HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-02-09, Page 788 ACEIICY. tONG es Stoeks rim nil is Imepsr. bletterms. est Lean Ike ehiEfe Of Lorsk iSteaaSS r ix per ce711 athishlp Tieketa. es StoreaMida 1101 OAN toau t8,000-. seat 7 per Cent. trOWara to: pay slam apply- to, essels P. O. 714- SALE.—That torth, Bowden' hie terme. The ed upend is now gas Thera be Satisfitetory :on the preraistee BOWDEN, Pro. 787 esplendia entire itel and- coming a oueo1 the best. at by this cele - t. P.O.. or be the iveen Mellott and seert.. JAMES 787x4kt rkr sale, the be- e wellestablished Insurance bus& For partieulars iSeaforth, -----. • thei Welcome - most soiled parts- uired. Guaran- fectured by WM. 78S • M., Phyaiciart . Office and resi- r Dr. Hutchison, 78a. -- teian,Surgeon and et. Office endreale ;mei second door Physioian, Sur-. County of Huron. via street north, Le Sehool. Ma Graduate of iciameSurgeon and flea and Residence, etrat Brick Home 496 UCEF1ELD, M. D. C. Vie - LP. and Se On - .r. R. C. S., Eden: ierm at Soho- Hee- eases of women. ENTIST. College of Dental ce in the rooms • hire, Whitnera ormed ami Eustis- lloderatie. 1.1 wiellone ones. and College C. D. S. jence he is able to )Dentistry suitable .eth a Specialty. Oxide Gas given. r erate. ki Street, Seaforth. S is office, CADEY'S BEAR:can-as oppo-- enercial Hotel, on 1C and THURSDAY ; Nitrate Oxide Gas of teeth. Thee gas . Cartwright since having been one of his province. Pa - may mhale the gaa etraeted in a min- rithout disagreeable n g new teeth please ar attention paid teeth. Teeth in - 730 -52 seela—Iltving pur- tap ocCupied by Mr. fitted the house in etocked, and. an F4. F. FREY. Pro - 32. 784'24 ii0USEs flotet ) je ONT. ROPKIKTORS, ;nment o title Howe: svated and refurnishxrniture in the best en first -ciao. aeeseme 'he best brands of Bar. An attentive tee at the Stables. s the farredug com- e. LIFONOILEFt sd for theptirpoSe of al in. Canada, hi 11011 on the mostfavorable hies. Id P. HAYES, .Seaforth.. , ets seeee-see—sessee,-nreesesest 83. assmessonser Old, loUt 6.00d it was thought he roust inevitably be killed. The whistle was sounded, hut the roan failed to heed and the train passed over where ha, was lying. The train WAS stopped and the conductor and others of the train men went back expected to find his mangled remains. but were astonished to observe the ex- pectant viotim calmly asleep. He was lying in The same position, his head resting between the ties, within half a foot of the onter rail, and uninjured, The man was helplessly intoxicated,and his head reposed on its dangerous pillow while the train dashed past, utterly undings. At ithe e was sentenced 1, his nanae was ke. 1 agher, sen., of ty of his son, j hn her statements he him 'will attrihute to its true ca se, `s. • • THE HUR014 EXP Nowadays wh •so road because hb:u on some tr discontinues his his paper," we anecdote of the the well-known Tribune. Passit Bow in New Yor u subse .. gets editor. s with •vial question that he ubscription and stops mind him of a good ateHorace Ureeley, ditor of the New York g down Newspaper k City one morning, he met one of hisreaders who exclaimed. Mr. Greeley, after the article you published OAS morning, I intend to stop your paperi." "Oh no," said Mr. Greeley," don't o that." 'Yes sir, my mind ie made u and I shall stop the angry subscriber was d, and they separated. rnoon the two Met eley remarked; "Mr. very glad you did not carry out your threat this morning.' What do -youi mean?" "Why you said you were &nig to stop my paper." "And so I did; Ilwent to the office and had your paper stopped." "You are surely mistaken; I have just come fromthere, and the press was running and " Sir, said pompously, " I meant p my subscribtioa to thunder!" rejoined ht you were going I to of my paper and knack es. My friendelet a 't _ in nd nd st paper." Bat the not to be appeas Late in the aft again, Mr. G Thompson, a business boomi Thoropson, very 1 intended to et your paper."" Greeley,'‘I thou stop the runnin ze me out of busin tell you sumeth ug ; one man is.. jus drop of water i the ocean. You did set the reachir.ery of this world motien, and y u can't stop it; when you are ciderneatli the gro things upon the surface will wag j the sae as eve ."-Lansiug Republic How a Pen sylvania .ready Be- \ came an dia..n Missionary. Going, a young woman, from Pe n- sylvaaia to Nevada to visit- a brot er there, she met t e man whom elle imar- ried. They live first in San FranciSco, then in. Kansas. In Kansas her hus- band's healtb. broke down, and he was ordered by the Physicians to go back to California as the only chance of saving bis life. He had hemorrhage after hemorrhage,- however, and was very near death when she at last succeeded in getting him into the mild climate of San Diego. They went from San Fran- cisco to San -Diego go by boat. The day after they lend° in Sen Diego she gave birth tdr la r seeond child. As soon as she was abl to stand, she took her sick htishaad upon abed and carried hirci np into the reclunt ins, to a region of liat springs where arvellous cures were said to have been wrought. Thanks to the climate, and the waters, and still more to her Untiring care, he rallied, gained stren, gth, ii.d held the diseas,e at bay. They opened a little store, and for seven years, lived—not in comfort, hat conaftyrted—in this wild region, the Indians their chief friends and neigh- bors. The reprieve was a short one, however. At the end of , the seventh year he died, leating the brave wife alone with two little children for whom she must tiOw earn the living. Daring a,r these seven ges of familiar intercourse with the Irelians of the region she had learned to ',..5.f"tist them and to feel a deep and pitying effection for them. She had no desire to return to the world, and gladly 'availed herself of an opening to earn a small. selary by taking charge of a school in an Indian village Where no other -white ,person lived. She had two rooms 'built on to the little school- house; mail there she lives along ,with her little girl; the oldest child, a boy, having been sent to live with relatives in Penneylvania. The Indian tribe with which she lives is about three hmared in number, and they are con- eidered the fierceet and least tractable of the South California Indians. i The white settler nearest to their village is three miles away ; yet this woman has 710 fear, no misgiving. She goes Wsleep at night in her lonely room, -with her little daughter,by her side, with a sense of havieg protectors all about her in- stead of having a sense of danger. She says the village is adisaira.bly governed; if difficulties arise, they are at once, re- ferred. to the captains of the band ; and, failing settlement by them, to the gen- eral or chief. 'The Indians are all poor; this mountain,fastnesS into which they have been driven offers few facilities for making a living ; but they are. in- dustrious, honest, and generous to each other. They show great love and devo- tion to her, bringing her freqnent gifts of fruits, nuts,. baskets, and flowers. It is almoet impessible for her to procure the food She ought to have, there being no communication with the nearest se white t -dement except by 'one rough road, ovee which few have occasion , to go. The Indians are so poor they sel- dom hav fresh meat. When they do they al ays i share it with her, and when she receives supplies she shares With those she knows to be most in :need. The only breaks in the menotoIny of her life are when ahe goes down to the settlement, twelve n:lies away, where she lived with nd. I Scsinetimes months pass ea. seeing a white face. ---!---, .. le test News Notes. —At t 8 COunty Connell meeting on the 25 Jin., it was found that the incor- poration of the village of Ayr, could not be camp' ted before the first of Jan.1884. The P inceas of Wales has a royal ' fashion of buying/her Christmas pres- ents. Ira nsteal of n-ning about from sho to Shope as ordinary mortals are obliged to do, she has a large room in Maribbroueli House set apart for the especial -Use of Her Royal Highness's tra.dearcien, and each one fitted up a stall with the most attractive goods and holiday novelties. The Princess was thue a.ble to make her purchases,in Demi° and comfort. A number of royal fa,vorite were invited to join in buying at this i poverished fair. Miss lizabeth Manning Elawthoene, eldest si ter of Nathauiel Ha,wthorne, w o die a few weeks ego, at the age of eight years, was the last survivor of tira.t generation of her family, the third and yoingest . member, Miss Mary Louise awthornes, having last her life some years ago in a steamboat disaster. Elizabeth was a careful student and wrote much, but so far as is known none of the fruits of her genius have been giVen to the world. Her gifted brother often said that she could attain . greater fame than he if she would try. ! She waS an ardent adnairer of nature, e and spent much time among the trees , and flowers ; and for the past thirty years led a very retired life. —As the train from Port Stanley was approaching St. Thomas on Monday, the engineer observed. a man lying be- side the traokein such a situation that - oblivious to the an Police Court, where to one month in ja found to be James —Mr. James M Biddulph, writes a letter with refer nee to the reported insan Meagher. t Anziong ot says: "All who -know his mental aberation . e., a bridal beating on the head I re- ceived from the hands of, a brute in human form named Keeffe, when a little boy going to school about twelve years ago.. SO that it is plain to 5 all persons acquainted With the facts that the young man has not locked within his breast any terrible Secret preying upon his imagination so as to unhinge his reason. It was the club Wielded by his brutal and unmerciful assailant Leefe, that unhinged his reasonto the extent that it is affected, but he has sufficient reasonleft-him to know the savage being who, inflicted Bach a fearful injury upon him," Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and COmforting.-.L-"By thorough knowledge of the natural 1 .We her husb without not the least of which is contaminatien of the blood and the maladies of which that is the direet consequence. Their original cause is, however,- thoroughly eradicated froth the system by Ncirthrop & layman's. Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure, a medicine which only requires regularity and persistenee in its use te cure dyspepsia and thel many ills that arise from it. No deleterious mineral ingredient is contained in it, and though its action is thorough in cases of costiveness, it never ptoduces griping pains in the abdominal 'region, or Weakens the bowels like a violent pur- gative. It invigorates the kiyetem through the medium of the incteased digestive and assimilative activity which it promates, and is also* most efficient remedy for kidney oonaPlaints, scrofulous and an diseases of the blood, female weakness, &o., &o. Price, $1. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask for Nor- throp & Lynaan?s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrapper bears a fac-simile of their ,signature Sold by Lumsden & Wilson; Seaforth. 751 52-o Charles T. Casselmat, Druggist of Chesterville, Writes Ito the proprietors of that'sovereign tonic,Bur- dock Blood Bitters, "Your Blood Bit- ters give universal satisfactioni, All your medicines sell well, and many of my customers will take no otheT 774. 65.2w _ Mrs. McArthur. Of Hopeville, says regarding Hag - yard's Pectoral Balsam, that she would not keep house without it. She cannot speak too highly of its merits as a remedy for colds, coughs, bronchitis, aethma, weak lungs and all pulmonary troubles. A cold may be cured y it in which govern the Operations of digT one da,y. 794,65.2w nd tion and nutrition, aby ,a careful a - , plication of the tine properties of Woll SAYS DRYDEN :- selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided She knows her man, and vy en you our breakfast tablets with a delicately rant and swear, • , flavored beverage, Which may save us Can draw you to her with a, single nsanyheavy doctors' bilis. It is by the hair. judicious use of such articles of diet that But it must be beautiful hair to have - a constitution may be gradually built such power; and beautiful hair'can be up until strong euotigh to moist every ensured -by- the use of the Cingalese tendency to disease. i Hundreds of sub- Hair Renewer. Sold at 500 by J. S. tie Maladies are floating around tie Roberts. 770.62.789 ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood a d a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Made sinaply with bell- ing water or milk. Sold only in packets and tine (1 pound and pound,) labellede-"James Epps & Co., le 0M030- pathio Chemists, London, Eng."—Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 73642 A Vexed Olergymaai. 7Even the patience of Job would be- come exhausted were he a preacher and endeavoring to interest his audience while they were keeping up an Meets - sant coughing, making it impossible for him to be heard. Yet, how very I easy can all this be avoided by simply rising King's New Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs and Colds. Trial Betties given away at C. Duncan -1e Drug Store. 783.52. • Woman's -True Friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed. This none can deny, especially !when , assistance is rendered when one is sore- ly afflicted -with disease, more pa tiou- laxly thoee complaints and weakitesses so common to our female popul tion, Every wernan should know that El dna Bitters are woman's true fnen , and will positively restore her to health; even when all other remedies fall. A single trial always proves our assertion. They -are pleasant to the taste, and only costs fifty cents a bottle. Sold by C. Duncan. 783.52. , Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that most terrible disease ConeuMption. Ask yourself if you can afford fer the sake of 50 cents to run the risk and do nothing for it. We knave froM ex- perience that Shiloh's Cure wil cure your cough. It never fails. This ex- plains why more th.an a million were sold the past year. It r croup and whooping cough at 'pales elieves once. Mothers do not be without it. For lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Inimsden. & Wilson. 780-26. "Why should a man whose blood is warm within Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster ?" Or let his hair grow rusty, scaht and thin, When Ciegalese Renewer will make it grow faster. For sale by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 770.52.789. Dyspepsia and Liver Com- plaint. Is it worth the small price of 75 cents to free yourself of every syMptom of these distressing complaints, if you think so call at our store and. get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed. guarantee on it, nee ac- cordingly, and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by Dime- . den & Wilson, 780.26 • Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. We have a speedy -and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker month and headache, in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath, Price 50 cents. sold by Lumsden & Wilson. 780.26. 9 • • • • ' SITOIL state, and correct all defectivikand con- taminated secretions. Suckeasy xieaus of 'instituting bealth, strength and cheerfulness should be in the pos esion of all whose stomachs are weak, wliose minds are much harraseed, or twhose brains are overworked. Hollow y's is eseentially a bloqdetempering rne4lioiue, whereby its infltience, reaching tie re- motest fibres of the frame, eff cts a universal good. 774.52. If You Find ' Yon are unable to sleep night though physically tired, are and your business is uppermost mind, and you cannot for a whi yourself of its cares and perpl te.kePhosphatine along -with yoit three times a day, and it will p such a change in your system th will enjoy refreshing sleep every For sale by all druggists; pr 788.52.' The Cause of Death. It is known almost to a certainty that in fatal diseases the individual dies either from the brain, heart or lungs. How wise then is the effort to maintain a perfect state of health? Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters are a veritable "Health Giver." They free the system from impurities ; mere biliousnessolyspepsia, and all disease S of the stomach, liver or. bowels. In large bottles at 50 cents. Sold by all drug- gists. With every bottle of Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Cough Drops, a sample bottle is given free of charge. If, ...after using the trial bottle, you are not satis- fied. with its effect, you can return the large bottle to your dealer, who will re- fund the money. Thousands can testify to its prompt action in curing coughs, colds, bronchitis, etc. If you suffer try them. Price 50 cents a bottle, sold by all druggists. • , and, akefu I your Le rid xities, meals oduce t you night. ea, $1. The Sickly Young Gir And the delicate young womai4 need Dr. Austin's Phoephatine. Whlen the countenance is pale, the blood 4ourses sluggishly, erruptions on the fa e ap- pear, together with all the other signs of either temporary or constit tional debility. No remedy will so • uickly restore color to the cheeks, stren th to the muscles, energy to the limb bring back the appetite and make a • ealthy woman, as Phosphatine, which i not a medicine, but a food. For sale •y all druggists. 788.52 The Corn Crop in Cam da. It may surprise the good people of Canada to learn that the corn crop has been immensely increased in Can- ada. No doubt the N. P. popple Will claim this as a product of protection, but Putnana's Painless Corn Extriictor alone is entitled to all the credit. It raises more corn to the acre than all else the world can supply. Safe,'sure and painl6s. Take no snbetute. • Only 25 oents. Try your band. good crop 4uaranteed. N. C. Poison & Co,, proprietors, Kingston. 762.52; G. W. Min.gay, • Nervous Prostration Vital weakness, klebility from ov rwork or indiseretion itradically and p onapt- ly cured by thatjgreat nerve and brain food known as Mack's 'Magnetic Meth - dine, which is sold by all responsible druggists. See advertisement 'n an- other column. Guarantee of c res is- sued by J. S. ROberts, Seaforth. 780.62. 2w Parkaale, oronto, writes: "My wife had severi1 very severe attacks of cramps in he stomach. Hearing of Dr. Austm'e Phosphatine and its pleasantness to take, I gave her two bottles, and she has not had an attack since,and her health is much improved. For sale by all druggists. 770.52.789 Free of Cost. All persons wishing to test the merite of a great renaedy—One that will posi- tively cure consumption, coughs', colds, asthma, bronchitis, or any affection of the throat and lungseare requeeted to call at Duncsn'e Drug Store andi get a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, free of cost, which will show you what a regular dollar sized bottle will do. 783.52.1 • Fortunes for Farmers fan d cs. Thousands of dollars can be Flayed by using proper judgment in taking care of the health of :yourself and Jamily. If you are bilious,have sallow complexion, poor appetite, low and depressed spirits, and generally debilitated, do not delay a moment, but go at once and procure a bottle of those wonderful Electric Bitters, which never fail to cure, and that for the trifling sum of 50 cents.—Tribune. Sold by C. Dun- can. 783.52,1 A Prolific Source of Disease. A trifling indiSoraion in diet may lay the foundation of confirmed dyspepsia, and.there is no fact in medical science more positively ascertained or more au- thoritatively asserted than that dyspep- sia is the parent of a host of bodily ills, !. • ' J. Wetherell, - Writing frera Winnipeg, says : "I can say more about Phosphatine3 now than when I satv you last in Toronto. My health is mueh improved, and I am free from headaches or any other aches, having used only two and a half bottles of your Thosphatin.e. For safe by all druggists. 1 710.52.789. In the Fl-istory of Medicin.e No preparatipn has received such uni- versal conamendation for the alleviation it affordsaand the permanent Cure it affects in kidney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Its action ba these distressing complaints is simply wonderful. yor Sale byj. S. Roberts. 770.52.781 • Now That there i a reliable remedy for kid- ney trouble, hall the terrOrs attached to thesecomplaints have been removed, For this it all be thankful, and to Dr. -Van Buien'S Kidney Cure , award all praise for having thus re- move,' a hitherto fatal disease from our pati. ' It . was never !known to fail. Sod by J. S. Roberts. 779.52.789 Promises Fulfilled. Yesterday I pnrchatied a box of Dr. Smith's Great German WorrO Romedy, and after giving one dose, add isy testi- monial to the many others in its favor, and endorse it as a safe and s re re- medy, J. W. SALTZMANN, Pakery, Syracuee St., Rondo t,N.Y. Sold by J. S. Roberts, Seafort a, Ont. 754.52. Bucklen's Arnica Sal e. The best'salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever semi, Otter, chapped hands, cli'lblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, a d posi- tively cures piles. It is guaran eed to give perfect satisfaction or mo 'ley re- funded. Price 25 Cents per bo For Sale by C. Duncan. 778.52 Farmers before buying you reaper and mower.oil BA for and pr cure a sample of "Kaiser" Machine 01. It is warranted not to gum, and is guaran- teed to give good satisfaction. 53-52 . Now that the reaping and owing season is coming on, farmers should remember that that "Kaiser" i achine Oil is the best reaper and. mower oil in the market. For sale by all dealers. 753-52 ' THE CANADIAN BANK OF COM ERCE, HEAD OFFICE; TORO TO. Paid up .Capital, ▪ - 56, Rest, 1,0 ••••••••••••,•.••••••••••••-••411016,....4 • - • • •••••••••••••••••••• •••• 3.3 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE 1 It cores Spavins, Splints, Curbs, Ring Bonets and all -simi- lar blemishes, and remdves the bunch without blistering. • •• KENDALt§ SPAVIN CURE • For man it is now • known to be one of the best, if not the best, liniment ever discovered. • We feel positive that every man can have perfect success in every case if he will only use good common sense in applying :KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, and persevere in bad cases of long standing. Read below the experience of ' others: FROM COL. L T. FOSTER. which I prized very highly ; he had a large hove spavin on one joint, and t hilioa,mtyetolOn„ ja1n880c.olt Dre.B. J. Kendall 86 Co.—Gents : I had a very valuable YOUNGSTOWN, smaller one on the ?tiler, which made him very lame; I had him under th( ()barge of two veterinary surgeons, which failed to cure him. I was one day reading the advertitsement of Keadall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express. I determined at Once to try it, and got our druggists h.ere to send for it; they or- dered three bottles LI took them all, and thought 1 would give it a thorough trial; I ased it according to directions, and by the fourth day the colt ceased to be lame, and the lumps had entirely disappeared. I used but one bottle, and the colt's limbs are as free'from lumps andas smboth as any horse in the State. He is entirely cured. The cure was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the remaining two bottles, who are Dow using it. _ Very respectfully, L. T. FOSTER. 00,000. 0,000. Presia.ent,. Hon. W9n. Mc faster. SEAFORTH BRANC The Seaforth Branch of this Bank e.ntinnes to receive deposits, on which interest s allowed on the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal towns a d cities ie Canada, on Great Britain, and on ne United States, bought and sold. Offtee—Fiest door South of the ommercial Hotel. 639 A. H. IRELAND, Manager. F. EfOLMESTED, Solicitor. N othi-n g Can supply the place of a beautiful silky head of tat ral hair. It is I infinitely more con fo table than swit ,hes, and other prepariations for the hai by un- known foreigners. Hair rn4ty be re- tained, bee tified and actualliV restored, by the use of the Qingalese lair Ren- ewer. _Soldat fifty cents pei bottle by all druggists. 770.52.786. IH011oway's With the darkening days and chang- ing teraPeratures the digestio)e becomes impaired, the liver disordere4 and the mind despopdent unless thecause of the irregularity be expelled ifrom the blood. and body by an alterative like these PillsitaThey go directly to the source of t e evil, thrust out all im- puritiea fro the circulatibn, reduce distempered organs to their natural KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE I ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6tb, 1881. Early list Summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall & Co., of ,Enosburg Falls, Vernaont, made a contract with the publishers of the Press( for a half cOlumn !advertise- ment for one year setting forth the merits of Kendall's Spavin Cure. At the same time we secured from the firm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, which we are giving to advance paying subscribers to the Press as a premium. About the time the advertisement first appeared in this paper Mr. P G. Scher- merhorn, who resides near Colliers had a spavined horse. He read the advertise- ment and concluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, although his friends laughed at his credulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure and corn- menced using it on the horse in accordance with the directions, and he informed us this week that it effected such a complete cure that an expert horseman, who examined the animal recently could. find no trace of the spavin or the place where it had been located. Mr. Schermerhorn has since secured a copy of Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases,which he prizes very highly and would be loth to part with it at any price, provided. he could. not obtain another copy. So much for advertising reliable articles. e- CHRYSTAL & B ACK, PRACTICAL BOILER MAKERS, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE 1 'Kendall's Spavin Cure is sure in its effects, mild in its actions as it doee not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to re- move any bony growth or any other enlargement if used for several days, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlarge- ments of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment is used. for man or beast. It is now known to be the best lini- ment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. It is used full streugth with perfect safety at all Reasons of the year. Send. address for Illustrated Circular which WO think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified success to our knowledge, for beast as well as ro.au. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. 748.52 DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enosburg Falls, Vermont. THE Subsciibers have bought the Tools and Boiler Busieess lately carriedon by the God- erich Foundry and Mannfacturirg Company, and havieg he'd an experience of over eight years es that shop, are now prepared to earry on the trade inlanllyi tws obrrka ennruethe 88. ted to ns will receive prompt attention. First-class work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, ale° Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, &e., at rear- neNaBel Ge rsrtaaelattet as. Pans made and old ones repaired on otice, and at prices tl4at defy com- pd. Web. EERYSTAL & BL CS., I 783 • Ittpx 103, oderie. h. J. S. PORTER SEAFORTH. I am determined to Clew Out my Entire Stock of _Furniture regard less of Cost. THOSE IN WANT, it will pay Vhem to mean "1" tain prices before purchasing blsewhere. I give a large discount to those paying cash, es. pedant, to newly married couples. I am still selling six highly finiseed chairs for $2.50. I also keep Knowlton's Spring Bed, the best and cheapest in the market; warranted perfectly noieeless. Warerooms directly opposite M. R. Conntera Mammoth Jewelry 5 tore, Mein Street, Seaforth, East Side. Cash for hides, skins, fare and tallow. No truck or trade. Cash for eeerythin . 625 JOHN. . PORTER. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, . SASO, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE subscriberbegsleave to thank hisnnmeroe oustomera for the lib eral patronage extended tc him since commencing business in Seaforth,ane trusts hat he may be favored with a oorstinuents of the same. Parties intending to build would do we] I to give him a ealeas he will continue to keep on heed • large stock of allkinds el Dry Pine Lumber, Sashes Doors. Blinds and Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, &c. Hefeelsconfident of evingestisfaction t °thou who mayfavourbim with their patronage,asnone but first-olas sworkmen a reemployed. Partieular attention paid to Custom Planing 201 JOHN Ff. BROADFOOT. London, Huron andj Bruce. GOING NORTII—r Express. Mail. 4.14. P. M, . London, depart.. .... .. .. .... 7 20 4 00 Exeter 8 36 5 16 Hensall 850 530 Kippen 855 535 Brueefield 9 05 5 45 Clinton 930 610 Blyth 10 00 6 39 Wingham, arrive . .10 35 7 10 GOING SOUTH— Mail. Exprese. 1 "NIL DESPERANDUM;" TRADE MARK. De' TRADE MAR. cl.) E.„ 1.4 co gL9 6 After Taking.. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY for Ner- vous Debility_and all Nervous Affections, in- cluding Sperm teforrhea, Seminal weakneF s, eat., resulte of Sellsabuse, indiscretion, &e., GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. This le the only remedy which has ever been known to per- manently cure Palpitation and other affections of the Heart, Consumption in its earlier stages, Rushing of blood to the heed, wind in the stomach, indigestion, Loss of Memory, Want of energy, Bashfulness, Desire for solitude, India- poeition to labor on account of weakie es, Uni- versal Lassitude, Pain in the back, dimness of vision, Premature old age, ect. Full particulars in our pamphlet, wbich we send securely sealed on receipt of a three cent stamp. The Specific is now sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 for $5, or will be sent free by mail on THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., To7r6o9-n5t2ce receipt of Money, by addressing A. M. Wiegham, depart 7 10 Blyth 7 45 Clinton • • 820 Brueefield 8 35 Kippen 8 45 "[mime,. 8 60 Exeter ' 9 05 Loudon, arrive 10 10 P. M. 240 3 13 8 50 4 05 4 13 4 18 430 5 35 Mack's Magnetic Medicine NERVE AND BRAIN FOOD s .t t's es_eesasee F-.71 t'ire.Z;"' neiee' r r ‘Ticy \k; Otf !. • • •.*, • RItt •-• • The teeth become pure white, And give intense delight; The breath is pnrified '""eeseseere " is tried. ee Your system for work. Zornsae the new Dyspepsia, and Liver: Remedy, attends strictly to business in correcting the Stomach, Liver and, KidneYs., Sample bottles, 10 cents; large bottles, 75 cents. AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the tY • County of Huron. Sales attended in all partt of the County. All orders leftist theEi- eosieor Office will be promptlyattendedto. SECURE THE .SHADOW. ANDriEW CALDER, CR. COOPER, Brussels, Cotmty Auctioneer. •--/ • Sales of all descriptions promptly' at- tended in any part of the county on :reasonable terms. Orders left at the office of the 1113RON EXPosITon, or addressed to Brussels, will receivo. prompt attention A. p -y6 dte Me THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHER, begs to state that he has returned home from Da- kota, and is convinced that "Therel no place like home," and be intends to remain at home, and will henceforth give his entire penional at- tention to his businest: His facilities for doing good wok are unexcelled, and he can guarantee satisfaction. Come one, ecnie all, and bring your relations and friends, and secure the shadow ere the subseitece fades. I ean accom- modate you all, and can send you on year way rejoicing. Jest try me and prove n e. Charger moderate. Remember the place—Scott's Bltek. Main Street, Seaforth. 762 ANDREW CALDER. ELG TTY. Licensed auationesr for the County of Huron. Sales of all descriptions Uy attended to on reasonable terms. Ad- s V• alum P. O. or Lot 14, Coneession 14, 'lop. 774 The Royal Hotel, (LITE. CAME -Zell A EL'S) SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. - JAMES WEIR EGS to inform his old friends and the travel- ling publie that having purchased this new and commodious hotel buildine, he hastborough- lyste-furnished and re -fitted it from top to hot - tom, and it is now one of the most comfortable and convenient hotels in the county. By siziet attention to the wants of his customers he hopes to merit a share of publie patronage. The rooms are all well furnished and well heated. The bar will be kept supplied with the best, andan at - tentative and trust -worthy hostler will always be in attendance. Good sample rooms for Commer- cial Travellers Remember the "Royal Hotel," corner of Main and Godench Streets, Seaforth. 733 A Cure Guaranteed. FOR OLD AND YOUNG, MATE AND FEMALE. Is a sure; prompt and effectual remedy for Ner- vousness in all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats, Spermatorrhoma, Seminal Weakness,Leu corrhaea, Barrenness, and General Loss of Power. It re- pairs nervous waste, rejavenerates the jaded in- tellect, strengthens the enfeebled brain, and re - store's surprising tone and vigor to the exhaust- ed generative organs in either sex. eer With each order for eweeve packages, accompanied with $5, we will send our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. It is the cheapest and best medi- cine in the market. Full particulaesin our pamphlet, which we desire to mail free to any address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Druggists at 60 cents per box or 12 boxes for $5, or will be mailedfree of postage on receipt of money by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE Co. Windsor, Ont. Sold by all Drug- gists. Guarantees issued by J. S. ROBERTS, Sea - forth. 781-52 C.A.1143D . DS. CAMPBELL, Provincial teed Stings* -1-"• tied Civil Engineer. Orders by mail promp I ly attended to. D. 13 CAMPBELL, MitoPtil Trade Mark Registered. ANOTHER CREAT BOOM IN WIHNIPEC JAMES WEIR, Proprietor: NORMAN'S • ELECTRIC CURATIVE APPLIANCES Tel "I casual observiitien, we find till land specula- -L.' tors have a clear hea.d, and watch the ups ahd downs of property e thus making large fortunes. But the whole secret is, they keep the system In a a healthy conditien by the use of THE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY MEDICINE. We can safely say that htmdrede curne to us for the great lung and blood pnrifier before going West. Read the following statement. We could give thousands of the same kind it it were necessary. "I certify that I was troubled with catarrh in the head gathering of phlegm in the throat, choking and coughing at night for years, so I could not sleep; often troubled with dull, lifeless feelings. pains in the chest and back. After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors, end giving up ell hopes, I tried the Plume OF THE ,I7ALLEY;and am now able to do my work after seven. year's sickness." Mrs. James McNeil, 202, eimcee Street, London, Ont. The above statsment of my wife's is correet. Jamee McNeil. For sale by all druegists in Seaforth- 745-52 ESTABLISHED 1874. ELIEVES AND CURES Spinal Complaints, General and Nevous Rheumatism, Gout, Nervousness, Liver, Kidney,Lung, Throat, and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia. Bronchitis, Incipient Paralysis, Asthma'Stiatica Sprains, Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds, Indigestion, for Norman's Electric Belts, end you will be safe against imposition, for they will de their work well and are cheap at any priee. A. NORMAN, 4 Queen St East, Toronte. E. HICKSON & Co , Agents, Seaforth. 753-52 EYE, EAR AND THROAT.! OR. CEORCE S. RYERSON, L. R. C. P., L. 11. 0. S. E., Lederer on the , Eye Ear and Throat, Trinity Medioal College, Tiseen- t o, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear In- firmary, Consulting Oculist and Aurist to tb.e Institutione for the Blind. Brantfoid, and for - the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, Ont. Late Clini- cal Assistant Royal London Ophthalmit Hospi- tal, aloorfielde, and Central Throat said Ear Hospital. 317 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. May be consulted at the ALBION HOTEL, STRATFORD, On the Tenet SATURDAY in ICA CH 'MONTH. 705 PLOWS! PLOWS —AT THE— HURON FOUNDRYr, SEAFORTK. I have cm hana a large assortment of PLOWS fitted with hardened steel boards, which for quality of steel and hardness of temper, cannot- be surpass- ed in Canada, Come and see our a-A.1\7-a-PDOW_ It is a real gem, and for quality an& price cannot be beat. We give special attention to PLOW POINTS, using only hard, strong iron, and warrant them to wear with any plow point made. We also make ITY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE PO E 1883 eantstning description sad prices of the ehoicest kinds oi Field, Gerdent 3Ala Plower flee& 2mitediresto all teniii' purchasers npon application Ms the handsomest Catalogue published in Canada, an‘ istwralnable to all who wish tabny P VMS/aunt Szirts nodal +Mani:ion giTen to prepering Wow dram's's tat ,PERDIA1,11E1T PASTITRE•r totaled fall Particnbtra ',AU be found in Catalotrae " .1.741, RENNIE, Seedsman, TORONTO CRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS AND LAND RoLLERS. Special attention g,iven to all repair work. Reapers and Mowers repaired with neatness and despatch, and at lowest living profits. 1 have also made arrangements with L. D. Sawyer & Co., of Hamilton, to keep a full line of re- pairs for all machines told by them._ Good Reliable Agents Wanted. THOMAS HENDRY, Seaforth.