HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-04-06, Page 8� . . I : . � I ­ � . I . � I I I I I I I - I I I . - � . I � " - - - . . I - . f . - -- - � . . - ­ � .- - -- - . - I - -- .. - - . .- - ­- " ­­- - �, ­ . - .1.11, � - � I—- -- - ­ ! I. ., , �� - �, ---1j--- - ­­ ­ - - �-- - - I ---I-- ­ - .- , I - - ­ -- - '- - - ­­ - ­ -,-- , '" ­ - ­ , -- - - - - - - � ­ - , ­ .-, - - , , -� , - I . ­­ I , . . . . - I . , i, . . � � . I - � �. I : '11 : � . � . . , . f . I - - I - - % � , . . I � I � . � � I � . . I - , . " . . - � . 0 1 1 1 . � . . - . I I I . � - : . . t . I . � , � : - I . I I I . , . - . - � � . , . . I � - I . : � � - 4 i . - �' ., . � - -i - - , . . .�. % I . 11 � I � ; - I , , - , �, I . - � , - - .1. - � I . . - � - - � - . - - i i . . I � . I � 1 / � - I "4 I . . I - I - . � -� - . '� I L � . I �� , .1 I . . t I . . . , . I - . t - . a I � . � . I . . I I . . � I . . I � � I " - I � � - . . ,� I . 'HURON IMPOSITO!L. � � 11 � - - I TME . . - ! �-, I .. . . � � I I � . L . .. . .1 , . . � I - --- 1. � . / I � � -1 8 � . -- . I . I - - - � - . . i � . . I �, - - . I i . I - . � � " � . ­7� I .- I - � 61 'rental of W&A made wholly on his own Vesponsibi- Leftie, left Or Manitoba onweduesday. I it - . sioser sua:break the wheat some- ensuing t An auuu alti � g his client or Hetookwi him a oar load 'of stock and . . '"Un ea , . I r%r% e , j. ratt a the 2nd lity and without 00118 P I 0% = , an I . t I I . own landy 1� , Q;L;.ELJ01- SEEDS. I 'w'U'alfiner. it is again 804i a' d so 8114- re -6 r & Orson In proc - Qf course -the 'other effoo for use on his OOL 0;,? . ' - , ­ I I I � breaks, when the 'is sent on, has disposed of his far iunag his consent - I . on for six fran he coulloil could not accept any suok pro- which he in nda cultivating. , I i " onts'i y bush, S 0 S EK GAI d fl`�Om that to niag4OO mores,mostl 11 . FLOW : 0 RDEN to the bran -duster, an to E. Bosnian at a moc*rately fa-ir position, as they looked upon it simply I I . :1 -AMD FIELD SEED8.9- the bran bin. The flour and middlings 0 W1 is he an atte-mnt to ge - Hullett. ;, - : � am taken out by the Beal 'ing reels and figure, and intends removi ith hi - I t th�m committed to I � .1 p � an a,okbowi gment 'of liability. This FABm So�'D.- Mr., Cb&rles Fowler � .-. � wife to Manit-obs, in a few doll. I, 1� . ., � I - I I . �.� � WARRANTED FOESH-% sent to the b6iting room, which isfitted I � � .-F was the' on] overture tliat was received has sold hisl farm on the 2ad concession � - - I , - - up nith tes IS Met bolting reels, where - J� ­- directly, or indirectly fro . i- I separated. t W,j*&adsh. . I In Mr. Van- of Hullet toithe Messrs Clarke his neigh. " .7 - .1 I , took. the different products 4re �� r 1� � �. A ffot an Ounce of Old 86ed in S 7 1 ET bors, forth' sum of $6,500. The farm I *"rson, of con- M ;n& We do not - u,ke he has * � � The finiahed flour is then sent to the GOOD CQLT.-Mr. AJ an ,h�nd Jault with o I ; - . bin and the middlings to the purifters, - . - 1, East 1, gmond for t e oo r contains 101 F acres and i d ,; BUY YQUR SEEDS PROM cession .13ti /I Wamailiosh, has a taken. He is a free ent bi a free one. Mr. Fowler is now in Manitoba ; I - . - . ' . I of which there are four.� From these � a � . colt vine months old whic4 is soknow. i -- th, e pure middlingsare sent to one of the I . t , - - country � and if he hasi or imagines he and Mrs. Oowler and family intend 2 � . ORNE, �- I ledged -by all who see it to I)e one of the hkis a grievance 4 L. TH 4 against the town he going there shortly. "A � the bolt- finest colts in the count if not 'in th I �. � ; � - gAFORTH, mA1 stones, and from that' to � , y . e has' a. perfect right to � appeal to the ANOTHER POOD COLT. _Mr. A Jamie- " GROCER, BE room province. . � � � in , where the process is finished. On the day it was nine laborough, re- -, �, ,4 10 -Mustard expect to have courts to have it redressed if he chooses, Bon who resides near Lonc I � rop ssrs. Kyle & . a I ' . � And T. hus Ins -are a Good CrOD. V� . mjaoit�iAd months old it�measured: Girths,fi4efe t but it Is riot decent of him to �Iander cently sold iin eighteen months old colt .� . . ��-- their mill completed with. a 4 � . -1 �' - 24-- , I . - - the end of Ai4ll, nine inches; base of ueok,four feet ni ine and misrepresent those w1hp feel it to be to Graham of Toronto I one - Mr. GeQrge . 600,busbels per day, by .. inch; 4 .I � inches; forearm, two feet their duty to oppose him,- D. Ex2061- for the suml of $500. This magnificent . . I ;. 4 when . they will be able to give thbir knee, one -foot three and a half inch I E � ,: . I , I � VV IF 0-0-i t 0 V # patrons better satisfaction th�n they - ea ; TOIL. - colt was sired by Mr Bel1% imported � furou (ty'" i shauk,'nine and a haU' ugh -- I .- 11 . horse 11 Whata Wanted, " and his dam - . I I hiive-done .in the past. The fact that . . t, one foot eight inches; shank . . I G � -e mans, ement Of - . join Brussels. I Me. Jamieson's Prize mare 11 Bay Nell." I i I I � . the work is under th . �g - elevoul.nohes; andweighs 940'pounds. A.R. SMITH bought largely at the Thismare has never been beateniu . � P1 . DISTRICT MATTERS. Mr. HOIHDgshead is a sufficient guaran- This colt was sired by Banker (import- show ring, in Can da. He is, there- . � great Auction Sale of Dry Goods in Toronto last & a . -------- � tee of its success, as he has hAA very'. ,d) is a beautiful bay and is well pro. k. These goods were bought i . in for e best Stock' that Canada I , - -- - we in ;r1ta fore from th er-n5p e .e,� , q � . - jT,VD.-Two oar Toaiii of Zoice extensive experience with roll -_ p in portioned; I thJapring and summer trade, .but we ,ed in i ety. L .. J - - . can produce as " Whats Wanted,." the I � 14oked potatoes, Early Or late Rose varl D. all parts bf Arherica. . . transit by English oreditors and brought -under I ID. Rous, Grocer, Next door to the Post Office, . - . I - ' the hammer. Great bargains In all lines- at! Sire is unequalled in this Country as L @ . 1. . I . VanEgmond vs. Seaforth. - � . i -I- gea&rth. 800 . -At a meeting of the I . - A. R.Sxrm's. To see is to buy. 797 ,.. . a stock horse. The colt weighed the ­ I Maig NF,w CRizr. � EDITOR SuN,-Siia,-As, THm Expoel 11 A to theuew owner, i ire EvEity LADY should see A. �.-Smithl,o dA it was delivere I i WARTZI).-Appieutices to' the dress F* Brigade on Monday, everdp . . -1 iss Dsay, . 49, last, TOR makes such wild statements con- r cheap too. I y . . and mantle making trade. Apply. to X Ohis po- new mill'inery, it is all new a X425 pounds and is a splendid specimen 4 Mr. James A. Cline resigned- � . A at X-XoFAUL'3 Ca4h dry gbods store. 8W . cerning the above case last week, and I Miss Montgomery, big milliner, has had city ex� of the Clydesdale race. So much for �, - I � sition as Chief. There we- Arimatingshowsit.. 799 : i - - re two nom I � � � Gash 'a deal. - � threatens its readers with more of the perienoe and her I .onr Huron breeders. I .� SzxDI Sm&D I -Edward i 10eesfor the position, viz, Messrs D. I � ,.. ; - . Z : 'I tog inseed grair. and grass seed. Good value in Hoaan and George Sills. BotU are old same gstrbl6d, statements this week, I A'GooD Hoiasim.-Mr. Robert Martino ----� . . � r. timothy and seed peas. at the Old Stand, , m . ell to let the rate- of Gray, wishes to inform thepublic that he in- McKillop. - � clove thb�k it will be as w �, Goderich Street-, Sedorth. 80. -. and effi.cient members of the Company, payers of Seaforth know how the town .,tend3travelling his well known heavy draught OLT:-Mr. James Hillen, of I , Show and thoroughly competent and good stallion, "Princeof Wales," during the coming A -GOOD C . � 1�r Ho"KA-,; BRoW. Mil-rinery ' council, or more properly.. speaking, a I season through the townshipsi of Gray and- How- , I . . terest of the Company the 11th concession of McKillop, recent- - :! Room opentug- for this season takes place to -day men,_and the in 'few of the leading spirits of the council, Lek, and will keep inearly the game route as last � and to -morrow. Please & cept this iRyitati011, As or the town would not have suffered ly sold to Mr. George Hill, of Tucker- 1� ; 4 . I who seem to run the whole concern, are year, only.he will include Ethol. 799K4 smith, an eight m6nths old colt for the � 4 there w-111be no cirorlars -his season. 800-1 u'nder the guidance of �either. A vote . . ' I - � I managing their affairs. I enclose you 9ARKETE;.-.Fall wheat, red, 90c to sum of 4100. This colt was sired �by e � Dumeof & DuAcAw are reducing their , ment. f 0 the Company being taken Mr. Hogan 0 � copies of the proposalw of settl $1.00; white, 92c to 93c ; s ring, 92c to old: Enterprise, and was one of the -�. mLock of boots and shoes a,t cost. - Come early &ad was declared elected by a majority of .p : $ -- � . I � wure bW.ains in thl,i department. 800 . o0e. The prome I dings were cor-daoted made.to the council, both before and � 97c -, peas, 70c to 760; O&tB, 40c ; barley, best in the township. It girthed filve . � . . I Moxx--r LosT.-Lwit in Seaforth, on. ,�Iho moat harmonious' manner and after the suit was entered in court, as 48o to 52o#; butter, 16c to 18c; eggs,14c; feet eight ih6eH, 'and was proportion- - �rhe finder will 'well as t . he judge!s summing -up pf the , land galt $3.00 to 03.50, � fine 04.00 per - ' - : . Triday, March 30th, W in!uillg. 0 �e the debisi n was made the min- � . ately large In other points be rewarded by leaving it at the Montreal Tele� 0 ty " � ,case. We have no desire for I&W, nor ton, barrels 01.00 to 81M. 1 -A ver� serious so- . I N.raph Offloe. SWX2 -- � . loyally =�oepted the choice of the had ­ 3 � f m the first, but when we are ; ,PmiasoNAL.-The many friends of Mr. SwaiousAcCIDENT. a. John Duffus, ' - BA3,r CAivaxAG,Bs.-D6n1t buy a baby 1`11fiJority. The position is one' of con. )rc W -P ?,ro oideDt befell Mr. and Mr L , e at po ' w� siderable reapon-3 L ibility and it - will -be fo a in -to it to get our just rights, we. Donald Scott, of this village, Licensq on Friday afternoon last. They were a . .- I carnage ustH yooL bave seen thou RTZ . ar6 p . r red to fight it out, if need be, i I I Xurniture: Store #Pey are the ohLapest and best &� source of gratification to all that it )r �int Inspectorfor East Huron, will learn driving along the 8th concession with a na I I to the bitter end. . We are legallj� and ,.,; f -J, doel� reor6t of his continued illness. I, a n,l-%++&lr and when crossing the ater broui tinw be -10 -at. 1 -- bits fallen into suen go0a JiSnus. lux. justly �entitled to clean water ' from � Mr. Scott has been suff6 ring from 'ilb UL01irm" . � � roadway was I . 1xsv-n&wcB.-At a meeting of the mem - 4ogan is a thorodgbly' competent I healt I h since early and al. bridge bear Winthrop the mechanic and 'minutely understands ! Silver creek for our business, and w last' fall, bare, and the strain on the horse being bers of the McKillop Mutual Fire In-. the working ,'of our fire . Protection are- going to have it. The couno;*1 will� th h not entirely confined to the very severe,.the animal was choked by � * surance Co&pauy, held on Thuradsy, it.. find that it would have cost muc� less e ho on , he is not able to be around much, ',of two not to b stem and in addition to this,- he is I It IR I . the collar. When about the centre of the wits decided by a majority t' stworthy, au'd highly respectedby to liavq given us what clean water we is oped, however, that with the re' bridge, it staggered and fell against I "'"tend the risk incurred by the Com - - require, than to fight law suits, and turn of warmer weather"he will rectiper' the railing, which gave way under Its 1 Vany in connection with7 the use of t�e other members of - the company. then be forced to giye us more in the � I . We are sure the -election will' give the ate, and that before the� close, of the weight, and the horse a�nd cutter with ' s the end than we asked for at first. But of . I 1 best satisfaction to the townspeople . . summer he will he Wholly recovered.. its occupants rolled off the bridge and Xnatter until the next annual meetini, -I &P'd although the appointment has - Yet cou'r.se some councillors don't care, they There are few men in Hnion ore high' fell tq-the ice below, a distance of ab ut ikely receive another air- have s! - ood time" attending court, ��, 11 , III teu fellet. , Assistance wa when it will h to be ratified by the council, we feel B -at- 9 ly respected than Mr. 'Scott, an .s speedily on tug. and the ratepayers of Seaforth have to will rejoice to learn of 'his speed ' . I � and Mr. and Mrs-. Duffus were " 4 i4ded that body will not have any ob. We hope the ratepayers ! - hand I . I - foot the bills. � I : I I I -quield t* to comply with the decision of . Talescence. I � y extricated from their perilous . * THE LiTnuAity SOCIETY. -The regular 100 1012B . I will not blame us, but their own town . I , i I 1positlon� Bustaiiiing - -VAe members of the Brigade.. ITEiis or INTERESTi-4-James, Co#ers, I , I . � I I . , meeting of the Literary Society will be . council, for this unnecessary expense, I ha's sold his house al id lop on � 50h4 serious II1j1I ; ry.. Mrs. Duffus was taken held in the Meolia,nioW Institute rooms, � as this matter could have baeri-easily ad- , ved suffi- . ' ' I William Logan justed,y6t very light expense to the town. I street Ba " ker.---,Mrs., ,�ohn up unconscious, but soon revi this (Friday evening) at the usual hour- i LocAL Buizrs. -Mr. , , to Mr. Geo. Ba . ILft Leckie was entertai�d by her I lady" ciently to be removed to, her home, and *hen readings will be given -by the fol- I ' for Manitoba on Saturday.- He wait And we are willing -even yet, to come to ,� friends at &social in te town hq,ll 04 further thain the nervous Bbock vras not . I I �pwiug­ ladies and ' gentlemen, viz.: _-aTcompanied by Mr. Henry Jackson a settlement, whereby both the town ' � -eas. seriously injured I � . Wednesday evening I �t. A very 'pl . Mr. D aff as Was not lwl- V411 -ran Ed ards Leatherland �ht% r%Aa nn %L business trin to the North- A 11 1; ed vi t h al I On clean . I L I I L r % I I I U13 can V D%Aklr � r 14 - - , 5 . - an ' , 11ouston, Johnson, Dickson and Mrs. West. -We are informed that Mrs, water required, and the town drains re- ant evening was spe;47,Ur. A. ings- ,so fortunate. He had. his log fractbur ea : i Dewar, ton, machine8t &�L .Br s§'els foundry, lef and his wrist was adly sprained, and IL towrie, also by Messrs. McCoy� k1lan Hobson and family arrived safely main as they are. Hoping you will find , I 7, lef a I . for Winnipeg on' W I hesd y last, i it is feared he has been injured inter- , . I$IcCaughey, Ireland and Stew&f - This at their Mani oban home having made space in yo I home, 'but still - I V - ur valuable journal to pub- , L take a position on thl i` 1� � pL easant passage. -Mr. A. ' - . re department nally. H�was taken ) is a splendid array of talent., and the a� quick an ��( losed. I remain, yours res �� � .. I . lish the eno �6 7,steamers. Th6' lies in a Tory precarious condition. The � , as engineer of one of f', . � readings will, bel well worthy of a . large Strong met with a painful accident on pectfully, I as secured a I good man.-TII6 horse, strELnge to say. was uninjured,and . . 7 � city h . . audience. Friday lait. He was ,crossing Main W. D. VANEGN91VI). � L - "Street from the post .office, when he Seaforth, March 270,488a. ' . dramatic play given. by the 33rd Bail. the vehicI6 only had a '�broken shaft. . I--,. . THOROUGHBItED ST0cx.=Thoae of our . It heavily on his. right side -talion Band on, Frida� � even ng last was Considerip' the hei�ht of the drop it is 11 . a ipped and fe ' .. .. . I 6. I 9 nces were Dot , �- readers, who may wish to trocure thor. f aoturin� his collar bone. He ih around The above communication was pub- , well rendered, and I ... ey had a good a .wonder I the consequ6. � 9 . I , ! t 0 o more Us. i . - �11 . Caghbred cattle willhave aneloellent auain but has his -arm in a sling. -The lisbed last week, and we transfer it to house. -James ,0 .... s h,.� Id , h tw q I � -N ' it additional -. � h keri a, . 1� opportunity of doing so * ai the auction C 9. ada Salt Association have. est9blish. our columns and give acres of ground on lil 8 W mill . i�t I . n . � I I - '1k4,,, sale of Mr. Hawley at Goderich, on the ed. their head quarters in the office re7 publicity for the ,purpose of correcting lately stood to- Mr.. -. i pryn6. , � . Walto-n. . 11 L � t2th inst. Mr. Hawley intends ol�*SPOS- c�' ' Beattie.- COMPLIMENTARY. UP I P14R.-O Frida ontly occupied by Mr. John some of the inaccuracies which are - Y DEBATE -A debao will be held in - . lug of his entire herd which embraces Mr. E--. Brownell left for Winnipeg on sought to be conveyed to the public in evening last Mr. John L ck-le was e4� this plac on Friday evening April 13th. I � - I � I - L ( I -1 onany very valuable ani In &I s, both i m a] e *ouday. He is a Bt,gady, rdliable young it., We wish it, however, to be distinct- tertained at a complfi=417 "Upper, Subject "Resolved hat annemation to I . w � . .1 I ' ' n id , I I ,. and female, and they are all descendants: an aDd will do well in'the now vouu- ly understood in the Outset, that we tendered him byliefrie ds previous to the Unite States ould be beneficial - I qf the beat and most fasbionablei f ami- in ro. Tan. taking his departure for the 1�orth, to Cauada.,, On th� affirmative are K. try. -Mr. Correy McConnell and Mrs. have no quarrel with the Mess . I . L We f any recognize the. im 0 . io, J. Bain and D. Robertson; - lies. This kind of stock is just mow McConnell left for Dalfota -on: Monday, Egmond . . west. At the app I inted hour abqut 70 -McKenz, r . r at after by our farmers and Mr. and Mrs. Erskine- Broadfoot portauce, of the enterprise they are gentlemen Fiat down to an excellent re. -on-the n'egative,' A. � McKibbon, Archie anxiously song, - and it would be a pity that such valu. startbd for their home in , Gladstone,, engq,ged'in, and,have never hesitated in past, provided by Mr. Roo, 01! thoP Hisl d T. G.'Ratoliffe. , . OP P1 . able animals should be. taken eat of the Manitoba, the same day'.-'VMeeled the past when" 6ccasion offered, 'to say Queen's Hotel. The company waso, omp OBITUAR-r.-We regret to announce . wunty. vehicles are 'now becoming general on a good �word both for them and it, and posed of the :rinoipal busiue'ssa�d pro- p ' the 0 th of Miss Eva E. Hearne, I . .p. . ' the street8.-Mr. David- Moore,..O*f Tuck- we,shall continue to do so in the gature. fessional men of the villorge, and � con, whicli took place 'on the 24th of March, Tim SMATORTH POST OMCB. - Mr. e,tamith, has purchased Mr.' James But, we have also a deep interest in the siderable number of the farmers I from at the ea ly age of 24 ye'ars. Deceased � 1J).ioksou,Post Master, has kindly fur- the surrounding. townships. Supper t � � eid's house and lot in Egmoud'ville, town of Seaforth, and whbu we consider . was a good living, respectable young I � 4- . I . sighed us with the following statistics, -. osite the Presbyterian church jor it is being ubjustly dealt with, we would over, the chair was taken by'-%H,olme� ' e -me of business Opp ' t � , . W woman d was much res�ected by 9,11 I *hich shows tb' volu Aich he payi, �800- Mr. Moore having be recreant to our duty did we no� stand , and the vice chair by Mr. E. . adep who knew her. She was engaged to i being done in the $eaforth Post Office, I - Barrister. The.ohairman had h I � : I sold his farm is coming to town to re- upinitadefenoe. Were we to t&ke a . din �i ap be marr4e.cl to a young man named and we may also here -remark that no a I i L de._Two rinks of the Seaforth curling neutrEd oourse as some others are try- right the - guest of the eveni g, a I I Joseph Minn, but she died three L L totter index of the -business trsuaact- I left Mr. Thomas'Gibson-, I I club went to Goolerich on ,Monday last ing to do, and side with Mr. VanEg- on his � . . . days.pre�ious to that which had been ed in the town can be given than Is I appointed for her wedding. Shq was � Ild played a coupie of friendly games mond one week and with the town the -'for East Huron. After the usu I f or. .. I ahown through the books of the Post , , * d * I the Brussels cemeter and . town. The next, we might, probably, for a time at ,mal toasts were proposed and hopored, I ith the curlers of that I I I b r - effice. The following are the figures for both, bui a . ��retary of thecommittee, Mr. F. t1urle I I E eaforth players lost both games by least, retain favorwith uch 'the Se , I he funer"I ceremonies were 6onJucted the three months ending the 318t of, a mall scores. The team that played in t"tios are not in our line, and should 1j. Scott, read: a number of le�- b the ev. Mr. McNaughtou'. She . emen ' y , I W fo � . I March : � Goderich on Thursday of last week got we ever, .unfortunately, be reduced to Iters of apology from gentl of as ollo ed to her last resting place I Stvings Bank deposits.... t5508 I eaten by only one 3hot. The curling such straits we shall consider that our �neighboring towns, who were unable tp by a larg number of friends and rela. . I I Withdrawal abeques paid.. 34,944 . , I I . . . Post Offlae Ordem issued.... 6,4 0 now over for this season. -Mr. David- usefulness in -the, mewspaper world is be ipreseDt, and each one of whom ex'- tives. I .. -1 i t -... 2isil n bas leased the residence of Mr. gone and will look for some other honest pressed the high opinion entertafned of I � - I I . Post Oiba Orders paid... � Z . . � Postage stamps moid ........ 1,080 : Thomas Lee on Goderich street, where occupation. The assertion of Mr. Van. the guest of the evening, both in hi's Bel.grave. � - ,� i During thesame - � were - f atements are I I gar. public and private capacity, and tOstiA- LocA'Li ms. -J. F. Brandon, C. Proc. , period there I �e intends residing. - Mr. .Jonath"----Egmond thal o*ulkll . .1 I :'�' 11 - 1,086 registered letters delivered.. and Parter's well-known stallion, 11 Old Wel- bled" is, to say ,the letat,'impertinent, ed to his enterprise as a� citizen, as well tor and George Bar -clay left bore on � J, ; _ - . ` : ,� �r . rough. lington," died a few days ago. He has as to the prominent part' he had taken In Thursday for the Northwest. -Mr. Wm. -.1 0,500 received and passed th and particularly go when he does not . . ..d , ; T4ere are 80 mails received and -a been keeping him for some time in the even attempt to substantiate his charge. public affairs, and the - great valub of Grigg. ne Belgrave, has rented his I I .1 � 0 hose servipes, and expressed thq'r , I W milar number despatched daily. It United States and had him sold at a It is equally presumptuous and impu- -t fat4er's f .rm for five years, at �25OL per . . so of the loss which the c- nty . o � . , *ill be aeon from the above that the good figure, but did not have him de- dent on his part to oritioise the conduct son On. . annum. - t Is considered a good rent.- . , � ' I � IL' Seaforth Post Offi6e not only holds 'its ivered.-Mr, Isaac Modeland, son of of the Seaforth council, much less to' would sustain by his reInova-I. In'PrO,- M . C. '. Rae has sold his 50'acres 'of Z 4)w --n but the business is contin ally i in - Mr. Jobh Mqdeland, of. Tuck . ohara 'ters aud integrity of posing the toast of the evening t4�e . I t � �- I eramith, asperse the a lai: d to Mr. Ellis, of,� Waterloo, for; $100 creabing. . F - Wthere­on Tuesday for Victoria,Britifsh its members. Most, if not all of the chairman prefaced the toast by .ap o' wn an A the bals'noe, $3,000, 1 U� No - I ' - I - Columbia, where he haB,received a good members of that body were, respected, -eloquent tribute to Mr. -Leokie,referring. �ei nber. It is considered cheap at thin . ; i � SUDD-Siq DEATH. -Mr. John Kidd, situation as engineer on a river steamer. honoured and trusted members of the to his long residence, and his able and figure, as it is so near the village', and - - hardware merchant of this town, died -Mr. Thomas Govenlook has .reces . tly community when he Was Iin swaddling valuable services rendered not only in onja good gravel road leadiDg to I , Bly�h I - fat cattle all of clothes, and the positions they now oc- the interests of Brussels, but of the �. very suddenly on Monday night last. sold S8,000 worth of I and Wingh&m, Mr. McRae will remain - I V� ha:d been inpoor health for some w1hiah were fed byhimself.-Mr.Brown- cupy show the esteem m . which they whole county. . He stated that for on the place till November, when 68- . - - , . � I time, but weently was, sufficieatly re- iug, manager of the Londesborough are still held. And, moreover, neither many years Mr. Leckie had held a first will MoNe to his other place of 11100 I covered to be able to attend to his busi- Creamery, has been engaged as manag. Mr. W. D.- VanE mond, the writer of position in business, as well as in publi . � i 9 0 aors. I ! � 4ess. He had been in the store all day or of the Seaforth Creamery also. He the above, Mr. A. G. VanEgmond, the matters, and be was in reality _the first I - . . I - Monday. In the evening he was aLmus- is a thoroughly competent man, and the plaintiff in the suit, nor any one belong. man, and the leader of that section of . ! � � Leadb-ury- I ' � . � ` - Ing himself with, some of his children patrons*may rest- satisfied that their ing to them, so far as we are aware, is the country, and. was looked up to as ENGAWE .-Wettuderatand that Messts I 4 -hen he was suddenly seized M ith ill- interests will be properly looked after. a ratepayer of the town or owns one such by the people, hence the great lbss H8rton & McLaughlin have effectea an - . ' I - Mess, and lying down upon the sofa he .-The entertainment given in Cardno's cent's worth of property within its pre- the people will now sustain in his re- engage,m ut with that veteran horse expired in a few moments and before "It oa Wednesday evening by the cincts, and still this patriotic anavery moval, and he expressed the hope that man , and oUr goo , Mr. Petei - aid could be procured. Mr. Kidd was To*nsend fa-mily- was very poorly at- disinterested young gentleman presumes his absence would only be temporary McEw6n, to take 0harge of and travel our ness inew, being tendedi but.the audience was consider- I to lecture the town council ofSeaforth on and. not perma�uqut.. The toast was re- their fine heavy dr4ught stallion 11 Wel - - , � � of those who removed from flarpurhey ably larger than the performance morit- its duty, and dares to asperse the char. ceived most enthusia,sticallly, and it was come " cluring tb oming season. The5 - .. - 1. -his plac; ooni- ed. _ The Townsend family have sadly - acters of its members. In one way it is some time before order wasi sufficiently I to, Seaforth soon after Ab could n - t have. placed their horse ir I - I xnenced to attract the business from the degenerated and about all that"iB left of probably well that Mr. VanEgmond has restored to permit of alresoonse. In his better h ds, as P ter not onl - know I i surrounding country. . He was an the once good reputation isthe name.- 'this lettet,' as it shows, to 'reply Mr. Leckie expressed his .grati- y , ! , published . how to take prop care of a h bul . . ; I enterprising and lionora�jle businesam%n Huron Lodge, Independent Order of some extent, the kind tof material the tude lor the honor done �Iim on the heispopular and well-likea verj . tp . . VY 60, � I ud unive illy Good Te,uplars, will hold their neit en. council have had to deal th!in this occa'gi6n, and also his pleasl6re at seeing and,waa widely known a ers 6 wi . I , person. . 117his horso will travelthis sea spected. He leav-ers widow and a terta-inment in the TownHall,on Friday matter. There are a few other facts we d friends, and. -, Seaf , anZ � - ,It present so malAy of biB�ol son between Brussels and orth Me family to mourn 'his lose. The eveping, April 20th. A good progr&mm� might bring to Mr. VanEgmond's atten� 88pecially those f AP'bm the, ountry. ,NHe thus the armers of that Bectiod' will b fatioral took PIL&ce on Wednesday, and 10 being prep�red, of which further . tion regarding his conduct towards the said tha a W a I � � . no- Oat prestaint'he wo n-Asin afforded n opportunity to pr6bure th the remains were interred in the Mait- tice will be given. -We have on hand a town, but as they are not just pertinent whether or not he would 'become per- serviQes c f one of the best heavy� draughl _ I I � -- landbank cemetery. Ciat of respect to number of school reports and reports of to the question at issne, we shall notI manently a resident of I the Northwest. stalltbus In Canada. For th� ast two deceased all the business places on Main township council meetiDg8 which we further refer to them now. The firA, He had made some i#vestments there, �e travelled in the outhari , street were closed while the funeral hold over until next week. -The country and only notification the council had of I and it wa3 necessar� lije� should . go ari d seasons t � I part of the county, and his 6ffsprin I cortege passed oat of town. Mr. Kidd roads are now in an almost impassable Yr. VanEgmond's grievance was a lettek look after them,- and i� is quite probable ­ show for themselves and are a credit t . *&8, a comparatively young man, being condition, but as there is no great depth received from his Solicitor in becemb.4 he may form business Oonnections there a good and noble sire. I . In his fifty-first year. . of frost in, the' ground, a few warm days last, demanding that he be furnished� which will require .his permanent re- � . 0 . . . - will remove the snow banks and make with a continuous supply of purq water moval, but sbog,ld tjAis not be the re- . � . ­ ; - EamoNDvmLz MmLs.-We notice that* them fit for travel again. 'Those -who' and tha:t the council secure to him an sult and he agai � a rePurns to Ontario,be ; Ethel. - Yr.. H. - Hollingshead and a gang of have investigated say that the fall wheat annuad sum.of fifty dollim for all time will not look for! or d sire a more fa,vor- LOCALI IES. -The first of April fallin . rali-11wriglits are busily engaged in chang- looks green and healthy under the to come ; mAd failing to agree to these able loc%tion than th i County of Huron on Sunday,the jokesand �agariesuguait . t" ;� � Ing Kyle & Rustard's mill, in Egmond. � snowy covering', and as the season is terms he would at once enter suit to en- affords. He also redcounted some rem- -the obmr�vance of that time-honored da , . � Ville, from the old qatem of grinding now well advanced, it is not likely we force them. This modest dem d was iniscences of piobber lif , and spoke of were cliqpensed with. -The boy wh ;; �1 Vvith sWrieB, to the ,%test Hungarian or will have au*y severe frost to injure it, rejected by the council and they una-ni- the great progre�s,that �ad been made was accriged of stealing the skatefi fron . roller a so that we nYay look forward for an- mou8ly resolved to defend t& suit. - by the farmers i of h t part of . . yatem. Mes�rs. Kyle & Mustard , the Mr. King protests his innocence, an - - I . , I IcAnty within the' J - are entitled to a godd deal of credit for other good er6p.-Mr. David Anderson, T -his resolution was not carried by or at Pa t �en years. He another boy is accused of the theft their enterprise in introducing here that of this town, Instead of going to British 'the instance of 11 a few of the Jeading said that grea�t anid prolific as the Mr. Kin should investigate the matte � r - 9 . . isystem 0i grinding which has done so Columbia �s be intended, stopped ib�. spirits " -as Mr. Van-Egmond would have . Northwest may be, `,�'l c Ln. neve afford so that t le. guilt may be fixed withou . . . Much t& raise the reputation of Ameri- 'Minneapolis and has got good. employ- us believe, but was. voted for and bearti. to the farmers the c #afortable life that doubt u ion the right party,and th . cauffour, and expect when their mill is ment there. . ly endorsed by every member ol'the � Ontario now does. Ile ' concluded an innocenc 3 established of the one who in& - ' " I - ..; I I � � ,Completed to be able to compete -with �� � .� . � . . council. This was the only proposition excellent -. speech 1jawidst applause. be wrongly accused. -Blacksmiths re ' , the -beat brands -of Americanflon.r. A Morris.. 1�- - � - a I � received from Mr. VanEgmond,aud the Sp ecbes were also �Inade in response port wo h brisk. -Mr. Spence, 6cho , . - I ii Phort description of the system and INCII)ENTS.-Mr. E. Olver wasoffered .cow4cil had no alternative but 'to Bub- I to toasts by Messrs. blibson, Strachan, secretary, has invited tenders for th � � � tdaohiaery abaployed will perhaps not the sum of- $250 for one of t his horses the mit to it or go to law. They chose the I Wade, Rogers, Me(.*ck1en,McLaughhn erection of a new'school house upon th I f be without interest to our readers. other day, but rofused it. -Mr. W. latter course, and in doing so. we think andothers, and e0bl'i speaker .reiferred present -site. Plans may be seen at. hi - � - tl The wheat if; first passed through a Atkins, who left here for Petrolia. last they acted wisely. It is true that -after Dli , �ntar and tauda- office.- Our merchants are getting ij , in the most compli . y I . I r and coc-kle machine'- then to fadl, returned home one day lost week, the action had been co;menced the tory terms to I Mr - i separate I . :r. taie's past, 64reer, large spiing stocks, and appe r to ex : I . � I . , - I t O smu mabhine, and finally to a and p-- urposes going to Manitoba in a few council received a commum"*oation from and hit; value an a 10itizen and ublic poet a laxge tradq. Let themll not b I I I I P - . . i ash machine and scourer. It passes days, accompanied by his brother Mr. V&nEgmond's Solicitor to the effect man, and each one 44pressed- hial sense disappointed. Now,that the r ads ar .� r, h lt� only Brumeis, -b 6 breaking up every one is as ing tl�i 1. � � - . !Frora these through a magnetic separa. Robert. -An educational sermon is an- that further proceedings might be staid of the loss whic 9 lu �i - � . Itor to the first pair of corrugated rolls uounbed to be preached in the Canada providing the council would secure to the whole county, ill, sustain- in,,, -,bis question 11 Why have we. no sidewaik? , , -11 , �, � Meth .inuous supply of removal, "� " I �, *here it is merely split a rid goes to the [.All -�;ed ,plist Churoh,Salem,next Sabbath, Mr. VanEgmond a cont . in wishing that The re n is thi'. Through 11 , all tb - !, I I - ag I 1 1 .. , - est maybe only - � �: -&rat. scalping reel, where the flour and the Sth inst., commencing at 2 o'clock, pure water and pay the expenses of the his stay in the '40 former idewalk agitation every on 1; , hen I L 0diddlings we. se &rated from the by Rev. A. Smitli, of Lucknow.- Thos. suit so far as it had gone, but in. this temporary, and thalt , gets tired -� was willik for a sidewalk to be buil, 7� . . . ' back -.and settle and the �aajority were also willing t . I 16roken wheat, whict is then. returned' Jewitt has rented Mr. McCann's farmof communication the Solicitor took very - roaming he will'oon ­ I � jo the sewnd pair of roLls Which am - a 60 hores, on the 2ad couoemionj for the good care to state that this propcsition- , down once. more in 'old Huron. Mr. - allow so e one elec to do the wc)rl;. . ­ . . . L I I � � - " r - � - . . � � .­� I I ­ . . T �[ I � I - . - I � � I I i ­�� t I � . I I , � 1- . I , I . 1:--X-1 . '. - i Z'! I i .4 . � � ; ­ 1. . -�� L . : . , � - � � , . I I � / I L I I � L , , I -�g , � ,� , - - I . . 1. - - I -- I . L - I ,c -- . I -',f r i � . . . I . I I I . I - " I � I � - I � � . i i , � $ � : I I � . � I I - - .. - - - . . I - -­r­l�' ­ 1- -­��.- L � 3 -- ­ 1 - - L­'�-- 11 , . - . i I I --- I'll �� I I . . . � .. .. - . LLLLL - . . . 11 , � I , LLLLL . L - I � . I . � . . ; � . , I �; . , Z., -. tl- " ;f , : , I � . � - .� i ­ �­­ i � . -1 - . - L, � I - - . I . � . I A -mit 61 1889. - � I - each person to whom a, sidewalK wouia and whom would it not ea Dy A UUMOOK UL uuv viorgymen, &D"S - . named and resident nnl'aUre' ote � L benefit -would -put his hand into his ,the of the most pleaSing features' of A& 11 L pocket And give according to his means, evening was the presentation by the ... we would have a ,sidewalk very soon. congregation of a beautiful silver watft � I Mr. But it appears to be the old story of pitcher to the Rev. Fletdher, ot ,1 You pnll the sled Up the bill and 1*11 . Thames Road church, as a slight rec�w. I - ride down on it. -R L ev. Mr. Cozens ad- nition of the valuable Services renderad - i ministered a rebuke, after his sermon in sepurillg & pUIPifS1IPP1y` during tlie ! ' on Sunday evening, which was at once last'yeax. The financial result of the as richly deserved and as neatly put as tea was about $60. Rev. Mr. Martim 1, anything it has been our pleasure to has been most heartily welcomed by his - � listen to. We hope that in time the parties he referred to willacquire enough people, and we trusthis sojourn am -011914 . us may be i� long one and pleasant 14 . . k I nowieage to prevent them from turn. himself and .family as well as . to hig I— . ' ing the church into a pig -pen. ; I Parishioners. . - ' � -# . Tiickersmith. . - ' 01iiaton. . AcciDENT.-On Friday last SY011119 .LocAL Bitiv,Fa,-Mr. D. Cantalot' . � lad naimed John Martin, son oJ Mrs. shipped for Manitoba last Mbnd�yl 51 . , Jam,es Martin, of the 2nd concession of buckboards and a quantity of harroV14 . . Tuckersmith, met with a most pailiful. -Mrs. J. F."Rice, of Brampton, W" acciaeub. He was chopping in the bush, visiting her father-in-law, Rev. xt� when the axe glanced and struck his Ric6, this Week, -Mr. Henry Steep,.01 -i foot, inflicting a fearful gash across Goderioh tow ship, has re n tired fE0 4 below the instep. It will lay him up � the farming, and will. now live in ()4 " . I a for a good while. - . tou.-The town council, at theIr tvt- A Goo-DS"F­-The sale of farm Stock lar monthl3f meeting last Monday'nio-ij and implements on the farm of Mr. granted the mechanics' institute 412i David Aloore, on Friday last, was large- for 1883. -Mr. A. D. Bennett has ra. L ly attended, and everything offered was - moved his furniture from Huron ed L - Str ' . disposed of at good prices. One horse to larger and better promises in tho , -- brought $200 ; cows ranged from 652 to, brick block. Mr- Crawford, Be- 1. - - 0 59 ; young cattle from 040 .to $50, an d machine agent has also removed to. - sbeep from $20 to $22 per pair. The Perrin block. -The . Townsend famay I little Stong Pony, well known through- played to a single audience in the town out the township, was purchased by hall last Monday night. -Mr. CbaJ16 Mr. Ross, of the London Road, for 585. Dickson, of the City Bookstore, Was i4 , _ I The sale amounted to about 51,500. Mr. .Toronto this week purchasing good&, 5..� J. F. Brine acted as auctioneer, and he Mr. E. Floody, of the Mail, is i -a toWn. L did his duty well as usual. He intends residing here in future.- , ----------- *- L Mr. Will Shaw has gone West in tbe.- Blake. interests of John CraiLb, in the ,olothwl 44 - I HoRsEs.-Mr. J. Smillie has sold his It ,.a line. arlo , -Mr. Davie shipped a c a. , - horses, last Monday to the other sid,D.- driving horse. " Little Billy," to Mr. . Browning, of for a good Mr. G. H. Wright, of this place, hij .Londesborough, prio� but his matched span, 11 Topsy �' gone inio the foundry business in Ber I lin. and , Silverlocks," will not be so easily bought. They are, from near Sarnia, - ' . Rinla,uxll. . I., and are well bred. -Mr. Win. Banner- DeTs.-Althongb Kinbnrn does iloi I - Man, of the Sauble Line, lost a fine rank among the towns of Huron, AM horse a few days ago. Inflammation Within the corporation some afe - 90109 was the trouble. . 1,,6 and some coming.', The next exit I CRz"mRy MEP,TixG.-There wi i 11 be a we understanawill be Mr. "- vl* meeting held in the village on Tuesdo,y, the genial and attentive landlord of tU April 10th, at 2 o'clock p. m., tp- take Kinburn hotel, his successor being & �� into consideration some important Mr. -Kennedy.--Mr. John Fowler of creamery business. All those intending this place and Mr. Richard Rell ef to give cream are expected to be present, Hallett started on Wednesday, 4th irA,# as the f tirnishing of cans w,i-11 be tak.on for Manitoba. They take with them a i*o consideration. Now ii the time to car -load of horses, in addition to otha or - gome forward and support an �ndustry outfit. -We are sorry to state that *, � . which bA69 fr,r its object the i mutual StinsOV's child, which got scaldeae,iow,. " , � benefit of the neighborhood., Cash is I days ago, is still in a very pre . 0 Alfii 0 lug .. the grand medium of, business, and an ' . , condition. -In some places our side I I institution. which has b an proved suc- � I walks ure yet covered with two SIZIt/ b ant, T cesBful in converting w4ormer drug in three feet of snow. Owing to --th � - � , , the market- into a ready, selling and cash1 - I arpouLt that fell during the win, ! - � ;�* articlay is surely in keeping with the co m'pletely ba -Med our citizens 0 ke- - q I highest civilization. The time of bar- prigg I their side walks clear, and Ab a �, � ter and trade is past, and last disaP- . finds them in the a,bove condition. . i T pearing froin this country, Eke the . - . . 1 -, ------ - -- -- i scattered anO j wasted tribes with whom L wz . I � it was fi st instituted. � . I -- , I � � .; I I � I I EVERY LADY . I ,I I � Usborne. I I 1. I I -1/ i � - - . I A Go D Purcim.-Mr. Daniel Kernick, , L 0 . "/ I . I � . � Thames!Roaa, Usborne, sold ,to Mr. ' // . I", I : I Thos. CQ'urti e, of Derebam Township, 0 / � I / I ! i / i t L one span of matched Enterprise colts , z / I for'the handsome sum of $375. Good - I i ; . 'DESIRING: TO SEE THE . for the OldEiaterprise. I/ � i FOP. THE OLD COUNTRY'. -Oar enter- 11.4 ; , . , I i ' prisiDg stock-raiseir .of the Thames I I I . f� .1 Road, Mr. Thomas -Russel, left for the" - � � 1 Old Country on Wednesday. � His ob- ! . I - ject is to procure more thorough-breds � � I NEWEST AND . for the improvement of stock in this I . � o county. - May'his journey be attended � L[ I with succe6s".* -- I . � - I , I . Brucefleld. - : 0 . I Tim Nicw SHOW GROUNDS.- WO are . ' * MOST FASHIONABLE .' I -, glad to see that the Scuth Huron Agri- ' . I � cultural Society are fencing in the show . � - - � i � i I i At the con: i SO&SOn in SE e, I � i i sincere tbani . i I i public gene' . . Z. : -WrpOtt thal i . I since Comm � . ; , . ; them- I i i , I . � * : , Although i . i ! I &tat opeue i : oun glad to b I I I " i short tim-e, I ! , . i i working Up S . 4 - � � � I I � my ambitil i � I i 8"ase n)v I � I ! i season. Nt- � I � ! � money haS b� : ! of my stoell, I : i� products . f L factories of , I ; I Unit,ed stato, . . : . � . I ; i I would oJ I ! , MY immense i I - rees �fine boo i . . I ! Reedj''ng ala'*` . � -,Oertainly �cal I � . , she buja or n I � : boots and ab� I i -this season - i - I i � � � I i � my custell i - I : . . : last fall I ,i i I department i I . ; experiment. 1 . ; the result w) � . have decided. I a permanent F I � . have already � . � -over fffty dQZ : - . � -nd suininer . � & ! � - * - . ican, Englis - . which I have &dvwce on �c � . To my ousl . . . am better pre ' .� really.good,111 . I . I . I I To those W' 'basimss Witt, a trial beli6v5 I tusl benefit. - � L grounds in this -village, iLud the placa is , C , . Boots and -f � 6 , : " , to be ready for the spring show on the 1. . I .; - fashionable st is month. The society in- . I I I e tends to charge the small fee of fifteen . I attei�aed to. I � . 11 i . � . or twenty cents admission, which � we ! I I . ' ' I , y :1. � thi* no lover of good horses a,u,d ca;ttle MILLINF.Ryj 11 .1, .. will scruple -to pay, as Bracefield show: . � "I I GEOf ! �; is always one of the best in Ontario.- , I i � - -. I . I , , I - I I --# i I ' The East 131 -armi Re -Count, L I I . . . � I T . . L , : I , � I s - I I � - � I Po the Editor of theRuroftExpositor. I i S OUL . L I -­ H LD VISIT THE SHOWRON .- . 1� .1 f ! I , � - I DicAR Sm, -Mr. Heys is out With . 1 I., I,- � I I - , . . what I must, I suppose, for the Bake of I -, - I I 1* -�­ I I . � courtesy, call a. denial. Let any unpre- I iudiced reader turn to my former letter : - � , I � L .-,-. i - . I -1 � 6d he will see it squarely stated that I .. _- -1-1-- . - -- -.OF- j .. ... L .'� . , I :. FIVE - read TnB ExposiTon article to Mr. Hays, 1� � . i �,-. - I and asked him if he made the statement � . � I L : ' -e � ; . L . I contained tberein,as to my evasion of 'I I Lf - I service, when he denied it. That isi - i - ..4 I . I . . Why Y � : - - what I said and say, and Mr. Hays doeBi � � ��� ­ -, . . � not dare to contr1diot it and does notJ Why? Beoause, fortunately I had wit -i ­., . . I - - - ;& En �MCFLAU 3 �� L I � 1 4 - I Yo'ur R . � . nesses. A I As to my keeping out of the way tol . � � I -j'AL . . 1-- . . " � � � i � at the 1 avoid service. Mr. Hays has stated ati I - I I : - ? i . , . � I different times, and I am prepared, if 1 - ? I � i � I . necessary, with the names of gentlemeni . � I L I i . in whose presence he so stated, that if' . I � I'll, DRY GOODS 8�*� � . I � I I � SL - EAFORT . he had the papers himself he could' I . 4 1. easily have served we as he Haw me : I - ' ' -. . : T q -% I . I . . L more than once. So much for my Ova- . I : ! i � - - � . I I . I I . Sion of �ervioe.. . i I � i . i I i I I L � - The rest of Mr. Hays' letter is on a" i ! - L -par with What I have uoticea�%ut since � . - � I - SEAFORTH. .1 FIRST - I it seems'that he intends appealing to - 7 . I I � � the law I hall say nothing further un - , , I Err - - - I I � � . ; lbecauze til the �ro er time arrives. 1 1 I � I I . i( �� -- �. ; , I I . I ; saverusie. - Z � . . am, respectfully yours, - - . I .. .. I � . . ROBERT AwaSTRONG. � � -1 � I - . ­ � - i � § Xomls, April end, IM. . 3 , W A h6ther you bul - 1 'i SECONE I ii; � It I Exeter. t I I .1 . � � Bec-ause -vi I See Rauton Bros. mobby suitinqs. An immense range. - lor � . - �, not, We tadlaie ple* ­� � � . I �� " non-aaid sole 1. . ' I I A GOOD� IimA.-Some farmers in this � I .: J-1 all aw boots. . � . ) locality are scattering straw from the . . - i - I . - -1 I I . - I - barnyard lightly over exposed portions . I . .�Z - '. � I . ,,, THIRI)- of fall wheat as a protection from frost. Z ­ .1� � 5 � i ure in showing - A good plan, we think. j :: ­ R,eosuse I g R-EmoviNG.-We regret the removal o from our town this week of Mr. J. 3fo- ��� � I � 11 i � -., sixpanse betta . .. : . , � " y Lachlin and family t6the Northwest. . 44 .- i .� � -j Big � sales .au � . . Goods, and I ' - - o They travel by rail to Brandop, and 11 i -�: Inotto. � from thence they proceed westward - � � i - I . - ! � . I . overthePrairie to their new home. May success attend them. f� I . - - I -, Z 11 �i � � -1 . � I R ... � i I LL � TJRT11 � I (% � . ,omparison of I . . . . r R-EvivAL.MEI&TINGs.-The Union re- . . . ,...i. I vival services, whieh, durin t4e last 9' 1 , ��� ..... -.:.; 13 I I'll I acanse I I I e five or six weeks were conducted in the � � . I I Ina 1*11 cheal I y Bible Christian and Methodist churches I ! 19 �, than joy otber, and Prices with 4 I �- a . I . alternately have been discontinued. . I ,. - . . .� . I . 4 Large additions, chiefly of young eople I . � - - ­ .-L.� I FIFTH - � e have been made to the membersM of I L . . I . ; . �Iouse e � both the churches named. " - , .- � i other ill I i i A. - � I'll , i . Beeause i 6 A MEMORA-BLF, Evi&NT.-Tuesd4y last I - 11 . - i i . 3rd inst., will be a day long remen*er- I . ­ . � � I 'Nen's. Fine Bev, . ed in Prelbyterian circles in this village, because :-. � - I ,Our fAy*s and I trade. � - "I �,! . . ,,, ; : e oT the induction of thp Rev. Mr. Martin, formerly of Norwich, to the P � . ... � i - . I ; ! Juadeik Toron, . . .. I - , � ' . e 9y pastorate of Caven Presbyterian qhurch. Services hold 11 En MCFAU I . n-. . � I I I - - , - � . , ] were at o'clock a.m. I : -1 V, � i in which Rev. Mess-ra. McAdam,NcOoy: ­ . � : , : � . � -L' -i IGEOFtGL �. E t, Thompson and Fletcher participated In the evening an excellent tea was* I . - I ,!� ., THE CASH ­ I I DRY GOODS .. -!' o I provided by the ladies of the coin - grega- - I . i` . ;, I I , . . , - I 7%BAGrei [f , ticu, af ter which addresses were deliver. ­ I .. ­ : I �� �� 11 �1. i � SEAFORT111 ONti - . �7 "I -.-I- : - I - . I - . . , Y I . I : . � - I - � - . - , I I . L . 4 I. � - i.1 11 .. L . I � ­ e� . � - I I i , I iwz 1: ! - .- ­ � . �- Ofta- I L . a .1-=-1 I , , I L . t - 49W,1 � -- i - T� --.. - I I i I I . 1 I � � - I - , . L I I - I I I I . I - - 1-1 -1 - . L . c . 1 % - . . I I I i , - L, � - i I 1.1 . �:. 71 ! i - I I I � . � � ­ : . I �- . i . , i L A y. . : q -- . I I - I I . - L - :_ ­ � � . L I 1-1 . - � I I ; . . I t . I � � I . : I : - I ­ ­ , ; I . I . I . - . � I I . I I - I---- -- ----- -- -­- ­J­i.,&.j,i6i ... M&i,,� L