HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-02-02, Page 7art RY 2, I auseasiesteeme IA.VORTH Et LAND AGENCY. Sri -CON() hl Mist -Class Stock, Tire onapanies, and is prep&e. most favorable terms. , tl of the beat Loan B. Abend Purchase of Pane of First -Class 'arms /or Sale. 1.11" at Six per test tercet. Often Steamship Tiaksta, Itorrisoh.'s Store, Male IU TO LOAN, - Morrie will loan $6,000 on st mortgage, at per cent. • Borrowers to pay. her particulars apply to :Reeve, Braesels P. O. 7811 kT NOTICES. - , Ian FOR aux.—Thai in Seaforth, Bowden'e ▪ reasionable• tenses. Tha ed well fitted upend la ROW table briainesse There ist conneetion. Satisfactory Apply on the premise. JOHN BOWDEN, Prow 787 For elle,* splendid entire Clear Grit,' Ina Coining Conrd and ia onth e of a beet "5 ninaals left by this eels- ' stanee Pe O., or te the ' rand Hullett and e- t can be seen. X.MES . e ' 787x4td r ESS.—For sale sale,. the ed will of a weilestablished , tate and Insurance bust- Huron. For particulaes tet, Office, Seaforth. era g owing note.% or accounta :F. Wagner & Co., Detest t lst of Febrnary,,1883, er .` -a lawyer's hands for col - Intends mctving, to Dakota. 4(NER & Co-. 788-3- k—To sell the Welcome :- wash the most soiled parte , ch as required. Guaran- r.. Manufactured by NV& re aterio. 788 D.—The unctersigned will :- behalf of the &hotel Board. • for feecheg the echoed - a. e, 10- audit. The sail leder or oak posts, not least e utter at the top end, per. not leas than 3. feet 4 • rid 6 feet treater& The iound pine Or hemlock, 7- " h; at feet high, capped , riled with 8i inch nails. et by the 16th day of May e mariner and to the full 1 • (4E)RG E SPROATe Board. 7884 • DICAL: leD, M.D., C. M., Physician. Leheur, &cr. Office and reel- iapied by Dr. Ifutchison,„ 781 t &e,Physician,Surgeon and forth, Ont. Offiee and red- derich Street,second door turch.. 842 D., C. M.. Physician, Stu - El' for the County of Huron. on Xenia streetnorth, uth Publie School. .D., C.. M., Graduate of tY, Physielan, Bargeman(' )nt. Office and Reeidenee, Street, firet BA& House Church. 496 EIRUCEFIELO, versity; M.. I. 0. N., Via- ; M. C. P. and S., On - den; L. R. 0. S. Eden: itt for a term at bolo Hese e. for disettees of women, ra-Gai\T; kt DENTIST. Royal College of Dental • Office in the rooms r. Derbyshire, Whitney's Ry performed and sat's. harges Moderate. 'reacted wi Osoui pain Ltevts- tstriz--y_ !kl DENTIST, edalist and College list R. C. D. S. t" experience he is ibie to ons in Dentistry suitable ing teeth a Specialty. latrous Oxide Gas given. F, Moderate. cit2 Ate Main Street, Seaforth. CARDS. IR/13- e Brussele.—Having par- ty, (lately oecupied by Me. re refitted the house in !is well stocked, and an .stablee. F. PREY, Pro- ; 6,1882. 781E24 HO -USE,. -tees- note') TH, ONT., . PROPRIETORSr uanagement of this. House r renovated and refurnis' b- rew furniture in the beet :to give first2ela.sEs &atom - r. The best brands or the Bar. An attentive endance at the Stables. en to the farming com- erate. r FcytverEst termed for thapurpore ct Unita' in Canada, jg now e ntry on the retest favorable teeurities. M F.IIAVESa tron, Seoforth. 92 f RUARY 26. 1883. Manitoba Notes. BRANDON, +The total' revenue at the Brandon Po0 Office for the year ending Dec. 81, 1882 wan $7,114.50, the month of Deter:mber alone being$912.41, the act- ual remittance for postage stamps sold -having bseen 5901.01. The number of registra.tan, including letters, parcels, boOks, etc., passing through and hand- led for renumbering by the Post Office , officials was 24,654, and of reaistered letters mailed at Brandon during the past year was 6,204; delivered, 4,961. Selkirk pays its school teacher 5700 per annum. school censuspreOared by the Secretary -Treasurer, shoved that there were at the date of the same, 27th No- vember last, 93 ehildrena in the town between the ages of * five and fifteen pars, and that of those fifty-nine were attending schooL FORT lAtILEOD: . —An Indian has been arrested here on a charge of attempting to shoot Rev, Mr. Trivett. —Beef has gone up to 15 cents per pound in Calgary. —An Indian has been fined. $200 for selling intoxicating liquors. The fine was paid.—Six of t?se town sports hav- ing been convicted of gambling they were fined 5106 eacb..—A man maned Fired. Pace has been convicted of allow- ing gambling in his house and of selling liquor and was fined 5200, and as committed to the guard room for three months. . —Amen named Hunt, who had a sheep ranch ontheTetomlostsomehorsea, and while hunting them it is believed .carne up With a, band of horse thieves who had his horses. After being absent ten days, his partner became uneasy, and sent a man oat to hunt him up. He found him dead about twelve miles from home. He had been shot twice. The chances are not very favorable for the discovery of the murderers. IIROINA. There was conSiderable excitement her this week owing to Some townships near Regina having been opened for homesteading. Several of the citizens went down to the LanclOffice at Qu'Ap- pelle exd made their entries. —Very little is being done in real estate matters, as there is so much un- certainty as to where the business part of the city will be located. A short time ago it was believed that Victoria , Avenue would be the principal street, and several buildings were erected. Naw it is announced that the Post Office and. new ;hotel will be built on the north side Of the railway track, and this of course affects the sale of property in other localities. EDMONTON. —Coal oil at Edmonton is exhausted and $5 a gallon has been offered and re- -fused. -Unless some arrives this week there will be darkness, —Word from the various fishing re- serves in the distriot around Edmonton state that the catch will be very much under the aSerage, and fears of destitu- tion among the Indians are entertained. —Nearly e -very one in Edmonton is burning the coal in base burners and cook stoves. It is very satisfactory, does not last so long as hard coal, but gives out a stronger heat while it burns. Although soft, it is of a high color, burns clear Wall very little smoke, and. leaves no einders, going into pure ashes. A Schoolboy on Corns. Corns are of two kinds—vegtable and animal. Vegetable corn grows in rows, and aniro.al corn grows on toes. There are several kinds of coria:' There is the rolicora, capricorn, pop -corn, corn dodgers, field corn, and the corn which is the corn your feet feel naost. It is said, I believe, gophers like corn, but pereons having corns do not like to ,,go futr' if they can help it. Corns have keriaele, and some colonels have corns. Vegetable corn grows on ears, but animal corn grows on feet, at the other end of the body. Another kind of corn is the acorn; this grows on oaks,,but here is no hoax about the corn. The acorn is a corn with an indefinite article added. Try it and. see. Many a man when he had a corn wishes it was an acorn. Folksthat have !corns sote.etimes send for a doctor, and if the doctor himself is corned, he probably won't do so well as if he isn't. The doctor says corns are produced by tight boots aud shoes, which is probably the reason why, when ft man is tight, they say he is corned. If a farmer manages well, he can get s good deal of corn on an acre, but I knov of a farnaer who has one corn that makes the biggest acher on his farm. The bigger crop of vegetable corn a man can raise, the better he likes it; but the bigger crop of animal corn he raises the better he does not like it. Another kind of corn is the corn dodger. The way it is made is very simple, and it is as follows—that is, if you want to know: You go along the street and meet a man you know has a corn, and a rough character; then you step on the toe that has the corn on it, and see if youdon't hay occasion to dodge. In that way you will find out what a corn dodger is. Epps's Cocoa. Grateful andComforting.—"By thorough knowle'dge of the natural 1 Ave which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine propertiea of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy dealers' bills. It is by the judicious use of eneh articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong &lough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around tie ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal siraft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Made simply with boil- ing water or milk. Sold only in packets and tins (i pound. and pound,) labelled—"James Epps & Co. lionm30- pathie °herniate, London, Go., makers of Epps% Chocolate Essence for afternoon use, 736-52 • Holloway's Ointment and Pills. Sure Re,lief.—The weak and enervat- ed suffer severely from nervous affec- tions when storms or electric disturb- ances agitate the atmosphere. Neural- gia, gouty pangs, and flying pains, very distreasing to a delicate system, may be readily removed by rubbing this Oint- ment upon the affected part after it has been fom nted with warm water. The Pills, tak n occasionally in th doses Preseri by the instructions, kep the digestion In order, excite a free 3ilow of healthy bile, and regenerate �e im- proverished blood with richer m terials resulting ;from thoroughly Nisi ated food—wantin which, the �Vrongest mud ineOtably soon sank into feeble- ness, andithe delicate find it difiloult to maintain 'existence. Holloway' ei Oint- ment and pills are infallible reinedies. 77452. Phosphatine is nature's remidy for chronic dlgases. Phospliatme will benefit consump- tives in any stage. Phosphatine cures sleeplessneela, ner- voneness,;gtc., (to. I • Phospliatine does not make ft, but solid flesh. Phospbarne in female weak ees is invaluable. ; For sale by all dr geists. 7g8 52.; If youcare a professional man, itor, lawyer,dergyman or.doctor, oughly overworked that now eve tal effort is attended with a e wearinesg, followed. by headac more or lese severe nervous pros take a dose bf Dr. Austin's Phos aloug with your meals ()Very day for a week pr ;more, and we are pertain it Will relieve you. For sal by all druggists. 788 52. I ' • Dr, Smith's Great Gee an Worm Remedy Invite. iably acte a a eenti le laxative,o eratng 0 i without pa sea or griping. Aexeds Clergyrn.n an ed - o thor- men- se of e and ration, hatine Even the patience of Job w tild be- come exhausted were he a prom) er and teimuffsfas _ • THE URON EX.P6SITOri, causes, serious, maladies srfrely "follow. A highly accredited remedy Joj these evil s is Northrop & layma*L's'V etable Discovery and Dyspeptie cure which eradicates iinpurities of th L bl a and fertilizes it by promoting JOH n and assimilation. Mereoveret s fin alter- ative and stomachic exerts a pod& aotion upon, th liver,healthfull stimu- lating that prgn to a performan le of its secretive dijty ivhen inactiive,an expel- ling bile fron the blood. It ijkewise possesses d'uretic and depurent roper - ties of a high ?order, rendering tlie 1- neys active and healthy, and ezpe111ng from the eye em the aerid e mehts t which prodace rheumatio ! pain.' P,rice 81. Samp b ttle, ten cents. Ask for Northrop 4 Lyman's Vegetable ,Dis- covery and papeptic Cure,. Th 0 wrap- per bears a ac-similie of tbeir sighature. Sold by all Ineflicine dealers. 7150-52-b • ! I ' Mack's lIathnetie IVIpdicilae— The great restore lost aged and ol away: R another col make 11Q d lay in procuring the est and best mrdicine ever' sold. erve and brii;t na ure to yo ng, middie- L)waste . Life is tioBhort ad the advertisem m4i, and if yott are . . , I CharieS T. Casselra Druggist of Chlesterville, writes IIto the proprietors of that sovereign tonio,Bur- 1 dock Blood Bitters, "Your Bloc d, Bit- ters give universal satisfactionAll your medic -meg sell well, and naany of my Will take no, othe '44 774. 6 I ' 1 , Mr. McArthur. i 1 Of Hope-eille, says Iregardin Hag - yard's Peetoeal Baleaon, th4t she would not kcep house without i '. She , a remedy fr olds, conghs, br rits as chitis, nt in toted cheap- caD.not epee, k teoThighly of its m endeavoring to interest his a diencee while they were keeping up an hidesaetheaa, weak tinge and all pul - sant coughing, making it impos ilble for troubles. c, ld may be eured him to be beard. Yet, how v ry easy one day. '?94.65.2w , can all this lbe avoided by simp14r eising SAYS DI4DEN : onary y it in Dr. King's liTew Discovery for Colsump- She knows, her man, and will. you tion, Coughe and Colds. Trial 13ottles rant and swear, given away et C. Duncan's Drug' Store. • 783.52. Can draw you to her with ae single , hair. . Woman's True FrienFl. A _friend ia need is a friend 'ndeed. This none can deny, speciaJii when assistance i rendered when one is Bore- ly afflicted *th disease, more particu- larly there complaints and wea nesses BO Common to Our female pop$ilatiou, Every wom in should know that 'taxi° Bitters are wqmaia's true friend, and will positively restore her to health, even when all other remedies fail. A single trial always proves our assertion. They are pleasant to the taste, and only costs fifty cents a bottle. Sold by -C. Duncan. 13.52. ,.. • An.swer this Question; P Why do po many people we see 'around us seem to prefer to suffer and. he made miserable by indigestion, constipation, dizzinesg, loss of appetite, comitig up 9f the food, yellow skin, when for 75 cts. we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by Lums- den & Wilson. 780-26. :Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A marvellous cure for catarrh, diph- theria, canker mouth and headache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal iejeetor for the more snocessful tieatment of these complaints without extra charge. Prioe 50 cents, Sold. by Lurasden & Wilson. 780-26. • - Shiloh'sACon.sumption Cure. - A This ie beyond question the most suc- cessful Cleugh Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably ewe the worst ca as of Cough, Croup, -and Bron- chitis, w ile its wonderful suCcess in -the cure of Consumption is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold 019, a guarantee, a test which ao other medicine can stand. If you have a Cough We earneatly ask you te try it. Price lOuts., 50 cts. and $1.00. ' If your Lungs are sore, Chest, or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold. by Lurasdeia & -Wilson. 780 26. But it meet be beautiful hair t hav such powee ; and beautiful hair, an be ensured by the use of the Cilegalese Hair ReneWer Sold at 500 by J. S. Roberts. ' 70.152.3789 "Why should la Imah wiles° blood is warm Withi Sit like his gran sire cut in ala ttster ?" Or let his Ipairi gtfow rusty, sca, t and thin, Chini Whenngalese IRenewer will ake it grow fester. For sale by J. S. Roberts, S aforth. 770.52.789. Or. W. 114-ingay, Parkdale, °ratite, writes: y wife had several very severe attdoks of cramps in the stomach. Hearin,/ of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine Ond7 its pleasautnesa te take, I gave her two bottles) Alai she has not had an attack' since,and her health is much improved. For sale btl all druggists. 77O.5.789 I J.,Wetherell, Writing froma Winnipeg, serf: 'can say more abut Phosphatine noW than when I saw you last in Torontea My health is Much improved, and i I am free from headaches or any othei.• aches, having used only two p.,nd a half bottles of your Phesphatine. For sale by all druggists. t70.52.789. In Vail Ilestory of MecliCine versal comffi.eedaton for the alleviation No preparateln h received such . unie - it affords, and:the permanent icare it affects in kidney diseases, as lir. Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Its Otion in these distressing complaints is simply wonderful. For Sale by J. S. Iltoberts. 770.52.789 N ow That there is a reliable remedy for kid- ney trouble, half the terrors attached e to these complaints have been removed, For this let all be thankful, and. to Dr. ' Kidne Cure award I ' Van Buren's y all rg praise for having thus re-- movei. a hitherto fatal disease from our path.. It was never known to fail. Sold by:J. S. Roberts. 779.62.789 Imitators vs. Substitutors. Good points are worth remembering, for the reason that they assist us in avoiding many discomforts, and protect us againet the cupidity of. overreaching people. i When you learn from, friends that Putnam's Corn Extractor is safe, prompt ind effectual, don't allow drug- giets to palrn off a worthless and per- haps poi onous substitute. Hia object is quite atent. He wishes to make 4 few cent difference between a good- ate tiale and a cheap imitation or sUbstitute. Putnam s Corn Extractor; Sold every- where. 762.52.D It maIe me feel like a "Band of Music," was the rather forcible ex- pression of an individual who was praig- ing Pectoria, the greatest remedy for coughs, and colds, hoarseness, asthma, bronchitis. It is safe pleasant and effectual. If you suffer, try it. For sale by all druggists and general dealers at 25 cents, a bottle. The Cause of Death, It is known almost to a certainty that in fatal diseases the individual dies either from the brain,' heart or lungs. How wise then is the effort to maintain a perfect state of health? Dr. Carson's Stomaah and Constipation Bitters are a veritable "Health Giver." They free the system from impurities; cure bili- ousnees, dyspepsia, and all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. In large bottles at 50 cents. Sold by all drug- gists. With every bottle of Dr. Carson's -Pulmonary Cough Drops, a sample bottle is 'given free of charge. If, after using the trial bottle, you are not satis- fied with its effect, you can return the large bettle to your dealer, who will re- fund the money. Thousands can testify to its prompt action in curing coughs, colds, bronchitis, eto. If you suffer try them. Price 50 cents a bottle, sold by all druggists. Amemesireemi The, teeth become pure white, Antlgive intense delight; =The breath is purified When " TzAuzusy " is tried. B ACE UP Yotir syste for work. ZOPESA, the new yspepsia apd Liver Retnedy, ttends strietly to• buginesa n. correcting the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys.' Sample ettles, 10 cents; large bottl s, 75 cents. TIONEERS. J1- P. B.EINEeLerenced Auctioneer for the • County of tiron. Sales attended in all parte of the Cou ty. A.11 orders leftst theEx• POEITOR (MCC wtll be promptlyattended to. • fe R. COOPER Bruesele, County Auctioneer. Sales of • r;1 deeeriptions promptly at- tended in any par terms, Orders 10 ExPosrToR, or adp prompt attention:. of the county on reasonable at the office of .the HURON eased to Brussels, will receive DELGATTY, Licensed Anetioneer for the 1-3-• County -of Huron. Sales of all descriptions promptly attendee' to on reasopare terra& Ad- dress Walton or Let , Concession 14, -McKillop. '774 The Eleraents of Bone, Brain and. Muscle, Are derived from the blood, which. is the grand natural source of vital energy and the motor of the bodily organs. When the circulation becomes impover- rished in consequence of weak digestion and imperfect assimulation of the.food, which should enrich it, every bodily ft:motion flags, and. the system grows -feeble and. disordered. When the blood becomes itnpure, either from the de- velopment of inherited seeds of disease, its contamination by bile or other Nothing - Can supply the place of a beaut4ta1 silky head of natural hair. It is i finitely more comfortable than switch s, and other preparations for the hair by un- known ioreigeers. Hair may be re- tained, beautSed and actually Ifeseored, by the use of the Cingalese Hair Ren- ewer. Sold at fifty cents per bottle by' all druggists. 770.52.786. Bucklen's Arnica Sal e. The best salve in the world or cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheunli, fever sores, totter, chapped hands, chlilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- tively cures piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re- funded. Price 25 cents per , bolt. For Sale by Cr Duncan. 778.52 ' Farmers before buying troJ reaper • and mower oil ask for and procure a sample of 'lliaiser" 'Machine Oil. It is warranted riot to gum, and .ia guaran- teed 'to give good satisfaction. 753-52 Now that the reaping and mowing seams is coming on, farmers should remember that that "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the beet reaper and mower oil in the market. For sale by all dealers. 753-52 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Pahl up Capital, 56,000,000. Beet, . 1 1,610,000. Presio'ont Hon. Wm. „McMaster. The Royal Hotel, (LATE CARMICHEL'S) SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. JAMES WEIR BEGS to inform his old friends and ' the travel- ling public that having purchased this new knd commodious ihotel buildine, he halt thorough- ly re -furnished afed re -fitted it frern fop to bot- tom, and it is now one of the most !comfortable and convenient hetels in the counter'. By stria attention to the wants of his easterners he hopes to meritea, share cif public patronage. The rooms • are all well iurnie ed. and well heated. The bar will be kept surtp ied with the beist, and an ate tentative andtru4bworthy hostler wi11 always be in attendance. god sample rooms' for Commete. cial TraV Hers. Reme ber the Hotel," eorner of Maip and God rich Streets, Seaforth.- 733 JAMES WEI9, Proprietor, SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seafortl Branch of this Bank J,Ientinues to receive deposi s, on which interest IS allowed on the most favorable terms. Drafts ori allithe principel theme a d cities! in Canada, on Geeat Britain, and on 'Fire United States, betight and sold. Office—Firse door South of the Commercial Hotel. 639 A. H. IRELAND, Mranager. F. HOLMESTr, Solicitor. inr ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FOR 188s ;ontaining descriptiini and prices of the choicest kinds oi Gesa7n,. ana Plower See& cnailedfretO all i n ending purchan, sers upon applicatio [tie the handsomes Catalogue published in Canada, and invaluatge to all ho wish to buy PUHA FRESH SUDS special a ntion gi en to preparing ?dump Grass's 101 emend full -particulars will be found in Catalonia ---)AWX.RIRTNIE;Seedsmani TORONTO. • SECURE' THE SPADOW. OPEW CALDER, THE PEOPLE'S PEOTOGRA_PHER, begs to state that he has returned home from Da,- kota, and is convinced that "There's no place like home,"ind be intends to remain at home, and will hem:lee:11-th give his entire persona] at- tention to his b sitiese; His facilities for doing good work are re excelled, and he can guarantee s atisfaction. Jome one, come all, and bring your relations . and friends, and secure the shadow ere the substance fades. I ean accom- modate you all, and can send yon on your wee, rejoicing. Jusetry me and prove roe. Charges moderate. Remember the place—Booties Bleck; Main Street, Seaforth. 762 ANDREW CALDER. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOIAND BLIND FACTORY THE a Os crib erb ege leave to thank his Aurae:on -1- cm StOMOTB forehe liberal patronage ex 6trade d to him since commencing business in Seafortie,and trusts hat he may be favored with a continuanec of the earner. Partiesintemling to build wonld do well to givt him a °allots he will continue to keep on hand s large stock of aelkinds ef Dry Pine ' Lumber, Sashes, Doors, 13,1inds and Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, &c.. Hefeelsoonfident of gtvingsatiefactiontothoist who may favour him with their pieironagc,at tons but erst-cliteswcrireenareeraployed. • _ Partienler atteution paid to Custom Planing 201 JOHN BROADFOOT. CHRYsTAL 84. BLACK, PRACTICAL BOILER MAKERS. THE Subscrib re have bought the Toole and A' Boiler Basin ss lately carried on by the God- erieh Foundry and Manufacturing Company, and having had an ,experionce of over eight years in that shop, are now prepared to orrery on the trade in all its branch s. Any work ent sted to us will receive prompt attention. First-class work guaranteed. All kinds of Boliere made and repaired, also Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, &se, at res.- Pane made and old ones repaired on thsoneNasebhwloer8rtaaelsttetsn. 0 ce and at prices that defy CQM- petition. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, 783 Box 103, Goderieb. J. S. PORTER SEAFORTH. ' KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE 1 . It ;mires Spavins, Splints, Curbs, Ring - Bones and. all simi- lar blemishes, and removes the bunch withopt blistering. a, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE For man it is now known to be one of the best, if not the best, liniment' evr discovered. We feel positive that every man can have perfect success in every case if he will only use good common sense in applying KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, and persevere in bad cases of long standing. Read below the experience of otheri : FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. 1 YOUNGSTOW,N, Ohio, May 10, 1880. Dr. B. J. Kendall ct Co.—Gents: I had a very valuable Hambletopian colt which I prized very, highly; he had a large bone spavin on one joint, and a smaller one on the other, which made him very lame; I had him snider the charge of two veterinary surgeons, which failed to cure him. I wag one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago B/coress. I determined at once to try it, and got our druggists here ,to send for it; they or- dered:three bottles; I took them all, and thought I would give it a thorough trial; I used it according to directions, and by the fonrth day the colt ceased to be lame, and the lumps tad entirely disappeared. I used but one bottle, and the colt's limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in. the ptate. He is entirely cured. The cure was so remarkable that I let two of my ;neighbors have he remaining two bottles, who are now using it. Very respectfully, L. T. F06TER. KENDALL'S, SPAVIN CURE 1' ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881- Earlydast summer Messrs. B. j. Kendall & Co., of Euosburg Falls, ;Vermont, made a contract with the publishers of the -Press for a half column advertise- ment for one year setting forth the merits of Kendall's Spavin Cure. At the same time we secured from the firm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, which we are giving to advance paying subscfibers to the Press as a premium. About the time the advertiseme t first appeared in this paper Mr. P. G. Scher- tnerh rn, who resides near Colliers had a spavined horse. Reread the advertise- ment and concluded to test the fficacy of , the remedy, although his friends laughed at his credulity. He bong t a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure and com- menopd using it on the horse in ao ordance with the directions, and he informed us thiis week that it effected such a complete cure that an expert horseman, who exan4ned the animal recently conl4 find no trace of the spavin or the place where it had been located. Mr. Scherm rhorn has since secured a copy of Kendall's Treatlise on the Horse and his Dise ses,which he prizes very highly arid would-be loth to part with it at any price, provided he could not obtain another copy, So much for advertising reliable artiol s. KENDALL'S SPAVIN -CUREI Keadall's Spavin Cure is sure in its effects, mild in its actions as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to re - MeV any bony growth or any other enlargement if used for several days, such as spavi s, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlarge- ment e of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in tnan and for any purpose for 'which a liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the best lini- menti, for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. It is used full streu th with perfect safety at all eeasons of the year. Seitd address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of it's virtu s. No remedy has ever met 'with sucharnqualified succese to our knowledge, Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Dthtggists have it or cite get it for for beast as well as man. you, ler it will be sent to any address an receipt of Price by the proprietors. 748 -52 • DR. B. J. 'KENDALL & GO., Enosburg Falls, Vermont. FARMERS ATTENTION.' CILIA NC E RY DI VISION, IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE Larfest, Rest a?,24 Clu.apesti - As- sortment 0/ / an't deterM ined to Clear' Out ray Entire Stock of Furniture regard- less of Cost. THOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to ascer- tain prices before purchasing elsewhere. I give a large dieeount to thee() paying cash, es. pecially to newly married couples. I am still selling six highly finished chairs for $2.50. I alsg keep Knowlton's Spring Bed; the . beet and ebespest in the market; warranted perfectly noiseless. Wareroome1 ireetly opposite SI. R. Connter't Mammoth Jew Iry Store, Main Street, Seafoith, East Side. caghfor hies, dine, furs and tallow. No truck or trade.' Cash for everything. - , 625 JOHN b. PORTER. CROSS -OUT SAWS ,—AND— PPING AXES EVer shown in the county. PL kTFORM SCALS. STAM ED WEIGH A Specialty. Give us save motley. GRANT vs. GRANT. SALE OF A. VALUABLE FARM I N STANLEY. 7 PLOWS! PLOWS 1 —AT TH-E— HURON FOUNDRY, z SEAFORTH. I have on hand a large assortment of PLOWS fitted with hardened steel boards, which for quality of steel a#11 hardnesa of temper, cannot be surpasts- ed in Canada. Come and see our GI-A.1\TO- FICACDW- It is a.a-real gem, and for quality and . price cannot be beat. We give spec* attention to PLOW POINTS, using only hard, strong iron, and warrant them to wear with any plow point made. We also make PURSUANT to an order herein dated the 23rd day of March, A. D. 1882, there will be sold by Public Auction with the approbation of Sutherland Malcornson, Esquire, Local Master of. the Supreme Court at Goderich, by Jo hn Currie Auctioneer, at Rattenbury's Hotel, in the town of Clinton., on SAT UR DA it, the 3rd day Of February, A. D. 1383, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the following property, viz: Lots numbers 29 and 30, in the 1st concession of the said township of Stanley, in the county of Huron, except village lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, '7, 8, 9, 10, and 20, in the village of Granton, off the said lot 30, and comprising about three acres; and except also, six and seven one -hundredths acres of both said lots, 29 and 30, heretofore conveyed to the London, Huron and Brune Railway Company. This property is situated on the London Road, about two*and a half miles from the town of Clinton, and in an excellent farming locality. About 176 acres are cleared and the remainder,. (15 acres,) timbered with hardwood, chiefly beech and maple. The soil is of a rich clay loam and is in a fair state of cultivation. The buid- lugs thereon consist of an excellent one and a half story brick dwelling house, 28x40, with brick kitchen-, 18x30. and two frame barns on each lot with stables in connection, all being in a fair state of repair. A never failing spring creek flows through the premises, near to the barns and adjoining the house is a good well with pump. There is also a good orchard consisting of about 21 acres, well stocked with fruit trees in good bearing. The fences on said lots are in fair condition. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent. down on the day of sale to the plaintiff's solicitors; the balance without interest BEAMS to. D. 1883, when the purchaser will be entitled be paid into court on the 3rd day of March, to a conveyance and to be let into possession. The purchaser at the time of sale will be required to sign an agreement for the- completion of the purchase. The property will be put up, subject to a reserved bid. In other respeets the con- ditions of sale shall be the standing conditions of sale of the court. Further particulars *tray be obtained from Messrs. Cameron, Iloltt & Cameron, Solicitors, jelederich ; John Hoskin, Esq., Q. C., Toronto; 'the Auctioneer, or from the Plamtiff's Solicitors. Dated at Goderich, the 9th day of January, A. D. 1883. S. MALCOMSON, Master at Goderich. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, 788-4 Plaintiff's Solicitors. a call when in town, an WM. OBERTSON & CO., Sign of the Circular Saw, SEAFORTH. 1 NIL DESi3ERANDUM." TitiDE MARK. - cf.; TRADE MARK. 0t to - 1.. 4.- ....1 el eQ t... co 0 gkt c) t After 7aking.. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY for Nor- ''. 4 voile Debility and all Nervous Affections, in- cluding Sperroatorrhea, Seminal wesknet s, ed., respite of Self-abuse, indiscretion, ite., ie GDAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. This ie the only remedy which has ever been known to per- manently cure Palpitation and other affections of the Heart, Consumption in its earlier stages, Ruablng of blood to the head, windin the stoniach, indigestion, Lose of Memory, Want of energy, *shininess, Desire for solitude, Indis- position to labor an account of weakness Uni- versal Lessitude, Pain in the back, dimness of vision, Premature *Id age, ect. Full particulars , in Our pati phlet, which we send securely seeded on 'recei t of a three cent stamp. • The Specific is pow s .1d by all Druggists it $1 per package, or% for $5, or will be sent free by mail on THE GRAY MEDICINE CO,, To7r69a-n5t2o. recalpt of Money, by addreaeing Before Taking t."4 Mack's Magnetic Medicine NERVE AND BRAIN FOOD CRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS AND LAND ROLLERS. Special attention given to all repair work. Reapers and Mowers repaired with neatness and despatch, and at lowest living profits. I have slap made arrangements with L. D. Sawyer & Ce., of Hamilton, to keep a full line of re- pairs for all machines Bold by them, Good Reliable Agents Wanted. THOMAS HENDRY, Seaforth. PA.R0M_LAITZS' BANKiNG HOUSE. SEAFORTH. OFFICE—In the premises former- ly occupied by the Bank of Com- merce and under the Commercial llotel, .Main Street. NOTES MID BILLS DISCOUNTED. English and ForAign Exchange Purchased and Sold.. FARIVIERS'SALE NOTES Purchased at Reasonable Rates. Money Lent est Collateral Securitice Drafts Issued, payable at par at all Branches of the Bank of Commerce., INTEREST Allowed ob Deposita Money to Loan on Mortgagee. M. P.1 11 _13.7- =4 A Cure Guaranteed. Fos Oen AND YOUNG, MALs AND FEAdALE. Is a sure, prompt and effectual remedy for Ner- vousness in all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power'Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats, Spermatorrsaaa,semingWeaanesaLeueorrhaea, Barrenness, and General Loss 'of Power. It re- pairs nervous waste, rejuvenerates the jaded in- tellect, strengthens the enfeebled brain, and re- stores surprising tone and vigor to the exhaust- ed generative organs in either sex. tar With each order for TWELVS packages, accompanied with $5, we will send our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. It is the cheapest and best medi- cine in the market. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to raail free to any address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Draggiste at 60 cents per box, or 12 boxes for $5, or will be mailed free of postage on receipt of money by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE Co.eWindsor, Ont. Sold by all Drug- gists. Guarantees issued by J. S. ROBERTS, Sea - 7 forth. 81-52 Manager and Proprietor. EYE, EAR AND THROAT DR. GEORGE S. PkYERSON, L. B. C. P. L. R. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye Ear and Throat. Trinity Medical College, Toron- to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear In - firmer:, Consalting Oculist and kurise to the Institutions for the Blind, Brantford, and for the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, Ont. Late Clini- cal Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic, Hospi- tal, Moorfields, and Centr 1 Throve, and Ear Hospital. 317 CHURCH STREET,,TORONTO. May be consult ALBION HOTEL) .d at the STRATFORD, On the Last SATIAIDAY Itt IBA CH 703 MONTH. Trade Mark R,egistered. ANOTHER CREAT BOCM.IN WINNIPEG -ptY camel observation, we find all land specula- tors have a dear head, and watch the ups ahd downs of property, thus making large fortune But the whole secret is, they keep the system in L a healthy condition by the use of THE PRIDPI OF THE VALLEY MEDICINE. We can safely say that hundreds come to us for the great hare and blood purifier before going West. Read tia following statement. We could give thousands of the same kind if it were necessary. "I certify that I was troubled with catarrh in ths head gathering of phlegm in the throat, choking and coughing at night for years. so I could not sleep; Often troubled with dull, lifeless feelings. pains in the chest and back. After giving hrindreds of dollars to doctors, and giving up all hopes, I tried the PRIDE or TUB VALLEY, and am now able to do my work after seven year'a sickness." Mrs. James McNeil, 202 Isimeee Street, London, Ont. The above statement of my wife's is eorreet. James McNeil. For sale by all druggists in Seafortia- 745-52 NORMAN'S ELECTRIC CURATIVE APPLIANCES ESTABLISHED 1874. -RELIEVES AND CURES Spinel Complaints, -LI' General andNervous Debility,Rheo.matism, Gout, Nervousness, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat, and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Incipient Paralysis, Astinha, Sciatica, Sprat -me Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds, Indigestion. Ask for Norman's Electric Belts, and you will be safe against bnposition, for they will do their work well and are cheap at any price. A. NORMAN, 4 Queen St, East, Toronto. E. HICKSON & Co ,Agent, f.ze.uoith. 763-52 4