HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-03-30, Page 66 enweasseatasesmie -THE, iftlItOMe..X.X.PQaTIO it wtinawaganit Illebinnitny. Th. extiCviganee el this age it is very oomMonenow to talk about, and there is plenty of it to talk about; but to our Mind that in which the age is most ex- travagant is in its economy. We often call this a shoddy age; but by this we impeach ourselves of inviting people to produce a cheap article by offering a cheap price. If the entire list of honers that have been destroyed by fire in Maine the past year could be published, and the prob-, able causes of the fire in all cases deter- mined, we have little deobt that at least 25 per cent of the blazes would be !mad to have had their SOIT043 in defective chimneys. We reoently saw a mason building a chimney of one tier of brick, . s.nd_of mortar, freezing as it was laid -- not stopping even to plaster the interior. Within five years we expect to see that building burn, butnobody will be able vi to tell how the fin caughti Yet a chim- ney may be macle beolutely fire proof, and filet without -very much more ex- pense. Careless lathing. oarelesit plumb- ing, oareless work of all kinds done bv cheap workmen, is the worst bit of ex- travegance that a builder own be guilty of. The cheapest way to do anything, is to ,do it right. Honest work only will -stand :Ere. As we write, a dispatch 'is pat into the learids of "Journal's" tele- graph editor, and its headi • i is, "A West Waterville mie. • : • :' • is bome by en, a defectiveohimney. o i cl• his rerninds us to say that when wood is burned, creosote disintegrates the mortar. An easy remedy is to carefully plaster the interior of chimneys with clay mortar, whichlanglas at heat, at -emoke and at creosote. But this practice of extrevagant econo- my extends through almost all our ex penditures. A ma, will buy a pair of pasteboard shoes for one dollar and curse. shoddy on the first wet day; but for two dollars he co dihave stood in two honest shoes. ,I man will buy a root for five dollars hat is shabby and threadbare after a b ief wear, when for ten dollars he could ;scare a gement that would ontwea &• dozen shoddy coats. A friend of o rs paid forty dol- lars for an overcoat t n years- ago that was supposed to be ttravagant ; but he tells me that it has nly coat him , four dollars a year, for an overcoat the, past ten years and he h a always worn a good coat while his next neighbor, a very economioal ma , buys a ten dollar elioddy overcoat, eve y other year. Poor flour, poor wood, poor coal, poor ,, gowns, , poor) meat, poor butter, poor morals—is extravag nint, Shoddy would never come, if custo liers for shoddy had not preceded it. Is, 't it high time for tits to rally around Enwool-and•a-yard- wide ideae—and inst that, poor as we may be, small as in y he our income, we are absolutely unable to afford pasteboard. shoes, so i r flour, and incen- tEezy ohiraneys?" tich folks can afford to pay a little for no hing,-but as for the balance of us, let it settled, once for all, that the oharge if extravagance for buying poor stuff eh llnot be laid at our door. lies in 'her power .to do! Milfindered, °Venially the power of doing good She can, be a friend to the friendless and a mwther to the orphan; she can fill her tIOZIISS with happy gueste, after the true Christian type—the guests that cannot' repay her for her kindness. Free to diepose ofherself in ell ways, she can be a good neighbor, a good citizen— whether or not she attains the doubtful of female suffrege. Her oods, her time and her affeo- exclusively her own, to bestow wily mad well. Solitary, VI e certain extent, her life most always be; but it need not be a morbid, selfish, or dreary hink it might be all the better iris of our generation, which nds the duties and deetinies of little better than the last one, if we we e to hold up to them—since they cannot all be wives and 'mothers— this ideel of a happy single life, which lies before any girl who either inherits an independence, or has the courage and capacityto earn me." Story of • a Ro The Countess of moving in the Court ia passionately fond she ie the female co Topaz in" Lothair." the Countess receive e of Pearls. L, a great lady circles of Vienna, i pearls. In fact, nterpa.rt of Lord A few days ago a visit from her It jeweler, who very at ongly recommend- ed her to become most inagpificenti Theyare quite unign you," said the jewel to you is only a florins." "Only a ilorins." repeated tie smile ; " bunonnipo look at your gema, I to resist the tempta upon, the jeweler which contained his played a string of pe beauty tldat Loth have been proud t the Lady Corsian opening of the caske lipon the Countess. caught sight of its overwhelmed the je of qUeStial€1. 6 did you come by tho How much did you whom did you buy t buy them at all,', re jeweler : "neither d They were merely e lady to sellon co request of the count at once despatched After a brief delay t ved hands dreseed. She listen smile to the series o ed to her. Nettled, the command of her teas wound up by spring in the fasteni "inhere," she exclai arms and motto eng the fastening; "ho' the possession of the hardly venture to belobg to me. Fo suddenly disappears case, andnow, ate proved fruitieen the you. I am under the lady who has re which is my own. tirede the lady utte openiog a small r carried inher band, scented 6illet-douz, the Countess, who N immediately. On r nese she went strai table, wrote a chequ demanded by the her 'withont utteri The billet-doux, was of the Countess on 0 purchaser of a "rope of pearls." , madame I assure r, "end the price undred thousand undred • thousand conntees with a te, let me have a eel strong enough on to buy. There- pened the casket treasure, and clis- ls of such faultless h• himself would present thern to e. Meanwhile the acted like magic No sooner had she G amins than she eler with a heap here—when—how e pear1B, ive—I mean from em “I did not lied the antonished they belong to me. trusted to me by mission." At the ss, & footman was o bring the lady. e young lady arri- me, and ,elegantly d with a subdued question e address - but still retaining temper, the Conn - touching a secret g of the neoklace. ed, pointing to her eyed on the side of ever you came into e pearls, you will "spate that they ✓ years ago they from my jewel all inquiry had are found with at obligations to tored to me that n answer to this d not a word but ticnle, which she roduced a highlyt nd handed it td anted and swoonen covering conscioun• ht toher writing for the ail1011ut lady, and gave it to g a single word. n the handwriting SOLI. 10 1 0 0 0 The A n ous The author of "Soon Halifax, Gentle- man," in a recent ar icle• touches upon a subject of great is threat to a large elasa of women: hose women who do not marry, what ie they to do with their lives t For so a e of them fate de- cides, often severely enoegh, laying on them the sacred bur ens of aged par- ents, or helpleas bro hers and sisters, orphan nephews ano nieces. Others, left igrithout natural ditties or ties, have the Strength to mak both for them- selves. I know no p•sition more happy, more useful (and thrrefore happy) than that of a single woman who, iaving in- herited or earned se it &dent rIoney and position,has courage o mistime the status and responsibilities of marne women. She has, except the husband)l all the advantages of the m tronly poition and almost none of its dr wbacks. So much and Aimless. privileg worldly tions ar life. I for the underst women New York Society by Proad- brim. We oriened the week with the defal- cation of Gilbert L. Crowell, Mad it is safe to say that there has been no such &land* convulsion in the city since Gilman went to the demnitidee bow wows mitered years ago. hfr. prowell belongeto the same set that pilman belongedto; he wore a ,white craven went to bhurcn regularly, contributed, handso ely to) bible societies, end as ir supponing home and foreign mission; henraned loud and long; in short, lvas a I high-toned exemplary member of society, who for tvt nty or thirty y ars ba occupied poiions of the grea est Ito or and trust, b t who, as -the nzatter Inrus out, only needed the op rtunitento become the eanest and mosit contemptible kind of thief. The hig wayntan who stops yo on the road, demanding your money your life, is al gentleman alongside of the sneak t ief who worms lams lf into your oo fidence, and when yeur back is turned r na away weith yoor coat or purse. r. Crpwell was taken as the confiden ial agent by a few unprotected women; they never questioned Iiis hon- esty or is accounts, and 4e robbed them of all a million. Daily Men and women te sent to the penit ntilary for stealing he value of a few °erne, which will keep therci from starvation, but now that this gigantic robber)' has been discovered, pipers teem with expree- i siona of Sympathy and condolen e for a man who robbed bis bosom frie ds. and violated every eacred trust ethic makes ,' life worth having and enduring Mr. Crowell will netgo to State's rison ; the ladies he ebbbed have fortittately some 'shekels left—a paltry half million. does nonseem to worry the neirs of the Tallman estate, for it no N anpeare that the money Croivell stole warei only part of the interest money of the Misses Tallman, whoa) income was se large that they found itimpossible tO spend it. We begin . realize that NevYork is a Paradise o rich spinsters. I would look 8.13 though there was a reasonable chance for a lot of enterprising bache- lors in New York. Only a few months ago Miss Barr died leaving a fortune of three millions to churches and Mission- ary societies. Jesse Hoytn daughter is the .heirese of ten millions, and there are plenty of maidens worth from one to five hundred thous,and. The two Misses Tallman have a round I million, not to mention personal charm, which , would make them a desirable catch with nothing lent a fig leaf. New Eng- land has shown much enterprise in the past, and here is an avenue open to some enterprising Yankee, which is much nore peornising and, infinitely more ag eeable than mining specula. - tions in qoloralo or cattle ranches in Texas. • A Song of Praise. HO IT IC401113 IN ream A. wrier in the New Haven Pallad- ium say that not long ago ie. went to a carted church—where, it is not stet - ed --to seek the spiritual consolation to be derived from the devout Worshipand praise of God, especially hoping to be lifted up to a nigher life by tli singing of some grand,, old, simple hymn., Judg- ing friene his accouiathe was , apparently disappouned. l "We had ben sitting,' he says "in the richly upholstered pew and staring at the paintedneindows but- s, few moment n when the 'organ was suddenly hushed, and in a distant cor- ner of the church four fashionably dress- ed ladies andntlemen arose end sang. "God is a Spirt ; God is a: Spirit ; and they that worehip Him, and they that worship Him 'must Worship !Him in spirit and in truth. God' is e Spirit: and they that worship Him • God is a Spirit : must worship Him: they must : must worship. ship Him: in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeneth such : (tenor) for the .(all loud) seeketh such, seeketh ouch. eeeketh Buell to worship Him. (Very Softl)) God is a spirit ; (waxing louder) God is a epirit ; and they ; they that worship flim:'they; and they ; they that worship Him, must worship Him, Must worship Iiiin, and (loud yellendo) THEY that worship Him ; and they • must; that worship Him (tenor, softly) must; (contralto) wor- ship; (all) Him in spirit and in truth ; (all but tenor) for ; (all). the Father seeketh such; (bass) seeketh such • (all softly) to worship Hien lo norslip ; (sort o' dying away) in spirit ' and in tru u-u-th.' As the concluding eadences softly died away among the{ vacant pews, like 'the still, small voice' among the cliffs of Sinai, we could not help wondering whether those renal - tortured words had any meaning ; and if 130, whether that meaning had any applica- tion to the performance jnat ended. What is "worship in spirit end in truth?" . News Items.. —Hon Oliver Mowat is! 63 years of age Sir John if3 68. —The Roman 'Catholic oburch in Berlin, has secured a $2,000 organ from Mr. Vogt, Elmira. _ —Frederick Billings, of -Vermont, re- cently purchased and presented a 515,- 000 library to the State University. Now he gives them $75,000- with which to erect a library building. —The time during which the solem- nization of marriage in England is le`gal being at present between eight in the morning and noon, a bill has been intro - awed in Parliament by Mr. Caine, M. P., that proposes to•lengthen this time by extending it up to six in the evening. —Mr. Bradford, in the oil regionnhas a cow that not only opens all the gates on the farm, lets down the bars, opens the barn doors, but when she gets thirsty works an oldefashinned pump by looking her horns 'about 'the handle. Nioe animiel to ciwn ? You wouldn't think soafteryou'd tried for a season to keep herina pasture. —Philadelphia boasts several female, millionaires. Theynre Mrs. Thomas A. Scott iOX$JO,1XX ;. Mts. Bloomfield H. Moore, $5,000,000 ; Mrs. Anne W. Bairn and Mrs. Mathew paldwin, 02,- 000,000 ; Mrs. Adolph 141.• Boric, Mrs. George Fales, Misa Falesnand the two Misses Itawle, $1,000,000.. —At the re -opening of the Ontario College of ;Pharmacy at Toronto on TueedaY, Miss McCallum, sister of Mr. F. H. McCallum ,druggisti of New Ham - learn; presented herself for the study of phazimecy. Miss McCallum is the first litdee student of any pharmaceutical col- lege in Canada. t -.In imposing a fine of seven thous- and 'dollars upon the East End Abattoir in Non.;treal for under valuation, the Goverrment took a leniern view of the fraud, as it could have confiscated all the machinery imported,' yalreed at 05,- 000. It is asserted by men in business that the frauds upon the 'Customs in that city amount to hundreds of thous- ands, if not millions of dollars annually. —Seven years ago a man named Wil- liam A. Saunders, a 'blacksmith, who lived at Fairbank, a place about five miles feom Toronto, absconded, leaving behind him a !argent:111%er of creditors, and a_ wifeand familyeef eight children. Borne months later heinfermed his wife that he was in the Black Hills. sinoe which nine he has not been heard from. In 1881 the father of the missing man died, and willed one third of his posses- sions to his absent son. Saunders not coming forward to -claim his inheritance Mrs. ,Saunders has bestituted a suit for seven years' alimony, whigh she expects to realize from the lands left her bus • band bt' his father. - —Th dwelling house of Alexander Smith, ot • 10,- concession 5, Wallace townshi , was totally consumed by fire on Ithe Srd inst. The fire broke out at neon ,when the family were away from home and everything in the house was lost. The neighbors went around and collected about $75 in cash, besides some provisions and °lathing, as a temporary relief to Mr. Smith and family. ' —Mr. Andrew Riddell, who sold Ms property in North Easthope some time since, aed removed to Manitoba, re- turned again. He is perfectly satisfied now to wend the remainder of his days in Nortle Easthope, and has purcbased the excellent 100 acre 'farm of Mr.John Schweitzer, on the 2nd concession, for ,000. 1 it is not well to be so dazzled with the prospects of big fortunes and no hardehips in the North-west, as to sell outrrnfortable homesteads without aue cou ideratiort. —A eery severe accident hiappened to Mr, Conrad Swent, living about two miles feom the village of Poole. It appearenie was engaged threshing for a neighbor and while feeding the ma- chine, the sleeve of his coat got caught in the cyli der, and in a moment his arm was jer • • • ed in, smashing and • bruising it in a f arful manner. Dr. Johnson of Miilban wan- immediately summoned, who fonnd it neceesary to amputate the arnqt near the shoulder. At last accounna the patient was doing as well as could be expected under the circum- stanoes.1 —On ' Wednesday mnrniug of last week about six o'clock, Mrs. Anderson, of Shakespeare, awpke her daughter, saying sne felt unwell. Her daughter went dpwn Metre and lit the stove, re, turning in about 20 -minutes to find her mother unconscious. Medical aid was called dad the case pronounced apo- plexy. lEvery means to restore con- sciousness was tried, butewithout slice cess, aeslae breathed ber last about one p. m., -Deceased was in her usual health and fins spirit's on Tuesday, making prepare ions to receive her daughter, who w. s to be married at Strathroy, on Wedn day. and arrive On a visit to her mothet non Thursday. —The young people in connection with.the Vongregational Church, Listo- welphrine organized a literary society, holding weekly meetings. Ate a -late - whethe 'Intemperance or Fashion has meeting they discussed the question the greetest influence over society. The Paitor Of the church, Dr. Guneer, oc- cupied the chair, and on the conclusion of the debate, in which &erne half dozen on each »side took part, efter compli- menting the various speakers on their praiseworthy efforts to cultivate - the mental faculties, summed up the argue ments :pro and con, gave' a verdict in favor of the advocates of Fashion.. ,--ASawing match took plane ar St. Marys lthe other day, -which excited considerable interest. Six saws were entered for competition. The test was the seining et two outs, top and butt, on a maple log 22 inches in diameter at the but, and 191 at the top.. The re- sult wia as follows :First Wm. Robert• son an J. Reynolds, 44t seconds and 331 ends -510. Second R. Birtch and R. ;Henderson, 50 and 40 seconds, 58.Third, Wm. Stapleton and R. Stapleton, 491 and 421 seconds'$5. FOurth, J. Langford and J. Phalan, 49 and:44 8000MIS, 53 and an axe. Fifth, John Waltern and Charles Hunt, 54 and,45seconds,$2 and an axe. Sixth,, Georgeillolden and. A. Abott, 1 minute 7i peocinds, and 1 minnte 1 emend, an • I , e — • le- Grand Trunk Railway. Trains ;leave, Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: Going. WEST— SEAFORTH. CLINTON. Express 12:58,p. M. 1:17 P, M. Exprees , 8.42 Pdiel. 9:00 P. M. ExpreesROO A.M. 8:45 A. M. Mixed Train.. ..... 5:40 P. M. 6:15 P. M. Gonne EAST— SEAFORTH. CLINTON.i Express ... ....... 8:32A, M. 6:15 A.N. Expeess Train.....1:88 P. M. 1:17 P. M. Mixed Train4:85 P. M. 3:50 P. M. Mixed Train 9.30 A. M. , 8:45 A. M. LOndon, Euro"' and Bruce. GOINH NORTH— Express. Mai A. M. In . Loudon, depart. .. .... 7 20 4 Exoter 8 86 5 1 icHiextlawil . : 850 A 8 65 5 85 Brucenirld 9 06 5 45 I ECliiinttoh .i. . ' '1; 109 WOO 66 31 1 Wingh m, arrive ...... „ ....' ..10 85 7 10 Gone° El Ina— Mail. Exprese' ,1 A. M.' P.M. Winghem, depart Clint= , .. 77 415‘'' 32 4913 Blyth • • „ .. 8 20 850 Briuree ld • • • . • . , . 8 ss 405 Kippen . • •••• 6 45 413 Hensel, .... .. ; ... 13 50 4 18 Exeter 905 430 Ienidon, arrive ,. .10 10 5 35 I-- C.A.1;i4D mh d DSo. AMPBELL, Provincjal foetid Surveyot • »n4 Civil Engineer. Orders by midi prompt ly att.end d to. i . D. B. CAMOELL, &MOND Liptak -I -1 1 4 P. S. CARROLL, LATE of Garrow & Prudfool,'s Office, Goderich, Solicitor, Conveyancer, dm Money to loan. Vilf" Office in Meyer's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. 794 14 0. HAYS, fioUoito, &o. Private money to Jtv. lend at lowest rates of intereet. OFFICE— Corner of Square and West Street, Goderieh. 774 GAlill W * PROIJDFOOT, Barrieters, Solid - tors &o., Goderich, Ontario. -1. T . Garro Wm.Pro dfoot. 1 , 686 HOLT 4 • flAME N, HOLe CAMERON, Barristers, •-1 flolleitors in Oh eery, No.. Godertch, Ont. M. C. Oa:baron, Q . Oa P Hip Holt, M. G. Cam. eron. 1 606 TT W.C. MEYER, )3 4-1-* Law, Solieitor in or taking affidavits in Solleitonfor the Dank Private fends te loan a refuter and Attorney at Chancery. Commissioner he Province of Manitoba. of Hamilton, Wingham. 64 toe* per sent. 688 MANNING & SOOT, 'LTA' Conveyancers, &c.I et Johnston, Tisdale &1 Office, Beaver Block, 0 idezzenno, JAMISE SCOTT Barristere, Solicitors, Solicitors for the Bank Gale. Money to loan. nton, Ontario. A. H. , 781 — .N4 BYER & DICKINS AAA- Bleck, Wingham. of Hamilton. Comm' vits in Manitoba. Privet° cent. Luoknow office eivery 0. METER. E. L. DICRI4S0N. N, Batvisters, -Solicitors oners for fund!! Wednesday. &c., Kent's for the Bank taking affida- to loan at 6 per 11. W.. 738 — , LOFTUS T ,ATE with Cameron, sea Barrister, Soliel !dopey to loan, Bane el Block, Seaforth. p : alt & 0» r, Conveyancer, 's Old NCEY, meron, Goderich, eke. Office, Cerdno's ' 786 MOTICE of Dissoluti AA Partnership heret • undersigned hap this d tual consent. Thetas be carried on by Ma. debts due to the firm will -pay and diseharge the firm. Dated at Sea !ember, 1882, SG. M 5TED. Witness, AND • n of ' 1 ore axle y been dissolved neas of t : OL BSI b p 11 d bts ort , th CAUGH EW C1LDEE. artnership.—The lug between the by mu- e late Jim will D, to whom all yable and who ue and owing by 21st day of De - Y ; F. H0LME- Block, 1 \ HEY, _ Block, 785 - F. HOL pARRISTER, &c. 4iw •Atd Main Street, Sento ISTED, !Office—Scot-Vs th.' S. G. IVIC SSOLIOIT013, &e. Lew Main Street, Seaforth. AIU Office—Scott's AUCTIONEES. T In SEINE, Lieencedl Atictioneee u • County of Huron. Sale parte Of, the County. All 'outs pennon Office will be prompt', for the attended in all left at the Ex. attended to. 011,.. COOPER, Bruesels, Cotmty e Sales» of all descriptions tended 1r any part of the county terms. 9rders left at the office EXFosIT R, or a&dreseed tolirnesele, I . Auctioneer. promptly at- on reasonable of the IfIneoN will receive prompt attentio . A DELi GATTleetLieensed Anntioneer for the del- County of It n. &ilea of all descriptions promptly" attended t reasoriable teener. Ad - deem' Welton P. O. tr Lot 14, Conceseion 14, McKillop[ 774 BERKSHIIIE BOAR.—The endereigned has still hie well-known Theron hbeedIterkehire Pig, which he -will keep for aerv1ee doripg the present season, on lot 7, come sion 8, Timken &meth. This pig was purchased rota the Messrs. Snell, of Edmonton ; is from iMported stook on» both sickle, and has proved himeelf oue of the best stoek producere in Or:Aerie; ! W. S. MUNDELL. 783 11•••••,.....•••••••• S'fiFFOLK FIG.—The uodersigned will keep on lot 41, concession 2 L. R. S., Tuekersraith, a Thoroughbred Suffolk Boar. This animal was recently purchased from the weRtkoown breeeers, A. Franks & Son, and is from ireported stock on both sides. Terms,—$1, payable at the time of service wnh the privilege of returning if necessary. GEORGE PLEWES. 783 RERKSFIIRES THE IIREED.—Tho ." signed will keep during the m Lot 25, Concession 5, McKillop, bred Berkshire Pig. Tseets.—$1, time of service, with the privilege if necessary. WM. HARK1RK. under- preseot season a Thorough- payeble at the of Ire/urning , : 781 lptEEKEIHIRE PIG FOR SERVICE. -L.' undersigned will keep during season, on lot as, ooneeselon 9, Thoroughbred Berkshire 'Pig. able at the time of service, with returning if necessary. JAS. M.DOWELL. — The the present leer Winthrop, a ermsio-$1, pay. the pnvitege of i* 788 ANOTHER GOOD PIG.—Th ". keep daring the present se In Brumfield, a thoroughbred This anbnal was purehased fro broaden, Mesas. J. G. ' Snell & ton, and is one of the best pigs the county.- His sire, "Royal as tee sire of his dam ''Str Do ... and his grand sire, "1,erdl Live prize winners at the Royal She also at the Provineial Feire in 0: $1 per so*, payable at the ' time the privilege of returning if la: TURNER!,Brucefield. 1 undersigned son at his Berkrhire the celebrated Bros. of ver b"ronght &virile,', •ster Cardiff,' pool,' were »s in England, nada. TIRES.— of restyl' e° misery. i will Hotel Boer. dmon• into ne well first with R. J. 775 FOR SCHOOL School Statio ---GO C. W. BOOKST0111E, . SEirORT • .1 1 TO— PA ,OITARIO. OOKS, i I ery,flke. STS . SEAF9RTH HORSE I FIRMARY. ciORNER of Jarvis and Goderifh Streets, next door to the BresbPlerian arch, Seaforth, Ont. All diseases of Heroes, cat le, sheep, or any of the.domesticated animals, successfully treated at the infirmary or elsewhere on the shortest notice. Charges nu:dente. Jas. W. 1X14DER, Veterinary Surgeon. P. S.—A1 large sock of Veterinary Medicines kept constently' on iand. Beg dieci eel IOW (54131 the 13)P afort to nun north o tad stoi en of by ed the h I dustri Organs, and all kinds 4. Agelits wanted. elessoillaM10116.11.atileennaltalsulawsiin REMOVAL. Musical Instrument Emporium SCOTT ROTH ERS niece that they have rmoved to more oommodious premises, one the Post Office, where they will be found with a large and well - k of DUNHAM PIANOS. which are so well known and highly all musicians. EXCEL IOR ORGANS.—These Organs have re- ghest rewards wherever sown, and havti also received a diploma at 1 Fair just closed at Tor nto. We also keep in stock other Pianos of email instruments, sheet music and instructior scow BROTHERS/ Seaforth. WAR DECLARED. Cannon to the right, cannon, to the left, cannon in front, vollies and thunders. Stormed at with shot -and shell, nobly they rode and well to the Great Sale nor- oing . on Air THE SEAFORTH TEA STORE. The great rush still continues. The large stock of Japan Teas, Black Teas, Toting Hyena Teas, Gunpowder Teas, and the best Tea Dust ever imported, will slim be Motu ed in the great sale, and all kinds of -Groceries, Crockery and Glass- ware l; also lour and Feed; all kinds of fish, and the best leoal oil. Oatmeal exchrged r oats. Come one, come all, and secure some of the cheap goods. A. G. AULT, Seaforth. p.A.ipomefizs7 11,14KING HOUSE. SEAFORTH. o FICE—In the premises former - occupied by the Bank of Com - ere, and under the Commerciai lel, Man Street. NO ES AND BILLS DISCOUNTED En lish and Foreign Exchange Purchased and Sold. RMERS'SALE NOTES Purchased at Reasonable Rates. 'Money Lent on Collateral Securitica Dr fts Issued, payable at par at all B anches of the Bank of Commerce. INTEREST' Allowed oin Deposita Money to Loan on Mortgages. HA."1"-MS, ANCHOR LINE, U.S. Mali Steamships Sail from New York every Saturday for CLASCOW vi C4 LONDONDERRY, Cabin passage, $60 to 580. Second Cabin, 540. • Steerage, Outward $28, Prepaid LIVERPOOL& QUEENSTOWN SERVICE. From Pier No. 41 N. R., New York, FURNESSIA Sails April 21, May 26, june SO. BELGRAVIA " May 12, June 16 July 21. CITY OF ROME " a'une 9,ju1y 14, 'August 18. Cabin wedge 560 to $125 according to accom- modations. Second Cabin and Steerage as above. /Lecher Line Drafts Waled at lowest rates are paid free of charge in England, Scotland and Ireland.' For passage, Ciibin Plans, Book of Tours, &c, applyto HENDERSON BROTHERS, New York, or to S. DICKSON, Post Office, Seaforth. 798-24 HARDWARE. Geiluine Granite Ironware, Stamped and Japanned Tinwares, Manager and Proprietor. Kitchen Furnishing Utensils, NIL 13;SPERANDUM." TRikDE MARK. Be chid res Gr. onl inax of t Rug sto 0001 posi Ter visi o on is n or race cd. TRADE MARK. to tiL) tt t. o i P., % t re Taking l*si After Taking. E GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY for nu - Tons Debility and all Nervous Affeetiozis, M- ug Spermatorrhea, Seminal weaknee a, o1., Its of Self-abuse, indisoretien, dee, it I'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. This it the remedy which has ever been known to per- ently cure Palpitation and other, affections e Heart, Consumption in its earlier stages, hag of blood to the head, wind in the soh, indigestion, Loss of 'Memory, Want of gy, Bashfulness, Desire for solitude, India. ten to labor on account of weakness, "Uni- anLassitude, Pain in the back, dineness of n, Premature old age, eat. Full partioulars r pamphlet, which we send securely Sealed eceipt of a three cent st mp. The Specific w Paid by all Druggists t $1 per package, for $5, or will be sent free by mail on pt of Money, by addressieg 769-52 THE GRAY MEDICINE CO,, Toronto. ifir A ROXETER MILLS. EX. L, GIBSON Begs to announce to the Public that he has commenced to operate the e WIOXETER WOOLLEN FACTORY that he will be prepared to give good value in FULL CLOTHS, TWEEDS, UNION. TWEEDS, FLANNELS, PLAIDINGS, - WINCEYS, an4 varieties in STOCKING YARNS. .an USTOM CARDING, Spi Ding end Fulling promptly attend- ed o. arties from a distance will, as far as pos ible, have their Rolls home with then, and as he has put the mill into go working order and employs none but efficient workmen all work is watranted. Remember the Wroxeter Mills. ALEX. L. GIBSON, PROPRIETOR. 0 A_ Re ID . NITONEY TO LOAN.—The undersigned have Ai'd- received to loan a large amount of Private Funds, as well as Municipality Funds, at the fblliewing rates of interest, namely: 6 6, 7 and 7} per cent., payable yearly according to the trms of iipplication. Privileges to pay any aMOmt at any time. MEYER & DICKINSON, Barristers, Wine:been. 791-8 And a Large Assortment of Cook- (' , inn and Beating Stoves a usual low prices. JOH.H KIDD'S, MAIN STRE ET SEAFORTH. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, PRACTICAL BOILER MAKERS, THE Subscribers have bought the Tools and Boiler Business lately carried on by the God - °rich Foundry and Manufacturing Company, and haying had an experience of over eight years in that shop, are now prepared to merry on the trade in all its branohes. Any work entrusted to ns receive prompt attention. First-olass work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, .to., at rea- sonable rates. New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired dn the shortest notioe, and at prices that defy com- petition. OHRYSTAL"'„,& BLACK, 783 Box 103, Cloderich. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Pahl up Capital, - - 86,000,000. Heat, - - 1,630,000. President, Hon. Wm. McMaster. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to receive deposits, on which interest s allowed on the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal towns and °Mee in Canada, on Great Britain, and on tne United States, beught and sold. Office—First door South of the Commercial Hotel. 689 A. H. IRELAND, Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. R. N. BRETT, SEAFORTH, Wholesaleand BetailDealer in LEATHER aed SHOE FINDINGS of Every Desert/Mon. None but the Very Beet Steak kept. Terme moderate. A Trial Solicited. All ordere len rnail or otherwl le prompt' yfilled. 490 » R N. BRETT MARCH 30, 1883. THE SEAltORTH INSORANCE.MID LAND AGEXCVI. ALONZO STItON. IS AGENT for several First-Clase Stook, irjegt and Life Insurance Companiese and le puppet, d totake risks on the moat favorable terms. Also Agent for several of the best Loan Bee eteties. Also Agent for the Sale seed Purchase of hank, and Village Property. A Number of First-Clasi improved Farms for Sale. 550/000 to _Coon at ix per cent Interest. Agent for the sale of Ocean Steamship Tide* OFFICE — Over M. Morrison's Storeektatie Street, Seaforth. 646 MONEY TO LOAN. THE Corporation of Morris will loan $6inegoo d- teem property, first mortgage, at 7 pereentet interest, payable annually. Borrowees to. p.„., expens s For further particulars apply tet GEORGE FORSYTH, Reeve, Brussels P. O. MEDICAL. W G. S. MACD0NALD, M.D., 0. M.,Phybiekik • Surgeon, Aecoucheur, &ce. Office and dence, that lately ocoupied by Dr. Enatchiseto Anbuen. »781 T, �. SCOTT, M. D. tka, Phygician,Surgeonant u • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office andreele- dence south side of Goderich Street,second doe? east of Presbyterian Church. B42 HL. TERCOE, M. D., C. M.. Physioian, gm, • goon, etc.,Coroner for the County of Hared. Office and Residence, on Jarvis street nortle directly opposite Seaforth Public School. WM. HANOVER, M.D., C. M.. Graduate el V McGill University, Physician, Surgeonairit Accorechenr, Seaforth,Ont. Office and Residenee North side Goderieli Street, lint Brick HOUR east of the Methodist Church. 4100 WM. GUNN, BRUCEFIELD, AT B., Toronto University; M. D. C. M., -0-1- • toria University -, M. CI P. and 8.. Ore tario L. R. C. , Eden; L R. C. S., Eden Cer tificate f a+ tends -me for a term at Soho Hoe. pital, London, England, for diseases of WDmen. 774 M. SURGEON DENTIST: CIRADUATE of the Royal College of Denbl tot Surgeons, Canada. Office in the roe= lately occupied by 11. Derbyshire, Whitney' Block. All operations carefully performed and satin faction guaranteed. Charges Moderate. 11.-1eeth extracted withoutnais bv the ay. )t 1.0^ 3:31\1111-ter111R,Y. D. WATS ON DENTIST, Faculty Gold Medalist and Caen Gold Medalist R. C. D. S. T.TAVING many years' experience he is able to d..1- make all operations in Dentistry suite* and lasting. Preserving teeth a Specialty.' Chloroform, Ether or Nitrous Oxide Gas gin. tar Charges Moderate. 9E1 Office in Meyer's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. Cr TiAlTVVRIGHT, L. D. S., STRATFORD, WILL be at his office, CADMIl " BLOCK, SEAFOaTH, oppo- site the Commercial Hotel, en WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY of each week. Nitrate Oxide Get administered in the extraction of teeth. Tillages has been administered by Dr Cartwright dine 1866 with perfect success, lie having been oneef the first to introduce it into this province. Fee tients having teeth extracted may inhale the gin and have eight or ten teeth extracted in a mite ute or a minute and a half, without disagreeable effects from it. Parties desiring new teeth plena call on Wednesdays. Paiticulad attention pald to the regulation of children's teeth. Teeth in. serted from one to a full set. 730-52 HOTEL CARDS. 0A_TRITD- TECNSEH HOUSE, Bruseels.—Having pee -A- °Used this property, (lately occupied iii. John Cenapbell,) I have refitted the honisit every respect The bar is well stocked, andst attentive hostler at the stables. F. FREY. Pen prietor. Brussels, Dec. 5, 1882. ?Stitt ......•••••••••••••••6. DENNIE HOUSE, (Late Poster's Rotel) SEAFORTH, ONT., DENNIE BROS., PROPRTE TOL SINCE assuming the management of thie Hoe ws have compeetely renovated and refurnish' ed it througbout -with new furniture in the bliel style, which enables us to give first-class meow modation to the public. The best brands d Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. An attentbe Hostler always itt at'enda.nce at the Stab*. Particular attention given to the farming 000 nittnity. tar Charges moderate. The Royal Hotel' (LATE CARMICHAEL'S) SEAFORTH, ONTARIO# JAMES WEIR BGS to inform his old friends and the trey* ling public that havhig purehased this Of and ornmodious hotel buildin he has there* ly r4 -furnished and re -fitted it from top to to ; and it is new one of the most comforts* and,convenient hotels in the county. By std* attetition to the wants of his customers he 114.1 to merit a share of public patronage. The reo. are till well furnished and well heated. The big willibe kept supplied with the best, and sn sle tendative and trust, worthy hostler will always ht In attendance. Good sample rooms for CoMpleE' cialaravellers Remember the "Royal Hotel," corner of 20 and Goderich Streets, Seaforth. •dtt JAMES WEIR, Proprietor( NOTICE TO MILK DRAY/ENS' rogtott THE drawing of milk for the various -&- the Waltoti Cheese Factory will be let Publlc Auction, at Beirnee' Hall, on mondial March 26, at 1 o'clock en m. By order of WI Directors. R. POLLARD, President. 7274 4 b . nerilArD struck a crossing- - ‘dl;aalr1phivbe,6mia8:onhis wp .;o:::tr:in _ejt fewe cor ° one1,tt ekvalleris Va eiiht ld •broken !the Credit a ::4 .gr0ss bei:it _iles dayeays: iwneittherplex mnit,:a was follow of 00inii0h w::s wp,is,a 1rix awliniutbt7ro pushing ; h forfoEmurgwea taStrinanotfdieTreir.0 Inents that their Ne the trif-li w the li:le8 r o pee stanahip, ti Lillgartge;n1r8L Aloeintili. attail less or else. ;lei rase' Ilivi sh °Ii.' one startf-d, dashing the Thhesi."8roldri aliat 1 cents: t WO 1.14 .p.enoutinred. l;:ltonwt-: . 8 ,43b- sibnfl loprae:' Mis .a°11a '11' :Tee'lij Sf- ‘, el )81) .1, .} . ''av 'vr 11 aIbhfdr: Mr. B. Snyd• 15Allal:4rP.3. e03:, Alex. ebTsg. 111:1- t t: 2,610 lbe , au (Ithaattt tehhosxlinkl in this sort A often, Mr. 1 iujiaries, tho se—rionaslleyhh:11 fine lot (4 el 1 psPoeoalrme tiornkit -a cow from Al sold at 5,cen1 lambs purche , Meerray., teteip oentea p eine the sbipmept —Mr. Stue brated mina week, deliver menting in b other eve/Atli. professional e by inevitation witnees en t] man's wond reading. An Mr. Goalwin son, Dr. Tho: W. Kirlipatrie ..131ri.palVbeireli,a:anti remarks, 'liar -*MN:Willi-en t• were ititende,:, re.oeltoanctwi3N.ittbt ocatipied the ] Cumberleod I performed Et /1 wonder the nae ro fentire,1,is CUmberl and ii b:e;:lirlega daEutn; il3lie n814 bears a strikii r cellency. the 1 ilui°3"E' xaelltderNSiTirl thheafteDnskbeufr s —One towwihii aied Ci3 W6d.,111 sLgeof nw3e of th eao, Lanarkshife, half centtuy n He spent it when he rciv+ tied in boner forty years e "Porter's Hill himself a fie reputation of' Aboat five yeti and hince thine illl itre3 l :i11il, 13 of11 suffoing frtni 1 inorithia, and 11] pealed for the 1 sth anniversarj deatb, set the el spirit peaceful! adds to the str deuce is that. 'game age thet raise, He enaa byteeian chore II1i2438.17eBilaSrhlt1 ilid daughter. —WedTueaselaSyil? te us exeitement am the rink. Ain between that M. Polley-, and rtohifoetir t°tilwth.lint.eo- tbed Fimor Ponikle:rwecosubidoublde vi ; honest work, a, become that Jat 44 flag dropped Score," but VIRE - a flyer down the ing under the tv it dead on the of his friends •