The Huron Expositor, 1883-04-06, Page 7X SEAPOII,TH
Miami Rest -Clam Stook. Inas
wen arempsnies, and Is
a the; moot favonibla terms.
ssferld of the hest Loan 1104fr
elle Side and Purehase of Pam
rr Of Firgt-Class
d Farm for Sal&
at Mix per cern
esof 00ean Steamship Tiekatte:
Morrison's- Storesitalse
a Wrrie. will loan- 116,0040n
,a first mortgage, at 7 per cant
Uumally. Borrowers; to par
tertber particulars apply *a
TH, Reeve„ Brussels P. 0. Rs
MATAS, M.D.„ 0. lit..,Phyrsiden
eeoucheur. tite- Office arta raw .
! occupied, by Dr. Hutchison,
».&e, Phyorician,Surgeon on4'
swarth, Out Office andrest.
tioestite StreetoftoitaluOhntb.. 84
X.. Physician, Ser..
roller for the County of- Huron!
ace, on' Ards street
eatortioPublic School.
Lat4(1. X., Gradtude
*nifty, Phyaialan, Surgeon sad
tkont. °see aneneettatioa
els Street, first- Brick Holies
Rt Churels. 496
University; It- D. 0- kt.,Vte-
teeny; M LI. arra S., Osa.
, Eden; L.. R. C. S., Mine
In e/or a term at Soho Hee-
rand, for diseases of women-
the Royal College of Deatal
ada. Office in the rooms
H. Derbyshire, Whitney's -
F;fally performed and setts -
Charges Xoderate.
extraCird without anis
Ileaalist and College
lalist B. C. D. S.
ars* experience he is able to
tions in Dentistry suitabler
arY jog teeth a Specialty.
r.Nitreus Oxide Gas OM
m Moderate. 9S4
bee, Main Street, Seaforth. -
rIGHT, L. D. S.,
:Se be at his office, CADETS
the Commercial Hotel, an
h week. Nitrate (beide Gat
ortraction a teeth. This gas
it by Dr. Ca.rtwraght adnea
ecess, he having been one of
; it into this province. Pa-
xtracted may inhale the ga
teeth extracted in a man -
a half, without disagreeable
[es de.eiring new teeth pIesee
Particular attention paid
hildren"nteetla. Teeth
full set. 730-52
BraSEreig.—Irsving pule
arty, (lately occupied by gr.
avo reAtted the house hi
ia well stocked. &laden
to stables. F. FREY, Pro-
te. 5, 1882. 784134
ader's Motet)
imanagement of thia House
ty;- renovated and refurnish-
, new furniture in the be
a to. give first-cia.hs acCont•
ie. -The best brae& O
the Bar. An att,entivta
,rendance at the Stables,
lam to the farming come
(al Hotel
RitlICH A EL 'S)
ad friends and the travel,.
laving purchased As new '
building:, he haathoreughe
-fittedet froin top to bot
of the most comfortable
in the county. By strict,
lea hie costomera he hope'
blie patronage. Theroorna -
aidaveIl heated. The bat
vit4 the best, and an at-
rthy hostler will always TA -
sample rooms for Coalmen-
ni Hotel," corner of Main
Seafurth. 733
WEfit, Proprietor -I
Prefinoial Lead garvealf
pr. Ordera by mall proaany•
. CAMPBELL, Itn'eniU
APAm 6, 188,8.
r -------7----e-----'
In the face, Along the Atlantic) ses.
beard agriculturists were cognisant of
the fackyeasivago. In some lociditiee
the growing -of wheat, was dieeontinned,
in others the` farmer ' has recount,' to
artificial fertilisers, 68 use of which,
while it increased the yield of wheat,
was attended -with so muoh labor and
expense as to give him very little return
for his money and time. The prairies
of Illinois, Iowa and other states on the
Middle Mississippi were then opened
up, but in a short time their apparently
inexhaustible soils refused to respond to,
wheat culture. Minnesota CURD next,
but the same failure wal the result.
Dakota came next, and the cultivation
of wheat has been carried on in some
localities for a number of years, with no
diminution of yield, and always the
prodnct ranks first ols,sa, being graded
"No. 1, hard:"
Now, the explanation. It is a well-
known fact in agriculture that plants re-
moved from their native soils and taken
north will improve in quality until the
extreme limit in which they oan be
grown is reached. Instance—tobacco
'improves in texture as is moved and
grown north -ward, apples improve in
flavor under the same treatment; and
thesame is trim of t e cereals, most
noticeable in wheat, as a hard, flinty
_berry is produced, known in, the market
as "No. 1 hard." Before one can Oear-
ly oemprehend the capabilities of Dakota. •
it is necessary to know something °Mee
topography of the country. The surface
is smooth as a floor,even in the undulat-
ing portions. It is covered with a luxu-
riant growth /of grass. Lakes, rivers
and sloughs abound. This would eatur.
ally suggest swamps and mirey places,
but a team can be drawn right through
a slough and not swamp. The surface
soil is from one to three- feet deep, of
black loam ; then eight to ten feet of
reddish, clayey, gravelly soil. Under-
neath that a layer of tough, ;blue clay
from- ten to thirty feet thiekeis found.
In digging through these layer s no rock
is found—that is, no stratified rook for-,
motion. All the stone met, with have
rounded corners and elaCav the action of
waeer. The blue clay , °teemed evi-
dently formed the bed o; an inland sea
or lake. .
• NeWS Itenee. •
itr. Talmage, of Brooklyn, is leo-
tering in the far South.
: —Major McMillan, of Harrieteville,
Dorchester, has sold lus fifty sere farm
at $100 per acre.
—Delmonico's head cook gets $15,000
' a year. Vaitderbilt'sChief, has a con -
tract for a long nitrof years at
$7,000 per annum. Go (,) . , young man.
—A large And influ• ' meeting of
eportemen at Ottawa, /the other day
passed resolutions in *tier of legisla-
tion prohibiting the exportation and
' securing the proper protection of game.
—The residence of If3ir Charles Tap-
perionVittorrie avenrio,Ottawa,hei been
put:limed by AllanGiltriour, jr., kr $16,-
000. The greater poet of his furniture
has been shipped to England.
--The land office at Regina was
opened on Tuesdey 2(4h inst. on which
day 16,000 acres were disposed of. On
the fallowing day 10,560 acres were
'aster -General Howe, of the
• United States, died on, Sunday at the -
residence of his nephe , Colonel Howe,
at Kenosha, Wisconsi , of pneumonia;
resulting from a severe 'cold.
—The first train sine March 6th on
the Grand Trunk reiiiway, reached
Mount Forest on Satnr ay 25th. The
Toronto, Grey and Bruce cloeed since
the same date, is uot y t opened. i
—Mrs. Alexander C , lerle has bought
the birthplace of her uncle, Thomas
Carlyle, at Ecclefechai , to insure its
better preservation. .Jt will probably
now become an establi hed show place.
—At Staten Island the wall of the
elevator of Bachmann's brewery gave
way. Twenty thousand bushels of
malt were pouted out. IA laborer Erhov-
oiling the male was carried .150 feet and
safely landed in a tree ;; loss, $50,000.
—Downey & Preston's new elevator,
at Belleville, began work Monday. It '
hail a stowage capacity 41 72,000 bush-
els, can unloed a car eve. y ten minutes,
and ship 6,000 bushels per hour. It
• cost $14,000, and isaid to be one of
the most complete elevators in the Do-
minion. •
—Messrs. John Prinarta
flHenry Hil-
gardner, Johnalman d Wen.Wogler,
of Ayr, have gone to Aurora, Dlinois, to
purchase Hostein cattle ---six cows and
one ban. -They are corsidered to be
very superior milkers andtfor the butch-
ers they are equal to the Short -horn.
a -The township of Hopis hasapassed a
by-law giving a bonus of! 25 cents for
every! tree planted and ' protected for
three years after plant ge in confor-
niity with the Act. Wh n the three
years are passed the to ship will be
entitledno receive back fr, m the; Local
G-overnment one half of the amoutit paid
as bonus. .
—The inhabitants of ‘) several pro-
ivincea in Greece, have risen against
the importation of for 'ign woollen .
•- threads. Several depoti3
s containing
such thread have been pillaged and
burned. The militia refute to suppress
the outbreak and cavalry- have been
despatched for the purpos .
—Fifty-two years ago th re were on
four white women in the township of
East Williams. One Of these four was
Mrs. Sarah McIntyre, wifehof the late
Hugh McIntyre. The old lady died a
few days ago at the advaneeid age of 78
years, beloved and respected by all who
knew her. Mrs. McIntyre was a native
of North Knapdale, Argyleshire, Scot-
land. i
—House rent, which t4ok such a
rapid rise last suminer and/ fall in Win-
uipeg has taken a reaction and is falling
just as rapidly as it then. rose. Any
member of 'isolated dwelli gs as well
as whole, rows of tenement completed
last fall are still vacant. ouses that
ranged from $30 to $50 in November
last could have been had a ..month ago
at from $25 to $30, and aeptiow offered
at from $20 to 825 a monelal!
—William 'McDonald., a blacksmith
hi PlattsvilIe, expects to get; a large for-
tune from Scotland. His grandfather
died there some time ago, leaving a large
amount of property, and the authorities
advertised in the Australian, American,
and Canadians papers to find out the
heirs, if any were living. Replies were
received. from various McDonalds in the
United States, but it seerns from various
letters and other documents, that Wil-
liam McDonald, of Plattnlle, is the
nearest heir, and will likely get the
lion's share if not all the property.
—The custom in East Williams just
now Is that when property ohanges
hands a large party, or shake down, is.
given. In ease the house is not Jarge
enough for all the party, it is divided
into two parts, one night for thee yd -ung
people and the second night for the old
folks. This was exactly the programme
followed on the 19th conceesion, 19th
' inst., at Arch. McCallum's ' farm—his
no longer now, as he sold his half of the
homestead to Mr. John McLean for
53,500. The 22nd was the old folk's
social. The music on both occasions
wag furnished by old Hielan Donald, a
bagpiper of renown. The house was
fell inside and out both evenings.
—Dr. Henry Allen, alias Lord Can -
tyre, who lately created a sensation by
raarrying surreptitiously (as is alleged)
the young heiress of Perth, Ontario,
Miss Chaffee, states that on his return
from Zululand, where he stayed with
the British army, he determined to go
to Canada. On the second day out he
waa introduced to Miss Chaffee. On
meeting her again at Perth he was wel-
eonaed by her relatives, and received
formal leave to be a suitor kr her hand.
Up to this point he declares there was
no deception. As to his being a man of
title, that he says was a joke which the
lady originated herself. He admitted
the nuptials were private, and Ithat he
received a loan of money from the lady.
He has taken defence through an emin-
ent law firm, to the suit of annul-
ling the marriage. The Romeo is about
40 years of age, pretty well weather
beaten, and is over six -feet high, with- a
massive physique. He repudiates being
sai adventurer, and as his wife, he says,
stioks to him, he will stand his ground
and assert his marital rights.
Dakota Soil.
Keystone, Dakota, February' 5111, 1889.
Mn. EDITOR,—SIR,--I notice that yon
frequently devote considerable apace to
correspondents from this Great North-
west country (A ours, and I have ven-
tured to send you a few remarks on a
subject which, I think, will be. of in-
terest to most of your . readers, and
especially those of them who have given
any attention to this country : The
{gradual exhaustion of the soil, in' the
states in which the cultivation of wheat
haa been a specialty, is fact whichm
Stare, the grower, buyer and consuer
The water in most pieces is slightly
alkaline. Alkali is due to the pressure
of carbonate of lime. • The water also
contains sod ee magnesia and common
salt. A combination of these will give
water a bitter taste. 'Geologists say
that the west and northwest was once
the bed of a sea. In that case this
country received the waehings and sedi-
ment of the surrounding country for
ages. As a natural consequence the
sediment was rich in a*aline deposits.
Here the history of Dakota diverges
from that of the prairies pf the Mississ-
ippi'valley. The bed of tough clayewhich
forms the subsoil, is almost irnperyioas
to water, consequently the salts. that
are taken up in Solution cannot escape
that way. The surface is so level that
very little is carried off bY serfage drain-
age. It is another well known fact that
soils containingmuche cieganic matte
mixed with decompoeed inorganic mat-
ter, are favorable for the lebsorption and
retention of moisture. Salt has an affi-e-
nity for water, and is very susceptible
to -the absorption of moisture. With
these facts it is not wonderful that a
soil containing much organic matter,
also quantities of the salines, should be
fertile to a wonderful degree.
With a soil capable of absorbing mois-
ture two points are gained. The aii is
relieved of moisture, a condition that is
conducive to health, and the soil is con-
stantly in condition to support vegeta-
tion. A country like this, with its un-
rivaled soil, its healthful climate, is
to -da y commanding the attention of the
world. The emigration last year levet,
wonderful. Whole counties were set-
tled in a few weeks. By the fall of
1883 the whole of eastern Dakota will
be settled.In 1878 Dakota contained
about ten .thousand inhabitants, pais
yearshe has about three hundred. thou-
sand. Latterly the rate of increase has
been about forty per cent. per annum.
At this rete istbout one hundred and
twenty thousand people will come into
the territory ,this year. he effect of
this enormoeis influx of people will be
to stimulate business to a wonderful
degree. New towns are pringing up
all over the country, and new centres of
business are continually forming. The
settlers of Dakota are emigrants from
Michigan, 'Wisconsin, New Yoe* and
Pentsylvania, with a liberal sprinkling
of New Englanders. The Jim River
v ley is now claiming the first attention
of the settlers, having proved by its
crops that no bettor place for the grow-
ing of wheat can be found iiri the terri-
tory. It may be of inteeest to some
readers of this article to know that
Pennsylvania is represented in this
region -by a colony which earne here last
spring, took up ,their land', laid out a
town, and honored themselves and their
town by naming it Keystone.
Keystone is situated in Dicker coun-
ty, on the line of the Chicago, Milwau-
kee and St, Paul railroad. The town is
. located on a beautiful plateau sloping
toward the junction of the North and
West forks of the Maple river. The
land surrounding cannot be surpassed
in the territory. The face of the coun-
try here varies somewhat from the tire-
some levelness of most Dakcita 'scenery.
This levelness is very noticeable to new-
comers fresh from the mountains and
hills of the Eastern States. About fif-
teen miles west the Coteau rnountaine
are plainly outlined against the sky.
Northeastand east are Cottonwood and
Clearwater lakes, which during the
spring, summer and fall menthe teem.
with myriads of ducks and geese. Da-
kota -is a favorite breeding., ,gronnd for
these fowls. The nearest town south
is Ellendale, thirteen miles distant.
Grand Rapids. the *natty seat of La
Moue comity is nineteen miles north-
east. Jamestown, due north,. is the
nearest town in that directienn and vyest-
ward the country is unsettled to the
Mispouri River. With such an extent
of country tributary to it the future of
Keystone is very encouraging, and 'offers
inducemente to the farmer, capitalist,
laborer and mechanic.
, •
Please Read Mese
The writer is Mr. 0. MeIntosh, of
Irish Creek, Nova Scotia: I commenced
coughing and raising blood last sprig
and !consulted two doctors and took
their medicines, but obtained -no relief.
I witi greatly alarmed, the more so be -
cats° all my father's familyedied of
consumption. I am now well. I was
cured by Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cher?
ry Balsam-. Good testimony and reply
even. There are hundreds like it:
In all oases of coughs, oold and throat
diseases and lung nommen, including
&Ohms, bronchitis and all their tribe,
Dr. Wilson's Pultnonary.Cherry Balsant
hi invaluable. 798,52.
Blood will Tell.
A face adorned with pimples, bedlie
blotches, &o. la not a particularly
pleasant sight, and invariably betokens
an inapure- state of the blood. Di.
,Cerson s Stomach Bitters free the sys-
tem from all gross humors, renders the
blood pure and eool, aids digestion and
gives a healthy appetite. For sale by
!‘li druggists in large bottles at 50 cent°.
If You Find.
You are unable to sleep nights, and,
though physically tired, are wakeful
and your business is uppermost iit yolur
mind, and you cannot for a while rid
,youreell of its cares and perplexities,
takePhosphatine along with your meals
three times a day, and it willproduce
eneh a change in your system that you
will enjoy refreshing sleep every night.
Fee sale by all druggists; price, $1.
tie wee
The Sickly Young Girl
Aed the delicate young woman need.
Di. Austin's Phosphatine. When the
countenance is pale, the blood courses
erruptions on the face ap-
pear, together with all the other signs
of either temporary or constitutional
debility. No remedy will so quickly
restore color to the cheeks, strength to
the muscles, energy to the limbi bring
back the appetite and make a healthy
woman, as Phosphatine, which is not a
medicine, but a food. For sale by all
druggists. 788.52
Very early in the history of melticine,
have been esteem -ed of the greatest value
in consumption. and scrofula, diseases
closely allied itt. their nature. They
supply phosphorus to increase .nerve
force, and lime for the repair of ulcera-
tion or caries and necrosis of the joints
and long bones; and in spinal troubles,
especially rickets, they lare of more ser-
vice than all the other medicines in use.
In Wheeler's Phosphates and Calisaya
we have the most eligible form of these
tissue elements yet /originated. 796,26.
" How Are 'We
Ever going to get through our spring
and summer work? We are all
run down, tired out before it be-
gins." So say many a farmer's fami-
ly. We answer, go to your druggist and
pay fiye dollars for six bottles of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. This is just the medicine
you need, and will -pay compound inter-
est ou the investment. 793,52.
What is commonly known as heart-
burn can be cured in two minutes by
using Fountain of Health 25 aents a
package. 798,52,2w.
-410.• 01.•
Many of our ills are dependent upon
disordered liver and kidneys, and an
impure state of the blood. Nothing
equals the Fountain of Health. Price
25 cents. 798,52,2w
All who use tobacco know that it in-
jures them, but lack the moral courage
to quit its use. Fountaiti of Health will
brace you up, 25 cents a packages, 798,
Besides being a pleasant purgative,.
Hope's Regulating Pills act upon the
Jiver and kidneys and eradiate disorders.
Sample box 10 cents. 798,52,2w.
An old lady of seventy, after using
spectacles for twenty years, could see to
read without them after using a box of
Churchill's Climax Eye Salve. 25 cents
a box. 798,52,2w.
• That Slight Cold.
You think so little of may prove the
forerunner of a complaint that May be
fatal. Avoid this result by taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, the best of
known remedies for cold, 'ooughs,
catarrhs, bronchitis-, incipieut consump-
tion, and all other 'throat aed lung dis-
eases. 793,52.
Oh, Wiat a Cough.
Will you heed the warning. The
signal perhaps of the sure approach of
that most terrible diseese Consumption.
Ask yourself if you can afford for the
Sake of 50 cents to run the risk and do
rnotlaing for it. We know from ex-
perience that Shiloh's Cure will cure
your cough. It never fails. This ex-
plains why more than a million bottles
were sold the past year. It relieves
croup and whooping cough at once.
Mothers do not be without it. -For
lame baok, side or chest use Shioh's
Porous Plaster. Sold by Ltunsden &
Wilson. 780-26.
.• atee-
Dyspepsia and Liver Com-
• plat n t.
IS it worth the small price of 75
cents to free yourself of every symptom
of these distressing complaitts, if you
think So call at our store and get a
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle
has a printed guarantee on it, use ac-
cordingly, and if it does you no good it
will cost you nothing. Sold by Lums-
den & 'Wilson. 780.26
es • se
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
We have a speedy and positive cure
for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth
and headache, in Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy: A nasal injector free with
each bottle. Use it if you desire health
and sweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold
by Lumsden & Wilson. 780.26.
Wide Awake Druggists.
Messrs. E Hickson & Co. are always
alive to their busin,esss, and spare no
pains to secure the best of every article
in their line. . Theidhave secured the
agency for the celebrated Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption. The,
only certain cure for consumption,
cough, colds, hoarseness, asthma, hay
fever, bronchitis, or any affection of the
throat and lungs. Sold on a positive
guarantee. Trial bottles free. Regular
size $1. 783.52
A Blessing to all. Mankind.
In these times when our newspapers are
flooded with pate, at medicine advertise-
ments, it is gratifying to know *hat to
procure that will certainly enre you. If
you.are bilions, blood out of order,Liver
inactive, or generally debilitated, there
-is nothing in the world that will cure
you so quickly as gleOtri0 Bitters. They
are a blessing to all mankind, and can
be had for only fifty cents* bottle of E.
Hickson & Co., Seaforth.-783.52. '
Mrs. Bodman,
of Bothwell, says my daughter was very
ill with bilious fever, need Dr. Carson s
Stoms.oh and Constipation Bitters with
wonderful results, one bottle entirely
subdued the fever and thoroughly restor-
ed her to health and vigor.
Biliousness, dyspeeapsteane; gobstipation
promptly relieved and cared by the use
of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipa-
tion Bitters. As a family medicine
far superior to pills. In large
Salt Rheum Cured.
Are you troubled with salt rheum,
rough ekin, pimples, or canker sores; if
eo go at once to Lumsden & Wilson's
drug stgre,and get a package of Calvert's
Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents. It
was never knowu to fail. 795.52.2w
Endorsed by All.
Dr. Smith's Great German Worm
Remedy --a medicine that requires no
physic.; perfectly safe and pleasant to
take. TJse no other; 25 Cents, of all
druggists. J. S. I I Roberts I agent Sea-
forth. 754.52. •
Nervous Exhaustion,
And all diseaees arising from youth-
ful indiscretions are speedily and radi-
cally removed by that wonderful rem-
edy known is Mack's Magnetic Medi-
oineesen advertisement of which ap-
pears -in another column. 780.52
Wives, mothers, look to your health.
The many painful and weakening dis-
eases from which yon suffer, despairing
of a cure, can be remedied by that, un-
failing regulator and unfailing tonic—
Burdock Blood Bitters., Ask your drug-
gist for proof. 774.65 '
A Hearty Recommendation,
Jacob A. Empey,of Cannamore,states
that he has taken Burdock Blood Bit-
ters with great benefit in a lingering
complaint, and adds that he wou d
gladly recommend it to all. 774,65
Remarkable and True.
Alonzo Howe, of Tweed, was cured of
a fever sore of 35 years' duration, by six
bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters. He
had suffered terribly and tried many
remedies in vain. He considers Bur-
dock Blood Bitters a marvellous medi-
cine. 774.52
The Worst
• Scrofulous sores, the most indolent
tumor, and the most foul ulcer known,
may be cured by the combined •use of
Burdock bitters atel Burdock Healing
Ointment. Ask your druggist for these
infallible remedies. 774.65
A Secret.
The secret of beauty lies in pure
blood and gond health. Burdock Blood
Bitters is the grand key that unlocks all
the secretions. It cures all scrofulous
diseases, acts on the blood, liver, kid-
neys, skin and bowels, and brings the
bloom of health to the pallid cheek.774.
65 '
• No Person
Can enjoy health while suffering con •
stipation of the bowels. Harsh pur-
gatives always do harm. Burdock
Blood Bitters is nature's own cathartic;
it unlocks the secretionanegulates,puri-
fies and strengthens the system. 774
It $taaads the Test of Time
Time tries all things, and few are the
customs, habits or adjuncts of life that
are not swept away before its remorse-
leesenarch.—Remedy after remedy for
coins has been introduced, tested and
ound wanting. Putnam's Painless
Cora extractor alone holds undisturbed
' sway, gathering new strength as years
roll on, and holding it with the power
that merit alone can give. Take no
substitute. Putnam's Painlees Coen
Extractor never fails to make a complete
cure. Sold everywhere. 762-52.m.
Mrs. Mc.Arth-ar.
Of Hopeville, says regarding Hag-
tyard's Pectoral Belem, that she
would not keep house without it. She
cannot speak t,00 highly of its merits as
-a remedy for colds, coughs, bronchitie,
aethma, weak lungs and all pulmonary
•troubles. A cold may be cured by it in
one day. 794.65.2w
She knows her man, and when you
Anne and swear,
Can draw you to her with a !Jangle
But it must be beautiful hair to have
such power; and beautiful hair can be
ensured by the.; use of the Ciogalese
Hair Renewer. Sold at 50c by J. S.
Roberts. 77042.7891
enity should a man whose' blood is
warm within
Sit like hie grandsire cut in alabaster ?"
Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and
lirhetnhiCningalese Renewer will make it
grow faster.
• For sale by J. S. • Roberts, Seaforth.,
efe • at
Can supply the place of a beautiful silky
head of natural hair. It is infinitely
more comfortable that switches, and
other preparations for the hair by un-
known foreigners. Hair may be re-
• tained, beautified and actuelly restored,
by the use' of the Cingaleee Hair Ren-
ewer. Sold at fifty cents per bottle by
all druggists. 770.52.786.
In the History of Medicine
No preparation has received such uni-
versal commendation for the alleviation
it affords, and the permanent ,cure it
affects in kidney diseases, as Dr. Van
Buren's Kidney Cure. Its action in
these distressing complaints is simply
wonderful, For Sale by J. S. Roberts,,
770.52.789 4
G. W. Mingay,
Perkasie, Toronto, writes: "My wife
had several very severe attacks .of
cramps in the stomach. Hearing of
Dr. Austin's Phosphatine tied its
pleasantness to take, I gave he two
bottles, and she has not had pa attack
since,and her health is much improved.
For sale by all druggists. 770.52.789
S. Wetherell, •
Writing from Winnipeg, says : "I can
say more about Phosphatine now than
When I saw you last in Torouto. hfy
health is much improved, and I am
free from headaches oeany other aches,
having used only two and a half bottles
of your Phosphatine. For sale by all
druggists. 770.52.789.
Is Your Hair
Turning gray and gradually falling out?
Hall's Hair Renewer will restore it to
its original dolor, and stimulate the
follicles to produce a new and luxuriant
growth. It also cleanses e the 'scalp,
eradicates dandruff, and is a most
agreeable and harmless dressing. 793.52
That there is a reliable remedy for kid-
ney trouble, half the terrors attached'
to these complaints have been removed,
For this let all be thankful, and to Dr.
Van Buren's Kidney Cure award
all praise for 'having thus re-
move.j a hitherto fatal disease from
our path. It was never known to
fail. Sold by J. S. Roberts. 770.52.789
• Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of the
world. Warranted to speedily cure,
burns, bruises, cuts, ulcers, salt rheum,
fever sores, cancers, piles; chilblains,
corns, tatter, chapped hands and all
skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure iu
every instance or money refunded; 25
cents per box. For sale by E. Hickson
& Co. 783.52.
• r
Farmers before buying your reaper
and mower oil ask for and procure a
sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is
warranted not to gum, and is gnaran..
teed to give good satisfaction. 753-52
Now that the reaping and mowing
season -is coming on, farmers should
remember the that "Kaiser" Machine
Oil is the best reaper and mower oil
in the market. For sale by all dealers.
For sore eyes, incurable by all other
means, resort to Churchill's Climax
Eye Salve, and you will be sarprised at
prompt relief. Price 25 cents. 798,
Devils Lake, Turtle Mountain
And Blouse I1ver Country,
Tributary to the Visited States Land Office at
tioulars mailed FREE to any address by -
II. F. MeNA.LLY, ,
General Travelling Agent.
2S E. FrontSt.,Toronto, Out
TENDERS will be received up till April 17th for
-I- the pasture of the Agricultural Grounds for
the season of 1888, under the following conditions:
That the fence, grounds and buildings thereon
receive no damage or injury, and that the Diree-
toi s of the said Agricultural Society have the
privilege of holding their shows on days to be
named by them during the season. of 1883. The
party or parties using the said grounds will be
held liable for the amount of damage that may
occur to the said fence, grounds or buildings.
The highest or any tender not necessarily aceept-
ed. Tenders to be handed in not later than the
17th of April.
Tenders will also be received for the privilege
of selling refreshments on the. Agricultural
Gronnde during the day of Entire Stock Show.
Tenders to be handed in not later than April 10th.
Tenders to be addressed to the undersigned.
798-4 L. THORNE.
People wishing their teeth to look white,
Use" Teaberry " daily—at morning, at
It sweetens the Breath and reddens the
Eithanoes the beauty of daughters and
-A Fair Exch• ange.
Will you exchange a chronic
case of dyspepsia, or agree to break
up a bilious temperamente-to give
your torpid liver activity, and thus
strengthen your digestion., regain
energy, comfort, health and spirits,
all for 75c? A single bottle of Zopesa '
will do this. A few doses surprise
those who try it. For biliousness
and dyspepsia in their many forms
Zopesa is a panacea, and is war-
ranted to cure them. It acts.
speedily and pleasantly. Try a 10
cent sample of it.
state that he has returned home from Da-
kotaand is convinced that "There's no place
like home," and he intends to remain at home,
and will henceforth give his entire personal at-
tention to his business; His facilities for doing
good work are unexcelled, and he can guarantee
satisfaction. Come one, come all, and bring
your relations and friends and secure the
shadow ere the substance fades. I can se,com-
znixlate you all, and can sand yrIn on your way
rejoicing. Just try ma, and prove me. Charger
moderate. Remember the place ---Scott's Block,
Main Street, &Worth.
Seaforth Musical In*trument Emporium,
Beg to announce that they have removed to more commodious premises, one
door north of the Post Office, whete they will be found with a large and wept
selected stock of DUNHAM PIANOS, twhich are so well known and highly
spoken of by all musicians. EXCELSIOR ORGANS.—These Organs have re-
eeived the highest rewards wherever shown, and have also received- a diploma
the Indttstriel Fair just closed at Toronto. 1 We also keep in stook other Pianof
and Orgens, and all kinds of small inst4uments, sheet music and instructio,
books. legents wanted.
Having made arrangements for the purchase of a special lot of Fence Win,
at a special rate, said wire having been ordered by a firm and found not wanted,
I am in a position to offer a first-olase 'article at a lower rate than is Usual.
Terms of payment easy. Special terms to persons clubbing together and taking,
one ton and upwards. Wire left at neareet railway station. Partieewalating
wire should order early, as it may not hold out long. For prices and terms
apply to
JOHN A. NAFTEL Vardware Iferchatra, Goderich.
THE Subscribers have bought the Tools and
Boiler Business lately tarried on by the God-
erich Foundry and Manufacturirg Company, and
having had an experionce of over eight years fe
that shop, are now prepared to earry on the trade
In all its branches.
Any work entrusted to us will receive prompt
attention. First-class work guaranteed,
All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also
Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, &c., at rea-
sonable rates.
New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired on
the shortest notice, and at priees that defy coni -
783 Box 103, Goderieh.
Patel up Capital, 56.000,000.
Presid.ent, Bon. Wm. McMaster,
The Seaforth Branoh of this Bank continues to
receive deposits, on which interest s allowed on
the most favorable ternui.
Drafts on all the principal towns and cities In
Canada, on Great Britain, and on tne United
&atm, bought and sold.
Ofilce—First door South of the Commercial
A. H. IRELAND, Manager.
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor.
A large proportion of the diseases which
cause human suffering result from derange-
ment of the stomach, bowels, and liner.
AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS act directly upon
these organs, and are especially designed to ;
cure the diseases caused by their derange-.
naemt, including Constipation, IndigOa-
tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery,
. and a host of other ailments, for all of
which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and
pleasant remedy. The extensive -ase of these
Praia by eminent physicians in regular prac-
tice, 8110WS umnistakably the estimation in
which they are held by the medical profes-
These Praas are compounded of vegetable
substances only, and are absolutely free from
calomel or any other injurious ingredient.
A Sufferer from Headache writes:
"Alma's Pleas are invaluable tomo and
are my constant companion. I have been
a severe sufferer from Headache, and your
PILLS are the only thing I could look to
for relief. One &gait will quickly move my
bowels and free my head from pain. They
are the most effective and the easiest physics
I have ever found. It is a pleasure to me to
speak in their praise, and I always do so
when occasion offers.
W. L. PAGE, of W. L. Page & Bro."
Franklin St., Rich.mond,Va., June 3, 1882.
"I have used AYER'S Praia in number-
less instances aa- recommended by you, and
have never known them to fail to accomplish
the desired result. We constantly keep them
on hand at our home, and prize them as a
pleasant, safe, and reliable family modieine.
FOR DYSPEPSIA they are -invaluable.
-Alexia, Texas, June 17, 1882j.. T. HAYES."
from ditlania, Ga., says: "For some years
past I have been subject to constipation,
from which, in spite of the use of medi-
cines of various kinds, I suffered increasing
inconvenience, until some months ago I
began taking Armes PILLS. They have
entirely corrected the costive habit, and
• have vastly improved my general health."
AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS correct irregu-
larities of the bowels, stimulate th.e appe-
tite and digestion, and by their prompt and
thorough action give tone and vigor to the
whole physical economy,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. i Lowell, Mass,
• Sold by all Druggists.
AGED. - Ears, or any scrofulous or syph-
ibllytiictstalusen, may be made healthy and strong
Sold by all Druggists; 51, six bottles for 16.
All experience the wonderful
beneficial effects of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Children with Sore Eyes, Sore
/MIS new Company, formed for theptuaose el
infeeting French Capital in Canada, ft now
prepared to advance money en the most favorable
term@ on good landed seenrities. X P.IIAT118,
Agent for County of Huron, &dor*.
0 FFIC E'—in the premises former -
y occupied by the .&inJ f C.,m-
merce, amd utuier the Commer dal
Illotel, Main Street.
Eriglish and Fornign lilachange
Purchased and Sold.
Purchased, at Reasonable Bate&
ITI4ney Lent on Collaieral Securities
Drafts Issued, payable at par at all
13.anches of the Bank of Commerce.
I:INTEREST Allowed on Deponfte
Money to Loan on Mortgagee.
Manager 4nd Proprietor,,
/7 -IT
H.0 -Et-
4 ,
Would have Prevented.
Sold EvetyWhere at 25 Cents a Bottle.
Tws Bottles, in One, 40c.
L. R. C. P., L.R. 0. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye
Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron-
to, and Burgeon to the Mercer Eyeand Ear In-
firmary, Consulting Oculist and Antic* to the
Institutions ter the Blind. Brantford, end far
the Deaf and Dureb. Belleville, Ont. Late Mit&
cal Afiristant Royal London Ophthabnie Hos*
tal, Moorfielde, and Central Throat end Zia
arty be consulted at the
On the Lust KIIITURDAY ia SAC=
MONTH. 703