HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-01-12, Page 711, nett. NaRTa LAND ACemrt 1: it, N ret-tatas. Steen, ins mins, and he preopeon' favorable brume ths best Loa._ see tet Purchase of Faree First -Class zgfor gal& Six per Celia earaahip Tiabseet rou Storeeldnin 444 LOAN. -$ win /ow Koot. rtage at 7 per emit. Borrowers tee Jew Particulars apply le, Brussels P., en The EWA RT - tArtT. h -XceBooka evritfewa counts made ont it THE EXPOSITOR 78: e_ :NOTICE -B. F SALE.---tThab Seeferth, BoWdenle ieraonahle terms. Tea ell fitted rip and fa now Irtt-inesa There be neaten. Satisfisetone Apely on the renainem ERN BO Wrelat, ?so. 787 Ile, a sriendirl entaa ekr Grit," and cedning E end ta one a the beet F a,left by this eedi- etanee P.O., or tet the • eetween Huila:lane an be seen. JAMES 787a4tf TER RAM.—The te tete in a -litaited Charge, $I pee ewe. 1,Conces8io112, T-.B.S. Ti7 S —For sale, the be- rth ot a well e.stablishe41 V and insurance' bait. inn. For par:tertian- Office, Seaforth. 77 - — roar the premise* d, Tuckersmith, tar old red hetter rooted ia the left ear. formation aa will lest ably rewarded: PETER 785 -4 - are hereby .cantioned -oney due r0 the estate in his life -time, of the iy person except my - authorized to collect aed receipta Overt for will not he recognized •ItiecTIOTA McDONALD, >meld. 786-4 ne'rk. ,. MD-, 0- AL, Physical* nr, &o. °face ant reels ied by De. Ifurchieorn 781 , PhysicianeSurgeort and ran Ont. Moe andresi- deft Streetesecond door * oh. 342'` C. Me Physician, Sart er the County of Huron. • Jarvia street north, Pnblie Sohool. ., C. N.. Graduate of Physician, Surgeon. and e °Zee end Reevience, reet, fixst Brick Home arch. B1W&EFIEL sity ; M.D. G. M., Vie - M. R. C. P. and S. On - L R. C. S., Eden: el;London, Englend, for 774 2i -c3} -m; •••D't ENT'S T. 31 College of Dental , Office in the rooms [Derbyshire, Whitney's performed and satis- eta Moderate. et. Leal vrithoutomise e ere . YSIIIRE, Dentist, has. Eehasedi the business of loch, and removed to Mi 'lock. tchell, where - teeth extracted with r and nitrous oxide atty. Partlea from a eeir train expensetz. re -enneelei r einr- -nen DENTIST1 'et and College C. D. S. perience he is able tee in Dentistry suitable teeth a Specialty. nue Oxide Gas given. oderate. Main Street, Seatorth. ORD, at his office. CABBY'S 'K, SisoFortni, oppo- ommercial Hotel, en DAY and THURSDAY ek. Nitrate Oxide Gat tion of teeth. This gas Dr Cartwright eine° , he having- been one of to this province. Pah ted may inhale the gas h extracted in a mine without disakreeshle tring new teeth pieses tietiltv attention paid .en's teeth. Teeth Ii - 76 -62 FONOlgit ed for thepurpese of ' al in Cartade, is iminV y on the most favorable rities. M P. HAYES, Seaforth. oial Laud Serreasolt ,Ordees by meilprotript BELL, feiteeen LIFITAir 12, 189t THE HURON EX ,ITOR, , e Varietielt. The ancient seder of Itibernians hcesent $2,000 to litr. Parnell towards relieving the distrees in Ireland. —John Wesley, being as d . by . ti noblemaii "What is humility ' replied, "my lord, hunaility, I think, dsts in * melee thinking the truth about -111M - self." —A well -cooked breakfast will do or towards preserving peace in the family than seven mottoes on the wall, even -though they may be framed in the most elaborate of gilt moulding. —An Indiana photographer who put the heads of two wealthy young women est the bodies of two ballet dancers and Sold thenei has been sued for 510,000 damages, ' e —Lumbering is to be largely conduct- ed on Lake Winnipeg this season. One firm will cut .60,000 logs during the season. There are eleven saw mills_ altogether on Lake Wiurripegg, Fifty million feet of lumber will come frora the lake next season. . —Thirteen years ago Thomas Griffin died and teft valuable property near Idingstont which was sold and the pro - seeds divided among the widow and ehildren., One son who was absent,was believed tobe dead, but now when an attempt is made to dispose of his funds a claimant writes from New York and forbids proceedings. The mother of the family denounces the New Yorker as an impostor and an interesting suit a /a s Tiohborie is likely to follow. ative and stomachie action upon the liver, 'slang that organ bo a secretive duty when in lintbile from the bl poaaesdiuretic end ties of high order, nays active and heel from the systemtli which produoe rheum 111. Sample bottle, te Northrop & Lyman °ovary and Dyspeptic per bears a fae-sitnilie Sold by all medicine It made me feel I Music," was the r preseion of an individ ing Pectoris, the gre -coughs, and colds, ho bronohitis. It is s effectual. If you su sale by all druggists a at 25 cents a bottle. —Old .a.yor Anselm Rothschild, the founder it the great firm of bankers,was feared on account of his biting sarcasm. One day aortae high official personage from Berlin celled upon the old man as he was i busy inditing an important letter. The banker requested his visi- tor to have a, moment's patience,adding —"pray take a chair." In about five minutes, the offloial, tired of waiting, got up from his seat and said—“Baron, you eeetia not to be aware that I am Freiherr Von N..privy councillor to His MadestY." "Ah I then . pray take another oh -air," replied Rothschild, and went on with his writing till he had finished; the letter. —Co 'pnt X --is still better known l for his arsirnony than for his great wealth. Among other measures of a wise administration, he bad. ordered all lights tn be put out in the house at 9 o'clock, ,and himself sees to the carrying out of this curfew decree. The other evening he thought he ooserved a feeble gleam of light uuder the door leading to the servantaroom. He rushed into this room in a stet° of greet excitement, and found one of the footmen reading by the light of a candle. There was a scope as yon may guess. However, the servant contrived to make it clear that he had bought the candle with his own money, when the master changed his tone and said: “Oh, that's how it is. Men perhaps you'll be good enoegh to let me sit and read with you. nide a specifie thfully atima- rformartee of its tive,and expel - It likewise depurent proper- dering the kid - and expelling aorid elements tie pain. Prioe cents. Ask for Vegetable Die- ure. The wrap - f theit eignatnre. ealers. 750-52-b ke a “Band of her forcible .1 who who was prais- test remedy for rseness, asthma, fe pleasant and er, try it. For d general dealers The Cause It is known almost in fatal diseases th either from the brai How wise then is the a perfect state of heal Stomach and Contti a veritable “Health the system from imp oneness, dyspepdia, a the stomach, liver or bottles at 50 cents. gists. )fDeath. o a certainty that individual dies , heart or lungs. effort to maintain th ? Dr. Citreonni ation Bitteri are iver." They fres rities •' cure bili - d all diseases of bowels. In large old by all ,drug - With every bottle Pulmonary Cough bottle is given free o using the trial bottle 'Holloway's medicine possesses the high- ly•ettimable property of cleansing the Wholemaa of blood, which, in its reno- vated condition, parries purity, strength and vigor to every tissue of the body. 774.52. of Dr. Carson's rope, a sample charge. If, after yob are not satis- fied with its effect, y ti can return the large bottle to your dealer, who will re- fund the money. Thttusands can testify to its prompt action in curing coughs, colds, bronchitis, etc„ If you suffer try them. Price 50 ce ts a bottle, field by all druggists. Twenty-four Ye Says an eminent p me that the only w 'exhaustion, and we organs, is te repair t brain and eerve fo remedies compound io Medicine is the tisement in another tees of cure issued Seaforth. r's Experience, ysician, convinces y to cure nervous kness of the sexual e waste by giving ds, and of all the d. Mack's Magnet - best. See adver- column. Guaran- by de S. Roberts, Not One Of Otin Peenliaritiee. So-called respectable people would hesitate considerably before pilfering yonepookets in a crowded thorough- fare. That would be too too. The same discrimination is not indicated by the so-called respectable drugrt when that wonderful corn cure, utnam's Corn Extractor is asked for. He will pilfer e our pockets in the most (genteel manner by sebstituting cheap and dan- gerous substitutes for the genuine Put- nam's Corn Extractor. Watch for these gentlemen and. take none other than Putnam's Corn Extractor. Sold by druggists everywhere. 762-52-1. Millions G. Millions of bottle Discovery for Cons en Away. of Dr. King's New mption, Combs and Colds, have been ge en away as Trial Bottles of the large (size. The, enormous outlay would be dis strons to the pro- prietors, were it not for the rare merits poasessed by this onderful medicine. Call at C. Duncan'e Drug Store, Sea - forth. -783.52-5. —A woman's power in the world is rases -tired by her power to please. What ever she May wiah to accomplish she will best manage it by pleating. A woman's grand social aim should be to please. And let me tell you how it is done. A wernan can please the eye by her appearance, her dress, her fame and. her figure. She Cam please the ear by studying the art of graceful elocution, net hard to any of us, for by nature we speak with finer artioulation than men. She cen please the mind by cultivating her own—so far, at least as to make her a goodlistenenand as much farther as she will. She cam please the fancy by ladies' wit, of which all of us have a share. She can please the heart by amiability. Beauty of person is only one feature of true beauty. —A visit to Pepe's establishment is an extraordinary experience. On each side, and. extending the length of the dimly-liglited, stenchful and. meagre room, arelow platforms on which the smokert recline, their heads supported by small wooden steals. The smokers arein groups of from two to six persons. In the centre of each group is a tray, containing a pipe and its appurtetia.nces. One of the number cooks the opium and prepares tlae pipe, which is in turn smoked by the others. Cheek by jowl in these groups are men and boys of respectable conditions, girls and hardened women, thieves and sporting men, actors and actresses, drunken carousers and Chinamen. In a oorner of the room Pepe, a blear eyed and wizened Chinaman, drowsily but care- fully weighs and serves in little ocean shells the 25 and 50 °elite worth of opium as it is called for by the smokers. The fumes from the pipes fill the room with a thick, bluish cloud, which partly hides the scene of abandonment, intoxi- cation and debasement. — New York Evening Poet. Epps's Cocoa. Never eve Up. If you are sufferi pressed. spirits, loss debility, disordered tution, headache, o bilious nature, by a bottle of Electric 13 surprised to see the that will follow; y with new life; st will return; pain a and heeceforth you praise of Electric cents a bottle, by —783.52-5. A Littl Smith. child Of Patrick 1Smith, living at 96 Chenneville street, Mon passed 11 s, on Saturday last, F. Smith's great Ger- edy.—Post, 754,52, Btteklen'S Arnica Salve. The best salve -in the world for outs, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, fetter, chapped hands, ohilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- tively cures piles. Ic is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re- funded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by C. Duncan. 778.52 A atrxipl'eherb found on to sunny plants of a southern clime hits, under the skilful manipulation of Dr, Van Buren, proved one of the greetest bless- ings ever sent to suffering humanity. Dr. Tan Buren's Kidney cure is ao- knowledged all the world neer as the only perfect remedy for kidnetroubles. your druggist has it. 770.52.8.778 Proclaim it far and wide that Dr. Van Burerds Kidney Cure not only im- mediately relieves all kidney diseases, but what is more important to the un- fortunate sufferer, will ultimettely cure him effectua1ly.-770.52.8.778. A beautiful head of hair.— There is nothing more pleasing in the external appearance of women or -men than a beautiful head of hair, and it is possible for evernperson to possess it by using the long and well known Cingalese Hair Restorer. Sold at 500 per bottle. 770.52,8.778. Beautiful hair is one of the most striking and pleasing of characteristics, and can easily be obtained by the use of the Cingalese Hair Renewer. . Sold at 50c per bottle. 770.52.8.778. Farmers before buying your reaper and mower oil ask for and procure a sample of -"Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is warranted not to gum, and is guaran- teed to give good satisfaction. 753-52 XOVV that the reaping and mowing season is coming on, farmers -should remember that that "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the best reaper and mower oil in the market. For sale by all dealers. 753-52 g with low and de of appetite, general blood, weak consti- any disease of a 1 means procure a tters. You will be rapid improvement u will be inspired ngth and activity d misery will cease, will rejoice in the itters. Sold at fifty . Duncan, Seaforth. BARGAINS BARGAIN 1 —AT . WILLIAM dAMPBELL & CO.'S POPULAR DRY G001 DS HOUSE. We have just reoeived another large oonsignMent of goods, making our stook complete in every department, and id prides that cannot be surpassed in the Dominion. large stomach wor with (me dose of D man Worm Rem 2w. _41 Walter l Linton, Of Waterloo, cwries that Hagyardni Yell° Oil has duee great good in his family his wife being cured of callouse lumps that othe medicines failed to v rernov , he also states that a neighbor was p °raptly relied of rheumatism by the same remecipf. 774,6*w. Grateful and Comforting.—"By s thorough knowledge of the natural 1 ma which govern the operations of diges- tion anti nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our lereakfa,st tables with a- delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the iudieieua use of such articles of diet that a conatitution may be gradually built up until strong euough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished fraroe."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Made simply with boil- ing water or milk. Sold only in packets and tins et pound and pound,) lebelled—“James Epps & Co. homeo- pathic Chemista, London, ing."—Also makers of Epps'a Chocolate Essence for afternoou use. 736-52. Worth A. A. Fact Worth household remed oolds, bronchitis, cough and all thr tending toward tion ip Hagyard's be procured of 2w. owing. Knowing. The best known for coughs, asthma, ' 'whooping at and chest troubles ulmonary consurop- Pectoral Balsam to ny druggist. 774.65, Oh, Ncrh t a Cough. Will you heed the warnny. The signal perhaps of t that most terrible Ask yourself if yo sake Of 50 cents t nothing for it. perience that Shil your cough. It n ver fails. This ex- plains why more tan a million bottles were sold the pas year. It relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers do not b without' it. For lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Porous plaster. old by Lumsden & Wilson. 780-26. e sure a proaoh of isease Consumption. can afford for the run the risk and do e know from ex- Cnre will cure EMMIIMINISION1811,0•Mil . AUCTIONEERS. DPES GrbbIDS_ A large and well selected stock leading shades; Black and Colored possible prices. T P. BRINE, Licenced Atietioneer for the hr County of Huron. Sales attended in all parte of the Opunty. All orders left at the Ex• eosorou Office will be promptlyattendod to. The Elements of Bone, Brain. and. Muscle, Are derived from the blood, which is the grand natural source of vital energy and the motor of the bodily organs. When the circulation becomee impover- rished in consequence of weak digestion and imperfect assimulation of the food, which should enrich it, every bodily function flags, and the system grows feeble and disordered. When the blood becomes impure, either from the de- velopment of inherited seeds of disease, its contamination by bile or other causes, serious maladies Barely follow. A highly accredited remedy for these evils is Northrop & Lyman's Vegeta,ble Discovery and Dyspeptic oure, which eradicates impurities of the blood and fertilizes it by promoting digestion and assimilation. Moreover, this fine alter - CR. COOPER, Brussels, County Anetioneer. • Sales of all descriptions promptly at- tended in anv part of the ootuaty on reasonable terms. Orders Ieft at the office of the Hume Exeosiron, or addressed to Bruseeis, will receive prompt attention of Plain Old Fancy Dress G-oods in. all the ashmeres in endless variety, at tie lowest CLOTHS A D CLPAKINGS. A ehoice selection, in all the newest designs, at popular prices. pc,1") ED GAIT S In WoorSkxids of every desorip Squares, Clouds and Promena Mittene, eto. Ladies' Under Boys' Underwear, at prices et White Scarlet and Fancy Che shades in lathe French Twills Hosiery and 'Haberdashery Dep Large assortment of Fur Goo price. Ladies', Misses and Cli unapproacheble prices. A DELGATTY, Licensed euetionear for the -L-le County of Huron. Sales of all desci iptions promptly ttended to on reasonable terms. Ad- dress Walton P. O. or Lot 14 Concession 14, McKillop. , 774 The teeth become pure white, And give intense delight; The breath is purified When " TEABERRY " Is tried. • ion. An immense deck of Ladies' Fancy Wool e Searfs ; ladies' and children's Wool Hoods, ar, Gentlemen'Underwear, Misses Underwear, at defy competition. Canadian Plem Greys, k Flennels ; also full range of all tlie leading Canadian Blankets at. reek bottom prices. Our rtment will be found complete in every respect. Is. Gentlemen's Fur Caps ite every style and ildren's Fur Sete, Caps, etc., in great variety, at PLOWa PLOWS! —AT THE— HURON POUNDRY SEAFORTH. I have on -band e large assortment of PLOWS fitted With hardened steel boards, which for quality of steel and hardness of thmpee, cannot be surpass- ed in Canada,. Cone and see our Gl- PLOW. - It is a real gem, 4na for quality and trice cannot be bet. We give special attention to PL(1)W POINTS, asing only hard, Strop iron, and warrant them to wear with , any plow point made. We also Make OLOTH INIIG DEPARTMENT. Our Clothing Departmen is something si ply immense. We are showing the largest and cheapest stoc ef Ready-made Qlothing ever offered to the Sea - forth trade, from the oheapes Tweed to the finest Broadcloth. Stacks of Men's and Boys' Overcoats that /MI t be cleared out this fall, having bought largely in _ this line we:secured some ve y rare bargains, which we are determined to give our customers the full beneft of. An inepection of this department will con- vince the (detest buyer that readymades were eever before offered. at such low 1 t prices. We cordially invite all to call and satisfy themselves. No show goods. Customers will find. our new man, MR: ELMER PARKER, genial, polite and obliging with all. , 1 1 Remeinber the place, No. 3 Campbell's Block, opposite RoYal Hotel. Wm Campbe.1 & Co. , Dyspepsia aid Liver Com- p ai-nt. Is it worth the small price of 75 cente to free yourSelf of every symptom of these distre8airg complaints, if you think so call at oar stare p,nd net a bottle of Shiloh's italizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use ac- cordingly, and. if it does you no good it will cost you not big. Sold by Lums- den ot Wilson. 70.26 Shiloh's C We have a ape for catarrh, diph andi headache, Reniedy. A na each bottle. Us and sweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold ilson. 780.26. tarrh Remedy. dy and pesitive cure heria, milker mouth :n Shiloh's Catarrh al injector free with it if you desire health by Lumelen Hone, Holloway's P most in repute f ous maladies wh when wet and c to more genial these Pills affor being an absolut turbances of cir nervous energy, a vast portion o the wholesorne, ening powers ex medicine, the to appetite improv ay's Pills. Us are the medicine r 'curing the multifari- oh attack humanity, d weather -gives place emperatures. In fact, relief, if they fail of remedy in all the dis- elation, digestion, and hich at times oppress the population. Under nrifying, and strength- rted by this excellent gue becomes clean, the s, digestion is quicken& ed, and assurulaltion rendered perfect. BRACE UP Your system for work. ZOPEsA, the new Dyspepsia and Liver Remedy, attends strietly to business in correcting the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. Sample bottles, 10 cents; large bottles, 75 cents. ' "NIL. DESPERANpUM." TRADE MARK. • TRADE MARK. ce After Taking. -a- 0+ 3c) o FALL, 1882. 31 CRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS AND LAND ROLLERS. Special attention gtVen to all repair work. Reapers and ;Mowers repaired with neatness and despatch, and at lowest living profits. I have also made arrangements with L. D. Sawyer &Co., of Hamilton, to keep a full line of re- pairs for all machines sold by them. Good Reliable Agents Wanted. Received and Openedi up the Contents of 30 Cases of Old Country Goods. I 14 SPIECTION INVITED. 1\11,1 E s CD is , S TR,vr THOMAS HENDRY, Seaforth. a- ErRELL'S MILLS, KIPI1EN. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY for Ner- -L VOUS Debility end all Nervous Affeotions, in- cluding Sperreatorrhea, Semino weaknce s, results of Self-abuse, indeeretion, &o., A.Y'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. This it the only remedy which has ev r been known to per- manently cure Palpitation and ober Affeetions of the Heart, Cor sumption in ita earlier stages, Rushing of blood to the head, vtend in the stomach, indigestion, Loss of Memory, Want of energy, Bashfulness, Desire for eolieude, Indis- position to labor on account of weaknt as, Uni- versed Lassitude, Pain in the back, I dinmeas of vision, Premature old age, ect. FuJI particulars in our pemplalet, which we send securely [sealed On receipt of it three cent stamp. The Specific is now Fold by all Druggists at $1 riex• package, ) or 6 for $5, or will be sent free y mail oxi receipt of Money, by addressing 769-52 THE GRAY MEDICINE COI„ Toronto, E'T-TiztaTTET.Til •••••••••••••••• JS. PORTER SEAFORTH. GREAT BARGAINS IN JOHN McNEVIN SEAFORTH NsURANOE AGENOY VIM. N. WATSON, Cnral Fire, Marine, .Life and Vent Insurance Agefill Cony"- ancer, Appraiser, .Etc., AIN ST., SEAFORTH. Proprietor of these well known and popularmills, has now got everything in first-class working order, and is prepared to turn out an article of FAMILY FLOUR which cannot be ex- celled by any mill in the country. GIIISTIRG DONE WHILE THE PIETY WAITS FOR IT. Flour exchanged for -wheat. Chopping of every description promptly attended to. Flour and Bran always on Hand, and sold at the lo -west market prices. Remember the popular mills. JOHN McNEITIN, Rippen. DRY GOODS, MILLINERY & MANTLES 1-10PHIVIA.INT CHEAP CASH STORE. r••••••••.••••••••=••• ONLY FIRST-CLASS, . pr rapt paying companies represented, All Idnalle of triska effected at lowest current rates on AI kiids of property. Special attention devoted ie • e insurance. Insurances effected on funs pr perty in the "Gore Dietriet," of Galt,establW- over 48 years, at Mut .621- to 1 per cent., cask, for three years. Cheaper than any: mutual cmge- pa y in existence. Fhe following cone re resented, viz.: London &Lancasteire,Eng N rthern, England; Scottish Imperial, Seo Bxfltlsh America, Toronto; Royal CanadiUn, Mrfp- . tr 1; Gore District, Galt; Canadian Mrs & Mine, Hamilton; Alliance, Playnilton; Toro** Life, (Life), Toronto; Travellers, Life and Mil- d t nt, 'Hartford, Conn. Agent for the Cana& e P rmanent Loan and Savings Company, Toronto.. M nee, loaned at 6 per cent. on real eetate. fo the State Line Steamship Company, tween New York and Gla.sgow. First to $75; Second Cabin *40; Steerage, R turn tickets issued good for 12 months. W. .&-IsSON, Main Street, Seaforth. Office, camp- blill's Block, opposite tho Mansion Hotel. Stock Complete in Every Line. Call and Inspect the Goods and Prices. / am determined to Clear Out my Entire Stock of Fuffniture regard- less of Cost. - 1 THOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to semen th tsin prices before purchasing elsewhere. I give a large discount to these paying cash, es. pect Ily to newly married temples. I m till selling six highly finished chairs for $2.SQ. I also keep Knowitenhi Spring Bed, the beet , and cheapeet in the market ; warranted perfectly noitieleas. i Wareroorns di s eetly oppositeM. R. Connter'e , MamninthJewelry Store, Main Street, Seaforth, ll East Side. Cah for hides, skins, furs and tallow. No truck or trade. Cash for everything. I0/508 s. PORTER. CA R NANO'S t BLOCK. I HOFFMAN BROTHERS, Seaforth. Mack's Magnetic, Medicine I P.A.IZIZEHaRdS7 BANKING HOUSE. NERVE AND BRAIN FOOD A Cure Guaranteed. -FOR OLD AND YOUNG, MALE IND FMAIALE. Is a sure, prompt and effectual remedy for Ner- vousness in all its doges, Weak Memory, Loss to Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night Swe4te, S ermatorrhocea SeminalWeakness Leracorrh a, Barrenness, and General Loss of Power. It re- pairs nervous waste, rejuvenerates the jaded in- tellect, strengthens the enfeebled brein, and re- stores surprising tone and vigor to the exhaust- ed generative organs in either sex. /IX" With each order for TWELVE packages, accompanied with $5, we will send our written guara*e to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. It le the cheapest and best medi- cine in the market. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to mail free to any address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Druggists at 60 cents per box, or 12 boxes for $5, or will be mailed free of postage on reoeipt of money by addressing MACK'S MA NETIC MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold by Drug- rortstsb.. Guarantees issued by J. S. RORER Sea - 781 -52 SEAFORTH. MM. The Royal Hotel 3 (LATE CARMICHAEL'S) EAFORTH, ONTARIO. —. c JAMES WEIR EGS to inform his old friends and the travel- ling public that having purchased this new rid commodious hotel buildine, he has thorou,gle- I re-furnisbed and re -fitted it from top to lsht- pm, and it is now one of the most oomfortseke d convenient hotels in the county. By state et tention to the wants of his customers he halts ii0 merit a share of public patronage. The rocdme re all well furnished and well heated. The ifer ill be kept supplied with the best, and an a -t- entative and trust worthy hostler will always be in attendance. Good sample rooms for Commer- cial Travellers. , Remember the "Royal Hotel," corner of Main nd Goderich Streets, Seaforth. 733 JAMES WEIR, Proprietors 0. 6 WAREHOUSE SEAFORTH. WOULD intimate to the farmers of Tacker. smitb, McKillop and the surrounding counfa7 hat my elevator is now completed -whereby I tem nload grain with as much ease as any house he trade. By strict attention to business 1 hope •ot only to retainbut to increasethe large patron, Age which has been aeoorded to me wider lees advantageous circumstances during the Au nexteen years, in •which I have been oontinuouely JD the grain briefness. JAMES BEATT I E, SEAFORTH. ISECURE THE SHADOW. Trade Mark Registered. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG RY camel obeervatinn, findallland specula- -A-1 tors have a eli-ar head, and watch the ups ahd downs of property, thus making large fortunes. But the whole secret is, they keep the system in a a healthy conditinn by the use of THE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY_MEDICINE. We can safely say that hundreds come to ne for the great lung and blood purifier before going 7i/est. Read the following statement. We could give thousands of the same kind if it were necessary. " I certify that I was troublad with catarrh in the head gathering of phlegm in the throat, ebokinte and cough:erg at night for years. so I could not sleep; often troubled with dull, lifeless feeliegs. pains ill the chest and book. .after giving brindreds of dollars to doctors, and giving up all hopes, I tried the PRIDE OP THE VALLEY, and am -now able to do my work after seven year's garnet -a." Mrs. James McNeil, 202 Simcoe Street, London, Ont. The above statement of my wife's is correct. James McNeil. For sale by all druggists in Seaforth- 745-52 OFFICE—In the premises former- ly occupied by the lima of Com- merce, and under the Commercial ' llotel, Main Street. NOTES PND BILLS DISCOUNTED. English and Foreign Exchange Purchased and Sold. FARMERS'SALE NOTES Purchased at Reasonable Ratm 111oney Lent eat Collateral !Securities Drafts Issued, miyable at par at all Branches of the Bank of Commerce. INTEREST Aliowed on Deposits Money to Loan on Mortgages. P T3S Manager and Proprietor. NORMAN'S ELECTRIC CURATIVE APPLIANCES1 STABLISHED 1871. 'RELIEVES AND CURES Spinal Complaints -ht' General and Ne)vous Debility, Rheumatism Gout, Nervousness, Liver'Kidney, Lung, Throat and Chest Complaints Neuralgia. Bronchitis Incipient Paralysis Asthma, Sciatica, Sprain Consumption, Sleeplessness, ' essness, Colds. Indigestion. Ask for Norman's .Electric Belts, and you will safe against impoeition, for they will do the' work well and are cheap at any price. A. NORMAN, 4 Queen St East, Toront E. HICKSON & Co , Agents, Seaforth. 753-5 ANDHEW CALDER, THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHER, hop te -L• state that he has returned borne from Dee kota, and is convinced that There's no place like home," and be intends to remain at homeo and will henceforth give his entire personal at- tention to his business. We facilities for doing good work are unexcelled, and he can guerantese satisfaction. Come one, -come ail, and bring your relations and friends, and secure the shadow ere the substance fades. 1 es= seem- modate you all, and can send you, on yew wiry rejoicing.. jest try Inc and prove me. Charges moderate. Remember the place--Soott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. 762 ANDREW CALDER. Composed largely Of powdered Inca or IS' lass, isthe BEST and CHEAPESTlubri r, in the world—the BEST because Ado not num, but forms a highly polished su face over the axle, reducing friction a lightening the draft; the CHEAPEST cause It aoste NO MORE than Inferl r brands, and one box will do the work itwo of any.other make. .Answers as w 11 or IlarveSters, Mill Gearing. Threshing la' chbaes, Corn -Planters, Carriages, Buggi etc., as for Wagons. GUARANTEED contain1110 Petroleum. soldhy all deale garOiurng mailed Tree. Pocket Cycl ope,dig, Things W' th Irnoto MICA MANUFACTURING C 228 Hudson St., New York. Cleveland, 0. and Chicago, 111. SAMUEL. ROGERS & CO. Toronto,0 t. Sor Agents for the DOMiDiOlL SEAFORTH PLAITING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MOND 'THE subscriberbegs leave to thank hi numerate ± customers for the liberal patronage extended to him since commencing bardiresi in Seaforthiand trastahat he may be favored witb a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build wonld o well to give him it call,as he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of allkinds ef Dry Pine Lumber, Sashes, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, &c. Hefeelsoonfident of Oringeatiefactiontothon who mayfaiour him with theirpatronage,asnOtia but lirst-classworkinen e reemployed. Particular attention paid to Custom Planing 20[ JOHN H. BROADFOOT. OHRYSTAL & BLACK, PRACTICAL BOILER MAKERS, THE Subscribers have bought the Texas and Boiler Business lately carried on bytheGod- erich Foundry and Manufacturing Compeny, and having had an experionee of over eight years la that shop, are now prepared to carry on the trade in all ite branches. Any work entzusted to its Will receive prompt attention. First-class work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, &c.', at rea- sonable ratee. New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired ose the shortest notice, and at prices that defy com- petition. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, 788 fax 103, Gedericis. FORBES' LIVERY —AND -- SALE STABLES, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. RTIMB FORBES, the old established IJiy- eryman, keeps the best and /nose stylish rigs and the best driving horses in the business. - Neat and Nobby Cutters, handsome and com- fortable Robes, and fast and ea/ horses always on hand. A. very hand Borne fantily sleigii for °neer twe horse. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Good driving horses bought and sold. REMEMBER THE PLACE — Opposite 0.0' Willson'm Agricultural Wareroome, Seaforth. 689 ARTHUR FORBES. EYE, EAR AND THROAT I DR. GEORGE S. RYERSON, ' L. B.C. P., L. R. C. S. E.,Lecturer on the Eye Ear and Throst, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Byeand Ear In. firmary, Consulting Oculist and Aurist to the \Institutions for the Blind, Brantford, and for . the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, Ont. Late Clini- cal Assistant Royal London Ophthalmia Iloapi. till, Moorfielde, and. Central Throat au& Rat Hospital. " 311 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. May be consulted at the ALBION HOTEL, STR,ATFORD1, On the Lust 14ATUKD5Y'in ICACia MONTS. f5 1011