The Huron Expositor, 1883-03-09, Page 85 EK NO ck, wepar% .14 $o. Fan& jaSS . rens. rickete -at nein 645 .900 on ' -r cent le pay, !ply e'• 78. sidast -I rest- 4isort, 781. ert and -4 real - 6' door Sure mon. nortle, to ot ,r) watt eene e, oese eietS t Oae area fltai eonnt ners ettis- eallee r, lege le- to Able elten Van. ath. sea etre en een ro- t MARC 9, 1883. dl'a 7:d -it -art n•detatt THE HUROI4 EXPOSITOR. Strarde Diary and Account, In thsfarrnefe life there seems less Reid of book-keeping thau in most callings. gift sales are comparatively few, and his purchases of such large articles as are well remembered by their importance, or he deals with men who keeps books and trusts them. Yet, if he keep no record he will be often per- plexed to kaow where and for what the money went:that he received for grain beef, wool or butter. It would also la: a satisfactioa for him to know each year whether his work was as well ad- vanced as at a similar date in previous years, or whether his barn at, mid- winter or any other date, had. as much fodder for stock as at a similar date in past winters. I have kept a daily record of work, and a carefti account in income and expenses, th past twenty-five years. I have need b4ok8 of various sizes and with differ° t methods, but like my present way the best. 1 have a blank book about 7x12 inches, and with 236 pages. Oa each page are thirty-seven lines below the -headline. As the book is open I use the right hand page for a daily zecord of work, and, use one line a day, so after dating thirty lines for a month'a calender. I have six or seven linea for a general memoranda. I find oneliue will contain several items, and give room for a word about the weather or figures representing temperature. The left hand page is for accounts, and during the peat two years I find every month, that the one page' is room enough to glare • every sale and every parchaae, even when I retail vegetables, and buy groceries in small quantities. As we opeu the book we have the history of a mouth before us. The pages are ruled so that two columns of dol- lars and cents can be placed on the right of the page, so that it is just as wen to fill the page with transactions as they ocedr, and place the money in its proper colnam as received or paid out. Some oredits may not have the amounts caviled out. The month's ac- counts may in this way be ready to add up and balance, and ;f the income and outgo is not alike, it tells the reason why. It is best to write this book with good ink. A Russian Ice Palace. The idea of the Montreal ice palace is not a new one. Nearly one huudred and fifty years ago its prototype was erected at the whim of the Empress Anne, who reigned from 1730 to 1740. One of the nobles, Prince Galitzin, hav- ing changed his religion, was punished by being made a court page and Imffoon. His wife being dead, the empress re- quired him to marry again, agreeing to defray the expanse of the wedding her- aelf. The tminee, true to his new character, selected a girl of low birth. This was in the winter of 1739-40, which was one of extraordinary sever- ity. By her majesty's C0iILmaUd, a house was built entirely of ice. It con- sisted of two ratans, and all tits fond - tare, even to the bedatead, was made of the same material. Four small cam :mons and two mortars, also of ice, were plazed in front of the house and were fired several times without bursting, small wooden grenades being thrown from the mortars. On the wedding day a procession was formed, composed of more than three hundred persons of both sexes, whom the empress—desirous of seeiug how many different kinds of inhabitants there were in her vast do- minions—had caused the governors of the various provinces to send to St. Petersburg. The bride arid bridegroom were conspicuously placed in a gre t iron cage, ma the back of an elepha t. .0f the guests (all of whom were dress d in the costume of their reapecti e countriee), some were DI OUR ted 4n eamels, others were in sledges—a man and wo nen in each—dra.wn by bea4ts of ad descriptions, as reiudeer, oxen, goats, dogs, hogs and the like. After passing before the imperial palace, and marching through the principal streets of the city, the motlet cavalcade pro- ceeded to the Duke of Courlaudis riding house, where dinner was eeeved to each after the manner of cookery in his own. country. The feast over; there was a ball, those from each nation having their own musio and the,ir own style of dancing. When the ball was endedthe newly -married pair were conducted to their palace of ice, and guards were stationed at the door to prevent their going out until morning. The building is said to have lasted uninjured, in that cad climate, for several months. No forest fell When thou would'st build; no quarry sent its stores -To enrich thy wails; but thou did'st hew the floods, And make thy marble of the glassy wave. CenTEn. Vulgar Habits. Asking qnestions private alai personal is a vulgar habit, and telling your own businees, which no one wants to hear, is another. Asking the cost of a pres- ent that has been made to yam loud talking in pablict, hard staring at table, insolent disrespeet to husband, wife, sister or brother, showing temper in trifles-, said making scenes in public, showing- an embarrassing amount of fondness, and making love in publie, covert sneers.. of which people can see the animus-, if they do not always understand the drift; persistent ego - titian., which talks ferever of itself, and cannot even feign the most passing inter- est in another, detractiou of friend's, and it may be of relatives, a lausba,nd telling of hie unpleasantnesses, a wife complaining of her hushamd's faults, the bold assnmption of auperiority, and the servile confession of infinite un- worthiness -all these are eigns and evi- dences of vulgarity—vulgarity of a far worse type than that whioh eats its fish with a steel knife, and says "You was," and "Each of the men wered' Feeding Fowls. A correspondent of the Country Gen- tleman says "It is very necessary for the thrift wact productiveness of fowls in winter that they should have a good supply of vegetable food. in some form or other. Potatoes, turnips or apples boiled and mixed with meal and raid - Kings, and fed hot in the morning, axe good; as also are raw cabbages or apples. A large enough quantity of cabbages for a winter'h supply may not be conve- niently stored, and if not stored proper- ly they rot badly, and are very expen- sive., I have during the past two years found that for cheapness and •converd- once in handling and storing, nothing equals, with me, the long red mangold beet. A. large crop of these can be grown on a 1:mciall piece of ground, and they keep perfectly well till spring. La feeding them I simply cut them once, and one beet weighing from five to eight pounds will do for 20 hens a day. Fowls are very fond of them, and no prepara- tion of them is necessary, further than to cut them so that the fowls can have a good chance to begin." Calvert's Carbolic Cerate. Try it for chapped hands, cuts,burns, bruises. It is a, preparation of Vaseline, carbolic acid and Cerate. It will cure any sore where all other preparations fail. Call at Lumsden & Wilson's Drug Store and get a package, 25c is all it costs. 795.52.2w Kram's Lightning Fluid. Is the only instantaneous relief for neuralgia, headache, toothache, eto. Rubbing a fear drops briskly is all that is needed. No taking nauseons medi- cine for weeks, but one minute's appli- cation removes all pain, and will prove the great value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. Twenty-five cents per bottle at -Lumsden de Wilson's prug Store, Seaforth. 795.52.2w Robert Munroe, engine -driver be- tweeu Kincardine and Hamilton, says: "It was impossible for any person to be a worse subject of dyspepsia and a greater sufferer than I was. . I often had to lie down in the caboose, and actually thought I would diaabefore reached my destination. I purchased a bottle -of McGregor's Speedy Cure, and it cured me." Free trial bottles at Lumsden & Wilson's drug store. Reg- ular size, fifty cents and one dollar. 795.52 , When. from Loss Of nerve power, or misusing the stom- ach, the digestive apparatus fella to "con- vert enough food into blood to maiatairt the daily balance of supply and waste. It is more physicdogioal to furnish these elements in our food that contain the potential energy of the nervous system,/ and naaterial for repair, as in Wheeler's Phosphates and Calisaya, than to secure more work by over -driving the organiefunctions with stimulants and excitants, like whieley and strychnine. 796.26 BOIESTOWN, B., Jan. 6,1832. I caught a cold last fall onilhe qtage coach while going to Chatham. which settled in a very severe cough, . and finally I was confined to my rooro. feared it would soon termivate in 001I - sum ption, as I was growing weaker and weaker every day. I got very much alarmed; could not sleep for want of breath, when my doctor advised me to try Dr. Wilson's Pnlmooary Cherry Balsam. I felt sceptical at first, but after using one bottle found I WAS re- covering, and on finishing my third bottle was a new man, cough all gone, and completely cared. It is well nam- ed the great remedy. 'JAS. W. D. BARKER. • Thousands Say So: Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Kansas, writes: aI never hesitate to recommend Your Electric Bitters to locit7 customers, they give entire satisfadtion, and are rapid sellers." Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known, and will positively cure kidney and Liver complaints. Purify the blood and regulate the bowels. No family can af- ford to be without them. They will save hundreds of dollars in Doctor's bills every year. Sold at 50 cents a bottleby E. Hickson & Co. 783.52 Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure -approach of that most terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourself if yea can afford for the sake of 50 cents to run the risk and do' nothing for it. We know from ex- perience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. This ex- plains why more than a million bottles were sold the past year. It relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers do not be without it. For lame back, side or chest Use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Tiumsden & 78026. Dyspepsia and Liver Com- plaint. Is it worth -lie small price of 75 cents to free yourself of every symptom of these clieteessing complaints, if you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use ac cordingly, and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by Lums- den & Wilson. 780.26 ShiloYs Catarrh Remedy. We have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth and headache, in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweat breath. Price 50 cents. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson. 780.26. Phosphatine is nature's remedy fpr chronic diseases. Phosphatine will benefit consump- tives in any stage. Phosnhatine cures sleeplessness, ner- vousness, &c., &c. Phosphatine does not make fat, but solid flesh. Phosphatdne in female weakness is invalna,ble. For sale by all druggists. 788 52. , If you area professional man, an ed- itor, lawyenclergyman or doctor,so thor- oughly overworked that now every men- tal effort is attended with a sense, of weariness, followed by headache' and more or less severe nervous prostration, take a dose of Dr. Austin's PhosPhatine along; with your meals every day for a week or more, and we are certain it will relieve you. -For sale t.), all druggists. 788 52. Yellow as a uinea. • The complexion, in case of un- checked liver complaint, culminating in, jaundice. is literally "as yellowas a guinea." it has this appearance ,be- cause the bile, which, enables the bowels to act, is directed from its pro- per course into the blood. In corinem tion with this symptom there is nausea coating of the tong,ue, sick headache, impurity of the breath, pains through the right side and shoulder blade, dys- pepsia and constipation. These and other concomitants of liver complaint arecompletely removed by the tise of Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Dis- covery and. Dyspeptic Cure, which is also an eradicant of scrofula, erysipelas, salt rheum, ulcers, cancers, humours, female weakness, jaundice and lambs - go. It tones the stomach, rouses the liver, and •after relieving • them, causes the bowel's thereafter to become regular. High professional- sanction has been accorded to it; aud its claims to public confidence are justified by ample evi; deuce. Price, 61.00. Sample bottle, 10 cents. Ask for Northrop dr Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and, Dyspeptic Cure. The wrapper bears a facsimile of their signature. Sold in .Seaforth by Lumsden 1 Wilson. 750 52a • Charles T. CasseInaan, Druggist of Chesterville, writes to the proprietors of that sovereign tonic,Bur- dock Blood Bitters, "Your Blood Bit- ters give universal satisfactimm All your medicines sell well, and many of my customers will take no other. 774. 65.2*- . ell Mrs. McArthur. Of Hopeville, says regarding Hag - yard's Pectoral Balsam, that she would not keep house without it. She cannot speak too highly of its merits as a remedy for colds, conglas, bronchitis, asthma, weak lungs and all pulmonary troubles. A cold may be cured by it in one day. 794.65,2w mien_m mom SAYS DRYDEN : She knows her man, and when you rant and swear, Can draw You to her with a single , hair. But it must be beautiful hair to have such power; and beautiful hair can be ensured by the use of the Cingalese Hair Renewer. Sold at,50c by J. S. Roberts. 7102.789 "Why should a man whose blood is warm within Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster 2" Or let his halt -grow rusty, scant and - thin, When Cingalese Renewer Will makeit grow faster. For tae by J, S. Roberts, Seaforth. 770.52.789. The Cause of Death. It is known almost to a gertainty that in fatal diseases the individual dies either from the brain, heart or lungs. How wise then is the effort to maintain a perfect state of health? Dr. Carson's Stomach and Conetipation Bitters are a veritable "Health G-iver." They free the system from impurities; cure bili- ousness, dyspepsia, and all diseases of the etornach, liver or bowels. In large bottles at 50 cent& Sold by all drug- gists. With every bottle of Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Cough Drops, a sample bottle is given free of charge. If, after using the trial bottle, you are not astis- fled with its effect, you can return the large bottle to your dealer, who will re- fund the money. Thousauds can testify to its prompt aCtion in caring 'coughs, colds, bronchitta, etc. If you suffer try them. Price 50 cents a bottle, sold by all druggists. wee— Nothing Can supply the place of a beautiful silky head of natural hair. It is infinitely more comfortable than switches, and other preparations for the hair by un- known foreigners. Hair may .be5 re- tained, beautified and actually restored, by the use of the Cingalese Hair Ren- ewer. Sold at fifty cents per bottle by, all druggists. 770.52.786. In the History of Medibine No preparatiot has received such uni- versal commendation for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent care it affects in kidney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Its action in these distressiug complaints is simply wonderful. For Sale by J. S. Roberts. 770.52.789 G.W.Mingay, Parkdale, Toro4o, writes: "My wife had several very severe attacks of cramps in the stomach. Hearing of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine and its pleasantnessMo take, I gave her two bottles, andrshe has not had an attack since, and. her health is much improved. For sale by all druggists. 770.52.780 J.1._Wetherell, Writiug from Winnipeg, says: "I can say more about Pliosphatine now than when I saw you last in Toronto. My health is much improved, and I ,am free from headaches or any other aches, having used only two and a half bottles of your Phospihatine. For sale by' all draggiets. 770:52.789. *sat Pain aond Suffering Is the common lot of all. Oar sarbest days give maaifest proof of this, and we are never long permitted to forget itp If corns should in Your case be th.e thorn in the flesh, g0 ftt once and buy a bottle of Putman's Paiuless Corn Extractor, and be surprised at the rapidity, the freedom from pain and the success which marks its work. Sold every- where. N. C. Pelson & Co., pr,oprietors, Kingston. 762-52 --at • 40. It is Sprang. A resurrection of nature's latent forces is takinilace. IA° the world around yon, renew your complexion, in- vigorate your iDower, cleanse the chan- nels of life. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the means to nee for this purpose. 1793.52 Dr. Smith's Great German Worm Remedy is na- ture's great system renovator and cleanser; andits effects are as pertain • asthey are salutary, searching opt and removing all' impurities; and not only acting as a prime curative, but as a thorough preventive. 754.62 From. Hamilton. A gentleman writes, "I have suffer- ed for over four years with night losses and general weakness, cansed by abuse. had tried all the advertised medi- cines, and a number of eminent doctors and found no relief or benefit. E have used twelve boxes el Mack's Mlagnetic Medicine„ and am entirely reatored." See advertisement in another column. 780.52.2.w Mri N. G. Dean, Of Carleton, Ont., caught a seve e cold, in a few days the symptoms be aroe so like those of coasumption that he and his friends became alarmed of the tiltimate result, His physiciam who thought more sf his patient's welfare than of the "etiquette of the profes- sion," recommended Dr. Wilson's til- naonary Cherry Balsam, as th e very best remedy known to human kill, and Mr. Dean on taking it was in a very short time restored to health. It is a genuine pleasure to refer to such won- derful cures as this . in these days of quackery and - of "professional eti- quette." a , A Startling'Discovery. Physicians are often startled by re- markable discoveriea. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for con- sumption, and all throat and lung diseaseta is daily c ring patients that they have given up o die, is startling ti them to realize thei sense of duty, and examine into -the merits Of this wonder- ful discovery; resul our best physicians practice. Trial .b Hickson & Co.'s dru size 41, 783.52 • ing in hundreds ofr using it in their Wert free • at E. store. Regular is You Turning gray and gr Hall's Hair Banewe its original color, follicles to produce growth. It also eradicates dandruff agreeable and harm 52 The Quickest T Is Kram's Fluid radgia, Ileacla,che, does not blister or requires but one ap all pain magically Hair dually falling out? will restore it to nd stimulate the new and luxuriant leanses the scalp, and is a most eos dressing. 793. ing on Record ightning for Neu- ootache, etc. It discolor the skin ; lication to banish without using any greasy liniment or carrying your head in a poultice for we ks. Try a twenty- five cent bottle from Lumsden, Wil- son, druggists. 795, 2 • N That there is a reli ble remedy for kid- ney trouble, half the terrors attached to these complaints iave been removed, For this ret all be thankful, and to Dr. Van Buren's KidFney Cure award all praise for . iaving thus re- moved a hitherte Ifatal disease from our path. It wa never knowid' to fail. Sold by 3. S rRoberts. 770.52.789 Bucklen's A1rnica The greatest med world. Warranted burns, bruises, cuts, cal wonder 'of the to speedily cure, ulcers, salt .rheum, fever sores, cancers, piles, chilblains, coma, tetter, chapped hands and. all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance or money refunded ; 25 - cents per box. For sale by E. Hickson & Co. 783.52. Farmers before buying your reaper and mower oil ask for and procure a sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is warranted not to gum, aed is guaran- teed to give good satisfaction. 753-52 Now that the reaping and mowing season is coming on, farmers should remember that that "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the best reaper and mower oil in the market. For sale by all dealers. 753-52 .A•10M11.11•1111[1•11, LUMBER, LATH AHD SHINGLES —AT-- LIVINGSTONE'S SAW MILL, Three Miles North of Blyth, Corner Fifth, Concession-, Wawanosh. Mr. E. Livingstone has completely fitted up his mill with the latest im- proved saw mill Machinery, and is pre- pared to fill all orders on the shortest notice, and the best of satisfaction guaranteed. Pine Blocking, Flooring, Dressing Always on *Hand. SIIII\TO-1,-L" Three Thousand Bunches No. 1 and five hundred bunches No. 2, at lowest cash price. Also good. Pine Lath al- ways on hand. 785-12 E. LIVINGSTONE. THE CAHADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, - 56,900,09M Real, 1,650,41,00. Presiaent, Hon. Wm. McMaster. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continnee to receive deposits, on which intereet s allowed on the moat favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal towns and (aim in Canada,on Great Britain, and on tne United States,bought-and Bold. Office—First door South of the Commercial Hotel. 639 A. H. IRELAND, Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. CHRYSTAL 1,4. BLACK, PRACTICAL BOILER MAKERS. efIHE Subscribers have bought the Tools and -I- Boiler Business lately carried on by the God - °rich Foniadry and Manufacturing Company, and having had an experience of over eight years in that shop, are now prepared to earry on the trade in all its brenehes. Any work entrusted to ns will reeelve prompt attention. First-class work guaranteed. All kinds of Bcfilers made and repaired, also Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, &c., at rea- sonable rates. New Salt Pane made and old ones repaired on the shortest notice, sad at prices that defy com- petition. OHRYSTAI, & HL A.OK, 783 Box 103, Ooderieh. R. N. BRET T, SEAFORTH, Wholesale end Retail Dealer in LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Best Stock kept., Termr moderate. A Trial Policited. All orders by mite or otherwf le promptl edited. , N. BRETT _ Draw a fragrint breath and be merry, Fear no dental display as you smile; For the virtu4 of famous "Teaberry" Are for the breath and the teeth • nonpareil. Prepare for Spring. After a long and severe winter the cleansing of impurities. e assisted to recuperate, • be made to act, all sur - impurities carried off. • a gentle purgative. The doses is most surprieing. gist for a ten -cent sam- ple, and try Z mesa, the most powerful' remedy for . d spepsia, indigestion, con- stipation and, biliousness ever • intro- duced iu this Country. system needs Nature must 1 the liver mus phis bile and Zopesa acts a result of a fe Ask your drn 3E3EALI 31...ALAPEI Veget ble Sicilian HAIR RENEWER i was the first preparation perfectly adapted to 'cure diseases o the scalp, and the first suc- cessful restorell of faded or gray hair to its natural colon growth, and youthful beauty.e It has had many imitators, but none have so. fully anet all to requirements needful for . the proper treatment of the hair and scalp. - EA I,e'S HAIR ENEWER has steadily growu in favor, and s read its fame and, usefulness to every quarter of the globe. Its utiparal- leled success 4n be attributed to but one cause: the entir fulfilment of its promises. The propriete rs have often been surprised at the receipt lof order § from remote coun- tries, where they had never made au effort for its introduction. , RENEwEn wm dcrfully improves the per - The use for short time of HALL'S Wain sonal appeartia all impurities, dryness, and stimulates the them to push growth. The transient, like tons, but rema Its use a matte e. It cleanses the scalp from ures all humors, fever, and thus prevents baldness. It veakened glands, and enables orward a new and vigorous ffects of this article are not those of alcoholic prepa.rae a long Wile, which makes' of economy., BUCKI WHAM'S DYE • FOR TEE w IsitgRs Will change thle beard to a natural brown, or black, as desieed. It prodiices a permanent 'color that will not wash. away. Consisting of a single prepaeatione it is applied without trouble. ' I TIREPARED BY R. P. NALL & CO,i liaslina N. 11, Sold by a1 Dealers in 'Medicines. ' OR ALL THE FORMS lop Scrofulous, ercurial, and Blood isorders, the best remedy, because the most searching and thorough I lood-purifieei is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all D uggists ; $1,1six bottles, $5. SECURE THE SHADOW. ANDI--iW CALDER, PEOPL 'S PHOTOGRAPHER, begs to state that he has telurned home from Da- kota. and is convinced that 'There's no place like home," and Le intends t� remain at home, and will hencef ith give Iii a entire personal at- tention to his hi 'ineap; Big facilities for doing good wink are n -excelled, and he can guarantee satisfaction. ome one, c(‘me. all, and brim. - your relations and frena, -and 'secure the shadow eie the substance fades. I can accom- modate you all, and can send you on your way rejoicing.- Just try me and prove n:e. Charge moderate.- Remember the place—Scotes 131ech Main Weed., Searorth. 762 • ANDREW CALDER. • " ^E. 14 ' ••' POLI( C, . 1.11:iiR AYLIS5 Stalidar(i •Braild of Crevol & Anchor YARAISMES None G-enaine vtithout the ebove Trade /Lark. ce Dizrz.b:e and, better suited to thio Clinaa:c than any imported goods. rfeld in stock by all first-class Hardwaremee and Deal n -s- in Carriage Supplies.. MANUFACTURED BY BAYLIS' MANUPING Caj 1VE CDa\T SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DO0fIAND BLIND FACTORY amesesseer 1001111111111101! 7 I • - $500 REWARD We,will pay the above reward for any ease of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In- digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot euro with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, When the directions are strictly eoiaaplied with. They are purely Vegeteble, and never fail to give satisfac- tion. Seger Coeted. Large bores, continlng 80 Pills,25 cents. For saleby all Draggists. Beware of eountert its ana •imitations. The genuine manntacenred mile by .TOHN 0. WES & Co., "The Pill Mekers,"81 & 88 King St. Ease Toron- to, Ont. Free &eat paceage sent by nai1 pre- paid on receipt of a 3 eceut stamp. For . sale at Roberta Drng store. 798 52 I I-- $1000 FoRFE1T I Having the utmost confidence in its suPeriority over all others. and after thousands of tests of the moat compile. ted and severest cases lie eonld find, we feel juetified in offering to for eit One Theueand Dollars for any ease of cough, colds, sore throat, influenza, hoarseness, brencedtis, consumption in its early fe ages, whooping cough, and all diseases of the threat and inns* except Asthma, for which we only claim relelf that we eli can't care with West's Cough Syrup, whe taken according to directions. Sample bottl 25 and 50cents; largebottles one dollar., Gann' e wrap- pers only in blue JOHN O. WEST & CQ. 81 & 83 Eleg St. East, Tononto, Ont. For sale at J. S. Roberts Drug store. 1793-52 I HEALTH IS . WEALTH !, 4,,kceet sWesk a KALN e,--% or/ 1 , •.,' r ;,-------s - • Dr. E. 0, , West's Nerve and Brain Tree ment, a , guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzine s, Con- • vulsions, Fits, Nervotie Nearalgia, H adache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco; Wakefulneet, Mental De ression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in Ineanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old ane, Barrennees, Loss of Power -in either sex, Is -voluntary Lessee and sperinatorrheea, caused l by over-exee ion of the la sin, self-abuse or over indulgence. One box will euro ree,eut casein Ench box contains one month's t eatmeiat. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five &Tare sent by mail prepaid on reeeipt of priee. We guaranee six boxes to euro any caee. With each rder re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied 'th ...five dollars, we wi I send the purchaser ou1 written guarantee to refund the money if the t vatment does not eff, et a cure. Guarantees lee zed only by J. S. Roberts sole autliceized agent 451. Sea- ftooritshT0.0nrotnartioo: John C. West & Co., Sol proprie- 79342 DR. FELIX LE BRums GAG „ A Guaranteed Cure for Clopor:Inea and Gleet. Safe, pleasaut and reliable. No laid effOcts from its nee. Deea not interfere with Insine e or diet. Nice $3 per box, or three boxes for $5.1 Written guarantees issued by every daly esitho)P Id agent to refund the money if ttnee box is fail to cure. Sent postage prepaid on receipt o pa -ie; address J. S. Roberts authorized agent fu Seat) th. Dr. Felix Le Brnri & I., 81 & 83 Kin St. ast. Tor- onto, Sole Proprietors. • 798-52 , I • 4 41:(Y. NU • • 701:1 J88 -) Vill be FREE to au appit ta d to cus- tomers of last year without ord g il. itcontalns about 176 pages, 600 illustrations, prices .accurate - descriptions and valuable direct! s planting 1500 varieties of Vegetable an Flo r Seeds, Plants, Fruit Trees, etc. In.val le to all, espec- ially to Market Gardeners. SendIfor it D. M. FERRY et co. DE*130lT MOH. Mack's Magnetic ledicine Foop THE subetriberbegsleave to thank his nruneree enstomere for the liberal patrons ge extended te himsince csomm tieing business in Seafortheent trnets hat he may be f avored with a eoatinuanot ' of the same. Partiesinten ngtobnildwonlddo well to glet him a call,as he vi11 continue to keep on hand I large: stock of al I kinds el Dry Pine Lumber, Sashes, Doors, Bliinds and Mouldings, Shingles, _ Lath, &c. . Hefeeleconfid ut of gevingsatisfectiox t °theta who mayfavonr im with theirpatronage,a extern but first-els.esw rkm en a r e employed. Particular at ention paid to Custom Plardm 20E 3HI H. BROADFOOT. NERVE AND BRA1 A Cure Guara teed. Fon OLD AND YOITNG, MALE AND FEMALE. Is a sure. prompt, and effectual mud for Ner- vousness in all its stages, Weak Lerner, Loss of Brain Power, Sexual Prostration Nig t Sweats, Spermatorrhocea,SeminalWeakn se Leorrhacs, l3arrenncss, and General Loss o F1owtr. It re- pairs nervous waste, rejuvener tes the jaded in- tellect, strengthens •the enfeebl d brain, and re- stores surprising tone and vigo to the exhaust- ed generative organs in either sex. aff- each order for rwELvE packag s, accompanied with $5, we will send our writt ai guarantee to refund the money if the tre tment does not effect a cure. Jt is the cheapest and best medi- cine in the market. Full pi rtienlars in our pamphlet, whin we desire to ail free to any address. Maik's Magnetic edieine is sold by Druggists at 60 cents per box or 12 boxes for $5, or will be nlailed free of OS -g-e on receipt of money by addressing MACES MAGNETIC MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold by all Drug- gists. Guarantees issued by J. S. Remus,- Sea, forth. 781-52 Composed largely of powdered Mies. or Is1n-‘ lass, isthe s Es "r aid CH EAP ESitlubrlca- or, in the world—the B EST becaus0 It does; not gum, but forms a highly polished sur- face over the axle, reducing friction and, lightening the draft; the CH EAn ll EST he- cause It Costs NO MORE thaInferior brandet, and one box will do the Work of two of any other make. answers as wen or Harvesters, MR Gearing, '1 hreshing Ma- chines, Corn -Planters, Carriars,‘, Buggies, etc.. as tor Wagons. CUAR ANT ED to contain NO Petroleum. Sold by all dealers. vIr' Our Pocket Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing mailed free. MICA MANUFACTURING CI 229 Hudson St., New York. Cleveland, 0. and Chicago, Ili: SAMUEL. ROCERS & CO. Toronto,Ont. . Sor- Agents for the Dom nion. J. S. PORTER SE' AF6RTFI. ain determined to Clear Out my Entire Stuck of Furniture regard less' of Cost. THOSE IN WA.NT, it will pia. them to aecer tain prices before purchasing elitewhere. I give a biro diecount to thoee paying cash, ee pecially, to newly atarried eeneles. 1 I am'etill 'ening Pie finieeee eb.airs fox S2.1.0. I also keep Knowlton's Spring Bed, the best and cheapest ia tic market; warrantee perfectly noieeleee. Wareroonas pee, in oppaeite M. 11 Conntee MeantoothJeweiry Steil e. r...r Si rept, , Scmot t 1 East Side. or everythi. g, Cash for bides, skins, fursti):nr,.d al1ow. in truck or trade. Ca- 'n f 625 j EYE, EAR AND THROAT, R. CEORCE S RYERSON, L. R. O. P., L.11, 0. fe. E , Lecturer on the Zye Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to, and Sueguou to the Mereer Eye and Ear In- firmary, Commiting Oculist and Anriat to the Institution -for the Bbd. Brantfo.de and for the Deal and inunb Belle-ville, Ont. Late Clini- cal Aesietant Royal Loudon Ophthabnie Hospie to], Moor.fielde, and. Central Throat and Fan' Hoopital. • 317 CHURCH STREET TORONTO Nay be consulted at the ALBION HOTEL, STRATFORD, On the Last Sit TURIDA II' in EA CIA MONTH. 709 • AYER'S Sarsaparilla cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheuma- tic Gout, General Debility, Catarrh, and all disorders; caused by a thin and impover- ished, or corrupted, condition of the blood; expelling the blood -poisons from Ihe system, enriching and renewing the blood, and re- storing its vitalizing power.' During a long period of unparalleled use- - fulness,. AYER'S S_A_ILSAPARILLA has proves its perfect adaptation to the cure of all dis- eases originating In poor blood andeveakened vitality. It is a highly concentrated ex- tract of Sarsaparilla and other blood - purifying roots, combined. with Iodide of Potassium and Iron, and is the safest, most reliable, and most. economical blood - purifier and blood -food that can be used. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. "AYER'S SARSAPARILLA has clued me of the Inflammatory Rheumatism, with which. I have suffered for many vears. \V. H. nfoonn." Durham, Ia., March 2, 1882. "Eight years ago I had an attack of Rheumatism so severe that I could net move from the bed, or dress, without help. I tried several remedies without much if any relief, until I took AYER'S SARSAPA- RILLA, by the Use of two bottles of which 1 was completely cured. I have not been • troubled with the Rheumatism. sine,e. Have sold large quantities of yotir SARSAPARILLA and it stiel retains its wonderful popularity. The nia.ny notable Cures it has ,effected in this vicinity con- vince me that it is the best blood medicine ever offered to the public. E'F River St., Buckland, MaesaA141-n 13, "Last March I was so weak from gener- al debility the at I could not saAllewRitthLoLuAt, help. Following the advice of a friend, I commenced taking AvEnes SAiel.rA and before I had used three bottlee I felt as well as I ever did in my life. I have been at work now for two months, and think your SARSAPARILLA. the greptest blood medicine in the world. JAMES mAymutp.,, 1520 West 42d St., New York, July 39, 1882. AYER'S SA RSAPA RILLA cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip- elas, Eczema, Ringworm,' Blotches, Sores, Bolls, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impuri- ties, aids digestion, sthnulates‘the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality an& strengthens the whole system. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer &oo., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; priee$1, six bo t1 es, $5. Trade Hark Registered. ANOTHER CREAT BOOM IN WINHIPEC enamel obeervat fen, we find ell 'lead specula- tors heve a clear head, end -eeteli the ups ahd dOW1 P of property, thee melting large fortunes. But the whole scent is, they keep the seetem in* henlihy condition by the 1) se of TEE pima OF THE VALLEY 3IFDICINE. We can safely say that hinairoGs eizot tons for the great lung and- blood pup fier before going West. Bead the following statement We could glee' thousands of the same eind if it were nee antteer. "I certify thet I was trcubl- d with catarrh in the head, gathering of phlegm in the throat, ehoki»g and coughing at night for years, so I canlel not sleep; oftea troubled with dull, Wakes feeeirgs 'pains in the chest. and baek. After go/it g 1)11y -dm& of dollars to doctors, and giving up all hnpes. I tried the PRIDE' e.P THE VALLEY, find nre now able ts do nay work after in ven year's ile;HICPE." ATM James le eNei, 202 eimeee F treet. Lor don, Ont. The above stetmeet of my eeite'e • is eterrect, James McNeil. For sale by ail druagists in Seafortn 74542 memateateast WY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FOR 1888 !ontaining el-gerintien and priees ci tho zboiceoLind Fled, Garden, and rimer See& mailed free to rai intending purchasers upon appllatt iO It is the handsomest Catalogue pub' ishth in Canada, and . )3 Invaluable to allwho wish to bny PIITIZTRZSH 8 Sper4,11 attention given to preparing ftsSims PEMIANENT PASTURE., Priceaend inn nartientrire will be found In estalo_MIS W. RENNIE, Seedsman,TORONW NORMAN'S ELECTRIC bURATIVEAPPLIAMM ESTABLISHED 1874. RELIEVES AND CURES Spinal Complaints, ; General and e vous Debility, Rheumatism, Gout, Nervousness, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat, and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia. Bronchitis, Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, SPrahla, Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds, Indigestion,. As for Norman's Electric Belts, and you will be safe against impo ition, for they. will do their work well and are cheap at any pnce. A. NORMAN, 4 Queen St Fnet, Toronto. E. HICKSON & Co , Agent-,