The Huron Expositor, 1883-02-16, Page 5- 4. erateaves estataaateaeratesta , in• t of in than for ing year tame been y condi- priaetit of tail:gone , the large - V bill will isalke of Wrest not demption keeper, of ga killed, is old, and Goderielt 08,070,53. leav- L...53. cents. Stauley's &klieg (iut which hia rs. Blair residence, ry largely upright appointee1 ron in the Dicksone ding. and orris, for enterprise hancleliera atetho- ege people t, have meker. of oat of the last week,. igh and jammed 0. orne„ haa nths old, nell & Co., rra have eir possea- a from tlae Vednesday, SO badly will &raru. linger, and 'the second Manning, ;el:dater as • 1 eloquent archased a • daya ago been offer - aid in the 1esborough, [net., when Tom Rev.: -- 1, Stewed, 1 McLean. ho CliatOII Goderich a Goderich e Right at ng mintati- Mr. Naftel le ran a dia- ag the seat lions dam- erm on the paratory to ghhora and .ssmore &g- ad pregent- ergaddress idsome ani etifying the are held by m best. ,ar : An iii - few days official and reliminaries• the conge- rs& than the ler the pen e sword, or friends, the d.rinks sub - last week Mr. Robert f Grey, wag n Dumfries. Mr. James kew:apaniou r, it went off, Ow ifa thigh. it had not • e John and Mr John practising ally went off and the bail t of Charles' eating, The rice -without lust Gaming that was the he ball. changes are rnship : Mr- cincesaion 3, his farm on reen, for the k. McIntosh, thased lot 7, ) acres, from im of $4,000, I. one of the on the 2nd ndrew Bell, am, will he re his north- wner of 160 id ready for renclin city, t worth se dity around ores hi crop ed Or twa et—about 26 orter: Mr iacher of the Is been, heard I a, and both niciyiug good t a Philadel- aahe travels good oppor- And predicts Thynne is county, an be pleased - tt in the far f A week Mr. Be- t, of Exeter, .and danger= the morning rigoars: to the ter supplying fluatuARy 461 1883. • THE H RON EXPOSITOR. Mr. Fenwiok's requirements proceeded to Swenertotete stcrebOuee, and the brakeman not being too undertook to when the l000tuoti stop, catching his bumpers, and severe is now obliged to oai in a sling. --The Goderich Thomas .Dodd, of loaned us a copy of la bible issued in 1607. The preface to the New Testa- ment was written in 1668, and a num- ber of interesting and instructive com- ments are to be found in the margin. The type used was black letter text, and the entire book ears The mark of the Elizabethan perliod. By the way, this is the famous "breeches" edition, that word being sub tituted for '.apron" in Gen. 8 :7. The ork is an interest- ing one, aside from its rellgiotts char- acter. It is doubtl ss one of tbe oldest books in the county —Some person h s been hoaxing our innocent friend of 1he New Era, who says: "A person in t wn who has driven a great deal in winter, for years, says that he always avoided upsets' in turn- ing out to pass other teams, even when loaded, by heading his horses direct for the fence, and waiti g until the others it got past, when lee h d simply to back on the road. There is certainly great risk ran, in roads like ours'by turning out parallel with the road, and if by this method the danger would be &void- ed, it is something Worth putting into general practice.", llf any person should prove green enough to try the above ex- periment on the roads as at present in this (equity, he had better supply him- self with a above' to dig his horse out of the snow, and a windIaes and tackle tp raise the animal from the abyss made and place him on the hard road. A former Howick resident, Mr. Isa- one of the success - recent Manitoba, near, Mr. Swener- oouple the ears, e made 14 sudden arm between the Iy bruising it. He xy the injared limb Signal BILYEI: Mr. olborne, has kindly iah Mawhinney, wa ful candidates in th elections. —The Stratford 1eaoon of last week in speaking of the sitow blockade says: The expense entailed on the railway company by the snow blockade is enor- mous,. To say nothing of the entire loss of the treffiN.0 receipte, a light estimate places the cost of the force of men and engines at work on the Goderich" branch alone at over 300 a day, the other sec- tions of there d footing tip in the same propertion. he efforts of the officials have been un iring, and herculean in their chareete , neither labor per ex- pense beieg s ared.! Mr. Savage. road - master, has b en ehgaged during, the entire winter ghting snow on the God- erich branch, iad au person can esti- mate the har ships he and his men have undergo o. In the entire, history of the Grand. runkj railway nothing ap- proaching the 4it winter has been experienced. prese —Oathe e &nine of Tneeday last al number of th -periZnal Mende of Mr1 J., C. Carrie the J popular Goderioli audio:neer,: met et miiiie's hotel„Dune germane and te.d that gentlemaee in right royal style, after which a hand.- some.ailver mi'fluted revolver was pre - seated to him as a taken of the esteem in which he • as held by his --friends in that s.00tion. The eiair- was taken by Captain Jose h Matiough, who presided. in a mest, saistaetery manlier daring --the eveniag.. After the good things. prepared by enine.-host " Smillie had been done am le jtstioe, to, the. chair- man explained the object of the gath- ering, and after patiag a high tribute to the worth bf the guest of the even- ing, read the ad& SE, and made the preeeetatioa afterwhich the evening Was pleasantly ape t in the usual man- ner. —The following graphic deseription given of a Cli tontan's herculean efforts to reach ho e during the recent snow blockade Betug at Drumbo he took. the. Grand Ttatik train, expecting toget home on Wednesday evening, at Bright e freight train off the track and two others ataok in the snow, delayed him sevexad hems,: and when he did get to Stretford in the vening he found the line west wa,albloc ed. He - made up his, mind to go rouiid by London. The train was timed tol leave Stratford for London at 8 tam., it left at 3 a. m. next morning. end Once under w about 6, mites. front, valve threw it from that aix miles teitit. in time t asn't a bit tired waiting. er, all went well until rare London, when the the tender broke and the track. He walked into Lonclon,getting there - ca ch the early train Thursday morni g on the London, Huron & Bruce, aid he ,flattered him- self that he would soon be home, but he spent nearly the whole of the day sho- velling snow, and it was night before he reached Clinton. He vows that if he "t will be by ox team. ow Era of last week widest deaths that any a tong day in et Mrs. Abbott, who last.- Her husband short time ago, rent ever travels again —The Chime says: Oae of the has occurred for Clinton, is that died on 'Saturday moved into town ing one of the houl3es in the Dodsworth block, on Huron street. He quickly found work, but is unsteady habits soon caused_ his se vices to be dispensed with, and for some time he -did little else than driuk El. d abuse his family. They had. five sra two week's Eince the number. It i 11 children, and about sixth was added to said that a few days before her confine nerd the brute knock- ed her from a chair, inflicting injtuies which hastened her death. It was at one time reportedthat the fareily were suffering from w4it of the necessaries of life, but this w s uatrue, as private individuals charit bly disposed visited them, and mem eers of the Council found out otherw b3e. During the wo- man's illness she had medical treat - attention of neigh- ment and the km bora, during which time she scarcely uttered a word efl reproach against her husband, displaying that love which is peculiar alone to women tinder all the adverse circumstances of life, but letters she had written t ) relatives show that for years he had oeferein the habit of abusing her most shamefully, and there is not a doubt bil that her death Was hastened by hi treatment. All the children have ben either adopted or taken charge c,f to bring up. Mr. H. Dyke, of Goderich township, takes the oldest bay; Mr. Morley, of Belgrave, the second boy; an aunt takes the two girlie; Mrs. Johnston, Stapleton, the youngest boy but one, and Mrs. Walker, Clinton, the infant. elemomemsmottota. - —One day lat ly a surprise party of ladies and gentlemen from Downie, consisting ot the more intimate friends, of Mr. and !Mrs. James Bennoch, of Ellice township, visited and took possession id the residence of the Reeve, M. Bennooh. The host and hostess ' were equal . to the 000aeion, however, and the tables were 60011 spread and; no effort spared to make the evening an enjoyable one, as it certain- ly was. After the good things were disposed o , the room was cleared and dancing ooMmeneed, which was kept up until a late hour when the company dispersed th their several homes after enjoying thetnselves to the utmost. It gives us much pleasure to know that the worthy! Reeve of Ellice is appreciat- ed as he deserves. 1111111111111111=1.1111.1.1111.111 East; Huron Reformers. The antual meeting of the East Huron Reform Association was held at Brussels on Friday last, and despite the almost impassable state of the roads a large representation of Reformers from every muntoipality in the Riding was present. The attendance, unanimity of sentime on the occ cess of t coming co test, each one seeming de- termined te dp his whole duty. The first order Of business was the election of officers for the current year, when the following selection was made :-Thomas Strachan, President; Andrew Goven- look, Vieerresident ; W. H. Kerr, Sec- retary an& Treasurer. The following gentlememwere elected local chairmen in their respective municipalities : Vowick, Chas. McLaughlin ; Turn - berry, George Fortune; Wroxeter,' Paulin; Morris, Geo. Hood; Grey, A. Rayne= • Hallett, John Petrie; Mc- Killop, i'Vm. Cash; Brussels, E. E. Wade; -Myth, D. B. McKinnon. After transaoting considerable other business of a private nature and perfecting ar- rangements for more complete organiza- tion, Stirring addresses were delivered on the duty of the hour by the Presi- dent, Mr. Strachan ; A. L. Gibeon, Wroxeter; D. D. Wilson, Seaforth; John Leckie and E. E. Wade, Brussels, and allot s. Before closing the meeting the followieg resolution was moved by Mr. Hood,'of Morris, seconded by Adam Turnbull, of Grey, and carried unani- mously: Resolvecl, That in the opinion of this Association.the Ontario Government is worthy of the confidence of the Pro. vince, having administered ite affairs wisely, economically, and in the best interests of the people; and we hereby pledge ourselves to use every honorable and legitimate effort to secure the re- turn t of Our esteenied member, Mr. Thos. Gibeon, and the Mowat Adminis- tration at the corning election. Sawing Match. A grand, sawing match took place at Belmont, county of Middlesex, on the 8th February inst., for the purpose of testing the merits of the undermention- ed saws. iThe log selected was a green beeeh, 161! inches in diameter. Each saw had ta take a out off each end of the log : let prize, S15, S. Mapper and J. McCall, Lance Tooth saw-airne 391 seconds. 2nd- prize, $1O, Duncanson and Carr, Tples' saw -time 44- seconds. 3rd prize, $5, Wsrren and Fleekenstein, Dia- mond saw -t t, and enthusiasm displayed sion, augur well for the tam- e Reform candidate in the 4th prize, , saw -time 5 5th prize, , saw-tiree There me 491 seconds. 3, McCallum Brothers, Champion eeconde. 2, Lawler and Easterbrook, Diamond secouds. era about 100 peoplepresent, and a great amount of interest Was manifested. The una.nimous feeling predominating being that the Lance Tooth savestands unrivalled for dura- bility and:speed. —A SUBSCRIBER. T.Jsborns Insurande Company. The amenal meeting of the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company! was held at the company's office at Farquhar on Monday the ph inst. ac4cling to notice duly given. The Pregtlent, Robert Gardiner, Esq., he chair, and the Manager, Clark, acted as Secretary. a fair representation of mem- bers and others present and a good time was enjoyed, the discussions on the dif- ferent questions being carried on in a friendly and animated manner. The Secretary read the minute's of the several Director'e meetings held during the peat year, whieh, although very voluminous, was listened to and much satisfaction ex- pressed therewith. The President next reviewed the past six years of the com- pany's existence, showing the very satis- factory PP ancial results accruing there- from. The Secretary submitted the financial report of the Treasurer and auditors' abstract, a copy of which will be sent ta each member of the company. The report was well received. A depu- tation from the township of Fullerton was then, introduced, the object being to have that township joined to the trsborne and Hibbert Fire Insurance Company, and to allow said township two direqtors and a local agent. After a lerigthy discuseion it was decided to grant the request of the deputation. It was theu moved by H. Borland, second- ed by T. Allin, that in order to carry out the , arrangements, with Fuller- ton townehip, it is necessary to elect two additional directors in the .com- pany.—Ca,rriede The election of direc- tors was then proceeded with which re- sulted in the return of the old Board together with Messrs. Richard Franeis and Joseph Jackson, of Fullerton. The meeting then closed with a vote of thanks tb the directors and officers of the company for their efficient services. At a subsequent meeting of the new Board of Directors Robert Gardiner was re-elected President and Alex. Duncan, Vice. President. occupied Mr. N. J There wa • time t Mr. Fratter's disponi ge, however, -made goof' U88 of the time afforded, and dehvered a most master- ly defense of the conduct and acts ;of the Golgernment of which he is a mem- ber. He was listened to attentively, and ootioluded &mallet the greatest en- thusiaim. The meeting was closed by oheers for the ' ohturman and for Mr. Gibsoni. sassniensieesseeme DREADY0L FLO1 IN TEE STATES. The Ohio andMissis ,ippi rivers have ben swellecl by rainsran# melted snow until at Cineinnati on Tuesday, the Ohio *es 64 feet !above low wster mark and 41 rising. The daroag by inundation lis incalo able. The cwns aed villa&s along the banks are submerged afial a num er of lives oat. The freig)it depta f the dingit1 ati and St. Lopiis Railro d in the eves ern part of the o4y has ben undermine by the surround- ing w ter, from 30 to 50 feet .deep, carryirig 100 or mor people away. ;le catastrophe was 4ahtened by a brealseag sewer. Crowds 'were in that vicinity looking at the flesed, and it is suppogyed these are the -victims. Dwelling hous0s, bridges, :fences, tree, and everythinz'etn the way of the fl °Cs carried off. PO- hc works of all k ndi; are at a stand -411 and thousands of pFple in a starvg Condition, unless here attended I -)y relief committees. At Louisville, 1011 - Way, business is ahnost at a stand -still owiog to the floed. The Mayor is dis- tributing feed to the sufferers. Nealy , a square mile of territory is under we,* within the limits cf the city. Frqlm 5,000 -to 8,000 people are driven frOa their homes. 1 , f - I COURT sKRynop.. FOREST., pOURT SHERWOOD FOREST of the A: 0, F. NJ meets every alternate Thursday in the Odd FellowsHall, t7:30 P. M. Visiting Breth- ren cordially invited. Ji FINCH, Secretary. 791 1 sfsctileal=11111.:::ria THE MARKETS. . 1 1 . -ZITO-171TH, Feb. 15, 1883. , -Fall Wheat per buehel $0 93 to li '00' Spring Wheat per bushel 0 97 to I. 00 Oats per bushel. , ' 0 35 to 36 Peae per bushel...., ' 0 65 to 68 Barley, per bushel - 0 45 to Q '55 Butter, :No. 1, loose, 0 18 to 0 20 Batter, tub. 0 18 to (4 20 Eggs N. 0 20 to 0 09 Flour, per 100 lbs , 2 40 to 60 Hay,new I 8 00 to ff 00 6 50 to ?50 Sheepskins each . d .. T ' 0 60 to 1 20 Wool 0 18 to CI -20 Salt (eetail) per barrel I 26 Salt (wholesale) per barrel 1 1 00 Potatoes, per bushel (new) 0 SO- to 0 40 Dressed Hoge 7 50 to s 00 1 parwrorr, Feb. 15, 1860. Hides, per 100 lbs. Fall Wheat per buelael- • Spring Wheat per liaphel Oats, per bushel r' Barley per bushel Peas per bushel I Butter Ere $ 0 95 to I 00 1 00 to 100 0 34 to 085 0 50 to 60 0 60 to C 75 18 23 0 18 to ( 0 21 to 6 • l Hay per ton , 7 00 to h 00 I Potatoes, per bushel. 4 0 33 to 0 36 Wool 0 25 to el 27 6 50 to r': 00 Hides, per 100 /he Dressed Hogs , 8 00 to 125 I LIVEEnoon, Feb, 14.—Spring what, 09s 03d; red winter, 9s 09d to OB Od ; white, 09s 5d; club, 09s 103, oats, 5s 06d; barley, 58 6d; peas,' 75 7c1 ; pork, 82s 0I; Icheese, 658 00d. TORONT0, Feb. 14—Fa1l wheat, $1.02 to $1.04; spring, $1.08 to $1.09; oats, 450 to 16c; peas, 73c to 76c ; barley, 55c to 74c; hay, per toi, $11.00 to $14.50; butter, 17c to 274; potatoes per bag, 700 to 75c; eggs, er doz., .30o to 312o.; deessed hogs, per 100 lbs., $8.001 to $8.25 ; wool, perpound, 18b to 20c. I • . Live Stopk Markets. TORONTO, Feb. 13.—The markets here is dull for shipping cattle, under ;the competition of the Western States. Cattle for the local market are quoted at 4c, 4ici, and 5c for the various grades from good to choice. Sheep are quoted at 4 to 5e and lambs at 5 to 5ic, with a fair denes.ed for all offering. MONTREAL, F013.'13. -There was a great scarcity of live stork at the marketl to- day, only 120 h;ad of cattle being offer- ed. They wer ' all left over from last week's markets, and as there were no arrivals from the 'west, owing to low blockades, prices were higher thani for six months pas;: 'The best Bold ac 6c, second at 50, mid third'at aie to 40 per Ib. live weight.; Sheep were scaree,fand of poor quality, and prices ranged from $4 to $6 each. 'Live hogs 7c per lb.' . memelymeemsimeteemm AUCTION SALES. I Mr. Fraser at Dublin. In accordanee with previous an- nouncenient Hon. C. F. Fraser address- ed the electors in Kidd's hall, Dublin, on Wedaesday evening last. Consider- ing the, unfavorable weather and the execrable condition of the roads there was a !good attendance, the spacious hell being comfortably filled. In tbe gallery are noticed a good attendance of the fair; -sex, who continued to the end of the prooeedings, considerably after twelve o'clock, showing that the ladies of Dublin take a lively intereet in the public affairs of the country. We have neither time nor space to give even a summary of the speeches given, suffice it to say that Mr. Thomas King was ap- pointed chairman, and performed the duties of the position with the utmost impartiality. Previous to calling on Mr. Fraser, addresses were delivered by Messrs. Moran, of Stratford, and Captain Kirwin, of Toronto, in DppOSia tion te the Government. These gen- tlemen were replied to by Mr. Gibson. These Speeches took up a good deal' of time, and very materially limited the On Friday, March 2, at 1 o'clock P. M. o.n Lot 22, South Thames Read, Usl3orne, Foam Stock and Implemients James Francis, Proprietor. 1 , • On Wednesday Feb 28, at.l. o'clock P.M. on Lot 23, S,outh Thames Road Usboriee. Farm Stock and Implements, S. and T. Mahlsffy, Proprietors. 1 On Wednesday, Feb, 28, at 1 'o'clock P. M. on Lot 3, concession 11,- Hay, Reel Estate I and numerous other articles, D. S.ranet and Conrad Miller, Executors of the late Seneuel G. Ellen- bauna ; E. Bossenberry, Anctioneeri. On Tuesday, March 6, at 12 o'cilock P. M;Sharp, n South half of lot 20, concession 9, orris, Farm Stock and implements. R. Stewart,. preprietor ; George Kirkby, auctioneer. . !, - On Wednesday, Feb. 21, at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp on Lot 12, Ooncessiop 10, Grey, Farm Stock and Implem nts. John., Ai -indent, proprietor; A. Bay - mann, auctioneer. 5 - On Wednesday, February 21,tat 1 o'clock P. M., sharp, on Lot 30, Con- cession 13, McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. , Walter Freeman, Pro- prietor; A. Delgatty; Auctioneer. Births. PILLMAN-In Seaford' on the 24th ult., the *Us of Kr. n Pittman of a daughter. 3112YER-j-In W ngliara on theillst ult., the 'wife' of Kr. H. W. 0. Meyer, of a son. MoKENZIE-In Wawanosh on the filst ult., the wife of Mr.Donald McKenzie of a eon. BAILEY --In Hullett on the &linnet., the wife of Mr. Wm. Bailey of a daughter. , CBOOKS-In Grey, on the 20th alt., the wife of Mr. George Crooks of a son. GRIEVE -In Morrjs on the leth ult., the wif of ieve of a son. In Grey on Ian. 113k1n, the Wife McCutcheon of a son. on the 2nd Wet., the wye of Sir. Kr. John MoCUTCHEON of Mr. Wm ORR-In Blyth Alex. Orr of a sou. MeQUILLAN-lin West Wawanosh on! the 11th tilt., the wife of Mr. W. J. Magi:alba o a son. • Marr1age13. McNALLY-PENTON-At the residence of bride's father on the 7th inst., by Rev. Croilapton, Mr, Andrew McNally, of Blyth, Miss Alice Fenton, of McGillivray. DAVIDSON- IISMAN-At the res deuce of the bride's fath r, on the 30th ult., by Rev. H. Berry, Mr. Pete Davidion, of Elena, to Emma, second ilau titer of Mr. William_ Amman, of Grey. I LAING-WRI HT -In Jamestown, on the fith inst., by Rev, Et. Jones, Mr. R. Ling, of Hw- IA, to Mist Catharine fifWright, of Grey/ MeDONALD-HALL-On the 30th inst., at ithe' es, all, the E. to Royal Hotel, Listowel, by Rev. J. W. Ho Mr. Peter McDonald, of•Grey, to Mrs. of Brussels., • TAYLOR-HARRISON-On the let inst., at the bride's father, by Rev: . Robert Taylor, of Traborne Ann eldest daughter of residerce of Gundy, Mr Miss Eliza Biehard Harrison, of Exeter. JAQUES--CAQVE-On the 1st inst., at Methodist ll'aesonage, Exeter, by Bev. J. Gundy, Ma. Thomas Jaques to Mrs. E Clique, both ot Exeter. STEWART-TREWIN-At the residence of bride's father. on the 17th nit., by Rev. Birks, Mr. Wm. Stewsrt/: to Miss Ce 'firewiu, all pf Hallett 0OCKERLINE7STIRLINGS-On the filstul the residera,e of Mr. Thomas Moggridge, lett, bruthe --inalaw of the bride, by Rev. Davey, of Bervie, Mr. Wm. Cockerline, o Loudesborongh Settlement, Manielba, deminia, fifth daughter of Mr. G. Stirli of Byfield. boreTs,1 Notice S. BRAN.—Fiftly Tons for sale at $12 per ton at the HENSAilL MILLS. 790 • Deaths. McMICEILEL-In Efullett on the llth inst., McMillan, wife of Mr. Gilbert McMichael, 66 years. I ICIRBY-At the residence of Major Mnrray, ton, on the 12ta inst., Andrew Kirby, age years. FEliGIJSON-In West Wawanosh on the • ult., 'Jamesi A. Ferguson, aged 22 years. McS Auburn on the 6th i Duacan MCShannick, - aged 20 years a month. ' CURRIE-at nnie's Landing, Manitoba, 01 27th B. W. Currie, foimeily of Mit aged 52' years. PECK -In Stanley on the 4th inst., Bertha daught( r of the late Wm. Pack, aged 7 inc and 14 des. CLEARING OUT.—Selling off at School Booke, Stationary. Toys, etc. We (dosing businees, and for the next thirty goods will be ndld at big reductions at W Novelty Store, Onniabea's Block, Soaforth the R. to Mr. A the R. len the W. Ina .,at ul- R. the to gs, arm ged lin- d 9th st., id 1 the ell, ane, ths OSt are P -Ys i91 IMPORTANT NOTICES. TTENTIO/a-A1-1 parties wiehirg to articles o clothing &e: dyed or re -dyed please send t etre e, on Main 793 2 am in to Miss McDonald's Street Seaforth by let March, aa -e BULL CALVES. FOR SALE. -For sale Thor° bred Durabm Bull Calves. One calved on the 8d March and the other on th both are eligible for ent k. They are both very sup ill be sold reasonable,. Le e, Exeter P. 0. 79 April, 1882, tu either Ecru Bo animals and Hunter, Esher ave will coy 883. two was 8th y in rior nerd x4 ANTED.--1First assistant, second-class fe for 13russels Public School. testimouiale, stating salary the undersigned until the commence on March 5th. J y BrusselsTublic School B 79 teacher, plications with be received by inst. Duties t SHAW, Secret STRAY HEIFERSee-Strayed into the ises of the undersigned, tot 7, - conceesi MeKillop, in 15be last week of January, two y ear old heillersf The owner may have same on paying eAenses and proving pro'. JOSEPH -KRAIUSIWPF, Beechwood P. 0. ale Ap- will 24th HN )al -d. -2 rem - "9, hree the erty. 93x4 _ WILL IT PAY? YES IT WILL PAY WHEN YOU ARE IN TOWN TO TAKE A LOOK THROUGH DUNCAN & DUNCAN'S G-ROOMR-Y- DMPAIRIT1/11\Ter, And see our stock of Groceries, and cellent in quality and low in price. faction. Our flARRIA.GE D BLACKSMITH BUSL. ESS -- for sale r rent in Hensall.-Shops and dwellings--firsteclass business chance, exe llent locality, satisfactoty reasor s for selling, prn lege of purehasing stock. Terme reasonable. For further partichlars apply to the undersi rned. Parties indebt4d to us 'by book account will please call and settle. BLATOHFORD & WN, Hensall P. O. 73-4 VARM IN HULLETT FOR SALE.--Fo sale -1-: that splendid faint, Lot 1, Conceesi n 5, Hullett, the property of Mr. James Snthe land, containing isteatea of which 90 are eleere and in a high state of cultivation. The whole i well fenced, free fipm stumps and nearly all nder- drained and free from foul weeds. There is a brick house and fits class out buildings. It is ithin five miles of eaforth and 8 of Clinton ith a good gravel r ad leading to each place. The farm will be sold heap and on easy terms as the pro- piietor wielnie to retire. Apply on the promisee or to Kinburn P. 0. 793 JAMES- SUTHERLAND. -- : AUCTIGN SALE. -Mr. P. DeCantelon has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by Pu lic Auction, in the Town o .Sea - forth, on lot 7, concession 1, al cliillop, on Wed- nelday, Feb uary 28, . the following 'en noble property, viz Otte mare five years old, 1 mare ten years old, in foal to "Young Lord Ha do ;" 1 horse nine sears old 3 new milch cows, 6 cows supposed to be in calf, 3 two year old eifers supposed to be in calf, 3 spring calves, 3 It mbar wagons,1 double buggy, 1 pi -Ireton b gy, 1 cutter, 1 pair bob-sleig-hs, 3 sets double h iness, 2 sets single hat ness, 1 sadd e, 1 Champion r aper, nearly now; I Cayuga Chief mowing Ina° ine, 1 Massey mower, nearly new; 1 Oshawa hay rake, 1 land roller, _1 fanning ntill, 1 cultiya or, 1 eight horse ower sawing machine, 3 Jal wa, 1 pair iron ha ows, 1 pair wooden harr we, 2 Dew land har ws, 1 bay rack, 1 gravel ox, 1 grind stone, 1 hay keife, 2 wheel barrows, cow chains, log cl tains scythes cradles, beaks, akes, I neck yoke, double trees, 1 cook stove, 1 arlor stove, 1 box tove 3 bedsteads 1 table, 1 cup- board, 1 chur , 30 mi.k i salsa a quantity o Late Rose potatoee by the b shel, a quantity f hay by the ton, and other articles too numeria s to mention VSale to c immence at 12 o'clock noon sharp. Terms -All sums of $5 and under, cash; over that amount 10 month' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. ,TH MAS ADAMS, Proprietor; P. DeCANTELON, Auc- tioneer. i 93-2 ' SHORTS.—Tiairty tons for sale al the HENSALL MILLS. 1790 I CHICKEN Feeei—Four hundred hush- ele for sale at the Ellassaee Mmes. 790 i' TWANTED. — lop° bushels of Black Abstt ia.n Oats at the pentral Grocery. LiIuseAw A FA.IRLAR, Seaforth.! 791-2 - RECEIVED at D. D. Rose's—New Te as, which for quality and price I claim can't be beat, and if you doubt It a trial will convinee the most skeptical that i is so-. Also, New entrants, Valentia Raisins, Table Baisins, Figs Prunes, Carded Peels, Extracts, Canned Tomaeoe Corn, ra Peas'Peaches, Pears, Apples, Jams . and Jellies, and Canned Meats; also a fine ones° eat of pure candies, all I of which will be sold at my lanai low prices. 1 783 ' VILSoN da yoliN o have a ]argJ and well assorted stOck' of choice family gr celies, proyisions, crockery and glassware. Par les re- quiring anything in either line can dqtend on getting it from them at the lowest price ,and of the;bestiquality. Ail goods guaranteed io be as repi'eeeaated, and to give satisfaction, if net, they can he reituned! The highest price rlaid for butter, eggs, anl all kinds of farm ani1 dairy produce. Call and examine stock 'and judge for yourselves. 7811 1 i • have prices quoted. Our Groceries are ox Every purchase guaranteed to give satis- SUGARS, TEAS AND COFFEES We‘ can especially recommend. No trouble to show goods. Try us once, and have the above statements proved to your entire satisfaction.. POUNO-KEEPER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that two she p- an aged ra El a ud-a ehearling ram-hav been placed in my Pound, lot 29, c.oncessiort 2 IR.S., Tuckersinith If not chinned on or befo e the 5th day of March next they will be sold or the expenses. ALEXANDER FORSYTHE, Pound - Keeper. 792x3 TO CONTRACTORS. 12\kUNCAN & pUNCAN. HAVE YOU A 1COUGH? GLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR 5 THE SEAFORTH GROCERY - —AND --- Pork Packing House. HUGH ROBB Will relieve you quicker than any other known 'Medicine. No preparation ever offered to the public for the cure of any disease hae,in such a short space of time attained such a'asale, and called forth voluntarily so many unqualified testimonials, as has this GLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR, and the manu- facturers can conscientiously recommend it to anyone as being superior to any- thing known to them for the purpose for which it is intended. TENDERS WANTED. -Tenders will be receiv- J1- ed by the undersigned for the erection of a bridge over the Maitland river, concessions 10 and 11, Townehip of Est Wawanosh, up to 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, the '26th of February, 1883. Plans and specifications may he seen at the Clerk's otce, Marnoch P. 0., on and after Saturday, th 10th inet. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. PORTER - FIELD, Township Clerk. 792-3 q R . MONEY TOLOAN.-The undersigned have received to loan a large amount of Private Funds, as well as Municipality Funds, at the following rates ef interest, namely: 6, 64, 7, and 74 per cent., payable yearly according to the terms of as plicationt Privileges to p y any amount at any time. MEYER & DICKINSON, Barristers, Wingham. 91-8 Agents Wanted to sell it in every town and village. Wholesale price furnished on application to LUMSDEN & WILSON, MANUFACTURERS, SEAFORTH. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. VIFTY Are Farm, veet halfof Lot 7 on the -1-' 7th Conleeesion of Tuckersmith. House, bank barn and ot li er improvements; 30 .acres ' leered. e Five hundr d aerea in McKillop, within six miles of Seaford* Eight dwelling houses in eaforth and Harpurlicy, from $200 up. tv.c.abummoo ISEAFORTH. 1883. SPRING TRADE. 1883. DUNCAN & DUNCAN Begs to remind his friends and the public that he is just in receipt of a very nice stock.of Have now reoeived and opened out for Early Spring Trade, a full stock of Cottons Goods, suck as CROCKERY- AND CLASSWARE, 01 the neatest and latest designs. Also Groceries always fresh and good. rE The Seaforth Grocery has become noted for the excellence and cheapnestt of its Teas. Better value now than ever. air Extracted honey always on hand. Mr. Robb has now his Pork Packing Establishment in full, blast. Cutting and Sausage on hand as usual. CASH FOR PORK.—The highest Cash Pricttpaid for Pork, and live hogs bought. Remember the Seaforth Grocery, StarleaBlock, Main Street, Seaforth. PLAIN and_FANCY DUCKS, COTTON TWEEDS AT ALL PRICES, PLAIN and STRIPED DENIMS, SHIRTING DENIMS, FULL STOCK OF SHIRTINGS, BETTER VALUE THAN EVER IN GREY COTTONS, -, WHITE COTTONS and SHEETING AT LOWER PRICES, .200 PIECES NEW PRINT TO HAND. WHITNEY BLOCK. THE SEAFORTH STOVE AND TIN EMPORIUM STILL TAKES TH_E LEAD. THE COOK STOVE DEPARTMENT IS NOW full. All the newest styles fitted with the latest improvements for baking, economy of fuel &c. Over thirty different patterns to choose from at pricef that cannot be undersold. NOW IS THE TIME TO CET BARCAINS BEFORE OUR REGULAR STOCK, ARRIVES FROM THE OLD COUNTRY. ALL WINTER GOODS AT OOST. OAK HALL CLOTH1Np. PARLOR STOVESI -1 TN thit department we have the largest variety -A- ever off, red in Seaforth, both ha Parlor Heaters and Parlor Cooks. Our Farm Parlor, Parlor Cook, New Aurora double heater t&c. can- not be equalled for beauty and usefulness. Our Little Giant double heater is a wonder. Two or - more rooms can be heated with this stove, avbiela takes less fuel than any other starve made. Cali, see and be convinced. COAL STOVE DEPARTMENT TN this line "The Royal" takes the leasrwit ere- -1- ever shown. It gives more heat ,with less coal than any other stove, and -is no soOner sfeen than appreciated. Twelve different styles to choose from. A complete stock of stoves always on hand Just received a large variety of lamps, lomat goods, lanterns, &c., good material =a newest patterns. -1 Best qualities of coal oils, Canadian and Ameri- can, and in cutlery and nickel goods we have aa extensia e and varied assortraent of both English and American manufacture. All orders for jobbing wodt promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. A call respectfully solicited. Come and see us and save money. WHITNEY BROS. SEAFOBTH INSURANCE AGENCY We have received a full line of Canadian Tweeds for early Spring. Call and leave your order and get a good choice of pattern—splendid value and good fit. Just to hand and opened out a few dozen of the latest spring shapes in FELT H ATS, direct from New York. Also, a splendid lot of TIES, SCARFS, C QLLARS, CUFFS, &c.—the newest and cheapest in the trade. DUNCAN & DUNCAN. ••••• WM. N. WATSON, A General Fire, Marine, Life and Ao- cident Insurance Agent, Convey- ancer, Appraiser, _Etc., MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. ONLY FIRST-CLASS, prompt paying companies represented. All kinds of risks effected at lowest current rates on all kinds of property. Special attention devoted to Marine insurance. Insurances effected on farm property in the "Gore Distriet,"-of Galt,establisk- over 43 years, at from .64 to 1 per cent., cash, for three years. Cheaper than any mutual com- pany m existence. The following companies represented, via,: London & Lancashire, England; Northern Englan.d ; Scottish Imperial, Scotland British America, Toronto; Royal Canadian, Mon- treal; Gore District, Galt; Canadian Fire Marine Hanailton; Alliance, Hamilton; Toronto Life, (Life), Toronto; Travellers, Life and Acci- dent, Hartford, Conn. Agent for the Canada,. Permanent 1. oan and Savings Company, Toronto., Money loaned at 6 per cent. on real estate. Agent - for the State Lino Steamship Company, sailing between New Yosk and Glasgow. First Cabia, $60 to 75;$Second Cabin $40; Steerage, $28. Return tickets issued good for 12 months. W. N. WArson, Main Street,, Seaforth. Office, Camp-. bell's Block, opposite the Mansion Hotel. CARD OF THANKS. GENTLEMEN: Please accept my many thanks for the very liberal pat- ronage you have extended to me daring the past Bye years in Seaforth as hair drese.er, and I beg leave to ask for a continuance of the same. I have my premises- fitted up with the new patent adjustable chairs, which for comfort and convenience - are second to none. With a cordial invitation to all, I am, your obedient servant, JOHN C. CONSTABLEs Practical Hair Dresser, Cady's Block Opposite Commercial Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. N. B.—Bowling Alley itt 001111eCti011 BUILDING BRIDGES AND MOVING HOUSES. D. mg=21Bnli;38:111°r3.1tiliHi4wejr113" en hand for moving bruaildings on th* ehortoolt notice. 78641 WM. ELLIOTT, TOWN CLERK and Treasurer. .2- east corner at Market Tiouse. 12 till 4 p, ee. Office—North- Office hours - • •.• a