HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-02-02, Page 5ng awed - We hope as. tf the one's ty for he year re N. Onemni lame, R. B. itinku, Gregor ¥o. ell. A ditors, W. . ,. Audet eon. Varnoe1, for tri finery busineee in Wednes ay last. She Isteeme4i and wide ; for ker during * iremps ancea under ly struggled. reek as fr. Swan. of ming hs engine and ii,rte of jr, Avery to Dil the ondan Read, at as have both de, and a number of ie engiiie broken. f the oreditors of Mr. ,Londeeltoro, held on t eek, a corapromise reditore agreeing to iu the dollar. Mre e reale ed Intainesst will be ble to over - 4 Of t e Methodist ussela, epont a very v the esidenoe of eris, n Thursday Ir. Af er partaking t a tare part of the n singg and social ate for heir norees to an yster supper. dila thei lath inst. e ... . o 'g Association gave Drew's flall,Exeter, mall a tended. The very good, scene teentin themselves R. Porter Proc eds amount - eight 1 st sortie thief l ciff tie door of T. re in inglisem, en- &rora a , g and some was adly hacked could 4iot get it in o leave it, as it was Erough he aperture. far. iship oroacil have raise tlae sum of ate of raining wet Enth a cl 17th con- eaship. Parties in- 'agaia t the enema- , by -la are required t f appe 1 to be held e 27th gay of Febrile orist ofj Exeter, on ey mor ing of last lelt emoke, and rel th t the hot- resideace was on doe ofla few paili sit out. en it w have eon t), ad the fire the whole een burned. less des Mrs. 1amas Link - les and Jahn Link - the 4awnship of . e age f 75 yea.re, ve of Oekney, Scot- ia country with her in 1879e in 1848, i. In 1856 they ky where ehe has rer 27 years resi- tante& seen many being t e test but rsof Leeburn. lot 3, cericessien 1, :. season of 1882,orte --quart re °fan acre v aLnOU4 theyfatted i fourte n hundred - ides en ugh for his was a excellent t ever known in m iustahoe of the he counted the • waa estimated circurnference,a.nd rainzing nine hunt eht seeds on the .he Bee er Masonic home rone Hen week, , here they r,. - their', brethren fraternal visit, passing that the tee, ozi he London By giv g timely eded i eribduing etch damage had ley not! happened me they e.-iid, it ease_ teneld have a late at night,and ;asleep. , 'rreepon ent very ins& Me neon, the il of the lost Asia, :Mr.ianna 0 for trtraits r are being nig are being post- a/1*g her where- Motrisen may be Y estimeble young [ why be shoult1 aeneent nf herself. -sincere thanklail- ns a deliverance de of it. We cer- r the should pose : Had slie saved. . or other, Ilene arnit her claim as ing her portraits [ay of making a a oar hearty dis- 'eves the following Shipley bought a ..fartaes Snell, Kin- la_St . week. On `., Plpraraer, of the deri eh town ehip, nut old colt that 1,480 lbs.; this is ` anything of its r. Frank Thomp- io, has purchased in the vicinity of .o have bought e figures than he em for last year. rorris, of Stanley, ilion to a gentle- -43r. It is oily In is 6 feet T inches, Mr. Thos. Con - rota, who. recently Lora Mr. Thomaa nig offer of $700 ben, of Inirkfleld, trat night during rove ateam laden Almon who had ismtuARY 42, 188g. gmemoommeasmarillIM .THE HURON EXPOSITOR. heen diapen8ing law and justice at Victoria Boa and who were anxious to catch the train at Lorneeille, as the Ni fining seetion was blockaded The were so heavy and the Coke and Blaokstone in the sleigh so _ weighty that (Me of the horses gave out and suecumben, though dosed repeatedly with the contents of e flask found nrt one of the bags that lawyers carry and which hide everything frorn a new testament to a black bottle. The legal gentlefnen had to hoof it all the way to the junction. It was an all night tramp, but asthey all had pretty big feet they got along 'Ikeda' over the snow. —Saturday of last week the dwelling house and farm outbuilding, owned by Mr. George Staples, of Laxton, near Lindsay, were totalle destroyed by fire. Mr. Staples and wife had been from home, and returning in the evening they. saw the fire when within a mite of the house. The nonse had been left . in charge of the children, who at the time the fire broke out were in the farm yard watering the itteek. A neighbor, Mr. _Patterson, came to the rescue and race needed in saving an organ and the side - boar& Everything else in the house, including all (nothing and bedding, was burned. The fire is supposed to have started from sortie wood under the kitehen stove. Twenty head of stook, owned by Mr. Staple, were fortunately outside the barns and stables, and were drivett toe neighbor's for shelter. ' —A young lad named William Brash, attending school at Section 5, in Bland- ford !township; was a few days ago brought before a magistrate's Court on • nharge of sasaulting his teacher and. nEiing profane and indecent language thereby interfering with the order of the school. The case was fully sub- stantiated and the lad fined $4 and . costs, amounting to 01.50. A some- what similar case occurred at Ratho but in this inntance the father under- took to ehastise the teacher in revenge for the imagined wrongs of the eon. A livel3r scuffle ensued, and it soon became apparent that the ratepayer had tack- led the wrong man. The supple young pedagogue might have. given the casti- gation, but refrained. The teacher entered an action for assault which re- sulted in the ratepayer being fined e4 and costs. Now the trustees have{ en- tered an action againet him for disturb- ing the schonl. —On Saturday night of last week James Guthrie, a prosperous young farmer cif Halifax, Nova Scotia, was` married to NESS Martin. A large company was present at the wedding, which was solmenized at the residence - of the bride's father. Owing to the bad. weather the gueats remained at the martenon all night. In the morning when they had assembled at the break- fast table, it was remarked that the bride and groom, were late coming, Sud- denly the shrieks of a, woman were heard, and the startled guests hastened into the hall, where they met the bride of a day, who cried, nnly husband 1 oh my husband." When she awoke in the morning she fouad her husband dead by her side. She is almost beside herself from grief. - young man named Levi Lewis, who resided on the Butler sideline, in Lebo township, met with a fatal acci- dent on Saturday. He was engaged in breaking in a span of colts, and the horses becoming unmanageable ran against a gate -pest, throwing the young man with such yiolence against it that he died in a few hours afterwards. His 'last moments were spent in great agony. —A dispatch from Winnipeg dated January 19th says: John, brother of Hugh Butherland, M. P., died last night -- of congestion of the langs. He was lost for six days, three of which he was without food; while on the way from Fort Frances. He came her for treat- ment.—Editor Elliott, of the Biel:don Mail, while temporarilyinsane, weeder - ed on the prairie, and was so badly frozen that he will lose both legs. Perth Items. Dr. Harriton, formerly of St. Marys, hasbeen elected to represent the county of Minnedosa, the Manitoba Legisla- ture. —The license commissioners for the year 1883 have been appointed as fol - laws: P. Welihan and W. N. Ford, of St. Marys, and T. H. Race, of Mitchell. —Fanners around St. Marys still experience great inconvenience from the scarcity of water, there having been no thaw sufficient to replenish wells and aprings. -4-Mitchell must certainly be a. musical town and its inhabitants a music, loving people. since they can, support five music teachers, all having good cusses. —During 1882 there were registered ha SL Marys, 94 births, 32 marriages and 53 deal's. 'During the last three years 263 births, 137 marriages and 127 deaths were registered. —Steps ere being taken by the Pres- byterians of Avonton either to repair the old claurch or erect a new one dur- ing the coming simmer. Build a new one, gentlemen, build. a new one. —Two young raeu, Messrs. Wm. Walkout and Thos. Allan, of Fullerton township, recently cut, split and piled 91 cords of hardwood in the remarkably short time of eight hours. The • work was domain Mr. Henry Heal's bush. —Mr. a. B. Sperling seems to be the boss thresher around Kirkton, a few days ago he threshed a barn of grain, 40x60,with no granaries,but filled to the roof, in the short space of: nine hours and a half, for Mr. John Slack of the eighth line Blanshard. —The following municipal officers have been appointed for the township of Hibbert: T. Carroll, clerk; Alexan- der Ferguson, treasurer; John Carmi- °heel, collector, James Gillespie, asses - SOT ; A. C. Jones and. Dr. McTavish, auditors. —After a lingering and painful illness of several months' duration, borne with great fortitude and comparative cheerfulness, Mr. John Ballantyne died in Stratford, on Monday night, 22nd inst., in his 65th year. He was one of the earliest set- tlers in Downie, having come there in 1839 and did his share in clearing and opening up that fine township. He was a well-informed, public-spirited and enterprising citizen, ever foremost in every good work tending to advance the moral and material interests of the community ; a considerate, and obliging neighbor and a generous, steadfast friend. Seven or eight years 'ago he sold his fine farm, and retired to the enjoyment of leisure and comfort, the fruits of an industrious, well -spent life, but death claimed him as one of its victims and snatched him away from ,a happy home and a wide circle of rela- tives and friends. I --t•Mr. J. Linton has purchased lot Nol 8, 100 acres, on the 6th concession, Logan, for $4,000—Mr. James Bills has sold his farzn on the llth concession, llifel McItaugblin, of Ilibbert, being the purehaser2—Mr. H. Winslow is the purehaser of the lot in the 1st ebnces- sion belonging to the estate of thle late Josiah Murphy.—Mr. Wm, Buqhfield has bought Mr. Burrows' Win for $5,000.—The Wartbnrg hotel, in con- nection with which there are aboet nine acres of land,- has been sold for $2,300. —Rev. J. W. Ben, who has been for a n mker of years the esteemed itastor of Xin�x church, Listowel,, is sho tly to remove from that town. A few dats ago he was presented by the conge ation with a handsome gold watch and hain, valuhd at 0140, and a purse cant ining $60 111 money. ,Monday evening (Mow- ing 'a number of the brethren of the .enyStio tie" met at his residenc , and presented him with a haudsomel Ulu. minated address, neatly frame& with a, MINS; Bierviee, valued at about$50. MrsnBell was also presented !kith a purse of money by the ladies of t gregaition. All of which goes td s what high _esteem Mr. and tIr are beide not alone by the congre of Knox church, but by all w[ho tbem, e con- Low.in . Bell ation know mmeememeemmi The West Wawanosh Mita Fire Insurance Oompa4y. The above company held their an- nual meeting in the court room? Dun- gannon, on Tuesday, the 16th January, when a fall report of the business of the company for the past year was la d be- fore the meeting, showing that n the let of January, 1882, the eompan had in fore 541 policies; added duri g the year n34; cancelled 12, leaving V63 in force on 31st December. The alnonnt at rielt on ist January, 1882, was 349; added during the year $29,850, cancelled $13,184, leonine, $84, ,015 ; covered by insurance on 31st Decnnber. The premium notes in force januery were $23,972.91 ; added the year $9,194; cancelled $512.1 ing e32,654.76 of this anaount an ment of $1,353.48, which leaves premium note capital on 31st De 031,01.28, the company's losses was e1,248.75, which required an ment of 01.80 on each, *1,000 at the 9th day of April last, and 60 on eaeh $1,000 of risk come in fo tween the 9th day of April and t day of July. This is the only meat the company has collected last three years which is somethi marnable considering the lerge a collected by other Companies d similar business. The total cost Mena ement of the compan $138.18 after the several -report been Iduly approved. The foiowing gentl+ten were elected direct° s for fi the year 1883: Charles Girvin John 'Hickingbottom,Johe McWhinney , Thos. Morriale Thos. E. Finlay, I. Gri n and John Ballantyne. Parties wiehing to insure in this company, by apply ng toA any of the above directors, or by send-, ing a post card to Robert Murray, Secre- tary, att. Helens, P. 0., will be punctu- ally attended to. lst luring , leav- ssess- lie net ember: y fire ssess- isk on cents ce bet e 27th SSeSs- or the g. re- ount ieg a. of the was had The Manitoba Elections. The Manitoba Free Press in acknow- ledging the victory for the Conservative party at the recent local electlons in that Province;says : 1 The people of Manitoba bane thus , been made to declare in favor o' f mon- opoly. We use the word "ma e" ad- visedly, for, there can be no douht that, had expression been given WI their genuine convictions, the result !would have been overwhelmingly di4ferent. Uncle the circurnstannes, hqwever, there 's nothing to be astonished fact, 4 different termination wonl beenmore a matter of surpris the one side was ranged the whelp Con- servat ve force of the Province, ctive, alert, thoroughly organized, deepl one to secure a victory which oo constbued as endorsation of the r polciy1 of the Dominion Gover and supported from without by t tige aid influence of that Gover ment. On the other., "no party-" andI' the name implies. The Conservativ party were Instigated to exertion by the eh - treaties of its chieftain, who urtd, the neceseity of the utmost effort bei g put forth to suetain his policy, rep ing that its condemnation con result in the deepest inj the -nital interests and well -b the Province, and hinting at come should the contest accordance with hie se deprecating the intro at; in have . On anxi- ld be littan naent, e pres- yet to ate i Tho esent- d only ry to ing of favors ermin- esires. action . of party lines under such circum ta,nces display a wisdom worthy of the Ostrich, when,j hiding its head, it imagines itself °once led from its pursuers. "Peace I peace I" was their cry, and behold there Th oppo prim Cons there was no peace. want of organization auto ents of -monopoly, thong ry, was not the sole cause vative victory. For not o o organization ,biat there w of definite purpose and aim. No s tory e planation was ever von of the object to be accomplished "No arty" party. Any intent repudntting the contract made ny .the Goveijnment and the Syndicate was denie by them. With the itmost scorn hey repudiated any thou ht of none' ent to were, ations, •willing What doing, ission t for- e folds the h the Df the ly was s want tisfao- hasfed by the "on of resort ng to other than constit mean to compel the • Govern enlace e their demands. They ernph tioally, a. "party" of irte as well as paradoxes, ever to prdclaim what they were tot. they they haein ever of im Me den broad ere, or what they propose ailed to reveal. Their now ended, its object mu amain shrouded in the de netrable mystery. are naturally suspicious ays, especially when th and opert course lying side f hid - re is a by Bide there ith The principles f the Liberal party presented such a pethway to tne electors of Manitoba. That party was the natural opponent, of the Conservative party, which hatt been long in the field, with "monopo soribed on its banners. That p fought, step by step, the introdu monopoly into this country. Th had a definite and declared eche ridding the country of the e monepoly. They said: "We repudiate our solemn contracts, into in good fe.ith, but, place us and we will use our utmost en to purchase the oppressive res tmder which you are groaning." This was the party that the • toba, from self-interest, if from no higher motive, were bound to sepport. But they were doubly bound to support it, in grateful remembrance thet friendly assistance dered in the vain attempt to strangle monopoly; in its The interests of ind viduale, however, interposed. It was hoped that Con- servatives inn ht be a duced. from their party allegiance by the epeeious cry of " no party ;" that the might be induc- cl ed ' to bind their ' in putting into power those ytho, aft r deserting their own Panty, when th feared it could nolonger serve their nds, had nothing to. substitute for it The result has shown how delusiye it barren seeking after self meet eve be. Except in Winnipeg, where the ontest was ad- mittedly a purely per onal one, au over- whelming Conservat ve victory; has been scored, notwitbs ending the fact that there is not the s adow of aldonbt that the people of the Province ate bit- terly opposed to mono • oly. ' A Night Camp o Lake: Win- _ pipe We now take a dire t course for Mon- treal Point, our guide tinning before, in a steady, 'twinging rot peculiar to Indian runners, whil our dogs follow in good form. At i tervals we drop into a light slumbe , to -be suddenly awakened. by the loud otitent Of a Abaded ,wbip, end the responsi e cry of . a lazy dog. As the sun is s tting in the west, going down into the apparently bound- less lake,,we halt on t e edge of a huge drift, isearthe shore', which is at this point dotted with thickets of. spruce and balsam, and get oht of our carrioles stiffly enough after opr long jonrney. The sled') ere drawn into the timber, Mad our, little party go at the w rk of clearing with snowsh es a place or the camp. This, accom lished, the fire is built, green boughs re," laid for oar beds, blankets and r be are bropght forth; and :while we tretoh ourselves lazily _before the brigh fire of tamarack, our guide prepares 8 peer, and lis as- sistants iteharness th dogs and prepare tbeir meannn fresh w itefish. : As we recline in perfect co fort, a shrike or butcher -bird, the first life we havr seen y in the woods to -da, hops from the bough above us, and elps itself from the pemmican -bag, t en flies snuoily over our heads toward his cache, to re- turn in a few moments for more. The shrike is tray a camp bird, and on dis- covering the smoke from some newly - built camp fire, as it curls _upward through the trees, does not rest till it has reiehed the camp and sampled the ,cookery. The Indian seldom molests this aeon thief, but la,ughs, quietle at its at in cells ice to per of e Bit y m- y had tion of t party me for vils of cannot entered power eavors 'otions ple of saucy. chatter, having a belief t days past Wah-se i k -cliale as h it, hee been in some ay of ser his people. After a hearty sur pemmican, potato an baunock, 1 and listen to the mo otonous toes of the Indians, who are recountinn jourrieys to different part of the far I north country, while they smokethe tiny atone pipes, filled wit' a. mixture ' f -wil- low bark and tobacco. Our welve dogs are grouped on tae solid drift near. the snore. The lerge t dog occupies the most elevated part of the ba k, the place of honor, whil the oth re sit di. solidi, on their ha inches an gaze stea ly at their lead r, who is n w the picture of profundit , with a far-off, dreamy look iri his e es ' which his fel- lows ere making a vain attenapt to imitate. The moon s coming up now, aud ins it softly rises, ausidg thel frost - covered trees to glist n in its ligbt, the leadet utters a plaint ve wail, which is taken up by bis 00 1' panions, softly at first; then the lea er gives lorth a loudI cry, another, nd soon thd, whole pack here in the wei d light are howl- ing in fearful diecord. Suddenly the 1 leade cease, and gr dually the others beco1:e qniet and cu I themselves about the fite. The Indian: soon are enoring in he1, vy sleep, the fee burns biw, the 'trees crackle with frost, we hearla cern- mingling of sounds, : A d, at last sleep too. 1 We red gomforta ly, with nothing above our heads ave the beautiful , dome of heaven, ith its twinkling stars, which are dim ed at ti es by magnificent. a d_ ever -el tinging a, which here r achee its reatest enc. The 'tennis call th B elec- phen omen a ah-wah-ta , and it to be the spi ts of the departed s of the land of it is yet clerk our the auror brilli trio fa,noy dancing on the borde the hereafter. Whil drive attrise, with s remit ks in Indian la the p obable weathe comi n g day; and soon a large fire, crackling and sendin• sparks ever our head without rega,r4 to consequences, is th alarm which fringe las quickly from our snug beds l3reekfest die - pato ed, our dogs ar& placed in narness, we t ke seats in the carrioles, and are away with speed thr ugh the gnity light of da, 11 11 ndry grunts al.d guage relative to and winds of the n.—St. Nicholas. — 1 he Ayr Union urling Cleb play- ed th Galt Granite ilab, onjan„1264two rinks a side, for the • oyal Caledepia,n Curli g Club Me al. Ayr tivinping • by fi e shots. N.—Fifty Ton for sale at 414 per the Ilinesnei. Mines. 790 ; ETs.—T4irty t ns for sale at the LI miLLs. 790 i OXEN FEp).—F lir hundred bush - sale at the HENSk1L Mmes. 790' IVIED '1313¢EDIA. LY.—A good gen- vant. Apply at o ce to MRS. X.00HRIA se, Londesborou h. 789-2 Be ton at Elms :0 els fo W aral se the M Soho° oloein goods .Novel Bo larges shoes shortl In th now for th epeci which and ' most Valen Carle Peas, and pure usual .11EMO that Mr. goods patro oon betw Cam Local btices. AR1NG OUT.— ening off at cost -Books,. Statione . Toys,. etc. We are business, and fo the next thirty days • be spld at bigi reductions at Wera's y Store, Campbell'S Block, Seaforth. 790 TB IND - SHOES' FOR SPRINO. —The , cheapcat and bet stock of lOootte and ver seen in the tounty of He_ron will he °peered out at he Seaforth Beot Store. meantime ovate* oiler's worthr. of goods stock will be slau htered to make room rid* fipring gq ds. Ordered' work a ty. GEo. Goon. (AWED at D. D. Rope's—New Teas, for qualityand pri e I claim cant be beat, you doubt it a trial will convince the keptical that it is s .9 Also, New Currants, la Raisins, Table Raisins, Figa, Prunes, Peels, Extracts, anned Toma oes, Cern, eaches, Pears, Ap les, Janis aid Jellies, armed Meats; al o a -tine assortmet of ndies, all of whi h will be s Id it my low prices. 783 MOvAL, -- Mies Sleeth willies to ce to the ladies o Seaforth ar d vpinity e has removed he dressmaking ropms to m Campbell's bloc , directly ow the dry store, and also in hanlring than for their e in the past, oalderespectfelly solicit uance of the sanle in future. Entrance goods s re. E. J. Sur r.i787a4 ell's y elve en Mr. 0, Ault'S grocery store and Mr. b AUCTION On Saturday, Fein 1 o'clock P. M., on Lo West, Hay, Farm S ments. John Kerr, Bossenberry, Anotione On Tuesday, March, 6, at P. M. Sharp, on South half concession 9, Morris, Farm implements. R. Stewart, p George Kirkby, am:aim:teen t• On Tuesday, Febraay 20, a p. m., sharp, on Lot 12, Cono Grey, Farm Stock ati d Im John Vincent, proprietor ; mann, auctioneer. AT. 4S azai 3r 26, L oak Propr r. • 1883, at e Road, d tor ; E. 2 o'clock f lot 20, took and prietor ; . 1 o'clock anon 10, lements. . Ray- Wireoei dr YOUNG ha e a 1 rge well assorted stock of oho ce familjy groceries, sware. Parties re- line can depend on lowestprice and of guaranteed to be as sfaction, 1 not, they est price paid for of farm and dairy stock and judge for and provisions, crockery and gl quiring anything in either, getting it frona them at the the beet quality.' All goods repret-ented, and to give sat can be returned. The hig butter, eggs, and MI kinds produce. Ca9 andtexamine yourselves. 781 Birth BARTLIFF—In Seaforth wife of Mr. Charles Bart MeGILLIOUDDY—In Gode the wife•of Mr T. McGil Signai9eit a daughter. KNOX—ItnClinton, on the Mr. Geo4inox of a son. CLARKE,—In Exeter on th of Mr. J.41. Clarke of a MITCHELL—On the 12th Parsonage, Harriston, the wife of Rev. G. A. HTchell, B. A,, of a son. MONCUR—In Exeter on the 17th ult., the wife of W. H. Moneer, of a sOn. Noen—In Tnekeramith. on he 17th rine the wife of Mr. Thomas Nett of on. Marria es. • n the 2Oth ult., the ' of a daughter: ich on the 21st ult., cuddy, o the Huron 1st nit, t e wife of 20th ul ., the wife aughter. It., at th MOIII—MeTAGGART—At he resideltree of the ne, to Beige bride 's father, on the 181th ult., bythe Rev.H. Cameron, Mr, John Moi, of Usbc Melissa McTaggart, da ghter of John Mo - Taggart, Esq., of Hibbe FER(3USON—MoMINN— t. Ethel 0 tilteby Rev. D. C. e lap ison, M. gu BC n, of Ethel, to Miss Rebecca Hoeieke 1 STEWART—BELL— At be resid bride's,father on the llt inst., b J. R. _Grundy, Mr. Neil tewarno Manitoba, to Mary, el est Nog J. Belle of Ere ter. DETLOR-nSCHRAM — A Shelbo Methodist Church, Tor nto on t by Rev. S. J. Hunter, homes D. W. Ds tier, , of Goderich, to Aliso 0. Schram, lof Toronto. the 24th Henry Fer- MoMinn, of nee of the the Rev. Minnedoss. ter of Mr. rne Street e 17th alt,, COURT SHERW OD FORESTS 001.1RT SHERWOOD PO meets every alternate Thurs Odd Fellows Hall, at 7:30 P M. Visning Breth- ren cordially invited. J. FINCH, Se retary. 791 REST. of the A. 0. F. ay in ,the IMMININNIIIIMMIN11111111=1•=111M THE MARKET SEAFdliTH, Fe Fall Wheat per bushel. .1 $0 90 to Spring Wheat per bushel.. 0 93 to Oats per bushel 0 34 to Peas per buebel 65 to B4rley per bushel Better, No. 1, loose Butter, tub. Eggs Flour, pr -1'' lbs Hannew Hides, per 100 lbs Sheepskins each Wool Salt (retail) per barrel Salt (wholesale) per barrel Potatoes, per bushel (new) Dressed Hogs • b.1, 1888. 1 10 98 0 94' 0 85i o 0 68 0 45 to 050 ' 0 18 to 019 0 18 te 020 0 22 to 022 2 30 to 255 8 00 to 900 6 50 to 7 50 0 60 to 120 0 18 to 020 1 25 1 00 6 so to o 40 8 Oe to 8 25" i• 1 Fall Wheat per bushel Spring Wheat per bushel.. Oats, per bushel Barley per bushel Peas per bnehel Butter Ess . • Hey per ton 00 to Pote.toee, per bushel ....... = 0 35 to Wool 0 25 to Hides, per 100 IN 7 00 to Dressed Hogs 8 00 to 0 8 . 1, 1883. 88 to 096 90 to 096 34 to 085 40 to 050 64 to 067 20 to 028 21 to 025 8 00 030 027 800 8 25 Live Stock _Ik4 atkets. Moiereein January 30.--T1e demand. nmited, pnd lower st.classF beef, 5c.; thiric1ass, 3 eep sol4 from 04 to $7.50, and lambs f pm $3 t� $4.50. , • BUFFALO, January 30.— Gentle — Of- ferings of stock beinglight, and the run of through cattle core spondiegly heavy, the market ruled slow at a ocnicession from last week's prices of 10c to 5c per cwt. Stockers were ii light tupply and request; bull steady, and m lch COWS enchanged. Sheep and La be—Mar- net opened very steady, at 'bout last week's closing prices, with a good de- mand; and a fair proportion f offerings fohnd sale. W9 quote: Faixf to good sheep at 04.75 to 5535; choi ee.90 ; western lambs, 05 50 to 56; one load extra Michigan, 56.65; Canada lambs, $6.25 to •56.50. Hogs—Market steady and firm, prices at full last week's closing figures. Sales of Yorkers, good to choice, $6.60 to $6,75 ; light do., $6.45 to 56.55; good to choice mediums, $6.70 to t 6.80; mixed mediums and heavy, $6.90 to $.7 ; one load extra, average 400 Ms., e7.25. Pigs—$5.25 to $6.40. for Stock to -day was prices prevailed. Fi second-class, 4o.;'a to 3tc per pound, S e $5.40 to IMPORTANT NOTICE S. e en/ TO LEND.—One thcusand seven elP y "" hundred dollars of Reit way Fund Investment to lend for a period of 'hewn five to ten years en mortgage of good ferm security. For further, particulars apply.to WM. GRAHAM, Reeve of Stanley, or any of the merinbers of the Council. WM. GRAHAM, Reeve. 791-3 TEZERKSHIRE PIG FOR SERVICE. — The -1-' undersigned will keep during the preeeiat peason, on lot 28, cencession 9, nea Winthrop, a Thoroughbred Bekshire Pig_ Terns,—1, pay- eble at the time of servie,d, with the' privilege of retuning if necessary. JAS. McDOWELL. 783 GliARDIANSHIP NOT10E.—At the expiration of twenty days from date the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, to be appointed Guardian in law of the persons and estates of Mary M. L' Duncan, John Duncan, Catherine 8. Duncan, and George E Duncan, infants under the age of twenty-one years, and children of he late Mar- garet L Duncan, deceased, in her he time a re-ident of Seaforth. GEORGE DUNCAN, by his Solicitor, S. G. McCAUGHEY. Seaforth, Feb. 2, 1883. 791-3 NOTICE —1 he adjourned meeting of th shareholders and patrons of 7e Blueval Cheese and Butter Company will be beld • Paterson's Hall, Bluevale, on Tuesday, Februar 6th, 1863, at 1 o'clock p. m. The birsiness brought before the meeting will be the ameno. ing and confirming of certain by-law, the lettin of the drawing of the milk for the incomieg se son, the letting a job of delivering b. quantity wood at the factory, the offeling f incoming season's make of whey, a business that may be brought befor By order. JOHN BUEGEeS, Secr r sale of d any other the Meeting. tarY. 790-2 BARGAINS THE ORDER OF THE DAY. LEGAL MOTICE. 031-1Z11.1•Tro SALE OF WINTER DRY GOO To Make Room for Spring Importations, One stock of Winter Goods is still complete'and as we are anxious to clear out the balance, we will make this an exceptional opportunity to purchase rare bargains in each department. We have determined to dispose of our entire stock of heavy goodie consequently we have reduced them from 2n to 30 per cent. We have etill on hand a large and fashionable stock of Ladies' Mantles and Mantle Cloths, which we will positively sell at cost. Our stook of PLAIN AND FANCY WINCIES, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, UNION SHIRTINGS, ETC., Is still large, and we are offering the remainder at cost. We have a few Fur Sets left, and a complete stook of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Fur Caps, which we will sell at lesathan cost. Ladies' and Children's Wool Scarfs, Opera Shawls, Hoods, Mittens, etc., going at cost. IN OUR DRESS -DEPARTMENT We have made slaughtering reductions, the stock consisting of all the leading colorings in Plain and Fancy All -Wool and Union Goods. We have a good stock of Heavy Wool Lined Comfortables, Fancy' Rugs, and Canadian All -Wool Blankets at greatly reduced prices. OUR CLOTHING ROOM Is crowded with Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Snits. We pay special attention to this department, always showing the latest styles and best_ value to be had from the manufacturers. Our stock in this line will surpass any in the county, and customers desirous of purchasing clothing will find it to their advantage to give us a call before buying. Ordered Clothing Department, Store No. I, The stook in this department is still large, and will now be out down in prices to clear out as much as possible to make room for new goods coming on. Look out for bargains. MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED .4T 1 THE HURON EXPOSITOR 00ICf, 13EAFORTH, OiTTARXO. NO WITNESSER REOUil*d. WM. CAMPBELL & CO., CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. G EAT STOCK -TAKING SALE AT MCLOUGHLIN'S. ;Previous to and during Stock -Taking, I purpose clearing out the balance of Winter Goods, to make room for spring purchases. 1 Dress Goods, Wincies, Flannels, Blankets - Tweeds Hats and Caps, Furs, Millinery, &c., I am reducing to pricee that will astonish and effect a speedy clearance. Give me a call, and. yon will get bargains. TERMS—CASH AND PRODUCE. J. McLQUGHLIN, Seaforth. REMNANT SALE AT IlbT" FNEA.1V PIR#OTTriMIZS.- rtHANCERY Notice to Creditors of Jarn Chesney, deceased.—Pursaant to an orderof the High Court of Justice, Chancery made in the rnatter of Agnes Wright and Maite - prat Jane Wright, the creditors of James Ches- ney, late of the township of Tuckeremith, in the county of Huron, who died ..tn or about the tnonth of December, 1880, are on or before the Twelftlt day of Februaly, 1683, to fiend by post, preid, to F. Holmested, Solicitor, Seaforth, their Claris. tittn and surnames, addressee and descriptions, the full paitioulats of their claime, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the seenrities (if any)held by them; orin defeult thereof theywill baperemptorilyierchided from the benefits of said order. Everycreditor holding any security Is topro- duce the same before met -he nnilersignedllegistrae of the Queen's Bench Divieion of the said ,Court, at my chambers in Oegoode Ball, in the laity of Toronto, on the Fourteeeth nay of February, 1888, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, being the time appointed for adjudication on the claims. Dated the 26th day of January, 1883. 3NO. WINCHES. TER, E-egistrar Q. B. D., Official Referee. - 791 - , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TWO Improved 100 acre Farms and' several Houses and Lots in Brussels for Sale at law prices. Terms reasonuble. JOHN LECKIE, Brussels. 791-3 1DORICK HOUSE AND THREE LOTS FOR -1-" SALE.— A very de.sirable property in the town of Seaforth, consisting, of three lots,. on wbich is erected two storey brick house, a large stone cellar, perfectly dry and wellplaster- ed ; a driving shed, wood holm and sumraer kitchen. All in excellent repair. The garden is planted with a number of choice fruit trees, and on both streets with shade trees. Hard and soft water. Altogetherit is a very desirable property, and well suited for a retired merchant or farmer and will be sold cheap as the proprietoi intend; removing:to the Northwest in ibe spring. For price and terms of sale apply to JOIIN LATIMER, at Duncan & Duncan's Dry Goods Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 791 TOWN OFFICES. Applications will be received at the Clerk's Office, up to Monday, February_5th, next, for the offices of Town Constable, Market Clerk and Eugineer for Waterworks. - WILLIAM ELLIOTT, TOWS Clerk. SEAPORTS, Jan. 25th, 1883. 110 I F03 DAKOTA AND THE NOOTHWEST. A Meeting of all those intending to go to Da- kota or any part of the Northwest this spring, will be h( Id at Weir's Hotel, Seaforth, on SATURDAY, February 8rd, 1883, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of making arrangements for the formation of a party, and other business. Mae representativee ef several of the leading rail- way companies will be in attendance to give in- tending immigrants all desired information. 790-2 JOHN H. MeDOIJGALL, Convener. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. VIFTY Acre Farm, weet half of Lot 7, cn the -1-* 7th Concession of Tnekeremith. Rouse, bank barn and other improvements ; 30 acres cleared. Five hundred acres in MeKillop, within six railer! of Seaforth. Eight dwelling houses in Seaforth and Harperhoy, from. $200 up. W. C. GOUINLOCK,. sEAFouTii.. Splendid Bargains in Remnants of Dress Goods, Cloths, 'Xweeds, Prints, &c. Must be cleared out. Also, some Ladies', Misses' and Children's Mink and Grey amb Sets and Caps. Cloth Jackets, Shawls, Milline Men's and Boy's Caps, etc., to be clearedout at SWO ping reductions AT THE CHIMP CASH. STORE OF CANIDN098 BLOCK. NOTICE TO COORACTORS FOR THE ERECTION OP A BRIDGE IN MCKILLOP. TENDERS will be received by the Council of MeEnlop en Monday, 12th day of February, at the W inthrop Hotel, at 12 o'clock noon, for the erection of a new Bridge on concession linest and 7, lot 22, known as Cowan's Bridge. Butments to be cedar, and all other timbers required to len of rook e'en, and to be compl. ted on or before the it of August next. Plans and specifications te be seen at Alexander Ilerr's house. JOHN O'SULLIVAN, Townehip Clerk. MoKillop, Tan 15, 1833. 789-4 PUBLIC NOTICE. THE Annual Meeting of the Ueborne and Bib- bert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held at the Company's Office at Farquhar, Monday, the 5th day of February, at 1 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of submitring the Annual Report of the Directers, the Finaneial Report of the Treasurer, and the election of a Board of - Directors ior the cunent year. At this meeting action will be taken admitting the Township of Fullerton into the Company, and allowing said, township, to parlicipate in the election of Di- rectors. ROBERT GARDINER, President N. J. CLARK, Secretary. Mee 1:1 .A.. -Y. TIP. 11Q0BERT WILLIS., the People's Shoetaaken LV Seaforth, wants money and must have it, and consequently these indebted to him' must Pay up at Once, or nnpleaeant consequences will ensne. A word to the wise is sufficient. ROREBT WLLLi8, Seaforth. 791 CARr4IVALI A Grand Skatingearnival will lee, helk on the SEAFORTH..SKATING RINK on FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY L. Doors will be open at 7 o'clock p. m.. and none but those in Costume will bo; allowed t� skate until 9 o'clock. Entrance Fee for Season Ticket, holders, 15 cents; others, 25 ciente; those in Costume Free. Come ono, come all and have a first- class evening's enjoyment. Visitors will have an opportunity of seeing the roaring game"in full bleat during the evening. M. R. COUNTER, Secretary. D. D. WILSON, President. 791-1 HOFFMAN BROTHERS, Seaforth. A.1Ro TX. OinEY TO LOAN.—The undersigned home J.` received to loan anarge amount of Private Funds, as well es Municipality Funds, at the following rates of interest, namely: 6, 8, 74 and If per cent., payable yearly according to the terms of application. Privileges to pay any amount at any time. MEYER & DICKINSON, Barristers, Wingham. 791-8 To Mr. Jas, Johnson, Walton P. O.: T_TAVING made certain statements impeaching -a- your honesty, and having since discovered that the same were entirely untrue, I beg tee withdraw thetn and exprese my sorrow at ever having made use of them and I trust at this apologybe -will actepted th by you as the only mi eans n my power of repairing the error I have committed. ARCHIBALD DUNOANSON. Wit- nese—W. W. SINCLAIR. Brussels, Jan. 15, 38ette 1 791-1 • NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TENDERS will be received I;y the Municipal! -1- Council ef Tuckersmith for the ereetionof Bridge on the let concession, H. R. 8., betWeed lots 86 and 86, near Stapleton. Plan. and Spade cations can be seen at the residence of Mr. Joint Hannah, lot 16. conceesion 2, H. B. 8. - Tendons will be received up to I o'clock p. m., On Thum - day, the leth day of February, at Dixon's 11014 Bruceffeld. At the same time and thee teedeee will be received for making approaaher to ma bridge at so mach ger cubits yard. Tim loweetet any tender not necessarily accepted unless *dee factory to the catuicil. IdcqOPTRIZee Clerk. 16.14