HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-03-16, Page 8A.
!ems .
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. The
Pe SCOpe he Sewing Marih,
There ete few eoneuests left .for the
wIngnareohinti of the Mere to make
in the hue of variety. So various have
been the uses to which our present
znachinea have been seiaipted that little
k left the hand needle to do. There
are machines to sew the heaviest leath-
ert and others to stitch the finest gauze
or laoe. Hubbies make button holes
M4 eyelet holes superior to the best
hand work and at a speed that wOuld
*aphyv*t u ordinaiy seamstress ;
while buttons are sewed on by modern
attachments faster, in both senees,than
eau poseibly be done by the needle with
the "eye in the other end." There are
oversewn machines; their .sew carpets,
others for glove work, and al -railer ones
for fur Sewing, and these leave &poem
that flattens out neatly, and the stitch-
ing is as smooth and regular as oan be,
defend by the moat exacting. Other
machines sew books and pamphlets,
while still others, with wire for thread,
sew brooms and brushes. ' Sewing
machines with the shuttle concealed in
the end of a long and 'deader arm sew
the soles on shoes and boots with a speed
andrapidity that make two pair cost
leas than one pair would otherwise coat,
-while outlasting four pair of the old
old fashioned ready made foot gear.
Dash machines will sew around the
daah of e carriage almost in the twink-
ling of an eye, and such is their capa-
city that tlaey will stitch to the centre
of an eight foot circle. . Braiding and
embroidery of various kinds- may be
done on almost any of eur modern
inaOhines without any attachment, and
some of them will darn and patch in a
manner to delight the tired mother of a
houipefal of romping boys. Two or
more parallel rows of stitching may be ,
done on the twin—there nay be a trip-
let—needle machine, and one of the
latest achievennents of this machine is
to sew the at seam in flour bolt clothe-
s feat until recently considered impos-
sible. Cordage is sewed by machiue,
and so is straw braid for hats and bon-
nets. The 'scope ef.the sewing ma-
chine seematlimited only by the variety
of work the needs of mankind—and wo-
mankied—may demand. The sewing
machine inventor, as a class, may soon
have to sit down, as did Alexaatder, and
cry because there are no more worlds
for him to conquer. He will doubtless
regret that he was not born a little
earlier in the sewing machine age, be-
fore all the great iuventions had been
studied out and perfected. - There is
little left for him to do except in the
direction of perfecting the present ma-
chines and cheapening their production.
But even here he will find ample and
profitable work far his inventive genius
and mechanical skill.—Sewing Machine
Raising Verbenas from the Seed.
Strong healthy plants of the yerberta,
that will bloom abundantly, can be
raised in no way so well as from seed:
Banta from cuttings are never so strong
aa those from seed, and are more liable
to attacks of rust and bleeds, and do
not bloom as well. Seed sown now, or
a little later, aecording to location,
north or south, will be in trine to raise
strong plants for spring setting. Plants
can be raised in thegreen•hoase, hot-
bed, or in the window, if properly cared
for. Take a ilhaliOVF box, two inches or
a little more in depth, and fill nearly
full of seil composed of equal • pains of
leaf mould and turfy loam, mixed well
together, and a littie sand added, and
all sieved so as to take out the coarse
material, sprinkle the soil and let it
stand fur an hour, and then sow the
seed by sprinkling it on the surface in
Weight rows about an inch and a half
apart, and then cover by sprinkling
some sand abut a quarter of an inch
deep over all. Cover the boa with a
pane of glass andE keep it In &moderate-
ly wenn place. Sripply water by.
sprinkline in the gentleat manner w -hen
needed. 'In two or tltree weeks the
little plants will show themselves, and
then they must be given light and air,
and carefully tended until large enough
to transplant into another box or pot,
where they will stand an inch or two
apart. Grown in this way for a month
they may then be _ again transplanted
about three inches apart, to stand until
removed to the open ground. Before
planting out, it is well to haeclen them
off by giving air freely. Although it is
best -to keep clear of late frost"; it is
well to get the plants out into -their beds
early, watching the weather and giving
protection in times of danger.—Vick's
Tarnished Silverware. •
Solid silverware, as well as plated
goods, grows dark and tarnished in a
very short time when exposed to the
air, and even when put away in a dark
place, This is especially the case
where hard coal is used in the house or
neighborhood, as the sulphur in the
coal, libereted by heat, is'sure to stain
all the silverware within its reach. This
annoying tarnishing can be entirely pre-
vented'by painting the silverware with
a soft bnieh dipped into alcohol in
which some colodion has been dis-
soWed. The liquid dribs iramediately
eana forms a thin, transparent and abso-
lutely invisible coating upon the silver,
which completely protects from all
effect e Of the atmosphere. It can be
femoved at any time by dipping the
article in hot water. This recipe has
been in Use for some time in the large
establishments at London, where most
of the goods in the show -cases are pro-
tected in thie manner.— Mechanical
A Dog Hospital.
A rich native of Switzerland. has iiiat
died, leaving 100,000 francs for the
establishmeut of an hospital for dogs—
not for all dogs in general, but for smug-
glers' dogs`only. No daubt the author
of thia bequest was himself a smuggler
in his youth. It may not be generally
known that smuggling upoia the Italian -
Swiss frontier is largely carried On by
dogs specially trained for the purpose.
When Hurls a dog has been tv-elI trained,
a little paok is tied upon his back or
attached to him in some other nay. It
usually contains ten or fifteen pounds
weight of smuggled goods. Then the
dog starts for the frontier, and as he is
always selected with a view to speed
and endurance he is sure to make good
time. Nevertheless, the custom -house
officers are always on the watch, and'
. the dog is often wounded or killed.
Wheu he is wounded he makes for
hones, and is at once taken to the hospi-
tal and carefully nursed. While train-
ing the dogs, a man dressed as a cus-
tom-teinese offlier beats end abussefthern
nail the sight of a uniform fills them
with unspeakable terrOrti
—The Princelildward's bland dePu-
tation who have been at Ottawa
urging the claims of their Provieoe
Upon the Dominion Government have
left for home. They demend a re-
fund of the amouut expehded for
wharvedseto. since Confederetion, and
the 60DM:tittle of the Peivy Council, to
whom the queetion was referred, has
reported in favor of granting the • claim,
amounthig to $140,000. The allowance
of this claim, is an admission of the lia-
bility of the Dominion Governnsent to
maintain looalewharves, eto., whioh en-
tails a yearly expenditure of about
$10,000. A "better terms" delegation
from Qttebeci is also 'expected to errive
at the Capital shortly. I
—Thera died reoently at Newcastle,
county of Durham, one of the oldest
residents of that place, Tbonsas Barrie,
aged 83, He came to Canada half a
century ago, and hewed out f9r himself
a home in the woods. For many years
he has owned, the farm onthe heights
east of Port Newcastle. Ne man has
borne a better character, everybody had
a good word to say of him, His death
was sudden, thougle'he had been ailing
for some weeks. The Messenger came
softly for him and whispered with bated
breath. "The Master calleth thee,"
and he left without a pang or a struggle
—his was a translation.- Happy Chris-
tian who falls asleep in Jesus, Mr.
Barrie leaves a widow, with whoiri he
has lived 56 years, and sons -and datigh •
ters all Married and :in comfortable
homes of their own.
$5,000 Reward
For any testiznonials recommending
McGregor's .Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Costiveness, Headache,etc.,
that are not genuine; none of whiola
are from persons in the States lor thous
ands of miles away, but from persons ha
am! around " Hamilton, Ontario. We
give trial bottles Nee of cost, ' so that
you caunot be deceived by purchasing a
worthless article, but keow its value
before buying. Trial bottles and testi-
monials given free at Lumsden &
Wilson's,Drug Store, Seaforth.-795-52.
Calvert's Carbolic Cerate.
The finest healing compound under
the sun. There is no sore but will sue-
curub to it's wonderful healing ' proper-
ties. It is an invaluable dressing for
cuts, burn's, bruises, pimples, scalds,
boils, festerings, etc. Price 25Pents, at
Lumsden & Wilson's drug stoee. 795.52
The Quickest Thing on Record
Is Kra.m's Fluid Lightning or Neu-
ralgia, Headache, Tootache, • etc. It
does not blister or discolor the shin;
requires but one iapplioation tp banish
all pain magioally without titling any
greasy liniment or carrying your head
in a poultice for weeks. fry si twenty-
five cent bottle from Lumsden; & Wil-
son, druggists. 795.52
Wien from Loss
Of nerve power, or misusing the stom-
ach, the digestive apparatus faits to cou-_
vert enough food itito blood to maintain
the daily balance of supply and waste.
It is more physiological to furnish these
elements in our food that contain the
potential energy of the nervous system,
and material for repair, as in Wheeler's
Phosphates and Calisaya, 1han to
seoure more work by over -driving the
organic functions with stimulants and
excitants, like whisky and strtchnine.
796.26 t
Thousands Say Soi.
Mr. T. W. Atkies, Girard, Kansas,
writes: "I never hesitate to recpmmend
your Electric Bitters to my customers,
they give entire satisfaction, and are
rapid sellers." Electric Bitter e are the
purest and best medicine known, and
will positively cure kidney and Liver •
complaints. Purify the blood and
regulate the bowels. No family can af-
ford to be without them. They will
save hundreds of dollars in ,Doctor's
bills every year. Sold -at 50 cteits a
bottle by E. Hickson & Co. 783.52
If You Find
Yon are unable to sleep nights, and,
though physically tired, are wakeful
and your business is uppermost in your
mind, and you cannot for a- while rid
yourself of its cares and perplexities,
takePhosphatine along with your meals
three times a day, and it will produce
such a change in your system that you
will enjoy refreshing sleep every night.
For sade by all druggists ; price, $1.
The Sicklys Young G-irl
And the delicate young woman need
Dr. Austin's Phosplatitine. When the
countenance is pale, the blood .courses
sluggishly, erittptions on the face' ap-
pear, together with all the -other signs
of either temporary or cenatitutional
debility. No remedy will so- quickly
restore color to the cheeks, strength to
the muscles, energy to the limbo, bring
back the appetite and make a healthy
woman, as Phosphatine, which is not a
medicine, but a food. For sale by all
druggists. 788,52 _
EmER80N, Man., Jan, 17, 1882.
About a year ago I was taken with a
severe cold which settled on my chest
and brought on bleeding of the lungs.
I bled very freelytand was very low. I
feared. it would ultimately tturn into
coneumption. Consulted a number of
physicians, and used a number of so-
called cough remedies and 'lung pads,
but all to no avail until I saw a• notice
of Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherey
Balsam in a paper. Although a forlorn
hope I purchased a bottle, and to my
surprise found it doing me good. I per-
severed in its use and am now com-
pletely cured. Please publish this that
others may be saved.
Yours truly,
793.52. J. E. NEWCOME.
The Elements of Bone, Brain
and. Muscle, .
Are derived from the blood, whioh is
the grand natural source of vital energy
and the motor of the bodily organs.
When the circulation beesomes iropover-
rished in consequence of weak digestion
and imperfect assimulation of the food,
which should enrich it, every' bodily
function flags, and the systetn growe
feeble and disordered. When the blood
becomes impure, either from the de-
velopment of inherited seeds .of disease,
its contamination by bile or other
cause, serious maladies surely follow.
A. higislye aocredited. remedy for these
evils is Northrop & Liman's Vegetable
DisoOVery and Dyspepti ' cure,vihidh
eradieetes ihspaitietof t . blood and
fertilizes it by prorifoting kligestion and
assimilation, Mort/over, t is fine alter-
- and stomachic 'exerts a specific
action upon the liver,healthitilly °Wen-
latang that organ to a performance of its
secretive duty when inactirse,and expel-
ling bile froin the Mood.' It likewise
possesses diuretic and dephrent proper-
ties of a high order, rendering the kid -
nays active and healthy, and expelling
from the system the aerid elements
whioh produce eheurnatio {pain. • Price
111, Sample bottle, ten t ents. Ask for
Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Dis-
covery and -Dyspeptic Curer' The wrap-
per bears a faceihnilie of theft signature.
Sold by all medicine --dealers. 750-52 • b
A Common,
and often fatal, disease is jaundice.
Regulate the action of thethever, and
cleanse the blood with Burdock Blood
Bitters, and the worst case may be
speedily cured. 874.65.2w
Scrofula, salt rheum, eruptions, and all
diseases of the skin aaid iblood are
promptly cured by Burdock 41lood Bit-
ters. It purges all foul humeri' from -the
system, imparting strength add vigor at
the same time. 774.05.2w.
• , •
• Well as Ever.
Lottie Howard writes from Buffalo,
New York: "My system beeame greatly
debilitated through arduous professional
duties; suffered from nausea, sick head-
ache and biliousness. Tried Burdock
Blood Bitters with the most beneficial
effect. Ana well as ever. 774.65.2w.
A Rope About Our Necks.
A weak stomach or ertfeebled cir-
culation is like a rope abont Our necks.
We are strung up and uestrung alter-
nately till existence becoenes; u nbearable.
Bardook Blood Bitters will arrest all
this misery. Burdock Blood Bitters is
a boon to the sick. bet ' us'- remember
this fact, 77465.2w.
Would You Avoid
the Biliary complaiuts iecidental to
spring and summer? Clearise the tiys
tym .with Burdock Blood Bitters. '11
regulates the liver, bowels, kidreys
and bleod, and is the purest tonip in
the world. Trial bottles 10 cents. 774.
Davy & Clark',
Druggists, Renfrew, date cif June 3rd,
write : "Burdock Blood Bitters, though
comparatively.a new prepdration, has
taken the lead in this locality as a
blood purifier, our sales' of it being
equal to that of all other medicines
used. for the purpose. during the last
year. 774 65.2w.
Blood will Tell.
A face adorned with pimples, boils,
blotches, &c., is not a particularly
pleasant sight, and invariably betokens
an impure state of the blood. D'r.
Carson's Stomach Bitters free the sys-
tem from all gross humors, renders the
blood pule) and cool, aids digestion and
gives a healthy appetite. For sale by
all druggists in large bottles at 50 cents.
. Mrs. Bodman,
of Bothwell, says my daughter was very
ill with bilious fever, used Dr. Carson's
Stomach and Constipation Bitters with
wonderful results, one -bottle entirely
subdued the fever and thoroughly restor-
ed her to health and. vigor.
Biliousneest dyspepsia and constipation
promptly relieved and cured by the use
of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipa-
tion Bitters. As a family medicine
they are far. superior to pills a In large
bottles 50 cents.
-es •
Answer this Question P
Why do so many people we eee around
ns seem tp prefer to sufferled be made
miserable by indigestion, constipation,
dizziness, hiss otappetite, coming up of
the food, yellow skin, when for 75 cts.
we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer,
guaranteed to cure them. Sold by Lams -
den & Wilson. 780-26.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
A marvellous cure for catarrh, diph-
theria, canker month and headache.
With eaeh bottle there is an ingenious
nasal injectpr for the more successful
tteatmeut tof these complaints -without
extra charge. Price 50 cents. Sold by
Lurasdert & Wilson. 780-26,ir
. • se • 1
Shiloh's Consum.ption be 0.
This is beyond question the rao rc-
cessful Cough Medicine we have ir
sold, a few doses invariably cure ilia
worst cases of Cough, Croup, and Bron-
chitis, while its wonderful success in
the cure of Consumption is without a
parallel in the history of medicine.
Since its first discovery it has been sold
on a guarantee, a test which no other
medicine can stand. If you have a
Cough we earnestly ask you to try it.
Price -10 ts.; 50 cts. and n1.00. If your
Lungs are Sere, Chest, or Back lame,
use Shileh's 'Porous Plaster. Sold by
Lumsden & Wilson. 780 26.
]:). George Seymour,
Of Utica, New York, says have
used Dr. Wheeler's Elixir ofPhosplaates
and. Calistlya quite extensively in my
practice Oa a large number of eases for
which it s recommended, and I am
happy to state that I find it a remedy
of great value and effioiency as a tonic
in' the treatment 'of chronic diseases. -
796 26.
Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla
In the spring of the year to purify the
blood, invigorate the system, excite the
liver to aptiorn-and restore the healthy
tone and Twig& of the whole physical
mechanism. -793-52.
The Extraordinary,
Popularity of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is
the. natural result of its use by intelli-
gent people for over forty years, It has
indisputably proven itself the very best
known specific for all colds, eoughs, and
pulmon-ary compl ain ts. —795152.
Ever/ eart Knoweth, its Own
- , Sorrow.
This statement appears to contain
much truth. In some came, however,
it is the h'eart of a nasty little corn,
whitih;though einall)-ienatiable of much
-feeling. Alia forin of he/Wily:ohs is 'very
otnnuion, and ,qatt be 'remedied.. - Pu.
man's Painless Corn Extractor 'Alves
peace to- the throbbing °Oen, 'Don't
forget that. ' Soldloy - drnggiste - every-
where:. N. O. Polson ' (Fs 0o,, proprie-
tors, Kingston. 702.52.1 . .
, •. ol.
McArthur. '
. Of Hopeville, says regarding Hag -
yard's Pectoral Baleans, that. she
would not keep: house without it. She
cannot speak too highly of is merits as
.ft reroedy for colds, coughs; bronchitis,
aethinee week lungs and all pulmonary
troubles. A 'cold may be cared by it
one day. 794.65.2w
She knOwsher man, and whep. you
, rant and swear,
Can draw you to her with a single
But it must be beautiful hair to have
such power; and beautiful hair can be
ensured, by the use of the Cingalese
Hair Renewer. Sold at 50c by J. S.
•Roberts. 776.52.789
"Whl should a titan whose blood is
Warm Within i
Sit -like -his grandsire cat in alabaster ?"
Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and
' thin, 4
When Cingalese Renewer will make it
grow faster.
For sale by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth.
770.52.789. ,
Ca,n supply the place of a beautiful silky
head of naturahhair. It is infinitely
more comfortable than switches, and
other preparations for the hair by un-
known foreigners. Hair may be re-
tained, beautified and actually restored,
by the use of the Cingalese Hair Ren-
ewer. j Sbld at fifty cents per bottle by
all druggiets. 770.62.786.
In the History of Medicine
No preparation has received such uni-
versal commendation for the alleviation
it affords, and the permanent "pre , it
affects in kidney dieleases, as Dr. Van
Buren's Kidney Cure. Its action in
these distressing complaints is sirnply
wonderful. For Sale by 3. S. Roberts.
-411 ea,
179r. Min,gay,
Parkdale, Toronto, rites : "My wife
had several very severe attacks of
cramps in the sto aah. Hearing of
Dr. Austin's Ph sphatine and its
pleasantness t� tak , I gave her two
bottles, and she has not had an attack
since, and her health is much improved.
For sale by all 'druggists. 770.52.789
J. Wetherell,
Writing from ti innieg, says: "I can
say more about Phosphatine now than
when I saw you last in Toronto. My
health is much improved, and f am
free from headaches or any other aches,
having use only two and a half bottles
of your Phosphatine. For sale by all
druggists. 770.52.789. •
Great German 'Worm Remedy is na-
ture's great system renovator and
cleanser; and its effects are as certain
as they are salutary, searching out and
removing all impurities; and, not
only acting as a prime curative, but as
a thorongh preventive. 754.62
From Hamilton.
A gentleman writes, "I have suffer-
ed- for over four years with night losses
and general weakness, caused by abuse.
I had tried all the advertised medi-
cines, and a number of eminent doctors
and found no relief or benefit. I have
used twelve boxes of Mack's Magnetic
Medicine, and am entirely restored."
See advertisement in another column.
Mr. N. G. Dean,
Of Carleton, Ont., caught a severe cold.
In a few days the symptoms became so
like those of consumption that he and
his friends., became alarmed of the
ultimate result. His physician, who
thought more of his patient's .welfare
than of the "etiquette 'of the profes-
sion," recommended Dr. Wilson's Pul-
monary Cherry Balsam, is the very
best remedy known to human skill, and
Mr. Dean on taking it was in a very
short time restored to health. It is a
genuine pleasure to refer to such won-
derful cures as this in these days of
qttackery and .of "professional eti-
sa ems -
Is Youe Hair
Turning gray and gradually falling out?
Hall's Hair Renewer will restore itto
its original color, and stimulate the
follicles to produce a new and luxuriant
growth. It also cleanses the scalp,
eradicates dandruff, and is a most
agreeable and harmlees dressing. 793.
`4111.41 -4111•. ----
That there is a reliable remedy for kid-
ney trouble, half the terrors attached
to these complaints have been removed,
For this let all be thankful, and to Dr.
Van Buren's Kidney. Cure award
all praise for having thus re-
moved a hitherto fatal disease from
our path. It was never known to
fail. Sold. by 3. 8 Roberts. 770,52.789
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of the
world. Warranted to speedily cure,
burns, bruises, cuts, ulcers, salt rheum,
fever sores, cancers, piles, chilblains,
corns, tetter, chapped hands and all
skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in
every instance or money refunded; 26
cents per box. For sale by E. Hickson
it Co. 783.52.
Farmers before buying your reaper
aed mower oil ask for and procure a
sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is
warranted not to gum, and is -guaran-
teed to give good satisfaction. 753-52
Now that the reaping and mowing
season is coming on, farmers should
remember that that "Kaiser" Machine
Oil is the best reaper and. mower oil
in the .market. For sale by all dealers.
753-52 •
IIINIEMMIMMIMMINM•••• "Mil•Maisammmilm
R. N RE T grg
Wholesale and BetailDealer in Ii.EATHER
SHOE FINDINGS of Every Desoription.
None but the Very Best Stook kept. Terra
moderate. A Trial Solioited. Al) orders by mal
or otherwiee promptlatilled.
tee R , N. BRETT
fragrant'breath and" Ise merry,
Fear no dental display as you rxu1e,
F r:the virtues .Of fatuous "Teaberr
Are for „ the breath end `the 'teeth
vonpareil. -
Prepare for Spring.
her along and severe winter the
eye em needs cleansing of impurities.
Na ure must be assisted to recuperate,
th liver must be matle to act, all sur -
phis bile and impurities carried off.
Zo esa acts as a gentle purgative. The
res It of a few.doses is most surprising.
As your druggist for a ten coat sam-
ple l and try Zopesa, the most powerful
remedy for dyspepsia, indigestion, con-
stipation and biliousness ever intro-
ducled in this country. •
air Vigor
restres, with the - gloss and freshness of
you la faded or gray hair to a natural, rich
bro el color, or deep black, as maybe desired.
-By ijLs use light or, red hair maybe darkened,
thin el not always, cured. hair thickened, and baldness often,
' Ittcheck's falling of the hair, and stimu-
latei a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It
preVients and cures scurf and dandruff, and
healli nearly every disease peculiar to the
seal. As a Ladies' Hair Dressing, the
ViO in is unequalled; it contains neither oil
nor ldyc, renders the hair soft, glossy, and .
silk n in appearance, and Imparts a delicate,
agrebable, and lasting perfume. '
Mit. C. P. 13itieelEa, writes from Kirby, 0.,
July 3, 1882: "'Last fall my hair commenced
falli ig out, and in a short time 1 became
near1y bald. 1 used pa.rt of a bottle of
A vle 's limn VIGOR, which stopped the fall-
ing f the hair, and started a new growth. 1
liave now a full head of hair growing vigor-
ous].. , and am. convinced: that but for the
use et your preparation I should have been
'elan981y bald." .
.T. W. Roamer, proprietor of the SteArthur
(QhlO) Enquirer, says : "AYER'S HettRVIGOR
is a nost excellent preparation for the hair.
-I speak of it from my own experience. . Its
use rornotes the growth of new hair, and
mak s it glossy and soft, The VIGOR is also
a sue cure for- dandruff. Not within my
kilo% ledge has the preparation ever failed
to gi e entire satisfaction."
. Mr. ANGUS FAIRTIAIRN, leader of . the
celebrated "Fairbairn Family" of Scottish
Vocalists, writes from Boston, Mass., Feb. 6,
1 sal "Ever since my hair began to give sil-
very evidence of the change which fleeting
time procureth, 1 have used AYER'S HAIR
"VIGOR, and so b.ave been able to maintain
an a earance of youthfulness—a matter of
cons' erable consequence to ministers, ora-
tors, actors, and in fact every one who lives
in th eyes of the public."
s. 0. A. PRESCOTT, writing from 18 Elm
St., Charlestown, Mass., April 14,1882, says
" Tw years ago about two-thirds of my hair
cam off. It thinned very rapidix, and I was
fast rowing bald. On using AYER'S HAIR
VIG R the falling stopped and a new growth
com ienced, and in about a month my heat
was ompletely covered with short hair. It
has c ntinued to grow, and is now as good as
before it fell. I regularly used but one bottle
of the VIGOR, but WAY use it occasionally as
a dressing."
W have hundreds of similar testimonials
-tieto efficacy of AYER'S HAIR TIGOR. It
»eed4 but a trial • convince the most skepti-
cal o its value.
C.Ayti &CO.,Lowt11, Mass.
Sold y all Druggists. .
tril PEOPLE'
m ate that he
kota, iind is convi
like h me," aed b
and wtifl hencefort
tent! n to his bust
good oik are une
s atisf ction. Co
• your rele.tions a
shadofw ere the su
moth4e you all, a
rejoic ng. Jnst tr
mode ate. Rome
Main tract, Seafor
las returned home from Da -
e4 that "There's no place
intends to remain at home,
give his entire penenaal at -
este His facilities for doing
celled, and he can guarantee
e one, come all, and bring
d friends, and ecure the
staece fades. I eau mem
d °en Send you on your way
me and prove tee. Chargei
bur the place—Seott's Black,
&Ward Braut
of Crown & Ancheir
More Durable a
Cli ate than
online wit
in stock by
and Dealers
out the above Trade Mark.
better suited to thin
any imported goods.
all first-class Hardwaremea
in Carriage Supplies.
rrpPl_A_ 1.J •
THE uhscriberbus leave to thank hienumerou
omers forlhe liberal patrons& ext,ended to
blind oe commencing business in Seaforth,and
trusts &t he may be favored with a -oontinniinst
et easineiending
to build Sil'onl ti do well to 004
him a all,as he will continuo to 'keep on hanks
large took of alikinds of _
Dry', Pine Lumber, 'Sashes, Doors,
B inds and Mouldings, Shingles,
th, &e.
Hef else onAdeu t of gesingsathdactiontethoss
who m yfavour him with theirpatronage,se nous
but fir teolaefiworkmen s re employed.
Par imam attentioe veld to Custom Planing
We -Willi*, the above reward for say Mee o
Liver,Vqmplaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headaehe. In.
digeation, Conatipation or Oostivenees we imnnot
ours with West's Vegetable Liver Fills, when the
direetione are stri ny coiirplied with. They are
purely Vegetehle, d never fail to give satisfac-
tion. Sugar Coe . Large teaes, coutsiniog 80
-Fills,25 septa. Fori Rale by all Druggists. Beware
..,a ...........rova......... ..........-
manufactured onl
"Tii.e Fiil Makers,"
to, Ont. Free tr,e,
paid on reeeipt of a
Robert? Drug store
PA SAP liPb PASPAP.4. . . I - . 141
by PHIN 0. WEST & Co
.1 et 88 Ifing.St. East, Toron.
package sent by mall pre
3 cceut stamp. For sale al
79$ 52
8106 4
Raving the ntmo
over all others, and
moat pomplichted
find, we feel just
Thousand Dollars
sore throat, infine
consumption in its
and all diseases of
Asthma, for whiele
can't cure with We
acetyrding to direct
ftOcents; large bottles
pre -only in bine
t36 King St. East, Tenonto,
S. Roberts Drug store.
t Cionfideues in its superiority
liar thousands of tests of the
nd severest cases we einild
=A in .offering to forfeit One
or arar ease of coughs, co/ds,
. as hoarseness, bronchitis,
. arfy st ages, whooping congh,
he throat and lungs except
we only claim reign:that we
Vs Cough Syrup, when taken
ens. Sample bottles 25 and
one dollar' Gent:tine wrap -
*RN 0. WEST & CO., 81 &
One. For sale at J.
II II 1111 ..
's '
,) A , -tat
, 13 rtALla
. .
vt., 4114 ,411Ia
..'s.):11""i"r--leR1-1-:--: E: A-- TMENT.'\. 1 i=-.7411":,..:
Dr.E. V• West'e
guaranteed specific f.r
vulsione, Fite, N:
Nervous Prostration
or tobacco, Wake
Softening of the B •
leading to misery,
Old age, Barrenness
Involuntary Losses
hy over-exertion of
indtdgenc3. One b
Each Irox contains o.
dollar a box, or six b
mail prepaid on recept
six boxes to cure an
ceived by tis for six ..xes,
dellare, we wi 1 sen .
guarcntee to refund
does not eff-ct a 0.
by J. S. Roberts sole
forth Ontario. Soh .
tors Toronto.
erre and Bradn Treatment, - a
Bye:elle, Dizzinese, Con-
•ons Neuralgia, Headache,
caused by the tise of alcohol
ilnese, Mental 15epressios,
hi, resulting in Insanity and
cozy and death, Premature
Loss of Power hi either sex,
and spermetonlies, caused
he brain, self -abase or over
I x will euro remit oases.
e rataith's treatment. One
rem for five dollars; sent by
of price.' We guarantee
case. -With each -order re-
accompanied with five
the .parchaser our written
he money if the treatment
e. Guarantees issued only
authorized agent for Sea -
0. West & Co., Sole propele-
A Guaranteed C.
Safe, pleasant and
ts use. Doee not i.
PrinA R2 ter box. or
e for Gonorebtea and Gleet.
enable. No bad efleets from
terfere with business or diet.
lima boxeR for are Writtan
guarantees Wined bel every, dnly autheuz. d agent
to refund the money if Mit ee boxes fall to cure.
Sent postage propel
J. S. Roberts autborE
Felix Le Brun & Co.,
onto, Sole Propritto
on receipt of price address
zed agent for Seaforth. Dr.
81 & 83 King lat. East, Tor-
s, 793-52
\um ;
I 4 ,
01 .11391.
-ifibe razz to app cants and to cus-
tomers of last y'esr witliPtit ordering it' it contains
about. 115 pages, 600 1 nstrations„prices, accurate
descriptions and vol • ble directone for planting
MG varieties of ;table and Flower Seeds,
Plants, Fruit Trees, . Invaluable to all, °epee -
tally to Market Gard nem. Send for It!
Mack's Marnetic Medicine
A CureGuAranteed.
18 a sure a prompt a d effectual remedy for Ner-
vousness in all its at:
Brain Power, Sexual
Barrenness, and Gen
pairs nervous waste
tellect, etrengthens
stores surprising toli
ed generative orgar
each order for SwE
with $5, we will sen
refund the money
effect a cure. It is to'
eine in the markt
pamphlet, which we
address. Mack's M
by Druggists at 50
$5 or will be mailed
es, Weak Memory, Loss of
Prostration, Night Sweetie
nal Weakness,Leueorrhaea ,
ral Loss of Power. It re-
rejuvenerates the Jaded in -
he enfeebled brain, and re -
e and Vigor to the exhaust-
s in either sex. far With
vs packages, accompanied
our writttn guarantee 'to
if the treatment does not
re cheapest and hest meal-
. Full partkulars in our
desire to mail free to any
agnetie Medicine is sold
nts per box, or 12 boxes for
ree of postage on reoeipt of
dsor, Ont. Sol1 by all Drug-
ued by J. S. RotteaTs, Sen -
781 -52
money by address'
gists. 'Guarantees is
Composed large Of powdered Mica or Isin-1
lass, isthe B Es T dCHEA-PESTlabrica-/
'tor, in the world--' e BEST because it doege,
not gum, but fo a highly polished sur-
face over the ax', reducing friction and
lightening the dr ft; the CHEAPEST be-
cause it costs NQ MORE than Inferior
brands, and one ox wHi do the work of
two of any other ake. Answers as well
or liarversters, 3!14 Gearing, Thre,shing 31a-
hines, cons-Pnui rs, Carriages, Bugg,les,
etc., as for Wagoiis CUARANTEED to
'contain MO Petro eum. Soldby alldealers.
Our Pocket C,y lopedia Things Worth
Knowing maned tree.
229 Hudsoh St., New York.
Cleveland, O. and Chicago,
SAMUEL. ROCERS & CO. Torontd,Ont.
sor Agents for the Dominion.
pru-p, rrt.713,s
1. am determined to .Clear Out my
Entire Stook of Furniture regard-
less of Cost.
rplIOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to lacer,
tain prices before purchasing elsewhere. I
give it large discount to those paying dash, es-
peciallyto newly merrled eouples.
I am still selling eix highly finished chairs for
82.50. I also keep Knowiton's Spring Bed, the
hest and elieapeet in .the market ; warranted
perfeetly noiseleve.
Wareroonas dii potly oppoolte M. R. Counter's
Memmoth de welry Store, Main Street, Seaforth
East Side. •
Cash for hides, skim, fare and tallow., No
truck o trade. Cash for everything.
-L. R. 0. F., L. It, C. S • E., Leeturer en the Eye
Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College), Tema'
to, and Sergeon to the Mercer Eye alai Ear In.
gneary, Cousulting Oeuliet and Aurist to the
Institutions for the Blind Brantfatd, and fore
the Deaf and Damb Dont ville, Ont. Late
cal Assistant Royal Loudon Ophthaltnie Hotel-
tal, Moorfields, and Central Thriast and Ere
May be consulted at. the
On the Least SA TURD.% Y its MACS!
BIONT11. 708
Rev. Father. Wilds
The Rev. Z.1'. Wilds, well-known city
missionary In New York, and brother
of the late eminent Judge Wilds-, of the
Massachusetts Supreme Court, writes
as follows:
"78 E. ma St., Kens York, May 16, 1882.
Messes. T. C. AYER & Co., Gentlemen :
Last winter I was troubled with a moat
unoomfortable itching humor affecting
More especially my limbs, which 'itched se
intolerably at night, and burned so intense-
ly, that I could scarcely bear any clothint,
over them. I was also a sufferer from a
severe eatarrh and eataxIhal cough; my
appetite was poor, and my system a good
deal run down. Knowing the value of
AvEnis S.X.PAnir,riA., by observation at
many othereases, and. from personal use
in former years, I began taking it for the
above-named disorders. My appetite int -
proved almoSt from the first dose. After
a short time the fever and itching were
allayed, and all signs of irritation of the
skin disappeared. My catarrh and cough
were also cured by the same means, ant
my. general health greatly improved, until.
it is now excellent. I feel a hundred per
cent stronger, and I attribute these results
to the use of the SARSAPARILLA, which
I reconunend with all confidence es the
best blood medicine ever devised. I took
It in small doses three times a day, and
used, in all, less than two bottles. I plaoe
these facts at your- service, hoping their
publication may do good.
Yours respectfully, Z. P. Wilms."
The above instance Is but one -of the'inany
constantly coming to our notice, which prove
the perfect adaptability of AYER'S SARSA-
PARILLA to the cure of a.1.1„ diseases arising
from impure or impoverished blood, and a
weakened vitality.
cleanses, enrieb.es, and strengthens the blood,
stimulates the action of the stom.aeh anS
bowels, and thereby enables the system to
resist and overcome the attacks of all Serofn-
Ions Diseases, Eruptions of the Skin, Rhea.
matism, Catarrh, General Debility, and all
disorders resulting from poor or corrupted.
blood and a low state of the systeM.- .
Dr.J.C. Ayer & Co.,towel I, Mass.
Sold by all. Druggists.; price $1, six bottles
for $6.
Best Purgative Medicine
sire ConstilliadMITatadalle,
) Bold everywheret Always reliable.
Paid up Capital., 156,000,604.
Presid-ent, Hon. Win. Jiollaster.
The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to
receive deposits on. which interest s snowed -on
the most favorable terms.
Drafts on all the principal towns and eities tea
Canada, on Great Britain, and on tne United
States, beaght and sold.
Office—First door South of the Comraercial
Efotel. -
689 A. B. IRELAND, Yenager.
F. HOLTIIESTED, fiqicitor.
Tan Snirete ibers have bringht the Tools and
Boiler Business lately carried on by the God -
&loll Foundry and Mannfecturieg Company, and
bavieg had an experience of over eight years in
that shop, are now prepared to Garry on tbo trade
ID all its branches.
Any work entristed to us will Tee,eive prompt
attention. Firet-class work guaranteed.
Ail kiwis of Boilers mule and 'repaired, ale*
Sraoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, &c., atter.-
aionahle rates.
New Salt Pans made Imd eld ones repaired os
the shortest notice, and at prices that defy com-
CHRYSTeteiZat Bre Lox,
783 Box 103, Cloderic.
:ontaining description and prices of thechQiCe8tknd
Field, Garen, and Plower
malted freeto allIntenttingpnramers upon/410x
Ris thetandsoniestCatalogue published Maenads,
b levet:able-to all -who wish to bpi Puss Fazag
!h -win' attention even to -preparing Mxign GRAMM
erase red ftal eartictaers will be found in Catalows
p ELIEVES AND CURES Spinal Complaintta
General a.nd Nervous Debility,Rhoimiatism,
Gout, Nervensness, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat, .
and Chest ComVaints, Neuralgia. Bronchi*,
incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Spraime
Coneumption, Sleeplesseess, Colds, Indigeetio' tt,
Ask for Norman's Eleztrie Belts, and you win bo
safe against impoEition, for they will do then
work. well and are cheap at ani. price.
A. NORMAN, 4 Queen Si East, TO/OlItt.
E. HICKSON & Co , Agents, Seeforih. 758,53