HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-02-02, Page 8r, . . t - I , I � : � . I . I . - ; I . , . I I . . i � . I � � I . I . I i . .11� - 4 1 . - I � � A . � . . i I ; ... � � � : I � � - I � — ! , It . . . i ; - I ; I . � � � : I I . i � o I � I � '1 . . - I 1� �.h. . . � 1 . I- ___ I � I . . . ,� . I .1 " . . . - . . ; . � - IN_ � i I I . . I . . - : —_ �_­ -_ i . � , . , . . I . . I . . � - I . . - i ----------",- - � '! I I ..... � I , � , . � I . - . . � :- I � I . - . I ­�.,,­ -4 - — _ __.- � e - - , - . . -1 � . I - - �__- �, %, - .---- - � , � , " - , I L__--1 I - . I � — " � . ­_­-­711­­�---�— k., � �, — - - ­ t . ','- .- , I , t I ." _. - 1 �4­ ­ � — ,- --- � I I , — --- . I - - - 1. )t�_7;�NA� ___ __ ___.-,_-1_1_ 1. - I ­ _ _ . . � . I I ­ -,:.! -.-- - . _ . _. i I . . � � I . . '11 I . � ; : � - : '111,110 I Ni I- , iwow0oo �'k, I —`*O,,�r `7 - � I — - N . , � I I � I I - . I 1. ­­ - ­__ . I _7- -1 . - - ". � I � I -W_ ­ - - -- . � . __­ �_ - I I .. � I . � _ � . I __ .%__-_-1____ � ��� - 11 - I . . I , , � i I ­_ t. - � - 11 -1 11 I_- �- - I ­ � I -­­_ I 1 . . � �. � � Ai . . I ,� I � : I I . I � . . . I ;. I - . . � . I 1 I . I . . I , - . I I ; I . -14. ; . I � . � f - .1 i I 1 17"""� 1 . -1 ­ 9 r � I i: . I .1 . � � I . , . � . . . I � � . . - - - I , , �q . . . ­ ,., __ . , . � . . - I I I I . . I . I I - I . - - . - I . . ; ; - I . . I ; . � I I � - ,_ I I F , . � � , i I � � j U . I � . � r I � . - I - ,_ I , . I il a — ,s . . I I � — - -- - � I - — 7 1 . - I � . i — . , � , . - � � I .— i , � , 1 i - , ��, � i � I : �� . I . - � . : — �, i ;�, t 7 . � I � I I , � � , 7 . I I - � � , �. �� � .,- A � I I . . , � � � — — "k .— .- _k , — , . I �1 , . - ­'. . i . . . I I I 7f� �.,. � . I I - . . � I " �, '- � I - I . . � �,:,_ . � I - � . . - - I ,_ I . I '. FEBRuARY 2, 1886. ­ � I ; i : � .­ � � . : I ­ -, I I �, I . I 1. AON * EXPO$ITORN ; t - . —0 I � �,.� . I . I . 1: THE. Hd I ,,I .111000110061 ­ I . - ­ . �Am . . — � . I . —_ � . I — . � — � --- - --- � I . - . — I — � . . . __ — . . " — I m - Im — . I . — — - � — ___� - 11 w 8 — — I �: I IL m. Smith, a respectable youM . . I . . . � I - Clark. an a'the following changes in the congregation, of Belgraive, have met M4 '_ __ ���__ . 111101111 - ! 9 ai;fferent 7 '*T - I . ., readings given by 0 4 1hbirles once by the eibibition of three I th t ire list, Samuel Wailsoe III here to spend the evening together, and farmer of Mornington, recently beea ; sort of thing is ,very injurious to bust � ore worshipped in Japan pa mas ( - our appreciation of the violently insane and was plabed by his ,- - - . I . Mi 9 M. Logan, Miss Maio, idols which w place of John Sproat, John Sproal, Sr., desire to express � ­ . __� I . . KENNEDY & C.OLDWELLl ness of every kind, and I,, ail the more Laurie, d Messrs. MO'Caughey, - for over 800 y6ars, and were sent to the work on sideline between lots 5 and services you have kindly renderecl, us as friends for safe keeping in the counti -_ �� L I � P I aggravatid " the -towns around us hairs Miss Collie . Reverend gentleman by a brother to . organiat, -it is gratifying to uB to �e able jail at'Stratford. On Weduesolayeven. I I 1'_' I I solicitors, &C. . 2111olland and Dr. Ca pbell' '6,Andrew Storrie in place of Wm. Allan, I - . ,L ' � A BaTristers; Attorn8Y$x 11 M UOW among I at week, Mr. Gorrie, the turnkey _,_- enbi but slight incouveniOnOO in H'Msrc . . a hearty good -wishes of the Ing Is, - � �, . PxPen I a will be a ointed minister who JSL laboring . I �� I , . - I . the trains on the main Hereaft " country. Hugh M1 �Xnigbt in place of Alex. to bespeak th -, � , I . WM4 � . T d , . � � DONALDSON'S BLOCK, this n 'woirii I a 'jt'o the Interest' This those pagans in that foreign ken 'of re- was giviiij him his supper in the � I � . . 11 take A ve p- kindly 'accept in'which he was confined, when Si:nith, -_ - � 'ne, Way 5111, as on the, London, Hato which' - subscri Sproat, M . Murdie in place of H, Pybus, .congregation in this I little to . , . . li as �e 'evening an int resting debate ,ry liberal collection and by-law to gard, and we ask you to - I , . � � . - - � I � I I Main Street, Winnip and Brace, and the Wellinitoii, Grey . � . . up, after *hich the and that the Clark draft a - - eg, - . tion was, taken . and chain. You, by without a moment's notice, seized Gor. ,', - � �� � ; . - � � I I- ­ � � I . � , �, , �, security and Bruce branches, have been ruu place.. ' , I — I : I -, meeting was brought to a,termination, cotfirm Rie appointment of township this gold .watch ,ve greatly increased our rie by the throat and after 06 sho .1 �� Money lnvest�edou First -Class - . I ! . . I , rk.. -- able regularity, and on these ! I offloers fo 1883. Edwaxd Comber was your services ha I - - L . . I with reason . ________0__1 Another inmat& L, - __ � I . . . Collections Made,. &c. lines traffic I filightly do- BlaLra. i, - ! 4, and Mrs. McNamara one- interest in the jwngs of Zion, and we Struggle both fell. the., ., _. I 11 : - � I VMLL, B� A baa only 'been ' ' Hip granted NiLng of God - may gave the alarm. The jailer being at , I I � T. & XxximEY, B. A. G, R. COLD layed. It is Sim 0 rage 1hat IL A CuicAmity.—As there . has:' been a . pen. - cord of w od. The Council then ad- pray that the bles - - I - - I - -------- � ply an a IN, meeting hold 6re at which all! were in Soot*L.—The congregation of St. An " tend you ; tb at you may be long time in the . court -house adjoining the _ . I , road of such importance as this On journed t meet again at Dixon's hotel, at d g - such a favor of establishing a creamer in the drewls,Churph, HiPP811, purpose hold- red to work for the Master. Mr. jail and hearing hysterical screaming by: . . L , I . I Should be permitte let- into rillage, it wao resolved at Sueh mbeting g their annual social entertainment Brucefiel , on Thursday, the 15th day spa � very suitable reply in the female attendants, hastened to the ' I � WTIOU er%pooitor* condition that+ a sli It Burry of Snow I a " thei- on Wednesday,. the 7th inj I iing of Thursday, February of Febru. y, at the hour of one o'clock Procter made a a un& the tum. '- � I L such as -re have hal r the past -few to call no , on the� ever I P, M.- I behalf of his wife,sta;ting that this grand scene of strife, wher he fo - ----------- — . . days, will block it and render it useless Februaxy, 18P3, at 2 p. m., wb en lateps 8th, when addresses will be delivered I token -of esteem wou'ld ever be remain- ' key apparently lifeless lying on bis baook,. . � - .., .— . . . . Will a. k.tu to eSta Sme- by Rev. A. D. McDo6ald, Sesforth ; wife. and Smith sitting astride of him hold. FIVTRBNTH'Y R& for days together. , - I blish tl - . . Molesvvorth. � bored by himself as well as his te i . W7UMB-V DISTRICT MATTIM I . Alli t a 4areinvitedtoott 4. Rev A'.,Stewart, M. A-Xlint4n, Rev.H, The party then took fall possession of ing his neck in both hands and bat n . _� - � I I - I . nsall, and Rev. 1P. Scott, ILL.—Mr. C. W. Watson, postmaster al � - W:EI0.IjE ; E. Hill, He ? the house, at the request of their host his bead against the floor. By a w . - - NIS SuppzR.—The annual . . H.ibbert. I subject will at this p4ce, is Suffering from an at- atid hoBtess, who used every effort to aimed blow on the side of big head' . . THE FiREuz . . Croinaity. Mr. Stowart's - I I —Lost on the 15th of . kder the auspices of the Sea- nell,' t.71 - A good tack of a n he lungs. Being his fuli "' R ' - MuFr LOST. Iville, a supper ur GOOD oRaxia.—Mr. John M00011 be -Notes on the Northwea I ,geStion of t . make all feel at home and enjoy them- Smith was in tarn Stretched . - : Prize Farm Januat , etween Seaf6rth and Egm=( . L I ly b mitably forth Fire Brigade was hold at the 1 dispc said of a Re- held in high eateem his condition is a selves at the several� games and amuse-' w8a � a Black Dog, Skin Muff. -The ftnder will bf' .of the 7th ' concession, choir *ill also be in attendance. . length on the floor. The turnkey of th I 0 Edga�S' 'matter of in h to his many. From th-�o report ; L rewarded on leaving the same ments. A.boulitiful repast was ,provid- takeii into the hall and was soon restor- ,� and Arts A" 88ocialtion for 1i - 791 . last.' At the � ver 90 Hg,ll, I m 5;30 to 7:80 p. L , Ull an"Ilry - Tic � . - � - at THE ExrosiToi& Royal Hotel on the air ning of Thursday team of ,general purpose hoFses last freshments will be served in I appointed hdur o fro - �bj., aft r friends USn6BS. )gether. with rt' ,wivad, we.-tako the f011Ovii Seaforth I week to a !(farmer in the toOnship of ad by the ladies to which ample justice ad -to cons - * of Black gentlemen sat down to a most sumptu- 11 �ea,jat W��l SUDD�� DEATH. — J-hnet Campbell, . 0";r;TED:� i0W bnshels Logan, for the Bum of $340. . which the litlarary paxt of the' was done bv all. The house was again general bruising bis left cheek, neck, .:.the judges on P-xize Farmi L � I � , � tl-t&n ogts-at the Central Grocery. -L&ID"w ous repast prepared � by "mine L host," -7 -I' I wife of John Menzies, died very sudden- , r -1 ! Aus - -- . . . - �; be held in the church. . � ri 19th called to order and Mr. William Walsh 'and one finger were badly injured but - ies made, from the oomit I 4 FAIRUff. SedOrth- . _* lyon the�morning of.F 'day, the anticipated f,,,M. V - - - , 791-2 1 . Weir, and it Is only Justice to him to I Hullett. �' ' ' . appointed chairman. After making no serious results are nee''- - -and the aoljohliDg towla-shi-P � - " - Bay that the -spread 'was creditable in' . n F6wler, of " I Chiselhurst. : . inst. .Slie was Sick only a few hours, I ks he called on his wounds. Smith is very sullen si eport of A � oOD COL s.—Mr. Job . I 7 somavery p easant remar - NO MAms.—On accourit of no mails nd cannot fail to add to G du�ing bich she suffered, the most but- will b8 ; *mitt'ng the r , . the extreme a I an . farm, in ,±uc-�karsmith, wh, od here yesterday,. the goo name which the Royal already' Hallett, receptly sold to an Americ ENTERTAINMENT. — An ipterestipg Mr. 'Thomas Walsh to address the the time of the I'divarshon," . !if � the time th L . I w L - having been receiv Ot d After the tables bad er, one yearling &no! one twe, year-old musical and literary entertainment will intenBeliain. She leaves a family of meeting. V�. Walsh said he was glad better guarded in future. � I Shed at I 6 � . . , � . She was the - . &I of our correspondents haven Be.-. '- Sectif)n 'five young children ecasion -of this kind, and � i I k- 'h I . of to meet on an o — . Never It for the 4arn of $45%, and no Inc be bold in the school hou. . 1� - - awarded. ; . been heard from,. and, as a consequence, = the company was again organiz. 00 is a good the 13th daughter of Mr. Alex. Campbbl, ant on to make a lengthy and suitable JoHiq .SAT,XELD'S FAR31, T01i a anny back! either. - This -on Tuesday evening, ' , ad for the feast of reason, &o. Th P q No. 7, ' at of Howick,l and sister to Mrs. Wm.Brown, w ppper was � "DERICU. I I . I address. Mr. William 11 - we are this- -week 'minus &'gooddealof chair was occupied by Chief Cline and price, but, thgy were good coltsT inat. 1 The entertainment will consi , Grey. I -to- EM MCFAUL This farm is t - - our local news. The fault, howeverl is the vice -chair by - the Mayor. Toast . � I musical selections, both vocal and �n- ODITV)Jty.�Mrs. Hunter nee Eliza- then called on to make one of his up . - 11 � , ituatecloa , � , , I I Jamesto,Nvn. � [ strumental, and readings. The t me speeches, which always brings out � - I Rosa, au4one mile south I . not oura� and as there is. no help for it, and -song followed each other in rapid PFO-_ bath Barton, who died at her daughter's 1 Of I .1 a ht, one gramme is varied and interesting, �nd a hearty good laugh. A number � _[�t consist' of 110 acres. � I we must just ask our readers to over- Succession until about 2 a. in., when. the LocALITIES.—Mr. Wm. Wr - re the'entertaiiament will 16 residence here on the 9th inst., was a other gentlemen ga�e short and pleagant - bf the f arip on which the I . probeedingi were brought to a dose by of the pioneer residents of T rnberry, we are su � native C),nadian, having been born in —HAS— . . , . eb.dings, all being' well prises, ;eigbtN look the omissions. It is said to be im- - a eriBg deserving of the most liberal patronage. speeches and r I . . - Situated com � I I tba.singing of a suitable partingaong by postmaster 4p. Morrisbank, if; - ' '. .1i 8 the Township of Oxford, Grenvllle Co., in ad by music from the choir. � - hirty lie nearer tl 6 b I 0 repay. It is I consider. The entertainment will commence &� ago she terapers, ether t I .1 � March 3:,d, 1812. Fifty years There were s , ' d - . possible to make bricks without straw, Mr. H. Town and of I 'Auld Lang Syne," from n p r ti & . I ome splendid songs an were, at t4at period of uIr � . A - I ; - and it' is equally difficult to make a by the company. The affair was one ad a serio�s- ,ease.—J,phn cDonald, o'clock. I . *as married to John Hunter, now re eIOD, Walsh - bered and.spokA . of the most- successful t of forinerly of this place, is now latationed. diding ed Neepawa, N. W. T. They solos given by Messrs. MoL well remem. Newspaper withont news. - and plessan : Stanley. , ving a hearty and JUSTRIE CIE: I VE:Dw time of tb� Russian war, vi I - the kind ever held in Sesforth, and it' at M&Aina4 City, Michigan,! being in , esidents of the 9th concession of and others. After alo � 13 � I I . unanimous vote of thanks by a clap of . i %au, __ - I R w . were r - our town d Vilhiges grel the membe'rA of the ernployn�ent of a railw A PsNsi,oNE GONE.—A � ell known , I nearly 25 years. I ILL.—Mainy of our readers- will regret must be encouraging to . ayloompany haracter* in Stanley, named Thomas Grey fox the hands, to the two ladies Mrs. Mor- (on papel), laid. Wto town � the Brivade as it is creditable to the there.�Mr. Longman has sell hit; 50 c � � OUR VILLAAE.—MOlesworth is; situat- . . . rd came ' -y much to learn of the serious illness !) reNt is tat Desi6n 4' t last. , The I . ley and Mro. Wray,, for the very able . . 'Ute John Hilly�a Ter citize a that such an'inte * an acre farm, 18t conci , toy, to .Kay,� died on Tuesday nigh ed on tb a boundary line betweeln the - . of Mrs. Bishop wife of Archibald n . I deceased a ScotehmAn,,and 1�ad and Wallace, 61 manner they conducted the gettirig up - 101rms_13artof A -Er. Salkel,XA -a good G-r&Dger Brothers, Howick, for 01,300. I .- I . reBeUt%tiOn, the *oil is a . P for South Huron, "n the company, andwe hope th 7as townBhi)s of Grey road. OPENED OUT - fbdr elay loam ), Iffishop, Esq.j M.' - k-' relatioun which . ,I 'been a reoiderAt Of the townsbip'for i�niles ea at of the Seaforth gravet of the social and P God save the - � - lo'has been confined to bed for several feeling and Pleasant __ �O years. He bad attained the choir played and sang -Sub soil; abouttwenty ad Sh - ' about 3 , 7 i now exist between the company and' Wroxeter. 14, . has o: io general store, kept iMr. C. � - I - - � a wa� in .aeni and the party then aispersad to ; - *- land, the balauce, cle&ro'l weeks, and has been better and worse 7— - age of 80 years.* . At one time h ostpaaster; � Qa, I I � - Jins farm was at One time: . ky turns, but.we now regret to learn -the people will be long continued. The BusiNEss. I Mr. A. L. G�bson, of as and owiied a huni � . Wat 3on, who is also 1p their several homes well pleased with give very members of the: Brigade appearel,in ibu of the good cirearastanc , two blacksmith shops, one wagon and —ONE WHO —AND— is now well di that her medical attendants Wroxater, li�s taken possesa, . dred acre fogin on the 4th concessipia, ' '�the evening amusements. boggy, butt full uniform and -presented a nest 9T, woollen mill in. the place of 1�'obt. Foi- .]Re, riage shop, conducted by Mr. M. � little, encouragement for the hope that l - . , and had gained considerabl 3 local WAS THERE. . - . good arab1a land- " he fal . - . , she will recover. . I . pearanoo.. —.,. syth & Son, who have gonei.' into the oriety as a �lowman and music teacher. t.r.ti, ; one shoe shop managed; by Mr. _,_ - . � 9 -asking, is rather on the t hosiery business in Miebigall. % Mr. Gi a James Wright, who is the mayor elect Grey. S look pi LOCAL Bnmrs.—A valuable horse be. . For several -7i ars, however, he has been 0 one ca . rpenter - - 2 t9ough the crop THE CirA3uroN SK,kTzR,—At a Skating longing Son has already'got a staff of 11workmen V .. av- for the present year; and 0 Hits ELEMED AND SociAL.—The A -root crop,aboveau averag 1k for the addic"ed - . FTIC i � I . to 'Mr. D. D. * Wilson in the mill . etting out the stoO to unsteady h&l)il is, and `1 �hop u der the -auspices of Jimmie PLACED ON HIS COUNTERS orked up. Mr.'-', tournament 'in London last week Mr. died a few days -, ago, from in- , . 11 Ing 164t -all his property for some y gae. following- members of Moncrief Grange, _. lind well W on's trade, and cau show as I lars , W. D. Dawson, of this town, won the coming seal 11 Brown , vho is a veteran in the tr n -elected officers for I somewhat �of a specialty ol the "I, Inngs.—Neitlxer has baea�upported at the ei pense ofthe 133 have bee - � flammation of I good a sample of clotbB and 11; yarns as - There a 7e -two churches, one Preiby- No. 2 , I -arm, and is ( shampionship cup as the fastest skater. ey farm ffeired . . I ar. viz.: James Cathill, � � Mont of the f I . .1 the Yule nor the Down 0 last can be made. : .� township. . He had been well educated, erian ffie other Canada Methodist. Of the. current ye - � . the B,xbibi � There were -some eight or nine com- on Saturday I- _110-_ i and under other circumstances might I r ; Alex. - - A LARGE prize taker at - I petitors and Mr. Dawson canie in ahead for sale by auction d . the former Rev.David Bickell is pastor, master; Wm. Fulton, oversee RANGE OF indfamily huviug taken E was Sold. The Yale f arm . went to have occup;ed a good social position as . � - � . on a five mile stretch bylfilarly three- Kiifburn - 1 . 6f the latter Rev. H. Barry. There is Stewart, Secretary; Hartwell S.peeran, % shows. within one hundred dollairs of the up- * .1 his natural abilities were of fair oroer. John MeTaggart, Steward; at last year is a beau. EDUCA,TIO$AL.—The followx,- il a - ublic school, of which the trustees lecturer; - .and other outbu*. ? .. quarters of a mile. The * . set price.—Quite a number of our He had never been married and had no - P - James McNair, chaplain; Dugald Mo- - I Barn ff ; dwelling � bc' prize itre Mess to boast o tiful Silver water pitcher and cup, and obtained thp highest standij4 in their rs. George Brown, James,Men nean XcInues, ': % citizens went to Winthrop on. Tuesday relatives hi the. township. !gii(313, S cretary-Treasnrer, and James Taggart, treasurer; Du - .. requii . a. reBpective classes for the - well adapted forthe has been on exbibition, for Several days i onth of . , Fo4ctory Cottow, � � . w evening to attend the tea -meeting ther �;I__. -- . - I - Ferry mcently elected. -Thisplacewa� gatakeeper; Mrs. H. Speiran, Cares - �. fsrm-- . indow. The winner urn public ,�school 'Mary Jane Avery, Pomona; Mrs. � , a Tathernice gard! in Mr. Counter's - —Wood is still very scarce and deliveries January, at Kinb �i I McKillop. is of this prize now 5njoys the distinction , state that Senior fourth class—lat �ohh Taylor; . foundec� by Jokn and Andrew Mitchell hfj� Mrs. Jane Ful- good Orchard, with a lar', I I being the champion, skater of Ontario. ' RHro — -A meeting -- The former Elizabeth Steels, lFlora ; fruit, ana a nice lot of S,e , ad light.—We are requested to.- '2nd Samuel Lawson; &4i.William � R�F,Rs ATTENTION. more tI an 30 years ago. � , , at the Dancing Assembly on Tuesday of the Ref6rmers of McKillop, will.be -was a L ember of the firiat council of ton, Lady Assistant I Steward; Alex. the� buildings, I , We congratulate our young friend on evening noxt,,the musio wilfbo� furnigh. Lindsay. Junior fourth 1 held at Winthrop on Wedneisday even' Grey, wleal hearted Scotchiman and a Stewart, delegate to Division Grange. W"ite Cotton$,` timber near kis. success, and, hope be may be as ' Eliza Qolclough; 2nd John F' tt; 3rd —Jarnes Fulton, . - . teal to the appeaMnOo Of I I . ad by the band of the Seventh Fusiliers, , n xt at 7 ,o'clock foi, the tr�Lus- -f;slkelcl w ld set dow " ings. open Third clasaffist Goo. Ing 11 I I otaunc� Reformer, died about ten years Executive Committee .6 won 11 � . . I ' I I I , fortunate inL all his undertak ' action of important busi ass. I4 is Stri : — London. Huron Lodge, Ina dent Mary 9i6hoales. s McNair and Peter McNeil. ped Shirtings, Millson; 2ad Beatrice LinAlsay; 3rd . ago ; the latter still survives, and enjoys Jame . STMer with'a 90� i - Order of Good Templars will, in about _ particularly desired that a arge atten. the confidence and aSteem of all who Auditors—Adam Douglas and John Me- I . pushing fU SALE or,T11oUOUG1[1BRZD STOCK.—We econd clam__'�'_lst Mary � of his busitiess. Some Psrl two weeks, celebrate their twenty-fourth Jane Button.-- S . &nee b4 at this meeting, � know him'�' Taggart. A very pleasant social was . . ld require a � understand that Mr.. James Dickson . . McCully ; 2nd Annie Nott; 4rd ALnUI6 . d . . - however. wou anniversary public enterta�inmenti .:j . TEA TING.—PChe I ---------- 4— held in the Grange Hall, on the'19th --ving an extensive auction . � THE WItITHROP I C&ckedSAirtin.V16,, to it before it Could be iritends ha hVa- . Hinchley. � I - I � ade of th6roughbred cattle and. sheep in the town ha , of which fall particu.- J tea me�liog held in Cavan Chv�reh ult. Cranbrook Grange were invited, . aei farm. . I 0 1 a —The SOCA ocal in aid OV, the Sab- even I %S, East Wawanosh. and responded nobly, about 200 attend- . ino . at his faxm. in Tuckeramith, about the la-rs are promised for next we k. held on Winthrop gn Taosday ing last � a . XR. 11LArin,13 FARM, �T,c - social given by Mrs. T. A. Sharp at -her bath school of this place, wa . -option, the M qatul SURPR1BIC.—On Friday evening, Jan, Ing. After partaking of a Humptuo 8 last of February or the firat of March. Monday ev�ning last in the Ti�Lperance without er,c . &nil Mrs. John E. Code were Plain DeniW, GODF,RTCA� I residence, on Tuesday evening last,,was .. .. At the ap- 19th, Wr repast provided by the Sisters, Mr. . Mr. Dickson's stock is so lVell known I at a hill, under the auspices of t *0 Canada ever hold �`u the church . )ly surprised by a number i. - I - . Not much can. be :as , well attended, and all present tspe I I .y ag eeat Hartwell Speiran was called to the essary to say anything I inted hour the church 'wi 6s well fj lea ver lake's farm. It 'is -a PT that it is not nee' most' enjoyable evening.—A writ bas Methodist church. When thl, appoint- PO I I I . �ntil ofthei friends from Bluevale,Wingbam ebair, when a Splendid maBical and - . ouring in I . - : ' rather stiff c' in - commendation of - it. He intends been served upon the town authorities ad hour, half past 6 o'clock ai�rived,__the and. the pepple 'came p . and th( immediate neighborhood, call, litaraxy programme was gone through � Faftocy Den=gj - acre farm of - lb-spoBing of the most of his stock, i� the building was fairly packed &441 a . tedi . a retentive Bub -soil, and in the VanEgm,ond case,and at a special house was filled. After a ve� sumptn- I them rather unexpec y 7 among which is a number of very . I epast of the good things ;f this life, good many,, had to go away being un- Ing TIP II very pleasant eveninq with. The gathering was one of the - out,of Shape. . meeting of the Council held on Tuesday oua.-.r Q able even to get standing room. The After B ending a - most pleasant which has taken place in - From mr. Blake's we ,v superior Durham bull calves and a; few for the evf,i�ining was 1 Plain Ducksy I I evening, it was unanimously decided tQ the programme receipts ati the door amountel to over with v rious amusements, and Several the township for a long time. - � *,no Heifers. The date will be fixed in carried out, which consisted U music, . well re dared songs by the MisSes Far- SCHOOL SECTION, No. 4, TOWNS= ol? Mr, Varcoe's, going by� s few days after which catalogues giv- defend the suit.', The case willlikel� recitations, readings oto 1 by th Sloo.; Interesting addresses were' do-' d McCulloch and Messrs. T. Vint GIREY.—The first school was opened in Attrill's the now well kni i - be tried at the Spring Assizes. Mr. F. _ livered by.!Rev. Mr. Stewa t, of Clinton, row an -' the neighborbo( g full I-articulara will be issued. It iool.' The' I . F aney - DuCke farmer- in ing sers Holmestea has been retained. by the scholars of the sel manner in Rev. Mr. *cCoy, of EgmOndville, Rev. and A., Code, the company sat down thI'B section in December, 1857, the I&VI, This gentleman not Only - would be well for intending purcha . ' � ,a , � I I . . , hich each and all. exec ited their doing eing . Council.— The rur.niDg of the trains on w Imptuous repast, and after lamented Dugald Strachan N* � Z 'Of t -I to wait until they see Mr. Dickson's sale 1� rta cannot be la�nded in too Yr,. XcDohaK and Mr. R)bert L 136 . . . . sively, but owns one I . the Grand Trunk railway hos' been respective pa others. 'Th their duty there the evenings entertain. - able Orris -, lists� . . The proceo�ds. of the don� of §eaforth'. and teacher which position he held, for the herds of Shortb � . . ) time. The trains glowing terms. � �o music by ti � he Seaforth Ch�ir under the ment carne to a close, all being well n c cy Cottonades, . . slightly changed as to two subsequent years, and. aged luring Fan -CAR go east from Seaforth at 6.32 a. Wi., 1.38 evening, we are informed, aji�gounted I . _; ITe began operations a, fial PATZNT COUPLER. —Mr. Wm. � I I - . ` leadership! of .Professor X.Ionea wap in pleased with the few hours spent. the last h' If of 1862 and. 1863. The ' � , and the handsome sum of 120. �, � . ! LOST.— Betwee' St. �Ilelens and a I buying up Col Taylor's I ]Kuutgr, of the township of West Wawa. p. m., 4.36 p. m. and 9.30 S. In. � . . oevin I I . was n . intervening period was occupied by the ' � ' as very lay k with the speeches and west at 12.58 and 8.42 p. M.1, 18 a. In. , ___------* � a . in . he Wingham, an old bench about 4J feet I To-wellhigsr `th�n h m�4e Nosh, the inventor of " Huntor's Double � h i 192? I y ppreciated by all present IT Ong tuition of Miss Evans, 1860, and George , __ .. 1some of the late iMP'-,rt&l . - - Link Safety Car Coupler," will give an and 5.40 p. in. The principall c4ange is West WawEmoE;#. refresh apts, provided by the Ladies long, when last aeon Was in a I Jackson. a native of-, Ireland, then new- I informed, having cost for: going � west.' The . TOWNSHIP OFFicERs.—At *! the last � d, as usual, slei& to which was attached a Spank- ly out, 1861 and fi!rat half 1862. In . . exhibition of lais patent in the town, in the day express apiiep,r nex ii of the ongregation were goo pe',c occupied by as much as $05,000. kal�l, Clinton, on Wednesday, February corrected time table will t meeting of the West Wawan4h counc an d n twithstandilog the unex , ted ing span of greys, and was i864 the school was conducted by Miss Table Linens, . cv,on with tbi: . Tbh, and in the town hall, Seaforth, on Week.—We are glad to notice' that'our, it was decided to pay the I apaty Re. rush t are waa-abundaned for all'and a gentleman and two young ladies,� was Annabella Brown, and again in 1866- 1 - I ,_ . In conne - Friday, February 9th, at 7 p.m. This old townsman, Mr. Alexander.Dsvidson, turnin� Wacers who acted al the last : i . minus a foot and broken in two. Any 67-68. The young idea of the section - large flats on -each side 01 . iuventi is a remarko,bly good one, and is distinguishing himself ont4eicein election 02 each, and 10 ceni a per mile to spare. ; I . person or persons giving such informa, - was regulated in its career during 1865 Brown Hollands.. 'Riv,3r,wbi,3h at the time . � I - on doing ere t t . I . I tion ai will lead to the recovery of tI were beaxil�g a very heav . in calculated to save many valuable Emerson, and is o his for returning Ballot Boxei. It was I . Ethel nio by Miss Kate Burns. The years 1869 - lives if adopted by the railroad oom- early I training. He is Vice -P sident of also doibided to pay the to � ship Au- I ! CALS.—Frost bites have been too same on the payment of two dollars, and 1870 saw educational affairs flourish - which W.as rapidly being t, J"'O . - anies.. Mr. Hunter will be there'in the curling club in,'that city I apol has diibria $6, each. kesars. A. Pentland nuinercius, . to ,mention. was will be entitled to a ticket for the Lon- I r the presiding genius of John E. � h4y. Looking -down f-3 P I . ��, —The mill . unde . Union Tweeds, ', , � bank on which the road. explair� successfully "shipped' Never matches. and J'1 H. Taylor were appointed � Smith, a quandom Brussels merchant, � � peraou,aS well as an assistant,to � � shut 4wn on Monday and Tuesday of don lottery, and with which will have a � I ; .- which we were driving, t every. thing in conuection with the work- Arecentione7aamt*eentes qchoBen- Andito�s- John Higginbct'ham was last w4k,—Parties appeax to be all the chance of drawing the $15,000 prize. , now a Manitoba millionaire. Since then I . � - .. . lil . ing of his new patent. He has r . eceived by the President and Vice resident.- appointed Assessor, and Wuij Durnion at present. The last one was at WHAT THE PEOPLE ARE SAYiNG.—That the following have Successively con- . ' appeared &.very . i 0 8. wene o our mind the, , two pments from Ottawa- for the Do- The -first match resulted I @6 dra,w Tress*r, the salary of the fd�mer being Zg�11. Wm. Milue's, where a few fripnds the toads axe good when you got down ducted it-: Robert Ferguson 1871 ; . W001 � . TW 1. - 'd � " brought, t r:61ing -is Z � I a I the way fa, I Million., and he intends to have it when the combatants had &n'o her tussle $75, &Ad all the other offiderp� with the from Belp'a9ye were present and helped i to tbem.—That the sawlogs are st"' D wid Dulmage 1872 ; John . - itweat", Here were �611 d ' , . — when the -Vice -President came, out of exception of the auditors, rpeeive the to make k 881y1d, rushing in at P. Brown7a mill.—Tbat McKay 11 . patented--lix other countries besides. . the fray with a score of 9 on Iii5 side as same I B�Iariies as last yeari �� ., . hings lively.�Rev. Dr. oad our pigs last week and intend I McIntosh 1873;- Angus - . iousnee to hay -,, box. I . � who was Po have lectured in Bra e, s on we hill 1874; John' Coltart 1870';. John Mo- At .., essary . — . 0 opposed to 8 made by his superior I . - - -1. � :� Monday �'� night of last 'week, wa's 'on killing our cow to,morrow.—That pork In- � 1876; Edward Bruce, . ' I * :seen going on A the sana, . . tosh, half �of TTERIA u Stephen.' � I I GOODS WILL .- ma4ines at wOrk, hi EGMONDViLLEPRESD NCHURCH.— offioe'r.—On T esday evening last a n the stormy is a good price.—Tbat wheat is coming � last half of 1876; Allan McDonald 1877; L_-�s' T H E 8 E _' _ � =9 - . I . board of the mail tral - . . . - . . gr of the b ilding Cie- 1i - , JLngato � thepartlY *The, anniversary services in cionnectioll verandah at the re TOWNSHIP OFFICERS.— A I the. last Monday nd arrived in Ethel at About' up.—That, when it coipes up to a dollar I W. E. Groves 1878 79; Robt. Bruce ' -y th dow the Egraondliffle Presbyterian cupied by Miss Robertson as a residence Mee I , A ST fectuall an. half a with I To n1ship Conn- p, ' I 1 8 had a fox hul-_ t 1 1880; Miss M. Hanna 1881; Miss Je . - - � I tii�g of the Stephen To 8 : M., here the train had to;stay wellsel our-�;.—That w sisie BE SOLD AT THE LOWE & it, teams drawing in I Church, will b6 held on Sunday next., and: School, gave way under an &con. oil the I following officers war 'appointed: over nighi], There were quite a number last weak�that we got only one—that I Hislop 1882 83'.—Pioxiiku. . ' - - . . I I the 4th inst;, when the Rev. J. L. Mur- mulation of ice and snow on the roof C. Propty, Clerk; J. Lewis, rVreasnrer; of passeugers on board, and Mr. Gill, it took us all day to get that one, and Couiq.cm.--�The munidpal Council Of PRIOES FOR GASH OR, lloads,bein.g Put On anC 'he Miss - ooth had going C i , I preach at t and fell with a crash. . , .- I Uken off, and all ' ray, of Kincard-ine, wil Assessor; ' enkbine, - k* dl that we nearly lost it—tbe old veteran the townsbi� of Grey, met at Robert- . , usual hours me . ruing and evening. On a narrow and fortunate esci John Poughlin, I hotel-kee�er at the station, ver I PRODUCE. - � - time,, and -with m&DY fily, . I ' * "P,3* - �11.10 Caretaker -,' H. Doyle and P. French, locked tl�iein out. How�ver, by &ing bunter got the inside track of us—that . son's Hotel, �Rthel, pursuant to adjourn- 7 � -t parts of the me .the following Monday evenin the &nni- had opened the door and was going The, officers receive the up the B%mpleB of tea bich he camewithin one of getting it—that __ - aifferen � just I Auditors. and sugar ment. MenOers all present. Moved T � g as it does,, a large flat an Some I - In . -7mary tea meeting .- _ - told, wh. to step out when the'fabric fell, �e Deputy ! 7rt have another fox hunt soon, by John Hislop, seconded by E. Bryans, I work in thT3 same alaries as last year. belo'nged'toacomr—�ercial'travelle bey we will addresBea will be delivered by Rev. Mr. § � � I ; XW the - of the debriB 'scraping her aross. Fortu- ucte ` Orocure a got � along very well fo'- supper.—Mr. health and weather permitting.—That . ,, ry. on Reeve was insti d to 4 1. I nts a lively pic�ure of ' ;4 that by-law No. 16, to provide for Murray,, Rev. Mr.. Musgrave. and otherg- nately She wag. not injured,j although second-hand safe for the Pao of the Spence, of Ethel, went up to the at t'o I 11 Tbos. Agnew has the best heavy draught - . so - I ext meet g of Conn- ' " . drainage of parts of lots 14, 15, 161- 17, Parties going to. th,e . - is not often seen In our 11 , The music for the occasion will be She must have been pretty ba;dly Boared, NI to -colt in th 111 going 19 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and under the direction of Professor Jones. --ProfesRor McPherson, the'celebrated township. The n on Monday noon to catch the tratn e county.—That there i .. Onta-60 � cil will be hold on the first Monday in go to Brussels, and after waitiug tor it, to be 9, bridge built across the Maitland 29', in the 12th concession, and parts of - , n1s FxR31, TOV Tea will be Berved at 6 o'clock. Mr. horse trainer, occasioned considerable . I ._�- �_� XR'. VAAiOO February. for four hours came ba0k. W* he on the 10th concession. lots 14 15 16 170 18, 20, 22, 23, 24,.25, iso'AN-E.— BRON-M Murray is an able and eloquent preach- interest on Main -Street duri � . ' - i I -Ing Friday . F heard that the train was at the station 26, 27 ana 28, in the 16th concession, Northwest li.berall'y I-, - . ! I . I . 4 or, and we have no doubt will be listen- and Saturday last by driving A Ppotted Mlorris, �, ' . � . . 1� . I PoU14'ance, Mr.. Varcoe' . � . I be went up again, annou ing it a;B hiS � Belgrave. and parts of lots,2-3 and 24, in 17th con- , N thera gra, Ed to, by very large congregations On horse attached to a cut*, up and NEW BARN.—Mr. S. Paul has a num- - - tbd on the Nor � � I 1i _ � I intention to go to Brussels on that train DRiFTS,_—It wag extremely cold here cession of the township as now read dealt with. _.. 1: - I � . - 1 4 ,.t 6itber lines bar of men busily engaged taking out, if it took all winter. And he w8u�, too, Friday morning last, the thermometer be provisionally adopted, and that the - _� oLud a. half miles from Sunday,, while the anniversary teA- down Main street with0a I - 4 , ineetings held by this congregation are �or bride. The animal see ad to be timber, and making every eparation , I -0 of -200 atcrej, 16. 1 resting and good, and the wall trained and very 'tract 6blei .1 at four.. .P. m. on Tuesday.—M.ria. A, being 35 - degrees below zero.—Parties Clerk publish the same as directed by I I . I . _eous st the � balaude wi always inte - - The fol thp, erection of a large r�rrme 'barn Cameron has been d.aDg are all the rage now in this vicinity, two the Statuteis of Ontario,and that a Court I . . 41,ear and attendance large. Professor also gave' instrudions in horse next! summer. . . - prously 11 1, 1 but hall is a P, . I is recovering. I Z . f Revision be held at Dames' Hotel, � The east ' I � 0 1 - breaking and training to a � airly' large F"I - I i —Mr ThAs Bone, of I � in the village last Friday night.—Mrs. o - ., Ioam, but has been ren�- . Am RENTEI. . : I . - i � : A. McKibbon has returned from Peter- Cranbrook, on the 27VII day 6f February , GURLING.—On Monday last an inter- class.—A meeting of th 3 $ea.forth the 3rd Concession, has ran ell I - 1 3 We gre still offering LARGE D18-,1. . t-nable, b�y being thorong I ­ Tuckersm#h. boro, where she was visiting 'her rela-, next, for the purpose of beari .,. exting curling matoh was played on the Branch of -the Upper CaIjiada Bible of 1 acres for a term of iv'p years, re- 1119 COM' COUNTS off i �6d ; the west half is I 901 11 � ; I � . - 1 _9 cil met tives.—The tea -meeting held at Bethel plaints aud,revising the assessment in : link here between picked teams frona Society, will ' be hold in the �asement of ceiving an annual rental jo� 8200 in COUNqIL MEETING.—Tbe *Coun last,Wednesday was regardtosidd drainage, and that the � - I approaching a, h1u,ek an the Goderich and Wingbarn curling thePresbyterian church this.eveuiDg, adva4ce. Mr. Bone inten(lo paying a on the I 29th inst. a mom ers poorly attended, Imaiked with clay. Over � I I � . � I clubs. The match was for the Cale- when the Rev. Mr. McCoBh,6f Bayfield, visit to his aged . mother, - and many present.7 Minutes of Isis i meeti4 read owing to the severity of the weather and by-law be finally paiased at the next . . � of under dr1ins have' bt donian medall and resulted in favor of will deliver an address upon the work- friends in fiia native hom' (England), and confirmed. Moved I y Mr. Mundell, SDOW storm, but we trust it will be'a meeting to be held at Tuck's Hotel, 31ilt-Inery, havingbeen. m � I - I � 1he pipes -the Goderich players by 12 points. On Ing of the Society. Mr. McGosh I is a durin the ensuing summer. seconded by,Mr. Vigie, that no rtion success this week in every respect. Cranbrook,* on the 27th day of 'March � . of different Bizes to su ' I an, Several good, speakers are expectect.—On next--Carriea. mesBro. I )a the even. mg Of the same day a friendly very clear speaker, and we hope' the A SURPRISE.—Mria. J. 'Osborne, of be taken on the claim. U. A. McLean � . Hislop and . - Water. Mr. Varwe , � I - � . . n Callagban, Wednesday last a large number of Milne reported having examined the JfwdleS I � his lan,d has been � match was Played betweauthe Wing meetingwill be largely attended.—On Algoma, who has been visiting friends for attendance on Jo 1 I since . . ham team. and a team from the Seaforth Thursday last a -young man named here since last fall, was -B I rised the until we get further In ormation � a�S t6 friends and relatives assembled at the road between lots 16, 17 18 and 19, con- begin wOrk from a wet i� , I The home players., however 7t,r�pd by seeing our liability in the mat er. ' Moved b� residence of John Coultia, Esq., 7th cessions, 1; and 18, and recommended . I - 11 club. , Town, son of Mr. Henry Town, met other diLy as well &B delig 7 1 1 1 i "rher in the sPri-Dg, ": that Roderick McLeod, be allovwd to I I . proved entirely too heavy for the Wing- with a somewhat painful accident. He her'busband's genial count�riance again. Me. Sprioat, seconded b Iff r. Hanln�hj cone,essiou WawauoBh, to witness the � Fai�sj 1: ing later in the fall� - I � ' . hamites, beating them by a Score of 51 was- working at Colema 's sawmill She �lad left him behind �'e�perienoing that JO�n YOUDg be api offited aspeosok marriage of David Cowan, of Blyth, remove the ,timber off said road allow- I I � � : 'The fencesure all f __ . . . ; 3eaforth I to I�IiBs E. Coultis. The bride received ance, in Consideration of his clearing . . I e, except aro. to 33. The members of the F ,when a sliver from a board, which was the olreadful7reOities of hpqse-keeping, for. 188� at a salary of 885. The Clerk , barbed wit __ . _: , cross fe"D ce� 01 D him on the anti a heard of was inpCructed to ad ertise in THE many beautiful and useful presents. 'roadway to the width of twenty feet, � olub are just now oilgaged in Playing Off being eawn flow off, striki but he hadIn the me m . Root Goodit . - isua one -.- . in. pairs for the Caledonian modal won cheek, inflicting a, bad wouu4.—An- his angerously�, ill, alld iM7 HURON EXPOSITOR, Se nd The marriage ceremony was performed and grubbing 16 feet, and that George . 4 having 500 ro& a orth Sap, a . : , bains, � 1 I wife being d I � . ­ I],- 4� i ,has othe � . oaus eig � biy- the club last year. These mate r skatiDg carnival has been arfang- medi�tely left his cookin$ i utensils in Clinton New Era, for tenders for a by the Rev. Mr. McLean, of Blyth, Clark, be 110-tified to appear at next rith Po a week and v . home of the meeting of Cofteil, and make Settle- I . I i_� - , teacing, N' at ilie bettor bAvo been going on for over ad for next Friday evening, when Solitude and started for Mprpis. AN he bridge to be built on the Bideliii� be. which place is the future 4a. - �04 no board * . . are not yet completed. They have liberal prizes will be offerbol for com- could not, of course, come by water, b tween lots 35 and 36, concession'l, H. bride. After the large company had ment for timber taken by him off Said . 6 I y . � "iri'le, *ud lour wires ab . I 6 . : . . ! I I . - I . I spa . . i ans anc - partaken of all the good things with road allowance. Moved by Walter ng there &TO � elicited a great deal of interest among petition and everything pos4ible will be came through the States, � very much R. S . , near Stapleton. ': ci : ­ , mire fand - . I - � the fraternity, and the champion Should done to make the affair a grand success. longer-%nd more expensivp i route and ficatiorip can be"seen at he residence of which the table. was laden, it vias re- Oliver, seconded by E. Bryan, that the 611d picket fenc,8- I receive an o star supper. I —At the skating carnival at Godeiieh pnrppses going back in a John Hkuhah, lot 16, ncession 12: H. moved and all enjoyed themselves by report big adopted, and that Mr. Hislop TO CLEAR THE S -T- OCK FOR threeacm y . 13 few weeks. I I There are I - � I . - 7*— . fiing last, . Seaforth Mrs.10,31oorne will remain until spring. R. S. Tenders will be ened at Bruce- tripping time with their feet'to the- be autho 41zed to enter into an agreo- . - ithrifty. looki"9 with & � i AND - THER BLoGKADr.—The mild,pleas - skaters came out :well. Mr. Duncan MISSIPNARY MEETING.—Tbe annual field, o1i Thursday, th 15th day of music of the violin till after the wee ment with Mr. McLe?d, for the com- I - � - kees,'Including 100 Pe' . ant weather of the early part of the Johnson took first prize or costume Missionary meeting in connection with February, at the hour f one o'clock P. I smal hours.—There is a good opening pletion of said worl�,, and that the . � Mlel aPr1C0&t- qa'ne" . - lace to' another- cold ­Bpell and Mr."A. Rogers first half mile the O,an . ada Metbodist church, Salem, in. At the same time and place . ten. here for a first class cheese factory or Clerk notify George Clark to attend - I Aud apple treas,besi&-B %feek gave p , .1 I I t on- Wednesday morning. This time,. race and first for hur raoe.—.Mr. which Nvas recently beld,is said to have dera will be received for the a �bank- creamery.—Mr. Mathew Perrin is slow- next meeting of ouncil—Carded. SPRING GOODS., I j iues, whic � L — . In - JDrty -grape v L however, the elements have been more James White, of Rodger ille, passed been in every particular the best ever ments to -the bridge at so much. per ly recovering from his late illness. Moved by John Hi lop seconded by 11 : loaded -with large,cinsb . moderate, and *although somewhat through town from the north on Tues- held in tbat,chur'eh. Although the wea- yard. The lowest or any tender n6t SOCIAL AND PRESENTATION.—OnTues- Wm. Milne, that the ridge at lots 26 1 - -a good stock of .smaller blustery, the cold b as not been at all day last with a dr day, 23rd inst., the f riends and members and 26, concession 8, be built on the �:_ �_ -able work h.1 ove of ve fine loo, - ther,ro�ds,&c.,were not n4Qre than ordin- necessarily accepted urlem satisfactor� - : Consider I . I I : ; planting � ittense, and the mercury lin not been ing horses, which he had purchased in arily �avorable, large crowols kept to the Council. Hoved by Mr. Mundell, of the Belgrave Canada Methodist con- -same plan as the Cra brook bridge, and 1 4 -the way of� . ' - - . - mental trees. The . below zerG. But the Storm, slight &is it the county of Bruce.—It is a -!n ill wind passing in until almost every pew was seconded by Mr. Elgie, that the follow- greg-ation met at the residence of James that the Clerk gab ,bills printed calliEg � .- � di I ' L was, was,Bufficient to delay traffic on that does not � blow some person goad, occupied. The service commenced at 7 ing appointments be made for fence. Brandon, Esq., for the purpose of pro- for tenders u � p till noon of Saturday, the - � . . od are black ' wainut'hd this Section of the Grand Trunk, which and the blockading of the railways has o'clock for 188 w #b � � obsomi A. Story, septing their - organist, Mrs. Thomas 3rd day of Felornary next, for the erec- E. MCFAUL : Vulo -a 1-rish green ,Ihaip,at which hour the company viewers 3: G. 1, I �, seems to be particularly unfortunate bean a splendid thing for , uade, R. Charters, Win. Bell, PrIoctor, with a handsome gold watch Von of the same—Carried. Accounts - I - greens.. I .- - - the ­ livery selected *Mr. T. Raid as chairman, ' who M. Mc9 . A - . '. t ,sides � this season. The early moming. train men. People must travel, a,nd -as the gave afitly-worded; address', followed by S. Smillie, J. Paterson, A. Elcoat, R. and chain. Although the thermometer paid: John Forbes, planking two - cnl- � The -Stodk be -- . . . . - � east on Wednesday,- got stuck in the iron horse is laid up, the Services of the the realing of the Migsionary report by Landaborougb, Wm, Gibbings, J.�Sbep. registered below zero there were over verts,, lots 5 and 6, conceBsion 8, $2;. 1 � . - bc,usi,atoa �of 35 cattle, ` � . cut below the station,and still lies here, equally useful quadrupe . found in the pas�or, Rev. Mr. Philip. Able and 'hard,; fiu'd for pound -keepers, J. Mc- one hundred in attendance. After a Win. Spence, Registration births, mar ai Princess bull � .. I I 11-1111 . - v ith � C, . . Mr., J. Young, J. Nott, G, Nott, i C il. and with this exception we have not livery stables had to �e lar ely availed instructive addresses on foreign mis- Lein, great amount of hand shaking and nages and desths, 814.30. ounc " THE CASH DRY GOODS WMW . � - - Buell & S9u. - had a train of any description since of.—The Literary Society eating. on sionar,y work weie then delivered by A. For Tth, Jr., A. Buchanan, J. -Car- waxining over the Stoves, the house was I then adjourned, to meet again at Rob- �, 4 �. �7 Twelity eight shael . - -1 - . I I . i -h- I Tuesday night. The stages did not go Friday evening was not Zy largely Rovda. Hill, of Listowel, and Cook, of ter D. Stewart, J. Brown, S. Ca�rno- called to order by Mr. Wray and the I ertsonla Hotel, Ethel, on Saturday, ., Leicester grades, with� . � ' I . � I - . . W and yesterda�y we were attended, but those who were, there Bayfiel4,,,after which Rev. Mr. Philip Chan, J'�.., J. Modeland' W. -Meld.array, foilowing address read: Mrs. Thomas i February 3rd, when the bridge tenders I --# ea. From te,ft to, ant , adnesday, - � 1, _ rad without & mail from any quaker. This I eikjoyed a pleasant e0ning. Excellent gained the entire attention of the audi- J. CaTin& Hugh McMillan, Bryan Pmctor, we, in behalf of the 51tethodist I will be opened. SEAZORTH, ONI. . -.iiauully uttened; la -A, . . .. i i, � _1� . ; : . . I . .. . I - . 1, ; . . � . ,�, � � I � - I . I I � i� . - . - . I I . . - I I , I - ar ! I I I &I po: , . � ti I �, �r fo I b k'U ut �e'_ 3ODfOBSF, �, � ti 9 , I ift I I 01� , t . h ail 1 3�1 1 r �N i I r , vi ti CIO oi�_ 6 e 4 fo ) dle P 0 � ` tr . : . I - . - . � . g . ! � � . I I : . I � I I I ; � - I i . I . . . . — . � 1. r . I � . � � . . � � . . - - I � , � : . I . : - . . I U - � - � � I - 11 � . � I . I . . . � I � lyp — , " � . . ! - � — �_ � ?A � I — ! ­­ � . � 11 —,-.-- _ I . I — . — I : . .- .1 - * — . � . _ I, I . . . . � . I X ., � f I I I I A . I i . � - � 1. I " � . *;Izi�-:�_!� I �� — : I —_ , I . , . I