HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-03-16, Page 10�) ____ - ___ -.- D, 711th- - - A- _____ - - - ' _"� . . - _... � I .- 1VVqFWP%­""-------1g . 1. � - __ . . Ury. 1D=RLA]W9 V OM &0- ___ __ — - we - 110 - 1, I __ .- - - . - - � be ustw r*-&.-~- 1. - "Vy I I - . .. I . I � ­ - ­ - _. '' 711-1— - . I . I - Im . ­ 1. �. , � t�lt tea.m w I - I - #r6up 11ei3iedy is guinim coutdotwa everr dv. ths i .-, hsv& this ­"abm the 11 1, I Thow, , tokojov* *00" .1 t " ., 11 - It _,*ti. VU . - Xr- W, H. Green,. P,r�- t at wamorton. In a . predicting . t Siren I 11 - aid not be eutittea , n W -A. in Some i..t.... th. rmdi� "* - I W SU4 a I - his money, he xec , with hig Witt VA y a txmt the U � %I SU4 , - - ' x. Lewvelwy of London, Says: DWAZ 06eivie a libend 3 3 U - ovil of Mr. aud . � the Cauad& Methodist _' ktt" to Mr. Ist would say new- creamery win r I ` - Ostperfect'so M ch so I attoplees Appointmenv, Was 1 ftt,__�Iin reply to yourg of the once it is aarted the" to much symptthY, - � tion being alm te, aifft. of April nexL Thd , m MILLINERY9 &C., xis and CrouP R01nedY patronage. and after, as the ------------ �_, tbpLt tbeeritio had cousiderab Mrs. Allison is very much to be regret- -1 church, Jobastou's . I *at DlerlsmcWr- Diphthe - . I . n for an objec- a on Thursday the 22nd urb. A very kas;mr,A cures.in.thig, . section, and is selling Will be little difficulty there Willson cn1ty in findirig room eve tea, as they were both i posse d Of ' I - ; 0 .� � , For sai� at ffic"0111'8 beaefitg will be so manifest that the Old Loc .BRisirs.— r. O., C. �ngs will be Nor7tbe V ,nf � bel 'eD&Bt Was provided. The - ue�ond my expectations-' . I his evening readi hose qualities which are I . excellerxt I , ..... Ome oil Saturdav last after tion . -T t . i I I Dim - store, seaforth. 797-1 . system of butter rashing will become RS - return ed ee months. w A. Cowan*, Collie, im a admiration 1 1 music was charmilog and the speeches � 9, __ e hom6 system of cheese mak- an ab once of thr His many, given by Iffisses Logan , essrs. itation an. - by the Rev. . —AT— .... ,—Ther Ladies' Aid Of the M- E - rare as th . hat he has Houstctu 'arid Forest, and by X - VISITING. — MiS� Jessie Robertson, I which were delivered rtly ' ShGIAL I 9 . � d a will be glad to le8-rn"t, _ and Hartly . murch intend giving a 800;,al at their Panona e ing. frien . 3 A�. Wilson, and otherB. I Messrs. -CINP08011, Cousins eii Tuesda,y evening next 3faxc:h 20th. A-go0d ---- *_ whollt, -- recovered his sight' and that M. P. Hayef , on .ae,ughter of Mr. Gi�bert R)bertson, for- were urno - - . _ ell, all that -As now .next Friday ia�,enlng the subject "Re- h rous, interesting and pr&cti- ;r',a 'libepro-rided. . morly a resideiat of,this part�, but now j(ugical and LiterarY Pre. n1toevn M-LITARYCoNcr,RT.--Tbe music-10viDg ghout - I nents served from 7 to 8:30 o'clock P. in. his e es are nearly w . en Aefresin � a to learn that 9, requi ed to effect a pertedt C�re being solved that H6me Rule would be Bene- of North Easthope, is viBi �ing friends in cal. The entertainment - throu i . 2 797-1 public will be please relaud," will be discussed,Mr . ne who was & pleasant one, and the tire an- Admissiou 0 cents. in. Mr. j. c. Hoffman of Emerson", ficiat-for I - Glonquaich and Vi ' . nity. Anyo, . led out real musical treat is in s time.,r-- . h leadership on Iffieleft would dience seemed to be well satisfied. The Em MCFAUL'S WILSON & Yeuxoi have Opel A, iven on , has not seen her ince $23. ent, of dinner,breWd b&ry concert to be gi was ii tow. on Monday %o4 was heartily M.P. Hays taking t 0 proceedB amourated to 9,bOut � tt& week a, fine UMOTtm .mt The milil 3 at: ?, and Dr. Yerope on the to mcognize her, I iseta,&c, of thenewest to be welco!rned by many of, his old frieilds. the gffirm iv \ scarcely be able - . aud-tea geta fancytoilel I Wednesday evening promises ' I . y ars since She ScHOOL -EXAMINITIO' X AND ENTERTAIN- I designs in fine printed goods, hAPOrted direct and next t entertainments given here Ile #,La on his way home from -the nega�ive. , as it is now nearly 13 1 . held . . - , and com� One Of the boa . 1. . ---.#— — .Public examination was I � Y.— Mi BaJbara Purdon ' MENT.- A nuked vt,rJr lo�v. Csjlandseegoods are.. Forbes and I . ____r The first moved awa 8 I i in Browntowu SchO01 on Friday. the P CASH STORE, SEAFORTL . . . for a long time. Mrs - - Caldwell, of Ess"rn markOts--Mes livery , Ftin. -THE N7OUTHvvkST. was aojouruiDg ikrouna prc�marty an( CHEA pu* vricc,&- 797 . as few eqngl's, and in his Lai . have purch"ed, the - Nor . on left here . � during the 23rd ult. .k large. number 'of parents - I . I allaw � Bess rb I � �, -1 rt."T-rg.—We bAV8 Hamilton, h I - - Olwlest' puIrty Of Ule I - irrimedi � � f I., � I tv �V, S �_�,: ,.- Toontiv - VUC,0.1i*r Lao Mr.- IT e,"f­," iv jj��hn Wsrof., , . , , ate neighl"O , . . illy, 0 Ftrn-:n , _ IJ T11 c� I art - ��gwr�t.%11 -� f7hom. I I ,-1 j",,,1 1,7�-;nrzw-A (4 NTT -, I mtd Viza. . -c � L, � :�izt tots VVICXIM P1 � - �--_&, * _V_r t_w, - .Ik- -1 t:,11at;b-jiv4 ,��`ii-,_� a � 11 I m I - I i 1 �­ ­ - - - - -" - - % IC301a - and the 'I au4 ;Mr. Laid . lar- Tb#m veft I � " t ­­� ­ Foa at tL-* lutelfia'-woo I ,� U bw i f - � I law hm .r*Woved kits - uU �'v . - , post weviL. I ft a " *49 T. , - 4 -- - ! 1. I � kavao. ., . , 161"Wed wt U P, -. - 1. 'I' - __ � _ ___ 4V _- ,� � I t# U , I I . - Vw*` 1 . I . Awrtav#4 wy tb* PQPL -0 10 W __ 40�st , 41r�,- ciimi% It. JAVUW� 4 i I V" while Mr JOG, � liu 44d Stand. was UIA * V y i*44 - _ k* put in the am- 4 0 wk* . aw - -r- R , 4" W -W � I X -I - .W10 lo ar W&&,* *,"_ **"- *$a- lokut " , - X_ i floo"I -4- � . � � , -ausly its 4k*144 I - . . UnIC-4440d. - - - - 4 - - * I I _. I _ 11 - - , - M - :, em, V* * _40 * , "" I I __ -, - I i ­ - -* � "I I 1. .11 -- I 11 111,1111 ... �__ � W01 "W - I U I W W" - - " " -1 , iohw* *M � I - - � I- � 1-1 wt�*�; i�� 1t+-A-W-_ut*C4*_ "U.- 04 Nil-,., - Ow- blotwo � bf. I - kv" - - � , -400 _. - _1 00 t "V WN - - ­. . ­­­ - , 10t t" ) "Wg" V V - 4 w-** � , - tu , .. . U 0, �, TU - ,&M _# %wo"4 _" W -_ - "Ift A - � iiilllii��" � __ - . U, f . r - � IN � , - - - - - . " __ 01-11 __ � , , _ _� - Ww"PM-_ 144i - - I _A 111,F " - U , �* , _., j�. *k -, * _* - im It* t ,% . 1, I ­ . *4*m __%. W# - I - I,- ' * i - -T --- 1_%� a--* *it-# �­T**- uof*44 P _t - �,l A W _V - - . , , 14W 4 v , - �k ow **** ~ . **N#* ftima - t ­ .. A _ I* - - _114 _2� * _ _ � � "~ X 4W UA*� *% , , - ,�k i I I * _ 3 - 'A - - , _P . - . -1 � -.It _ t_,� t 4* jo 1�4,v* V** - .. ---,---,- __ ,A­*� �- * -, 4 4�, �� * - rwAw% W* I I - - i1161*410 L . . � , i vv ywt�-�,��A 47 # __ __14#04� - - " 11 ­, " & " - , I U1 � - - X.TW ___ � _� -, - � Z�r ­ I ­xM-MAlw� *4" � - _. -i " -6 � .1W 1-V, -0 - -, , . ,# 1; - - . . . _­ L �� * AV - j, - _11— �� ,A- 4 %** : . - - - I I . &,�_&* - - *- " V40 -" '. - , _ -6 ___ _1W I ­­­­­ � I - - � _ *-WW 1_4 . - ip - 4 A* owk- , . w�, . - - - - m Afi,aw- - � , * 0--4. , _-__ VA -4, W..# !W* A -VI -A - - � - . .-. - , , - - - - gw4g V #0 . .- - W- 14' - I& i It -A va **0 *-,** � - - - Aw*_­."t *---* 1"W, 40-1. - , � V - ,�: _ . . - j4-& �_-# - _k t __1 -, U I -9 -bo- V , , `. a .4 W& *W W ft �_�__ �� i - - I 1i # *_ .-f *-- * - . � . Jr* - , , k**t__#-%�-_W - * _ I - S" __ _,]W#_z,W I- wa + J* jw1booft �:- . - '47 4 ,.-Q* t qioc * , � , I , , - - * - , L � � -1 .., - � _ 16041 . - ,*-4 - , - - ­ - 41 4 *; .­ .1 - , 1 ;w% z�* �, f__ - -- #1 2- _� _ Ot .4 - - ---"* A - -*t 4 - - 4�~ - * -� -4 , - A# -I# , 4-4 , 11 I ,. 4400 i *1 i uft *"- I * * 0 #0 _ - - � " - . *W , * !�_ 4W ** 1006 - 4 1 - a __ - -- - a -* - , -* W- a --Aww a tko #"*-* 1+ - I � I � - - - . - *~ u 4&9m� 5� , - * .1 Z*11#0 9% * , - � � 1, t � _- A'W - , -4 A * # i Moo 4, ,L,* W *11, * i ,;Z �� - __ ­ - -�­A&AIVAL ­ 4 . � - - - ­­ � - ­ � *4ia - _" A A - .- 1, �- - ,4*0-. r- , - - �* ,**- -.*- -* � i 0-40( I - - r-- 70-z- � - _-, * 0 low *0*& -4 - L. -, .- .9 % � ji, 1, �1 - -1 r- -k *4000� - - ­ --- -p- - 4 W, a , I - - .%t)y � , *"-- - t Iwwow ,,-- � � vt , .- go" #. �^ A* * -* M004 - - t� 4 . _W - t 4 V-4 - -,- - � _ I sk-0 , p . IA _ � - _N_ I _* W � """"1111% V * OW -44k #10104041* WOW *#- t - � , Ve . - - I I—_ I- - . . . - ­­ ­ - A - - - #14* *;h 14 � - k." , I � Udmoow_ - �, 4 � 0 w4mow V- - w , 4_06 a�il i't _ _.V -), , - - i��* . -W. p _ * ;, %.__"_#1_r- t'4404* - 0" -� Ui- I iiit_ - 'All .. __ I . _# Ill ffim -4 t, t4Z � - ... .w . - - .# ow *I" 0,1400 A - 11" 4644 _� Me - 4. � *4 "40ol - �� -i * +_* 14 ial Lk #* 40�p,* - "- �%_��,�, 'Wii- I --* � Aok4o *k Ak4 -.. - - W'� S# V��# . . - - - - _* 000009" , - � � A" - k -WV *010-44 - -,: A , ___ , " , , � #-*V k - *t*l*­2�40.�t � �� ..'X �,4j��_,�,4�� �V _" , . ___ 14-i ; 1. - ­. - - '1* -, - -, f - . - - - - - - - M" V ai&'Aaaa 4600 - - __ � 0: -, - _W - *00 . ­ ,k�_ _-a-- __ - , * . " , k# * - , k ~4 - 0 V, 0 0* *. -** � �4_ � 4 **4 WI.Vu it " v vw t 40 �� Uwt W* *1W ft � , - - i�­_ i �_ - it _A00i #_& - - sw - I 1_1 _000". *0� - - I - . - � .1 - . �_ -P - _* , -# trk *-o� , I- t . 41-4 *4- - I - � � 4 . I 7- - .- I �A A1__W*_A­ A , I " � . 11 � *# 1- I � I—' �_. ,.. � ­ t__ I f�­- � - T, � v-. , �& - - __ 1100"T <_1 , - -A, 4 F i. -ift - -� � v �­ ��:�--�-�* - I , - SOW: W " , " W-0 i*-�%, *_* W 1-44* $1 � 1*00, � tow W -,t* MIN . r - 44 -0" � , - - - , - *V#V * , 0 ON *_ I - , * - " V. A 469V 40­,41-,��-i ** ,-- *--%0* 1% _k - ­­ I -, '44" I &It 0 - V - - **]* - � 4 �, - I .. - - -- W -V #*00161"W , "A __ - I - � 0oolow -1 *"W*, - -_ I,.--# � 4� - --- i, � �_ - I _�_ --' 41 - fm I � . ­ * "*� .0" S.- - i __ -1 sk - �"4 *f"* 40 400wft -4 ow 4"" � - *00 *Wft * ~010 A wo-" V's ** 6* . t-*#**-* *;_W_4#*#* � *0 I - m - I - - W - � I I -A ­ 'r k# * .... a-, t VM6 ___ it**- ##AWW 4* toow -, 4 "-- - I . W % *4_0 I" 11 - , A ## t t * -t -. i,-kft C *0 4 4000C _* 0 Of, #N -, 4 ow- *0,0. -A��_ **ot-, *1 - - W* - - -** W_ - V_- *W *A1 I , I- :*­ I OW4004 # 11 1 A##4 0_4*+ - - . - *** t , � _ __* - � -_ � ,_ � -1 - - - 1. -41. 41 - , , - I -1 - � �- - ­­�._ I � - . - � - I __ 4 I& & .4 __ %�" - - ­ I . " _- - io* - 0 __* � I fii�# b tiq , - - - - - - - - - #,%,@ 414 4. 4 -I - - - 11 . - *Am.. j* WJ tm4 44* JX#V"�W* * # * * 1 *40i - - WW -%Am - - A � - .� - . " -4 - _ wo* 6 A *04 .—A * �f*�*"'_"'$­_ 1'_ V:�71r, W � � tt V` I �� k N I *� �_t f 7 P � 4 * S � ' ; 0 4 , - , 4*,,� " aw. - .- ___1 - i - - - , - *** ­ .* . , a O" It , -L ,* *- ito -- 4itio- - �, *41kh"w i 0 4W I - - __ � U4. 16-W , - _ V _Jw - 4, V4 - -4 4 to" _ -_ _ - .644- � %�� � _411 fto - - - I W"Va - * It VA" . _ 4,W _ ___ _ jgr - WW 4*W-*t*i*- W 4�-*4 t *V f� A -0t � � il h - "I"S �- - 6-640 - , WU , w _ow , � I -_ _W I , .��, 14 4 , _ k, _ _ ~_ . ba W., ** t � . . . .., _� *U ** - U*V f - . . - _ - _ . A V* - ,� it . * #WA_ lo~ .* 4,�b 4 "I � - -- *W - - #**-h9,**- I W &V*S so, Wi *,00w* - _" **044 Uh v 01 _ swo *_W__0Wy4 4W _jgja, W##*V#44 . I . � ­ 14" , I I � X A I _1 - �Js-t444 Sqda*!E,iJk4 W*004*- - - 040# . - 11 - . WE `& - AM# .Wo ,* r ~ - 11 - - ,� V444- I - ,* - "_ *4- . O."#" . , _V :_ ,." ~_ ­ 110ft-C - W" t.**i *064wak _ 11AA # a* * W -WV #0 0 --al ***- *-U,i ".4c W� W*U a . "Ww*g a - - - I . I XV - . - as 46v*, - 1" � 4Fr-W ;-3*11144 Ho* - -Vvw - *#&;- :­ - 41 - � 4" by Aw - - I W, , -V� - -i 4,4w -w, _Q_ Vfr I I It**" W y 1. - - *- *A,j *_ it. �;1,4 ir* -49 0 �Z,4u­ -- - - �- - - 44-10 11*0 . - I - - I- � ,- _5L__.k__1 .1 06* y *; 4 9" . , , V & I� tv , "_ W4 � I W#11 ailc) *0 itults I W4 bo Aim 4UU4� vhft * tv,wl 's * - I* - . � " �;, 1 , *WW- I L - -_ � I'll � -Ok CS A , - Itm 0ti4* *_ "_ _V�44 - I . �� � I , , 11 - ­ . " , %_ _-, �:f _� . � aa&*~Vw"111� r - U_ - IS - ii V 4 �; 1- ,A I - - W I - - - . ttv* I - . � -1 - - I - io, 4 I# Wo - - I - wa so - . th* touawint ii t,ud "I tw VW* to 4 � - ts VA wo t vbwu . � mr- � - a .g*A - , . - � - -, 44" TM -6. � - a , . W - I _61% ,V* Vto , " to - " - W _-­ - U - - I - WMKMI - �. � ,,k- 4 � IL U* - W. ~, Ow- * - - #&" ,%*U-1* 1#64, W I "j, �_ -1 � l - ot - �i � 7vl� _ , ,,,, �* #* ,*z � - t aotx� - ­ -`� t f N �, �-.A, * w U14 - - - - - w ; M" "_ I ��,ifflpfi aruo , V, - -*,� ft,w _" - W - k � � � - r ~11 ba"i Rumber *t h0l " IV& 1�i V -W � 1011 � A , - - - U .M! , rul . V - A _C - a !, it UWAP "m U_ , , I & 1*041 - TO&~ - 4"*� * lost 0#401- �-- e Of I"." (A ft** - *wwit bt - . " woU. kwwu as &A Ob S - = .� I � WAt 1 . � I & 1*0 #t I - - 1, Prim- I Uc�w -Two I tk�#* t0mu 4 4104i tho hot of a* , ,WA* two** *Otat# *Ww 4 -TA -1 wv��v�---­ ­*�-­---- - . �� mow-wr *nd� V& -Q will, ,VO tMell obiwt-it- ` ownwondaltaty of Mrs, 0*1dwell's abill- �� "U#bw "_ in " I* q1*0L_ - V - - ­ -1 � - . . � .� ka of the M&Mod m oaya& " L - - � � I -U . I _k" ____. ter -wing aud ­ - 4,0" I gt# 1 4#� woo to hav# ! . - *&k* his ren -4w k* both in . - Chicago Tim" mtq 0 K, A m- , U arou * . tbo ah"Opteawy. Ttw h**o v" *wv* J#=."W_W 11��_ �fugk ,a_ " - V*c" nu 1 VT#V4M % I rt -f th# - I tim a* . The I ith thi% eikr* but wa* W1 I d&M*O W" &4w 1 Dr, f -, " tat -J. I It, N a L". .t ., tfiat road. L I - rth*r - , —Xr� Win, WtOtk, armit iK#AMCt1LV0- Mrs. Caldwell, who appeared ,. but no fu I - ' ___ _,_ say 1� , the Smoorth ourUog club an CyAtitkg I hy"the *now bloek*da on I - ntzw GUt*T X1U1*_ xw� ftithl . wto A - le*rms aoxg, . wutme ul. . T.r&4*. - "I he fouc,witig resolu- Saturday - evening with the F;itnevyi ""' numb" O' the uumsrri#d men of �� gooe w [aw assemblage of the frieuds low grist mill, hA# 10t Plow or at M10"tab"k . i . " .. rxoormiTzo.—T . &a a welcome our- match on Tuesday last, but the .yOuug � Quite a I il re - IM0, timo "U14 41to 9 I . - t Of t ted at the st4- in . to W 'tw I making her I jiou, which explainsr i U. was passed Concert Company, W -hoge leaving collec "I'll" . . . . . . [Monsly at the last yneeC Dg, 0 1 prise to a Chicago audience, sters proved too much 'for their -mote I . . them off, aud-bid thoul fare. . the machinery' on kmud. ana skilled VON I . 7anani . tion to see e Stratford Manufac. died Fri sy OvOuiug- M -L - = b: t b'f' " - �D I for th* ' - addingtouf ti f the any special SDUOUnOe- experiencid opponents and cleaned them L workmen from tb_ *hire, I NEW TWEEDS ., Trusteew Of the seaforth Public School : ' debnt without wkjt, but there was little excit,�meut turiug COMPKIlY are busy at work fit. Ue -,van a nstive of 13 I I Traaa. I - ment but proving to be 0130 Of the most . out by a so -ore of 48 to 12. , YOUth will ich attended the I land, where he was boru in the Ye" , have carefully en ,rapared with that wb I fluished it is:� ScOt -;, That, wherea& we _j�plisbed vocalists introduced here ti g up.the mill.- . When � Upwards.of 35 years. 590 he Oml' . , preferred by Mr. aoco tell.—Mr. D. D. Wilson received seven co -party last Year. . none in the, 1816. 1 I . Ulred into,, the Charge �Yyears. She* is-& very beauti- - Down Ewes from despatch of the first * ectoal�, I I)e second to h his family �o America, NEW LINENS !or the Spring Tflk fine Shropshire -.— � Pm 1 - I Th"Ornas Hoagins against Miss Kil-IOrsu for mail very. i every I I . time in I . co ty. e wit . his week. Ten were , t rpm. Smith ', grated " I - . . hing, "a child of his, ful woman, a,ud hA�r voice and manner work n aq ShOom ker for Home � of, urianly panish vocal the old country t OR the way.— . - � Blneva,le, , ' I . 8 en . . .9 I the bench �6 � ing. 8he 'waS the b died ;; So cess! in I are Charm . shipped, ut three : I I ; Galt where his comPsuio" of : for, b 14861nedLi-RiaHodging &-ad having 'ex- w were STORM.—Wiggins On wind and Vennor I 11JNDS.—The directors of eased, NEW' DRtSS �GOoDS a -- - � ed - Several of the' school children attraction of the evening, and the audi- Saturay, ody i a lively +,ime. It 19 i , How GRo htabv' 1, were Peter Patrick, receUtlY dee . Sp � . &min Btormy days; but scarcely I On'snow give us r. Agricultural Suciety ring Trade. . .r opportunity wall h t I t �,Q outh Huro � ;and Robert Taylor, late of Grey town -t school when the alleged once regretted anothe call a halt. . BOMeW a ' Wi e: who were a a to. bear her." TheBBIle- so to sustain Mr.Wiggin's re - - now time for them to - � I �_,L,ase' a plo't of ground on the farm o I 1�1 � aid. to have been in- not offere , sufficiently I 8131- - ho died about 7 years elgo. punishment waft a , I willingly admit their prophetic powerfl., I -I a* 'ling the vil 1; - VI . . v,l.le Intelli 'encef says: 4iMrB. Caldwell . eather prophet. He is ; 1*r. pter McGriegor, a Joir Wright Came K CA5HMERES for Mete . , C F aul, the Principal, and I 9 potation as a w . ; ! �, Nearly 8 years ago Mr BLNC . � I I � 1 l6go, a in erl I I . - ­ � , a,mr U has ever appear- hardly as reliable as Veuuo I Give us spring, weather. - atipi- . . tendl having it enclosed wit � Turub I and took Ei Tr�do. � . jhe� W.1tneSSeSL pr r. Hodgins, is the finest singer tbtLt z L,vw.—J. P , . :! to the t wnship of I y I pring', . oducea by M ran from ed in our city, and was alone worth Oates.—Miss Ellen Dickson, third Tim I RIGORS � OF TH L ice_ This ground'wil' t' rid, I which � . .1 . . a CIO e Oard fq� I I . 1 w6 f ally erxonarate Miss Killo � . ,1 -keeper, was indicted before I . 'annual spring Shows 0 1 possess on of 300 acres of I I . � and further hear. The Toronto : -us d for the .. I I he h n years ago i S i I I 8 , blame: in the matter, going miles to , daughter of Mr. ,John Dickson, Roxboro, son, hotel .a charge of I be pring I as 8cc+ed since. Bev BLACK KS for 'the SAY agemeu�it Globe Says -'11 The singing of 'Qui la' i as book-keeper,%nd clerk in t�e J. P.1B of Brussels on v'e,; �tbe soc'et e Brucefiel(l 13 he was appointed postmaster at Morris- 11 � i . axpre$13 beTnef that her man , . . lie Sabbath. Fi I y h more than Provincial I removal of Mr. James-! Trade. . - our . Iton, �f Mr. A.I�x. Smith, Brussels. s1fling liquor on t -8 Ih . Liiaiilld . � - the store c - @ ' , bow� as,� ies wbicl� . bank, upon the � of the de-partuaeut, over which sh6 pre voce I by Mrs. Caldwell, Of' Ham' nt down as witnesses,, , - i ar�d th, is, in every r - I and f ame, * III - I , I espect satiBfactory." - was one of the best efforts hea on B�1` D i�creased faoilit -es' rd in lent a term in the com- i�babitants we as udt I Orr to Missouri. He was very much i � Miss Dicks ­ Bustainooll , , the socile I wisely provid�ing wl! I sid I . , I Toronto this BOSS0111 and W&B loudly mercial college, London, and secured a the charge w . ty are -unity among - &c., &O., for I � . � , n Lee lef t on Well- t1r, genial landlord came off free- R. i 3ficial result. d I respected by the cOm"I COLORED SILKS, encored." , - '- diploma.—Mr. Job ]Dominion hotel, was legg, 'have a ben( 01 hich -he had so -long lived. The in- Spring Trade. TEM RF . nesda ipeg, where he intends GOOD Ai GAIN.T- 9 ,*V le lay ter- ,.krORT31 RUITER FACTORY.—A , y for Wiln� King, of � the I our onterprisin al , 30�etiag of tn,oSe interested in the working fortunate. He, for giving 9,few"friends horseman, Mr.' John Rattenburyo in erment took Place On, Moric - � � remaining during the summer . noon t the Vroxeter cemetery. I tL Of a C�rea A BITER BITTEN.—A few weeks � ago a � & r on Snnd�y, had to f or- . Ath hi- � t( t . -----*— _ _L_ i , bIjoh--men mory in tbiE, glass of beei I L idscoming �o the frent w, S � � �Ot% ' n of Mr. at his trade.—The last grand ca.rilival 0 in current tei , am 11 Those Show- I . I - U in pl-%Ge ofthechaose factory which young man named ' Beatty, SO 11 be held at the akat- uish Her Majesty with §2 ling stalliotl ,,MR , Clinton. � , tow , I everal years, was held Samuel Beatty, of Tuckersmith, got of the season N�i The Clinton tunds. year 'ainstbin4hadbetier look�ut I - I ho -kas. b�aoa run far S' ink- this ,,evening, . � I- a,, i . We are in a po ition to give t . I "I victimised to the extent of 350 by a ing r , , I aged f or the DOTS.—WOOD is Scarce - f armers know i,ag 59 gritty on borseS, � "'k, H 'OF PETER McL&REN.—Ma y of , I . the old gent is � very � I in, the 'town hall On Tuesday last. There sharper with whom in this br'aBs band have been eng I a o� . -Was 4 -very fair representation of the he met I � ling and will diBcourse sweet music. how to put it on; t1-50 for green is the ' � we Carl "aAly Bay � ders m 1 . the ,gn old but not on T)Olitica. our re rill regret to Ie&T I tor, satisf action to OF Customers this I* rrouading. aiBtnot, and town. The stranger offerod to bet $50 ever bottom figure. [a I rdeath, f Mr. Peter McLaren, proppe I I f4rinera of the sn A large number of prizes Will also be —Wm. Wright, berry, thatthis vl�teran horseman owl s th . wat .-i , i �, all seemed to take a deep and cOm- with Beatty that he could not open a r. This ' ill positively be and esteemed resident of Turn best pair,of Maros in the count�, anul lupen's Hotel in this tO : son, ws our Btocklis arge and exte i - ' W oil on of th I est in the enter�rise. Mr. certain box which he had. The bet competed fo 3ason, and or at Morrisbank, di th in foal to Count Careless whichl Itook place on the lith inst.7 Mr. i a&,ble tater � tile last knd best of . the s( and postmast .! Wo . i bo � vaeu iney was placed in 0 I be oted. as chairman a,ndMr,. was taken and the mc re �ill likely be 9, large crowd there. Saturday last.' The remainswer in. it Success. � . ,� suffering from ill- in -variety, and olir rices will be - I � joi-irtuanuah a asecretary. Mr. ThGMaB the hands of a. mutual friend. The the r. George Lee arrived in town from terred ini-Wroxeter on Monday, and, the wish him eve �_ - McLa�eu has beE I I W.J.Shannon a an to:)k th - .-box, and while —M . . STALLION SOLD.— Mr. P. 'McGregor healt L'for over a ypar. Some years ago, 0 . I :1 .. as low as an - e house iu - was not present, young in urse which followed ,the "Coun i- he Grand Trunk , any I r ail B-allantyne, M. P. P- ge Watt, president eug&ged opening it the Bhaiper Snatched Dakota on Tuesday. He intends re- large -ponco hich Sold his fine Young st&lliOn while employed On t I - er was Mr. Geor* , maining here only a few weeks.—Mr. corteO testified- the esteem,iuw, Itoy srs. Colquhoun, D -w ay, -he met iw4th aa aocident whiol h � weith 'thAolder 11. as held.—The election, Carelesa,' rles 0 1 Rail I Dominica. i I - of the, Llandesborough company. Mr. the money from the hands of i ouse and the/dece�,sed w .t, for the sun? 0 1 deprived him of 1 an arm and a leg. , I ­ Kirkton and made off with it; Beatty at once John Latimer has Sold, his h .. down. Both and Porter,,ol Hibbq ; , ,� JoIluaton" president Of the . lot to Mr. George Smithers for the Bum -excitement has quieted i* district. two thousand, ldoll hich is consider I Being ucap,�itated for his ordia- � I . ,thus ng ptLrties yvorked hard in th a' � ' ma - ngaged in the hotel 1� and � 1118,Lw 3cup tii . . . eompsny,kopt his appointment, came to the Mayorto lay information of $1,400, Mr. Latimer talks of goi A Same ell very cheap� for suc � - a fine aui - - ary a a "o, rd, near God�e- - � I , r . business, 1. al acminst him and procure a warrant for ,Mt all del'ivered a very intereSting. practic 0 arrest. But, unfortunately, he had �ack to Winnipeg for the Bummer.—The Mr. Gibson polled exactly the The f arme,F- in this �iciaity will Bustail Jir.t i't Saltfo' � , � a 'here as he did in 1879. None a�terly at CIiUtOU- In this . .. . ar"I useful., add-ress. Ile explained at his e man's name, and $-eaforth'spring show for - eatire tdo,k. majority' r great IoBs by I such ift valuable hors, � rich, and 1 P �� ..... . not aseertainbd th . f —There I of your outrageous surprises in the I towal he en . � 11 obusi ,or - will be hold on the 11th April. i leaving the se'e-ti . 'A . a aiAe, longth the mod -us operandi' I vali- , . 'on, 4s the colts fron � ,joye a liberal patronage., I NEW 'DiPARTME � . , - . could ,give no particularS concerning ani old Bluevale ward. . 1. . I Ja house. He was! a � . .f conducting the factOry, , . ;. him; are consi�ered by competent ' Ago I d i kept R 900 , I to be adopted in that he had taken his money, will be service in the English church , an I . ' L Z 1, -61 superior,'to, sal I I i experi�nce him eicept commencing &t� . . I to be equal, 11 UF.1 v . le tdwnshi of Colborne, ,� � 11 . � - 1P. asin g his'rem arks upon the secure the necessary every night next week,� 1. - I . nati e of tl I P I i �__ t : o and before he could - . I . still ii�e, and waBl, a � I . 1hey had � &jnied in conneCtIon with, th a - H.ullett. � colts in the c whe o' i - 9 -tion the man had fled, and thus 8 O'clock.— rhe ilineral, of the late Jag. - Purity - i r ' hi's parents . I- ! f . , .1 . i . � -t Kirkton- I end, y SbPPF,R. — Messr . Ole -soul I I stitntion a le Stated �hat inform ev' aux on -Saturday last was One Of COMPLIMBNTAR I ' . geniat wh ed, honorable man. M � 1111 the Kirkton factory r6aliz- the matter rested for the meantime. D er � is Section, PERSONAL. — Our esteemed fri - ason !entertained a few fle le ves a wido* but n6 family. � I I -_ ibe, make.6f however, ultimately the largest ever seen in th . ently been Walker and * : . I � DRESS AND ,MAN1 . I . coilts more par pound Mr. Beatty, 8-r., wick, Esq., has rec select f riends; at a IE 01 I ea from, 6:1to 8 I ing the high esteem in which JohnWar 1 auloys�er supper at I i . i d, ascertained from the mutual friend-& thus testifYi l � I � . I � I , ors. losing a daughter or gaining a son. The 'y evening, the i : I .1 iaa,e in Private dairies,an 'ill. be Dixon's hotel, or : Gorrie. I than butter Ec , -Buffloi- -1 Clue to the identity of the Sharper. He the deae&Bed was hold by his neighb f the happy event W i ThprBdo I . � I I I I . - oniftaprice that if *& 'J. H. Broadfoot - Shipped o, ig�r I particul&rs o took the chair ; . I I ,I , 1. he had every c . ted found out that his name was Stafford, —Mr. !riage notice.. column. 8thinst. Mr. M&86U I OLITICAL.---:The election excitemi6rit - P I ant . were opera load of window 13 AA and doors to Win- = found in our mW clog, few rem4rks on Mr. Walker's - 1 1 . number of creamerles 0 make the and tb at he is,a farmer in the township as I ro. Johnston star� �for Bran. and ma o'er now Wad �ye people axe I . . ja any particular district t - � ` na dM 20th inst., and contemplate dbsorOnof the ranks of is about V heir u,sual appear- t'e to the La� ` . . ot,-Turnberrv. Acting upon this infor. Dipeg on- Wednesday.—The household, K 11 on the a beginning Io assume t We beg to intima . don, Manitoba, " hto attract comPO- a -, Proceeded to Wroxeter last � effects iat Mr. L.Maybee were shipped. I ness,arid joining the nobl' . I � & Put large enoug I friends of single blesSel I parties worked ont ery raur,h higher , ii6ation h � daesday.—. the best wishes of the many I ance. B6,th politics 11 i i tition arn. Ong lanvors a v and after making the necessary from heip toWinnipeg onWe 'Ouple will follow ,them. [We armyof bdubdictS. I *r. Walker re- &11y'sud the conteat W068 Seidorth � and vicin*7 y, that we - . tbou'a'h Fridwy, ; � -west, the young �c in many Plie z . apprr . iriato and - very energetic . I : t .. I rice Still could �a obtained � A-1 . s he found out whera this man- A young.1man writing froM a North ay have before the 4 in a very gentle -vative party .. r Ities hope they in . t a keen One. The conse , . I I I In Kirkton they had many diffien - lived and town to b, friend here begs of him to 84 . . manly maonef. M - Win. Ra tenbury I -i a e giveim the! apartment� over our. 8 inexperience = went to his house, very much disappoin ed whe ' th I .1 to contend with. such a ' )Dd up a lady so that he can got one happy ad profiperoug years. a ae- and Mr. Hfigh McGi egor, made a few was I � . V6 but found he was absent from home. BE iOU4- to hi . I . ., pe�ien I orltheparWthe management and od,'isquare look at her, as it is ed long . PRF,S�INTATION.—Prev - rhaor their a ort. experience in reBuIt waskn6wa, and III ny were the tl) an ox � ced Dres : � V I � f acas;that might be a en for a few ROOM � I o He called upon a neighbor, however, go iand a v ry brief sketch of �wry I . I matu,rEoi baQ:kw`&rdD6SS Of the people t at he has seen one that he has al- parturel for the Northwest Mr,, Peter retha Y9 . I the whole �1 ' � thing, th6 creamery and let his buf3iness be known, and a - EliII08 ,otten what the,lfeminine form Hettle was waited- upon by a number of rn�trimon - e order was tle . take hold of anew . - most forg 1. e h 6's, who tb ir si n gle lif e. T e worthy chairm an days. Or1L I c demo'nstra- M -an 1Xaker fro� TORONTO.' SUL ful and had tbe � same time gave 1he inf orrnation i � L Igood o1a English song in good ti�eie being no Pub I 11, . - . . . , 3 with a then _sang I I . ecess divine,, is like.----�A few, evenings ago his Ha�lock friendis and u ig b r, there had been fairly the necessary means T. . presenting him - of a noisy character i .idulged in by will Op ut the NO realized mare for those who patronized tba,t he had taken . V style, afte L )I on Or abo � ared and Sold to secure the arrest of Stafford. This - Home mischievous rascals carried off the surpris,�d him by (iec+ by hi4 nsual I appl. I r which the tiOu �rioujj party. lChis aliate of than had they t arinfalat 'Cre clock which Mr.'C. L. Papst had valuable silvor watcht accomDall . gh spirits,sorry the viCt', I - it Im information was conveyed to Stafford, la -T, . I I . ter co pany E eparatod 'n hi , � - S itself to all - right April in onnection with Our * '- their own butte- and now tblat these 6 Sign and left it ir, the followinO 96daress: To M�. Pe 7,meet again. affairs c6mmena P . i, who Bought -an interview wit before his store as s I e' -4 world tolpart, bn happ, en d Oles the — I � 6, h_Q ex- h Mr. Hettle,, -'Dear Friend,—Tbis is I -- — The travelling .thinking ilersom Tod ft I tore. .. In to- I . I ess Goods deP I &.fficul.tiAs 11-&V6een overcoin 115NOW LOCYLATIE-1 I quts Mantle rid Dr . . Boa � -and proposed a compromise, front of BakerFa jewelry s 0 re and the best of , friends Must * Ll6ceaaful party taunt . ir oppon . - 11pected the I., -at season would be ex- pro%� - moving it they broke it SO as to render of ibang , blio fin it very i�?onvenient, as we 811 ' ng thelstreets - - ,rese g- subsequent proceedings should h feelings of sadness that p ; Ho fin an a anri4 them b par . . le, and from the I Y i , 11, by � � . * guptiona,blv proAtab useless. Other depredations were. part,bqt it is wit 1 al from di not h . any t ins on the Loildon eht� hideous with Due noji�e will be given, by . - staved. Mr. Beatty agreed that if it b of your remov ana rendering the Di � encouragement already received, the be tted the Sam hes� we think of the facl . t ace rr In. I I !, . e night. If t r if 7 Saturday unti, � . . . . e reforided the $50 and $25 addi- also cOmmi they Should among�t us so soon, a.ftcr �havillg SPOU H rOu & A . - Br proar. � I aUghlin ment !��, this paper, � of our * ­ airectors expeotpil the resources, of the he wor evil doers can be detected 'dat , W1 anesd , Th leople of ob MOL onal for his trouble and expense he 3asant years in our Lift - d S.—Mr. R .. I fw0tory would be taxed to the ntmoBt. ti . ely 'Punished' and if similax So many ph , � �ealch inconvenience LoCALITIZ Would stop proceedings. This propooi- be sSver 1P =cl vicin 0 are . Rastie and o be 10 Please accept this 'Watch as A Blight i le haiil rented his farm to Opening: which promises t I I 11 . district the creamerY tempted they . _* f thereinot being anv to - I t I .n fact, i that edations are again -at' afil into the 'rill . I depr d gocd wishes, o accouu. age shortly univer ally popular Vaith tion Stafford NhIlingly agreed to anc , be detected.—Nixt Sun- token of our esteem an -4 � Is t6 move * ' ' kad become B . . no doubt A -you of the or at t4is station. Paegen- interic situ%* MENS� this spring. � � � d over the money. After the mone- will, � e ' graph ope' I ichael. has secured a - i Friday is- and may it serve to remin I . f bouts and then —Aobt. kcM � .� i � thefarmerB. Toilluioratethe benefits Pal ay and next � ma 'y friends g ro Some t � I � � ery By, stem and s'how the tary partOf the transaction was com- day is Palm Sund a of your, n . ipnes:w", or I he intends to � � . I ood Friday. On th:at day the storeB passing hours, an . the tridris are cancelled, tioin in Seaforth, wbither - � � � I . � - of the cream - - May proSperity� and � fil d out I --Mr. James Rux- s � aple, he gave, an pleted Mr. Stafford manifested a burn- G Harlock. , . t as telegraph com- 90 �t &a �ariy date I ­. recaliarities Of some pe in town will around w ereas i�E�t last I . I I me is �ther4 . . ast ing desire to linow in what manner Me. and other business places )UrS in your new big � , 411, ichig&n ou A Londay of _� erionce. L a comuni- happiness be yc . Arn . M1 ' � W ii left for W . i example in his own exP to closed.—We have on hand _Tbomas. m�, nicatio)[1 A Ot er Btationb on the to . I , _ ' % il dI . im to the Beatty had found out his whereabouts. r' fidea4B. "I I eek.— 88 Eva Leech, daughter .of . 9. MCFAULY ' , i , I , , - �1� i , , - � , I � � t 4 S. - Ir ; ,� 'Vl� "' 11 I 0 � I , E I I � I � - . , I - , � .( 2 'r 6 � - i I I! J � ) e LS " 1vt , I I I , , 'i�( b , I - m P1, C�rl)� - I , , � I 11 - - be had Sent all his ores as told that the mutual friend had. I Cation. from Mr. Levi Latimer in reply -the wish of you ' � ad,e ary, . information could W . - _� I . seasa.11 e butter required He w . � 7e copied last Neelans, Goo. AP KPDXI and oth,keo ! r I Ielay and'b annoy- Mr Jno. � Leech, forme y of Gorrie, . - � boughtth ed to irritate to the paragraph w)iich 'O ION h: b; had, d much C . . : I -. factory and neighbor and ,,split,, on him. This seem . RICTURNED.—Mr Abraham T&Y as ,� of i�ani &I Was VLSiting friends . use. from a week from the Blyth Review. Mr. I , a0ce wo it Bavell the travelling Pub- no. - jor his own hsafed the I fter bav' t sev- - -1 be Fillagelast weeY. Sh k n In B* ;196usas. U6. The - in- this i . th E, CASH � ants per Pon -ad on the trans, him � ot a little, and he vono & dif - returned home a i , ent is now left com. � - 100as 0, made two el � frdeZ terms o e . Latimer puts the matter in quite rth oral months visitinj Sgi7 I � . itation of Oat favorabld e sn's TH DRY a , . r. Hannah Stated that he information that the Supposed mutual I ferent light, and ahowB that the SeafO tirn ,ther dark, and- although he is in the In - action. M meeting of the friend was deeper in the mTid than he I musicians only made a reasonable Mr. Taylor spent most Of h1i"; ,e pletely in, ured and as obliaing aa Prairie Province.— Mr Christopher I - are loont-ba allways good nat - NT- Ima attended the annual ft�narn. . the mire, as it was he who had I � . . - ovnivna thA Canadi- s wba . I _ I'll-" Raine. 1,6u Oi cd.p4da ji�due, returiled 8BAFORTH, 01 I I -----I- wsm in . - . __ ,L- 4.1-- nl�41-i an ­ - . � 1__-_i-,_ �11� 1�1-%LLL� - _...______ __­_ ! - � -- ---il�j-, I __ - __ _ _ - - - 4 - bi* i4on istifliff'. mu" tastea. "id ­ - - -1 "d c -,--m 110WAbborms may have brOU'l - '_ prehensive View mm"If. *Ud W* ,be"esseatialan, edomeut of ftoeietY xr. or ir must leave his northern nelg'h �bon to judge ,jrhat is beist for them and on the 4u8stion'Qf tree on'tur-e- ,Will say that it has bean tried wit tollera:ble suecess� As� to such fa,voritf 8�B maple and beech for sh&-dol or applel pea-ro ancl cherrips; they have not P I been tried to such'an extent as -w-3111 justify v , ay writer in PrOMOUncing tl . experiments made eitlier a suce-ma Or failure. -But there is a view Of ti wind,-br"k quotti-On i"'Ch we olwlm I "44r"_Ud��T_w. th" *b*ft Ulwm I I I . - 1�iT#_ A � - I � ar�� ,�-I�q . I � , _0 I � 1 OW4, � � - Wk4tl " ;-E , - I this , - - UTA -0-4 *a , -- Wisp - �_- 11% I - I - - 40 - Tol *--*-*my 1 - - - - -. - -' *WU *1 11*40060 .4 * -,4 � - . _ �O& 4#V _ .,* . _* - - _ " - _ X& - - I -A' -- SO ff . I I" Wme *--& %plao-awy *A -W -w* a � - � 41 - -*A" 0* 45 -'*0#*-V-_ 0 -wim. 1p� - . - — - � .% wkt�"&, is W !'- ___ , I �,: ** %_ - �� " �70* ­ - , - - :7 ___ * �W� - 0 - w 19440 _W� -Unaki"ittoy **0 .** -.. --. - __ . -40-4 _U , --" - F t A- 4- A me. *0041-W ___ off A _- ##a I - - 16- --- r___ - - - -_ -_ I _! 440--4 #10 11.1004 - A --- --w I 14.1 _" � ON,* ii.f ow - - 0 - .- - oft -M 0 ;_� *t*�-" �4 - - - ­ - maw-NAw - � * *r *--- ~_ - - I � - * --w - -W -I !,�'-""aao, **4 W-W I - - ,p*1#.A -.0o - _� 4, li���� *# tw _ � , wo. ; - *1A, 1- -.- - 4 - � . *,kA 44 *VW A-"—.,*-- NOW -P 1 vok *#" � I , e , s t�._J - sq* - wo- *i 06 -win- a 10� wa* *44 * Wot .,- � 4 fo -4 **Am ow 1 ­- �*430* - *f,�,# _400oft , - tw- . -,J - A-*- wr I : . _%.-w - w Wa%m. IUM - . -0 - - - ..P* *# r, USA* - ( # * ot to 4 4* ! _ - �� -ft awa *4UtA* U, T*#X It to aw "104i -w-w- "I � -1 �4 # -- i 41 - A #tmo. W100- !;OrA - "as- . 1 -hal 1 1404, = W44 IiLm_ ral orffto_#4�24 it: . _1 k4wok *0406 4. W V0 - --- _ I -1 , - , Z 1r"1ArT1UrL* T*% *W0 04" ow �_ ­ --­ - - - � - -Vdsof*� Pgo"Aw *4 &h"0_ft* , 1 � - ha Ad 0 , iffim I 'P#Mh EVAI-Jul" fl , - - _. Usa tue. P#M, I & - ,A _t A �,''i WWh & I ,Nak 9 VWth . M vittlof ADf olak. #,W. mdPl" -*O,. bftu uruea*ithbtA "_y",r* T The people here *jM *a 11AISMIM't "a : gatio and- pelraevOribg as the X-18S."t I can be. Mopleover"s IATV pereen . of -them are Cansitiaus and Bum men, possessed og means aud Ili determinatioul and have had &13 advantageswbich Mr. Orr can 019i, - - d they - have enjOYed in earj "'fe-3 sm breathe &S Pure I &Did invigaratin fttlaofiphere !Lua parts,ke -of as wl . � some ,and besIth-giving f"Od as SLUY� a b0sal of- I reinex t . C,r the world can . I n E Of— r.e&di,3g - an i0te- * , L rview betwe � aster," Wil � Ir" and a "pown E � 64HOOsie . w ; jjot6s, both Were gath I f oncomPRI"Ing I I - - 1 I - It ran ' tbnj3ly: 1! Down 19aster.—Wiell Squire,"whel , � � YOUh.ail front ? i; '. . I I H,00sier.__�.T row M11590"arl I � Down -East6r.—From 14i'960uri, Well, pl,eage lkt me have your OV 11 ietty. fine. count I Of the Couu�ryll P I � 1. Ispose. noosier.—YOU bad better be-118VI: just guess how we make Our ca. � I � . out -there? � . Down Easter.—WO10 Umdertul . ho* aO.you, do it I - . ia - J � ur,t� dip the V14*1 oosi�r.— d ge�:& fifs'-Clam artil muj�db,olei, an - I I the line 4f dipseiveKy time. - : . Down . ell, that'sagm I Pssfer­--i-w � . i and I ,spose there silft many ' I ! where Y Tio canIftl make plenty -0 � , I , : rs say the, � � &is I h heard travelle � I . ! U-vl� ,�i.. together out I I travelle for we � " see their Own IV . I without ver �J,ag w VU *31 . , , i HOOSL r.—Welil, u'D - I , ,ans we have more mu . certain SeLLS � . 1 is desiralole, but'I was taught - I L Choose tbe le"t ; 1 two evil* always - . ; r . ! e claoiel � is bi)tweeo 'OU) i ; seeing tl� the 'ral : i rod yo�T stories E prefor . ; . I I X . � : t,d,,,t a you.bave to BharPol � ut4iLderst i � derst itte E_ sheepa: oses -to! let the on , , � �, i .� -grass . � . i � * W Ill giviug � � Down Eazte'r�—. 'o k . Ojee I prer4 L 0 stunls,00 we a i cl or 1 K, USA k Y&Ut � we what, I 9 8�1 '* ' iI t"be:14011 . . . . . 11 I 116 there,andr. 3 I,f - - 1 4 i 10 mys If as I on I Can ! ju " is d by t e timber it Prod I � I , EL,00si r.—Well. for'& APeCIMA . I; I- I I where I live a . ag man who � � 0 ..... abnpper Went ; j sider�a 1; alk - . " , I � -, I - I �_ i WOM111 and ta�o aa 0 1 - stuck is; ally -at work for 16 dayl � en be thought he `W0111 -1 ; - sidel - round L, e ,what progreja L msde, I on f oinground he A . __�_ L , � . a I been 13usy k I ,�_ fe . w'ka on. . er side and th', . I � ard as 3h otbers aseis y4 - � as to growing v, 2.getable8 nothb4 tion ean tOuch as—our beet& ; yoke, L 'O"UtOPUR -1 take Ive Yoke, � aud right in M y neighborhood fortunate M#ZJ bad his Wife- SA .e 'hildreu fan iqo the hole whe" . . . ,cue -lout, the __ cav M And perished. - , Z11141 if you 0=7 . 'O thoy gro)LW, heara that iU � ho long that : . aut-i-podes I L r . I : � . .