and actually restPred,
by the use of the Cingalese Hair Ren-
ewer. Sold at fifty cents per bottle by
all druggists. ' T70.52.786.
• Ir.'
Tp the History of Medicine
No preparation has received such uni-
versal commendation for the alleviation
it affords, and the permanent cure it
affects in kidney diseases, as Dr. 'Tan
Bitren's Kidney (lure. Its action in
these distressing complaints is simply
wonderful. For Sale by J. S. Roberts.
770.52.789 •
G. W. Mingay,
Parkdale, Torontowrites: "My wife
had several very Severe attackii of
cramps in the stomach. Hearing of
Dr. Austin's Phosphatine and its
pleasantness to take, I gave her two
bottles, and she hen not had an attack
siece, and her health is ranch improved.
For sale by all dnig -sts. '770.52.789
j. Yiret erell,
Writing fi-om Winnipeg, nays: "I can
say more about Ph sphatine now than
when 1 saw yo last 44 Toronto.. My I'
health it ranch ireprated,' and 1 am I
free from headtbliet or any other aohes,
having used of two and a half bottles/
of your Phosplia,tine. - For 'sale by aU
druggists. 776.52.789. •
13 -411010b-i
OW Hair
Turning gray d gradually falling out?
Hall's Hair Re wer 'will restore it to
its &labial co oz, and stimulate the
follicles to pro4ue a new and luxuriant
growth. •It els cleanses the scalp,
ezadicates da d uff, and is a most
agreeable andh mlees dressing. 793.52
That there is a r liable remedy for kid-
ney trouble, half the, terrors attached
to these comp' feta have been removed,'
For this let all b thankful, and to Dr.
Van Buren's Jidnoy Care award
all praise for having thus re-
moved a hitherto fatal disease from
our path. , It was never known to
fail. Sold by J. 0. Roberts. 770.52.789
Piraples and Blotches.
Cad' at Lumar & Wilson's Drug
store•and get a ackage of CalVert's
Carbolic Cerate. It is composed of
Veseline,Carbeli° Acid and Cerate, and
has never /ailed to 'remove pimples,
blotches, ulcerated sores and rough
Bkiin. It cures when all others fail. Try
795.52.2w :1
Kram's Ill id Lightning
Cures toothaeb and neuralgia (pick
as a flash, relieves any palm iestautly,
the cheapest and quickest application
known. Why 'Suffer with toothache,
neuralgia, headeche, rheumatism, 'lum-
bago, sciatica,sere throat or acute pains
of any kind when you can go to •Lems-
den & Wilson's Drug Store and get a
perfect and instantaneous cure for 25o.
Ask for Krane's Fuid lightning. 795.52.
Ph ei Point
On whieh the celehrated Abernethy
most ',Deleted was the Stomach, and
through that i o tent organ he main-
tained that all dsi ases could be cured.
The truth of thibservation is evident
when we reflect t at the whole aim of
treatment in all lo ms of debility is to
correct errors in ri triton, arising from
the failure of the_ digestive apparatus to
convert food enough into healthy blood
to maintain the dtely wants of the eye -
tem. For the care of stomach tronblea
we have probehlte the' most reliable
yet originated in; Dr. Wheeler's Phos•
phates and Calisaya:
The Agony of a Cough.
Let any person with a fresh cough
imagine it gaining on him day after day
and year after yr.-,, Let 1.1f131 couplle
with it the dteadi of consumption, the
long years of weakness, the months of
acute suffering, the agonies of death.
He will then not)aesitete to obtain the
best cough remedies at the fitat appear-
ance of this evidence of disee.se. Mr,
H. G. Mann, of Kingsly, P. Q., says:
" I have been fOrl several years alarmed
by an affection 0 the lungs. After a
time I obtained ind used several bottles
of, Dr. Wilson's ItulmonaryCherry Bal-
sam. Before the first was finished I
reified a number bf hard, gluey globules,
and my troubles" left me entirely. 793.
Halls Hair Renewer.
Renews, cleanses, brightens and in-
vigorates the ha4r, and restores laded or
gray hair to is youthful coke and
lustre. People with gray hair prefer to
use the renewer ether than proclaim to
the world, through their bleached locks,
that they are be °ming aged and paw-
ing on to decay.; 693.52
By Lack of Open Air
Exercise, and the want of sufficient
care in the matter of diet, the whole
physical mechanism often become8 im-
paired during the winter. Ayer's Sar-
eaparilla is the proper remedy t� i take
in the spring of the year to purify l thrt-
blood, invigorate the system, excite the
liver to action, and restore the heathy
tone and vigor. :793.52.
Mack's Magnetic Medicine
Is a positive rentedy for nervous ex-
haustion, and all weakness of the gee-
erative organs in both sexes. See ad-
vertisement in another column. Guar-
antees of cure issued by J. S. Roberts,
Seaforth. 780.52.2w
Mr. J. R. Seymour,
Druggist, St. Catharines, writes that
he finds an ever increasing sale for
Burdock Blood Bitters, and adds that
he can:without hesitancy, recommend
it. Burdock Blood Bitters is the grend
specific for all diseases of the Blood,
liver and kidneys. 774.65
Headache is one of those distress-
ing oomplainte that depends upon ner-
vous irritation, bad circulation, or a
diSordered state of the bowele, liver, etc.
The editor and proprietor of the Cana-
da Presbyterian was ctired after years
of suffering with headache, and Dow
teStifieS to the virtue of Burdock Bleed
Bitters. 774.65
Burdock Blood Bitters
ures scrofula„ erysipelas,salt rheum,
pil s and all humors 4 the blood. Cures
y pepsia, liver comp .aint, billiousneiss,
oestipation., dropsy, kidney complaint,
headache, nervousness, female weak-
neipi and general debility, when used in
tinie. 774.65
"Grunt it Out."
he above is an old saw as savage as
it s senseless. You can't" Grunt Out"
dyepepsia nor liver complaint, norner-
voesness if they once get a good hold.
They• don't remove themselves in that
way. The taking a few doses of Bar -
dock Blood Bitters is better than
" grunting it out." What we can cure
let'snot endure. 774.65
Every Persoia to be a Real
In this life must have a Elpecialty ; that
is Must concentrate the abilities of
ho'cly and mind on some one pursuit.
Burdock Blood Bitters has a specialty
as e. complete and radical cure of dys-
pepsia, liver and kidney complaint, and
all lecipurities of the b1oodnee774.65
BuCklen's Arnitq. Salve.
The greatest medical:Wonder of the
world. Warranted to efpeediry cure.
burns, bruises, outs, ulcers, aalt.rheum,
-fever sores, cancers, piles, chilblains,
corns, tetter, chapped hands and all
skin eruptions, guaranteed to euro in
every i stance.or faoner refunded.; 25
cents pr lox. - ror sale by E. Erickson
& Co. 783.52.
* ; ,
Partneri before buying pone reaper
and mower oil ask for and pressure a
sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oilsit is
warranted' not to gum, and is guaran-
teed to give good satisfaction. 753-52
Now that. the reaping and mowing
season '8 coming on, faemers ahould
remein er that that "Kailier" Machine
Oil is t e best reaper andmower oil
in the market. For sale by all dealers.
Frsore eyes, incurable by a.i1 other
resort to Churo' limax
Eye Save, and you will b surprised at
eneans, i '
the prompt relief. Price 25 cents. 798,
52,2w. 1 '
i •
The Magic Curelor
Sold dMing the past year, and the de-
mand eoustantly increasing. This
valuable medicine may now be precured
Messrs. Joseph Kidd (k Son, Dublin.
Mr. Jas. iPrummond, Blyth.
Andreuf Gvenlock, Winthrop.
James atpb,ll, Walton.
Wm. Seot4 Brueefteld.
Henry chafer, Kippen.
Jas. B matron c Son, Hensall,
Aid Wholesale or retail from
Manufacturers, Seaforth.
Devils Lithe, Turtle 17loutitain
I And Itionge River Country,
Tributary to the United States Land Office at
tieulars mailed Fit EE to any address by
• General Travelling Agent.
28 E. Friuli St., Toronto, Ont.
TENDERS will be received up till Apell 17th for
-a- the paeture of the Agricultural Grounds for
the season of 1888, under the following conditions:
That the fense, grounds and buildings thereon
receive no dame e or injurY, and that the Direc-
tor s of the sai egrienitural Sosiety have the
privilege of hol iug their shows on days to be
named by them during the season of 1888. The
party or partiee 'using the said grounds will be
held liable for the amount of damage that may
occur to the said fence, grounds or buildings.
The highest or eny tender not necesearey accept.
ed. Tenders to be handed in not later than the
17th of April. 1
Tenders will also be received for the privilege
of selling refreshment's on the Agricultural
round, during [the day of Entire Stook Show.
Tenders to be handed in not aster than Aprel 10th.
Tenders to be addressed to the undersigned.
788-4 I • L. THORNE:
People wishing their teeth to look white,
Use " Teaberry " daily—at morning, at
night; ,
It sweetens the Breath and reddens the
Eehanoes the beauty of ' daughters and
sons. I
A Flair Exchange.
Will you exchange a chrpni�
case of dyspepsia, or agree to beet*
up a bilious temperament—to ie
your torpid liver activity, and t us
strengthen your digestion, reOtin
energy, comfort, health and spirits,
all for 75e A single bottle of Zopesa
will do this. A few doses stirpirise
those who -try it. For biliousness
and dyspepsia in their many forms
Zopesa is a panacea, and is War-
ranted to Cure them. It stets
speedily and pleasantly. Try 4 10
cent sample of it.
-A- {state that he has returned home from Da-
kota, and is convinced that "There's no face
like home,°' and he intends to remain 4 home,
and will henceforth -give his entire pereonai at-
tention to hie busineee: His facilities ler doing
good work are utexcelled, and he can gnarantee
satisfaction. Come one, come all, and bring
your relations and friends, and secure the
shadew ere the substance fades. 1 ean accom-
modate yon all, and can send you on YOUr way
rejoicing. Just try me and prove me. Charger
moderate. Remember the plaea--Boott'S Bieck,
Main Street, Seaforth.
Seaforth Musical Instrument Emporium,
I3eg to announce that they have removed to more commodious premises, one
door north of the Post Office, where they will be found with a large and wetl-
Eselected stock of DUNHAM PIANOS, which are so well known and highly
spoken of by all musicians. EXCELSIOR ORGANS.—These Organs have re-
ceived the highest rewards wherever sh.own, and have also received a diploma at
the Indestrial Fair just closed at Toronto. We also keep in stook other Pianos
and Organs, and all kind e of small instruments, sheet music and instruction
books. Agents wanted. ,
• Having made arrangements for the purchase of a Plpecial lot of Fence Wire'
at a special rate, said wire having been ordered by a firm and found not wanted,
I am in a position to offer a first-class article at a lower rate than is usual.
Terms of payment easy. -Special terms to persons clubbing together and taking,
one ton and upwards. Wire left at nearest railway station. Parties wanting
wire should order early, as if may not hold out long. For prices and terms
JOHN A. NAFTEL Hardware Merchant, Goclerich.
OHRYSTAL 8t. BLACK, P.A.1467SL=1:?.*S/
THE Subscribers have bonght the Toole and
-1- Boiler Business lately carried on by the Ged-
erich Foundry and Vannfastnrirg Company, and
having had an experionce of over eight years in
that shop, are now prepared to carry on the trade
in all its branches.
Any work entrnstea to us will receive prompt
attention. First-elass work guaranteed.
All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also
Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, &c., at rea-
sonable rates.
New Salt Pans made and old ones rehired on
the shortest notice, and at prices that defy com-
783 Box llOS, (oderich.
Pvtid up Capital, - .56,001,0,000.
Presia•ent, Hon. Wm. McMaster.
The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continnee to
reeeive deposits, on which interest s allowed on
the moat favorable terms.
Drafts on all the principal towns and citifs in
Canada'on Great Britain, and on - tne United
States, bought and sold.
Office—First door South of the Commercial
gag A. H. IRELAND, Manager. -
F. 110LMESTED, Solicitor.
A large proportionof the diseases which
cause human suffering result from derange-
ment of the I
stomadh bowels, and liver.
AYER'S CATRARTIC PILLS act directly upon
these organs, _and are espeeially designed to
cure the disases caused by their derange-
ment, including Constipation, Indiges-
tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery,.
and a host of other ailments, for , all of
which the"ur
are a safe,. se, prompt, and
pleasant r needy. The extensive use of these
PILLS by em inent physicians in regular prac-
tice, shows unmistakably the estimation in
which they are held by. the medical profes-
These PrLns are coireeounded of vegetable
substances only, and are absolutely free from
calomel or any other injurious ingredient.
A Sufferer from Headache writes:
" AYER'S FILLS are invaluable to me'and
are my constant companion. I have been
a severe sufferer from Headache, and your'
PILLS are the only thing I could loek to
for relief. One dose will quickly movq my
bowels and free my head from pain. eY 1
6 W. L. PAGEof W. L. Page & Bro."
are the most effect ve and the easiest p sic
I have ever found. It is a pleasure to e to
speak in their prase, and I always d. so
when occasion offe .
Franklin St., Riclimond,Va., June 3, f882.
"I have used AieER's PILLS in number-
less instances as recommended by you, and
have never known them to fail to accomplish
the desired result. We constantly keep them
on hand at our home, and prize them as a
pleasant, safe, and reliable family medicine.
FOR DYSPEPSIA they are invaluable.
Mexia, Texas, June 17, 1882.
from Atlanta, Ga., says: "For some years
past I have been subject to constipation,
from which_ in spite of the use of enedi-
ctnes of various kinds, I suffered increasing
inconvenience, until some months ago I
began taking AYER'S PILLS. They have
entirely correeted the costive habit, and
have vastly improved my general health."
AYER'S CATHARTIC PILL'S correct irregu-
larities of the bowels, stimulate the appe-
tite and digestion, and by their prompt and
thorough action give tone and vigor to the
whole physical economy.
Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell Mass,
Sold by all Druggists.
All experience the wonderfal
beneficial effects of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Children with Sore Eyes, Sore
AGED. Ears, or any scrofulous or syph-
ilitic taint may be made healthy and strong
by its use.
Sold by all Druggists; 81; six bottles for 16.
THIS veva Compeny, fornsed for' thepnrpoee tf
inyeeting French Capital in Canada, is now
prepared to Ovum money on the most favorable
terms or good landed seetnities. M P. HATES,
Agent for County of Huron, Seaforth. 691i
OFFICE—` --In the premises former-
ly occupied by the Bani. of Com-
nu3rce, and under the Commercial"
Ilogel, Jlain &rest. -
English and Foyeign Exchange
Purchased and Sold.
Purchased at Reasonable Rates.
Money Lent on Collateral Securities
Drafts issued, payable at par at all
Branches of the Bank of Commerce.
INTEREST Allowed ou peposits
Money to Loan on Mortgagei3.
M. M Si
Manager and Proprietor.
ritom ses
'oat and Lung pis.
Would have Prevented.
Sold Everywhere at 25 Cents a Bottle.
Two Bottles In One, 40e.
L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. E., Le:atm-ex oU the Eye
Eat and Throat, Trinity Medical Coli'ege, Toren -
to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Bar In.
fulmars, Consulting Oculist end Aurist to the
Institutions for the Blind. Brantford, and for
the Deaf and Dural). Belleville, Ont. Late Clini-
cal Assistant Royal London Ophthalmia Hoff-
lgoorfields, and Contra' Throat and Ear
May be col:suited et the
On the Last SATURDAY in- 1RACII •