HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-01-26, Page 53. if the ti brougb,to under. )Ioei MaCtionala Wee the exiense of tbia lid be a very general iment BO far as that 3d in refcencetuthia e We ere fighting ponsibie Government e s, and he counselled a to the Governmeit Mowat and roll up iu Smith Huron aa itstrip their brilliant He said the num- 'aces befOre him eon- gentlem an would be at. the Biding worthy the electors of South ie of intelligently de. of his f constituents kNDIDAT g - e ballotwas now an- ke pres nt member, ?. votes o t of a total - announcement waa and after round of ition the nomination ons by a standing vote whatever the merits ive of SOuth • Huron, . much brains as Wait _COn$titttefley in the as proud of this re - of confidence, this Is vote of approval. innent Ithich he had t been impeaohed by , :the ehaacter of any entre thy had enact - le Opposition attack- ?,ent the Government Oppositilon. Ile said relied net only upon also u n the• C011. Ir wing onservatives )repared .t surrender ts of the native Pro- ne -et ta .ation. They ru as their standard a theta to elect him, • might ccupy a seat .. that th constituency iight utter its most t disap royal of the Ottawa Government ood go rnnaent and He had no doubt but assista ce a larger hail eve before would atle Her -n. .SPEAR -X : roo. of oillerich, was Mr. C neuron is a Camera M. P. for corapare.tiveiy young e nd pleaeing speaker. Igth the negotiations dary. Award and the consiste t course of he saiji had over- nitie ofat useful career .ical conOience to Sir at that gentleman's Eith Wit* a Mall of t have tieen expected. al_ ou &e boundary 'stand through ent two :- have been entitled . of the eleOtors of this net done so-, however, -tubt the electors of ia assia9 at his politi- ay, of Seaforth, ep- ee of th convention. avorite a the Sea-. ✓ the n min.ation to. ere had not proposed tad go on the conven- en at'Li era' since the chisem Id with iberal princi- in t. He was i T the Miowat Govern - pared t404,- his share der that el successful I party imight result ig strive°. , :cLean, of the Tim _counsel -Teed hard work zation. 'He wild they eainst the local Op- rhole strength it the meat, Si John Mac - 0 power4 at his dis- ad ende vor to poll e vote a d record the , protest agahast the an a their franchise r of theirt territory. cated thorough muni - f Goderilth, also spoke k163eesit for perfect i.y had a good candi- use.: Pie work, how - Let t le representa- everyi polling sub- portanity of perfect- ion andiconsolidating APPEO D. of ' II ilagreen, did akei 8,1 speech. He o express g&tification arrner, i me. Bishop, the nomination and tm a, laeger majority He kiaavb d the follow- nded by Mr. George : That this meeting recordlita sympathy t d hi S Gavernment in, ial righis, and hereby ve ire done unturned GovernMent a larger • xt sessiOn of Perlis - ley had beforte 8 carried by aunani- 0, amilfgreitt elIth1113- OiltiORI chtsed with didate,i Messrs. Mc; ckenzie :tnd tile chair - 1 Notes. eeting of the South iive AssOcation is to pr onuesclay the 6eek, w r ile Mr. john -was cUtting wood in ted ,art itigIy gash in vering the big toe. Fyer died at his resid- ast Friday morning at the advanced age i. rs of s hoe' section their a nual meeting ce the 1thJe into the air soi400i. . Water ,Itas resigned Richer of. School Sec- tk, in oeder to spend Ori at Toronto NormaI weel4 the building oyal ho el, in Exeter. tion of 1 Taylor, had 'am. heileig deatrayed . tIA,NUARY-, isinsussmooPut by Aire. It *mars the curtains on the front window caught fire from to; light- ed match, which had been thrown upon the floor, and in a few minutes spread about the room: Had it not been for the speedy application of a few pails of water a serious conflagration would have ten place. —The Gorrie Enterprise learns that &man named jatnes Baker suddenly dropped dead wh le working in a barn near Wroxeter, o4 Thiirsday last. —We are glad Statethat Archie Hislop, son of J r hn Hislop, Deputy- ' Reeve, of Gree who was very low viith typhoid fever is on the, mend, and will soon be himself again. . —A petition to the comity and town- ship councils is in circulation among the ratepayersof Colborne, praying theni to erect a bridge across the Maitland at Holm es-ville. —A young lad, son of Mr. T. C. Pick- ard, of Holmeaville, recently fell off a loaded sleigh, one cif the runners of which passed over his arm fracturing wain dther wane injuring it. —Judging from the preparations go- ing on at present, there will be a great number of dwellieg houses and frame barns erected throughout the township of Grey during the coming summer. —Mr. Isaac Rattenbury, of Clinton, has.sold what is known as the Upshall farm, being lot 18, 3rd concession of Hullett, to Mr. jamee 'Brown, of the linear' Road, for the sane of $4,500. —The anniversary services and tea - meeting recently held' in connection with Blyth Presbyterian church netted the very'handsome sum of 6200, and the children's tea -meeting $27. —Mr. James Loadroan of Stephen' last rummeriranorted two colts from the old country, theme annuals are corning two yeasrold and one ot them now weighs 1425 pounds, and the other 1450 pounds. —A few evenings age as a, little son of Mr. J Dignan, of Exeter, was riding on a sleigh., a compauion threw off his hat. The little fellow in trying to pro - euro it slipped and fell, and another sleigh coming along ran over him. Fortunately no seiious accident resulted. —Mr. C. G.Bell, of Belgrave, has sold -his steam saw mill and two acres to the Tyner Bros., for the sum of $2.300. Mr. Bell retaine possession of the mill until next fall, We are given to rinderstand that Mr. Bell intends to build a mill on the North Shore, in the 'Algoma terri tory. —Mr. john Mooney of Morris is ask- ing for tenders for the erection of a new residence on his farm, on the 6th con• cession, Morrisetendere will he receiv- ed until Saturday, Feb. 3rd. Mr. Mooney has a splendid farm, in good shape, and will be very comfortable when hie new home is.erected. —Miss C. A Morrison, who recently gained so much notriety in conneetiun with the foundering of the propeller on Georgian Bay, and who, it will be re- raembered was one of the two survivors of that terrible disaster, hes lately been aguesat the residence of , Mr. John_ Han n ah . in Win g h a na. —One day recently a splendid horse belonging to Mr. A. MeMurchie, of Clin- ton, met its death in a peculiar manner. From the position in whieh it was found in the stedi it is supposed that it caught its hind foot over the halter shank, cans- ing it to turn a somersault and so in • jure its spine that it had to be killed. —One day last week the house of Mr. Thos. Burden, of Clinton, narrowly escaped being burued down. Some fat had been left on the ste,nle in a vessel, when it took fire spattering all over. The paper on the wail, and some of the carpet blazed up threateningly, but, it was extinguished before much damage I - was done. —Mr. John Longwcirtb., the vener- able hero of the Peninsular war, who recently remvod froth' Godericla to Michigan, died in his DOW home a few days ago, full of years. He was iden- tified with the early history of Gocierich, and will be missed like an old land- mark by the old settlerof the Huron tract. —Mr. John Johnston, of the London road, Stanley, has sold his farm of 100 acres to Mr. H. Andrews, of the Base line, for the surn of $8,100. This farm is admirably situated, and is considered a very good oue. t Possession is, given in March. Mr. John Bton intends to move into Clinton, and will take a trip to the west duriug the Summer, 1883. TIM HURON EXPOSITOR. • the bridge at the securing the her very fractious, a of some friends, his aid, enabled; cate himself from position. Mr. Mo painful injuries, not prevent him usual duties. — At the last town council the wasnarried una Councillor Searle lor Yoteig, that agitation going o the present Lioe beck to the muni granting licenses, sent system is fa proposed, and ha satisfactorily, be council petition t against the propo such petition be s and. Clerk.and se bees for presenta eembly. — The annual Agricultural Soci Brunswick Hou L1th itist., when were elected :—C dent; Alex. You Morton, Secretar urer ; Messrs. J. P. Fowler, Wm. Hughes, Wm. J. The annual dinn mo twh d wi he 8 his reg hie om ut, snooetided in oh was becoming h the assietance • -tidily rushed to °Greve to extri- rather awkward r sustairie 801328 , howevezt, will ttending his eetin et the Clinton 'foll wing reselution imo 130: Moved by 8000 ded by Council - her -as there 'is an in 1 vor of changing se aw, and lgiving ipalities the power of and hereas, the pre - pr ferable t ' that wo ked rnuol4 more it re olved th4t this e Local Legi latnre d ohange, and that gned by the Mayor t to he Local Mem- ion t the Loofa As- eeti ty, e, he as. g, ;W arr 'Mc Joh r of held in Merrifield's ho of the same day. Aft repast the nsifal oast aud responded to J. gave the assernbl a r reponse to the 3gric Messrs. Kay aus Ro the evening with their —The annual Huron Agricultu Goderich on We The total receipt year amounted t bursements to balance of $98 i following officer current year :— President; H. President; W. 2nd Vice•Preside —At the recent sale of farm stock and. implements 'at W. Old.'s place on the Goderials. read, Dear Auburn, high prices were the rule, horses bringing figures whieh would have astonished buyers a year ago. Dr: Sloan, of Blyth, gave $190 for a, a six year old mare, and Mr. James Scott, of Ashfield, paid $205 for aiaother mare,five years old. Several other horses were sold at corresponding- ly high prices. —Mr. J. Brunsclon who has been ex- tensively engaged in the wagon making and blacksmithieg business in Londes- borough, has been compelled to make an assignment for the benefit of his creditors, Mr. R. Adams having been appointedesienee in trust. What will be the uitimeCe result it is difficult to say, but those wlao know Mr. Bruusdon are satisfied that it is orie of those un- avoidable circumstances Which °cone at times in business. —As Mr. Alex. McKenzie; of the township of Huron, near Loehalsh in the townebip of Ashfield, was going into the stable on Tuesday evening to attend to his horses, one of them kicked him severely, knocking him over two or three times as he attempted to, rise. The horse is generally quiet, but it is believed that it became startled by Mr. Molieneie, going in without -a light. He was severely bruised in is thigh and side, and was confined to his room for a day or two but is now able to be up again. —The Brussels Post of last week says: To give an idea of the amount of grain handled this fall on our market we qurte the fellowing from R. Graham one of the buyert in reference to what he has purchased and shipped :—num- her of bushels of fall witeenrecl and white •48,30.0, spring wheat 3,000 bushels, peas 10,000 bushels, barley 8,000 bushels, Oatfit MOOG bushels, making a total of nearly 80,000 bushels of grain handled by Mr. Graham; besides this be has shipped between 70,000 and:80,000 lbs. of pork. —Mr. Wilder McGregor, of Goderich, Met with rather a serious accident at Port Albert the other -clay. His horse, which proved to be but poorly shod, while crossing the bridge, and in falling • completely overturned the cutter, bury- ing Mr. McGregor beneath. Mr. Chas. O'Connor, who happened to be crossing g of Turnberry as held at the ingham, on the °Hewing officers enderson, Presi- e•President ; Mr. . Elliott, Treas. w, Geo. J.Moffat, lymont, George ston, directors. the society was el, on the evening ✓ suiriptuous were proposed McMillan, M.P., re treat in his Aural interests. inson enlivened songs.eating of the West al S ciety was 'held at nvesd y of last week. Se$1 9 9, and the dis- 1,840. Theris -a th treasury. The wer elected for the of t e Society for the 1 clang, Cctlhorne, Hallett, lipt Vice- ayden, Aohlield, rob. Dickeon and W. Campbell, auditor:. ' The following directors- were ohfcted tut of 14 nernina.t- ed :—J. A; Varc e, A. J. --Fibber, ' P. Carrel, J. Glen, Stewart, Colbor ich township; anosh ; S. And subsequent meet J. A. Varcoe was R. B. Scott, Tre year. —The following few th- Brn the, R. e; C Me eWS, ing o elect sure view shows ho "To prove that good if not bette towns and villag that pork is bein side of Blyth to Brussels Post. hcity in order t !man came upon a dressed hog, w which was -unfit too small, and o price below the se& hogs, whicl The fa.nrier took next day sentt it t neighbor who haft a v the Brussels buyer bo as belonging t therefore be seer. large hog which the second plac . Scott,1 J. 0. J. Naftel,' Geder- • d, Wesq Waw- Goderich'.' At a the new board, d Secretary, and ,for the ;eurrent • . the Blyth Re - thing wae dune: sels marliSt is as the surrOnuding s,w: have onle to say hau ed from ttie other rus els this nieek."— e e this itqn pub. explain it. Algentle- he :lyth market with ighi g iibout 115 lbs., or s ipment—it being r bu er offered) him a arket price fof stand - the farmer refused. his h og home zind the Brussele with, a ry large hog, and ght the tino hogs ne man. It Will is that it 'was the e small one : In farmers le Slues - just fivel miles • oint Stook Cheese turing C'empany M ting on e 13th tteuded 1)y the dors of tp Corn - pleased with the d during iihe past are the figures tary's bo: The f milk received at the ast y:ar was 1,066,900 as oo anufactured into f che se. The number req ired to melte one Wag' 0.54 pounds. The alize. for cheiese was he a erage price - per s. he cost per pound wa 1.96 cents. The were reelected A vote of thanks cheesernaker, Mr. een eng,aged for of thanks was nded to the Dieec- 11 •• the by t old t e, th tion, reside in Miens, north of Blyth. —The Molesw rth and Butter M nufa held their annua me inst. It wee ell patrons and sto k -ho pany, all being well prices they had eceiv year. The toll win taken from the Seer total amount factory for the pounds, which 101,174 pounds of pounds of mil pound of cheese total amount r S11,372.43, and pound 11.24 cen to manufacture old Board of Direct& for the present year. was presented to the Wm. Wood, who has another year. A vet also unanimously ext tors. maxi itpba Notes. WINNIP —The fundi for Manse Scheme in the the auspices of the Pr have reashed the su —Rev. W. R Grand Chaplain tion, was recen splendid cutter the Province. —Messrs. Kil am positionists; havs bee nipeg, the forni r by and the latter 63. was polled. —The weather con temperature has bee for the three days, pr and, on Sunday, re record, 46 ° bele w z clear blue sky and ri —At Deer Lodge couple, of valuable G orawled into the ov stove and spent a v ing. Somebody clos without observing t pups, and they the next morring, girl got up and put o stood it as long as t temperature was to and they B0011 sen plea for help. Whe they were about half them has ,ince died. EVER —The Hudson fe, shut down on giving in Weat Lyene. —Emerson has th vete Band- building -It is owned and o oupied by Messrs. Hepburn dt Irwin. —Burnham, Opp sitionist, has been 'elected for the consttuency of Emerson by a majority of1.4 PORTAGE L —Mr. Kean,' of Po succeeded in gaini damages against G. he Chtirqh and Northweat under sbyteeian Chutch of$75,000. Mo ison, Provingial of t e Orange Assoei&- tly •resented with a y th private loges of and Conklin, pp - elected for Win- e majority of 81 very small vote inues severe ; the below the forties vions to the 22nd, ched the lowest ro. There was a t a breath of wind. the other day a rclon setter pups n of the kitchen ry pleasant even - 3d the oven door Ie presence of the taid there until when the kitchen 1 a fire. The pups Sy could, but the o much for there, up a stentorian they were released baked, and one of Railway. Thig time he himself was the client, and, aued for 415 damages for the delay of an article valued at $20, and judgment was rendered in his favor. This is the fourth ease Mr. Kean has won against the Syndicate. NELSON. —Butter is coming in More freely and sells at 25 cents. figgs bring 35 cents.- -Oats and grain of all descriptions are coming in to Manitoba; City and the higest market price has been paid by Megan. McMartin ot Co. They have. already shipped shoal 30,000 bushels. t - —Since the opening of the Canada, Pacific Railway 5outhwest4ii branch, teaming between here and Emerson has almost ceased. Soon it will be a thing of the past, like the ox journeys across the Big Plain. ° THE )CIALBRIA SUNK.—The steamer Umbria. left Hamburg Thuraday with 380 paseengeri3 and crew of 119. Friday morning she came ha collision dnring a thick fog off Borkure with the British Steamee Sultan. The Cambria sank in fifteen minutes. , 300 liVes are sup- posed to be lost. ADRIFT ON ICE FIELDS.—Williaxa Ben. net and Barney Deptuis, who have been fishing through the ice ten miles from shore on Saginaw Bay, arrived in - Bay City on Tuesday evening, and. re- ported that or Saturday night there was a break in the ice during the gale, which drifted their shanty and at least two others out in the lake. . They escaped leaping the crevice before it got too wide, but they think Several men of the other shanties were drifted out to sea and probably perished. THE SALE STABLES OF ST, LOUIS. Forty-two thousancLseven hundred and twenty head of horses and mules were seceived at the sale stable of St. Louis last year, against forty two thousand three huodred, and sixty five in the year preceding, and a comparison of the shipments during the two years shows that forty-five thousand one hundred and twenty-eight of the animals were shipped in 1882,e.s against forty-tbree thousand seven hundred. and ninety four in 1881. ' siliseessometeemenee On Satrirday, February 3rd, 1883, at 1 o'clock P. M., on Lot 26, Lake Road, West,. Hay, Farm Stock and Imple- ments.i John Kerr, Proprietor; E. Bossenberry, Auctioneer. ON. ay Company has credit at its snore handsomest pri- n the Northwest. • ver Chalmers. PRAIRIE. tage la Prairie, has g another suit for e Canada Pacific TOWN OFFICES. Applications. will be receivel at the Clerk's Office, up to Monday, February 5a , next, for the offices of Town Constable, Mar et Clerk and Bugineer fpr Waterworks. WILLIAM LLIOTT, own Clerk. SEAFoRTn, Jan. 2'ith, 1883. Liocal Noticel. WANTED IMMEDIATELY.—A 'good gen- eral servant. Apply at one.) to Mits. LoeuEAD,- the Manse; Londesborough. 789-2 WooD WANTED.—Wanted, about 20 cords of green mai le wood, for which the highest • price in easli will be "paid. Apply at Tim ExPosimoit Office. 789 RECEIVED at D. D. Rose's—New Teas, which for quality and price I claim can't be beat, ad if you doubt it a trial will convince the most skeptical that it is so. Also, New Currants, Valentia Raisins, Table Babats, Figs, Prunes, Carded Peels, Extracts, Canned Tomatoes, Cora, Peas, Peaches, Pears, Apples, Jams and Jellies, and Canned Meats; also a fine assortment of pure•ca,ndies, all of which will be sold at my usual low prices. 783 REMOVAL. — Mies Sleeth wishes to announce to the ladies of Seaforth and vicinity that she has removed her dressmaking rooms to Mr. Wm Campbell's block, directly over the dry goods store, and also in thanking them for their patronage in the pest, wouldgespectfully solicit a continuance of the same . in future. Entrance between Mr. A. ta, ult's grocery store and Mr. Campbell's dry goods store. E. J. SLEET11. 787x1 WiLsoN & YOUNG have a large and well mem ted stock of,- choice family groceries, provisions, crockery and glassware. Parties re- quiring anything in 'either line can depeod on gettieg it from them at the lowest price and of the best quality. All goods guaranteed to be as represented, and to give satisfaction; if not, they can be returned. The highest price paid for butter, eggs, and all kinds of farm and dairy produce. Cad and examine stock and judge for yourselves.- 78P EMENIMMIIIM1. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Jan. 25, 1883. Fall Wheat per btudiel ' $0 86 to 0 93 Spring Wheat per bushel... ..... 0 88 to 0 95 _Outs per bushel 0 34 to 0 35 Peas per bushel 0 65 to 0 68 Barley per linehel 0 45 to 0 53 Butter, No. 1, loose 0 18 to 0 19 Butter, tub. 0 18 to .0 20 Eggs . 0 22 to '0 22 Flour, per 100 lbs 2 30 to 2 55 Hay,new 8 00 to 9 00 Hides, por 100 lbs 6 50 to 7.50 Sheepskins each 0 60 to ::1 20 Wool 0 18 to 020 Salt (retail) per barrel 1 25 Salt (wholesale) per barrel.... 1 00 Potatoes, per bushel (new) 0 30 to 0 40 Dressed Hoge 8 15 to 8 45 • . CLINTON, Jan. 25, 1883. Fall Wheat per bushel $ 0 85 to 0 92 Spring Wheat per bushel 0 86 to 0 92 Oats, per bushel 0 84 to 0 85 Barley per bushel 0 40 to Peas per, bushel . 0 64 to Butter 0 20 to Eggs . • • • 0 21 t6 Hay per ton 800 to Potatoes, per bushel 0 85 to Wool. 0 25 to Rides, per 100 Its 7 00 to Dressed Hogs. 8 00 to 4 O 60 0 67 O 28 O 23 8 00 0' 30 027 8 00 8 42 ........•••••••••••••••••.••••0 were 'sold during the forenoon,the prices being from $3 to $4 each; Dressed hogs are quoted at $8.60 to 48.75 100 lbs. Per Births. NASK—In Tuckersinith on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Nash of a daughter. ' HIJRLBURT—In Mitchell on the 13th inst , the wife of Mr. H. L. Hunburt, of a danghter. GILMOUR—In Btavley on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr. John Gilmour of a son. CARTER.—In Goderieh Township os the 13th inst., the wife of Mr. If. Outer of a daugh- ter. DENNIE—In Seaforth on the 23rd inst., the wife of Mr. T. E. Dennie of is son. • LIVERPOOL, Jan. 23,—Spring wheat, 09s 00(1; red winter, Os 05d to 00a Od ; white, 09a 2d; club, 09a 7d, oats, 58 06(1; barley, 5s 6(1; peas, .78 5(1; pork, 82s ; cheese, 67s 6d. TORONTo, Jan. 23. —Fall wheat, 60.93 to 60.97; spring, 40.94 to 60.98; oats, 410 to 43c; ,peas, 700 to 720; barley, 55o to 73c • hay, per ton, $11.00 te 415.50 ; butter, 17c to 27c; potatoes per bag, 75o to 85c; eggs, per doz., 30c to 32o.; dressed .hogs, per 100 lbs., $8.00 to $8.37.; wool, per pound, 18c to 20o. • MairriageR: MeINT08.11—MeRAE—In MeRillop, at the Ted- ! dance of the bride 'e father, by Rev. Mr. Mus- grave, on the 24th inst., ;Mr. Hugh Mc- Intosh to Ratio, second daughter of Roder- ick McRae, Esq, all of Mcliihop. MsBEATH—MODELAND—At the residence of 1 the bride's father, Tuckersmith, on the 241di inst., by Rev. &. D. McDonald, Mr. Duncan MeBeath, pf Vietoria, British Columbia, te Ursine Dickson, eldeet daughter of •John Modeland, Esq., Oro/ Tuckersmith. ' HURGESS—KINGeeln Brueeels on tee 9th inst.? : by Rev. John Ross, B. A., Mr. Herbert Burr , gess, to Miss Helen A. King, both of 11FR- berry. .- RIDDLE—ADDY. -On the 3rd inst., at the esi- dence of Mr. Wm. • Bitched, by Rev. ' as. Farqnlisrsen, Mr. James }addle, formerl of Huliett,to Mite- Celina Addy, o f Londesboreugh Settlemeet, Manitoba. piRAY— MAITDSON— At the residence of the ' bride's father on the17th inst., by Rev. in A. Parker, of 'Jensen, Mr John Gray to Adeline, second daegeter of Henry klaudson, Esq,l, aii. of Hibbert. Deaths. McKAY—In Seaferth on the 23rd inst., Hu McKay, youngest child of Mr. Wm. M nal 6 menthe. pnopi S—At'Onderich on the 4th inst.,Bwojaniin Crofts, iu his 60111year. ay, I PROUTY—In Stephen on the 4th inst., Jemima, wife of Mr. ()heater Prouty, aged 57 yeas, 5 months paid 11 days. REOWN —In Toronto on the 21st inat , Mary. wife of Mr. Robert %Eleven, and sister of Urs. J. 0. LanPaw, of this town, aged 43 year Live Stock Markets. MONTREAL, January 23.—Trade was somewhat dull all round, and prices rsther lower than on last Thursday. Jacob Keeler, bought four superior heifers at 5io per Ib; Joseph Richard, J. Bourassa, G. Bridgeman and some others bought superior cattle at 5ic to 50 per M. Mr. Beers, of Toronto, sold eight superior fat cows at 50 per lb. and a few others at from $50 to $60 each, or 4ic to 5c per lb. Steels in fair condition brought about 4te. per It. and common to good dry cows 3tc to 40 per lb. Thirteen lean cows were sold in one lot' at $23 each, or less than 30 per /b. Bulls sold at from 3o to 4c per lb. according to quality, but none of them were very good. About 100 sheep and lambs were offered, nearly all of them being small and /lot very fat. Only a few of them IMPORTANT NOTICES. 1, • TZERKSHIRE PIG- F011 SERVICE. —Tho -L-1' nuaersigmtd will keep during the prevent season, on ice te, concession 9, near Winthrdp, a able at the ti,ene of service, with the privileg 1 Thoroughbred Betkehire Pig. Terms,—$1,1r. retuning if decessary. JAS. McDOWELL. I 7 4 .. NOTICE —3; he adjourned meeting of tb e -1-` shareholders and patrons of the Bluevar Cheese and 'Butter Company will be Ler n paterson's Hall, Bluevale, on Tuesday, Febti a.ey Oth, 1883, at 1. o'clock p. in. The business tp be brought before the meeting will be the an bnd- li ing and continuity,- of certain by-laws, the le tiling of the drawing kfthe mi k for the incomini sea- son, the lettieg a jou of delivering a quantity pi wood at the ffictory, the offe, ing for sale of the incoming season's nia,ke of whey, and any other business that may be brought before the meeting. li3y order. JOHN BULGEoS, Seat tary. 190-2 • HO 1 FOR DAKOTA AND THE NORTHWEST. • A Meeting of all those intending to go tq Da- -1- 1- kota or any part of the Northwest !this sitting, will be ht Id at Weir's Hotel, Seafortl, en SATURDAY; February 8rd, 1883, at 2 o'cloek p. m., for the purpose of making arrangemenp fur the formation of a party, and other busit este i The represt ntatives of several of the leadinil g ra- way corny anies Rill be in attendance to gile la - tending immigrants all desired information. 790-2 JOHN H. McDOUGALL, Convener. FOR SALE ON EASY TERM VIFTY Acre Farm, west half of 'Lot 7, on tr 1 7th Concession of Tuckersmith. House, aa k barn and other improvements ; 80 acres eleered. Five hundred acres ha McKillop, within six miles of Seaforth. Eight dwelling houses in Seaforra and Harpurlacy, from $200 up. V. 0. GOUINLOCK, SEAFO1t11111. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR. THE ERECTION' O' A BRIDGE IN MCKILLOP. TENDERS will be received by the Council of McKillop on Monday, 124h day of February, at the WintlFop Hotel, at 12 o'clock noon, for the erection of anew Bridge on concession lines .6 ard 7, lot 22, known as Cowan's Bridge. Butineets to be cedar, tied all other timbers required to be of rock tem, and to be completed on or before the let of August next. Plans and specifications to be seen at Alexander Korrfs house. JOHN O'SULLIVAN, Township Clerk. McFdl lop lin 15, 1883. 789-4 PUBLIC NOTICE,. THE Annual Meeting of the Usborne and> Rib- -1- bert lillattal Fire Insurance Company will be held at the Company's Office at Farquher, pn Monday, th d 6th day of. February, at 1 o'clOck p. m., for the purpose of submitting the Annual Report of e the Directors, the Financial Reportof the Treasur, 'r, and the election of a Board of li Directors fo the cnrient year. At this meeting action will taken admitting the Township of Fullerton intb the Company, and allowing said township to. participate in the election of Di- rectors. "ROBERT GARDINER, President N. J. CLAP, Secretary. 789-3 No. 6WAREHOUSE SEAFORTH. j WOULD' intimate to the farmers of Tucker - smith, McKillop and the surrounding coontry that my elevator is now completed whereby I can ' unload gram with as much ease as any house in the trade. py strict attention to business I hope not only to Tetain but to increasethe large paitron age which has been accorded to me under lese advantageoris circumstances during the past sixteen year, in which 1 have been' continuously in the grainfbasinese. JAIY)ES SEAFORTH. • THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. • HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Paid up !Capital, - 06,000,000. Beet, I , 1,050,000. Praia:pa, Hon. Wm. McMaster. BARGAINS THE ORDER OF THE DAY. e GI-RA.1\TD OLMA_IZi3SFC1-: SALE OF WINTER DRY GOODS, TO Make Room for Spring Importations1 0 r.stock of Winter Goods is still complete, and as we are anxious to clear out th balance, we will make this an exceptional oppOrtunity to purchase rare bargains in each department. We have determined to dispose of our entire stock of heavy goods, consequently we have reduced them from 26 to 30 per cent. We have still on hand a large and fashionable stock of Ladies' Mantles and Mantle Cloths, which we will positively sell at cost. Our stook of . PLAIN AND FANCY WINCIES, PLAIN AND FAIlaY FLANNELS, UNION SHIRTINGS, ETC., Is stili large, and we are offering the remainder at cost. We have a few Fur Sets left, and a complete stock of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Fur Caps, which we will sell at less than cost. Ladies' and Children's Wool Scarfs, Opera Shawls, Hoods, Mittens, etc., going at cost. SEAFORTH 113. RANCH. The Seafizth Branoh of bale Bank continues to receive deposits, on which interest a allowed on the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal towns and cities in Canada, o4 Great Britain, and on tne Ginited States, bought and sold. Office—First door $outh of the Commerpial Hotel. 639 A. H. IRELAND, Manager. F. Holmested, Solicitor. I IN OUR DRESS DEPARTMENT We i4ve made slaughtering reductions, the stock consisting of all the leading colo gs in Plain and Fancy All -Wool and -Union Goods. We have a good stook of H any Wool Lined Comfortables, Fancy Rugs, and Canadian All -Wool Blanklots at greatly reduced prices. OUR CLOTHING ROOM Is crowded with Men's and Boys' Overcoats and. Suits. We pay special- attention to this department, always showing the latest styles and best value to be had from the manufacturers. Our stock in this line will surpass any in the county, and !customers desirous of purchasing clothing will fin.d it to their advantage to give us a call before buying. , MARRIAGE LIOENSS ISSUED AT THE 111!RON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO,. WIMM•1•1••••• o 7Iered Clothing Departmext, Store No. 1. be stook in this department is still large, and will now be out down in price to clear out as ,much as possible to make room for new goods coming on. Loon lout for bargains. NO WITNESSES REOUIRED. WM. CAMPBELL & 00., CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH: te, GREAT STOCK -TAKING SALE AT MCLOUGHLIN'S. Previous to and during Stook -Taking, I purpose clearing out the balance of Winter Goods, to make room for spring purchaees. Driess Goods, Wincips, Flannels, Blankets1. Tweeds, Hats and caps, Furs, Millinery, er.c., I are reducing to prices that will astonish and effect a speedy clearance. Give me' a call, and you will get bargains. TERMS—CASH AND PRODUCE. 3. McLOUGHLIN, Seaforth. REMNANT SALE AT I -10F TBIEA.1\T 331Riarl-IMR.S% • 5 FARMERS ATTENTION. Aargest, Best and Cheapest do— sortnitnt of CROSS -OUT SAWS .—AND— CHOPPING AX.E, Ever shown in the county. PLATFORM SCALES. STAMPED WEIGH BEAMS , A Specialty. Give us a call when in town, as. Save money. WM. ROBERTSON & CO., ./. Splendid Bargains iA Remnants of Dress Goods, Cl?ths, Tweeds, Prints, &c. Must be cleared out. Al 0, some Ladies', Misses' and Children's Mink and ts G ey Lamb Sets and Caps. Cloth Jackets, Shawls, M Riflery, Men's and Boy's Caps, etc., to be cleared out at sweeping reductions AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE -1:)F C BUONO'S I LOCK. j Sign of the Circular saw;. SEAFORTH. HARDWARE. Genuine Granite Ironwaire, Stamped and Japanned Tinwarest Kitchen Furnishing Utensils, And a :Large Assortment of Gook- ing Beating. Stoves at our, alma low prices. JOH1-1 MAIN STREET SEAFORTH. IN THE MOH COURT OF JUSTICE, Clit&NCERY lig1ON, GRANT 1:8' GRANT. SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM IN STANLEY. by Public Auction with the apprithation of Curne Auctioneer, at Rattenbury's Ilbtel, in the the Supreme Court at Godench, bY, Jo hn C Sutherland klalcomson, Esquire., Lc call Master of. 11OURSUINT to an order herein date the 23rt -t- day of March, A. D. 1882, there 'll be sold town of Clinton, on SA.1' UltiaA V the 3rd connection, aever failing sPring creek I 1,, day of February, A.. D. 1983, at 1 o'clock ix the forenoon, the following property, viz; Lots numbers 29 and 30, in the let concession of the said township of Stanley, inthe countat of iinrOa, 8, 4, tifff4;th7e, 8said'91100%113ent, eilinx0,cdeinpeottinh vpei villageirll 9 i neg ab o°lotsf r iG. -1txs'' 2tahni r e e acres ; a n d except also, six and seven One-hundredtbs acres of both said lots, 29 and 30, heretefore conveyed, to the London, Huron and Bruce Railway Company, This property is situated on_the LOndon &rad, about two and a half miles -from the town of and is in a fair State of cultivation. The buil- tAebetoheuhst Clinton, and inm (15 acres,) ti htharf sttoherreyobnneer dswistelliofnganhou.leexce,1128entx40:°winetht-allricleak - kitchen, 18330. and two frame barns in eaeh lot and maple. The soil is of a rich day loam,, b ea: eaeclearedXcwielitehr laa.tni hi dr:t hwi neo4egj i,n. in]. ° e aacihanil 1de f if tfte rY.- ; pfisatrieurn°dwtegadpot.ta'1391r:rT16e1:gphacis;hrge is also a good orchard, e,ousistkx irinre:the pretnises, near to the barns, the house is 'a good . well wi'tla of about 24 acres, well stocked with feta trees ue good bearing. The fences on &aid lotS are in fair condition- --- TERMS OF SALE. 1 'Ten per cent. ddwn on the day of sale to the plaintiff's solicitors ; thebalance without interest to be paid into court on the 3rd da Y of Martha A. D. 1883, when the purchaser Will !be entitled to a conveyance and to be let intel posseattion. The purchaser at the time of sale willbe riquired to sign an agreement for the completion of the purchase. The property will be put up, subject to a reserved bid. In other respects the cone ditiona Of sale shall be the standing conditions of salFurte e of ther art court. wars' may be obtained. how Messrs. Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Solicitors, \ Goderich ; John ' Hoskin, Esq., Q. 0.., Toronto; the Auctioneer, or from the Plaintiff's Solicitors. iiDDate. und at.Goderieh, the 9th day iof Sanualls . S. IIALCONSON, Muter at Coderich, HOFFMAN BROTHERS Seaford). 1°" 788-4 Planuiffl Seheiters. -