The Huron Expositor, 1883-03-23, Page 4I
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Thresher for Sale -4. Horner. (5)
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ina absurd prediutions con,cerning tb
Seed'i-L. Thorne. (8) -
AuchorLine-S. Dicksolk. M - -
. I I I I .
. I �
of a� liberal salary from the -
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change the course of the Bun, or ws i
. ,�
' -
has been during the -past -season to kee
uZZ"fi be�.ween the parentkeils after
denMen the� Psge of the paper an which up the market value of wheat. it wil
theradvarti"ment will be found.
also be Been that instead of being a help
� Now Goods7Cam bell & Co. (5)
-it is a detriment, &B it will make th
Annonoement-7. L. Smith. (5)
Barb !Wire--4ohn A. Naftel. (5)
crashi when it:aomes, all the mon
Tender* Wanted -L,. Thorne. (5)
severe. Whilewehave j36 desire to
People's Shoemaker -R. Willis. (8)
. creswounnecessary alarm, it would b
Thresher for Sale -4. Horner. (5)
well for all to be guided by - the Signs 0
Eggs Hatch -J. A. Anderson. (8)
, 7 .
House for Sale -(5) ,
the times, anato rig their sails so as b
Property for Sale--E;.G-McC,&ugbey. (5)
be in the beat possible position to tnee
$20 Acres Free -El. F. McNally. (5) �
the coming storm. � L
Insurance Co.-W.J.Shannon. (5)
Money to Loan -(8) �
I BOY Wanted -Expositor Office. (8)
Tux weather crank Wiggins, who ha
� . -
Dissolution bf Partnerrsbip-(5) -
gained so much notoriety recently, an
I Unreserved Auction $ale-D.Moore. (5)
who has -made a fool of himself by mak
I Real Estate for Sale- J - Baird. (5)
ina absurd prediutions con,cerning tb
Seed'i-L. Thorne. (8) -
AuchorLine-S. Dicksolk. M - -
weather is an' employee in the Financ
. . -1
department at Ottawa, and. is in receip
. I �
of a� liberal salary from the -
i or
Treasury. This being the case it mig4
'altroll *-
not be &miss for. his superiors to giv
I —
him to understand. that the -public d
. - f not require a weather profit, and ths
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, March 23,'883 ' i .
I �
if he has got above attending to th
. I . - I I
- uties for which he is so well paid tba
Now celebrated Rivers and his Services can be dispensed with. I
Streams -Bill, which was re-aam,ted is bad enough for the public to be bore�
last session of the Ontario Legislature-
; I with 'his eff asions on the weather
has again been, disallowed by the without being compelled to far
Dominion Government. The follo, ling --
N, nish the means to enable him tc
remarks on the subject by the Globe"we
perpetuate the, nuisance. Let Mr.
entirely endorse. The here Wig,,. .
m ir arn the
taken is correct and irrefutable -
salary be draws from the public cbeSt
4 "'No matter who wins the suit
I l
. .
and he won't have much time to devote
that is �ow pen -ding before the
"Privy Counjoil, Such, w bill as the 4ne
to the weather. There are -too many
dgd,�will be an absolute neples-
weather cranks springing up. If they
, 'de
I . aldwell wins, then the a u
like to prosecute the business- at their
owner is without protection, and with-
own expense it is all right, but the pub -
, -
out any means of either fixing or pol-
lie have no right to pay them for that
lecting fees.; if McLaren wins then ihe
sort of nonsense. .
111ide-owner can exercise absolute con-
- :
- —
As is Stated in, our Parliamentary
! trol over the htream., and prevent tim-
I ,
bar from being floated down it
report, the clause in Mr. Chariton's Bill
. at all.
Such a statabf affairs, no matter how
making -seduction ,s criminal offence
f . �
. was expunged .from the Bill when it
the suit goes, will be intolerable, and
I � I
was before a committee of the whole
the Streamal Bill contains. th e best
Honse. When the Bill again came
remedy ever devised for overcoming the
. 0
before parliament for its'third reading,
difficulties of the pase. This is of Jt-
Mr. Charlton moved that the 'Bill be
self a sufficient reason for re enacting it
: � Z3
' .
again referred to the committee of
at the first opportunity, but it is neces-
whole with instructions to have the
saxy to do that also as a protest against
expunged clause re-instat6d and de.
outside interference with matters of
manded that the names be recorded on
purely Provincial concern. --
tbe'division on his motioii. This had
� I I
the -effect of bringing members to their
Wz sTATzD last week that lb extra.
. -61
senses. While many were quite willing,
. ordinary result'of the Muskoka , lection
at-tbe back of a party leader, to vote
indicated that there was g th i
orelt, Ing
against the provision, when no record of
wrong somewhere, as it wa at
' a u arly
their votes could be kept, they evident.
impossible there qquld be so!great a
cha I age in sentimenezin o4c) short's time
ly I'
acked the courage- of their con.
victions and dare not place their names
especially as nothing had occurred in
' .
on record as voting against so desirable
the interval to induce or j�etify such a
. . -
a Reform, and consequently Mr.
change. It now seem a that we "I
Charlton's motion carried by a very con -
about right. The return of the Conser.
siderable majority, So that the bill will
vative candidate is to be Petitioned
now be passed by Parliament and will
!fainst at once,. and the whole -proceed-
contain this provision for the punishment
� 1198 will be ventilated in the Election
of one of the -meaneiit, most'cowardly
. 00 UAB.' If the hundredth part of what
and degrading of all offences. -The
is Charged against' the Conservative
action of our Parliamentary repres"en-
party is true, the oandidatev elect can
tatives on this' matter show -
- 8 that a
not only be unseated, but, will also be
heal I thy moral sentiment still pervades
diBqualified, and not. a few of his assist-
ants will be made to smart as well.
the p6ople, especially in the Province of
. I
When the proceedings axe ventilated in
Ontario, which these representatives
the Election Court we faucy- the' ale-
dare not disregard. - Sir John Macdon.
closures jnpdo will make some parties
ald was not in the Howe when this
feel rather small if their sense of shatae
division was taken,and consequently his
has not been thor6ughly blunted or
followers were mor e unrestrained in his
destroyed. The following extract from
absence. It is hinted, however, that
the Ottawa Free Press. will give some
although the Bill will pass the Commons
idea of the modus operandi adopted to
that it will be thrown out, in the Senate.
compass the defeat of the Reform can-
Of course Sir John can have this done if
didate. It says: -I I Violer-ce and out.
he likes, and the publia � wil� wait pa -
rage were openly resorted to by gangs
flently to See wb ether 'or not be will dare
of emissaries sent into- l .A
I the district.
thwart the will of the people ill this way.
gentleman now in Ottawa, who was
� .—
Ow the future fate of - t�e Orange
present at the polling place where Mr.
Incorporation. Bill now befoke Pariia.
Soarlett Was returning officer at Nipis-
I . I
ment the Toronto World gives the fol -
sing, informed that journal that a gang
lowing forecast which is by I no means
of roughs, led by. a wel,'I-known Cou,,era
improbable: "How Sir John 1will meet
vAtive of Ottawa, took poss'ession of the
the Bituatiou has yet to be unfolded.
polls, expel -led Scarlett by force, and
We would not be surprised to see the
put another person in his place. They
bill go through the House of C ommons
I then marked and deposited a large
and Sir John vote for it, and -y'et see it
. number of votes. Meantime, Mr.. Scar'
defeated in the Senate. Sir X hn could
lett having procured the assistance of
save it there 'if he wishO, but in
constables, returned and ousted h
t a
his greal bat4w'k- ,'Wit on ,�hd three
�% g, but. the latter again attacked him
rB 3- -
e 'i',�,
ho es-th . I',- (,,atholic- vote, the
-� took Possession, holding the poll."
� .
T!!�� .
Insh pro
� �-Xs!41V'�',` -.,(,;a, and tl�e French
- I
. I IT -is the general. Opinion of most well
- -
Canadian e��;,.�-- i ., will content himself
with ]1*00011,9 ,.;Le steeds going xound the
inform,aaabservers, that -vv,e -are again
ring without jumping through hoops or
entering upon another period Of cOm-
doing anything in the twisting line that
mercial depression., Everything seems
would cause a strain. To ride the three
to work in that direotioIi. Man'ufao -
is a feat gufficient in itself." ' .
. tttrers stocks are increasing on their
hands, employment" f skilled labor is ,
, .
- .
- News of the Wea4.
'gradually becoming Scarcer, money is
THE QluBicN HAS A FALL. -The Queen .
getting dearer, and the money market
supped upon the Stairs of the palace
is, much tighter than it was this timeL
at Windsor. Saturday A �
an sustained
last year, -while rumors of commercial
some injuries. -
WRECKED.— The Dunstaffnage has
failures and suspensions are looming.u�n,
bLeen wrecked on- the -Aberdeen- coast,
on every, hand. Of course the comin'
with heavy loss of life. She was bound
. harvest wiH have considerable influence
from Calcutta for Liverpool.
in hastening or Staving off the evil day,
stone has.. announced the Government's
but the inevitable is sure to overtake
intention to -protect those Transvaal
us Laooner or later. Tb�a period I also,
chiefs, formerly England's allies who
will be materially lis.atened by the rash
may 'Buffer from the Boars raids.'
speculations engaged in in the , No J
I I rth-
EARTHQUAKE.— Several shocks of
earthquake have been felt at Amster.
West 96 year ago. Many invested large
dam, Holland, in Some cases doing.con.
Bums of money there who were not able
1*,darable injury, shaking buildings and
to .spare it out of their legitimaw L'usi.
the people. -
nags. The result is that they cannot.
Glasgow express, from Edf�burgh,
now rea�e upon their investmeqts,and
telescoped a train from Glasgo�v near
they are crippled for want of the money
the C Monday .evening.
- S t a t i 0 n
theyL have expanded. It m ,
ay be asked
Fo u r p"enrtsrcal .
8 killed and many injured.
where is the great N. P., . the mighty
liminaries for placing a bust of Long-
polwer which removed the last financial
fellow in -Westminster Abbey are ar-
and commercial crisis, and brought
ranged. The bust will occupy a central
- .
prosperity i' Place Of ruin and decay T
and conspicuous place in the Poet,B
Corner. .
WeR, we; have: it yet, but the time is
IMMIGRATING.— White mechanics and -
1!sat approaching we fear, when those labourers are ruqhing.into British Col.
who placed their faith in the N,. p., will umbia by hundreds. Many falnilies are
I intending to Settle attracted by the
And, that faith rudely shaken. They will- mild climate and the high Scale of wages
,,be taught by hard experience that the paid. A railway contractor declares
N. P. iB as helpless to pre*ent, or even that Chinese labour. is unsatisfactory
hinder commercial depression, as it, is to and more" expensive, although lower
I � wages axe paid than for wbiteB. Mr.
I .
I I . . .. . -InZ nuimV11%. .A&J7kJ0lLA%JA-Vv J . . 6 . � . . I ja P 000�-
, , I
. ..
. -- --- I
--- - .
� - .
- I I I I
- � I -
t Onderdonk has got 8,000 vibites; many in the license laws vv�s brought bef&re if leg: slation was , necessary that the. St. Helens, also purchased last week in time to save his life. The -
. i the straw had fore -ad bira
. of these were leaving Calif . brnis beorAuse the House of Commqns on Friday, and Gove -nment of the day should propose I five very fine short -horns, including a - �
? of the drought, and Nev%4 because the as f ally expected, caused a lengthy dis- it ani I riot leave it to a committee. It cow. heifer, and three young bulls. the soft snow causing him to -,I �
, ,
I silver mines are worked o4t. . . aussion. According to the promise was a Government's business as they -Mr. J. B. Secord, of Varna, has When taken out ha was quit, , ,
store and stock to Mr. J. Mor- One of his arms had been bro k - .
t DETERMINED - PR06ZZDIXG8. -. The ,vviously made, the Premier at this were paid by the country to initi te sold his rokft
" moved ths . t the paragraph of the n 3T I
a Chinese authorities having withheld .ittinj 2easures of remedial legialationi T a row, of Ratho. The now proprietor his face slightlyl scratched, but no..
L - . � � 9 r. Se- abrasions wereL noticeable LL
I consent to the landing. of a new cable' speech at the opening of the session, action of the Government was unc6u- has already taken possession H
. I , Mr. ,
being laid by the Compar y, the British -leferring to the jtkdgment of the Lords stitut ional inasmuch as all bills respect- eord will retire to his farm which && was absent in Wingham at the I
L Government has telegraphed instruct;- ' of the Judicial Committee of the Privy ing changes,of legislation in this respect joins the village. ' I but was sent for. � - �-� ;
a ing the Company to land forcibly if, Council, delivered in June on the appeal should emanate from the Cabinet itself. -Thos. Hislop, a well-known resi-
. , an '" -
necessary. � . 0 1 of Russel vs. the Queen, be read and the and should no6 be left to a committee dent of Grey township, intends remov- resident of Howick left last ,week'- .
� 1'.
motion carried, and the clause was ac- ,,cornposed of both sides of the h"ge. ing, with his family, to tfie Northwest his family, for Manitoba. Mr... .
SUPPIRESSMG THE SoctAwsTs.-Regard- ' . weeks. Grey has taken up a large- tract of lIJ, -
ing the proposed Socailist geeting in the cording)y read. A 'a enerally known The Government evidently were bent in the course of a few
8 I I d
- _ .
t Mars, Paris, on Sunday, the theclause states the tte judgment of on dividing the responsibility. Hew!as township is Sending some sterling tillers OALake,and go" Out to 96411hae,
' . - .
Cabinet has decided that if L the crowds the Privy Council goes to Show that in amazed at, the ministry calling in the of the soil to the prairie province. . sion of it. ;On the eve Of hied -
refuseto disperse after three legaf wiarn- order to prevent the unrestrained gale assist ance of the Opposition to create . a -The Grey Township Council have his farm a n umber of the n: 'Ze � I
ce Of t�e passed $250 to he a- ab le -71 -
a ings the rioters will be'arrested. of intoxicating liquors and for that par. government measure. - The for .pprofriated with the Lakelet S` bath B.chool jwse!, I
1i � 'the . � -
d . ANOTHER PLOT. -England h alf been pose to regulate shop, saloon and tavern honorable gentleman's remarks was $250 fro Morris township -on - the residence of Mr-.. W. C. � I .
. horrdr stricken at the daiatardly attempt licenses, legislation by,, the Dominion principally directed to the unconsti�6- gravel road between Grey avnf Morris who has -been Superintendeutfi . ;
. to assassinate Lady- Florence Dixie, Parliament will be necefisary. Sir John tionality of the procedure in this ca0e) townships L . The travelling Public will number of years, and preseuw''.
a while walking in the park at Windsori moved that the paragipph be referred and � UriDg his speech, which lasted b6 grateful to both townships. with a beautiful album, also hire, .
a bv two cowards. dressed in women's .to a select committee of seventeen mem- about two hours, he attracted-the� cloaq st -Tbos. Looking, from near Toronto, wood with a handsomely bound - I I .
- - .
. - �
b clothing. The unfortunate lAdy's life bers, with power to ;send for persons, attention of the members of both aides, has purchased 50 a,cres, being lot .23, The Album and Bible were p . - -
- gle, papers and, records, and to report by and at intervals was loudl applaud(d. concession 12,Gray,from Joel Pana- by Masters 'Morley Young and -
wassavedby her deapprate strugg ' y 1
2 assisted by her f sithf al dog. bill,,orotberWise, and that said com- His effort was the alilest so far of t 2e baker, for the sum of $2,500. He takes Hallady. Mr. Myles young - - .
. . .
Axmi][CANS MUST Go. -It is stated mittee be composed of Messrs. Black, sessio . . possession at once. Mr. Panabaker suitable address, to which Mr. .
a that in retaliation for thel#assage of the Ross (Middlesex), MoCarthey, Cameron - Sir John got Mr. Rykert to defe d does'not intend leaving the township. wood made a feelhug reply. Afterl . 1
) Anti-Chinesel Bill, Ple Chinese Govern- (North Victoria), Blanchet, Laurier, the a tioif of the Government. He as -Mr. William Saffler who died at ing some. time in social epp �� I A
, eaus to drive Desjardins, Casgrain, Hall, Foster received witb- derisive laughter and Wingliam on Monday last, felled the party dispersed. . . . . . .
ment is adopting every m . . : 1�p .1
t Americans from the Empire. Onerous (King's Co., N. B.), Burpee (St. John), cbeeri. Eisremarks were composed first tree where Wingliam, stands. He -An old lady named Mrs. � - '
) restrictions are placed upon their busi- Richey, Robertson (S elburne),Brecken, princ, pally of personalities directed came to what is now Wingham. 38 who resided with her brothei, I -
I .
t , ne9s aD(V new enterprises entirely pro- Royal, Baker (Victor a, B. C.), and the again it the last Speaker, This conclud- years ago, and was nearly 62 years of Cantelon,sr., in.Clinton, . - 1- �
F mover, and t . . hit; death. on, Saturday night. She goo up 11�
hilbited if, conducted by AMiricaus. hat the ale as to limita- ad the discussion, and a division was age At the time of .
t, I � e .
1DF,PArV1CD OF A WITNESS. -Dr. Far- tion and selection of memberB be sus. calle , which resulted in a vote 'Of, the night and complaivaid -of a 0 -
. �, -Onaeve:ning last week Mr4 Chris.
rand, one of the oldesi physicians in pended. I taken in division, 111 for to 55 against. Hops i sensation, and then walked to.
� I - ,on, of Beumiller, lost a valuable .
I Detroip; died suddenly last Sunday o a point of order, Tbe" Opposition members named on a cow, � by 'strangling herself in the stable. drink of water, she then re . -
I mornip f g tion of th � e brain after � select committee refused' to act, and ; - to her bed and lying down i I
. I g 0 con C ' and contended that " the paragraph . it p)pears thatthe animal caught her min , , -
- ;e had already been before them and been , nd400t in the rope which was around expired. She belonged to al�ng
a'briefillness. was an important Sir John gave notice that on Monday bi "'
I I . ra
I witness for the plaiLitiff in the libel -suit considered, according to the rules df the he wo Id move that their names be re- her -beck, and in this position she was ce, being the first death in thi I
. � l
of Professor McLe4,fi, of th-3 State Uni- House it'could not be considered laced by the following: Messrs. Sbake- 'found dead. - of eight children, the oldest bei -- ,
versity, against the Detroit Evening present shape The 'moti n was conse- speare, Bowell, Gigault, Landry, Alli., -The,100 acre farm on the Uh con- 86 and the youngest 64. Her - 0 before th6courts. quenblyoutof'order.1 By0itaproposal Son and Homer. . I cession of 1jullet, being lot 29,'belo]3g- died some nine years ago, les;vi . �
I comfortabl4p circumstances - I
PENURIOUSNESS REWARDIED.—The life- was made to appointla select committee ing to the estate of James Southcornbe, in It
saving, authorities are meeting with to bring in a bi.11, suba,tituting that Com- On'Wednesdaythe House adjourned has �een sold for 03,800 to Mr. James somewhat embarimsed afterwa*
. .
great difficulty in securin volnnteer mittea for U,ee of the whole, until Tuesday next, and most of the 1 50 the conduct of a -nephew, but stQia
- 9 a commh Soutbcombe jr., who has also rented
crows on the lakes, in consequence of the latter only having the po'wer under Ontario and Quebec members have le!t � some remaining. She left �100 f4
acres of the old homestead adjoining. I
- - � Protesibant Orphar.'s Home in
the Treasury's decision that volunteers the rules to bring in � bill. He claimed for home. The Senate,&'djourned until A 4- this price, the property is 6heap. - .1 .
cannot� be paid except for service ren- the resolution was one 'aff6CtiDg` the the 3rd of April. For'all they haie �u A Clinton business mau lately re- and the'-ba'Aaace to her brother -W, -
I --
dared in actlial cases of m&rine disaster . done this session they might as wel.1 . I
. I commerce of the Don�inion and should, .1 I ceived a small- package by freight, fro M- -On Tuesday evening, 6th � - - -
and s 0fe is not bousidered to be be consid�red by a full committee when r.4 have met. I large -number of the Ashfield,. I
evil, � . Hamilton; the cost of the article was - con
entitl . emuneration. . � THr ORANGE INCORPORATION BILL.: : tion assembleJ in the* house 6f --
W e4,09 T every member could give expression to fi 84.75: the freight thereon was only
. . j- the I
" . 'the resolptionwaiB r I David Stuart, jr., their Frec �
RRICKS A�ND SNow DRMTS.-Satur bis views. uled to The rst business transacted iy 64,25 -talk about railway - monopoly en -
day's gale id the nortla of Scotland Was be in order by the Speaker, whereapoli House� on Monday, Was the intro�[6tiqn after tl�at. He should have bad it seat the purpose of manifesting their ,-r
. . - ,
accompanied by extraordinary snow- of the Orange Bill by Mr. White, 'of
Sir John explained t, at the intention �t byExpress'paud he would likely have ciation of his services. Shortly �
Storms and extensive drifts. At Maoduff was, in brioging �ow Hastings. It was not expected tha - I
' the motion,. to i ; had twice the cost of the package to their arrival an address was reza .
cousidbrable damage was done. It is ascertain the views o members from any.opposition would be made to it un. which an eXCellentsilverwatchan -
report6 : d that a number of . boats were til its'; second reading; but no Boopq'r Ply for it. . a
- - the different proviric a where diverse bad the -Mr. R. Pollock, an employee in was presented to Mr. Stuart,. who
driven from their moorings ,in Findon laws now existed, an(� out of the opin- ,Speaker enquired, "When Obalill . - ved it gratefully and �
- 14n Livingston's saw mill, near Blyth,.met cel replied It. ;
Harbour �nd wrecked. Large quantities ious expressed might be evolved a this Bill be read a second time ?" I more -effective manner filiati. by - � I
' . . Mr. Coursal (Montreal) was on! the with a very painful accident on Friday I
of wreckag'e were washed ashore on the meaBureBuitable to the whole Domin- of last week. He was a,t work in'- the words. Excellent songs and reei
coast U A,berdeenshire. The heavy ion. floorand, seconded by Ar. Burn , f �
� ?s mill when his hand came in coviact were- then rendered, and aftar a � .-,
snow -fall in North Wales and the mid. Gloucester, moved the six montbs' 'oist. - -
, I � ,
I The leader of the 0 position followed ' with the butting saw. thereby almost and interesting programme W
land"connties of England will material- p . Imnlediately the French me bers . ` I r, L
the Premier and continued speaki severing two fingers of the, right hand. hausted, a bountiful past 144 i
ly interfere,with traffic., RaAway traffle 'g " began io cry out, ,,Question," but!j Mr. . ej
in Scotland'is almost entirely blocked. his characteristic, vigorous and inter"t- White jumped up and for some milte, The doctor has slight hopes, of Saving choicest delicacies was Spread, L - -
A paq-senger train fromInverness toPerth iDg manner until recess, fully an hour made a chamber echo with de6un- ihe fin&rs. Mr.1 Pollock lately. Came was duly relish�d by the visitors, - I L -
uck In a'drift on Friday night.. There and a half, during the Whole course of ciatio tt from the old cou6try. edibles being demolished, the.
' *
at n, of the unusual procedur� of I r singing ana -- - - I .
were.ho trains on Saturday.' - The in- which time be administered a slaBhin.g attacking his Bill before it reache'd a -The tea meeting held in the Pres. Samed thei nd Cony
, -
tease frost hat; seriously retarded every attack upon the Government and especi- second reading. He C4 zed byterian church, Auburn, on the[Ist till the clock struck the hour of � -
ally the Premier, for Lthe action now , aracteri . ing,wben the company wended th . -
department of agriculture. Coursol's= conduct aB tyrannical, unjust inst., proved a grand success. Tea was . ' n satisffiled wi .
I I � homeward more tha
A DIABOLICAL PLOT.—The Briti8h proposed to be taken and for, as he -and 111 anly, and lacking altogether served in the Temperance Hall; after OSP,ta,L* -
metropolis was. horified Thursday, 15th claimed it to be, their utter inconsis- in the air PIELY to which he"ivas en. which the audience met in the church, h ity received and the pi �
inst., by a diabolical attempt -to blow up tpncy, He .first represented that the titled. when addresses were delivered by Rev. participated in. . I
. Premier had made no explanation of . Mr. Coursol retorte reatening Messrs. Hilliard, Smith and Lochead, -On Monday evening of Iasi -
the Government buildings, At nine the reason which pro to par- ' d, th ` a very enjoyable time wis spent � .
o'clock p. , while the House of Com- suLe hisnourse of action, The Govern- that he dare not us6 the terms applied Rev. Mr. Pritchard, the pastor, ocon,py- residence of A. Duncan Esq., At � .,
Mons was liug,a tremendous e�plosion - outside of the House. � ing the chair. A local choir supplied in
I to,wuship of Usborne. A numl*- �
ment bad.sufficient time to deal with n . � �
was heard, the galleries in the Com - the question because Sir 'John Mae. Sir John A., who had been sent I for, 8nitable music for the occasio . The friends from the immediate, 1� . .
mous Chambers were. shaken, and donald bad been �lways of .opinion that arrived just �tben and looked on very proceeds amounting to 555, are to be as� well as a number from 6 . .
general consternation and alarm .was Solemnly at the qiia,rrel which 1had applied to increasing the shed- aocom-* I
the Provincial legislature8hadno power i -- St.M,arys'and other place8,were I
created, The news was quickly receiv. to deal with the liquor question. Be- broken oulu in his usually deoile flock., modation. The foxepart of the even . - 11
ed that a dastardly attempt had been Mr, Couisol said the present action 'Tbos. Bennett, well known in How- lug va .
me do -by miscreants to blow up the es sides the decision in Russel vs. the was co�cocted to g, as ick, met with a Bad calamity on Thurs- ceedingly stormy, but when six 0 Z
offio ' ., prevent ill feeliD . � v
of the Local Government Board, West- Queen bad been rendered as long No as he hop d to obtain a vote on his motion day of last 'week. He tied been at arrived, the storm bad almost -sit �!
minster, by dynamite. ' So Jar as can Julie. He quoted Sir John's Speech at without discussion. He wanted Mr. Lakelet to witness the races on the ice, and the young folks began * to 71,
* Yorkville in which the, latter said he a brigilter -countenance, and 64, '
be gathered in a'hasty exploration the White, however', to know that they and during the da,y drank considerable I ,
L ,
explosion took place from the interior would Show that "little tyrant" Mowat � from Q aebee wQu]4 not have an Act liquor. 'In the evening he got a ride that downcast look which at)
of the, building, which -was entirely that he would take the power of licens- foisted on them to make a Society legal' with a firmer part of the way. home, ovelconles them in such eme, L' �
ing from him and restore it to the . Those who imagined -that they, ,
Shattered. So greatwas the force of which ,according to laws now in'exist- but when he left the sleigh be evidently - - ,1
- municipalities from whom it had been ' doomed to di8appoictme'ut, were. �!
the explosion that the streets in the vici- adee i�� his Province, -was illegal and lost his way in the storm and lay down - - 1-1
taken. Sir John regarded L this as. a rrived ed, -for once at least-thab their - .1
nity were Btrewu with broken glass. The 11111cons itutional. I in the snow to Sleep. When he a L
watter of policy. During the campaoign I cipations would be realized. k
ght, L .b
guards at the Parliament buildings were before the last election, when Sir John -Several other. inembers. spoke on the at his brother's house, late at ni of forty coupl- 13 put in a I I
immediAtely doubled, and the residencelS 818 at the Con subject, but all avoided a discussion on botlihis feet were found to . e u ap L-- �tl
servative Convention at and �
of the Ministers are Closely guarded. It w Since that time he has not been able to were treated in that hoo ' I
the In tion of the Bill, but confined . -�
�. Toronto, resolutions 'were adopted in manner which -has ever charge -,
has nov� transpired that a double at- k and it is quite probable that both
_ &Var Of giving back to the municipali- their remarks to the justice or injustice wal . I
tempt tp..blow up th� Times office on of choking it off at this stage. feet will have to be amputated. Mr. Duncan and his family., I - .
, ties the Power to regulate licenses., The SFending a few hours in social -- -,
the previous day.failed through some ihe u at ureof itsaemoution was defea- -One day last week the' noon train , I
Then Sir , I - ;
John did not say a word about , - ment the company departe :
migcbg.fice to the miscreants. The press his intention of returning the power to ted by a majority of 9. The division on the Toronto, Grey and )ruce Rail- - I . d for , - 1�
. expresses horror at the deea, and ad- the municipalities. It was because he W�s . entirely nonpartisan, Sir John took way, while passing the Fraser out, in respective homes. - . . ;
� 11 �,
vances theories as to the' intention and - art in the discussion but his pres- the township of Howick. killed a steer . - - - - %
object of the authors of the crime. De- W" afraid to. He referred to Mr. 110�P - - - -,
. 1�
Meredith's Speech duripg the lat ence in the house had the most , mar. belongin The animal was . Z
tectives,are earnestly endeavouring to � 8 cam- - g to Mr. Fair. . I Manitoba Notes. �
, velons influence upon his combative discovered in the cub by the engineer, ��. - -1
obtain some c1ne to the perpetrators, paign, when the latter held if th e . . E x -Mayor Carney, has .
and a handsome reward has been offered Dominion Government had the power followers who before his arrival were but too late to stop the train, the force possession of the Carney Houk � -.1
� "
-to deal with it, then the constitution ready to fight but'under his watchful of which sent the steer- up the side- Of Emerson. 1. . .
tw � -11 ..,
by the Qovernment, O'Donovan Rossa, should be amended a' d the Provin eye wexe meek as mice." the incline,- but it fell back on the track -The demand ' . I
i� an in�ervie' cea for town lots in �
W, expresses his gratifica- should be given a SABBATH OBSIRTANCE. . again before the traiii had passed, ., ned-osa, is incre . .
tion, d declares that it is their answer gbt to deal with asing, which speWma, ,
� an ; the question. - M'. Me�edltb, however, Mr. J. McMillan (South -Huron) derailing the post effice car and another. 'for the future of that town. I �
to Gladstone's speech. . T - . 1 �
I ! Showed the desirability..'. of the - re- Presented the last of the petitioni Although the train ran Boma distance -The secret societies are gaI114 ��
. . . - ! . striction and regulation 'of the liquor for the better .observance of . the before it could be stopped little dam%ge marked 1i
I I headway in .
. . .the tm k
. 1.
Doings at Ottawa. traffic, and of such being placed in the- Sabbath by railway companies. was done to the cars, but the ties are Minnedosa. There are .11 ,
I .�
- 1. �
It is astonisbirig the -amount of time bands of nob -political a ents, In allud- - There was one from the Rev' �ohn.Ross, badly out. The Railway Company, it Masonic and Good Templar bodio L' 7,
9 - . '- 1�: .
�� - -
that is worse than wasted # Ottawa by ing to the Speech from the Throne Xr�. .of Bruc fleld, to which was appended is said, olahns 0400. damages from Mr. of which seem to be in good � 11 , , .�
those who are supposed to 'legislate in Blake demonstrated that it proved the ire t -an five thousand signatures Fair. - I ..
mo P 47 1 ' order. . -- -11
the interests of this Canada of ad an - James, fourth 11son of Mr. James, --- I
. I I ours. necessity on account of the judgment in and an ther from Rev. A. D. Macdon- -A man in Winnipeg -made a - ' "I �
. . � ..
legislation , a . t -.�,
Parliament has now been'in-session for I�uBsel vs. the Queen �that Id, of Seaforth, with a nearly equal Webster, of the 14th concession'of Ash- o - -her day that he could gobble q L'7 -
nearly two months and there has been bar of ioaines� ,, ; field, met with a very serious and pain- S . , �
stionld ta,ke place. The Premier in his num . . - I oda, biscuit in one mi.nute, --1 -
� �
. nt a few daya ago.r He, in taking a drink of water This � � ,
little real business transacted thus far. mmarks on tb6 add eas Said he did f ul, aceideF .
, -- .
A number of - priva i company yvibh his brother Thomas, was simple enough t I 4
I to bills have be,,n n6t take up this mitt ar willingly, but ! - � ill a fellow tamel i,
Y L I Huron Notes.. .- -1
.. .
- .
COL sidered -and sparingl discussed, but only - because he was 'Erced to, and he engaged cutting wood in the bush,when. job but very fewpeople can a L It
, L - L 11
none of the Government measures have r. Blake) tLen contrasted Sir John's Ther is to be no 8prin a large stick of timber fell against his it. "The party question fail&L' ' �
I I .
. I g show of an-
yet # leg breakingitin a fearfal manner. So a I ' � I
been forthcominc, TO I nh quickest timt
'. The,se are evi- rkville speech to prove the latter's , tire sto k at Blvth this year. . ' -Probably ,
dently being held back with' a view to inconsistency. The Speaker claim. , ,-Mr. John Katchen, of Stanley,, last terrible were his sufferings that the record between Pri' �
Z I . - n
having them rushed throughat the close ed and clearly prove� that the con- k sold a pair of horses to Mr. Berry, poor fellow swooned and in that condi- nipeg, has just been made by . I . . . .
- wee I ... -
of the Session. The Finance Minister s�rucbion pluced upot the Judgment of Hensall, for 8475.1 tion was carried home, a distance Of Charles Mair and John McDon I - j
. a � I . , 11 - -
haS not yet delivered his budget speech in the Speech from the Throne was , ----�The Spring show of East Wawanosh nearly half a mile, on his brotheeS back. did the trip in sev I ,
. I . - 11 eadays auitiow., 4.
and therie'lias been no definiW infornia- entirely out of place. Quotation * were Agricultural Society will be held at Dr. Gardner was Bent for, who set the dayW travel out of that. 'Mr. .
. I . S '
I -
tion vouphsafed when he will. If a made from judgments i fractured bones. and at last accounts ald is one of the pioneer settleas - � - I
in the highest Belgrav6, on Tuesday, April 17th. � .
. .
Reform, f1overnment were to delay busi- courts 'of Ontario' van Quebec which -The sprin� Show of the Tutnberry 'the young man was doing as well as prince Albert County. -- I �
ness in Qiis way or if the Local Legisla- showed that no such ;,ricult!ural Society wi be h could be expected. 4 . �
. co structi6n. could Af 11 Od at I -The annual meeting of the �
- - ,
ture were to trifle away the �time as it reasonably be placed apon the judg. WinghaL�, on Wodne'sday April. 18th, -On Thursday night while the- I terian. congregation of High BIA , -
, I - I�V,
� . i
is DOW'bping trifled at Otta,W�, what an ment. He himself was� strongly of that -Mr. I R. Rausfotd, of Stapleton, Mr. Fletcher aLd wife were returnin held on Monday Of JL&St Week. The— .* , .
out-ory would be raised by o1pr Conser. opinion also, riotwitbst�nding that the bought t private sale last week a from prayer meeting they'bad a narrow ness transacted was chiefly - I 11 �
" T
� . . ! I . ' of a . .
vative friends. . . emier had Said that no lawyer, judke thoroug bred bull fr6m. Mr. Dickson, of escape ffom serious injqry. lt'appa&rs kind. It was found that the 11
- .
MIR. CHARLTON'S,BML. :� anybody could read that decision and Tackers ith. thatwhilethey were turning the cor- affairs were on a sound basis, -- `
On T4ursday of last week Mr., Charl- not come to the concluoion that it Set. . -Mrs Scotsmer,,who '-resides near ner at Farquhar, -the cutter upset, state of the congregation I .
I - .1
ton's Bill providing for the punishment tl�d the whole affair Rs sold her.,place of three acres throwing them into the deep snow. highly satisfastoq �. .
. thai t a argued that Narna _. _ . I I
of seduction andlike -off6noes received if it was shown is matter was 41ker, of the Goshen line, for The horse took fright .and started, for --Major-General Strange., of -. - � -�
its quietus. It came up for considera.' fu Hy discussed and de nitely decided $500. �- home at somewhit faster gait tha n- it ston, accompanied by 1,
t; - - - . - .�
ion in committee of the whole, having b, r the highest Loourts -t �a - H. SnelL& Son, of Hallett, had been accustomed to. Mr. Fletcher will in ompany with -
received its second reading and having ioa Government had the right to deal take the� lead with thoroughbred calves held onto the lines for a time, and was from Ot c 'Wix i . �
taws, leave In �
been reported from the S'q'Iect com- w �th the question, they, be -said there this-yeai, they ba�ing eight of them, dragged quite a-aistance, but at length few weeks for their ranching- 1: -"
mittee to which it had" bee4' referred. should be a change it the constitution. seven being heifers'. I . let go his hold, and thus saved himself the vicini,-
I by -of Fort Calgary- - -
The bill provided for the ppinisbment This was not a question whether the - -Mr. Arthur Hfugatou has rented 'from and injury-, other than a ,good young men from the Agricultural
for seduction under promise ol marriage, Dominion had a right to legislate on the residence and grounds of Mr. John shs�king up-. Mrs. Fletch 'also escaped lege at Guelph, will also go, to the �
seduction of a pupil by a teacher, and this subject, but whether the Provinceq Leckie in'Brussels. Mr. Leckie intends uninjured. ef destination. .
for inveigling fem t a . I . .-
-ales into houses of ill. had not he right. He -knew th t going to *the Northwest before long, we -The total receipts of the township -A Inau named D. K. .
fame or'concealing them So inveigled, Sir John had made promises that believe. I - . of Grey for the year 1882 amounted to lef t his boarding house in W, #4
. after tea, anL hl#�` I �
by imprisonment for two years in the -could not be fulfilled: Now the Pre- - Mr. LT. Garvie, who left Hallett a, 616,229, including & balance of $927 Monday evening nal 1� �-
penitentiary "or for a less time in gaol. mier took this way of getting out of poor ma�'a few years ago, bassucceed- carried over from the previous year. been heard of since.11e had a Is �
Sir John Macdonald opposed . the first, the trouble he had ciested for elec- .ad exceedinQly well in 'Kansas, last year Che receipts are made up in part of the of money on him, and the polfoe . �. -
clause on the ground that it would give tion purposes. Sir Jo0u in June said having tivo, thousand bushels of wheat, following amounts : LandImprovement friends fear foul play. An im . W I
"brazen-facbd hussies" Opportunity to be'would pas� these laws if returned. 'in additibn to other grain. Fund $604; 1 non-resident 'tax 0229; prevails that he was waylaid, m .. , ,�
prosecute men or compel thei�u to marri - He now says that the subject *as not `-Mr. John Cross has sold his farm hotel licenses $191 ; collectors roll $11,- and robbed by a gang who 1 1 -11. .
them. It was, he said, an inducement wilkingly undertaken by the Govern- on the 18th concession of Howick, to 761 ; Government school grant 8564,and. neighborhood 'of the Canada -.; wi
to immorality. No.bonest woman, the ment. Reverting to the decision he -Mr. George Burnett, of the 17th con- counti School grant 1566.,, The expendi- railway depot. - .
Premi6r Said, who bad been dishonored said it was expresi;ly 1 tated to hav - � i 1�
I e i cess on, for the Sum of $5,J50. The farm tures for the year amounted to $14,629. -A man indentified by Donsia I . .
would bring ter seducer into bourt un- been given upon the emoideration -of contains 100 acres. The followin are some of the prinepal Leod, of Selkirk, as Xohn Daubir, - "I -
I 9 ---
der any circumstances. Mr. Hector whether the power to pi Lss a particular -Mr. *:G-. H. Wright, who has been items: Roads and bridges $1,792; in-, worked for him, was found frozen . . .
11 I
Cameron coincided with Sir,4ohn Mac- law was before the Privi Council. The in busini6ss for a short time at Berlin, tereet on railwav debenture 8720; Sal- south of Selkirk, on the bank 1. I" - - -
donald. He went further and approved Scott Act was tested in'the local legigla, is coming back"to Clinton to reside, aries 0635 ;- chan'ity $193 ; , cou4ky rate Red River. .
of the abolition o It is believed he wOW11 .
' I . ,
I Ce ar .
f the seduction act as iure. The judges expressly state this having moved his stock there, and will $3,410; government drain on connees- the influen of liquor d i tw.. . � I
P9 �
it existed in Ontario. A vote wai called wag the point raised and upon this they doubtless open out it an early day. sions 16 and 18 $508 ; Public school cold spell and frozen, while - ;
�1 I.
said the clause struck out by a large adjudged. If Ministersl of the Crown -Mr. I-: Haulahan, of Wawanosh," 04,660. The liabilities of the townships believe it was a case Of robbaf I
majority.' , It will thus be seen that the chosen froin every province did not now has pure &sad the. farm, lot No. 36, con. amount to $5,934. , murder. Ile was a carpenter, 0-1 � I 11
principal and most desirable! clause of know what were the local laws touch. 068sion 4 and 5 East Wavvanosh, con. -A bright little boy about. 7 years of friends,in Toronto. - 4� I
the Bill has been struck out, �Sir John in I the sale of liquor or 'What were the ' -
baving, evidently given way 9 *Sting of 1100 acres, lately owned by W. age, son of Mr. John Dane, on the 14th . -A recent Brandon paper say$#-,. I �
a . 141 �� I
4Lt the last powers given to different municipalities � unter, 1 paying 'therefor the sum of concession uf Howick, met with a iery marriage of Mr. C rson,of Saddle
moment to the wishes and vi�ws of his iif1hat regard, if we- require to -day to 82 '500. . . sad death one day lost week. Thehired near Edmonton, N. W. � T., and - � .
� . . � I -
French Canadian Supporters, and as take the first step to inform our mia- ds -Mr. ;ames H. Gardiner, of Maple man was cutting straw from the stack Marian Armstrong, of this city . 1�
usual on s7qch occasions, dragged his upon this . mixed qneation, could we - Grove FaIrm, Ashfield, purchased last -in the barn yard, and the little boy was dulysolemnized at the, Methodist I -
pliant.04tario followers at his heels. suppose that the Jadioial'Committee of week from Messrs. Green Bros., of0sk. playing around. The stack suddenly, g�gjB ,widon on the 9th i - I
The next'qupstion of importance that the Privy Council was inspired to know ville, twol very fine yqung th6roughbred fell over, and the boy being too near got Lra so� , and witneSNA �
.. �rf .
I 0
has receiVed an airing this Be Bion was all, about these mnuicipkl institutions short-horh bulls. Both bulls are bred buried under the - straw. Assistance number of their friends. The '
: -
I THE LICE1jSE LA I which were never allnded to in the frQm imp�rted stock from the calebratod was'procured as -speedily as possible would be nothing out of the I
.1 � �
The question of the propqs�d ebange argument? In couolusiOn he held that Cr'aiksha k herd. -Mr. Thos. Todd, Of and the little fellow removed, but not were it not for an iucideut I -
. I . I i 1, . �- -
i - I I -
I i I i I ,l
. i . .1 -
. I . : I I I - I
I . . I � -
. I , -, .
L . . I
I i I . . . 11
- I
, I L �� .
* - I I
Iii I ! - I
. . *1 -- �
I ! . . - ;
" - L
� -- . ! .L -. � I �
L - L . i I I I . -0 �, .
; I i - L
� I , � I . .
. , -- � .
I I -
I f . i . I I .
- ---
1. -
- . � /I � I
. I
. TI,'u-`HT .BJN])T-1,'G
iI - . i .
foUowa it. 'The
* �aumber of the
.teiid saittling in th
Wk. left shortly i
� , f
-was oVer by the wie
Q ' Appelle. Fro
travel iu ,covered sl
bolds out. The b
ov�r . L i miles, .W4
1 LL i . to ac*ou
+kman, named
I th�Carkada Pacific'
*t;JAri1Jn1pelg$ fell t
vici0o]A used in P�
p4ting up Of a ,c�
-narrov . v escape fro
. . P
feU a distance Of
- ac�ffold, but for wl
=i&t have been ki
to 06, ground ww I
4- Dominion I
. W�lsh recently ri
fr�'M the Minister i
th� Government h�
SWP and a half at I
atchewan for s. to
Public purposes. J
be �vvarnea from set
I viation. This is the�
ea l to the Press Uol
- . s1ga which -they ref
� -the groand -that .
- 1.
�%l� ,�nwiuy- 1
7-1 ------
I I �
i � Qu,e,en .
I .
1 A despatch from
44ed March 21,:sa
opived. by the Quee
olipplug upon the a
. Winc6sor, now turn,
- � tb*n war, at first e,
lieved she will be 0
1i . Ome time. Af te,
40eeii'took a ride. �
*ttewpting to 1-eav'
. fp�ud that she WALE
� jh.4�� attiend-ants bud
hak room. Her 03
knee L,Adly swolle:
I Queen. is co,astant!
. cOrLPS Of royal phyj�
fort is roade to C(
I There is much uu4
thtp ,city concert
I a
- of . th,e Queen,
about the bullei
w,stebing -an
. Gnat numben of
posted ,up noticet
business and gone I
- paper buildmgs,-an
await news. The i
Bent -special Correal
anil made compItt,
bulletins. The
went is crowded,
- =any places are -
. peopte, -who havek
their! anxiety to kei
is oo.t'believed by t
an4 authen'tio in
Qu.een's injuries ar�
ousiu themselves, I
. i
versed fear,:owing, b
-an4 somewhat i1i
health, which for v
don gerous.,that, �00111
The crowd surrou
was so great that I
-000ld laot make it c
- man mounted a pi
and de.edout the ii
Knox Church,
Wright, Pastor, hal
. 4.510, with 733
-The Canada
briage have "let the
- ,oh -arch, to bb comp
next I I
. -The Logan, Hi
Ag-ricultarall SO&O
hold the Spring sh(
Mitchell,,on TueodL
"A Xitebell mi
had eight bats ate,'
front of his Store,
L There is no clue tA
-.A. Maplewood
. finle horse while or-
. It!went through t.
=4 broke its leg.
.1 -The B&II fam.
have lately given f
UFAowel. There
on� both occulons.
. -Rev. P. de Lo
-Church 1AitAell0
souge time visitinv
to; return Lshortl�
,duties. . I
-Mr. James M
lost a $200 horse t
Only a few 11ours il
few better anims
I hocd. m
i . -The proceedu
held by the Canad
chell, last week, w
social on the follov
the, smo-ti-rit, to new,
# - . Mr. D. Dawzy
an unforttmate bit
throwing s stick i
am Mal and went t
� , glass Window.
- $100. L
- -LAI, tb4 anni
Toronto Raox. 0
L Metaphysical Soci
luntlyne, B. Statto
'firab prize for F
. "ahing- -
� bridgel brought �
thoroughbred Blic
,calf, 11 months 4:
� pounds. The -an
fr6m. -Mr. Levy, o
� chell, for the sum
�The Listowel.
-- h�.
lve engaged a �
. S�mnieri to give I
-wishing to acquire
. There are 15 in
,with the prospect
i -Mr. Wm. Gui
. pwneer, passed a,
a7t the ripeage of '
was a native of Ir
this country some
vv�w buried at Kir
reoiaed for some t
�-The number (
- .
lat. Stratfora, durix
. M�rch 10, -were .;
cards, 1,772 ; new.
c4al 851 ; books,:
po,roels, 50, the��
wbich &,mounted .�
teig, 245 ; register
� Farmers of �
appreciate the ad'%
- mr. is -Meg Pern
� ,
. thoroughbred wu)
winuam. Bar�ett:
a rMe young sniri
11 months old, In
W.. Burnett, of Pi
price. I
. �-Tb ere wass I
t'4o residence of -A
. 119 c0acessiOu 6,
� ;
. �
� L
� �
: I
� _:
. I . . . I
; I
- - -- - -- .Mm