HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-04-06, Page 8� . . I : . � I
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" � . 7� I .- I - � 61 'rental of W&A made wholly on his own Vesponsibi- Leftie, left Or Manitoba onweduesday.
I it - . sioser sua:break the wheat some- ensuing t An auuu alti � g his client or Hetookwi him a oar load 'of stock and
. . '"Un ea ,
. I r%r% e , j. ratt a the 2nd lity and without 00118 P
I 0% = , an I . t I
I . own landy
1� , Q;L;.ELJ01- SEEDS. I 'w'U'alfiner. it is again 804i a' d so 8114- re -6 r & Orson In proc - Qf course -the 'other effoo for use on his
. '
- , I I I � breaks, when the 'is sent on, has disposed of his far iunag his consent -
I . on for six fran he coulloil could not accept any suok pro- which he in nda cultivating.
, I i " onts'i y bush, S 0
S EK GAI d fl`�Om that to niag4OO mores,mostl 11
. FLOW : 0 RDEN to the bran -duster, an to E. Bosnian at a moc*rately fa-ir position, as they looked upon it simply I I
:1 -AMD FIELD SEED8.9- the bran bin. The flour and middlings 0 W1 is he an atte-mnt to ge - Hullett.
;, - : � am taken out by the Beal 'ing reels and figure, and intends removi ith hi - I t th�m committed to I
� .1 p � an a,okbowi gment 'of liability. This FABm So�'D.- Mr., Cb&rles Fowler �
.-. � wife to Manit-obs, in a few doll. I, 1� .
., �
I -
I I . �.�
� WARRANTED FOESH-% sent to the b6iting room, which isfitted
I � � .-F was the' on] overture tliat was received has sold hisl farm on the 2ad concession
� - - I
, -
- up nith tes IS Met bolting reels, where - J� - directly, or indirectly fro
. i- I separated. t W,j*&adsh. . I In Mr. Van- of Hullet toithe Messrs Clarke his neigh.
" .7
- .1 I , took. the different products 4re �� r
1� �
�. A ffot an Ounce of Old 86ed in S 7 1 ET bors, forth' sum of $6,500. The farm
I *"rson, of con- M ;n& We do not - u,ke he has *
� � The finiahed flour is then sent to the GOOD CQLT.-Mr. AJ an ,h�nd Jault with
I ; - . bin and the middlings to the purifters, - . - 1, East 1, gmond for t e oo r contains 101 F acres and i d
,; BUY YQUR SEEDS PROM cession .13ti /I Wamailiosh, has a taken. He is a free ent bi a free one. Mr. Fowler is now in Manitoba
; I - . - . ' .
I of which there are four.� From these
� a � . colt vine months old whic4 is soknow.
i -- th, e pure middlingsare sent to one of the I .
t , - - country � and if he hasi or imagines he and Mrs. Oowler and family intend
2 � . ORNE, �- I ledged -by all who see it to I)e one of the hkis a grievance
4 L. TH 4 against the town he going there shortly.
"A � the bolt- finest colts in the count if not 'in th I
� ; � - gAFORTH, mA1 stones, and from that' to � , y . e has' a. perfect right to � appeal to the ANOTHER POOD COLT. _Mr. A Jamie-
" GROCER, BE room province. .
� � � in , where the process is finished. On the day it was nine laborough, re-
�, ,4 10 -Mustard expect to have courts to have it redressed if he chooses, Bon who resides near Lonc I
� rop ssrs. Kyle & . a
. � And T. hus Ins -are a Good CrOD. V� . mjaoit�iAd months old it�measured: Girths,fi4efe t but it Is riot decent of him to �Iander cently sold iin eighteen months old colt
.� . . ��-- their mill completed with. a 4 � .
-1 �' - 24-- , I . - - the end of Ai4ll, nine inches; base of ueok,four feet ni ine and misrepresent those w1hp feel it to be to Graham of Toronto
I one - Mr. GeQrge
. 600,busbels per day, by .. inch;
4 .I � inches; forearm, two feet their duty to oppose him,- D. Ex2061- for the suml of $500. This magnificent
. . I
;. 4 when . they will be able to give thbir knee, one -foot three and a half inch I E
� ,:
I , I
� VV IF 0-0-i t 0 V # patrons better satisfaction th�n they - ea ; TOIL. - colt was sired by Mr Bel1% imported
� furou (ty'" i shauk,'nine and a haU' ugh -- I .- 11 . horse 11 Whata Wanted, " and his dam
- . I I hiive-done .in the past. The fact that . . t, one foot eight inches; shank . .
I G � -e mans, ement Of - . join Brussels. I Me. Jamieson's Prize mare 11 Bay Nell."
I i I I � . the work is under th . �g - elevoul.nohes; andweighs 940'pounds. A.R. SMITH bought largely at the Thismare has never been beateniu
� P1 . DISTRICT MATTERS. Mr. HOIHDgshead is a sufficient guaran- This colt was sired by Banker (import- show ring, in Can da. He is, there-
. � great Auction Sale of Dry Goods in Toronto last & a
-------- � tee of its success, as he has hAA very'. ,d) is a beautiful bay and is well pro. k. These goods were bought i . in for e best Stock' that Canada
I , - -- - we in ;r1ta fore from th
er-n5p e .e,�
q � . - jT,VD.-Two oar Toaiii of Zoice extensive experience with roll -_ p in portioned; I thJapring and summer trade, .but we ,ed in
i ety. L .. J - - . can produce as " Whats Wanted,." the
I � 14oked potatoes, Early Or late Rose varl D. all parts bf Arherica. . . transit by English oreditors and brought -under
I ID. Rous, Grocer, Next door to the Post Office, . - . I - ' the hammer. Great bargains In all lines- at! Sire is unequalled in this Country as
L @ .
1. . I . VanEgmond vs. Seaforth. - �
. i -I- gea&rth. 800 . -At a meeting of the I . - A. R.Sxrm's. To see is to buy. 797 ,.. . a stock horse. The colt weighed the
I Maig NF,w CRizr. � EDITOR SuN,-Siia,-As, THm Expoel 11 A to theuew owner,
i ire EvEity LADY should see A. �.-Smithl,o dA it was delivere I
i WARTZI).-Appieutices to' the dress F* Brigade on Monday, everdp .
-1 iss Dsay, . 49, last, TOR makes such wild statements con- r cheap too. I y .
. and mantle making trade. Apply. to X Ohis po- new mill'inery, it is all new a X425 pounds and is a splendid specimen
4 Mr. James A. Cline resigned- �
. A at X-XoFAUL'3 Ca4h dry gbods store. 8W . cerning the above case last week, and I Miss Montgomery, big milliner, has had city ex� of the Clydesdale race. So much for
�, - I � sition as Chief. There we- Arimatingshowsit.. 799 :
i - - re two nom
I � �
� Gash 'a deal. - � threatens its readers with more of the perienoe and her I .onr Huron breeders. I
.� SzxDI Sm&D I -Edward i 10eesfor the position, viz, Messrs D. I �
,.. ; -
. Z
: 'I tog inseed grair. and grass seed. Good value in Hoaan and George Sills. BotU are old same gstrbl6d, statements this week, I A'GooD Hoiasim.-Mr. Robert Martino ----� .
. � r. timothy and seed peas. at the Old Stand, , m . ell to let the rate- of Gray, wishes to inform thepublic that he in- McKillop.
� clove thb�k it will be as w
�, Goderich Street-, Sedorth. 80. -. and effi.cient members of the Company, payers of Seaforth know how the town .,tend3travelling his well known heavy draught OLT:-Mr. James Hillen, of
I , Show and thoroughly competent and good stallion, "Princeof Wales," during the coming A -GOOD C
. � 1�r Ho"KA-,; BRoW. Mil-rinery ' council, or more properly.. speaking, a I season through the townshipsi of Gray and- How-
, I . . terest of the Company the 11th concession of McKillop, recent-
- :! Room opentug- for this season takes place to -day men,_and the in 'few of the leading spirits of the council, Lek, and will keep inearly the game route as last
� and to -morrow. Please & cept this iRyitati011, As or the town would not have suffered ly sold to Mr. George Hill, of Tucker-
; 4 . I who seem to run the whole concern, are year, only.he will include Ethol. 799K4 smith, an eight m6nths old colt for the
� 4 there w-111be no cirorlars -his season. 800-1 u'nder the guidance of �either. A vote . . '
I - � I managing their affairs. I enclose you 9ARKETE;.-.Fall wheat, red, 90c to sum of 4100. This colt was sired �by
e � Dumeof & DuAcAw are reducing their , ment.
f 0 the Company being taken Mr. Hogan 0
� copies of the proposalw of settl $1.00; white, 92c to 93c ; s ring, 92c to old: Enterprise, and was one of the
-�. mLock of boots and shoes a,t cost. - Come early &ad was declared elected by a majority of .p :
$ --
� . I � wure bW.ains in thl,i department. 800 . o0e. The prome I dings were cor-daoted made.to the council, both before and � 97c -, peas, 70c to 760; O&tB, 40c ; barley, best in the township. It girthed filve
. � . .
I Moxx--r LosT.-Lwit in Seaforth, on. ,�Iho moat harmonious' manner and after the suit was entered in court, as 48o to 52o#; butter, 16c to 18c; eggs,14c; feet eight ih6eH, 'and was proportion-
- �rhe finder will 'well as t . he judge!s summing -up pf the , land galt $3.00 to 03.50, � fine 04.00 per -
' - :
. Triday, March 30th, W in!uillg. 0 �e the debisi n was made the min- � . ately large In other points
be rewarded by leaving it at the Montreal Tele� 0 ty " � ,case. We have no desire for I&W, nor ton, barrels 01.00 to 81M. 1 -A ver� serious so-
. I N.raph Offloe. SWX2 -- � . loyally =�oepted the choice of the had 3 � f m the first, but when we are ; ,PmiasoNAL.-The many friends of Mr. SwaiousAcCIDENT. a. John Duffus,
- BA3,r CAivaxAG,Bs.-D6n1t buy a baby 1`11fiJority. The position is one' of con. )rc W -P ?,ro oideDt befell Mr. and Mr L
, e at po ' w� siderable reapon-3 L ibility and it - will -be fo a in -to it to get our just rights, we. Donald Scott, of this village, Licensq on Friday afternoon last. They were
a .
.- I carnage ustH yooL bave seen thou RTZ . ar6 p . r red to fight it out, if need be, i
Xurniture: Store #Pey are the ohLapest and best &� source of gratification to all that it )r �int Inspectorfor East Huron, will learn driving along the 8th concession with a
na I I to the bitter end. . We are legallj� and ,.,; f -J, doel� reor6t of his continued illness. I, a n,l-%++&lr and when crossing the
ater broui tinw be -10 -at. 1 -- bits fallen into suen go0a JiSnus. lux. justly �entitled to clean water ' from � Mr. Scott has been suff6 ring from 'ilb UL01irm" . � � roadway was
I .
1xsv-n&wcB.-At a meeting of the mem - 4ogan is a thorodgbly' competent I healt I h since early and al. bridge bear Winthrop the
mechanic and 'minutely understands ! Silver creek for our business, and w last' fall, bare, and the strain on the horse being
bers of the McKillop Mutual Fire In-. the working ,'of our fire . Protection are- going to have it. The couno;*1 will� th h not entirely confined to the very severe,.the animal was choked by
� *
surance Co&pauy, held on Thuradsy, it.. find that it would have cost muc� less e ho on , he is not able to be around much,
',of two not to b stem and in addition to this,- he is I It IR I . the collar. When about the centre of the
wits decided by a majority t' stworthy, au'd highly respectedby to liavq given us what clean water we is oped, however, that with the re' bridge, it staggered and fell against
"'"tend the risk incurred by the Com - - require, than to fight law suits, and turn of warmer weather"he will rectiper' the railing, which gave way under Its
1 Vany in connection with7 the use of t�e other members of - the company. then be forced to giye us more in the � I
. We are sure the -election will' give the ate, and that before the� close, of the weight, and the horse a�nd cutter with
s the end than we asked for at first. But of . I
1 best satisfaction to the townspeople . . summer he will he Wholly recovered.. its occupants rolled off the bridge and
Xnatter until the next annual meetini, -I &P'd although the appointment has - Yet cou'r.se some councillors don't care, they There are few men in Hnion ore high' fell tq-the ice below, a distance of ab ut
ikely receive another air- have s! - ood time" attending court, ��, 11 , III teu fellet. , Assistance wa
when it will h to be ratified by the council, we feel B -at- 9 ly respected than Mr. 'Scott, an .s speedily on
tug. and the ratepayers of Seaforth have to will rejoice to learn of 'his speed
' . I � and Mr. and Mrs-. Duffus were
4 i4ded that body will not have any ob. We hope the ratepayers ! - hand I
. I - foot the bills. � I : I I I -quield
t* to comply with the decision of . Talescence. I � y extricated from their perilous
. *
THE LiTnuAity SOCIETY. -The regular 100 1012B . I will not blame us, but their own town . I , i I 1positlon� Bustaiiiing
- -VAe members of the Brigade.. ITEiis or INTERESTi-4-James, Co#ers,
, I . � I I .
meeting of the Literary Society will be . council, for this unnecessary expense, I ha's sold his house al id lop on � 50h4 serious II1j1I ; ry.. Mrs. Duffus was taken
held in the Meolia,nioW Institute rooms, � as this matter could have baeri-easily ad- , ved suffi-
. ' ' I William Logan justed,y6t very light expense to the town. I street Ba " ker.---,Mrs., ,�ohn up unconscious, but soon revi
this (Friday evening) at the usual hour- i LocAL Buizrs. -Mr. , , to Mr. Geo. Ba .
ILft Leckie was entertai�d by her I lady" ciently to be removed to, her home, and
*hen readings will be given -by the fol- I ' for Manitoba on Saturday.- He wait And we are willing -even yet, to come to ,� friends at &social in te town hq,ll 04 further thain the nervous Bbock vras not
. I I
�pwiug ladies and ' gentlemen, viz.: _-aTcompanied by Mr. Henry Jackson a settlement, whereby both the town ' � -eas. seriously injured I
� . Wednesday evening I �t. A very 'pl . Mr. D aff as Was not
lwl- V411 -ran Ed ards Leatherland �ht% r%Aa nn %L business trin to the North- A 11 1; ed vi t h al I On clean . I L I I L
r % I I I U13 can V D%Aklr �
r 14 - - , 5 . - an
, 11ouston, Johnson, Dickson and Mrs. West. -We are informed that Mrs, water required, and the town drains re- ant evening was spe;47,Ur. A. ings- ,so fortunate. He had. his log fractbur ea
: i Dewar, ton, machine8t &�L .Br s§'els foundry, lef and his wrist was adly sprained, and
IL towrie, also by Messrs. McCoy� k1lan Hobson and family arrived safely main as they are. Hoping you will find , I 7, lef
a I . for Winnipeg on' W I hesd y last, i it is feared he has been injured inter-
, . I$IcCaughey, Ireland and Stew&f - This at their Mani oban home having made space in yo I home, 'but still
- I V - ur valuable journal to pub-
, L take a position on thl i` 1� �
pL easant passage. -Mr. A. ' - . re department nally. H�was taken
) is a splendid array of talent., and the a� quick an ��( losed. I remain, yours res
�� � .. I . lish the eno �6 7,steamers. Th6' lies in a Tory precarious condition. The
� , as engineer of one of f', .
� readings will, bel well worthy of a . large Strong met with a painful accident on pectfully, I as secured a I good man.-TII6 horse, strELnge to say. was uninjured,and
. .
7 � city h .
. audience. Friday lait. He was ,crossing Main W. D. VANEGN91VI).
� L - "Street from the post .office, when he Seaforth, March 270,488a. ' . dramatic play given. by the 33rd Bail. the vehicI6 only had a '�broken shaft.
I--,. . THOROUGHBItED ST0cx.=Thoae of our . It heavily on his. right side -talion Band on, Frida� � even ng last was Considerip' the hei�ht of the drop it is
11 . a ipped and fe ' .. .. . I 6. I 9 nces were Dot
�- readers, who may wish to trocure thor. f aoturin� his collar bone. He ih around The above communication was pub- , well rendered, and I ... ey had a good a .wonder I the consequ6.
� 9 . I , !
t 0 o more Us. i
�11 . Caghbred cattle willhave aneloellent auain but has his -arm in a sling. -The lisbed last week, and we transfer it to house. -James ,0 .... s h,.� Id , h tw q I
� -N ' it additional -. � h keri a,
1� opportunity of doing so * ai the auction C 9. ada Salt Association have. est9blish. our columns and give acres of ground on lil 8 W mill
. i�t I . n . � I I -
'1k4,,, sale of Mr. Hawley at Goderich, on the ed. their head quarters in the office re7 publicity for the ,purpose of correcting lately stood to- Mr.. -. i pryn6. , � . Walto-n.
11 L � t2th inst. Mr. Hawley intends ol�*SPOS- c�' ' Beattie.- COMPLIMENTARY. UP I P14R.-O Frida
ontly occupied by Mr. John some of the inaccuracies which are - Y DEBATE -A debao will be held in
- . lug of his entire herd which embraces Mr. E--. Brownell left for Winnipeg on sought to be conveyed to the public in evening last Mr. John L ck-le was e4� this plac on Friday evening April 13th.
I � - I � I - L (
I -1 onany very valuable ani In &I s, both i m a] e *ouday. He is a Bt,gady, rdliable young it., We wish it, however, to be distinct- tertained at a complfi=417 "Upper, Subject "Resolved hat annemation to
. w
� .
.1 I ' ' n id
I ,. and female, and they are all descendants: an aDd will do well in'the now vouu- ly understood in the Outset, that we tendered him byliefrie ds previous to the Unite States ould be beneficial
- I qf the beat and most fasbionablei f ami- in ro. Tan. taking his departure for the 1�orth, to Cauada.,, On th� affirmative are K.
try. -Mr. Correy McConnell and Mrs. have no quarrel with the Mess . I .
L We f any recognize the. im 0 . io, J. Bain and D. Robertson;
- lies. This kind of stock is just mow McConnell left for Dalfota -on: Monday, Egmond . . west. At the app I inted hour abqut 70 -McKenz,
r .
r at after by our farmers and Mr. and Mrs. Erskine- Broadfoot portauce, of the enterprise they are gentlemen Fiat down to an excellent re. -on-the n'egative,' A. � McKibbon, Archie
anxiously song, -
and it would be a pity that such valu. startbd for their home in , Gladstone,, engq,ged'in, and,have never hesitated in past, provided by Mr. Roo, 01! thoP Hisl d T. G.'Ratoliffe. ,
. OP P1 .
able animals should be. taken eat of the Manitoba, the same day'.-'VMeeled the past when" 6ccasion offered, 'to say Queen's Hotel. The company waso, omp OBITUAR-r.-We regret to announce
. wunty. vehicles are 'now becoming general on a good �word both for them and it, and posed of the :rinoipal busiue'ssa�d pro-
p ' the 0 th of Miss Eva E. Hearne,
I . .p.
. ' the street8.-Mr. David- Moore,..O*f Tuck- we,shall continue to do so in the gature. fessional men of the villorge, and � con, whicli took place 'on the 24th of March,
Tim SMATORTH POST OMCB. - Mr. e,tamith, has purchased Mr.' James But, we have also a deep interest in the siderable number of the farmers I from at the ea ly age of 24 ye'ars. Deceased
� 1J).ioksou,Post Master, has kindly fur- the surrounding. townships. Supper
t � � eid's house and lot in Egmoud'ville, town of Seaforth, and whbu we consider . was a good living, respectable young
I � 4- .
I . sighed us with the following statistics, -. osite the Presbyterian church jor it is being ubjustly dealt with, we would over, the chair was taken by'-%H,olme� '
e -me of business Opp ' t � , . W woman d was much res�ected by 9,11
I *hich shows tb' volu Aich he payi, �800- Mr. Moore having be recreant to our duty did we no� stand , and the vice chair by Mr. E. . adep who knew her. She was engaged to
i being done in the $eaforth Post Office, I - Barrister. The.ohairman had h I �
: I sold his farm is coming to town to re- upinitadefenoe. Were we to t&ke a . din �i ap be marr4e.cl to a young man named
and we may also here -remark that no a I i L de._Two rinks of the Seaforth curling neutrEd oourse as some others are try- right the - guest of the eveni g, a I I Joseph Minn, but she died three
L totter index of the -business trsuaact- I left Mr. Thomas'Gibson-, I
I club went to Goolerich on ,Monday last ing to do, and side with Mr. VanEg- on his � . . . days.pre�ious to that which had been
ed in the town can be given than Is I appointed for her wedding. Shq was
� Ild played a coupie of friendly games mond one week and with the town the -'for East Huron. After the usu I f or.
.. I ahown through the books of the Post , , * d * I the Brussels cemeter and
. town. The next, we might, probably, for a time at ,mal toasts were proposed and hopored,
I ith the curlers of that I I I b r
- effice. The following are the figures for both, bui a . ��retary of thecommittee, Mr. F. t1urle I
I E eaforth players lost both games by least, retain favorwith uch 'the Se , I he funer"I ceremonies were 6onJucted
the three months ending the 318t of, a mall scores. The team that played in t"tios are not in our line, and should 1j. Scott, read: a number of le�- b the ev. Mr. McNaughtou'. She
. emen ' y , I
W fo
� .
I March : � Goderich on Thursday of last week got we ever, .unfortunately, be reduced to Iters of apology from gentl of as ollo ed to her last resting place
Stvings Bank deposits.... t5508 I eaten by only one 3hot. The curling such straits we shall consider that our �neighboring towns, who were unable tp by a larg number of friends and rela.
. I
I Withdrawal abeques paid.. 34,944 . , I I . .
. Post Offlae Ordem issued.... 6,4 0 now over for this season. -Mr. David- usefulness in -the, mewspaper world is be ipreseDt, and each one of whom ex'- tives. I .. -1 i t
-... 2isil n bas leased the residence of Mr. gone and will look for some other honest pressed the high opinion entertafned of I � - I
. Post Oiba Orders paid... � Z . . �
Postage stamps moid ........ 1,080 : Thomas Lee on Goderich street, where occupation. The assertion of Mr. Van. the guest of the evening, both in hi's Bel.grave. � -
,� i During thesame - � were - f atements are I I gar. public and private capacity, and tOstiA- LocA'Li ms. -J. F. Brandon, C. Proc.
, period there I �e intends residing. - Mr. .Jonath"----Egmond thal o*ulkll . .1
I :'�' 11 - 1,086 registered letters delivered.. and Parter's well-known stallion, 11 Old Wel- bled" is, to say ,the letat,'impertinent, ed to his enterprise as a� citizen, as well tor and George Bar -clay left bore on
� J, ; _ - . `
,� �r . rough. lington," died a few days ago. He has as to the prominent part' he had taken In Thursday for the Northwest. -Mr. Wm.
-.1 0,500 received and passed th and particularly go when he does not .
. ..d
, ; T4ere are 80 mails received and -a been keeping him for some time in the even attempt to substantiate his charge. public affairs, and the - great valub of Grigg. ne Belgrave, has rented his
.1 � 0 hose servipes, and expressed thq'r
I W milar number despatched daily. It United States and had him sold at a It is equally presumptuous and impu- -t fat4er's f .rm for five years, at �25OL per
. . so of the loss which the c- nty . o � .
, *ill be aeon from the above that the good figure, but did not have him de- dent on his part to oritioise the conduct son On. . annum. - t Is considered a good rent.-
. , � ' I
� IL'
Seaforth Post Offi6e not only holds 'its ivered.-Mr, Isaac Modeland, son of of the Seaforth council, much less to' would sustain by his reInova-I. In'PrO,- M . C. '. Rae has sold his 50'acres 'of
Z 4)w --n but the business is contin ally i in - Mr. Jobh Mqdeland, of. Tuck . ohara 'ters aud integrity of posing the toast of the evening t4�e .
t � �- I eramith, asperse the a lai: d to Mr. Ellis, of,� Waterloo, for; $100
creabing. . F - Wthereon Tuesday for Victoria,Britifsh its members. Most, if not all of the chairman prefaced the toast by .ap o' wn an A the bals'noe, $3,000, 1 U� No -
I '
- I - Columbia, where he haB,received a good members of that body were, respected, -eloquent tribute to Mr. -Leokie,referring. �ei nber. It is considered cheap at thin
. ;
� SUDD-Siq DEATH. -Mr. John Kidd, situation as engineer on a river steamer. honoured and trusted members of the to his long residence, and his able and figure, as it is so near the village', and
- hardware merchant of this town, died -Mr. Thomas Govenlook has .reces . tly community when he Was Iin swaddling valuable services rendered not only in onja good gravel road leadiDg to I , Bly�h
I - fat cattle all of clothes, and the positions they now oc- the interests of Brussels, but of the �.
very suddenly on Monday night last. sold S8,000 worth of I and Wingh&m, Mr. McRae will remain
I V� ha:d been inpoor health for some w1hiah were fed byhimself.-Mr.Brown- cupy show the esteem m . which they whole county. . He stated that for on the place till November, when 68-
. - - ,
. � I time, but weently was, sufficieatly re- iug, manager of the Londesborough are still held. And, moreover, neither many years Mr. Leckie had held a first will MoNe to his other place of 11100
I covered to be able to attend to his busi- Creamery, has been engaged as manag. Mr. W. D.- VanE mond, the writer of position in business, as well as in publi . �
i 9 0 aors. I !
� 4ess. He had been in the store all day or of the Seaforth Creamery also. He the above, Mr. A. G. VanEgmond, the matters, and be was in reality _the first I - .
I - Monday. In the evening he was aLmus- is a thoroughly competent man, and the plaintiff in the suit, nor any one belong. man, and the leader of that section of . !
� � Leadb-ury- I
' � .
` - Ing himself with, some of his children patrons*may rest- satisfied that their ing to them, so far as we are aware, is the country, and. was looked up to as ENGAWE .-Wettuderatand that Messts
I 4 -hen he was suddenly seized M ith ill- interests will be properly looked after. a ratepayer of the town or owns one such by the people, hence the great lbss H8rton & McLaughlin have effectea an
- .
I - Mess, and lying down upon the sofa he .-The entertainment given in Cardno's cent's worth of property within its pre- the people will now sustain in his re- engage,m ut with that veteran horse
expired in a few moments and before "It oa Wednesday evening by the cincts, and still this patriotic anavery moval, and he expressed the hope that man , and oUr goo , Mr. Petei
- aid could be procured. Mr. Kidd was To*nsend fa-mily- was very poorly at- disinterested young gentleman presumes his absence would only be temporary McEw6n, to take 0harge of and travel
our ness inew, being tendedi but.the audience was consider- I to lecture the town council ofSeaforth on and. not perma�uqut.. The toast was re- their fine heavy dr4ught stallion 11 Wel
- , � � of those who removed from flarpurhey ably larger than the performance morit- its duty, and dares to asperse the char. ceived most enthusia,sticallly, and it was come " cluring tb oming season. The5
- 1. -his plac; ooni- ed. _ The Townsend family have sadly - acters of its members. In one way it is some time before order wasi sufficiently
I to, Seaforth soon after Ab could n - t have. placed their horse ir
I - I xnenced to attract the business from the degenerated and about all that"iB left of probably well that Mr. VanEgmond has restored to permit of alresoonse. In his better h ds, as P ter not onl - know
I i surrounding country. . He was an the once good reputation isthe name.- 'this lettet,' as it shows, to 'reply Mr. Leckie expressed his .grati- y ,
! , published . how to take prop care of a h bul
. . ;
I enterprising and lionora�jle businesam%n Huron Lodge, Independent Order of some extent, the kind tof material the tude lor the honor done �Iim on the heispopular and well-likea verj
. tp . . VY 60,
I ud unive illy Good Te,uplars, will hold their neit en. council have had to deal th!in this occa'gi6n, and also his pleasl6re at seeing
and,waa widely known a ers 6 wi . I , person. . 117his horso will travelthis sea
spected. He leav-ers widow and a terta-inment in the TownHall,on Friday matter. There are a few other facts we d friends, and. -, Seaf , anZ
� - ,It present so malAy of biB�ol son between Brussels and orth
Me family to mourn 'his lose. The eveping, April 20th. A good progr&mm� might bring to Mr. VanEgmond's atten� 88pecially those f AP'bm the, ountry. ,NHe thus the armers of that Bectiod' will b
fatioral took PIL&ce on Wednesday, and 10 being prep�red, of which further . tion regarding his conduct towards the said tha a W a I
� � . no- Oat prestaint'he wo n-Asin afforded n opportunity to pr6bure th
the remains were interred in the Mait- tice will be given. -We have on hand a town, but as they are not just pertinent whether or not he would 'become per- serviQes c f one of the best heavy� draughl
_ I I
landbank cemetery. Ciat of respect to number of school reports and reports of to the question at issne, we shall notI manently a resident of I the Northwest. stalltbus In Canada. For th� ast two
deceased all the business places on Main township council meetiDg8 which we further refer to them now. The firA, He had made some i#vestments there, �e travelled in the outhari
, street were closed while the funeral hold over until next week. -The country and only notification the council had of I and it wa3 necessar� lije� should . go ari d seasons t
� I part of the county, and his 6ffsprin
I cortege passed oat of town. Mr. Kidd roads are now in an almost impassable Yr. VanEgmond's grievance was a lettek look after them,- and i� is quite probable
show for themselves and are a credit t
. *&8, a comparatively young man, being condition, but as there is no great depth received from his Solicitor in becemb.4 he may form business Oonnections there a good and noble sire. I .
In his fifty-first year. . of frost in, the' ground, a few warm days last, demanding that he be furnished� which will require .his permanent re- � . 0 .
. - will remove the snow banks and make with a continuous supply of purq water moval, but sbog,ld tjAis not be the re- . � .
EamoNDvmLz MmLs.-We notice that* them fit for travel again. 'Those -who' and tha:t the council secure to him an sult and he agai � a rePurns to Ontario,be ; Ethel.
- Yr.. H. - Hollingshead and a gang of have investigated say that the fall wheat annuad sum.of fifty dollim for all time will not look for! or d sire a more fa,vor- LOCALI IES. -The first of April fallin
. rali-11wriglits are busily engaged in chang- looks green and healthy under the to come ; mAd failing to agree to these able loc%tion than th i County of Huron on Sunday,the jokesand �agariesuguait
. t" ;�
� Ing Kyle & Rustard's mill, in Egmond. � snowy covering', and as the season is terms he would at once enter suit to en- affords. He also redcounted some rem- -the obmr�vance of that time-honored da
. � Ville, from the old qatem of grinding now well advanced, it is not likely we force them. This modest dem d was iniscences of piobber lif , and spoke of were cliqpensed with. -The boy wh
;; �1 Vvith sWrieB, to the ,%test Hungarian or will have au*y severe frost to injure it, rejected by the council and they una-ni- the great progre�s,that �ad been made was accriged of stealing the skatefi fron
. roller a so that we nYay look forward for an- mou8ly resolved to defend t& suit. - by the farmers i of h t part of . .
yatem. Mes�rs. Kyle & Mustard , the Mr. King protests his innocence, an
- - I . ,
I IcAnty within the' J
- are entitled to a godd deal of credit for other good er6p.-Mr. David Anderson, T -his resolution was not carried by or at Pa t �en years. He another boy is accused of the theft
their enterprise in introducing here that of this town, Instead of going to British 'the instance of 11 a few of the Jeading said that grea�t anid prolific as the Mr. Kin should investigate the matte
� r - 9 .
. isystem 0i grinding which has done so Columbia �s be intended, stopped ib�. spirits " -as Mr. Van-Egmond would have . Northwest may be, `,�'l c Ln. neve afford so that t le. guilt may be fixed withou
. . Much t& raise the reputation of Ameri- 'Minneapolis and has got good. employ- us believe, but was. voted for and bearti. to the farmers the c #afortable life that doubt u ion the right party,and th
. cauffour, and expect when their mill is ment there. . ly endorsed by every member ol'the � Ontario now does. Ile ' concluded an innocenc 3 established of the one who in&
- ' " I -
..; I I �
� ,Completed to be able to compete -with �� �
.� . � . . council. This was the only proposition excellent -. speech 1jawidst applause. be wrongly accused. -Blacksmiths re
, the -beat brands -of Americanflon.r. A Morris.. 1�- -
� - a
I � received from Mr. VanEgmond,aud the Sp ecbes were also �Inade in response port wo h brisk. -Mr. Spence, 6cho
, . -
I ii Phort description of the system and INCII)ENTS.-Mr. E. Olver wasoffered .cow4cil had no alternative but 'to Bub- I to toasts by Messrs. blibson, Strachan, secretary, has invited tenders for th
� �
� tdaohiaery abaployed will perhaps not the sum of- $250 for one of
t his horses the mit to it or go to law. They chose the I Wade, Rogers, Me(.*ck1en,McLaughhn erection of a new'school house upon th
f be without interest to our readers. other day, but rofused it. -Mr. W. latter course, and in doing so. we think andothers, and e0bl'i speaker .reiferred present -site. Plans may be seen at. hi
� - tl The wheat if; first passed through a Atkins, who left here for Petrolia. last they acted wisely. It is true that -after Dli , �ntar and tauda- office.- Our merchants are getting ij
, in the most compli . y I .
I r and coc-kle machine'- then to fadl, returned home one day lost week, the action had been co;menced the tory terms to I Mr
- i separate I . :r. taie's past, 64reer, large spiing stocks, and appe r to ex
: I . � I . ,
- I t O smu mabhine, and finally to a and p-- urposes going to Manitoba in a few council received a commum"*oation from and hit; value an a 10itizen and ublic poet a laxge tradq. Let themll not b
I I P - .
i ash machine and scourer. It passes days, accompanied by his brother Mr. V&nEgmond's Solicitor to the effect man, and each one 44pressed- hial sense disappointed. Now,that the r ads ar
.� r, h lt� only Brumeis, -b 6 breaking up every one is as ing tl�i
� � - . !Frora these through a magnetic separa. Robert. -An educational sermon is an- that further proceedings might be staid of the loss whic 9 lu �i
. Itor to the first pair of corrugated rolls uounbed to be preached in the Canada providing the council would secure to the whole county, ill, sustain- in,,, -,bis question 11 Why have we. no sidewaik?
-11 , �,
� Meth .inuous supply of removal, "� "
I �, *here it is merely split a rid goes to the [.All -�;ed
,plist Churoh,Salem,next Sabbath, Mr. VanEgmond a cont . in wishing that The re n is thi'. Through
11 , all tb
- !, I I
- ag I 1 1
.. , - est maybe only -
� �: -&rat. scalping reel, where the flour and the Sth inst., commencing at 2 o'clock, pure water and pay the expenses of the his stay in the '40 former idewalk agitation every on
1; , hen
I L 0diddlings we. se &rated from the by Rev. A. Smitli, of Lucknow.- Thos. suit so far as it had gone, but in. this temporary, and thalt , gets tired -� was willik for a sidewalk to be buil,
7� . . . ' back -.and settle and the �aajority were also willing t
. I 16roken wheat, whict is then. returned' Jewitt has rented Mr. McCann's farmof communication the Solicitor took very - roaming he will'oon
I � jo the sewnd pair of roLls Which am - a 60 hores, on the 2ad couoemionj for the good care to state that this propcsition- , down once. more in 'old Huron. Mr. - allow so e one elec to do the wc)rl;.
. . . . L I I � �
- " r - � - . . � �
.� I I . . T
�[ I � I - . - I
� � I I
i �� t I � . I I
, � 1- . I , I .
'. - i Z'! I
.4 . �
; 1.
. -�� L . : .
, � - � �
, . I I � / I L I I �
L , , I
-�g , �
,� , - - I . . 1. - - I -- I . L -
I ,c -- . I
-',f r i � . . . I . I I I
. I - " I � I � - I
� $
- - -
. . I - -rl�'
1- -��.-
L � 3
-- 1
- - L'�-- 11
. - . i
I --- I'll
. . �
- .
. .
. 11 , � I
L - I � .
. � . . ; � . , I
�; . ,
Z., -. tl- "
;f , :
, I
� - .� i
� i
. - L, �
- .
. I
A -mit 61 1889. -
� I -
each person to whom a, sidewalK wouia
and whom would it not
ea Dy A UUMOOK UL uuv viorgymen, &D"S - .
named and resident nnl'aUre' ote � L
benefit -would -put his hand into his
of the most pleaSing features' of A& 11
pocket And give according to his means,
evening was the presentation by the ...
we would have a ,sidewalk very soon.
congregation of a beautiful silver watft � I
But it appears to be the old story of
pitcher to the Rev. Fletdher, ot
,1 You pnll the sled Up the bill and 1*11
Thames Road church, as a slight rec�w. I -
ride down on it. -R L ev. Mr. Cozens ad-
nition of the valuable Services renderad - i
ministered a rebuke, after his sermon
in sepurillg & pUIPifS1IPP1y` during tlie ! '
on Sunday evening, which was at once
last'yeax. The financial result of the
as richly deserved and as neatly put as
tea was about $60. Rev. Mr. Martim
anything it has been our pleasure to
has been most heartily welcomed by his
- �
listen to. We hope that in time the
parties he referred to willacquire enough
people, and we trusthis sojourn am -011914
us may be i� long one and pleasant 14 .
k I nowieage to prevent them from turn.
himself and .family as well as . to hig I— .
ing the church into a pig -pen. ; I
Parishioners. .
' �
. Tiickersmith. .
' 01iiaton. .
AcciDENT.-On Friday last SY011119
.LocAL Bitiv,Fa,-Mr. D. Cantalot'
lad naimed John Martin, son oJ Mrs.
shipped for Manitoba last Mbnd�yl 51 .
Jam,es Martin, of the 2nd concession of
buckboards and a quantity of harroV14
Tuckersmith, met with a most pailiful.
-Mrs. J. F."Rice, of Brampton, W"
acciaeub. He was chopping in the bush,
visiting her father-in-law, Rev. xt�
when the axe glanced and struck his
Ric6, this Week, -Mr. Henry Steep,.01
foot, inflicting a fearful gash across
Goderioh tow ship, has re
n tired fE0 4
below the instep. It will lay him up
the farming, and will. now live in ()4
" . I a
for a good while. - .
tou.-The town council, at theIr tvt-
A Goo-DS"F-The sale of farm Stock
lar monthl3f meeting last Monday'nio-ij
and implements on the farm of Mr.
granted the mechanics' institute 412i
David Aloore, on Friday last, was large-
for 1883. -Mr. A. D. Bennett has ra. L
ly attended, and everything offered was
moved his furniture from Huron ed L
- Str ' .
disposed of at good prices. One horse
to larger and better promises in tho ,
brought $200 ; cows ranged from 652 to,
brick block. Mr- Crawford, Be- 1. -
0 59 ; young cattle from 040 .to $50, an d
machine agent has also removed to. -
sbeep from $20 to $22 per pair. The
Perrin block. -The . Townsend famay I
little Stong Pony, well known through-
played to a single audience in the town
out the township, was purchased by
hall last Monday night. -Mr. CbaJ16
Mr. Ross, of the London Road, for 585.
Dickson, of the City Bookstore, Was i4 ,
_ I
The sale amounted to about 51,500. Mr.
.Toronto this week purchasing good&,
J. F. Brine acted as auctioneer, and he
Mr. E. Floody, of the Mail, is i -a toWn. L
did his duty well as usual.
He intends residing here in future.- ,
----------- *- L
Mr. Will Shaw has gone West in tbe.-
interests of John CraiLb, in the ,olothwl
44 -
HoRsEs.-Mr. J. Smillie has sold his
line. arlo ,
-Mr. Davie shipped a c a. , -
horses, last Monday to the other sid,D.-
driving horse. " Little Billy," to Mr.
. Browning, of for a good
Mr. G. H. Wright, of this place, hij
prio� but his matched span, 11 Topsy �'
gone inio the foundry business in Ber I lin.
and , Silverlocks," will not be so easily
bought. They are, from near Sarnia,
- '
. Rinla,uxll. . I.,
and are well bred. -Mr. Win. Banner-
DeTs.-Althongb Kinbnrn does iloi I -
Man, of the Sauble Line, lost a fine
rank among the towns of Huron, AM
horse a few days ago. Inflammation
Within the corporation some afe -
was the trouble. .
and some coming.', The next exit
I CRz"mRy MEP,TixG.-There wi i 11 be a
we understanawill be Mr. "- vl*
meeting held in the village on Tuesdo,y,
the genial and attentive landlord of tU
April 10th, at 2 o'clock p. m., tp- take
Kinburn hotel, his successor being & ��
into consideration some important
Mr. -Kennedy.--Mr. John Fowler of
creamery business. All those intending
this place and Mr. Richard Rell ef
to give cream are expected to be present,
Hallett started on Wednesday, 4th irA,#
as the f tirnishing of cans w,i-11 be tak.on
for Manitoba. They take with them a
i*o consideration. Now ii the time to
car -load of horses, in addition to otha
or -
gome forward and support an �ndustry
outfit. -We are sorry to state that *, �
which bA69 fr,r its object the i mutual
StinsOV's child, which got scaldeae,iow,. "
, �
benefit of the neighborhood., Cash is
days ago, is still in a very pre .
0 Alfii 0 lug ..
the grand medium of, business, and an
' . ,
condition. -In some places our side I
institution. which has b an proved suc-
� I
walks ure yet covered with two SIZIt/ b
ant, T
cesBful in converting w4ormer drug in
three feet of snow. Owing to --th � - �
, ,
the market- into a ready, selling and cash1
- I
arpouLt that fell during the win, ! - �
articlay is surely in keeping with the
co m'pletely ba -Med our citizens 0 ke- -
highest civilization. The time of bar-
prigg I
their side walks clear, and Ab a �,
ter and trade is past, and last disaP-
finds them in the a,bove condition. . i
pearing froin this country, Eke the
. -
. .
1 -,
------ - -- -- i
scattered anO j wasted tribes with whom
L wz .
I �
it was fi st instituted. � .
I --
, I � �
I I �
� Usborne.
I 1. I
I -1/ i
. I
A Go D Purcim.-Mr. Daniel Kernick,
, L
0 . "/ I . I �
. �
Thames!Roaa, Usborne, sold ,to Mr.
I", I :
Thos. CQ'urti e, of Derebam Township,
/ �
I / I !
/ i t
one span of matched Enterprise colts
, z
/ I
for'the handsome sum of $375. Good
- I
i ; .
for the OldEiaterprise.
I/ � i
FOP. THE OLD COUNTRY'. -Oar enter-
11.4 ;
, .
, I i
prisiDg stock-raiseir .of the Thames
I . f�
Road, Mr. Thomas -Russel, left for the"
- � �
Old Country on Wednesday. � His ob-
. I
ject is to procure more thorough-breds
� �
for the improvement of stock in this
I . � o
county. - May'his journey be attended
� L[
with succe6s".* --
I . � - I
, I .
- :
0 . I
Tim Nicw SHOW GROUNDS.- WO are
' *
glad to see that the Scuth Huron Agri-
. I �
cultural Society are fencing in the show
. �
- �
i I
i At the con:
i SO&SOn in SE e,
I �
i sincere tbani
i I
i public gene'
: -WrpOtt thal
i .
I since Comm
� .
, .
; them- I
� *
: , Although i
! I &tat opeue
: oun glad to b
I "
i short tim-e, I
! , .
i working Up S
4 - � �
� I I
� my ambitil
i 8"ase n)v I
� I
i season. Nt-
� I
� money haS b�
! of my stoell, I
i� products . f
L factories of
I Unit,ed stato,
: . �
i I would oJ
, MY immense
I - rees �fine boo
i . .
! Reedj''ng ala'*`
� -,Oertainly �cal
. , she buja or n
: boots and ab�
i -this season -
i - I
� � � I
� my custell
i - I
: .
: last fall I ,i
I department i
; experiment.
; the result w)
. have decided.
a permanent F
. have already
� -over fffty dQZ
: -
� -nd suininer
� &
� - * -
. ican, Englis
. which I have
&dvwce on �c
� .
To my ousl .
. . am better pre
.� really.good,111
. I
To those W'
'basimss Witt,
a trial beli6v5
I tusl benefit. -
� L
grounds in this -village, iLud the placa is , C , . Boots and -f
6 , : " ,
to be ready for the spring show on the 1. . I .; - fashionable st
is month. The society in- . I I I
tends to charge the small fee of fifteen . I attei�aed to.
I � . 11 i
or twenty cents admission, which � we ! I I .
y :1. �
thi* no lover of good horses a,u,d ca;ttle MILLINF.Ryj 11 .1, ..
will scruple -to pay, as Bracefield show: . � "I I GEOf
! �;
is always one of the best in Ontario.- , I i � - -. I . I
, ,
I - I
I --# i
I '
The East 131 -armi Re -Count, L I
. .
� I
T . . L , : I
� I
- I I �
- �
I Po the Editor of theRuroftExpositor. I
S OUL . L I -
1� .1
f !
I , �
- I
DicAR Sm, -Mr. Heys is out With
. 1 I.,
� I
I -
, . .
what I must, I suppose, for the Bake of I
- I I 1* -�
I I . �
courtesy, call a. denial. Let any unpre- I
iudiced reader turn to my former letter
: - �
I � L .-,-.
- .
-1 �
6d he will see it squarely stated that I
.. _-
. - -- -.OF- j .. ... L .'� . ,
read TnB ExposiTon article to Mr. Hays, 1�
� .
i �,-.
- I
and asked him if he made the statement �
� I L
: '
; . L
. I
contained tberein,as to my evasion of 'I
I Lf
service, when he denied it. That isi
- i - ..4
. I . .
Why Y
� : - -
what I said and say, and Mr. Hays doeBi
� ���
. . �
not dare to contr1diot it and does notJ
Why? Beoause, fortunately I had wit -i
. I - -
- ;&
En �MCFLAU 3 ��
� 1 4
I Yo'ur R
. �
nesses. A I
As to my keeping out of the way tol
. � � I -j'AL
. .
. .
" �
� �
i � at the 1
avoid service. Mr. Hays has stated ati
I - I
: - ?
i . , .
� I
different times, and I am prepared, if 1
? I � i
. necessary, with the names of gentlemeni
� I L I
i .
in whose presence he so stated, that if' .
I'll, DRY GOODS 8�*�
� . I
� SL
. he had the papers himself he could'
4 1.
easily have served we as he Haw me
I -
' ' -.
. :
T q
-% I
. I
. . L
more than once. So much for my Ova-
. I :
! i
� - -
� . I
. I I
. Sion of �ervioe.. .
i I �
i . i
I i
I L �
The rest of Mr. Hays' letter is on a"
i ! -
-par with What I have uoticea�%ut since
� . -
� I - SEAFORTH. .1
I it seems'that he intends appealing to
7 . I
I � �
the law I hall say nothing further un -
, ,
I Err - -
- I I �
� .
; lbecauze
til the �ro er time arrives. 1 1 I
� I I .
�� --
; ,
. I
; saverusie.
- Z � . . am, respectfully yours,
- - .
I ..
.. I
. .
� � -1
I - .
i �
§ Xomls, April end, IM. .
A h6ther you bul -
It I
t I
I .1
. � � Bec-ause -vi I
See Rauton Bros. mobby suitinqs. An
immense range. - lor
� .
not, We tadlaie ple* �
� � . I
" non-aaid sole 1.
. '
I A GOOD� IimA.-Some farmers in this
� I .:
all aw boots. .
� .
) locality are scattering straw from the
. - i
I . - -1 I I .
- I -
barnyard lightly over exposed portions
. I
. .�Z
- '.
� I
. ,,, THIRI)-
of fall wheat as a protection from frost.
Z .1� � 5
� i
ure in showing -
A good plan, we think.
R,eosuse I
g R-EmoviNG.-We regret the removal
o from our town this week of Mr. J. 3fo-
��� � I �
11 i �
-., sixpanse betta
. .. :
. , �
Lachlin and family t6the Northwest.
44 .- i
.� � -j Big � sales .au
� . .
Goods, and I ' - -
They travel by rail to Brandop, and
11 i
-�: Inotto.
from thence they proceed westward
- �
� i
- I
. - ! �
overthePrairie to their new home.
May success attend them. f�
. - - I
Z 11 �i � �
-1 . � I
R ... � i I
� I
(% � .
,omparison of I . . . .
R-EvivAL.MEI&TINGs.-The Union re-
. . . ,...i. I
vival services, whieh, durin t4e last
1 ,
��� ..... -.:.; 13
I'll I acanse I
five or six weeks were conducted in the
� �
. I I Ina 1*11 cheal
Bible Christian and Methodist churches
I !
19 �, than joy otber,
and Prices with 4 I �- a . I
alternately have been discontinued.
. I
,. - . .
.� . I .
Large additions, chiefly of young eople
I . �
- - .-L.� I FIFTH -
have been made to the membersM of
I L .
. I . ; .
both the churches named.
" - , .- � i
other ill I i i
A. - � I'll , i . Beeause i
A MEMORA-BLF, Evi&NT.-Tuesd4y last I
- 11 . - i i .
3rd inst., will be a day long remen*er-
I .
. � � I 'Nen's. Fine Bev,
ed in Prelbyterian circles in this village,
:-. �
- I ,Our fAy*s and I
trade. � - "I �,! .
. ,,, ; :
oT the induction of thp Rev.
Mr. Martin, formerly of Norwich, to the
P � . ... � i -
. I ; ! Juadeik Toron,
. .
I -
, � ' .
pastorate of Caven Presbyterian qhurch.
Services hold 11
. n-. . � I I I
- - , - � .
were at o'clock a.m.
I : -1
V, �
in which Rev. Mess-ra. McAdam,NcOoy:
� : , :
� . � -L' -i IGEOFtGL
�. E
Thompson and Fletcher participated
In the evening an excellent tea was*
I . - I ,!�
DRY GOODS .. -!'
I provided by the ladies of the coin
- grega-
- I . i` . ;, I
, . . , - I 7%BAGrei
[f , ticu, af ter which addresses were deliver.
.. :
I �� �� 11 �1. i
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