HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-02-02, Page 1� ­ -- -. � -- , —­ ,­�!� - ­ - - - - — -­ -- ---- --- — - I - - - � I - I .- . . '. I I I . — -- -- -- - - -- - --- � -�- 1. ��v� 0- � - � . . ­�­ ­ � - - � t - znwwmmR-`��-­7�-:­ ­ .--1 - - ... - ­­­­ - � .. - . I - . ­ --- -.------------ - - - - " , - ,-- I I I . � ... ,,�E-� , I -,� 1. - a — � � - . I I . . - . - � �i- , ­ I Mi 1- �, I - %- I -11 ,:.75---- � -1 . ­­. - � - . I . � . I i � I . i . - - . � � I - - -­ i - I ­ . I . I I ! ­ - -11A �­ � i -- - I � � � 4 - — � " �. - - I I I . I .. - .i: . - - � . � I - - * M 7 � '�' � ;A � 'F: I . .� - I ! � -1 . ,f�­ . - TFI---,� IP- 7" - W" -, ��-­�,`�--.---",-----�� -.� , I . - . -,'�- �: :� ` - � , - - .��,� - -� ­� - � I � m I ,� ­� - I .. 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I .i . I � . � � I I � Lk *X I %Jy- M &�XXA,- JUM I I . . I - - � � - — I,NL coat C%U&J� - . . . . � I i . -- - - I I �- i . itche I . - . . � � -- � � I I . . ,sit from, the water - ! . 11 . � . . McLEAN BROS., Pubhohers. . - und at the : , : ]EBRU.&RY 2 . IF1.50 a ; : I - � I I FrIFTEENT11 TMAR. i � . S�AFORTHI FRIDAY, F - . 1.1883. Ye�r, in Advance. - swung io I , I I I . . I . . ipper � dashba& WHOLE NUN=R, 791. t - I . I - i � '. . I � - --- , . I I � - I . I - . I I I I I . , —, heel ly 9 close �yv I J — i I . . I . . -i I il I 1\ . ' - to the ground, frightening the team, I I I - I - . i - -- � I ir price lat present ; but farm 176130111�icla i.1 was decided to call the , fearfu ly, and m- beat. It is recommended that noaction pretty fa' Organ t tio 9 ea I to only, $163-78. The �, com, eat- ingH amountec I I rize Cattle Club," which became unmanageable andbroke Huron county Gonnoil. Cooper, Johnston, ays $ t ' this s�otiou is advancing in the "P ,. Mr. B I owit tried t* tie, Strach,an, W or, atz, HPlop, expenditure for High SeboQls I was as be taken on' the. petition from th proppr y I old gentle. . I . I . nd h6ld their fairs twice a year, at away from the driver. An . I . ' -0 pr�c� rg , : ere many years a a 1; . and' it : I . ly g , ali , 4 injure& . At 4 �lolock on Tuesday afternoon j I county -of Oxford in relation to tolls f Api � ot ali I I Forsyth . I follows: Goderich, -4812.57 ; PliIItOI19 I �t - peeldively. man named Hanson was knockedidown the following councillors were found to Shier and 6 do. In'refer4i IaT.go adv nce on present prices may be gasteranaPhristrilas res I nd rue, of I a oldest and 0 , - i all Joint Stock Co'mpany r a I . . : by the furious horses a � trari be - Gaol and Court f `0248e.- -MeSM, 10or- .0674.88 ; Seat rth 0709.09 , 1'in , ex�eked. 1 1 an esteemed rosident ;.. He h*A be present, viz.: Messrs. Webster, Grif - . . 01 I us pe Dg I . I I -Mr. Wm. Sachean, d v6ry sua- n .... Ili, Iheiir feet before th H-6 land, Clare, �� ier, 12,196.54. The laxgest'discrep�ncy be- on ' e animals, a g to the vario dtions relati I ' Utlaw in the mill fi.n, Clue, Eason, Young, Allan, J'ohn- beitt, Gordon, idge Ac I , I riderson, Surveyor of Cus- , ,stock broker of Montreal.., die Walker, Y ung, betlor, Websioli tween estima�6d and actual iipxpeudi- ros theMaitlan4� River be I -Mr. � orning from paraly- which were Seized at the moment,of his -five, years. The do. ston,.Detlor, Smith, Castle, Girvin and �t6ma, 9t. at arines, who has fallen deni last Friday ra Callum, D rnion, killar, Oliver, Grit- ture is in Ro4da and Bridgel.- The tween ColborveaudG(deric 'towDahips � . Y R,lii �f fall by a gentleman on the street,-, could . )rGther 6f Mr. Fergus Durnin. A majority of the Council , - I � i ip reoomme ded that Ball. abridge b heir to Ilia Jgo estate in Scotland, valued sis. He was formerly mi L � fin, Smith Henni go, Girvin a6dimc. actual expenditure in this branch was it i t, f be brought to a standstill. Mr. Hanson sk +nwWw"t-i ip, T . . 1. I ard i an . Be town - 11 Of - HOW- - not. being present, the Clerk adjourned I . at �aever I millions, started last week Moloons Bank, and later manager 0 F� Id end �� 019,556, being'an excess of $2,1 6 over repaired, and at ssrs. , ard ! 1 ' , I � 01 a hi this � the meeting unitil Wednesday at three Pherson ' . ti to Scotland* to establish his the Royal Canadian Bank, in that city. had the narroweat possible escape with ' t of I] 1�6' Gran4 ,Tury the estimate. -Durin th ' 09,300 'Gibson exami ie the ther places peti on big wa I in h to - i- o'clock. - The Presentmen . . I 9 lo I r I . He had been 'atteudiDg to business is life owing to :the violent ki king . I n will I leeply regret .- —WIMIDNESDAY- at last Dee mber osions was r184� and have been .invested in I-liort a bear- . tioned for ano� , report to the, rope claim ir. A L. Chapman, 'of ListoweI, his usual health up to -his sudden do- and plunging ' of the horses, but fortu- , death, - "I SECOND DAY � place for a ne, v brid and tbp prObabi ' I . referred. to L e Ga and Court Ouse ing interest at'6 per cent. he e is -at � I 9 as about 65 :years of age nately he was comparatively uninjured. � t -- The Council met pursuant to adjourni I P1, I . I st, said repc'3rt to be laid befo o th� i-ritell 0 arting in a few weeks for the 'raise. Hew . . . I � . . .. , . - - , Kipp Sold 1118 --- - ­ � . — , the close of I year available . ' - I Commi�ttee,� i -Mr. Hamilton has - � I ' I 11 I �� ment, all the merabera present except A oircul�r from the C bunty Council ver,tment at the credit of th6 $inking Council at th� June e8BiOI1. . [ is re� Argentine Republi6, South America, asiori Burford, -A. terrible accident occurred in . I . commended 6at Mr. Gi p LL It' He farm on the 2n4 conce i U, sib 7 Messrs. Oliver, of Grey,and Beatty, of I 4- 6. wbere sollue of his relatives. reside. Messars. J. & E. Wissler's mi L Merchants '. I of Elgin, An re once to cony 2g Fund accounti i,. 36,398, which. oan now, . rvin'l re , i ; of $3,800. Mr. Wri Cook . , . . i .. -. Seaforth. . � . , qYiI I ,pted. Ili reference to Mr. Gii son' prefer's � warmer climate than either- for the sum Salem, near Elora, on Thursday nig& .. D the Treasurer thinks, be rea,dily placed &do � i 11 L . - "I The Cierk having ca3led for nori prisoners t6 the Penite ary w4s Iread I I near wasiliDgtO4, in the township � of of last week. The water - wheel being . I I ­aOl A�dourt at 7 per cent., The interest on outst6n.d. motion askinA for instruefio4s rol tivo Oatatio or Manitoba. � I � . and referred to the C all , I his farm of : - r. Ray, c?f ; . in I , � . who practised for a Blenheim, has 1�tely sold � I tions, for the Wardenship, M: i eco noled 1 -I i,r almer, F r , . I Prince- 50 acres for the ' um of $5,000-5100 per - ,. Iter, of House c6mui : Ing mortgageBibas all been promptly to Wingliam �ridges, itis r frozen, most of the hands went -below to ; 1. � Usborne, seconded by Mr. WebE , hes4 I I f years in and arounc P . � — , . i A memo�rial from the conn-ty of Ox- paid asit fell'( 'Ine. The interest collect- that he Cori the over -sight ol I I b - !auml er 6 - get it started, and left a full force of , � Ash,fleld, moved that L, Hardy, reeve , end- �rth Braint, died last week at sers-and bag pfirchased the farm own . After they succeeded in , . J I 0 oin . kv -years of al I ford in refirenoie to the roads f * " I ed -on mortgagoB and debentures during brid 6 h it fore. It is re om I n, il N water on I . ges as er 0 � i Z I � go eel by Mr. John Hunt for the sum of , � ed that the at 101 I � - of Exeter, be Warden of the County � �%�esti I contai ed i, Ml�. ,� akv e. 0 was only 33 � starting it, and came up stairs, a Young ' � i - stock oom�anies was read and the yeax amo�nted to 63,Q72, which I I U. 03,536, 100 acres. The buildings axe � , mot-A,'ou in refereupe bq, a 4 � . . for 1883. At the expiration of the hour, � � : . I I � � to the Road and B�ridge ommi added to the 69,300 at credit on the 30th Millar's I I. 9 aq greatly respected, both as a man named Auatin Crowley, tried to I - ... no other nomination& hsv.iDg been riiade$ Mquisbank bfidge, be carried.lout.:3 1 It `, I p yojoiaii and a man. . poor. adjust -the chopping stone, but could � i I - A petiti from !Mr. N eagle December las , will make $12,372 avail- I I I inipeg on lown fact " that the * I -A despatch from Win ' - I . � Mr. Hardy was declaxed elected --by ac.- . 11 Gibson, res2 not, and called upon Mr. Richard L ' also recomm4ded tb at Mr. �-�asoiiN r , I -1, f4rmer named ,ding , I clama-tion. His Honor Judge 'Toms others, as tno I 1. i 11 i ri, went on a Spree the other Friday- last says: The intense Severe Jaerchatnts; are those a � g the ,I Coun(il to re -build able for inves mout during the present I ed irl I their stocks to - id' 1 Legistrar, has port as -Road bommi Bioner be a Ni6o Buckley, the head miller to do So. Mr. ' RootL- administered the bath of office, after Ball's bri. go on J to pre iont site, I was year. Mr. D'.PkBOD, the I . i er which started with- New Year'S Buckley, ran ; . :'e re er li '� �� ii n day a,��'d bused his wife. Their adopt- weath . to stop the water wheel read and �refe ie Road I and paid the �orkion of, fees :accruin to The committo . I I Lri bv,er� goods from. " I 9 � co m id . at � I I I , � . 1, a conduct, day only relaxed its grip this morni ; � . which Mr. Hardy very briefly expressed tb e'] c 'o ea soll, ii�iceiised at the man I 9. - an' ; � the County or 1882, amounting to of the tendera� re,136iVod-for � ek and was just doing So when the chop n . I � Aher. To, avoid y his thailks to the Council, and his Sense Bridge CommitteE. . 1 1 of the propos6d Dew iron I id �a all took a g' n and shot him in the arm, The thermometer for the past we ping stone burst in pieces, killing Aus- � axe oftering, the fol- 1, -- of the honor done 14%im in his _ geleciion A petiti n.from. Mr. Baer and a num. $2,018,92. i -� I , � I registered a minimum of 25 degrees be- - � 151 � i nd F - W. John- Billievale and' n be ac 'e te, bri il]flictliig'�"a severe woullid. tin Crowley and dargerously injuring ,; � ber of others. asking to have a bridge Messrs- P. +damson a - Icredito I , .. sor '.. i 11 .; forthe position of Warden. He then - f e. year old son of Mr. Patrick Jow zer.o to 46 degrees below zero, or an Mr. Buckley. About one-third of the . I d GibE , I I 1. erected acr as the Maitland river � Po- ston wer'e apppinted on the Board of thatMessra. Hardy an u a If9 -X fi It has in " � - o . . 7 i , p stone was lying partly on Mr. Buckley t o , I took his seat. - � 1. an ... TyfeKenzi ,a resident of London, was average of nearly 36 dbgrees. I I - � . . lage of 11[olmeaville, was read MeLqBli Mailoch' of Clinton i DOV � � i - . iessrs. Gibson and 'site the vil Audit. I v tenders for wood abuti ents, an -the memory of the oldest inhabitant � On motion of farmer's sleigh,on When found. I I - I � and Halls, f God6r- wood superst��ctures, and accept tb!e killed on Friday by a I r ed to the R ad slid D idge Gregory, of Eketer, Q . . experi- � � , ricil, proce'eded to ballo - I o I ever I I Girvivi the Cou 't !e ' ith Oth r children, been the longest cold spell . 1 0 1 x- which, in company w ; - - ; pointed on the Board of same in the. v cc I .. I .. � i � I . Committee. - . f ich, were ap o' ent of the i -Messrs. James Parker and William I " i ..." for a committee of fivq to strike the , f Ili?, 'he was a ,tempting to climb, running enC6d here. . utly � mination of ce . I . ens McKenzie, of HarWy, have rece I .A n asking to b aN e the site 9f the Examiners for the exa ,eding' $1,500; in the nt 6 iting of German citiz - The -APetiti - � me I �- Standing Committee for the year. n 18 ax IoVut, over him. -A mass 6 I ., - proposed w bri(ge at,]Wl's cha,iged, School Teacb (6rs for the currelit year. tenders beiDgligher tha tb� returned from a trip to Ireland. . They Z � -lowing were Be I � . 13 1 comir now r arrived in Irel �1 I � I I , f6l le.Aed : , Messrs. HayB, 'T Weste'n Fair board has was hold in Torbilto last Saturday night , I . - I . I I ­ 6 UN, was read end rei red to the Road,' and It wasmov4d. by Mr. Curri seconded that they cc suit the War en h I �-The don, and elected to no minate a all � ccessor to J.A.Simmers, and on -the 6th Dzeember, I ­ Blhott, Weir, Corbed an' Kelly. T I and at avp b and on the 7th a alight fall of snow 00- � . . i 1� that the Road mittee, the Comm tte I , een org nized at Lou I � Bridge CommitteE . by Mr. Henuings, t Geri decemed. The follow- � On ri of Mr. Jobriston, Seconded � i . ad I - nauconsul I . . I aember,,,�� . Commissiori examine the several ,power to do, al they I lay dee sa4 John Kennedy, president ; George Tay 11. I curred, followed by a heavy hoar frost, I � 1,1 e A - Moved by Mr, Gibso , seconded by ; . il vice, and Henry Anderson, in- were put in nomination : Meosrs. . . I by Mr. SmAll, Arch. Dicksorl, Esq-,, . � � ,I. I lor first M which clothed every tree as with' a . Mr. ,13traclian, that as there ar� 'f,ome bridges on the'gravel road north of the in the SPS. 'ith, Freysing, Nord . was reappointed auditoil,'for the current Wiligh J I . Movpremi g'r. Gil -vin, seconded b Second . ,, ice -president. - J. B. Sm heiri Heinrod and MaUtloof snow. This remained for a . � : . �� - . bridges in the tow n of afn � that town of Wingbam,known as the prairie, . ed Y I The! candidates will address I - . 3 few days, but was followed by rain, ' � . -- Year. - I � and C' rk b Secretary. and D. Mc'Kenzie.Tressurer. Bergman. . I I - - were edu ty bridges b fore Wingliam and measure ithe 1eDgth of said bridges, Mr. Kay, that, the'Warden 0 On motion of Mr . . . . L8cal tegiqL --Mr. �Iiram Emigh, of Woodstock, a meeting called for Saturday -next, and 11 - Castle, seconded by were edu ` , I . I I L 3cor orated as a I -.vri and that and -report tothis Council at the June authorized to�petition the .1 i , . - whicli7quickly charged the aspec I I'll Mr. Weir, Messrs. GirvirA,Gibsou,Mason was 11 I I - opinion it lature to dist;,ibuto a pdttion:',Of 00 sur- left that I town on Saturday night last the choice will be submitted to the Ger the country to a beautiful green. The I . 1 I . rl;,il sho Id deo'de wh eosion as to whether in their . , man Foreign Minister. . : . and Hardy were appointed Road Coli this Cou - , I . be Pro 'in ' 1 for Mexico, with a lot of sheep and two- � . . . e und . - gener � I r, 11 i plus that is 0 1 cIl'- year - . he L al were a fair average, �ut I . MISSIOn-ers. I. .. not these dges er the jurisdic- would be ripc4seary to keep th ' a Ila . . presez I in t I cipal -old' steers. The, freight on the - -T 'traffic,returDs of the Toronto, crops in ,� In The Treasury among the on account of the we I - lel3gt various muu t weather a large T- hou adi6urned until 10 tion of the County Commiss'oners. 4epairat the# present . Grey and Bruce!lrail way for the week . ; The Council t I i T � I . io&-. , I I latterfrol NowYorkti) their destina unt of barley and oats were atill in � � ... - . tbiree o'clock ,ties in the Province. -Carr . ' 7m � " ReferkeO'o the Road andBrid ' Cora. -Council adja�rtied till , � g,January, 20th - 1883, was RB fol- amO TTV ' o'clock Thursday. 9� . i i be i65 per head. endin I � : I i tion willo �,Ax I Bkll -Z- SATURDAY, J kNUARY Z1. '' �S,- . stook and standing in water. Potatoes W 4 mittee. 1 ,Vriday. I � 1, I Passengers, 43,178.46;, - corre � � THIRD DAY—THURSD.&Y. I I i Ono� of the large Edison dynamo- Iowa: d in March are still in the ground, � . I - i I -jed. Moved by Moved by Mr. Millar, and seconded - 1 FOURTH DAY.—FRIDAY. Moved by Mr. Gibson, secon led b: 7 - ! ding week last year, $2,533.42; in- PIA -lite . � The Council reassemb I After the I o0ening of . the Council a Mf ud carried that be. eevo , i electric machineB built at Killey's works Pon � and farmers are unable to get them out � I , h , I . � . . , -in Hamilton to light the Cornwall cot- crease, S645-51.- - Freight;' $4,476.11 ; T , re are a ist f tV3 � - Mr. Kay, Seconded by Mr. Skier, that by- Mr. Forsyt e' that t �e Road''dom- - Young a , I �i - I ­ - I . . I others in;this Council pre a9t year, 5,806. - on account of the wet. This is the case I W Mr. Hardy -be in te the petition from gadge Toms ab . - 23, -11111 -)lora, ... struct6d to examine missioners be inBtruc d to fence responding week I . 1514.rs, 11-luo 00 � I ' . 0 . I ton mill', was set at work the other Cor - 'I I und- asking for 'ircreased court r�om ac- county 1�rijg a in thoir various lo, I ditip 3 $ 1 in the northern counties. . 1 up, at I . decrease, 61 . geNo 33, on the boundary between 5PP � , ' - evenin $ 1 roacb6s of tbel, bridge on the �, ,�36� 2. Mails and sundries, � brid . lity �f each � &�n g before a large crowd of citizens. ,. I 'h commod was read a,Dd referred to with the 1913 th and oca � i . I Usborne and Blanshaird., and have the ary lne, b rria Lnd Tur4berry, . ' ' ere in �872.36 ; corro8ponaitip, week last year, -The County Council of Fronterac, I � :1 lay it before be Con ncil SO they ,an bp Four 'hundred and ty ig 8 w Total, 88,- - m its late meeting in Kingston, adopted � . same repaired, provided the county of known as - e Moirisban i bridg6,'aB it the Court Ho so Committee. I I - is danger as to the 0110"wi g report of the Finance pf�nted in I& June minutes.- 9 rri I. circuit burning brightly. $384.00; increase, 5488.36. � Perth pay ori the expense. 9 travelling public. The f w egnoix 527.43 ; corresponding week last year, the following memorial to be sent to the Referred to the R1 ad and Bridgq,Com. Committ Moved by Mr. E liott, spoon od by -On aturday,amanname(IB .. Referred to the Road and Bridge' Com- - - 1: ee w a read : . ' ! ; .;- $8,723.65; decrease, �196.22. Legislature: Owing to the scarcity of A VS � 110 .. The report of the Finance CImmittee INI�. Hays &ri carried, .that a co m 0 working on the 'Quebec and Ontario - , mittee. 1 ��� : I -On Friday� last an attempt was- teachers county boards of examiners t � . mittee. . I I a Railway, was accidt-.ntally shot in the k � ROAD I COMM194IONEIRS' REP - en -, ai6n be ap�ointed, consisting. I � . . J -time of the wor lit certift- . 1. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by ORTP. . was taken ti-p6ainly with reconim ' da . . made during the tea - Should be authorized togra . I � _ - . while -fooling with a I . �� The following, reports of theRoad tions for the payment of accounts. It following niquiberfl � of Counci vi . . 81 6 is chum men to fire the premises of Mr. E. Mo- cates of lower grades than those now Mr. Detlor, that A. S. Fisher, of Clin- I I .1 1. t' � recommen�a %he a,pproval of the grant , Messrs. Gib4on, Hardy and GrAha; 4,, revo verl. The doctor is probing for the -1 .AS4, 's -TORE. - ton; F. Jordan, of Goderich, and Thos. Commissioners were read and r�ferrqd I , , - Be f seeing th I at I ie ball, bu there is not much hope of the Laughlin, tinsinith of Tiverton. A bag attainable in order to accommodate I . to the Roa' ,ommittee: I - 6f $300 to thell Agricultural Societies,but for the purivose - I a ith coal oil pushed sections not able to pay sufficiAnt sal - I d and Bridge (3 . I ! & i aturated W ? was � ]Kidd, of Seaforth ' be a,ppointed High 1, gravel road " betwe m Wingha�a 'd man's recovery. - . 1 . Mr. Job n Mason, Road Commissioner i.6cludes Hprt�icultural Societie� as�well. s.to i epy I r u: a of t�achers � - , B I. , . a match - phei . q .11 School Trustees for their respective reported ia lyth is put 'in a proper at —Infl' enza is very prevalent among through a back' window into the oil aries to secure the service I- - I . f schools.—Carried. . I a follows: In referePce to Thb socur4ieq for the $49,220 pf Sink - . horses in Torointo. Several have died. storeroom and � i ap I The ualified under the present high. stand- . I - �Ball's bridge, I have to 8 Ly it is 267 feet ilig fundmoupy loaned, were 9xamined as soon as possible; &16,o�Ihat the st m len blaze of light alarmed the work- illa - that there Should be a different I : Moved by Mr. Girviln, seconded by I � � . of $200 be eipend�d on Cho Said �)ad The' Street Railway Company, owing to audc . tea, soad ?_'-) I I I .1 I � long. t There is a' good founda0on on andfoulid qatiafactory. I I men,who were preparing for basis of distribution of the legislative - ' Y. X MIr. Young, that the sum of .63,0001 be, a - 14or Y their 10 113 from this cause are forced to . 4 - 7 B UT . , atone, abutments a,nd Moved by ' r. Cook and Booted by each of the 'munib palities ' of i � thering - . I - which to� build I I . grant for p . radsed by this Council for the improve i � . T� and East W'wanosli. 11 � .118 run fewTr cars. Changeable weather the fire was extingnished by smo, ublio schools, as the present r I � . merit of the bound lines of t1he re- good stolie Dea,r, at ban 1. The�' ' a Mr. Weir 'tb t the r port be , mended I i dig. it - with old cloths, coats, &c. Evidently modepf distributian tends to m%ke th* � w ary . el 'e 'B b� .lavis is supposed to be t6o cause of the I expendod difference', of opinion a i to tb I woper by strikin� o:t the poertion, re�erring to After paRsirig a Y umber !,of ly , ; . : . spective mul cipalities, to be h - I there is a fire bug in the neighborhood. rich richer an the�poor poorer. I - n -i � � . . I . ., point at whi I ral societies, an4 that the the Council 4o1journ A to meet 6 � the ease. rt McLeod rnlra-t , . I ch this bjidge Should be the Horticult !I I ! . —Private advices from Fo —The other aftern good 01 oth " nice t , - ", on th& same .principle as heretofore . I ' I the con a youth namt. I urgess, of. Drumbo, is , I fi�at Tuesda in Julie. i i I I —J. L. B I �enta, flora 62 to fla", Referred to Finance Committee. built. By building it about a mile south grant of $= be distribute,l'. equally Y" . I State that owing to the � extreme cold I I I il I , I owner of a cow that gave 327 poutids, of ed. Willie Page, whose parents live bn i Moved by Mr. Detlor, Seconded by of the old.site would ri amore direct among the Rilding and Branoh� Agricul- � ,. i - wea,ther and deep snow around Fort ;. mora� -I- 2 1 . 71, can I da. � I ilk inlone week recently, from wbick Adelaide street, London, was worried . er tural societje�'. Lost on a division by a ' . I I Mi I . Mr. Kaine, that the Jail and Court road to Goderich., and a much ihort . 1P 0 � was-ma0e 121 Tbs. of butter. Had it Calgary, several thousand head of cattle and badly bittenhy a large Newfound. F" House Committee be requested to ex- bridge would be rbquired, but I am not majority of four.- Mr. A. E. ' Evans, of Tor I uto, m akp,,3 iging to the Cochrane Resuche I � . . 1. . . )repared to d 3cide 7.0ch is, Moved by *r. Hari seconded by an applicat on to Parlia ent, for � a not been for the extreme cold weather belon outhw%rd land dog, owDecl. by a colored resi- � smine into ari report upon the best at present I � Company haie �been Ariven a . AWLI ' � � ! I the yield of butter would have been ' dent. The little fellow was out � � ; of Fort M � Ire protection the best point. - divorce. I- to the vicinit skating at the time, and the dog, , means of securing proper f Il am o I opinion that Dr. Buchanap' and carried, th4t the re cLeod, where . I ; I - much more. I � , Y -y- S / there should be &'bridge it Holmesville. 'port biB amen�ed so that the grant of —Hot-. Jo�n MoMurrich iA I Ina in- I -is said to be very mild, no : - � and drainage for the jall. Referred to . . it, C '—The Rev. F. L. Smitbi,of St. John's the ciini - made a spring at him, catching hold.. of � I � at 0300 to the Aarioultura,l Societies, be � Q I there so far this ,. I I � I have not yet sold the o dar tiri I 0 � ; a very low cinditioi L at his e8id 11 e in snow having- fallen I . . the Comm3i,.t-tee,.W'Itb a communication 'a bridge olli accoui it of s'me 'of distributed equally between the sever � I I Cburebi St. Thomas ised to I DIS cheek. The brute, when he got the -. from Mr. Dickso4 in regard to various Grieve al Tpronto. I ,I 1 , winter. Ranche owners are) Said to I . . 0 My Branch and lUotticultural societies in )hotogr pheral were find $76 worth of splendid 'cordwooa I boy down,proceeded to shake him like a - I . � jail matters. 'i the posts Buppdrting tie bridge. I '—Two T*onto � have lost large numbers of cattle from I . oiaof the cheek, A814 STORE. , ' u i in his yard one morning last . rat,still retaining his h . . � �. On motion of 4essrs. Elliott and Gor- intention is to place a fa Ise bent'undor the County. *The report as imen l 05 ani costs,'ou Mo 'day) for fol- piled p the Severe frost' .1 tintil-beaten off"by Mrs. 'Judd, one of . I r I . I ' . - !I week when he awoke. The bes,74ty ' ' ; �. : � i her, waii adoptrqd. . 0 ,i�ealling on Sun ay. -thief � en:- .. , . .. F - don, the Clerk w I I — ' . . i � as instructed to procure this bridge, made of the spare 1 4ing.their.' I - of the whole affair is that he has no The other night a sneak theneighbors. Thelittle fellow's face I I r1cl IT Mr. Girvin, Road Commissioner, was S Deign ­ �—i I the Consolidated Statutes of the present and ta saRthe bala 3 The V Bept i—A pebiti��u with 700 na es ha� woodshed connected wiih a r , L , * tered the I I . . - . I � _ , , idea from whence the gift came, is frightfully lacerated, the �IleBh on r ave th roaches to o'the L gisdatu . for thi �d- : . . . I 1 : privat iDg torn out in a great piece. I i - year, for the reaves and depu�ties, the bfidge is 23 feet high and 129 feet in instructed to h - .. pTesented to . e house in Toronto. He was in one side be ' . - � . � � . i . - ortened to abo brioge o Take Shore of women othe Toronto �I- i —The real estate, &c., of the Pioneer the act , Althouh edical a -tend- : ! . same. to be the property of the munici length, but it can be oh . ut Grahari , . he ; 'i . . of w�lkiug off with a stick of ! - I I . I Best R � ot Sugar Company of Coaticook. � I 90 feet when re -built. I would rp6om- i Road,.foncPdJ - I I 0 M I IAN BUT � pailities. . Tors'litoyi., - wood - when Ee was confronted by a 14 i - Moved by Mr. Eilber and seqonded by . To g a rebently sold by the sheriff, and ancellis condition is pretty serious. . sson and Mena that tenders be called fori to be —About pix hutdred �im was I , . oung lady of 1 the house, who uncere- ,� � . . On motion of Measrs. E - I . t� . 1. 48 . . I ager Y I I I - . - 44 b , settled in , e Pr vir � i� . Buchanan, the Clerk was instructed to laid before the Council at the ne:K't June Mr. Miller' t at the Warden aind Clerk !ce 0 bEc'ju by Mr. Wri Farwell, general man monionaly pushed him. back into the —A couplo of weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. � - 4 1 - - I I i � I .� I f t � t I , o 'so amend a- that ­� . 'of the 1 Eastern Township Bank. The shed ' door . . I I P make application at the Home for In- meeting, for the erection of ston ahut- in emorialize �heLeg i slat ure I. 1 1�82, nd abiput four times umber , , locked the ,, and then called a Alex. Soott, on the town. line between �� . ;5'hai wool quarim, ,,,, - at a new brii go can te sub the Insuraric6 Act, as to grant'power to . machinery was gold subject to the Gov. Blenbeim. and Dumfries, were returning curAbi Parkdate, for the admission ments so th . . . iq 1881. � . . next door n,aigbbor to attend to him. ' . ia- all hind's of w. ool' of Fred. Manna, an ag,ed insane person. stituted for the prose it one M thi; County Councils to app'0int an -inspector —The Rev. Mr. Munro IB pop alar f a ernineilli claim for duties amounting to The latter led the thief out to the home from Ayr, when he turned out to � . I . I I I ' .. 4 1 � 4 . �r cant off I � lawest' On motion of Messrs. Beacom and -place, as the old bridge i rill not be Safe to grant oeFti#oates to all pers ed by the fat it that V12,0A street, and after pre 6ntiiig him with a pass a team, in turning .on to , . US apply- Embro, as il evidou c � - a - , o j . . i - t thresh ve recently � raim'�d —Mr'. Eneas McMaster, of Scotta- I . - r # I I apion h � -11 ' remunera 10 ' town *bec, and late ma iug them both -on , Clerk was instructed to sub- for more than aDothE r Season, and ifig to run a Iteam agricultu�a - big congrec, 14? , stick of wood—over the head—allowed the road again the cutter upset, throw- - I � Weir, the .d any ad- stones can be got- chea sod ing maebine,ttbe n in -all 0 nager of the - I. The horse then , . �. �: . 11 " mit all former information, du . per if puroba . -his salary 00O.. ' ' I � and. and Trust Corn- him to go. �: - �' ditional which ho:can obtain, regarding in summer SO they can I e teame4 early cases to be pyd by the person applying, —The flo*erg used in decor i g Qi.9 Glasgo* Canadian I —The latest apple crop in Nov9SCotiS started to runaway. Mr. Scott held -to ' I � at the in -nd ran him into a stump I I I dopi pany, , I - m workhouses recently established, and in the winter. The re aIrs on th6 Stan- and that no porson be allowed to run grand carnival ball rooin :, vii�as arrested on the eve of his has been the best for some years, and the. lines a � - � p . �, 11 .i ley bridge are now in progress. such i , I 8' time fence when Mr. Scott got his collar -bone ... � I'll � I lay it, before the -. . nachin� without first procuring a Hotel, Montt r I for Australia, fDr embezzle- L31- S- I �� n . . leal, on Friday ul *­ 3apartqre I . J une meetiD .. ig I the prices higher than for som - � , reported th v -01,000- . ! i -- Mr. Charles Girvin at certificate from the Inspector, under a Baid to Lavepost . . I ! � .. 1 me I I oJ 515,000 from the estate. He past. Up to the present time this sea- broken against one of the roots! of- the - . � On m-otion of Messrs. Wilson and I I � 114 i - � � -tod Manchester bridge had been rep�ired at penalty of A fini or imprisonmont. Lost —Last Mpuday, in Tor uto, ' "th' ` hold a high position where be lived id son about 24 006 barrels have been aturn. felicb. A doctor set the -bone . � 7: Walker, the Treasurer was instruc � a; � . p . . ?� Of on a division- iby a majority. 6f i.19. . Zi as well as could . the total a cost of $559.67, and the work'h%s been teen year old boy ,W as com ittedi to J 1 tbo' ro, � ince of Quebec, and was lately I - � : to prepare a statebaent ' ' p V shipped from Nova Scotia to the United and Mr. Scott is doing I I ; -as acinai,date I � !!! I . ,SLL . . STORK. ount paid the Road and Bridge Coli completed in a satisfactory mann r. Moved by Mr. Xey, and se4 by tin as. �t # for Parliament. Kingdom; 14,000 of this quantity were be expected. Mrs. Scott got badly r - am. .. I - e , . . charge of diunkenn I � -The Canadian Pacific directors apolis to Lon- f ighteneabut not hurt. The horse . I- i I I I . migBiGnera d-uri g the past year, and The bridge has been strengtbelied so Mr. Shier, %b�t Mr. Hardy, "Road Com not his first. appearance. - -i shipped direct from Ann r In L , M I . ' I of their I � I : - e special much that it is now qui5e as strong and misBioner, be instructed by this Council '—Oh,3of thogna,rds at the 06ui have disposed of $40,000,000 don by two steamers, and between was caught shortly af terward8i with a : I � Ahe t � -- .; I i , 1. . .1 � ot&l. expense of holding th n new, and will, no to proceel in conjunction with the Prison has invented a new , firil-' . - e ne,� Stock of the road to a syndicate of i:13cap . - session in June and, July htat, and sub- firm. as it wa.5 wbe , 7,000 and 8,000 barrels are now being piece of pine root in one of his fore legs. t I : e tb - I in the shape of moveable , h# York, London, Paris, and Amster- . � - n 8, , ; o . x1liest possible date. doubt, stand until the timber is so Engineer f Perth to hav .8 Wood balco , ,�g Ne . laden at Annapolis for the Same place. . mit it at the es , � 9 I . I —At &Aonation party i -u one of the I � I t 1 1 1 - ., � . The return as ma�di.) by the Treasurer much decayed- that A canno� stand , ham bridge re -built with either iron. I upon wire ro ex. I � i da i �capitalists, in,equal proportiOD"t A considerable quantity of the fruit hag districts in Western Ontario, a I I At, BUY r ot that during the past year the longer. Part of the wo A reachog prpt- or wood aa'thley may deo�idq poll, and —From the returns recei ved ; � Ot- 60 per cent. of par value. This gives also been sent to the 'United States by rural I i - showe . . , i . i , I - Methodist pastor refused the proffemd ;; � 11 sufn of f-615.50 had bi paid'the Road ty low towards the water, and in case have the a�tmp erected as sogul as pos- tawa it is to nd that the am�unt'�of abon't$24,000050as the net estimate this Province. _ . �- - i . I � , � i - railway from Calgarry money, because, against his pre - 7 . ommissioners for their services. of the water rising tO an eX4asfve Bible, as it'is',unsttfe for public. travel.— m business at Po#�geIs for carrying tb —The of ViOns protest,.the young -people in- , I L� C ' � � .6 unmistakable expression - - med, and untrimmed . . Moved by Mr.'Walkor, seconded bv -height, or a freshef bringing down trees Carried. . �.. Prairie is in �xcess of tbat-of G01ph or over the Rockties into BritiBh Columbia. public opinion regarding, L the. necessity � � � - I- � I - i L " L dulged-in kissing games. He writes to '6 LLL - uc io -epor I . I -e gold �ed6la . - nd, %" _-M& I B'd such like obstr n a the brid The foll?wJng i I of the Gaoland r e, color ,rigaand shav r, Hardy, Road Com- a - 1�rautford. awarded at the of more Stringent regulations for gov 1i Mr. Ray, that M Ige I . I —Th I ���� - ' I . off tha closest -, � I miBBioner,have tife-bridge on the bound- might iv this way be'llial ared, but in - its Court Hou�e ,Uommittee was read and I —The 11 miltoll committeefor t4e late WeSt L I � ve been issued. erning the captains and owners of the Christian Advocate to p6ak whether cash ...- . 0 - I . . . ern ,fair ha properly have avoided the . 41 present shape it is absol ately sat The adopted : ' e ufferers by the flo$ods lin I a 9, half in hich followed the lament. he might I ai line betweea Tuckeromith and Hib- relief of th They are about an inch an steamboats, w . sacrifice. The editor replies that � � the Eighteei ii Mile ri;or, on The Gaol 4nd Court House commit- ;, I cte ov3r $11200in ur inland seas last . b;r+,, on tLe 3rd Concession, repaired by bridge on - r Germany, has -col dikiii and"ou one Bide have the able disaster upon 0 - donation parties are Sure to bring . . I I . - �� I laying a new floor and the bridge tight. the boundary-'betweel [Huron. and tee report,qd having visited th gb,ol and t4at city. Toronto has not Bti�lcribpd arms of the city of London, and on the fall- has compelled the Dominion Gov - L I M - I - . I I I 2 L of together romping boys and hoydenish I - I � . i ded and Jor what. he questior . � -pay half the cost. Bruce, will require to b re -built D?Xt found sovqn.:prisoners—four ales and 600, other to whom amar ernment to consider t L ., ,� �, eried Up, Hibbert to � . I . I . i —The great Winter Carnival held t in They are beautifnlly. chm6d, and well d unless the pastor is & ReferredL to tile Road and Bridge Com. season; the span is 32 f 3et. Thp abpt- three femal confined ther r. Five amending tile existing Acts providing ", — I , OUS' I . I as - _ - 1�rls .96124emllu . - . "ttee ments axe good, but ,will requir to'be of these priZuers are incarceratec a gr ud ball at worth winning. They are valued at $20 for the inspection of steamboats. A all and his wife a lady, and - I - ;; MI i; - I . � Montreal, ended with i ' uential members are . . , � . � � � somaef the infl I � by Mr. *Gibson, and secouded three it3et hicher. It m iy cost b.qtwqen vagrants and two insane. Thecom- the Windsor Hotel on Frid night. T�e each. ' new bill having for its object the . 1 - 1, z Moved n I arn that since the Decem- . r :�ost uuqufkli- ntreal, a plumb- - persons of piety and good mauners, -the three and four hundi ed dollars, one- mittee also 11 l� ast Mon clay, in MO the-cbureh is certain to be lowi s , � by Mr. McPherson, th%t the by-law for . whole proceedings we e a . —L better protection of the lives of pass . � .. L licensilig anotioneers and pedlars be half of which will be pa able by JAurou.' her session �'ne female prisbner who fled success throu- out. .. d on a ladder in front of engers will probably be iutroduced at to" If a. A STORE,... " , . I 0 or waselevate ed. In some parts of the country �4 . 4 -repealed in this, county. Lost on a- The ceiftre btidge on t k road. wasthen in as a -vagrant has Since died * --'7The estate of he late -&n. Charles a house L spont, when three the next Session. graceful things occur, such as hugging, - 1. Luc e il � I � - _ ., solderiag i -ad jostled wasrepaired- The c I led, drunke'll men came alotIg a . re b nt�� The gaofigin a clean Wilson, of Montreal, has been award division by a majority of 25. which of typhoid fover. —The Attorney General of Quebec . I � r. Gordon, and seconded had been removed by a reshot, as put and well-ke�t condition. The commit- . , r Vor . kissing, aari and rough 'Skylarking. ,, Moved by M I - , 03,000 damages against the cit) , aga.1ris the. ladder with such violence has petitioned for the disfranchisement If the pastor is to receive the proceeds, . I ; - by Mr, Elliott, that Mr. Gibson, Road in its *proper place, and he floor wasre. tee recommend that a Bab6ock Fire making all illegal assessment on �hq -� rhman let the can turn, the of theFraser Institute ill Montreal, in- , I , - I , newed. The. c6st of the whole w9'rk Extinguish - � I for use it d enforcing payment ofta�,ps, that the wo ing over the'men's , cli'lus the trustees have forfeited he cannot beinaifferent to the conduct - � � I . , Comihissioner, be authorized to have I ! � . . e be procurec" i the. property an i - i .. boilingi lead pour' as mu of those who form the party, unless I � � I was $41. � t : gaol, and al o that a suitOle water; _ 19 .? They were driven to the hos- their charter by not carrying out its . BUY the bridge, known as the Contra bridge, I . : Dr. Howard, cf Montreal, Oa�26 heads when it is all over they come to a better - � on the prairie between the townships of RovedlbyMr,jEllieft and BO-onded tank be buil � in the gaol yhrd,'as owing. h �b6 . by E6 surgeon. provisions. Mr. Fraser, the &onor, died , I a Ottawa ten'days ago to consult iV4 . p1W t' be attended mind, and acknowledge that this has - Waw4ri re -built as by Mr. ordon, that as the report , of to the inflamimable and unsafe condition, 1J i , I . and left a large . Morrig, and East I . Tho 18o a! —Thei Society forthe Prevention Of thirteen years ago Oil � - L - �� I M esBra. 'bson and MaE on, Roaq Cori of the gaol a airs there is no possible physicians of Dr. Schultz, �i]q I mount of property to -be. applied to been a wr 9 act. In that case he can . 14 early 4 the spring as possible, as it is . - . it take the vioney. I Q: � � i4ii:li I In, I - tor is now improving, and may � be to have resolved a - i . - I I a F41 q nalities , Ladiee I . . , Intern ' nee in Toron unsafe for public travel. Referred to' missioners, sh ws tl at the ; bridge escape fort e inmates in case Of fare. � . a . I - I to leave big bed in a few d-ays. I � , ' ' to petit the City Council to Pass a founding a free library, but nothing has 1. the eheaipeat. to-, ,the Omni between Upper and Lower Wjbgharn The commi4ee f urtber recommend that u traffic in - ever been done to forward the m.ove- —Several milliners are in difficulties, '. I . es, &c.,, with 25, ' the Road and Bridge C . .. . —The scholars of the Toronto . bliC by-law Ulating the liquor - ' . I per, Moved by Mr. Masout and seconded wi U requ , e to b re -bui lt � at aii early the applica tibu ofJudgeToli 8 an d Oth ers, . rof the deceased -has among the number being Mrs. Black, of I , I il e 0 ng resp -11 9 smess. at Caah, Prices. .11 I ' schools are being pi it through.& YE;. :—To limit the ment. A brothe . the- , ommissione ' if I e numbe r - to been fighting the � - by Mr. Mj,llar, that the sum of 0300 be dq,te, tha; 4 1 rs be in- for inoli acconimodatio, in the will in the courta� but Winnipeg, who did a first . � . . tic course of fire � rill. Many t of tavern licenses . I �! - - granted by this Council to be equally Btructed y the ,ouncil to again pepect Court Housp be left over 'until the divisions have mao le their exit, O - licenses to 50 ;. � the Privy Council in London gave J adg- She was not long in Winnipeg until she . I � I .� e 150, %nd shop ' . I divided among the Riding and Branch it with a view of having it rebtfilt I as June meatilig ; and that Junior Judge School yards within one minut Is 1, ti., e. and, � require all taverns to have ment in favor of the trustees. *asseizedwith the prevaleutspecula- i Agricultural Societies. Referred to the - soon as possible. Referred to tb� Ry&d Doyle be giv n the Use 'of the room, ' k j L —The Toronto World says : The tion. mania. She invested money in I � —A 52001orse belonging ryant Dot less than eight bedrooms instead of 1. ; Moe. . i rto 1 .! ght to have � ic I Finance Comini and Brid e Committee. formerly �`pied by Judge Squier. , last link that bound the Browne, to"the land that her creditors ,ou � - Post, grocers, in Hamilto " was '01 n. four asat present. � . " - I RED LA- . ttE!r from Ili unty Tr' r. Joseph'Such and I iy appears to be Globe was removed the other day,when had, and now She cannot meet her bill. I .R GOODL - The, following report of the Selecting , A le e Co pasurer A petition from M D' Ome �f t e —TI.te Salvation Arn � �` %� Uiled lstatemel]it of �iie ra. others,'praying to have the pro 9 I down to the —Mias Baker, a respectable milliner in ; Comulittee wa "read and adopted: w ad the other day by eatiD 6 I t I S ith a do posed . It is eati- Mr. Gordon Brown came . i i I . Eq.ualization.—Mossrs. Young, G, El- CeiptB and expeLditures for the past now bridge # Bluevale 18 �eet wide, substance k)aovm 11 Ron h ou'Rats," gaining grouud in London ce aild took away the chair in which Wyoming, has done 9, good business � � � I : . . hirty years. I I-Iott- Strachan., Currip, Weir, Hannah, y&ar, Wa3 readl and ieforred Ito. the was referred to the Road ai�'d Bridge which bad been le I in the stablel� 1 mated;that over 1,500 persons attended offi. It was a big without much profit to herself. Her -a rol , Ating, I I I . _ I . 'Orn I . the S-ivation Army Service in othe city he had oat for ' t of I upon ge per, Kane, T4ason, W. Elliott, Finance Comm ttee. This Sta:tempnt Committee. I � The,Odilvie illing C papy axe . a Watford branch store not being pros. � , k - i�� - Relly, Cool I . I . I . were wooden one with arms. It now ad,omfj . I � (ttong, Shirtingso . for the ypar. The f 11 � Il reported to.bave p irchased up 21 hall 11s't Sunday night. Hundreds rous was closed some time ago. She - Hayes, uibson, Eilber'and Forsythe. - shows that �the t ipendi report of the Road and . The after- his library at home. Since lie left two PO - � . _ . i�aseas ,tbrou;hMr.1H,W. I � I I � Yam a, Carpet Wai I , 011opteewas,readan adopte& s, Tablings arned . I managed wel.1 or she- , ,bE Rim laway from the door. � - . # I Finance.—Messrs. D. D. Wilson, Cook, had over -run tbe eatim . Y 41,296. Bridge= January tbi� Seas ! . In the or three had tned to sit in it mud bad has evidently no . drasse, diAr agen at Emerson, 45"000 noon r6eetiVig Wag alSO packed not kave been compelled to � � .Ess Wri Elliott, Smith, Administration of Ja as e'latimat- The Road, 4nd Bridge Committee re-- ; : I q Selves. But would . frO:M i oll, Young, . I I bushels of wheat. I I barracks. King Street crowded services fallen out andburt, them � so H. Begley, 'another mil - i � i ' l 9 . I C1 6, Rogers, Gibson, Ratz, Girvin, ed at $2,000, wk le the otual. 6�pe - ported recommending thatAlie motion ,, n.—Mi . i i ar .. . those in Speaking of editors' chairs reminds .us assig , t I . —A despatch from Ott wa� 8 1; the were held simultaneously with - liner, in Hamilton, doing a -sm,all busi. - I � r lumi Graham-, Holland, Hislop, ture was 61,9094. 32. J expengpB h -Kay "kiDg . � Lyon Mackenzie's old � � F I I Me al BOB h a of Mr. to have the Rood . � C I that �, William . . . . - y hall. I ness, has assigued.—Mias %cCorab, a . . L : . � . ' ceeded the es imate y $97.44; e Coraraimionpir examine brilge 33, -'be report thati'the Piince of 'Wales �vill the C i' i . . ; � Hennings, Beacom, Britton, Walker, ��ox L _ aturday -desk-isdownin the examining ware- ' i anads in March'nex b is incorroO. Almeeting was .held on S . I I Grifflin and Allen. amount actually e Kpended b g grantei ; al�o that Mr.Wal�qr's request Visit C . of orgau- hoqse of the custom house, where it milliner at Emerson, find herself un- -- I . . It. is possible ay atten d the moot- in Woodstock for the purpose a . e , I 01 8 he u: . bills and de- ; l . 10L . Z Road and Bridge.—TST ssrs. Kelly, 62,297.44 In school n: anagement , e to have the �ecessary repal made on , Asso0i � ion MILD regular catt - still earris an honest livelihood. able to meet her pressing :1.1 I I I X ]A , �Ik �—. � I I�rl � I I til ��'gt,-, III _�Itl( � yea M f Ll a . $ I . Tag 111, " 0 , r " I i ; , r �11 I a,, 111i "' 'Jinu �`I, 0 ref . rred O� . h 11 139 [ I d � � ' I Iq , �, I � il a I I 4, I , 4 � 4 � . �, � I � t1h � t iq P " �, F , i y � I I I f I I � I : J� . . - expendit are has ' e a br etwe .8paith ing of the British Science!. lat lo club. The meet of , Biddulph, sires the clemency of her creditors an - , Eilber .12 less th idge ' b; an Tuchei and . . . � . i Allell, Webster, McPheraon, been 0: . . . t .. ly attended by farmers, —Mr. Patrick Behan, I � I in Montreal in 18i �4. � � ing a large . I sine, Millar. G. Eiliott' eitinlatE. Sal&r- a and c - s h Hibbert 0 ectmg I e ' � r Dundas bnsiness is very dull.�-Mrs- Hooper . . Oliver, Castle, K I . I 11 ave granted. Walker ion Tel�scope I says : deal an4 others interested in the was driving his team along - - : —The � and Mrs. - t Beattie, Dtirnion, Hays, Gordon, Cor- exceed& , the ,,a, imate by 0101 ; this motion of']Mr. 'Elliott in 1! tion to a. ken by 'Mr. street, London. on Saturday, when the I I � ag 01 . a r Mr. R .0 Boundary - The chair was ta . . � Harley' tw '�& Ry I bett, P�ennie- and Esson. excess b)h &used by ffie extra sesoon bridge at Wingliam, it i C mmended obert Smith f Braqe matt Mr. leather intended to hold the tongue in. ers, have Mund the U nn . Sold his farm of 1(10 acres fo, Mr. Brolp Wm. Donaldson, of East Zorra, ugue fell of their premises and stock. - . MUDDS Wit School ond Printing.—Messrs. Buch- of the council, I e cost of which that Mi. Gibson -examine it t9 the mat- 4 John Crai� acting as Secretary. On the neck -yoke broke. The to � . I - - . - � com'plai I and,act &E 1he think I ,i a4d 9 � p aliall, Detlor, Rogers, Gibson, Cook, t242.60.1 The r pairs on couuty bu7d"- ter of ' 11 ;or $6,060. This is a goodifarm Z : 11 , I :! , � ; I � I I I I I i il � ; ! ! I I - ONT. � - ­ I , - ��--J ,