HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-03-16, Page 5L 7-- . . . . . .
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L I I * - . I . 14. by -the time hearrives On the-'soeno itio
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1. .
� - -� I- NIMW. ADVIERTISEMENTS would like -,to,. believe. It. is,not very ,-L. Ls Dal of;Oktswa, Ought to b's 00 1- .. I -
.: - I -- * teathat the pieliminavi survey Of
I I � suoonneig to those who hoixi- f6t ored a pubita boudiotor. The Proyin. 01pec.
, � '
I * ! . tkaw - k I � cial elections had no sooner begu oanal, for -which ho;'has
I � lArThe, figure, betv"Ix the paren . . . to the line of the .
� after
� & Una, datiotes the page of the -parer on whiah electoral parity and good --government eary funds,
� i " . I . � love froohn,ess as a topic of oonverealion advanced *the U6088 J1?1jiU be
� I . ShOr admUnnie4t will be found. I
i � . � that such should be the' ciasew but we than Anne successor appe4red oomnietede The latest project a I tap I
T� - , - L � I . .. I . � an oppo � L
; Xev%a"dw- -craul. (4), � Imm
� I . f.. X - g We ft4- in the shape of 61 Wiggins a t)qid 01 thWAUditerroassu 14 the i late I
- _ -- suppose we raust take things a I , . /
)) � :
.-.. I I E48pinding Arrivids- I . Kidd. (r . ; ,. . . -
I I 11 'which wa' -th -of Tosent, in - Tanio close. to
- I- -.: Barb Wlre�-4ohuaon Bros. (5) them. � . , I . - . a to be a real curiosity In'! a vicinity i fro � ritior. if aft;r, the sur-
- I - : way of storme,inastnuoh an it - wol, to the'Tripol
. . z � ; � . L _ .
. 'L I " Watahea-M X.Abounter. (5) � - , I I - 1. 1pleted, DeLgeseps still con-
, I I blow, at the rate of x6methii like 2;000 0 16000 , -
I . . * ' v T --
. I -mile I '1' ' , death si ore the onto]
L I .-- Oak itall-3unazo & Duncan. (5) The Fast Huron Re.Couut. '' . rpriqo feasible, he i -will
. a an hour, and was t� d al
. Coughs-rLuinsden, &Wilson. (5) I it w
. 12 8125,4esituction on every , as ask for'sgrsut .
Seeds -K. - , " the unsuccessful ciand - � , 1, si of .tbb proposed and'
I : . i Morrison. (5) Mr."IR&Y-21 Ids - . of now desert lay -ids in the
I I - -in T routo I -- .
I - : due to arrive � 0 b6tween I 11 vicinity' , am,
- --
I " I Concert and �Aecture-(5) sh the'recent election in East Rurop and 12 .�Wolook Sunday forenoon fast, Organize &'company .to carry on the
I -
- OLUM AOZICS-�-Z. roll&ra. (D) applied to the County Judge for a ro-. � .1 work. Theses isto be fourteen times-
- I Lot for Sale I XPONTOn Office. (5) � - I but owing d9obbless to the . contractor .
- . 17P (6) co, unt, of the banots. � Th'e I ad � nt?, . for' the suopiy, of wind having . do, the size of the L ' ske of ,Geneva, and it is
i T hresher for Sale L -Irymple. " ge gra ,
L ,-Wm. Da --' hoped. that its influence will so modify
Mortgage 884-9. G. McCaughey.- (5) ed the &�ppliostion, issued his order to faulted, or to some t ther equsJl,y good .
I . P ,
cause, A - has not yet made its �Isp- the climate as to render'the surround -
Executors! 2S otice--P. S. Carrolf. (5) the Returning Officer and fixed Tuesday pearance. Canada has been pretty ing country fertile, and So secure a laroe
' I
I Notiee to: Go atractors-H. Love. (5) last as1tho. day upon which he would Trolifto of weather L cranks ,during the . income to Lthe shareholders. .
Now Store— f. L.. Smith. (8)� 11 I
New Goods , R. Jamieson. (8) 1 count the ballots- at Goderfoll. All last tvio or -three years, but ProNssor DESTRUCTION JiND RUIN. Only a few
11 .
. I . Wiggins, L. L. D., seems to be entitled Spots .0f ground are vi-sible- between
1 The Right Plaoe-Campbell & Co, (8) .-parties interested were in attendiuce, . -
i . -gas the champion a
I to honor rank so Helena and Memphis. The beat farms
Sugar-W-fig,674 & Toung. (8) but the Judge conic! not make the re. far. . � .
I � 1� . - - � are rained, and everything valuable is
QroUp;SMedyRdv. H. Dierlamm. (8) - I - '�k , -the flood. -
- , . count because the ballots were not IMPItOVZMEIqT dF THE XSPLAXADR , swept sw�y by
I � Apprentices Wanted. -T. Ridd. (5) � forth -coming. The Returning Officer Active efforts are being made by the MxEJING OF MILLOW,�ERS.—A meeting
� .
. I
- - � haanot been served with t,h . a neoess#xy citizens to improve the condition. -of of a bundred and fif tyi owners of lumber
%N -v 10 - . I affairs in connection with the Hoplian- .mills i.n .the NorthWest w
Ae— I notice, and had consequently made his , �go Saturday. The object of form -
I sdo, and in particula'r to procure some Chiof � .
i =111VIO-4 wtvrooltor# returns to the Clerk' of the Crown in better prote ,
I (7!; . ction' for the lives of ,the ing the Association, ',is the limiting of
T I .
I production, fixing iat &o.
i ---. I I Chancery as directed by law. , - many passengerq who1sve to cross he � 4ilk- . ' The
I . ,railway tracks -"04 business or! pleasIre HEAvy SNow-F,&�L Ik JAVAN. —
Mr. Rays says that the Returning d . - )rxn or thirty years,
. I BRAFORTH, FRIDAY, March 16,1883 � uring the navl0iioii season. "As ibi igs heaviest -snow stc
I Officer could not be found, that, iD. fact at present are, tlie2splanade, with its wAs experienced atVoto and vicinity
� - be concealed himself so as to evade numerous lineslol railway runnin"Or)m on February 9th. T4.b milroad. traffic
. �
. . I d for sev I The
East, Huron Reformers. service, and that consequently the end to end, is a Standing danger to I all, was.suspoude oial hourC
' .
.. A meeting, of the East Huron Reform notice had to beleft at his . reoidenm- 'those who have o asion to go near lit, average depth is three -&t. � .
i and accidents to �i`fle and limb' are clon- IX=NSZ GATHERING. -More than. SO,.
, .
. .. Association will be held at,the Central It� is evident, -however, that Mr. Armll tinually occurring. Petition -a signe&bv 000 Visitors gathered at Atlanta, Geor-
.. Rote!, BrusselA�, on Wednesday next, strong never . received the notice eilse I about 6,000 ratepayers have' been .� � . � .
� . I I . ,qre; , gi�, on Monday to witness the obae-
the 21st inat', at one o'cloak p.m., when ho would not have ' sented to the city council, desiring. 1�& qUies of the late Governor -Stephens.
. , . dared disregard it.
important�business will oome b body to i��taiu from the Dominion Six ex-Governori acted as pall bearers,
. efOr6 the As to the second part of the indictmen �
. . t] Parliament legiglation'empowering the and the procession was 9, mile. and a
*deration. We h:)Pe against him, of -course we ca t of , to do,al halt long. .
- I Association for consi 11 give n appoiDtmen s, commission �
. I I
* �
I to see a very large representation of the explination as we have Do knowledg' with this and. -other railway matOors TONED DowN.-It is reporbed that
� ' withiu the limits of the city. T,kie Bug) and has largely I modified her in�
L .- --
1 Reformers present., The Reformers of of the facts and only give the 'state-� . I
� �, Bast Hurdn did their duty nobly at the � ooun6ilhaspr'omptl*y acted tLpou The tentions reg�rding B,gypt. France is
! - I ment as Mr. Hays gave it to.us mud to � . , - dy to take part in any n6gOtia,
L � � prayer of the' petitions, and will endba- now rea
� recent electi,an, but they should not rest .. others. . We May 8 tionE; re opened by. England. This is
I - I . L ay, however, that We I- vortohavethe pecessE�ry bill pasi.ed -
iiatisfiedyet. Thereismore stilltodo, k * the res e
now of -no reasons W - � ult of the co6f rence between
. I why Mr. Armstrong this Session. T4e railyvay companies .
� And every9neL Who possibly eaa should should enAl6avor 'to evade service, as will certainly not move until forced 'to, Gladstone and Grevy. .
� otherwise there ould 191ag ere n w ELEVEN MEN BURNED. --7,A report
� make it a point to be pro,ve.ut on. Wed.,- Mr.* Gibson's majority, even did be de -L
. � -
r . I . -from Deadwood, Dakota, that a
� - have been bria es oreoted over he comes
� '
t nesday next. . i lodginAbed at Brownville Wood Camp,
� . Sire to favor bim,' is too, large for a tracks where cros ed by Streets, Or io�ue
I . I ' . .in which a D
! . -- umber of men were - sleep-
,, — re-oount to change it into a minority, Similar plan of prptection adopted. I
I i '
i A Reform Banquet. and it is only fair and reasonable to L � WOMEN AND THE FRANCHISE. 1 . ing, caught fire and eleven - Men lost
I The cause of wo I men's rights is per- their lives. Several more were Severely
I -
I - The Reformers of Clinton are making' Suppose that the re-cou'nt would operate I haps not making I -'the headway in our iDiar4d. .
; arrangements to holda- banqtfet in the against Mr. Hays as inuoh as against country which its advocates could de- ' THE MADAGASCAn ArrmR. -A des -
I town h9-11, at an early day, to celebrate '
; 11r. Gibson.' We, will say,. however Sire, but the ladie,#, 4 Toronto, or ,at patch from Vienna sfqs : ' The com-
� , I
1 the triumphant return of three Reform - h -Hays' otatemouts are cor.: any yate the. Toronto Women's Literary mander, of the French squadron -in
I ers from the county to the LQoaJ Legis. t at if Mr. and Sooial Progress club, are detipr- Madagascar waters has been ' ordered to
i lat-itre. It ia expected- that - all "t'he rect, and that Mr. Armstrong purposely . . ti'- ue blockade thd Shore, and to occupy
. i . Mined that this:sh'all no longer con h:
: t,
f county membem will be present, and in evaded servic e, he did what was *ron g*, -to be the case if* � their efforts are of several ports on the island, but not t6
adihitiou, ona'or M . ore members of the anyava-il. The objects of this sooi4 i i
I , y bend troops to the interior. �
� and should be severely censured, 'if he .
L Iffinistry. The affair will probably be are sufftQiently eXL�laiD'ed by its name, ' DUBLIN PRISONET,S.-
-. -
I couducW ou strict temperance princi- ,-can not be. punished for his conduct. . TRIAL oir THE
. and it includes among its members Some The 'trial of ,the. prisoueislat Dublin
L .
I I plea, &-ad the tickets 7plaeed at a reason. We have not hesitated to condemn of tb'e cleverestof the sex in Toronto. charged with murder and conspiracy
I able figure. ] .- . . '
� trickery of this character 'When praotis - i Last week it held �u open meeting -in will take place next month. The accus.
. .
� The above is from; the Clinton New ed by'our opponents, and we have. hol the City Hall to give publicity to its - ed are held on three cou,nts,.viz., the
� Era- of last week. � The idea is a good apologies to offer if indulged in by our I demand,that the: franchise should be Pbconix park mur�lers, attetapt to mur.
' thrown open to Women.' possessing the d e , r the juror Field, and conspiracy. .
one, and we have no doubt but the friends. But; before condemning Mr. , � -tion.
. '� I � � necessary property The FUN113HLNG DisnoNESTY.-Thos. Maher,
� � . . qualifica
1 demonstration, if gotten up, will be a Armstrong he should be bearil in his ,meeting was al�tepdpd by the Mayor Jr., Isaac L. Street and Joseph Myers,
wl �
I - - �
' ,
I Magnificent success. Gatherings of this=, own defense. These charges are made and other prominent citizens, as -convioted,of making fraudulent returns
I . i Well as by a large nuniber as election officers atPbiladelpbia, were
kind have a beneficial effect, both from � openly against him by Mr�- Hays and - . ' each sentenced to- three monthWimpria-
) � of the ladies 1 themselves. i A
� a party and social point Of view, and as his friends, and hi justice to himself *as resolution in . favoF I of extending Ae onment, fine&,6100 and disfranchised
! . - I I
' Clinton gave a larger Reform majority well as in fairness to Mr.- Gibson, he franchise to womeip was carried unain'i- Jour years. .
i I
i mously. It was n9ticed that the b�st -. �
I I at the last election t4an smy other town should not lose a day in Setting himself .- . . "
I . speeches of the ev9ning were made by
I or village in the [county, it is justly right before the public. We withhold : ;
� - � . I &dies. , ! I � Huron Notes. .
. . I t
! .
I entitled to, the distinction of havin further comments on the subject until I The Tarnberry. AgricultVal ,Society
'[within its borders a demonstratign of we hear what the Returning Officer has The musical seas;on has So far been will hold their spring show at Wingham.
r �
� � unusually attractive-, In the earli I a on Wednesday, April 18. I
� this kind, and we are certain that our to say for, himself. Hitherto he has I r .
! - -
I- . ' - ' part of it we had �L'fine presentation of -The total aver�ge. attendance of
! Clinton friends will, receive the 4ordial never been backward in defending him -
J � t . the"Redemption,"by the Philharmonic pupils at the,Wingham public school
. and hearty support! sind sympathy of self when his corns were, trodden upon, Society; tb'en we bad Mr. DamroBcl�'s is 374, there 'being 196 boys and 178
! . . - I �
1 the Reformers I of every section of the and we hope he won't be this. time - 3oncert ; then 11IOtianthe," Gilber & girls.�. t . , -
� i
� county. Btkt,, it is the first clause of the either. I . . � Sullivan's new:opera,tbe famed Alb 1, -The call ��Xtended by Cavan Pres.
. i -an rah, Exeter, to Rev. Mr.
� and last of all the'peerless Nilsson. Th byteri cbni�
' I
1 last sentence in the quotation that -we ' ANOTHER good Tory, has gone to rest, Pavilion of the Horticultural Garde 18, Martin, of Norwich, has been acbepted
I .
"wish mor4 particularly, to direct atten- the largest hall in the city,. was crowd�d by that gentleman. 11 I
� Mr. D.'Ford Joneg, ex -M. P. for South -Mr.
, tion bo,,. We hope the affair, if prooeqded I to suffocation at 04 and - 65 a seat O Peter McDonald b as pureb ased
I with, - w41 be gotten u . P and conducted Leeds, has been appointed to, the . seat.� hear the Swedish' 0'1*13ger. In- dran,a - lot 8, on the 8th eoncession-of Grey,
. . . in the Senate rendered vacant by. the' we have bad Salviqi and Joe Murph3 ; from Mr. Alexander Forsyth, of Morris, �
on strictly temperance principles. There death of the late Senator H Mrs. Langtry. is to appear at -the Gria d for the sun! of 03,800.
i � s, . no reWn why it Should not be, and ' ' . amilton, of. this week, and Mod'jeska is announe'd -The farm, belonging to the late
� Hingston. Mr. Jones, it is said, is in -. -coming ere long. The Site . of 2 James Southcombe, in Hullett,pub up
we are 10sti0fi0d it can be made much fe as the ,
. raore enjoyable and successful in this eble health, and is consequently in- new theatre, which is ta take tho place at auction on Wednesday, was not sold.
. . capacitated for other business or public of the burned down'royal, has not y�t All the stock went at good prices.
I way than in the aher. One of the been decided upon. It ip said that'sorne -Mr. John Garvey, of Chicago, has
; � position, so that the8enate is just tb�e . -
I 1 .66 sold his farm, situated about a mile
� 1 principal objections to public b spot up Yon -strept will probably
place for him -a life sit, with good pay � go . - *
selected. Toronto has thia'season ex. north 6f Kintail, '111 the 1ownship of
I I is t4e. arinking and'! carousing = And nothing to db.- Ashfield, to Mr. John McKenlde fpr*
indulged i1i in canne I ction with 'them. � . perienced the delights of a genuine o14 -
I - � 'fashioned Wintor.� Sleigh riding, ska . t- $4,000. � .
1a this way so much harm usually -OUR TORONTO LETTRR. ing, tobog-aning,'sl'ow shoeing kud. iop. - -Mr. Wm. Fluker of Wa,vvanosh,
. I b
. . results from them, that it has bepome a boating have been indulged in toa f�r recently Bold to Mr. James Johnston, a
. .
serious ,question .7ith many if they rr (From Our'Own Corrmpondent.) greater extent than usual, and thou4rh fine two year old colt aired by Anthony
.&ORONTO, Maxch 13tb, 1883. -The the price 6f coal will make the ret * urn of Allen's Waxwork, for the round sum of -
Sh9uld not be, discountenaneed alto- - , -� . e - s, e $210.
� . elections a;re over, and the excitement Spring welcome to many, th re r i I
gother.. There � is one thing -1 -Mr. John Mason, Reey'e of Hallett,
I c. rtai:n, that ran fierce and hic - beaux and belles who. will look back on I -
I how -ever, that if such d( ;rations Mh until the event.; ' the winter -months that have passed is importing two more heavy draught
� Itil 27tb, is no once stallions from So
, cannot be Successfully conducted wj.,th. � w gradually, simmering with regrathil pleasure. The pres ptland. They are ex,
i I
I down, and things are once more assuin- .of Lent has put a temporary check upon Pected to be thebest of the many good
i . I .
fout the use of silooholio stimal&nts,they ' balls and dancing paitiesi but the cessa- ones he has brought .over. .
a � ing their normal condition. The general .
' tinued, and som ol othe .
ishould be discon r - tio'n of these fe8iivities is more ap'parept -Mr. Fred. Tebbutt, of Goderich
i '
.� feeling is that the Mowat Government . , than real. A good deal of dancing 'is
i1neans of encouraging 800i'ality and . - Tow'nsbip, weighed a oouplq of grade
I I tultivating bospit&hty dev�ised. On considering the forces that were bronAht dote on the quiet by those who profess . calvo8 a few days since that were only a,
11 ; � to bear against them, have I � to regard Lent as a season for fasting day old, and they .turned the' Scale at
,these Occasions many are led and actu. -
� . and mortification. A. feature of Toronto 102 and Ill pounds respectively.
. f ally encouraged to indulge to excess I . GAINED A SUBSTANTIAL VICTOR'r, society which has &risen within the laf,t ' -Mr. William Campbell, hag been
i 4ho would not have done so 41ad the, and the -majority, though not large, will two or three years,�ia the number �'f appointed town Clerk of God6riA at
. 0 . .
1: . 1,
; , I temptation Iot ,been put so prominently be found sufficient for ,all necessary pur. social "olubs" which exist. The obje6t a salary of 0500 per annurn and Mr.
. . I
I I I I 'of these clubs is recreation, principall Peter Adamson town treasurer at a
1. " befoxathem, and the exam le to the poses. That is to say', if the majority k.
I � . . Lp Efdt salary of 6200 per antlum.
I . . of course, in the forra of d&UCiDg, added
I young is'demoralizing in the extreme.. remain at the p L resent figaTe, but there- to which in some cases is a modicum of -Sorne days ago as Mr. George Rut.
I � . - � �
. I It is fit and pr : can be no doubt that a s'otematic effort improvement.. They)Lave become very ledge of West Wawanosh was ha
I . 9per that the young men . I . y -uling
I I of: I is on foot to wrestt. if possible, by re- popular, and in a. large area of society railB from the bush, his horse a fine one
I our country should take .an interest L
t , counts and protests. and other means they have to a great extent usurped the worth fully 8150, dropped dead. The
! I ;
iana apart inthese public ddmoDstra. both fair and foul, suffloient seats from place formerly held by the ' evening loa'd was 6ut a light one, and there was
i lltioIis, but it is not right that whon they the Government to make tbaik position party. Instead of 'an entertainment nothing to show the cause of death. . I
. . . �
a precarious one, if not to'place them in being given .by' the head of a famil' -Mr. Mathew Levy, who for some
f. i do, they should have not merely a per. . . . -
i : 71
I . a minority. Desperate efforts, for in- - the club to which his SODS or* daughters tirne past has been .residing on Mr.
!n1cious example, Set them by,,those
f I - stance, are being, and have been made belong, holds a I'meeting" at his house, Polley's'farm on the Huroii Road, near
i whom they should look. up to and during the past two weeks,tocarry which differBin,nothing from th, - Goderich, died on Sunday, &Iterabrief
I .
� olicw�� ,and Muskoka for t h a4et to e
. Tespeot,bdt actually be a -the Conservative party. dinary evening party, except . illness of thre'e days, from an abtack of
. I i .. I :
I si
. .
. The election -in that constituend invitations- are issued and the 'muse congestion of the lungs.
; lurged by those parties to. 1, fill up their ,y comes
I , off to-da.y, but owing to its. largo extent pro,gided by the club. Whatever its aa-` -Mr. Robert Me6d of West Wawa.
. !I glasses and drink them to the dregs. ' �
I and the sparseness of its settlement,
� I vantages ot disad,vAntages, the syste�a nosh has just sold to Mr. Fisher. of
! It is high iime Cost this time-honored the returns will not be- i � arl
. � I quickly forward. iB'certainly not Wanting in popularity. � Colborne, two fine ye - iDg colts entire,
� -
. I but no, les�a barbarous c astom was aban. ed, i*ad the result may not be',known � G.1 for the handsome figure of $400. ODe-
I - money .. . 1� of the animals is from oldDrayman, and
i '�' for a day or two yet. Men ar.4 -
donea, ana we Should be proud toknow � .
I have been poured into the riding from News of the'Week. the other from Lord Derby. . �
� that the Reformereof Huron bad taken &11:quarters, an& all- possible I means,, . . -Itis stated that Rev. W. Hender-
Ithe initiative, and we hope they will some doubtful, and others not- at all - IMME'Nall INIFLUx.�Nearly two thous- . .
I . I doubtful, have been resorted t and immigrants lauded in New York son, Incumbent of Trinity church,
. ,prove; to the world that a public ban. o in the. - . I I . Blyth, will, in all 'probability, leave that
Iquet can he made enjoyable - and. sue. hope,of carrying it. Lying6irculars. Saturday. charge in the course of abou*tthree ,
I have been sown broadcast, inti ; � TERRiBLEFLOODs.-Hea7y floods have
cessful without being injurious or offen- ' mida-tion rendered two hundred and,fort . y persons weeks. The rev. gentleman purposes . .
- - ,has been practised by Ahe agents of the i going to Forest. I .. '
sive to anyk I Dominion Government, and: I homeless in the Bombay Presidency. '. �
I I arrangre- . - . . . � -On Friday afternoon just as the I
i I ments, it is Said, have been made 'eto DEmisz OF THE PRINcE GORTSCHAX01riP. 3:50 -train was leaving Clinton station,a
- bring large numbers of navvies working -Prince Gortschakoff, ex. Chancellor oi lady caught the railing of one of e
THA election in Maakokm tG* place I th I
I i I on the Canada Pacifici Radlway Ju the Russia, died at - Baid'en Baden, Satur- cars. and attempted' to get on. She
- on- Tuesday last, and: from. the partial Nipissing District into Muskoka t -o cast day. Fle;was born in 1798. ' missed h4 footing and was- dragged �
returns- whiob� have been receiv6d we illegal ballots for the Conservative 'Can- PROTEqTION PROWSED.-The British' Some distance before She Was relieved I
I I .
are afraid that the Conservative c"di- didate. But the favorite dodge is that � Government hap dejoided to interf6re in from her dangerous pol3ition. � I
� I
. I I practised by a number of the Transvaal to . protect theriatives -Mr. D. Erwin, of the'Central. Hotel, I
� " I
! c1a,te haa been returned. ' Should ,this buyers," who. have all at ouc� -Cattle. ' I
! . -1, I I-
i . appeared against the oppression of the Boers. Blyth, has disposed of his hotel business
i e n
. prove to: be the - case it but illuStrate on the Scene by th do , and who are MU-NIFICENT GiFT.-A. E. XejA, of in that village to Mr. Johnston, who '
I I ze
. I
� the -dxtrema fiekloness of human nat 1Y Prepared to discuss questions Sani Francisco, has given Yale ,colleg46 hails from the vicinity of Toronto. ,
I , ,ure. ful
F At'tbo lost election in that constituency political with the most potent of argu. 560,000, which- will be used -in erecting The price paid was $4,000. The new 1
I � .
� Maas. -Muskoka gave a JRef6r - a chemical laboratofy. . . I
� � � I In Ma- ,proprietor took -possession onthelfth 1
I ; a 'few months &go,, Mr. Bettes, the Jority at the by-election in October last Myszi-r.-It is a6Ud there axe at pres. inat. . I
. - .
. 1 R dib"r m carichidate) was elected by, a of something like 450, and it liat alone ,ent in, Paris sixty osad � persons out '.-Mr. Thomas McCreight, of Turn.
, . I �
�Zaxlority of 460 over his present opppn. would undoubtediv return a Liberal .of emplo ment, and itait thi's was one berry, who is now 101 years of 'age, and 4
1 � Oy .
� -
. - majority jib pembOr &gain. it is notlikely that th
. Thiht so, large 6, 0 - � I e of 4hd principal causes of -the rebenC -the. oldest man in the County of Huron, i
I I - . .
- Conservative wiles Will prove successsul. 'riotg. ' . � tallied one for Mr. Johnston- at the i
, . 00 short SL time, be turned into a but one thing is plain, that party are FORMING AN, INLAND BEA. - The Lower Wingharn polling stati on . I
1, , �,, would- seem. to indicate that making'a dead Bet on the district, 0
- hoa -bw A,M Nigger in the fence L ' - WIGGINS' GREAT BLOW.. 1, scheme of M. DeLesseps for-* establish- . election day. Mr. Baird, a man _; his ,J
. . 11 . . I . , ing an iqland Afrioan -Sea, in the Aesert! own ilk, had the pleasure of taking him , I
'4&t the hints thrown - Any person who supplids ,Ube public JT Sahara, by cutting a canal from the! to the poll. ' - . 'I
T - ewh -4� -, and t, - � I with somoth I in'
. L . 9 to talk about confers Mediterranean, is m*ng substantial ' -'Mr.'Verity, the agricultural imple. !
On by oir T pou it a real boon, and if for no - other progress. DeLeBs�ps is,to depart ' from Mont manufacturer of Exeter, ii doing I I
t W�Pto� corresPOndent laze ,O�
. Uearer the trith'-than 1011118 Pea�P�e reawii th tbul " Professor 11, Wiggins krance for Africa on the 19th inst., - I -an extensive trade I with Manitoba. He 1i
. I , I and
I . ,� . � �
I j � . . .: 7 - I I
. I � t .- - ; . I . .. .
: I
1 'tu,or"
I � t - ; . I . ,I , -
i I I t
.; i . ; w
. .
I � I t �
. �
� I :
. i L I . : I
� I c, .
� i i .
� I
I i �: I . -
I 11 I . . 9 I . L
I . . �
� ; .
! I . 0 1 . I .
i r . - I
i -
i . i-
i . I
. . � � I - - - - � - �� ' L� - -
I - . � - , I L - - �i " , -.---. - � - - �!- . - - , 1 - - � - i .
. - I � � - - ! ..� 1. -. L � ...... � .
I - .
- � . .
I I I 1�1 '� r� t - � , I I I ,
i I I
MARCH 16. 18880
, I - --� I I I
- I
. I I . town, but I ,. ment this year is $4,000,000, md with a I .
XecoAtly set h 66 pl4wo -and 12 land about four - Miles, from I hth Migal vffl - , -
� -
. at 4nd he b -46v Gnat 0OU141 Uyihing at it afti Christ, rate of three and one Sig ,
rollers to 15r indo' as 1,16-49 6 -
- . oj!1-,vhou1A we qui Oeo tress half , realize a sum cousiderably in exam of . _ 14
diber. large irders from othir parts of mas' -
. way up &jr,trujb. Us snow lay in the roposed - urnat expenditure.
the'sorth*0 t, whictilhe -19 prepariug� ,v , � I - " '. hiw now got a papper. I -
I . I eboliew.plow Wghon to the end of ' . it In . -
i I - .
- -
to fill. . A, L V -"a ibe'sumtasr . lwhiOh followed .j., R". 61'eader, and is eatted ,wd . ;
-A (leer � is can i in Brown"s mill M 6.1 t I - ,"d 110t. I tell you, boys, that publinbed by Niaholis Flood Davin. It . . 7 ,
rd,-P*0t WSWAG�10 OR Monday of was, -1 I - . �sui&itsaid to bis 4
he * in,t.
�L U V, Was a wint6r to ra sboat.'�-and * the is a 28 0olumn sheet#-, i
Malt *A*',k- It wits seen I t b . �
v10 -9. !
Slid- sev'er4l d y, looked "L if 'the one We okra now neatly printed and well edited. Fz"x I
d it, bringing it old bo: � n whence -At will derive its subsistence of I i I -i -
0"" purs o I , I - I
to bay in the mill y r where it was. experiencing didn't &mount t6 much i . i
I I Z -1 ' L course time inust unfold. , ., 4
caught by J. . Co:��, It died shortly . ,,00mppMson. , I I . mpog An.. -1,
- �
afterw � ai#s frDM the offso't of wounds - —;;�- . . -A despatch from Win i I L
. . I nounces that election petitions hove 1
received from the dogs. Perth items. been filed against Messrs
I aide in L -, Martin, Ten- i
—only fi,v e,4 families now re .
� -
Two children ih the family of Mr. nant, Bell, Sutherland, Burnham,, :
Blyth that w 3re there'twenty years ago. Wra. Buckingham, Stratford 0 L died- on Goulet and 37ackson, recently elected -to L
'The - old rek identers .are D. Ii. MoRin. the Sth inst, of scarlet fever. 1. the i Local Legislature. !P - This lookc ;.
I - I
non, merchant; R. W. Hitchell, harness I
: _The Presbyterians of Millbank, ae ghter of the inuo. I
maker; John Diumnicind, ,shoemaker;. I I t to present a unanimous call to cents. * , - * , .
Hugh We'Quarrie, blackemith; and 9 on' -
John Sherrit, shoemaker. Twenty � .nov, A. H. Rippeu, of Dorchester. -A Portage paper remarks : The
years ago lyth had a population of' -Mr. Muir from - Haza4t,on has for rear end of winter is very much like the . , I
. 4 , some. time been holding - -revival meet' rear end of a mule. it d000n't do for a i I
about'360. � . � at Shake- i
_W/bils 11f. S. Madge, of. the 6th ings in the Temperance Haill man to -put much confidence in either; -
� I . Ilymouthism. for. just when they appear the mildest 44.1
- -
-ooncessfon of Usborne, was workl'ngj� speare,, in the interests of IE . .
. .
4 -Mr.- H. McKay, of Kirkton, sold his, and the least likely to be uyiplessaut, a
� L
with a straw, cutter on Saturday of last � I �
fine broo.d mare to Mr. S. Nethercott, of sudden freak of nature will fire them T
I :
week, he In 6 with rather a painf al I .
i Fullartoni, for the handsome sum of with animation, aud-4nd-snd- well, I
accident. It appears he was in the set � - . �, �
of shoving some straw into the machine I #230. hang it, -no man likes that. -
' ' %kespeare,hao -The Portage Is Prairie butchers re -
when -his hand slipped, and the first i 19r.ratrick'Writt,of Shi
� taken out an improved pateni On Pitt's port that beef Is-b000diing scarce in the -
and . second, fingers coming in contact, horse power- offered A country owing to the large quantity of
'! . He has been I
with the knife, were cut completely off. . I -
' large sum for the right, but refused it. live stock that- wa'sdriven out last .sea- . i
.�,The second son of Mr. Samuel!
� -A funeral left the neighborhood of son, and the farmers not making pro- . I L�
Bnrke, of Porter's Hill in the township' Moukton for Mitchell. 'on -Wednesday vision for this season's trade. the . I -.
of Colborne, met. with a very, painful 1 . eek, and got as far as Mr. Robert scarcity Of beef, however, has not yet , -11
Accident one ay last week. While re-: last W
Jones', when the teams were obliged to-, affected the price,but higher qaotabi ions i �- - 4'
turning from Goderich on a load of salt, 1
. sto � �
the sleigh 't pset, one of the barrels ,p on account of the snow drifts, and may be looked for as soon aii the weather L',
falling on bd 3 ankle and spraining it the coffin had to be carried t<.). towp. prevents importation of dead meats.. I - I
badly. The little fellow is doing as Well, Fortunately for the pall bearers it was -Moospjaw is becoming quite an im- :
as can be exp acted. only the body of a child they had .to portant point on the Canada Pacific, e I
. � I and bids fair to out -rival Aegina. The I
-Mr. TILOM&S Walsh, Goderich carry- I - L
The gross revenue from the sale of railway 1 0 'pany have completed their �
To Winship, re ,,en tly sold a team of three c m
year old. colts in harness, to Mr.Shipley- stimpw and postal cards at the Mitchell coal shed, which is a, mammoth strac. .
- ost office for the year ending 30th June ture 22 fee't wide by 500 feet long, - and �
for tfiesumof$45O.' Mr -.Jas. Stevens, P - . 4
� :
last, Was $13,202.80; from Fallartou, 12 feet high. The round house is in - . :
of the Base L ne,- last week bought a.. al L !
81k.03;'Dublin, $489.36; Cromarty, course .Of constrnetion, also Rover I !
span of younE horses from Mr. . Camp- 5240.15; Staff&,, $124.76 ; Bornholm; other railway buildings. Some very IL i
bell, of Stanley, paying therefor: -the I
. #125.72: Monkton, $243.40; St. Marys, handsome buildings have been erected i
suni of 3450. --Mr. Harry Mason, of the �
84,051.69 ; Russeldsle, 647.23; Kirkton, and .
,roc�upied by thoroughgoing business �
same line lat ly bought a young team --i
L 0284.61, and Carlingford, $93.L17. mea. - . . �
near Wiugbain-, at $350. . � ! . . .:�- i
-A young man named McCurry, who I I
-Over onE hundred persons assem- . I I . W
bled on the river at Wingham. on Tues. had been in the -employ of Messrs. MCKMOP. �1-
dayof last week to witness the horse Kidd & Son, Dublin, decided to..leafe GOOD CoLT.—Mr. P. Ryan, of tbe
' the place, au4,'- quietly appropriating A
races, consisting of mile heats,.best two pair of new b�ots and a pair of giuits 13th concession of- McKillop, recently - i
in three.. Iii the first trot there were, IL � * Sold a year and a half old entire colt to I
five entries, �the following . being the belonging to his employers. started for Messrs. Brooks & Col quhoun, of - Hib- - !
the station. There he was overtaken ?30lt Wag L 4
winners: 1). Ross lat, $30; G. Harris bert for $240. This Sired by . I
2nd, $15; W. arnes 3rd, �S. At thd and made to' fork -out his board bill and ;
d,sMa . Scotland Yet, and is a magnificent . 1-1.
' ntle himself of his -appropriations. . . � �
conclusion of tbis race a consolation . I animal as the price will indicate. 4
1 -At the Division Court held in . .
was got up w th four entries, which rd- SCHOOL RzponT.--The followingshows -� I
Shakespeare lately, -a man. named � I i
. & i
-Mr. Wnc. -- Willard died at his Brown Aued another named Sim6nds the standing of the Lpapila of School - � �
father's residence in WestWawanosh on for a matter involving about three dol- Section. No. 4, McKillop, for the . �
the 22ad Februari, at the age of 24 lars.- Brown"obtained judgment,, upon .months of January and Fabruary: Fifth . I .
. ,
years. Deceased for the last few years whioli Simonds applied- for a now trial elasg-lat James Hogg, 2ad Lizzie � . �
� *
acted as'mail carrier between Auburn Shannon, 3rd Alex. McIntosh. Fourth . i
and got it, the case going against him I 1.
and Fordyce. His paxents have the claw -1st John H4g, 2nd*Lills Shan- I I
gympathy of the neighborhood in their for 57 cents, but not before something non, 3rd Jos�ph Hogg. Third class- I 1.
likethirt dollarshaa been ex 'ded I I �
sad bereavement, this being the Second - y Pon . - Ist Finley. McIntosh, 2nd Miiry- Mc- - I
sontheybave consigued to the tpmb In lawyers, witnesses and court costs. Leod, 3rd Lydia Campbell. Senior �
Juring the la year. L -Mr. James G. Jolly, of Monkton-, second class -lot Robert McGregor,92nd " !
—Mr. J&MEBHowson, son of J. How- died in the Hospital, Toronto, on Mon- Robert Scott, 3rd Herbert' Lawrence.
� day of last week, from the effects of an L
Bon, of Clinton, recently bad, an un- , operation he underwent for, internal Junior Second-Ist Ernest'Lawrerioe, I
pleasant experience during one of the ' 2nd Wm. Robinson, 3td Win. Hogg. .
0 : *
famous * blizz rds of the North-west. � tumor. The remains were brought First part 'second -lot ,Tames Grieve,
Leaving his� farm out on. the the prairie � home for burial on Wednesday.. De- 2nd Jennie Grieve, 3rd Robert .Afal-n- I I
rst prize, : ce tosh. . I
3ulted in W. Barnes taking f1' ased was a highly respected man, and .
rbos. Bell second and Robt. King third. r his loss is much lamented. He had no Sr,HooL REPORT. -The following ro- 1-
. family, and we believe his wife is-,com- * I
Barnes and mng then trott9d one heat , fortably provided for. port based on proficiency, punctuality - � I I
)n a bet of t 10 which was wpn by and e0od. conduct, Shows the correct I i �-
.L -A few clays ago Mr. John Love, of - "A !
Barnes. - . di of the pupils in the Roxboro r- I
-A ]ad n&nLed Smith, who w' Elms, had one of his hands terribly �tan ing . i. I
as visit- I iko �
r .1 School for the month of February-,- I w
�ng at the house of Mr. Coultice, near lacerated by being caught in the rollers, I A !
Fifth class-. Ist, J. Hagill ; 2ad, G. .
I �
ElimV1;lleJnthetownBhip of Usborne,' of it grain. crusher. Two of the fingerS Brown. Junior fifth class=lst, J706. 1 i L !
met with an accident under somewhat were torn completely off, and the first Scott; 2nd, Jas. Scott; 3rd, 11aggIe T I
. L I
mouliar circumstances. It appears joint of another. -The wounded hand Hays ; 4th, , Addie -Dorrance. ' Fourth . - J
is doing as well as cou.14 be expected. � I I
J . 4
'hat while he was passing a straw Stack, - - vere class-Ist, A. Sparling; 2nd, Sarah -1 . 'I
Lie was Suddenly met by a cow, and be- A very se accident happened to Dorrance ; 3rd, G. Dickson; 4th,Blauche . i
rore be could ove out of the way, was a young man named- . Win, Anderson :. i
I ni M e or tbird class -Ist, T. . - 1
' belonging to Poole. He was'engaged- i 1C.11re'. S * .
itruck ift, the face with the animal's , Dodds; 2nd, V. Grieve; 3rd, J. 6. -- i .il
[Iorn, which entered his mouth, cutting � hauling.square timber, and when turn- " -1 ;k � I
I , Walker; 4th, Rebecca Story. Junior
i deep gash in his cbeek. '? ing in to the gate, the sleigh pit third class - lot, Mary J. MuClure and - I
I '
-The God grich Star of last week i one side, throwing Mr. Anderson off-, J Dorrance; 2nd, F. Barrett; 3rd, W. 1. I
th 'and jammiBg hfta between the timber . I I - I
mys : ' We understand that by the den I McClure; 4th, A. S. Brown. Second - I
)f a irelative in E ugland, Ven. Arch- � and gate post.- He is progressing favor- class-lst, C. Dodds; 2nd, J. N,ollayi - ' # i
leacon h1wood has fallen heir to a. very � ably, although it will be some time a- - .
� 3rd, R. McMichael -, Ath, a, Dick - . I
, before he will be able to work. Bola. I !
arge fortuno. The amount is un- . Senior. fi,rat class-Ist. G. McClure ; 2nd, . .
�.ertain but the figures reach far --M. W. Steele and Fepa Gatske, 6f
' �
ip in the thou�ands. There are none ' Topping, have j I not brought over -B. Dorrance; 3rd, R. Aitchsson. A.
aere butWill oi`n3erely congratulate the , 0, fine Percheron, Norman stallion, . written examination took place in th,3 - � L
. 1 7 i
' �
- gen leman, who � costing $2,000, from the well school at the end of the manth result- - I .
.everend se best yearg V � I I
iave been Spent in the most arduous , knbwn establiahment Of M. W. ing as follows:-SeDior fifth ol"s-- E
. .
I " I �
,abor of the pioneer ministry. 1 Dunham, of Wayne, Illinois, the largest marks obtainable 510; G. Brown 4IL8; . ,�:
- I
J. Hugill 346. Junior fifth class- . I
. -A.corresp )n dent of the Blyth- Re. 1 importing and breeding establishment of arks obtainable 510. --Jos. 'Scott 271 L; I �
view gives the following bit of gossip: 1 its kind in the world. He, was import- .m -1 i -
I Jas. Scott 258 ; Maggie Hays 253 ; Addie : I
I am credibly informed that Mri F. w. ed from France last year. � � I
� i
. Mr. James Clarke. has sold the Dorranae,� 234. Fourth clase-marks � 11
Fohnaton, who -lately strove f6r par- : . - �
. . . National Hotel, St' Marys, to obtainablie 540.-A. Sparling 292; Bel I I
lamentary ho �Ors in West'Huron is en- ! _Mr. Din- Dickson 286 ; - R. N� Haya L . I �.. . I
,,a , y, of Courtwright, for;the nice 1 267; Willons - V :
$edtobe wedded to, a daughterof ne L ittle � �. !
iis opponent Col. A.M. Ross, . This ,slim of 815,000. After disposing of the 1 McClure 234; Sar�h Dorrance 231; � r U, i
� I Blanche McClure -228; G. D"ekson 216 f, I
'hqtel Mr. Clairke bought the, family ,; V
S to a certain xtent proven frord the ' z �
I W. Black 181; J. Rankin 60. Senior � i
. .
nanner in W ich the aforementioned � residezI6 of Dr. Harrison, for which he I -'_1 I
!'paid $3,250. third class-maxks obtainable 37(),--J. J , � ;
ten tlemen cou ducted the fight, as.they : ,�
)oth fought sty of meeting on the pub. . -Wearesorryto learn that while : G. Walker 286; T. Dodds 282; S. Dor. 1
7 rauce 273; Rebecca Story 271; W. p
' "Mi. John Bolton-, of St. Marys, was
lie platform d:iring the battle. I . I ;
4 1
!or Regiqa, he was caught in the blind. - driving over the railway' crossing east Grieve 261; J-. Aitcheson 245; J. Hays . I .
. .,
245 ; W. W. Aitcheson 21T ' t�
ng storm, an� 'fearing unless he'reach- I! of that town, a few day's ago,tlie runner ;; Adeline 3
� I
. 7of his cutter caught in, the rail and u - Sparling 213; R. Dodds 211�-, J. L. . 3F ::
A a place of r. belter be would lose hii f .p �
de a. desperate offort to pns �set%ib, throwing Mr. Bolton violently on Brown 203 ;- Lizzie Neilans 129. Junlor� - - I
ife, he ma' h � - I
. 9 . 'I -
usiderably � the ground, and inj airing the cap of his -
. third class -marks obtainable 36o. -1 I
)n, reaching c fatigued', an , I. i
L ' ' Mary J. McClure 260; J.- Dorranoe 243; t :
Lbandon9d Shanty. Here he found an Anee. -- I
)ld stove, and made prepar . ations to . - � F. Barrett 213; A. S. Brown .202; A. . .. L 1
itart a fire, but found he had no : Mamitoba Notes. SPATling 151; Mary McMichael 149; i :
. W. -McClure 136�; Bell& McClure ;
natches. As the Storm continued he had ' 133; A .
� The official Gazette contains an Tilly Story 54 :* P. Dodds 41, Second * , -
io chance but to remain in the shanty i announcement, summoning the Local class -marks obtainable 300._LC. Dodds - .1
wd he spent the night tr3 ing to kee L
p Legislature for -the despatch (if business 156 ; J. Brown 104 ; G. Dicks on 76; R. .
I I .
. ;
Narm the best way he could When on April 19th. - McMichael 51; J. Reelans 88. A ntiza- . '. . i
norhling.,dawned and the storm ceased, -Prairie wolves are very numerous her of the pupils whose marks are low � - i
. . . I
ie was only a Short distance from the in the neighborhood 'of High Bluff this Were absent during partof exami,us,tio,up � - �
iown. , . . .-I al
I h year. They are unusually bold, and CouNciL DOINGS" -' -CoUheil yne�, st L , L .
—LAst Spring Mr. John Dew, Of t 6 - are often Seen &bout the farm yards. McGonigle's Hotel, March 5th mem- . I .
. . .
es repcirt � ;
Ind conqessiou of -Usborne, sowed one � -The residents in the Vicinity of Oak hers all prese; nt. The audito' - - I i
I . � I
luarter o� an acre with'amber sugar cane lake beyond Brandon, h 've resolved to being presented, it was ru I :
ieed, and from which he gathered e purchase a yacht at - - �
the �,%Isk of $600 to Holland, Seconded by Wm. �
iorgbum. to manufacture thirty -SIX ply on the lake -the coming summer. Archibald, lit - .�
i �
Yallons of syrd that the Auditors'Repprt DO,, p!rr,sent- -..!
, �� .
21 p, which, if sold at the � ----�On Saturday last the mail received ed being carefully exa.m; ad 4ad found i .
*egular wholesale price. 75 cents per i at the Emerpon, post office was some- .. 11
yallon correct,,be received, -and the ,Otef L
n. I would net him 519.90, after * .M be �� L ;
� ;
tllowiug the parties who MaDUfactured .what large, there being 63 bags of MI ail instructed to get 100 copies Of the de. --- s !
1 4
Imatter and three hundred and. fifty, tailed p bution- .. - L
t 20 cents per gallon, . re ort printed for (listri i
Of course the Iregistered letters, L �
ieed purchased by Mr. Dew is not � Carried. The following -a :
L Coonnta Were - i
-The firBe public school has been ' be I I
I ordered to paid : Audit -ors, I
iaken into account, but it is not at all iopen each, $7 ; ! It
11 i
. . . . ed at Regius, with a Miss Laidla* $80 to Solomon Shannon for services as I L, a
. I
apenBive. Mr. Dew is- now thorouglily ias teacher. Temporary premises h4ve Treasurer; $2.25 to Thomas lUrk, " I 11
*ouvinced th t amb'64r Bugar C&Uej& L been leased pending the erection of & charit ; $5 to Wm. 4
. gtowo
?rofitable and,purposes sowir-g half y ,rt for . -- �!
&1I suitable schoolhouse. 11. I i
- � .7
. damages to Wagon and goods ; $20.28 1
tere this year. . - �
,. ., -
. ' A Winnipek despat�h 'daited the to Henry 'Hart for charity goods i,
-A new cheese factory ih to be erect. l2th in8t., says.- ,-Wi - . . . I
id on the. farm of Mr. Donald McLaugh. 6 ggins is clearly deliverea by - Alexander Iffurchie. . Ir :-A
left' in his weather prophecy for this. Moved -1
,- � �
in in the t - by ' George Holland, see- . � -A-
- owilship of Grey, %bout two . country, as regular spring weather,with * , on4ed by ��JeX]- Kerr, that this coun. - �
lailes norfh of Brussels. Donald Mc- balmy breezes, has set in, And the snow dil i i
Jangblin has been chosen President, is disappearing rapidly.3t I . ustract the Aesiesgor to require from . i
.: 1
Lnd Daniel Stewart, Secretary of the each party who say they havo no d-og or .
i . i-
-ldinnedoss' has's very prospo t
mus `dogs, bitch or bitches, in their I
)OmPany. It is" the intention to have - literary society.' Weekly,zneetinj4 are � Sion, nor own nor barb ' posses- .
. I
s�a- or suoh a 'male I
ihe factoryalutning early iu the sum- held and pro.vevery interesting. Care- to make dee tion or a-ffirma
Der. Alex. Forsyth and Jag. Ireland, fully Prepaxed programmes are render- � attach their names thereto, th tiou, suit - 1.
e-,Glerk t � i
)f the 3rd concession of Morris, and ed every week tbl&rge audiences. There notify the (j hwi 00 j�. --
I �
Assessor thereof t rt th,- � I
rohn Fokbes�, of the 8bh concession -'of is also a flourishing temperance society On motion the cier'k was instructed to - i-
j7rreY, are the directors. The b&l with a large�membersbi p list. - � L I -
'09=8. -There i " McClure, Lot
'took is 43,OOC made up of $20 sh write to ,Mrs. 1 :
San I 31, con- . ,- -
- I
Ube factory will be a frame building , tity of damig unusually large qu&u- ,cession 5, to notify and require her -to �� -
e(Igrain in the district of build a wire fence along th .1 --:-
6x 80 feet,*klia, drying room 28xsO Righ-Bluff. In Some instance's itis so -her property'on the e east side of i
SideroaL � L
eet. The btlilding is to b� completed wet that no grain buyer wi d ,wryi,inene. I
. . U take -it at, . iDg at the north end of -her �Oard fence, 4
�� . I at 8,11Y PriQe, while there are "vere-1 andoontin 1 : -
I thousand bushels -that laust be solci land exten u Ug north as far aa her : �
p do on- said giderosa The � i
-What the Galt Re o'rter heard the considerably below the oUrrent 1,rices of I !
. I
ither day: I t311 you what it is," said Found grain. - . ,. . . RRIne to be finished and built, �;' the ISk I � I
-1 � L
Of November next, and requlte au au- � -� . . �, 4
6n old settler in Dumfries the other -The Authorities of Br4zidon have swer statin - - - ;
lay, "this winter reminds me some. been endeavoring for some ti�ne to din. 9 what aOtiOu she intends to - I I
� ��- - I
bing oftbat (f 183-7. The snow fall pose 01 S150,060 worth take—Noved by Alex. Rerr, secondedL . :
f I remeliber right, the 'IRS6 week i� Of City d6ben, by George Rolland -,&hat SLOJonjon Sh.&U. * .i �
tures -. 7 -, !
)ctober, and we had- sleighing from : covered by this issue is t1ae - ordinary be r8-spipointed Treas'are ,' I , �. i
- I r giving - i'-- I
ity - JW
- fwaounting 'to or ratio of St - curi - C&rri
hen till the second 'week in April, !expenditure of l"tLyear satisfactory se eid. Scale . i -
Cho snow' *046 too deep in the W&4 �v I i I
h %,
� a ,bOat:j12,000_. The by-law auo covers Uutb Labor Ostahhahed by I
or work, thoug , I had a job- chop * i. ' - law iA this -township for the present " .
PIP9 ImprovewlitS Oi L - Peryagnent chara(l, year 1], &cciordaUee With . 41
11 the bush on a clearing in, Waterloo ter to the. ;
I 1� Oxteit 1!0490000. The assess. the Statute, is I
- f0ll I
- L � : . i I . " , Ows : At not more thsa 0300,tw,a . I
I � i . .- a
. ! L I
. I ,
� i i I
. i . � L.
i : �
4 i I
i I
. , - �
* .% �
L -
, � . �
, I
I -
I �
i I
f I I
� .
. .
I I I . I
I - I
. . f,
� ,
. I i
I M �
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'-'-'--L- - .� 1-1
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