The Huron Expositor, 1883-02-09, Page 5g
ter *as
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M.r. Robert
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supper of
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ex -judge of
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t he intends
His family
veteran Ho
lee slipped. a
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ble to get ou
tH has been co
will be co
a week. or
already arriv
eve of Bee
en hf the Con
aa of the Con
t hy the band 0
the 0,exiaty
.ussel se has p
colt from He
ands t .roe srtvrt
ddaughter of
. Hey township.
fauitoba on Fri.
Bea visiting for
hiShan nook, of
is lying seriously
of Mr., Lawson,
,eeiocaor has bet
eud wife, tete et
le northwestern
a blizzard, and
oiea to death;
et- oxen finding s
of Stanley, re-
elt tOau Ameri-
tandsorne SUM of
5s. His neighbor,
-o yeer Old fiUy
ood fikare.
'Clinten, left last
lanitoba, having
at Saturday that
his hands badly
tion to *bring hirg
Reeve of Hullet,
ro.year old. stall -
Mr. Murray, of
$1,500. This he
, but the colt
'or 1.700 lbs.
connectiort with
_ came- off oath*
on the evening
a very well at
ra will go towards '
lebt on the *new
fume of last week
1- be a geeat scar-
s neighborhood.
ng at $1.75 per
a, but there is
Mg into supply
r shoe elub, the
a- oat deaeloping
of evenings Iast
njey theraselvas
Craig and Stew -
he party on both
is heartily as any
the managing
els Brandi of the
al report was re -
°Heated was over
tra the Deposi-
in excess of Riot
divided between
British and For -
home. after din.
Ir H. Cantelon,
severe fall. He
a door, and the
is rubbere 'being
51ipped, alighting
. He ia itbIe to be
in likely feel the
me time to come.
itional minister,
may, has shotoin
neat that "it i�
be. alone." The
ee hie compemion
°mealy of Tor-
ierry. The core -
y Mr. Saer, Con-
Ilg Of the vestry
arch, Goderich.
vitation was un-_
Rev. Mr. Wal-
:ept the position.
>1 St. George's
. Mr. Walters,
tation, and will
>f his new rosi-
er in connection
ach Agricultural
Emiglea hotel,
evening of last
th, M. P. and T.
[-trainee for East
acling speeches..
Sloan, also made
emarks. Mr. V.
ed the int-ervala
T9, 188&
vial well =dark songs, "The' march
et the Cameronen" being particularly
well rendered nd eliciting load ap.'
plause. Altogether this hu been the
mostsucoeseful upper that has taken
place here. Mr. Emigh, the hoot, de-
serves commend tion for the excellent
and abundant
—The, Clintonl Nevi Era of last week
says: Mr. Et. Andrews, of the baseline,
, who moves to the farm he lately pur-
chaeed on the LOndon Road, in March,
has sold his property north of Clinton,
to Mr. Alex. Watt, of Hallett. Mr.
Andrews will bet much missed by his
neighbors on thelease line; but we are
glad his place is bo be taken by as good
-*man as Mr. Alex. Watt.
--One day last week Mr. W. Morris,
of Biafora, near Goderich, while chop-
ping accidentally out his foot with the
axe, and very nearly bled to death be-
fore assistance could be -summoned.
The doctor clree ed the wound and he
is doing as well 4s can be expected. It
happened while Mr. James Wells was
sawing alongside of Itim,and if Mr. Wells
had not put a scarf round the foot and
bound it up Mr, Morrie would have bled
to death, for he 4ad cut both arteries of
the foot.
—The neetPresbyterian church build-
ing in Wingham recently had a very
narrow escape fora destruction by fire.
A hot fire was pat on in the furnace on
a Saturday night and a wooden parti-
tion was set on fire by the heat. Some
-persons passing ithe church late in the
.evening noticed an unusual light in the
basement, and on clOser i :vestigation
-discovered the ttue stete of affairS. The
fire was extinguished without much
damage being done, Init' had .a few
minutes further elapsed without it be-
ing noticed, the 'whole place would have
been in flames.
—On Thursdaly of last week a good
(feat of exeitement was caused in Blyth,
bi the disappearance of a mail bag
fr§ta the station. It seems that the
mill carrier, on reaching the station,
fotthd the train was late, and putting
the bag_ in the station house, he hurried
up town on some urgent business. Dur-
ing his absence the,: bag disappeared
and it was thmight that it had been
stolen, but it wee afterwerde found un-
injured, in a lot some distance from the
railway'. It is eaid the bag was taken
in spite, and a law font is the cense-
queue°, with what reeult we have not
—The Gorda Enterprise of last week
says : Mr. Jas. Ruxton, a former G-orrie
boy returned frem Michigan to this vil-
lage on Monday eveuing last, with the
intention of visiting his parents. With
a light happy heart he knocked at the
door of his boyhood home expecting
soon to be enfolded in the arms of his
parents, lint finding the house empty be
inquired of some neighbors only to find
otit, for the first time, that his mother
was dead and that the remainder of the
family had removed to another
part of Michigan some time ago. The
now sorrowful young man is spending a
few days visiting with his former friends
here, and will again start for his home
early next week.
—Miss Marga,ret Walker, who has
been in Winnipeg for the last two years,
come home lett Saturday to the second
concessio Steriley.—Mr John Cameron,
of Stanley, near the Bayfield road,
last. week receive(' a. kick from a cow,
on the knee, and will be laid rip fur
some time Mr. Jahn Baird, son of
George Baird, sr., from the same town-
ship fell from the mew in the barn to the
floor, and injured his right arm. —Mr.
Peter Stewart, of Staaley,- died on
Saturday the 24th ult., after a brief ill -
DOSS, at the tesiderice of his brother,
London Road_ Deceafted was aged" 71
at the time of his death, was born near
Dublin, Ireland, and came to Stanley
about 16 years ago. He was unmarried,
of an amiable disposition, and had
made many friends.
—The lady alluded" to in the follow-
• ing paragraph from the Clinton News -
Record, is a daughter of our esteetned
friend, Mr. E Holnaes, of the New Era:
Miss Nellie notifies, well-known to many
of our readers, has taken her departure
to St. Catharines, where she intends
residing for some time to come. Miss
.Holmes was actively associated whilst
here with every good work that her help
and inftaence Would be of any advan-
tage to. As a teacher in the Methodist
Sabbath school, and a leading soprano
in the choir of the same church, she
will be greatly missed. For a number
of years she was continuously (excepting
a short absence in Winnipeg) a menaber
of the choir,' and. gave very valuable
assistance in till its service of song. She
was one.. of those who took a leading
part in the splendid solos and anthems,
which have made a name for the choir
all over the; country, and hence her
place is a hard one to fill. The time
has passed byl When donations or fare-
well surprise parties were the only sure
signs of appreelation of eervioes render-
ed ; those whe do work and are worthy
of being borne in mind now are remem-
bered by the good deeds they have
done and the willing help theyehave
rendered in the paths thet were opened
to them.
—Tbe Blyth Review of last week
says: “Mr. Woods; who at present re-
sides on lot 4,{concession 6, township of
Morris,findiuS himself low in circum-
stances about seeding time last tear,
disposed of one of his horses to enable
him to buy seed. He disposed of his
horse for $100 and purchased. another
horse at $40, thus leaving him $60 to
t buy seed. he thaw flew on Mr. Woods
found himeelf in better cirourestances,
and decided. ta dispose of his 440 horse
ana get a better one. Accordingly an
opportunity was offered him when a
scoundrel named Hall, hailing from
Colborne, pat in an appearance about
three mont
Woods trade
his. horse an
About three
ecived notice
the Nile. inf
was a bill of
EariSpencer was present for the .fire
timeeinoe his appointment. Mr. Healy
has intimated hit intention to resign
his seat in Parliament. Warrants have
leen issued by the- Court of Queen's
Bench for the arrestf Messrs. Healy,
Devitt and Quinn, i consequenee of
their failure to prov de the neoeasary
seuurities. 1
. imitu
The London Maisonic Lottery.
- The drawing of prizes ior the London
Masonic Lottery, took place on- Wed-
nesday. The largest prize, $15,000,
was won by Mr: J. C. Williamson, post-
master and store -keeper of Ballydnft.
Bally -duff is a small village, or rather a
hamlet of some sixty souls, in South
Durham. Besides a blaoksmith shop,
a waggon -maker's business, a boot
and shoe shop ' and a tavern, it
boasts of &general store owned by a
gentleman named J. C.Williamson,who
is also a, commission merchant and gen-
eral agent. Mr. Williamson is a res-
pected member of the community, and
although by no means a wealthy, man,
yet has, by hard work and honest em
deavor worked himself into what might
be termed a fair country business. Bally -
duff is not far from Port Hope, and is
near the townline of Manvers and
Clarke. It is 12 miles from Bethany
and 12 from Millbrook. It is not yet
known whether Mt. Williamson is the
sole owner of the ticket, or whether he
is the representative of a Syndic:ate.
The ticket iromediately before and the
one after the fortunate one, only repro -
Belated a couple of five dollar pries..
The second largest prize, viz., $7,500,
was taken on a straight ticket by .Mr.
W. T. Strong, druggist, London. Mr.
Strong donates $500 of his prize to the
twoleading benevolent institutions qf the
city—$250 to the St. Joseph's Orphan
Asylum, and $250 to the Protestant
Orphan's Home. The names , of. the
winner e of the five thousand dollars,
the two thousand five hundred, and the
one thousand dollar priees are not yet
Latest News Notes.
Spain and Chili have reenmed friend.
ly, relations:
—The Russian Government has
granted important concessions te the
Finnish Senate.
—Anti -slavery societies in Spenish
provinces are agitating for further re-
forms in the slavery 'laws of Cuba.
—The landlords of the Isle of Barra
have conceded the crofters' demands
and the agitation has been settled. I
—A revenue party has succeeded in
capturing a band of outlaws and a large
quantity of illicitly- distilled liqtor in
South Carolina.
—Montana is_becomiog an undesir-
able resideece for desperadoes. Ten of
this class have been lynched by vigi-
lante hu one district within a few 'days.
s ago, 'when Hall and
horses, the latter giving
$60 for the former'e horse.
eeks ago Mr. Woods re -
from a, man residing at
riming Woods that there
ale upon the horse, and
meets every alternate Thursday in the
Odd Fellowallall, at k780 P. M. Visiting 114th -
ren cordially invited. J. FINCH, Secretary. 791
sawasmwasememommee ' I
SEAFORD', Feb. 8, 1888.
Fall 'Wheat per hushel $0 92 to 4 00
Spring Wheat per bushel 0 95 to I 00
Oats per bushel..l. ,,,. 0 Q 86
Peas per bushel ' 0 65 to 0, 68
Barley per bushel 0 45 to 0 55
Butter, (No. 1, loose 0 17 to 0 18
Butter, tub. .. 0 18 to 0 20
Eggs . 0.1 0 22 to 022
Flour, per 100 lbs., 2 80 to 2 55
Ilay,new. '8 oo, to 9 00
Rides, p 100 lbs 6 50 to 7 50
Sheeps s -each 0 50- to 1 20
Wool . 0 18 to 0 9ro
Salt (retail) per barrel 1 25
Salt (wholesale) per barrel 1 00
Potatoes, per bushel (new) 0 80 to 0 40
Dressed Hogs 7 80' to 8 15
Cannon, Feb. 7, 1888.
Fall Wheat per bushel $ 0 90 to 0 94
Spring Wheat per bushel 0 95 to 1 00
Oats, per btiehel 0 84 to 0 85
Barley per bashel 0 50 to 0 62
Peas per bushel. , 0 60 to 0 75
Butter 0 18 to 0 20
Eggs 0 20 to 022
Hay per ton 7 00 to 8 00
Potatoes, per bushel ..... . . ,0 88 to 0 86
Wool 0 25 to 027
lilides, per 100 Ms 650 to 7 00'
Droned Hogs 8 00 to 8 80
—By order of the Dominion Govern-
ment the Customs agents at Grotto. and
Nklae, Manitoba, will not in future al-
low grain to pass on to Duluth by the
Canada P&Sific Railway.
—The Nihilist storm appears to have
blown over in Russia, and the' Czar
walks thestreets of St. Peteesburg
without an armed escort. The police
boast that they have rooted out Nihil-
ism. •
-The 'Emperor of China hint tele-
graphed congratulations to the Crown
Prince of Germany upon his silver wed-
ding. This is the first instance of the
Chinese Sovereign addressing a tele-
gram to a European Prince, and marks
a new era of Chinese progrese.
—Grand Trunk Railway officials have
interviewed the Dominion Government
and urged objections to a charter 'being
granted to the Niagara Peninsula Bridge
Company to build a new bridge across
the Niagara River near the Falls. The
proposed bridge is promoted by the
Canada Southern Railway.
n an interview with Mr. Meagher
on Monday, the latter expressed: him-
self as well satisfied with the result of a
trip to New York, undertaken fOr the
purpose of prompting a mining organi-
zation of which he is president. All
accotmts go to show that the gold de-
posits of the Lake of the Woods are ex-
ceedingly rich.
that he mast return it, which • he did
last week—j st $100 out. The unfor-
tanate faun r being left with only one
horse keenly felt his loss, but the load
of Borrow was to a, great extent lifted
from his mud when Martin Masters
and Henry ohnston last week pretent-
ed Mr. Woo s the sum of $52, which
these two young men had raised by a, eonfidence in his integrity and sympathy
enbscription in their own immediate with their late pastor.
—The Union vote is being carried in
the Methodist Church of Canada with
great unanimity. Forty Quarterly
Boards have reported to the Secretary
of the CI-el:lend Conference, showing
forty for and but one against. The en-
tire number of votes cast at these meet-
ings was )539. For the basis, 493;
against, 46.
—The decision of the Senate cern-
nate° to report adversely upon the
Expulsion Bill has produced another
Ministerial crisis in France, and the re-
signation of M. Follieres is imminent.
The formation of a Cabinet under M.
anles Ferry is accepted as the only solu-
tion which presents itself, and the Lon-
don Tiines announces tlae personnel of
the new Ministry. I
-Mrs. Spence, of Rockwood, Mani-
toba, was frozen dead a few fdays ago.
Her hr1
husband was o hunting and the
firewood. 11
rewood gave out. Mrs. Spence, her
daughter and child, started to walk
three miles to a neighbor's. Mrs. Spence
became exhausteid and gave the
child, to.her dangh er, who reached the
_neighbor's alive, but with her hands
and- arms frozen. Mrs. Spence was
d4d before help reached her.
eeLast week the Rev. F. R. Beattie,
pastor of the first Presbyterian church,
Brantford, was summoned before the
Police Magietrate, on the complaint of
a young woman named Leishman, a
doraestio in the family, wno charged
him with hitting, at different times
entered her bed room and violated her
person. Before the charge could be
thoroughly investigated, the girl aban-
doned the Charge and left for parts un-
known. She has been ascertabled to be
LI disreputable character, and it is sup-
posed black-madl was her object. Mr.
Beattie's congregation at a meeting
s nce held, have unanimously expressed
their strong sympathy and confidenoe
in their pastor, in the recent severe trial
which he has undergone in attempts to -
defame his charapter, and as a mark of
their approval of his manly con-
duct increased his . annual stipend.
Mr. Beattie's former congregation
at Baltimore 'have also expressed
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 6.—Spring wheat,
09s 03d; red winter, 9s 08d to 00s
Od ; white, 09e 3d; club, 09s 83.,
oats, 5s 063.; barley, 5s 63.; peas, 78
63.; pork, 828 Od.; cheese, 65s 003..
MePHILLIBS--InWinnipeg on the 80th alt. ,the
wife ot Frank McPhillips, 0. E., of s, son.
ANDERSON --In Woodstock on the 27th ult., the
wife of Mr. jamas Anderson of a son!.
SNELL-In Exeter on the 31st ult., the wife of
Mr. Eli Snell of a daughter.
ARDELL-In Gorrie on ate 20th ult., the wife of
Mr. John Arden; of a daughter.
ABELL-In Seaforth on the 6th inst., the wife of
Mr. Joseph Abell of a daughter.
GATZMEYER-lifcGRATH-In Seaforth, at St.
ames' Church, on the 6th inst., by Rev.
Father Shea, Mr. George Gatemeyer to Miss
Mery Ann McGrath, both of Kollin**
CASE-LAMMIE-Onthe 8let tilt. by Rev. H.
E. Hill, at the residence of the ;wide' father,
ttMr. George Francis Case' of 'Cabot n , to Miss
'Florseyoungest daughterof Mr.Wm. ,itin mie,
of Hay. .
ship of Seymouron the 16th inst., by Rev.
David Beattie, Mr. John Barron,of t e Tow -
ship of McKillop, to Miss Elizabet Craig-
- head of the tewuship of Seymour.
DINSDALele-BUTT- In London on the 6th
inst., by Rev. Wm. H. Butt, cousin of the
bride, M. John Dinschtle, of Stenley, to
Maria, eldest daughter of E. But, Esq.,
the 81st ult., by Rev. Dr. Ure, Mr. J
- Millen, of Seaforth, to Miss Jane
youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. Hen
Gouteich Township.
GAY-WILI IS -On the 23rd tilt., by ri
Caewell John H. Gay of West. Wa
Miss Mar5 Willim, of Asbfield. . ,
DEN BOW-IREL AND -In Tut nberry
TORONTO, Feb. 7.—Fall wheat, $0.98
to $1.00; spring, $0.99 to$1.03; oats, 42o
to 43c; peas, 72o to 750 ;*- barley, 55o to
730 ; hay, per ton, $4.00 to $15.50 ;
butter, 17c to 26o; potatoes per bag,
70c to 75o; eggs, per doz., 30c to 32o.;
dressed hogs per 100 lbs., $8.00 to
$8.25 ; wool, per pound, 180 to 20c,
-Live Stook Market.
MONTREAL, February 6,--t-Owi g to de-
tentioo of trains by snowd ifts, no
cattle arrived morning, and those
offered were the remnants of last week's
markets. The best beef sold from 5e
to 5c; second-olass, 4io tol5c ; and
third-class, 3c to 3ic per lb. live weight.
There were no sheep and very few lambs
for sale, the best of the latter selling at
$4 to $1.50. •
TORONTO, Feb: B. -About 60 head of
cattle were offered, and all taken. For
the best, which were also really good
beasts, 5c was paid ; for second-class
butchers', 4o to 4ic. There was a larg-r
number of sheep and lambs the sheep
selling at from 4o to 5c; lambs at 5c
5ic. The blockade of the railroads will
have the effect of checking the receipts
for a few days to come. It is paid that
the demand for meat for the Winnipeg
market has fallen off to a, great extent,
which will laa-ve an immediate offect on
local supplies and prices here.
BUFFALO, Feb. 6. -Cattle -r- Market
strong and firm at opening prices of the
week. Receipts light, about all offer-
ings sold. A few pretty good steers
brought $5.60 to $5.75. No very choice
on sale. Light to medium steers, $4.65
to $5.40. Stockers have been in light
supply and are lower, with any number
on sale, demand being very light. Milch
COWS quiet at $30 to $45. Sheep and
lambs -offerings ligbt ; market about
steady, possibly a better for the
grade'wools, but about the same for
cociamon grades. We quote :-TCorninon
to fair sheep, $4.50 to $5,25, good to
choice,15.50 to $5 80; if extra, 110 to
120 lbs.; $5.90 to $6. Lan)]* $5 40 to
$6.60, as to quality. Hogs -Receipts
light; prices stronger and higher.
rioh on
mes Mo
erson, of
v. James
nosh, to
on the
81st ulteby Rev. D. C. Clappieon, r. John
Thomas Denbow, of lurnberry, to Miss
Isabella Ireland, of Howiek.
MoKA Y- CALD ee ELL - In Bru cefiel d on the
8th int., by Rev. John Ross, Mr. George
McKay, to Jane, second daughter of the late
James Caldwell, all of Tuckersmith.
• Deaths.
BURNS -In Seek rth on the 2nd int, Lucy
Burns, daugt.ter of Mr. B. Burns, aged 15
yea. s and 8 menths.
Mc MILI AN -In Tuckersmith on the 51h inst.,
Florence Pe audoe uuga st daughter of Myles
MeMi hill, aged ' mdriths and 17 daj s.
hist , Mrs. Carol
late Wm Van
BAIRD-In Egmont
McLeod, wife o
On Friday, February 16, 1883, on Lot
19, concession 12, McKillop, - Farm
Stock and Implements.. Sale to com-
mence at 1 o'clock p. m. James Phair,
Proprietor; A. Dalgetty, auctioneer.
On Saturday, February 3rd, 1883, at
1 o'clock P. M., on Lot 26, ladle Road,
West, Hay, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments. John Kerr, Propietor ; E.
Bossenberry, Auctioneer. ,
On Tuesday, March 6, at f11.2 o'clock
P. M. Sharp, on South half !of lot. 20,
concession 9, Morris, Farm t)tock and
implements. °R. Stewart, Oroprietor ;
George Kirkby, auctioneer.
On Wednesday, Feb. 21, at 1 o'clock
p. ni., sharp, on Lot 12, Con'cession 10,
Grey, Farm Stock and Innplements.
John Vincent, proprietor; A. Ray -
mann, auctioneer.
On Wednesday, February 21, at 1
o'clock P. M., sharp, on La 30, Con-
cession 13, McKillop, Farm Stock and
Implements. Walter Freeman, Pro-
prietor; A. Delgatty, Auctioneer.
neighborhood. The action of Messrs.
Johnston and Masters is certainly de.
serving of the greatest praise, and Mr.
Woods expreeses himself as being very
grateful to them for what they have ac-
• —A protracted meeting of the British
Cabinet wait held Tuesday, at which
A MEXICAN DUEL. -Two Mexicans,
rivals in love, locked themselves in a
room, and fought a duel with axes. One
chopped his rival in a horrible manner,
severing his head from his body, while
he himself is terribly cut, and cannot
Local Notices.
66 years.
BEADLE -4n Manchester on the 19th Ult., Ed-
mund Franklin, son of Henry Boadle,aged 4
years and 4 mozalua
CHALES 0; Otaii-In ClintonRon the 3-)th ult.,
Harry Gladstene, Infant son of W. A. and
Mina Charlesworth, agd four weds and five
BOYD -In Clinton on the 29th tilt. Maggie J.
Boyd, aged 26 years, 11 monllis aud 13
STE ,v ART -In S4nley on the 27th ult., Peter
Stewart, aged 71 jeers.
DUNSMORE-11n lWtchell on the rth ult„ Julia,
wife of J. M. Dmismore, al. D., aged 4a
ye IS.
BOW YE R-Iu Gerrie on the 19th n.t , Mr. Thos.
Bowyer., aged 98 e ears
SHANNi)N-At Winghtian on :the 18th ult., Mr.
Wne. Shannon, formerly ef Wei Wawanosh,
aged 64 years.
DALUAttNO-In Eat Wawancali, on the lst
inst.,Ohriati .a, eldest daughter
Dalgarno, aged '20 yea's, 5
ABOTT-In Clinton on the 3rd inst
aged 33 years a,nd 1 month.
Egmcialville on the 4th
ne Van Egmond, relict of the
giilTennodi inthStnheerilit.
ll iyear.,
arr. James Ba14d, S., aged
of Mr Gem ge
mouths and 8
aErnily Abott;
Beg leave to announce the arriv
Cotton Goods, and in doing so
liberal support of our many frien
WAN I ED. -A Blacksriith's 11
" that has worked at 1it for
Apply to THOS. liELicIS, Kippen
for early Spring Trade a large large lot a
w tad offer our best thanks for the largl and
s during the past. Our MR. T. W. DUNCAN
is now in England making large purchases for the kegular Spring and Su:
Ip r, or one
4orne months.
t once. 792
Thoroughbred Berkshire Bea
exchange on for a Saffelk.
apply to JO1N P. MARSHA]
eying tW9
will sell or
or particula
L. Itodgervill
This season we will be in a
ever before. We sell largely for
Teacher, ho
duties to co
teacher on a
resign. App
for Scho 1 Sedion No 14, S
ding a second-cl
unence at once,
count of sickness
lications stating s
vill e receiveci by t
^RUN, Secretary,
Bru efield ; J J
Personal applcathins preferred.
for cash, give our customers bett
we are showing
n mediately,
aa ey, a male
he present
gompel led 4
tart', enclosing
e nndersigned.
3rucefield ; D.
NES, Kippeni.
792x4 a
OTICE.-A meeting of the S
Potions of the Londesborou
Cbeese_ Manufacturing Company
Bell's Hall, Londesborough, on
ary 13, at 1 o'clock p.m., when
of the affairs ef the company for
will be read. Prominent men wil
address the meeting, explaining
creameries. ctc.` The public are
to attend. By , Order. W.
areholders and
h Butter and
ill be held ih
tkesday, Febrii-
f 11 stateme10
he past season
b present Mid
h working er
tat y invited
oeition to offer customersgboas lower
ash down or iw
trade, and can, ith close b
r bargains than are usually had. This
tw sheep -an
m have beta
ssi n 2, L R.§ ,
o before the
.ler sold for the
• E, Pound -
N OTICE is hereby given that
-1-` [Ted tam and a shearling r
placed in my Poued, lot 29, cone
Tuck ersmith. If -not claimed on
bth day of March next they will
THE Ladies' Aid of St. Thomas
holding a Sociai in Cardno's
of February, in aid of the chui c
ner will be served for 25 cents. A
-useful and fancy -through th
Admission free. In the evening Rev.
give oue of his illustrated lei tures en
Feather," astisted by tbe Glee Cu
Twenty-five e nts for concert an 1
s.ers and tea for 'those who wisl
inner man. Everyone cordially
C nrch intend
a lion the 15th
unds. Din -
rens for sale
Mr. Hill will
itled Goose
of the town.
cture. Oy-
t refresh the
nv ted. 792-1
ed y the undersigned for the
bridge Over the Maitland river,, c
and 11, Township of East Wawano
o'clock noon, on Monday, the 26th
.1883 Plans ;and specifications . ma
BRAN. -Fifty Tons for sale, at $12 per
ton at the HtNBALL MILLS. 790
Snoiirs.-Thirty tons for sale at the
CHICKEN Aan.-Four huridred bush-
els for sale at the HENSALL MILLS. 1790
WANTED. - 1000 bushels of Black
Austrian Oats at the Central Grocery. LAIDLAW
& FAIRLM1, Seaforth. 791-2
MUFF LOST. -Lost Oil the 155h of
January, between Seaforth and Eg,mondville, a
Black Dog Skin Muff. The finder will be suitably
rewarded on leaving the same at THE Exeopma
Office, Seaforth. "791
CLEA.RING off at cost
School Book, Stationery. Toys„ etc. WE, are
closing business, and for the next thirty days
goods will be sold at big reductions at WEIR'S
Novelty Store, Campbell's Block, Seaforth. 790
largest, cheapest and best stock of boots and
shoes ever seen in the county of Huron will
shortly be opened out at the Seaforth Boot Store.
In the meantime eve- y dollar's worth of goods
now in stock Will be slaughtered to make room
for the new spring goods. Ordered work a
specialty. QE0. 000D. 790 •
, RECEIVED at D. D. Rose's -New Teas,
'which for quality and price I.claira can't be beat,
and if you doubt it a trial will convince the
most skeptical that it is so. Also, New Currants,
Vatentia Raisins, Table Bais'ns, Figs, Prunes,
Carded Peels, Extracts, Canned Tometoes, Corn,
Peas'Peaches, Pears, Apples, Jams and Jellies,
and Canned Meats; also a fine assortment of
pure candies, all of which will be sold at my
usual low pricea. 783
REMOVAL. -.Mies Sleetb wishes to
announce to the ladies of Seaforth and vicinity
that she has removed her dressmaking rooms to
Mr. Wm Campbell's block, directly over the dry
goods store, and also in thanking them for their
patronage inthe past, would.respectfully solicit
a continuance of the same in fame. Entrance
between Mr. A. G. A ult's grocery', store and Mr.
Campbell's dry goods store. E. J. SLEETII. 787x4
111 be receiv-
erection of a
ncessions 10
h, up to 12
be seen at
We continue the Clearing Sale of all
Woollen Goods at Cost, to make room for
our Spring stock.
the ClerIk's office, Marnoch P. 0., n and after
Saturday, the 10th inst. The lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted. P. PORTER -
FIELD Township Clerk. 792-3
THE nrnill Meeting of the 'Whop° and Ho-
Ft.rquhar, on
at 1 o'clock
th e Annual
ial Beport of
a. Hoard of
this meeting
Township Of
Fullerton into the Company, and a.11owing said
township to participate in rli-e ele tion of Di-
rectors 111)BEUT ABLIIS EP , President
N. J. CLAIJI, &creel y: 789-3
beat Mutual Fire Insurance Co pan), will be
held atjhe Company's Office at
Monday, the eth day of February,
p. in., for the purpose of submit!in
Report Of the Direct( rs, the Finan
the Treasurer, arid the eleCtion o
Directors for the °anent year. At
action Will be taken admitting th
ONEY TO LOAN. -The undersigned have
IT L received to loan a large amount of Private
Funds , as well as Municipality Fends, at the
following rates of interest, namely
•71 per cent. payable yearly acco
terms p1 application. Privileges to pay any
amount at any time. MEYER & DICKINSON,
Barris ers, Wingham. 791-8
WILSON & YOUNG ha*e a large and
well assoi ted stock of choice family groceries,
provisions crockery and glassware. Parties re-
quiring anYthing in either line can depend on
getting it from them at the lowest price and pf
the best quality. All goods guaranteed to be as
represented, and to give satisfaction, if not, they
can be returned. The highest price paid for
butter, eggs, and all kinds of farm and dairy
produce Call and examine stock and judge for
yourselves.' 781
The Jeweller's,
Is the place to go for good reliable
All Warranted as Represented, or
no Sale.
Come and. Examine and be
In this department we are now showing about 100 patterns of new Canadian
Tweeds, from 50e up. Also to hand this week a few .lines of Americein Felt
nats from New York, the latest spring styles. Jall early and get th choice.
This is the first of the season—NEW, NEAT AND NOBBY.
Leave your order early for Tweed Suits. Spring Ties, Scarfs, Hosiery, ,c., full
6, 6/, 7, and
ding to the
TaIFTY Are Farm, west half o Lot 7, cn the
7th Concession 61 Tnekersmith House, bank
barn wad otheatinprovements ; 30 acres cleared.
Five hundred acres in McKillop, Rhin six mgee
of Seaforth Eight dweding hous s in Seaforth
and Harpuh11cY, from $200 up.
TENIDERS mill he received
"L Council of Tuckersmith fi
Bridge on the 1st concession
lots 35 and 36, near Stapleton
cations can lea seen at the resi
Hannah, lot 16, concession 2,
will be received up to 1 o'cl
day, the 15th day of February
Brucefield. At the same tim
will be received for making
r. t
the Municipal
e erection of a
R. S., between
lan and sped -
en e of Mr.John
H. R. S. Tenders
p. m., on Thurs-
at Dixon's Hotel,
anlI place tenders
roaches to 80
The lowest or
ed unless satis-
bridge at so much per cubic 5 ard
any tender not necessarily a •ep
factory to the council.
- • _
Repairing Done and Satisfactiol
Sign of the Big Clock, Main Street,
A large lot of Teas in Preens, Blacks and Japans, in which I am offering extra
value. We buy cheap and sell cheap. Teas worth 70o for 60o ; Tess worth 60o
for 500'Teas worth 50o for 40o. Also splendid values in SUS -ARS -1-10 pound
Beet White Sugar for $1.
ii OIR0001M1?;Y"
upN . `ea.vs av1UO'TO
wUo iV1d
Ko imaJ1J1V
0 N E,
The FIRST ingredient in DR. WILSON'S PUL-
MONARY CHERRY BALSAM is an extract et
wild cherry bark, which soothes the Irritated ear -
faces in the lungs and air passages, nets as a
tonic to the stomaeh, giving a healthy appetite,
has a soothing, 'elective influence on the heart
and blood Teasels, preventing palpitatiOn.
T W O..
The SICOND loosens and displaces the lough,
stringy phlegm which causes so much pain awl _-
distress, and which is the cause ef coirmIsive
The mem ingredient heals. - It it the vital
property of the peculiarly soothing and healing
gizmo of the white pine and fir of southern climes,
at the same time grateful and beneficial to the
I ha -v e the best value ever offered to the public. White Stone Ten Sets, 44
pieces, for $2.25; White Stone Bedroom Sets, nine pieces, for $2.
Always on hand a full stook of Choice Family Groceries, Crockery, Glass-
ware, Flour, Feed_and Provisions at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Don't You
Forget It."
F 0 U R.
The TGUR'Til ingredient is a pleasing and sooth-
ing lubricant that supplies the place of the mucous
secretion which, while the organs ere healthy,
coats the mucous mentbraee, keeping it soft an&
naturaL It at first supplies the place of the de-
creased secretions and assists in restoring them
so as to perform their proper and molt important
All these :working tegether, beneficially, mate
SAM, the best cure known for throat and lung
szt"' Soid, in 25 aud 40 Cent Bottles -the I -
Cent size containing double the 25 Cent BIM.
Sold by all Druggists road Dealers in medicine.
792-51 MONTREAL.
A MEETING of all thole) intending to go wel!li,
and would like to go in a party, will be
at the
at 1 e'slock p. in. Agents of the leading Wade,
ern railioadtwili be present.
A. O. PATTISON, Stet -ion Agest
JAS. THOMPSON, Town Agent O. T. B.