HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-01-26, Page 7T
I 0 N
lirsteGlasit Stock, rept
panic*, and is -prep1y.
neat favoreole torma.
1 of the bisist Loan So•
d. paicibkRe of Parma
2f FL4t-Class
Jr Sale.
ri at SIX per cella
rreet, 1
)'gela Steak Ship Ticket*.
MOterietart. a Store, MAIL
Orris willIoart $6,000- on
t mortgage at 7 per cent.
Ily. Bonwen to pay
er partte Tars apply to
'eave,13nniseis P. Oe 788
-.in Sear° th, Bowden's
reasonab e tenns. The
d well fit - and is now
blebtisine fe. There is
_ corinection Satisfaetory
Apply n the premises
For ssie,* pier:laid entre
[Clear Grit " and corning
[and and is ne of the best
nimaIe lei by this °ale -
'on sta,nc . 0.. or to tles
Line better Hullett and
It cart be een. IA.MES
E• RS —For s.ale, the hi-
d will of a ellestablished
tate and I .surance bug -
Huron. or particulars
DR Office, Sea.forth. 778
owing no* or accrrants
F Wagner' & Co., must
lst of FebsUary, 1883-, or
a Lawyer's lands for coi-
ns -tends too jog to Dakota
FAGNEIt et Co. 788-3
- -
—To sell the Welcome
wash the mdst soiled parte
:h as required. Guaran-
r. Manufageured by WM.
Aerie. 788
fr.—The undersigned will
behalf of the School Board
for lenelins the school
10 and II. The said
edar or oak poste, not less
e ter at the top end, per -
,not lees than 3 feet 4
al G feet heatera. The
fmnd pine or henfoek, 7
a ; 4-1- fee att, capped
iled with !., ineh nails.
d by the 1,5 h day of May
;manner see to the full
,!. lioa_rel. i 788-4,
chenr, &ce
upied by
iferth, Ont.
derich Stre
D., C. M -P
r for the G
on darvia
Office and real-
. Bath -son
,Surgeon and
°face and real-
t,second door
ysician,. Sur-
nty of Huron.,
street north,
Graduate of
ty, Physiciah, Surgeon and
rnt. Office ndResidenee,
Strest, fire Brick House
Church. 49G
FerSitY D. C. Y., Vic-
; M. R. C. P., and Ou-
;den 14. • G. S, Eden;.
re for a ter e at Soho Hos-
far disease a of women.
Royal Co lege of Dental
i. Office n the rooms
L Derbyshire, Whitners
iy Perfo d' and sat's-
harges Mt) .erate.
trot. irlikouf wain
iae .
'6daligt 4111 College
list R. C D. S.
expe-rience he is able to
ons in Dentistry suitable
ling teeth a Specialty.
Ptrous Ox de Gas given.
Ilk,. Main St eet, Seaforth.
Brussels. —Having pur-
ty, (lately °peopled by Mr.
we refitted1 the house iii
is well Rtoolieft, and art
- st.thieg. FREY. Pro -
5,1882. 784x24
tee's Vet)
till-, NT-,
[nanagement a thia House
y renovated and refurnish -
new furniture in the best -
to give first-cIa.ss wean -
e. The best brands of
tt,e Bar. An attentive
.endance at the Stables.
!en to the farming cora-
fent e.
T FaNCI-Eft -
.formed f the purpoar cf
Capital in anada, la novr
10Dey on th, most favorable -
• unties., .T.1 Ie.IAYLS,
uron., Seaforth. 69F
4141T4KY 26, .18.8&
11111E BM:KM'
Latest News Notes.
—Messrs. il-;* J. Taylor's sate works
in Toronto Were destroyed by fire last
Wednesday *ight. One htindred and
forty men will be thrown out of employ-
ment. The total loss is $40,000, and the
insuratece about $25,000.
—It is stated from Ottawa that cer-
tain changes- in the Dominion Govern-
ment will take place before parliament
meets. Mr. Blanchewill, it is be-
lieved, be appointed to the Senate, and
made Speaker , of that Chamber, in
order to leave the coast clear for Mr.
Kirkpatrick, to secure the Speakership
of the Commons. Honorable b. L.
Maopherson, will be made Minister of
the Ititerior, Sir John Macdonald, to
take -tliff 'Presidency of the Council,
which is now vaoant. It is doubtfnl
whether the new President of the Sen-
ate will have a seat in the Cabinet.
—The sad intelligence was eeeeived
in Brantford, ont•Wedeesday, I that
Charles Campbell, a farmer 1ivin4 near
Boston, Ontario, was seriously htirt by
a tree falling on him. At the tii4e the
accident occurred Mr, Campbe I was
engaged loading wood on a sIeigi and
his hired man was ohoppine tree
down. From some unknown cau e the
tree fell on Campbell, breaking his back.
--e-The prisoner Menu, who is now in-
carcerated in L'Original gaol charged
with the murder of the Choke family,
still refuses to see a clPrgyraan of any
denomination, aud tnaiutains the; stolid
indifference which has ...characterized
his conduct from the first. The fol.,
lowing incident will serve to ilhistrete
how little the crime has interfered with
his appetite. Sherrill Meerick observed
a day or two ago that Mann did
not wear his accustomed smile, and
asked if anything had. gone wrong.
Mane smartly replied, ' “They don't
give me half enough to eat. I'm almost.
starved." The sheriff states that be gets
the full priaon allowance, which: most
people coasider too good for the blood-
thirsty little wretch. In view of the
threatened attempt to lynoh the .ntur-
derer. the Inspector of Gaols has tele-
graphed the sheriff to take, every pre-
caution to prevent the ends of justice
being thwarted, and that official has
consequently placed an extra guard in,
the corridor. Ratidall, the Swede who
was ;arrested with Mann, is still detain-
ed at the iastigation of the County At-
torney, who is in communication ' with
the Attorney General on the •subject.
He is an important witness, and being
e without money andfriends in the dis-
trict, it is feared if he is liberated
L'Orignal will see him im more.
—The steep.% between the law auth-
orities of Dublin and the secret ociet•
ies is still being fiercely waged. Tiko law
proves much the stronger in every case
now and the societies are laaviug il, bad
time of it. Thc officers appet,r no to be
thoroughly well informed of the nten-
Cons and movements of these on inal
bands, and are able to; swoop dowul upon
and arrest them jaat when th y are
aborit to con:trait some crime. The
finding of the knives supposed to have
been used in the murder of Lord Fred-
eric Cavendish, and of arros and a mu-
nition, shows that the infoi ation
which is always forthcoming from with -
in the camp when these societies are
getting the worat of it, is now offered
in abtmdanee to, the police. Of every
kat% Of crimirtelahaarested a number
hasten to turn approvers in order to
,save their own necks, and thut the
raraitications of these societies are
becoming thoroughly known. It is to
be feared that the asaassinatoifs of Lord
Cavendish and Mr. Burke will neer be
convicted, but there can be ,no 'doubt
that the crime has led to the startling
exposure of the neat of criminals in
Dublin, and to the crushing of the so-
cieties throughout the country,
The Serious Joke that was
Played on a Drummer.
A young lady, says the Hotel World,
went to; the depot to meet her father.
As the train Dame in she saw a middle-
aged men who resembled her paternal
relative, and she rushed into his larms,
cuddled down in his bosom, kissed. him
in the mouth, on the ear, on the eheek,
on the chin, on the eyes, and fiThaaost
everywhere. It was not her father, bnt
it was a middle-aged drummer for a
tobacco house. He took a long breath
and looked at some other drummers
and winked, as much as to say. 'Oh,
rin such a cluck!Of course this ; scene
could not last always, though he wished
that it could. After an unusual; able-
bodied hug she looked up in the drum-
mer's face and said :-'You are net my
pal' He staid probably she was right,
as he had only been on the route eleven
years. She asked his pardon, and he
told her not to mention it; we public
men should always hold ourselves in
readiness to bold up those who are
weak. She siniled a sweet, sad, blush-
ing smile, and went out into the wide
world, and the drummer walked to the
hotel with the other drummers, twenty
kissea and six huge ahead of the game.
They asked him if it didn't make him
feel ashamed to have such a mistake
and he said no, it was all right. He said
of course it might lock queer, bat those
things occureit very often with him as
they would with any fine looking man.
Besides, the girl probably enjoyed it.
Then they asked him why be did not
wear his diamond breast pin on such
trying ()mations. He looked at his
shirt front and it was one. 'While he
had been allowing her to chew around
hia face she had burgled his shirt. He
fainted, and when they had brought
him to he eaich -Tell my family that I
died with my face to the foe!' The
girl, oh, where was she? She was at a
pawn -shop with the diamond. There
13hould be a law passed to protect this
very useful °lase of people from the mis-
takes of designing girls.
packets and tins (. po d and pound,)
Isbelled—`latnes Epps & 00., tionaceo,
pathio Chemists, Len „n, Eng."—Also
makers of Eppfi's Oh. .late Essence for
afternoon rise. 788.52
A Vexed. Ole
Even the patience of
come exhausted were
endeavoring to in
while they were heepi
sant coughing, making
him to be heard. Ye
can all this be avoidedl
Dr. King's New Discov
tion, Coughs and Cold
given away at C. Duna
A friend in nee
This none can
assistance is rend
ly afflicted with d
My those compl
so commoh to on
Every woman sho
Bitters are won
will positively
even when all ot
single trial alway
They are pleasan
coats fifty cents
Duncan. 783.52.
Job would be-
e a preacher and'
st his audience
g up an loces-
it impossible for
t, how very easy
by simply/using
ry for Consump-
Trial Bottles
Drug Store.
Tr Ms Friend.
is a friend indeed.
deny especially when
red when one is sore -
Reese, more partiou-
"nts and weaknesses
female population,
ld k u ow that Electric
er r
to t
true frieud, and
her to health,
medies fail. A
es our assertion.
e taste, and only
tie. Sold by C.
A Certatn Rine
This is the un
expressed by ever
Putnam's Corn
in Canada have u
results, and if ye,
to ask any druggi
„names of many p
twice who have b
the worst kind of
where. Safe, sur
table in composit
fails. 76252.c
ed i
t he
en r
y for Corns.
1 testimony and
who has used
tor. Thousands
/with gratifying
ta,ke the trouble
ill give you the
of your ecquain-
(Emily cured of
s. Sold every-
uless, and vege-
Try it. It never
Oh, Wh
Will you heed
signal perhaps of
that most terrible
Ask yourself if yo
sake of 50 cents
nothing for it.
perience that Shi
your cough. Itrt
plains why more
were seld the pa
croup, and whoo
Mothers do net
lame back, side o
Porous Plaster.
Wilson. 780-26.
0 TU
t ye
rn g
0) 'iv
warning. The
re approach of
se Consumption.
afford for the
the risk and do
knot -it from ex -
Cure • will cure
ails. This ex -
million bottles
r. It relieves
cough at once.
*thout it. For
st use Shiloh's
y Lumsden &
Dyspepsia nd
p wen
Is it worth t e s
cents to free your elf o
of these distressi g co
think Bo call at inc s
bottle of Shdloh's Vital
has a printed gu rant
cordingly, and if tido()
1 .
will coat you not mg.
den & Wilson. 7.0.26
iver Com -
all price of 75'
every symptom
plaints, if you
nre and get a
zer, every bottle -
e on it, use ac -
you no good it
old by LULUS-
Shiloh's. C
We have a spec
for catarrh, dipht
and headache,
Rerciedy. A nas
each bottle. Use
and sweet breath
° by Larnalen & W`lson.
It made me fed li
Moshe" was th rat
pression of an ind.vidu
ing Pectoria, the
coughs, and colds
bronchitis. It i
effectual. If you
sale by all druggi
at 25 cents a bott
y and pesiOve cure
8ria canker mouth
n Sli iloh's Catarrh
1 in'ector free with
it if 3 ou desire heal th
Prio 50 cents. Sold
ts an
e a "Band of
er forcible ex -
1 who was prais-
st remedy for
eness, asthma,
e pleasant and
r, try it. Fee
general dealers
The Ca
It is known al
in fatal diseases
either from the
How wise then is
a perfect state of
Stomach and Co
a veritable "Heal
the system from i
ousness, dyspepsi
the stomach, live
bottles at 50 cent
With every ho
Pnlimonary Cou
bottle is given fre
using the.trial hol
fied. with its'effec
large bottle to yo
fund the money.
to its prompt acti
colds, bronchitis,
them. Price 50
all druggists.
Epps'S Cocoa.
Grateful and Comforting.—"By a ,
thorough k.nowkage of the natural 1 .ws -1 of their signatu
which govern the operations of diges-
tion and. nutrition, and by a careful ap-
plication of the line properties of well
selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided
our breakfast tables with a delicately
flavored beverage, which may save us
many heavy clootors' bills. It is by the
judicious use of alien articles of diet that
a constitution may be gradually built
up until strong enough to iesist every
tendency to disease. Efundreds of sub -
tie maladies are floating around us
ready to attaok wherever there
is a, weak point. We may escape
many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves
well fortified with pure blood and a
properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser-
vice Gazette. Made simply with boil-
ing water or milk: Sold only in
se 0 Deathi
ost t a certainty that
the individual dies
rain,' heart or lungs.
the et ort to Maintain
eat( ? Dr. Carson's
P ti pa tion Bitters are
h-Gi er." They free
mpur ties; cure bili -
and all diseases of
_Dr bowels. In large
. &Id by all drug-
tle f Dr. Carson's
h D ops, a sample,
o of c arge. If, after
tle, y u are not satis-
, you can return the
r dea er, Who will re -
Thou ands can testify
n in curing coughs,
etc. If you'snffer try
cents a bottle, sold by
• The cornplexio
checked liver c
in jaundice, is lit
guinea." It ha
cause the bile,
bowels to act, is
per course into t
tion with this sy
coating of the
.impurity of the i, pains through
the right side an shoulder blade, dys-
pepsia, and con_ tipation. These and
other concomitan s of liver compla,ipt
are completely r mov d by the use of
Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Dis-
covery and Dysp Cure, which is
fula, erysipelas,
cers, humours,
ice and Jumbo,-
ach, rouse S the
ng them, eauses
become regular.
ction haa been
claims to public
by ample evi-
Sam le 1Dottle
, in
e bl
a case of un -
'tit, culminating
: )
't as yellow as a
appearance be -
enables the
d from its pro-
od. connec-
there is neusea
, sick headache,
also an eradicant of scr
salt rheum, nice s, ce
female weakness jaun
go. It tones th sto
liver, and after elie
the bowels there fter t
High profession 1 sa
accorded to it; a d it
confidence are j stifle
deuce. Price, 61.00.
10 cents. Ask fo Nor
Vegetable Disc very
Cure. The wee, per b
by Larnsden them
p ,
hrop &.Lyinan's
and Dy,speptio
ars a_ fa:6 siinile
old in Seetorth
750 52a '
Holloway's intna nt and ViU.s.
Diseases of w men Medical science
in all ages has ben di ected to alleviate
the many malad es inc 'dent to females,
but Professor ollce ay, by diligent
study and atte tive bservation, was
induced to belie e tha nature had pro-
vided a remedy r those special dis-
eases. He has, afte vast research,
succeeded in co ipoun ing his celebrat-
Pills' and Ointra nt, w ich embody the
principle nater lly °signed for the
relief and cure o .disiar era peculiar to
women of all a es a :d constitutions,
whether residin in w: lc Or cold cli-
mates. They ht.ve re matedly correct-
ed disordered anctiot s, which have
defied the usual drags prescribed for
such cases ; and still more satisfactory
is it th st the malady is relieved com-
pletely and permanently. 774-52
Dr. Smith's
Great German Worm Remedy Invar-
iably acts as a gentle laxative,operating
without nause or griping.
Mack's Magnetic Medicine—
The great nerve and brain food—will
restore lost nature to young, middle-
aged and old. Life is too shext to waste
away. Read the advertisement in
another column, and if you are afflicted
make no delay in procuring the cheap-
est and best medicine ever sold.
' Phosphatine.
A narreet which to every 'intelligent
mind, prociessional or otherwise, is a
key to its composition. No safer,purer,
more palatable and more effective com-
pound, has ever been offered in oases
of nervous exhaustion and' pulmonary
consUmptien: For sale by all druggists,
Phosphate § are the life of the blood,
the nutriment that builds up and sus.
tains the living body; they are, in other
wordejone, larain, nerve and tissue
food. For sale by all druggists. 788.
George Kelcy,
Of Donchurch, Parry Sound, for the
past six years suffered from dyspepsia,
and has tried doctors and patent medi-
cines until out of patience with all
treatment, but was induced by a friend
to try Burdock Blood Bitters, before
finishing ono.bottle he was astonished
at the resultand declares he never felt
better in his life, and "I could name"
sayshe "half a dozen otherswho have
derived great benefit from the medi-
cine. 774.65.2w
An Important Office.
One of the most important functions
of the animal economy, is the depurtive
action of the kidneys, if they are ob-
structed i their work great suffering
and dangerous diseases ensues, such as
dropsy, diabetes, Bright's disease, and
many other painful affectionr. Do not
suffer from lame back and inactive kid-
neys, when -Burdock Blood Bitters acts
so promptly upon the kidneys, liver,
bowels and ail the secretions, and
speedily restores health to the afflicted.
77465.2w . 1
Charles T. Casselman.,
Druggist of Cheeterville, writes to the
proprietors of that sovereign tonic,Bur-
dock Blood Bitters, "Your Blood Bit-
ters give universal satisfaction. All
your medicines sell well, and many of
my customers will take no other. 774.
Mrs. McArthur.
Of Hopeville, says regarding Hag -
yard's Pectoral Baltam, that she
would. not keep house without it. She
cannot speak too highly of its merits as
a remedy forcolds, coughs, bronchitis,
atthrea, weak lungs and all pulmouary
trotables. 4 cold may be cued by it in
one day. 794.65.2w
ivs DRIDF1 :
She knows her man, and , when 'you
rant and swear,
Can draw you to her with a single
Bat it must be beautiful hair to have
ench power ; and beautiful hair can be
ensured by the use of the Cingalese
Hair Renewer. Sold at 500 by J. S.
Roberts. 779.52.789
"Why should a man whose blood is
r, warm within
Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster ?"
Or Jet his hair grow rusty, scant and
When Cingalese Renewer will make it
grow faster.
For sale by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth.
G. 77. Mingay,
Perkdale, Toronto, writes : "My wife
had several very severe attacks of
cramps in the stomach. Hearing of
Dr. Austin's Phosphatine and its
pleasantness to take, I gave her two
bottles, and she has not had. an attack
since, and her health is much improved.
For ,sale by all druggists. 770.52.789
. Wetherell,
Writing from Winnipeg, say: "I can
say more about Phosphatine now than
when I saw you last in Toronto. My
health is much improved, a,nd I am
free from headaches or any other aches,
havixig used only two and a half bottles
of your Phosphatine. For sale by all
drhggists. 770.52.789.
In the T-Tistory of Medicine
N preparation has received such uni-
versal commendation for the alleviation
it affords, and the permanent cure it
affects in kidney diseases, as Dr. Van
Bureu'g Kidney Cure. Is action in
these distressing complaints is simply
wonderful. For Sale by J. S. Roberts.
That there is a reliable remedy for kid-
ney trouble, half the terrors attached
to these complaints have beep removed,
For this let all be thankful, and to Dr.
Van Buren' s Kidney Cure award
all praise for having thus re-
move.' a hitherto fatal disease from
our path. It was never known to
fail. Sold by a. S. Roberts. 779.52.789
. . •
Can supply the place of a beautiful silky
head of natural hair. It is infinitely
more comfortable than switches, and
other preparations for the heir by un-
known foreigners. Hair may be re
tained, beautified and actually restored,
by the use of the Cingalese Hair Ren-
ewer.- Sold at fifty cents per bottle by
all druggists. 770.52.786.
Bucicien's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, soree, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, totter, champed hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi-
tively clues piles.. It is gua,eanteed to
give perfect satisfaction or money re.
funded.. Price 25 cents per box. For
Sale by C. Duncan. 778.52
Farmers before buying your reaper
and mower oil ask for and procure a
sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is
warranted not to gum, and is guaran-
teedlo give good satisfaction. 753-52
The teeth become pure albite,
And give intense delight ;
The breath is purified
When " TEABENBIE +' is tried.
Your system for work. ZOPESA,
the new Dyspepsia and Liver
Remedy, attends strictly to
business in correcting the
Stomach, Liver and Kidneys.
Sample bottles, 10 tents;
large bottles, 75 cents.
T P. BRINE, Linenced Auctioneet or the
" • County of Huron. Salm; attended in all
parte of the County. All orders leftat the Ex.
POSITOV Office will be promptlyattendedto.
R. COOPER, Brussels, Comity Auctioneer,:
• Sales of all desoriptiOns promptly at-
tended in finV part of the county on reasonable
terms. Order° left at the office of the HURON
EXPOSITOR, or addressed toBrussels, will receive
prompt attention.
A DFLGATTY, Licensed Auationeer for the
-1-x• Comity of Huron. Sales °fall descriptions
promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad. _
dross Walton P. O. or Lot 14,' Concession 14,
The Royal Hotel,
T/EGS to inform his old friends and the travel-
-1-f ling public that having purchased this new
and commodious hotel buildineihe has thorough-
ly re -furnished and rc-fitte ; it from top to bot-
tom, and it is now one of tl e most comfortable
and convenient hotels in ti a county. }3y strict
attention to the wants of hi customers he hopes
to merit a share of pubo p tronage. The rooms
are all well furnished mud w 11 heated. The bar
will be kept supplied with he best, and an -at-
tentative and trust worthy ostler will always be
in attendance. Good samp e rooinS for Commer-
cial Travellers,
Remember the "Royal tel," corner of Main
arid Goderich Streets, Seale th. 733
JAMES EIR, Proprietor,
emta /ling description and price
Fieid, Garden, an
mailed free to allintending pur
[tie the handsomest Catalogue p
invaluable to all who wild] to
Opecial attention given to pre
sgpee andrun narttenints win
"N \WM,' RENNIE, Bee
of tboOdceetkinds oi
bailers upon application,
blished in Canada, Imo
uy PURIM FRICE14 Seeps
ins MIXED Gaissrs fol
be f ound in Catalogue
state that he has retort
kota, Red is convinced that
like home," and he intends
and will henceforth give h
tention to bis busineses 111
geed woik are unexcelled, a
satisfection. Come one,
knew relation; and frien
shadow ero the substance
modete you all, and can
rejoicing. ornsp try me 81:1
RA PEER, b e to
td home from De -
"There's no place
o remain at home,
entire personal at-
faeilitiee for doing
d he can guarantee
come all, and bring
s, and secure the
ados. I ear; accom-
end you on your way
prove me. Charges
moderate. Remember the place—Scott's Bleck
Maio Street, Seli.forth.
'1 11IE subscriberbegs leave t thank hisnumerou
-A- customers for the liberal ttronage extended to
him since commenoing bust eau in Sestfortli,and
trnsts bathe ;nay be 10:70r6 with a continuance -
of the same.
Partiosintendingto build wonld do well to girt
him a call,as he will continue ee keep on hand 6
large stock of allkindsel
Pry Pine Lumber, 'Sashes, Doors,
Blinds and Mouldings, Shingles,
Lath, &c.
Eraeehoonficiebt of evingsatiefactiolitothost
who may f avour him with their patrona ge,a s none
bot firat-classworkmen a reemployed. -
'Part -imam attention paid to ("datum Planins
rrHE Subscribers have bought the Tools and
-1- Boiler Business lately carried on by the God-
erich Foundry and Manufacturing Company, and
havieg had an experioece of over eight years in
that shop, are now prepared to carry on the trade
in all its branches.
Any work entrusted to -as will receive prompt
attention. First-class work guaranteed.
All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also
Smoke Steaks and Sheet lion Work, &e., at rea-
sonable rates.
New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired on
the shortest notice, and at prices that defy com-
783 Box 103, Goderich:
_I ant determined to Clear Out my.
Entire Stock of Furniture regard-
less of Cost.
THOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to fumr.
tain prices before pureheeing elsewhere. I
give a large discount to those paying cash, me
pecially to newly married eonples.
I am still selling six highly finished chairs foi•
$2.50. I also keep Knowlton's Spring Bed, the
beet and cheapest in the market; warranted
perfectly noiseless.
Warerooms ditectly opposite M. R. Counterle
Mammoth Jewelry Store, Main Street, Seaforth,
Cash for hides, skins, furs and tallow. Ivo
truck or trade. Cash for everything,
625 JOHIli b. PORTE/LI
East Side.
Will commence their Annual Stock -Taking Sale to -day at greatly reduced prices
in all Fall and Winter goods, Furs, Fancy Wools, Underclothing, and any goods
to be held over will he sold at wholesale prices, to make room for our large spring
We will offer for one month bargains in Dress Goods, ,such as French Cash-
meres, French Twills, Black and Colored Silks, Brocades, Silks and Satins,
Ladies' Skirts in Felt, Knit, Cloth, Shaded Wool, Lustre, Farmer's Satin, &o.
Bargains in Shawls, Clouds, Squares, Meffiers, Wool Ties, &c. Balance of Ladies?
Mantles and Ulster Cloths to be cleared at once. An immense stook of House
Furnishings, Towels, Towelings, Linensh Quilts, Coverlids, &o., at special prices.
Two hundred ends of Tweed to be sold ;at half the cost. Hosiery, Gloves, Wool
Cuffs, &c., cheap. Come and get bargains in every line. A few nice Mantles at
cost price to clear. - Millinery very cheap before stock -taking. Call and. com-
pare prices.
& DUNCAN, Seaforth.
0- 0 I D M 1V—Ia1 0 117.—
FALL, 1882..
Received and Opened up the Contents of
30 Cases of Old Country Goods.
1\111 s CD 1N -T CD TR, 'II
es His Many Friends and Customers in Town and
1/13H31Z1Z-17- 01-1JEZISTMA_S
and T
tain t
us to
we cla
but met least, at the lowest pries
e have this year by far the largest assortment of Fancy GOOUS, Gift Books
ys we have ever shown? and we can, with all confidence, solicit, a con -
GO of the patronage so li orally bestowed upon us in the past, feeling cer-
at we can give the right goods at the right price. ' It would be -useless for
ry to enumerate the many useful and beautiful articles we have now on
ion; however, we would; call special attention to the following lines, which
m to have in the create' t variety, in the most beautiful goods, and last,
Work nxes,
Writing Desks,
Japan se Goods,
Cigar sees,
Pearl pard Cases-,
Shell 43oods,
Ebonized Boxes,
Crumb Trays Riad Brash,
Mouth Organs,
Children's Dishes,
Prayer Books,
Hymn Books,
Pocket Books,
Picture Books,
Gift Books.
1 is a pleasure to show our goods, whether yen buy or not. Come and ;lee
them. -
LUMSnEN '8z WILSON, Scott's Block.
I have on hand a, large assortnient of
PLOWS fitted with hardened steal
boards, which for quality of steel and
hardness of temper, cannot be etirpase-
ed in Canada. Come and see on
GA G P -11440W -
It is a real gemeand for quali 'y and
price cannot be beat. We give pecit
attention to PLOW POINTS, 1 using
only hard, strong iron, and warrant
them to wear with any plow point
made. We also makd
Special attention given to all Lrepair
work. Reapers and Mowers repaired
with. neatness 'and despatch, and at
lowest living profits. I have also made
arrangements with L. D. Sawyer & Co,
of Hamilton, to keep a full line of re-
pairs for all machines sold by them.
Good Reliable Agents Wanted.
Proprietor of thesebwell kilOWS1 and popularmills,
has now got everything in first-class working
order, and is prepared to turn out an ai-ticie oi
FAMILY FLOURwhich cannot be ex-
e,elled by any mill in, the country.
Flour exchanged for wheat Chopping of every
description promptly attended to. Flour and
Bran always on Hand, and sold at the lowest
market prices. Remember the popular mills.
Trade Mark RegisterP,d,
•••••••••••...0.1 ra.•••••••••••1
"10ZY casual oboerva' ion we find all land specula-
tors have a clear bead, and watch the ups ahd
dovros of property, thns making large fortunes.
But the whole secret islthey keep the system in a
a healthy oondition by the nse of THE PRIDE
say that hundreas ceme to us for the great lung
and blood pur fier before going West. Bead the
following statement. We could give thousanda
of the same kind if it were neeeseary. "1 certify
that .1 was troubled with catarrh in the heak
gathering of phlegm in the throat, choking and
coughing at night for years, so I could not sleep;
often troubled with dull, lifeless feelings, pains in
the chest and back. After giving . hundreds of
dollars to doctors, and giving up all hopes, I tried
the PRIDE OF THE VALLEY, and am now able to
do my work after seven year's sickners."
dames le cleTeD, 262 tilmec,e Street, London Ont.
The above statement of my wife's is cOrrect,
James McNeil. For sale by all druggists in.
Seaforth 745-C2
• -
pELIEVES AND CURES Spinal Complaints,
General and N ei vous Debility, Rheumatism
Gout, Nervousness, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat:
and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia. 13ronthitie,
Incipient Paralysis, Asthma'Sciatica, Sprains,
Consumption, Sleepleseness, Colds, Indigestion.
Ask for Norman's Electric: Belts, and yon will be
safe against impoeition, for they will do their
work well and are cheap at any price.
A. NORMAN, 4 Queen St East, Toronto.
E. HICKSON & Co , Agents, Seaforth. 753-52
' i.beeeod:000
Composed largely of powdered hilea or
ass, the BEST andCflEAPEST1UbriC
tor, in theworld—the BEST because It doesi-
not gum, but forms a highly polished sur -I
face over the axle, reducing friction an
lightening the draft; the CH EAP ESThE,;.-
cause It costs NO MORE than inferior
brands, and one box will do the work ol
!two of any other make. AnswC1Z as well
or Harvesters, Mill Gearing, allrealiteg
chines, Corn -Planters, Carriages, Buggies,
etc., as for Wagons. GUARANTEED tO
contain NO Petroleum. Sold alldealeis.
Our Pocket Cyclopedia, of Things Worth
Knowing mailed free.
228 HudsobSt , New York.
Cleveland, 0. arid Chteago,
SAMUEL. ROC ER S CO..Ttworrto,Ont.
Foll` AerennteS fhe DomMion,