HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-03-02, Page 7immeeis ) iilva g- prepays Irma, 147571 SO* Pa Fares C1zs 7' Le« r ccisit srleas4 Ore,Main 646 $6,000 via per cept. to y aPraY to 766 Phyaician - and reel- utchisone. 781 neon anet e -id OU door g. Art, iTrae. pt Etarea. t driatel Of ehollietd eexoee E4. te- a S-. OA- S*, Eden: holao Hos- women. • I ST of Dental he rooms. Whitoefs ind sa.tis- e. omit noels 1ST,. collage s. -is able te suitabie Specialty. kL gin. Seaferth. D. 8., . CADET'S oppo- Hotel, on ifl'EgDAY 4)xide Gala a This gas clght since wen one of ence. Pe- ale the gas in a min- isanreeable Beth please ntion pa'ul Teeth in - 73Q -52 aving Imre pied by Mra e house -in. ed, and an, 'REY, Pro - 784124. E, EETORS. tiles Hone., d refurnish- " in the best eaae etocom- brands ei n attentive he Stables. rming coma te [vs) . the travel- ed this new as thorough - top to boa. comfortable r. By strict ere he hopes The rooms 1. The bar and an st- ill alwaYs be for Comener- er of Main 733 .?roprietori ICIER ae purpose c f ada,la new, oat fa,vorable E P.HATEs, 69a IttlARoi 2, 1883. rEE HUR N EXPOSIT R., Latest IsTevr8 ?totes. —Truth says that of modern authors flotion, Mr. Black makes the most money, end after him ()owes. Mr. Payn ; - Ana of authoresses, Mise Braddon. —The funeral of Wm. Gregory, Secre- tary of the Yairhold Agricultural Socie- ty, was held at 'Wilton, Conneotiout, on the 1.4th inst. At the same hour and in the same roora his daughter was married to George Eko. The same minister performed both ceremonies and the marriage was solemnized in atx)ordance with the request of the deceased. —The colored people at Salisbury, New York, are much excited over the hot that Hugh Leonard, a colored man, haa thrown up a live snake eighteen inches long. It is said his discarded sweetheart gave him a cake to eat vidaich he supposed contained snake eggs, and Leonard says there are more ertaikea to come out. —The Luckn.ow Sentinel renaa s Some time ago we announced the"' aat that a rumor was in circulation to the effect that Mr. Angus. McDonald, of West Wawanosh, had both his feet frozen while working in the bosh near the Lake of the Woods. Such, we are pleaaed to Eiay, is not the case, as we. learn from a private letter that Mr. McDonald is well and happy, and that he never was near the Lake of the Woods. —The following, property ch.anges are annotinced from Goderich Township :-.- Mr. A. Glongher has sold 58 acres,being lot 49, on the Maitland cession, to Mr.O.M.Williaxas for the sum of $1,300. Mr. John McDougall, lot 9, coecession 3, sold his farm to Mr. Green for the: etun of $3 700. Mr. C. L. McIntosh, of that townehip, •has purchased. lot 7, concession 3, containing 1i10 acres, from Mr. Jaraes Porter, for the BUM of .$4,400. Mr. Porter has paechased one of the farms of the Salkela estate, on the 2o.d concession, for $3,600. —Ou .?.tIoraltty eYenin0 of last week a. barge aumber of the Lleburn Church congregation, invaled the resalenee of cine for weeks, but one minute's appli- Rev. Mr. Turnbull, of Godorich, and cation removes all pain, and will prove or weakens the bowels like violent pur- gative. It _invigorates the system through the medium of the inoteased- digestive and assimilative activity which it promotee, and is also e. most efficient remedy for kidney complaints, scrofulous and all diseases of the blood, female weakness, &o. Price, $1: Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask for Nor- throp & Lyman's Vegetable Disoovery and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrapper bears a fac-simile of their signature. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, Seaforth. 750-520. I A Single Box Of Dr. Smith's Great German Worm Remedy will kill a thousand worms, and is as pleasant to take as the most delicious Oandy. It does not create nausea, and can be given without a particle of iapprehension of doing injury, Sold by LIS. Roberts, Agent, Seaforth, 754,52. Calvert's Carbolic Cerate. Try it ler chapped hands, cuts,burns, bruises. It is a preparation of Vaseline„ carbolic aid and Cerate. It will cure any sore where all other preparations fail. Call at Ltunsden & Wilson's Drug Storeasnd.gete;.package, 25e is all it costs. , 795.52.2w . McGregor$ Speedy Cure. fund the money.Thousands oan testi to its prompt action in curing cough colds, bronchitis, eto. If you suffer t them. Prioo-50 cents a bottle, sold by all druggists. Charles T. Casselman, Druggist of Chesterville, writes to the proprietors of that sovereign tonic,B r - dock Blood Bitters, “Your Blood Iit- terif give universal satisfaction. All your medicines sell well, and many of my customers will take no other. 774. 65.2w Mrs. McArthur. Of Hopeville, says regarding Hag- yard'a Pectoral Balsam, that he would not keep house without it. She cannot speak too highly of its merits as a remedy for colds, coughs, bronchitis, asthma:, weak lungs and all pulmonary troubles. A cold may be cured by it in one day. 794.65,2w SAYS DRYDEN She knows her man, and when you rant and swear, Can draw you to her -with a single hair. But it must be beautifol hair to have such power; and. beautiful hair can be ensured by the use of the Cingalese Hair Renewer. Sold:at 50c by J. S. Roberts. 770.52.789 From the Many remarkable cure e "Why should a man whose blood is a wrought by using McGregor's Speedy warm within Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster Care for dyspepesia, indigestion, consti; ' pation and affection of the liver,?"1 without 0.r let his hair grow rusty, scant and,. from the itereeElee sale of it any advertising, we have • concluded t: thin,' place it on the market, so that tho When Cingalese Renewer will make Al o who suffer may have a perfect cure. Go For faster. to Lumsden & Wilson's drug store and or sale by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 770.52.78X . get a trial bottle free, or a regular siee ' • . Don't Doubt It . i at 50 cents and $1. 795.52.1w I Failure is not alivays followed by Kra,ra's Lightning Fluid. . -failure, and -although you •may havd. Is the only instantaneous relief for tried remedies rePeatedly without bene - neuralgia, headache,. toothache, etc. fit, don't doubt that you will find the 'Rubbing a few drops briskly is all that right thing yet. Putman's Painless is needed. No taking natiseons medi- Corn. Extractor is aTositive remedy for corns. And onceluSed at once cured. This fact has been vouched for by tbonsands who have used. it. Sold by all druggists. N. C. Poison .Co,. Proprietors, Kingston.. 762-25.0 proceeded to arrauge for a. pleasant, social time. They spread a very gen- erous table, and after the 60 portions present had dene it justice, the re- minder of the evening was devoted to singing, chatting ar4,1 amusement. A feature of the Obit was a donation eif 60 bushels of oats, an ample proviaion for Mr. Turnbull's horse- The party WEIB- EL strikino proof of the estimation ill which thr'e rev erotic" gentleman is held, and the kindly generosity of hiti Lee. turn charge. —The first Chinese newspaper in America appeared in New York city last week. A. Chinaman dictates the articles to an aanautiensie, wh,i puts th6111 OR paper, from which they are transferred to a lithographic stone. But for this method the publication i.voull bo tle was a new man, cough all gone, be impoasitile, as there are 60,000 char- and completely cured. It is well flans- &eters the Chinese laeguagh, and the ed. the great remedy. JAS. W. D. BARKER. the great value of Kram's Fluid Lightn hag. Twee ty-five cents per bot le at Lumsden & Wilsonle Drag Sto e, Seaforth. 795.52.2w • . Boieseowe, N. B., Jan. 6,1882. caught a cold last fall on the stage coaoh while going to Chatham, which sati fin fea surlrption, as I was growing weaker and weaker every day. I got very much alarmed ; could not sleep for want of breath, when my doctor advised. me to tr) Dr. Wilson's Pulmouary Cherry Balsam. I felt sceptical at first, but after using one bottle found I was re - co Bring, and on - finishing my third -ed in a very severe cough, and lly I was confined to my room. I ed it would soon terminate in con - cost of them is enormous. The fact that all Chitiamen can read, and that there are in New York 8,000, Chinamen, 600 laundries and 30 grocery stores, is pointed to by the projectors as an evidence of prospective anccess. —One of the leaditig Montreal hotels has edooted a novel fire escape, which llo-way's_ Ointment and Pills. ores, wounds, ulcerations and other dir, eases affeeting the skin, are amend - ab e by this cooling and healing un- guent. It has called forth the loudest will bimmediately conetrueted at praise from persons who haeze suffered e a Lor years trona bad legs, abscesses, and cost of $a,000. The escape will cousiet chronic ulcers, afte4every hope of cure of a circular hrick tower at the end of a has long passed away, None but those W..10 have experienced the .soothing ef- feet of this Ointment can form any idea of the comfort it besetws, by restrain- inflaramation and allaying pain. here,ver this Ointment has once been ed it has established its own worth, d has. again been eagerly sought for, the easiest and safest remedy for all wing, to be approached by balconies frOna each corridor of the wing, leading to autonaatio fire -proof doors, whieh will be open to any one approaching on the bridges but be settled to any one within the tower, where circular stairs afford an easy descent to the street. In addi- tion to this the tower will contain a large iron water main, with branch pipes to all the corridors in the building connecteCi with the high-level reservoir, which will afford a ready means of ex- tinguishing any serious conflagration. —.Regarding the Mississippi River obstructe I by Mr. Peter MoLaren's “inaprovements,” about which the pub- lic have heard so much, Meesrs. B. Caldwell & Sons write to a gentleman in Toronto: During last season we brought down the Mississippi River over 45,000 saw logs and several hun- dred pieces of boom timber without using any of McLaren'a improvements. The greatest obstructions itt driving the stream are McLaren's dams, which are placed right across the streams, some of them over aixteen feet high, aud. without a ploper -opening or aprous, so that we had to put our logs over the top of these obstruotions. They were built many years ago by Gilmour & Co., for the purpuee of running down square timber. These obstructions dam the water back and throw it into slides built an the mainland, but in driving saw -logs these elides are not reqiiired at all, as the logs go more quickly aud bet- ter through the elates. The Mississip- pi Rivera from the head of Mazina Lake to Chats‘Lakeou the Ottawa River, is over 130 miles long. To give you an idea of the 8:Z3 of some of the lakes above the high falls (this being Mr. IN1c Lareses lowe,-,t so called itnproveuteuta). Maztnaw Lake is nine miles lung, in earner places over two nai'es wide, and. very deep; arsarble Lake over two nailes long; Long Like over 30 miles long. Oa Buckshot Creek last fall we built some dams, and daring last month Mc- Laren's men, by his orders, cut thern away, and he has not as log of any kind on this creek. Some of the dams were en a Government lot. We have taken out this year on Buckshot Creek over 20,000 saw -logs, and on the Mississippi Creek fifteen miles above lies Mudlia,ke, over foarrnilee lung; Cross Lake, over five miles Ione, aud in some placts two miles wide; Keg's Lake, one mile long; and Miller's- Lake, (near where the Kingston & Pembroke Railway crosses the atream), over a mile long. The river is a large and important one. in UE a, a ulcerous coroplaints. In neuralgia, r eumatism and gent, the same appli- c tion, properly used, gives wonderful relief. Ayer's Saraparilla 4 the best medicine for every 0116 in the spring. Emigrants and travellers will fled in it an effectual cure for the eruptions, boils, pimples, eczema, etc., t iat break out on the skin—the effect of d sorder in the blood, caused by sea diet a life on board ship. 793.52 - Thousands' Say So. Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Kansas, , writes : "I never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitters to my customers, they give entire satisfaction, and are rapid sellers?! Electric Bitters are the' purest and best medicine known, and will positively cure kidney and Liver complaints. Purify the blood and regulate the bowels. No family can af- ford to be- without them. They will save hundreds of dollars in Doctor's bills every year. Sold at 50 cents a bottle by E. Hickson & Co. 783.52 • G-WMi-. .ngay, Parkdale, Toronto, writes: y wife had several very severe attacks of cramps in the, Stomach. Hearing of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine and its pleasantness to take, I gave her two bottles, and she has not had an attack since, and her health is much improved: For sale by all druggists. 770.52.789 CANADIAN B HEAD 0 Paid up Cairt Beat, - . President, H E K OF COMMERCE. • SEAFO The &Worth Br vitiate deposits, o the most favorable t Drafts on all the Canada, on Great States, bonght and Office—First der Hotel. 689 F. HOLMESTED, 1C], TORONTO. ••• p • M MB $6,000,000. 1,650,000. on. Wm. McMaster, TH BRANCH. oh of this Bank continnem te Inch interest s allowed on ITEM. rineipal towns and cities in ritain, and on tne Elnited id. South of the Comraercial H. IRELAND, Manager. licitor. & BLACK, PBJ OTICAL BOILEI MAKERS. THE Subscriber A- Boiler Brisines erich Foundry and havieg had an ex that shop, are 130W Weill its branches Any work entru aye bought the Tools and ately carried on by the God- lanufacturing Company, and iouce of over eight years in epared to carry on the trade d to ns will receive prompt attention. Firstael se work guaranteed. All kinds- of 13 i els made and repaired, also Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, &c., at rem- smas.ble rates. New Salt Pane e tide aud old ones repaired on the shortest notic , and at prices that defy com- petition. CHRY TAIL & BLACK, 783 Box 103, Goderich. - $500 RE'YVARD I We cwoill trlyilitth,e )ove reward for any _caso of Liverrm spepaia, Sick Healache, In- digestion, Condipat ion or Costivenees we cannot cure with West's It( getable Liver Pills, when the de eetions aro strictly complied with. They are purely Viegetebie, and never fail to give satisfac- tion. Sugar Coated. Large b. xes, contaiiiiiig 30 „Pills,25 Gents. For male by all Druggists. Beware of counterf, its a manufactured oul "The Pill Makers, to , Ont. Free tee paid ou receept of Roberts Drug dor J. vy etherell, Writing from Winnipeg, says: "I can say more about Phoephatine now than when I saw _you last in Toronto. My health is mach improved, and I am free from headaches or any other tache4, having used only two and a half bottles of your Phospbatine. For sale by all druggists. 770.52.789, • Answer this Question P Why do so many people we see around us seeM to prefer to suffer and be -made miserable br indigestion, conetiPation, dizziness, lobs of appetite, coming up of the food, yellow skin, when for 75 cts. we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by Lums- den & Wilson... 780-26. Phosphatine. A name which to every intelligent mind, professional or otherwise, is a key to its composition., ,No safer,purer, more palatable and more effective com- pound, has ever been offered. in cases of nervous exhaustion and pulmonary consumption. For sale by all druggists. 788.52.2w A Prolific Source of Disease. A triflin.giudiscretion in diet may lay the foundation of confirmed dyspepsia, and there is no fact in niedical science more positively ascertained or more au- thoritatively asserted than that dyspep- sia is the parent of a host of bodily ills, Lot the least of a-hicli is contamination of the blood and the maladies of which that is the direct consequence. Their original cause is, however, thoroughly eradicated from the system by Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure, a medicine which only requires regularity and persistence in its use to cure dyspepsia and the many ills that arise from it. No deleterious raineral ingredient is contained. in it, and though its action is thorough in cases of eostiveness, it never produces griping palms in the abdominal region, .Phosphatine. Phosphates are the life of the blood, the nutriment that builds up and 'sus- tains the living body; they are, in other words, bone, brain, nerve and tissue food. For sale by all druggists. 788, 52.2w Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A marvellous cure for catarrhs diph- theria, canker mouth and headache. With each bottle, there is. an ingenious nasal injector for the more succesaful tieatment of these complaints without extra charge. Price 50 cents. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson. 780-26. Shi 1 oh's onsa This is beyond qnesbiorz the most sue- cesSful Cough Medicine we .have ever said, a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, troup, and Bron- chitis, while its wonderful 1311.CCOSs in the cure of Consumption is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other mediciue can stand. If you have a Cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore,. Chest, or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold. by Lumed0a. & Wilson. 780 26. ption. Cure. $100 Having the utm over all °there, an most compile:4e find, we feel juet Thou -and Doha - Fiore throat. ud imitatious. The genuine V by JOHN C. WEST &O0, '01 Lit 83 King St East, ToFou- I package sent by mail pre - 3 coont stamp. For' salc nt TA 62 FOR FEIT et eonfideuce in its superiority after thousands of tests of the and severest eases we could led in offering to forfeit One for any ease of coughs, colds, ooze, ho oneness, broncluns, consumption it i& -ar]y s ages, whooping -cough, and all diseases of the thriat and limes, except Aetlene, for whiele we only claim reFiI, thet we can't cure with West's Cough Serup when takn aecOrding to dirik,tir.rui. Sample bottles 25 and 50cents ;. large botieles one dollar. Genuine wrap- pers only in blue 1lJOHN 0.1VE3T & 00., 81. & 83 Ring Sr. Ert.it,ictueouto, tint:. For' sale at J. S. Itobarts Drug c tom. 193-52 HEALTil Fl WEALTH t,,C Wes, E3 RAI KENIDALL'S SPAV1N CyREL It cures Spavins, plints, Curbs, Ri 1i3ones and all sir1ui. iar blemishes, a d ,:.'"x•Tr< EAT M E Dr. E. C. West ii Nerve and Brain Treatment, a guaranteed speci le for Hy-teria, Dizziness, Con- _ yulsions, Wits, ervoue Neura tie, Ileadaehe, Nervous Prostrat on (wised by the use of alcohol or tobacco, le kefulnest, Mental Dept.( ssion, Softening of the rairi, resulting in Irvainty and le.t.iing to mise1-, decay and death, Premature old age, Barre -no : s, Lose or Power in either Rex, Involuntary I.,ost eli and spermatorrlima, caused by ovenexerilione f the both.), seLeabuee or over indulgence. lOn box will aim n cent caeee. Each box contalts one month's t eatment• One dollar a box, °ere x boxes for live dollars ; sent by p p nl. teeeipt, of priee. We guarantee . sir boxes to eare; any ea -o. With each order rd- ! coved by xte for x boxes, anc imearued with fire 1 dobire, we Nei 1 eed the purchaser our writ,ete ' guarentee to ref nd the money if- the tteatment 1 does not .eff et1 crii a. Gnarantees issued only y 3.,8. B be ts' sole autholvd agent fur Sea • fortft.Ontarice ohn C. West & Co., Sole proprie- , o_________ _7_93_-_:-.2 tors Toronto'. I DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S G AND G 'CT 1-?.. Jt -i . • A Gnarentee Cure for Clonorrecea and Gleet. Safe, pleasant nd relieble. No bad. effects from its use. Doee ot interfere with bueinese or die.. Price $2 per bole? or threo boxes for $5' Written gua -ante, s leen ol by every duly aut leo. ized ageut to refund the m ney it tin ee boxes fail to cure. Sept postage pr ,paid on receipt of price address J. ._ . Bo cr s. iborized agent for S-erforth. Dr. Felix T e Brun. & Co., 81 & 83 Ring St. East, Tor- onto, Sole Prop ietors. 793-5 2 emoves the bunlch ithout blisterin RENDALCS SPAVIN CURE Vor man it is now known to be one of the best, if not the best, liniment ever -discovered. _ We feel positive that every man cap. have perfect success in every case if he ill only use goo bid common cases thers : NREeNadDAILL'S SPAVIN the experience of SPAVININ CURE, sense sl long nign standing. FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. , nd persevere in YOUNGSTOWN, 07, May rn, jan18800.olt Dr. B. J. Kend 11 & Co.—Gents: I had a very valuable ammet hich I prized v ry highly; he had a large bone epavia on one joint, and. a mailer one on t e other, which made him very lame; I had him under -the barge of two v terinary enrgeons, which failed to cure him. I was one day ceding the adve tisement of Kendall's Spavin Cure in th Chicago Express. 1 eterrained at once to try it, and got our druggists here to end for it; they o - dered three bottl 'Bs; I took them all, and thought I would ive it a thorongh trial; I used it a cording to directions, and by the fourth da the colt ceased to be lame, and the lumps Lad entirely disappeared. I used but one hottle, and the colt's limbs are a free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in the State. Ile is entirely cured The cure was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the remaining two bottles, who are now using it. Neil respectfu a, L. T. FOSTER. KE DALL'S ,SPAVIN CURE 1 ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881. Eerly last sunamer Messrs. B. 3. Kendall & Co., of Enosburg Falls, Vermont, made a contract with the publishers of the Press for a half colnam advertise- ment for one year setting forth the n3erits of Kendall's Spavin Cure. At the same time we seburecl from the firm a quantity of books, erititled Dr. Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases,twhich we are irgivin to advance paying subscribers to the Press as a premium. About the time the advertisement first appeared irs this pa er Mr. P. G. Scher- naerhorn, who resides near Colliers bad a spavined hbrse. El read the advertise- ment and concluded to test the efficacy of the rernecly, lthough his friends laughed at hie credulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall's 5 avin Cure and com- menced using it on the horse in accordance with the directio s, and he informed us this week that it effected such a complete cure that an ex iert horseman', who examined the a imal recently could find no trace of the spavin Or the place where it had been loc. ted. Mr. Schermerhorn has since secured -a copy of Keudalrs .Treatise on the 1. ors e and his Diseases,whieh he prizes very highly and would be iloth to part wit it at any price, provided he could not obtaii another copy. So much for adver 7- .411=1011M11111111•WWW1111.1.111.11 ising reliable articles. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUR' [72,1 Kendall's Sp: yin Cure is sure in its effects, mild in its actions as lit does not blister, yet it isirenetratino and powerful t� reach any deep seated pa n or to re- move any bony growth or any other enlargOrnent if nsed for aeveral da -s, such as spavins, splints curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any laineness and 11 enlarge- ments of the jants or limbs, or rheurnatisM in man and for any urpoee for which a Unitise is.used for man or beast.' It is now knOwn to be the best lini- ment for man ver used, acting pild and yet certain in its effects. It is used. full strength with EYE, EAR AND THROAT. DR. GEORGE S. RYERSON, L. R. C. P., L. R.C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye Ear aud Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to, and Sufgoon to tbe Moicer Eyeand Ear In- firmary, Cousulting ()cad and Aurist to the Institutions for the Blind Brantfo;d, and for the Deaf aud Dumb. Dalleville, Ont. Late Clini- cal Assistant Royal Loudon Ophthedmic Hospi- tal, Itioorfields, and Central Throat end Ear Hoepital. 317 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO May be consulted at the ALBION HOTEL, STRATFORD, On the, Last SATUR1PAY IBACIII ITION TIC 708 SCROFULA and all scrofulous diseases, Sores, Erysipe- las, Eczema, Blotches, Ringworm, Tu- mors, Carbuncles, Bolls, and Eruption* of the Skin, are the direct. result of an impure state of the blood. To cure -these diseases the blood must be purified, and restored to a laealthy and ii2e. tural condition. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA has for over forty years been recognized by emi- nent medical authorities as the most pow- erful blood purifier in existence. St frees -the system from all foul humors, enriches and strengthens the blood, reln0YeS all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves itself a tomplete master of all Scrofulous diseases. A Receirt Cure of Scrofulous Sores. "Some months ago I was troubled with !scrofulous sores (ulcers) on my legs. The limbs were badly swollen and • infdeonea, and the sores discharged large quantities of offensive matter. Every rem.edy tried failed, until used AyEn's SARSAPARILT.A, of which I have now taken three bottles, with thes -result that the sores are healed, and my ;general health greatly improved. I feel very grateful for the good your inedieiue has dono me.. Yours respectfully, Mils. AN O'BniaN." ata Sullivan St., New York, June 1&2. rje- All persons interested are invited to call on 'Mrs. O'Brian; also upon the Revr Z. P. Wilds of I'S East 54th Street, New York City, -who will take pleasure in testifying to the wonderful efficacy of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, not only in the cure of this lady, but in his OV711' -case and many others within his knowledge. The well-known writer on the Boston. Herald, 13. Nt. BALL, of Rochester, writes, June 7, 18e2: " lla,ving suffered severel,V for some. years with Eczema, and having failed to find relief fronii other reinedies, have made use, during the past three months, of AYER'S SARSAPA- e.rfect safety at all seasons ef tlie year.-. eILLAwhich has effected a complete cur. Semi address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of itsI coniSder it a magnificent remedy for all virtue& ,No re --------- er met with such- unqualified success to our knowledge, alo d diseases." Nothing Can supply th place of a beautiful silky i head of natura hair. It is infinitely more cornfortaele than switches, and other preparations for tile hair by un- known foreigners. Hair may be re- tained, beautified and actually restored, by the use of the Cingalese Hair Ren- ewer. Sold at fity cents per bottle by all druggists. 770.52.786. 7----' In the TIEstory of Medicine No, preparation has received ench uni- versal commendation for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it affects in kidney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kidney _Cure.. Its action in these distressing complaintal is q -simply wonderful. For Sale by J. S. Roberts. 770.52.789 Cheap and. Good. For 50 cents yon can purchase from any reliable druggist, a box of Mack's Magnetic Medicine, which contains ftirty five doses; this is cheaper than any other similar medicine sold, and while it is cheap our druggists say it is the best, and gives satisfaction in all cases. Read the advertisement in an- other colunan.-780-52. s The Cause of peath. It is known almost to a certainty that in fatal diseases the individual dies either from the brain," heart or lurgs. How wise then is the effort to maintain a perfect state of health? Dr. Carson's Stomach and Conetipation Bitters are a veritable "Health Giver." They free the system from impurities; cure bili- ousness, dyspepsia, and all diseased- of the stomach, liver or bowels. • In large bottles at 50 cents. Sold by all drug- gists. With every bottle of Dr. Carson's Palmonaxy Cough Drops, a 8ample bottle is given eof charge. If, after Now That there is a reliable remedy for kid- ney trouble, half the terrors attached to these comp aints have been removed, For this let a I be thankful, and to Dr. -Van 13uren' Kidney Cure award all praise for having thus re- move.1 a hi herto fatal disease from our path. t was never known to fail. Sold b J. S. Roberts. 770.52.789 r*ttie. t.Or,c: the ler co Composed glass, is the not gum,lot face over t lightening cause It co brands, an 'two of arly or Harvest chines, °or etc.. as for contain NO CV" Our Po Knowing Lie. MICA Pri&3 $1_ per ottle, or six bottles for,$5.. All Druggists have it or can get it for Ayel s Sarsaparilla for beast as well as man. a, I gely ot powdered Mee, or I8111-1 EST ancl CH EAP EST lUbriCa-1 rid—the BEST because it does; t forms.a highly polished sur -4 e axle, reducing friction and he draft; the CH-EAPEST be- ts tiO.MORE than inferior one box will do the work of ther make. Answers as well -a, Mill Gearing, Threshing Ma- -Planters, Carriages. Buggies, Wagons. .CUARANTEED to Petroleum. .;oldby all dealers. ee dt tree.Cyslopedia of Things Worth ANLIFACTWUNG CO. 228 udeon St:, New York. Clevellnd, 0. and Chicago. Ili. SA1'4910E1,11, OCERS & CO. Toronto,Ont. 801.' egents for the Dominion. you, or it will e sent to any address ou receipt of price by the proprietors. 748-52 Buckl n's Arnica, Salve. The greatest medical wtnder of the world. Wa anted to speedily cure, burns, bruises, cuts, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, ancers, piles, chilblains, corns, tetter chapped hands aud all skin eruptio s, guaranteed to cure in every instan 43 or money refunded; 25 cents per bo For sale by E. Hickson & Co. 783.52. . Farmers before buying your reaper . and mower bil ask for and. procure a sample of " aiser" Machine Oil. It is warrantednot to gum, and is guaran- teed to givegood satisfaction. 753-52 Now that: the reaping and. mowing season is coining on, farmers should remember that that "Kaiser" Machine . Li' - using the trial bottle, you axe not satis- is the best reaper and mower oil fied with its effeet, you can return the lin the market. For sale by all dealers. large bottle to your dealer, who will re- , 753-52 NORMAN'S DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enosburg Falls, "-i,Tt rment. SEAFORT SASI1, DOOR 1. PLANING MILL, THE subeeribert enetoinere for th him since common. trueste bat he may of the Barqe • Partiesintendin e to build wonld do well to gie him a call,art w'll continue to keep oo hand t large stock of ell inds Dry Pine urnber,. Sashes, Doors, Blinds an Mouldirlgs, Shingles, Lath, &c. Hefeelsoonfident of gevingsatiefaetiontothore who may favourh in with their pritrouage,ae noto lent firat-claeswor endu a reemployed. Particular :ate tion paid to Custom AND BLIND FACTUT ega leave to th fink hiannineror. e liberal patronege extenOete Gime hnsiness in Seaforth eine e favored with a ooatinnener y C 201 JO N H. BROADFOOT. YE 'S PILLS,. r`V.C. r,r- L21,211, F.4 ee _ 2 -„0S- v0mc........_.7,1 • L7-43 0 ,._. • CoP e F I lanrs 4. SECURE THE SHADOW. ANDHEW CAlkDER, A largo propoiering result from derange- a. rrtion of the diseases which rPHE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRA cause human s ment of the !stomach, bowels, and liver. kota,satantae fillet hnevitacesdretthuarut t.,d, T il I RTio Plans act directly upon : like home," and. 1 e intends to el and will henceforth give his en' tention to his busieese. His far' good woik are unexcelled, and by s atisl action. Come en e , come Iota relations and frienes, r AYER'S CATIIA these organs, and are especially designed to cure the disea es caused by their derange- ment, includit g Constipation, Indiges- tion, 1)yspep4i3, Headache, Dysentery, and a host oll other ailments, for all of which they . ate a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of th-ese PILLS by eminient physicians in regular phae- tine, shows urmistakaby the estimation in which they ar held by the medical profes- sion. , These PILLS are compounded of vegetable substances onl o and are absolutely free from calomel or any other injurious ingredient. HER, begs to ome from Da- ere's no- elace main at home, ire pro sol at- _lities for doing can guarantee all, and bring nd secnre the shadow ere the substance fades., I ea,n accom- modate yon all, end can send eon on yonr way rejoicing. just try me end proile me. Charger moderate. Remember the plecel—Scett's 131. ck Main Street, Seaforth. ANDREW CALDER. 762 , A Suffere from Headache writes: , "AYER'S P11LLS are invaluable to me, and I are my condi nt companion. 1 have been a severe sufferer front Headache'and your noes are th , only thing 1 could look to, -for relief. 0 le dose will quickly move my bowels and fine my head from pain. They are the most >ffective and the easiest physic 1 have ever fo end. It is a pleasure to me to, . speak in thei • praise, and I- always do se wheu _occasion offers. 1 W. L. 'non, of W. L. Page & Bro." ie Franklin St , Richniond,Va., June 3, 1e8e. I 1 "1 have le. ed AYER'S Pleas in member.; 1 less instaece, as recommended by you, and have Lever kr own them to -fail to accomplish the desired re ult. We constantly keep them on hand at e ar home, and prize themeas a pleasant, salt, •aod reliable family medicine. FOR DYSPE "SIA they are invaluable. . ij. T. HAYlese, )1exi a, Texits, June 17, egge. • The lenv. lenoenceS B. HAM,OwE, -writing from atihratt , Ga., says: "For some years past I have been subject to constipation, from which, in spite of the use of needle eines of vari nes kinds, 1 sulfe•red increasing imainvenience, until some months ago .I • heoan takin e AYER'S PILLS. They have enierely cor ected the costive habit, and have vastly improved my geueral health." Anna's C. Tineneoc Piaes correct irrega- - larities of t e bowels, stimulate the appe- tite and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough acion give tone and vigor to the whole physi ttl economy. ti PREPARED BY D:',J:C.. yer&Co•) Lowell, Mass. 'old by all Druggists. ELECTRIC CURATIVE APPLIANCES , 1 OLD, AND MIDDLE - ESTABLISHED 1874. ppEuEv.os AND CURES Spinal Complaints, -Le) 0enerd and Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Gout, Nervousuess, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat, and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Incipientaralysis'Asthma, Sciatica, Sproule, Consumpti Sleeplessuess, Colds, Indigestion. Ask for N eon's Electric Belts, and you will be safe against imposition, for they will do their work well dnd are cheap at any price. A. NORMAN, 4 Queen St. Ea.st, Toronto. E. H1ChSON & Co ,Agents, Seaforth. 753-52 All experience the wonderfnl beneficial effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. children with Sore Eyes, Sore stin 'elates and regulates the action of the dig stive and assimilative organs., renews and, strengthens the vital forces, and speedily eures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheuma- tic Gout, Catarrh, General Debility, and all diseases arising from an impoverished or , car upted condition of the blood, and a weak - 0110(1 vitality. b is incomparably the cheapest blood medi- tin , on account of its concentrated strength, am great power over disease. PREP D ...I. C. Ayer &Co Lowell7 Kas ,by as. lie d all Druggists; price SI, six bottles , IABY orRE: • ) 114 'r BAYLIS' (lil .0 Standafil Bral Ol of Crown & Anchor 11HISHIS I no Gsnaiae without the above Trade Mark. 1:F7e Bro...711..e arid better Euited to thiq Ciitaate than any imported goods. 11 Trade Mark Registered. ANOTHER GREAT 1300fil IN WINNIPEG ............._, BCOMUsl obseryafien, we find all land specola- tors have a & ar heed, and watch the tips alid dowuB of property, thns making large fortunes. But the whole secret ieIthey keep toe in dem in a 1 a healthy conditinn en•the rise of THE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY MEDICINE. We Call safely say that hundrees ceme to us foe the great lung and blood pur;fier before goirg West. Read the following statement. -We copld give thonsande of the same Lind if it were neceseary. "I certify that I was troubh d. with catarrh in the head gathering of phlegm in the ehioat, choking and coughing at night. for years, so X could not sleep; often troubled with dull, lifeless feelinge. pains in the chest and back. After givirg hundreds of dollars to doctors, and giving np all napes, I tried the Nunn oF TRE VALLEY, and am* now able to do my work after seven year's sicknees." Mrs. Jamee McNeil, 202 Sircece Street, London, Ont. The above slat:merit of my wile's ia correct. Jameil. McNeil. For sale by all druggists in Seafor 74542 AGED.. Van, or a.ny scrofulous or syph- ilitic talon may be made healthy and strong by its use. Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for $5, R N. BRETT. SEAFORTH, Wholescle nci Retail Des;er in LEATHER and 811OE INDINGS, of Every Dfiecription. None bu1 the Very B. est Stoek kept. Terrat tine/iterate. -A Trial Solicited. All orders by mar or othervri ri e promptl filled e le N 81:eleTT Id in dock by all firenelass 11 arcleveremie and Dealers in Carriage Supplies. MANUFACTURED BY OAYLLYMANUPING CO, Mack's Magnetic Medicine PI ERV€ AND 3R/!N FOOD .:104111014"- YIT ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FOR 1883 Fiela, Garden, ana Mower See& descrip1 ion and prices of the choicest kinds oi nailedfreeto allintending purchase:a upon application, it is tbe handsomest Catalogue published in Canada, and invalnable to ell who wish to buy Puns Friesa Brune 5pecialattentimi given to orepaMI ring ORA5S foi Vric,eeitud full particulars veill be found in Catelogu YERMANENT PA.STUREer 1V14. RENNIE, Seedsmans TORONTO A Cure Guaranteed. Fon OLD AND YOCNO, MALE Kin FEMALE. 9 a sure, prompt and effeetual remedy for Ner- cusness in all its stages, Weak Memory, LoSS of Brai nn Pour•rierx,oceas:Sexu,mp 1 Prostration,iaivene88N,L5tiighteoSrrwhenactss: peato arrenn, es, and General Loss of Power. It re - Bin nervons waste, rejnvenerates the jaded in- telleet, strengthens the enfeebled brein, and re- stores surpriaing tone and vigor to the exhaust- ed penerative organs in either sex. Inede With each order for TWELVE packages, accompanied with $5, we will send our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. It is the cheapest and best medi- cine in the market. Full partienlaes in our pamphlet, which we desire tee mail flee to any address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold by by Druggists at 50 coots per box, or 12 boxes for $5, or will be mailed free of postage on receipt of money by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold by all Drug- oe,ests. Guaxantees issued by J. S. ROBERTS, Sea, forth. 781-52 - -- -- • FT_TRI\TIT'L.T1R,1.--3 as• J, S. PORTER SEAFORTH. m••••••••••• am determined to Clear Out in Entire Stock of F'urnitu're regard- less of Cost. THosE IN WANT, it will pay them to ascer- tain prices before purchasing elsewhere. I give a hap discount to those paying cssh, es- pecially to newly married couples. I am still waling six highly finished theirs for $2.5o. I also keep Knowlton's Spring Bed, the best and ebee,pest in the nearket ; warranted perfectly noiseless. Warerooms dieectly opposite M K. Counter's MaixonothJewelryStore,Main Street•Boderthi rout Side. 1 Cash for bides, skins, funs gni tellow. No Itrack ox trade, Cash for everything, 625 JOB.> 8, PORTER,